#I’ll try to get this up as a colored redraw soon but this is the one we got for now
coconut530 · 1 month
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mARTch 28: Redraw Something Old (ft. a redraw I did back in 2020 from the webtoon Shiloh)
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wild-moss-art · 11 months
Uh hi! Just wondering, do you have any tips for people who are considering offering art commissions? I want to try it out but I’m also very intimidated haha 😅
(also are you taking commissions rn? I saw you were a while back but I didn’t remember them closing, sorry if I missed it)
Thanks for asking!! Mine aren’t currently open, I am hoping to open them soon but I don’t have a timeline on that currently 😅
However, here’s a list of fandom artists I enjoy that currently have comms open. If I forgot anyone I apologize, feel free to add a reblog and I’ll plug you! And if I included any artists that don’t want to be tagged, let me know and I will remove it. In alphabetical order:
@agre-sora - I’ve commissioned sora before, highly recommended!
@artsyvamp - I adore the heart shaped pulls and swirly cheek decals 🥺
@distortedplatinum - really good at mimicking the fe3h art style
@earnono - in particular I like the chibis, but earnono is great at a bunch of styles!
@edns - great with dynamic and dramatic compositions, especially comics
@g0ld-m3d4l-art - a great character artist, if you have an oc or something you’d like drawn!
@it-me-butts - particularly good at well composed adorable scenarios in a unique style
@pioneer-over-c - can’t go wrong, good for character art and illustration and everything in between
@saturnisaturnip - beautifully detailed and brightly colored paintings
@silvermoonartworks - I’ve commissioned hifumi before, love the chibis!
@spooky-activity - you might be familiar with spooky, another artist with an incredible range
@starredfishing - multifandom artists that’s excellent at depicting a range of characters
And a commissioning guide of sorts, under the cut!
1. Decide what you want to commission! A character, an oc, what they’re doing, if it’s from a fic, etc. a lot of artists like when you can provide a reference, especially for an oc. If it’s for a fic, include the excerpt that you want the image to depict and any other relevant details.
2. Pick a price range. Depending on what you’re willing to spend, some artists will be available and some won’t. You want to know your max price before reaching out to an artist. Usually artists will have their prices listed on their blog and you can include or exclude based on that. If they’re not listed, send a dm!
3. Payment! Most artists take PayPal, but make sure to check. Some people take payment up front, some after completion, or something in between. I personally take full payment up front.
4. If an artist accepts your commission(they may not), there will be some back and forth about the details of the work, so the artist can get a clearer picture of what you want. Just chatting about your idea n all that. Some artists will tell you a time frame(I give an estimate based on the piece), but some don’t and it is okay to decline work with an artist based on the lack of stated time frame if you like.
5. Progress updates, which most artists will send out at an in between stage such as sketch, flat colors, etc. if they don’t tell you how they do updates, you can ask. When you get an update, most artists will allow a few changes, but can’t redraw too much without an extra fee. Another thing to ask your artist about their policies if needed.
6. Final piece, when I deliver I personally usually ask people whether they want to post it or if they’d like me to. Both can happen. At this point you can use it for any stated purpose— icons, fics, etc— but make sure to give credit!
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herotome · 2 years
Devlog #84
Hi-ho Wudge here. Hoo whee. Here I am!
Yesterday I had a long session where I went through the game and made sure sprites were showing up properly so far. This mainly involved checking through the bad/neutral ending sequence, saving separate variations of the landlord (bloodied vs unbloodied), putting in the new puppy sprite (as always colored and rendered by the wonderful remnantation), finally fixing Griffin’s eye color, and making sure our alcoholic sniper Evil Eye was showing up correctly (CG vs sprite) depending on whether the “show default MC“ toggle was enabled.
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Here’s a screencap moment that particularly pleased me. (Ignore my devtool cheatbox in the lower right.)
I’ve also been working on art of the secret main villain and redrawing the MC profiles -- because gosh I gotta redraw the MCs every year apparently. And I drafted a big proper Herotome outline to try to get a little organized.
Oh!!! And of course, there’s the chibi commission I did for the lovely @hummingbird-games - more on that in a subsequent post! I saved a handful of screenshots of my progress, so I’ll put those up soon.
And... Jade’s birthday is coming up, eh? I’m not sure I’m ready but I’ll do my best!!
Stay safe and keep warm,
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vampstel · 1 year
Obligatory life update: I’ve been working on a lot of things but also I’ve been doing nothing lol. I’m just vibing :]
I have some interesting things to say, though. I’ve recently been experimenting with my art style!! I’ve done a few coloring experiments since I want my art to look more colourful and so far it’s helped a ton. I figured out a better way to blend colours and I’m also trying out different shading techniques. Still have no clue how lighting works though but shhh
I’ve also been working on V’s redesign and I’ve got his face and hair done. He officially has black hair now and his hairstyle’s a really messy undercut that he can tie up in a ponytail or bun. His face is still the same, but his eyes look more tired and he’s got softer features. Also, he’s got more piercings. I really liked the first draft of him with shark bite piercings so I kept that in
…I’ve always wanted shark bite piercings but I know damn well my mom (and grandma) would say no if I asked :’)
His outfits are still works in progress. I got the general idea down for his main outfit, I just need to figure out which elements I want to keep and what colour palette I want. I’ll mostly keep his colour palette monotone probably. So far the only thing I’ve decided is that I want him to have a fur collar jacket and a pair of headphones around his neck…
It’s very difficult for me to make a new persona design. I enjoy so many things and I want to convey that but it’s almost impossible. My tastes in fashion can be contradictory, my fixations/interests change frequently, and I still have a bad case of depersonalization due to gender dysphoria. Like, it’s so hard to try to imagine what I look like in my head. Sometimes it’s a complete blur but ever since I drew drafts of the new V, I feel more connected(?) with who I am.
I honestly just want a sona that looks good in emo clothes but also rocks pink, girly clothes lol. I wanna present more femininely someday like my beloved Rei without feeling bad ;w;
And, this is a lot more niche, I’ve been reworking some of my Roblox assets (specifically face/makeup decals for RK2) and wow it’s a pain in the ass. Like what the hell. I got banned for a day because Roblox thought Rei’s smiling face was sexual. Am I allowed to say this is homophobic and transphobic of them to do?—
Oh… and I’ve been playing a lot of Bee Swarm Simulator. I dunno, man, it passes the time and it’s the only grindy game I enjoy.
Other than that, I have nothing else to talk about. I mean, I DO have videos in the works. Like that Gacha video, oh and a new art video, as well as a video about Roblox’s shitty moderation system, and— You get what I mean. I also have a ton of art ideas I wanna do and the list so far is:
Redrawing that one scene of Howl and Sophie as Lawrence and Rei
A lot of miscellaneous art ideas of Rei. Like a lot. I have two dress designs for him in mind and the drafts are adorable 🥺
Possibly a mini-comic of Rei and Lawrence... I won’t spoil it though
New social media layout as soon as I figure out V’s outfits
And there’s more but this post is so long already so I’ll talk about more things in the next life update. Good night
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biolizardboils · 2 years
Crumpled Up Pages: Old Captain Underpants WIPs #1-4
The First Epic Movie turned 5 earlier this month, and I dug through some old folders to write this post about it. In the process, I found some fanfic ideas I’d written down, fleshed out a little, and then forgot about for years. So while hyperfixation still has its grip on me (and while there’s still some extra activity in the tag), I figured I’d finally set these dust bunnies free!
A few ground rules before this deep dive descends:
When I say “fleshed out a little,” I’m putting major emphasis on the “little.” Some of these docs contain detailed notes and snippets of dialogue, but others are just a title and a vague one-sentence summary. I’ll be transparent about what each one contains, and try to fill in the bigger gaps by memory.
If you were around for the CU Fandom Renaissance of 2017, some of the ideas here might sound familiar, ‘cus I refitted them into fanart and headcanon dumps that actually got posted. I’ll link to those where they’re relevant.
These were all written and abandoned months before a CU show was even announced, so there’s no Epic Tales content or characters in here. Sorry if you were expecting any!
I’m splitting this into two posts cus it was getting and taking too long. This first part will cover the 4 simplest, fluffiest WIPs; the second one will tackle the 6 sadder, more character-heavy ones. And with character-heavy stuff comes spoilers for the movie and books — especially the books. If you haven’t read all 12, you’re probably wondering why anyone would care about Captain Underpants spoilers. First off, your loss; second off, BEWARE!
And finally: if you write fanfiction and feel inspired to use any of these ideas? You have my permission to do so! Seriously, steal anything here and put your own spin on them! I don’t care much for credit, but if these old things help fuel someone else’s creativity, I’d love to know!
That’s enough prep, probably. Plug your nose!
WIP #1: Inspiration
It can come from even the worst of places. ...And people, in this case. [Book!Verse, pre-Book 1.]
This document contains a long script, but no context; I can remember the gist though, so I’ll insert that in-between dialogue. Basically it’s third grade, and George and Harold are in detention again. They cheat to fill up the blackboards like usual, but they’re too bummed out to start a comic afterwards. George sits around stewing in his frustration while Harold angry-scribbles Mr. Krupp yelling.
“...Why does he hate us so much, George?”
“I dunno. Maybe ‘cause he can’t handle our coolness? …Nice drawing, by the way.”
“Thanks. …It’s making me sad just lookin’ at it, though.”
“Yeah, me too. …I wonder what he’d look like if he smiled.”
“...I mean, like, a real smile, not an I’ve-got-you-now smile.”
“Oh. Hmmm…”
Harold erases Krupp’s wide yelling mouth and draws a goofy smile in its place.
“Aw, man, now it’s just creepy.”
The boys keep editing the drawing until it stops being creepy and starts being funny. George erases Krupp’s toupee, remembering the time they stole it and the teachers couldn’t take him seriously without it. Harold draws one of his office curtains around his neck, adding more color and kinetic energy. Soon they’re struggling not to laugh out loud, but they manage to calm down… until George gets an idea that takes the sketch from great to legendary.
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Remember what my pop said about Superman yesterday?”
“That he looks like… DUDE. Duuuuuude.”
Harold redraws Krupp’s entire lower body so he’s only wearing underwear. Then with a flourish, he adds the finishing touch – two dots on his chest – and they both lose it. All their laughter finally prompts the real Krupp to check on them, and predictably, he rips up the drawing. It upsets the boys in the moment, but they’re still in much higher spirits than before, and brainstorm a new comic about their new creation as they skateboard home.
“You think we should make his origin issue first?”
“Naw, let’s get right to the action! His outfit’s already the perfect hook – finally, a superhero who actually does fly around in his underwear!”
