#I think I’m too old for the fandom however I went on the ao3 and it was either really fucked up shit
saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
Accidentally got sucked back into phineas and ferb I can feel it in my bones I won’t be normal about it
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mrsreginagold · 3 months
Fic: Conditional Is Never Enough
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Canon divergent AU for season one. Takes place during 1 x 14.
Summary: Instead of leaving well enough alone, Ari follows Nikita after their confrontation at the lodge. What occurs is something neither of them anticipated. 
Author's note: A more recently written fic. Originally I was planning on posting my works in the order they were created but seeing the gifs that @eternal-learner put together recently made me want to put this one up instead.
Nikari Fanmix Here
On AO3
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Conditional Is Never Enough
            While it was common practice to consider patience a virtue, in Ari Tasarov’s line of work: it was a skill set. 
            It was also why he wasn’t terribly bothered that Nikita Mears had refused his assistance in the courtyard before she had wandered back into the lodge. 
            He watched as the lovely assassin made her way gingerly up the steps that led to the resort’s lobby. He was certainly no stranger to deception and had ascertained that most of her injuries had been self-inflicted in order throw him off from whatever trickery she was actually planning. However, it was also evident to his trained eye that not everything had been false regarding her current state. 
            For instance: when they first met he had been quick to notice that she favored her right leg over her left, so the fact that she was putting more pressure on her less dominant one alerted him to what he imagined was a sprained ankle. She also was clutching her left shoulder.
            Years of field work for both the KGB and Gogol were enough to draw basic conclusions, but for full answers – he would have to confront her. 
            Additionally, despite knowing that it would probably lead to more rejection, he could not help his concern for her well-being. 
            This last factor was what propelled him forward to follow her inside.
            Ari trailed Nikita through the lobby, unsurprised when she bypassed the elevator. He hurried to catch up with her once she went through a door to the stairwell. 
            His worry about her condition increased when he discovered her struggling.
            Without truly thinking about it, he leapt up the steps, intercepting her path and startling a mild shriek out of her when he abruptly scooped her up in his arms. 
            “Tasarov?! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
            “I believe it’s referred to as a bridal carry,” he replied, sarcasm dripping in his resonant tone.
            “Let me go. You’ll drop me,” the flush of her cheeks only served to make his grip on her tighten.
            “You’ll find that I’m stronger than I look.” It was true. Decades of training had gifted him with a remarkably toned body, and he could lift her easily even with the layers of clothing she was wearing, which included a leather jacket and boots. 
            Before Nikita could protest further, Ari took off, ascending a few flights of stairs until he reached the floor he was staying on. 
            The benefit of his spontaneous action was that she was too stunned to struggle, so carting her to his room was done without argument.
            Once they reached their destination, he set her back on her feet, opened the door, and then assisted her inside. 
            He told her to remove her outerwear, boots, and socks. Then, he hung up his overcoat and suit jacket in the provided closet before toeing off his shoes.
            “Go sit on the couch. I’ll be a minute,” he headed over to the adjoining bathroom and located the first aid kit he always carried with him. It was old habit from his days in spy-craft, but currently he was glad that he’d remembered to pack it. 
            Ari rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and made his way back to Nikita’s location. 
            He had to hold back a smile at the utterly perplexed look on her face. “I’ll take a look at your ankle first.”
            “Why are you doing this?” her tone was quiet and inquisitive yet guarded. 
            He expected no less given their history. “I need a reason to help a beautiful, injured woman?”
            “Thank you for not calling me a damsel, but yes. The last time we crossed paths you tried to have me killed, remember?”
            “Unsuccessfully,” he reminded, busying himself with unrolling some gauze. “That has to count for something.”
            She fell silent, and he could feel her keen eyes studying him intently.
            “I’m helping you, Nikita, because despite all better judgement: I like you.” He knelt down so he could inspect her ankle properly. 
            He heard a hitch in her breath when his fingers came into contact with her bare skin and peered up at her. 
            Her features were paler, her mouth parted as she inhaled sharply which betrayed the level of pain she actually was in. 
            His brows knitted in concern, but he refused to let go, instead rotating her foot as gently as he was able. “What happened?”
            “The roads were icy, so my bike skidded, and I had to veer to keep from falling. I must have sprained it then.”
            “Well it’s not terribly swollen, thank goodness. You should keep off it for a while though.” He reached for the gauze so he could wrap it. 
            “Something tells me you’re going to insist on that.”
            “Yes.” He coiled the bandage several times around before tying it off. “You’re going to stay right here and rest.” 
            “Ari, there’s a dirty bomb in your agency’s hands, do you really think I’m going to let that go?”
            “Of course not,” he moved to sit beside her. “You can waste as much time you want trying to steal it back after you’re healed. Now…about your shoulder.”
            “I think I just bruised it a little,” she pushed the collar of her blouse to the side to take a look for herself. 
            “Would you let me see?” 
            She hesitated for a moment before nodding. 
            With great care, he unbuttoned her shirt enough so he could slide the sleeve down. 
            There was some pale mottling evident on her lightly tanned skin, and delicately, he touched the area to see just how tender it was.
            Nikita flinched a little and let out a gasp.
            “Sorry,” he met her eyes, reaching out instinctively and brushing her hair away from her gaze.
            They stared at each other, and he could tell that the apprehension in her was slowly melting away.
            Determined to gain some trust, he leaned forward and grazed his lips over her forehead. “I think I have some ointment that’ll help, let me go look for it. In the meantime, why don’t you make yourself comfortable?”
            She nodded wordlessly and he finally willed himself to part from her, even though in his heart he didn’t want to let her go. 
            When he was alone in the bathroom again, he breathed in shakily to calm the swirl of emotions that had begun to gather within him. Nikita had the distinct ability to disarm him with the simplest of looks or words, and he could feel his resolve to keep things professional begin to crumble. 
            He searched for the bottle and muttered to himself that this was no way for a grown man to act, undoing a few buttons to his collar so he could breathe a bit easier. 
            Ari returned after his search proved fruitful, and nearly dropped the procured bottle when he saw Nikita sprawled out on her side on the couch, propped up on her uninjured elbow, her shirt fully discarded so that she was solely in her bra and leggings now. 
            “I thought it would be easier,” she gave him a wide-eyed, patently innocent look, which made him wonder if she had practiced it before he had emerged. 
            He swallowed, hard, and then took a step forward. “I suppose that depends on your definition of easier.”
            “The shirt was in the way.”
            “Yes, and now you’re even more of a distraction than before,” he countered.
            “I highly doubt it’s your first time seeing a woman in her bra,” Nikita chuckled.
            “No; but it’s my first time seeing you this way. You’re a very beautiful woman, Nikita,” Ari gestured for her to sit up, so he could apply the ointment. 
            “You think so?” though she did as he requested, she threw a glance at him over her shoulder, fluttering her eyelashes coquettishly.
            “Don’t play coy with me,” he shook his head while drawing the strap of her undergarment down cautiously. “Did you honestly think that you could entrance me long enough to let my guard down so you could take off?”
            “You think so little of me.”
            “Actually I think the opposite,” he took hold of her arm to keep her steady. “Stay still, this will probably sting a bit.” Being deliberately tender, he applied some of the cream and rubbed it in a small circle to ensure that it covered the full area of the bruising. 
            In spite of how meticulous he was being, she still whimpered in pain, though to her credit, she remained still for the rest of the treatment. 
            The silence stretched between them as he worked, until, finally, she muttered. “How did you know?”
            “Know what?”
            “My plan.”
            “In many ways, Nikita, you are an open book. Whenever you panic, you grow bold. I know that under normal circumstances you’d never bare yourself so openly, especially to me, so there had to be a reason.”
            “You didn’t just think you’d gotten lucky?”
            He snorted and finished treating her wound. “I’m not that lucky when it comes to you. There. Done.” He pulled her bra strap back up. “How does the shoulder feel now?”
            “Still a little sore, but better.” She rotated her arm cautiously. 
            “And the ankle?” 
            “It twinges, but I think the wrap is definitely helping.” 
            “Good.” He gathered his supplies and stood up again. “You hungry?”
            She blinked rapidly at the change in subject. “What?”
            “Are you hungry? Look, I know I can’t force you to stay but I’d rather you rest somewhere you’ll be safe, even for a couple of hours. I’ll order us some room service,” he located the remote to the television. “And you can find us a movie. If by the time that it’s done: you’re ready to go, I won’t stop you. I promise.”
            “You’re being so nice that it’s disturbing,” she grumbled petulantly, but accepted the remote. 
            “And put your shirt back on, please, I can only take so much diversion.” Ari chuckled, moving back towards the bathroom so he could put everything away. 
            “Maybe I’ll just take the rest of my clothes off instead, what’ll you do then?” she called out. 
            “Then I’ll bring you a blanket and close my eyes.”
            He was treated to the first genuine laughter that he had heard from her. With a grin, he grabbed the room service menu and perused it before landing on something he felt would appeal to them both. 
            Nikita was back to being fully dressed when he returned and flipping rapidly through TV channels with a frustrated expression on her beautiful face. “Why is it that they have like, 200 options here and there’s nothing on?!”
            He laughed and settled next to her. “Are you even looking for more than two seconds?”
            The awkward silence that resulted gave him an answer and he took the remote from her with little struggle. “Let me try.”
            “What’d you get for dinner?” She shuffled closer, her arm brushing his. 
            “You’ll see when it arrives,” he nudged at her teasingly and brought up the guide. “Hmm…let’s see. What could possibly entertain the enigmatic Nikita Mears, I wonder?”
            “It doesn’t have to be all about me here,” she shrugged. “What types of movies do you like?”
            “Depends on my mood. It can be horror one minute, a romantic comedy the next.” He admitted. 
            “Huh. I could actually go for campy and scary right now. Maybe we can find an 80’s slasher or something.”
            “That actually does sound perfect,” he scrolled through the choices offered to them. 
            “Ooh! Which Nightmare on Elm Street is that?” She leaned further into his side when she spotted the title.
            “Looks like it’s three. Isn’t that the one where Nancy dies, though?”
            “Yeah but it’s also the best one since the first. Also why am I not surprised you like Nancy?”
            “Pretty, strong willed, smart, brunette? Hmm…I wonder who I’m reminded of.”
            He was treated to a lovely blush on her part at the comparison, and she cleared her throat before insisting that he put the film on. 
            They adjusted some of the pillows on the couch so they could sit more comfortably, though he did have to leave briefly around ten minutes in so their food could be brought inside.
            “Lasagna?” Nikita grinned and gratefully took the plate that he offered her. 
            “I know you’re mainly vegetarian,” he confessed, sitting beside her once more and cutting into his own portion. “There weren’t a huge number of options that didn’t have meat, and it’s probably not as good as what I could pull together if we were at my place, but hopefully it’s decent enough.”         
            “Well now I’m curious what yours would taste like in comparison,” she shook her head and then had a bite. 
            Oh, how that filled him with the hope that, someday, he could provide an answer for her, but he didn’t dare voice it.
            He waited till she voiced her approval of it before sampling the dish himself, and, for something he wouldn’t ordinarily order for himself – it was admittedly tasty. 
            They ate in companionable silence while watching the film, and then he left again to clear their plates and roll the table the food had come on back outside. 
            When he came back, Nikita had curled up on one side of the couch and was resting her feet on the coffee table to elevate her damaged ankle. 
            He resumed his spot next to her and gestured at her state. “You okay?”
            “Yeah, I took some more Tylenol and figured propping it up would do some good,” she glimpsed in his direction, attention distracted from the admittedly lesser sequel that was now playing on the television. “They’re marathoning them. This was always my least favorite.”
            “Why is that?” 
            “The whole bit where the girl gets turned into a cockroach messes with me.” She shuddered, even though the film was currently nowhere near that part. 
            He scooted closer and casually draped an arm over the back of the couch. “You can always hide your face when it gets there. I won’t judge.”
            “Body horror doesn’t bother you?”
            “Not really, though I get why it does for a lot of people.” He shrugged. “Horror has always fascinated me more than any other film genre, for some reason.”
            “There are studies about that,” she remarked, right before resting her head on his shoulder which startled him more than any jump scare possibly could.
            When had she moved so close anyway?
            Ari became hyper aware of the woman next to him due to her proximity, shutting his eyes to inhale her scent – strawberry and hints of vanilla with something else inherently feminine that he couldn’t quite place – before he carried the conversation further. “Studies, you say?”
            “Mmm-hmm…turns out, people love being scared because of the endorphins that adrenaline produces. It’s why they watch these types of things in droves.”
            “I think I read something on the subject once,” he stated. “And it makes sense, as these kinds of films are often similar to the experience of going on a roller coaster.”
            “They also happen to be responsible for a ton of hook-ups because they make people super horny.” 
            She phrased it so casually that he was absolutely sure that she was joking, and then her hand landed on his thigh.
            Ari blinked, freezing in place. “I’m sorry?”
            “Well, I mean it’s all hormones in the end anyway,” he felt Nikita shift against him, her fingers inching subtly upwards. “Doesn’t surprise me one bit, really.”
            She had to be testing him, there was no other reasonable explanation for her current action. 
            “And that’d be why you’re touching me that way, is it?” he decided to forego tact, wanting a clear answer almost as much as he wanted her. 
            She shook her head, chuckled, and then her lips grazed lightly along his neck. “That’s more a personal curiosity.”
            He inhaled sharply when her teeth scraped against sensitive skin, her hand finally lifting from his leg as she turned fully towards him to bestow proper attention.
            Clever fingers delved to the buttons of his shirt, undoing several slowly while her soft mouth trailed across his Adam’s Apple. 
            Ari was unable to stave off a moan when Nikita straddled him, her hips rotating provocatively and causing a hot jolt of arousal to ease up his spine.
            “This isn’t expensive, is it?” she whispered, tugging playfully at his top. 
            “No, I have a few like it at home,” he managed, his hands hovering right over the small of her back, not daring to touch her just yet. 
            There was a tearing sound, buttons flying as she ripped the garment fully open. “Good, because I’ve been wanting to do that for the better part of the afternoon.”
            The expertly wound threads of his control snapped. In the next instant, he lunged forward, claiming her mouth in a passionate kiss. 
            He poured as much emotion as possible into the embrace, letting her know just how deeply he cared for her even if lust was currently driving them. 
            Judging by the way she returned the affection; it was clear she felt the same way. 
            They toppled back on the couch, Nikita emitting a pained sound that immediately made him pull back and mutter an apology. 
            “I just landed on my shoulder harder than I meant to,” she shoved his ruined shirt down his arms, eyes glittering happily when he yanked his hands free and cast it to the side.
            “Still, we should probably move to the bed, it’s more comfortable,” he nuzzled at her sweetly.
            “Sounds good,” she replied, her nails scratching purposefully through the hair on his chest, traveling down sculpted planes to coast languidly across his abdomen and causing more pleasant heat to erupt in his system. 
            He hoisted her up with minimal effort, carting her to the bedroom while helping her out of her blouse. 
            He couldn’t help but be impressed when she cast off her bra one-handed, and then they sank into the plush nest of blankets and pillows.
            Their remaining clothing formed a pile on the floor and naked limbs entangled naturally, the pair meeting repeatedly in ardent kisses. 
            While desire was certainly at the forefront, Ari was also determined to ensure that this wasn’t merely a one-time thing. He was intentionally delicate in how he touched her, mindful of the injuries she was still recovering from. 
            His mouth strayed from hers to dart firefly kisses along the slender column of her throat, his hands keenly exploring her bare flesh while he made mental notes of where she happened to be more reactive for later. 
            For her part, Nikita was just as intently discovering him, her hands and lips seeming to go anywhere that she could reach.
            Amused by her insistence, he eventually pinned her hands against the blankets, so she paused and caught her breath a little. “Hey…if you don’t mind my asking, how long has it been?”
            Her pretty face was flushed with color. “A while. I mean, Daniel was the last one to…”
            His expression softened as he noticed a melancholy look surface in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Nikita. I know how rough it is to try to be normal in this world we’re in.”
            She stroked over his back. “I guess that’s why I’m clinging so much. It’s the first time I’ve felt something other than pain and heartache in what feels like forever.”
            “You’re not clinging,” he dipped his head, kissing her lightly. “At least, not in a way that I mind. And now that I know that it’s been a while since you indulged in this, I’ll go slow.”
            She sighed against his mouth. “How can the man who helps run such a criminal empire be so considerate?”
            “That man happens to be very much in love with you,” he mumbled, and then went eerily quiet as he realized just what he let slip. 
            Tentatively, he met her eyes, his heartbeat a rapid staccato. “I’m sorry. This wasn’t the way I meant to tell you.”
            “What, you think it means less if you happen to be naked and on top of me?” Nikita raised a brow. “I hate to break it to you, but that’s not the case here.
            “I just didn’t want to make things complicated,” he explained, caressing along the shape of her jaw. “Though I do mean it. Since the moment we met, I was drawn to you.”
            Her fingers swept across his torso. “I was drawn to you too. And you haven’t complicated anything. You’ve always been truthful with me, so, I’ll be honest with you. I’m not quite there yet, but: I want to see where whatever this is between us leads. I care about you, Ari Tasarov. Now why don’t you stop overthinking, make love to me, and we can discuss everything else later?” 
            His reply was to nod, kiss her soundly, and press her more firmly into the blankets. 
            They reclined together, embracing fervently, over, and over until he parted long enough to admire the wanton image that she made below him. 
            Her dark hair was feathering out along the pillows, offering stark contrast to the pure white. Her equally dark eyes glinted alluringly, beckoning him towards her.
            He went willingly, his mouth drifting over her right shoulder before moving down to pay specific attention to her breasts. At the same time, one hand ghosted over the curve of her hip before delving between her legs.
            She bucked against him, crying out while he artfully brought her near to the brink, waiting until just the right moment to look at her and silently ask permission. 
            She granted it. 
            He joined them in one elegant, fluid thrust, his hands slipping behind her back to cradle her against him as he allowed her a few moments to get used to the way he felt within her. 
            Then – he dove in for another kiss, starting them off with a gradual, rocking motion that encouraged the cant of her hips once she had adjusted properly. 
            Nikita dragged him against her for a grateful embrace, grasping at his biceps when their movements began to lose grace and gave way to a wild, natural need.
            It was easy – so easy – for Ari to lose himself; unable to tell where he ended and she began, allowing her to consume him entirely until they both fell, complete in every sense. 
            Morning arrived, bringing with it pale sunshine that filtered through the hotel room window, which then washed over the lovers dozing in bed. 
            They were still a hopeless tangle with one another and the rumpled sheets, Nikita sprawled mostly on top of Ari, while his arms were curled securely around her.
            He was the first to stir, bright blue eyes opening slowly and attuning to their surroundings before he remembered exactly what had occurred. 
            With a warm smile, he skimmed his fingers across her back, content to hold her till she was willing to wake. 
            They had indulged in each other multiple times throughout the night, so it was no wonder that despite the fact that it was arguably the best sleep he’d experienced in months – they were still both exhausted. 
            Ari nuzzled at Nikita’s tousled hair when he felt her stretch against him, her hands plotting a course blindly along his side before she finally looked at him with a bleary-eyed expression. 
            It took all of his willpower not to laugh over how adorable she happened to look. “Morning.”
            “Morning,” she ducked her head to plant a kiss on his chest in greeting. Then she yawned and stretched again, decidedly more cat-like. “What time is it?”
            He risked a glance at the clock on the bedside table. “Around 8.”
            “I should go,” her reluctant tone implied that she wished the opposite. 
            “Without breakfast?”
            “Breakfast would lead to spending the morning together, which would lead to more of this and before you know it – we’ve passed a week in this place.” She peered up at him. “And as much as I’d like nothing more, at some point your bosses would get suspicious, not to mention that Division is still out there, stronger than ever even without that stupid bomb –
            “Nikita,” he placed his fingers over her mouth to stop her mid-tirade. “I wasn’t implying forever here.”
            “I know, but I’m starting to want forever,” she designed invisible patterns along his torso. 
            His heart skipped a beat. “And I want to give you that, but we aren’t remotely near the point yet.”
            “No, but maybe if I said yes to your proposal to work together we could get there?” She sighed. “It’s not that I want to work with Gogol, but the idea of being on the opposite side of you now, after all this…”
            He swept her hair back over her shoulder. “Then you won’t work with Gogol. You’ll work with me.”
            She looked at him, genuine curiosity in her gaze. “And what would that entail?”
            “Hopefully plenty of mornings like this one,” he admitted, tugging her to him beneath the covers. “And eventually – both of the organizations that plague us being brought down.”
            “You mean, you want to be free?” she nudged at his nose with her own. “I thought you were after power.”
            “See, that’s what you get for jumping to conclusions,” he teased, coaxing at her lips with his. “What I want, Nikita, is to be happy. With you, if you’ll let me.”
            Her response was to draw him into a loving kiss, which told him more than words could. 
            They embraced leisurely, Ari bearing Nikita gently back against the pillows while he settled on top of her, framing her face between his hands and nipping at her lips before tugging back to appreciate the vision before him.
            “By the way, how’s the shoulder and ankle?”
            “Better than before, but I should probably continue to take it easy till I’ve healed completely, don’t you think?”
            He nodded, and then stole another kiss, at peace with the knowledge that, for the time being, she was going to remain exactly where she belonged. 
The End
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metalomagnetic · 1 year
thank you for the tag!! @skaelds ❤️
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
1. Stop all the clocks
I loved writing this one. It was challenging on many fronts: first time writing a threesome, almost no dialog for half of the story, second person POV and Rodolphus’ intense devotion and adoration for Voldemort. It felt very rewarding to put together. I was also surprised to notice I am the first one to use Rodolphus Lestrange/Tom Riddle tag on Ao3. 
I am very proud of it.  
2. Downfall
My first fic outside of the Harry Potter fandom. I always loved George Martin’s work, to the point that I think it is perfect. So writing his characters felt sacrilegious almost. 
It is an Aemond/Aegon fic. For once, it felt natural to write incest 😂
I was very happy it was well received, beyond my expectations.
3. Family 
This was so fun to explore. You all know how much I love Sirius, so it’s always fun to write him, especially when I can give him happiness. I’m really content with how Lucius came out, too. 
4. Prison Blues. 
My second Harrymort.
I always wanted to write crack. And this is definitely crack (treated somewhat seriously), with a dash of angst and a lot of smut. 
I usually put some thought into my plots, but in this case, very little thought went into it. As usual, I am having copious amounts of fun exploring yet another side of my beloved Voldemort. I’m very happy with Harry in this one, too. 
5. It runs in the blood. 
The first chapters for this were published in 2021, but since it is ongoing, I decided to include it in this list. 
This is my favourite fic at the moment. I love exploring Sirius’ relationships with his family, especially his mother and how he deals with grief over his father. 
This Voldemort is also my favourite. It’s a time in his life that most intrigues me as a writer. He’s in his prime, at the height of his war, he is ridiculously charismatic and enigmatic, and everything seems to be going smoothly for him. 
His dynamic with Sirius is quite unlike any other relationship I ever wrote and I very much enjoy exploring it. 
1. Clueless Sirius (as I have taken to refer to this yet unnamed work)
18 year old Sirius accidentally going back in time and ending up attending school with his parents and the resident pup dark lord. Of course, Sirius has no idea Tom Riddle will grow up to become Voldemort, and he is determined to protect this ‘poor half-blood’ sorted into Slytherin with a bunch of blood purists. 
This work has the same appeal for me ‘It runs in the blood’ has, in the sense that I can explore Sirius with his family. Yet it will be much shorter, and a different dynamic with a young Tom Riddle. It will be more lighthearted and most likely very smutty. 
