#I love skywalker men lol
poltoreveur · 5 months
I could fix him but I kinda like him a little murderous and psychotic tho
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intermundia · 9 months
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more peak tier anakin behavior (and also an unfathomably incredible choice by stover to include) is anakin not noticing that palpatine was trying to imply obi-wan was fucking his wife, because he assumed that if obi-wan WAS fucking a senator, it would be a man, and it's enough to rouse him from his exhausted, annoyed haze into sitting up, because they need to go find this man Right Now. brilliant. iconic. 10/10 content and prose. god bless this book
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elleniemae · 1 month
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This is literally so messy I was just doodling and scribbling and having fun but I don’t think it looks too bad lol. It took like 45 minutes it’s in no way a masterpiece, be nice to me XD
Okay bye happy May 4th!
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kikikeeks · 5 months
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Idk who this Anonymous person is but they were onto something
Image credits: no clue found it on @fclk-lores profile!!
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starwarsshippings · 2 years
obi wan needs to nurture. anakin needs to be nurtured. it’s simple really
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demieyesore · 2 months
U WRITE SO GOOD?!? I HAD TO HIDE MY PHONE IN PUBLIC 💀😭 more dark Anakin PLS. I loved the dom side but now I wanna see sub side and the differences. I personally think he’s a switch tbh. It would be too boring to be dom or sun all the time BUT ANYWAYS sun dark ani.
If you need ideas: he tries to convince reader to do something (you choose), reader is his master, paranoid toxic reader and he makes it worse IDK man I just love these types of fics 🤭 I eat them up. It’s even better when the reader acts innocent but is worse 😭 honestly you could just combine shit atp and I’ll eat it up anyways
Pretty When You Cry - Anakin Skywalker
Summary - Anakin tries to manipulate you by crying after overhearing Obi-Wan convince you to leave him.
Warnings / Mentions - Kenobi!Reader, GN!Reader, AFAB!Reader, Dom!Reader, Sub!Anakin, Padawan!Anakin, Master!Reader, Toxic!Reader, Paranoid!Reader, BPD coded reader, basically just BPD x BPD couple, Reader has an innocent façade, Reader actually believes their innocent so victim complex reader, Anakin triggers reader to have an episode, def angsty fic but ends with smut, literally so much manipulation...breeding kink, crying kink, biting kink, mentions of babytrapping
A/N - The Dom part of me aches when I see men crying, I both want to care for them and make them worse, also I want to make it known that I was diagnosed with Bipolar and I'm pretty sure I have BPD as well, so I'm hoping that anyone who reads this that has BPD relates to it and that it isn't just my bipolar lol, ALSO THANK YOUUUUU❤️❤️❤️
Requested - Yes
Word Count - 2556 words
Taglist - @vixxensvoid @maevesversion @sockiess @stylesslytherinskywalker @myheadhurtscutely @yourenogoodforme @xzaddyzanakinx (just bc I thought you might like this one, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in the future)
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It was really no surprise when you were yet again talking to your older brother about your problems with Anakin. He was already well aware the both of you were breaking the code, but he never said anything to anyone since you were his beloved sibling. Obi-Wan always assumed that he could get you to stop the relationship with Anakin but he never anticipated just how abusive you were to each other. 
He often remembers the time when he saw tears streaming down your face, you were sobbing, begging Anakin not to leave you, even at some parts yelling at him. Obi was quite shocked when he heard you yelling at Anakin about how much you hated the Padawan. It was like you were so full of love for young Skywalker, most days you would do anything to make him smile. But there were times, periods where you would do nothing but scream about how much you hated life. Episodes where you were so paranoid about people leaving you, that it was like a flip switched. 
One where the light pink aura of love would turn to a fire of red hot flames. It was such a black and white way of thinking. Obi-Wan knows that it's not your fault you act this way. The abusive household you were in wired you to be this way. And it was clear that Anakin had a similar experience. 
You and Anakin were so complicated. You both were so devoted to each other. Always making sure to have the other's back on missions. But at the same time, you made each other worse. 
Anakin was originally Obi-Wan's Padawan before getting transferred to you. You had just become a Master Jedi, when Obi requested the switch. He truly believed at the time that you would help Anakin become the best Jedi he could be. He saw how you interacted before Anakin became your Padawan. He had no idea about the little crush you both had on each other, only seeing how motivated Anakin would get around you to be better. A passion that Anakin didn't have when working with Obi-Wan. 
This time, you were wrapped in your brother's arms. He was whispering reassuring things to you, trying to get you to calm down. The three of you were on a mission, body guarding and sworn to protect Padme. Anakin was currently watching over her as she slept. But as soon as you saw how Anakin looked at Padme, that little flip switched.
The one where you felt so much hate for him. The one that kept teeter tottering between the love for him and the feeling that he was about to abandon you. 
"Obi- I...I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I thought he loved me but the way he was looking at her. He was openly flirting with her. Right in front of me, like I wasn't even there. He can't leave me, I won't let him Obi. I swear to the maker that he won't." Your brother felt...distraught for you. It was a hard emotion to explain. He was worried for you, and for Anakin. But he felt that this whole situation was his fault. If Obi-Wan hadn't asked the council to let Anakin train under you, you wouldn't be in such despair. You wouldn't feel physical pain in your chest just from your emotions.
"I fear I've made a mistake." Obi-Wan admitted as his hand caressed your hair in a soothing manner. "I believe that it would be best if Anakin were to be my Padawan again." He tried to tread lightly on the subject, not wanting to make your episode worse.
"No, no, no, Obi please, it's fine, I'll be fine. I know that he's- that I'm...I know that Anakin and I aren't..great for each other but please. I can't be without him." You desperately gripped onto his shirt, trying to make your point clear to him. Anakin was just outside, eavesdropping on the conversation. Padme was sleeping soundly in the next room, he didn't need to be in the room with her to know if something was happening. But he did need to hear this conversation. He needed to make sure that you wouldn't leave him. He wanted to make sure that Obi-Wan wouldn't...influence you into making any bad decisions.
"He's hurting you, don't be blind to that. You're hurting him too. You don't want that, do you?" Obi-Wan asked, his face showing sincere concern.
Regularly, if Obi were to have said that, you would have flipped at him for trying to take Anakin away from you. But in the confusion and pain of your mind. The images flooding into your brain of Anakin and Padme. You only heard the first part of your brother's sentence.
"He's hurting you..." Kept repeating in your head, like someone recorded a hologram of his voice and played it on loop. It just kept getting louder, the button being pressed again, putting you into a fit of rage.
"You're right." You couldn't bare to say anything else. The silence afterwards was so deafening that Anakin had to hold back his tears in fear of you hearing his breath through the door. It was like an emptiness was injected into your veins. A thick silver liquid that would taste like you were choking on mercury. Your mind was so...blank. There were no longer multiple voices in your head yelling. This one was quiet. So eerily quiet.
Anakin wiped his tears, going back towards the room where Padme lays asleep. He felt betrayed, but he couldn't blame you. All his anger was pushed onto Obi-Wan. Anakin was delusional, he fully believed that Obi was the problem. Not him and definitely not you. He knew that he had to persuade you into changing your mind. And what better way than for you to see him crying? Your heart was always so...malleable whenever he was crying. You would always comfort him, your left hand running through his hair while your right would rest on the nape of his neck, playing with the baby hairs. 
You'd have your eyebrows furrowed in concern for him but he could always see the part of you that enjoyed it. The way that when he'd wipe his tears or the way that his lower lip would quiver always sent a small smile to your face. Even while crying, you thought he was pretty. You'd look at him with such...adoration, admiration and even a little lust. When he'd look into your eyes and ask for help, when he'd beg for you to save him, he'd notice how your pupils expanded, dilated with desire. The way that your thighs would clench shut.
Once Obi-Wan calmed you down enough, you collected yourself, thanking your brother for once again helping you to see straight. You pushed open the door, Obi following behind you into the hallway only to see Anakin sitting against Padme's door. Tears dripping down from his eyes. His hands were hanging loosely over his knees as he stared harshly at the ground. 
Obi-Wan held up his hand, signaling to you that he would watch over Padme as you talked to Anakin.
Anakin moved, leaning forward to let Obi into the Previous queen's chambers. His tearful eyes glanced up into yours, already taking note of how you stared back at him like he was nothing. He would have to play more into it just to get you to come back to him. He'd be lying if he said that your empty eyes didn't scare him.
You grabbed his wrist, pulling him into one of the spare bedrooms far away from Padme's. Not wanting to disturb her sleep. 
You said nothing at first, not even looking at him as he sat on the edge of the bed. Your back face him as you zoned out, still staring at the now closed door. You had nothing in your mind, absolutely nothing. But you were still so wrapped up in your mind. You felt like you weren't present in your body. 
The only thing that brought you back to the present moment was the sound of Anakin beginning to whimper. He sounded like he was in pain. And even though you were so upset and mad with him, you'd rather slit your own throat than to hear him in agony. You quickly turned around to see Anakin sinking in on himself, his eyes screwed shut as he tried to not let more tears fall. Your heart ached, your body reacting before you even thought.
Your knees hit the floor in front of the bed, your hands resting on his knees as you looked up into his eyes. Wet droplets falling onto his shirt, the material soaking it up.
"What's wrong Babyboy?" You were slightly shocked to hear your own voice, your body still responding out of impulse. Anakin immediately knew that he had you, you were back in his grasp and it was time for him to mold you into what he wanted, what he needed you to be. 
"He turned you against me." Anakin said sharply, making eye contact. You could see the anger and betrayal in his soul. "Ani, what are you talking about?" The sweetness ripples out of your mouth, despite the fact that you knew exactly what he was talking about. You knew that he must have been listening if he was crying.
"Obi-Wan. He made you hate me. You're gonna leave me. How could you?" His voice shook, cracking at the end from pain. Your hand shot up to his cheek, wiping a stray as you caressed his face. 
"I could never hate you. Not entirely..." You breathe out in a sigh. You were so worried about him but then you saw the little tremble of his bottom lip, the way he leaned into your touch, making you feel so loved, so appreciated, so important.
"You know that I hate seeing you cry..." You lied through your teeth, trying to keep up the mask of only worry. of course you were worried about him, but you never wanted him to know the deeper feelings you feel when he cries.
"Liar." Ani let out a choked laugh, a cute grin spreading across his face albeit tears were adorning it. "You love seeing me cry." He whispers, like he was reminding you of your own secret.
"It's not my fault." You defended as a joke, your face full of devotion for him.
"That's just what you do, because I'm pretty when I cry." Anakin rolled his eyes, the redness and puffiness from crying becoming more evident on his face. His lips were swollen, bitten raw.
"The prettiest." You said, leaning up to peck at his lips, just giving him a quick little kiss, but Anakin wanted more. He whined when you broke the contact, inviting you to kiss him more, kiss him with passion and fire. So you did just that, reconnecting your lips, practically devouring him in the kiss. 
He moaned into the kiss, the sensation reverberating throughout your bones before settling in your core.
"I don't care how bad we are for each other, you're mine and always will be." You muttered against his mouth, feeling when he smiled into the kiss. You stood up from your spot on the floor in front of him and quickly discarded your clothes, leaving yourself in just your bra and underwear. You straddled his lap, kissing him once more as you tugged at his shirt.
He aided you in the removal of his shirt, groaning against your lips when he felt you grind against his boner.
"Stop..." He mumbled in a whimper at your teasing.
You held onto his shoulders, feeling the muscles just beneath the skin. Trailing your hands down to his pants, swiftly undoing them. You pulled them as far down as you could while straddling his lap. Your hand slipped past his briefs and gently grasped his length. Anakin shifted uncomfortably at the touch, his back straightening as his breathing stopped momentarily. 
Your touch always was the death of him but your breath, your kiss, always brought him back.
"Master, please-" He whimpered, his mouth wavering into a quick frown. You bit at his lip, shutting him up. You pulled away from the kiss, looking down as you pumped his cock in your hand a couple of times, collecting the shared saliva from the kiss and spitting onto his tip. 
