#I’m ok just. A lot of family stress that comes and goes
starburstsobsessions · 4 months
weird weird Kai from vanguard as a vessel 4:30 AM venty art
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Can’t sleep through this man
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dreamwritersworld · 6 months
Space..(mike schmidt x reader)
Your relationship with mike was beautiful before all your responsibilities came crashing down.
late night shifts…
taking care of abby…
Now there was tension and you hadn’t spoken to each other in what felt like weeks..
Your days were filled of waking up early beside Mike who was still asleep from the late nights shifts, bags under both of your eyes.
It hurt seeing him so different then before, you guys had fallen in love young and stayed together since then. Once Mike was given the responsibility of Abby everything changed, of course you loved her but it was true.
The reality was you were now given a child and the dynamic of your relationship shifted. You both took your role and for the first three weeks it was stressful yet remained peaceful, Abby wasn’t as open to Mike as she was to you…not until later on.
Two weeks ago is when it started, Mike was getting lazy. It was as if he had given up on taking care of the family..
This was the fifth time in a row that Mike had walked past me, after coming home from work. He hadn’t bothered to say hello, like he usually did before. We haven’t spoken in forever because now he sleeps and goes.
I had woken up earlier than usual to get Abby ready for her picture day. Breakfast was prepped for us, we ate and picked out the clothes she’d wear. I spent the morning perfecting her curls and jewelry, sending her off and leaving her at the parking lot of the school..
“You look so beautiful Abby, I can’t wait to see your pictures!!”
“Thank you Y/n, will you pick me up today or are you working another shift?”
I couldn’t help but sigh remembering that Mike forgot her the other three times, leaving her waiting for me to pick her up while he slept.
“I can’t today princess I’ll be working but I can assure you that your brother won’t forget you!”
Abby smiled and waved goodbye giving me one last hug before she left the car
I made sure to send a text to mike reminding her to not forget her and he replied ok, my worries were taken care of and I had reliefs…
A couple hours later while at work my phone was going off like crazy, and when I picked it up I saw it was calls from the school and I answered immediately, walking away to go someplace quiet..
“Hello? I’m Abby’s caretaker is anything wrong? Did her brother forget her?”
“Ahh yes he did. We were just a little worried as it has been about 20 minutes since school ended, will you be picking her up?”
“Yes! I will I’m leaving work right now! Thank you for calling I’m so sorry for the wait!”
“We understand, we’ll see you soon.”
The call ended and although I remained calm on the call I was infuriated. There I was once again having to tell the boss for the fourth time in the row that my boyfriend had an emergency and i had to pick up his little sister from school…of course he was mad urging me to fix the issue or else we’d have a problem.
I ran to my car soaking wet from the rain, rushing across the roads and through the traffic to get Abby. It was embarrassing, having to pick her up once again seeming like the most imperfect caretaker. This wasn’t what abby needed or deserved and this wouldn’t look good in family court for her either.
The school released abby to me and I stood there for awhile apologizing profusely to the teacher who had to wait for her. Once I made my goodbyes we ran to the car and I realized that Abby was holding tears in her eyes, her curls had gotten messy and her dress wet.
“Oh abby i am so sorry-“
“No! It’s fine! Really it’s fine! It’s not your fault.”
Her voice had raised and cracked when she spoke.
“…no it’s not fine. I’ll fix this Abby I promise, once we get home and get you cleaned up.”
We walked into a silent home I got a bath ready and that I left clothes for abby to change into, walking away from the bathroom in a calmed hurry.
“Mike? Mike.”
He was woken up in a slum his bags lighter from the rest he had.
I took a sigh at the attitude he sent my way and I stood in front of the bed, trying to remain patient without yelling, realizing it was a hard time for the both of us…but I just couldn’t handle the situation.
“We’ve gone over this before. I know your working late and your exhausted but I can’t keep leaving work to pick up Abby. I need you Mike, I need you to take care of her.”
“Please don’t give me that bullshit Y/n. I take care of her, she has roof over her head and so do you. I don’t need that, dinner was ready for you by the time you guys came back home. I missed a couple of days so what?”
“Excuse me? Mike are you serious? Do you know how that will hold up in court? Mike! She came into the car soaking wet, exhausted and frustrated that she had to wait for someone to pick her up again. I help you Mike so don’t act like I’m living off you-“
“You act as if Abby’s a chore Y/n, is that helping? Cause you always seem to sound like your complaining-“
The tears of stress that I had held in for so long had fallen, the shock of his words felt like too much to handle
“How dare you?! Don’t you ever say that! I love her Mike. I’m still here. I’m present and I care for her. Do you even realize how lucky you are to have her Mike? Because your starting to treat her like she’s not even in the room and your doing the same to me. It’s not fair! Not to her, and not to me either!”
“I get that but I’m stuck Y/n, all you do is take her from here to there and go to work and come back home to a cooked meal.”
“Why don’t you care? Your just comparing our routines, Mike have you even factored the fact that I clean for you, and that on the days where it’s too hard for you to get up I’ll handle the cooking whenever? You act as though I don’t do my part in the rent. I take care of abby she’s a kid Mike. She doesn’t need you to just give her the bare necessities, she needs love.”
He was holding my heart and squeezing it apart and it had to be fine, because it was him. Mike was the man I had fallen in love with, I gave him my everything. Nausea hit me and I couldn’t stand being in the room with him, I walked away and he hadn’t even followed just mumbling that he was tired.
I rushed away in a hurry, tears falling. I was going to get into my car but I had thrown up when I went to open my door. I have been thrown up a lot lately..my body was always sore, and I’ve been getting my energy drained easily..was I pregnant?
My car was swerving to the nearest pharmacy, my trip led to taking a test in the bathroom, and sobbing holding the positive test in my arms. I’ve never felt so stuck in my life, my relationship was in shambles, I had Abby as my child and another would be an addition to the fire..
I cried my entire way home, shaking and afraid to tell the news…my hands rubbed off the painful tears before I walked in, afraid Abby would be awake watching TV.
Mike walked in a rush breathing heavily,
“I-I thought you weren’t going to come back, Y/n I am so sorry…I’m sorry.”
I walked up to him pulling on his arm to come to our room. The tears flowed again…and I was standing before him, door closed as he watched me with a confused face. I wasn’t one to cry unless I was really hurt by something..
“..im pregnant.” I had spoken the news in a hushed voice emotional and afraid of his reaction
“i’m pregnant..”
“..no..no..” he sat down with his head between his hands
“please don’t shut me out Mike…we need to talk.”
“Talk about what? What more is there to talk about?”
“We need to talk about us, about abby, what we’re going to do. keep your voice down you’ll wake Abby..”
“Ok well there’s nothing else to talk about your pregnant, we have another mouth to feed.”
“…that’s it?”
“Yea that’s it!”
“why are you yelling at me?”
“Im not yelling at you.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not..my god..alright whatever.”
“You don’t understand how hard this is, this is my body.”
“No I do get it.”
“No you don’t get it. You haven’t been there for us Mike, for our family. You go to work and you barley speak to us.-“
“Our family? This wasn’t a family until two seconds ago Y/n we haven’t spoken in weeks-“
“…Because you haven’t tried! And I’m drowning trying to keep our relationship going!”
“Yea and i get that but we’re struggling to hold everything together and we just got abby as our kid we shouldn’t be having one on the way right now.”
I took a step back turning around to change out of my clothes frustrated with his attitude to the situation
“Ok well, it happened. We have to figure it out.”
“Im not gonna be able to do this Y/n…Between you, abby, and this baby i can’t provide for us…We have to let Abby go.”
“What? You think she’s going to be happy with your aunt? You don’t care about anyone but your fucking self! That’s why I can’t talk to you!”
“I don’t care about no one but my fucking self right now?”
he approached me closer with anger and I pushed him away.
“Fuck you, move!”
I made my attempts to leave as he pulled me in getting in my face holding me close
“We can keep the baby Y/n, we just have to make sacrifices. I need to keep you safe and Abby needs to have a better home.”
My tears fell into his hands and sobs fell as I shook my head at his words.
“Fuck you! You think I’m gonna raise my baby with you? Look at you!”
“What do you mean look at me? I’m here for you-“
“No your not, stop saying that!”
I shoved him again as my heart continued to shatter
“Please Y/n just stay.”
“No…no Mike anything but that..you can’t give up on Abby..please.”
He held me close pulling down to the bed as I sobbed
“Ok..ok we’ll figure something out..I need you Y/n…I love you.”
he was pausing and crying in between as we slowly fell asleep once again..
When it was time to wake up I opened Abby’s door to see her quietly sitting down with tears in her eyes and a packed bag.
“What are you doing baby? What is this? Why are you crying?”
“A-are you going to send me away?”
“What? How could I? Oh no..no, Abby. I would never.”
I sat down beside her pulling her to lay down on my leg as I gently pulled her hair away from her face
“I heard what Mike said about me..”
“you heard..”
i looked up with an ashamed face, frustrated at Mike.
“He didn’t mean it, I promise you he didn’t mean it. Abby I love you, I can’t give you up especially to her..she doesn’t deserve you.”
“…he still said it..”
“i know but he didn’t mean it..I promise.”
i wiped her tears away and let her play, as I prepped breakfast and got ready to leave for work.
It had been a long shift and I was exhausted going back home.
“No Abby, you can’t come to work with me.���
“Please, I want to.”
I almost made it past but Abby’s screeching stopped me.
“Y/n!!! Tell Mike to take me!”
“Oh Abby you know he can’t..please just come go to bed I’m exhausted.”
The room grew silent as Mike watchedhow I came in with my work bag and bagged eyes.
“Fine Abby we can go but you have to behave, and Y/n can get rest while we’re gone.”
