#I was really shy about the bi-ace headcanon
ashen-laguz · 2 years
ya know I think one of my fave things about yuuya’s vibes is how he reads so strongly as ace to me and is still such an absolute Thot. Like the more you truly get to know him, the more proof I have to my conspiracy board that he is not just bi but bi-ace. And he is one of the only fictional characters who does not sacrifice his absolute Thottiness in that process
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laikabu · 3 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically… what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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vrabbiit · 11 months
Hi i just have 2 lil questions.
what do you personally headcanon all (but the cleaning bots ofc😂) - security breach animatronics sexuality and gender identity plus pronouns ? O.o
And what would they like and dislike in a S/O?
of course anon! just a heads up that while i may personally headcanon animatronics with certain sexualities, doesn't mean that i have any sort of issue with others headcanoning otherwise! they're fictional characters with no set identities, of course, and i encourage other interpretations! i'm also specifically using the terms masculine and feminine in terms of preference / identity so as to not be exclusive to people who fit in binary identities - as a nonbinary/genderqueer (as well as bi ace) person, i understand that language surrounding attraction and gender can be fucky sometimes but please know that not feeling as though you fit into my descriptions here does not mean you cannot read or enjoy my content - i always try to stick to gender neutral readers unless specified otherwise, so that everyone feels included or represented! that said, here goes!
glamrock freddy in my interpretation is bi, with little to no preference of the gender of his partner! he uses he/him, but that's as far as he's considered gender identity. he's naturally attracted to people who are kind or who seem to genuinely care, and while his more diplomatic personality can be a good level for more impulsive or hot-headed people, he generally tends to shy away from people who are outright argumentative - our boy does NOT like unnecessary confrontation for the sake of it. (this does not mean he will not stand up for what he believes in, just that he does not like when people want to argue for no reason.)
montgomery gator is imo unlabelled but multi-spectrum, with a preference for masculine partners (although he is by no means only into masculine / male people!) he also uses he/him, and while i haven't thought too hard about his gender i don't really see him as cis, so take that as you will! unlike freddy, he does enjoy confrontational people and he tends to not be as comfortable around people who he thinks are just agreeable to avoid arguments. he wants someone he can be himself around, and he is quite hot-headed.
glamrock chica i see as bi with a preference for feminine partners! she uses she/her, but i can also see her being open to using they/them or other pronouns! she's not picky about the personality of her partners, since she gets along with almost everyone! she does have a soft spot for shyer or more quiet people, though, as she thinks it's cute!
roxanne wolf i personally headcanon as a lesbian because - yeah, i just can't imagine her as anything else, and nobody else i've talked to really can either! she has attraction to girls of any kind, and any nonbinary folk who would include themselves in that pool of attraction! she's possibly the most enigmatic out of the main band with her preferences, but she likes people who don't immediately brush her off as self-centred or self-absorbed - there's so much more to her, and anyone who actually takes the time to get to know her will see her warming up to them a lot quicker than she would admit.
sun and moon, in my personal headcanon, both use they/them and he/him pronouns individually - there is not a cisgender bone in their body! neither of them really have a label on their attraction (or have really thought about it too hard), but they do have slightly different preferences for a partner! sun is, lovingly, a lot to take in sometimes, so his ideal partner is someone who either matches that energy or mellows it out - in general, people who are very negative to others repel their sunny attitude, but that doesn't mean they don't understand someone can have a bad day! for moon, he's a bit of a Menace and hasn't quite gotten past the "he likes you so he's mean to you" stage. granted, he's never cruel, but he finds themself fixated on people who can either handle his weird ways of expressing love, or who they just find plain cute!
djmm is, well... he's the dj!!! generally going by he/him or it/its pronouns, the dj doesn't really consider himself that aligned to romantic or sexual attraction! on the aro-ace spectrum, probably being under demisexual and demiromantic labels! for that reason, it's hard to pin down what he's interested in in a partner - it tends to vary from person to person!
you didn't ask, but vanny/vanessa? very heavy feminine preferences - she is for the girls first and foremost. for the guys? maybe, she hasn't figured it out yet! uses she/her, but like monty i also don't think she's exactly cis, so interpret that however you want! she's kind of also a menace who likes people she fins entertaining, but unlike moon she actually knows how to process her attraction into flirting!
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Heyy! I love your blog, and I wanted to ask - do you have any headcannons about the Aliens in MvA? For me Sta'abi seems like a Lesbian...
gaww I'm happy to hear! gosh headcanons are so hard for me, apologies in advance that this is all over the place!!
hmm since it's pride, for fun I'd say Susan & Link are bi, Doc is a transman & aromantic or gay, Bob is nonbinary & pan ace
Coverton is either gay or demi aroace, Sqweep is a nonbinary (trans?)girl & ace lesbian, Sta'abi is pan demisexual, although I'm never set on labeling them but that's my idea!
oh and Gallaxhar is ace, Derek is bi (probably closeted)
‌the monster agents have their own private island where they live work free, nicknamed "Monster Beach"
Susan, ‌Doc, Link, & Bob have separate living spaces, but they share the same (beach) house. There are 3 floors and 1 ground floor, which extends to Susan's area that is the majority of the entire building. There's a lab/garage for Doc's projects just off the main residence, but the real works are at Area 5X. ‌Butterfly sleeps in a cavern of the cove behind a waterfall curtain.
‌Link has a driving license, a piloting licence, and a fishing licence and soon a licence to kill yes he has a car it's his 2nd baby
Link deserves a stuffed animal collection I think, but of course, his no. 1 will always be the rabbit, and they're all grouped on his heating pad rock thing
‌Susan video calls her parents weekly, tries to visit at least once a month but its more of whenever she can
‌Doc & Megamind are buddies. Although when the agents first met Megs it was a monsters vs alien situation (or monsters vs megamind hehe)
‌Doc's cockroach research contributed to the development of adding longevity to the average human which explains why Monger can be 90 and look like that, a less mad science former partner of his is responsible for this
‌there's an international Antarctic base that holds alien tech from around the globe (or at least what isn't "important" in each country's respective secret governments), these are mostly big and useless other than for study, an alien junkyard really
‌not sure how this would happen but I like the idea of Derek occasionally covering live news of the agents at work so a running gag is him getting splashed, slimed, dusted, swarmed, and such
Derek must have majored in meteorology, so there has to be something there. it's a special interest in weather and environmental sciences, but he'd avoid ever being called a nerd so it isn't that well known. he also had a hobby in photography, then wanted to be in front of the camera instead
‌MVA takes place in the same universe as Megamind, The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon, Rise Of The Guardians, Home, and Abominable (Shrek is canonically fictional, so dreamworksception? implying live action Shrek actually)
‌Link's species, the "aquappe", are not directly related to homo sapiens, but one of the cousin's ancestors (homo erectus?). I like to think their species evolutionary process was very back and forth (like a whale), but eventually became modern day mermaids. Like apes and whales they sing, but Link's adjustment to speaking might have affected his vocal cords. He still likes to sing, just shy about it like in the karaoke music party.
