#I’m gonna cry (positive)
yaoiboypussy · 2 months
Okay so I’m a pre-T trans guy and my transition goals are to be a bear. And one of my friends started calling me a cub. 🥺🥺🥺
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happyheidi · 1 year
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a giant teddy bear helps Breeze, the orphaned foal, to sleep. via mareandfoalsanctuary
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oobbbear · 3 months
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lil doodle for ya
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into-the-feniverse · 8 months
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This song has been stuck in my head all week so Dabi’s turn for a music induced drawing session ig
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screampied · 2 months
I need virgin choso becoming addicted after the first time, wanting like 3 rounds in a row and get a bit rough all of the sudden but still starting as baby cho who wants to get praised and please u as much as possible :3
Like asking after the first round if he can go again or going down on u, biting your lips and suck on your tongue before u cum, getting all messy and needy and speeding up in a pace which makes u all whiney and even squirt like crazy and after that u really have to question if he's inexperienced. And he is.
i need to write virgin choso before i die i just need to omg
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ur so right he melts everytime u praise how good of a job he’s doing 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he’d give you sloppy kisses as he’s fuckin you in missionary and beg to hold your hand GAWWWWERDDD
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sapphicsnzs · 4 months
currently crying in the library while studying
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otosquinklus · 7 months
things will b okay actually. there are kids with their own herobrines and people still love music how they always have and there’s weird old buildings still kicking around and there are movies to be seen and there are warm ponchos and warm dinners to be made and there is nothing as wonderful as a genuine smile. the slightly gapped teeth and slight curled lips and wrinkles from the warmth of joy like clay under studio lights. people are here and we are beautiful in our small daily blessings
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miralparis · 2 months
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If someone wants to send some nice words my way, it’d be greatly appreciated right now 🫣🫣🥺
(anxiety thoughts in the tags)
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itsjustbowsart · 3 months
Hey can I get some advice, my first danganronpa mootie on TikTok has a server that I decided to join because I wanted to be involved in the community more (and to stop being socially awkward lol) and everyone was nice and chill and I enjoyed it, everyone was funny, I showed my art and I got more compliments then I’m used to. Im enjoying my time till a 🌸🌙 showed up and it just wasn’t the same.
Tw: r—p, 🍕, 🌸🌙 (comship), proship
Like explain to me how you as a mootie before you met that person, liked ALL my post about not liking proshippers and anything related to it, and then when they show up then it’s “oh people Don’t aCtually know what proshipping is” like I can see the switch up. Oh it gets better, they always complain about their gf and it was at first like “oh that’s normal, no relationship is perfect” then it just kept going and going and going and going and going until I think they broke up with them or something, I don’t know, but I think they have a bf now. Oh and btw, that 🌸🌙 person gave them horrible advice! And I couldn’t say anything because I didn’t want to be the “StUpid aNti” so I just kept quiet and rarely talked on that server after that. Oh and it gets better, during that, that 🌸🌙 person literally posted p—n of servant Nagito and one of the warriors of hope, which are children, my mootie didn’t do anything about it, and she knows it’s bad too, since they won’t let their gf back to the server because they would have banned the 🌸🌙 person (understandable for the gf to do) and gets what, no one blinks an eye, no one even questions it, and that’s when I knew I wanted to leave, but the only thing that’s stopping me is the fact that my mootie will probably notice. I don’t want to be talked behind my back, so I guess I’ll stay here until something happens, but every time I stay is more minutes and hours, and weeks, and months of torture
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A little example (I literally made a private tt post about me being 🍇 and assaulted by my family but when it comes to this person it’s “Oh ITs Ok it’s (name here)” AAAAHHHH I WISH I NEVER JOINED THE SERVER HEKP MEEEEE
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celestial-toys · 3 months
been laying here listening to Lucky by Dermot Kennedy on loop for half an hour while thinking about Everything Stays and crying
#it’s good crying dw i am just. i have so many feelings about this story#Seven’s Celestial Commentary#Everything Stays#writing stuff#i may be stuck in bed struggling to type due to personal reasons but that will Not stop me from cooking up ideas for this fic#there is gonna be so much fucking angst and it’s gonna hurt soooooo good#the more i listen to it the more the possibilities expand#i can easily see Moon and Reader going back and forth between verses vulnerably arguing over Sun#but i can also see it being Sun and Moon getting real and discussingcougharguingover Reader#can’t decide which i like more#god i wish y’all could see this story the way it plays out in my head#next best thing would be to keep writing and sharing the story instead of vagueposting abt future plot points tho wouldn’t it lmao#and GOD don’t even get me fucking STARTED on Two Hearts…#Dermot Kennedy’s music is responsible for yet Another plot point for this story and i can’t even be mad about it. his fucking lyricsss dude#‘and so we jump to the THEATER??? in that SAME OLD TOWN???’ DO WE? FUCK I GUESS WE DO NOW!!!#picture me listening to that song and inspiration hitting me like a truck. diligently taking notes like the lyrics r instructions from God#‘she sees his face?? and HE sees HER as the LIGHTS GO DOWN???’ write that down write that down#‘the life that they should’ve had sat between them that night??’ FUCK Man yeah it sure did!!!#anyways it’s chill i’m chill. i’m very normal about my little stories and their musical inspirations!