“…Mike it’s fine, that’s not a good idea, I’ll be-“
“Y/n I got it, just get some rest babe.”
I gave him a kiss walking away calmly but as I waited in I couldn’t help but get a bad feeling…
hope you enjoyed!! and i can assure you that Mike would not act like this irl!! I JUST NEED ANGST! :) please be aware that im just starting to come back into writing and trying to find my drive for it again, Thank you!!!
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nicodrawings · 10 months
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Dump time featuring Billie Morales aka Silly Billie
Update 2: oh! Also the first two illustrations are based on Yotsuba art!
Update: ok HC time, if you wanna know more keep reading as usual.
-I made Billie 5 years old.
-I’ve mentioned this before but Billie has Asperger’s.
-She didn’t talk until she was like 3 going on 4.
-Her nickname is "silly billy"
-Miles always says "how's my favorite girl in the whole wide world?" when he comes home from school on the weekends.
-Miles is a doting big brother and helps take care of her as well as connecting with her interests.
-As much as she loves her parents, she thinks the world of Miles. She's up under him the most, especially when she's over stimulated, stressed or sleepy. His heartbeat calms her.
-She has a limit to physical contact and taps when she’s ready to let go. She usually only hugs her family. Her and Ganke do hand touches instead of hugs.
-The family helps her navigate her environment and her emotions as well as socializing but never push anything that makes her uncomfortable. They always ask questions and have special routines to help her.
-A part of her routine is on Saturdays they go to the park so she can see the pigeons.
-Miles does not like pigeons, but tolerates them for Billies sake.
-They also have special songs for her like "🎶when you walk across the street take ur eyes off your feet🎶" to remind her to look both ways and pay attention when walking across the street since she can get distracted easily.
-The songs they use also attach her to music. So whenever they go to ganke he plays the piano for her and they make songs up and when she hears a song she likes she starts stimming and wiggling.
-She also takes interest in drawing because she sees Miles drawing and they draw animals and watch Steve Irwin on Saturdays too.
-She doesn't understand figure of speeches so if you say "don't sweat it" she would be like "...sweat what?"
-she doesn’t show a lot of emotions unless she’s feeling something intense.
-She rarely sees Miles in superhero mode in public but when she does she just goes “SPIDER!” and smiles and he waves at her.
-Moral of this story, she is loved.
-He lives with his grandparents in the Bronx area (I’m not sure which side yet tho).
-He loves his grandparents very much.
-One time at a punk rock concert a wise man told him “the most punk thing to do is to take care of yourself, don’t be reliant on the system to do so, cuz they ain’t”
-He told his grandpa the following day and they had a heart to heart about it considering that Hobie was very depressed at the time.
-So with that being said, health is incredibly important to him.
-Some ppl tease him and call him “straight-edge” but it don’t bother him much.
-Hobie officially meets the other spiders when he’s 16.
-Clicks with Gwen and Miles almost immediately.
-Especially Miles, Peter always jokes and says that they were definitely brothers in their past lives.
-Gwen and Hobie bond over music.
-Gwen gets the crush first.
-But unlike Miles she’s more forward and doesn’t wait a billion years so she’s asks him out.
-Hobie says yes.
-Only one that knows how to drive by the time he’s 18.
-Gwen’s relationship with her father just…never gets better in my AU. He’s just an ass and as far as Gwen is concerned they’re not family, they’re just related. With that being said, although it’s never acknowledged, Gwen definitely sees Peter as a father figure in her life. She even has him as her top emergency contact. Peter started to understand this when she was 16, he never questioned it and sees her as his oldest daughter. When she’s had really bad arguments with her father she goes to Peters and spends the night.
-Peter and MJ’s home is open to all the spiderkids. No questions asked.
-Peter and MJ always say “On our taxes we have one kid” when people ask them how many kids they have.
-When Peter gets home he sees how many pairs of shoes are at the door then yells “how many kids are in the house?" They usually yell in response which gives him an idea as to how many kids are there.
-On average there’s no less than 2.
-One time he asked and a really deep voice responded along with the kids.
-It was Venom.
-All the spiders have their own therapist’s but every other weekend there’s a group therapy session for kids with powers funded by S.H.E.I.L.D. It’s not required that they go but it’s open for them regardless, just sign up and come in.
-Ganke donates some of his legos to the program and helps assist sometimes with running it since it’s not ran in the best shape.
-This connects to a bigger problem of helping hero’s with their mental health and stability, especially when they decide to retire.
-If you read the other AU list I had, this is the reason why Ganke switches his major to Social Work when he goes to college.
Peter’s nicknames for the kids:
Miles-“Junior/Little Man”
Gwen-"Gwennie Pie”
Hobie-“Hobie” (obviously)
Ganke’s nicknames:
Friends-“Gee” judge calls him “G-money”
Miles’s mom-“Honey”
Ganke’s mom-“Gee-Chan”
The boy that bullies him AKA Sean “Gay-ke”
Peter-“Goober” (as I’ve said before)
Venom and Eddie-“Boy”
Miles’s for when he’s feeling affectionate-“Cariño”
Anyway that’s all I got for now! If you have any questions about my AU please feel free to ask away. I love talking about it as you can see.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Wedding Labour
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pairing: Dad!Husb!Henry x Doctor!Wife!Mom!Reader
summary: doctor reader goes into labor at her and Henry's wedding? The twitter reaction format please? (Requested by @stormcloudss )
requested are open/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
>> @/superstrongleo: Just saw the released pics of Henry carrying her to their bridal car, that man looks stressed tf out, I guess it’s a given as it’s their first baby😭😭
@/lesseraf: Their baby boy is deffo a Cavill, always interrupting and coming early to things😭😭
@/nornor: I hate how the paps first instinct was to completely violate the couple’s privacy by spamming the poor woman with camera flashes while she’s in literal labour. Wtaf is wrong with you guys?!
>> @/flawlessfrank: Tell me about it. Henry just released a statement that he’s taking legal action because of the stress it caused Y/n, I love how he made a whole 30 minute video explaining the consequences of what could have happened to his family
@/chrisevansgorl: Ok but that photo of Y/n posted by Henry where she’s holding their baby in a hospital bed in a hospital gown, BUT MISS GIRL STILL HAD HER WEDDING VEIL ON?! QUEEN SHIT ONLY!!!
@/DailyTelegram: BREAKING NEWS!! VERY newlywed Henry and Y/n Cavill, welcome their baby boy ON THEIR WEDDING DAY!
@/onedirectionsd: Now their wedding anniversary is their baby’s birthday🥹🥹
>> @/HenryCavill: Not as good as you think, no more anniversary holidays for us two
@/thekingofkings: Henry’s mum’s post is so cute😍 The photo of Henry and Y/n cuddling in her hospital bed is the cutest thing ever, and their baby Charlie in the bassinet next to them
>> @/Y/nCavill: I kicked him out of the bed soon after, he’s a bed hogger of a husband
@/pinklemonade: omg the video of Henry scratching an itch that Y/n had while she’s breastfeeding has me pissing myself with laughter. It’s the way she was twisting and turning trying not to annoy Charlie while trying to itch her back, and Henry just pulls her closer by her waist and scratches her back under her shirt without even asking. Goals.
@/givemeadam: Henry is too fricking funny. Why is this man buying his newborn a Geralt cosplay already😭 Then has the audacity to say he looked better as Geralt
>> @/HenryCavill: Gotta prepare my little man for the harsh world out there
@/Hollycrisin: Nah because Y/n’s wedding dress got all bloody, that shit was branded expensive too
>> @/Y/nCavill: Tell me about it, it’s still at the dry cleaners 😭
@/galaxyrumbel: It’s crazy how good they jumped into parental roles for reall, Y/n is a complete supermom and Henry’s turned into the most overprotective beat
@/user183737379: I’m just glad her water broke after the actual ceremony, at least their wedding didn’t have to be postponed😀
>> @/asuper: i know i’m happy they got to say “i do” before the arrival
@/slinkyleopard: omg the leaked photos of Y/n and Henry's wedding photoshoot, THEY INCLUDED BABY CHARLIE AND KAL😭😍 The one photo of Charlie just laying on top of Kal while they’re both asleep, it’s everything I need in life
@/HenryCavill: Y/n and I want to come on here ourselves and say I will be taking a break from projects for the foreseeable future. This is to focus on us and our (developing) family. We thank you so much for all of your support, and we will continue to update you on our social medias ONLY. Anything released by the tabloids is false and we will not stand for rumours to fly around. Lots of love Henry and Y/n xx
@/trueferalis: Ok but Miss Y/n is super slay, the photo she posted of her going back to work as a paediatrician is so girlboss, SUPERMOM AND DOCTOR
>> @/HenryCavill: So proud to be her man and daddy of our baby 😋
@/kinkydhrine: I can’t believe it’s been two years since Charlie was born the same day as their wedding, did anyone else swoon at the video Henry posted of them all on holiday at Bora Bora. Baby Charlie and Y/n on a big inflatable flamingo is everything, his tiny squeals 🥹🥹 Then Henry in the background of the video whistling at Y/n 🫣🫣
7 Weeks Later
>> @/ririezdueh: You called it. They’ve just had another pregnancy announcement, HOPEFULLY NOT ANOTHER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY BABY 😭😭
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaay @fdl305 @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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buggyjuggie · 7 months
Here are some random headcanons/ideas about johnny/johnshi that have been brewing in my autistic brain for a few days :3
• Johnny has been a hug fan of Van Damme ever since childhood. He tought of Van Damme as his idol.
• Johnny still is in contact with his mom and she’s the only person in the cage family that knows of Johnny’s and Kenshi’s relationship.