“Yeah, and he could fight with Wedgie Power!”
God, rediscovering this gave me the most uncontrollable grin. From the date it was last opened, I think this fic was meant for September 1st, 2017 (Book 1’s 20th anniversary), and I gave up after missing it. For shame, 2017!me. For shame.
WIP #2: Untitled Boomer One-shot
Harold won’t admit it, but he’d slay a dragon for his little sister. [Book!Verse but only cus this scene was deleted and is thus dubiously canon]
This doc’s nothing but notes, so I’ll paraphrase the plot: Ms. Hutchins takes Heidi and Harold to Boomer the Purple Dragon: Live! Harold was gonna stay with the Beards but they cancelled last minute, and he’s grumpy about it the whole time. When the show ends, kids gather in front of the stage to meet Boomer; Ms. Hutchins suddenly gets an important call, and makes Harold walk Heidi up there. 
But the dragon’s mascot suit is big up close for a 6-year-old, and Heidi gets so scared she starts crying. She’s rooted to the spot and waves her arms in panic, but “Boomer” thinks she wants a hug and waddles closer and closer... until Harold kicks him in the groin. Their mom understandably grounds him for it, but Heidi is grateful and calls him her hero :)
This one was based on the classic “kid hits mascot in the weak spot” genre of AFV, but also on an early memory of mine! My sister and I loved Arthur as babies, so our mom took us to see this thing. The characters suddenly being real (and huge) was so upsetting that we scream-cried until she took us home early. (Speaking of Arthur, it’s a shame Heidi’s never really done anything in canon, I can see her having big DW energy.)
WIP #3: When Worlds Collide
It was less “love at first sight” and more “love at first squawk.” [Book!Verse, Book 7.]
A quick refresher: George told Harold to take Crackers back to dinosaur times, but he left her in the treehouse with Sulu instead. Later in the book, they’re shown snuggling in their sleep 🥺🥺 Anyway, this fic was about what they got up to in between! It’s actually the most complete of the lot, but only because it’s so short and simple.
It opens with Harold introducing them to each other, leaving out some treats for them (hamster food for Sulu, crackers for Crackers), then telling them to play nice until he comes back. They do not. Crackers pulls a Thunderclap the moment Harold leaves, Sulu karate-chops her throat until she spits him out, and they wreck half the treehouse in the ensuing chase.
Eventually they settle for standing in opposite corners and hissing at each other. Then Sulu… *squints* …records Crackers’ hisses with his bionic ears and plays them back so they can communicate? …Yeah, okay, why not. The outline ends after this sudden development; I’m guessing they talk things out and start to catch feels, before settling in to sleep. Anyway here’s the few sentences I actually wrote out:
Harold opened the door, Sulu got on the floor, and in walked the curious dinosaur.
[…] As predator and prey faced off, a little boy and his mother happened to be walking down Vine Street. “Mommy,” said the little boy, “I can hear a bionic hamster and a pterodactyl fighting in that treehouse!”
“Oh, please,” his mother scoffed. “How do you even know what that would sound like?”
The boy considered pointing out the CHOMPs, SQUEAKs, and SQUAAAWKs emanating from the tree in big blocky letters, but decided it wasn’t quite worth the trouble.
The doc ends with a reminder to not refer to Crackers with any pronouns until the two pets can understand each other. Also I was gonna title this after a Tony Orlando and Dawn song as foreshadowing, but I couldn’t choose one, so instead I went with this Spongebob song lol.
WIP #4: Untitled Tommy One-shot
The school’s been near bully-free ever since Treehouse Comix Inc. was formed. Tommy reflects on this from the safety of his locker. [Movie!Verse with a hint of Book 9. CW: discussion of bullying.]
A Kid I Never Named knocks on Tommy’s locker and offers to trade Pilkeymon. They have to be sneaky, because it’s the 90′s and they have to slip a Link Cable through the locker vents without being spotted.
As they trade, the other kid asks Tommy why he hides all the time. He explains that it’s a habit from when Kipper Krupp terrorized the halls. But Kipper left four years ago, and the legend of Wedgie Magee has kept other bullies at bay ever since; the other kid points this out and asks why he still hides. This led into “a somber discussion on adverse school experiences and the long-lasting coping mechanisms they cause” (exact words from the doc). Unfortunately 2017!me never wrote any dialogue, and I’m mad at her for that.
Trivia drop! I used the Pilkeymon joke a few times at @treehouseblogsinc, but it’s way older than that, and also not mine: Pilkey.com used to have a coloring game named Pilkeymon’s Paintbox. It even had art of Dav’s old spiky-haired avatar with Pikachu ears! There’s no trace of it on the Internet anymore, but I swear I’m not making this up.
I left a note here to add that Tommy has glow-in-the-dark stickers in his locker, which ended up in this headcanon dump. There’s also a list of last names I came up with for him but never chose between: Chambers, Lakatos (which I shared once here), and Lockenspiel. Right now I’m leaning towards the last one, it rolls nicely off the tongue.
That’s it for now! Not gonna lie, I’m still nervous about posting the other 6 WIPs. Most of them deal with Book 12, and all the tough subjects that that entails. But hey, I made this bed, and by God am I gonna lie in it. Thanks for reading so far!
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azumasoroshi · 3 years
okay this is kinda long overdue BUT i have many noumu hawks sketches and i just think they’re kinda neat
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first sketch! note that the “BONE WINGS???” never became a reality, but I have entertained the idea in some other wips.
Bone wings are the coolest thing ever man idk what to say
and yeah the boa came from ujiko in the final because i don’t think dabi would have a feather boa hanging around and ujiko is just weird enough for it to be less questionable
the boa has no symbolism i swear its just a replacement for hawks’ fluffy coat
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working on the face was. interesting
(this one made me giggle uncontrollably for about five minutes)
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the eyes look better here LMAO
the split face was a cool idea, but i ended up not going with it in the end mostly because it looked kinda weird LOL
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full outline!
one of my discord members said that hawks looked like he had little t-rex arms and i havent stopped laughing at it since
personally i was aiming for him to be copying dabi’s frankenstein pose, and i think it ended up looking more like the “is he....yknow...” meme so many different interpretations here it seems
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the general color scheme! note the second pair of wings added lmfao
his claws look weirder every time i look at them but. these drawings were made in december give me a break
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more sketches! these are pretty bad ngl (when noumu hawks has more of an ass than living hawks) but they give off the creepy vibes he was intended to have pretty well i think
it was at this point that i really started to forget that noumu hawks was supposed to have a scar over his eye like in canon, so that got completely omitted from YLMTM unfortunately
it was also at this point that i started drawing the mouth tearing open through noumu hawks’ face all over my schoolwork and my teachers would be like “ayo what the fuck is this” and i wouldnt be able to respond because 1. id have to explain noumu 2. id have to explain hawks 3. id have to explain why hawks was a noumu 4. id have to explain dabihawks and just. no thank you
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oh MAN this was a doozy
i can’t recall if this exact scene happened in YLMTM but it’s just noumu hawks protecting dabi and dabi being like nooo
while i was drawing it i was like “this is so cool omg” and then i finished it and i was like “oh hell naw”
this was drawn in march, so not too long ago! i’d like to go back and edit it a bit, but ibispaint crashes my entire tablet every time i try to open it because there’s so many layers, so i’ve resigned myself to never being able to fix it unless i redraw everything, unfortunately.
still pretty proud of those wings though like goddamn
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and here we get to the most recent update to noumu hawks’ design! i drew this like two days ago so it’s pretty indicative of my current style hehe
i’m sure i’ll find all the problems with it soon enough but right now i think that looks pretty damn good
i changed up the eyes and claws a bit, and i think they look better now :D
i have many more sketches but most of them are on paper homework and aren’t very good, so that’s all for now lol
anyway if you’re seeing this on your dash and you have no idea what im talking about or what YLMTM is, boy do i have the angsty dabihawks fanfiction for you
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samshogwarts · 3 years
Thank you @lifeofkaze for the taaaaaaaag! 💙❤💚💛 So let's give you some answers.
1. why did you choose your url?
Samantha is my Main Oc for many years and since 3 years, she isbalso my Harry Potter Main Oc. I wanted to create a Blog and what to make clear which content this Blog is about.
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I had once a side Blog named Flareshin for my stuff beside Wizarding World. But unfortunately I got so many discussting message and most of my follower were porn Blogs. So I deleted it.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
1 ½ year.
4. do you have a queue tag?
Nope. Just some unanswered ask because I am slowly as fuck atm.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I am Harry Potter Fan since I was 10, which means since 2000! I had a online friend which told me about tumblr and I created a blog about otome games. But this fandoms are...wow....it makes look the Leauge of Legendens community even nice! But at some point I found the wizarding World community here and follower more and more Blogs. One day I decided to create a Wizarding World Account to share my stuff.
6. why did you choose your icon?
This Icon is a Art trade, organize from @ariparri-hphm and I still love who other ppl can make my art style looks so amazing!!! (Only the scetch was from me) the way these Icon is colored and the outline....I am still such a Fan of it.
7. why did you choose your header?
It was a super cute gift from @nightmaresart . She create this moodboard for me. Q_Q harrrrr.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
XD a super shitty drawed comic about a Bug in the Qudditch game. It's basically a Dialog between Samantha and Charlie and has ober 100 notes O.o ..... I think I need to redraw this...
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Mmmmmhhhhh. Hard to say. I can't say a number. I met a lot of cool ppl here and become friends with them and with others I am just chattong time by time, so I don't know if I am allowed to call them mutuals or friends.
10. how many followers do you have?
159 at the moment Q_Q haaappppyyyy! Sometimes I am really supried ppl follow me.
11. how many people do you follow?
I don't know the exact number and can't check, because I use my phone...but I think it was about...78?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Eeeeeevery day! And veeeeeeery often. I Chat with ppl over DM and as soon I see some of the Blogs I got Notifications, Post something I'll it out.
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
Not in person. Sometimes a anonym "hater" shows up, send me ask about how shitty my shipping is or calling me a Nazi because I am German and don't hide this. So no. No Fights or anything, just someone with too much time.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”?
Mixed. In the first step I want to support my Friends or show ppl great content. But sometimes I simply forget it. If I reblog I want to to it right, leave a Feedback and hashtags etc. It always bothers me if I don't have the time to do that because I am on my way at work etc. But I also think you always have to reblog everything and only stuff you really like (And don't forget it like idiot me <~<)
But reblogging, comments or "just" likes are very important feedbacks for the creator.
16. do you like tag games?
Most of them. If I like the Tag game, I contiune with it. It's kind of funn, to see who thinks about me while choosing ppl they want to tag.
17. do you like ask games?