2. Amnesic Voldemort. 
Hermione and Ron realise Harry is a Horcrux and he plans on a suicide mission when he goes in the Forest, so they stop him. Voldemort still loses the war, however. Because he is immortal and deemed too dangerous to contain in any prison, they take away his memories and suppress his magic. 
So when the story starts, he is out there in muggle London, trying to live his life, not knowing who he is or where he came from. He believes he lost his memories in a car crash. However, as years go by, he notices he is being followed (that would be the Aurors keeping an eye on him). He starts coming up with these conspiracy theories and is determined to solve the mystery. 
This will be a Hermione/Voldemort AND a Harry/Voldemort so I expect different ‘shippers’ to yell at me in the comments. I am sure we will all have fun 😂
3. Aemond. 
Not sure what this fic will be about, I have several ideas, but I know I will be writing him again in the future. 
4. The sequel to Either Must Die. 
Truth be told, I already wrote a lot for this one. Yet I am trying to contain it in a one-shot, at worst two chapters. Long chapters, of course. I am having trouble deciding what to keep from what I have, and what to throw out, so that is mostly what stopped me from publishing so far. I am trying to make it cohesive.
There’s just so much time I want to cover, and I have to decide on what period to focus more than others.  
Top 3 biggest improvements 
I only have one: I am getting better at descriptions and writing longer paragraphs, here and there. It is something I struggled with in the past- mind you, I am still struggling, but I feel progress has been made. 
I have no resolutions- or the same as always: finish whatever fic I start. 
Number 1 favorite line 
I think 80% of Stop all the clocks would qualify for my favourite line. I can’t pick, but that is definitely my best prose. 
There were some lines in It runs in the blood that I am quite proud of. 
Thank you all for another good year in this fandom. I really appreciate the support I get on my works, and I hope my next stories will bring some joy to you in the new year. ❤️
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fizzyxcustard · 8 months
Wrong Place Wrong Time - Part 2 - Chapter 4
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The masterlist to the first part can be found here
Masterlist of all AO3 fics
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Summary: You find yourself in 1209AD after a science experiment has gone wrong, and you are now making a new life in a small village in France. However, Sir Raymond de Merville has his eye on you and will not take no for an answer. You both embark on a passionate love affair which leads to Raymond’s downfall.
With Raymond dead, you find your way back to 2017. Now heavily pregnant with Raymond’s child, things take a strange turn and you find out that Raymond’s promise to come back to you has crossed many centuries. 
Fandom: Pilgrimage (2017)
Pairings: Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sexual references, violence, bad language, sexual language. 
Comments: I sound like a broken record, but please reblog if you enjoy, and by all means let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any of my fics.
I'm not tagging anyone as this is just a re-upload from AO3 and also from my old blog, where this was originally posted.
England, 2017
You took a deep breath as you and Raymond both raced into the lab, looking up at a huge machine, white and imposing as it took up the whole of the centre of the room and touched the ceiling. Around it were people wearing white coats, some in complete white suits as they inspected the machine, stepping in and out of it through the air tight door. The air smelt sterile, almost like a hospital. Echoing on the air was a loud hum which came from the many mechanisms going on inside of the machine itself. 
Instantly you noticed the head scientist who was sat to the left hand side and his eyes locked on you. “You can’t be in here!” he shouted at you, getting to his feet. “You had your access repealed.” 
“This is my access,” you hissed at him, pointing at Raymond who was holding the pistol in his hand, reading to fire if need be. “Now, seal the doors so no one can get in or out,” you demanded. “You’re going to send us back to France, 1209. And if anyone follows us through, you’ll be killed on the spot. He’s trained in killing anyone who crosses him.” 
A scientist, wearing a complete white suit attempted to get out of the main access doorway but found themselves on the floor with a bullet in the chest. “Anyone else dares fucking move and he’ll put a bullet in you!” you screamed at the people in front of you, who numbered six or seven. 
Another person moved to the side, trying to make a quick dash to the security desk next to main console, but was also shot once through the chest. “She is serious!” Raymond shouted back. “I have no problem in killing each and every one of you to see my family safe back home.” 
“So he’s the father of your child?” the head scientist asked, sweat dripping down his brow as he could now see that your threats were serious. “But you got pregnant when you went back.” 
“How I got pregnant is none of your damn business!” you shouted again. Feeling intense anger race through you, you pulled the knife from Raymond’s pocket and lunged at the scientist. “You’ll send me through, Franklin.” Your use of his name made him wince. He could see the warmth that you had always shown drain from your eyes. In fact, he had always quite liked you in the time you had worked together, thinking you were one of the better suited people to the job that you did. 
“If you go through, it may kill you. You’ve already been subject to a blast of radiation and charged particles twice. A third time…” Franklin began. You looked around at the rest of the scientists who were all still. 
“You’re lying!” you shouted at him. “You’ll send me back!” 
“I’m serious, a third time may be too much for your body to take.” 
You raised your first at Franklin, gritting your teeth. 
“Please, don’t. I’m telling you the truth,” he begged, raising his hands as a shield. “Listen to me. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. We still haven’t perfected the use of this machine, you know that. It’s why you were sent back before, and we were lucky enough to locate you and bring you back. Do you want to not only kill yourself but your unborn baby?” 
One of the other scientists walked slowly towards you, taking off their protective helmet. It was Karen, a middle aged woman whom you had always respected. She had trained you, been kind to you when all the others were arrogant and been your confident. “He’s right,” Karen said softly. “We don’t know the effect this machine will have on you and the baby.” She then looked to Raymond. “If you love this woman then you won’t let her go through.” 
“I love her more than life itself,” Raymond said softly, his voice breaking. He looked at you, tears welling in his eyes. “My love, you can’t.” 
Your heart began to break in your chest and you wept as you saw the tears fall down Raymond’s cheeks at the prospect of losing you and your daughter. “I can’t. If we stay here we’ll be parted. We’ve come too far now. They’ll lock me and the baby up, send you to prison for what’s happened today. I’m not going to be apart from you again. If I die, I want to die in your arms and know you’re free, back in France where you belong.” 
Karen stepped towards you and then looked at Franklin. “Don’t stop them,” she instructed. “Sweetheart, you know I’ve always been blunt with you, and told it like it is, this really could be fatal for you and that baby.” You looked up at her and then to Raymond, his face wet with his grief. 
“Please, do not,” he begged. “Living separated from you but knowing you’re alive would be just about bearable, but I could not live knowing I had allowed you to do this and it had taken your life.” 
You stood straight and sniffed away the tears. “No, we stay together as a family.” You took Raymond’s hand and kissed it. “This is my choice; you died to honour me and now I’m willing to do the same.” 
“You can’t be serious!” Karen cried out. “Please, don’t!”
“I’m no going to live the rest of my life without my family and as a lab rat. I would rather die next to him, and with my daughter still a part of me.” 
You grabbed the gun from Raymond’s limp hand and aimed it at Karen. “Open the door. Now!” 
Karen and Franklin complied with your demands that day, shutting you and Raymond into the machine. Upon its activation, with an intense white light all around you in the small air tight room, you clung to Raymond. 
Next thing you knew, you felt intense pain engulf you, making you scream. The scream was so loud and forceful that it ripped the skin from your throat. 
France, 1209 AD
The sun was shining down on you and it was all you could see behind the outline of Raymond’s head and shoulders as he fell to his knees with you in his arms. The pain had stopped, and you felt warm, comfortable and at peace. 
He kissed your head and rocked you back and forth, his weeps becoming lost on the gentle wind. Then you focused on his face, trying to reach out but realised you could not move your right arm. That was all you remembered as you lost consciousness. 
Raymond took you back to his family estate, carrying you out of the forest and following the river down towards the village which was in the distance, about a mile away. He cradled you close to him, kissing your head and praying to whoever was above that you would survive. 
By the time that Raymond arrived at the village and approached his estate, guards came out of the home. One of Raymond’s previous lieutenants, Auben, came marching out of the front of the house. “Raymond?” he called out, shocked at the appearance of his commander. “But, you are dead. We buried you.” 
Raymond couldn’t care less about his re-appearance in the village and the confusion that it would no doubt cause. He shoved past Auben and took you, his unconscious wife, up into the back bed chamber where he had lived for many years, and also it being the place he had made love to you for the first time. 
Auben followed Raymond up the stairs, calling after him. 
“Get me anyone who is trained in medicine,” Raymond spat at Auben. “I don’t care who they are, get them all in here now.” 
You drifted back and forth, seeing many swirling shadows above you, faces looking down at you and voices. But out of it all, you kept hold to Raymond’s voice. Sometimes you woke to pain and then other times you woke to complete peace and warmth. 
Raymond never left your side, despite Auben keep pestering him to discuss his re-appearance. Until one morning Raymond got up from his seat which was beside your bed. “It was obviously not my body! I am alive! That is the last word I will have said on it. If my father is dead then the estate falls to me, and if that is the case, get out! Leave me with my wife!” he bellowed. 
One of the many healers who had been too and fro the last two weeks came into the room to check on your arm which had sustained harsh chemical burns. He bowed his head to Raymond and began changing your bandages, noticing that  you seemed to be healing adequately. You also had a large burn down your back as well, which meant turning you over and placing cool, moist bandages under you. 
“How is she?” Raymond asked the elderly man in front of him. 
“She is healing well. And the child is moving, which is good news. She has much strength inside her, my Lord, considering she was on the brink of death when she first came to us.” 
Raymond couldn’t help but raise a weak smile and then look up at the healer. “She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. And it is such an honour and pride to call her mine.” 
You finally woke fifteen days after your arrival to the village, and this time you remained awake. Raymond was beside you, as he always had been, and smiled in relief. You felt nothing but peace wash over you as he leaned down to you and placed a kiss against your lips. You let your left hand drift up his face, still unable to raise your right. 
“She’s alright. I can feel her moving,” you told Raymond as you parted from your kiss. 
Suddenly a bolt of pain hit you in the pit of your stomach, making you arch up off the bed and put pressure on your back burn. You cried out in pain, causing Raymond to jump up, terrified. 
A healer soon appeared and raced inside, inspecting you. “My Lord, she’s going into early labour.”
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lake-archive · 7 months
Track 8
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Three CATZ In The Bag
Characters: Eli (by @watersofcamelot), Ole (OC), Ann Wolff (OC),
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Track 7 - Track List
There was no doubt about it, Ann had to come out with this. Luck was not on their side. Honestly, they did not want to bother anyone with this so they hoped to keep up a facade. Plus, Eli had to be busy with his own stuff. So they would have honestly preferred to keep shut about it. However, he was getting on their case now and there was no way to talk themself out of this. He had witnessed it, even jumped in to help… Much to their surprise.
Though they had debated if they should have told the truth or not when he had said: “C’mon, what are you hiding? There’s gotta be a reason for this nonsense.”, even looking down to Ole who had been tapping away from his hiding spot. This one only looked back at them for a short moment before nodding, as if agreeing. He knew what was going on most likely and there had been no other choice.
“Hah… Fine. I guess I can’t hide this from you after all.” They gave in. He had a right to know after all, especially now. “Listen… My Mom didn’t just kick me out because of me not being a woman. In fact, that wasn’t even the last straw.”
“Then why did she—”
“Hah… You heard it. I’m a traitor. I got kicked out of the Chouhku and therefore the Party Of Words.” They interrupted, trying to remain calm. The silence shortly after was almost unbearable yet Eli was not looking exactly shocked at them, not really. Maybe a little but he managed to continue shortly after.
“Why? ‘cuz of gender?”
“No, nothing like that. I just wasn’t doing my job, lets say that.”
“Wow, so you got fired? Way to go. Why not leave yourself?”
“If I knew that it would have not made a difference for my Mom, I would have!” They responded, a little bit louder yet taking a deep breath shortly after, calming down. “Well, that and… I don’t exactly agree with what’s going on.”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Ugh, you know… Tohoten’s been preaching the no violence nonsense but you really think the party’s any better?”
“No. Politicians are all corrupted asses.”
“Ah— W… Well…”
“Don’t argue with me on this Sis.”
“R… Right. Anyway, they are ready to use any means necessary to get their way. Brainwashing, sabotage, manipulation – Anything really. I’d rather burn in hell than support something like that. And that’s just scratching the surface.”
“Hah, sounds like you a’right.” Eli let out a chuckle, grinning a little before glancing at Ole for a moment. “And this old man asked me to join your cause, didn’t he?”
“I… Well…”
The cat nodded however, ears even wagging and tail swaying. 
“I think that’s a yes.”
“Wanting to play vigilante… Never thought I’d see the day. Assumed you’re the type to follow the rules.” Eli somewhat joked as he looked right back at Ann, shrugging. “Anyway, that while having them on your ass… Sure, I’ll join.”
Out of nowhere he had just suggested this, something they did not expect. And yet he said is so nonchalantly… After the trouble at his own home when seeing his Hypnosis Mic again… Or they assumed it was. It was most likely his. “Hah!? But earlier—”
“So? You gave me a good reason. Can’t do it on your own, can you? Or you’re dead meat.”
“I won’t argue with that… But why—”
“Listen, I wanna help you.” He interrupted quickly, a little sharply even. “Didn’t plan on returning at all but you two gave me a good reason. ‘sides, you’re different from them.”
“Yeah, them. And the old man’s pretty determined too it seems, given he went out of his way and all.”
A quick nod from the cat in question. 
“Someone’s gotta help.”
“D… Don’t force yourself! Going against the Chouhku in any way is–” Ann was about to remind him and yet he didn’t want to hear any of it.
“So? ‘sides, I bet I’m on their hit list too. Been causing problems and now I helped the ‘traitor’. Got no chance but to fight like you. We’re all in the same boat here.”
That point… It was hard to admit but that was fair. Not just they were a target, there was a chance for Eli as well. And Ole… He shouldn’t even be here but Ann took him with themself when he needed it the most. So technically… All three of them… 
“Alright, fine. But… If you wanna back out—”
“Not gonna, too bad. We’re all stuck now.”
And that was that, an agreement between the three of them… Causing problems for the Chouhku while finding a way to stop them! Or at least weaken them… After all, it was just the three at the moment. But that could change anytime soon…
“Hey Sis, what’s the group name anyway?”
“CATZ. Ole pushed for it.”
“He did? Damn, I’ve still underestimated him. This old geezer’s got more going for him.”
“You are still surprised?”
“Hey, he’s a cat! What do you think!? Cut me some slack!”
“Fine fine~ Oh, by the way, can you style hair? Or cut it?”
“No. Why?”
“I gotta get rid of that length. It’s in the way and a pain to take care of!”
“You’ve just noticed that?”
“I always knew. But Mom wouldn’t let me cut it short.”
“Well, you need more than a haircut. That’s all I know.”
“Hu– Right, clothes… D… Do I have to go clothes shopping too?”
“My stuff wouldn’t fit you, so yes.”
“But wide stuff–”
“You’d drown in my clothes, trust me. We are going tomorrow.”
“Hah!? Alrea— You know? The sooner the better.”
Track 7 - Track List
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greengay · 1 year
I used to be on tumblr in the Green Day fandom back in 2011-2016. I lived through the 21st Century Breakdwon release, the iHeart Radio meltdown, rehab, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction. I made some great friends that I still keep contact with to this day. I used to make edits and gifs and write fics…. I just stumbled on your blog by accident and you made me feel all the things I felt back then. Thank you. I’m 30 now and my 20s are long gone, but you made me feel 20 again.
Oh, wow, we just missed each other! I got into Green Day in 2017 after seeing them on their club tour at the end of 2016!
(Villain origin story: I had never really been into Green Day, but my dad was always really into punk rock and liked Green Day. I remember him telling me that it was lame that the East Bay Punk scene turned their backs on GD for wanting to be successful. I'm from New Jersey and my favorite venue in the whole state, Starland Ballroom, posted on their FB or IG or something that Green Day tickets were going on sale in a few hours and I was like, oh, huh, maybe that can be a birthday present for my dad! So la di da I easily got tickets, stress-free (AS OPPOSED TO NOW, WHERE IF GD CLUB TOUR TICKETS WENT ON SALE I WOULD BE SHITTING MY PANTS AND WORRYING FOR DAYS ABOUT GETTING ONE) and my dad and I went and it rocked my absolute socks off... and here I am lol)
I've made soooo many great friends through GD fandom also! Omg, you seem to have done a lot, I wonder who you are??? Haha. I've probably read your fic and reblogged your gifs/edits.
I'm glad I was able to trigger some nostalgia! Although, I would say, I don't think there's an age cap to fandom. Like, you don't just stop having interests and hobbies once you hit 30. I know there's a lot of 30+ people in tumblr GD fandom, and I have a lot of 30+ friends I've met irl from going to GD shows!
So I hope you drifted away from fandom because of your waning interest in Green Day/fandom, and not because you felt "too old" to be tumblrina, haha.
I'll admit, I haven't been throwing myself into tumblr GD fandom like I used to the past couple of years, but the pandemic was whack, and any sort of social media made me really anxious lol. Like I used to overshare a LOT on here, and maybe I'll go back to that, but I realized... that I sacrifice some of my "real" life to be online. Like, I'm personally not able to maintain my irl friendships and hobbies etc. while I'm obsessing over GD and posting about it online. HOWEVER, I don't think I would ever delete this blog unless I got famous or something lol... I would keep it up as an archive, cos I know I've always been really sad when online friends would delete ;-(
ALSO... idk if you've heard about the J**y situation... you can prob find my posts about it, but I think it led to BJA being less active on social media, which weakens the parasocial relationships which affects the Obsession™... Uhg, 2017/2018 was peak Bibbie.
Lastly... idk if you're still into GD fanfic, but the last couple of years have been a RENNAISSANCE... so go on AO3 lol
But anyways! Thank you for this anon, it was really sweet ;-;;;
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divinemissem13 · 8 months
Special Assignment
Trektober (gen), day 11: Animals/ Pets Fandom: Star Trek Prodigy Relationship: Vice Admiral Janeway & Rok-Tahk
Read on AO3
“Ah, Rok-Tahk, come in, come in,” Admiral Janeway beckoned from her ready room desk. 
Rok was extremely nervous. She had never been called to the ready room before, but in the past whenever she had been called in to see the ‘boss’, it hadn’t usually ended well. She grimaced, thinking about the time she fought back just a little too hard at the show and had left the boss’s office with her daily allotment of nutri-goop creeping down the side of her head. 
Admiral Janeway seemed much nicer than any of Rok’s past ‘bosses’ had been, and she couldn’t have done anything wrong yet, they’d barely been on board for 24 hours. But still, Rok stood frozen in the doorway until she felt Murf pushing her gently from behind. She stumbled a step or two forward and looked desperately back to her friend who was shooting her an encouraging double thumbs-up as the doors slid closed between them.
Rok turned back to face the Admiral, who looked up from her console with a welcoming smile. “Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything?” she offered. There was a hint of genuine warmth in her voice, underneath all of the command fierceness, and it began to put Rok more at ease. 
“Uh, no, thank you, sir. Admiral!” Rok corrected herself quickly. 
“Alright, crewman, at ease before you sprain something,” the Admiral ordered with a joking smile.
Rok had no context for an order like that, nor for an order given with such a playful tone, so she furrowed her brow, sat gingerly in the chair across from the Admiral, and hoped for the best.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here,” the Admiral began, and Rok nodded cautiously, “I hear you have quite a way with animals.”
For the first time since entering the room, Rok-Tahk’s eyes lit up and she began speaking excitedly. “Oh, yes, Admiral, I love animals! I think I want to be a xenobiologist. Or maybe a veterinarian? I used to have a holodeck program…” she trailed off as she noticed the Admiral’s raised hand. “Sorry, I just get excited,” Rok mumbled, her pink cheeks turning even pinker with embarrassment. 
“Oh, never apologize for being excited. If you can’t get excited about something in this life, then what’s the point?”
“In any case, I have a special assignment for you,” the Admiral continued and Rok sat up a little straighter. The Admiral bent down under her desk and when she resurfaced, she was not alone. “Meet Kes,” she said simply. 
Rok did her best to keep her excitement under control, but she couldn’t suppress a tiny high pitched squeal when she saw the bundle of reddish-brown fluff in the Admiral’s arms. Kes raised her sleepy head at the noise and her floppy ears twitched as she looked for its source. After a moment, she seemed to determine that there was no danger at present and her head came to rest on the edge of the desk, although her eyes remained open and she eyed Rok-Tahk warily.
“You have a dog!” Rok whispered excitedly, not wanting to disturb her further.
Admiral Janeway nodded and went on to explain, all the while scratching Kes behind the ears. “Kes is about 3 years old now, and this is her first long mission. She was too young and untrained when I was on the Dauntless, but I think she’ll fit in nicely onboard the Voyager-A, don’t you?” 
Rok nodded eagerly. She was just itching to scoop Kes up in her arms and give her a good snuggle, but she knew better than to take something of the Admiral’s without asking! 
“However, when it’s not naptime, she is still a very energetic little girl and she needs the chance to run around every day. Sadly, I don’t expect to have enough time to take her myself most days. So I was hoping you would do it, when I can’t.”
“Oh, yes, please!” Rok squealed.
The Admiral smiled broadly as she stood and deposited Kes onto the floor by Rok’s feet. Rok immediately scooted off of her chair and joined her on the floor, letting Kes sniff at her before Rok began to pet her. The dog took to her instantly and in mere moments, Kes was climbing all over the Brikar girl and licking at her face while Rok giggled. 
“Well then, that’s settled!” The Admiral proclaimed. “For today, why don’t we take her to the holodeck together. I can show you the ropes.”
Rok scrambled to her feet, Kes still in her arms as Rok stood to attention. “Yes, ma’am, Admiral Janeway!”
The Admiral stifled a laugh as she watched the young girl try to integrate cradling the dog with her Starfleet training. Rok-Tahk looked significantly more at ease than she had when she came in and Kes clearly approved of her new friend. 
As they left for the holodeck, Admiral Janeway smirked and made a note to herself to send a very big “I told you so” next time she wrote to her sister.
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How I wound up shipping Entrapdak.
