#I’m exploding bc of autism
derangedanomaly · 14 days
yugioh anon here to explain my feelings on blade (and the rest of the cast bc maybe i am a little think about them) since like anon train is doing that!!
genuinely i think blade and i would have vv rough start. i’m like super neurodivergent (can you tell lmao) so i think he’d purposefully upset me for beinf like ace in that introverted and rambler aspect. howrver i ramble about cats and anime. blade malfunctions. blade is like “y’know what you’re actually a little cooler than i thought. still a total nerd tho lmao” and then boom we friends. i think we mesh together pretty well when he’s not being too much an ass. 6/10
ace my bbg my beloved we’re autism to autism CONNECTION!!! i mention a game i like and he’s like “that reminds me of ..” and rambles on and i sit there and engage with that shit fr!! i ramble. he listens. we besties fr. however ONE of us is going to have to order at the restaraunt at some point and i’ll be honest he’s gonna have to shoot me twice for me to order. 10/10
ted. oh how i feel about this guy. rocky at first but i am vv adore animals and we would bond over the idea of livong peacefully in nature alongside silly creatures. i bake for him sometimes 7/10
chaos gets along with literally rveryone that isn’t a blatant asshole. he gets along with NIGHTMARE. yeah. guess i’m being teased or smth all the time (oh no pretty man is focusing on me oh the horror /lh) 10/10
nightmare more like mauls him to death explodes him puts him in a cauldron sends him to the rats. he’d hate me for being loud sometimes and verbal stimming. stabs me with a tentacle probably or feeds on my negative feelings like an ass. 0/10 hope he expldoe. i don’t even like classical music it makes me feel sick. i also despise old literature it sucks to decipher what the hell they mean.
Nah, but fr. You managed to get their personalities ON POINT. Good job 👍
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weskin-time · 2 years
Jill or Carlos with a S/O that has autism or ADHD? Listening intently to their partners rants and rambles about their hyperfixations or stimming with them when they get too excited or their emotions get too strong
YES! i am on the spectrum so this made me so fucking happy to write you have no idea
Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira with an Autistic S/O HCs
i am. on pain medication from getting my wisdom teeth out today so im sorry if anything makes no sense or there are errors i am just vibing
Jill Valentine
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she keeps a pair of ear plugs in her pockets when you two go anywhere just incase
loves to hear you infodump and stim after shes had a rough day. just loves to unwind at home while listening to your voice
and she’ll nod her head, hum in agreement and ask questions when you’re talking. never in a ‘im not fully listening’ she actually loves to see your eyes light up and the happy expression on your face when you talk about a hyperfixation or special interest
she was a little confused when you first visually stimmed but instead of asking you she just followed your movements which made you even more excited
if you get too excited about something where you’re starting to hyperventilate and you feel like you’re going to explode she will open the bedroom door and make you wiggle around on the bed. full body stim so good good yes
will get you little trinkets or gifts from the things you’re obsessed about to show how much she listens and cares
doesn’t mind cooking you your samefood over and over again, it gives her a chance to brush up on her cooking skills plus she loves to cook with you (she kinda sucks at it but it’s okay i love her so much *smooch*)
if you’re starting to get overstimulated in public she quickly learns the early signs and tries to get you away, or you could just tell her “i’m starting to get overstimulated here” and you’re out of wherever you’re at instantly. she can come back another time if there’s something she needs
she keeps every rock, flower, marble or what ever you bring her. she has old police books with pressed flowers you gave her, the rocks are in a jewelry box.
when you start to freak out and have a breakdown she’s sorta at a loss to help but in a split second she runs and grabs your weighted blanket and puts it around your shoulders while getting you your favorite drink. it all depends on you and how you deal but she’s quick to make adjustments
non verbal moments? she will help you make little cards to show your wants and needs and other information.
angry? ripped your shirt in anger? banged your head against a wall? tore some hair out? she will try to help you calm down as best she can and then patch you up. she’ll take safety pins and pin your shirt. she’ll give you an ice pack and some pain relief medicine. she gives you kisses
don’t like a certain texture? boom it’s gone. if you feel it still even after you’ve touched it she’ll bring you your favorite texture
loves it when you sit on her lap and rub your face on her like a cat. she will join you in the face rubbing
food textures you don’t like? give them to her she’ll eat them. don’t like mushrooms bc they’re squishy and weird and make you want to punch a man? she’ll give you a tiny fork to pick them off your pizza and she’s putting it on hers
Carlos Oliveira
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he’s an adhd haver
autism and adhd solidarity
when he washes his hair it’s so soft and fluffy and thick that you could sit there and pet his head and rub your fingers thought it for hours. he doesn’t mind at all. he’s sitting there almost purring like a cat
vocal stim echo chamber
y’all can make sounds or words over and over again and just keep bouncing them off each other for hours no matter what you’re going
his beard is also very soft. he keeps very good care of his appearance so it’s not like super scratchy it’s a very good texture please rub your face against it once or twice before kissing his nose
this man can’t cook for shit. normally it’s take out. most of the time y’all develop a samefood at the same restaurant so you two must order the same place for weeks and just get the same food
WILL LAY ON YOU AND CRUSH YOU WITH HIS WEIGHT.!! he loves cuddles so much and now he’s getting cuddles and helping you? his new favorite cuddling position is him laying on top of you while you run your finger through his hair
He’s the one who goes into places and talks to the workers there for you if you need him too. want to order lunch but feeling not up for it to order? tell him what you want he’s got you <3
non verbal moments? he talks enough for the both of you honestly. he knows sign language so you two could take that way or he’ll use cards too. if you text him he will read out your text before responding lol
pillow fort movies/tv show/ video game nights. filled with all that good sensory shit and your favorite snacks and his.
he stims with you. every time. it’s involuntary on his part.