•Johnny Kitana Millena Syzoth and Ashrah have movie night every week
• He likes it when Kenshi runs his fingers across his chest tattoo
•He’s also extremely ticklish
•Johnny is autistic (TRY AND CHANGE MY MIND I DARE YOU) his hiperfixations are movies(duh) and history
•Johnny is actually really smart and people tend to be surprised when they come over and see that he has a college diploma
• For special events he’ll wear a black pencil eyeliner
•He knows how to take care of himself like bro probably has 24 step skincare routine, uses hand moisturiser ALL THE TIME, wears lipglosses/vaseline, clean healthy nails, a bunch of different types of shampoos ( clean girl aesthetic)
•If Kenshi had a dificult or stressful day Johnny will let him lay on his chest (titties)
•Johnny is the best when it come to gift giving. While to others it may look like Johnny doesn’t listen to anyone but himself he actually remembers a lot of details about his friends and while it may look like he’s not listening he’s actually doing the exact opposite.
•Smoke sees Johnny as an older brother and sometimes asks him for advice or just to hang out
•Johnny and Kitana and besties they go clothe shopping often and talk about drama from both hollywood and outworld
• He teaches the characters from outworld how to use technology like phones, TV’s ect.
(Feel free to take these if you want because i can’t write fanfiction to save my life lol)
• Switched AU- very simple Johnny and Kenshi switch places so instead of Kenshi loosing his eyesight it’s Johnny who looses it
•Double date- Kenshi and Johnny go on a double date with Tanya and Millena or Syzoth and Ashrah (or any ship of your choice)
•Cuddle fic- i don’t get how theres so little fics of them just cuddling and being domestic gays (LET MY BOYS BE HAPPY AND CUDDLE)
• Ghost fic- ok i know i just said there needs to be more fluff BUT I’m also a sucker for hurt comfort so essential johnny dies or has to be killed and his soul goes into Sento and that way he can communicate with Kenshi (i have a full post with more details)
•Childhood-Johnny tells Kenshi about his childhood after he noticed the little things about johnny that dont make sense or are concerning ( can you tell im a sucker for hurt/comfort)
Sorry for the bad grammar english isn’t my first language but i hope you enjoyed reading my rambles :3
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donsgraveyard · 5 months
hi :3 you don't have to answer this but i desperately want to see your headcanons i love headcanons such a good meal
uh uh ok I hope the selection I have is ok for you thank you for asking I’m like crying also this is a lot I realized so I’m sorry
Nightwolf is like really good at playing drums and electric guitar cause his family is a metal head family so he grew up with his kin always jamming out to metal and rock of all kinds. He gets a little defeated sometimes cause he doesn’t have like any personal time to keep playing…
Also Nightwolf makes his own jewelry like his bracelets and necklace, he made himself. He makes his own bead work earrings too but only wears them to events ….which he like never goes to…
Fujin and Raiden have a library in the Sky Temple that’s full of books they’ve collected and gifted each other over the years and Fujin keeps accidentally getting the same book over and over every few hundred years
Fujin likes to paint sometimes like it’s not smth he loves, loves, but it passes the time and he likes to see how he improves over the years. Fujin likes to lounge around so sitting and painting what he sees really relaxes him. He likes water color and likes to sketch portraits of Nightwolf’s face but Nightwolf doesn’t know that….
also Fujin loves to make bread….. he lived in a village for like five years when he was living among mortals, and the elder women of the village taught him to make bread and pastries so he makes some treats for him and Raiden sometimes
I also like to think Fujin and Raiden have this portrait of themselves hanging in the Sky Temple… many years ago a painter approached them and requested he be able to paint the brothers and they agreed. The brothers look at it some times and think about how much brighter and ‘younger’ they looked those years ago before their responsibilities became more stressful and commanding
Kabal has two moms……… I have no like reason for this one I just think he has two mamas and he loves them very much. He kinda drifted from them, though when Kabal was a teen cause he started getting involved with crime and stuff and when he joined the police force with Stryker, Kabal is still healing his relationship with his moms….
specifically mk1 Bi-Han has a little stuffed cat he keeps clean and healthy, because it was the one thing he had as a kid that like allowed him to be a kid? Yk what I mean? It’s so small he can fit it in one of his palms …
It took a long, long time but Takeda learned how to braid Jacqui’s hair properly and he gets really good at it!! He does her hair and kisses her shoulders and stuff while he does, and then Jacqui turns around and gives Takeda one of those silly on-top-of-the-head ponytails that sticks up and she giggles about it
Cassie and Kung Jin are K-Pop fans and Cassie blows Johnnys money on concert tickets all the time and they come home and crash in Cassie’s apartment to sleep in until 4:00 in the evening cause they are so exhausted
um I can’t think of any others rn……. I hope these are ok and what u were looking for
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boobamilktease · 5 months
Omgg I just read your "studying" fic and it got me fanning myself over here. Is there gonna be a part 2? Or can there be a part 2?
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Don’t worry, part two is here!!
Final Exam Season
Summery- The last time you were invited to study at Aemond dorm room, things got spicy….maybe this time you’ll actually be able to study.
Warnings- Aemond being bf material, smut, oral (fem receive), hair pulling, Aemond being pussy whipped, things get messy, lock me up. Slight angst and mention of pet death
This is part two of “Studying”-
Last time you were invited over for a study session, you didn’t actually study, which caused you to get a C- on the quiz. Are you mad at Aemond? No…you aren’t, which is why you come back when he asks you to come over and study.
Aemond greats you with a small shit eating grin and open arms, which you walk into anyways. “There she is..my sexy girl.” Aemond says in a low voice as you two embrace. He shuts the door and locks it so their ‘study’ session isn’t interrupted.
You plop down on his bed and groan, feeling the weight of today crash down on you. Aemond chuckles before joining you on his bed. “Want to tell me about it?” He asks as he plays with a strand of your hair. Though Aemond was traditionally quiet, he knew exactly what to say when he did speak…sometimes.
“I’m just stressed is all…with finals coming up and trying to maintain good grades..” your voice muffled due to your face being smushed by a fluffy pillow. Aemond hums, rubbing a soothing hand over your tense shoulders. “How about we study for about an hour and a half and we can watch that stupid Christmas movie you like?”
It’s not stupid you think, but regardless you sit up right on his bed with a nod. He hands you your backpack and you dig everything out you may need when studying. He helps you study for the most part, but roughly thirty minutes in, you feel overwhelmed. There is a lot on your plate at the moment, finals, trying to remain an honor student, and not to mention your family dog of 13 years had passed away recently.
Aemond sees how your eyes turn glossy, trying to fight back tears. Finals is in a week and a half, you can take a well deserved break till Monday. And with that in mind, Aemond shuts the book in front of you and sets all your stuff to the side. He opens his arms and you don’t hesitate to fall into them. A few tears fall, but you’ll be ok.
Aemond rocks you gently and holds you close. He then kisses your temple and goes to run you a warm bath. He sets out a pair of his sweats and a hoodie of his on the bathroom sink. Aemond gently leads you to the bathroom and kisses your temple, leaving you to bathe. You are in the bathroom bathing for roughly 15 minutes, soaking in the warm water.
The moment you step out of the bathroom in his clothes, you are met with the warm smell of hot chocolate and cookies. He somehow managed to find hot chocolate and cookies and put them in the oven, even going as far as putting Christmas lights around the dorm. He smiles at you and opens his arms wide, and you lay your head on his chest, loving his warmth.
The moment you sat down on the couch, you can feel some tension leave your body. Aemond sits down with two glasses of hot chocolate and sets them on the table beside the cookies. He then grabs the remote and starts to play the ‘Polar Express’. You smile and watch the movie.
About halfway into the movie, you catch Aemond staring at you. You go to question him about it but he just smiles and kisses your lips. Many people believe he would be rough, his kisses, but in reality they are gentle, with enough passion and love to leave you wanting more. You kiss him back with a small smile, feeling at home with him.
His kisses, once innocent, leads to something more. Aemond lifts up your hoodie up enough to where your breasts are exposed. He kisses your throat and your breasts before playing with them. He massages your hardening nipples and gently swirls it around in his mouth. He squeezes them together a few times before kissing his way down your stomach and above your sweatpants rest.
He looks up at you with his pretty purple eyes and smiles gently, kissing your clothed thighs. Aemond gently removes your sweats, and throws them to the side. He presses sweet kisses from your ankle up to your innermost thigh, and proceeds to do the same on the other leg. He kisses your clothed cunt a few times, breathing in your scent deeply. He places a few more kisses before pulling your underwear off and placing them to the side with your sweatpants.
He gently spreads your legs and props them on his shoulders. He presses a kiss on your pearl, earning a soft moan from you. He kisses and begins to lick a stipe up your cunt. His tongue feels wonderful, not leaving a single crevice unlicked. Aemond sucks and he slurps on your bud, drinking your moans and arousal. His tongue goes deeper and moves to your dripping hole.
He grins, before lapping at your hole like a starved man. He moans as he tastes your arousal on his tongue. His tongue licks and spits gently on your wet cunt, loving the way you squirm and moan. Your hands dig into his hair, pulling gently. You pull his head closer to your cunt, and his sharp nose bumps into your pearl enough times to make you shudder.
His tongue goes from your hole to your pearl, and in absence of his tongue, comes his finger, teasing your cunt. His finger slips in easily due to how wet you are, and he grins. Aemond moans as he licks and swirls your pearl in his mouth. Your pussy clenches around his fingers tightly as you feel your peak coming close. He fingers you, curling his finger to hit that spongy spot that makes you see stars.
Aemond, with a quick flick and suck on your bud, makes your back arch beautiful and your eyes flutter shut. He coaxes your orgasm, licking your juices clean. He presses a soft kiss on your overstimulated clit, before standing up off his knees to grab a wet washcloth. In doing so, he notices a wet spot in his pants, he came in his pants…a bit embarrassing for him.