What a long, strange trip it’s been.   So, I was watching a video essay that covered the ship-warring and the false assumptions that people do on why people ship the things they do in this fucking toxic fandom.  I’ve been in a few fandoms that got gnarly in the past, but I’ve never, EVER been in a truly toxic fandom until I got into Spop. It really blindsided me and continues to surprise me every day.  Still here, though.  I’m stubborn.   I’m... wondering how I got to mainly shipping an M/F ship (or possibly “Other” / F ship considering that one half of the ship is an alien-clone-cyborg) in a very queer-geared show where the main ship is F/F.   It’s not because I’m “lesphobic” or whatever whine some people might want to lob my way.  Analyzing it, it comes down to character-interest.  I like Catraadora. I saw it as the obvious ship from the beginning, as in, if it didn’t become endgame, I’d have been surprised as Hell (although I was thinking that Glimmadora endgame was a possibility when Catra was really going off the deep end).    I haven’t done much in the way of Catraadora fanwork, however, because, for me, it’s just there. I like it, but somehow, it didn’t become the primary ship I was interested in, despite it being the main ship of the show.  And the more I think about it, the more it boils down to individual character-interest, as it does with everything else I ship in every other fandom I’ve ever shipped in.   The character I fell in love with when I first watched Spop was Entrapta.  Flat out. I watched the show because I was a fan of Classic She-Ra from the 1980s. I went into it expecting that my old favorites would be my favorites again, namely Angella, Frosta and Adora.  I got utterly BLINDSIDED by the utter NEW THING they did with (originally minor character) Entrapta.   She was just... MAD SCIENTIST!  Bubly!  Hilarious!  Oh, oh... sadness...hidden depths... oh she’s so much like me in the socially-awkward can’t understand people and keep friends and is used to abandonment department....oh...sweetie... Yeah, pour yourself into your passions to make your hurt go away.... Ooooh!    Anyway, I freaking loved Entrapta and kept watching the show for HER.  I honestly...felt weird watching She-Ra because I didn’t think I was quite queer enough.  I’m a heteromantic asexual who used to have unfortunate church-attitudes (that I’ve since abandoned).  I felt like, as much as I liked the old show, the new show wasn’t written “for me,” let alone my age and it being a show for youth.    But... Entrapta existed.  And I liked the other characters, too.  Scorpia, in particular, was very much an improvement from the old.  But, yes, I was following Entrapta.  And in fanwork.  When I decided to take the leap into the creative fandom, something I was planning to avoid until a relative of mine fronted a fanfic idea about our favorite scientist and I just had to write it (”The Havoc Hypothesis” under Shadsie at Ao3 )... well, I found myself consuming fanfics and fanart centered on Entrapta.  And making some.   I was skeptical of shipping her with anyone at first, just because she just didn’t seem that “shippy” to me. However, I was reading all of the Pertrapta, Bowtrapta, Catrapta and Scorptrapta stuff I could get my eyeballs on because of the ‘Trapta.  And most of that got torpedoed when a crew-member let slip what Entrapta’s age was supposed to be.  But you know, for me, what I liked to engage with in ships with this fandom was all centered on THE CHARACTER I MOST LIKED.   I liked Adora and Catra, but, you see, they weren’t my favorites.  I had that ball of purple energy as my favorite.  So “any ship with her,” basically.   It’s like my various ships in other fandoms - they hinge on “character I LOVE x other character I LOVE or at least one character I like x character I tolerate that they have vibes with.”  And it mostly hinges on “I want content with the character I LOVE” in any positive context.   And then she met Hordak.   And I shipped it as crack.   I seriously didn’t think it was going to work out / become anywhere close to canon since, you know, queer show, “they wouldn’t really put a guy and a girl together in this, would they?  Okay, there’s some Glimmer and Bow shiptease and a little bit of Perfuma seeming to crush on Bow, but come on, the bad guy?”  I thought by Season 3 Hordak was going to be a turbo-jerk and Entrapta would go back to the princesses.   But I shipped it because... their interactions in Season 2?  PURE PINKY AND THE BRAIN VIBES!   I loved them hanging out together and doing mad science and just the back and forth with Entrapta refusing to have any fear whatsoever of the big scary robot bat-man.  And him getting so FLUMMOXED!   It was the height of comedy!  They were hilarious together!  It was a classic Evil Overlord x Mad Scientist pair-up!  And I read some cute and more romancy and drama fanfic about them.  I wrote a drama-laden / tragedy fic about them.  I decided to try to get into Hordak’s head a little, which, in working with just Season 2, meant just making up a bunch of shit about him. “Let’s get inside that evil dictator space-conqueror’s brain, shall we?”  I had fun there, with my headcanon version of him.   And it made me like him. I found a certain pathos in what I thought he was - some of which was drawn from his previous role, his previous self in the old series.  (He was sort of exiled in the original series, set out to conquer the backwater world as the family-failure).  I had this more dramatic version of that in my early fanwork, dealing with a theory I had that the First Ones and the Horde were originally people from Earth who’d modified themselves (running counter to original MotU mythos, but fitting with what I thought might be Spop reboot plausible backstory).   I didn’t really like Hordak at first.  I mean I did - as a scary, actual serious threat, improvement on the evil overlord thing from the original - he was a serious villain rather than a goofy one and I really liked that swagger, but I didn’t connect with him much outside of my primary interest in Entrapta and my headcanoned version of him to go along with their GOLDEN dynamic.  In other words, they had really good vibes and I suddenly had a viable ship with my favorite character.  And then Season 3 happened.  It was like some people’s fanfics.  And, WHOA! WHOA! HORDAK ACTUALLY AS A BACKSTORY NOW? AND IT’S A SAD ONE?  And he has crippling feelings of failure and the ability to self-sacrifice for someone he obviously cares about even if he might be in denial and it looks like the guy might actually have a bit of a heart under all that armor, and...wow, just wow, he’s kind of an idiot if he thinks he can just go back to an even eviler overlord a beefed-up version of the old Horde Prime who obviously demands utter perfection in this universe... and holy fuck, a processed clone-army? Oh, shit! This guy suddenly became INTERESTING!   And I started becoming as invested in him as I was in Entrapta.   And I had the two great tastes that tasted great together.   Character-interest.  Characters I love apart / on their own... who vibe together, therefore shipping.   And that’s it.  That’s how I found myself primarily shipping a guilty M/F ship in a F/F heavy fandom. (At risk to life and limb).   “They’re Hordak and The Hair, yes! Hordak and The Hair! One is a genius, the other’s just there! To prove the Horde’s might, they’ll bring the world to Light! They’re Hordak, Hordak and the Hair, Hair, Hair, Hair, Hair!” 
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jobrookekarev · 11 months
So I Showed up on Your Doorstep
Chapter Eleven of Eleven: Suddenly The Summer, It's Clear.
Words: 3,304
Summary: A typical Saturday night in the farmhouse with Jo, Alex, Izzie, Eli, Alexis, Luna, and the new baby.
Fandom: Gray’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson, and Izzie Stevens/OC. 
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Izzie Stevens, Luna Ashton-Wilson, Alexis Stevens, Eli Stevens, and OC. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences. 
Additional Tags: Fluff, Relationship(s), Friendship, Family, Domestic, Happy Ending, Children, Baby, Soft!
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: I finally finished it and it only took a little over a month.
It was a June Saturday night spaghetti dinner at the Steven-Karev farmhouse. Jo and Luna had officially become Karevs four months ago when Jo and Alex got married again in a simple ceremony at the courthouse. Followed by Alex adopting Luna, who was now two, with little Este joining them all just two months ago. Jo loved being a Karev when they first got married and always mourned the loss of her last name. So when they got remarried Jo decided to take the name back, along with the loving family that came with it.
A lot had changed in the year since Jo and Luna had come home with them. Jo had quickly moved everything from the penthouse to the farm in Kansas. Everybody in Seattle was sad to see her go. Especially Link, but he and Scout visited often. Jo had moved into Alex's room and the twins argued that Luna should share their room. However, having three kids in one room was too much. Therefore they added a fourth room above the garage, but down the hall from Jo and Alex and across from the twins. Luna shared with Este, but the three-month-old mostly slept in the bassinet in Jo and Alex's room.
Jo was accepted to the OB residency at the same Hospital Alex and Izzie worked at. Although it wasn't as good as the program at Grey-Slone under Carina’s guidance. Jo was ahead of her class and able to implement the things Carina had taught her to provide better care for her OB patients. Luna was settling into the daycare near the hospital well and had made a few friends already. She was still adjusting to Este’s arrival and preferred her older siblings, but she did at least like her baby sister. 
Tonight, Izzie and Eli were in the kitchen finishing up the spaghetti sauce. Jo and Alexis were cleaning up the living room. While Alex was setting the table with Luna and Este on his shoulder. 
“Is it almost ready?” Alexis called out from the living room, popping her head up behind the couch. 
“It'll be ready in a minute,” Izzie and Eli said back in unison, neither of them looking up from the pot.
Alexis sighed as she slid down the couch and Jo tickled her sides as she laughed. Then they went back to picking up the rest of the toys.
“The table is set,” Alex said as he placed the last plate. “Right there, Luna.” 
Alex pointed to the spot where the spoons went as Luna put the last one down. Este fussed on his shoulder and Alex started bouncing again to calm her. 
“How's the garlic bread doing?” Jo asked, poking her head up and looking into the kitchen. 
“It'll be ready in a minute,” Izzie said again as she peeked into the oven. 
“I'm starving,” Alexis proclaimed as she came over and sat down at the table, and propped her head up on her hand.
“I'm with you on that one, Lex,” Jo sighed as she put away the last basket of toys and joined her at the table.
“Well the garlic bread is ready,” Izzie said, as the timer went off and as she pulled the garlic bread out of the oven and brought it over to the table, trying to placate them. “But it's far too hot to eat just yet.”
“I’ll blow on it before I eat it,” Alexis said, her eyes licking her lips as she watched the garlic bread intently. 
“I think Este's hungry too,” Alex said as he moved Este off his shoulder and looked back at the drool stain she had left as she had chewed on his shoulder. 
“She wants dinner just like us,” Eli said as he smiled over Este.
“Either that or she's just teething,” Izzie said as she smiled and handed him a paper towel to wipe his wet shoulder.
“It’s been a few hours, she’s probably hungry,” Jo said as she held her arms out for Este as Alex handed her to Jo. “But if I feed her someone has to feed me.”
“Can I feed her a bottle?” Alexis asked, leaving her seat at the table in favor of her baby sister as she stood next to Jo. 
“Sorry kiddo, I haven't pumped in a few hours so I need to nurse her,” Jo said as she pulled up her shirt to feed Este and Alexis sulked back to her seat.
“The pasta is ready,” Eli declared as he ate a strand before he hopped down from his stool next to the stove. 
Izzie took the pasta over to drain in the sink and Eli helped Luna into her booster seat at the table next to him. Alex got the oven mints and carried the pot of sauce that had been keeping warm on the stove over to the table. Izzie came over with the pasta and sat down with them and everyone started to dish up.
“Lots a pasta, Daddy?” Luna asked him as she looked up at him. 
“Yeah you'll get lots of pasta, kiddo,” Alex reassured her as he loaded up her plate.
“I’m so hungry I can eat the whole thing,” Alexis said as she loaded up her own place with a large amount of pasta.
“Me too” Jo agreed as she grabbed three slices of garlic bread.
“I swear you eat more now than when you were pregnant,” Izzie said as she put a bit of the salad she made into the kid's plates. Alexis and Eli mostly picked at it, but at least Luna was still young enough to eat it without protest. 
“Blame the chunky Karev baby,” Jo said looking down at Este, but smiling as she ran her finger along her cheek.
“She's a growing girl, she needs all the calories she can get,” Alex said as he smiled and grabbed Este’s little foot, giving her little foot a rub. 
Este was indeed growing big as she was in the 93rd percentile and had the cutest little fat folds. She took after Jo, although Jo argued she looked more like Alex. She had dark brown curls from both of them, but Jo’s oval face and broad forehead along with Jo’s eyes. But she had Alex’s lips and nose. 
“Alexis slow down, you're going to get a tummy ache,” Izzie insisted as they all looked over to see Alexis shoving the pasta into her mouth.
“Jesus kid, You've already inhaled half your plate,” Alex said with a shake of his head as he dished up Jo’s plate for her.
“I'm just so hungry,” Alexis completed her words slightly muffled as her mouth was full of spaghetti.
“Please slow down, Alexis. There’s plenty of spaghetti for you,” Jo insisted as she tried to hide her laughter. 
Izzie just shook her head and tried a new approach. “All right everybody so how was your day? Alexis, how did your math test go?”
“It went well,” Alexis said, taking a break from eating for the first time. “I got 18 out of 20.”
“That's great,” Izzie said as she leaned over and hugged Alexis.
“Congrats kiddo,” Alex said as he high-fived her.
“I knew you could do it,” Jo said to her with a smile.
“How was your day mama Jo?” Eli asked her.
“It was really good, I read my new OB journal, Este and I took a nap, but then she spit up on my entire outfit,” Jo said, although she looked down at Este with a smile.
Jo and Alex were still on leave although Jo was still studying for her OB residency they were enjoying the time off. Luna was in daycare every couple of days to keep up with the routine of it.
“I was a victim of the Este special too,” Alex said as he shook his head and fed Jo a bit of spaghetti. 
“Yeah, I can tell,” Izzie said pointing her fork and his shirt as Alex looked down and frowned at the little bit of spit up on his shirt.
“How was your day Eli?” Jo asked as Alex offered her another bite. 
“It was good, we had to make a paper airplane and try to make it arrow-dynamic,” Eli said, slowly trying to pronounce the complex word. “And tomorrow we’re having a contest to see whose airplane can go the farthest!” 
“That's fun, I'm sure yours will do well,” Izzie said with a proud smile. “And how was your day Luna? What did you do today?” 
“I see people?” Luna said as she spooned the cut up spaghetti into her mouth. 
“What people did you see Luna?” Eli asked her. 
“People,” Luna said as if it was obvious and they all laughed. 
“Did you do some people watching at daycare baby?” Jo asked her with a giggle.
“Yeah,” Luna said as she went back to her meal.
“How was your day Mommy?” Alexis looked over at her with a smile. 
“It was alright,” Izzie said with a shrug.
“I'm sorry Izzie,” Jo sighed and wished she could reach out to hug her. 
“It's okay, tomorrow will be better,” Izzie said as she forced a smile onto her face.
One of her patients whom she had been particularly close to, died the day before, but they never told the kids these things. Today she had taken care of all the patients' things and paperwork. Izzie had personally run the code for two hours. It had hit her hard and she had called them afterwards in tears. Alex and Jo had both raced over to the hospital and comforted her. She had called William too and he was there before they were, holding Izzie in his arms as she cried. They stayed with her for an hour until she felt up to going back to work and were planning to attend the funeral with her later. 
“I think I'll just steal this little one for some extra cuddles tonight,” Izzie said as she looked over at Este and reached out to hold her hand. 
“You can have her as soon as she's done eating if you want?” Jo offered, she knew how it was to hold Este and enjoy the baby cuddles.
“Sounds good to me,” Izzie said with a genuine smile as they both looked down at Este. 
“Yeah Este is good at making anybody's bad day into a good day,” Eli said as he leaned forward in his seat to look over at her.
Of all the kids, he adored his baby sister the most. From the moment Jo had told them she was pregnant he was very protective of her. Eli jumped at the chance to help take care of her and would soothe and play with her, even putting her down for a nap now and then. He loved to play with her and would read all his books to her. He even begged them to let him take Este to school with him so he could spend more time with her, and take her for show and tell. 
“Can I have more?” Alexis asked, holding up her empty plate to show that she had even eaten her salad. 
She also had spaghetti sauce across her face and looked at them with pleading eyes. For some reason it made Jo and Alex burst out laughing while Alexis smiled. Izzie just shook her head and laughed as well as Eli and Luna giggled. 
“Alright,” Izzie said as she just dished up Alexis some more spaghetti. 
Dinner went by too quickly and so did homework, Jo helped the twins with their math and went over the things that Alexis got wrong on her math test. Izzie got her cuddle time with Este and Luna as they played in the living room while Alex did the dishes. As they winded down for the night Alex and Jo did bathtime with the kiddos while Izze got some time to herself. 
“There's my little moon,” Jo said as she wrapped Luna up in her towel and dried her off. 
“Mama I a burr-eo,” Luna said with a smile. 
Jo laughed and hugged Luna close as she pulled her into her lap. “Okay, my little burrito. What about you Alexis, are you ready to be a burrito?” 
“Not yet,” Alexis said, as she was laying on her belly in the tub with her goggles on as she blew bubbles in the water and put her head under again. 
“Alright,” Jo said as she grabbed the hair brush and started to brush Luna's hair. 
After Alexis finally got out they went to the twin’s room where Alex was already helping Eli settle in as he picked out a few books. Soon they all settled into one of the twin's twin beds, and the three kids laid on top of Alex as he started reading to them. Jo leaned against the door frame as she watched them all. She should go get Este from Izzie. Este was probably getting fussy as she did around this time of night. But as she looked down the hallway she saw Izzie coming over to her with Este.
“She wants her Mama,” Izzie said, but she smiled down at her as she gave Este to Jo.
“I hope she wasn’t too fussy for you?” Jo said as she took her and smiled down at her girl who just stared up at her. 
“No, but I know how she gets this time of night and she’s tired,” Izzie said as they both watched Este yawn. 
“If you want to bring her over here and I'll put her down while I read and put these ones down?” Alex asked, catching her attention as they both looked up to see him and the kids staring at her. 
“She won't fuss for her Daddy, either,” Izzie reminded her, as she smiled down at Este.
“Yeah Mama Jo, bring Este over here and let her cuddle with us and she'll fall asleep in no time,” Eli said as he beckoned them over with a wave of his hand. 
“Alright,” Jo easily agreed as she brought Este over and laid down on Alex's chest. 
He cradled her with one arm and Alexis, Luna, and Eli cuddled around her too. All four of the kids settled in and looked quite sleepy as Alex went back to reading the book. Although this time Alexis had to turn the pages from him. Jo went back to the doorway smiling as she and Izzie watched them for a little bit longer.
“Do you want to help me get ready for my date?” Izzie whispered to her after a few minutes as she put a hand on Jo's back. 
“Of course,” Jo said with a smile as she followed Izzie down the hallway.
Jo helped Izzie do her hair and makeup as Alex got all the kids to sleep. Afterwards, they all retreated downstairs. Jo laid on the couch against Alex’s chest while Izzie paced up and down the room, waiting for William. 
“Stop pacing and come relax with us while you wait,” Jo said as she waved her over, but Izzie was too excited for her date.
“He should be here any minute,” Izzie said, peeking out the windows again. “Oh, there he is.”
Jo and Alex smiled at each other as they watched Izzie light up as she saw him. She and William had started dating after Jo had officially moved into the farmhouse with Luna. Although they had been dating for a while, they still acted like teenagers in love. Jo and Alex were happy for her and William. He had gone from a good friend to a beloved fourth parent, although he left the disciplining to Izzie. He helped take care of them and was often around for dinner, playtime, and homework. That is when he wasn’t working in the fields. The kids loved him just as much as they had grown to love Jo. Eli and Alexis had started calling him Papa Will. Alex was quite jealous at first, but he had gotten over it as he allowed someone else to love his kids just as much as he did and take on a fatherly role in her life. However, Alex knew he was Alexis's number one Daddy.
Although they joked that if anybody else moved into the farmhouse they would need to make some more renovation to fit everyone. Izzie had discussed with them whether William should move in or they should move to William’s house, even involving the twins to see how they felt about it. The kids loved living together so much and they didn't want to split up their family unit, so for now, they all stay together and with William occasionally sleeping over. 
“Are you sure you're going to be warm enough?” Jo asked looking her over at Izzie as she was dressed in a mid-length red wrap dress. Although it was June, the nights still got a bit chilly. 
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got a jacket too,” Izzie said as she grabbed her jean jacket. 
Finally, William made it to their door and knocked. Izzie rushed to open the door and welcomed him in.
“Hello William,” Izzie said with a smile as William took off his cowboy hat and came into the house.
“Hello Izzie you look mighty beautiful tonight,” William said with a smile as his eyes looked her up and down and Izzie blushed a deep red.
“Thank you. Well, we should get going,” Izzie said as she grabbed her purse and William put her jacket over her shoulders.
“You two have a good time,” Jo said as she said goodbye with a wave. 
“We will,” Izzie said as she waved back to her. “And I'll text you when we’re headed home.
“Be sure not to get into any trouble and you make sure she's home by midnight,” Alex said pointedly at William as Jo hit his chest with her hand and rolled her eyes. 
“Don't worry sir, I will,” William said, putting his hat back on and tipping it to Alex who nodded.
“See you guys later,” Izzie said with a little wave to them as she pulled William out the door. 
The house grew quiet as Jo and Alex flipped through Netflix, trying to find something to watch while they ate some popcorn. Alex absentmindedly ran his hands up and down her arms and Jo played with the cuff of his shirt on the arm that was wrapped around her waist. Jo found her eyes wandering from the screen as she looked around the living room. 
She thought about the first time she had stepped into the living room. She remembered how much it looked like Izzie’s space but with the twins' toys and other things scattered around. Now there were touches of her and Alex around the space. His wrestling magazines were on the side table and his record player and records were displayed on the shelves. Her attempt at knitting, no wool of course, in the basket on the shelf. Next to it was her collection of books, both medical and fiction. There were more toys this time around with the addition of baby things.
There were also pictures of her and Luna and now Este as well as pictures of all six of them as a family. Including the one that they had sent out in the Christmas card on the mantle. It was next to that little Christmas house that Izzie never let them put away. Along with the string of lights in the window, she insisted they needed to keep up because it also served as a night light. Jo had the big family she always wanted, and it meant everything to her. 
No longer did she feel like the farmhouse was a stranger's home she was stepping into. It was her home with her husband and their kids and one of her best friends. Never in a million years did she imagine calling Alex's ex-wives farmhouse home, but here she was. As Jo thought about it, it was one of those things that hit her suddenly. The feeling of home surprised her, especially, how much the little farmhouse had truly become home. 
“Jo Jo?” 
“What?” Jo asked as she heard Alex call her name and tilted her head to look up at him.
“Hey I was asking you about the movie, but you were so lost in thought,” Alex said with a smile. “What were you thinking about?”
“Oh just that I’m home,” Jo said, as she smiled up at him. 
“Good,” Alex said as he leaned down and she reached up to catch his chin and pull him in for a kiss before she pulled back and laid her head on his chest. 
“But what movie were you trying to ask me about?” Jo asked as she looked up at the tv.
“I was wondering if you wanted to watch this one?” Alex said as he pointed with the remote to the movie on the screen.
“Yeah it looks good,” Jo said as she settled back into his arms and Alex played the movie.
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gutsfics · 2 years
Unpacking A Life
AO3 Link Fandom: Red Carpet Diaries (pre-canon) Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Avalon (M!OC) Length: 1,095 Words Rating: General Audiences Prompt: @choicesficwriterscreations Please Be challenge, “Where do you think you’re putting that?”
Summary: Thomas and Avalon move in together. Thomas requests the kitchen be unpacked in a certain way. Avalon finds an old friend.
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Two years, two months and six days before
It was nice to be back in Los Angeles. His year and a half in San Francisco had been surprisingly pleasant, but now Thomas was ready to return to the whirlwind world of film production.
But before that could happen, he and his partner had some unpacking to do.
They had returned to the house he had lived in before, but since he had taken most of his belongings with him, there was plenty of boxes to unpack, both his and Avalon’s.
Ever since they had unloaded the moving van, the two of them had went right to work putting things away. And now, with his office finished, Thomas decided it was time for a break. He stood up, stretching, and padded out of the room. He followed the sounds of dishware clinking together and leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen, quietly watching as Avalon bustled around, putting the cookware away.
Avalon hummed along to the radio as he worked, some sappy country love song.
Thomas wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was starting to enjoy the genre. Something about Avalon’s deep, husky voice singing along to it made his heart flutter.
It wasn’t until Avalon reached up to put a casserole dish on the shelf above a cupboard that Thomas made his presence known.
“Where do you think you’re putting that?”
Thomas was not a short man. In fact, he was of perfectly average height.
However, these particular shelves happened to be a bit taller than he could reach. But at about a foot taller than Thomas, Avalon could reach them with ease.
Avalon looked at the dish in his hand, then at the shelf, then at Thomas. He reached over and turned the radio down. “Away,” he stated simply.
“That casserole dish does not belong up there. How do you expect I get it down?”
“Well, considering you’re too prideful to ask for help, I’d assume you’d climb onto the counter.” Avalon gave him a cheeky smirk. “How often do you use this, anyway?”
“Often enough,” Thomas retorted, lying.
Avalon tipped his head to the side, an eyebrow quirked up. “Mhm. Sure. You know, if you wanted the kitchen set up in a specific way, you should have said so before I started unpacking in here.”
Thomas narrowed his eyes, but sighed. Avalon wasn’t wrong, after all.