Yes!!! They are such a good way for a creator to show more Details about their ocs! On the other hand it's a good way for follower to know more. So that's why I try to send asks as much as I can, if I see someone is doing a ask game.
And it's also very nice to get asks anyway. My oppinion.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Mmmmmhhh.... hard to say. I think @carewyncromwell is one of the most famous. And she deserve it also! 💙❤💚💛
19. do you have a tumblr crush on a mutual?
20. tags (no pressure): hehehehehehe i tag @mira-shard @annabelle-tanaka-official @angellazull @carewyncromwell @night-rhea and @nikyiscreepy
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luminecho · 3 years
Show Me What You’re Proud Of
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to  awesome works.
@sister-dear did this and tagged all their mutuals who create things! Took me a moment before the realization hit me that, oh shit, I’m a mutual who creates things. Sooo here we go! Super nervous for some reason jdkjkqwdm.
I haven’t posted a lot of stuff publicly, let alone actually made things in general, and as far as writing goes I don’t have anything finished yet, but I used this opportunity to create a new art & writing blog (@echoing-creations) so I can hopefully start posting some WIPs and short snippets of stuff there from now on! ^^ Otherwise, I’m just gonna try my best to show what I have.
Again, I don’t really have anything posted or even finished yet (at least that I’m proud of). But I’ll share two WIPs/sneak peeks of the LU longfic that I’ve been working on these past couple of months. Because I’m pretty proud of some of the scenes that I have written so far! Unfortunately I’m limited in my choice of what I can include, because spoilers, but here’s what I’ve got. (They’re still very subject to change.)
- “Everything Goes Away” - Prologue
He was in control now. Not some selfish deity or petty goddess. For once, his destiny didn’t have to be set in stone. He could rewrite his story, re-weave the strings of fate. And it all started with a single thread.
Forgive me.
- EGA - Chapter 3
A cacophony of sound broke out around them as the other heroes’ reactions grew muddled together and incoherent. All the while, Legend and Warriors didn’t move, didn’t blink. The world was a swirling vortex of noise around them, a raging whirlwind of confusion and betrayal, and the two heroes stood in the center of it all, the eye of a hurricane, frozen in time. Frantic colors and voices spun around them like a cyclone in motion, tasting of forgotten courage and broken promises.
But all storms came to an end. As the tempest of sound and color died down into a suffocating silence and the world stopped spinning and lulled to a halt, a single whisper rang out louder than a gunshot, piercing the air and finally forcing Legend to break eye contact with Warriors.
- BotW Link - Wow, the only thing on this list that I actually have a link for! This post never kicked off, which kinda sucks, because I can’t even begin to describe how ridiculously proud of it I was (and still am). It took me ages and I put in so much more effort than I thought I would going into it. But I don’t really mind that nobody saw it, because I love it and that’s all that matters! It was all a big experiment (particularly with drawing humans) but I’m very happy with the outcome :)
Ummm I’m not really that proud of anything else I’ve posted, and there’s a lot of stuff I’ve drawn that I’m not ready to share with people yet cause I’m kinda self conscious, BUT I do have a couple of drawings that I still really like!
- First one is a ref for a Warrior Cats OC that I’ve had for... ah, almost as long as I’ve been drawing, actually. She’s a favorite between my and my irl friend, and she’s gone through so many redesigns I can’t even keep track, lol. This is definitely my favorite design of her by far, though, and is probably gonna stick for quite a while.
- Second one is just a random doodle of my catsona. Honestly not much to say about it. It was done for my part of an animation meme collab for a friend’s birthday a while back, and I kept the drawing because I really liked how it turned out. I honestly kind of want to redraw it soon with an updated version of my sona’s design and use it as my tumblr icon? Maybe? 👀 I’ve been wanting draw my own banner for a while now, so maybe this can be part of my blog makeover, lol.
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And that’s that! Not much, I know. I spent all evening trying to pull together scraps of stuff I could maybe share, but chickened out of showing most of it in the end. I’m kind of shocked at how little I actually created this year. I feel like my art has been at an all time low recently. I just haven’t really been drawing as much. Hopefully giving myself time and distance from it will help me to gather the motivation to pick it up again soon and be able to look at it without judging myself too harshly. As for my writing... I’ve definitely written more frequently this year than I have for a long time, even if I have nothing to show for it. I’ve been finding myself using my writing as an outlet a lot more recently than I did in the past, and I’ve been getting better at writing things down rather than just daydreaming them and letting the scenes float away into the void of my mind, lol.
Tagging all of my own mutuals (and followers!) who are creators!! Share what you’re proud of, even if it’s small <3
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kaleidiope · 4 years
September Project updation post in October because, well, i’m silly
This post I’ll mainly talk about my plan for my stories, and the things that’ve changed along with my plans for them and such. This was suppose to be in September but, I procrastinated, so yeah!  And, a ‘keep reading’ line to keep things tidy looking! Also, I actually had this as a draft, but forgot about it! Also, also, please don’t mind all the spelling errors that i’m sure is in here, this is quite long, and i’m so sorry for all of that!
You all know the drill, this is an update for the story I've been working on. It was made in roughly February of 2019. Or at least, that’s when I got the idea for it. I’ve been working on it seriously since September of 2019. So, for about a year. On this blog you can find a good bit of random things about it, including drawings. A lot of the drawings I've done I never posted, maybe one day, probably never, but still! A lot of this Blog has actually been WIPS of my story. And, since those past updates, story pitches and such, a few things have changed, and that's what this is about!
First, for those who don’t know, I feel in love with One shot, Deiland, Moonlighter, Borderlands, and a few other games. Mainly One shot for it’s vibe, it’s feel. I loved it, maybe too much? And, really wanted to make something like it. I don’t see that atmosphere much, personally. On Music box maniacs, a lovely site, I was given the idea to make a melody for a character. And that’s how Umber came along. Over time, I kind of made Umber, and left her. Started trying to get into digital art, but without a tablet I tried to create a character that would be easy to free hand with a mouse. Which became Pax. Over time, I feel in love with Pax’s design. I drew him a lot, he was my first, and only OC. I’ve drawn random people and thing’s before, but he had a name. An age. And soon, a back story. He was set in a different world than Umber’s. Which, at this time, is almost abandoned. He was a potion seller’s child who only wanted to go on the adventure’s the customers where experiencing. And one day, he’d face a dragon, and possibly his fate. But that was scraped because each time I drew him, more and more, the backgrounds reminded me of Umber’s story. So, he became a child in her story and his was abandoned.  Umber was suppose to be a child traveling with no family trying to get awareness of her light to others. And once meeting Pax in another shop, he agreed to help her. So, you could say, Pax was Moonlighter based, and Umber was One shot based. The idea that her light was a bad thing and there were ‘”bad people” didn’t come until later. Though, Crimson was suppose to be a bully type of person who mocked, and even at times, almost hurt Umber. Because also, at this time, everyone was children. Once it was thought over for awhile then did we get the story line we have now. Umber was an inventor in a world suffering a seeming eternal eclipse. which was ruled by a corporation that was money hungry and didn’t care for the greater good. The world had glowing bugs that somehow emit a good amount of light, and through time and a lot messing and discovery, oddly power? Which is what the corporation sells, Starworm lights, and “batteries” of a sort. The bugs also allow some things to grow, but with them being harvested as much as they are, the corporation is killing the world. But, that won’t be their problem, they’ll be dead by the time it’s an issue. Now, we have a lot of characters and general world building stuff, along with the flora and fauna and how things work. So, let’s begin! (Yes, this is going to be a long post. I’m so sorry!) But, I have since changed a few things, which I will now state. I was pretty heck bent on giving them ages, but, I don’t wish for them to have any, anymore. This is not earth. It’s a planet without a sun. Keeping track of time is easier than days, let alone years. So for many, it’s just a toss up on how long they’ve lived for. Just a mere, rough, idea. I wanted ages for personality comparisons and height ideas for when I draw them. Which, was never my idea at first. This was just for OC’s to draw, yes, but then it became a story for them, along with for my own enjoyment and somehow it became more than that. Which, I oddly love. But, ages were more for an even sillier reason I've since abandoned as well, and I think the story’s better off now since then. Also, they were all children at a time. Adults wouldn’t even have names or faces, All adults were originally suppose to get full face masks. Instead of half masks. But Indigo ruined that, and after that, some of the characters were being made older. To fit with the personalities, for say, Talos. He was also a child, who I didn’t feel being a child would fit the character and mainly, their job in the story as a whole. So yes. The story itself wasn’t the main idea. Having OC’s to draw were. But I was given a lot of support on MBM with my story pitches, also, I enjoyed making them. So I continued. And I really enjoy this. World building has been the hardest, trying to make things make sense, like the eclipse lasting years. And the fact a moon bigger and that much closer to the planet would most likely make the planet itself, the planet’s moon, and the moon, the planet. And how is life still possible, along with, isn’t it cold? And to that, yes, yes, yes, and maybe XD Mainly, this is fantasy, yes, I do want it to make sense, yes, this isn’t earth. The people’s races aren’t our races, calling them human might just be an insult to them. I mean, they don’t even have pupils. (Thanks, odd drawing style.) So, my answer to a lot of this is, it’s not earth. This is fantasy. I’m doing this for fun. And I’ve done a lot research for something that was never suppose to be as much of a thing as it is, but i’m having too much fun to stop now. And with that as well, yes, a lot of my characters are suppose to have a deeper skin color. Talos, Mauve, Indigo, and so on, are suppose to have a more deep olive color. But, at the time of drawing a lot of them, I didn’t have the faith to execute other skin tones correctly. So I just didn’t. Just like drawing illustrations for my story. I didn’t think I would because I didn’t think I could, but i’m now willing to try. So, here is where we stand so far! I want my characters to have a rough age, but it could be depicted to give of take about three years. I’ve said I wanted Pax to be about 11, but I also see him to act older for his age and such. The idea of him being any younger seems odd, but if you wanted to give him a 9-15 age for an example, that’s more than cool. That goes for all my characters. I want a lot of my characters to look like their own character, i’m working very hard with redraws to make sure there’s noticeable differences with their noses and eye shapes and such.  I want different skin colors and face shapes and so on, but the idea of different races on such a small planet and even the idea of tanned skin in a world without the sun to give one a tan seems odd to me? But there will be differences, because I always wanted there to be. This story will indeed cover some heavy topics. Including but not limited to, alcohol, death, suicide, murder, mental and physical disorders and illnesses, such as DID, alzheimer’s, dementia, memory issues, abandonment, and a form of racism. All things are not straight out talked about or referenced, but lightly implied.  I took inspiration from a lot of things. (including places, animals, other stories and people) And I will not refer to any of it within my story, such as DID. There is already too much falseness and other wrong info on that and other things. I do not trust myself to paint it in a good light, nor a correct light. And will re-frame from actually stating a character has an identity disorder. The idea this world knows of DID and would use the same word is also something I question. But the characters disorder is based on DID. (Also, it’s Tobias.) The idea of genders is something that’s a toss up. I’ve never said anything of the sort and would rather not say anything. The idea that they have genders or sexuality is just something I don’t really want to think about and is rarely mentioned. The idea of love and such is mentioned, purely more for a joke/bit. But still I don’t wish to think of my characters with genders or those parts no matter what I refer to them as. Not mention these characters still aren’t human. I do use She/he/they pronouns for my characters and as of now have used phases like, “That guy” But, it’s become a personal running joke I want to make clear at the start of my story that it was translated and adapted to fit this worlds standers of word form. There are roughly 25 characters as of now, only five main characters, or should I say, five characters that get there point of view expressed. And about six support characters, and the rest are minor support characters. Some of these characters are only mentioned, or referenced, as an attempt to build the world. Questions are always open, and this story is undergoing many changes and constant consideration. As I learn, grow and improve my skills.  I have no hope or want for this to get big or anything of the sort. this is for fun. 100%. If it looks like I talk about this a lot, but never have anything to show for it, it’s because I want it to be perfect or close to it before I show anything. Which will be never, because I can never make perfect. I’m just trying to do the best I can and am pushing the limits of my skills to get there.  I should note, I am fine, I’m not “Pushing” myself. Which is why it’s taking the time it is.  I am really working on character personalities and keeping them coherent and sane along with the same. And talking about all this helps with that. As for now, I know what I want to do, and where I want my story to go, i’m just figuring out how to execute it best.  I’m more skilled in writing where I describe things, mainly emotions and the scene it’self. Along with script writing. I’m not skilled with writing conversations which is a large part of my story. Same with drawing backgrounds or anything that isn’t people. So my story so far reads a lot like a script due to how the conversations are laid out and due to how I describe how each thing is done. This is something I want to get a bit away from because it was purely so I wouldn’t get lost and confused with who was talking and the emotion/feel of each scene.  That’s because I have the attention span and instruction following skills of a carrot. I use my characters names far too many times along with a lot of other things I use for self help clarity which I hope to fix by the end. I do think it’d be cool to start dropping parts of the story and other things of what I have done, with the note that it could change. I feel it’d be fun, but i’m very hesitant to do so.  I do wish to make character bios and such for them all at some point and just have a post that lays down what has been decided so if anyone wants they can follow along with the process. But, that’s all a toss up as of now. Thank-you for reading, and for your time, I hope you have an amazing day! And I dearly apologize for this length! 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Thirty-Seven: Red Lines ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: At The Beginning ] [ AO3 Link ]
They’ve been traveling all day.