His Adams apple bobbed, his hands gripping the side of the bed sharply. His head fell back, eyes fluttering shut as your hand worked up and down his length. He clenched his jaw, trying his hardest to keep his mouth shut but it was nearly impossible to stay quiet. The pleasure he felt from your voice alone would make him cum almost instantly, your hand just added more shockwaves.
"You don't have to be silent..." You remind him, mocking the way he's trying so hard to not make any noise.
He moans, whimpering and squirming under your touch when he leans forward, his forehead resting against your shoulder.
"Please just..." He stutters out, biting his tongue as he lifts his hips, sliding his cock up into your hand more.
"So needy..." You teased, stopped all your movement. Anakin's head flew up, looking into your eyes with desperation. He was about to complain when you lifted yourself, pulling your underwear to the side and swiping his tip through your folds. The feeling made him groan in pleasure, sucking in a deep breath of air.
You teased him for a little bit longer, his pre-cum pressing against your clit when you finally put all your weight onto him. His cock sinking into your entrance. He choked out a sob of pleasure, feeling how tight you were around him. He wrapped his arms around you, his mouth latching onto your shoulder, biting down as he thrusted up into you. Your own moans just fueled him to do better, reach deeper. His tears stained your skin, his whimpers vibrating against your shoulder. 
"Please, I want-" His question is cut off when he feels you pulsate around him, his eyes widening with need. "Please, baby just let me- need to cum so bad...Master please, I need to cum- cum inside you-" He begged, his desperation dripping off him in the form of sweat. 
"You want to cum inside?" You ask, mocking his need. Anakin swallowed thickly, "You can't- you can't leave me if you're pregnant." He whimpers as he kisses the side of your neck, sucking the skin and leaving purplish red bruises.
You grind down, meeting him when he thrusts. "Such a pretty boy, I'd be so mean to say no...only because you're crying all pretty for me." You mumble, kissing the spot of skin closest to where your head rests against him. 
Anakin holds you tightly, almost as if he's afraid you'll whither away, a bead of sweat drops from his forehead as he comes undone with one last thrust. His white hot cum leaking out from his tip and filling you. He thrusts up into you twice more, his grip on you possessive.
"I won't let you ever leave me." Ani mutters as he comes down from his climax, while you're still catching your breath, your cunt fluttering around him.
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badbatchsprincess · 2 months
Heated ~ pt. 1
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
No warnings for this, just world building... welcome lol.
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After approximately 90 rotations aboard the Marauder, give or take a few days, you were ready to disembark. 
Tech, of course, calculated the accurate amount of time, but you were running on inner planetary standard time. You were exhausted. Truly and totally exhausted. The battles along the outer rim were beginning to overtake every waking thought, and the war only seemed to be escalating. Even though you were just a medical technician, it seemed like you never had a moment to breathe.
The boys had been sent on one mission after another to the most backwater planets you’d never even heard of. In the beginning of working with Clone Force 99, you were thrilled. 
Tired of being on the front lines with Captain Rex and General Skywalker, you thought this would have been a cakewalk compared to tending to the 501st. (Or as you liked to call them, the most reckless GAR unit in history.) Boy, were you wrong…
Rex assigning you to Clone Force 99 had been one of the most challenging places you think a young medic like yourself could have gone. 
These men, in particular, were a unique kind of reckless, and they always seemed to end up in the craziest situations. 
That didn’t mean you didn’t come to grow fond of them, but as GAR procedure demands, they must return to Coruscant for their quarterly medical examinations, and you were relieved. 
While you didn’t particularly care for the bustle of the high-density planet, you could appreciate not being shot at, chased, or bombed at any given second.
The Marauder also didn’t offer the same level of comfort as the Venator Attack Cruisers you’d become accustomed to staying on for months at a time. But it’s alright, you’ve come to enjoy your time with special force 99. 
For a bunch of chaotic Alphas, they were pleasant company. 
Sergeant Hunter was the leader and a remarkable tracker. You couldn’t help but marvel at his heightened abilities; it was really interesting from a medical standpoint. Tech had the brain capacity of a supercomputer and his ex-arc trooper friend, Echo. You actually had known Echo from your early days serving under the 501st. 
It was nice having him around; he seemed to keep the peace and offered some much-needed familiarity. Then there was Wrecker, the sweetest man-child you’d ever met. He had a love for blowing things up, which you found hilarious, and finally, there was Crosshair. You never really knew where you stood with the man. Echo told you it’s because he’s not used to strangers hanging out with his brothers, but you weren’t quite sure. The Alpha was quiet and calculated. He didn’t miss a thing, not with his heightened reflexes. He never said much to you; he often operated in silence unless it was to piss off Hunter, which seemed to be more often than you realized. 
He, however, treated you indifferently. It was just odd for an Alpha to not acknowledge an Omega. Not to say you needed his attention, it was just different. You speculated it had to do with his genetic mutations; maybe he was too good at focusing on his objective. Omegas hardly phased him.
“You ready, Pip?” Wrecker gave your shoulders a gentle shake. 
You smiled at the nickname. “Yeah Wreck, ugh I just really want a real shower.” You sighed, getting a little impatient. 
The Marauder was waiting for landing clearance while you made quick work stowing away the last few stray supplies. You made notes of all the supplies that had been depleted, which was most of it. You shook your head; you’d be raiding the GAR supply facility before deployment for certain. 
“You and me both,” Hunter snorted and settled down in one of the chairs in the cockpit.
Poor guy, you realized, probably had the worst of it all. Living amongst five sweaty dirty men and one medic had his scent on overdrive. Not to mention the dulled pheromones. Being surrounded by so many alphas, the stench was probably awful for him. 
You, however, being an omega on the smaller side, couldn’t smell much, not with your implant which was due for replacement this quarter. Hunter never mentioned anything to you about smell. You just hoped it wasn’t too much for him with all of your implants thankfully. It never seemed like an issue for him. 
“We’re clear for landing,” Echo chirped from the copilot seat. Everyone came up to the front to strap into the jump seats. Crosshair brought your packed bag up with him and placed it gently under your feet before he took the seat next to you and strapped in. You thanked him, and he gave you a silent nod still chewing on his toothpick. 
Echo and Tech gently landed the Marauder in the GAR main hangar bay and finished up the last cross check before disembarking. Wrecker was kind and offered to carry your duffle filled with your civvies and toiletries. You thanked him and followed him out of the Marauder. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, you smiled at the feeling of real sun on your skin. 
Looking down the steps, you squealed, noticing all of the white and blue plastoid on the other side of the hangar bay. Running at full speed, you nearly tripped over your own feet, flinging yourself at Kix. 
He noticed you last minute and swooped you up into his arms, “Hey Tiny! I didn’t know you were on rotation already?” He picked you up and spun you around before putting you down. Your excitement to see your old unit was overwhelming; you couldn’t help but smile as more of your friends on the 501st ran over to give you a hug or a playful shove.
You missed the way Wrecker gawked at your reaction to the Regs. “Well, she certainly doesn’t do that with us,” Tech noted, watching you rub up against the alphas in a comforting manner, purring under their affection. 
“Fucking Regs,” Crosshair groused. 
Echo remembered how fond you are of the 501st. He remembered when you were a newbie just starting your medical field days bonding with General Tano as teens. He felt a little nostalgic watching you with his vod. He laughed remembering how Ahsoka would scent you before sending you out into the field. They loved you so much. 
Tech noted how comfortable you were with their touch and scenting. Something no one in their unit ever attempted with you. Of course, they were aware of your designation, but they tried their hardest to be respectful. Hunter had made it extremely clear no one was supposed to touch you unless necessary. It had been six months of your service on their unit, and no one has ever gotten this close with you except Wrecker, but it wasn’t anything like that. 
The alpha in Tech was a little upset by this. Why didn’t the omega feel comfortable with them? 
Hunter listened to the way you preened under their attention, and his chest pained a bit hearing your purrs. Was he… jealous? No. That’s his medic, that's all. He had read your file; you’d been with them for most of the war. Of course, that would make you closer. He could smell the happy pheromones you spread from where they were. You were happy with the 501st’s attention; it wasn’t something he knew you craved.
“I’m here for quarterlies,” you tapped your shoulder, “And I’m due for replacement.” You sighed. “Ahh,” Kix smirked, “Difficult enough dealing with us reg alphas huh? Gotta deal with defects now too huh? Got that implant working overtime.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved him. 
A cough behind you caught your attention. You spun around to see your unit catching up, looking a little perturbed, especially Crosshair. He’s never warmed up to the Regs and didn’t particularly like you sharing your fond stories about them. You usually keep to yourself in his presence or else he’d get a little hostile. 
“Sarge,” Kix greeted with a head tilt. 
“Kix,” Hunter gave him a polite nod, “Captain.” He looked beyond you. 
You spun around, “Rex!” You ran at him, wrapping yourself around your old captain. “Hey kid,” he laughed, giving you a pat on the head looking down at you.
 “I’m older than you, Captain,” you rolled your eyes with a smile. 
“So you like to remind me,” he laughed, suddenly realizing how much he had missed you. 
You stepped back with a huge smile. Suddenly everything was starting to feel good again. 90 rotations didn’t seem so terrible anymore. You giggled as they all filed in demanding to know how you’ve been.
 “We’re heading to 79’s later,” Jesse smiled, “You gotta come Y/N. I wanna hear about your adventures to the outer rim.” 
“Especially me,” Fives trotted forwards shoving you playfully aside before embracing his brother Echo, “Vod!” He hugged Echo tight. Echo relaxed into his hug and gave him a curt smile. “How you doing?” Fives asked, wrapping his arm around Echo’s shoulder before walking off with him towards the barracks to no doubt catch up. 
“I got a replacement due,” you sighed, “I can’t drink but I’ll stop by for a bit to catch up!” 
They all seemed to light up at that, “See you there, kid!” Captain Rex gave you a nod and turned on his heel to get back to work and make sure the General’s Venator was getting proper maintenance. 
“C’mon, Pip,” Hunter was leading the others towards the medical campus for their quarterlies. 
You huffed, “Coming, Sarge.” 
“Pip?” You heard the others laugh a bit at your new nickname when you trailed off behind your new unit. Damn their long legs you were struggling to hold pace with them. 
Crosshair gave you an incredulous look watching you try to catch up. You gave it right back to him. 
“Miss your precious Regs?” He sneered. You didn’t miss the way Tech’s shoulders stiffened. Wrecker and Hunter pretended not to hear, but you knew they did. You suddenly missed having Echo as your defense. 
“What?” You looked at him. 
“You heard me,” he growled. 
“Of course I missed my old unit. I haven’t seen them in six standard months, Crosshair.” 
“That all?” He was cold. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” You stopped and crossed your arms forcing him to stop walking. 
Crosshair pointed his toothpick at you, “Throwing yourself at a bunch of alphas like a bitch in hea-”
 “Enough!” Hunter growled. 
Your cheeks burned red. How dare he. You looked to Wrecker and then Tech but the looks on their faces didn’t exactly show any support for you. Did they agree?…Maker. Wrecker lowered his gaze which surprised you the most. 
Crosshair never really said much to you besides if you asked him an immediate question about his health or an injury. He usually somewhat avoided you. But you never thought he disliked you, at least up until now. The disgust was obvious on his face. 
You just shook your head and continued stalking towards the medical campus, ignoring Hunter’s call. Your shore-leave was becoming more and more desirable by the second. You wanted space especially from Mr. dark and gloomy. 
Deciding you’ve had enough of them, you detoured for your department entrance leaving them to go into the main medical campus alone. You knew Tech had all of your reports stowed on his datapad records. They would survive without you at least for now. You thought you heard Wrecker whimper behind you, but the sound of ion engines priming drowned out the rest before you stepped inside the medic clinic. Fuck Crosshair. What a dickhead.
You shook your head knowing you had other things to focus on besides his stupid little attitude. 
Passing through multiple security clearances, you stepped into the sterile clinic’s main lobby. 