‌Link's first language is sign, which he learnt from Monger and few others, he learned proper English from Doc & TV
‌Bob also learned from TV, and Monger talked to him a lot
Bob's consumption/absorption of any material helps him regulate his mass. He floats on saltwater but will eventually break down after a very long period of time.
‌Monger has back scars from asserting his dominance over Link, an accidental acid burn from feeding Bob, and a matching chemical burn with Doc after he showed off one of his inventions
before Area 5X, Monger hunted monsters under an alias, although he was unsuccessful because it turned into a monster romance on at least 2 separate occasions
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willow-salix · 1 year
Happy pride month everyone! So, Thunderbirds queer headcanons, let's do it!
Disclaimer: these are my own personal headcanons and how I view the characters, they are not meant in any negative way.
Scott: Oooh he's a hard one isn't he? He's just so straight in my head, it's hard to see him as anything else, but I do think he could lean towards bi/pan as I feel that, if he met a man that he just clicked with, like someone in the air force that he had an instant bro bond with, that could slowly turn into something else as they grew closer. But I think it would take a very special someone to turn his head that way.
Virgil: Virgil changes for me, I bounce from gay to ace with him. To me he seems much more at peace with himself than anyone else and more self contained and content. He's well rounded and has so many hobbies and interests, I just don't see him needing or wanting anyone in a romantic or sexual way. He seems like the one that is the least flirty, least bothered by the side characters that people ship him with. In every instance in the show he seems to be more into the situation and excited by learning new things or the rescue (like in Inferno, he was just there for the fire fighting).
John: The John in my head is a demisexual/ pan/ poly piece of perfection. He is attracted to people that he finds interesting, challenging and that he builds a bond with. He does appreciate physical attractiveness and can look at someone and think they are gorgeous and sexy, but he wouldn't ever dream of doing anything sexual with them until he has forged an emotional connection to them. He has to feel secure, wanted and to trust them before he will go there, so he doesn't really feel sexual attraction until that bond has developed. He doesn't see the gender, he doesn't care, he is interested in them as a person. I've written it in that he's had crushes on males and females and that he'd consider more than one partner, and while I've talked about his previous relationships, I never stated the gender because it didn't seem important but one of them was male. He loves the person not their bits and bobs.
Take his wife who he adores and thinks is the most beautiful, sexy, attractive person in the world. The moment he started talking to Selene he was intrigued by her, she challenged him and drew his attention with her attitude and relaxed nature (even while dangling upside down in need of rescue). The moment he saw her he thought she was beautiful, but in an abstract way, he didn't see her as a potential sexual partner, he saw her as someone he'd love to get to know better. He kept thinking about her, intrigued by her lifestyle and her personality (what little he'd seen of it) and wanted to see her again but also couldn't bring himself to make the first move (luckily she did it for him). On their first date he was shy, anxious and overwhelmed, but she recognised that and let him call all the shots and make all the moves. She let him take his time and when she recognised that he was uncomfortable in the social situation, she took him away from it, letting him be himself and relax. When they kissed it was his choice because he was curious, and she interested him but he was also starting to feel more of a sexual attraction to her because of her personality and how she treated him, meaning he bonded quickly. They talked a lot, they got to know each other, they forged that connection and two months later, only after he felt that bond, did they sleep together for the first time. By that point he was all in and their bond has only deepened.
I don't see John as antisocial (that's a bad term) he's asocial, because he has to feel comfortable in the social situation and with the people he's there with. When he's comfortable and feels secure, he's fully relaxed and very sociable. He loves his family, he loves his friends and he's happy to talk to them. He's also happy to talk to people outside of that group in a situation where he feels in control and on his terms . You see that in the show, he's fine with rescuees, he's friendly and approachable. The only time he's uncomfortable is when Penelope lies to him about how big the charity auction will be and that throws him out of his comfort zone. He was obviously happy enough to go when he was mentally prepared for a smaller gathering. So no, he's not antisocial at all.
I also don't see him as touch avoidant. He grabs people when rescuing them, Scott puts his arm around him, Brains hugs him, he reaches out to touch people. Nothing in that indicates that he's uncomfortable with physical affection, he just doesn't like it from strangers or people he's not close to. That's just sensible.
Ok I'll stop rabbiting about my baby now (but come on, you all knew I'd do it.)
Gordon: That Bi/ pan prince! Gordon is there for it all. He, much like John, cares about the person more than their gender. The Gordon in my head falls headlong into crushes all the time but only when he's single, because he's a loyal boy and when someone has his heart he doesn't look at anyone else. Gordy is open and approachable and so friendly that everyone is drawn to him, so he forms close bonds and instant attachments (sometimes to his detriment, bless him). Gordon appreciates a beautiful face, a beautiful body and an equally beautiful personality. In my head he's had relationships, flirtationships and even one night stands with all people of any gender or sexuality, trans and cis. It's Gordon, he doesn't judge, he just loves.
Alan: In my head (and my story) Alan is bi and in a relationship with Brandon (the ship is SpaceBear for those that haven't been here four odd years when @hedwigstalons (cheered along by @avengedbiologist , @hodgehegposts , @eirabach, @olliepig and @myladykayo ) and I came up with the name for it lol).
Alan finds both girls and boys attractive (though he doesn't care if they are cis or trans) but he's quite like John in the fact that he has to really vibe with that person before he can see them in a romantic way rather than just a sexually attractive way.
Kayo: I mostly see Kay as straight (shipped with Rigby, I freaking love that guy and the ship) but I could see her being lesbian too, especially if it's someone that she's grown close with (kinda like I see Scott). I know some ship her with Penny by that's not for me, purely on a level of they feel like they wouldn't be a healthy pairing and I feel they are too similar to work. But that's just me and this whole post is supposed to be about how I see them I guess.