With tired feet, Sasuke’s up on his brother’s back, dozing as his clan migrates south. Quick and quiet. Hopefully unseen. Such a large force, of course, isn’t hard to notice...but most of them are shinobi. Hopping through the branches of this landscape’s tall trees, they’re swift and silent as they make their way from their last encampment.
After the battle days prior...it’s no longer safe.
So, once again, the Uchiha are on the move.
Nearing evening, they finally find a place to settle for the night. A rolling hill comes to an abrupt stop, dropping into an inwardly-curved cliff. Below, a shallow pool of fresh water from a natural spring feeds out into a stream.
Fugaku considers the area, kinsmen watching him wordlessly. “...here. Fill your water skins, and put down bedrolls in the cave.”
Hopefully anyone after them will miss such a spot.
Rousing as subtle noises sound with the setup of camp, Sasuke rubs at his eyes. “Aniki…?”
Itachi manages a weary smile as he sets his brother down. “We’re calling it a night. Hungry? Thirsty?”
The young Uchiha just nods, prompting Itachi to begin caring for his needs. A waterskin is handed over, Sasuke sipping it as his brother tends to their section of the camp. Their mother is busy checking on the other vulnerable members of the clan: the young, old, sick, and injured. Fugaku, on the other hand, talks lowly with his top warriors, faces all drawn with tension and unease.
Sasuke watches before Itachi draws his gaze again. “Here - eat this.”
Accepting a nori-wrapped onigiri, Sasuke carefully munches every grain of rice before sitting beside his brother. Their bedrolls are toward the rear of the shallow cave. Any assailants would have to go through everyone else first to get to them.
“Aniki, is this our new home?”
“For now,” Itachi replies evasively. “You know we have to move often as the Senju battle us.”
Sasuke’s head bows. “I know…”
“Someday, Sasuke...we’ll have a real home. A house, with a roof and a floor, and walls. We can start a garden, and maybe get you a dog.”
That perks the boy up. “Really?”
It’s late before their parents return, Sasuke already asleep. Itachi watches his father with sharp black eyes as he unfurls a map.
“...here,” he murmurs, a calloused finger pointing to a dense cluster of foliage marked on the parchment. “This is our current position.” His mouth sets into a grim line. “...we’re not as far as I’d like, but this place is hard to spot from a distance from the direction we came. Gods willing, we’ll be lucky and go unnoticed for now.”
“Where will we go next?” the elder son asks quietly
“I’ve got scouts out checking our perimeter, and seeing what other clans might be nearby. I’ll plot out their positions come morning, and...we’ll go from there.”
Itachi just nods solemnly.
“Itachi dear, you should get some sleep,” Mikoto chides gently. “We’ll have a long day ahead of us. And you’ll need to keep both eyes on your brother.”
Curling around his little brother, Itachi watches him for a time before managing to slip into sleep.
Morning, as always, comes early. And it’s Sasuke who rouses first for once. Wriggling out of his sleeping brother’s grip, he finds Fugaku already awake. Seated with a map atop his lap, he’s carefully tracing lines atop it, referring quite heavily to other parchment at his side. A glance shows reports from the previous night’s scouts. Red ink outlines certain sections of the map.
Gingerly sitting beside his father, Sasuke builds the courage to ask, “What are those red lines…?”
Giving Sasuke a glance, Fugaku takes a moment to respond, finishing a line. “These...are marks that show me where our enemies are camped. None of us are to go there, Sasuke.”
“Not even you?”
“No, not even me. We must work our way around them, lest we invite more fighting.”
“Are they Senju…?” he asks quietly, both fear and awe in his tone.
“No. There are many more clans than just us, and the Senju,” Fugaku clarifies. “The Inuzuka, Akimichi, Nara, Hyūga, Sarutobi...and more.”
“Are they all bad guys?”
After a small hitch of breath, his father sighs. “...no. There really is no good or bad when it comes to clans, my son. We are all simply competing for the same things. Food, water, land...and competition can make people do terrible things in order to secure those things. Even kill.”
Sasuke wilts a bit. “Oh…”
“Someday...I hope we will find a land to call our own, with no more fighting.” There’s a bone-deep exhaustion in Fugaku’s eyes. “...I tire of losing our people to these squabbles. Someday...I hope there will be peace.”
Someday, someday...it’s a word everyone uses so often. But when will it be someday, Sasuke can’t help but wonder.
“So, be sure to stick close to camp,” Fugaku then adds, drawing his son’s gaze back to his face. “We don’t want to wander and stumble into trouble. Understand?”
The Uchiha linger in their encampment for nearly a week. By then, Sasuke has the entire layout memorized, including the outlying areas where he barely dares to tread. His father’s words have made him cautious.
But even caution can’t be outweighed by a child’s curiosity.
Having been learning to use a bow with his brother, Sasuke keeps his and a quiver on his person whenever he’s awake. He also carries a single kunai for protection, but he’s too young yet to make much use of many standard shinobi tools. Instead, he relies mostly on his brother to keep him safe. But Itachi has been busy helping their father, and Sasuke patrols the camp alone.
That is...until he hears a noise in the bushes…!
Perking up, he stares, trying to spot whatever it is. Likely just a tanuki, or maybe some birds. But, wanting to be sure, Sasuke glances back to camp before carefully moving after it.
...there it goes! Wriggling through the underbrush, whatever it is takes off at full speed!
Immediately losing all other thought to the thrill of a chase, Sasuke brightens and goes after it. Back and forth it winds - maybe it’s a hare? - as they leave the Uchiha in the distance. Arrow nocked and eyes bright, Sasuke follows until they reach a clearing, and his foe stumbles out into the open.
A fox!
Pulling up his bow and drawing the string, Sasuke takes aim. But before he can shoot, a rock flies out from another side of the clearing, startling the winded creature into one last dash into more cover.
“Aww…!” Releasing the tension and pouting, Sasuke watches it go, realizing it’s a futile chase. But then he happens to think...who - or what - threw that rock…?
Looking to the proper direction, he sets his jaw, redrawing his bow. “Who’s there?”
Silence. Then a rustle. “P-please...don’t shoot…!”
A voice! It sounds like a girl - pretty young, too. Maybe his age? “Show yourself!”
Another long pause, then the foliage shifts, and...out creeps a child. Dressed in a plain lilac yukata, large pale eyes stare warily, hands up in a gesture of surrender. “I...I don’t m-mean you any harm!”
Slowly, Sasuke lowers his bow. Those eyes...he knows about them. His own clan’s distant cousins: she has to be a Hyūga.
Seeing him relax, she does the same. “I...I’m sorry about the fox, but...I didn’t want you to hurt it.”
“...s’okay,” Sasuke mumbles. He didn’t need to kill it - they have plenty of supplies. These woods are plentiful.
“Um...m-my name is Hinata! Who are - w-who are you?”
“...Sasuke.” They both avoid last names, though there’s little mistaking what she is by her appearance. “What are you doing out here?”
“Oh...I was l-looking for...for flowers.”
“Flowers…?” His nose wrinkles. “Isn’t that a silly thing to wander off alone for?”
“W-well, you were chasing a fox!”
“Cuz I thought it was a bad guy too close to our camp!”
As soon as he says it, Sasuke realizes that was a mistake. He shouldn’t reveal that they’re nearby…!
“Oh...that’s fair.”
“You...you can’t tell anyone you saw me!” he insists.
Hinata balks. “I-I won’t!”
“Yes, I promise!”
He eyes her for a moment, seeing her frightened posture. “...good.”
Silence falls for a time...and then a voice calls in the distance. “Hinata-sama!”
Gasping and looking back, she hesitates. “I...I-I have to go!”
“But -?”
“I won’t tell!” Digging through the bushes, Hinata brings out a small basket full of blooms. “Go, before someone s-sees you!”
Sasuke lingers a moment longer, not sure he can trust her. But she’s already making to jog back the way she came.
