#I just find it hilarious XD
shockersalvage · 1 year
Poor Izayoi
Eden’s Garden Team: Alrighty! Cassidy, you are the Ultimate Pro Gamer. Just giving you that distinction to not step on any toes concerning Chiaki. Both of you gets a nice section for yourselves.
Also EGT: (yanks the title away from a sobbing Izayoi) Paws off!! You don’t deserve this talent! It’s ours now!! (turns to Ingrid) Here you go, sweetie!~ (Bestows it to best girl)
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My follower count right now;
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ninjigma · 2 years
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Any other vod might have just given the Commander her space; but Fives isn't one to walk by someone who is upset when he may be able to help, especially new honorary vod'ika.
This idea has been in my drafts since August (which I am sure you can tell by the wild style changes everywhere) and I have finally finished it. It's such a silly little idea but I wanted to explore the pressures Ahsoka would've faced a bit more, and I just couldn't help but embody a core memory of mine. Young, at camp with around 80 other kids, no internet access for the week, and one leader in the lunch hall who knows the cup song. By the end of the week we were practically a percussion band all learning and doing the cup song together, and I'll never forget the unity of that.
And who is to say Fives wouldn't invent something similar and immediately begin teaching it to anyone willing? No one; because I know which hills I will happily let you kill me on, and this is one of them. And I hope everyone can find a bit of similar joy in this.
I need to practice drawing Ahsoka more too, though I hope I at least did well at drawing/showing how young she really is here; it is important to me.
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songofstrawhats · 6 months
Hi yes hello I cannot stop thinking about Kaya going off to medical school (I think realistically she'd be in more of a private internship situation but GO WITH ME HERE) so she's at med school and her classmates are like ooh girl have you got a special someone we can hook u up if not
And shes like hahaha there is sort of someone he's so sweet and such a fun storyteller he was really there for her after her parents died and they both left home to follow their dreams but they write and she hopes they can make something together someday
And her classmates are alternately like aww how sweet or like babe if you don't wanna go on a blind date you can just say so you don't have to make up a canadian boyfriend
And Kaya is mostly very good at medical school and very helpful when her classmates are figuring out how to study and sometimes she doesn't know basic things about how the world works but they all help each other out and then sometimes she'll do something concerning like stare out into the ocean and say 'oh I hope Usopp is having fun out on the Grand Line'
And they're like ........right okay he's a storyteller isn't he lmao the Grand Line is a metaphor hahahahaha for a moment there I really thought your not!boyfriend was out on the Grand Line for real or something hahahaha
And Kaya's like no i was seriously he actually is, last month he sent me a letter about [insert relevant plot point here idk I'm only at Alabasta]
And her friends are like ...........as a Marine? Kaya please say that your not!boyfriend who has run away to follow his dreams and ended up on the Grand Line joined the Marines. Or that he's lying to you. Kaya please say psych right now
And then they conveniently walk past a wall of wanted posters and Kaya is like OH LOOK THERE HE IS RIGHT THERE!!!! Awwww his bounty has gone up I'm so proud of him ^v^
And her classmates are there just like ......... and reassessing everything they know about her lmao
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vanlegion · 22 days
Okay, so like before 19 dropped my brain decided to pull some dumb shit and think of RvB parodies and it sent me down a rabbit hole that I mad cackled over for DAYS, the abSURDITY of it all - But mostly it just made me like wishing we'd had more interactions between Church and Simmons bitching back and forth over who's smarter, them just every so often being antagonistic with each other But also their similarities of being nerdy/angry/whiny But ALSO while not being canonically relating HAVING that sibling energy Which just led to me thinking about all these silly fucking moments like, HEY Ya know how like Simmon's can actually holographically project himself and it's used ONE TIME.... and I'm like. . . Holograms interact with other holograms, and Church can posses people and control them And it's like 'Why are you hitting yourself' 'I'm not touching you'
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worstloki · 1 year
i actually love the idea that if Thor was raised with Loki then he grew up learning more and uses the charismatic himbo vibe as a front and if Thor was raised without Loki it's not a persona and he actually is just a charismatic himbo now
#normal Thor is a thot but he's also pretty battle smart and has intuition etc. while Party Thor is just a thot#Party Thor didn't bother with good fighting he didn't need to be book smart or a good heir bc there was only 1 option lmao#didn't wind up with any protectiveness or slight enough maturity not to follow every single impulse without thought and alone#which is just. HILARIOUS.#imagine MCU Thor and Loki wind up in that universe and they're like oh sweet it's a normal world then since Thor's acting normal#but no he's not normal Thor he's not acting at all that's just Thor now#Thor is cringing and devastated#Thor like 1. THIS is what I look like from the outside? D: and 2. ohnorns there's nothing behind it. it's not a coping mechanism. norns no#Loki like ''yeah he's a little forthcoming but look at the bright side Thor! this version of you is CLEARLY more fun.''#*gestures to Party Thor drinking out of like a full jotun sized mug and he starts coughing and choking and it spilled everywhere*#''and also an idiot!''#Thor like this ISN'T funny.#he's got his arms crossed and is all pouty about it#they find out about Jotun Loki and Loki has stars in his eyes like NO WAY I'M SO COOL AND FUN TOO :0#and Thor is there face crumpling further because it feels like this universe hates him specifically#XD#like what so Loki gets to keep his magic and be way taller and fun and Thor is chasing after him in this universe???? unfair :[#Thor vows never going to downplay with Loki again and Loki is there sincerely like Thor I know you're not like that don't worry about it
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storyweaverofgondor · 8 months
Pirates of Dark Water background characters: I am either gonna be rocking that generic fantasy look or that perennial classic primary colored high rise undies with belt, harness and fur boots.
