#I’m 100% convinced it’s gonna be canon
loki-the-bi-frost · 2 years
Volume II is dropping at 2 am where I am (I can’t watch it until tomorrow evening tho cuz my friends are coming to have a sleepover and binge it, WHICH I’M SLOWLY REGRETTING THIS DECISION I DON’T HAVE THIS KINDA CONTROL) so I will be completely shut off from all social media cuz I swear to god if this gets spoiled for me even SLIGHTLY I will cry
So before I vanish till I finish my watch with my friends, I just wanted to say, it’s been an honor going crazy together with all of you. See you on the other side
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soralymystaken · 1 month
I think a lot about Lloyd and Harumi, solely because they have one of the most unique yet complex relationship dynamics in all of Ninjago, and it’s something I don’t feel like we talk about enough.
So often I see online that their dynamic is overly simplified. I so often see people arguing between them being “true-love” or “friends to lovers to enemies,” but stating it’s just one of those is overlooking all of the complexities. Even stating it as a one-sided thing from Lloyd isn’t looking at the whole picture. Of course, there can be many interpretations of how they interact. Again, that’s the reason I adore this dynamic so much. This, however, is my personal interpretation:
Also, warning, spoilers plus some swearing.
At the beginning, we see Lloyd have the whole “love-at-first-sight” trope, and we learn that Harumi invited him into the castle. While, of course this immediately is seemed as a positive interaction, later events reveal otherwise. It continues like this: Lloyd falls deeper in love with Harumi whilst she continues manipulating him to keep him on strings. She eventually realizes his feelings, and wants plays on that, making the process work exponentially better. Finally, we learn Harumi’s motives and her reasoning, and, in the episode, Lloyd is devastated. However, I have some additions on this, but I’m gonna finish up my review of canon before getting to that. We do also know that Lloyd still has feelings, though. We primarily see thing from Lloyd still trying to save her from Garmadon’s grasp along with his sadness from her death.
The next time we see her and Lloyd’s dynamic (at least as far as I want to mention,) is Crystalized. When Lloyd is captured, he apologizes. He still clearly has feelings for Harumi, and, in a turn of events, it seems that Harumi does as well, as she convinces the Overlord to spare him and to try to get him on their side.
Okay, enough about prior knowledge, lets discuss headcanons. So, firstly, I’m 100% sure that Lloyd was tormented by Harumi’s origin story. We know how high of a standard he holds himself to, and we also know how morally-driven he is. Him learning about the real stories of the real people who he had really hurt couldn’t have been taken easily. I’ve actually written a whole fic that revolves on that fact, and how Lloyd’s lingering feelings would have amplified that feeling to oblivion. Also, for people who assume he would immediately drop his feelings when he learned Harumi’s true motives, literally just look at how he talks about Garmadon and you’ll see he can’t exactly move on that easily. Things like this take time, and, again, he has guilt because of this whole thing. Moving on from a relationship when you believe you were the reason the person tried to destroy the entire world and subsequently died isn’t the same as a high school breakup. That’s fucking devastating, and especially for someone who hasn’t had the best relationships up to that point.
However, this dynamic really starts to become cloudy when you look at Harumi. Now, look: I’m like 90% sure she only had feelings for Lloyd in S15 as fan-service, but, fan-service or not, it’s canon, and therefore I’m still gonna cover it.
So, first off, when and how did Harumi develop feelings? Personally, I think there could be three main reasons. For one, gaslighting. The whole time, she was gaslighting Lloyd into loving her. Sometimes, when you keep up a lie like that for so long and with that level of commitment, you can convince even yourself of these feelings. Do I think this is the case for Harumi? Well, it depends. If you truly do believe there is a spark between them, then no. However, if you really don’t like the fact that they were given a romantic storyline in S15, then this is a totally valid reasoning.
The second reason that comes to mind is Lloyd’s persistence. Now, just to cover all our basis, reminder that “being persistent” and “never giving up on a love that could be” are not cutesy tropes and relationship goals, and no means no. I see too much stuff online saying shit like “I never gave up on her and, even though she said no 20 times, she gave in in the end.” This is not something to romanticize. If someone rejects you, fucking respect that and move tf on. That being said, though, I think that could actually be the case in this dynamic, albeit in a much less creepy way than some fuckers online do it. Lloyd clearly, even after all of the shit Harumi pulled, still has lingering feelings: a mix of platonic and romantic. I truly believe Lloyd is someone who believes that anyone can change for the better, and applies this to Harumi. The fact that, even after all the pain Harumi caused, he still searched for her in the rubble could be the reason she developed feelings. In my opinion, this is the most likely option.
The final one is a bit colder, and is for y’all who believe Harumi is evil through-and-through. Lloyd is fucking overpowered. Harumi’s reasoning to the Overlord could be just that: the reason. I personally don’t love this one as much, but if this is something you resonate with, I would totally understand why.
All of these factors strung together make Lloyd and Harumi one of my favorite dynamics. There is so much more that I didn’t even discuss here. Is it romantic or platonic or just romantic for one of them? Did Harumi develop feelings even sooner yet denied them solely because of her hatred? Is Lloyd’s relationship with Harumi less to do with Harumi herself and more-so to do with trying to rebuild a relationship with his father through her to prove he can hold onto someone he loves? All of these are questions I’d love to dive into but simply do not have time.
Hopefully you enjoyed my little rant. I love overthinking stuff like this and also love chatting about over-the-top headcanons. If you have any thoughts on this (or other headcanons you want to share), please do!