“Alright, grump,” Avalon said, putting the dish on the counter. “If you’re gonna be huffy about it, why don’t you come help me? We can figure this out together.” He crossed the room and extended his arm, wiggling his fingers at Thomas.
Thomas couldn’t help smiling, sighing again as he took Avalon’s hand.
Avalon grinned and tugged Thomas close, wrapping his other arm around Thomas’ waist. “Why don’t we take a small break first?  We’ve been at this all day, and I miss you.”
“You miss me? I’ve been across the house the entire time.”
“Exactly. We’ve been in the same building, and I haven’t seen you at all. I’m allowed to miss you.”
“Drama queen.” Thomas reached up, placing a hand on Avalon’s jaw. He stretched up to kiss him gently. “... I missed you too.”
Avalon smiled again, something soft and bashful. “Yeah?”
“I find your company rather… pleasant.”
“High praise from the Thomas Hunt. I thought you didn’t compliment people.”
“I suppose there are some exceptions to that, especially when I am only stating the truth. You are a pleasant person to be around.”
“So you don’t regret it?”
Thomas blinked. “Regret what?”
“Bringing me here, to LA. You have a whole life here, are you sure I’ll fit?”
“Of course you will. I didn’t have much of a life outside of film before meeting you. You’ve broadened my horizons. You belong here, Avalon. With me.”
“I--” Avalon’s voice caught in his throat. When he finally spoke again, his voice was low and raspy. “I love you, Thomas.”
“I love you, too,” Thomas murmured, pulling Avalon down for another kiss.
And another.
And another.
After the kitchen was properly unpacked to Thomas’ standards, he and Avalon silently decided to stay working together in each room, not wanting to leave the other for too long again.
Thomas was moving clothes to a dresser when he heard Avalon gasp quietly. 
“Oh, hello! Who is this? Frog?”
Thomas turned quickly, just in time to see Avalon gently lift a small, well-loved stuffed Frog out of a box, holding it as if it were the most fragile thing he had handled all day.
Thomas felt his face burn as he stormed across the room. “It’s nothing! Put him down!”
“I don’t think I will!” Avalon lifted the toy above his head. “I’ve never seen him before. Did you have him hidden away the entire time you were in San Francisco? That’s not very nice to do to an old friend!”
“I had to put him away! I was worried about-- what- you would… think… of me having him…” He tapered off, looking away. “It’s stupid, never mind.”
Avalon blinked and lowered the toy. “I don’t think it’s stupid. I know people can be… mean about having toys after growing up, but I think it’s really sweet you still have him. It’s obvious you love him a lot.” He offered the toy to Thomas, who took it gingerly, cradling it in his arms. “Besides, it’d be really dickish of me to think otherwise. Hypocritical, I mean. Wait here.”
Before Thomas can say anything else, Avalon is out of the room.
And before he can think anything else, Avalon returned, a little stuffed Toad in his arms, just as loved and well-worn as Thomas’ Frog. “I think your Frog could use another friend in his life.”
Thomas looked at Avalon, then the Toad in his hands, and then down at the Frog in his. He cleared his throat. “That’s fine,” he murmured.
“I also think they deserve to have somewhere nice to live, instead of being forgotten in a box somewhere.” Avalon plucked Frog from Thomas’ hands, then went over to the dresser Thomas had just been standing at. He placed Frog and Toad on the top, adjusting them to lean on each other so they wouldn’t fall down. Frog’s arm around Toad. He nodded, pleased with his work. “There. What do you think?”
“S’okay,” Thomas said quietly. He stood next to Avalon, leaning against his side.
Avalon wrapped an arm around him and held tight. “I’m glad they have each other now.”
Thomas gazed up at Avalon. “...Yeah. Me too.”
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
Leave it to the Wind
Summary: Between deadlines, an awful transport system, and aswangs lurking about in the shadows, you have much to worry about as a college student in Manila, and it's so much that your social life is practically dead. Your wind people roommates want to help you remedy that.
Words: 9343
Relationships: The Kambal/Reader (Crispin/Reader/Basilio)
Warnings: Adult content, alcohol, brief scene of sexual harassment
Author’s Notes: God, the fandom is so thirsty for the Kambal, and so am I. Finally, some Filipino himbo representation.
The premise is: Hannah and Amie decides to play matchmaker. Hilarity ensues. Smut ensues. Please be nice, I based the characterizations of the character on the Netflix series and Trese wiki pages since I couldn't get my hands on the original comics yet oof. Some words, like terms of endearment and curse words, will remain in Filipino. Translations are provided. Reader is AFAB and is referred to with female pronouns.
Reposting this from AO3 with all three chapters in one post. A Filipino (Taglish) translation is in the works!
You don’t know how they managed to convince you, to be honest.
You rarely ever go out at night anymore. So many strange incidents transpire in Manila’s narrow streets. Just recently, you’ve heard of a new story about a tikbalang who allegedly participated in illegal street races.
So when your roommates and friends Amie and Hannah invited you for a night out, you hesitated. You gave them every excuse you can think of; you needed to do laundry, you needed to study, you needed to finish a project, and so on.
You know that the two of them are wind people, but you can’t help but think. Which of the various stories you had been hearing are real? What else in this world you haven’t witnessed yet?
“Aw, you’re such a buzzkill! Pretty please? You don’t go out with us as often. Enjoy yourself a little,” Amie whines, lying on the sofa of your living room.
On the other hand, Hannah turns to you with a mischievous grin on her face. “C’mon, get dressed already,” she commanded. “There are some total hotties we’d like you to meet! One of them might catch your eye!”
“I told you, I don’t need a relationship. You two try this every week. How do you even know so many people?” you retort, laughing softly at yourself.
“Well, our night lives are active,” Hannah retorted. “Don’t forget our sex lives!” the other added. Hearing those words, you felt your face get flushed with heat.
You needed a good fuck.
“Damn it, fine! As long as you pay for me.”
They finally got you to say yes.
As the night went on, you went to several bars, and you swore that you had explored every crevice of the city. It doesn’t help that the guy Amie and Hannah were with, a tall, dark and handsome man with flowing locks of black hair, drove like a demon. You got around quickly in no time.
Around an hour after midnight, you’re all exhausted from a night of dancing and mingling. None of the people your friends introduced to you caught your attention. At that point, you just wanted a stiff drink to unwind.
Voicing it to your drinking buddies, they nod in agreement.
“I know just the place, in Malate,” the man you’re with said. “Quiet. Discreet. I can take you there, if you want.”
“You mean The Diabolical, right? Let’s go! Text Crispin and Basilio, they might be hangin’ there too,” Amie croons.
A chuckle escapes your lips upon hearing their names. “Huh? Were they named after the characters in Jose Rizal’s novel?”
“I think so? Whatever! But seriously though… Those two can totally make you scream their names louder than Sisa ever did! Best lay I ever had!”
The remark made you laugh so hard, you swore you can be heard in the next city. “What the fuck! Amie, gaga ka, Sisa was their mom! The context of that scene was rough.”
Hannah’s mischievous grin spreads on her face once more, and she gently elbows your side. “Well, if you’re lucky, in this context you’d be crying their names while your eyes roll to the back of your head.”
You’ll never admit it, but you had hoped all their teasing would come true.
It didn’t take long for the four of you to reach your destination. As you enter The Diabolical, a strange chill envelopes you. The air feels different inside; it’s almost as if you stepped in a different world. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, but when you looked around, you saw a duwende sitting by the bar. Or was it called a nuno? At the end of the bar, you saw them; two men both dressed in black suits. One has short hair, while the other one has longer, reaching past his shoulders. However, they’re facing away from you. Only the back of their head and part of their cheeks were visible where you stood.
You snapped out of it when the man you three are with spoke up. “I’m gonna call it a night. Have fun, you three.”
“For real? Wow Maliksi, this is the first time I ever saw you wanting to leave early. Aren’t you gonna stop by and say hi to Alex?” Hannah asks him.
“Maybe next time,” Maliksi answers back, a somber expression on his face. “Oh em gee, did you two fight? Wait, what are you two?” Amie asks.
“Whatever. It’s complicated. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Your friends nodded and let Maliksi be. He waves at your group, and heads out the door. The engine of his car roars to life, and his car screeches away.
As the car moved farther away though, it seems that the screeching of the tires turned into hoofbeats.
Perhaps it’s just your imagination.
“Amie! Hannah! Have a drink! Hey, who’s that with you? Is that the person you’ve been wanting us to meet for ages now?”
Your head turns to where the voice was coming from; one of the men in the suits, the one with short hair in particular. You finally had a good look on their faces.
“Crispin! Meet our friend! This is…”
As Amie and Hannah introduce you to the Twins, you can’t help but stare. You took the sight of their features in; they’re tall, with broad shoulders, and hard muscle underneath that black suit and white tie ensemble. They have wide noses with a high bridge, prominent bone structure, and a prominent widow’s peak.
Merciful Bathala, they’re gorgeous.
What caught your attention the most are their eyes. They're pitch black, save for the small reflection of light.
Are these people even human?
“Stare at them like that any longer and they might melt,” Amie teases. The two of your friends are giving you an ear-splitting grin due to your reaction to the Twins.
“I, uh-” you stuttered, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Hey, don’t be shy. You can sit between us, miss. We’re all friends here,” the twin with the longer hair says. If the other one is Crispin, then this must be Basilio.
Behind you, your friends are already giggling. They took their places next to the twins and leaned on their biceps. Across from you, the bartender comes to take your order.
“What’ll it be, kid?” he asks.
For some reason, you’re panicking. Maybe it’s because of the alcohol in your system. Or maybe it’s because you’re sandwiched between the twins. “Uh, what would you recommend, manong?”
Laughter erupted from the twins. “Hank, she called you manong!” Basilio teases while grinning like a fucking dog. “Geez, are you really that old?” Crispin eggs him on, giving him a shit-eating grin. Hank takes a wet rag he uses to wipe down the countertop and strikes the two down. “You goddamn assholes!”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing with them.
“Ow! Alright, we’re sorry, we’re sorry. Get them the best seller, Hank. We’ll pay for their tab,” Basilio says, and Hannah and Amie squeals with joy.
“Oh em gee, you boys are so sweet! Thank youuu!”
As Hank prepares you a drink, you try conversing with the twins. “You two seem fun to have as drinking buddies.”
Hank turns around to reach a bottle from the shelf. “Those two are mischievous little shits, that’s for sure. You know, when these two were kids...”
“Hey man, don’t embarrass us like that in front of our new friend,” Crispin whines.
While the three continues fucking around, you leaned back slightly to glimpse at Amie, who was trying to get your attention for a while now. She points to her phone, and you fetch yours from your bag.
You read your group chat with them. “Soooo, do you like, like them?” Hannah’s message said.
“You’re into them aren’t you? You got so shy around them, it’s so cute!” Amie’s message said.
“Right? It’s rare to see you so flustered!”
You typed away furiously at your phone, cautious to not let the twins beside you see the conversation.
“Well, they’re an improvement from the ones you introduced me to earlier. Easier on the eyes, too…”
Your friends giggled, and as their drinks arrived, they stood up. “Girl, we’re gonna leave you with them, there’s some super hot tikbalangs who just came in the bar. Byeeee!”
“Hey, wait!”
They didn’t heed your words and went to sit on the tikbalangs’ laps.
Fuck, tikbalangs are real? Is Maliksi a tikbalang too?
“And off they go, flirting with those beasts after they’ve used us for drinks,” Crispin laments, voice dripping with light-hearted sarcasm.
“It’s not like it’s the first time we got used by them though,” Basilio adds, cringing.
You can’t help but laugh.  “Yeah, I’ve heard.”
Basilio’s head whips towards you, sweat gathering on his brow. “Seriously?! Shit, what did they say about us?”
“All good things, don’t you worry,” you answered.
“Nah, I need to hear what they said word for word,” the twin with long hair responds. “This is making me paranoid!”
Crispin moves closer to you, Basilio puts a friendly arm around your shoulder, and you can only smile. All of you are inebriated and if you were sober, and if someone else dared to get this close to you, you might’ve slapped them. But you feel good about the Twins, and your roommates never put you in harm’s way, so your trust for them extended to the brothers, somehow.
“Just tell us already,” Crispin slurs. “Tell us what they said about us. We’re curious.”
“Fine, fine. Okay, Amie and Hannah mentioned your names when Maliksi suggested that we head here to drink. Then, I mentioned that your names came from Rizal’s novels.”
“Then Amie said,” you continued, pausing briefly to come up with an impression of your roommate’s speech. “‘Seriously though… Those two can totally make you scream their names louder than Sisa ever did! Best lay I ever had!’ Fuck, it was so messed up!”
“That’s messed up, alright,” Basilio sputters, his face a deep shade of crimson. “I’m this hot and those are the only details they can spare?!”
“Ok, but that Sisa joke was kind of funny though. But it was still fucked up,” Crispin adds, and he takes a sip of his drink.
“Hold your horses, the story’s not done yet,” you say. You’re starting to feel more confident around the two.
Your conversation went places, until you found yourselves drinking until three in the morning, and at that point, it’s only just the four of you in the bar; Hank, the Twins, and you. Even Hannah and Amie are nowhere to be seen. Knowing them, they probably took the tikbalangs they were flirting with back to your apartment.
They didn’t even wait for you. Looks like they’re really setting you up tonight. Maybe they wanted the apartment to themselves tonight, and they got exactly what they wanted.
You had planned on getting up to go to the restroom, but when you tried standing up, you almost fell from the chair. The Twins caught you before you landed face first against the floor.
“She’s had enough to drink,” Hank comments. They set you on a chair with a backrest. “How will she get home? We can’t send her off in a cab at this rate. The train doesn't run this late either.”
“Hannah left her behind too,” Crispin adds.
“Hey, how are we gonna deal with this?” Basilio asks. “We can get you home once we sober up a little. It’s fine if you-”
Basilio never got to finish what he was going to say, because you nodded off against his stomach, and puked your lunch out.
You don’t remember anything after that.
When you awaken, the sun is already high up, and the first thing that greets you is the fan in the ceiling. Your muscles are screaming at you, and your throat feels dry. Memories of last night came crashing back and you started sweating in horror. Maybe it’s just a drunken dream, but it felt all too real.
You were flirting with these gorgeous twins, had too much to drink, and at some point puked all over one of the twins’ shoes.
And now, you don’t know whose bedroom you are in. You check yourself, and you’re still wearing the same clothes, with nothing out of place. There are no bruises or marks on your body either. You looked around you, but there was no one else in the room.
The doors crack open slightly, and you see two pairs of void-black eyes.
“I… um… good morning?”
“It’s… already 2 in the afternoon,” one of them says. He has long hair. This one is the twin you threw up on.
“Why don’t you have some lunch?” the other one said.
You just nodded and said nothing else, ashamed of yourself. You threw up on one of them and now you’re eating at their table. You just wanted the ground to swallow you alive.
“Sorry for puking on you last night,” you near-whispered to Basilio after you swallowed your first bite of food.
The silence broke when Crispin roared with laughter, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes. Meanwhile, Basilio was glaring daggers at his brother. He’s frowning like a child whose toy got taken from him. “Sure, keep laughing, kuya.”
“I’ll never show my face here again, I promise,” you say to them, hiding your face behind your hands.
“What’re you talking about? Forget about it. We’re friends now, right?” Basilio tells you, smiling. “But next time, vomit on my brother too.”
“No one’s throwing up because I won’t be allowing any of you to get wasted that bad ever again,” Hank announces as he enters the room with a carafe in his hand. “Bossing’s not gonna like it if the bar ends up smelling as bad as Basilio’s room. Here, have some coffee.”
“We should introduce you to bossing next time too. She’s not here at the moment,” Crispin adds. “Let’s do this again next week.”
The invitation made you smile, and you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You continued eating the rest of your meal.
“...my room doesn’t smell that, right?” Basilio asks after a few moments of silence.
“Gago, it stinks so bad. It’s why we made the guest stay at my room, because if she stayed at yours she could’ve died from how bad it is,” Crispin exclaims. “Seriously, how can you live with bringing women to your room at that point?”
“Kuya, you’re embarrassing me to our guest!”
Translations for non-Filipino speaking folks:
bossing: a somewhat affectionate way to say “boss”. Comes from the old tradition of adding -eng or -ing to ones name to make a nickname, e.g. Luciana - Lucing
Gago/gaga (ka): (you) idiot/moron - someone stupid, foolish or ignorant
Tikbalang: creature from Filipino mythology similar to a centaur. They are hulking beasts with a horse's head.
manong: a term for endearment to an elderly male relative, or elderly men in general. Originally an Ilokano term referring to the first born son in a nuclear family.
kuya: big brother. Can be used to refer to one's own older brother, someone else's older brother, or an older peer or male acquaintance.
Author’s Notes: This chapter was heavily inspired by Bita and the Botflies' song Manghuhula.
Warnings: brief scene of sexual harrassment
After washing up, the Twins accompanied you to the gate, exchanging glances at each other behind your back. Little did they know, you definitely noticed it.
“Wait,” Basilio says, tapping your shoulder lightly with a large hand.
Crispin takes his phone out of his pocket. His younger brother proceeds to do the same. “Give us your phone. We’ll add our numbers, and you can text us if something happens,” he says.
“Or when you get home safe,” Basilio adds.
You look at the two of them back and forth. “This isn’t just an elaborate excuse for the two of you to get my number, right?”
Neither of the two spoke, giving each other a nervous glance.
Their reaction made you laugh out loud, and you took out your phone from your bag. “Here. I’ll give you my Facespace too.”
With the tension broken, the three of you exchange a chuckle. You punch in your number in their phones, while they did the same to yours. Crispin looks over his brother’s shoulder and frowns.
“Epal,” Crispin says to his brother, snatching your phone away from him. The older twin types something in, and it’s the younger one’s turn to stick his nose in. Basilio attempts to get the phone back, cursing all the time.
“You’re going to break her phone, gago,” the older twin curses, pushing a palm against Basilio’s face. “Then let it go! You’re the epal, I wasn’t done yet,” the younger one snaps back.
You give them a look of irritation, and check out what they’re arguing about.
“What the hell are you two grown-ass men fighting about?” you ask as you butt in to look at what they’re doing.
A loud snort bubbles from you as you see it; Basilio added “the hot twin” next to his contact name. Crispin added “the hotter twin”. Now, the former wanted to outdo his older brother.
Against your better judgment, you say, “You’re twins. You look like each other. You’re both hot. Now stop fighting over my phone.”
Perhaps it’s the afternoon heat, but there is a tinge of red in their cheeks after your remark. You waved them goodbye as you got in a tricycle that’ll get you to the nearest train station.
The MRT, in some strange miraculous twist of fate, isn’t as packed as usual. It’s still populated, but there were a few seats waiting to be taken. You sit down somewhere away from direct sunlight, and you take out your phone to tell Hannah and Amie that you’re on the way home.
The first thing you see is a text from Basilio. Then, a text from Crispin. You tell them both that you’re on the train now, completely forgetting about messaging your roommates. To pass the time, you launch the Facespace app and decide to look up their profiles, only to find out that they’ve already sent you a friend request.
Upon seeing Crispin’s profile, you did your damn best to stifle a laugh.
His work description says “works at the Krusty Krab,” but that wasn’t the craziest thing about his profile. At first, the Bible verse in his bio caught you off guard, thinking that someone like him didn’t seem religious, but when you quickly looked up “Ezekiel 23:20,” you did your best not to howl with laughter.
Basilio’s isn’t any better.
In his work description, he put “Model at For Her Magazine,” and “edi sa puso mo.” Then you scroll down to see a thirst trap of him pulling his shirt up with his teeth, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks again. Well, at least that work description is believable.
They’re- what was that term your younger university friends were using again?- himbos.
They’re definitely himbos.
Arriving at your place, you slot your key inside the doorknob and twist. As you enter the door, the heavy, musky scent of sex and sweat hits your face, and you regret getting too wasted last night and losing your chance to hook up with one of the Twins.
Or both.
Regardless, at least they’ve invited you again to hang out next week.
You raise your eyebrow and cross your arms at the scene before you. Cans of beer litter the living room, and your roommates are taking a nap by the couch. A tikbalang comes out of the bathroom, glamor off, and you snort as you watch him duck under the door frame because of his massive height.
“It’s already four in the afternoon. Time to go, big guy.”
He nods awkwardly in acknowledgment, morphing into his human disguise, and exiting your apartment.
You sit between your roommates, rousing them from their sleep. “I’m not going to clean this mess up,” you tell them, motioning to the trashed state of the living room, and reaching for the remote to turn the TV on. You just want to take a shower afterwards and sleep in your own bed tonight.
After rubbing the sleep from their eyes, your roommates near-tackles you on the couch, a curious, excited look on their faces. You forgot all about what you were watching and stared at them in surprise.
“So how did it go? Did you get to hook up with any of them?” Amie asks.
“Or both of them?” Hannah adds.
“Gaga, nothing like that happened.”
The two of them let you go with disappointed looks on their faces. “So sayang! Here we were thinking you finally have a sex life,” one of them says as you lean back on the backrest, closing your eyes as they continue to pester you for details.
“Why are you two so determined to get me to screw someone?” you finally snapped, amused and irked at the same time.
“Because you’ve been doing nothing but totally stressing yourself out! See how super fun it is to let go every now and then?”
“Thanks for the new drinking buddies, girls, but I have my fingers to keep me company. Hookups are too much work,” you lie to them, eyes still closed.
“That’s a toe-curling, full-body orgasm you’re missing out on, girl!”
“That’s assuming that the person I’m with knows what they’re doing,” you retorted.
One of them pokes your side with an elbow, and you assume it’s Hannah. “The Twins do.”
You opened your eyes, and you guessed right; it’s Hannah. You give her a look, before rolling your eyes, appearing to look disinterested. The smirk tugging at the edge of your lips says otherwise, though.
“So what happened last night?” Amie asks.
“I got wasted and threw up on Basilio’s shoes. Then, I ended up sleeping in Crispin’s room. When I woke up, they fed me and sent me home,” you tell them. Your roommates giggle at the story.
“Ah, speaking of which, I gotta let them know I got home,” you said off-hand, and somehow the remark only spurred your wind people roommates on.
“Yieee, you’re friends with them on Facespace already!” Amie quips, leaning in to see what you’re typing. Playfully, you move your phone away from her to conceal what you’re typing.
“Make a group chat with them!” Hannah exclaims, taking your phone away from you. You tried taking it back, but Amie joins in the mischief and blocks you from doing so.
When you got your phone back, the deed was done, and the chat was renamed to a single eggplant emoji. The like button was replaced by an eggplant emoji too.
Panicking, you add your roommates to the group to avoid looking suspicious, and swiftly type up a defense.
“Please ignore that, Hannah made this chat using my account.”
The teasing never stopped after that.
Weeks passed and you never bothered to change it, though.
It’s been about two months since your first encounter with the Twins. You’re becoming a familiar face at The Diabolical, going every Saturday to see them. Sometimes Hannah and Amie didn’t accompany you anymore. You’ve met the Twins’ bossing a few times, who turned out to be none other than Alexandra Trese. You’ve heard of her exploits and the two imposing bodyguards who were almost always with her. It surprised you that they’re none other than the Twins you knew, but it made perfect sense. Those two were jacked, and those muscles aren’t only for show.
Of course, because of your increasing presence in the bar, it didn’t take long for the rumors to circulate. Word on the street is both of the Twins had a thing for you, and neither is making a move out of consideration for the other. They are waiting for you to move.
You elected to ignore them, perfectly happy with your arrangement of having two handsome men to keep you company while you unwind. The thought of getting together with one of them, or even both of them did cross your mind a few times, however.
