#but no facks given for blacksmith
shockersalvage · 1 year
Poor Izayoi
Eden’s Garden Team: Alrighty! Cassidy, you are the Ultimate Pro Gamer. Just giving you that distinction to not step on any toes concerning Chiaki. Both of you gets a nice section for yourselves.
Also EGT: (yanks the title away from a sobbing Izayoi) Paws off!! You don’t deserve this talent! It’s ours now!! (turns to Ingrid) Here you go, sweetie!~ (Bestows it to best girl)
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galadrieljones · 7 years
Tagged by @thevikingwoman for this one. Thanks, you! ^^
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
1. First fandom you read fanfics for?
Nineties boybands! *NSync, Backstreet Boys, and Hanson specifically. I wrote some, too. o.O
2. Favorite way to relax?
Wine, a TV show I’ve already seen a million times (currently that’s Party of Five), and doing stuff like this questionnaire on tumblr. Also, when husband and I want to relax together, we’ll make popcorn and watch documentaries on Netflix.
3. Something you disliked as a kid/teen but like now?
...myself? Eep, sorry if that’s too heavy. It took me forever to figure out that I was a person. I feel like I was always striving to be some other person--some other girl. I was like an identity chameleon. Part of this was that the things I was good at and really loved doing, I kept a secret, because my parents didn’t understand them and would therefore kind of approach with suspicion: writing, art, music. I played sports in high school and masqueraded as a jock for a long time. I was popular, and I dated jocks, hung out with jocks, mostly till I was in college. In college, finally out from under household suspicion, I kind of got rid of all that. I dated different kinds of boys and sang a cappella and majored in creative writing. The creative writing success got me into graduate school, where I specialized further and finally eventually figured out what the fuck I was doing, and I found the parts of me I liked, and I used those, and the other parts, the worse parts, most of which were bad habits, I took note of, so I could fix them over time. I learned to be like, “I’m not perfect, but that doesn’t mean I’m a shitty person.” It honestly took me until about I was 30.
Oddly, I did end up marrying a jock. But he was like the boy version of me in high school--he was good at sports, and it was easy to masquerade as someone who loved them and to participate in the culture they inspired. I still love sports, but tbh I’m much happier in my quiet writer lady existence and very glad I found my intellectual jock husband. 
4. How far away do you live from the place you were born?
About 2,000 miles.
5. One thing there HAS to be in Dragon Age 4, which does NOT involve Solas
My facking Inquisitor. I have several. They do not all romance Solas.
6. Favorite fanfic trope
When characters dress up and go to a fancy party!! 
7. How many first cousins do you have?
I don’t actually know? Part of my family is estranged. I know for sure there are ten.
8. (I’m stealing this one!) You’re stranded on a desert island. What three fictional characters are there to help you survive or escape?
John Locke (Lost), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Clarke Griffon (The 100)
(I have no survival skills and am a major mouse so I need the best of the best.)
9. What do you eat for breakfast?
Uh, a donut. Lol.
10. If you lived in Thedas, would be prefer to be a mage or not? Why? Which race would you want to be?
No. Magic is an unwieldy construct to me. In Thedas, I don’t know which race I’d prefer, but I think I WOULD be a merchant class human, like a blacksmith’s daughter, living in a mid-sized, sort of backwater city in the Free Marches or Ferelden.
11. Most beautiful nature you have seen?
The views from Big Sur. The sublime weirdness of Wyoming. I love the canyons of Orange County. The night sky from my brother-in-law’s cabin in Carmel Valley, CA. I haven’t travelled much. I’ve been all over France and England, and we’re going to Greece and Italy next year, and I am very excited. Of everything I’ve seen, I feel like I still always love the desolate, feral natural world of California best. Probably it’s because it’s just right in my aesthetic.
My Questions:
What is your favorite plant?
Did you dress up as anything for Halloween this year? If so, what? If not, what would you like to dress up as in the future, given the opportunity?
(Stealing) What is something you disliked as a teenager, but like now?
How do you feel about your hometown?
Your favorite Dragon Age related headcanon?
What is the first fandom you wrote fan fiction for? How old were you?
What is your dream career?
(Also stealing this one) If you had to be stranded on a desert island, which three fictional characters would you bring with to help you escape/survive?
What is your FAVORITE breakfast?
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you ever consider getting one?
What is one of the most important things you have learned (about anything) in the past year?
tags for @buttsonthebeach @wrenbee @amburururu @littleblue-eyedbird @ladylike-foxes @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @thatoneelfwitch @iawv @hansaera (Only if you want!!) <3
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