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bunnys-babies · 8 months
Talk To You, pt. 2
Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
wc: 1.2k
pt. 2 / ?
warning(s): mentions of puke, mentions of taxidermy - so if any of that really icks you out tread lightly :)
a/n: it’s been a while, but if anyone recalls pt. 1 of this, it’s just a continuation 🥰 (feel free to read hehe) but it’s not necessarily required! Could be read as a stand alone :)) just a silly and nervous first date 🤍🤍 reblogs and comments are always appreciated!! I hope you enjoy :3 also, I am very behind on JJK, please do not spoil anything in the tags because I do see them! So if this is “canon divergent”, that’s why LMAO
pt. 1
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He’s going to puke. He’s absolutely, 100%, sure of it.
He’s so sweaty that he’s certain he must stink, he hates his outfit, and why is his hair so frizzy? He knew he shouldn’t have listened to Kugisaki and let her “do him up”.
The bus seat vibrates beneath him and emits one of the most brain piercing rattles he thinks he’s ever heard as he impatiently waits for his stop.
Oh god, they aren’t gonna think I’m a loser for taking the bus, are they?
Sighing and picking at the cuticle along his thumb nail, he does his best to focus on keeping track of the colors of the cars passing by. What good would dwelling on your perception of him do when it’s only making him continue to profusely sweat anyways?
It’s been a week since he got your number. Well, since Yuuji got your number for him, sort of.
And over the course of that week, Megumi’s convinced himself he’s done nothing besides behave like a fool.
He’s spelt your name wrong, twice, and then wondered why he even felt the need to address you by name in text. He sent you a list of options for dates, listing location and expected cost, as well as sending them in order of “most to least active”. And then, when you surprisingly agreed and made a choice, he sent you a calendar invite.
Nothing about this even seemed remotely out of the ordinary to him until Kugisaki asked how you both ended up deciding on going through a “local, close up walkthrough” of a taxidermist’s home.
“Huh?” Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open after she spoke, eager, and a little scared, to hear Megumi’s response.
“Well, out of our options, it was the most cost effective and productive choice. Lots of conversation starters. They seemed pretty interested.”
Doubt and embarrassment began to knot his stomach at the lack of response from Kugisaki.
“What? They picked it. So clearly they wanted to go to this thing.”
Still no response.
Pressing her mouth into a thin line, she stops her relentless fidgeting over Megumi’s hair and clothes and crosses her arms over her chest instead.
“Fushiguro,”, she spoke slowly and softly, “couple questions. One, did you offer this idea? Two, if so, what were the other options?”
Something about the way she spoke only increased his anxiety.
Oh, he messed up.
Unfortunately, after explaining himself, there wasn’t any time left to get some sort of reassurance from her that he hadn’t completely fucked this all up.
And god, why did he have to approach this so… professionally?
He stopped himself from letting out a groan before the brakes squealed at an alarming volume as the bus came to a stop.
Muttering out a nearly silent thanks to the driver, he takes a step out onto the darkened sidewalk. It must have rained earlier.
It takes him about 20 minutes to locate and walk to the house, his shoes covered in a shine from the dew still fresh on the grass.
As he waits, part of him is wishing you just don’t show up. This has just all played out in the worst way, and he’d rather take the embarrassment of being stood up than being around you for an hour, possibly multiple, while you pretend he isn’t a freak and that you aren’t showing up out of anything but pity.
His stomach churns at the sound of a car door shutting, and he’s back to that god forbidden feeling like he’s going to hurl, when he hears a soft “Fushiguro?” being called out to him from his left.
A visibly strained smile is offered to you as Megumi turns to greet you.
God, you knew this sweater was too gaudy.
“How was the drive for yo-“
“Looks like it rain-“
Awkward laughs are exchanged at the sudden silence you both sit in after accidentally interrupting each other.
After, Megumi silently insists you continue to speak with a few hand gestures and nod of his head.
“Yeah, I was just gonna ask how the drive was for you! It rained pretty hard where I was coming from, and I swear my wipers were ready to fly off.”
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t drive.” He turned his body to face the front of the house, hoping his embarrassment was less visible from the side of his face.
“Oh nice idea, I hate driving in the rain. I totally should’ve considered that.” Turning to face the house yourself, you wait for him to take the first steps before walking forward.
A mixture of relief and bashfulness wash over him at your simple response and unexpected, but welcoming, flattery.
Nice idea.
Fighting back the small smile and pride swelling in his chest, he begins to walk forward, doing his best to strike conversation as you make your way to the front door despite the nagging stomach ache he’s gotten.
He’s never been so nervous before.
Kugisaki has no idea what she was talking about, this is going to be simply lovely.
The vomit covering the top of your shoes as you rub the spot between Megumi’s shoulder blades is staring at him. And if it could laugh and point it’d probably be doing that, too.
“You okay?” You speak so soft he almost doesn’t hear you ask.
No, he’s not okay.
He just blew chunks all over both of your shoes (and the eclectic man’s maroon carpet), vomited again at the smell, and then nearly tripped his way down the front steps as he continued to puke into the Taxidermist’s front lawn.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Maybe it was a little more than just his nerves making him nauseous.
“Y’know, if I knew you were gonna get this freaked out over the ‘Pope Mouse’, I would’ve gone with the bird watching option instead.”
It takes him a minute to realize you’re joking. You’re actually joking with him and trying to salvage whatever this is.
Whether it was out of shock, sympathy at your mediocre attempt of a joke, or the image of that poor dead rat dressed up as the pope, he let out a low chuckle.
He kept his posture leaned over and his head down, waiting to make sure he truly was all done, when you realized your hand was still rubbing gentle circles into his upper back. Gingerly, you lifted your hand and placed it in your pocket, trying not to focus on the vomit on your shoes.
All things considered, you really were having a great time.
He’s strange, definitely a little shy, maybe even abrasive, not the best at conversation, has interesting ideas of fun, and literally threw up on your shoes, but he was such a sweetheart. It helped he was more than nice to look at sure, but his nervousness and slightly off-putting personality did nothing but attract you even more.
You’ve never been on a more eventful date, that’s for sure. And you’ve never met someone who clearly put so much thought into spending time with you, and his anxiety was more than obvious. Did he really like you that much?