Ultimately, you wouldn’t know what to do if the day comes that you’ll have to confront how you feel and choose between the two.
Do you have to?
Crispin and Basilio are twins, but they’re distinct from each other. The older is more serious, with a dryer sense of humor, while the younger is goofier, and somewhat softer. One complements the other, and they’re both good company despite their differences.
Speak of the devil. Your phone buzzes and you see that the eggplant chat is active. The Twins are inviting you to The Diabolical again.
“See you guys at eight,” you type in. Someone reacts with an eggplant to your message. Then the next few messages were nothing but eggplant emojis, followed by Basilio sending “#TeamTalong”. Crispin cusses him out for it, but sends the same message right after.
Yeah, that became a thing among the five of you.
You and the wind girls got dressed and took a taxi to the bar, your favorite jacket draped over your shoulders. Pressured by your roommates, you wore something nicer tonight; a black faux leather dress that hugs your figure deliciously. The shiny fabric added to the effect. The six bottles of Pulang Tikbalang beer the three of you shared before going out might’ve contributed to your newfound bravado.
But now that you’re actually wearing it outside your apartment, you feel a little reluctant.
“Maybe wearing this is a bad idea,” you mutter to no one in particular, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear out of self-consciousness.
Amie taps you from behind. “Oh hush, that outfit is totally sexy,” she comments. “Finally ready to get dicked down tonight, girl?”
“Shhh, gaga ka, manong driver can hear you.”
That didn’t deter them from making more inappropriate comments, much to the manong's ire.
It’s nine already when you get there, you’re in the Philippines after all. The merriment is already in full swing when you step through the door. Hannah and Amie went ahead and sat next to their lay of the week. The Twins wave you over from their usual spot, but before you can reach them, a man you’ve never seen before tries to get your attention, snaking an arm around your waist.
“Hey baby. You’re a regular here, right? Want to drink with me?”
“Sorry, I’m here with someone else,” you tell him, moving away.
“Ah, here to see the Twins? Why don’t you ditch them for a change of pace and come with me, babe?”
“Not interested,” you flat out said. “Please move, or I’ll make you move.”
To your surprise, the man drops his glamor and reveals himself to be a kapre. He looms over you, cigar in his mouth, and you can feel the tension rising. People are starting to stare, and your friends took notice of it too.
“Try,” he huffs, puffing smoke to your face. You give him a sour glare while trying not to cough.
Before your roommates or the Twins could come to your aid, you panicked and saw an empty bottle of Pulang Tikbalang on a nearby table. Emboldened by the alcohol in your veins, you shatter the bottle and point the jagged edge at the hulking beast, hands shaking. You are a tiny thing compared to the enormous creature before you, after all.
“Don’t you dare look down on me.”
“Already doing that, honey.”
“I’m not your honey,” you say as you press the edge against his stomach, not enough to draw blood, but hard enough to hurt.
“I love it when they fight back,” the kapre croons.
Under the haze of alcohol, you were more than ready to shove the edge in, consequences be damned.
Before things could escalate, Crispin takes the broken bottle off of your hands and steers you away from the stranger, while Basilio steps in to defuse the tension. “Hey, why don’t you back off, pal? Our friend said no. You wouldn’t want us to tell our bossing to ban you from the place because of this misunderstanding now, don’t you?”
Heart in your throat, you turn to the Twins, then to the kapre. The tree giant pauses, looking at the three of you, then smirks.
“Heh. Fine. But if you torpe whelps don’t make a move, I will.”
The giant puts his glamor back on and skulks away.
“Wow, what a jerk! He only left you alone when the boys stepped in,” Hannah quips, tossing her hair in indignation.
“You almost didn’t need rescuing, but I’d hate to help Hank mop the blood off the floor later,” Basilio comments, nudging you gently with an elbow. His eyes go a little lower from your face, and you see him look away.
You realized Crispin hasn’t let go of you yet.
“C’mon, let’s just go,” you tell everyone. Crispin proceeds to remove his hand away from your shoulder, and you take your usual seats by the bar.
The bar is loud, but the silence between the three of you is deafening. Even Hank seems to have taken notice, eyeing your usually loud and cheerful group.
“What’s up with you three? What happened back there?” the older man asks, leaning over the bar top.
“Just a handsy kapre who couldn’t take no for an answer. I won’t let it spoil the night,” you answer him.
“That’s the spirit. Holler if he tries something like that again, I’ll have him kicked out,” Hank replies, setting down three ice-cold beers in front of you guys.
Yet somehow, the conversation never livened up.
Three bottles of Pulang Tikbalang later, you’ve had enough.
“This is about what that kapre said, isn’t it?” you finally say, slightly pissed.
The Twins look at each other with guilty expressions, and simultaneously nod.
“Do you boys wanna talk about it?”
They look at each other again. “Shit, this is awkward,” Crispin comments, scratching his head. Basilio nods in agreement, uncharacteristically silent. “We didn’t want to pressure you into anything you didn’t want to do,” the older twin continues.
“Look, I don’t want to ruin my relationship with my kuya just because we’re interested in the same girl,” Basilio says. “Same here,” Crispin adds.
“So we were waiting for you to make your own move,” Basilio continues.
“Ah. So the rumors are true,” you sighed.
“We’ll accept whatever outcome there is. If you choose me, or Basilio, or neither because this is fucking messy, we totally get it,” the older twin says, leaning back to stare at the ceiling.
Now the decision rests in your hands.
“Why don’t we talk about this somewhere more private?” you ask them.
You watch as both of them gulp. “Where do you wanna talk?” Basilio asks.
“Anywhere private.”
“I just cleaned my room earlier. Why don’t we continue this there?”
You nod, and they lead you away from the bar.
Looks like it’s going to be a long night.
Translations for non-Filipino speakers:
epal: in Filipino slang, usually refers to a person who inappropriately presents himself in a situation or butts into a conversation.
kapre: a tree-giant from Filipino mythology. Often described as very tall, dark, and hairy. Almost never seen without a cigar.
sayang: literally means waste. Can be used alone as an expression similar to "what a waste!"
torpe: someone who cannot spit their romantic or sexual feelings out to a crush or love interest
Author’s Notes:
Warnings: Smut. Filthy smut. Writer-is-definitely-going-to-the-second-circle-of-the-Seven-Circles-of-Hell-levels-of-filthy smut. Bawal bata, tulog na. If you're under 18 please turn back.
After the door closes behind the three of you, you sit on the bed, while Crispin sits on a chair near his brother’s desk. Basilio locks the door, and leans against it, unable to look at you.
“Right. So. How are we going to deal with this?” you ask them, crossing your legs.
“Don’t ask us,” Crispin says, swiveling the chair to face you. “You’re the one caught in the middle after all.”
Curse his choice of words.
“This is too weird,” Basilio speaks up. “If you want me to unlock the door, just say the word. We can walk out of this like nothing happened.”
“And then what? Things are going to be awkward between the three of us, I just know it,” you say to him, palming the back of your neck. “Things might get awkward with Amie and Hannah too, and I live with them. I don’t want our tropa to disband just because of relationship drama.”
“What about Amie and Hannah? Is it because we have history with those two?” Crispin asks.
“They’ve been trying to set me up with either of you. The fact that they also slept with you in the past also doesn’t help. Shit, this is messy.”
“Er, um,” Basilio stutters. “That might’ve been our fault.”
You furrow your brow and cross your arms. “Keep going.”
The Twins look at each other, as if gauging who should explain the situation. “So, we remained in contact after being used as a prize for bossing’s race with Maliksi, right?” Crispin starts.
“Uh huh.”
“Well, they mentioned a third roommate in passing and joked about lending us to her. Of course we blew them off, then Amie showed us a picture of you. We got curious and asked them to introduce you,” Basilio continues.
“I didn’t expect us five to become friends. And now we’re in this mess,” Crispin adds.
You look at them back and forth, and laugh in resignation. Elbows digging against your lap and palms pressed against your face, you rub your face and run it through your hair. “Amazing. Just amazing. See, I have a problem too.”
The Twins didn’t respond, eyes fixated on you.
“I like the two of you.”
You feel the air shift around you. Basilio’s standing upright by the door now, and Crispin straightened up too. The room is so quiet, you can hear them gulp in anticipation for what will happen next.
“There. I said it. The reason why I haven’t made a move at all is because of this exact moment that I was dreading. I didn’t want to choose,” you admit, feeling the blood rush to your head. “I just wanted for us three to stay like that, drinking buddies sprinkled with sexual tension.”
“And you’re in the middle, enjoying our attention,” Crispin says, crossing his arms.
“Selfish, I know,” you admit, head hanging low.
This is it, the moment that can make or break you three.
“Us three. If only...” you whisper, only for the words to fall flat on your tongue
You stand up, gathering your things and carrying your bag. “Nevermind. What a mess we’re in. I’ll go so you two can sort things out between the two of you. It’s been a fun ride.”
Basilio doesn’t move from the door, and behind you, you can hear Crispin getting up from his seat.
“We can still make this work, right kuya?” Basilio starts, looking over your head to give his brother a knowing look.
“Yeah, I think so,” Crispin replies. “What was that you said? The three of us?”
Your eyes widen, and you look at them back and forth. Their bodies are dangerously close to yours. Now you’re literally caught in the middle.
“I- uh…”
“I think we can work out an arrangement,” Basilio whispers, one hand moving to hold yours.
“Only if you want to,” Crispin adds, his breath kissing the back of your neck.
“I don’t want to lose either of you,” Basilio adds.
“Same here.”
Damn it all.
Giving in to your darkest, most hidden desires, you lean in to capture Basilio’s lips with yours, leaving his black eyes wide open in surprise. They flutter close, and he savors the kiss, slipping a tongue in. Then you turn to Crispin, and you give him the same sweet kiss as well.
“Damn, I didn’t mean like, now,” Basilio mutters, feeling the front of his trousers get tighter as he watches you make out with his brother.
Bringing your attention back to the younger twin, you loosen his tie, while you push out your ass to grind against Crispin. “Are you complaining?”
“Not at all.”
“Wait, are you sure about this? All of us drank tonight… we don’t want you to do something you’ll regret,” Crispin says, moving his hips away from you. Basilio pauses too, and wraps his hands around your wrists to still your hands, a look of concern on his face.
“Kuya’s right.”
“I’m a grown woman. I might’ve had a few bottles, but I know what I want,” you reassure them, waiting for the two to make a move. “I know I want you two for months.”
Basilio lets go of your hands and lets you do as you please, a cocky smirk on his lips. Behind you, you can feel Crispin’s gloved hands reaching for the zipper of your dress. “Really? How much do you want us? C’mon, say it,” Basilio asks, moving in to place kisses on your neck.
“I wanna hear it too,” Crispin whispers against your shoulder, and he punctuates it with a light kiss.
All of a sudden, you felt shy at the prospect of confessing your fantasies out loud. “Why don’t I just show you boys?”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this one,” Basilio teases. “Consider it as payback for throwing up all over my shoes.”
“You’re still- ah!- mad about that?” you ask him, gasping in the middle of doing so when you felt a hand snake between your legs from behind. The older twin slips his fingers past your underwear, circling your clit with slow strokes.
“Not mad, I just want things to be fair,” Basilio teases, pulling your dress down. He gives your breasts a squeeze, fondling and rolling your nipples until they harden, and he seals his lips over your right one. Crispin moves from behind you and he takes his place next to his twin, lathing his tongue over the left. All four of their hands pawed at your flesh greedily.
You were at a loss for words because of how good they’re making you feel, soft moans bubbling from your throat.
“Speechless already, huh?” Crispin mumbles against your skin.
“Ngh! The wind girls weren’t lying, you two know what you’re doing,” you gasped, face flushed as you watched the Twins lavish their attention on your breasts.
“Shhh, stop changing the subject. Play along, or neither of us will make you cum,” he adds, pausing to give you a teasing lick, and resting his tongue on top of the hardened bud. On the other hand, Basilio is sucking like a starved babe while squeezing your still clothed behind.
You fake a scoff of indignation and grin. “Fine. I- oh fuck- want you two so much, I’ve been fantasizing for weeks.”
Basilio pauses to address you. “Describe them.”
You’re a little mortified, but the alcohol in your system pushes you to be bolder. “I imagined Basilio punishing me for ruining his shoes.”
“And how did he do that?” Crispin’s voice.
“He asked me to suck him off,” you start, and a pinch on your bottom from the subject of your fantasy tells you that he wanted to hear more details. “He fucked my face while pulling my hair and told me how good I was the whole time and that he forgave me.”
“What about me? What fantasies did you have?” Crispin asks again.
Your breath hitched in your throat but you pushed on. “Hearing how you scolded Basilio, I imagined you taking me from behind and saying the meanest, dirtiest things possible.”
The Twins looked at each other, and stopped, their lips leaving your breasts with a lewd pop. “You want to make them all come true?” Basilio asks.
Cheeks burning, you give them a curt nod.
The two of them lead you to the bed, where Crispin puts you on all fours, and he takes his place from behind. On the other hand, Basilio is standing near the edge of the bed, the bulge in his pants inches away from your face. You stare at it, licking your lips.
As you undid Basilio’s pants, he shrugs off his suit jacket and takes off his tie, then he takes off his dress shirt, revealing his abs and the trail of dark hair on his lower abdomen, disappearing into his briefs. From behind, you hear fabric shifting, then Crispin peels your panties off of you. He brings a gloved hand against your skin in a loud smack, making you cry out.
“Ah, wait, we need a safeword,” Crispin mentions, soothingly squeezing your skin.
“What about Eternos?” Basilio suggests, and Crispin cocks an eyebrow. “Wait, you mean, like the game?”
You stifle a laugh. “I’m fine with it,” you say to them, and they take it as a signal to continue.
The older twin dips a gloved finger between your folds, gathering your wetness, and tsked. “Look at you, already so fucking wet. You want this so much, huh?”
You nod frantically, then Basilio stills your head. “Open your mouth, baby. Tongue out.”
You oblige, and Basilio fishes his cock out of his briefs. Your eyes grow wider as you take in the sight of it; girthy, with a nice length, and a few veins running on the underside. You wonder if Crispin’s is the same. The twin in front of you lightly smacks his member against your tongue, and you proceed to lick it, running from the base to the tip, slicking it with saliva. You swirl your tongue around it, then try to slide it in your mouth as smoothly as possible.
As Basilio begins to breathe harder with each bob of your head, Crispin pulls your ass towards his face, and a choked moan escapes your lips as you feel his mouth on your heat, toying with your folds before he finally finds that sensitive nub. The older twin proceeds to lick and suck at it, eating you out like you’re the best damn meal of his life.
Meanwhile, you push a palm against Basilio’s thigh to make him pause, and before he can ask you if you’re fine, you take his balls in your mouth and fondle him with your tongue. Your hand pumps his neglected cock as you did so.
“Shit! Your mouth feels so damn good,” he hisses, breathing hard. When you take his dick back into your mouth, Basilio gathers your hair and uses it as a handle, watching his length disappear in your mouth over and over, his black eyes hazy with lust and his mouth whispering words of praise.
Crispin looks at his brother with a hint of envy, cock painfully hard against his trousers. He unzips it for relief, and proceeds to stroke himself as he continues to prepare you.
“Hey, Basilio, got any lube?”
“Um, there’s- ungh- a bottle of it under the pillow.”
“...you keep lube under your pillow? What the- and condoms? Can’t you put them in your drawers or something?”
Basilio doesn’t give his brother a response and focuses his attention on you. You gasp against his cock as you felt a cold, gloved hand prod against your asshole, and goosebumps formed on your flesh as you felt the cold lubricant smearing against your entrance. Crispin pushes his lubed thumb in, and you cry out in pleasure, your jaw opening wider for Basilio to claim. Then, two more fingers prod at your pussy, and you swear you can see stars as they slid in. The older twin toys with you while eating you out, and you feel a knot forming at the base of your stomach, threatening to uncoil at any moment.
You couldn’t take it. Basilio’s cock slides out of your mouth and you look over your shoulder, moaning and panting.
Crispin pauses from eating you out to ask you a question. “You’re gonna cum? You wanna cum on my fingers like the filthy slut you are?”
“Yes, please, please, let me cum,” you begged, and with a devilish smirk, Crispin dives right back in to finish the job.
You squeezed your eyes shut as the pleasure inside you exploded, shameless moans coming from your throat as your first orgasm hits you. Basilio watches the look of pleasure on your face as Crispin makes you cum, making his cock twitch.
“Now that’s how you please a woman,” Crispin teases, shooting his brother a challenging look while wiping your juices off of his face.
“Wait until it’s my turn,” Basilio replies, smirking.
Panting, legs wobbling, you didn’t get to rest as Crispin takes his cock and slides it in you. In front of you, Basilio cups your face and directs you back to his cock, smirking. “You’re doing so well, baby. You’re taking us like a champ, you know that?”
“Fuck,” Crispin hisses from behind you. “You like this, you little slut? You like being fucked by two cocks at the same time?” he asks you, each word punctuated with a hard thrust.
Now you’re really caught in the middle.
Basilio’s panting heavily now, his thrusts becoming erratic against your mouth. You know he’s close, and you brace yourself for what’s coming. Eyes screwed shut, he lets out a low groan as he spills inside of your mouth, his cum painting your tongue white. You try to swallow it all, but a few stray drops dribble down your chin. The younger twin cleans you up, and kisses you deeply, not minding his taste on your mouth. He sits on the bed to catch his breath, and allows you to rest on his thighs.
Behind you, Crispin begins to rut faster, his thumb still in your ass as he pounded you. You writhe and cry against Basilio’s lap, bracing yourself from each harsh thrust. The younger twin pets your hair, but he moves his hand away when Crispin pushes your head against his brother’s lap.
“Take it all of it,” Crispin groans. “Ungh, you make me so horny, you little slut.”
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Basilio gets an idea.
“Hey, kuya. Hold her up.”
Crispin blinks before obliging his brother’s request, clamping a hand around your throat. “Is this fine?” he asks you, and you nod a few times. He tightens his hold and pulls you to his toned chest, your hair sticking to his skin from your sweat. Basilio kisses you, then latches on one of your breasts. One gloved hand fondles and pulls at your nipples, while the other moves south to stroke you.
“Ah! I think I’m gonna cum again…” you choked, face red and tears forming at the edge of your eyes.
“Say our names,” Crispin whispers against your ear in a low growl.
You mutter their names at first, but it turns to full blown cries as your climax fast approaches.
“Crispin! Basilio!”
It hits you so hard, your eyes roll to the back of your head. You cried shamelessly, and Crispin places a kiss on your open mouth, tongue slipping in and teeth clashing with yours. He pulls out and finishes on your back, cock resting between the valley of your cheeks, still half-hard.
The Twins move to clean you up, looking around for tissues and anything to wipe you with.
“So,” Basilio says. “One more round?”
Your eyes widen, and you look down to see that Basilio is hard again.
“How- what the fuck? What are you two?”
Crispin sighs. “Hannah and Amie never told you? We’re demigods.”
“We don’t get sick and our injuries heal really fast. Talagbusao is our dad,” Basilio adds, and you give him a disbelieving glare.
“You didn’t need to let that last detail slip out, gago,” Crispin berates him as he pulls you close to his muscular chest. He lay down on a pillow, one arm propping his head up.
After a few seconds of silence, you say something. “At least let me have some water first.”
The Twins stare at each other.
“One of us has to fetch it,” Crispin says.
“What? Why me?” Basilio complains, scratching his head.
“Because I’m older, and I’ve worked hard to give her two orgasms in a row.”
“Hey! I’m sure that last one was thanks to me.”
You groan, grabbing a pillow to cover your face. “Ugh, please don’t turn this into a competition about who made me cum the most. Just get me my water, pretty please, Basilio?”
At the request, Basilio smiles and dresses haphazardly to get it for you. “Don’t start without me.”
You close your eyes with a smile. Crispin buries his face against your hair and plays with it. “You have him wrapped around your finger, you know?”
You chuckle at the remark, and Crispin kisses your temple. “Just don’t hurt my little brother.”
“I have no intention of hurting either of you,” you tell him.
Basilio comes back with a pitcher and some glasses, and once everyone’s hydrated and ready, the night continues.
The Twins spoil you with their attention, hands roaming your body as they planted kisses on your skin. Basilio sucks on your collarbone, biting experimentally and leaving marks that would darken in the morning, which draws a whine from your throat. Not wanting to be outdone, Crispin kisses your back, then the back of your neck, and he found a sweet spot that made you moan at that place where your ear connects to your neck. Basilio observes this and does the same to the other side.
“Hey, um, can I do it in your ass?” Crispin whispers in your ear, almost sheepishly, and you stare at him for a few seconds before nodding.
“Sure. Be gentle. And use a condom.”
“Of course. You go on top. What’s our safeword again?” he asks you, testing your knowledge.
You roll your eyes and try not to laugh. “Eternos.”
“Good girl,” Basilio says.
Flipping yourself around, you lean into Crispin’s lap. “Here, let me help,” you say as you grasp his cock and start to pump. The younger twin behind you reaches for the lube and prepares your ass. You sigh with pleasure as you feel the cold sensation of the product on your skin. Crispin sighs as you slide his length between your lips, head bobbing up and down, and you feel him grow inside your mouth. You give the tip a small lick before doing the same thing you did to Basilio, cupping his balls with your mouth and fondling them with your tongue.
“I want you now,” Crispin rasps, tugging your hair to get you off of him.
You smirk, turning around to give him a great view of your ass. He reaches around for a condom, finds one, and tears the foil open. After sliding the rubber down his shaft, he positions himself against your hole, pressing against the tight ring of muscle. You wince in pain as he starts penetrating you, prompting him to squeeze more lube to relieve your discomfort.
“Relax,” Basilio instructs you, planting soothing kisses at your jaw. You did as he said and unclenched your muscles, entrusting yourself to the two of them.
As Crispin pushes past the ring of muscle, you sigh in relief, discomfort replaced with the feeling of fullness. You lean back into his hard chest, a soft sigh leaving your lips as he starts to move. Meanwhile, Basilio kneels between your legs, rubbing your clit with the head of his dripping cock, but he freezes before he slides it in.
“What?” you ask with concern.
“We’re out of condoms.”
“Just pull out,” you tell him with a strained voice, gasping as Crispin moves inside you.
“No, you don’t understand. We’re demigods. Our… um.. Yeah, we’re really potent.”
You smirk at him. “I’ll ask the girls for something in the morning,” you say against your better judgment. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take. Cum all over me.”
His cock twitches at your last suggestion.
“Ugh, Basilio, you’re really killing the mood here,” Crispin strains to say, holding you gently by the neck. “I pulled out too, remember? Make up your mind already. I wouldn’t mind having her to myself for now, though.”
“Not a chance,” Basilio retorts, sliding the tip of his cock past your folds and pushing inside.
A loud cry rips from your throat at the sensations, feeling stuffed to the maximum as two cocks start to pump inside you. Crispin’s grip on your neck tightens, while you tangle your hands through Basilio’s hair, pulling him closer and kissing him.
Soon, The Twins find a steady rhythm, syncing their movement so you can feel the full force of their thrusts. Basilio throws one of your legs over his shoulder and begins to massage your clit with his thumb, while Crispin fondles your breasts with his free hand, using the tip of his fingers to roll, squeeze, and pull at your nubs. With every thrust they give, you clench, drawing a groan from both of them as they felt themselves being squeezed by your muscles.
“Oh God,” you whine. “Fuck, you both feel so good.”
“Say our names,” Basilio growls, and you oblige.
