#I have a lot of DG thoughts and most of them are about how much I want to write about him having a full-on mental breakdown LOL
whysamwhy123 · 7 months
Still unwell and I'm going to babble incoherently under the cut about my blorbo DG again because it's my blog and I'll do dumb shit if I want and I'm sick right now so I can't be held responsible for anything, those are the rules OKAY
DG absolutely tried to pick up girls while dressed as Waluigi. I am fascinated by how this man's mind works. He is the fuckboyest fuckboy who ever fuckboyed and I just find that so compelling? I'm wanting more and more to write some weird character study of him for a fic. Like, a multi-chapter fic that's just him Doing Stuff and being weird about it and angsting over the state of his life, just full on psychoanalysis. But, like, nobody would give a shit? Because there wouldn't even be a pairing, it would probably just be Daniel's internal monologue as he goes about his life, facing setback after setback, challenge after challenge, loss after loss and then trying to distract himself/numb the pain by going out with his boys, partying, dancing up a storm (because he just wants to DANCE GODDAMNIT) and trying to get laid. Literally, I'm imagining every fucking chapter would ultimately be about which girl he's trying to take home this week and what stupid fuckboy way he goes about it. Maybe sometimes he succeeds, or maybe he fails yet again and goes back to his hotel room feeling profoundly alone and then jerks off in the shower while crying. But regardless of whether he scores or not, it'll never fix the emptiness he feels inside. It will never quiet the doubts. It'll never stop him regretting his past choices. It won't make the people around him - his chosen family, his friends - understand him or stop them from rejecting outright. He looks at his life, all the missed opportunities and wonders if he'll ever get the chance to be the man he's always wanted to be. The man he felt destined to become. But now that man feels more and more like a pipe dream, like a vague, fading dream that perhaps never was. He doesn't know what to do with that information. He doesn't know who he is when he's not trying to be that man. It's soul-crushing and terrifying and it just makes him feel even worse about himself.
But for now, all he can do is dance.
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cupiohearts · 3 months
I WISH YOU LOVE ! - reminiscing with gun.
(cant catch me now series). GUN VER. dg ver. goo ver
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
for GUN, he cant figure out for the life of anyone why they would wish someone that moved on in life the best of luck. he was a selfish man. when you disappeared from him, he mutters bitterly to himself wishing curses upon your name. the tear drops on the letter you wrote to him being the symbolism behind it all.
why would he want you to do well without him? why did you have to leave him?
did you not care as much as you said you did? he furrows his eyebrow. taking another drag out of his cigarette while he watches the stupid couple on the street pick out matching items for each other.
"jonggun! jonggun! look come here! hurry up!" you hiss at him as you press your face against the glass of a window. it was the pet adoption center. a calico cat taking a nap in the window as you cood at it.
that was the ugliest cat hes ever seen. it's eyes looked a bit too similar to the one you always give him when you want him to do something ridiculous for you.
"its cute" he gruffly says. you raise an eyebrow at him and made a face "youre a big fat liar. when we grow old with joongoo and james! we should all get a cat together!"
you giggle as you wiggled your finger at the cat. your breath fogging up the glass and when you pulled away he could see a slight bit of lipgloss- or lip tint- or whatever you were wearing on your lips that left it all glossy and shimmery left on the window.
he didnt say anything about it. he probably shouldve. you left the window dirty with your makeup. the same lips he imagined himself kissing from to time.
he thinks again. gun is a selfish man. when he read the letter you gave him, he thinks to himself for a far longer period of time than what he would appreciate.
he picks up the small camera you left behind in your apartment. he kept it with him for some reason. it was to keep videos and photos of yourself so he wont forget all of the times hes had with you.
"gun stop! stop! stop- what in the world happened here?!" your voice can be heard from behind the camera. the camera work a bit shaky as you walk closer to the restaurant.
there were a lot of bodies on the floor. a lot. "did you take them all down by yourself?" you ask him. you already knew the answer. he didnt need to respond but he did "yes"
you let out a deep sigh "this was supposed to be a cute video! you just ruined it. i wanted to send my mom and dad videos of me while im still here!"
you never sent it. he almost wished you did. so your parents knew what your friends were in korea. gangsters hanging out with the most.. sane one. sane is a strong word. hed think more like you were the glue.
you held everyone together, but at the same time. you were the one keeping them in the past.
that wasnt what he thought as he read your note though.
while he reading the shaky lines with splotchy text. the tears you left on the paper made it all crumbly and the words were hard to read.
he could only wish you the worst time without him. you better not be happier than you were with him. thats how you made him feel. he felt like the vines growing around the fence around you. his growth was hindered by the boundaries you had. if you werent there, he wouldve probably never grown in the first place, but you were also the reason he couldnt get better.
even as he read the lines 'jongun, you are the one who destroyed me the most.' he felt a small smile come to his face. he really is the most selfish person he knew.
