#I’m an early sleeper early riser lmao
lordny-of-the-lake · 2 years
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Various Solana (sun) and Neoma (moon) drawings
First 3 are based on a previous ask by @whydontyacallthedevil
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iironwreath · 2 years
oc sleeping positions
I realized I hadn’t figured out a lot of this lmao
cihro: sleeps like I do—likes to curl up on his side fetal or lie on his stomach and falls asleep that way, but always wakes up lying on his back unless he’s SUPER clonked out. however, if he’s spooning or being spooned, he’ll stay in that position for the most part. can fall asleep literally anywhere (trees, hammocks, couches, moving carts) and I’m jealous of him for that. likes to get up for his morning run but enjoys sleeping in too. keeps a dagger under his pillow and sleeps in his armour when the party is on the go
surina: side-sleeper. due to her horns surina can’t comfortably lie on her back, or if she does, she has to turn her head to the side—which happens sometimes b/c val might want to use her chest as a pillow. sleeps shirtless b/c she gets warm easily. early-riser, does morning exercises like stretches and pull-ups
iona: iona trances, and while some elves sometimes try out sleeping for funsies, she hasn’t! she prefers to trance slightly upright, usually in a papasan chair or in a meditative pose if she’s away from home. if she’s exhausted or injured, she’ll lie down on her back with her hands folded over her stomach, head slightly rolled to the side. owns a bed but it’s mostly used for recreational purposes instead of trancing. prefers to trance between 1am-5am or 2am-6am
cadiana: back-sleeper. is actually harder to wake up, even though she’s usually up at the crack of dawn to do weapon drills. you gotta shake her a few times or shout at her. used to sleeping on hard surfaces, so actually struggles to sleep on really soft beds
genevieve: back-sleeper, though when she was pregnant, she slept more on her left side so adam could spoon backpack her. limbs akimbo, which means there’s usually an arm or leg hanging off the side of the bed since the average bed isn’t made to her size. enjoys and is used to being a pillow or having people sleep in the crook of her arm. will be the big spoon. isn’t really a morning person, but will do so if necessary with some coffee and frizzy hair
andesine: back and side sleeper, but with her arms at her sides or on top of whatever covers she has. likes to have a stuffy on the bed even if she’s not cuddling it. falls asleep quickly and stays that way unless the force wakes her up prematurely
union: pretty versatile, but prefers to be on his side in the “yearner” position with his arms outstretched. struggles to sleep without twill in his bed—but even with her there, tends to get nightmares on and off and roll around. gotta watch out for his horns since they curve back, but his tail will probably loop around whoever is there. that annoyingly peppy morning person who likes to be up with the sun
ada: used to sleeping in a hammock, so she prefers her back. usually drapes one leg outside of it though if she’s close enough to the ground. can struggle to fall asleep without the sound of waves or if it’s too quiet. uses a little eye pad thing to keep light out, and wears long sleeves so she doesn’t get the sheets too moist
koda: stomach-sleeper or “freefall” position where he hugs his pillow or just has his arms flopped out. snores sometimes if he’s on his back
redback: side and back sleeper, but she kicks randomly and sometimes falls off the bed
crow: doesn’t sleep at all! in her words, “magic sustains me.” prefers to spend that time reading, studying, etc. although before that she would sleep on her side with her hands tucked under her head, or just on her back with her arms near her head, almost like she was lounging instead of sleeping. that’s how she lies down now even when she doesn’t sleep
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maschotch · 2 years
I know you've gone into detail about a few already, but what would you say are your top 10 hotch headcanons? You don't need to explain them if you don't want to, I just wonder what the list would look like.
ok it was surprisingly hard to think of headcanons?? lmao i think its just hard for me to think of them on the spot? idk i think i just do more character deep dives than actual headcanons. like i’m sure if you asked me about anything in particular i’d be able to give you my opinion/headcanon but thinking of stuff off the cuff is uhhh hard. also im just stupid aaskjdfhgl
he has a hard time sleeping in front of other people and he's a light sleeper, which can make sharing a hotel room difficult sometimes. he's also an early riser, which can sometimes be a little creepy for whoever's bunked up with him for the night: he's still awake when they go to sleep but he's also already showered, dressed, and left them breakfast on the nightstand. it's hard to tell if he's slept at all
he’s an excellent gift giver but he also hates attention so it’ll usually be anonymous. at some point tho they all realize when it’s something from him. he's uncomfortable receiving gifts (more ab hating attention and not feeling like he deserves anything), so the team will just leave things on his desk with a note or something, usually including "no take-backs."
he hates getting his picture taken, but he loves having photos of people he cares about. something something doesnt care about himself something something in his wallet he has a picture of jack, of haley and jack, of jessica and jack, and a lot with the team: one with emily including rossi, one including gideon and elle, one of just penelope and jj, one of just derek and spencer, and one old picture (the only one he has of himself) of him standing between gideon and rossi when he first joined the bau.
he’s good at cooking, but only when he’s following a recipe (which is why he’s also good at baking). so between gideon and rossi he knows how to cook a lot of italian food. but he’s a quick learner and will pick up skills just by watching. he’s very attentive when someone is preparing a meal for him.
he likes most foods and isn’t very picky, but he loses his appetite easily and can handle plainer food better when he’s focused on/upset about something.
he has. a fucking insanely high pain tolerance. like the pain registers and he can definitely feel it, but he doesn’t ever show it. morgan was some combination of awed/horrified when he saw hotch get stitched up for something minor for the first time and the man didn’t so much as wince.