Brains: Look at that sweet little boo! Obviously this is going to sound cliché but I see Brains as a sapiosexual. He values intelligence above all else and could never be attracted to someone that he couldn't have stimulating, thought provoking and excitingly intellectual conversations with. He sees a big brain on someone and gets all kinds of butterflies. That's why I think he works so well with Moffie, because she's on an almost equal intellectual level as him.
I think he can see the value of physical beauty and chemistry, but he's far too self controlled to be attracted to someone that might be seen as "pretty but dim". He doesn't waste his time with useless projects when inventing and he wouldn't in his romantic life either. Once he finds someone intellectually stimulating and then he might find them sexually attractive too. I feel he naturally leans more towards the opposite gender but he's definitely had a few crushes on those of the same gender with big brains.
Penelope: I actually see Penny as more aro/ace. She never seems to actually like or appreciate, or even notice, Gordon's attentions. And when she does respond it's only after she realises that she could have lost him. I see it more as her feeling deep friendship for him and maybe confusing that friendship and love for him with something sexual and romantic. I feel like she felt making a move was more expected than something she wanted to do.
There, we're done. Please remember that these are my personal opinions and how I see them in my head. This is how I write the characters in my story but, as I've stated before (and I will reblog that statement too) I don't see the need to spell their sexual orientation out in my story, I work it in as and when it develops in the storyline and when they show me. I don't shoehorn it in, because I believe that, especially in the 2060s, it won't be such a big deal anymore. No one will care who you love and especially not the Tracy family who are the most accepting people in the world. If one of the family rocks up with a new partner (or more than one) the others will just say hi and continue their day, just as they would if they were straight. Because that's the kind of family they are and that's why none of these headcanons are explicitly expressed in my story.
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that1nkyone · 5 days
hmmm... u know what, a full set- 1, 2, 3 AND 4 for Ash'li?
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender? Ash'li is a cis male. Just how he feels, and he's comfortable like that. He grew up in a traditionally matriarchal culture (Moon Keeper Miqo'te), but his childhood was a little unconventional as even when he hit a certain age, he stayed with his mother and sisters rather than going off to a bachelor tribe. While he did struggle standing out as unusual, he didn't feel uneasy about his identity. Despite the traditionally gender-based lifestyle of the Miqo, Ash'li's own definition of masculinity and femininity is fairly hand-wavy. His Mum and one of his siblings, Okhi, are both trans.
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it? He is greysexual, poly and bi - the latter two being discoveries he made when he was twenty-one.
He wasn't interested in pursuing any relationships until he met Haurchefant, and was super caught out when he got to know him, wishing he knew anything about how to display his affection. Ash'li did manage to make a reciprocated move... not long before the Vault incident. He didn't start a solid relationship for a while after that.
In the future, he would get to know an adventurous Miqo Scion named F'liisha he'd met earlier during the Coils of Bahamut. It was around Stormblood that he realised she made him happy, too, and entered a relationship with her.
He would also find himself fond of G'raha, primarily Romatically - but also a little shy of his Praises. He would like to climb down from this pedestal Raha's put there before anything further happens between them, first.
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know? Ash'li did start to worry that something was wrong with him when his siblings started talking about partners and relationships, and he wasn't interested in the discussion at all. His Mum supported him, saying that he didn't have to get into this stuff if he didn't want to, and that she'd met a couple others like him. But Ash'li felt like he was already an oddball, and didn't really bring his orientation up to anyone until he met Y'shtola (who i also headcanon as demi/ace) who was like "Well in my experience, there's now less things for you to fuss over." which made him laugh for the first time since joining the Scions.
(The debate of gender attraction wasn't a big deal to Ash'li. The Jinjahl family already has four members who are gay and/or trans.)
4) Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them? Ash'li's immediate family is a little rough around the edges, but has always been close-knit to the point where if someone comes out and they don't 'get' it, they accept them and go out of their way to learn more about how they identify. So he was very supported - but was surprised when there were folks outside his tribe who thought ill of people simply for who they loved. The fact that it's usually the norm in-canon for miqo'te to have multiple partners is a factor for him being poly. Communication is always Vital, of course. And some miqo prefer a single-partner relationship.
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horn-of-leo · 1 year
would it be alright to ask if you have any saint seiya headcanons? love your art btw!
OMG THANK U!!!💖💕💗 ^w^ ALSO OHOHOHO you do not know how much power you've given me here >:3 I have SO many headcanons to share about this series because I'm so normal about it
oh gosh I dunno what exactly to get into tho cuz I have alot and this post will be soo long if I tell like everything I got but I got a bunch of funny and cute stuff for the main 5 (tho I'd be happy to share any other specific characters headcanons on another post if you or anyone in general is interested)
Anyways my headcanons for the bronze saints! :D
Did a lot of the obvious headcanons where everyone is aged up a bit+unrelated ('cept of Ikki and Shun ofc) because it's dumb how improbable it all is
-Seiya-16, 5'3"
-Shiryu-17, 6'0"
-Hyoga-18, 5'10"
-Shun-16, 5'6"
-Ikki-20, 5'8"
-Bi king
-Shortest/Youngest of the team
-He knows how to play guitar because Seika taught him how
-After being stabbed with the sword of Hades, the others go on a journey to find Apollo to heal Seiya. While he manages to get Seiya out of his coma, the effects of the sword still effect Seiya from time to time if he over pushes himself since Hades’ power is that strong
-Also bi king 
-Half Chinese/Japanese
-Grew up in China but was recruited by the Graude foundation and moved to Japan
-He likes to sing but gets shy when he's put on spot, Seiya likes to tease him about it
-He was blind fr but water of life/seventh sense brings it back
-During his fight with Krishna while he only gets partially blind and he's able to heal by the Hades arc(I've also put longer in-between times where the plot happens so they get to have more freetime to live)
-During this time, he had sunglasses/a cane(usually when he's in crowded areas)
-Grew up as a city boy
-One who had most memories of his mom since she died when he was 10
-Probably one of the later ones recruited into the Graude Foundation
-Usually stays in Russia with Crystal Saint and Yakov during times of rest (my ver of Crystal Saint lives and he just used to be a saint back then but retired, plus Yakov is his kid)
-Trans, Pan
-He becomes the Pisces saint in my version cuz fuck canon
-He likes drawing and painting 
-Out of Hades’ vessels, he's the one who's come closest to resemble him. 