“Medic Y/L/N?” You heard a familiar soft voice. 
“Hi Layla.” You smiled sweetly at the nurse who you came to know during your training program. Being an omega, she opted to stay on base instead of venturing out into the battle fronts she was definitely more gentle mannered than yourself. You preferred some action and excitement. 
“In for your quarterly’s?”
"Yeah, and I need a new replacement implant," you muttered as you trailed behind Layla toward one of the deserted exam rooms. The clinical white walls felt suffocating, a stark contrast to the chaotic memories you shared here. You reminisced about your early days serving the GAR, where Layla and you tended to wounded soldiers and even brushed shoulders with the occasional Jedi. But that was before you were transferred to General Skywalker’s unit, thrust into the heart of battle and endless repairs for him and his Padawan. You missed the simplicity of those days, the camaraderie with Layla.
”How’s the 501st treating you?" Layla's voice broke through your reverie as she handed you a crumpled paper gown.
"I got transferred to Special Forces 99," you replied, shedding your uniform behind the flimsy curtain. "They’re a different breed, that's for sure."
"Clone Force 99?" Layla's eyebrows rose in curiosity.
“Yeah.” you confirmed, feeling a flicker of amusement at her reaction.
As Layla chewed on her pen, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "The Sergeant’s pretty hot."
Your cheeks flushed, and you nearly stumbled over your words before recovering. “Layla…” You gawked.
She giggled and sat down on her roller stool. "Don’t lie and say you’ve never thought about it."
Well, obviously you’ve thought about it. They’re all honestly pretty hot, but you’d never admit that out loud.
"Now where have you seen Hunter like that?" you giggled at her cheekiness.
"I watch the holonet streams every once in a while. Especially after the retrieval on Skako Minor, General Skywalker and Sergeant CT-9901 were all over the holonet for weeks," she mused. "An omega’s wet dream."
You screamed and threw your boot at her. You two looked at each other momentarily before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Man, you missed Layla. Honestly, you just missed having another girl to talk to. This was such a refresher from the overwhelming amount of Alpha.
You hopped up on the table, lying down, trying to get comfortable.
"What’s he like?" her tone shifted into mischief.
You hesitated, memories of Hunter flooding your mind. "He’s… different. Polite, I guess."
Layla raised an eyebrow, her expression demanding the truth. “Girl…” she slapped your shoulder, grabbing her scanner to document your entire system from head to toe.
"Well, I don’t know!" you put your hands up in defense. "He’s quite the gentleman. None of them so much as look, Layla, I swear."
She just looked at you with a raised brow while she continued her work, “Yeah right.”
"But…" you smirked, watching her work, "I do know the tattoos go to his feet…" you bit your lip.
Now it was her turn to choke. "You’re lying…" Her interest was piqued.
You shook your head. "Full skeleton all the way down his arm, ribs, thigh…"
You two sighed.
She finished her scan and input the data before sliding her roller chair right next to you. "Everywhere?"
You raised a brow. "Everywhere," you confirmed with a nod.
She put her hand over her chest in a dramatic manner before prepping the numbing agent for your implant.
You remembered the day you found out this information about your Sergeant. Up until this point, you’d only seen maybe an arm or some knuckles in your medical repairs, but this time Hunter had taken a pretty bad hit to his side and thigh. Multiple blaster wounds had torn him up, and Tech had helped him limp back to the ship before they both collapsed on the floor. You had flung yourself out of your bunk at the commotion only to realize what had happened.
Tech helped you tear off Hunter’s armor and helmet, trying to figure out where the wounds were. Luckily, they hadn’t gone through, and it was mostly just surface wounds, but you still had to cut through his blacks to get to it, leaving his entire left side exposed. He had growled at you, but Tech had set him straight. He was just in pain.
That’s when you realized his entire left side was tattooed like his face, all the way down to his feet. You mumbled a quick apology before starting your cleaning process and bacta application.
The wounds had healed up nicely, but he had to re-tattoo the fresh skin the next time they had shore-leave. You had also stowed away the information of how muscular he was. The man was truly a work of art.
A sharp jab snapped you out of your memories when Layla removed the old suppressor implant. You yelped when the new one went in, making you a bit dizzy with pain. You hissed when she retracted the mechanism.
"There we go," she beamed. "Good as new."
"Thanks, Layla," you said, sitting up, letting her bandage the small incision wound with a bacta patch. The soothing coldness was immediate. You sighed in relief as the pain dulled.
"I told Rex I’d be at 79’s later, if you want to come?" you offered, slipping from the table to give her a hug.
"As much as I’d love to play with the captain, I have so much work to catch up on for quarterly's. I better stay here," she sighed, pushing her chair back into place. "But you have fun, and enjoy your time off. Come back to visit if you get bored."
You giggled. "I will." And with that, she left you to change back into your uniform before leaving the medic’s clinic. The hangar bay was significantly more empty now as you made your way over to civilian transport. After exiting the security checkpoint, you made your way over to the clone transport. "Can you take me to residential?" you asked the officer in the pilot’s seat. He gave you a nod, and you settled back into the transport’s seats. With a sigh, you were finally starting to relax a bit. You knew the boys were probably already back at their barracks after their examinations, so you knew they wouldn’t be bothering you for at least a few rotations.
When you finally arrived to the GAR residential building you gave the driver a thanks before hoping out and skipping over to the front door. You couldn’t wait to get to your quarters and enjoy a long hot shower. Swiping your clearance card, you dashed into the elevator to your floor and into your room. It smelled like you needed to open a window but other then that is was just as you left it. Knowing you’d have to get some food delivered, you gave a dramatic sigh while kicking off your regulation boots. You went to unzip your uniform top when you heard the swish of clothing and a familiar scoff. 
You turned suddenly seeing Crosshair standing in your kitchen in his civvies looking tall and menacing. 
“Maker! Crosshair!” You put a hand on your chest, “You scared me!” 
“Sorry little one.” He didn’t sound sorry at all. 
You looked around suddenly remembering you’re in YOUR apartment. 
“What the hell are you doing here Crosshair?” You narrowed your gaze at him getting mad all over again. 
“Hunter is making me apologize for earlier.” He grumbled around his toothpick. 
You hummed, “How did you get in here?” 
He held up the Sergeant’s entry card. Of course… dammit Hunter.
“Here.” He slid your duffle across the floor to you. A peace offering. You were grateful for that at least. 
A deep pang in your shoulder made you grimace “Thanks.” You unzipped your uniform top leaving you in your bindings not caring if he looked. He didn’t seem phased anyways. The bacta patch stained red with your blood. He narrowed his eyes to the incision. You knelt down to your duffle and pulled out your field kit. You grabbed a dose of pain killer and brought the injector up to the wound site. You pressed the mechanism and the needle stabbed you quickly injecting the medicine. You rolled your shoulder and replaced the bacta patch seeing the wound turning to a simple line. Soon it would be gone in a few hours. 
“So?” You looked at the tall sniper. 
He lifted a brow. 
You crossed your arms, “Your apology?” 
He snorted and stood up straight before walking past you. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled before stepping back out into the hallway and disappearing. 
You sighed knowing that was all you’re going to get from the grumpy soldier. Whatever, you’d take it. 
The shower that followed was worth it. You had never felt so clean in your few years in this universe. The piping hot water cleansed you of three standard months of sweat, bomb residue, and blood. You scrubbed and scrubbed until your skin flared red before you stepped out of the shower to get ready. Throwing on your favorite civvies and some makeup, you quickly dried your hair before throwing on your regulation boots. Grabbing your com and a few credits. You practically skipped out of your apartment making a beeline for 79’s. You couldn’t wait to catch up with your old friends.
When you arrived, you heard an uproar of men yelling your name. You looked over to see Fives, Jesse, Kix, and the others wave you over. 
“Tiny!” You got tackled by Fives. He put you in a headlock and ruffled your hair despite your cries. You shoved him off of you knowing he must have scented you in the process. 
“Ugh! Fives you reek.” You scrunched your nose smelling the alpha on him it was stronger then usual.
“Sorry tiny.” He laughed rubbing the back of his neck, “We gotta get our implants replaced too.” 
You shook your head and plopped down in the booth next to Kix with a laugh. He shoved the snack plate in your face continuing his conversation with another soldier to his right. You were starving and started munching down on the mantell mix.
“Hope that wont be a problem kid.” Rex smiled at you. 
You just yanked your collar down to show them the patch, “All good captain.” 
That made them relax. The 501st is many things, but they were always chivalrous towards you. Being their favorite omega and all, they had always taken a very protective stance with you. None of them tried anything and they had always kept away the creeps. You were thankful for their protection. 
Your current hoard of alphas though, you didn’t really know where you stood with them. They kind of pretended like you weren’t there. You quickly realized they weren’t used to working with strangers, and an omega of all things. At first they treated you like a fragile little thing. Like they were worried they’d step on you. They couldn’t help but stare. You didn’t really blame them. Eventually it wore off and they seemed to become a bit more comfortable with your presence. Until it became normal. Except Crosshair, he never seemed to warm up to you and kept you at arms length. 
“So how’s your new unit?” Fives asked sounding a bit jealous. 
You giggled, “They’re.. nice.” 
They all looked at you. 
“What?” You shrunk under their looks. Even Rex stared. 
“Nice?” Jesse laughed. 
“That’s not exactly the word I’d use.” Rex raised a brow, “You’re okay, right kid?” 
You opened your mouth in shock, “Guys I’m okay. I swear.”
They visibly relaxed. 
“Look, it took some getting used to. I don’t think they’ve ever been around strangers before they’re very close. Clearly. Eventually they warmed up. Except the sniper. I think he might actually not like me.” 
Fives just scoffed, “It’s because your’e hot cyar’ika”
Jesse punched him in the stomach. Fives doubled over and everyone at the table grumbled at him. You just felt your cheeks burn up and you hid behind Kix’s shoulder. 
“Fives…” Rex sighed. 
“What?” He choked out, “I’m just saying. I don’t think those defects have been anywhere near a woman much less an omega. Aye!” He blocked Jesse’s punch again. 
“What omega?” You heard a gruff voice approach. 
It was Commander Wolffe and the pack still in uniform. Rex got up and clapped him on the shoulder getting him settled in. He placed his helmet on the table and peered over at you. 
“I don’t think we’ve met cyar’ika.” He grinned at you showing off his scar and grey iris. 
You felt your heart rate increase under his intense stare. You could tell this alpha was seasoned, first generation from the looks of him. You were certain that if you didn’t have your implant, you'd be keening for his attention. Instead, you submissively lowered your gaze and leaned into Kix a bit. He wrapped an arm around you and looked up at the Commander, saying, “This is Y/N; we call her Tiny.” He shook you playfully, adding, “She used to be our medic. Now she’s with the 99’s.”
Wolffe let out a low whistle. “The 99’s? Must be exciting. Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, extending a hand, which you took, giving it a good shake. His calloused fingers lingered a bit as he ran them over your soft knuckles.
Looking up at him from beneath your lashes, you said, “Nice to meet you, Commander,” giving him a polite smile.
He smiled back, clearly pleased with your attention. Oh, he liked you, you thought to yourself. He then gently released your hand and turned to his men. “Let’s get a round of drinks. We’re off for quarterly’s!”
His men let out a whooping shout, and the waitress took down their orders. The pack quickly became rowdy, opting for roughhousing with each other and the shinies. After a long while of dodging his gaze and eating the food Kix placed in front of you, you decided you needed a cold glass of water and squeezed out from under Kix’s arm. The stench of so many alphas was starting to become too much, even with the implant. You were praying they couldn’t smell the nervousness on you.
Walking up to the bar, the woman smiled at you. She recognized you, as you usually spent your time with the boys when you were off. She gave you a little wave and bounced over, asking what you wanted.
“Just water for me,” you smiled. She smiled back and went to fill up your glass.