trans hotch!! idek what else to say on this. i just think he’s neat? i don’t think a lot of people on the team know just bc he doesn’t really talk about it a lot. he’s p open about it with garcia tho
autistic hotch is also something that can be so personal. ik @eldrai has written out some amazing hcs in further detail that i’m obsessed with. he’s just got very specific things that makes him feel safe; a few things that have to be a certain way for him to feel comfortable/normal like his clothing; he has a hard time expressing what he’s feeling which is something he’s gotten better at over the years; he’s actually pretty good at deciphering social cues but only when he’s actively thinking about it; bc of his childhood he’s learned to stim in very small movements like touching his thumbs to his fingers. lots of other stuff too but those are the things that come to mind.
every hc for hotch’s backstory is genuinely gonna be way too fuckin long to put in a bullet list. especially the kind of detail @t4thotchniss and i have put into it. goin over the basics: super violent father, mom’s psyche has taken a severe downward spiral after the years of abuse, hotch snaps and beats his father to death, a couple days later his mom burns the house down while he’s out getting groceries. we also like to throw an older sister in there for funsies to a) get baby sean out of the house before their father gets a chance to go after him at this point the sheer brutality of the abuse has gotten so severe that there’s no way a baby would survive the conditions in the house and b) to help hotch’s transition get started pretty early
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miekasa · 3 years
I don’t know if the person that sent the “I don’t like you” ask was doing it as a meme or what, but if you un-ironically sent that like, genuinely hating Mie than you are ridiculous 🤣 anyways. . I have some domestic headcanons I wanna share with you darling 🥺💕💓 about Levi 👉👈
I don’t know if anyone is like this too (I’m assuming we got some heavy sleepers out here) but I literally will sleep through ANYTHING. I’m such a heavy sleeper.
Levi isn’t one to wake you up right away, especially if he knows that you have trouble waking up or just aren’t a morning person, he just does his thing and makes breakfast and then comes back to wake you up.
The difference is that with a heavy sleeper s/o there is no amount of soft shaking or whispering of your name Levi can do that is gonna wake you up. So sometimes Levi just throws a pillow at your head (as softly as he can LOL) to wake you up and just gives you the regular Levi lecture to set up 5,000 alarms then because you are going to be late for work.
Doesn’t mind making breakfast all the time (he actually enjoys it because it’s so serene in the early mornings too because it’s just silence with the chilly wind coming in through the windows and only birds will be heard chirping, real Disney shit) but like there are rare days (like once in a blue moon rare, this has only happened a few times, like twice in years) where Levi is fucking EXHAUSTED from work so he just doesn’t wanna get up rn rn so you’ll definitely cover breakfast. (It won’t last long though, he won’t oversleep he just wants an extra few minutes please, he’s not even asleep his body is just screaming at him to take a break)
Honestly it doesn’t even have to be when Levi’s exhausted, if you just like making breakfast and getting up in the mornings early than go ahead. He’ll love the company either way because he enjoys spending time with you. He really likes cooking, cleaning, just being together with you so he doesn’t care.
Doesn’t complain whenever you tell him what you want for breakfast. I mean. . idk what’s there to complain about? If you want waffles alright. Pancakes? Cool. How do you want your eggs? Literally just nods and remembers what you want.
That’s it for now, I feel like I have more but meh. Any thoughts Mie? 😌 I also felt the sudden urge to say something because like I said, the anon that sent that just made me laugh and feel like confused 😂 why would you take time out of your day to just say you don’t like someone LMAO there are better things to do in the span of the two minutes you wrote that anon. - 🔮 anon
HI ANON!! I got this ask a few days ago (along with your ask saying you confused me with someone else who got that ask hehe), sorry it took me forever to respond omfg 
I absolutely believe in home cook Levi supremacy. I think he loves cooking, especially for other people, so he absolutely would honor any requests you have for breakfast! And I agree, it only takes you telling him one time, and he’ll remember it from there on out. 
Lets you sleep in to an extent. He’s a pretty early riser/has a sleep-wake cycle that makes him wake up at the same time every day, even if that time is the crack of dawn; so he knows it’s not reasonable to wake you up right when he gets up, sometimes he wishes he weren’t even up himself 😭😭
BUT after a while, or if it’s around mid-morning (11am is the latest bye, but even that is pushing it) and you’re still not up, he comes padding back into the room poking you like, “Oi, your day is wasting away, get up,” and he’s not past shoving you if you’re a heavy sleeper BYEE
He pokes at you and tells you to get up and that breakfast will be done soon, so he goes back to the kitchen, but when he doesn’t hear any movements or water running after five mins he squints his eyes, and waddles back to your bedroom, spatula in hand and pokes you with it again, “I said get up, this breakfast isn’t going to eat it self.”
(He’s really just a little bored and wants to at least have some part of the morning left to spend with you, I feel like he values time in the morning a lot for whatever reason. So he needs you to wake up so he can do that. Also he misses you, but he’s not saying all of that, figure it out yourself LMAOO). 
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spiralingsights · 3 years
The whole sleepy selfship list for you and tonori and i have absolutely spelled that wrong but you know who i mean
tonori wjehbfebfwejw i’m losing it
under the cut because.... the whole list.....
1. Who falls asleep first?
well, since it’s such a fucking hassle for either of us to fall asleep, it’s usually Toshinori. and i say that because we both desperately try to fall asleep at the same time, but since my brain is stupid and full of ADHD, he’s usually the first to be successful.