Before she leaves, however, she comes to a stop, turning and closing the gap even as Sasuke flinches. “Here!”
Fumbling, he manages to accept a flower. Pure white in color, it’s one he’s never seen before...not that he’s ever paid flowers any attention.
“Go!” Hinata hushes, retreating and calling out to the voice.
Broken from his confusion, Sasuke does just that, running all the way back to camp.
Slowing to a jog, he glances around, hoping no one notices his return. Thankfully no one notes his presence...or the previous lack thereof. Making his way to his bedroll, Sasuke examines his flower, a brow perked. Why did she give him a flower…?
“Oh, where did you find that?”
Flinching, Sasuke turns to see his mother. “...uh…”
“That’s a freesia,” Mikoto explains, kneeling beside her son. “It’s a flower that signifies trust!”
“A flower has a meaning…?”
“Oh, yes...it’s a very important language,” she replies. “Flowers are a way to communicate without words. Kunoichi use them to pass messages without others knowing!”
Considering that, Sasuke looks to his flower. Trust, huh…?
“Now, go wash up, ne? Dinner is almost ready. Your father and brother should be back soon.”
“Hai.” Removing his gear, Sasuke eventually tucks the bloom into his bedroll.
Maybe he’ll see her again someday...Hyūga Hinata.
     Late, tired, blegh @~@      A Warring States era AU! One I hardly ever get to write. I really like the concept of the more "modern" characters being put back into that time period, and how they'd face the challenges of that era.      Buuut anyway, I'm VERY tired, so...that's all for now lol - thanks for reading!
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
Riptide 7/13 CSBB
@captainswanbigbang & @captxinswans present:
RIPTIDE by @courtorderedcake Beta’d by the wonderful @ultraluckycatnd
An Enchanted Forest AU where the dark one was never released into the world in a vessel, thus causing a massive shift in timelines. The ogre wars have ravaged kingdoms, untold destruction spanning continents, rulers displaced. Even as the wars sputter to ash, the safest place to be is at sea, and that’s not very safe at all - as Emma and Killian find out, fates intertwined against all odds.
Rated: E/X - heavy content : warnings of assault, rape, noncon, just everything, I feel like the rating says enough. It’s something.
Read on Ao3 HERE .
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Chapter IX : Shell & Bone
I can be quick and then I'm deadly,
I am a rock, shell and bone medley.
If I was made into a man, I'd make people dream,
I gather in my millions by ocean, sea and stream. 
What am I? Sand of course, dear one
- Unknown
 Emma woke next to a sudden jostle, Killian tensing above her and words, laughing words that weren’t his. The fuzzy bits of sleep fading, she could hear Killian’s voice now loud above her. “Don’t you dare touch her. I’ll kill every one of you if you touch her -”
Emma’s eyes shot open as Killian’s body was pulled away from her and the warmth of his embrace was gone. Two men were pulling him away, his hand reaching for hers across the floor.
“No!” Emma reached for him, pulling his hand into hers, fighting and kicking the other man who stepped into the space to grab her. “Killian, Killian! Let me go, let me go!” Wailing and reaching for him, his body was pulled behind hers to keep him moving.
“Ain’t it sweet? Keep struggling and I’ll give you a chance to hold your baby.” The man holding her pulled her hair, and she yelped, his other hand squeezing her windpipe.
“Emma, you have to stop struggling love, you’re going to hurt yourself. It’s going to be alright.”
They were both pulled on the wet deck with rain still falling heavily, chilling her again. James stood looking over the docks in front of them as Emma was thrown down, Killian over her protectively a moment later.
“I’ve made two decisions, for the sake of my dear little sister and her unborn.” James smirked down at them as Killian gathered her shaking body close to his. “The first is that you get to say goodbye to your beloved before he hangs. I do follow Navy protocol, after all, so you can say goodbye here and as he hangs.” Emma sobbed into Killian’s chest, both of them holding each other tightly. “And I’ve arranged for you to be delivered to a beautiful holding cell to wait for your bastard to be born. Then off you go to whatever fate I decide, and your bastard goes to a nice home.”
“You will not take my child -”
“See, the thing is dear sister, you’re not exactly in the position to make demands. Or to be a mother,” James sneered. “Now say your goodbyes.”
“Emma, I love you. Look at me love,” Killian kissed her, wiping tears away from her face in earnest. “You have to keep our child, beg them, do whatever you can. Do you understand? Don’t you dare give up, Emma -”
“I won’t but you have to fight them too, please, I know you can figure a way out of this. We have survived everything, everything, Killian. You have to see your child. He can’t grow up without you.”
Killian opened his mouth to say something more, but was stopped by James waving a hand to pull Emma from him, his fingers holding hers until the last second. “I love you, Emma.” She continued reaching for him, and he pulled against the two men holding him, continuing to try and touch her fingers.
James laughed, his continued laughter eventually drowning out Emma’s pleading.
The day he was led out to be hung was exactly ten days after his capture. He’d counted, scratching long groves into the wall of his cell with a spoon, sharpening it to carve Emma’s name and his into the wooden door frame along with a small picture of a swan. Tracing it kept him sane when he imagined he heard her cries or a phantom squall of a baby somewhere in the evenings, his body unwilling to rest.
Off of the coast of King George’s miserable land, Korumpiran, lay the island he sat in now. It was unnamed, just referred to by people who knew what lay on its rocky face as ‘Prisoner’s Keep’. Emma was somewhere in the compound, it was where people the Navy wanted to parade out with pomp to a gaggle of noble watchers were held.
Hanging was a sport, and it needed spectators.
James was in high spirits when they came to fetch him, dressed in his full regalia and grinning. As they climbed the stairs to the deck of the gallows, he whispered gleefully, “Today’s the day!”
Killian grunted.
James’s boots were a shining dark black in the noon sun, in stark contrast with the washed-out boards. As his death necklace was hung around his neck, Killian whispered goodbyes to those who would never hear them. His crew, his few friends, his child, saving the last for Emma.
James stood next to him, no executioner’s cowl to mask his glee. “Do you know what the best part of this is going to be?” James’s eyes glittered with excitement as he whispered, “My deal with you ends when you expire. You’ll have your whore and child with you in hell soon enough!” James laughed, pointing out into the crowd where several naval officers flanked Emma’s body. 
Killian struggled in his bonds, trying to get off the stage to her in blind panic. Their audience whispered in confusion as she cried hysterically. James tried to redraw the crowd’s attention, not to be outdone. “I hereby judge the pirate known as Captain Hook as guilty of crimes against the crown...” A wail went up in the crowd, pained as a naval officer started yelling, “...desertion of the Navy, Piracy...” A low moan soon followed, and one of the naval officers ran back into the base, eyes wide. The crowd began to turn and soon, the original crowd was turning towards low keening cries. 
The hair on Killian’s neck stood. 
Navy officers yelled, and James became angry. “...and stealing a ship from HIs Majesty’s fleet. The punishment shall be death, by hanging. Any last words?” James removed the rag he had stuffed in Killian’s mouth. 
“Emma, my wife, please tell me she’s alright. She’s pregnant and I can’t see -” Shouting at the crowd, he struggled, and several women covered their mouths in horror. 
It was taboo for any wife to be present for a hanging, as the gentry were prone to swooning. A pregnant woman being forced to stand privy to an act of such violence was beyond cruel, practically sacrilege, and put both her and child at risk. A scream tore through the crowd, and he could see Emma on her back, naval officers holding her as one came back with a cloth. Her mouth was a tight lined grimace. The crowd was booing the hanging now in favor of the poor woman who seemed to be having stress complications. Killian was barely aware of anything else except trying to see what was happening. Officers ran on the platform to help James hold Killian as he fought to get to Emma with every fiber of his being.
Fists landed blows on his face and a boot connected with his ribs until he knelt, bleeding on the platform’s drop door, the first real prayers to any God who’d listen running through his mind. He heard James pull the lever, and closed his eyes, unable to stand the nightmare any longer. The door below him gave way and he fell, time slowing as he heard James yell in fury. Killian’s knees connected with packed ground. The rope had snapped, cut through almost completely.
Killian’s body registered its living state before his brain, scrambling to move as James shouted orders. His blood beat in his ears to the sound of her name, every part of him trying to protect both his child and his wife. A guard caught his arm half way and shoved him, a strange movement that was neither defensive or offensive. Sprawling forward, he noticed a heavy weight in his coat pocket. Reaching in and touching cold metal, he looked up to watch the guards surround Emma and understood.
James shouted more commands as Killian pulled his hook out of his pocket, taking it in his good hand awkwardly without his brace. A few paces ahead of him, he saw Ruby adjust her stolen Naval uniform, sending a signal to however many others had infiltrated, and he realized that the ever clever crew of The Gilded Wing had each put a swan patch under their shoulder stripe.
Killian slashed through an officer with slight difficulty, continuing towards Emma as he watched the infiltrators from The Gilded Wing shed their disguises. Two guards with a swan patch held Emma's hands, kneeling as the crowd surrounding them began to realize that they were caught in the beginning of a blood bath. Men started to scream as Merida, Ruby, Rory, Phillip, Graham, Fa, Regina, Robin, Z, and others he didn’t know began to carve through them.
Finally reaching Emma, he felt life return in full color. Wearing a ridiculous full satin gown, even in labor on dusty cobblestone she took his breath away. He rubbed blood from his face and ignored what was most likely a broken rib. Snow looked at his dumbstruck face with a small knowing smile, as Emma and Belle beamed up at him. He knelt by her side, or more truthfully, dropped to his knees.
“Emma are you? Please tell me you're alright. Seven Hells and the damned -” His wheezing questions were answered with a soft kiss as her hand threaded through the hair at the nape of his neck. She pulled away, motioning a hand to the bodice of her dress and bringing him back to the peril of their situation.
“We're fine. Help me get out of this damned thing before we all wind up dead, because that would be depriving a nice end to my dashing rescue of you. Oh, and take off your shirt.” Emma reached below her skirts and pulled out his extra brace, a cutlass, and her preferred scimitar. He pulled off his coat and shirt as she and Snow struggled to get her out of the gown. Belle stood guard, easily dropping men with a crossbow.
“You know, there's a thousand other ways to get us both naked love,” he grinned. He put on his brace with ease, relishing in the feel of the soft leather and the plush embrace of the fitting for his hook. Snapping buckles tight, he clicked in his hook. With a flourish he ripped the gown, revealing her breeches and tunic below. “When we get back, I'll show you a few of the ways I thought of on the gallows.”
“Gallows humor. That's appropriate,” Snow smirked, as he shrugged his shirt and coat back on. Helping Emma stand, he embraced her tightly.