Regardless, you thought he at least deserved another chance at a second date, one where you could actually get to know more about him other than the fact he might have a weak stomach.
“If you promise not to puke in my car, and help me clean off our shoes, we can try again. Probably somewhere we can sit and chat instead of stare at poorly done taxidermy.”
Unfortunately, before you could offer up any good ideas, he was back to busying himself with vomiting.
At least he’s really cute.
taglist: @plutowrites @lunarsap @alonezz @softjaegerhours @onismikasa (if you’d like to be removed/added please let me know!)
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
can we get a rundown on the anakin-raises-leia au? i’m totally in love with (read: obsessed with) it but i missed most of the context and i’m so curious!
are they coparenting? was it a parent trap style agreement to split the twins? is it temporary, until the war ends? who decided who gets which twin? did mustafar just never happen?
the answers to ur questions in short are: not really, arguably, absolutely, i did, and no!
in longer, the main thing you need to know for context is it's an Anakin-doesn't-turn-to-the-darkside-but-Palps-still-succeeds AU!
Anakin chooses not to try save Palpatine from the Jedi council and instead goes to Padmé's to angst abt the fact he might be losing her -- only to feel a very solid Other loss in the Force and see the temple up in flames ): he tries to go help but gets his shit kicked enough he leaves when Bail shows up
obi-wan and yoda both return to coruscant, obi-wan shows up to Padmé's to ask her hey do you know where Anakin is??? except Padmé's not there either bc after Sidious made his Big Speech anidala realised Anakin's totally a fugitive so they decided to Leave
i'm not 100% on what happens around here (lbr we all know my focus is the kids) but i'm currently thinking they nearly get caught or smthn, fight happens (??), Obi-wan gets there just in time to help thanks to Dormé snitching -- and Padmé goes into labour w the shock/stress
whatever exactly happens, Obi-Wan is there when they get Padmé to a medical station and the normal rots ending group unite. Padmé gives birth (keeping her will to live) and a question hangs heavy in the air: what are they supposed to do with the twins?
Anidala are too caught up in the joy of being parents to think about it, but they're quickly and forcibly snapped out of that when the Survivors all have a chat like canon. Yoda's the (brave) one to say they need to be apart because their force signatures would be too strong together and in the dire case Palps finds them, he could NOT take both. He's probs initially like they shouldnt even be kept w you two, Anakin's too powerful himself and Padmé you're too visible (while I imagine Bail and Obi-wan know their respective besties and are like king they are NOT gonna take that well)
and theyre right! Padmé, fresh out of like three of the top ten most harrowing experiences of her life, is like stfu u little green bitch im not losing my kids. but after some convincing she sees the need for her to remain in the senate and anakin's need to fight/run. she knows they can't fight the empire effectively together and she knows it's too dangerous to put the twins together. both parents want more than ANYTHING to be with their kids -- but they also don't want their kids growing up in a galaxy eaten by tyranny or being stolen by palps.
so they made the hardest goddamn decision of their lives and each take a twin (probably chosen on "anakin thought the baby'd be a girl/padme thought it'd be a boy" or smthn) and after some time planning their next moves, Padmé and Anakin are forced to go their separate ways to save the galaxy for and with their kids ): knowing the better they fight, the sooner they free the galaxy from the empire's clutches, the sooner they can reunite and be a family
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vasilissadragomir · 2 months
Your Peeta is so down bad for Katniss (like canon) that I can’t imagine him surviving her telling him about the pearl she kept and how precious it was to her. He’s going to melt and refuse to stop hugging her
GOD I KNOW like the fact that she held it close through everything and it’s just about the only thing that kept her anywhere close to sane while he was held captive. he’s gonna lose it. i honestly think it might be one of the few things that convinces him that it’s fully, 100% real this time
though…tbh i’m not sure peeta will find out about it from katniss. since we don’t know what happened to the pearl, it could be too painful for her to talk about it if she believes she lost it
don’t worry, though, i’ve got big plans for that pearl ;)
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
How the LGI MV proves MonoTVid is both canon and a doomed ship
In this totally serious analysis post, I will show you, with 100% irrefutable evidence, that MonoTVid (the common ship name for MonoTV x David) is destined to be both canon and a doomed ship. This is in honor of them recently winning that one poll in The Website Formerly Known As Twitter, a poll which I do not entirely understand but one which I will respect regardless.
I will not accept any criticism on this post. I am objectively correct. If you find mistakes in this post, then what you’ve found is a mistake in your brain.
Obviously a TV, Obviously a Ship
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Now, do you understand?
If you don’t, let me spell it out for you. We have what is “obviously a TV” with terrorist iconography, which obviously represents MonoTV, nearby several elements which clearly represent David. The hair clips, the megaphone, the dummy. You’ll see “dummies” is plural, because David is a dummy. This is the first clue to the tsundenderish nature of David, as he is literally calling himself a “baka”, perhaps even of the sussy variety. If he calls himself “baka”, could he use the same word to describe someone else?
But the true indication of this ship is the lemon on top of the TV. See, the lemon in the story “Lemon” by the man who wrote the story “Lemon”, whoever he was, is a lemon which represents, despite being a lemon, a person’s will to live. If you want further context on this lemon, read the background text near the lemon when the lyric “make a lemon bomb” shows up on screen, near the lemon. You think I’m gonna post an image of the lemon text near the lemon? No. You should know the lemon text near the lemon by heart.
Anyways, this lemon is obviously on top of the TV to represent that MonoTV is David’s reason to live. There are no other possible interpretations.
But you may also see those dandelions, labeled “weeds”. Weed is what I’m taking to make this post. Not cannabis, I am sniffing dandelions. This is besides the point.
Now, you’ll realize that since dandelions represent happiness, and even hope, the point the video tries to make with them is that David sees these things as annoying weeds. This shows MonoTV and David both hate hope. They are clearly lovers.