more than likely there is one texture he loves that you hATE. you hate velvet? the first time you come over to his place he had a velvet blanket on his bed.
stocks the fridge with his and your favorite food textures. he likes pudding and cottage cheeses textures
he’s better at preventing meltdowns or breakdowns before they happen than helping you during the act
you two bring each other things. he picked up his paperclip to throw it away but he gained emotional attachment to it and he’s giving it to you bc he doesn’t want to loose his new friend. has all the thing you give him in a shoebox under his bed for safe keeping
one of his favorite stims is running his callused hands up and down your softer skin at a medium pace. he starts out slow before speeding up a bit more. just placing his hand on your body and running it down before picking it up and putting it where he first started. loves if you do a ‘cat making biscuits’ stim on his body while he does that to you
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lunebits · 2 years
how i study with autism
hello !! so i never really see anything about trying to survive the hell that is high school when you’re trying to study with autism ?-?!? so i wanted to make one with my own tips !! it’ll be organized by section dw <3
part one: morning/night routines + going to school
it’s important to know what you can/cannot do! (the things i can’t do i call “land mines” btw bc if i do them it’s only a matter of time before i explode) for example: waking up before 6:15am for me is a landmine. studying in the morning is a landmine. being late is a landmine, etc.
also, for me mornings are usually overstimulating, so i read and i wear my comfiest clothes and use a blanket when i’m eating breakfast !!
basically the whole point is to make a morning routine that avoids your landmines! and gives you ample time to get ready to go out into the world.
at night, i give myself a hard stop time. i have to get things done, or at least partially done, by that time. for me, it’s 9:45 !! when i stop at that time, it gives me time to unmask in my room and stim before going to bed.
also keep your routines simple. i always have trouble remembering really complex routines! so usually i remember that i have to read, take care of my hygiene, pick clothes out, and go to bed.
i’m not saying you should go to sleep late or early, but if a lack of sleep causes you to meltdown the next day …. GO TO SLEEP !!!!!!
for the longest time i felt really weird bc i went to school w/o a comfort item before i realized … my phone is my comfort item … ANYWAY the point is being a comfort item to school ++ anything else to get you through that sensory hell.
most of the time, you can spend lunch in the library if the cafeteria is too much for you. also, go to the bathroom for a few minutes when you get overwhelmed during class. it’s helpful, and i promise you look normal. don’t worry.
part two: planning
my two main systems planning programs are google calendar + todomate. they’re easy to be flexible with and they’re easy to use!
i write my tasks during the day using todomate. it’s just easier. then, to motivate myself later when i’m working, i write them in my bullet journal.
i actually Don’t Timeblock because i tend to feel really stressed when i get off schedule by even just a minute.
instead i work in hour long blocks using a 50/10 work/break pomodoro thingy ;; and i don’t assign tasks to each block either i just do them as best i can. for me, it reduces stress bc usually i can look at my todo list where i’ve defined exactly what i need to do and then just work for as long as i need. my only concern is stopping by 9:45.
i use a notion calendar to plan my studying for tests. here’s how i plan for them !! :
i usually give myself (if possible) a week before a big test to study the material. under the event, i add a todo list that where i put exactly what i need to do on what day to stay on track. the important thing is to not overcrowd a day! NEVER !!! extend the amount of days you need to study if you have to, but never overcrowd a day. especially if you don’t know your workload before that day.
overall, keep it simple. planning isn’t actually doing, so don’t overexert yourself when planning. it’s important to understand yourself !!
part three: actually doing stuff !
lets be honest — assignments are actually hell and i hate them but i have to do them to get good grades
essays: break down the prompt or assignment task and outline your essay RIGHT AWAY. ik it’s hard to get an idea initially, but a little brainstorming doesn’t hurt. a lot of the time, you can actually implement stuff about your special interest in them to make arguments and points, etc. also, plan out when you’re gonna write what parts of the essay. and follow said schedule.
general homework assignments: usually these are completion, so honestly just sit down and get them the fuck done. the most important thing is that you actually understand what you’re doing. i mean, do you really understand how to solve that math problem? what that literature discussion question is asking?
projects: do your part of the project. break the parts down and delegate them to different days and actually do the project. also, i try to work alone most of the time bc it’s just easier, so do try to ask about working alone if you need to.
i can preach about actually doing shit but that doesn’t keep the demons that are executive dysfunction, anxiety, and depression at bay. here’s how i deal with them:
executive dysfunction: mine usually goes away with a plan. if i physically can’t bring myself to do something, i set a timer for 10 minutes, where i promise myself at the end of that time i’ll do something. usually something completely unrelated to work like making tea or tying my hair up. usually that’s enough to get me moving and actually get me to my desk, or at least pull something to do out.
anxiety: this is literally going to sound silly but i actually just make tea. the tea is warm and it grounds me, and it forces me to get up. i also get a blanket and wear something comfy. and usually on bad anxiety days i try to get done earlier, or just do the bare minimum.
depression: this is especially prevalent for me on the weekends. i am so lethargic on the weekends. the first thing i fucking do is actually shower. go take that shower. if you’re still not feeling it, make your favorite drink, even if it’s just drinking gatorade at 3am. go play your favorite instrument or do a puzzle. just do something. hopefully, it’ll be enough to get you to do some of your work. remember, doing bare minimum is completely fine. you don’t have to do everything at 110%. things can be 50%, 60%, or even 35% if that’s bare minimum.
part four: actually studying
here’s where i have to be like … this is what works for me. and you can adjust things as you need. also keep in mind that i go to a stem school lol
general and misc studying tips
body-doubling helps me a lot, so i study or work with study with me videos online. they come in all types, so it’s easy to find one that fits me for that day.
choose music your brain can take for that day. some days, i can study perfectly with lyrical music. but other days it’s too much so i need instrumental music.