-He looks like him during Hades’ youth apparently, though no one would really be able to tell considering the circumstances Hades had grown up in
-The Virgo saint in my version 
-Number 1 HyoShun hater/j
-Remembers his parents, both died in a car crash when he was 5 and Shun was a couple of months old
-They stayed at a relative's for a bit but were treated badly, plus strange occurrences began to happen involving Shun where dead things would suddenly just turn up around him that further added to the mistreatment. So Ikki took Shun and ran away. 
-Ikki was besties with the black saints too because I think their dynamics would be super funny
Altogether hcs
Pals Dynamics 
-Everyone is great as a group, it'll be Seiya who'll usually initiate meetups as a whole group or sometimes they'll all just run into each other when going out somewhere 
-Ikki never texts in the group chat because he doesn't have the app they use. 
-He only calls people which is also still rare. 
-He'll be the type who calls at the middle of the night to drive somewhere random. 
Hyoga: *sleeping* Hears his phone go off and he sluggishly picks up.  Hyoga: “Who is this?” Ikki: “Wake up and get ready. We're going somewhere.” Hyoga: “Ikki?! It's in the middle of the night!” Ikki: “I'll be there in 5.” Hyoga: “Did you call me because no one else picked up?” Ikki: “…” *Line ends* *A few hours later Hyoga sends Shun the number used to call him* "I think this is your brother's number..."
And that's how the gang figured out Ikki had a phone. They all had to figure out his phone number through just passing it over. 
One more phone shenanigan, one of the first people he calls is Shaka when he gets a phone but he doesn't own one ofc so the only next option would be…
Aioria: Hello? Ikki: Are you with Shaka right now? Aioria: Excuse me? Is this Ikki? Also why would you assume he'd be here with me?! Ikki: I asked are you with Shaka right now? *silence* Aioria: Yeah... 
-Ikki and Shiryu are the only ones in the group who are really awkward with each other. They always need a third person to balance them out
-Ikki thinks that they're cool, but Shiryu doesn't appreciate his type of banter  
-Shiryu doesn't have good sarcasm skills because he's too earnest. If he throws shade, he'll just low blow you 
-I feel like at least Seiya, Shiryu, and Shun keep in touch with the other 5 Bronzes
-Probably most frequent person they run into is Jabu
-Apparently, Jabu goes through a goth phase
Future Bronzes
-Out of the main 5, Seiya is the only one to become promoted to a Gold Saint afterwards since everyone else retires. Though they still can use the armor if they need to. 
-Shiryu settles down as a farmer 
-Hyoga ???? actor AU????, He's not the type to share about his personal life so his childhood is a mystery to the world and the only info found of him from back then was his short-lived wrestling career(lol) during the Galaxian Wars
-Shun and Ikki don't take the armors either, I like doctor Shun so I'll keep that
Body types
From ripped to leanest: Shiryu, Ikki, Hyoga, Seiya, Shun
Shiryu- Clearly the most physically fit of the five. He punches like and is a tank but he's also very agile despite his frame. 
Ikki- Has a stocky build with broad shoulders. Definitely had to fight the most so it's been building up for years. 
Hyoga- He's not huge but he has a pretty fit and toned body. Probably from all of the swimming. 
Seiya- Still more on a muscular side but still pretty lean compared to the other buffer dudes. 
Shun- Just lean, he's not great if we're talking raw strength-wise but has more defensive skills to make up for it.
Sleep headcanons
Seiya- Heavy sleeper, snores a lot, he's the type to starfish and hit people on accident, making sleepovers somewhat of a nightmare. 
Shiryu- The type to fall deadly silent and still when he's asleep so that people think he's dead. Luckily, he's a light sleeper and won't be too hard to wake up. 
Hyoga- He lightly snores but is a sleep talker and will say some of the craziest shit ever and never have any memories of doing so. 
Shun- Most normal sleeper out of the bunch, but is deathly scary when being awakened. The gang will swear Hades is still in him from the dirty looks he gives if he's disturbed. 
Ikki- The type of bloke to go snork mimimi.
Cafe Orders(these were from my sister since she's an expert in the field because I'm not a person who goes to cafes regularly)
Shun- Matcha Latte
Shiryu- Oolong Tea
Hyoga- Caramel Frappe
Seiya- Lemonade Refreshers
Ikki- Unicorn Frappe (joke)
I probably have more than this tbh but these were the only ones I've written down so far!! I love them all so much so i have this long list of random stuff haha thank u for asking me to share!!! QwQ
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bxrningdragxn · 1 year
My Steven Stone Headcanons! <3
Just felt like typing these out tbh lol, should I share some for other characters too?
idk we’ll see
anyway, let’s get to it! :D  ✰ ~
He’s asexual biromantic :)
He realised he was bi pretty early on in his life, but didn’t realise he was ace until after he turned 20
transmasc !! I don’t take criticism on this,,,, like just look at the guy and tell me it’s not true
Yeah he knew this since he was a kid
His dad is very supportive btw, incase anyone was wondering
Used to be really shy as a kid
he loved exploring new places but hated people
as an adult he’s still not the biggest fan of a huge crowd, but he’ll put on a smile and attempt to make conversation
he just perfers smaller hangouts with close friends (and I can’t blame the guy for that)
Metagross was his first pokemon
his dad got him a Beldum as a kid
A shiny one! I love that they gave him a shiny metagross in the anime, so like, I’m going with that one lol
He became champion at a ridicioulusly young age, he was 12
a lot of people used to think he just got handed the title, or his father payed the league to make him a champion, eventually he managed to prove that he earned the title himself
Childhood friends with Wallace, Lance & Cynthia
except he didn’t meet them at the same time
He met Wallace during his journey through Hoenn, when he was 10 and Wallace was 11
He just happened to run into a kid with a feebas, they seemed to be training
Wallace told him about contests, Steven seemed slightly interested but when asked if he wanted to join he quickly refused
those two would run into each other more often throughout their journeys, becoming closer each time
He met Lance first as a kid, he was 10 and Lance was 12
They became rivals/friends quickly
They weren’t together often, with both of them being from different regions
but when they were they’d get into a lot of trouble together
When Steven became champion Lance already had his title, so his friend helped him out a lot
He met Cynthia when they were both 13
He was a bit intimidated by her at first
especially since she didn’t open up to him quickly
but they soon became close friends and rivals
He was ecstatic when those two became champions of Kanto/Johto and Sinnoh
They became a trio soon after
Sucks at naming pokemon, like actually sucks at it, it’s why he doesn’t name them lol
His pokemon do have nicknames, but they were named by friends, by which I mean Wallace, just Wallace
except Metagross, that’s the only pokemon Steven nicknamed himself
Honestly at the time of writing this I still haven’t figured out a nickname yet, I was thinking Osmi, short for Osmium, I just like the way it sounds lol 
Also Osmium is a type of metal, so like, it fits :)
I’m gonna say this now, since I’m about to talk about ships, but I’m not an originshipper, sorry :P
They’re cute but idk I just don’t ship it lol
I like neochampionshipping better
the lack of content for these is criminal
anyway, Steven fell first
but Lance fell harder
Except both of them are idiots who fail to see the other likes them back, despite the other making it blatantly obvious
these oblivious lil shits I swear-
Steven always vents to Wallace or Diantha about it
Both of them can genuinely not believe that Steven and Lance aren’t a thing yet
Steven ends up confessing first btw
And because Lance is a flustered moron who took too long to react, it could’ve gone very wrong very quickly
Because the lack of reaction made Steven think he didn’t like him back
but like they quickly resolve that
Honestly I could go on about those two but I don’t want this to become a ship headcanon list
Outsiders seem to think Steven is the smart one of the group
he’s not
He may occasionaly borrow the single shared braincell from Diantha
but apart from those (rare) moments this man is absolute disaster
He can spend hours at a time in his home office studying geology
he will be so occupied with it he will forget to take care of himself, because rocks are more important
The others have made it a thing to barge in and drag him out of there from time to time
or like, at least call him to remind him to drink water instead of playing with rocks 24/7
“That rock looks pretty” - literally anyone
“actually-” *proceeds to infodump about it* - Steven
He likes cartoons
will definitely end up burning the kitchen down when cooking
but is somehow really great at baking???
