marvelredteambingo · 3 years
is this bingo still active? just curious
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marvelredteambingo · 4 years
Hi, I've just come across this page and wondered if I was too late to request a card. This event sounds amazing.
Yes, sorry. I've made a lot of cards but I don't see a lot of results. Besides, it's mentioned in the starting post.
Thank you for liking the idea, though.
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Marvel Red Team Bingo
Hello everyone!
In honor of bringing the Marvel fans together I’ve created this event. 
The Marvel Red Team consists of our favorite wacko mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool, our cinnamon roll Peter Parker aka Spider-Man and of course our defense attorney Matt Murdock aka Daredevil.
You can request your card until the first of December, 2019. The event will last until 31st of December.
Sign-ups are closed as of 24 of Oct, 2019.
You can create anything you like, fanart or fanfic or whatever, on whatever platform you like. If you have created something however, please tag marvelredteambingo on Tumblr so I can post your wonderful work on this blog!
Here is the link to request your bingo card.
Have fun creating!
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
i had a question out of curiosity. can we write for wanda maximoff for this challenge? she has red magic and she wears red clothing and such. it’s okay if not i just thought i’d ask
If Peter, Wade and Matt are in it, sure
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Sign-ups are closed! - 24 of Oct, 2019
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
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Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20695574  Title: Butterflies Author: DramamineOnTopOfMe WC: 2982 Tags: Red Team Bingo 2019, Blankets, Matt’s Sick, face touching, closeness, First Kiss, Flirting +custom tags because I’m an animal
Fill for: @marvelredteambingo
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
I just completed my first square for bingo!
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
I have a couple questions about fics for the bingo. Does it have to be betad? And can you cross 2 or more squares out with 1 fic or does each square need its own fic? Thanks :)
No, it doesn't need to be beta-ed but one square per chapter/fic, please! Thank you for joining! 😊
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Marvel Red Team Bingo
Hello everyone!
In honor of bringing the Marvel fans together I’ve created this event. 
The Marvel Red Team consists of our favorite wacko mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool, our cinnamon roll Peter Parker aka Spider-Man and of course our defense attorney Matt Murdock aka Daredevil.
You can request your card until the first of December, 2019. The event will last until 31st of December.
You can create anything you like, fanart or fanfic or whatever, on whatever platform you like. If you have created something however, please tag marvelredteambingo on Tumblr so I can post your wonderful work on this blog!
Here is the link to request your bingo card.
Have fun creating!
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Is there a posting date that we have to follow or is it that once we have it written, it can be posted?
No you can post whenever you want :)
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
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Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20658407 
Title: Don’t Come for Me Author: DramamineOnTopOfMe WC: 2068 Tags: Red Team Bingo 2019, Sickfic, Banter, Friendship, Stomach Flu, Matt’s Sick, Peter and Wade are good friends Fill for @marvelredteambingo
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
will you be doing another round after this one ends in December?
I don't think so... The response isn't as big as I'd hoped. You can still post your story after December. Sign-ups are just closed then
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Are sign ups still open?
Yes, just click the link on the first post and fill in the form =)
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Congrats on your first fill!
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Title: Love in lust
Link: AO3
Ship: Matt/Peter/Wade
Prompt: Aftercare
Rating: Explicit
Warnings/Triggers: anal sex, barebacking, breeding, handjobs, polyamorous relationship, idiots in love, aftercare, multiple orgasms
Summary: Wade’s not sure how long his body stays fuzzy and his mind is trapped in pleasure, but he comes back to Peter’s lips against his forehead and his voice murmuring softly to him. Wade grunts and manages to open his eyes, instantly meeting Peter’s warm smile.
“Hey big guy, wanna get off Matt before you crush his lungs?” Peter teases.
“Honestly, sometimes you feel heavier than him when you space out.” Matt chuckles and the fondness in their tones have Wade feeling like he could just close his eyes and go to sleep.
Word count: 1673
Fill for the @marvelredteambingo
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Collection on Ao3 is open!
If you write a fanfic and post it on Archive Of Our Own, you can add it to the collection Marvel_Red_Team_Bingo_2019.
This way people have a place for all the collected fanfics for this challenge!
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
I got myself the NSFW card (and I'm super excited for it) and plan to have probably all of my fills as the three of them in an established poly relationship. My question is, if I choose to have some of the prompts focus mainly on just two of them due to one of the other's not being directly involved but mentioned/ referred to, is that okay or can they show up after the deed has been done OR do they have to be involved in the full thing? Thanks in advance :)
That's great to hear! Looking forward to reading your fics 😊
They just have to be in the fic, so if they show up after the deed that's fine.
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marvelredteambingo · 5 years
Do we have to fill out every square? I've never done a fandom bingo thing before sorry
No absolutely not! It would be great but it's your card, you can do what you want with it. The meaning is to enjoy it :D
However, I would appreciate it if you didn't ask for another one if you haven't finished this one yet, solely because it takes some time to make a new one.
But otherwise, create to your heart's desire!
PS don't apologize for asking questions ;)
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