But what you didn’t notice, and I know you didn’t notice for I am in your walls, is footnote 18: “A/N: soz not very good at drawing flowers lol!!!”. See, David is the author of these notes, which is obvious from things like footnote 11, the “I am an only child” one. What this footnote means is that David gave these flowers to MonoTV, but he’s embarrassed about it, because he doesn’t think any gift can match the divine splendor of MonoTV. David is just that sweet. That much of a cinnamon roll who can do no wrong. A skrunkly. A blorbo. What other words can I use to brainwash Tumblr users.
Now, look at these.
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Look at the balloon and the Monokuma plushie. Does my inconsistent coloring of “the” bother you? I am very evil. You’ll see the balloon is labeled “stupid kid’s toy”, while the plushie is “a popular toy”.
Now, you might think this is another indication that David sees anything related to hope, like balloons, as inherently childish and stupid. Meanwhile, he sees anything related to despair, like Monokuma, as more grounded.
You are wrong.
You seem, MonoTV has stated Monokuma is its dad. So this being in the video means that MonoTV is David’s daddy and his toy. I’ll explain when you’re older. Just kidding, I won’t. Fuck that.
Not convinced?
Why? I am always right, so you shouldn’t doubt me.
But okay, I guess:
I Will Bring Up Color Theory For The Thousandth Post In A Row
I am not linking the accirax post for the fiftieth time. Look it up yourself.
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Yellow for David, cyan for MonoTV. Many have tried to come up with an answer for what “original” means, but it’s actually really simple.
See, David has an I. You wanna know who else has an I? Dark blue, which may be J. And J is the mastermind. Here’s the source for that, it’s somewhere in that video, you just have to find it.
So, J, who is the mastermind and thus essentially MonoTV, has the same letter as David. This clearly shows David and MonoTV are lovers.
Here’s another case of a cyan I.
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Boom. Theorizing’s easy.
Then, look.
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David has game in yellow, then MonoTV has game in cyan. They’re lovers. Do you find another explanation? No, no you don’t. You will not think critically about this post. You are not immune to MonoTVid propaganda.
But, alas, the ship is not to last.
David is a Cat
At the beginning of the video:
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David calls himself a cat, then MonoTV shows up to remind us it’s a dog. You might think it doesn’t mean much, but there actually is meaning behind David being a cat. See, it’s related to the archaic Japanese pronoun “wagahai”, referenced-
Nah, you don’t care about that. David’s a cat, source just trust me bro.
That’s what the black and white cat sitting next to David actually represents: David, tied by color scheme to MonoTV. I’m writing this on my phone and don’t feel like waiting to get to a computer to get past the 10 image limit, so we’re out of visuals.
Why is this important? Well, if you take into account the Romeo and Juliet quote that footnote 8 is attached to (here’s a screenshot), it’s clear the MV is trying to convey a story of two people in love separated by fate. This is clearly about David and MonoTV, which is further represented by David being represented by a cat when MonoTV is obviously a dog. Truly sad. Can I get an amen?
Are you not convinced yet? Crazy. Well, one last thing then.
It’s All Democratic
“To be or not to be? Who knows? Let’s decide! Democratic-ly”
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You see how the rules for class trials are on the same image as democratic-ly? Well, this is a clear reference to the poll on The Website Formerly Known As Twitter. Since MonoTVid was chosen as the winner of said poll, it was chosen “democratically”, and will thus become a canon doomed ship. You might wonder if this means the dev has the ability to see the future. But we are not to speculate on the dev’s identity, so while we can’t theorize they are clairvoyant, we also can’t speculate they aren’t. Checkmate.
In fact, The Website Formerly Known As Twitter is now sometimes referred to as “X”, an obvious reference to the X on this screen. Because surely no one would be so absolutely idiotic as to just name the website “X” for no reason.
But hold on, isn’t this X actually Roman numeral 10 for Min?
Well, obviously. We never saw Min’s corpse in her execution, which means she survived and is the second mastermind alongside J. Min is still alive. Min is still alive. Min is still alive. Min is still-
Am I a Whit Young kinnie, but specifically for Min? No, obviously. Because Min isn’t like Whit’s mom, because Min is still alive.
The point is, Min is related back to MonoTV through her mastermind-y nature, and MonoTV to MonoTVid, I’m too lazy to actually continue writing this post.
Did you actually read this all the way to end? Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Because this is insane. I don’t know why I made this. Take care!
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
Hey I have an Abot question!!!
So it’s established that epsers belief can influence their powers, and this is a big for Mob throughout the story - a big lie from Mogami produced a power Mob didn’t previously have, because Mob believed he had it when he was told he did
Does this affect all espers??? Like are you actively writing them this way?
I noticed Ritsu look at the spell tag Reigan use in the latest chapter, and probably put together what Reagan’s last minute plan was - how is this gonna affect how he acts?
If an esper knows belief affects their powers can they try to convince themself something is true so their power will make it true?
I’m so interested in how this might play out since we have 3 teen espers to bounce things off each other potentially
(also do you know/remember is this idea of espers being influenced by belief canon or fanon?)
Okay so!!!
Does this affect all espers??? Like are you actively writing them this way?
Yes. However, how innately powerful an esper is also matters. Like even if you convince a weak esper they have the power to randomly blow up the earth, that's not gonna happen because even 100% of their power isn't gonna be enough to blow up the earth. Mogami's lies to Mob (and Reigen that one time) are carefully scaled. And Mob, being so powerful, has a much higher range of susceptibility. Espers like Teru and Ritsu, being much weaker than Mob naturally, are much more limited in how they're influenced by this. But it absolutely does exist for them.
For someone like Ritsu, this actively works against him. His doubt in his own abilities hinders him. He'd hindered from even sensing auras for most of the narrative, and in part he's hindered by that negative feedback loop. "I'm a weak and useless esper who can't even sense auras" easily becomes self-fulfilling. While someone like Teru, who has brazen confidence in his own abilities, is bolstered.