I don’t think he’s a huge sweet tooth but he’s definitely addicted to chocolate
I refuse to believe he’s not a dog person
I want to believe he has a lycanroc
He’s surprisingly good at video games
He doesn’t pay often though, perfers to do other things
but like if someone asks him to play with them he will
He has this specific face he makes when he’s angry and it tends to scare the others
It takes a lot to make Steven angry
I imagine him to be insanely patient
He just wants to be left alone with his rocks
He has a tiny aron he takes with him to caves and stuff, creatively named Spot
Spot was named by my oc Robin, but I don’t really wanna get into specifics about them
What I will say about Steven & Robin’s relationship is that he’s a bit of a mentor to them
but yeah that’s all I’m saying about Robin, they’re not really relevant to this post lol
Honestly this list is already pretty long imo, so I’ll leave it here lol
cya next time I guess ✰ ~
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
Hi! Since we've got a lot of new people joining, I thought it was time to update the pinned post on my blog. I'm generally glad to meet other adults, especially other sapphic FFXIV players or fans, but:
1. This is a blog for adults only. Minors DNI. This is non negotiable. If you are under 18 do not follow or interact. One more time, if you are under 18 years old you are not welcome here for any reason. If you are a minor and you follow me you will be blocked instantly. This is an adults-only space and I ask for that boundary to be respected.
2: This is a blog run by a sapphic lady. My fandom interests are sapphic. This blog is trans/ace/nonbinary/aro/bi/pan/lesbian/gay inclusive. If you are not, this blog is not for you.
3. If you try to start drama here, fling insults, or engage in fandom sheriff or trolling behavior with comments or reblogs, you will be blocked immediately without comment. I'm not dealing with your drama or wasting my time debating you, so take it elsewhere.
I'm currently into FFXIV and post about it and other fannish stuff that comes into my orbit. I no longer play SWTOR but still appreciate good content about Lana Beniko and other characters I like.
When I played Star Wars: The Old Republic I wrote a guide for solo players, Rain Plays SWTOR. My goal with the guide was to help players navigate the game and break down some of the more challenging content. As of November 2023 I've left the guide up, but please be advised that since I wrote it BEFORE 7.0, I don't know what may have changed since then.
I also wrote SWTOR fanfiction, which can be found at Ao3. My SWTOR OC info and worldbuilding is here. Fanfic index is at the top of the page. I don't have a FFXIV index yet, but I'm working on it.
My SWTOR OCs all have profiles here:
Viridana Dragoi (SWTOR version)
Other characters
Previously asked/answered questions and headcanon about my OCs
I am not a fan of the Jedi in Star Wars, with the exception of the ones in Luke's New Jedi Order from the original extended universe (you know, Mara Jade, Jaina, Jacen, etc.). If you like the Jedi, cool, groovy, I promise I won't come on your blog and bother you about it, but I just don't feel the same and I will not debate you about it. I try to post with #Jedi Critical and #Republic Critical when I can, so you can avoid posts which are, you guessed it, Jedi and Republic critical if you wish.
Comments and DMs are for my mutuals only, mostly because I'm really shy and prefer to stay in my own corner with interaction.
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youareallowedchips · 10 months
sexuality/gender headcanons about the sherlock gang
18+ (not really nsfw) content under the cut ♡
post author is bi & nonbinary! these are just my own personal hcs that i keep in mind when i write fic, it's 100% fine if you don't agree c:
sherlock holmes
homosexual, grey-aromantic transmasculine.
sherlock, despite public perceptions, has an absolutely average sex drive, but had never really felt romantic attraction in his life until he met john, and he can't imagine falling in love with anyone else. he spent a fair bit of time on hookup apps prior to meeting john. sherlock is KINKY.
he's known he felt more aligned with masculinity since he was very small, but never felt the need to go on hormones or have surgery, because he finds society's expectations of trans people restrictive and doesn't want surgical recovery to slow him down. he binds (sometimes unsafely, much to john's annoyance), and it does wonders for his dysphoria.
john watson
allo, bi cis man.
dating sherlock from the great game until the fall, and after mary's death. john's romantic attraction STRONGLY leans towards women and femmes, but sherlock is The One for him. he had a purely physical relationship with sholto when he was still in the army.
john's sex drive is actually super high.
mycroft holmes
allo, gay cis man
a lot of people assume mycroft is aro/ace, because he never seems to get himself involved with anyone. mycroft is married to his work, in the truest sense of the word, and simply doesn't have time for sex or relationships.
mycroft is in a bonded pair with his right hand.
greg lestrade
allo, straight cis man. (token cishet white man!)
dating molly, unofficially just after aSiB, officially asked her out in tSoT, when they were tipsy at john & mary's wedding. greg is super comfortable with his sexuality/masculinity and he's experimented plenty. before john & sherlock got together, he kissed john in the pub once, just to see if he'd like it. he had a fling with a bloke in police academy when he was young, but decided in the end that dudes weren't for him. he appreciates beauty in all genders, and isn't afraid to point out an aesthetically pleasing man. he's also VERY much an ally, most of his friends (and his girlfriend,, uwu) are queer. he fiercly protects his queer friends and coworkers.
greg is an absolute HORNDOG. filthy filthy filthy. he'd be doin' it every day if it was up to him. he's a pleasure/service dom and
molly hooper
demisexual, bi, cis woman.
dating greg. is pretty much split 50/50 in her attraction, maybe with a slight lean towards men. even though she's shy, her sexuality is one of the few things she's open and proud about.
mary morstan
haven't really thought about it much, but if there was a gun to my head, i'd say shes a bi cis woman?
mary doesn't like to label anything about herself, much less her sexuality. she goes with the flow.