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This isn't an adult show by the way. This is just how people dress in the show. I mean look at what one of the villains wears for the whole series.
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Not once is this treated as sexy in the slightest. None of the female characters are dressing like this either. Just brawny male characters going full harness and undies in the background.
Again, early 90s family cartoon!
Pirates of Dark Water just danced to its own tune in so many different ways and i love it!
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marinerainbow · 5 months
If the Toon Patrol can have hyena cousins, maybe I can give Shiny some honey badger relatives.
Why honey badger specifically? Because they are one of the toughest, stubborn, don't-give-a-fuck animals to exist. If that was in Shiny's genetics, a lot of her behavior would start to make sense. It's literally in her blood to do what she wants and not give a crap what others think.
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I know this wouldn't happen (it better not anyway xd) but imagine if Iris isn't actually a problem at all and she's totally ready to sign but then she goes missing again xD. Carlos just like "aight I got a time crunch this time-"
Everyone: oh no, I'm so sorry 😔 you're going to find her because she's you best friend though :), that's swee-
Carlos: oh, no, I'm going to find her because she didn't sign the freaking divorce papers before disappearing
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What do you think of the latest my hero chapter? 👀
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Not to jump on the bandwagon but on the topic of Scooby Doo and also Benoit Blanc and Fred Jones being similar, I think there should be a Knives Out and Scooby Doo crossover where they have to unmask yet another criminal posing as a ghost without any sort of explanation and it never be mentioned again.
We could call it Afterlives Out
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note-boom · 2 years
Fanon: Mori is an irredeemably evil pedophile and traumatised Dazai
Canon: Mori is a utilitarian creep and traumatised Yosano and was slightly terrified of Dazai
#no hate to anyone who interprets mori like that#i just find it hilarious#like yeah mori killed odasaku but that's not the worst thing he's done nor the worst thing done in the manga#also....i know he shows seriously pedophilic tendencies that even fukuzawa calls him out on#and even he says things that are absolutely bonkers#but i kinda see it more as his little creepy obsession with using people as tools and kids being the easiest to manipulate.....#though i def acknowledge he's a real creep to little girls because that's also what the manga says#anyway i think he was fond of yosano and dazai...like one would be fond of a really useful tool ya know?#except one of those tools was showing signs of going for his throat and the other managed to find her humanity#anyway here's to our queen yosano for overcoming her trauma#though i will say i think we cant pin the blame on mori as a whole though he did play a major part in it#all these three characters are too nuanced for their own good#forget dazai i want to hear more about yosano...and yes even mori#it's just that there is CLEARLY so much going on bts like with tanizaki and higuchi etc....#aaaaand I've gone off topic again xD#anyway this just in to say i find the interpretation of mori as a sadist who gave dazai trauma amuses me#and also to say that canonically a little 14 year year old with a prebuilt existential crisis scaring a grown man amuses me even more#teenagers such do scare the living -#and we're done now#bsd#bungo stray dogs#bungou stray dogs#bsd musings#bsd dazai#bsd yosano#bsd mori#character analysis#spitting nonsense
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fortune-maiden · 8 months
Random TGCF AU of the day
Something something SWD goes on a long term trip and leaves SQX with Pei Ming. Pei Ming is determined to be a good temporary guardian/older brother figure. SQX is determined to destroy him.
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
I love the Goncharov meme conceptually. It feels like classic academia perhaps, definitely like studying ancient philosophy at times. You get a fragment (knockoff boots), a general context (Martin Scorsese films existing), and then a very long discussion about nothing starts. But the nothingness isn't entirely nothing, and there are still limits to what can and cannot be said framed by both the existence and non-existence of that which is being discussed. Hilarious, truly, and the fact itself so very interesting to analyse in so many ways.
#This feels a bit like studying and discussing presocratics or Socrate himself xD#ngl while I loved the boots thing (I had often thought about those knockoff boots‚ I found them hilarious)#I don't find the Goncharov memes particularly funny#But the concept is fascinating conceptually and thrilling to analyse in so many levels#The fact that almost every webwaving‚ even the ones about a fake film‚ have the same quotes#That basically everything said about this film is what is said about any other popular media#Is so interesting as how short media analysis falls into superficiality and miopic repetition of patterns#As is the fact that we can discuss to eternity something that doesn't exist#in a sort of Narcissus looking at his reflection on the pond situation‚ in love with our own discussion more than the thing itself#And that's a level. But it's also very interesting in how basically everyone has a very similar idea of what the film is about#How nothingness with sprinkles can tell us something‚ a lot‚ and make a ghost of a film which can effectively to some extent be analysed#It's also hilarious in how it puts a mirror‚ so to speak‚ in front of so many academic studies#How we've basically been doing this for centuries unironically and I'd say with at least a certain sense of self awareness#How this brings back studying and discussing the lost texts of Ovid or Sappho based just on what they say about them or the absence#in what they say about them‚ or what other authors say about them or how their works are wrapped around those lost texts#How it brings back the study and analysis of presocratics like Pythagoras or even Socrate himself of which we have Plato and Xenophon#but really something close to nothing considering how important those authors are as basis of the entire history of western philosophy#And yet there's honestly so much to say about them given the nothingness we have accompanied by the something!#And Goncharov memes work a bit that way#I don't know. There are really so many facets to this meme and they are all conceptually hilarious yes xD#Another but not less important aspect of this meme that I love conceptually is that#I'm a bit fan of funny lies. I adore them. Especially when constructed between several people#And Goncharov is precisely that lol#Goncharov#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Meme shit
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"The bee in-" ... " "-mah bonnet is:-" ... "-why's that-" ... "-Leon boy so-" ... "-unphased-" ... "-by mah traps?"
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queen-of-meows · 9 months
This scene was foreshadowing all along !
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