2. What’s your partner’s nightly routine (from skincare to listening to you talk, etc)?
he doesn’t really have one? he just makes himself a cup of Sleep Help Tea™ and then watches me play stupid games on my phone until he falls asleep. sometimes i ramble, sometimes i don’t. there’s usually music on in the background, or thunderstorm white noise
3. Who snores louder?
god, Toshi 100%. i don’t snore at all. the most you’ll get from me is choking. Toshinori though? he snores like a man twice his fucking size. that is part of why we have background noise when we sleep.
4. Who is easier to wake?
[ answered ]
5. What’s your go to way of waking them up in the morning?
Toshi’s actually very easy to wake up, so i usually either shake him a little bit or i give him a kiss on the forehead. either one works and since he’s not the spooked horse that i am he doesn’t flail when i do it.
6. What’s their go to way to wake you?
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7. Who’s more likely to get cold in the middle of the night?
me lmao. i’m cold 24/7 and even though mr number one hero is a walking furnace, there are still times i accidentally manage to escape his heat.
9. Their favorite midnight snack (if they have one)?
grapes, but specifically black grapes. i don’t know why?? he’s never explained this to me???? but he really likes black grapes at midnight.
10. Would they rather be held all night or hold you?
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11. Who moves more in the middle of the night?
me :) which is part of why he keeps that iron grip on me when we sleep. i’m such a fucking fidgeter, it’s impossible for me to just lay still.
12. Are they an early riser or late sleeper?
he’s actually an early riser, which makes sense because he teaches superpowered high schoolers and he’s literally the number one fucking hero. he’s up at 5 or 6 am every morning and it’s infuriating. luckily, i am always too exhausted to be annoyed.
13. When they first wake up are they grumpy or cheerful?
neither? he’s just tired. Toshi isn’t really a grumpy man, and he only gets cheerful when he’s actually awake, which is cool with me because i think i would kill him if he was overly cheerful at six in the fucking morning.
14. Do they drink coffee, tea, or O.J (if coffee or tea what do they take it with)?
he prefers tea in the morning (he’s told me that he thinks coffee is too bitter). he doesn’t really... add anything to it. he can’t have sugar or lactose so he just takes it as is. i don’t think he liked adding anything to it anyway.
15. What’s their favorite breakfast food (sweet or savory)?
savory because again, he can’t have sugar. sucks for him because i need the serotonin that comes from sugar. at this point, we just make each other’s wildly different breakfasts together for bonding time.
16. Who’s more likely to make breakfast in bed for who?
we’re actually equally likely to do it for each other. i do it because Toshi deserves a break from caring for other people, and Toshi does it because i still very much have relationship anxiety and that’s how he reassures me.
17. How long does it take for them to be fully awake?
exactly 8 minutes. that’s how long it takes for him to make himself tea (and coffee for me), start breakfast, and get dressed. he’s very efficient.
18. Who has a longer morning routine?
i do, but mostly because a big chunk of it is trying to wake up and the rest is staring into my coffee and wondering how worth it work is.
19. What do their Pj’s look like?
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because he’s fucking ridiculous
20. Who’s more likely to sleep with a plushie, and what kind?
me bitch! i have a little All Might plushie that Hizashi (Present Mic) got for me as a joke but the jokes on him because i fucking love that thing (it’s especially useful for when Toshi can’t come home for a while bc it smells like him)
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hyunjinwrites · 5 years
👫 our boyos!!!
can you believe how hype i am for this shit??
alright i was gonna save this one for last cause it’s the one i love most and wanted the Suspense but FUCK IT cause it was the first one i ever thought of. whatever you do don’t picture college!boys “accidentally” falling asleep next to one another after hooking up some nights. either they’re too drunk or were talking till the early hours of the morning and passed out in either kit or marcus’ bed cuddled up close )’: i…..kit probably wakes up first most of the time bc he’s a light sleeper/an early riser and while he usually slips out of the bed to get on with his day or wakes up bae one morning he just smiles and watches marcus sleep like “god i’m in deep huh LMAO.” he realizes since marcus is sleeping who is he to know the kit just went back to sleep? so he does just that with his arms around him. 
i just picture marcus bringing girls to college parties and it’s only a matter of time before the run into kit. kit never really brought dates to parties, it was a known thing that he kinda costed along and did his own thing before taking a new person home almost every time. the girls get drunk and are all over marcus and eventually kit finds an excuse to get marcus alone in a frat house bedroom or secluded hallway with one hand down his p*nts taunting him and how they both know that no girl could ever get marcus off the way kit can and then literally does just that. 
on a more romantic note, kit is so handsy with his lovers it’s almost sickening. it doesn’t always have to be sexual, it varies from holding hands to playing with their hair or grabbing their face in both hands before they kiss. once they get more comfortable with one another i see kit tracing patterns on marcus’ skin when they’re close to one another, running his fingers through marcus’ hair, tickling him when they’re goofing off, ect. he was also an art minor and i’m a sucker for the trope where lovers draw on one another. marcus is studying and flipping through a book in the library with one hand while the other hand/arm is extended out to kit who is coloring a mural all over him with markers :/ 
kit is a hot head and will defend marcus till the end of time. he hears some jocks calling marcus names once and just goes nuts, punching one in the face and eventually getting his own ass beat but honestly? don’t try marcus bc he has his own personal attack dog. kit comes back to the room all roughed up and marcus just knows he was being a dumbass for his sake again and offers to take care of him. 