“I love you, Emma. We'll talk about how mad I am that you are here later,” he whispered into her hair. “If I told you to stay out of trouble you'd never listen, but please be careful.”
Emma smirked, looking up at him. “I'll do my best, Killian.”
Another round of shouts began as another James appeared from the nearby doorway, screaming that the man on the gallows stand was an imposter, a wizard from the Far East.
Anyone from The Gilded Wing would recognize the slightly darker tanned skin, or the top of his ring finger missing on his right hand. But dressed in a captain’s uniform, the Navy became more confused. James sputtered on the gallows stand about his twin brother, while David shouted back towards the crowd. The Gilded Wing members took advantage of the chaos, attacking without mercy.
“Welcome to the party, Hook,” Belle said as she stood, joining the fray with Snow just behind, pulling a bow with quiver from her pant legs.
Killian kissed Emma one more time as they began making their way towards James.
Emma slashed through men easily, avoiding attacks as Killian moved faster, slicing with both hook and sword. Gunpowder filled the air as blood spilt; dying shouts heard over the smell of fire shot from Regina's hands. Robin, Belle, and Snow had taken high perches, shooting targets with keen accuracy. Men ran to get to safety.
Killian reached the platform first, and James backed away as he approached. Parrying back and forth, Killian was surprised that such a coward was actually an adept swordsman. A well aimed kick from James landed squarely in his broken ribs, the crunch and pain throwing him back on his elbows letting out a strangled cry. James raised his weapon high, the sword shining in its cruel metallic glory. Killian turned to Emma and watched her, unwilling to spend his last moments watching James’s sadistic snarl.
A shot rang out, James stepping back and looking at his stomach in surprise. Killian took no chances, digging his hook deep into James’s neck, ripping his face apart in a clean motion. Killian heard the bastard gurgle but threw him down, unwilling to give him any more attention. Looking up, Charming nodded to him over the smoking barrel of a pistol, a calm ripple of understanding coming between the two.
It was done. Men ran in all directions, fires started in several places along the keep, and cannons sounding from what sounded like several ships. Glancing at the smoke drifting off of the towers, he would swear he was hallucinating. Two dragons circled, one dark, massive, and sleek, the other a soft pearl color with somehow more delicate features. They were stunning in their fierceness.
The island was in ruins as nobles cowered, fleeing to ships that sped away from the rubble.
“Killian?” Emma called through the smoke, and he stumbled off of the deck into her embrace. She smiled and let him lean into her body, face pressed against her neck as he took a breath. “You’re heavy. As much as I -”
Rough hands pulled him aside, helping him stand fully. Charming stood next to him, propping him up. He grunted, growling out lowly, “You have legs, lean on someone who isn’t pregnant.”
Killian could feel his ribs throb as they walked along the cobbled path, Charming under his arm letting him lean and Emma by his side trying to keep him talking. His lungs burned, and he was painfully aware that breathing was becoming harder. “How did you manage this?” he coughed, and Emma looked at her brother, then away quickly.
“Will is alive. Belle took him back to The Gilded Wing, and they caught the Jolly on its way here to save us. Regina popped into my cell, letting me know the plan and helped me smuggle the things we needed. Hey, hey. I need you to stay awake.”
“And you tamed dragons in your cell?” Blinking groggily, he shook himself further awake, not realizing his drooping eyelids as his lungs tightened.
“That’s… That’s actually Z, and his, um… Friend? or Lover, I guess?” Emma said unsurely, glancing at David. 
“Mal, the blonde woman, new to The Gilded Wing’s crew. Old friend of Regina’s, and a powerful sorceress. Transformed Zorro, your Z, into a dragon for revenge and the spell accidentally hit them both. They can change forms when they’re around each other,” David grumbled.
“You know I think you’re magnificent, Emma. Did you manage a Kraken too?” Emma laughed, moving closer into his side. “Don’t laugh, love. I’m trying to share a moment with you while staving off choking. And you, my dear brother-in-law racing to save me. Now that I wouldn’t have bet on.”
“Never call me that again. Could you focus?” Charming gritted out. “If you died, I’d never hear the end of it from Emma or Snow. And,” he mumbled under his breath, “I cannot be left alone with Scarlet or Robin, who would join you in hell. I can’t be killing crew. That’s, what do you say? Ah, yes. Bad form.”
“Dave, you truly do care,” Killian groaned when Emma gently prodded him gently in the ribs, shooting him a look, but Charming actually gave a forced smile.
“Don’t make me stab you when you have cheated death thrice today, to my sister’s delight.” As they approached the Jolly in full glory next to The Gilded Wing, they were met by a crowd of crew members, Graham taking over for Charming. Before he was completely pulled away, Charming slid an elbow right into where he ached, hard enough to bruise but not to cause any more actual damage. Killian sucked in as much air as he could get through his teeth, trying not to vomit. “And never call me Dave ever again either.”
Emma helped him settle into their bed, helping to ease him down and help make something comfortable for both of them. She’d washed his face, and taken off his bloody clothing, soft touches that reminded him her finger was painfully bare of his ring. Before he could say anything, Regina had come by for more healing and a round of her truly noxious potions made to induce bones to knit together with the added bonus of making a grown man fall back into the mindset of a whiny child.
His lucidity began to fray, and Emma lay next to him quietly, looking over their handiwork on his battered body. “You’re starting to get a little bit magic sloshed. I can see it in your eyes,” Emma giggled. “You always look so intense before you let go and get lost in things.” She reached for his hand, surprised when he moved to kiss her, searching her eyes as they broke away,
“You shouldn’t have been there. If you had been hurt, Emma, I can’t... I couldn’t even watch you pretend to suffer because I thought...” His voice caught, and she held his hand tighter. “No more. Stay off your feet. I know you’ve been hiding how exhausted you are, and I’m worried for you love. I’m worried for our child.”
 “I’m ok, I promise,” she lied, and adjusted herself. Wincing, she did not sell her lie. 
“No. You’re not.” 
“Killian, I -” 
“When was the last time you ate and really rested? You were in a cell, probably not much nicer than my own. And your wound? See to it you actually get it cleaned, love,” he sighed, gathering her into his arms. “Of course.” He nuzzled into her neck, his words slurring softly as the potion helped mend his broken bones. “You could just rest with me. Help me get better. Stop me from worrying about the dragon we unintentionally signed on as crew.”
“Of course,” she whispered against his chest, as close as she dared with his broken ribs snug under bandages. “Captain's orders, hm?”
“Quite right.” he sighed.
The sky was a sickly green as rain drizzled over the Jolly, the clouds casting strange shadows through the windows in the Captain’s quarters. Emma still felt uncomfortable on her ship, rather spending her time watching Killian heal and helping out on the Jolly. Her main tasks were easy to fall into, and she enjoyed laying in his arms as his wife.
Married life suited her, although Killian’s boredom did not. He entertained himself by wrapping yarn around his hook as Maggie had taught him as lumpy blankets as soft as clouds littered their bed. He also read, and occasionally sketched her changing form with rapt fascination. She'd begun to truly show, her body suddenly ballooning everywhere as her sickness was replaced by unending hunger.
Killian still not only assured her that she was beautiful, but made it very clear that he enjoyed every bit of what he saw. Every time she left him in the mornings he’d groan, sleepily begging her to stay; either trying to ply her with his words… or other things. “You could lie here with me all day,” his voice said with a low, husky rumble. He stretched his arms around her as she sat on the edge of their bed, and she heard the hiss of pain, even as he tried to hide it. “I’d show you how well I’m healing by licking every inch of you -”
“Killian!” she laughed, as he kissed her neck. “While that’s tempting, and it is oh so very tempting, the ledgers need to be balanced to account for repairs, stock needs to be counted, and you need to rest -” “Do the ledgers here, and I promise I’ll rest,” he nibbled her earlobe and she let out a gasp. “After I taste you. You don’t understand how beautiful you look, Emma.” She pulled away from him, and his face fell.
“Mmmhm, well, we can discuss this more when I bring you lunch.” His face brightened and he licked his lips. “With Mal, for another bout of healing.” He flopped back, with a wheeze, groaning. Emma stood, bending to kiss him, and made her way to the door. “I will do the ledgers here though, to ease your suffering.” 
She heard his hum of approval as she walked to the deck. He was healing nicely luckily, and would be better in a matter of days. Emma was grateful to have Regina and this newcomer, Mal, around to work healing magic, even if it wasn’t as powerful as her own. His ribs had set which was a great comfort to Emma. She had been worried with them sleeping together that she’d hurt him somehow. Regina had even suggested he could be on deck but not working as early as the next day, but Emma hadn’t told him in case they were wrong.
It was cool, the rain picking up as Emma stepped on the deck and took in a deep breath. Walking to the railing, she looked over the waves, peering behind them where the Gilded Wing followed. A hand automatically rested on top of her stomach. The child was quiet today to boot, and would be until after breakfast. Although her sickness was blessedly gone, she’d noticed how easily she got winded or tired while working. She’d learned some ways around it; eating a good breakfast, snacking, breaks to sit down, drinking water, and other small tricks. The fresh air was another trick, the sea breeze felt good in her lungs.
Will stepped over to her, handing her a bowl of sweet rice and dried fruit. “Good morning. How’s Jones?”
“A few more days. Unless he does something stupid.” Tipping her bowl, she swallowed greedily. Every meal felt like she hadn’t eaten in days. “What still needs to be done this morning?”
“Jefferson says there’s a storm about to roll in, so we need to tie off some barrels, and move some crates.” He ticked off his fingers, while she continued eating. “There’s some damage to the sails that need to be tied off, and a little damage to the rigging. I think we should be storm ready after that.”
Emma nodded, finishing her meal. “Let’s start.”
They worked tirelessly as a unit as lightning crackled close by and a boom of thunder echoed only slightly to the west. The rain began to pummel them, and Emma started to shiver; her fingers going numb as she tied things off. A tickle ran across her back, and she looked up to see a loose rope dangling. She pulled gently to tie it off on a stable weight. It wouldn’t give so she pulled harder, letting her muscles strain as the wind whipped. She let go, dizzy and winded, her body protesting even standing.
Internally, she began to panic. She hadn’t been working that long, but she was exhausted already? This couldn’t be, and she wouldn’t accept it. She’d push through.
Smee looked at her in concern. “Miss Emma, are you alright?” She nodded and reached for the rope again, numb fingers gripping to pull even harder. This time it gave and she tied it off triumphantly, panting to catch her breath.
She realized something was wrong before she saw black creeping towards the edge of her vision. Turning to stumble towards Smee, she heard his surprised question before darkness took her.