oh, read textbooks like they’re books first. i swear. i usually go slower when i’m trying to take notes on the textbook. but if i read the textbook first like i’m just reading it for the sake of it, suddenly it gets less daunting and i can take notes later when i go through it again.
general review process (this is an everyday thing, usually.)
i collect the notes i took from my classes that day
i reformat them but make it fun style (ex: history notes are turned into a mind map or review questions, math notes are turned into me explaining a problem, etc.)
that’s literally it — these will be important for studying later.
studying process (basic process of how i actually study)
class notes — take notes and ask questions if you don’t understand smth.
general review (see above)
study for the assessment a week before.
ok this section is actually how i study for assessments
i always ALWAYS identify my weak spots first. to do this, i take one practice test or complete a review sheet my teachers gave me. if there isn’t one, i make my own review questions (these are usually for more concept based subjects)
then i ask my teachers questions if i don’t understand something. they should be open to helping you.
actual review methods now !! here’s what i do:
problem-based subjects (math, mostly):
i set a timer for 10 minutes and do as many problems as i can. idk why but i find this hilariously fun. i grade myself after and then reward myself with something — very often a sip of tea.
also most of the time i think of it like solving a puzzle, so i generalize solving into a process scheme, which i write down. (ex: step one: isolate y, etc.)
the bottom line is that practice questions are your best fucking friend. be buddies with those practice questions. so millions of them until you’re comfortable with the fact that you can do most of them.
content-based subjects (history, literature):
ok honestly i basically make a dnd game out of history. LISTEN ITS FUN OK like history is a series of events in your campaign and you can walk through the way things affected people and use fun dnd terminology if you need to.
also those mindmaps from your general review earlier? yeah those. use them !!! i do whats called blurting, where you essentially just dump everything you remember down. use the mindmap you made to check your understanding.
sometimes, like for art history, i’ll use flashcards to study. actually go through them — don’t just make them and call it a day and never look at them again. for me, i randomly separate them into piles. if i get through a pile without getting any wrong, i give myself a treat! if i don’t, i move on and just repeat that pile again later.
concept based subjects (like science):
science sucks for this but most of the time you need to understand and internalize the concepts so that you can apply it to questions. ap style questions do this a lot.
like with history, i do a lot of blurting. talking out loud also helps me think through how to explain things.
i also have this mind palace game where i assign a particular room in my house to a particular topic. then, i go to that room, recall everything i know and check myself. if i got it all right and didn’t forget smth, i take an item from that room and move onto the next. if i didn’t get it all right, i still move onto the next room, and i’ll repeat that room again later.
textbooks usually have good review questions. DO THEM!!!!!! and use the textbook to revise your answers and then answer them again.
ok i honestly think that’s it pls tell me if i can add stuff
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fagbearentertainment · 11 months
Hey mx. transgender swag tell us about ur welcome home thoughts
Anon you have open the floodgates and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop it
I HAVE to talk about my theory right now or I’m going to fucking EXPLODE
Under the cut for length reasons
Ok so theory is I do not think Wally is evil, before you start throwing audio snippets at me let me explain
Now I could just be falling for the facade he’s putting up but to me in the hidden tapes he doesn’t sound evil or malicious, he sounds desperate.
I, personally, believe that he’s self aware. Not self aware as in “kids cartoon who talk to the audience like they’re another character” I mean self aware as in “knows he’s a puppet being controlled in a tv show and can’t talk to his friends about it bc they don’t.” He knows the audience exists and he wants to communicate with them by any means necessary.
Like imagine being Wally in this case, going from everything he had with the talk shows and filming and everyone knowing his name to being lost media next to no one remembers existing. The guys starved for the interaction he craves, he’s the protagonist of a children’s tv show that’s been cancelled for over 40 years!!! He NEEDS an audience, he NEEDS people to know his name
There’s also a tape of Home saying something in Morse code I wanna talk about, I can’t translate it myself but I’ve seen a few things people think it’s saying. It’s likely either saying some variation of “help” or “hello.” Either way I can tie that into my theory, with it either showing Home is also self aware and knows we exist or it’s asking someone (likely us given that it’s a hidden tape like Wally’s but it could be talking to Barnaby since they’re shown to be close) to help it, possibly to help it help Wally.
I’d say it’s very likely Home knows Wally isn’t doing well, with his constant zoning out and possible self isolation, and really wants to help him if “help/help me” is the correct translation.
Idk I could be completely wrong but it just seems like Welcome Home isn’t gonna go the “Wally is PURE EVIL and KILLED EVERYONE for no reason!!! Look at the scary blood!!!” route, i feel like we’re being set up to think Wally is evil for the rug to be pulled out from under our feet and show a different side to things.
Also I just wanna say, this it isn’t related to the theory at all but I’m being completely serious when I say Wally is autistic. I think I could actually spend an hour talking about why I think he’s autistic.
Now that I think about it me seeing him as autistic, and being autistic myself, might actually be why I don’t think he’s fully evil bc everyone else points out the things like his robotic like way of talking or constant staring or zoning out in the hidden videos as proof that he’s possessed or evil or whatever but to me that’s him having autism. Like yeah some of it’s meant to be creepy but those things are also autism things ya know?
Ok that’s all for now it’s almost 3am, I’ve been typing for like an hour lol, and I’m eepy
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Finally posting oc content again bc I can’t hold it back anymore <3
Ok so I have this set of ocs (I’ve talked abt them before in this post right here) and uh. I’m remaking them now. or trying to, I’m having bad writer’s block hngh—
So like. Now that I’ve exploded and absolutely NEED to post them or I’ll die, I’ll give you some basic info on them :)
I’ve renamed Jay to Jeiviin. They’re a six-year-old Sky Dragon born and raised in Emporia, having lived in Taldrena their whole life (up until an incident in which they ended up in Voxtren). They’re intersex and were raised genderless, and have an older sister.