#and i’ve listened to these songs a very normal amount (translation: they will likely be in my top ten for the 2024 wrapped)#(cut to the scenes playing vividly in my head) ‘Well‚ at least I can always say that I /told/ her!’#‘I can’t relate to having a heart like that‚ Sun! With all of your wonder and your trust intact…’#like no i wouldn’t lift the lyrics directly for the song to use as dialogue but FUCk does it work well.. Lucky is such a good script for-#like- a heated conversation between my Relentlessly Positive Sun and my Apathetic Jaded Moon#‘How could our farewell mean as much as our time? Honey‚ I’ll be gone. It’s better if I’m something that you leave behind.’#‘I used to paint these trees‚ now I just scream at the sky. Honey I was wrong. Guess there’s certain things you never leave behind.’#*sobbing shaking throwing up clawing at the walls* I Am Normal About These Characters#anyways uh. on an unrelated note how many song lyrics do ya think i can cram into ES before it’s Too Many#gonna have to start getting creative with how i can incorporate more songs in a way that feels natural and not forced#even tho i am forcing it. i am forcing it very much bc i have songs with applicable lyrics and y’all Will read them one way or another
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me internally when i’m trying to respect and recognise that my dad has unaddressed autism that impacts the way he handles social interractions while also trying to not just excuse the shitty insensitive behaviour that has absolutely contributed to my mental health issues
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#it’s like. haha yeah he handled that situation terribly but remember it wasn’t intentional and he doesn’t understand how that came across!!#i can’t be mad at him i can’t take it personally and get upset haha. hahaha.#and also it’s like. being autistic isn’t an excuse to be a dick. being autistic doesn’t mean you have to like. emotionally damage ur kid ✌🏻#which i AM. growing up with him has fucked me up!!! and i’m allowed to be mad at that i’m allowed to be upset!!!!!!!!#but also oh god is that shitty of ME??? is that insensitive???? do i need to just be more empathetic and understanding#but ALSO also. when ur a kid that shit doesn’t matter. when ur a kid and ur dad is making you cry that doesn’t matter.#and those years of damage stick with you even when ur older and trying to be mature and understanding#literally this evening started with me trying to do something nice for him. trying to give him a gift. actually literally giving him a gift.#and it has ended with me feeling fucking….. shit.#and disrespected. and useless.#i try so fucking hard with this man and with our relationship and every fucking time i try to connect with him he throws it back in my face#like. hey! you’ve been saying how much you want to play gran turismo 7!!! i will loan you my PS5 for a while bcus i’m not playing anything#and i will BUY YOU the fucking car game for you to play it while me and my mum are away on our girlie beach holiday#like i will happily and enthusiastically do those things for you because you have been so vocal about wanting to play this game!!!#so it will make you happy right? it will be something positive for you to enjoy!!! right?!!!????#i will bring my console down to the family tv room for you and i will send you the money so you can buy the game!!!!#oh. oh you’ve clicked around the main playstation menu for 2mins and then turned it off to watch the news. and then just open ur laptop.#not even gonna buy the game huh. just gonna open ur laptop and zone out and act line i’m not even in the room. oh ok. ok ok.#not even a fucking thank you. not even a HINT of recognition. ok ok. ok. ok. now you’re literally ignoring me when i talk to you. ok. ok.#and like!!!! i know this seems so dumb and minor and insignificant but you have to understand. it has been 25 years of this shit.#25 years of me trying to make this man happy and 25 years of him rejecting all of those attempts.#and 25 years of……. a lot of other shit also.
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spyderverse · 1 year
manifesting i get an interview for this job🫶🏼
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mellioops · 7 months
Hey Mellon I think you're really nice and wonderful
K thx bye
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transphilza · 2 years
fuuuck i miss techno
#i can honestly never really tell how much is my own grief and how much is the grief i absorb from other people bc of my hyperempathy#but fuck if it doesn’t all hurt the same#there’s like so many nice positive and sentimental things i could say about the server and the community and how good this vid was#but it’s kind of all smearing together into me crying about techno again#all the feelings are just kind of bundled up together in this mess of tears#i’m grateful#dunno what else to say#great work tommy i love that kid so much i can’t wait to see what he does next#personal#cw grief#fuck it i’m just gonna keep talking here#grief is like confusing and complicated but the more i grieve the more simple it feels#like it seems obvious but like. it’s just so upsetting that someone so wonderful isn’t around to be wonderful anymore#like that’s all#obviously that’s why grief hurts like obviously but idk i overthink things and the feelings are so all consuming it’s hard to word it well#it’s so debilitating i just think about how bad i feel and i think less about the simplicity of why#techno was an amazing person and now he’s gone and that’s awful#loved ones are little beacons of light yknow. and when one is gone you can tell because everything is dimmer without them#and your eyes can adjust but every once in a while you’ll remember the light that used to be there and it’s like you never adjusted at all#it’s all dim again#i miss him cause he’s gone. it’s different to missing him when he was still alive maybe that’s why saying it in such simple terms feels odd#i am sad because someone good is gone and can no longer be good#his legacy is and his memory is. and that helps#but he’s…. finite now. does that make sense?#obviously we’re all finite like mortality but you don’t think about it because it’s an awful thing to think about#as a creator i admired i was always looking forward to something new. and now there can never be anything new again#it’s obvious but i don’t think about it in such simple terms. because it’s awful to think about#but probably important in terms of like processing and all that#i continue to love him despite that he’s gone#but it’s different and i can’t deny that i can’t pretend it’s not
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