You chant their names like a prayer, underscored by the slapping of skin as the Twins fucked both of your holes. Hearing their names only spurred them on, and their movements became more desperate, sweat rolling off of your bodies.
“Basilio! Crispin!”
Underneath you, Crispin gropes at your breast harder, beads of sweat rolling off of his forehead and dripping to your skin. “Your ass feels too good, I’m gonna cum,” he hissed between clenched teeth, and you silently thank Bathala that he’s near his limit. The lube is starting to wash off.
With a few more rough thrusts, he cums, shooting inside the rubber. Crispin cups your jaw and kisses you, deep and sweet, tasting your tongue. You’re on the verge of climax now too, and you give Basilio a desperate look. He understood what you meant.
The younger twin thrusts harder and faster while still rubbing that sensitive nub between your legs furiously, and the older one helps by stimulating your nipples once again. The bombardment of sensation is too much, and you feel white hot heat racing through your body as you cum one last time, voice hoarse as a throaty moan escapes past your open mouth.
The spasm of your muscles is enough to send Basilio over the edge too, pulling out of you and spilling his load all over the mound of your pussy, and your stomach. You feel Crispin slip out of you too. Basilio leans in to kiss you, almost tenderly, but still full of desperation, tongue and teeth.
After a quick cleanup and another drink of water, the three of you lay in a heap of limbs, exhausted. Crispin doesn’t shift at all, content on letting you lie next to him, while Basilio moves next to you, effectively sandwiching you between the two of them on the narrow bed.
Everyone is sated, and with your eyes growing heavy, you wanted nothing but sleep.
“So, who’s better?”
You don’t know who said it, but you raised your hand to give him a middle finger. “Tangina niyo, you’re both good. End of discussion. Now please let me sleep.”
Thank Bathala that they did.
The next morning, all three of you wake up sweaty, stinking, and really, really hungry.
“Good morning to you two,” you sigh, snaking your arms around theirs. Each of them gave you a kiss on your temple. “Damn, I’m starving,” you said, sitting up. “Let’s take a shower and grab something to e-”
Underneath the three of you, the bed’s legs give out, and a loud thud can be heard throughout the house. As you three scramble for purchase, frantic footsteps are approaching, and the door bursts open.
“What was that? Crispin is missing from his room and-” Hank blurts, toting his good ol’ triple barrel shotgun "Ama, Anak, at, Espiritu Santo". Funnily enough, when he sees the tangle of limbs before him, he utters the same words and quickly turns away. Alexandra arrives shortly after, gives them a quick glance, and shuts the door.
Breakfast with their bossing is filled with a mortifying quiet.
You barely touch your food, embarrassment burning your cheeks, and you shoot a glance at your twin lovers.
“Next time, lock the door,” Alex finally says, getting up from the table with a coffee in her hands. She’s too fucking exhausted to deal with this.
“It’s Basilio’s fault!” Crispin yells after her. Basilio made no attempts to defend himself, knowing that he forgot to lock the door again after he came back with the water.
Grumbling, you finally take a bite of your breakfast, jacket draped over your shoulders despite the heat to hide the bruises on your body. “The girls are gonna have a field day when they see me like this.”
“I need to replace the bed,” Basilio mumbles, stuffing his mouth with rice.
The three of you looked at each other, and laughed.
“So, see you next week?” Crispin asks with a smile, and Basilio gives you a pleading, doe-eyed look.
“Yeah. See you two next week.”
Translations for non-English speakers:
tropa: ground of friends. People you chill with
tangina niyo: Filipino profanity. Roughly translates to "you sons of bitches"
Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s Hank’s weapon’s actual name in the comics.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hi! hope you're alright! love your writing!! ~
can you do a fluffy sexy one where R and wanda are really close friends (not those secret crushs kind of friend - neither has realized that they are too close to be just friends) until one-day the avengers find out about fanfics and shipps and loose their mind over it cause they are all grown up and didn't know this was a thing, they are all reunited at the living room looking online what are the shipps and, let's say Tony is the one looking while they are all gathered listening, he says like "oh apparently everybody thinks Wanda and R are a couple" and someone -thor, bucky or Sam of course- gets surprise like "they are not dating???" (Wanda is even sitting on R lap and playing with her hair!!) the girls deny and the turns out all team thought they were together, later they are reading some fic about them cause they're curious and its a smut, R gets shy and wanda gets a little turn on about it and says "you know if I was to date anyone here it would be you" so R realizes the same and they eventually get together
I think it has way too much details, sorry
Hello anon! Hope you’re well. This took me long enough i know, but i hope you like it. It’s really short, but it’s all you asked. 
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - The fandom knows best
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Summary: Prompt based “Reader and Wanda are best friends who are one of the popular ships from the Avengers, but they have no clue. It takes one fan fiction for things to work out.”
Warnings: Fluff, humor, brief hint of smut (it’s nothing really), (brief) kissing.
Words:  1.400 k (Drabble i think)  // Read on AO3
Marks:   @mionemymind @abimess
Wanda Maximoff is your favorite person in the world.
You are colleagues on the Avengers team, and clicked together the very moment you first saw each other.
Everyone on the team knows that you are inseparable and if someone is looking for you and can't find you anywhere, it's because you are sleeping in Wanda's room.
You never really thought about what this implied, so during the Halloween party that Tony planned, you were very surprised when this subject came up.
The avengers were gathered around the table, a few hours had passed since the party had ended, and Tony was beginning to feel bored. So he grabbed the tablet on the table and announced it to everyone:
- I made a very interesting discovery this weekend! - he says with a mischievous smile. - Tell me Avengers, have you had a look at the work of our dear fans?
The team let out a chorus of apprehension. Tony laughed.
- God I'm surrounded by old people. - He comments as he activates the hologram playback function on the tablet on the table. - I found some interesting content about the Avengers. Say, folks, have you ever heard of fanfiction?
The group let out a chorus of excitement, and Tony giggled.
- I should have known you would eventually make us watch porn. - Natasha laughed, making everyone laugh. And then Tony was running through some files, mostly innocent artwork, of the team on adventures or facing supervillains, and you all looked excited. Then Tony let out a little laugh.
- Whoa, I found something interesting. - he says with a mischievous smile. - It has the hashtag "NSFW”.
- What does this mean? - Steve asked curiously.
- You're going to love it, Cap. - Tony retorted, and then there is a not-so-innocent artwork of Steve in the hologram. The shield being the only item he is wearing.
The team lets out a mixed exclamation of surprise and laughter, and Steve turns bright red.
For the next few minutes you laugh and are embarrassed by various more adult art that people have done, and then Tony lets out a wry chuckle.
- Look, this is interesting. - He starts.  - The best couples from the Avengers.
- This is going to be good. - Nat mocked, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her beer. 
- I am surprised that Potts and I don't come first, it is disappointing to know that people don't recognize a love as amazing as ours. - Declares Tony and everyone laughs lightly. He moves his fingers again, reading something on the screen. - Check it out, Romanoff. Your affair with Banner is in fourth place.
Nat laughs, and Bruce gets a little embarrassed, but he doesn't say anything. Tony continues.
- That is funny. - Tony says with a chuckle. - Apparently all the fans think that Wanda and Y/N are a couple. They are the most popular.
You let out a short laugh, surprised at the insinuation. Wanda follows you, settling better on your lap as she laughs.
- Wait, Tony, what do you mean they think? - Bucky asked with a confused expression. - Aren't you two dating?
You and Wanda frown confusedly in his direction, and you notice that Thor has the same confused expression as Bucky. And then you look around and everyone, except Tony, has the same look on their faces.
- Who else thought we were dating? - Wanda asks and the whole team choruses in agreement. Tony says "I thought you were playing along".
You and Wanda laugh awkwardly.
- Where did you get that from? - you ask in surprise. Then the team shares a wry laugh and you frown.
- Really Y/N? - Bucky replies. - Wanda is literally on your lap! And you've been playing with her hair all night!
You and Wanda shake your heads in denial, laughing lightly.
When you return to your room however, you are thinking about it.
- Hey, stop overthinking it. - Wanda jokes as you walk together down the hall toward your room, and you laugh weakly.
- Stop reading my mind. - You retort without any hint of aggressiveness. You loved to provoke Wanda, and you had no problem if she used her powers on you.
When you arrived at your room, Wanda threw herself on your bed, and you went to find something comfortable to wear.
- Lie down here, I got curious. - She says as you are putting on your pajama pants. When you are finished, you lie down next to her on the bed, stomach down on the mattress, mimicking her position. Wanda is on her cell phone, and holds it out a little to the side so that you can see it. She starts typing something next, and you laugh lightly.
- Why are you researching this? - you ask as you read "fanfic Wanda Maximoff and Y/N".
She shrugs, smiling.
- I want to know what people think we do. 
- Wanda. 
- Shh, look at that. - She says, holding her cell phone up to her face. She laughs lightly, and then pulls it away showing you a text. 
- "Wanda and Y/N have always been in love with each other." - You start reading and Wanda lets out a giggle. - Wow, that is a surprise.
- "In the Avengers tower, they have always gotten along much better than any other member of the team." - Wanda continues reading and you make a noise of agreement with your mouth. 
- Technically, I get along with everyone. - You comment and Wanda laughs, pushing her shoulders against you lightly.
- "However, the nature of their relationship changed during a particularly physical training session." - Wanda continues reading and you raise an eyebrow. - That sounds promising. - You laugh half-heartedly, but Wanda continues reading. - "The redhead had been assigned to train with her friend, and during that training she realized the undeniable attraction she felt for the other girl”.
- Oh my god. - You mumbled in embarrassment, trying to snatch the cell phone from Wanda's hands, but she just laughed, moving away. When you insisted, she stood up, laughing lightly as she continued reading.
- "When Y/N made a move that knocked Wanda to the ground, the witch couldn't help but kiss her passionately."- She read aloud and you let out a grumble, getting up. - "Their tongues fought together as Wanda let her hands go up the inside of her shirt to her breasts, making Y/N moan"
Wanda's reading died in a laugh as you tickled her to reach for the cell phone. She threw her body at you next, but you didn't return the device, laughing lightly.
- Stop it, this is embarrassing. - You say with flushed cheeks, dodging the girl's hands as you get back into bed. Wanda grumbles, but follows you.
You sit side by side, and you only hand the phone back to her when you close the page.
- You know what? - She says after a moment, her cheeks slightly pink. You look at her curiously. - If I were going to date anyone here, it would be you.
You blink in surprise, feeling your heart race at the phrase, and look away from Wanda quickly. 
It takes a moment, but you finally speak.
- Yeah, I... I would date you too. - You confess, looking forward. To try to relieve the tension, you quickly add. - Maybe Bucky or Nat too, but my first choice would be you.
Wanda laughs, turning to you and ruffling your hair. Your natural instinct is to grab her by the wrists, and throw her on the bed. You laugh for a few seconds, but something has changed. The closeness of your faces makes your breath catch.
- Wanda... I...
- Are you trying to figure out the ending to that fic? - She teases breathlessly, and you laugh, letting go of her wrists. But Wanda uses her freedom to pull your face against her, kissing you softly, and making you sigh in surprise.
- Wow. - You say as you walk away, feeling your lips tingling.
- I know. - she whispers. - Why did it take us so long to do this?
You smiled, kissing her again, properly this time.
When you two parted again, completely out of breath, and with your clothes crumpled, you threw yourself next to Wanda on the bed, laughing lightly.
- I can't believe that the fans knew that you were in love with me before I did! - Wanda then announced.
- And you call yourself a telepath.
You scoffed next, and she laughed as she slapped you on the shoulder. It didn't take long before you were laughing together.
345 notes · View notes
Ranking the HxH guys in my Simping Tier: Countdown
Note: This is just for fun and lame-ass humour. You are free to like anyone in hxh and this tier doesn’t reflect how great the character is. It’s just a ranking based on how much I simp for them. 
14. Meruem
Okay. There’s a reason why Meruem is at the last list. He’s an ant. He’s not even fully human FML. Can’t believe people wanna fuck this teenaged mutant ninja ant. Can’t even say those people are a furry because this ant has no fur. It’s a no for me. 
13. Illumi
The Illumi simps are gonna hack me for having him too low. I find him cute and has really nice hair that can be for shampoo ads... but his eyes... it covers 70% of his face. It’s guppy eyes. It’s like he wore those coloured contact lenses that enlarges the eyes. 
12. Shalnark
OKay. Shalnark is cute. He’s really one of the most good looking guys in the series. However, I don’t know why but his personality is kinda “ehh”. He’s a little psycho who controls people with his phone, but somehow his personality is overshadowed by a lot of extreme characters with Hisoka. Also, I try not to get too attached to him because of what happens in the current arc. 
11. Kite
Okay. This is weird but... I find Kite more attracted when he’s a red-headed female ant right now. Okay. I know I went all like “MERUEM ISNT EVEN HUMAN” but female Kite LOOKS human. She has freckles and all that. It’s real cute. But I’d say he’s a little lower because he doesn’t really have that “oomph” personality so-
10. Pariston
Now, talk about a character with FABULOUS presentation of himself. Pariston shows himself off with extravagance. NOW, that’s a personality. He’s like one of those celebs that are just so extra like Lady Gaga that it’s amazing. I know he’s underrated in the simping world, but he’s essentially kinda like Hisoka (who has a big simping fandom), only he prefers to play with people’s minds rather than fight people. 
9. Tserriednich
You might be wondering, why the fuck is he here? Okay, first of all, he reminds me of Hannibal who is by the way, charming. And yes I mean it in the Mads Mikkelsen AND the Anthony Hopkins way. Makes me wanna his Clarice but I’d rather have Theta have that spot. Secondly, he’s a prince so being his bride is literally a dream come true. Thirdly, yeh, Tserriednich is actually very handsome. Nice blond hair and that facial beard. 
8. Gon
He’s quite low on the tier because I had always seen him as a cute green mini-Ging. Personality-wise, he’s really sweet and I can see a lot of girls liking him because he knows how to treat women respectfully. He can even handle the crazy ones like Palm. His alpha side came out during the Chimera Ant arc and his adult form is hella attractive. 
Jokes aside, this character is really amazing as an MC. It’s sad that he gets overshadowed but I believe he’s a pretty unique shounen MC because most of the time, a shounen MC doesn’t kill or has a pretty much black-and-white morality. Gon Freecss breaks that stereotype and he’s truly appreciated. 
7. Leorio 
Listen to me. This man is supposed to be the type of man you’re supposed to marry. Doctor, loyal, caring and funny. This man is the total package. I think the reason why he’s a little lower in my simp tier is because well... he’s the type of guy that I will go for in reality. In fiction, that’s where all my crushes for crazy guys should be. My simp tier is based on my heart, not brain. 
6. Killua
Okay. I was down bad for Killua when I was younger. DOWN BAD. So down bad that it was scary. I sort of got over him now. But what can you do? Killua is simped by a lot of teenaged girls or women who had a crush on him since the beginning of time. He’s fiercely loyal, has white hair and pretty blue eyes, is a fun mixture of mischief and seriousness. He’s the type of guy you can count on to get out of trouble and one to always treasure you. I do think that if I ever meet Killua though, that he’d bully me to oblivion. 
Okay, we’re at the top 5. From here onwards, some real NSFW simping words.
5. Hisoka
I kinda do understand Hisoka stans, but at the same time, I do not get them. Like him or not, he’s a very flamboyant character. He stands out of the crowd and he just have that unexplained charisma. 
He’s actually a really well-written character. He’s the balancing factor in the narrative of HxH. He’s like the joker in the deck of cards. Back to my simp tier, he’s very attractive ESPECIALLY with his hair down. There’s a certain aura that is addictive about him that I can’t pin-point. And for that, he earns my top 5 spot.
4. Feitan
I swear. This simping phenomenon actually manifested from Hiei. Yes, Feitan’s character blueprint, Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. (The real OGs will know that Hiei is the character blueprint, not Levi). I know a lot of people compare him to Levi but let me explain why Levi and Feitan are alike: it’s because their character blueprint is Hiei. 
Anyway, Hiei is HOT. And to me, the hxh equivalent is Feitan, with a huge addition of sadism and emo-ness. Okay, that makes it even hotter. 
I have read some Feitan/Reader on AO3 and BOI. I enjoyed reading certain stuff that I never thought I would enjoy. I read a fic about Reader-chan getting whipped and basically all sorts of BDSM and OMG it’s heaven. 
“They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you”
3. Chrollo
At first, I didn’t really care about Chrollo until he wore that tuxedo and let his hair down (Is it just me or a lot of hxh boys look good with their hair down?). HE LOOKS SO GODLY HOLY FUCK.
I’m 100% sure that his character blueprint for the hair-down is Koenma. He also gives me Tuxedo Mask vibes. Overall, such chivalry and handsomeness all in one man. Not to mention, that sexy sexy voice when he recites his fortune-telling. I would say he has the sexiest voice among all hxh guys. He is just that HOT and charismatic. I wanna see where he hid that Spider tattoo and scratch his back. 
2. Ging
Okay. Ging is hardly simp by girls. And I do not understand why?? He is motherfucking attractive. Even now. GAWD. I love him.
I think my attraction to him pre-started because he looks and acts SO much like my childhood crush Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. I know he’s an asshat but he’s a CHARMING asshat. Yeap, I said it. He is actually highly intelligent and just acts like a total haggard because he can. 
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It’s not just when he’s young. I STILL think he’s hot even in his 30s. He’s not that old for me to me honest. I don’t care if he’s a decade older than me because I think that’s the appeal of it. I
It’s kinda sad that he’s not that popular because I need some Ging/Reader smut content. Like, I envisioned a smut fic where the reader is like in her 20s and is strangely attracted to Ging. He’s wildly confused over this but he’s seriously considering of tapping it because his old ass haven’t had any action lately. The other Zodiacs are also confused and are convinced that he must have given some sex pollen to the reader because who the hell is sane enough to be attracted to him? (But it’s just that you need some acquired taste to actually find this man alluring). He’s one of the most fuckable characters ahhh. 
And... for the last one...
Drumroll please....
1. Kurapika
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Seriously, was there even a surprise. 
THIS MAN IS THE AKAKU GOD. He’s beautiful, he’s sexy and fucking dominant (yes, I say he’s domineering because do you see the way he throws a hot tantrum during the whole YorkNew arc, demanding shit from his enemies, taking charge of everything?) His chains drives me nuts. I love it when he gets angry. I know he’s kinky on the inside. When he wore that tuxedo... ooof. He looks hella fine. He’s the only guy in hxh that fulfills my ala Michael Corleone mafia boss kink. I want him to ^&*(%%%*%^ (to save myself from embarrassment, I self-censored) as we attempt to repopulate the clan and produce more scarlet eyed babies, as he whispers some real degrading and possessive shit in Kurta while he tells me what to do. AHHHHH. *bye gotta go write some kuraneon porn now byeee*
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lake-archive · 7 months
Track 6
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If you think I can write lyrics... Think again...
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Three CATZ In The Bag
Characters: Ole (OC), Ann Wolff (OC)
AO3 Link
Track 5 - Track List - Track 7
It had been so sudden that Ann took a minute to realize what had just happened. Eli had dashed out, much to their surprise, and had made a run for it. It was obvious why, given he had looked at the mic pretty much right away and was all silent. And Ole had brought it along too… It was clearly on purpose and no one had to tell them twice. After all, they had taken care of the cat for a good while now, this was nothing which had surprised them at all. 
“You can’t just go through someone’s stuff…” They scolded the cat, sure that he would understand every single word. And yet he had rolled Eli’s microphone in between his paws, almost playing with it. And when they had headed out the old cat followed close behind, microphone in his mouth. 
Was he that serious about Eli picking it up or something? Because Ann had theirs… Well, two, the pair of mics Ole had snatched some time ago, a convenient situation since they had theirs stripped away after being kicked out of the Chouhku. Then again, who was really surprised? They let Ann live but attempted to strip them from the power, in case they would try something probably. So even if they knew they had no proof about anything and are all alone. If they spoke up, no one would even believe them. Not really threatening but more like an insect no one should really worry about… And they wouldn’t… Especially assuming their ability was now completely useless… They wouldn’t attack… Right?
Anyway, all of that aside, Ann and Ole were just running through the rain, across the streets. Even after having just been sheltered the duo ran out right away, Ann even screaming the respective name. They were panicking. What if it had caused something beyond belief? Something irreversible? Eli never seemed to be… Well… It was hard to put into words but they sensed that there was more trouble than he lets on. Others would claim this was nothing but it was not their impression, at all. And this situation just now has proven it. So of course they would just run, even with their legs and knees hurting like hell! There was no second to waste! It all counted! Though it was hard to deduct where he usually would be at a time like this. They had never seen him so distressed, at least not enough. Step after step, starting to speed up solely because—
“Miss? What are you doing over there?” They were suddenly interrupted, their legs freezing. There it was again, that one word they did not want to hear… That one dreaded word… To hell with it! But… Ugh, fine. 
They turned, feeling the need for a correction, merely because their own stomach had turned. “I’m not a Miss.” They even responded, trying not to scoff while turning… And yet, they went almost pale when seeing a rather familiar face, or at least somewhat. 
They had forgotten the name, only having seen the woman once. However, what they were certain about was that she was an officer within the Party Of Words. She wore the uniform so there was no doubt about it. And that was what alerted Ann… Because you could never know with any of them. 
Sure, they had made the assumption that they were insignificant and at least Tohoten does not see them as someone to get rid of. However, any of the higher ranked members could act within a certain authority… And the leader might overlook it. Because who cares honestly? They were a goner. Plus, some of the members… Well… 
All they saw next however was a head tilt, almost uncomfortably tilting to the side while staring blankly at Ann, devoid of any emotion. Not like there had been any to begin with. “Ah, so it is you. What a lovely surprise…” The officer responded, a sudden grin on her face. “Miss Wolff’s traitor of a daughter~”
This encounter already was uncomfortable… But hey, they had other things to worry about. “Don’t use that word on me.” They responded before being close to turning away and running off. “Whatever. I have other—”
“Not so fast. You’re not going unpunished.” The officer interrupted and in one swoop had been blocking their path, including Ole’s. A quick glance down and Ann could already see their cat on his paws, fur going up and the tail standing straight up, as if a stick. He wasn’t hissing at least yet there was no need for that to get the message across. “Tch, I don’t even get why you are allowed to walk. If it was my decision, you’d rot in that cell with every other criminal.”
Their gaze went back up to the woman, nearly rolling their pupils. “So what?”
“Overlooking obvious crimes, not following orders… I mean, there’s proof right next to you.” She pointed down at Ole, this one suddenly starting to hiss, as if he had held it in. “Shouldn’t you have gotten rid of that thing by now? That was the order, wasn’t it?”
“What did Ole even do!? He didn’t ask for—”
“Confiscate all of her experiments and get rid of what is deemed useless. And yet that furball—”
“For the last time, Ole did nothing wrong! He’s just a cat!” They interrupted, starting to raise their voice as their teeth grinded against one another. Talking shit about them was one thing, dragging Ole into this though… As if he had asked for anything which had been done for him. As if he wanted to be some experiment and turned into a weapon to overthrow society… After all, who would suspect a cat? Or so the reports had said. That didn’t change anything though. “I’m not disposing of an animal!” 
“Tch… Whatever. I’m gonna take my chance before it slips and arrest you myself. Mommy doesn’t have your back anymore after all.”
Yet before they could even answer anything they were cut off by a loud sound all of a sudden and next thing they knew was the microphone in the officer’s hand, grinning widely. And the next thing they heard— 
“Look look look, what do we have here? A little girl on the loose.
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Just an insect to crush.
Hey why don’t you run home? Oh right, heard you have none.
Mommy left, you’re stuck. 