I’ve renamed Cora to Avaki. She’s a seventeen-year-old Sky Dragon that was born in Talix, one of Emporia’s islands, and moved to Taldrena with her family when she was 8. She’s Jeiviin’s older sister, and really into true crime.
I’ve renamed Sigasi to Sivea. She’s a fourteen-year-old Healer Dragon born in the Philippines, but moved to Emporia (specifically Voxtren) when she was 11. She’s an only child, but became best friends with Jeiviin and Avaki after the events of her (and the other characters’) story takes place, and she’s surprisingly feisty for a Healer.
I’ve renamed Delta Sun to Astrallon. They’re somewhere around 150-160 years old, and they’re an Angel from the Concept Universe (or the Void). They left their home when they were in their 20s to search for their missing mother (idk what happened to her though), but they never found her, and instead decided to just. Stay in Emporia. I mean, it’s a really pretty country, so. Fair enuf.
None of them have designs yet, but I have some very basic ideas for what I want them to look like —
Jeiviin will be pretty short (I mean they’re 6 so ofc), and their main colour will definitely be blue. Lotta scars.
Avaki will be more seafoam green I think? And a lot taller. Possibility of being emo or scene
Sivea is so so purple. I kinda want her to resemble a violet-backed starling. I love those fucking birds. I want her to have a sorta medieval-goth-princess aesthetic, but more modern
Astrallon gets to be tall as hell. Way taller than they need to be. Get enlarged stupid. And I want them to have some vague religious vibes, like biblically accurate or something. Perhaps multiple sets of wings, or too many halos. Or too many eyes.
Ok now that that’s out of the way.
Storyline thing or something!
The kiddos are still both gonna be experiments — that was an integral part of their story before the remake, and I don’t wanna change that — but Astrallon won’t be an experiment anymore. Instead, they’ll be friends with the guy running the experiments, but they won’t know about it until he calls them up and says “DUDE WE’RE GETTING FUCKED UP PLEASE HELP”.
The experiments aren’t gonna be turned into some form of superhuman (superdragon?) beings anymore, either. Instead, the cult is trying to transform Dragons into Humans by surgically removing their Draconic traits and making them physically look as human as possible.
Those experiments never end up working and all the subjects that went through the procedures died. Including Jeiviin. But they get to come back as a ghost, because I said so.
Anyway!! The reason Mr. Cult Guy calls Astrallon screaming for help, is because Sivea and the other still-living experiments broke out and started killing motherfuckers. As they should.
Astrallon is a very kind person, so of course, they immediately run over to their friend’s location to help, and promptly get their shit FUCKING WRECKED by Sivea, who thought they were another cultist.
Some other stuff happens after that, and then the story ends, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. As I said, I’m having writer’s block atm, so I can’t get past the part where Sivea starts plotting.
Also, despite the setting of this story being in Emporia, which is also where my AHiT AU takes place, this is not set in the AHiT universe! It’s an entirely original work, full of the blorbos from my autism.
I am tired and can’t think of anything else to write, so that’s it post’s over. Eat up
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texturralize · 10 months
Writer of my broken soul. What has happened to the svss fics? Are you okay? Who do I need to fight for you cause I rely on those fics more than an online shopper relies on their credit card.
it’s just..kind of a unfortunate timing kinda thing..something just really discouraged me and hit on some social trauma I have and I’ve been in a funk and need to take a break from my sv fanfic. the other night I sat down to write and someone messaged me on twt to join a sj fan server.
I got super excited bc I still hadn’t ever found a sj focused server and he is (obviously) my fave. when I got in, someone mentioned being fan of my fics. so I searched them just bc I was kinda curious. well..there were a few nitpicks things here and there which is fine. but ig one of my fics, because I forgot a tag, showed up in some people’s feed even when they set their filters, and it bothered them. there were some really hurtful things said..stuff like oh you can’t trust this author, can’t believe they did this, it was disingenuous, they wanted to toss themself down the stairs from sheer disgust, it was creepy, people wanted to block me, they felt mad anytime they saw my name…it was bordering on fic/author bashing and I was shocked the conversation just continued like normal and was allowed…so I got uncomfortable and left the server.
I don’t really blame the server itself or the people who talked about me, multiple people have sent me DMs saying they felt bad and like my work and that was really sweet. one of the people who said stuff also apologized for it so it’s not like I hold a grudge. it’s just, stuff like this is kind of hard to deal with for me. it’s not that I’ve never encountered hate comments or anything on the internet, I think I was just blindsided by the situation..no one expects to encounter stuff like that in what should be a safe space for fun and ideas you were invited to. I let myself get excited and wasn’t expecting it so it really affected me.
it’s just unfortunate that it happened in that way because though I’m sure no one specifically meant to hurt me, like I said, this kind of triggered some social trauma for me. as someone who grew up with undiagnosed autism, I’ve often felt hurt and silly when I entered spaces and didn’t realize people didn’t like me until too late. I spent a long time unable to explain why I felt certain ways when these things happened bc I didn’t even understand the way my own brain worked. I also have a very direct way of communicating and don’t say things unless I mean them, so the idea of venting and being aggressive abt something but not ‘really meaning it’ is hard for me; it’s hard to understand that someone could say such cruel stuff but not take it seriously. so my brain catastrophizes and won’t let me forget what happened and there’s dysphoria when I perceive rejection, dislike, aggression, etc. BECAUSE I take those things so seriously. and I also would never bash someone or their fic bc I know fic is made from love and is 100% free so it’s hard for me to get past it y’know?