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briteboy · 7 years
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because i reblogged this thing like two weeks ago now and never answered the ones i got I’M SORRY 
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18. If they were a superhero, what powers would they have? (if they have powers, what are they and under what conditions do they work?)
sunflowerny dat me 🌻 ANYWAYYY telepathy definitely. he already kinda knows what everyone is thinking just because he’s that intuitive, so i think it’d suit him as a super power...although he’d probably hate it because part of the fun in having intuition is uncertainty. 
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FOR WHOOOO? i’m just gonna do el trio de oro heheh
17. On average, how much sleep do they get at a time?
santi - like 5 inconsistent hours at most lmao. he’s an insomniac :{ gianni - probably like the perfect 8 hours and u know what i bet he can fall asleep on command and he’s an early riser too. how does he do it rooney - i feel like she’s a light sleeper so she’ll probably like wake up randomly in the middle of the night and go bake some muffins or talk to her plants and then go back to sleep
24. Describe their voice.
rooney - soft like marmalade but with a feisty bite to it, confusing in a way that you’re always trying to track her speech patterns peppered with a dozen different accents, but mostly one that resembles a 40s film star gianni - softspoken but stern, never mumbling, deep but not intimidating, his voice is never raised, never loud, and the room hushes for him when he speaks up santi - boyish and higher pitched than you’d expect, but somehow befitting of his appearance, raspy and endearing, he emphasizes d’s and t’s in a weird way and is either yelling or mumbling, there is no in between.
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1. What’s their full name, how’s it pronounced, and what does it mean?
what does it mean? idfk lemme look up the name meanings. rodrigo = “famous ruler” same, santiago = “saint james” WHO??, navarro = “plains” ...exciting. the famous ruler, saint james, of the plains
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14. What’s their biggest secret?
20. What would your character’s favourite band(s) be?
OMG i just realized i kinda answered this in my 5 facts thing with her. her favorite band has been the cure, ever since she was 13 years old! my little emogoth some other faves are the pixies, siouxsie and the banshees, fiona apple, cat power, bjork, dinosaur jr, the arcade fire, the jesus and mary chain, belle and sebastian, and neil young. her biggest guilty pleasure is willie nelson lmfao
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SANTA MONICA i’m laughin
18. If they were a superhero, what powers would they have? (if they have powers, what are they and under what conditions do they work?)
oh god. probably like firebending lmao. or maybe time traveling but in a way that you can only visit the past, not alter it.
21. How many languages do they speak, and what are they?
two! spanish and english. i wouldn’t say either were his first language, he kinda learned them simultaneously as a kid. and he knows very few italian words and phrases thanks to gianni
25. How long would they last in a zombie apocalypse?
he would just immediately lay down and say “fuck it” just ready to die but then somehow miraculously survive due to sheer luck.
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abalonetea · 7 years
Ayy For the ship meme, you should do YOUR favorite pairing! ❤
You spoil me so much! Ugh, I can’t believe I got such a lovely ask for this! I actually have a lot of favorite ships, so I decided to be really self-indulgent and pick my top three favorites, if that’s okay? This ask is spoiling me so much right now ~
Stan/Jimmy is the literal cutest thing I have ever come up with, and I have so many thoughts on these darling boys
o Who is the restless sleeper? I wouldn’t call Stan restless, per say. He sleeps best if he’s got someone else in the bed with him, but it’s more of a comfort thing than anything else.o o Who eats cereal for dinner? Stan will. He eats basically anything that he finds in the cabinets, or leftovers that Cartman drops off.o o Who wears odd socks? Jimmy has a huge freakin’ collection of novelty socks. He has fuzzy socks, socks with designs on them, socks that light-up. Basically he just loves novelry socks and he has an entire drawer filled up with them.o o Who reads more? Neither of them are particularly big readers. o o Who prefers a bath over a shower? Stan takes bath sometimes, but they’re honestly both shower people. o o Who can knit? Neither of them.o o Who has the weirder laugh? Stan has a really deep, kind of rolling sort of laugh but it takes a lot of work to get it out of him. Jimmy’s is kind of stuttering, and a little lower pitched.o o Who gets more jealous? Neither of them are very jealous people, though Stan gets embarrassed far, far more often. o o Who sleeps with a teddy bear? Ah, neither of them. Like I said, though, Stan does sleep better if he’s got someone else in the bed with him.o o Who still uses internet explorer? Stan does. Jimmy likes Firefox, unfortunately. o o Who is the most sentimental? One of the trickier questions on this list, I think. Jimmy is a very thoughtful, sweet person. He doesn’t mind going super slow with everything and being ore lowkey, because he knows that’s what makes Stan the most comfortable. Stan tries very hard to be more openly affectionate, and he keeps basically any gift that Jimmy gives him.o o Who can play an instrument? Stan knows how to play the guitar, but he doesn’t do it very often anymore.o o Who has the worst sense of direction? Stan gets lost a lot if they have to go into the city for anything, but he’s pretty good out in the forest around Stark’s Pond.o o Who cooks breakfast? Sometimes Jimmy gets up and turns on the coffee pot. Does that count?o o Who is the early riser? Jimmy gets up earlier than Stan, but I still wouldn’t call him an earlier riser.