“What’s a pretty little omega doing in a place like this?” a shiny walked up to you, placing himself uncomfortably close to your back. You turned, facing him square on. Despite all clones being created as alphas, this one was young and stupid. Your omega instincts told you he’d be a weak mate. You noticed the lack of markings and scratches on his armor. He’s barely seen anything, you realized.
“I’m here with my friends,” you replied curtly, taking the glass of ice water from the bartender with a nod. You went to move away, but he caught your arm in a tight grip. Not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to assert his dominance and stop you from leaving. You just looked at his hand and then up to his face.
“I wasn’t done with you… omega,” he leered, leaning forward to run his nose closer to your scent glands. Your heart rate increased for all the wrong reasons. Fear started to creep up inside you the longer he had his hands on you. Now you wished Fives had scented you for real. 
“Why are you messing with my medic?” 
You stiffened. 
Hunter’s smokey voice cut through the music of the club making your entire spine tingle. Hunter had used his Alpha tone making you tremble in spot. The shiny suddenly looked up eyes going wide. He quickly released you and saluted Hunter.“Sorry Seargant. I didn’t know she was yours.” 
“Hmm” Hunter dismissed him and grabbed you by the same arm the shiny had just moments ago, except this time the touch didn’t feel dangerous. Instead it made your stomach flip. He’d never touched you unless it was for medical purposes. You couldn’t help the little preen inside you bubbling up. Alpha Protects. He lead you past the shiny and over to an empty booth in the back of the club. You could hear Layla’s voice ringing in your head. She’d be eating this up right now. You prayed your pheromones didn’t give you away.
He finally let you go when you reached the booth waiting for you to slide in. You immediately missed the warmth of his bare hand. You realized they were all in their civvies, well except tech, he still had his helmet near by. The rest of them slid into the booth following suit. 
“She’s smells like Regs.” Wrecker crinkled his nose. Between, Fives, Kix, and the shiny you knew you reeked.
“Sorry.” You mumbled taking a sip of your water still a little pissed with them.
“You okay pip?” Hunter asked looking you in the eyes. You suddenly shied away from his gaze looking down at his shirt collar nodding. His eyes were too intense. You usually didn’t have a problem, but you were still trebling from the effects of his voice lingering. 
“Did something happen?” Tech asked from around Hunter’s shoulder. 
“I’m alright. Just a dumb shiny.” You felt like you were being suffocated by their stares. 
They laughed a bit at that. 
“Okay, I can’t take it anymore.” Wrecker shoved you under his arm and rubbed his scent all over you. You coughed and sputtered trying to shove him away but it was no use. Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“Alright Wrecker enough.” Hunter sighed looking down at you drowning in alpha, “She’s covered.” 
“Ugh.” You tried to straightening out your hair and top a bit, “Easy next time big guy. I think every alpha for a mile can smell me now.” 
He just gleamed. You couldn’t help but be a bit grateful. It seems like everyone was due for an updated implant. The smells were getting to be out of control. No one would come near you now. Even the rough housing seemed to be a little aggressive than usual. They had asked you about the wolf pack but you just shrugged watching their rough housing turn into full on brawls.
The boys continued talking about something random that Tech had info dumped about and Wrecker of course was confused. You continued to sip on your ice water before you heard your name being called. You popped your head up from the booth to find Fives looking for you. You sighed and put your cup down. Part of you didn’t want to go back because of the attention the commander was giving you, but the other part of you wanted to spend some time with Rex and the boys. Damn these alphas. 
Opting to stay where you were, Fives and the boys decided to come over towards you. Knowing this was probably going to go badly, you shrunk into the booth. Hunter eyed you before he heard Crosshair snarl. A large group of Regs came trotting over to come socialize like a bunch of drunk pups. They all pulled up chairs and surrounded the booth with their rambunctiousness. 
“Where’d you go Tiny?” Jesse was sloshed. Leaning over Fives who was barely holding himself together. 
“Tiny, did you see the way the commander was looking at you?” Fives shoved Jesse off of him, “I think he’s trying to-” he jiggled his brows suggestively at you and you just shook your head and wanted to melt into the table. Please not this. Not with my commanding officer present. Not my very hot commanding officer present. You wanted to slap Layla why did she have to start putting these thoughts into your head. 
“Commander Wolffe?” Tech asked for clarification. 
Fives just nodded taking another big sip from his cup.
“Someone shoot me.” You covered your face you were too sober for this conversation. You could feel Crosshairs smirk from across the table.
“Awh pip.” Wrecker just grabbed you again and shook you around, “The Commander thinks you’re prettyyyy.” 
Fives and Jesse giggled. Hunter and the others just looked uncomfortable. Obviously they weren’t the most social, nor playful. This was just embarrassing. Your only comfort was Wrecker. He was always the nicest anyways. You just tucked yourself into his side forgetting his betrayal earlier. 
“The Commander wants to rut with Y/N?” Tech asked. 
“Maker.” You wanted to dissipate into thin air.
“Mhmm.” Jesse and Fives nodded with cheesy grins, “she gave him the eyes.” 
You scoffed, “I did not!” 
“Yeah you did!” Fives giggles. He then looked at Jesse and re-enacted the whole scene dramatically, “It’s nice to meet you commander.” He fluttered his eyelashes at Jesse and held his hand. You groaned and put your head down on the table. 
“I need a drink.” You whimpered not able to take the teasing.
“Is that wise?” Tech chimed in, “You just had your implant replaced. It’s advised to not drink for the first 24 hours or else it may be ineffective.” 
“Kriff.” You sighed. 
“And that’s my cue to come rescue Tiny.” Kix interjected and yanked you up from the booth taking you far away from this painfully awkward conversation. You thanked him profusely letting him guide you.
“You’re nervous when you’re sober.” He laughed walking over to the dance floor with you. 
“I’m nervous because of my Sergeant.” You whisper in his ear. He just gives you a questionable look. You laugh and shake your head, “A friend of mine said something today and I can’t get it out of my stupid omega head.” 
“Oh?” He raised a brow dancing to the beat. 
“Shut up.” You laughed praying Hunter couldn’t hear you over the yelling and music, “They also don’t like the “Regs,” you shook your head. 
“Well I know why.” He replied spinning you around. 
“Why?” You asked swaying to the beat. 
“Everyone was so mean to them growing up. Kids are horrible you know. But because they’re different they definitely dealt with a lot during training days.” Kix informed you. Suddenly everything made sense. Especially why Crosshair can’t seem to socialize with Regs to save his life. 
“Plus, the Captain decked the sniper on Skako Minor.” Kix said cheekily. 
You dropped your jaw, “Rex?” You couldn’t believe it. There’s no way level headed Rex lost it with Crosshair.
“Oh yeah.” He laughed, “They got into it while trying to find Echo.” 
“No way.” You couldn’t believe it. While dancing you peered over at the table to find the four 99’s watching you completely ignoring the drunk shenanigans from the 501st boys. The only one interacting was Echo. You could tell there was a part of him that missed his brothers. They continued to drink and talk amongst themselves while you and Kix danced on the floor. Some of the other 501st boys joined you before linking up with pretty omegas vying for their attention. Clearly their interests were else where.
You definitely didn’t miss the way the Commander seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of you from his chair. You chose to ignore him. 
An alpha like that could send you into heat with or without an implant. You however had a job to do, and being stuck in his bed for a week wouldn’t suffice. The mortification of even thinking about returning to the Marauder after that. You couldn’t even go there. Crosshair would literally never let you hear the end of it. He might shove you out of the airlock when you weren’t expecting it. 
Kix seemed to be reading your mind and elected to giggle. You slapped him on the arm and he feigned injury. Just then, you noticed the Commander stand and seemingly decide to come your way. Feeling there to flee, you quickly hugged Kix and made a dart for the door. Grabbing your comm you let the boys know you’d be returning to your apartment but to your dismay, Hunter replied…
“Don’t bother we just got special orders. We’re shipping out tonight.” He sounded tired. So much for shore-leave.
“Ugh.” You whined turning to the taxi waiting by the club entrance. You put your comm away in your pocket and fished around for a few credits ignoring the way the cool evening air chilled your skin.
“Something wrong Cyar’ika?” The gruff voice you were dreading came from behind you. Damn your omega tendencies. You turned keeping your eyes lowered. 
“Everything is alright Commander.” You replied sweetly, “I just got informed my break has been cut short. We ship out again tonight.” 
He sighed stepping forwards and placed his pointer finger under your chin to tilt your head up. You nearly whimpered looking into his scarred eye. Alpha’s strong. Alpha likes you. Alpha smells good. Really good. You wanted to whine when his eye zeroed in on yours. He wanted your eyes on him that was for certain. Maybe a breakout heat with the Commander wouldn’t be too bad…
“Well if you ever need anything you let me know, yeah?” The Commander smiled wolfishly at you and released you. You took a deep breath and took a step back and nodded your head. 
“Y/N?” You heard Tech’s call come to your rescue, “Do you need a ride?” 
You grabbed your comm and quickly responded with shaking hands, “Yeah that would be nice thank you Tech.” 
It wasn’t long until their speeder arrived and you turned back to the Commander who had no issue walking you over to your unit. You could tell by Hunter skeptical glance that he was trying to figure out the situation. The Commander passed you over to your men and have you a nod before putting his helmet back on and walking back into the club. 
“What was that about?” Hunter asked with a raised brow. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” You shook your head and practically dove into the speeder. 
“Did the Commander proposition you?” Tech asked pushing his glasses back up. 
You squeaked and hid in the backseat. 
“Stop bothering her.” Echo shook his head. Thank the maker for Echo. 
“It was a harmless question.” Tech justified, “As we were talking about his strange attentions earlier and Y/N’s even more unordinary response according to the Regs.” 
You looked out the window of the speeder at the endless city below, “I’m going to jump.” You half joked. 
“Tech please drop it.” Echo implored, “You’re making her uncomfortable… and me.” 
“It’s just biological responses.” Tech grumbled into his data pad, “Nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
You sighed. This was going to be another long mission, and then you were going to take it upon yourself to insure you got a vacation. Hopefully there was something Rex could do to get you some time off for real this time far away from all of these men. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
This part one, I'll be posting regularly to this story, I hope y'all enjoy!
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anilovie · 3 months
Your shy reader fic is so cute! 😘
How do you think Anakin fell in love with the shy reader? What stood out to him and made him focus on them? Was it because they always ran away, and it intrigued him, which made him look for them more in a crowd?
Idk, I just find the situation cute. The great Anakin Skywalker falling head over heels for a little bunny of a person. Lol.
he thinks you’re pretty :)
listen, he is a man and men are simple creatures. even Anakin.
so initially you catch his eye because he thinks you’re the prettiest little thing. he’s just mesmerized. and then he sees how you act around others, and your mannerisms both confuse and excite him—
you’re so… polite.
it probably honestly rubs him the wrong way at first. maybe he thinks it’s boring or disappointing that you’re so timid. he also doesn’t understand why a pretty little thing like you would be so shy.
he kinda keeps his distance and looks after you from afar for a while. interested, but not pursuing. and then you guys have to work together or something, so he’s forced to welcome you into his circle for a while.
and then he just becomes obsessed.
i think he’d appreciate your calm, shy, sweet demeanor. he thinks it’s an act at first, but after a while he learns that that’s just you. you’re just… like that. like a little slice of heaven in the midst of literal war. you don’t berate or argue with him very much, or at all; you respect him. appreciate him. and a sinister part of him likes your easy compliance, because you’re the only one in his life who doesn’t fight him.
in short, you make him feel powerful. it sounds kinda toxic, cause his infatuation is built on your beauty and (supposed) submissiveness. he twists it so prettily in his head too— makes it seem like he just wants to be your protector, because someone so weak and innocent can’t possibly fend for herself right now. you need him.
but you quickly prove him wrong, once he gets to know you better. and that’s what makes him truly fall in love with you. you can keep up with his wit and ideals. you are brave— braver than him, even, because lots of things make you nervous but you still persevere. you’re kind, and selfless; understanding and wise; fun and funny;
and soft—somehow— despite everything.
he admires you. and that snowballs into love. which snowballs into worship. because he doesn’t half-ass anything.