(i don't think about her much bc i don't like her, also amanda abbington is an unspeakable terf)
irene adler
allo, lesbian cis woman.
irene didn't come out until her late 20s, struggled with A LOT of comphet, explaining what she thought was an "attraction" to sherlock. they're seriously just bros now, though.
irene actually couldnt really care less one way or another about how often she has sex, but she knows she's good at it and can use it to make money.
sally donovan
allo, bi trans woman
sally is t4t, and dating anderson. she lives stealth, almost nobody knows other than
philip anderson
allo, straight trans man
dating sally. anderson is quite insecure in his trans identity and used to be truscum, explaining the animosity between him and sherlock. he blamed himself a lot after the fall, and took a long hard look at himself and his politics, helped along by a kick up the arse from sally.
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ghostxraven · 1 year
jet star for that character ask game 👀
(thank you marz i was hoping to get to do her!!)
Sexuality Headcanon: bi-adjacent but i think she doesn’t really label herself that way. they would probably describe themself as attracted to almost anyone but i DO think they have a preference for trans people :) T4T jet forever mwah mwah 💕
Gender Headcanon: i have recently seen the light & so i would have had a different answer for you like a week and a half ago but now i absolutely believe jet is nonbinary transfemme (specifically i think she identifies as a demigirl), she/they pronouns :3!
A ship I have with said character: STARPONY!!! T4T femme4femme enby love forever. also they’re just like. THEE zones power couple. everyone in the desert has been in love with one or both of them at some point or another and the first time they go out together holding hands in public the gossip mill FREAKS the fuck out. i also think that starparty is quite cute :) and a ship i feel i don’t see often enough (present company excluded) is starpartyghoul they’re SUCH a good match for each other and i love all of them so much oml
A BROTP I have with said character: PARTY AND JET are besties like BEST BEST friends forever, jet is really the first person their own age in the desert to be nice to party and honestly i think the way they became friends at all was party (immovable object aka autistic + covering that up with being Mean, doesn’t know how to make friends AT ALL) meets jet (unstoppable force aka desertborn, knows everyone and is just REALLY friendly and outgoing and likes everyone, including this weird kid they just met who is super super shy but likes their violin and will just kind of skulk around near them not saying anything) and i like to describe it as this:
Tumblr media
anyways. they are BEST friends jet knows they can tell party anything and they will do their absolute best to help and party steals jet’s clothes all the time because jet is partial to really soft knitted sweaters and when they’re sad or just needing comfort it’s nice to wear something that reminds them of their best friend. also jet smells like vanilla because of her body lotion so. bonus! on the other hand i also really enjoy jet and ghoul friendship i think party is really the only one in the diner not handy with tools and jet is tall so she helps ghoul fix stuff all the time especially if ghoul needs help reaching it. and jet also warmed up to ghoul REALLY fast when he first joined the crew they like to play board games together. ghoul is i think the only one in the diner who successfully has come to understand the rules of chess after jet taught him how to play so they play that a lot :) & when ghoul told her he wanted to get a tattoo for everyone she picked out a set of playing cards with the ace of spades face up so he has that now for her 🥰
A NOTP I have with said character: ummm hard to say. i honestly think jet works with anyone so like…pretty much only people too old for them like dr. d and tcm. starpony is my fave starparty is cute funstar is cute even jetkobra is cute most of the time when people aren’t being weird and rpf-y about it and/or just doing it so they can pair off the “extraneous” two when they’re shipping funpoison & i’ve read cherri x jet before and thought it was sweet so yeah.
A random headcanon: jet has these twin shooting stars tattooed on her ribcage right under the curve of her pecs!! i think she gets them before starting to take E but they really do um. frame the girls nicely. i used to hc jet as transmasc and originally those tattoos were like. i thought it would be cool if they were kind of transforming top surgery scars with tattoo trickery but i genuinely genuinely think jet would have these tattoos being transfemme too. over time she gets stuff added to them so she eventually has this whole chest/sternum/stomach piece made up of patchwork tattooing all building off of these shooting star tattoos she got done when she was sixteen. wild
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER i truly believe she’s the glue that keeps the fab four together and motivated and theyre just FUNNY and smart and brave i love you jet star
send me a character for this ask game!!
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mahalshairyballs · 5 months
I wanted to get back to write a little meta post. Well mostly a little essay related to writing.
And what’s on my mind right now is bisexual characters? Since I've been listening to (bad) reviews of Fourth Wing and am still writing my Moon Knight fic (with bi!Jake)...
I'm always hyperaware of clichés and tropes and stereotypes, and I love to subvert them. But when I create characters it's usually organic and I don’t always think about these while creating them.
One time I realized that I had quite a lot if promiscuous bisexual characters? Maybe? So I'll make a tally of all my bisexual(or pansexual) characters, whether OCs or headcanon of already existing ones and see. Also the promiscuous non-bisexuals too to compare.
I'll probably forget some.
Bi/pan Original Characters
Story 1 - Sorcess-of-old
Bartamon - his flirty attitude is an act, he's devoted to his Queen and then to Legan
Rebania - not particularly promiscuous
Story 2 - present-day-sorcess
(Do I have any here? I don’t remember lmao)
Story 3 - Lena's world
Emmanuel - serial monogamist, he can't be alone for long and loves people but he's very loyal. Got cheated on when he was a teenager, he has a particularly strong stance against cheating ever since. Gets cheated on again decades later by his husband.