Ike/Wendy, because they go together surprisingly well
o Who is the restless sleeper? Ike still gets nightmares a lot. He also has a hard time getting his mind to turn off, and tends to roll around in the bed a lot. It takes him forever to get to sleep.o o Who eats cereal for dinner? Ike will eat anything that is sat down in front of him, and only makes himself food that requires a very minimal amount of work. He would live off of cereal and ramen noodles, if you let him. o o Who wears odd socks? Ike likes really bright neon colored socks, and will frequently walk through the house in mismatched neon socks and his boxers.o o Who reads more? Actually, Ike does a lot of reading. He likes really stupid books like “Captain Underpants” and “Where The Sidewalk Ends”, but he’s also read all of Kyle’s books. Loves anything by Roald Dahl. Meanwhile, Wendy is very, very picky about what she reads, which sort of limits her options. o o Who prefers a bath over a shower? I feel like I’ve used Ike for every answer so far, lmao, but also Ike? He loves using those stupidly massive bath bombs that change the color of the water.o o Who can knit? Neither of them can knit, but Wendy knows how to cross-stitch and embroider! She likes doing it whenever they lose power, or if they’re having a bad snowstorm and she gets snowed into her house. Mostly, she does flowers or small forest animals.o o Who has the weirder laugh? Laughs are so hard to describe, but I feel like it’s also just such an important character trait to have down. Wendy has a very loud laugh when she finds something honestly funny, and sometimes she laughs hard enough that she starts snorting. Ike gets kind of breathless when he laughs.o o Who gets more jealous? Neither of them are particularly jealous. Ike is very upfront when he starts the relationship about how, while he honestly wants to date Wendy, he still very much would like to sleep around.  It bothers Bebe more than it bothers Wendy, honestly. o o Who sleeps with a teddy bear? Ike has a really old, well worn stuffed cat that he keeps on his bed. Does that count?o o Who still uses internet explorer? Ike does it on purpose, because he knows that it pisses Kyle off. o o Who is the most sentimental? Ike likes to pretend he’s a hotshot, but he’s a big fucking goof. Loves to bring Wendy flowers and pick up little, stupid things that he finds at the store that make Ike think of her. o o Who can play an instrument? Ike is an expert when it comes to playing classic piano. His absolute favorite is Sergei Rachmaninoff. Recently he’s gotten involved with a music program out in Peach Creek that rents out the local amphitheater once a month, and he goes out there with a bunch of other kids to put on mini-concerto’s. o o Who has the worst sense of direction? Please never let Ike go out into the woods on his own. He will never be able to find his way home.o o Who cooks breakfast? Ike tried to cook eggs once and burnt them so badly that they had to throw out the entire pan.o o Who is the early riser? Wendy likes to watch the sunrise. She always feels like she’s wasted the day if she sleeps in too late.
Kenny/Cartman, my forever OTP
o Who is the restless sleeper? Cartman has a very hard time staying asleep. He’s prone to nightmares and muscle aches. That being said, Kenny often has a hard time getting to sleep. They tend to sit up really late together watching re-runs of The Duchess and then if Kenny still can’t get to sleep, Cartman will either read him stories (from a well-worn collection of fairy tales) or he just makes stories up to tell Kenny.o o Who eats cereal for dinner? Neither of them do, because Cartman works very hard to make sure that there is always something really yummy in the fridge for whenever Kenny comes over. Sometimes if Kenny has to work that evening, Cartman will come by the gas station with a packed dinner.o o Who wears odd socks? Kenny has a ton of old socks that don’t match.o o Who reads more? Neither of them are really big readers, honestly. Like I said, Cartman will read stories to Kenny if he can’t sleep, or to Karen if she’s over for the evening.o o Who prefers a bath over a shower? Cartman likes to take hot baths. He uses nice smelling bubble bath mostly. Kenny likes taking showers the most, and sometimes Cartman will get a shower with Kenny and then get a bath afterwards, if his knee is still hurting. o o Who can knit? Lianne taught Cartman when he was younger, but he doesn’t do it very often. He once made some new doll clothes for Karen, back when they were younger! Sometimes he’ll make a scarf if he’s really bored or really stressed, and he usually gives them to his friends and passes them off as “shit from his grandmother”. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny all own at least one.o o Who has the weirder laugh? Cartman has kind of this deep, bellow-y sort of laugh but I don’t know if you would count it as weird. Kenny always squints up his eyes when he laughs.o o Who gets more jealous? Ah, the question of the ages. Cartman and Kenny spent a very long time working things out when they first got together. They have a partially open relationship – Kenny can sleep around with basically whoever, as long as Cartman is the only one that he dates. And, uh, Cartman’s good with that because? Frankly, I picture him as being panromantic and heterosexual, so while he loves Kenny very, very much he’s also not interested in sleeping with him.   I’m rambling, sorry. Pulling myself back onto the topic, Cartman really mostly gets jealous when it comes to Kenny hanging out with their friends, or other very minor things. He also gets very jealous over who Stan hangs out with because??? Stan’s one of his best friends, okay, and he doesn’t have a whole lot of friends.   It all stems from Cartman being very insecure and slightly concerned that they’re going to find someone better to be friends with.o o Who sleeps with a teddy bear? Cartman, hands down.o o Who still uses internet explorer? They both use internet explorerer.o o Who is the most sentimental? They’re both super sentimental softies at heart, though Kenny is much more open about it. Sometimes Kenny is still taken off guard when Cartman is openly earnest about something.o o Who can play an instrument? Kenny can sing opera really well. Does that count?o o Who has the worst sense of direction? Cartman couldn’t find his way out of a cardboard box. He still gets lost in the woods out by Stark’s Pond.o o Who cooks breakfast? Cartman cooks most every meal. He loves cooking and is really super good at it!o o Who is the early riser? Kenny is always the first one up, but then he lays in the bed and does jack-shit until Cartman gets up, too.This got really long, I’m sorry! Thank you so much for the ask!