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buckyarchives · 1 year
I haven’t ever done a head cannon post but with how busy / lazy I’ve been I might post more of these, they’re a lot of fun. probably one for Bucky and Luke skywalker. If you want any other characters just lmk! Make sure to check my request post!
warning: nsfw content (labeled so if you want to skip you totally can)
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tea guy, like, it’s crazy. has so many drawers full of boxes and bags. always making you tea to fit whatever mood you’re in
landscaper or teacher, or both. I imagine him teaching younger kids but probably wishes to be a professor of some sort, maybe teaching environmental science.
just really likes plants and flowers but sometimes gets tired of having to craft and trim everything to be perfect so he thoroughly enjoys natural nature and the “overgrown’ aesthetic
Adding onto that, loves to hike, always takes you with and nerds out about the scenery and views.
definitely fosters dogs from the local shelter and takes them on hikes to help leash train them.
unintentionally a pretentious little prick
circle lens glasses and turtle neck combo 24/7
And of course you steal his sweaters ALL THE TIME
Smells like citrus, grass and rain. the warm sun rays and vanilla
Always watching some documentary, or the history channel.
All your friends lowkey want him because he’s. That Guy.
Whenever he blushes it goes straight to his nose, ears and neck.
Frequent at most coffee shops in town so when he started to bring you around it was a big deal for the workers lol, so much gossip. And mild disappointment from the staff knowing obi wan was official taken
Probably hates small talk, finds it tedious and shallow
The most supportive boyfriend in the world, he’s always the first person there to cheer you on
When you started dating him, his cousin/best friend, Anakin, came as a packaged deal. The younger one frequently trailing behind obi wan and now, as you’ve got too closer, you as he’s become a younger brother figure to you.
Not jealous at all, he’s very secure in your relationship and his trust in you is crazy strong. finds it quite amusing when men hit on you in front of him and kinda just lets you play it out.
That is unless you become uncomfortable, he mostly lets you stand up for yourself but if it becomes overbearing he definitely won’t hesitate to cause a small scene.
A big runner and boxer, you’re used to having to help his knuckles heal up from long sessions. As well as joining him on early morning runs if he can get you up and out of bed for it.
He loves art and mostly drew and painted landscapes but after meeting you this sketch book began to fill of pictures of you from every angle possible.
So naturally put together all the time it makes you insecure sometimes
Obviously, obi wan is the best at easing those insecurities. He always notices when you’re feeling off, sometimes even before yourself, so quick to embrace you and whisper exactly what you need to hear.
Another thing, so good with his words??? He always tell you what you need to hear, there’s rarely ever any miscommunication between the two of you because of this and even when they’re are, arguments are not common.
Crazy sarcastic, will say the funniest shit ever with the most monotone face and it just makes it 100% times funnier.
Really likes Taylor swift and David Bowie
Always getting you bouquets of flowers, even arranges them himself sometimes.
“This reminded me of you.”
Such a safe and non-judgemental aura, you’d struggle with asking for help or learning new / seemingly ‘common sense’ things with past relationships in fear of seeming dumb but you feel so safe around obi-wan that those thoughts never cross your mind, always learning new things from him and enjoying how helpful and supportive he is.
Definitely an impala driver, either 40s Chevy impala or the very sleek and fancy 2020 impala premier, probably black and rarely dirty
Not the biggest cuddler in the world but really enjoys naps together, will drape an arm over you but he tends to move around in his sleep so he’s just content with sleeping besides you rather than wrapping limbs
But when he is in the mood to cuddle, it’s mostly on the couch when you decides to binge shitty reality television. He’s usually on his back and you’re laying ontop of his stomach with your ear to his chest
You two constantly binge dating reality shows, always criticizing the other couple and mostly men LOL.
“He did not just say that! Maker, you would have broke up with me then and there.” “Damn right I would.”
You trace all the moles and freckles along his body, obi wan definitely had a skin care routine and moisturizes so I imagine his skin is always so soft
really likes nudes, like the grainy MacBook camera pictures with a matching cute set type nudes (iykyk). Hot and slightly artistic, his favorite.
Doesn’t like porn though, never enjoyed it and it never really got him off, doesn’t like the morals of it either
Also sexting, not his thing. He’s usually more on the serious end when it comes to intimacy but he cannot take sexting seriously LMAOO
lowkey the type to come home from a long day of work and look you in the eye with That Look and you just know what he needs
Thigh guy, the type to take breaks from eating you out by just resting his head fully on your inner thigh and just gaze up at you
Sir / master kink
Will jokingly come up behind you when you’re in the kitchen or something and press his groin to your behind
Just a little tease overall, always doing shit like that and acting all innocent about it
VERY VERY vocal during sex (cough, cough, shallow graves ending scene, COUGH)
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
as a permanent resident of the star wars fandom and also someone who's a ben solo fan but a reylo disliker, i feel like i can add a little bit of clarity to "why hate reylo":
i think a main reason people dislike reylo has a lot to do with the fact that after the force awakens, the other "main" characters of that trilogy (finn and poe specifically, the two non-white men) were written to the side in a sense, while kylo ren suddenly was at the forefront of the movies alongside rey. the fact that finn's whole premise - a force sensitive person who chose to stop being a stormtrooper - was basically ignored to further develop the turmoil of the villain, which pissed off a lot of people who already had an idea in their minds of rey and finn being together.
personally as someone who lost interest in the sequels with the last jedi (perceived luke skywalker characterization crimes are unforgivable to me) i vaguely enjoyed finnrey and much preferred finnpoe or finnreypoe (that hug during the rise of skywalker 🫶 it's canon to ME) but never really watched the movies for ships. i remember even coming out of the last jedi and thinking there was no way they were actually going to make reylo canon. it didn't feel like they had any chemistry then and it still doesn't feel that way now, and i just rewatched the rise of skywalker while at star wars celebration last month for some goddamn reason so i'm basically an expert (that is a joke)
i very clearly remember watching the kiss scene in rise of skywalker and instantly bursting into laughter. it didn't feel earned, it didn't even feel relevant. it felt like they kissed because it said so in the script. that's just my own opinion, clearly other people think otherwise because there is still a dedicated reylo fan base even today, good for them! but i actually was genuinely shocked they went that direction. after shafting john boyega and oscar isaac in order to give the white leads more screentime, the whole concept of reylo left a bad taste in my mouth, even though i normally go crazy over enemies to lovers, the more crimes against each other the better, etc etc etc (i am also a danmei fan).
anyways if you like the concept of reylo but hate the execution go read star wars the high republic!!! hashtag axelgella nation. there are literally ten of us
i love u. thank you for the information and also recommendation LOL… i don’t have much to add onto this . again others are welcome to add on <3 we super appreciate yours & others’ thoughtful responses about this
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tennessoui · 1 year
hi kit! I was rereading your playmaker au (I absolutely love it btw!!!) and I have soo many questions! Like? How does qui-gon react to obi-wan showing up to the ball/gala/thing(?) with anakin? is he angry? upset (probably not lol)? does he talk to obi-wan/anakin or does he just ignore them outright? does anakin provoke him (of course he does but howwww???)
also, obviously your writing is amazing and I love literally everything you do!!!! <33333333
here is what happens at the policeman's ball! told from mace windu's pov (in this au he was like obi-wan's supervisor)! i think qui-gon is definitely furious, but after this night he also pivots to try and get obi-wan's loyalty back -- but before that, there's the anger
Mace Windu has a headache and a terrible feeling about this whole thing. He never likes anything that has to do with the City politicians, especially the Mayor, and the annual Policeman’s Ball is probably the thing he likes the least. 
It’s opulent and gaudy and uncomfortable to have so many eyes on him, on their work, as if they care about him and the department any other day of the year. But he knows as well as any of the detectives that this Ball is the bed they must get into with the politicians, the city’s most wealthy. Here is the night money slides across palms, deals are struck and good men leave their morals at the door.
Just for one night. Just for the sake of their offices, their men. Those who schmooze the best, woo the most politicians, the most wealthy elite, are the ones who get the better budgets, the newer equipment. And Mace is Coruscant born and bred: he, like everyone else, knows that morals are the first things to go when lives are on the line.
Maybe it wasn’t always like this, but Mace cannot remember another way. Not in this city where even the politicians don’t have the actual power nor the funds or means to oust the men who do--the men and women who cut through the crowds with sharp smiles and rough palms, heads high and proud, draped in diamonds and pretty things, suits clean-cut and perfectly tailored.
Members of mobs, inside the city and out. Leaders of far-reaching crime syndicates, the kind Mace has committed his life’s work to fighting, to rooting out of Coruscant.
Everyone knows who they’re climbing into bed with when they shake Asajj Ventress’ hand to seal a deal, when they laugh too hard at Rush Clovis’ comment, when they fall over themselves to give Anakin Skywalker their attention.
No one admits it. 
Mace has lost men—good men—in the pursuit of justice against the mobs of Coruscant, sure that with enough evidence, he can put at least one away for life. It’s a dream he and his captain, Qui-Gon Jinn share.
Tilting his head, Mace finds his superior in the crowd, the man’s tall and unmistakable hair making him stand out as much as his stony silence and refusal to play along this year.
He wonders if Jinn feels the same exhaustion as Mace does. The dream has never felt farther away. The price has never seemed so steep.
Jinn lost his son, not even six months ago. The boy had been bright and clever, and Mace had looked at him and felt hope for the future of the city, all bundled up in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s soft smile.
He never should have been sent undercover. Mace shouldn’t have allowed it when Jinn passed down the orders. Kenobi was too young, too willing to prove himself, too naive for the mission.
And Vader took him, made him into just another bright young light snuffed out before its time.
Mace downs the rest of his drink and cuts through the crowd to reach Jinn’s side when he notices the mayor approaching. Jinn had insisted on coming—truly, he couldn’t not attend as their captain—but he will not be at his sharpest, at his most willing to play along tonight.
Jinn has always had the strongest morality of any guy Mace knows in the force, but he’d been willing to say what he had to say in the past to look out for his men, play nice with the politicians for the better budgets, the new supplies.
Losing his son changed something in him though. Made him colder. Made him cling even tighter to his morals. 
With a dead wife and an estranged son, his convictions were all he had left—save for his job.
“Mayor Palpatine,” Mace says easily, holding his hand out to shake the mayor’s hand. “You’ve outdone yourself this year.”
The mayor smiles at him with a sick sort of grin, but his attention is almost completely focussed on Jinn. “You know how much I enjoy the Policeman’s Ball. All of Coruscant’s best and brightest in one place for one night…a marvelous opportunity to strengthen our friendships, build trust, and honor those who protect us.”
Jinn’s returning smile looks stretched far too thin across his face. Mace closes his eyes in silent prayer that Jinn will hold his tongue.
“All of the riches of Coruscant in one place,” Jinn says, “and those who are bound by duty to protect them.”
“And what a noble calling that is,” the mayor smiles and there is something wrong about it, something terrible. “Only few are truly cut out for such a path, Captain Jinn, and we thank you for your stalwart service.”
He pauses and his face shifts into one of regret. Mace feels on edge.
“In fact,” Mayor Palpatine says, “I was just chatting with your son, and he—”
“He’s here?” Jinn straightens his shoulders, posture becoming ramrod straight as his eyes leave the mayor to roam around the rented room. “How?”
“Oh?” Palpatine raises both his eyebrows in mock surprise. “You didn’t know?”
“My son is no longer with the Force,” Jinn bites out, voice filled with more venom than Mace has ever heard before.  “He should not have been allowed to come tonight.”
“Ah,” Palpatine says. “I see there’s been some confusion. Your son is attending as Mr. Skywalker’s companion for the evening, not as a member of the police force. Though—there they are actually. I do hope I did not ruin a surprise visit!” 
Mace, with a feeling of dread welling up in his gut, turns his head to look at the two men Palpatine is now gesturing forward.