just to reiterate..I’m not mad at anyone, I don’t think anyone is a bad person. they said they made a mistake speaking like that about someone and will keep in mind what I said when we talked. I’m sure there are plenty of people in that server who like my stuff and don’t want to see me discouraged…
god, it’s just really hard, you know? it’s been a while since something really managed to hurt my feelings. I guess I just felt stupid, and kind of humiliated. it’s that feeling of walking into a room only to realize you’re the punchline…
so..yeah it just kind of has me in a funk, as someone who’s struggled to make friends and connections in fandom too despite how ‘easy’ it’s supposed to be. I’m still kind of disappointed that something I got excited over exploded so much in my face and didn’t work out. but overall I mostly just tripped into a depression spell and it’s making me feel bad to look at my work so..I decided to take a break from it. to people who like my stuff…I’m really sorry. I don’t mean to take anything away from people who really liked it. I just want to feel better.
the last time I felt this bad was a few years ago, when someone did something really horrible to me and it upset me so much and took the joy out of the fandom I was creating content for, because it was something we did together. I’m not really upset over the specifics of what was said, just the experience and how similar it was to things I’ve went through in the past. I’m upset over the fact I don’t feel like it’s fun to write right now, and I don’t want to lose this special interest like I did my last one…so yeah, just kind of sucks overall.
I hope no one feels bad about what happened for a long time. just..unfortunately, I probably will, and maybe taking a break will help..idk
sorry :(
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firethekitty · 3 months
40, 47, 55, 73, and 98 for weird asks?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
“weirdest” as in something i can actually laugh about now/didn’t have some kind of negative Effect on my development would probably be when some kid’s vape exploded in his pocket during lunch one day and we all had to evacuate the cafeteria 💀
47. favorite type of cheese?
really not a cheese fan… i’m sorry white people….
55. favorite fairy tale?
ohhhg i have no idea….. but i’ll always be weak for ugly duckling-esque stories. bc of the Autism. and the Transness. and the Birds
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
you know how some people dip their fries in a chocolate shake. well i still do that and as a kid i used to ALSO dip my chicken in there too. haven’t done it in a while but i feel like it’d still be good LOL
98. favorite historical era?
idrk what this is referring to in particular so i’ll say my favorite art period. which is romanticism and realism 👍
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luisleyyaoi · 11 months
Ok ok ok I have to post my Welcome Home theories right now or I will explode
Under the cut bc it’s very long and rambley
My current theory is Wally isn’t evil, or at least not intentionally evil, and he definitely isn’t a possessed just puppet out for blood. Like I don’t think he’s completely innocent but what I’ve gathered from everything I’ve seen on the website I think if Welcome Home was indeed a real show in universe (found a secret page that could imply it isn’t? I’ll get into that later) Wally is more self aware than he should be which is why he’s so desperate to reach out to the audience. Like imagine going from constant interaction from fans, filming new episodes, talking to the audience, doing talk shows, the whole shabang, then going to being locked in a room away from the public eye. No one even remembering your name.
I think he’s so desperate to interact with real people he is willing to do ANYTHING to get that, even if it means doing shit to the whrp crew to get people to see. In short I don’t think the story is as simple as “ooo Wally is evil/possessed and KILLED PEOPLE!!! He’s so SCARY!!!”
That last bit is what I would’ve said if I didn’t find out there’s a secret page I hadn’t even heard of that completely uproots that entire theory lol. Ok will it doesn’t uproot the WHOLE theory but it makes me have to rework a few aspects.
Like the possession thang, it could be implied that Wally (the puppet) is indeed possessed and while I don’t think that’s exactly the case it’s still a likely possibility we have to consider. This would make my theory completely untrue bc possession is generally an evil thing so Wally would be evil and probably out for blood in this case
It’s also a possibility that Welcome Home isn’t a real show at all and is something a… ghost? demon? paranormal force? is using to get people to listen to it, again I don’t think that’s exactly the case but it’s still a possibility.
With all the new knowledge I have and from reading other theories and ideas from fandom goers I do have a new current theory to go alongside my current one. This theory is that Wally is able to influence people somehow (through their dreams maybe?) and is making them obsess with finding Welcome Home so more people know he exists, using my old theory of him being extremely self aware, desperate for an audiences attention, and the fact that he can see through the eyes of fanart of him (fucking awesome concept btw I’m loving that), being his motivation.
Also not theory related but we all agree that Wally Darling is autistic right? I’m not the only one that thinks that? As an autistic individual myself I heard him say one sentence and was like “oh he’s got Autism with a capital A”
You could def work an autism allegory into my theory tho I can’t put it into words rn but you definitely could ok bye
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featherfur · 7 months
i was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder a few years ago, it took them forever to diagnose me just bc of how hard it is to pin down, and i didn't get my official diagnosis until i was 27. i've been diagnosed with autism and adhd previously in earlier years, so i was already familiar with neurodivergent communities, and it was really kind of fucked up to come back after getting my bpd diagnosis and seeing people treat it like it was something else entirely. i've had people trying to tell me that bpd doesn't count as neurodivergence because "it's a personality disorder, not a mental disorder" like the two aren't intrinsically intertwined?? also dealing with people who i had previously known for several years suddenly start holding me at arm's length because i was a "ticking time bomb" or some sort of monster who would either split and explode on them, or god forbid, start obsessing over them.
it really just sort of blew my mind just how ableist DN communities can be when it comes down to conditions that aren't just autism, adhd, depression, or anxiety.
No this is it exactly. This is why I went on that little rant on that post.
I’m autistic, I’ve always been aware of it so I was in different community groups ones labeled just generic ND communities and a lot of autistic ones.
I’m also bipolar. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 22 but the near minute I was and told people about it, it was like I had secretly been hiding that I was a monster the whole time. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, here to make the rest of the community look bad. I’m not allowed to talk about suffering from psychosis without the people who were just hollering about accepting ND ppl especially people with Autism and ADHD who have a hard time, suddenly turning on me and treating me like lesser.
I can’t talk about experiencing psychosis without being told I’m scaring people or I make them uncomfortable. I can’t talk about intrusive thoughts, and I mean the most disgusting vile intrusive thoughts possible, without being told that IM a bad disgusting monster. I’m barely a person to them if I tell more of myself then just what’s palatable to them.