But he doesn’t mind, seeing you finally relaxed is enough for him. He grabs the wash cloth and comes back to clean you up. Once he does, he hands you a press pair of underwear, and goes into the bathroom to change into new pants and boxers. Aemond comes out just in time for the end credits to roll and to see you with your eyes closed, asleep. He smiles and tucks you in gently, turning off the tv and Christmas lights before joining you under the covers. And with a sweet kiss to your cheek he whispers “good night Princess.”
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igbylicious · 6 days
so um. @wooyoungisbaby Isak made inquiries abt whichever way Woosan & orgasm denial, how often it happens, whether Wooyoung ever gets to deny San, and oh boy my brain started buzzing lol! it was too long to answer in the replies, so this is ummm, technically a hard thoughts post i guess? very self-indulgent, very stream-of-consciousness
sex-related Woosan musings ahead, with an obvious warning for orgasm denial, but also mentions of dacryphilia & overstim (and somehow it’s abt 700~ words?! brain why?!?!?)
so yes, in pt1 Wooyoung was on a sex ban and didn’t get to cum until he and San were back from their trip lol.
in my head, San does this kind of thing on occasion, but not too often; he doesn’t overdo it bc that will genuinely upset Woo at some point lol. (also bc it means San doesn’t get to fuck Wooyoung either, and San doesn’t want to go too long without fucking Woo :C in like, a sickeningly tender way :C that man yearns for it :C )
also a ban for an entire week like in pt1 is very rare! the opportunity just presented itself bc they’d be with San’s family for the first few days; San had mixed feelings abt getting it on at his parents house, and Wooyoung got snarky abt it so San was like ‘ok i guess you are getting NOTHING for this WHOLE trip then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’
(ps: now that reader is also in the mix, there are some fun new levels of potential torture to the concept of putting Woo on a sex ban ✪ ω ✪ )
for edging / denying Woo during actual sex; yeah that happens a lot lol — but multiple orgasm overstim is almost just as likely! San loves to change it up; but any given time they have sex, there’s decent odds that either one or the other will happen to Wooyoung… or both if he has the energy >:3
either way, both are real solid methods for San to almost guaranty he’ll have Woo crying before it’s over and what can i say? that man likes his Wooyoung a ruined, teary mess lol
as for whether Woo denies San…
well. in pt6 Wooyoung did know that San would let himself get edged all day long ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
for this version of Woosan, that’s actually a rare kink with which they might fully flip the script and have Wooyoung domming San. (they do have sex without rigid d/s roles, but it’s rare for this San to get deeply subby. tragically ( ╥ω╥ ) it will kinda sorta happen in the fic one more time tho uwu)
and usually it happens when San is real stressed or overworked or otherwise having a Bad Time™
(or if Woo is really really really in the mood for it, but in that case he will have to be on his best behaviour first lol)
they’ll really take their time for it and turn it into a ゚☆*Moment*☆゚ and it’s lowkey kinda soft; Woo will tease San plenty, obv! Woo likes his San just as teary and whiny as San likes his Wooyoung lol
but Woo is also acutely aware that he is in the caretaker role for once, and that the goal is for San to feel good and relaxed afterwards ♡ so much bodyworship, soooooooo much praise and cuddling in the aftercare <- and the praise goes both ways, bc San is so proud and grateful to Woo for taking care of him like that ;;
(and ofc when Woo’s subbing, he will ABSOLUTELY pull an edge on San if he can; just to multitask at being a menace AND give his boyfriend a lil treat hehe)
…but to come full circle, i’m not convinced that an attempt to put a sex ban on San would work out so great for Wooyoung asdkjadsjk
honestly i’m on the fence whether San’d immediately shut it down bc being the target of punishment is not his thing — but i could see Woo trying it just to be a brat, OR Woo pulls a stunt like ‘you sex ban me? good luck i sex ban you right back’ lol
which derails into an outright battle of endurance bc these two guys are not just incredibly horny but also stubborn asdkjasdjk. honestly they can’t even hold out for that long bc of aforementioned horny-ness and bc they are whipped for each other, but dear god both of them are so fucking stupidly desperate by the time they cave in and shamelessly hump each other again lol oop — and it does cumulate into a round of the shortest but also the MOST high-strung sex they’ve ever had ✪ ω ✪
(bless you Isak for being an enabler, i hope you got smth out of this ♡)
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
ok so I know you’re writing and probably already thought of this but I’m case you didn’t: the differences in elven courting rituals and oceanic courting rituals, specifically when it comes to wedding gifts. if you have thought about this feel free to ignore but the way I see it
elves live a while,and probably know about the arranged marriages a decent amount of time before they happen, so in between wedding planning and normal life each half of the marriage is planning some extravagant amazing wedding gift like gardens of gold or giant tapestries and stuff like that
meanwhile ocean/swamp folk who don’t live as long probably have more personal gifts, even in arraigned marriages bc they’re still getting to know each other! but either way the gifts are more personal and specifically tailored to the other half
so keeping track we have Scott, panicking bc he has like zero time to plan a wedding and learn a language and make a wedding gift and so the necessary things for life in however little time he has, Jimmy, panicking bc he doesn’t know anything about scott, no one he knows knows anything about scott, and even when they finally meet scott isn’t exactly an open book! so Jimmy is trying to do the same things as scott (tjough his doesn’t need to be as extravagant) in addition to finding out who the hell he’s getting married to and also ruling a kingdom
AND (you thought I was done NO the adhdemons love this concept and filled the no-box fan void with fictional politics) you have Lizzie, Joel, Xornoth, and Iona, who also had to get gifts for each other
first I need you to know that I saw your url and had the immediate gut reaction of "oh same hat!" XD
So courting traditions in general:
I don't have too much set in stone currently, lots of ideas and concepts though, because I'm half shaping the story around it and half shaping it around the story, because writing be like that (rip) but I do have a few things.
Rivendell is basically just Tolkein's elves partly isekai-ed into minecraft, lets be real. So I've yoinked the tradition from there of the bride-to-be's family gifting a jewel (usually of magical or historical or familial importance) to the groom-to-be as a sort of pre-dowry. Only because heteronormativity does not exist here it is usually a mutual exchange of gifts. Tapestries and other labor and skill intensive textile arts also play a role because of the importance of textiles in Rivendell culture (see the ask that I'm answering after this one for more details on that) And there is also just a general idea of "a demonstration of what you are bringing to the table" for the actual wedding exchange. Like the most intense and stressful art show where both your entire extended family and also your significant other/others's extended family will be judging it. (Exact form of art varies depending on the skills and interests of the elf in question; culinary, poetry, musical, metal working...the list goes on)
The Swamp has fewer actual universal traditions. Due to their recent (past few centuries) history they are basically two nations that mixed and mingled and also include a few different diasporas interspersed within them. Jimmy himself tends towards more Oceanic traditions, which include things like feats of bravery and provision. This will go both exactly as well as you think it will and genuinely very well. (Oceanic traditions tend towards dramatic and grand gestures and statements. Ability to protect and provide is a huge thing both in the Ocean and the Swamp.)
Also Jimmy absolutely panics and ends up asking a good dozen random citizens for advice.
You also have the added layer of this specific instance being an arranged marriage (which isn't especially unusual) between two empires (which is wildly unusual at their social level) That custom is, in fact, purely an Oceanic one. (Which is why Joel and Lizzie were the previous example)
Most/all of the other Empires don't tend to intermarry their royals because enough Empires don't use familial succession models that it renders it fairly unstable as an alliance technique. There's more context for the Oceanic take on it but that is a whole nother post/will be in the fics explicitly.
The point of all this is that both parties are kind of stressed and trying to figure out how to compromise/accommodate while not really having a fully applicable framework for this situation (on Rivendell's part.)
Rivendell barely has interacted with the other empires for generations let alone married them.
Xornoth and Iona actually had it fairly easy, outside figuring out how to navigate the religious minefield that is Xornoth's entire existence. It was a very matter of fact, business like courtship that Scott and Iona ran with all the stringent focus of a military operation (which it basically was) and not even Xornoth's tendency towards chaos could really do much in the face of that.
In the context of like, personal gifts Joel and Lizzie actually got off really easy because by the time they got married-married they'd technically been married for several years already.
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miguelsfangservice · 6 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of pressure and insecurities.
Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere.
No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you?
Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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“I’m telling you, he’s been seeing someone” Peter chants while gently bouncing Mayday on his arms, trying to soothe her enough to fall asleep. “That or there’s something super shady going on with him”
“Why are those the only two options for him according to you?” Jessica questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Those are the extremes of all the situations I could imagine for Miguel.”
“Him dating someone is something extreme for him, Peter, really?”
“Ok, you know what?” he rolls his eyes, and looks at Jess completely offended by her refusal to help him figure out what’s happening with their boss. “If he’s not seeing anyone, his behavior is still kind of worrying, don’t you think? Like, even while talking about all the stressing stuff about our work, he seems worried about something else. Miguel does NOT worry about anything else BUT work, Jess. You gotta admit that.”
“It’s just…” she whispers, looking away from Peter, unsure. “It feels kind of out of character from him, don’t you think?”
“I guess so, but maybe he got tired of…you know, the loneliness of the job.” Peter says looking down to see Mayday finally asleep, he smiles and thinks about his friend, of how much he would like to have something like what him and Jess have. “He deserves to have someone who’s there for him when he goes home.”
Jess smiles, thinking about her family, about the warmth that comes after a long day saving her New York and other universes.
“We should ask hi—”
“We clearly need to spy on him”
Miguel entered the apartment with a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the night's events on his shoulders, it’s been hours and the sun is starting to rise in the horizon, but there’s still some left-over adrenaline. All he wants is to get on the bed and hug you, he knows both need that.