The brat’s on the loose, ready to be picked up.
How about you’ll be a good girl and get into your cell? Sure you’ll love it.
And your brute? You better say goodbye, because it won’t see another day~”
It had been a sudden blast, shoving them a little backwards while trying to find shelter in behind their arms. They could even feel Ole having snuck behind their legs, right under the skirt and attempting to hide as well. His ears must have rolled themselves closed, just to not having to hear that. But they were still standing, both of them.
“Guh… So that’s how it is…” Ann mumbled, grabbing into a pocket of their own and—
“Hah!? How do you still have a—”
“None of your business!” They interrupted, nearly growling. “ ‘sides, ain’t attacking civilians against the law!?”
“Pff, you’re clearly a criminal now. An illegal microphone. You know—”
“I give a flying fuck you bitch!”
Yeah, enough talk. 
“Right on the clock and has enough time to mock.
Too scared for someone your size? Or do you enjoy tramblin’ on mice?
Be bitchin’ ‘round, that’s all you can say.
‘If it were me you’d be dead’ – Yeah ok.
Ya wanna get fucked up? Then come right at.
I’ll hit ya gut and get ya locked right up! 
Your luck’s run out so give up or me and Ole are gonna fuck you up!”
They may as well have been screaming from the top of their lungs. Coming up with something quickly… Ugh, always a pain. And yet they could not let this pass. This bitch needs slapping! Then again… Officers are officers for a reason.
Because despite their words supposed to be cutting like a sharp sword they may as well have been a tiny cut at most. 
Ah— Were they that panicked that they couldn’t even focus!? Ugh, why does this have to happen now!?
Track 5 - Track List - Track 7
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saturnsummer · 3 years
the fairytale she never had (will you believe again?)
when sol is invited to a wedding, sol doesn’t think her best friend would follow her. 
aka: solhwi attending a wedding
notes: it just struck me one day, and i really wanted them to see each other outside of the law school moments! while law school defines them, they are certainly people with social activities.
 i adapted this from a similar prompt i saw from a fic many years ago for a separate fandom, and i always wanted to write something similar. this was honestly not met to be multi-part, but i write too much anyways. so multi-part it will be.
 also, it might sound depressing in the initial part where sol is talking about the wedding invitation, but it gets explained later on. 
as always, enjoy! any grammar mistakes and all will be taken fully responsible by me!
ao3 link
words: 4135 words
I: 我愿变成童话里, 你爱的那个天使 (i am willing to be the angel of that fairytale you love)
--title inspired by fairytale (童话) by Michael Wong!--
Sol absolutely hates weddings. 
She hated the big social crowds, the way drunk men in tuxedos staggered around with women in one arm and a drink in another. She found no purpose in dressing in lavish gowns, then eating dinner for the next two hours without even feeling full. 
Sol couldn’t blame anyone but herself for this. She can’t help but remember her mother’s failed marriages. The way her biological father left them in the middle of the night, with all their hard earned savings. The way her stepfather, Byeol’s father, would come home drunk and violent towards her mother. It was a memory she couldn’t erase. More than a decade later, she still wakes up in a cold sweat, worrying for her mother and small Byeol’s life. 
She long ago gave up on the concept of love back then. She wasn’t opposed to anyone dating or talking about it, and she certainly didn’t mind short flings. But marriage? Eternal love? The fairytale that everyone hopes to achieve? Sol threw those ideas out of the window. 
So when Sol received a thick, cream-coloured card and envelope, embossed with rose gold foil and flowers, a pretty silver wax seal and her name written in careful strokes of a calligraphy brush, she was stumped. 
Her friend, Im Jiyoon, was getting married. Jiyoon was a good friend of Sol’s, and they occasionally met up for quick meals. Jiyoon was an accountant and climbing the ranks in her company. They lost contact for a period when Sol was in juvie, but they reconnected when Sol was just starting law school. It was only polite that Jiyoon extended invitations to her high school classmate. 
Sol had mixed feelings. The wedding was on a Friday night, which made things good since she didn’t have to wake up early, fitting her schedule properly. But she had nothing to wear. She could borrow a dress and shoes from Yeseul, but the last time she borrowed a shoe from Yeseul, she almost broke her ankle. And she had so much work to catch up on. Yet, not showing up felt rude of her. 
Jiyoon was nice, don’t get her wrong. She was smart, resourceful and lovely to be with in high school. Sol wanted nothing more than for her high school friend to marry the love of her life. But she hasn't been to such social events in years, and being so focussed on school, the legal clinic and contributing to her family, she found it difficult to understand why she needed to go, besides doing it out of courtesy. 
“What’s that?” A familiar voice pipes from behind, drawing her out of her thoughts. There’s the familiar shuffling of several pairs of feet as Sol turns her attention to the one who spoke. Behind her, was Han Joon Hwi with his bag just being set on the table. The rest of the group was just settling in for another study session.
“Ah, nothing important.” She monotonously says before sliding the card in her files. Joon Hwi’s hands catch the card before she can slide it fully and stop her from hiding it from him, or the rest of the group. The rest draw their attention to the expensive card and Sol only stays silent. 
“A wedding? Your friend’s?” Yeseul asks as she picks the card up with perfectly manicured fingers. Turning and feeling the thick paper between her fingers, Yeseul knew it was no cheap manufactured paper. This was expensive, premium, and each card looked handmade from the brush calligraphy. 
“Yeah. But I don’t think I’m going.” Sol says as Yeseul returns her the card and successfully stores it away in her bag. 
“Why not? Don’t you want to be there?” Joon Hwi asks, cocking his head to the side in utter confusion.
“There isn’t much point, is there? I have school and the legal clinic and things to revise for. And besides, I don't have anything to attend in. I just rather send her a gift and treat her a meal.” Sol simply explains. Everyone bombards her with more questions, but she diverts their attention to her paper and the cases they are reviewing today.
Joon Hwi, however, couldn’t get Sol’s reasoning out of his head. He knew Sol well enough to know how much she values her friends, and that she would be willing to drop everything for a friend. Her loyalty was unmatched. It didn’t make sense that she would be held back by her vanity or school work that caused her to not attend such a joyous occasion. 
When everyone is done reviewing the cases and the session ends, Sol is the only one who has her books and papers still scattered all over the table. She still has to review her notes and catch up on a few lectures before she can officially end her day. Joon Hwi was long done, but he stayed put, bringing out a past report he’s done and glancing through it, hopeful to catch any mistakes. The others have headed back or gone to the cafeteria for a meal. 
“Han Joon Hwi, you don’t have to stay for me, you know?” Sol says, her eyes not once looking up as she stays concentrated highlighting her book with a fluorescent orange highlight. She sticks it in her hair when she’s done, raising her head to meet Joon Hwi’s eyes. Joon Hwi only smiles, letting his eyes crinkle. 
“Why don’t you want to attend the wedding?” Joon Hwi asks, still smiling. Sol scoffs. 
“I already said. I’m too busy-” Sol is cut off by Joon Hwi with his teasing. 
“You sure? I think it’s about the groom, though.” Joon Hwi smiles brightly, earning an irritated series of clicks of her tongue from Sol, clearly successful in being teased.
“None of that sort! Who do you think I am, Han Joon Hwi?” Sol rebuts back, throwing her eraser across to him in annoyance.
 Joon Hwi catches it with a laugh, but doesn’t lose eye contact with Sol. A few moments of silence follow, as she looks at the file with the card. Slowly, she draws the card from her file, holding it carefully between her fingers. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to be there. I… it’s my first time going to such a social event in such a long time. And the last time I met Jiyoon was a year ago, back in our 1L.” She says softly, letting her fingers brush her calligraphed name.
“I just… rather not go, you know? Treat her to a nice meal somewhere, maybe a couple drinks. Besides, I’m sure she’s just doing it out of courtesy.” She lets out a light laugh. 
Joon Hwi’s heart softens. He’s witnessed Sol in her different elements. The courtroom, where she’s a powerful woman in command, dressed professionally in a suit and hair in a perfect ponytail. The day-to-day her, where she’s comfortably dressed in jeans and her tanned coat, hair in a bun and post it notes on her jacket. She was always so bold, so confident and so full of fire. It never occurred to him that she would be uncomfortable in social events. She was always the life during dinners, with Bokgi. She laughed loudly, engaged in conversations and seemed so comfortable. He remembers how she would help out the old halmeonis with her neighbourhood on some days when he sent her home, or the times she bought ice creams for Byeol’s classmates. She seemed so extroverted, yet so closed off. Eying her, Joon Hwi reaches out and clasps his hand over hers in an attempt to comfort. 
“I never went to school events, you know? Especially since juvie made me miss it. When I redid my high school year, I didn’t go too. There wasn’t much of a point, since I didn’t have a date or many friends to begin with. If it was Dan, she would have gone, being the popular girl she was back then.” Sol softly says, a small smile ghosting her face.
She remembers the day prom arrived for her school. She was expectant, hoping that the boy she liked would invite her. Or maybe the girls that she occasionally had lunch with will invite her to hang out. But all she got was a stone cold silence the weeks leading up to prom. When everyone buzzed on what they were wearing to prom night, she silently put on her headphones, drilling herself into her science assignments. Of course, she wouldn’t be invited.
She knew the rumours floating in school. How Dan was the perfect one, how she was the failed one. She knew everyone knew she went to juvie. She knows how the boys snicker at her when she walks past them, or how the girls gossip and whisper when she’s eating her lunch. Besides, it didn't help that she was poor. She can’t even afford a dress of her own, let alone go to the event.
Realising what she’s said, Sol quickly draws her hand away along with the card and slots it away in her file. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to blabber on. You must think it’s stupid, I think so too. Anyways, do you have the notes Professor Kim...” Sol quickly apologises and diverts her attention to her notes. But Joon Hwi was no longer listening. He was shattered by how the woman sitting in front of him has never been treated like how she should be treated. It was no secret to Joon Hwi that he cared for his friends, but cared a little more for Sol. He was the one that left post-it notes on her table and pretended he didn't. She was the only one that he would let steal a mouth or two from his ramyeon. He could read her moods just from her eyes. He wonders sometimes, if he sees her more than a friend. 
He won’t hide that she’s beautiful. The way her eyes slant in an elegant fashion, her smooth, slightly tanned skin, and her winning smile that he always found his heart beating faster for. He loves the way she smiles at her extra pickles, the way her eyes light up when she sees Byeol, or the way she argues and practices. The tenacity and desire she has to improve inspires him to work as hard as her. 
This is why when Sol spilled the beans, he couldn't help but feel all sorts of emotions. Anger, towards the people in her school, for not realising such a wonderful student. Anger towards her for degrading herself. Sadness, for her not being able to experience such events. 
As Joon Hwi ended the session with her and returned to his room, he made a promise to Sol. He’s convinced it will work, and he begins planning in his head. 
He will show her the fairytale. 
A week passed. 
Sol had to give a reply in a few days and she has not figured out what to say. The wedding was in a month. She knew Jiyoon would be busy... Sol figures that she should just treat Jiyoon after her honeymoon, knowing how she would be away with her husband as newlyweds later on. 
“Still thinking about the wedding?” Joon Hwi nods at her, her head in her hands. Sol, looking defeated, nods. So much for trying to hide. They were at their pantry area of their dorms, Sol stirring her ramyeon, as Joon Hwi slurps his. It was 3am, and they just finished studying. The next day was a weekend, so it didn’t really matter if they slept late, since they got the privilege of sleeping in.
“What do I tell Jiyoon? I don’t want to sound rude.” Sol mumbles, lazily stirring her soggy noodles.
“Go to the wedding.” Joon Hwi says suddenly, continuously slurping. 
“Sol, how many weddings can you even go to in your life? Are you sure you want to miss this one? Besides, you said you haven’t been to social events. Don’t you want to experience it?” Joon Hwi says, adrenaline building in his voice. 
Sol falls silent. She can’t deny that she wants to experience the feeling of being dolled up, the fun that everyone talks about, and the enjoyment that everyone goes through. And Joon Hwi is right; she wants to celebrate with Jiyoon. But her fear of social events and the past was holding her back. 
Joon Hwi could tell the change in her eyes. He gives a sweet smile, knowing that he said enough to change her mind. 
“Joon Hwi, but what if she doesn’t even-” Sol begins doubting herself as she shoots off her doubts and worries. Joon Hwi calms her down with logical reasons, calming her nerves in between his mouths of ramyeon. 
“But... I’ll be alone there, right?” Sol asks, her voice so soft, Joon Hwi barely picks it up. Her ramyeon is still untouched, and the noodles have gotten soggy and cold. Sol is silent for a moment, as she realises how right she is, for once. It wasn’t like she could ask a date, she doesn’t even have one. And her friends from the study group were out of the question. They don’t even know Jiyoon. Joon Hwi quickly brings up his bowl to his face, hopefully covering it as he feels the heat rising to his face.
“I’ll be your plus-one.”
Sol’s eyes light up and her head rises. Did she hear that right? Han Joon Hwi, her plus-one? 
“Oh, no! No, I didn’t mean it like that! Joon Hwi, no, I can’t-” Sol can’t find the right words to say. He can't? He shouldn’t? He doesn't need to? Sol can’t deduce her own reasonings for this argument. She knows her roommate likes him, and she definitely doesn’t want to be the target of her roommate’s stares if she catches wind of this. Besides, Joon Hwi doesn’t like her. She knows, and she doesn’t want him to get any wrong ideas. He’s her best friend, and confidante. She knows, deep down, his heart is someone else's. 
“I want to.” 
Sol freezes as Joon Hwi finishes drinking his soup. Placing the bowl down, he does as best as he can to lock eyes with Sol seriously, showing her he wasn’t teasing. No, this was out of his sincere heart. He knows how nervous she gets in a new environment, and him being next to her was bound to calm her nerves just a little more.
Sol could see the genuine care and want in his eyes. She knows this isn’t one of his jokes or teases. For a split second, she catches herself thinking if he meant something more. That going as a date, was more than just keeping her company, but for something to develop… 
Her face is flushed red as she looks at her puffed noodles and lukewarm soup. She picks her chopsticks up but is stopped by Joon Hwi’s hand as he shifts the bowl toward him, away from her. 
“Get yourself a fresh one. This is the first meal all day, isn’t it?” Joon Hwi calls her out, covering her noodles. Sol wants to argue for her soggy noodles, but she falls silent knowing how he revealed her secret. She hasn’t eaten all day after running reports and studying. Grumbling, she does as instructed and boils another bowl of ramyeon. When she’s back at the table with a fresh, hot, spicy and red bowl, she dives into it, wondering how she managed to survive the whole day. 
Joon Hwi only gives a small smile looking at the girl slurping her noodles with delight and looking at her. Joon Hwi wasn’t lying. He did want to be her plus-one for the wedding. He knew that more than just being a comfort for Sol, he wanted to make this one day a day she could look back and smile at. That she could be pretty, relaxed and happy instead of stressing over her grades, exams and family. 
“Fine.” Sol says as she continues slurping the spicy noodles. She blesses the spiciness of the noodles, such that she could blame her pink blush on it. Joon Hwi, clearing the cold noodles and getting water for both of them tilts his head in confusion. 
“Come with me to the wedding, if you want to.” She mutters softly, almost shy to let him know. To hide her blush and hide her confusion, she lifts the still hot bowl to her face. She drinks the soup, but chokes on the spiciness. Joon Hwi lets out a light chuckle before passing her a bottle of cold water. Sol looks at him with narrowed eyes of annoyance, but graciously takes the water. 
As he watches Sol eat her first bowl, then a second, as Joon Hwi munches on some crackers, he only smiles and laughs at whatever Sol was complaining about her reports and her frustrations at her cases that she picked. He lets out comforting words, but is rebutted back with Sol saying he will never get it because he’s smart unlike her. 
As he went to bed that night, he only gave a giddy smile, burying his face in his sheets. He scored his point of taking Sol out on a date, and was already counting down. He officially succeeded in the first step of his plan. 
The rest of it required a little bit of help. But he knew who to ask. 
“Yeseul! What is it that you need to wake me up on a weekend? I was up until 4am last night!” Sol grumbles as she places her phone on speaker, rubbing her eyes. It was 8am, way too early for Sol to process any emergencies. Well, if it was Yeseul, she would do it any time. 
“Sorry, unnie. But it’s urgent. Could you meet me in 10 minutes at the lobby?” Yeseul’s bright voice echos. Sol notices her roomie’s bed made, pillows nicely fluffed and sheets tucked in neatly in pure perfection. She isn’t surprised, considering how she gets up early anyways.
“Fine.” Sol says and hangs up, getting a fresh change of clothes and heading to the bathroom to wash up. She throws on a hoodie, grabbing her only tanned ochre coat and grabs her bag, before jogging downstairs to the lobby. There, Yeseul is standing there, with a sling black bag and with one of the many nude heels she has, hair styled to perfection.
“Unnie!” Yeseul waves her hand over. Walking closer, Sol notices two other familiar friends behind as she scoffs. 
“Joonhwi? Bokgi? What are you doing here?” She asks, her hand playing with the strap of her bag unconsciously. She was surprised to see Joonhwi, but even more Bokgi, who usually spends mornings sleeping in. Joonhwi only gives his usual cheeky smile and drags a drowsy Bokgi with him out towards to the main entrance of the school. Dumbfounded, Yeseul takes this moment to link her arm with Sol’s as she leads her out and catch Sol up to their agenda today. 
“What?! You’re bringing me where?” Sol exclaims, her voice echoing throughout the lobby. Yeseul shushes her as she drags a shocked Sol out of school. Yeseul didn't need the whole school to know where Sol was going. 
“Unnie, please? You need a dress for the wedding, and don’t think you are going to go in one of mine or your old ones! Besides, you promised to go shopping with me one day, right?” Yeseul defends herself as Sol sighs. 
Yeseul wasn’t wrong. The wedding was just a week away and she had absolutely nothing to wear. She owned a couple pairs of flats, but they were so old, it would be embarrassing to attend with those. And her dresses were either too big or too small. She was so caught up with school after submitting her reply to Jiyoon, that she would have forgotten about the wedding if it wasn’t for the post-it on her bedside wall. 
“But...but...” Sol couldn’t find any reasons to counter. She knew Yeseul was right. Besides, it’s a weekend. And they had no upcoming tests or projects, so there was no harm in doing something besides studying in the copy room. She nods, defeated, earning a smile from Yeseul. 
“Wait, then why is Joonhwi and- Who’s car is that?!” Sol’s thoughts are cut off when she sees a familiar black sedan waiting by the entrance as Sol and Yeseul just exit. In the car, she manages to see a Joonhwi in the driver’s seat and Bokgi riding shotgun. 
“Yah! Han Joon Hwi! Isn’t this my roomie’s car?” She shouts as she strides a couple of steps when Joonhwi rolls the window down. 
“She loaned me the car for today. Don’t want you carrying so many things back from shopping today.” He replies curtly. Bokgi opens his passenger side door on the right.
“Noona, sit in front. I’m too tired to watch Joonhwi-hyung drive.” Bokgi mutters before he climbs into the backseat with Yeseul. Sol wordlessly settles into the seat next to Joonhwi, who only looks at her with a smile. Sol catches his odd looks and pauses.
“Ready for shopping?” He has his cheeky smile on again. Sol glares in annoyance before turning behind to Yeseul. 
“Did you make him drive?” Yeseul shakes her head and spills out her defensive explanation.
“Oppa called me up yesterday! He just said he needed my help to accompany you shopping for a dress!”
“Then, why is Bokgi here? Trying on dresses too?”
“Noona! I’m listening!” Joonhwi only laughs and shakes his head.
“He’s just accompanying me.” Joonhwi says as he begins to drive off. 
Well, Joonhwi wasn't lying. He waited till their quizzes and projects were over before executing this. He knew Sol was busy, and had waited for the busy season to pass before calling Yeseul. He explained that he knew Sol would not go shop for a dress, and he needs her help to accompany him and her. She willingly, too willingly, agreed. 
Next, he asked Sol B if he could borrow her car, knowing how Sol was not going to go home with just one dress and one pair of shoes when Yeseul was involved. Sol B was skeptical, but just passed the keys over to him. Besides, she was going to be in school studying all day; she didn’t need the car. Bokgi joined in, as Joonhwi couldn’t spend hours on end waiting for the ladies to shop. On further thought, Bokgi just might help him out with something. 
“I could go myself with Yeseul. You didn’t have to wake up for this.” Sol mutters just loud enough for him to hear, fiddling with her fingers. Joonhwi returns with a light scoff.
“As if you’ll do it.” Sol glares at him from the side and is ready to punch him, but retracts her hand, knowing she might literally kill everyone in the car. The ride from the school to the bustling heart of Seoul is a rough twenty minute ride. Bokgi takes this time to catch a wink and Sol does the same, but she can't seem to do it. 
Something about Joonhwi bringing her out to buy a dress specially made her heart flutter a bit more than usual. She knew that Joonhwi cared for her. The ways that he left rolls of gimbaps and energy drinks as opposed to coffee on her table during her tough days. The moments when he would offer his jacket as a pillow wordlessly when she wanted to rest her head after hours of studying. The unspoken synchronisation between them was just a showing of how they understood each other inside and out. 
Sol thought nothing of it. She knew him as long as she stepped into school when he saved her from Professor Yang. They spent almost everyday studying, having classes and eating together. After all, they are best friends, and don’t best friends do this? They look out for each other, right?
He is going to be my plus-one at Jiyoon’s wedding. He’s taking me to shop for a dress. 
Sol wonders, truly for the car ride as she stares outside at the blue skies and empty streets of Seoul, if Han Joonhwi meant more than friends to her. If… she wanted more. 
Deep down, she couldn’t deny hoping for more. She liked the way he looked at her, eyes crinkled and smiling in half moons, the sweet smile that she couldn’t help but return. She has never had many relationships, considering her experience in school and afterwards. She was just too busy; too focussed. Seeing how this man cared for her just made her feel so… special. 
She has never felt that way.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
Gallavich Week Day 2: Fantasy AU
Summary: Prince Ian is offered up as a sacrifice to appease one of the dragons that haunt his father’s kingdom. Rather than being burned alive or eaten he is inexplicably left to wander the dragon’s lair in peace, as long as he never tries to leave and never enters the mysterious tower chamber. Then he meets fellow prisoner Mikhailo and starts to wonder if maybe this whole sacrificial gig isn’t such a bad deal after all.
Or, Ian Gallagher tells a bedtime story, and Mickey Milkovich is himself.
Fair Warning 1: There’s some Mickey-typical homophobic language in this one.
Fair Warning 2: I wrote all ridiculous 5K of this today (work? what work?) and it’s a little bit of a curious mess. Like, the sort of curious mess you get if you take Lip’s Hall of Shame, @gardenerian’s lovely bedtime stories, the novel “Dealing with Dragons” by Patricia Wrede, the Swedish picture book “Bröllop i Marsipanien” by Lena Karlin, the Greek myth of Andromeda, a bunch of folk tales about shapeshifting lovers, and the questionable old practice of MSTing fics, and then you stuff them all into a Kee and shake her around for a bit and then you pour it out into the shape of a 12 hour long and highly inadvisable speedwriting session.
Read it at your own risk, below or on AO3.
Very Important Note: I make fun of fic writing in this fic. Please note that I’m only making fun of myself and general tropes; any and all allusions to actual fic in the fandom is entirely coincidental.
Lest They Say, Here Be Dragons
Hush now, child; settle down. Close your eyes – yes, just like that – and listen:
Once upon a time and elsewhere, there was a kingdom. The people there were no happier than people anywhere else, and poorer than most, but they made do and lived and danced and grieved and died as people have always done.