Ritsu takes a step-up in his abilities once he started letting the horde possess him, and while much of that has to do with the actual spirits piloting him, he gets much better at honing his own abilities because of the newfound confidence in himself that he can. (Meanwhile, when he's shattered and at his lowest following Reigen around, he's barely an esper at all.) And in the latest chapter, when he's using his power and Teru's to confront Mogami, he importantly pulls this out as an assertion of confidence - in himself, and what he needs to do to make all of this right - and it's enough to knock the wind out of Mogami's sails.
I noticed Ritsu look at the spell tag Reigan use in the latest chapter, and probably put together what Reagan’s last minute plan was - how is this gonna affect how he acts?
Yup, Ritsu has figured out what happened. That'll be explored in coming chapters. There is, in my opinion, some moral conflict around the whole thing. Thematically, trust--and specifically exploitation of trust--are at the absolute center of the narrative (Can you tell by the title?) Mogami and Reigen, as foils of each other, are both immense liars. Are some lies okay? Is this a lie, considering Reigen stating it made it true...?
I’m so interested in how this might play out since we have 3 teen espers to bounce things off each other potentially
Honestly I think there's some DEEPLY funny potential of like. One of them trying to do something stupid and risky and commissioning the other two to hype him up into believing he can do it. Endless hell potential for Reigen at the center of it.
(also do you know/remember is this idea of espers being influenced by belief canon or fanon?)
I actually think it's just my own idea, haha! Unless I like subconsciously absorbed it from somewhere. I just really like the idea of psychic powers being extremely mentally influenced. And like mp100 already uses that theme, via how Mob's emotions impact his powers of course. But more specifically I just like the idea of "oh these powers come from your mind? well then they REALLY come from your mind. If these powers are psychic then they're tied right down to the core of your psyche."
That kinda thing presents so many fascinating areas of exploration. A depressed esper who's lost confidence in themselves truly becomes incapacitated. Delusions of grandeur are not actually delusions, because in matters of psychic power, only what's in your mind counts. Brainwashing, indoctrination, become massively more terrifying when a psychic is involved. I just think it's neat.
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lucienarcheron · 4 months
Yes, Azriel definitely has a praise kink! I’m 100% convinced he does. It makes sense with what we know of his character so far. I think once Azriel gets into a serious relationship, with his mate/Gwyn, it will be much a more intimate and different dynamic. There will be moments where the sex is freaky, but I think there will also be moments where it’s more raw, passionate, and gentle. I could see Azriel being assertive to Gwyn in a soft and encouraging way until she starts to become more confident and comfortable.
Imagine if Azriel is secretly into femdom.😂 There’s this one post by @shansenfan that shared a picture that Sarah had on her Pinterest of Azriel and it made me raise my eyebrows. https://www.tumblr.com/shansenfan/641316052445380609/i-dont-know-why-but-i-creep-on-sarahs-pinterest
I still canon him as a dom that secretly wants to be taken care of, but I think with his mate, someone he completely trusts, he will slowly give up some control. I see Gwyn as someone that can match other peoples energy. Kind of a power bottom/brat. In general, I’m very curious about Gwynriel’s dynamic not just in the bedroom, but outside of it as well. Like for training and their friendship. I think they’re gonna serve friends to lovers.
LOA being a maternal figure to Elain makes me so happy and soft. I just hope Beron kicks the bucket first. I think it would be interesting for Elain and Eris to become friends. That’s a duo I’m really curious about. I could see Eris teasing Lucien.🪷
I ended up falling asleep last night before I saw this haha!
Ah, the days before Sarah took down her pinterest board! I'm cackling that you saw the pin that way because I was definitely more of the torture route and fighting inner and outer demons HAHA.
As for Gwynriel, I do agree with you on that. I think with how things went in ACOSF, Gwyn's perspective has opened to what else could be out there even if she is currently back in her safe space. I think the two of them would match each other's energy well given what we've seen hehe.
I doubt Beron is making it out of this series alive tbh lol. He has to die. Elain and Eris's relationship is SOOOO special to me. I can see her being someone who helps Lucien and Eris get closer. I think her and Eris would be hella funny together because she's so polite about being mean to him while he is so blunt. It would he hilarious!
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Okay so my fave (personal I haven’t seen anyone else do this exact idea tho one or two did similar but in ways I didn’t like) idea for the whole ‘duelsex Stewjoni’ biology idea is that both ‘parts’ are active at all times in the sense that they both function but that you can actively change your gender with a quick hormone treatment that just asks your body to start producing the other one (if you have estrogen it convinces you to make testosterone and the opposite) because that is a much better idea to me because how the fuck are they gonna know the child’s gender or whatever before puberty other than asking??? The simple answer is: it 1000000% doesn’t matter and you just refer to everyone by what they tell you to because that’s literally the best. They don’t GET transphobia because that’s just natural to sometimes change genders lol.
Anyways. Because of that their species is MOSTLY (not all because like calling all clones brothers, Bam really hates transphobia it makes me wanna give you pinkeye) are all she/they or he/they or they/they. It’s rarer for neopronouns but it’s more common than the rest of the galaxy, and super mega rare to be he/him or she/her.
Anyways. What I’m saying. Is that I wanna write a fic where it starts when Obi-Wan is 14 (so I’m mixing it with the AU idea I had where Obi and Satine are younger than canon cause I think it would have been 5000% funnier and also Jaster and Jango would still be alive fight me) and goes to Mandalore but she’s been transitioned (temporarily, because like, I want genderfluid or genderqueer characters like I am so gimme dat) for the past two months and 1: this means that Qui-Gon has to deal with baby lesbians instead of baby crush okay they’re both girls they def 100% think they’re soulmates and tbh they might be but it’s sickening he’s obsessed with them he keeps giving them cute outfits and taking pics to send to Dooku to annoy him about his grand baby’s first crush and 2: Jaster and Jango come crashing into the scene halfway through saying they think they found where Death Watch took Bo-Katan so come on let’s go it’s time to go pick up everyone up and Jaster adopts Satine and Bo and Obi-Wan was adopted by a Nexu momma and has a nexu brother now. She’s fully feral and keeps chirping and mewing at people and it’s so cute.