The sight of the scattered clothes in the bedroom and half-finished breakfast worries him. Everything your company (specially that annoying manager of yours) is making you do isn’t healthy, it’s going to harm you sooner or later and he needs to find a way to stop it.
Miguel is used to deal with a hundred Peter Parker’s stubbornness, he knows his way around most of them…but with someone who mirrors his own stubbornness? No way in hell that, if he tried to dissuade you to leave the company, it would go well between the two.
Besides, this is his first relationship in years. He doesn’t want to mess this up, he needs you so bad to the point Miguel feels like he could die if anything were to go wrong, separating you from him.
It’s not healthy, he’s aware of that.  But years of trauma and solitude had taken their toll in several aspects of his life, especially in the relationship-love department.
He broodingly picks up the clothes and finishes your breakfast, then goes to bed and tries to get some sleep…tries and tries for what feels like hours, but he can’t stop thinking about you.
You were probably exhausted, hungry and stressed out of your mind.
Miguel looks at the clock on the wall, at 1:00 p.m. he knows you get your one and only break of the day. Miguel can visit you then, bring you some food and try to cheer you up, maybe if he’s nice enough with godawful Ashley she could let him stay for the rehearsals.
It’s not a secret that Miguel despises her and he knows you do too, so, it makes him feel a bit guilty to think that, out of all the people in your and his life, Ashley is the one who knows about your relationship.
You had told him it would make it easier for him to get into the building if she knew, instead of having him sneaking around after long exhausting days saving the multiverse.
Deep down, he recognized the same could apply to his people at the HQ. Especially Jess and Peter, who could probably give him decent relationship advice.
With those thoughts on his mind, he changed clothes, took the keys of the apartment and headed to your workplace.
Ashley leads him through the building, trough tons of hallways covered in mirrors.
“Dios, qué asfixiante es este lugar.” ( God, this place is so suffocating) He mumbles.
Miguel politely smiles and shakes his head. Ashley keeps walking in front of him.
She kept talking about how much your effort was benefiting the company, backhanded praises and just saying stuff Miguel felt bitter about, he knew that even if she was telling him good things about you, she did not mean them, Miguel was aware of how bossy and cruel she could be to you if her demands were not reached.
“If only your girl could up her game, you know?” she was using an upbeat tone, but Miguel was not stupid, he could sense pettiness in her voice.” Lose some weight and be on time she could ready for something more.”
Miguel couldn’t help but scuff and clench his fists.
“I think we both know she’s already more without any of what you mention she supposedly needs to do.” Miguel's response was laced with a sharp edge, his tone far from the usual 'normal citizen Miguel' as you liked to call it. Instead, it resembled the 'mean boss Miguel' that you sometimes reprimanded him for when he took annoying calls from Peter. “She has prepared herself for this her whole life, she’s more than ready for it, she’s already doing more than enough, wouldn’t you say?”
He kept walking, Miguel could see the door to the rehearsal room so he decided to ignore her silence and the few seconds Ashley stopped right on her tracks, watching him walk away from her.
Miguel was about to knock on the door, your sweaty and exhausted self-opened the door. Your eyes grew big and a smile started to appear on your chapped lips; Miguel tried to offer you a warm smile, but seeing how pale and absolutely tired you were clenched his heart, his mind aching to do something, anything to take you away from this place.
“Miggy, what are you doing here?”
“I thought maybe we could find some nice place to eat on your break, cielo.” He can feel Ashley’s presence behind him and he confirms she has catch up with him when your eyes divert to her.
“I’m sorry, love. I- I have to finish this one, but we could eat together tonight, right?” you whisper, your gaze nervously diverting to Ashley. Miguel looks over his shoulder and catches your manager practically giving you a death glare before shifting her attention to Miguel and forcing a tight smile.
Miguel had enough.
“You did not finish your breakfast and barely got any sleep” he hisses. Miguel does not intend to make you think he’s angry with you, but his anger towards the situation is threatening to overtake his rational side and with all the bitterness he can muster without fully showing his anger he says: “Even Ashley here can tell with how pale and shaky you are, although it wouldn’t be convenient for her to admit it.”
“I don’t think I like whatever nonsense you’re implying here” Ashley retorted, her face red with contained anger.
“You know exactly what I’m saying here, stop manipulating her!”
“Miguel, enough! I’m fine! I’m not even hungry—”
“You need to understand, you may not be feeling bad right now, but if you keep this up it’s going to do more damage than good, you know that, right?” Miguel softens his voice, moving closer to you.
He feels his stomach drop when you step away from him.
“Cielo, this place, this people” he almost hisses those words, pointedly looking at Ashley. “Cannot be the only way to get what you want, please…I’ll help you find a way, trust me with this. You’re talented, hard worker—”
“Stop” you whisper, you don’t even have the energy to stop your tears. You look around and there’s people looking at the scene now.
“You are enough, love. Don’t let them tell you otherwise just so they can fill their bags with money!”
You can hear the desperation in his voice, his eyes pleading. But it’s all too much, his words, the whispers of those who know nothing about you, about Miguel… and the relentless stare of Ashley, of this damn company that gave a nobody like you a chance to fulfill your dreams.
Overwhelmed, you felt the emotional weight of the moment bearing down on you.
“Leave, Miguel, please”
Your heart hurts at Miguel’s utterly devastated face. Even with the mental fog the stress is giving you, you are quick to regret your words, he was only trying to help, and while this wasn't the best approach, you know feelings are hard for him.
Miguel composes himself, gives you a nod and starts walking away.
“Miggy, wait—.”
“You need to leave too.”
You turn to look at Ashley, to people who didn’t know her, the expression on her face denoted nothing…but most of your day was spend with her and you knew that look.
Not only were you frightened, but you also felt completely humiliated, you felt like a child being scolded by its mother.
How in the world could you end up like this?
Behind Ashley, you look at your reflection.
Really looked at your reflection, for the first time, not to judge your body or your dance moves, but to actually see what they were making of you.
You felt a familiar warmth engulf your tiny hand compared to his. Looking up, you saw Miguel looking at Ashley solemnly, you imagined this was the expression he made when he gave orders to the hundreds of heroes under his command.
“Let’s go, cielo. You need to rest.”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long! I was having a hard time writing this cuz I didn't know what direction i wanted all of this to take. But I hope everyone can enjoy this! I'll love to hear your thoughts!
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
Ok but what do you think the experience of teaching the kids to drive was like for Alicole? I’m literally laughing at all of the images lollll
Alicole is gonna have some grey hairs after teaching 4 kids, their kids in particular, to put it one way.
all of them are, lovingly, nightmares when it comes to driving, and they give their parents a run for their money with how many ways they can be nightmares.
Aegon's a natural driver, he's just anxious as all hell, he has no trust in people or the rules of the road to actually keep him safe, he stalls and flounder's a lot, especially when crossing lanes of traffic to get somewhere. he's convinced driving is useless the first close call he experiences, cause this is just too dangerous and there are too many variables and people are stupid. but as time goes on and he is forced to drive more and more, his parents supporting him to just let himself get used to it, he begrudgingly goes for his permit and then his license, and while he's still an anxious driver, he doesn't mind it. (he likes driving late at night on back roads, cause there's never anyone out there). he definitely choked both his mum and his dad with his harsh stops, initiating the seat belt lock as they slam into them. Criston nearly lost it when Aegon stalled out on a 5-lane intersection, they don't like to talk about it.
Helaena is very literal when it comes to rules of the road. she's definitely like me when I first learned to drive, going exactly the speed limit, trying to drive straight by making sure her steering wheel is perfectly center instead of making little corrections here and there, so she ends up going more or less diagonally at times, a little heavy on the gas. plenty of things that makes her parent's anxious, especially cause a lot of people on the road get angry about her going "so slow". but once she gets the hang of it she's a good driver, though she prefer's to be a passenger princess, as she likes to be able to continue her daydreaming, and is a bit of a speed devil. definitely listens to audiobooks and bug documentaries in the car.
Aemond took forever to learn to drive, cause he not only had to learn the basics, but he had to learn to drive down an eye and with a bunch of driving accommodations. he's really committed and not all that bad at it, his parents anxiety mostly comes from the fact that he wants to drive a big ass truck and that he is a very confident driver with multiple large pinches of road rage. it's a lot less of them trying to teach him to drive, he picked that up over night, it's trying to keep him from committing vehicular manslaughter.
Daeron, like always, as he was raised by his siblings, picked up both the best and worst of them. He's very all or nothing, he's either going smooth and fast or slamming the breaks, super focused or his head's in the clouds, can be very apologetic on the road, but if he gets pushed around too much, he's going nuclear. he's truly their source of grey hairs, after Aemond, they make him wait till like... 18 or 19 to actually get his license, and it isn't helped by the fact that he's the baby of the family, so they're naturally a little overprotective. funnily enough, when him and his siblings are doing things they probably shouldn't, he's the designated driver, even prior to him getting his license (just wait till Alicole finds out they're going to have a stroke).
the kids all stressed them out, but they love them.
Bonus: The kids and their cars.
Aegon has an older Volvo sedan, it might have been golden at one point, but the paints worn to hell, so it's now a yellowy silver color, its like his baby, not in like... a car fanatic way, but in the teenage boy with his first care type of way... there's a difference I swear. its got black leather interior that he takes care of like his life depends on it, the passenger seat is only clean of trash for his sweet sister, the outside is all sorts of dinged and scratched (mostly prior to getting it) but he still takes it to get washed every two weeks, spends an hour in the self help section vacuuming it out and using all the sprays and tools. he defintly has to do a little dance to get it driving but he refuses to get rid of it till after the babes come and they need to upsize (he kept it and planned to give it to his kids when they got older, ignoring the fact it was pothole away from crapping out).