When she blinked her eyes open again, she was laying bundled under far too many blankets by candle light, a cloudless night sky laid outside the open windows wherever they were harbored. Killian sat beside her, gently stroking her hair as he read. She went to ask him what happened, but could only rasp out a questioning noise before coughing.
“Well, my darling, you’ve gotten yourself sick and pushed yourself to fainting, per Regina. She sends her regards, with strict instructions for both of us,” he whispered. Killian smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Emma groaned. “If that’s your apology for scaring us all half to death, it needs some work.”
She coughed, trying to clear her voice. “Sorry.”
“Emma…” A look of concern and tired frustration crossed over his face. “Regina and I talked, and you shouldn’t be doing anything but light labor, if that. We’re concerned for you.”
Emma scoffed, her eyes narrowing. “No, I need to work. I’m not weak -” “No one thinks you’re weak. You’re building life, the farthest thing from it - but this was a close call.”
“I just fainted. It’s not -” Killian’s hand balled into a fist, and he interrupted her, his voice quiet, but filled with worry and anger.
“You were bleeding.” His jaw ticked, and Emma immediately felt her heart sink as she rubbed where she could feel the baby resting, stretched along her entire frame. 
“I was…?” Emma saw him soften, and he took her hand. “The baby is alright though, right? Killian, I didn’t mean to -” 
“Z carried you in, and somehow got Mal and Regina over here almost immediately. He’d noticed you were bleeding after he picked you up.” He sighed. “Regina said you just strained yourself, and you needed to rest. You need to rest. She thinks… She thinks something might be wrong, and we should get a midwife.”
Emma’s heart froze, panic rising in her tone. “Why would she think that? There’s nothing wrong with him, the baby. You’ve read everything, we’re fine. We’d know if something wasn’t right, wouldn’t we?” 
He rubbed her hand, kissing the knuckles he'd just traced. “It’s alright. She just said she was worried. The baby is rather big and your symptoms and swelling have been really severe, that’s all. A midwife is not a bad idea. We should find one just to be safe. There’s one she recommends that is available a few months from now, and another available in a month or so. How about we try the one available sooner and see what she thinks?” 
Emma nodded, tracing where she could feel the slightest movements. “Better safe than sorry. I’ll stay on light duty.”
“Good. Never a dull moment around here.” He smiled at her adoringly. “One of us is always down, it seems.”
“Oh, how are you? Did they -”
“I have been told I’m fine besides light bruising.” He laid next to her, putting his book aside. “Which is truly too bad, I had planned to keep you totally and completely enthralled during our bed stay together.”
She laughed, which turned into coughing. “Ugh. I really did get sick.”
“Aye. You were ice cold. I wrapped you in every blanket in here. I thought…” She stopped him with a kiss, pulling him close.
“I’m not going to leave you, I promise. I learned my lesson this time, and I’ll take it slow.” Burying herself in his chest, she could hear his heart race. Emma closed her eyes, letting her entire body relax into his, feeling his warmth through her blankets.
“I love you, even when you’re a stubborn woman intent on shortening my life with fear.”
She yawned, feeling another round of exhaustion settle over her. “You love it.”
“Indeed, Emma, I do.”
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Better Call Saul episode posters by Matt Talbot After 4 nearly years, I thought it was time to catch up with Matt Talbot about his Better Call Saul poster project. The last time we talked during Season 1, Matt was deep in the hustle of making his name as an illustrator: juggling a full-time job, freelance projects, as well as band. Finding time for personal projects like this one can be a significant challenge. (Not to mention surviving the death of your tools: During Season 1 his Mac laptop died, and this season, his Wacom tablet bit the bullet). But despite these challenges, the 43-year-old New Hampshire native has persevered to create a clever and thoughtful series of episode posters that has garnered considerable attention, and brought with it new high-profile clients and art exhibitions. 
First, congratulations on all of your success and recognition with this series of posters. It’s well-deserved. What’s been the most gratifying feedback you’ve received? Thank you! Every interaction I’ve had with anyone from the show has delighted me. I've been surprised by all of the cast and crew members who have said nice things – every note I’ve gotten has meant a lot to me. That being said, Michael McKean randomly tweeting at me that he has my poster for Chicanery hanging in his home blew my mind. I was eating dinner when my phone showed the notification and I literally jumped up from the table. I’ve been a fan of Michael’s since I saw Spinal Tap in the ‘80s and never in a million years would I have guessed I’d make something he valued enough to hang in his home.
Tell me about your contributions to Gallery1988 exhibitions. How does that process work? It's a pretty simple process. They invite me to be part of a show, and I make something to send them. I’m very excited for the opportunity to show there, and I feel like it’s a milestone in my art-making career.
Across the 4 seasons, which BCS posters are your favorites? Which one are you most proud of? I’m particularly fond of Rebecca, Rico, Marco, Switch, Sunk Costs and Something Beautiful. Oh man, it's hard for me to evaluate my own stuff. I tend to like the posters where I find a way to get a different take on something they did in the episode. I would say that “Sunk Costs” is also one of my favorites because I did something differently than how they shot it, and because Mike is so recognizable even from the back. I was also pleased with “Off Brand” because it was when I finally figured out how to draw Bob Odenkirk.
How has your process for creating these posters evolved over 4 seasons? When I started this project I had a vague idea that I would focus on scenes rather than portraits or likenesses, but that didn’t even last half a season! The characters were too good not to include. In that way, the posters have evolved in my willingness to draw characters, and also, hopefully, my ability to draw them. 
My process is now something like: Watch the show on Monday; think about it on Tuesday, figure out what stood out to me and do a thumbnail sketch or two; draw it on Wednesday night; post it Thursday afternoon. I’m a bit faster at drawing these now compared to when I started. And I’m a bit more decisive on choosing which subject matter to depict.
There have been quite a few changes on the visual side of Better Call Saul over the last 2 seasons. New directors (Minkie Spiro, Daniel Sackheim, and Andrew Stanton), a new cinematographer Marshall Adams, even new cameras. What are your thoughts on how the show’s visual grammar has evolved? Has any of this impacted your posters from Seasons 3 & 4? I try not to just redraw literal scenes from the show, and I don’t need to tell you that they shoot the show in an incredibly beautiful way. I mean, they always, always, pick the best angle, the best shot to capture something. For that reason, it’s sometimes hard to to come up with another take on a moment from the show.
That being said, the visual style hasn’t really impacted my posters as much as the evolving subject matter has. The show, I think, is substantially darker than it was in the early going. It was easier to depict Jimmy’s hi-jinx in the first couple seasons. But with Chuck’s deteriorating mental state, the cartel stuff, Mike going deeper into Fring’s world and of course, Jimmy’s loosening sense of morals, the funny moments are harder to spot. That’s lead me to some more somber layouts and color choices.
We didn’t discuss this in our first interview. Which typeface are you using in your posters, or is this custom typography? The main logo and episode titles are set in Sign Painter, from the excellent House Industries.
The Heisenverse is known for it’s color theory and use of color. How has that impacted your color choices in these posters? I’ve kind of adhered to their blue=good/red=bad symbolism, but I also try to balance out colors between episodes and not repeat myself in sequential posters.
Many of your posters (especially ones this season) use a monochromatic, or simple palette of 1-2 colors. Tell me more about why you chose that approach. Is this a signature of your style? I’ve seen this approach in a lot of your work. You know, in the early seasons, I was trying to use simpler color palettes, but I wasn’t very disciplined and I got away from that. I’m trying to stick to a more consistent style in season 4. It is a conscious decision. I also feel like with the week-to-week nature of this project, it helps quickly set apart each poster. And, I really do love limited color palettes. Giving myself color constraints helps me figure out different ways to solve layout problems.
I’ve heard other illustrators say that Bob Odenkirk’s facial features are tricky to capture. Do you share that sentiment? Which characters are more challenging to illustrate? I do agree with that. I had a really hard time with him at first. I kind of think I have a better handle on it now, but I’m always trying to get better. I feel like if you can get his mouth right, it goes a long way.
I found Hector hard to capture both times I drew him. Mike, on the other hand, is just pure fun to draw. Jonathan Banks is so distinctive and iconic.
What’s been the most difficult poster thus far? Why was it challenging? Maybe it’s because a lot of time has gone by, but I can't think of one that stands out as having been really difficult.
Francesco Francavilla did alternate posters for some of his Breaking Bad posters. Inevitably, when artists look back at their work, they consider revising or redoing it because of a variety of reasons – their point of view has changed, their skill/style has evolved, or maybe they were never truly content with the final product. Looking back at 4 seasons worth of posters, are there any that make you want to scratch the revision itch? Yeah, more than I would care to admit. I would really like another crack at Amarillo. I know I could do a better job and that drawing is just super flat. In season two, I decided to to experiment with style and I kind of wish I hadn't. I like Cobbler, but I wish I had drawn it in my normal style. I would redraw Nailed for sure. Oh man, if I start going down this road it's not going to end well, so I'll just stop.
You mentioned earlier this season you were excited to draw Track Suit Jimmy. Who or what haven’t you drawn, that you are eager to illustrate? Howard! It bums me out to no end that I haven't drawn him, but it just hasn't worked out. And I need to include Kim more. It's kind of criminal that her face only appeared for the first time in a poster this season.
What’s your opinion of Season 4? Tell me about your favorites – episode, scene, character. I think season 4 is brilliant so far. The Kim/Jimmy relationship has deepened so much this season, and feels so real, but full of inevitable heartache. Oh, the flash-forward to Breaking Bad’s timeline was amazing. Mike doing his audit in the Madrigal warehouse. Really, anything Michael Mando does on screen. It's hard to pick. I so enjoy the deliberate pace of this show.
Where’s your favorite place to discuss the show? I honestly don’t talk about it too much online, though I lurk in a few places and read a lot. I actually discuss it mostly with my wife!
I know you get this question a lot, so let’s cover it here so folks understand: Do you have plans to sell any of this work online? I really appreciate that people like it enough to want to buy it or hang it, but I don't plan to sell the Better Call Saul posters online. I’m doing this for fun, not to make a buck off the show, and I don’t own the rights to sell it anyway.
What’s next for Matt? Do you have any other poster or illustration projects in the works? Is you band performing soon? I have several more pieces for Gallery1988 shows coming up. I’m pulling together an art show at a local brewery for whom I design all of their labels and stuff. I’m patiently waiting for a t-shirt I designed for one of my all-time favorite movies to be announced. And for the past several Octobers, I spent the month drawing a horror poster per day. I’m not sure if logistically I can do that again this year, but I’ll probably fit at least a few in. We’ll see how it goes. Sadly, with all of my illustration work, I haven’t had any time for music making, but someday I hope to get back to that!