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
I just caught harry on IG again at 10:30 lmao I caught him on IG at 10:30 when he was in Canada and now he's on at 10:30 in London, this further supports my theory that Harry goes online before bed, which is at 11, so he can get up at 7 lol. He is a TIME FREAK.
I'm crying I feel like he's only on insta right before bed djkdksksksks that's so funny to me idk why and he's such an early sleeper and early riser.......ew
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rakyats-archive · 5 years
10 11 12 7 for whoever u want
i’m doing another mccree because i’m just so in love
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7. Who’s more likely to get cold in the middle of the night?
neither of us! we’re both really hot blooded, i guess. i can’t sleep at all if i’m hot. i’d rather be shivering, as long as i’ve got a blanket i’ll sleep like a baby. jesse sleeps in next to nothing, like usually boxers or sweatpants, and he still gets hot. he can sleep like a log though, so he’ll just sweat and i’ll be like PLEASE can we put the AC on you are w e t
10. Would they rather be held all night or hold you?
jesse is fine with either! he likes to be the big spoon because he’s so much bigger than me, but we’re both happy with me just wrapping all my limbs around him from behind too, LOL. he also loves when i lay on top of him, so we’re kind of holding each other.
11. Who moves more in the middle of the night?
probably me? i turn around quite a bit in my sleep. jesse sleeps like he’s dead. he might get into weird, sprawly positions sometimes, but he’s like a boulder most of the time and i have to make sure he’s still breathing because i get nervous lmao
12. Are they an early riser or late sleeper?
surprisingly, he is an early riser! he’s always awake before i am, unless he’s sick or he had a rough previous day. sometimes he has to wake me up or i could sleep forever. he also loves to make breakfast for the both of us. i was never a breakfast person until i met him!
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devoutheart · 7 years
raohie 4 the weird hc
weird headcanons
he smells like metal, sweat, probably kinda dirty/outdoorsy–pine, grass, etc.
raphie tends to sleep on his left side or his stomach (more often his stomach), and he’s a late sleeper and an early riser. he’s not like…a morning person but he does get up early for guard duty n shit. he probably gets 6 hours of sleep on average, sometimes more if felix gets on his ass about it
for music i’m going modern; raphie would like bon iver a lot and maybe coldplay and like,, he had an emo phase his freshman year of high school and. he still listens to my chemical romance sometimes but you only know this if you’re a top tier friend
lol raphie rolls out of bed and into his day with 0 prep time; his hair’s a mess and usually the most he does for that is run a hand through it. when he showers he doesn’t really do it in the morning very often–on the rare occasion he does it adds ~10 minutes to prep time
raphie doesn’t really collect things but if you asked he’d say he collects the hearts of his enemies (as Den would like it, probably)
raphie’s left handed
he considers himself an atheist/agnostic
sports,, isn’t really a raphie thing but he’d probably like ice hockey (he likes watching the players get into fights)
ART MESEUMS……if there’s one he’s fucking there. museums of any kind are good and he does all the weird ones (think the wax museum in seattle). also he loves sight-seeing
raphie’s afraid of emotional vulnerability lmao, but not much else. he can’t really afford that
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selfinsertdio · 7 years
i felt like doing one of those selfship memes so here we are.
Who is the restless sleeper?
both. b oth. i sleep like shit and niles has nightmares. it’s mutual suffering to bond over. 
Who eats cereal for dinner?
inclined to say also both, but it’s more of a common occurrence for me. it’s breakfast if i’m just waking up at 6 pm, let’s be real.
Who wears odd socks?
ne ither?? but niles, if either of us would.
Who reads more?
niles. picked it up from leo. i play more videogames. i’m not sure we’d have totally the same taste in books, i like dense cryptic crap like Neuromancer.
Who prefers a bath over a shower?
niles. i wouldn’t unless we were taking a bath together. gotta save that water bill yo.
Who can knit?
me, definitely. will trade clothing repair for food. sewing’s a hobby.
Who has the weirder laugh?
ME. HRT totally wrecked my voice in the best ways. it’s a series of voice cracks now.  i know it’s not gonna be like that forever, but i still have this wheezy sort of laugh at times and more of a loud bark at others.
Who gets more jealous?
niles. got that abandonment thing. my szpd sorta prevents that feel. i doubt we’d be necessarily restrictive of each other, though. 
Who sleeps with a teddy bear?
who needs a teddy bear when you have a boyfriend (it’s me. it’s definitely me.)
Who still uses internet explorer?
NEITHER. not in this house. this is a chrome household. functional browsers only.
Who is the most sentimental?
uhh this is a. good question. neither of us are particularly forward with soft emotions that tend to play to sentimentality. i’d guess different things would trigger that in either of us.
Who can play an instrument?
i sing. i don’t think either of us play an instrument, but i definitely sing around the apartment.
Who has the worst sense of direction?
m e. i can’t navigate for shit. i don’t doubt that niles covers for me if someone was to ask for directions, or if i’m trying to get somewhere in a videogame and going in circles. (he’d still watch me go in circles a few times, just to be an asshole.)
Who cooks breakfast?
niles. i don’t cook. no one wants me to cook lmao, it’s not one of my finer skills.
Who is the early riser?
niles. my sleep cycle’s screwed, so i’m functionally nocturnal. figure niles would have some leftover habits from working under leo, and he’s probably a much lighter sleeper.