Helaena has a white kia soul, probably from the early 2000s. she saw it at a used car lot and liked 'face' it had (I think those cars look sorta... buggy? Idk I'm not a car person, it just felt like a car she'd float towards). takes good care of it, but isn't like Aegon. she keeps it clean, gets it cleaned once a month or two, and decorates the hell out of it. Crocheted steering wheel wrap, seat belt covers, seat covers, things to hang from her rear view mirror and hand holds, etc. (all the kids had her make ones for them too) and they're all bug/nature themed.
Aemond has a huge green truck, I'm talking diesel 4-door, you have to use the footstep to get into it and even then you need to like, pull on the seat to give yourself enough momentum. this thing is his baby, in the car freak sorta way. its getting cleaned every week, he puffs it and waxes it and does all that weird 30 different products, 12 microfiber towels, and a blood sacrifice shit car guys do. it has extra mirrors for him so he can see easier.
Daeron has a jeep, his car's newer, does basic upkeep on it, but is a little rough. he likes taking her (he definitely refers to his car as 'her' and 'she' and 'my girl') off road, likes taking his dog with him (mentioned in a previous post, he has a dalmatian) after going on hikes and to watering holes. she's seen some shit, is covered in a perpetual layer of dirt and dog hair, but he loves it. keeps the top of 90% of the year. his dog is his passenger princess. his siblings sit in the back 9/10 if Tess (his dog) is with them. only person who gets the dog booted is his mom and dad, and later on once they've grown a bit, his niece and nephew's. (I do think Daeron would be the sibling to fix up an older sports car, but I can't decide on what he would pick to fix up)
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kosegruppie · 1 year
SKAM Season 3 Epilogue, translated
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I had a request for the English translation of the SKAM Season 3 epilogue, which appears in the script, but was never filmed. It takes place the day after the Christmas party, when Isak goes to meet Even's parents for the first time. I have done my best to translate, apologizes for any errors. 😅
SCENE 1 HALLWAY ISAK and EVEN stand in the hallway outside EVEN's apartment. EVEN smiles: Are you ready? ISAK smiles. I'm ready. EVEN kisses him EVEN: Just a little warning, my mom is pretty intense. ISAK: Okay? EVEN: If it gets too much and you want to leave, just take my hand and squeeze it, ok? ISAK nods: Okay EVEN: Like this EVEN takes ISAK's hand and squeezes it gently but firmly. ISAK smiles: Like this? ISAK takes EVEN's hand and squeezes it really hard.
S2 APARTMENT EVEN opens the door to the apartment (Same picture as in S3 E2) EVEN: Hello? EVEN'S MOTHER looks out of the kitchen, she is a short lady with lots of blond curls and marked smile lines. MOTHER happy: Hi! THE FATHER, a tall man who looks like EVEN only without hair, looks out from the living room. THE FATHER: Hey, welcome IMPROV greeting and enthusiasm, both the MOTHER (SIGRID) and the FATHER (JAN) go right to hug ISAK, EVEN apologizes, says that they are a hugging family, that he should have been warned in advance. ISAK says it's just nice. They are hanging on, THE MOTHER asks if they are hungry. EVEN says they won't have any dinner. SIGRID: Come in then, sit down.
S3: LIVING ROOM EVEN and ISAK sit down on the sofa. THE MOTHER sits down in a chair and studies ISAK with admiring eyes, it looks like she is about to burst with happiness. EVEN gets embarrassed. JAN: Would you like something to drink Isak? A beer? ISAK a little confused: Eh ok, yes, thank you. ISAK looks at EVEN, EVEN smiles SIGRID: Are you sure you don't want anything to eat then? Dad made very good fish soup? EVEN: No thanks, we won't be here for long. SIGRID: No, no, but it doesn't take that long to eat some soup, does it? Where are going, then? EVEN: Nowhere THE FATHER enters the room with beers SIGRID: So it’s not anything you need to get to? EVEN: No, I’m just making sure that Isak is presented to you in small doses at a time, so you don't scare him away. SIGRID laughs: Yes JAN: Sounds good. THE FATHER opens the beers and hands them out. JAN: Cheers, nice to finally meet you, Isak. ISAK: Yes, thank you. Same. Everyone toasts and takes a sip. There is silence for a moment. SIGRID is having a hard time creating a good atmosphere again. SIGRID: Even has told us so many nice things about you. ISAK a little surprised. Oh really? EVEN: Now you're exaggerating, I haven't said that much. SIGRID: No, no, just little things, you also go to Nissen, I understand? ISAK: Yes!
SIGRID: You've been going there ever since first year, haven’t you? ISAK: Yes, but I‘m only in my second year, so SIGRID come on: Yes, that's right, you're 17! ISAK: Yes She glanced anxiously at the beer ISAK is holding and looks over at JAN. ISAK registers the glances, and gets stressed himself, he probably shouldn't have agreed to beer, he thought they knew that he was 17, he didn’t mean to deceive them. EVEN puts his hand on ISAK's. ISAK looks up at EVEN, EVEN smiles calmly. JAN: Did Even tell you that I also went to Nissen? ISAK: No, he didn’t JAN: Yes, Russ ’89 ISAK nods: Cool It gets quiet again. ISAK looks around. The MOTHER wants a good atmosphere SIGRID laughs: It is not so exciting for them to hear about our Russ time ISAK discovers a photo on the wall ISAK: Is that Even? SIGRID looks up and smiles happily: Yeahhh, wasn't he cute? ISAK smiles: Very cute SIGRID suddenly realizes: Do you know what I found the other day?! She gets up. JAN: Yes, it was cool to see it again EVEN a bit unengaged: What did you find? SIGRID: Your old album, wouldn’t it be fun for Isak to see? EVEN: No, mom, it's not fun, this is what I'm talking about, can you please chill, you’re going to scare him away.
EVEN puts his hand on ISAK's SIGRID rummages through a bookshelf: Now you have to give up, no one is scared by childhood photos, are you frightened by childhood photos, Isak? ISAK looks at EVEN and grins before shaking his head. ISAK: Getting startled by childhood photos, I'd really like to see that. SIGRID has found an album: There you go, Isak is certainly not frightened by childhood photos. EVEN sighs, MOTHER plops down next to ISAK and opens a small green album. She flips through the pages and shows: Even with a painted face. Even is Lucia with candles on his head. Even has caught a crab. Even has fallen asleep on the toilet. ISAK laughs charmingly and looks up at EVEN, EVEN rolls his eyes. The mother turns the pages: A young girl has her arms around Even on a sled in the snow. She looks like Even’s mother, only a lot younger. ISAK looks up at SIGRID. ISAK confused: Is that you? SIGRID: It's my little sister, June. ISAK: Ah, you look alike. EVEN: We are very similar. ISAK laughs
ISAK: I meant your mother. ISAK looks at EVEN for a response, but EVEN doesn't laugh, ISAK gets confused, SIGRID tries to smooth it over SIGRID explaining: Even had a very close relationship with his aunt when he was little, they were best friends. EVEN corrects: Soulmates ISAK nods and studies the picture again. June is wearing a huge white bubble jacket. Even's little head sticks up through her arms. He has a blue knitted hat pulled down over his eyes, it almost looks like he is drowning in her. Both smile happily at the camera. ISAK: How old is she? SIGRID: She's probably 21 there, wasn’t it taken a few days before she left us? EVEN annoyed: No, that picture is from my 7th birthday. SIGRID: Yes, that's right, sorry, so a couple of months before that, she died in April. EVEN still annoyed that his mother is imprecise: April 2 SIGRID: Yes. ISAK: Condolences.
EVEN: You don't need to offer condolences, she got better. SIGRID: Thank you, Isak. SIGRID sends EVEN a stern look. EVEN takes in her mother's gaze EVEN: What? Didn’t she get better? SIGRID annoyed: I guess nobody knows, because she's not here to answer that. SIGRID claps the album again and stands up. SIGRID uneasy: Does anyone want a gingerbread cookie? JAN solution-oriented: I'd be happy to have a gingerbread cookie! EVEN annoyed: We gotta go SIGRID doesn't answer, she disappears into the kitchen, EVEN stares after his mother. ISAK looks at EVEN. He puts his hand on EVEN's hand. EVEN turns and looks at him, ISAK smiles calmly. ISAK: We can have a gingerbread cookie? EVEN becomes calm. He nods.
I love, love how much this scene shows about their relationship, how it’s Even trying to comfort Isak, but really it’s Isak comforting Even. 🥺 If you read fic you have probably come across stories involving Even’s Aunt June, who was also bipolar and committed suicide when Even was 7. 💔 This scene is where that information came from. Also, I love seeing Isak in a scene with a happy family, considering how strained his relationship is with his own family. I understand why this scene was never filmed, but I am really thankful we have it in script form. ❤️
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jamiedc-they-them · 1 year
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Requested by @paultiteuf360
You were an orphan. Always had been.
You survived mainly by running, too skinny to fully fight, but your ability to run kept you alive.
Unfortunate though, height was not one of your strong suits, so you were cornered.
You knew it would be a fight, so you got yourself ready.
Only for a voice to let out a whistle, and you and your chasers turned to see a girl, glaring at the people that wanted to do whatever it was to you.
“Pick on someone your own size.” She says, before being able to send them running. She’s skilled.
She then turns to you, gentle smile on her face; she bends down to your height, “are you ok?” She asks softly.
You mid, if a bit scared. But no one ever asked you that before, it makes you feel safe.
“Do you have anywhere to go?” She asks, but she can guess the answer given your state.
So, with you on her back, she gives you a piggy back ride to her home.
Her mum is nice, taking pity on you and letting you stay.