Jesus, that’s gay.
That is, until the dragons came.
Okay, now you’re talking.
Like a plague they swept the land, winged beasts with fire for breath and ice in their hearts. Every night the fields burned, and the villages burned, and the cattle burned and was eaten. Many a brave people took up arms and went to confront the monsters, and then they burned too.
Heart-broken and terrified, the people went to the king to plead for aid. “Send an emissary to the dragons,” they said. “Reason with them and strike a bargain, or else we are sure to perish.”
What a bunch of pussies. What they should do is, they should use a bunch a cow shit to build a bomb and nuke the hell out of those dragons. Problem fucking solved.
Now, this king was a scoundrel and a drunk and the queen had an unfortunate habit of turning herself into a bird and flying off to more interesting lands whenever the mood took her. They had six children but rarely paid them any mind and fair Princess Fiona, eldest of the six, was left to raise her younger siblings as best she could. False King Francis would have been perfectly content to turn his desperate subjects away if it weren’t for the fact the dragons unchecked rampage threatened the production of the spirits the king so enjoyed. So, donning a mask of compassionate concern, for he was a skilled liar, he promised the people that he would help them. But as soon as they had left, comforted, he turned the task over to his children.
The second oldest child, foxy Prince Philip—
Foxy Prince Philip?
Yeah, you know. Foxy. Like clever.
Why not just say clever then?
‘Cause it’s not alliterative.
Starts with the same sound. Foxy – Philip. Fair – Fiona.
Oh, I get it. Like, Ian – idiot. Ow!
Foxy Prince Philip was known far and wide for being the cleverest in all the land, and by using all his cunning he managed to strike a deal with the leader of the dragons.
“By using all his cunning.” Skimming over the details a bit there, huh?
You really want me to turn this into a Prince Philip story? Hear me go on and on about what a genius he is?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
It was agreed that the dragons would spread out over the kingdom, each one building their own place to live near a village, and that the villagers would bring them food and drink. In turn, the dragons would refrain from casual pyromancy and protect the villagers from harm.
Protection racket, huh. Classic. Starting to like these dragons, man.
In addition, the cruel leader of the dragons demanded that each dragon be offered a child of the land in sacrifice. No matter how Prince Philip bargained he could not change the dragon’s cold heart on this—
Guess he wasn’t so clever after all.
—and so, with heavy hearts and much lamenting, each village drew lots to determine which poor child would be sent as an offering to their new resident dragon. However, in the village nearest to the castle the people grew angry when the beloved blacksmith’s only child, a small girl of just four, was selected, and they went to the king and they said:
“It isn’t fair that some people are asked to give up their only child to appease the dragons while you, who have six children, are exempt from the lottery.”
King Francis, fearing an uprising as much as he feared the dragons (since each was as likely as the other to leave him without a drink), quickly nodded.
“That’s true,” he said. “And fairness must ever be the true monarchs first and most important concern. Though it breaks my heart, I can’t in good conscience watch my people sacrifice their own children without offering up my own. You may take Prince Ian and give him to the dragon.”
At this, the other princes and princesses raised their voices in furious protest, for they loved their brother even if their father did not. But industrious Prince Ian—
Industrious? That really the best you can come up with?
—stepped forward and declared that he’d be happy to give up his life, so that the child of the blacksmith might be spared. And so, as the sunt set, he was taken away to the lair of the dragon that had made its home near the castle.
So let me get this straight… The king is happy to toss Prince Ian to the wolves ‘cause he hates him, and his siblings are all sad and shit but they still let him go off to get fucking eaten by dragons?
Oh, fuck you. It’s just a story.
Stepping into the lair, with heart a-hammering but on stubbornly steady legs, Prince Ian set eyes upon the beast that was to be his destiny. He was momentarily relieved to see it was not the terrible leader of the dragons, as he had feared, but a smaller monster he did not recognize. Black was its hide, its eyes a cold sparkling blue—
Gallagher, I swear to god, if you turn me into some lame ass henchman dragon—
Keep interrupting, asshole, and it’ll be a pink fucking unicorn. And hang on, you’ll show up in a little bit.
Setting his jaw, Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death—
‘Course he did, the stupid motherfucker. Hey, if Prince Philip was so fucking smart, and if he gave a shit about his brother, shouldn’t he have given him, I dunno, a knife or something?
Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death, because unlike some other people he was not a selfish prick and he actually cared about the people of the kingdom, but much to his surprise the dragon did not burn him. Instead, it just stared at him for a good long while, until suddenly it declared:
“You must never leave the lair, and you must never set foot inside the tower chamber. Abide by these rules and you may live. Break these rules and I’ll rip your heart out and eat it while you watch, and then I’ll burn the castle down with your beloved siblings inside.”   
You tell him, dragon.
With that the dragon took flight and disappeared, leaving Prince Ian to stand alone in the great hall of the lair, confused but alive. The young prince remained where he was for a few minutes, thinking that the dragon might come back, but when it did not he set out to explore his new home. It was big, with endless rooms and nooks and crannies, but it was badly kept, with strange bits and pieces cluttering up the hallways and chambers. Prince Ian found some old blankets and he used those to set up a pallet in one of the nicer rooms, one that had a view over a small, overgrown garden. And then, because it was very late and he was not dead, he went to sleep.
The next day he continued his explorations and managed to find the kitchen. It was full with the meat that the villagers brought the dragon once a month, and remembering that the beast had only forbidden him from leaving the lair and going into the tower chamber, Prince Ian helped himself to a piece of pork that he cooked over a small fire.
Hang on, was there a fridge in the kitchen?
No. This was the olden days.
But the villagers came once a month with the meat? How did the dragon keep from rotting?
That’s not really—
Was it dried? Like a Slim Jim?
… sure. It was dried.
As he was eating, Prince Ian heard a sudden scraping noise behind him.
The hell did he cook it over a fire for then, if it was dried?
He looked up and spied another young man standing in the doorway.
I’m just saying, it doesn’t make any fucking sense, man. Wait, is this me?
Prince Ian frowned. “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you a prisoner of the dragon too?”
The boy shrugged. “Uh, yeah. I guess. I mean, I do some work around here. Clean up and shit, in exchange for not getting eaten. Name’s Mikhailo.”
About fucking time. Only, how is it fair that you get to be prince and I’m a fucking cleaner?
Prince Ian tactfully did not mention how the lair was impressively dirty for a place with a fulltime cleaner but invited Mikhailo to share his meal. As they ate, Prince Ian studied his new acquaintance. He was the same age as but shorter than the prince, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.
Hair as black as— The hell was that?
Yeah, okay, then why are you smiling? Eh, fuck you. Prince Ian’s fucking thirsty for Mikhailo, I get it.
Though his manner was somewhat brusque and uncouth, Prince Ian could not help but feel himself drawn to Mikhailo. The boy was funny and easy to talk to, even if he seemed reluctant to say too much about himself or where he came from. Prince Ian tried asking him about the dragon, but despite apparently having lived there ever since the dragon moved in, Mikhailo couldn’t tell him much.
“Hardly ever even see it, man. At dusk and dawn mostly, so I guess it spends the night flying around with the other dragons, terrorizing the peasants or whatever. During the day it holes up in the tower chamber. Guess dragons must sleep too, huh? Don’t fucking go up there,” he added sternly. “It ain’t fucking kidding about killing you if you do.”
Having found a friend, Prince Ian found that life at the dragon’s lair wasn’t all that bad. He missed his siblings and being outdoors and practicing with the soldiers at the castle, and he resented the loss of his freedom, but he enjoyed the peace and quiet, and enjoyed spending time with Mikhailo. However, one thing he soon grew very tired of was eating nothing but meat. The dragon didn’t seem to require anything else, for it was the only thing the villagers ever delivered, and Mikhailo – whose tasks included receiving the monthly tribute – just gave Prince Ian a weird look when Ian suggested he ask the people to bring some vegetables next month.
“That ain’t the deal they’ve got with the dragon,” he told Ian. “Ain’t nobody gonna listen to me if I go trying to change it.”
Yeah, real Prince Charming there, wanting Mikhailo to risk his life so Ian can stuff his face with fucking cucumber.
Undeterred by Mikhailo’s lack of enthusiasm and courage—
Fuck you.
—Prince Ian decided to take it up with the dragon himself. In the weeks since he arrived at the lair, he hadn’t met the creature again, not even once; he’d just heard the powerful swoosh of its wings when it came and went at dusk and dawn. Now he went up the stairs to the tower chamber and there he waited until night had fallen and he noted the scraping of claws against stone inside the room. Then he knocked at the door.
There was a long silence. Then the door slammed open with enough force to nearly undo it from its hinges.
“What are you doing here?!” the dragon roared, terrible in its fury. “I’ve told you to never come here!”
“You’ve told me to never set foot inside the room,” Ian reasoned, fighting to keep his voice calm. “And I’m not. I just wanted to ask if I may have the use of the small garden just outside the lair. I miss being outdoors and I could grow vegetables for Mikhailo and me.”
Jesus Christ, man, again with gardening? Thought you were over it.
“You may never leave the lair,” the dragon, a garden-hating meanie, snarled, and then he closed the door in Prince Ian’s face.
As he fucking should.
“Probably worried one of the villagers will spot you and, I dunno, mount a rescue,” Mikhailo said shortly the next morning when Prince Ian told him of his failed attempt. “Anyway, you’re a fucking idiot for going up there like that. You get it won’t hesitate to kill you, right?”
“Right,” Ian agreed. “But,” he added with a frown, “why hasn’t it yet?”
“You fucking complaining?” Mikhailo snapped, and then he stalked away, and Ian didn’t see him again for three days.
Listen, you get that I get that Mikhailo is the dragon, right? You’re not fooling anyone, Gallagher.
Then, one day, fed up with the dragon being a really annoying prick, Prince Ian grabbed a huge sword he conveniently found lying around in a cupboard, because the lair was a fucking pigsty, suitable for a pig like the dragon, and he went up the stairs and kicked in the door and he cut the dragon’s throat while it slept, and then he went off and found himself a nice prince to marry.
That’s not how the story ends.
Hey, where are you going? Come back- Jesus, I’m sorry, okay? Gallagher, I’m sorry. Just come back here. Tell me what really happened.
Prince Ian woke with a start on his pallet in the lair. He’d had the most vivid dream about killing the dragon—
A dream? That’s the lamest fucking— Ah, fuck. Sorry.
—but for some reason it hadn’t felt as satisfying as he had thought it would. For all that Prince Ian often fantasized about strangling the beast, it seemed he didn’t actually wish to see it dead. With that disconcerting realization in mind, Prince Ian went to break his fast, resigned to doing so on meat and yet more meat. But in the kitchen he found Mikhailo, and on the table in front of him was a pile of cabbage and carrots and onions. 
“Guess the dragon must have talked to the villagers after all,” Mikhailo muttered, refusing to look at the prince. “And, uh, there was this thing I wanted to show you.”
Without waiting for a response, he spun around on his heel and walked out the door. Curious, Prince Ian followed, through doors and up and down stairs he never knew existed. Eventually, he found himself standing in what appeared to be an inner courtyard. It was small and the walls surrounding it very high, but up above the sky was blue. Prince Ian turned his face towards it and for the first time since he came to live at the dragon’s lair he felt sunlight on his face.
“It’s a shithole,” Mikhailo said. For some reason he sounded a little nervous. “But if you wanna go outside, you can come here. And there’s dirt in those bins, so I guess you could grow stuff in them? Just gotta wear this hat. Anyone sees you, they’ll just think it’s me.”
Privately, Prince Ian wondered who’d ever be able to see him behind walls that high, but he wasn’t going to argue. Wearing an ugly had was a small price to pay for being able to go outside, and to have a garden.
He gave Mikhailo a small smile; Mikhailo smiled back.
“Mikhailo smiled back.” Yeah, you bet he was laughing his ass off, ‘cause he thought Prince Ian was a huge fucking dork.
Things were good for a long while after that. Prince Ian spent his days in the garden and in Mikhailo’s company, and though he still resented being locked away from the world it was easy to ignore that when he had something to do and when his plants started to grow and when he was with Mikhailo. The two young men became closer and closer with each passing week, and soon it seemed to Prince Ian as if they had always known each other. He could no longer imagine a life without his friend.
He suspected that Mikhailo felt the same. It was there in the way he laughed at Prince Ian’s jokes; the way he sought him out to do nothing but talk; the way his gaze sometimes lingered on the prince, the look in his eyes unreadable.
Prince Ian suspected that Mikhailo too wondered what it would be like to press their lips together and hold each other tight. Sleep together; map every inch of each other’s bodies.
Hang on a minute, you’re telling me they haven’t fucked yet? The hell they’ve been doing?
I told you. Hanging out. Talking. Laughing.
Jesus Christ, that’s so fucking gay.
Two men not fucking each other is gay? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. One day we really need to talk about all your internalized homophobia.
My interna-what? Ah, shut the fuck up. Continue with the story. All these interruptions ain’t doing much for the flow, you know.
Really? I hadn’t noticed.
Prince Ian became determined to find out if Mikhailo felt the same way as he did. He realized that he needed to be careful, however, and not push too hard, lest he spook the other boy. Even though he was almost sure he could see longing in Mikhailo’s eyes, there seemed to be some invisible hand holding him back. Every time Prince Ian was convinced they were finally getting somewhere, Mikhailo would suddenly pull back, as if stung.
Or as if remembering something. Himself, maybe.
Bu then came a cold, clear autumn day almost exactly one year after Prince Ian had been taken to the dragon’s lair.
Whoa, wait, now you’re telling me they’ve been hanging out for one fucking year and they still haven’t banged?
What can I say? Mikhailo’s a pussy.
Whatever. This story is unrealistic as fuck.
Prince Ian and Mikhailo had spent the afternoon together in the garden, as they almost always did whenever Mikhailo wasn’t busy with any of his mysterious chores (which he still refused to tell Prince Ian much about, but which sometimes took him away from the lair for days at a time). Once it started getting dark they went inside and dined on chicken and potatoes from Prince Ian’s patch, and as so often happened they started bickering and play fighting.
If that’s something that happens a lot you might have mentioned it earlier. Established it or whatever. Those mysterious chores too. What’s that all about?
Oh, my bad. Maybe I should start over? Once upon and time—
Nah, man, you’re good. Just a suggestion for next time.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
They were chasing each other around the kitchen when Mikhailo tripped over the muddy shoes he’d lazily left there the night before and fell to the floor.
You know these meaningful little comments ain’t actually clever, right? They don’t actually add anything to the story.
I like them.
Prince Ian, ever chivalrous, grabbed hold of his friend’s arm to break his fall, but ended up going down with him instead, pinning Mikhailo to the floor with his big, strong body.
Fucking finally.
Their eyes met and Prince Ian felt his heart starting to beat faster. He could see a faint blush spreading over Mikhailo’s face. Neither of them spoke; neither of them moved. Then, slowly, slowly, Prince Ian leaned in to brush his lips over Mikhailo’s. Mikhailo lifted his head to meet him in a kiss to end all other kisses, a kiss to inspire a thousand love songs.
Uh-huh, and then…
And then they went to Prince Ian’s room and had sex all night long. But when Prince Ian woke the next morning—
Wait, wait, what? That’s it? “They had sex all night long.” How about some fucking detail, man?
After having great sex using lots of good lube all night long, Prince Ian woke up alone in his bed.
I hate you.
He went in search of Mikhailo but couldn’t find his friend anywhere. He looked in the garden and in the kitchen and he went to the sad little cellar chamber Mikhailo called his room even though Prince Ian had never actually seen him sleep there.
Because he’s the dragon and sleeps in the tower chamber. Great hint, Gallagher. Real subtle.
Fuck off.
A week passed and Prince Ian was starting to suspect that Mikhailo was gone for good this time. Perhaps the dragon had found out about their tryst and had sent him away? Or maybe Mikhailo was disgusted with what had happened and wanted nothing more to do with the prince? Prince Ian wondered and worried and feared, and when finally Mikhailo returned, stepping into the kitchen like nothing had happened, Prince Ian was so exhausted with terror and regret that his relief immediately transformed into fury.
He yelled at Mikhailo, called him names and demanded to know where he’d been. He named him a coward and—
Hey, what’s the matter? You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, man, I’m fine.
You don’t look— Listen, Prince Ian’s just being an asshole, okay? He saying a bunch of stupid shit ‘cause he’s sick and tired of not knowing if he means as much to Mikhailo as Mickhailo means to him. He doesn’t mean it.
I mean… He probably means it a little. He’s not wrong.
No, he’s— Fine. He means it a little right then. But he is wrong, okay? He doesn’t really understand what’s going on with Mikhailo, but he’ll get it later. He’ll know he wasn’t being really fair.
… yeah?
Yeah. Okay?
Great. Maybe we should speed this bit up a little—
Once Prince Ian had finished shouting, Mikhailo just stared at him for a long moment.
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” he spat, and then he spun around and disappeared through the door.
Prince Ian was immediately overcome with regret, yet he was still too angry and hurt and stubborn to run after the other. He went about his day in a very foul mood and when he went to bed that night Mikhailo was still gone. Prince Ian slept fitfully and in the middle of the night he woke to a loud crash, soon followed by several more. He realized it must have come form the tower chamber and after a moment of hesitation he grabbed his nightgown and rushed up the stairs.
So, he brought a nightgown with him when he thought the dragon was going to kill him?
Of course not. He found it in one of the rooms.
Yeah, okay, but why are there so many rooms in this fucking lair anyway? What’s with all the old stuff there? Didn’t the dragon build the place to live in like right before Prince Ian was sent there?
Mickey. It’s getting late and I’d really love to wrap this up and go to bed. It doesn’t really matter about the rooms. Can I just continue with the story?
Whatever, man. Just thought you should know there’s a bunch of plot holes in your little fairy tale.
 Once he reached the door to the forbidden room, the crashing noises had stopped. Instead, Prince Ian heard whimpers and moaning, as if from someone in great pain. It could only be the dragon – something must be wrong with it.
Yeah, ya think, Sherlock?
Prince Ian knocked on the door. There was no reply, other than more whimpers and moans. Steeling himself, he tried the handle. The door was unlocked.
That’s awfully convenient.
Stepping inside, Prince Ian found the dragon on the floor. It was clearly hurt, for there was dark blood pooling underneath it. As Prince Ian entered, the great beast lifted its head but said nothing and made no move to attack him. It seemed it was too badly hurt to pose any threat.
It occurred to Prince Ian that he could kill the dragon. He could go down to the kitchen and fetch the biggest knife there and then he’d be free and he could go back to the castle and his siblings and—
The dragon made a low, pained sound and let its head fall back to the floor, closing its eyes.
Prince Ian went down the stairs, but he didn’t fetch a knife, he fetched bandages instead. Though part of him cursed himself for a fool, he knew he couldn’t bring himself to kill the dragon, monster or not, and couldn’t bring himself to let it bleed to death either.
That’s a huge fucking mistake. Maybe the dragon never hurt him but it still kept him imprisoned. Prince Ian should be getting the hell out of there when he has the chance.
Hmm, yeah. Choosing to be locked up just to be the person you love does sound like a pretty insane thing to do.
Oh, fuck off. That’s totally different.
Sure, Mick.
By the time Prince Ian returned to the tower the dragon had lost consciousness. The prince set to cleaning and bandaging his wounds, having learned the art of it while training with a medical witch who lived at the castle. It took a great long while; the dragon was large and heavy and the cuts in its side long, if shallow. But Prince Ian was nothing if not determined and eventually he had the beast wrapped up.
As Ian moved to rise, the dragon stirred.
“The hell are you doing?” it muttered, blinking up at Ian. Then it spotted the bandages, and the ice blue eyes widened. “What the— Are you fucking insane? This is a... is a… real bad fucking idea… ”
It sounded… strange, and not just from the pain and blood loss, Prince Ian thought. Sounded not just slurred but softer somehow, in spite of the uncharacteristic cursing; sounded almost familiar; sounded like—
“Mikhailo,” Prince Ian whispered.
Ooooh, big surprise! I’m so shocked right now!
You know there are other uses for plot twists than to shock the reader, right? Or actually, I guess you don’t know, but if you picked up a book once in a while—
Yeah, yeah, whatever. What happened after this great and totally unexpected reveal?
The dragon lost consciousness again so Prince Ian went to bed and slept soundly and when he woke the next day he spotted Mikhailo leaning against the wall of his room, looking tired ad unhappy. He was even paler than usually and there was a stiffness to his posture that suggested quite a bit of pain, but other than that he seemed well enough.
“So,” Prince Ian said, trying for casualness as he sat up on his pallet. “You’re a dragon.”
Mikhailo shrugged. “Seems like it.”
“But only by night.”
“Yeah… We turn when the sun sets, and turn back again when it rises.”
“I didn’t know that about dragons.”
“No one around here fucking does. People realize how helpless we are during the day, they’d kill us in a heartbeat. My dad says— “
“Your dad?”
“The leader of the dragons. The really big, white one? This whole terror and extortion thing was his idea, once he realized that no one in this kingdom has a clue about dragons.”
“He hates humans. Thinks they’re useless and weak. If he knew I kept you around instead of killing you, he’d have murdered us both.”
Jesus fucking Christ, laying it on a bit thick with the metaphysical shit there, don’t ya think?
You mean metaphorical?
I mean it’s fucking stupid, that’s what I mean.
Might be closer to allegory anyway.
Uh-huh. Nobody fucking cares, Shakespeare.
“So, anyway,” Mikhailo continued, “you should probably try to go as far away from here as possible. Find a ship and go across the sea or something.”
Prince Ian blinked. “What?”
“Yeah, man, you won’t be able to go back to your castle. No way to stay hidden there. I know this guy up in Dikno, he might—”
He fell silent as Prince Ian jumped up from the bed and crossed the space between them in two long strides, and then he gasped loudly as the prince’s lips found his.
It was another one to inspire love songs.
“You idiot,” Prince Ian said fondly when eventually they broke apart. “Of course I’m not going anywhere. Unless,” he added, suddenly shy, “you want me to.”
Mikhailo made a face. “No, you fucking moron, I don’t want you to go,” he finally said. “But my dad—”
“We’ll find a way to deal with him. We’ll figure out how to sort it out and set things right between humans and dragons. We’ll find a way, together. Okay?”
And Mikhailo the dragon looked at his prince for a long moment and then he smiled. “Okay.”
At his prince, huh. Surprised you got room for all those big words in your head when your ego’s taking up so much space. All right, then what happened?
They organized a rebellion against the leader of the dragons, I guess. I don’t really know. That’s another story.
What do you mean, another story? Is this it? You spend all that time setting it up but when you get to the good part with the fighting you just stop?
Yeah, it’s getting really late. Kid’s asleep anyway.
Kid’s been out cold since, like, before the dragons even showed up, man, don’t fucking pretend this story was for her. … you really not gonna continue?
Nah, I’ll continue. But for the next scene I figured we might try a little show, don’t tell…
Oh, really? What’s the next scene?
Make-up sex. Prince Ian fucking Mikhailo’s brains out. And hey, spoiler alert: Mikhailo comes four times.
Four times, huh.
Yeah. So… wanna know how it happens?
Okay. It starts like this—
So, yeah. There we have it. The things we write for Gallavich Week… XD
I am halfway outraged that this is the longest fic I’ve ever written for Gallavich, but I’m rather pleased I managed to write something for this theme! Guess I’ll go to bed both proud and embarrassed and dead tired tonight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Where I am, we’re half an hour past midnight, but seeing as it’s still Monday somewhere, I have decided that I’m posting on time. Yay me! @gallavichthings
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