I can’t say I’m bipolar and not hear people go ‘lol I have mood swings too’ or ‘yeah I’m ADHD emotions are just everywhere’ (that happens more then you think…). Bipolar has to be kooky giggle town mood swings that’s a joke. It’s not allowed to be mania not sleeping for days on end and being on the high end of every forsaken emotion possible, it’s not allowed to be broken moments trying to suppress every urge to claw your eyes out. It’s not allowed to be hallucinations because you can’t sleep and you’re all over the place and then you crash and can’t eat or move or think when the depression hits.
I can’t talk to people who are part of these communities without first vetting how they treat someone who isn’t part of the ‘good’ Neurodivergent folk. Because they’ll treat you like a monster, because they repeat the same ableist bullshit that’s thrown at them.
Because they want to be part of the ‘normal’ group and want to expel the ‘freaks’ as if we’re not all under that ND umbrella.
The communities are terrifyingly self-othering.
Neurodivergent has become a short form of Autism/ADHD/Depression/Anxiety. But only the ‘good’ forms. If you’re too autistic to communicate ‘properly’ (that’s sarcasm), then you’re gross and need to leave. If you’re so depressed that your teeth rot then you did it to yourself and didn’t those posts on the internet tell you how important it is to brush? If you have generalized anxiety and are terrified to leave your home then you need to do better, you’re not ND unless you have the cutesy shy anxiety.
Every “neurodivergent experience” post is very… what’s the word… separating? That’s not quite it but it’s late lmao. But every time I see those posts it feels like another gap because I, as a bipolar person, do not and probably will not ever experience those! There are somethings I do, I am autistic, and I understand the ADHD hyperactivity when I have a hypomanic episode, but most of them?
I don’t. And I can only imagine it’s more hurtful and upsetting to those who don’t have those main four but are still ND. Like those with Cerebral Palsy or OCD nor Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As someone who has dealt with intrusive thoughts and felt scared from the way people in my own community mock it and say it’s disgusting if it’s used to describe what it actually means, I can only imagine how folk w BPD and OCD and Schizophrenia feel when those are the exact words used to be violently insulted.
The ND community is thick with ableism and hate towards anyone who isn’t palatable to the rest of the world, and they keep choosing the side of the ones who want us gone so they can be accepted instead of realizing that every ableist (and it’s culturally taught, it’s not always an intentional action) also thinks shitty of them and want you and any sign of neurodivergence eradicated.
If they didn’t then Autism Speaks wouldn’t be so damn rich and open about wanting to get rid of us. The average person wouldn’t be so vile towards ADHD people wanting medication. They wouldn’t claim if you take medication that you’re addicted and not trying, and we all know how they fucking hate addicts.
A lot of the most proud ND communities aren’t safe for anyone who isn’t the ‘good’ kind of Neurodivergent. It’s terrifying and gross, and a lot more fellow ND folk need to think about how they’re treating the rest of us.
You don’t get a pass on ableism because your card has an ND stamp on it.
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foxboy-yakumo · 10 months
hey hey do you have thoughts about chimes of darkness?? have you seen yakumo’s intimacy rooms?? bc i have so many Thoughts about them and his relationship with eiden and his growth as a character and his self acceptance and i need to talk about them with another yakumo stan who’s interested in the intricacies of his character like yourself or i’m gonna Explode - pwurrz
ok so first of all i'm sorry this reply is so late, it just took me multiple months to unlock those rooms because i immediately got distracted by rei and kuya and ran out of gifts forever. i just watched them today and i am Not Normal about them and. while it makes me feel a little bit like that one meme that's like "guy who only thinks about [kitsune dream kuya]; getting a lot of [kitsune dream kuya] vibes from this", i have to say it. the parallels to kuya are Insane and i am losing my whole mind and . i will see if i can get a proper post with screenshots together when im more coherent but for now:
the . way he reconciles wanting to be selfish and greedy and "eat" eiden (python impulse?? i don't know enough about snakes) and keep him for himself etc. etc. with like. wanting to be gentle and loving and care for him and cherish him. (blurred autism creature hyperfixation emoji.) and how he kind of seems to feel on a rational level that this doesn't make sense, that those are mutually exclusive or incompatible, BUT that he seems to end up accepting on an emotional level that those are both him and those are both ways he feels about eiden and they aren't even contradictory but one and the same. that it's actual real love and affection and care and, like, a bit of possessiveness that he feels, and that it's kind of intense and scary, but eiden has said time and time again that he WANTS that, and that he's ok with that intensity— that he actively likes it and welcomes it! the way that yakumo actually feels that he is allowed to care for eiden for the very first time as his whole and complete self, and in this act of authenticity and unrepression he is able to actually channel and feel in control of his yokai heritage for the first time as well. im. yeah. please absolutely feel free to talk to me about this if you have more thoughts @pwurrz because . yeah.
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jadedrrose · 10 months
okay ik ur allergic to dogs but. cats or dogs. i have lactose intolerant friends that still eat that stuff and die a minute after are u like them but with dogs
do u prefer the hot seasons or the chilly ones?
was there a particular job u wanted to do as a kid? and do u still want to do it?
finally what is your comfort show if u have any? was it like the first u saw or something else?
+ do you like asmr LMAO the normal kind i mean nothing 18+
Oh this is fun lol 👀
So I have 2 dogs (my big dumb German shepherd, she is my baby) and then my parent’s dog (he’s a mutt, mostly husky/chow tho) and 5 cats (I had 3 but then my aunt gave us her 2 outdoor cats)… so…. Other than giving up my dream of working with animals bc of the allergy… I still love/go around dogs. But I still think I’m more of a cat person? A lot of people favor dogs over them even if that means abusing the cats so I just feel really bad for them :( like my youngest cat was a tiny boy as a baby (the runt) so nobody wanted to adopt him until I walked in and he literally crawled right up to me 🥲 he literally crawled onto my shoulder and wouldn’t leave lol.