Anakin Skywalker prowls towards them like some great beast returning from a hunt with prey already dead between his jaws, or like an emperor returning to his city fresh from a conquering.
He looks neat and pristine, eyes crinkling with the force of his smirk as he guides Obi-Wan Kenobi to meet them with a hand pressed to the boy’s lower back.
Still some paces away, Skywalker leans down to whisper something into Obi-Wan’s ear, and the boy snaps back with a scowl, voice soft so as to hide his words.
The boy’s hair is short and rather awkwardly cut, but it’s the same strawberry-blonde Mace remembers seeing the boy’s mother wear. His eyes are hers as well, clear, light blue, though they have none of the softness Mace recalls him having before they sent him undercover.
He looks well-fed at least, and he holds himself close to Skywalker’s body, as if he truly feels safe in the claws of a dragon.  
Since the last time he saw the boy leaving the precinct, on his way into Skywalker’s arms, he has wondered how Obi-Wan liked his new life. If he felt like it was worth it, to lose his job and his father and his future for the mobster who would never be capable of loving him back, not truly. 
Looking at Obi-Wan now, dressed in expensive, soft-looking clothes, and carefully held in Skywalker’s arm, Mace can’t deny that the boy looks fine.
Healthy. Happy, if not for the current scowl marring his features.
“Gentleman,” Skywalker says when they reach them, holding out a hand for Jinn to shake.
Jinn does not move.
Skywalker’s eyes flash like flint sparking, and he adjusts his grip on Obi-Wan, pulling him fiirmly into his side and slightly in front of him, even as he drops his hand.
The tension in the air chokes any sort of conversation starter Mace can think of before it leaves his lips.
His eyes, without his conscious permission, remain stuck on the face of his biggest regret, unable to overlook the way Obi-Wan turns into the line of Skywalker’s body, as if taking comfort from his touch—as if Mace and Jinn are the lions and Skywalker Obi-Wan’s champion.
“I hadn’t realized you—” Palpatine starts to say, but he is cut off.
“Obi-Wan,” Jinn says suddenly, tone harsh, every inch the captain of the police. The tension in the air increases exponentially. Mace hadn’t realized that was possible. “You cut your hair.”
Something dark flashes across Skywalker’s face, and Mace watches as he moves his hand up to brush over the collar of Obi-Wan’s shirt, the exposed back of his neck.
“It’s in regulation,” Obi-Wan replies, looking for the first time this evening at his father. “Are you proud?”
The question is heavy, weighted: it always has been with Jinn and his son. Obi-Wan always did care less about if his father liked something he did and more about if he was proud.
“That your hair is in regulation?” Jinn’s lips are tight, jaw clenching and unclenching. “Obi-Wan, you have not spoken to me in six months. And you come tonight, to this event, on the arm of that monster, allowing him to move you about and speak for you, wearing clothes he bought you with money soaked in blood, and you ask if I am proud that you wear your hair to police standards? You have made a mockery of my life’s work, and you have lost yourself completely.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes look wet, and his hand is tangled in the pocket of Skywalker’s pants, seeking out connection. Mace closes his eyes and barely resists the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He has been witness to more fights between Jinn and his son than he cares to remember. 
Jinn always finds the worst words to say. 
And Obi-Wan learned how to fight from his father’s example. 
They’re ruthless and they’re cruel, and they fight each other like they’ll accept no survivors. 
“You are no son of mine, Ben,” Jinn says, even though Mace knows how much the loss of Obi-Wan has affected the older man, knows he misses him, knows he loves him still.
Obi-Wan blinks rapidly, hurt naked on his face, before he wipes it clean off and raises his hand to tuck a short piece of hair behind his ear. The motion is slow, pointed, and Mace’s eyes catch immediately on the angry red lines circling his wrist.
Handcuff marks. 
Mace takes a fortifying sip of his drink when he hears Jinn’s sharp inhale at the sight.
“Daddy,” Obi-Wan says, “can we go home? It’s close to the twins’ bedtimes, I don’t want to miss it.”
It’s Skywalker who responds, because it’s Skywalker Obi-Wan was looking at when he spoke. It’s Skywalker who wraps his arm securely around Obi-Wan’s waist and presses a kiss to his temple, dark eyes never straying from Jinn. “Yes, of course, sweetheart,” he tells Jinn, smirking like the cat who captured the canary right under the birdkeeper’s nose. “Gentlemen,” he says to Mace and the mayor. “Apologies for leaving early, but family calls.”
They are only half-turned around when Jinn recovers his tongue. “They are not your family, Obi-Wan,” he says. To Mace, he sounds as if he is begging. He wonders what Obi-Wan hears in his voice.
The boy turns his head to the side, posture perfect and nose pointed slightly up in cold disregard. “I would hardly call you an expert in family, Captain Jinn. You do not even have a son.”
Jinn moves sharply forward at this, reaching to touch his son’s arm. But before he can touch him, Skywalker intercepts him and grabs his wrist so tightly that Mace can see his hand flexing with the effort. Jinn’s bones must be grinding together. “Do not,” Skywalker says lowly and darkly, every syllable dripping with implicit violence. “Do not try to touch what is not yours, Captain.”
“Ani,” Obi-Wan murmurs, turning in his hold so as to rest his hand lightly on Skywalker’s chest. Mace tenses, wondering if Obi-Wan will be treated with the same violence, the same dark look for having the nerve to try and tame the beast. 
He is not.
The moment their eyes lock, Skywalker lets go of Qui-Gon’s wrist in favor of tucking a piece of hair behind Obi-Wan’s ear once again. There is nothing performative about the action now—just a man who cannot help but touch his—his lover.
The thought sickens Mace, and he knows it must be worse for Qui-Gon, who is still standing where he was left, hand halfway reaching out to his son and far, far too late to ever catch him.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 15 days
Dr Greyson Headcanons pt 2
🩺 Part 1 here 🧸
No one asked but haha like I care yall are getting them anyway because at this point I think I'm just gonna manifest this man into existence. These are once again all sfw, but the next round are gonna be romantic and nsfw so keep your eyes peeled 👀
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Like many other surgeons, he learned how to play an instrument to help train his hands for fine motor skill control and is now a decent pianist. His favorite composer is Chopin, citing the movement and freedom of his pieces as the reason. He couldn't get an actual piano into his apartment, so he settled for one of those stupidly expensive electric ones instead. One day, when he retires from Akso and he can move out of the city and get a real house, he'll get himself a baby grand.
He's one of the 1 in 4 surgeons that have insured his hands. His current policy is for $10 mil. With how much he still lives to camp and hike and do other manual things, it only made sense that he'd insure them.
Had a bit of an identity crisis in pre med. The whole "country doctor" stereotype really follows you, especially when you're applying to such tight and prestigious programs like Skywalk. When he was prepping for interviews, he got some "helpful" advice to 'tone down the bumpkin and sound more respectable'. He spent months training his voice (even visited the music program to work with a voice coach) to change how he spoke. Now days it's rare for anyone to hear his drawl unless he's home visiting. That's a big trust thing.
BUT this also plays a big factor in why he's so empathetic and kind. Grey has been there. He's felt it.
Despite what you'd assume from a farm kid, he's actually a snappy dresser. Kind of goes hand in hand with being perceived as too "folk" thing, but he pays attention to trends. Mostly via store windows and online ads. When he has to 'dress up' for work functions, he'll even wear the occasional bit of jewelry like a ring or two, or a small chain on his wrist or neck. Has a sizable watch collection as well, though he only wears 2 different (specific) ones to work that have all the special settings and timers. However, he hates ties. Thinks they're the worst contraptions ever invented and wants to have a word with whoever decided men needed to wear a noose around their necks every day in order to be seen as "professional." Man's got mad beef with 'Big Tie'.
Despite being a wonderfully skilled baker, he's a bare minimum passible chef. It's not that he's bad per-say, it's more that he finds no joy in it, and therefore doesn't put as much effort into it. He'd much rather get (healthy) take away or order in than waste the effort on cooking for one. He's only got so much energy left at the end of the day after the brutal shifts at the hospital, why waste it on that?
Genuinely loves training the new interns. He remembers what it was like back when he was a lowly med student in the cutthroat world of med school politics and wants to lighten their load a little. If he can do that with a couple cookies and a joke or two then he will, happily. Plus they always have the best stories of bullshit they got up to in their dorms or labs, and Grey lives for that stuff.
Can be a little bit of a gossipmonger. It's not that he goes looking for it, it's just that he's so friendly and chatty, people end up telling him everything. This means he ends up with ALL the Akso drama/tea without even meaning to. They're all lucky he's too benevolent to use his powers for evil lol.
A very adventurous foodie. Will absolutely try anything once, and even then will likely try it a second or third time just to be sure he didn't like it (unless it was seriously vile). Is the opposite of a picky eater and hasn't found many foods he doesn't like, with the exception of roe/fish eggs. The texture just makes his teeth feel weird and there are plenty of other ways to get that briney flavor.
His sense of humor is very broad. Slapstick, puns, surprise, gallows, it all makes him laugh. This man knows nothing of "a refined sense of humor", but his absolute favorite is the harmless pranks. He lives for abusing his hight especially. Putting things up on higher shelves where he knows the shorter nurses and interns can't reach, swapping out sugar for salt at the coffe and tea station, or putting a bit of ultrasound lube on the phone receivers at the nursing stations. The man is a little bit of a menace sometimes but it's all in good fun lol.
The whole "Nobody knows his real age at Akso" thing actually started as one such prank. Turns out there was a nurse with the same name as him when he first started, and due to a mixup with some paperwork there was a bit of confusion with personal details. The two kept the whole thing going clear up until nurse Greyson transfered out of Akso, but Dr. Greyson kept up the ruse. He thinks it's absolutely hilarious.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
I Finally Watched Encanto
And it was very underwhelming. I don't get what the hype was about. It was mid at best. The best thing about it was probably the visuals. Oh, I loved the variety of skin tones! Usually, I don't care about skin colour in movies but for some reason, it stood out to me in this one. The intro and outro scenes were good too.
I am not a film expert so I can't convey what made the film fall flat for me. But here are some things that I found lacking:
The music is not memorable and I found it hard to immerse myself in it. I absolutely hated Surface Pressure. Some parts of We Don't Talk About Bruno were nice to listen to but it still wouldn't make the top 10 of my Disney songs list. It's not a song I would sing to myself. I can't even remember any of the lyrics besides the title namesake. I think my favourite piece was the Caterpillar song that played for Abuela Alma and Pedro. Maybe partly because it's in Spanish so I have lower expectations for it lol. Since I barely speak Spanish and all.
The family members kind of felt like plot devices? That just appeared when the plot called for it? I am not sure how to explain it but the main culprit for me was Isabela. She was basically a nothing character who was just there in the background being a prima donna and rolling her eyes. Then once Mirabel supposedly has to confront her, she has all this major development in like 2 mins and finally cracks? Luisa was way better because I saw her insecurities and how weakness made her feel worthless throughout the movie. I don't understand why Cousin Camilo was needed in the movie. His dad was good enough comic relief. I loved Antonio at the start and his relationship with Mirabel. I wanted to see that relationship more in the movie so much. But then even he began to feel like a cheap plot device.
How Bruno was handled was unsatisfying. The whole plot about Bruno just felt contrived. Bruno is supposed to be the family undesirable who no one talks about...but Dolores knew about him the entire time? The ending with Abuela and Bruno felt so rushed too. I thought the climax would have involved Bruno more but he just showed up at the end and now everything is ok? Bruno was just a way to show Mirabel how special she was and once that happened, everything about Bruno was wrapped up in a neat tidy bow.
The plot development was poor and felt like a plot in an adventure game. Gave me similar vibes to the plot in The Rise of Skywalker. How Luisa just happens to know Mirabel's starting point. How Mirabel just happens to find Bruno when the dude has been living unnoticed for how long. Even the ending with the butterfly almost made me roll my eyes.