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ravenvsfox · 7 years
Can you do a post about lalia and alverez eventhough there's not enough info about them X.
I can sure try!! (I went and reread their one scene lmao so I’m making a lot of inferences)
who is more likely to hurt the other?
from what I can see alvarez is a fiery lil son of a bitch but she’s mostly harmlessly teasing, while Laila is a little softer spoken but equally jokey like I think their relationship is an uncomplicated two way street considering they were laughing and holding each other up after the game from hell
so like.... if I had to choose I’d say Laila is too deadpan or unresponsive and it hurts Alvarez’s feelings lowkey
who is emotionally stronger?
I think Laila probs bc she’s holding up when she’s being record-breakingly destroyed in goal, whereas alvarez is dramatically collapsing on the floor like.... I think it’s 90% bravado and the rest of her is all soft
who is physically stronger?
GREAT question I think alvarez has thick legs bc she’s a backliner and she’s built that way (she’s also teeny tiny fight me on this), but Laila is probably toned as fuck in the arms from goal-keeping so like. Alvarez could outrun you and probably beat you up out of spite and Laila has like..... 2% endurance like she could beat you up but probably won’t
who is more likely to break a bone? 
I think alvarez has less regard for her own wellbeing and she really really tries to protect the goal (and her baby) so I think she’ll get roughed up by strikers here and there. Goalkeepers are a lil more untouchable, and I think in day to day life Laila is less likely to start shit (but she’ll finish it boyyyy)
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Like definitely Laila, the same laila who called her gf fat after they ran their first full game wtF like Alvarez rarely takes it as a real insult but Laila could stop pulling emotional punches and really do damage
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
again.... alvarez is so gD dramatic catch her staring moodily into the middle distance like ‘my wife has drifted away from me.. a tumultuous sea floods the landscape of our love .... my heart it shakes.. god.... death has me grasped in its lily-white hands’
and laila’s across the room like ‘BABE my phone died im sorry I didn’t text you good morning but we were in the same bed’
like alvarez WILL apologize but she’d rather wait.. and be showered in praise....
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
you’d think laila would treat alvarez’s bc i’ve already identified her as disaster-prone but actually avarez likes to dole out comfort as much as she likes to receive it so she’s in there buying out the pharmacy when Laila is sick, buying bandages that are way too heavy duty for accidental cooking-related injuries. A firm believer in kissing it better
who is in constant need of comfort? 
like. idk their backstories but just based on alvarez’s chipper demeanour there’s like........... gotta be something under there..... she’s too happy to not be actually sad..... I think she’s an attention seeker and a showman and her confidence is actually tissue paper, and I think Laila needs to constantly make sure she’s okay or alvarez deflates
who gets more jealous? 
Alvarez is hot and her backliner buddy is def in love with her and Laila sometimes hates being confined to goal :)))))
Alvarez pretends she’s jealous a lot for the #drams but she knows Laila better than to think she’d do anything (Laila technically knows too, but she can’t stop the feelings other ppl get when they talk to alvarez and those feelings are always impressed and delighted and at least 60% in love)
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
did you know that no one at USC is physically capable of separating?? yeah pretty neat
who will propose? 
mmmmmm you’d think alvarez bc the world is a stage but she really deeply wants the satisfaction of being loved enough to publicly be professed to honestly. Plus she knows laila can do it and she’s waiting for her frowny indulgent gf to consult Jeremy for romance tips
who has the most difficult parents?
there’s.... literally no way of knowing....... idek alvarez’s first name.......
lets say Laila arbitrarily next
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
ALVAREZ wholeheartedly she’s so so affectionate
who comes up for the other all the time? 
They’re honestly always gushing about each other it’s impossible to say
who hogs the blankets? 
Tricky but I think Alvarez?? She sleeps hard and long and wakes up at noon wrapped head to fucking foot in comforter and sheets and pillow cases? somehow?? Laila is an early riser and a light sleeper so she has to cling to Alvarez to make her stop moving so she can get some fuCKING SLEEP
who gets more sad? 
idk bro.... idk if you can be sad when you’re near Jeremy Knox..... idk
who is better at cheering the other up? 
If Alvarez is great at taking care of Laila, Laila is great at being there for alvarez like she’s just present and solid and sweet and she hooks her chin onto alvarez’s shoulder until she stops crying, and rubs her back and calls her affectionate names
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
this is like canon alvarez slaps laila and laila rolls her eyes they tease each other! so much! 
who is more streetwise?
maybe laila?? I feel like she’s a little rougher around the edges. She probably killed a man to get onto the team
who is more wise?
uhhhh also Laila bc she’s school smart and street smart but not quite as much people smart?? she’s friendly but she can’t pull the attention of a room like Alvarez can
who’s the shyest? 