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lusi-raul · 1 year
Bad is gonna lose his sanity from baby sitting these eggs ahahaha. I don’t watch much of Ramon or Dapper but I see clips of them quite a lot. I knew Dapper and Ramon are best friends but during the stream where Bad took care of 3 eggs Chayanne, Dapper, and Ramon I am 100% convinced they are twins. They give me Fred/George vibes in every clip lol. *edit: someone confirmed this theory in the comments. It is official. We have two canon twins on the server. Chay/Lulah and Dapper/Ramon. Yay!
I heard somewhere that the admins for them are irl childhood friends and that makes sense a lot if it’s true.
Tallulah once said that she and Chayanne are twins then Chayanne and Tallulah are the eldest with Chayanne being slightly older. I think these two chaotic duo are also twins but are probably on the younger side of the sibling lineup. I think Pomme should be the youngest though. I think Bobby and Richas are very close in age like irish twins as well as Juanaflippa and Tilin.
If you ask me, the birth order goes like this:
- Chayanne, Tallulah
- Trump
- Leonarda
- Juanaflippa
- Tilin
- Dapper, Ramon
- Bobby
- Richarlyson
- Little Manzanita, Pomme
Edit: Just realized I called pomme “Little little apple” and I can’t! How is it more adorable? I’m glad I didn’t realize the redundancy otherwise my grammar sensitive self would be thinking about it too much by being indecisive to post and as to whether or not it’s appropriate looool.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
wait i just had a cracksmut thought. this could be an au but honestly this would be SO much funnier in canon. so. exorcist hob, except his one single exorcism technique is just. seducing the demon out of the poor bastard they're possessing.
this is 100% something hob did accidentally once like. a friend of his was possessed and he was trying to get the demon sent off with as little mess as possible and wound up offering a fuck in exchange for leaving his friend alone and it was? shockingly effective??? so hob winds up honing this particular skill, and when he catches wind of something that sounds like a possession, he heads off to see if he can help out (and also get railed in a really exciting fashion. as a perk.)
dream, crucially, hass absolutely no clue about any of this. until he's sorting out a possession for constantine in exchange for her help with something. and he gets there only to see hob in full (slutty, slutty) swing and currently in the process of convincing a demon that really, sex with humans is so boring after a while, but he's sure they'd be so much fun in their true form. and surely it would feel better for them too? why don't they leave the boring human be and come have some fun with hob, hm?
dream. does not mean to watch. but he's honestly not sure? what to do?? he's not about to leave hob alone with a demon, what if he needs help? but also hob... sure does have things under control, huh. in hand, as it were. and rapidly progressing from there. and dream sure does watch hob get fucked (for. hours.) and then, once the demon's thoroughly worn out, hob banishes them back to hell. job done. dream is confused, impressed, and horny in a combination and to an extent he's never experienced before.
Hooray, cracksmut! Happy dreamling anniversary my darling <3
Hob Gadling: seducer of demons. What an absolute banger of a concept. I’m imagining Jo texting him like “I’ve got a lust demon over here do u want to handle it or should I?” And if Hob is a slutty mood (so a good 95% of the time) he hops right on over to get it done.
(He’s aware that this means that Constantine is basically his pimp. He’s trying not to think about it tho).
Male presenting demons have one thing in common: big dicks. So Hob knows he’s gonna get absolutely railed. If the demon is femme presenting he’s not complaining; some of them have dicks too and the others can dom the shit out of him in other ways.
He knows that Dream is watching, when it happens. He’s got this 6th sense when it comes to Dream. And well, maybe he puts on a little show. Moans loudly and wiggles his arse, turns up the dirty talk to 100. Makes sure that Dream hears exactly how much he likes having his guts rearranged.
Next time they meet officially, Dream is blushing and Hob is oh so smug about it. He makes sure that Dream gets a good view of his butt in his new, specially tailored jeans. Maybe he casually invites Dream up to the flat to watch a movie: “it’s a classic, it’s called The Exorcist.”
Dream chokes. But not as hard as Hob does, in the store cupboard 5 minutes later.
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heraldofcrow · 1 month
Gimme the questions 1 to 6 for the Bloodborne fandom. Roast the shit out of those fuckers ^^
Holy shit, I’m gonna die and not in a good way fgdhj
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Fine, I’ll say it since I’m sure it was an obvious opinion of mine already.
Gehrman. Just in general. Not even just on tumblr, but in the fandom for years. It’s been literally reduced to a joke to paint him a certain way and I’m fairly convinced there is more evidence against that view than for it at this point. BUT ALAS. This argument ain’t dying any time this century if it hasn’t within the last nearly 10 years.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
As an aroace person, this is borderline impossible to answer because I literally never think of sexual dynamics between characters.
But….I guess, Annalise would scare the shit out of any romantic partner, I will say that. (lmao idk what this means).
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I vaguely remember it now, but there was a post one time that was really mocking anyone who thought the Vilebloods were in any way not 100% evil child-eating freaks that killed thousands of innocents to be immortal and the Executioners led by Chadgarius were totally pure and holy.
I just…like to see the bad qualities of both the Church and the Vilebloods. I don’t think either were all that great…I mean, it’s a corrupted church and an elitist monarchy.