(I don’t have only him in that one right? Oh old stories)
Story 4 Lurness heir
Awanakai - particular case, it's in their culture to be polyamorous and having no strings attached, although she got to the highest monogamous commitment with her Emperor
(Same, there's probably more but also it's an old story.)
Story 5 - The Doctor's original companions
Terry - the more 'stereotypical' bi in here I think. He's very indecisive in life and has a hard time with commitment and deep relationships, although it has nothing to do with his sexuality. He never cheated on anyone but got cheated on. Did fall in love with two people at the same time later on (the Doctor and another companion).
Eli* - not particularly promiscuous
Kharmen - shy and not very experienced in relationships, gets to accept her sexuality with another companion.
Rebeca - is an afro-brazilian woman and does 'experiment' with a lot of different aliens during her travels but isn't particularly sexy/sexual otherwise. Knows the time and the place for it.
Frekha/Daz - a teenager at the beginning who hasn't had much experiences there yet, then isn't particularly promiscuous.
Story 6 - The Spin-off
Adevnek - a 2 on the scale, is very reserved and didn’t really try to get with anyone for years after he got separated from his wife. Then he met Maze.
Dalia* - somewhat promiscuous, she's the bar-buddy of Andrei and they often go to hookup bars on their leave.
Story 7 - KECE girls
There's definitely some, I just don't remember exactly who.
Sheppard - somewhat? But mostly because of his issues. He's not promiscuous but he does have a tendency to cheat for self-sabotage.
Story 8 - Outside-stories-characters
Oliver* - is ace, was peer pressured into sleeping with a lot of women. One day he realized he didn't have to keep going with this and decided he would never have sex again.
Bi/pan headcanon for fandom characters
The Doctor (almost always ace panromantic)
James Kirk - ahah I go way back, contrary to popculture idea, no he's not particularly promiscuous.
Julian Bashir & Garak (?) - Garak likes to flirt but they both aren't really promiscuous.
Steve Rogers - more than most people think, but also not really.
Jake Lockley (and Marc*) - he appears to be at first glance because he doesn’t front often and that’s his only way to connect with people, but if he could front more, we'd see that Marc is the horndog of them 3. Marc is also bi, but more repressed than Jake.
Ben - also a repressed bi, didn’t have much sexual experiences before Rey, probably demi-ace.
Rey - yup, and fully assumes it. Although she's monogamous and doesn't cheat. She adapts to the level of monogamy of her lovers.
Finn - also yes, but also same as Rey tbh.
Gay/straight promiscuous characters
Mike - Cis straight man - that's the most stereotypical horndog of them all, he's an old character.
William - cis gay man. He's a lot into hyper/toxic masculinity and likes 'bi-curious' men.
Andrei - Cis heteroflexible man, a man who loves flirting and sex but does it in a very respectful and cooperative way.
Sheppard's BFF - Trans straight man and kinky who prefers Dommes.
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theashpit · 1 year
✨ooooooo for the oc asks , Aiden and Ford and if three in one ask isn't too much, Hunter!
1: sexuality headcanon
Aiden is Bi!
Ford is Bi, but leans towards men
Hunter is Ace! But is in a relationship
2: otp
Aiden and Strike…. COLDCURRENTTTTT
Ford and David MY BELOVED
Hunter and Val, HNNGGG
3: brotp
Aiden and Tom :) absolutely insane company
Hunter and Rowan!! They are insane together
4: notp
Aiden and Sul, thats incest
Ford and Tom, thats just eughgh
Hunter and Fletcher, once again incest
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Aiden has an insane addiction to fries and Ranch and Soda, cream soda especially… he literally is always seen with some form of it.
Ford is an amazing chef and can cook very stellar meals, he understands food on such a level… he can make pretty much anything from scratch if you ask him for it!
Hunter is actually genuinely good at video games, and he doesn’t recognize that he is. But when it comes to harder games he really doesn’t struggle at all, Axiom thinks its because he can anticipate movements before they happen faster than normal. But there’s actually no proof of this!
6: favorite line from this character
With oc’s i rlly don’t know this cause i can pull from my writing but iM SHY
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Aiden is LITERALLY my sona so i relate to him too much KXHSND BUT YOU KNOW UHHHH YEAH
Ford has a lot of like gender stuff for me but also a lot of trauma n stuff. I also put a lot of my anxieties and coping mechanisms into him
Hunter… i… he’s everything i would ever wanna be period. When will i be a shadow the hedge hog motherfucker.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Aiden has a lot of my problems and it can be embarrassing but man its not too bad.
Ford doesn’t embarrass me <3
Hunter doesn’t embarrass me <3
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Aiden’s Problematic Fave
Ford’s Cinnamatic Fave
Hunter is definitely just Hunter and idk how else to explain this
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posi-pan · 2 years
happy/bubbly/innocent pan “stereotype”
This “stereotype” (that I think of as having two sides; happy/bubbly/outgoing and shy/innocent/childish, sometimes combined) is quite new. There’s really only talk from 2021.
Pan people/characters have been stereotyped most often as flirtatious/promiscuous, as pan is commonly viewed as “having sex with everything and everyone”, and pan rep and the lived experiences of pan people speak to this.
There are endless pan articles/posts that touch on/are about misconceptions that include “pan people are attracted to everyone” or “pan people are promiscuous” from 2012-2021. (Some examples: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x.)
In 2011, the study Bisexual Invisibility states some people feel pan and omni “reinforce a stereotype of promiscuity” without challenging it. In 2012, Margaret Cho said she doesn’t like labeling her sexuality and she’s just slutty, yet media outlets declared her as speaking “on pansexuality” and “letting her pansexual flag fly”.
In 2014, folks on Tumblr spread the idea of a show called All or Nothing, with pan and ace main characters, with a “plot twist” flipping ace and pan stereotypes; the ace character is outgoing and flirtatious, the pan character is socially awkward and can’t get a date.
From 2014 and on, sexualization was considered “the” pan stereotype. In 2017, Zane Michaleson perpetuated this in Our Dirty Little Secrets: “I hated the term pan with a passion. It was another way of saying I’m greedy and want to fuck anyone and anything. ‘Any hole is a goal’ was never something I’d subscribed to.”
In 2017, LezWatchTV’s pan page included characters who’ve “slept with aliens”. In 2018, Donald Glover said “how can you not be pan in space? There are so many things to have sex with”. (While Jonathan Kasdan confirmed Lando being pan by saying the fluidity/sexuality of Donald and Billy Dee’s portrayals lends itself to pansexuality.)