Anyway long answer short… cats. But I still love dogs
This one is so hard bc I go back and forth with every season. However I know for sure I HATE spring bc of my allergies. My nose will bleed for hours every day and my eyes feel like they’re gonna explode. I hate it. And ofc my birthday is during spring 😕 But tbh most of the time I prefer winter but right around Christmas, I love seeing all the pretty lights lol. It also doesn’t get as cold here anymore so I can still wear my summer outfits most of the time
I wanted to be in a rock band as a kid. I thought I was gonna be the best singer on this planet up until like I was 14 because I realized I liked animals more than music lol. But then of course I became allergic to dogs at 16 but it got way worse this year so now…. Idk what I want 💀 though starting a cat rescue would be nice
Hmmm… it was attack on titan but lately I haven’t been as into it (rewatching it with my cousin who’s never seen it and… I can’t lie season 1 is kinda boring). Pirates of the Caribbean is my comfort series, but they’re all movies so idk if that counts? I think now it’s just Game Grumps playthroughs bc I’ve been watching them for so long that everything bad that’s happened, I’ve just gone to watch them and they always make me feel better lol.
I can’t do asmr and I think it’s an autism thing. ESPECIALLY the whispering. It makes me wanna tear off my ears. The only kind of “asmr” I like is watching this girl on tik tok do bridal makeup. Bc she talks normally and doesn’t make it weird. I love watching people do makeup IF they use a normal not valley-girl voice for whatever reason lol. It somehow puts me to sleep??
Anyway these are so fun everyone send more lol
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
bird primary + snake secondary (bird model)
hi! apologies if this is all over the place, im going a little crazy. so, i am going absolutely crazy trying to figure out my primary and secondary. i used to think i was a snake bird (modeling badger snake), but then i started thinking about it and went “hm. maybe im actually a double snake?” and now im thinking i might be a lion snake or . something. i have absolutely no idea. i do know ive either exploded or burnt both primary and secondary at some point though.
So some Exploding or Burning, probably an Internal primary (Snake or Lion) with an I Move secondary (Bird or Snake.) Let’s see what we have. 
so, ive always thought i must be a snake primary because i’m very people-oriented (and i regard people with a certain type of possessiveness), but thats mostly because like… i have an intrinsic fear of being alone thanks to lgbt things (im aromantic - so the internalized arophobia and fear of dying alone is REAL big, esp considering my ex was just straight-up an arophobe) and mental illness issues (i have autism and ptsd that both mesh together to create my being incredibly anxious when around new people/situations - which doesnt lend itself well to interacting with others, so when i do latch onto someone, i latch on HARD). 
Just breathe. It’s okay. But yeah, that’s survival mode human stuff. We do have Burnt secondary language “not good at dealing with new people/situations” etch. And you *did* apologize to me first thing, which is my favorite litmus test for whether a secondary is burnt or not. 
i would not feel bad dropping each and every person in my life for literally zero reason other than i didnt like their vibes. in fact, i really wish i felt comfortable enough to do that! 
Cool. That’s kinda badass. Make me think Idealist primary... and probably Lion, who are classically the most comfortable being loners. 
im so tired all the time, and being the resident mom friend doesnt help that at all. 
ooooh we’ve got a burnt secondary, compensating Badger secondary model. (Or possibly just badger secondary.) 
ive honestly started getting a bit resentful of my friends bc i feel like theyre making me take care of them (though i know they arent).
That’s a common problem with Badger secondary people who aren’t *really* protective of their boundaries. 
so… i guess it would be helpful to explain my morals and motivations, huh?? to be blunt, i really dont know what they currently are. ive started pulling away from relying on other people. which is really healthy for me i think. i used to rely on my ex in particular to handle all of my morals (with them convincing me i was actually evil in the process - they were abusive) and im really glad that im healing enough to stop outsourcing at least that, but im still trying to build up… something to rely on. 
You’re the second SortMe post in a row that to use the specific phrase “outsourcing my morals,” but I don’t think I’m going to sort you the same way, and I’ll tell you why. 
Mainly what I am doing here is making what I consider to be statistically likely guesses. I’ve read a lot of these, and it’s enough to start seeing patterns. And I can tell you that “gaslighting ex” is MUCH more of Burnt Bird primary story, than a Burnt Lion primary story. Put that together with “I’m trying to build up... something to rely on”... and I’d be very surprised if you weren’t a Bird, friend.
i really dont ever feel quite secure. especially not enough to actually express myself as myself. hopping from relationship to relationship has been my stand-in for support up to now, but relationships are just … augh. i dont like them. ive always also felt a drive to protect and care for people (and animals! i wanted to do wildlife rehab growing up, and on the people side ive been interested in anthropology) in need
Sounds like a pretty good start to building a system. 
which sounds very badgery on paper, but honestly i cant relate to badgers really at all. something about it just doesnt really fit me, i guess? i cant relate to the community aspect of it. like yes, every person is a person, but also like. thats not whats important to me. i want to do good things, and be good, or at least better than i was before, and yes that involves taking care of those in need (to me at least), but its not… like how badgers are typically described. i dont even have anything against badgers, i really like them, but im just. not that.
You’re not a Badger. You like some of the values, but your life is not built out of communities, and you seem to like it that way.
i have also almost never forgiven anyone in my life. the few times i have ended up being mistakes, so never again. 