But that post made up a bunch of stuff about the Vilebloods that quite literally was not true. It was a once in a blood moon rant and no hate towards the poster though. I was just very against that take.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
In the Bloodborne fandom, I actually don’t really block anyone. I let them block me. I believe I may have blocked a few NSFW artists that didn’t tag their stuff once, but I just prefer to keep my profile fairly open in case anyone wants to sort stuff out. I know we can all see each other and I don’t mind. The crow in me demands I stay on the rooftops to see everything in the neighborhood, even if I sometimes spot a vagueblog or two xD
5. worst discord server and why
I wouldn’t know djfhfhd. I’ve never been in a proper fandom Discord server. The one me and my friends have is basically a group chat of four really close people. We just made the server to have less clutter and to have a therapy channel xD
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
I’ve seen plenty of various ship fans be rude or loud about how they head-canoned the characters involved, so I’d rather not make any sweeping generalizations. That kinda thing bothers me. I have had bad run-ins with shippers that liked a pairing some of my sweetest mutuals liked, so I can’t even say “Oh those shippers are all annoying.”
Some people can make you feel that way briefly, but there’s always a charming handful of shippers that save the day.
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dokidokitsuna · 5 months
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”POV: Your henchmen are gonna need some convincing”
Still working on Gatchaman Eternal…although I am getting close to finishing the first “episode”. I just need 2 or 3 more pictures, and maybe one more song…or two more…
I’m at that point where it feels like I work and work and never get any closer to the end, because I keep redoing and adding to things that aren’t “good enough”. ^^; I don’t mind though, because I really enjoy working with these characters. I’ve drawn so many fun pictures already that I can’t wait to share, including this one.
It’s not a very good one, truth be told-- I was shocked by the sheer number of things I didn’t realize I forgot to draw until after I scanned it. 6_6; And the perspective isn’t 100% accurate…but despite all the mistakes, I kept it, because I like the expressions and the energy of the poses. ^^ I feel like I’d run the risk of losing that if I started over.
So fun fact: In the beginning, I was agonizing over whether to have the villains all alive at the same time, or to do like the canon story and have them succeed each other, which was pretty compelling. I really liked how they’d have their obligatory recap episodes to save time and budget, but frame it as Sosai X being his usual petty self and comparing the current leader of Galactor to the previous one, just to make them feel bad about themselves a little bit. XD It was cute~
In the end I decided that I didn’t really have anything to add to that, so I might as well let the original show keep it and do my own thing. After all, I adore villain teams, and this is turning out to be one of my favorites; they’re a really fun group~. To the point where, when I start talking about potential episode plots, I kinda worry whether it’s gonna be jarring to juxtapose their cute shenanigans with the darker things they do, to both the heroes and each other. Although Gatchaman Eternal has a generally lighter tone than the canon version, I’m still keeping all the dramatic despair and violence; I feel like it would be a disservice to do otherwise. ^^;
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jeork · 12 days
TC Tag Game
As always I’m excessively late to the party, but thanks @renaultphile for the tag!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
I don’t have a copy of the book at hand right now, but while Laurie is visiting home for the wedding he goes on a walk and recites this weird incest-y song to himself, then contemplates how it always felt relatable to him. I’m not saying he would not fucking say that, because obviously he does and I hear him quite clearly. But I am saying maybe he should not have fucking said that. 
Also Ralph calling Bunny “Boo”. I don’t care how drunk he was, you don’t randomly slip out with a word you wouldn’t otherwise use. It’s part of his vocabulary. This one had me in contemplation for months, like, would he ever call Laurie that? Does this count towards the bad habits and lifestyle choices he wants to abandon while being with Laurie? Whole scene’s just embarrassing af 
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
I think they probably did, but that it was very chaste. I’m convinced the kiss between Laurie and Andrew is supposed to mirror it almost exactly. The way I see it, Laurie didn’t fully process it and therefore just stood there. From the flashback he got later on while holding onto Ralph’s sleeve while they’re in Ralph's room I think Laurie might’ve grabbed onto Ralph’s arm a little. But other than that I don’t think he did much, which made Ralph decide he wasn’t ready yet.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
I wasn’t aware this is something people discuss lmao, I’ve only thought about it once myself. Gonna be a party pooper and say he has none, as it's "improper"
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I feel like me and @renaultphile are the only ‘59 truthers. I think I once even wrote an entire post just on why I like that Mary cut the knee-touch?
Again, don’t have any book copies at hand right now, but I remember one small detail in the ‘53 I really loved. During Alec’s birthday party while he’s blowing out the candles everyone is looking at him, and for a moment there’s this shared feeling of hopefulness. In the ‘53 Laurie feels someone’s eyes on him, but by the time he turns around Ralph has already stopped looking. Something about Ralph glancing at Laurie in this moment, who’s presence represents so much to Ralph, makes me ache. 
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
I guess the obvious answers would be something like Hazell, Sandy or Bunny, but I feel like Andrew would run the most terrifically angsty aesthetic account. Also young Laurie, he'd probably write bad poetry or something
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
The two guys holding hands in dead silence, not because I can relate, but because they really set the scene. Or the petty shit-stirrer who snitches on Ralph having a boyfriend. Or the other petty shit-stirrer who cries "Here comes Bim"
7. Post a TC meme.
I used to run a TC meme account over on Twitter. I’ve planned on reposting all of that stuff on here sometime, in the meantime here’s one: 
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Dave. The Mature Wholesome Elder act he’s putting on at the end is pissing me off. Self-serving cu- 
Also, following the heavy implications that Alec had been snuggling it up with Bunny for quite a while, I think he got off pretty scot free 
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
I really wanted him to stay friends with Reg. I always felt like Madge’s Aunt Vera joke was pretty funny and well intended, albeit improper and terribly timed. It didn’t come off to me as her making fun of him for being gay. More like her trying to awkwardly bond over it, similar to Reg during The Bathroom Talk™. If Laurie hadn’t been so emotionally rattled at that time I feel like he would’ve played it off. It was such bad timing for him. So I wanna scream at him “Chill out, they’re clearly not out to get you!” 