A few months later, they officially adopt you, and Kate is overjoyed; she’s always wanted a younger sibling.
Wherever she goes, you go; normally on her back.
As she learns archery, you give her the arrows, you become a double team.
With the Hawkeye thing, she doesn’t want to involve you, but she also knows you’d be worried sick and probably do something rash.
Clint is pretty much against your involvement, but Kate is stubborn, and he does have to admit you both make a good team with your system.
That, and he sees how much you care for each other,p; she’s gentle with you - both in the way she talks to you, even when stressed, and when she gives you hugs or other actions of affections like kissing you on the forehead or cheek after a close call or before you go to sleep. She’s a good older sister to you; and you’re a protective sibling, always watching her back and warning her of any dangers.
It’s not all fun and games, however, the world takes an ugly turn when a black widow is involved. When she’s unmasked, her eyes soften a bit at you; someone so young, yet invited in this? You two were never the targets.
Despite the team you make, Kate sees the danger you’re in; one sadly that you’ve been in your whole life. But you assure her you can help, and she knows you can, but she’s scared now.
So, as much as Clint has apparently left her, she pulls away as well.
She’s not cold. She’s still the caring and loving sister, there’s just some hesitance and worry.
She feels the distance, but everything is getting to her as well. Something is going on with your mother, she won’t share and there’s a widow involved.
You find her one night, wide awake on the sofa, curled up. You go and sit next to her, “I’m sorry if I did something.”
“Oh. Oh, no,” she says, sitting up and bring you into her side, “no, you didn’t do anything, trust me, Y/N,” she kisses your head, “it’s just…it’s a lot.”
Then the big moment comes, Kingpin is involved.
Clint says he has her back on this, then he looks to you, “what about you, kid?”
You look to your sister, then to someone who has become a guiding light to you both, “I go with Kate.”
“Y/N,” Kate says, crouching down, even if touched by your loyalty, “you don’t have to do this. We can handle this. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You helped me. I help you. You said family does that.”
Tears appear in her eyes, you listened to her rambles, not just humoured her.
“I did, yeah. I did,” she then looks to a Clint, holding your hand, “let’s do this,”
You two are more in sync than ever.
Yelena, despite the goal she has, does find you both somewhat likeable. She sees the fire you have, and the loyalty you both display. She goes easier on you both, despite Kate holding her own.
“Hold onto me tight ok?” Kate says before going out the window on the rope. She lands well, making sure to hold you too.
When it comes to the ice rink, you even throw Clint some arrows. Or try, but he catches them; like mentioned, strength wasn’t your thing, but he appreciates you having his back too.
You both go to confront kingpin, but Kate forces you to stay outside, “you trust me, right?” You nod, “then do this for me, please?” You hug her, and stay there…
For about five seconds, but then the crashes and bangs come from inside. You crawl in through a broken window, using your small smile to move through gaps, before stabbing kingpin with an arrow you had stolen from Kate’s quiver. Kingpin turns, and grabs you by the throat.
“I’m sorry, little one,” he says, sounding genuinely sorry.
Your lack of air soon stops as Kate hits him with another, and she has a fire in her eyes.
“No one hurts my sibling,” she holds her hand out to you, and you’re on her back once again, handing her one more arrow.
And just like that, he’s down.
Your mother is taken away, Kate hugs you close to her side.
Your mother, the woman who brought you into this family may be gone, but the one who gave you this family is by your side.
Just as you’ll be by hers.
Clint gives you both another family as well.
Kate sees you happy, getting to know your new siblings, and she’s happy.
You’re a team. Always having each other’s backs.
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
The penultimate episode of burrow’s end! Here we go!!
Hi little guys!!
Oh noooo
Shoutout to the dome art fr
OH that’s so real Rashawn. Sometimes the character voice is not there when you think it is and you need to say your activation phrases.
The little fist bump :)
Erika’s outfit is sick
MeatWolf! Merch! When!
So Thorn is now level 5 cleric and level 5 ranger. Fascinating
Just stress demolished a sleeve of jaffa cakes in under ten minutes. This is fine.
Yeah there’s a lot of humans in the world I’m sorry
Hazmat suit lore lmao
😏 humans ey
JESUS Brennan
I love the intent and thought that goes into all of these descriptions.
Okay Tula has ALSO taken cleric levels. Level 3 life domain cleric.
Everyone starts bleeding out of their ears.
This is such bad things 😭 no it’s good ✋😭 I hate this
We’re all good at the same amount!
What coin babe
Thorn’s lightning bolt is looking way more hazard/electricity/warning than natural thunderstorm this time
“It all has to be done exactly right” has never gone badly for anyone ever.
That’s not a great way to make your dreams come true I think
🔵 leash 🔵
🔵 fascist 🔵
Ooooh Viola level 3 fighter!
Oh damn okay
It has her NAME ON IT
I’m fine this is fine
Love the law enforcement disdain <3
Okay I’m glad Brennan’s on board with that lol
Ava cleric levels??? Ava Grave Domain cleric????
Ahahahaha okay so Lila is back to being an arcane trickster rogue but she is ALSO a wizard
Ava actually seeking information!
Oooh the actual strawberry candies!! Those are so good I haven’t had one in ages
Didn’t Tula heal him??
He’s allergic to pet dander 🥲
This really supports the headcanon I saw that Meredith and Lukas were Bennett’s family before Ava asked if he was single and the Tula/Bennett thread started
Some incredible insight from Ava there
(i panicked)
Pants yeah! Let’s roll!
I am really craving those strawberry candies now lmao
That’s actually very coherent
Okay actually going to sleep right when you lay down is a skill. I would love to be able to do that.
Jasper/Thorn constantly being horrified by the children is delightful
Ooh okay that’s a brilliant use of a d100 actually. I might steal that.
What a reference Brennan
They booby trapped the door
Oh lovely just some exposed live wires now
Personal logs????
Wenabocker is hot I’ve said it before I’ll say it again
21,730 stoats total is a lot. 400 dying in one week is also a lot.
Okay so resource allocation is Way more dangerous than advertised.
Who is Phoebe??
Love long lasting effects of combat!!
Hester is such a good name
Aaaa the illustration for them creeps me out so much
Hester and Phoebe were siblings ok
I’m definitely gonna need to rewatch this lore drop tomorrow
I am so curious about the naming convention
This is horrifying!
Fascinated by the implication that prolonged exposure to radiation causes gender shit lmaooo
Ok so there’s not a human corpse in the closet. That’s good.
Is anyone gonna read stoat pope’s journal?
Ok thank you
That’s creepy! This is fucking creepy!
Ha ha ha ha ha how fine and normal and regular
Okay so it’s not gender it’s religion and politics?
She has fireball now? Sick
Motherfucking hell indeed Izzy
They respect the badge without any context or knowledge of the person wearing it hmmmmmm
God the only phrase in my mind is she’s spreading the gospel. Is that fucked up.
Let us celebrate nuance!
Oh noooo
I need to go back and check because I thought the human stuff on the dm screen might be new I didn’t remember it being there before but also maybe I just didn’t notice it? Or maybe the screen actually changed.
Ok my wifi has just cut out for the second time in an hour so I think that’s my sign to go to sleep and finish this tomorrow :)
Ok I’m back I’m awake Henry Kissinger is dead it’s gonna be a good day
Oooh the urge to metagame
Awww her best friend
Ooh what’s he planning
All of last bast as favored terrain!! That’s so cool!
Oh rangers are cool. They always have been but rangers are cool.
(Players lamenting another low Siobhan roll)
Everyone is celebrating Lukas’ nat20 and Brennan just looks so done 😭
The sound effect of the falling stoats aaaa
The sitcom moment
Y’all remember the eeeeeeeeeeee that Murph kept making during neverafter? That’s the noise I keep making
Another hallway?
Oh no I just remembered that the alarms go off at some point in this episode
Oh ok it’s a different exit
The crunch is time
You’re gonna cast magic on it before you’ve talked to it??
Just full astral projection out of the body
The framing I’m gone I’m dead
Oh god
Oh boy
‘Going’ would imply that there’s a road back 😭
Yeah ofc she’s terrified oh my god
I love her
Oh she’s got asthma she’s just like me fr
Keep asking about wenabocker!
When did she say she didn’t have kids??
Pre-read hear!
Ooh she got a you can certainly try
Oh my god
Oh good god
Oddly enough this is the chillest I've felt about an episode ending in a while lmao
So the alarms going off was a trailer edit and not part of the episode. ok.
I hope this goes ok.