In 2018, we start seeing the angry, hateful pan stereotype of pan people being irrationally upset about being “associated” with bi and “should examine why that is” (bi group PAVES tweeted exactly this), when we’re just rightfully frustrated by mislabeling and erasure.
In 2021, talk of this new “stereotype” started popping up. There’s a TikTok video sarcastically saying those who perpetuate this stereotype in contrast to other stereotypes are interesting and the first to ever have that opinion. Yet, before this year, this “stereotype” didn’t really exist.
Regarding canon pan rep, less than a quarter of 81 pan characters I found descriptions for have prominent traits that fit this “stereotype”. More common traits are evil/cunning, promiscuous/flirty, hedonistic, charming, sarcastic, and quirky, most of which fit pan stereotypes that have existed/been perpetuated for years.
Most commentary on this “stereotype” is about headcanons. But it’s rare to find pan headcanons that are generally agreed upon, like so many other queer headcanons often are, let alone so popular and common that one could considered them a “stereotype”.
(If pan people tend to have “bubbly/innocent” pan headcanons, which isn’t inherently bad, maybe it has nothing to do with others, and everything to do with pan being demonized and sexualized?)
Blanket condemnation of and assumptions about pan headcanons is panphobic. It’s unfair to scrutinize pan headcanons and project bad faith on them, when the same level of analysis isn’t directed at other headcanons.
My point isn’t to deny the existence or harm caused by people who perpetuate this stereotype to the point of demonizing others. It’s that treating them as the majority (when they aren’t) turns them into a false, harmful generalization. Which is what you’re condemning.
I’ve seen people argue that this “stereotype” is proof that pan people are more accepted/supported than lesbians and bi people. But this “stereotype” isn’t positive for pan people, and only criticizing it in how it reflects against lesbian/bi stereotypes is an example of ignoring panphobia to focus on lesbophobia/biphobia.
Aside from this “stereotype” being a dehumanizing exaggeration, as all stereotypes are, it plays into existing panphobic infantilization of pan people. It does not speak to a broader/majority/generalized reality of pan rep and treatment, as shown above.
Does anyone else feel weird about this “stereotype” or have any idea where it came from? Feel free to share your thoughts!
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imaginesmatsu · 2 years
Because of pride month, lgbtq headcannons or coming out headcannons?
i headcanon that choromatsu would act as the Token Straight Boy™
not jk lol but theyre all sort of everywhere, yknow?
osomatsu, to me, would prefer anyone with a visible chest - but otherwise he wouldnt care what's in your pants. aligns more with bi than he does with pan, however he usually tends to shy away from dating anyone who identifies masculinely. not that there's a problem, of course, he likes dick - he just doesnt really like men
karamatsu likes anyone and everyone, regardless of what they identify as. definitely the most likely of the brothers to be found in a polycule, though he prefers all of his partners get along. he's great at giving attention to all of his partners and never favors any one over another
choromatsu may act like the Token Straight™ and while he is "straighter" than the others (by the boys' definition), he's still into people who don't identify as female. he's like osomatsu in that he prefers people that identify femininely, but he doen't care as much about physical appearance - as long as he finds who he loves then he'll be okay. he's somewhere in the grey-ace/grey-rom area, but tbh i'm not fully sure where - he falls in love easier than he would have sex with someone, that's for sure.
ichimatsu is sort of like karamatsu in the way of not caring about identity, but he's also fully demiromantic/demisexual. i dont know if there's a combined term for the two? one of the main things that ichi does look for in a partner is if they're good/okay with cats. he doesn't expect them to like look after the strays but he does want them to not be mean or anything. might be open to polycules down the line but even opening up to one person is hard enough for him
jyushimatsu. another "love for the sake of loving" type. he's not as open to polyamory as karamatsu, but he's not as reserved as ichimatsu - he just wants to find the perfect person for him. whether his partner is poly or not doesnt matter to him, as long as they make sure to spend time with him then he's alright with that! definitely has fallen in love with many people at once, but usually doesnt realize it unless he feels sexually attracted to them as well
todomatsu doesn't really care too much as long as his partner would let him dress them up. he's maybe a little more shallow when it comes to facial looks, but even if those who have softer features and present masculinely are okay in todomatsu's book. if there's a word for "romantically attracted to soft features" then yeah that's him. he's the only one who fully identifies with "grace," even though he isn't the only one on the grey-ace spectrum. he doesn't really need an emotional bond like some others, but he also doesn't have many sexual feelings toward other people in general. when he does, it happens randomly and usually not for very long
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fandom-susceptible · 3 years
FFXV Pride headcanons
In the world where Insomnia is legally homophobic (Regis was working on it but it's slow going. he got it legalized in the rest of Lucis before the fall and non-enforced for the most part inside the Wall.), Tenebrae and Galahd are LGBT+ friendly, and Nifleheim just doesn't care:
Ignis is gay but I think a lot of people already concluded this. He's not subtle but he has such a reputation for honesty (though he lies through his teeth about himself a lot) and his friends cover for him well enough he never faces consequences for it.
Gladio realized he liked guys and started saying he's bisexual, but he might be omnisexual he really hasn't thought that far since he and Ignis started dating. They pretend they're just close friends and everyone knows what's going on but the Prince and King cover for them so it never comes up legally.
Noct isn't sure if he's asexual or demisexual but he's definitely got romantic feelings for Luna. That's about as far as he's got.
Prompto is a proud (if shy) pan boi. he has to get used to being subtle in the Citadel, where homophobic law is still enforced.
Regis and Clarus are both bi and had a thing when they were younger before they married. Cor never lets them forget it
Cor for his part is gay and demisexual.
Aranea I think literally just doesn't care enough to think about it, but she and Crowe definitely had a thing before she was hired by Nifleheim. she's probably omnisexual and poly
Crowe is a lesbian and chafes under Lucian law
Nyx is comfortably pan and doesn't give a fuck who knows it - he knows they can't afford to do anything about it as long as he's in the Kingsglaive.
Libertus is a fantastic ally even if he thinks Nyx is nuts for being out in Lucis.
Lunafreya is demisexual.
Ravus is also gay not as in happy but queer as in fuck you
Cindy is ace. She dresses like that because she wants to and she lives in the desert.
Holly is bisexual and is comfortably out as she lives in Lestallum where Regis legalized things when she was a teenager
Dave is a poly romantic. That man has a lot of love of all kinds to give my dudes.
Ardyn is . . . Ardyn
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