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
I think there still might be a couple minor details, but I can’t remember them right now. The only bigger piece of dialogue that’s still a little intransparent to me is Ralph’s whole speech at the beginning of their post-wedding trip argument. I have my theories about it, but would also enjoy to hear more. 
Considering I’m over a month late and have no clue who did this tag already I’ll open it up to whoever might still wanna do it. 
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Hiiii! Can you do hcs for max and steve being a sibling duo or write a one shot abt them?
Steve and Max As A Sibling Duo
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summary: steve and max are the best sibling duo we could’ve asked for
pairing: steve harrington x max mayfield (platonic)
warnings: swearing, mentions of canon typical violence, mention of death/grieving
note: why are there no gifs of steve and max?? also there’s no reader insert here this is just my take on steve and max behaving as siblings !!
Steve and Max are absolutely the best sibling duo
Steve is the big brother that Max deserved and having Max around makes Steve feel less lonely
Steve always wanted a little sister !! He would beg his parents for a sibling all the time when he was younger but to not avail
Steve is obviously protective of all the kids but Max would literally kill somebody for Steve. Nobody is gonna ever hurt him while she’s around.
I feel like Max is already super protective over people she cares about but it’s just different with Steve. Like she’s already lost one brother and feels the guilt of that, she’s not gonna lose another.
The entire party is a found family for Max and somehow Steve fits in so perfectly.
They argue and she loves to rile him up, but they have such a strong bond that almost rivals Steve and Dustin’s.
Max isn’t affectionate at all and Steve knows that, so he tries to go about things differently with her. He makes her mixtapes (she absolutely roasts his taste in music but she secretly treasures them so much), he buys her little things that he knows she needs or likes, and he really tries to be there for her in ways Billy wasn’t.
Steve is the only reliable male figure Max has ever had and she still doesn’t really know how to express things to him.
Max’s love language is gift giving. She saves up months in advance to buy Steve something really nice for his birthday or Christmas. That usually means she’s on a budget for everyone else’s gifts but she really wants to show Steve how much she appreciates him, so it doesn’t matter to her.
Max knows that Billy was an awful person and he treated her like shit, but he was also her brother and she had some fucked up idea that she should have protected him. She feels so much guilt over his death. She’s not even really grieving, she just feels so guilty.
Steve knows this and, in one of Max’s moments of vulnerability, he confesses his guilt over Barb’s death. He’s come to terms with the fact that there was nothing he really could have done for her, but he can’t help but feel like he should have done something.
They have a little bonding moment over shared trauma and guilt.
Having a little sister is uncharted territory for Steve. He has Dustin, who is the equivalent of a little brother, but Max is so much different. She’s snarky and unaffectionate and a little mean sometimes. He really has to learn how to be there for her in a way that makes her comfortable.
Steve loves Max and he would voluntarily lay down his life for any of those kids but especially Max, who has been through hell and back for the last year and who he just wants to protect so bad.
Max is used to being the responsible adult and looking out for herself, so letting go of the responsibility and letting Steve Harrington, of all people, make sure she’s safe is really difficult for her at first.
I’m 100% convinced that Max’s letter to Steve is so sappy. It’s full of the things she was never brave enough to say to him.
She thanks him for looking out for her, for being the best big brother in the entire world.
By the time she’s finished writing it, the ink is slightly smudged by the tears rolling off her cheeks and onto the paper.
Then, in delicate handwriting, she signs it: “Your baby sister, Max”
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henrysglock · 3 months
Funny to me how almost every negative trait ascribed to Henry in the VR game is Shadow Brenner talking. Like okay, sir, who are you trying to convince here?
It’s also hilarious to me that Vecna’s taunts sound just like Shadow Brenner irt choices of taunts/vernacular/etc…I smell bullshit. I smell “Oh, I’m the one in control, I’m not being influenced” when really it was entirely too easy to take control and all of Vecna’s shit reeks of Shadow Brenner. The best indicator of brainwashing is believing you’re resistant to brainwashing.
Which…it’s all 100% giving NINA, something we all know isn’t straightforward.
Hell, they even reference NINA-type dynamics for Shadow Brenner making Henry relive his old memories, particularly of the lab:
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So I really, really am wary of claiming most of this as canon (something I’ve been saying since they teased it back in November).
Also: They’re very protective of 001, but Vecna shows up in things as un-canon as the Puzzle Tales game. So…I don’t take Vecna canonicity very seriously here, especially not as a meter to judge Henry/001 by…not to mention that they wouldn’t make any major, canon-altering reveals in a fucking video game. Like…come on, guys.
And on top of that: Half the shit we supposedly know about pre-Vecna Henry from the game is told to us in memories being replayed to Henry by the Shadow as Vecna tries to pull his shattered/jumbled mind together and keep control of the hive. The other half is given to you by the Shadow when it’s studying Henry! There’s no way in hell they’re as straightforward as you think they are. It’s all silly, terrible gameplay!
And they say as much:
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It’s all a big experiment! And you think it’s going to just tell you everything you need to know about Season 5??? Be serious.
Didn’t think I’d have to say it, but: Let’s not fall for the NINA “taking everything at face value” trap again.
Even further…Vecna isn’t even subtitled as Henry/001:
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As far as I’m concerned: We have net zero new information about Henry/001 as a person scoping out of his lab flashbacks…which is consistent with games and novels and comics not being strictly canon!
You’re telling me you’re gonna worry about the canonicity of a game where Virginia’s hair is brown and the Creel house layout is fucked up while Vecna struggles to put his mind back together? None of this is strictly canon. It can inform on canon, it can (and does) double down on existing subtext, but it’s honestly nothing that we haven’t seen already.
As always, never forget: THE FILM IS THE THING. The play, the TV show…they’re canon. Not a video game.
(the link to the interview will be added when I’m back to my laptop)
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