There was another Bird primary post that made the important distinction that there’s forgiving someone... and then there’s letting them back in to do the same thing again. 
on the snake side, i feel like i might have used to rank people according to how important they are to me, but i think that was more of a learned thing than anything else. i really admire snakes, and i want to be one, but i feel more like im just . not being genuine when i think of myself as one, even though thats what i get each time i take the official shc test (which i have recently taken the 2.0 one) and what ive considered myself to be for years now. its stopped fully fitting (unless im somehow gaslighting myself here) and i really dont know what to do about that. 
You also weren’t in a very healthy place recently, and it’s a lot harder to get a read on yourself when you’re not doing okay. (Not impossible, just... harder.) 
like, ill live, its really not that big of a deal, but i still have emotions and its still difficult. i dont like being wrong.
That’s also sounding pretty Bird to me. Both “I don’t like being wrong” and the “my emotions are difficult.” If you were a Lion, those emotions would be your compass, but Birds don’t work that way. 
on the how i do things side - i tend to react very aggressively when what/who i care about gets fucked over, and see no problem with being vicious or lying, acting, whatever i need to do to get my point across. i dont view it as bad. whatever works, works yknow? 
Okay, so you’re probably a Snake or a Bird secondary (which you knew.) And I do see where that Snake primary false positive is coming from. You have some Snake values in your system for sure, but you don’t sound like a Snake when you talk. 
i do like planning at least an outline before things, but im also perfectly content throwing it out the window. though i do enjoy collecting little bits of info i can use later! and learning! and using what i learn! but its very much a “oooohhh this is fun!!!” type thing. 
So that’s at least a fun Bird model (and it seems like every single neurodivergent person has a Bird model, so that’s not all that surprising.) 
i am not a hard worker. at all. i HATE doing things the badger sec way. it sucks and i hate it and i just want to get things done with immediately right now.
Hmm. Now that sounds very In-the-Moment, doesn’t it? I’m starting to lean Snake. 
one thing i very clearly remember from childhood is that once, in middle school, i hung out with a group of mostly boys and we were like. the loner weirdo kids. and one guy smacked me across the face for whatever reason and i immediately went “if you do that again, i will kick you directly in the crotch,” and then he went “i like you!” and we were. ig friends? from then on. Guys.. idk 
Guys are known to socialize like that sometimes. 
i didnt really have that much of an opinion on him that i can remember. i thought i was a bird for a while because of the aforementioned “oh learning fun!” thing and my reliance on at least a light plan, but then i thought about what i do under pressure. and i realized that i go fully improv, and that i feel better doing that than planning. 
Yeah, I bet it does. 
because planning also sucks and i dont really like it. ive tried using planners before and its…. so hard to keep up with….. now, my mom is a lion sec and i dont understand her AT ALL. like yeah, i can imitate her and also push through things directly, but my god is it uncomfy. id prefer to poke around and get a handle on things first, so i can have more of a finesse to what i do. 
Oh this is such classic Snake secondary stuff. Right down to the way that Snake Secondaries do not get Lions, and vice-versa. Also, I dunno, from all the examples given, I would not describe you as “not good at interacting with others.” 
i tend to favor seduction and assassination or rogue-ish routes in games, if that helps any. 
It does. (Snake.) 
sometimes my mom will be set on doing things a certain way and will be metaphorically banging her head on a wall, 
like a Lion 
and ill be in the corner desperately just like “mom please let me do this please let me hand you a different way to do this oh my god you are killing me here that isnt going to work”
Yeah, that seems like a pretty clear communication disconnect. 
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roseviee · 11 months
i wish myself a very “learn to stop being afraid of stimming in front of other people”
i never realised how heavily i mask until dodgebolt tonight during which i went through about 50 different stims in 5 minutes. whereas the minute anyone else is around i fidget a bit and bite my skin and stuff but not the proper big stims because of The Fear
i didn’t even used to stim that much outside of biting my skin and like. twitches and certain stuff i do when i listen to muskc before i really researched autism and made more neurodivergent friends and such i think ? as if i remember anything pre covid. but anyway since learning about it i’ve picked up Big stims and they feel a lot more comfortable and rlly help me deal with my emotions especially excitement bc that rlly does make me feel like i’m going to explode
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ravenfeet222 · 1 year
I know I don’t normally post abt anything that isn’t ants but like, I just saw the new Mario movie today and my autism is going BONKERS abt it. Sometimes I forget how much of a massive Nintendo bitch I am bc I noticed a vast majority of the little details and references packed into that movie 😭 it just felt like such a labor of love for the series and I am. So emotional oughh eugh I don’t even know how to summarize it so I’ll just yell really loud on here
I fucking HATE Chris Pratt so I’m going to pretend like he didn’t even exist as part of the movie but like thank u Jack Black for Bowser he is so so silly <3 also Peach kicked ASS?? They rly let her slay so hard I adore when women,, she deserved to be as strong as she always has been and they really pulled through
I just didn’t rly know what to expect, I honestly thought beforehand that the movie might’ve been terrible but it made the series come to life and feel cohesive!! I may spontaneously explode soon
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gothonasunday · 1 year
I gotta get re-evaluated for autism because my mom thinks that I don’t have it anymore and that I grew out of it bc I don’t “act autistic”
“sUnday not everyone wants to hear your dumb little stories!”
“SundAy why are you talking to me I’m trying to do something on my phone”
“SuNday leave her alone she’s working even though it’s her break time and she went up to YOU first and asked about the new season of South Park and to catch her up on the series so she can watch it with you”
I’m this close to fucking EXPLODING 🤏
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gotyouanyway · 1 year
im rewatching doctor who rn and i finally made it to the wedding of river song and im just waiting to have enough alone time and be in the right headspace to watch bc. its so much and my brain is going to explode from the autism of it all
I’M SO SORRY i forgot i had this in my inbox until i just saw it again but you’re right that one requires mental prep before watching.. just a couple weeks ago or whatever i rewatched it for the first time in probably 6 or 7 years and didn’t remember most of it & when i say i went thermonuclear like nobody survived. •_•
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