The powers felt underdeveloped. I don't understand the limits of them and why only the Madrigals have them. Well, I guess it makes sense for the family to have the miracle to themselves as a kind of comfort for Pedro dying...like men don't sacrifice themselves for their families nobly all the time. How much weight can Luisa lift? What is the range of Pepa's powers? Mirabel said in her song that her mood affects the weather but the movie mainly shows the weather just affects her individual space. How do they control them? What if someone abuses their powers?
Anyway, its not a bad movie but I wouldn't watch it again. I preferred Coco over Encanto. The family relationship felt more developed and the focus was just on the family members relevant to the plot. The Abuela in Coco was more sympathetic and the generational trauma was way more justified there. Plus the music was better and the plot development felt more organic. I would watch Coco again. Encanto is just meh and seems a tad overrated.
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Imperial Supercommandos"
AKA the episode that dragged me into the Sabezra hellspiral and sunk me for them good. XD
Just gonna go ahead and preemptively apologize for how obnoxious a shipper I'm probably going to be in this one, can't help it, I already liked them before this episode but then they showed all the canyon chase clips at Celebration and my brain went, "Battle Couple!" and it was aaaaaaaallllll downhill from there, lol.
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Something interesting that @seleneisrising pointed out is that Sabine is attempting diplomacy with Rau, with her repeated visits to him to play cubikahd and talk. She's let go of whatever desire for revenge she might have had against him back in "The Protector Of Concord Dawn" and is now following Kanan's example in trying to persuade him to the cause through mutual respect.
Which Fenn Rau doesn't seem to want to give her just yet lol.
Zeb calls both of them to the briefing room, whereupon it's revealed that the Rebels had been in regular contact with the Protectors but they've suddenly now gone silent. Rau insists they wouldn't go against his orders to harm the Rebels and Sabine volunteers to check things out. Hera makes her take Ezra and Chopper along with.
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I maybe question the wisdom of letting two teenagers and a droid babysit a full-grown adult prisoner lol but I'll be charitable and say it speaks to Hera's confident level of trust in them.
...Though she does get in a jab about not wrecking the new Phantom II. (Which does look pretty spiffy, the roof fin shaved down, splashed with the Rebellion orange, red, and yellow. Sabine's added a stylized tibedee it looks like, for a logo.)
Ezra gets this quietly guilty look at Hera's comment, ouch.
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Ezra awkwardly whistling as Fenn Rau stares at him is adorable and hilarious. Just the whole cutting back and forth between their faces makes me lol.
Ezra wanders off from keeping firm eyes on Rau and that's all the distraction he needs to incapacitate both kids and free himself. Whoops.
(Sabine would later make the mistake of letting Rau be the one to secure the Phantom II, which he promptly tries to take off with, so you know, at least she and Ezra are even. XD)
Chopper saw an opportunity to be a menace and took it lol.
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Ezra's immediate worry and concern when he sees Sabine unconscious next to him. <3333
(Also, Rau, what exactly did you think handcuffing them together would accomplish? Did you forget about their droid? You forgot about their droid didn't you?)
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Trying to reserve most of my limited photos for the canyon chase but couldn't resist this pretty cap. I love the soft lavender lighting Concord Dawn at twilight has. Last time we were here it was full night, eeking into dawn.
Gah, Rau just stands there, almost comatose. Shoulders slumped, doesn't even react when Ezra retrieves his blaster. We already know that something terrible has happened.
Aaaaaand yep, everybody dead. Once again the Y-7 rating is the only thing preventing us from seeing bodies piled everywhere.
"Why would Mandalorians attack Mandalorians?" HA HA HA THAT'S A WHOLE ASS CAN OF WORMS, EZRA. He's so innocent. I love him.
It's because Mandalorians be craaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy.
Rau turns on Sabine to blame her and the Rebel Alliance for what happened to his men and because I've watched this episode probably dozens of times I'm actually focusing on the background starry sky.
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My gosh that's gorgeous.
The Supercommandos arriving within minutes of the Imperial probe's signal makes me think they were actually hanging around, waiting to see if Fenn Rau or the Rebels or someone would come back and check. Probably why Saxon was so unamused with Ezra's lying later.
"Flying Stormtroopers?!" Man this would have been the perfect spot to put that dumb, "They fly now?!" joke from Rise of Skywalker C'MON IT'S BETTER TONALLY MATCHED AND IT MAKES MORE SENSE COMING FROM EZRA.
They can't quite escape the compound before the Supercommandos are combing through it so Saxon almost stumbles across Sabine's hiding place. Leading to one of my (many) favorite bits:
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No hesitation, less than a second between moving into frame and firing at Saxon to lure him away, first impulse and base instinct to protect Sabine. <3
It gets him captured, naturally.
(A brief moment to say an RIP to Ray Stevenson, who voiced Gar Saxon in addition to playing Baylan Skoll in the upcoming Ahsoka show. He did such a fantastic job with Saxon, made him a very intimidating presence. Godspeed, sir.)
Sabine's first instinct is also to go after Ezra, but Fenn Rau urges her away. It takes her a long moment to move and even when we cut back to her walking behind Rau her body posture is clearly reluctant; she stops dead and gestures behind all, "Come on we gotta." Even when he points out that it's to her advantage that they don't know she's there she brings up that he's still got Ezra's lightsaber--drawing attention to the fact that he's weaponless in enemy hands. Rau argues back that not knowing he's a Jedi will buy Ezra some time for them to observe.
This is what finally gets Sabine moving, though she still pays a glance back.
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Ezra apparently decides on being as annoyingly cheerful as possible to bluff his way through this interrogation, lol.
E: "What? Me a Rebel? *offended gasp* I could never!"
He's so cute. ^_^
Like I said before, though, Saxon doesn't buy it and moves right into "threaten your friends to make you talk" mode, aiming at Chopper.
Meanwhile up on the mesa Sabine takes offense to Rau calling Ezra "a pawn meant to be sacrificed [sic]". She's staying very calm in the face of Rau's frankly unnecessary pissiness, good for her.
Saxon taking a couple potshots at Chopper seems to rattle Ezra's composure here a little bit, he's not quite as confident-sounding as he was before here when he spins his second story.
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Very slightly starting to panic and worry I think.
Heeeeeey Chekhov's Gun!
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Leave my son alone you asshole.
Saxon's monologuing about how he totally wanted to murder the Protectors anyway is the reveal that convinces Rau to help Sabine... sort of.
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Meanwhile Saxon continues to get rougher with Ezra. This makes the whump gremlin in my brain very happy. :D
Sabine's so excited to finally get a jetpack, aww.
We spend maybe a little longer on the fight between Fenn Rau and this random Supercommando than I would have but it does firmly establish how skilled they are and how much of a threat they pose so I guess there's that.
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Oh man they showed the hard cut between Rau punching out the Supercommando and Saxon slamming Ezra into the floor in the early Season Three trailers and I distinctly remember thinking, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON?!"
Saxon making good on his threat to shoot Chopper forces Ezra to use the Force to throw off the aim, accidentally revealing himself to Saxon.
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It's okay though because Sabine is here! :D
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It's a little bit hilarious how closely this scene mirrors the first confrontation with Ketsu back in Season Two. We also get way better backstory details.
Lol Ezra's little smile when Sabine shades the Supercommando armor by saying she likes more color.
The Chekhov's Gun gets fired!
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Ezra seems awfully surprised by her move, kind of taken aback at the... ahem... intimacy of it. He obediently clings to her when she tells him to hang on, though.
And then this:
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...Come on.
Y'all had to know how that would look, right? Right? Which animator was like: "I'm going to have Ezra curling his leg around Sabine here! :D" You're not in trouble, I just wanna talk.
Beyond the obvious my-ship-is-in-very-close-proximity-and-being-Battle-Couple, this setpiece is just really well done. The fast tracking shots give a dynamic sense of movement, the music is frenetic and exciting, Ezra and Sabine work smoothly together to down three-quarters of the squad, even with Ezra's abilities limited by having to hang on to Sabine. If you watch close you see all sorts of fun little subtle details: Sabine gripping Ezra's hand tighter with both of hers, the splashes as Ezra's feet skim the water at the bottom of the gorge...
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Also love Ezra's needlessly dramatic yelling Sabine's name when one of Saxon's shots dislodges him from her grip. XD
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She reaching back tho.
Curse this photo limit I really want to just post a million caps of the pretty scenery because seriously.
Eeeeyyyy Main Titles theme used for a Big Damn Heroes moment with a ship, we haven't had that in a while. Glad you grew a conscience, Rau.
SABINE SAYS THE CURSED LINE AND GETS IMMEDIATELY TACKLED OUT OF THE AIR BY SAXON. You guys have got to stop promising to be right behind.
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Needlessly dramatic yelling of Sabine's name moment number 2, lol.
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This is ah... Uncomfy.
Did not feel sorry for him at all when Sabine busted his chops.
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Rau confesses that Sabine's loyalty to Ezra is actually kinda rad and it's what convinced him she's a true Mandalorian.
Ezra's sentiments are still, "You guys are all nuts." lol. And aww this soft look Sabine gives him is just so sweet.
And... that's a wrap! This episode is not filler it's important to the wider Mando arc that centers around Sabine, also Ezra gets to be very cute and in distress, also he and Sabine spend a lot of time this episode being badasses together while Sabine holds him around the hips and waist, also I love it shut up.
It's also super pretty, I'mma have to make a separate post just appreciating all the gorgeous shots.
The conventions heavily spoiled this episode by releasing a LOT of clips before it aired, a mistake they'd later rectify by being stingier with their preview footage. I still enjoyed it though, it's one of my favorites. For obvious reasons, lol.
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darth-grips · 25 days
Chapters: 1/6
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker, Reyé Hollis/Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissian, Reyé Hollis, Din Djarin, Ben Solo
Additional Tags: Minor Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker, Minor Lando Calrissian/Luke Skywalker, Sorry I would feel guilty for putting this fic in these pairing tags lol, Trans Luke Skywalker, Protective Han Solo, Cuddling & Snuggling, Like jesus christ there is so much hugging going on in this fic. This is a real hug centric fic, Drinking & Talking, So much of that going on, Trans Reyé Hollis, Reyé Hollis my beloved, Not Canon Compliant - The Mandalorian (TV) Season/Series 03, Corellian Culture & Customs (Star Wars), POV Han Solo, POV Outsider, Accidental Voyeurism, Yeah Han accidentally walks in on Luke a lot for plot reasons lmfao, Character Study, Luke Skywalker Has Daddy Issues, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Transphobia, Not like.... explicitly. but it's there. unforch., 5+1 Things, Technically SWars Sequel Trilogy Compliant But We're Just Gonna Ignore That, Discord: DinLuke Server, Explicit Sexual Content, no beta we die like liberty with thunderous applause, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Married Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Han Solo Is Bad at Feelings, Han Solo is a Good Person, Good Parent Han Solo, Protective Leia Organa, Han Solo accidentally being the galaxy's biggest trans ally, Also sorry to Wedge fans in advance. if he's your special little guy maybe this fic isn't for you
The Rebel Alliance has their own doomed cause, and now Han Solo has his: Keep Luke Skywalker breathing until he realizes what a karking naïve idiot he is and unquestioningly follows all of Han's advice.
Han Solo is a scoundrel, and a rogue, and a guy who's just trying his best when Luke Skywalker fumbles chest over camtono into his life. Turns out he might actually sort of love the kid, in all the ways there is to love another person, even as they fight in a rebellion and life and circumstances change both themselves and everything around them.
The problem is that Luke is a little lonely by nature and always on the hunt for love, and Han, who's sworn to protect him from both the galaxy at large and his own efforts toward idiotic martyrdom, doesn't think that there's really anybody in the galaxy who's good enough for him. He's not going to stick his nose into any of Luke's relationships, not if Luke doesn't want him to, but boy howdy do they give him one hell of a headache.
[Or, the 5+1 things fic that spun entirely out of my control, where it's Han, Luke, the five men who loved and lost Luke, and the one he eventually married, all over the course of 10 years. Spoiler alert, it's not Han.]