Follow Matt: Web site / Tumblr / Twitter / Dribbble / Instagram / PosterSpy
– Interview by Shayne Bowman, Heisenberg Chronicles
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irageneveart · 6 years
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Hiii everybody!
There you have the offers!
-> 6 € - Lineart! usually they’re black and white but if I see fit I will use other colors as well. I can do up to 5 characters but for over complicated characters will be full +character price :D for example, you want a picture of a dragon and three people, the 3 people will get into the Lineart price with no additional charges, but the dragon will have it’s own price (+ 6 € )
-> 9 € - Doodles! flat colors, simplified style, 1 simple color background
-> 12 € - Portrait with white / 1 flat color / transparent background. you choose!      + 3 € if you want a complex mood and background!
-> 34 € - waist up illustration with background included!
-> 50 € Draw for ME! This is a special offer I thought would be fun! you’ll be giving me one of your artworks with the changes and/or specifications you want it to have, and I’ll redraw it in a complete illustration!         *the character payments stays, so 50 € for one character illustration and 6 € for each added character        *the changes to your art won’t be huge, for example: you’ve drawn your character in bed on their laptop but you want me to draw them on the beach. no, I’ll keep the original idea but with whatever minor changes you want or I feel like it’s needed
+ 6 € for any extra character! for example: you want a headshot of two of your D&D characters? it will be 12 € (headshot) + 6 €  (extra character). this additional payment is for every category except linearts (unless you get over the limit of 5)
+ 10 € if your character has no references (if you want me to draw from description or to design a character based on your bullet points)
+ 12 € for NSFW
+ 15 € if you want your commission to be private (you don’t want it posted). anonymous commissions are fine
+ if you want a special photo (full HD wallpapers, anniversary gifts, book covers, tattoos, gifs, etc) it will be 10 € extra!
* Payment through Paypal ([email protected]) . Please select “family and friends”, this way I will be able to get your full money with nothing taken away by paypal fees!
Please keep in mind:
 I accept NSFW / gore/ horror /etc. if something makes me uncomfortable I’ll just let you know!  
I’m drawing in my free time, I wait my inspiration and I try to keep my mental health in a good state while drawing for everyone. if waiting and patience is not your forte then please do not request!
If you want your free request to be prioritized consider feeding me some ko-fi 🧡
“How do I get a commission???”
 Write me telling me you’re interested in one of the options listed above. I will reach out to you and we will talk the details, references and prices; when everybody is happy you can pay! :D After that I will start brainstorming your picture and deliver it as soon as I can. If anything makes me slower or is keeping me from drawing I will inform you and keep you updated.
Payment upfront! only after I will put your request on my waiting list
I will post your picture with my full signature and the sites I can be found on! If the picture is NSFW it will only be posted on a NSFW twitter and in your DMs, probably with just a preview on tumblr.
Thank you SO much and I hope you will continue to support me !! don’t hesitate to ask me anything!
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 10: We Finally Found Tea
Well, lets turn on some Yugioh and see what Hellish Nightmare is drawn on a children’s card today
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Fair reminder, my 9 year old nephew is terrified of Little Witch Academia and made me turn it off after 3 episodes.
And is that demonic flesh thing with the red eyes ever a contrasting aesthetic to what comes directly after it--four sweet children with cute matching outfits
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Anyways, Mokuba has allowed the fight between Joey and Roba to continue, despite the fact that if Roba somehow won at this point, Mokuba would not have allowed it. The outcome seems pretty fixed and can only really go one way, but this is almost nearly always the case when Joey gets in a duel.
Like, I can make a list--but then I’d have to remember sooo many details about S1 but when was the last time Joey had a duel that wasn’t completely one sided/a sham? Rex? Like was it just Rex? I mean dueling Yugi kiiiiind of but like...Yugi’s a card wizard so even then it’s like...this is just Joey’s life I guess.
But, this show will do whatever it can to make us forget that all of this with Mokuba Just happened and Just went down and that there’s really no real threat to Joey. And so it does that by holding Joey accountable for the ultimate Joey guilt if he loses, which is making his sister feel...sad?
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Listen I’m happy shes soon to not be blind anymore but like I think we gotta stop using Blind Sister as some sort of Joey motivation, like...she’s fine. I have a really hard time believing that she will truly be so upset if her brother loses a card game that her brother already knows will absolutely kill him if he ends up in the final 2.
(read more)
And Tea’s still lost, but at least now she has some company
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And then just whips this out of her purse, to my utter disbelief.
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She has been lost for 3 episodes! The girl has a PHONE and she has been lost for 3 episodes? And like, sure, maybe the boys haven’t been given the hand me down family phone yet, but like...they do have her number, right? Like at any point any of her friends could have called her? What does she use that for, if not to keep tabs on her three (four) friends that are constantly about to die?
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As Joey is trying to ignore Rex, who is standing in for Yugi, (as Yugi is standing about 300 feet above him because for some reason he is convinced this will help Joey more than by just saying “you can do it” on the sidelines) Serenity tells Tristan straight up everyone needs to stop using her as a plot device.
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Her explanation is a little weird but I’ll take it.
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I spent about 2 more hours looking for this shirt IRL. No dice.
As Joey decides that he’s going to concede (which would have been actually really great it he conceded and forced Mokuba to run down from the roof and be like “all y’all are going to card jail because you cheated and Joey isn’t even supposed to be in this tourney OMG”) Tea and Grandpa run over to give him some inspiring message about how his sister is beside him or something?
It’s amazing at how easily Joey forgets his sister. Should really wear her picture in a necklace around his neck like the Kaiba’s do. Hell, maybe that’s why the Kaiba’s still do it, now that their brains have been shuffled more than cards.
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So Pharaoh stepped out this game because he wanted to see Joey win on his own and without the support of his friends, only to prove that Joey absolutely cannot win on his own because he needed Tea and Grandpa to show up anyway.
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The Hell is your face Grandpa?
And because we haven’t seen Yugi in a few episodes, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a complete meltdown. So lets see Esper Roba completely melt down on stage and suffer virtually no consequences for it.
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And normally I’d be talking about how there’s just no consequences for that, huh? But instead, I want to fixate on something else, because look who I found entirely by accident:
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I am so floored!
Like why would you REDRAW this background????
It’s really lucky that I capped these two at almost the same position--I would have never realized this otherwise, but what’s super fascinating from an artist standpoint is that instead of just using the same cel of people on both episodes (which is really normal in shows like this because crowd scenes are hell to draw) they ... traced over it? But slightly different?
Like the guys next to him are the same models but shifted a little. I’m pretty sure the tube top girl is also there on the left edge?
I mean this explains why that guy has a suit case in an arcade if he’s just a generic crowd boy they pulled from another episode but like...whhhhyyyyy?
Like maybe perhaps one of these was zoomed in and they had to redraw it at a different ratio? We’re still using cels at this point I believe, I don’t think the show was totally digital yet.
But, if you have to redraw the whole thing anyway, why not just shuffle them? Or like change even the color of their clothes and hair? Was this just given to an intern, like “OK kid, draw me a crowd scene, youknow, one like this?” and then when the intern drew the exact same scene and they were like “oops! Well...maybe no one will notice?”
That’s super weird. I’m going to be looking for suitcase guy for the rest of this season now.
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Next week, on Yugioh:
Does Rex ever get to re-enter the tourney since Mokuba knew that Roba’s been cheating this entire time or is everyone going to just ignore that because they hate Rex so much? Will Yugi ever play a game or is Pharaoh just going to be our permanent showman now because Yugi’s tired or whatever? Is Joey seriously not going to just...visit his sister himself, seriously? Take an hour Joey.
And hey, if you just got here and want to see my Yugioh Recaps from the beginning in chrono order, click here for the link
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steamberrystudio · 6 years
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Friday update 3/16/2018
Hi everyone! Esh here with this week's update!
If you're wondering about the image above, well, it stems from a joke on our Discord server which, in turn, stems from something Nora says to Ally in William's route.
IE – What if the club handed bingo cards out to all the new members saying “THESE ARE THE THINGS YOU MAY ENCOUNTER”? Would Nora get a bingo in any route? LoL Would she get a bingo in every route? WHO KNOWS??
Editing/Revising: Have you ever reached the end of a revision process only to be struck with a REALLY AWESOME plot idea that would mean going back and completely changing most of the major points in your story and you kind of really want to do it because it's a fantastic idea but you can't justify the delay doing so would cause so you have to put the idea on ice and save it for another project even though it's really, really cool?
No? Yes?
Well, for the record, it's really annoying when that happens. I'm just saying. =|
-Worked on some sprites to get some of the side characters and antagonists complete.
-Also worked on getting a few more small sprite variations set up so that they'll better match the narrative in some key places. Such as giving Mom a bathrobe for when she appears in her PJs and things like that.
-Worked on lining CGs. Currently, I have just four of the main CGs left to redraw/line in my style. Along with the CGs we have fully completed, I'd say that CGs are about 55% toward total completion. I managed to get a lot of work toward them done this week and am really pleased with that. As soon as I get the remaining ones re-drawn, I'll start working on coloring them all.
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-Danny's beta is in progress. The coder we brought on for this has spent a few days getting acquainted with the game, story and how we handle expressions for various characters and now she's getting into the heavy work of getting all the sprites placed in-game.
-William's alpha is still in progress as well. I coded about 4000 lines of his script today.
Summary: That's it for this week – as always, working on all the things and trying to push development ahead to the next stage.
See you all next week!
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novallyx · 3 years
))*))*> 🌙 MidnightBlue - mini animation - portrait redraw (Rook) ((/*((*/ . . I wanted to start by redrawing Rook without their equipment. . Plus I've been trying to achieve a higher quality and a "darker" but colorful style. . So hopefully I'll re-do Nova soon too so I can catch up with 2021. . . I've got a lot of different and similar content planned to FINALLY start sharing! I've been workin on so much recently, but I've been too lazy to post it :/, but there's A LOT to get to so I can't wait to start up again! . I'm also probably going to start labeling each peice so everyone can know what the content belongs to like NULL: for Nulldrum, FUSE: for the Mech game, or ECT: For extra content and ect; . ///I hope everyone's been doin well and are stayin safe!!! // 💕 . . . . . #digitalarts #experimentalart #graphic #graphicdesign #newartwork #digitalpainting #colorful #characterdesign #stylized #aestheticart #animestyle #illust #animatedgif #minianimation #instaart #portrait #digitalarte #originalcharacterart #quickanimation #rainyart #darkatmosphere #intherain #clipstudiopaint #adobe #ocart #inatapic #animeart #latenightart #animeasthetics (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-7dC1jTWu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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