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mkmoka · 5 months
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#HIIII and happy opening day to magickai! i’m lenny bringing you umeda moka (she/her, b. 2003) – she’s a new muse catered specifically to this verse, so i’m excited to start writing and developing her ☺️ check out her links here: about / biography (plz this is coming soon) and under the cut will be a rundown of her information. LIKE this post if interested in plotting, and i will be sliding into ur ims!!!!!!! ok. without further ado. let’s go.
moka is born on june 3, 2003 to magical lineage – her parents are both magi and so are many of her ancestors before her. she has an older sister, sora, so she’s the youngest in the family
growing up her parents were way more lenient with her than they were with sora bc sora was expected to be the heir and everything
girl sure did act like it too btwKWNDKEJDK she was way more loud and outspoken about her beliefs, thoughts, and feelings while moka was someone who would just. shut up and accept how things would go... not her best trait tbh but what can u do….
moka seemed a lot less motivated in life compared to other people growing up which is kinda sad bc ur like 13 girl why are u already so nonchalant about how ur future goes but i digress
sora always got more attention from people too. relatives, people who were interested in her, moka’s own classmates. moka never really minded however… bc she knew that she thrived in other areas
so we fast forward to when moka is 15 and sora is 17. sora wasn’t showing any signs of having any magical abilities at all so this was when she got more stressed as well as when their parents started putting their stress ON her… sora got meaner with her words and seemed more withdrawn during this time so this kind of strained the sisterly relationship they previously had where it was moka getting doted on
moka starts branching out during this year…. finds her passions and starts taking her hobby of volleyball more seriously, makes some good friends (some 4lifers prob)
in april, she comes into her powers of air manipulation and gets visited by an elder.
her companion is a hamster that looks like hamtaro strangely WNFMEJKEBSKD her name is yua and dont let her cuteness deceive u… shes always up to some shit..
an elder visiting moka made sora even MORE withdrawn from her like. and in blind rage she tried to kill moka like, she literally tried to kill her and this is the root of why moka seems so distant from everybody. this is when they come to terms that the magi gene probably skipped sora
in may, a month later, moka moves to korea to escape it all. her parents make her promise to keep what happened in april a secret, scared to seem like a broken family. they introduce her to their friends in jeju that allow her to stay with them
ofc she’s heard about lumera.. the people she stayed with encourage her to actually enroll in there and she studies her ass off for the written exam portion and since most of her parents circle are magi….. they help her out a lot regarding her powers. help her improve, help her find out what her limits and strengths are, help her with the evaluation section of the exam
she gets her acceptance letter in late june!!!! a few weeks after her birthday in a country she’s new to!!! yay!!! #Moka1stWin
now moka’s a sophomore and she majors in magical metaphysics and struggling with her own stress and trauma + controlling air manipulation bc it can be overwhelming sometimes… shes just a girl…
as for PERSONALITY….. she’s someone u have to get to know to love because her first impression isn’t that strong like. u’d just be like. “okay”. she’s distant and ends up hurting herself as well as other ppl in her process of retreat. moka is more shy and tbh i feel like she’d be a fun person to tease bc she wouldn’t be upset or do anything back just sit there. Probably embarrassed as hell probably would be like “uhhh” JWNFKSKDKNDJD
moka… needs… a friend… who she can open up to about everything. she’s dismissive at first so a muse that’s extroverted and encouraging to what she wants to do would be all she ever needs like. seriously. or an unlikely friends situation would be very cute too!!!! either way, this muse would have to sign an nda contract so that her parents don’t come for both her and them…
i feel like she needs somebody to see as a sibling here especially because she’s been lonely these days… someone she’s met since her first days at lumera and made her feel right at home somehow. moka is always looking after them to make sure that they’re not pushing themselves harder than they need to, too
people she gets off on the wrong foot with… like yeah her usual state might be idgaf-ism but she also needs some spice in her life…. this muse might’ve gotten frustrated at moka’s lack of ambition, and i feel like moka wouldn’t work well with those with too much of it, as well as cocky personalities
japanese childhood friends that drifted apart from each other and they recently get to reconnect.. how their friendship would look like now would be up to us :3
someone who’s been tutoring her korean. she’s advanced level at the language now because of highschool year determination and has been living in sk for like. a year but she would still appreciate help! maybe they met at korean literature club or smth
MOKA WORKS AT BUBBLING BOBA…. her regulars that she doesnt remember by name but by their boba order WLMDMSNDK if they end up meeting on campus she’s just gonna be like. “omg it’s you milk tea boba with 50% sweetness and light ice”
she’s still bitter abt being kicked out of volleyball club. so. friends she made at volleyball club that she now is “mad” at for stealing her position… friends she still plays volleyball with outside of the club.. etc etc
unrequited crushes that moka makes so obvious that she feels something for them yet she thinks it’s the opposite and is still “hiding” it like. and maybe this time she’s getting distanced from.. let’s see how she reacts to that.. LFMDJDJJS
in that same vein, old exes bc i feel like she wouldn’t be the best in a relationship 😭😭😭 i wanna explore her being guilty regarding it plus… i’m sure it’ll make fun threads!!!!
people to help her get on track, get her motivated with “saving the world” and everything else that has to do with it. moka will be like “uhhhhh” at first but at the end of the day she’ll be the most grateful
i also do prefer figuring things out 1 on 1 and bouncing off on each others ideas so.. let’s brainstorm!!! 🥹 i will appreciate all of the plots u hit me with 💓
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fluffypotatey · 9 months
Hello again! I hope your month is good to you. Let's talk about Ao Lie! I often wonder why Amnesic Wukong didn't mention him, other than a spoiler, but then I start to think that maybe Ao Lie's unnoticeability was deliberately cultivated. From what I've gleaned, this guy was punished because he wrecked his house and his father's treasury, especially a pearl gifted from the Jade Emperor himself, though the last one is debatable.
Maybe Ao Lie's home life was like Mei's, surrounded by the legacy of the dragon family name with the pressure to uphold it and its dignity, only, Mei's parents truly love and support her even if they don't understand her, but Ao Lie didn't have that. So the pressure got to him, and he had a mental breakdown and started wrecking shit because he had been avoiding the feeling of suffocating under stress until it exploded. This idea is from a fic but I think the trigger for that started with the pearl from JE.
So when the breakdown died down, this guy was standing amongst the wreckage, and goes "oh I gotta GO" and booked it before anyone important could catch him, and had been in hiding ever since, avoiding his family and their associates. In the s4 special flashback, we see Ao Lie approach the SWK and Trip in dragon form first before shifting back to human form. Maybe at first he thought they were looking for him in behalf of his family?
Anyway, he went with them because he feels that his hiding place might be compromised, and during the whole journey he let himself be overlooked to not draw attention to himself. And this continues after afterwards with him not using the family name and just taking the generic Chinese word for "dragon" instead.
Tldr; Ao Lie chose to be overlooked and almost forgotten because he'd rather have that than being used to prop and show off a name that was suffocating him, and has mad a habit of going under the radar.
This is all speculation and headcanon, of course, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Also some people refer to Mei as "hyperactive voice of reason with a taste for violence" and I give you Ao Lie "chill voice of reason with a taste for arson".
Have a great month! Eat your fruits.
Ayo! I am very tired rn ✌️ physicallay bc had ppl over and washing the dishes post-party sucks
“chill voice of reason with a taste for arson” <- see, this was why Sun Wukong and Ao Lie were such good friends 💅
ok, I have to admit that my knowledge of the dragon in JTTW is lackluster BUT I will do my best to analyze his lmk version 🫡 tbh when it comes to the jttw companions i base a lot of their characterizations on what their representation is. for example: while I don’t really study lmk!Sun Wukong on his allegorical self, I do take that aspect of him into consideration when examining his character.
so, when it comes to Ao Lie, he was the personification of the Human Will, aka will power! with him being Tripitaka’s horse, he is physically leading the monk to his destination similar to how it is a human’s will power that allows them to carry on and go through the day (or week or year or hour or something). additionally, the horse/dragon only acts when there is no other way. Monkey King is gone bc plot reasons, Pigsy/Zhu Baije was captured, Sandy/Sha Wujing is either also captured or left to find the preoccupied monkey. Tripitaka’s mind has left him, his heart/desires are futile in helping free him from his demons— basically, the monk is at rock bottom with none of his previously helpful companions to aid him….he is alone and left with nothing BUT his will power (dragon horse, aka Ao Lie) to keep going and get out of the rut.
what I’m trying to say is, Ao Lie with the JTTW companions likely only acts when no one else can. it was fun to see Mei and her ancestor clash like that because Mei is so used to acting first and always being there to protect, meanwhile we have Ao Lie who also wants to protect but is more cautious about it. he has definitely been in enough situations to be more conservative on when to use his dragon form and powers.
and yeah, idk i don’t see his aversion for using his powers has anything to do with being caught by his family that he left. I could be remembering wrong, but didn’t his family banish him in the book? idk, I skimmed that part 😅 but uh…..
WHICH LEADS US TO HIS SPECULATIVE BACKSTORY 👀 so yeah, based on the JTTW books, Ao Lie’s character caused a huge scene enough to get him banished and sent to some river, meeting Guanyin who assigned him the role of being one of Tripitaka’s companions. while lmk does hold true to the core and thematic feels of JTTW, it also takes its own spin on certain story events or plots to their own liking (see Red Son’s whole Samadhi Fire backstory that is very different from the book). so I can definitely see lmk having Ao Lie’s home life to reflect Mei’s with distinct contrast (when Mei’s home got trashed in s1 despite it being her responsibility to look after it, her parents sympathized with her and were more focused on their daughter; Ao Lie setting fire to some very important items that his family was responsible for and was banished by HIS parents for being irresponsible)
one thing I am noticing lmk doing with the “reincarnations” of the JTTW companions is that even if they have a strong connection to their “past life” there is still a distinct difference that makes the lmk characters separate from that past. Pigsy and Zhu Baije both love cooking, but Pigsy is more compassionate and selfless, disliking people who are self-centered and a slob. Tang and Tripitaka are both scholars and cowards and damsels in distress (yes they are no one is allowed to fight me), but Tang is no afraid to give into his desires and even criticizes his past self’s ideology.
[i won’t mention Sandy bc I don’t believe he is a reincarnation]
But yeah, it is fascinating to see how the past and future clash in their ideologies. Especially Mei and Ao Lie because their idea of power and protection is similar yet different! Mei would go through any length to save her friends. Ao Lie is aware if his limits and what greater harm he could cause for his friends if he acted like Mei. (I am too tired to get the quotes from the episode but you know the one. How Ao Lie criticizes Mei for getting caught in her recklessness and how rushing in DIDNT help her or her friends.)
basically, I doubt Ao Lie’s in-show reason for being conservative about his powers has to do with him trying to hide from his family that he fled to avoid punishment. I do believe he saved his dragon abilities because of family drama tho. Also, need more parallels between him and Mei because they make me happy :)
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