JOKE it’s laila no fucking contest bc alvarez is the loudest-mouthed human
who boasts about the other more? 
alvarez is always like ‘i’m married to the best goalkeeper in the south’ and laila has to be like ‘we’re not married’ and neil bursts in panting to tell them that andrew is the best goalkeeper in the south :/ actually ://
who sits on who’s lap? 
very alvarez, she makes Laila carry her and be her pillow when they’re travelling and she splays across her when they’re at home and honestly moulds her limbs into whatever shape is most convenient for her
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soulwithinmeburning · 7 years
✤ for whichever and however many of ours that you want
who said i love you first? marley did, accidentally and over text
who laughs when the other trips? i don’t think either of them would laugh until they made sure the other way okay first tbh
who pays the bills? they’re married so they pay the bills together
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? absolutely marley lmao cody always ends up liking the holidays after but marley definitely makes a bigger deal
who’s more clumsy? i don’t think either of them are that clumsy?
who checks their daily horoscope? marley, but more as a joke than anything. she checks cody’s too
who sings louder in the car? oh, definitely marley lmao. especially if it’s an aggressively upbeat pop song and cody rolls his eyes but thinks it’s cute
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? neither
who is more up to date in pop culture? once again, marley
who insists on going to see the newest movies? i don’t think either of them really insist on seeing the newest movie, it’d kind of be one of them like “hey want to go see this” and the other saying sure
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? MARLEY. especially right now when she’s pregnant. cody tries to change the channel as soon as he recognizes what it is lmao
who’s the lighter sleeper? probably marley. i feel like cody could sleep through anything but marley or rory crying
who believes in ghosts? i’m… not sure, actually?
who does the grocery shopping? cody most often, but they go together a lot
who updates their facebook status more often? absolutely marley. cody probably doesn’t know how to do it without marley showing him lmao
who said i love you first? jax definitely said it first
who laughs when the other trips? abby totally laughs every time jax trips, especially if it’s when she’s visiting at practice and he trips looking at her
who pays the bills? they each pay their own bills
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? my gut is telling me that abby is way more into making a big deal out of the holidays than jax is
who’s more clumsy? probably abby
who checks their daily horoscope? i wanna say abby, because i don’t see jax looking at his horoscope ever, but i don’t think abby would check it daily?
who sings louder in the car? definitely abby
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? jax probably. he forgets to put it back on sometimes and abby has to put it on later and grumbles about it
who is more up to date in pop culture? i wanna say neither? they’re both more focused on hockey stats i think
who insists on going to see the newest movies? probably jax whenever he’s home for a few days and wants to do a date night
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? ABBY, hands down. and jax laughs at her every time, and then ends up getting teary eyed himself
who’s the lighter sleeper? jax because he got used to waking up when bailey was little so the slightest noise wakes him up now
who believes in ghosts? jax seems like the type that would believe in ghosts
who does the grocery shopping? honestly neither of them lmao
who updates their facebook status more often? abby because jax doesn’t really use facebook. he’s more active on instagram and snapchat
who said i love you first? it hasn’t happened yet, but grayson’s definitely going to say it first
who laughs when the other trips? gray probably, after he makes sure she’s not hurt first
who pays the bills? they pay their own bills
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? both of them tbh they both come from such big families that i think they’d both make a big deal out of them
who’s more clumsy? definitely willow
who checks their daily horoscope? neither of them imo
who sings louder in the car? probably grayson, then willow would chime in later and they can sing loud together
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? neither
who is more up to date in pop culture? hm tough one, my first instinct is to say wills tho
who insists on going to see the newest movies? probably willow. i think gray is more of the wait until it’s out at redbox kinda guy, but he goes when willow asks him to take her to the movies
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? both of them i’m ngl. gray is such a sucker for animals that the minute he hears in the arms of an angel he becomes a MESS
who’s the lighter sleeper? grayson i wanna say. he’s an early riser, too, so the minute the sun is up he’s up
who believes in ghosts? i wanna say grayson
who does the grocery shopping? they do their own grocery shopping since they don’t live together currently
who updates their facebook status more often? probably willow. gray is more of a silent lurker on facebook
who said i love you first? i think it’d probably be talia because stella would be too afraid of scaring talia away if she said it first
who laughs when the other trips? definitely talia because stella trips more often lol
who pays the bills? they pay their own bills
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? my first instinct is to say stella and then she’d probably get talia into it later
who’s more clumsy? definitely stella
who checks their daily horoscope? talia
who sings louder in the car? probably talia and then stella laughs at her about it and changes it to a song they both know so she can join in
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? neither
who is more up to date in pop culture? i wanna say talia tbh. she seems more like the type to read gossip magazines and pop culter shit online, stella’s more into reading science journals
who insists on going to see the newest movies? both i think
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? definitely stella
who’s the lighter sleeper? hm good question. i think stella maybe? she has such weird hours at work that she’s used to waking up throughout the night for work constantly so the slightest noise wakes her up
who believes in ghosts? i think they’d both believe in them tbh, but talia more probably
who does the grocery shopping? neither
who updates their facebook status more often? i think stella would
who said i love you first? i think evan would say it first tbh
who laughs when the other trips? cora would def be the one to laugh if evan tripped
who pays the bills? they pay their own bills, but cora foots more of the bills for the baby because she makes more and doesn’t want evan to go broke
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? evan probably? cora doesn’t seen holidays as a big deal but that’ll probably change once they have a kid
who’s more clumsy? neither
who checks their daily horoscope? i can’t see either of them checking a daily horoscope
who sings louder in the car? oooh definitely cora
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? neither
who is more up to date in pop culture? they’re probably equally up to date
who insists on going to see the newest movies? they don’t really go on movie dates so i’m gonna say neither of them
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? cora, especially once she’s pregnant and super hormonal
who’s the lighter sleeper? absolutely cora. she gets pages from the hospital at odd hours of the night and day so she’s used to it
who believes in ghosts? i wanna say neither of them?
who does the grocery shopping? neither, cora mostly eats at the hospital or whatever takeout they get together
who updates their facebook status more often? probably evan. i don’t think cora really uses facebook tbh
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