Plugging my new WIP which I’m having a blast writing tbh. It’s about every iteration of Skysolo, it’s about Luke, it’s about Luke being trans in the GFFA, and surprisingly, a lot of it’s about Han. Who knew he could be my perfect special little guy
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bruh-myguy-what · 1 year
If Not Him, Perhaps Me
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Good evening again, my friends! I have chapter 2 all ready! It wasn’t totally proofread, so I might have to be updating and fixing it as I reread it later but I was so excited to post the second chapter I couldn’t wait lol I also super appreciate all the comments on the first chapter. It really helps encourage me to continue writing! So keep commenting if you want! I love it haha
If you want to be tagged, just let me know!
So here it is!
Chapter 1
Pairing- Thrawn x f!reader x Luke Skywalker
Summary- You finally meet the Grand Admiral himself and the conversation is intriguing for the both of you.
Word Count- 2K+
Warnings- Mentions of kidnapping
Bright lights glared painfully against your eyelids. The ringing in your ears coming back with a vengeance but finding its home near the back of your head in a raging migraine. Consciousness still felt as if it were a distant dream, but you were steadily grappling it with shaking hands, pulling yourself toward the blinding light. Soon your shoulders ached with the stiffness of tension and the feeling of hard steel beneath you.
‘Where am I?’ The thoughts swirling in your mind were flimsy and challenging to gather into a lucid form, but you still tried to make sense of yourself. Full consciousness continued to grow closer and closer but as it did, the realization that you weren’t aboard the Falcon anymore was also becoming increasingly troubling. Trying as best you could to recall where you were and how you got there was proving even more difficult than stringing together a cohesive thought. Your eyes wouldn’t obey your demand to open, and your limbs felt weighed down as if by lead, numbing your body. ‘Luke,” your mind strayed to the man who’d left you alone with Chewbacca and Leia to assist Han and as you lay against cold steel in thought, you heard a series of boots thud closer toward you.
Then you remembered suddenly where you were. “Get up, woman,” a gruff modulated voice spat in irritation, “the Grand Admiral wants to see you.” The Grand Admiral. That’s right! You’d been kidnapped by Storm Troopers and brought onto an Imperial Star Destroyer. The last memory you had was the white armored soldiers restraining you and giving you a drink of what you thought at the time was water. “Get her up, I think the drink is still in her system.”
“Really?” Another modulated voice sounded beside you, “that’s crazy, it’s been four days and it’s still affecting her this bad?”
Four days?! You’d be out for four days without any knowledge?! Groaning as the man beside you assisted you in sitting up, you were finally able to force your eyes open- as blurry as the atmosphere was, at least you could get some sort of idea where you were. “F-Four…d-days?“ You choked on the words, dryness aching your throat. It felt as if your vocal cords were dust and your mouth the sandy dunes of Tatooine. “We’ll get her some water on the way to the Grand Admiral’s office.” The one at the door explained as his partner lifted you to your feet.
Desperately, your bleary eyes tried to focus on the surroundings you passed. To memorize what it looked like to be in an Imperial Star Destroyer so whenever the knowledge was needed to be used in battle you could recount it perfectly, but the dryness wasn’t just plaguing your throat now- the bright lights overhead still blinding you. It was, you noticed, becoming easier to gain your own footing now, the troopers less rough and uncaring than you expected and it wasn’t long before you were at a door. After one of the Storm Troopers punched in a code, a soft hiss echoed through the quiet hall, and they ushered you inside.
“Who is this?” A whispering voice made you jump, nearly into the ceiling you noticed but wouldn’t admit to anyone who asked. The small corridor was hardly lit, and the hissing voice seemed bodiless.
It made you feel better when one of the men beside you cursed under his breath just enough for you to hear. “Stop sneaking up on people like that, Rhuk. We’re likely to shoot you if you aren’t careful.” The trooper seemed anything but pleased at the sudden start and there was only a hissing chuckle in the dark.
“I am the admiral’s protector, and I shall do my job as arranged.” So, the Grand Admiral had a bodyguard? Not just the Storm Troopers? Another note you placed in the back of your mind for later as the door before you in the darkness whooshed open, itself.
As you were ushered forward again the room you stepped into was surprising. What you had expected from a Grand Admiral’s office was bright overhead lights like the halls that stretched around the ISD, large murals displaying their awards, and perhaps some Galactic Empire paraphernalia to show their “pride” in the imperial navy. But what you were greeted with instead was practically an art gallery with dimmed lights that were backlighting a tall structure that had what looked like furry lizards strewn about it.
But what truly astounded you was the man sitting behind the desk, awaiting your position before him to be to his liking before he spoke. He wasn’t a man, at all. His skin was a surprisingly blue color, nearly sapphire in the dark lighting, dark hair that gleamed its own shade of cobalt, his features serious and thoughtful as you stood in front of the large grey desk now. The facial feature that struck you the most was the all-consuming eyes that sat framed by long dark lashes. The piercing red gaze was disturbing as they narrowed at you, his mouth and chin hidden behind steepled fingers- he was studying you.
“Ya know,” you began, quietly at first, “you had already kidnapped me. I think the drugging was a tad bit overkill.” The sarcasm in your voice made one blue-black eyebrow raise in question, but that was the only movement out of the Grand Admiral sitting before you. Shifting in your wrist shackles, you huff indignantly. “I mean, it was a little nicer than waking up on the cold steel floor, I guess.”
Without a response, the admiral stood from his chair. His stature was imposing, far taller than you’d expected him to be too, you noted. To your surprise- again- he smiled at you politely. “I apologize that your time aboard my ship has not been to your liking.” The voice. Your mind went blank, and eyes widened at the deep, warm voice that came from his lips. The evidence of a life lived speaking a foreign language you probably never even heard accentuating the syllables he spoke. Before you recognized it, the alien man was standing directly in front of you, eyes studying you still as he placed his arms behind him. His entire air seemed noble, regal…Imperial.
No wonder he was a Grand Admiral.
He carried every bit of his title in his stance and your heart ached with uncertainty. But before uncertainty turned to apprehension, the admiral smiled again as he spoke, “Would you, perhaps, mind giving me your name?”
Your eyes narrowed this time. Just because he was intimidating didn’t mean he was going to scare you immediately. “If this is a game, I’m not going to play. You kidnapped me, clearly, you know my name, or at least have some idea of who I am, or else I wouldn’t be here.”
It seemed as if his smile grew from your challenge. He was enjoying himself. “Perhaps,” he commented casually, “though, I prefer to be mannerly in certain circumstances. You are a woman, whether a prisoner of war or not, and I prefer to give you the respect you deserve.” When he saw that you weren’t budging, he let out a dissatisfied breath, as a father would a rebellious child and his face swiftly grew stern. “Very well if you insist. I am Grand Admiral Thrawn, warlord of the Galactic Empire. Welcome aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer; Chimera, (y/n).” Thrawn’s full title was so imposing it nearly knocked the wind out of you, but you purposefully gave no sign of fear.
“Grand Admiral, huh?” You replied interestingly, then changed your weight to one hip as you studied him this time. “But you aren’t human, how did you become a Grand Admiral?” Another smile appeared on his face- patronizing. You grumbled at the grin and stepped away to face the structure behind his desk, petting one of the furry lizards.
 “I am sure you are aware you weren’t brought to me to discuss my time in the Empire,” he almost sounded as if he were chuckling a little and it infuriated you. How could he be laughing so casually? “You see, I brought you here because you are of some importance to my cause.”
Rolling your eyes, you shifted your shackled hands once again, “you mean regaining power for the empire?” You scoffed sarcastically, “it isn’t happening, grand admiral.” The emphasis you put on his title caused one of the men to start forward, grabbing your arm painfully.
“Mind your tongue rebel scum!” He snarled candidly, “you will show the admiral respect.” At the gesture of Thrawn, the Storm Trooper unenthusiastically backed off, releasing your arm.
“You see, (y/n),” Thrawn started as he faced you again from across the room, “I am aware that Skywalker and Solo departed for a mission to aid Calrissian only a few days before we obtained you from the Millennium Falcon and while your capture does not suit my needs for gaining the power I seek for the Empire, it does satisfy someone who will help me gain that control.” So, you were just a pawn? Thrawn once again came to stand before you, his glowing eyes looking down his nose at you as the full weight of his power melted into your bones. “You will tell me everything about Skywalker that I need to know.”
“How do you presume I do that?” Your voice was less aggressive than you were hoping it would sound, but you met his eyes still. The glowing embers sparked with intelligence and wisdom piquing your curiosity briefly. “Do you honestly expect me to just give up someone I care about because you asked it of me?” It seemed as if directness surprised him for a moment because some of his severity eased. “I’m sorry,” you almost seemed genuine about it but, whether it was your exhaustion or your willingness to die for Luke without questions that calmed your nerves, you knew you weren’t going to give Thrawn what he was looking for, “but I’m not going to tell you anything about Luke.”
Thrawn was silent for a long while, gazing at your face, your features. Then he returned to his chair on the other side of his desk, calmly sitting down in the position you’d previously found him in. “Perhaps you can tell me a little about yourself then?” His voice was softer this time around, grabbing his datapad and scrolling through what you assumed were documents.
He was absolutely playing games this time, why on earth would he want to know anything about you? “Why? What do you possibly have to gain from wasting your time getting to know me?” It was becoming clearer that it was your exhaustion that made you apathetic to the idea of death now.
Thrawn peered up from his data pad slightly, the red peaking beneath dark lashes and the raising of the same one brow and he smirked at you, “call it curiosity, (y/n). I am a gentleman, after all. Since you will be staying aboard my ship for a while, I would like to know who I have in my barracks.” His eyes returned to the scrolling screen once again, “tell me,” he started, “are you someone I should be worried about breaking out?”
A short, self-deprecating laugh escaped your lips at his words. “yeah, I’m going to try to break out of my cell and do what? Fly out into chaos knows what by myself?” You shook your head, rolling your eyes, “I don’t think so. I don’t even know where in the galaxy we are. How would I ever have a chance of getting anywhere?” You shook the skirts of your dress as if to notify him of your compliance, “I’m not the fighting type, evidently.”
“Do not mistake me for a fool, (y/n),” Thrawn laid his datapad aside, sitting back into his chair, eyes stern again. “I am mindful of who you travel with and while you may not voluntarily partake in battle, you are proficient at self-defense. It would be unwise for Skywalker to not provide you with some manner of protection.”
You shrugged noncommittally, unnerved by his assumptions and how close they were to the truth. Luke had taught you many self-defense tactics and exactly what to do in case you were in trouble without him. Though it didn’t happen often, and you were always able to call for his help. “So I know a little self-defense to keep myself safe, do you think that’ll give me the confidence to fight myself free?”
“Then will you call for Skywalker's aid?”
Shaking your head immediately, you glared at him, “absolutely not.”
Thrawn smirked again, knowing you were catching on, “perhaps you would like to tell me why?”
“Because I’m not a fool either,” Thrawn smiled at your response- of course, you weren’t. He could already tell. “I’m not going to bring him to you. I’m not going to bring him straight into the heart of the Empire just to save me from you.”
“Interesting,” Thrawn mumbled softly, hand resting below his chin in thought, “you are intriguing, (y/n).”
It seemed as if it were the twelfth time you’d rolled your eyes at this guy, “I’m so happy you think so.” The sarcasm was getting difficult to contain anymore as you continued to go back and forth with Thrawn.
Chuckling, the Grand Admiral grabbed his datapad again, gesturing for the Storm Troopers to leave, “you shall return to your barrack and get some rest. Perhaps after you are well rested, we can continue this conversation.” He glanced at you once more before the troopers took you away, the stony gaze returning, “And you will tell me what I want to know.”
And with that, you were returned to the bedless, steel prison of your barrack to replay the conversational meeting you’d had with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
@blueberry-thrawn @myevilmouse @agenteliix @blackmonitor @coffeeorsomething-irl @torchbearerkyle​
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