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sooooo... im here. I DID THE SECONDPARTY YIPPEE 😋😋 is it messy idk
i havent proof read so im assuming its ok. if its ooc mb brother.
their personalities are hard to capture anyways live laufh love the lookism blondes <3 the hottest in the game frl
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sytokun · 3 months
A lengthy thought wall about the recent RT shutdown and DillonGoo Studios' interest in acquiring RWBY - I speculate and entertain some hopium about the pros that could come with it and why all in all, impossible it may be, it's probably the best shot we have for RWBY.
Some rwde cause it mentions Shane's letter and nobody likes that.
I've been reading a lot, a lot of the various discussions around RWBY's fate and Dillon Goo Studio's (henceforth shortened to DGS) interest in acquiring it. Here's my overall evaluation everything so far:
This goes without saying but this is obviously an optimistic take on the matter, I wanna talk moreso about the pros rather than the logistics of whether DGS can afford it, whether you think it's just clout-chasing, etc.
Dillon's a former RWBY animator and a fan of Monty's work. No matter what you think of Monty's style of action, in the greater public sphere, RWBY is known and liked precisely for that and largely that alone, period. Only RWBY fans who are already invested in the show will mention story or characters - for the majority of people, i.e. future RWBY fans, the action is the main selling point, and DGS clearly can deliver on this.
Dillon himself is at least amicable with most of CRWBY and likely open to negotiate with them given prior work history. For any other media corporation, consulting the old IP holders of a defunct company is a minor formality at best or even a laughable waste of time. And if you want to bring up a certain almost 10-year-old letter and the person working with Dillon who wrote it, there are plenty in the comments section who would agree with me that it's not as big a dealbreaker as one might think, given the company the letter largely condemned is well dead and buried. I won't go further into that matter.
DGS is very community-oriented - they're very intimately familiar with 3D animation and produces creator-friendly content like the Goo Engine which helps future animators inspired by RWBY to make similar anime-style 3D content. Every single RWBY fan animator whose work we enjoyed benefits from this acquisition - all of whom can grow into future animators for the series, intimately familiar with its trademark action style.
DGS is probably the only genuine fan of RWBY that has a remote chance of acquiring the IP with the express motivation of using the IP creatively. This can be clearly seen in the steady improvement of their animation content over the years and desire to push the medium. All other candidates are corporations whose motivations with RWBY are, more likely than not, going to be entirely financial (not necessarily a bad or unhealthy thing, but it's a factor).
If RWBY stays under WB or given off to Crunchyroll? They have no stake in RWBY beyond pure business. They have no interest in what's best for RWBY or its growth, only how it will be most profitable or recoup the losses from RT. The only companies I can see being more creatively invested in RWBY are ArcSystem Works who implemented RWBY in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, or Shaft that animated Ice Queendom, but those are both Japanese companies unlikely to go all-in on a foreign IP - especially given that these studios usually adapt other IPs, not buy them outright.
DGS is invested in RWBY. Their entire studio's style is built on RWBY-esque action animation. Acquiring RWBY more or less guarantees it'll become their main flagship series and their main investment, whereas with WB, Crunchyroll or other big platform, RWBY is nowhere near prolific enough to be much more than another shelf-filler in their library. At worst, Warner archives RWBY for eternity and at best, they only bring RWBY out for tie-ins and crossovers to prop up their larger DC properties. Why give RWBY the spotlight when they own the likes of Justice League and Looney Tunes?
DGS may not be the most plausible choice, but it's clear that unless some big company like ArcSystem Works or something throws their hat in the RWBY ring, DGS is far and away the people's favourite, even gaining approval from JJ Grelle (Tyrian's VA), who quite notably refused to reprise their role for Rooster Teeth.
DGS is still very much an indie studio which IMO RWBY has flourished the most under, the time period where it retained a certain unpolished energy that made you invested in watching it improve and grow. I don't want to watch a RWBY that uses its precious time under a new studio to just go by the numbers and coast by on its existing fanbase. I want to watch a RWBY that grows, innovates and takes risks, that impresses and draws new and old fans in the way it does for every single person that has watched the Red Trailer for the first time.
I think a lot of folks have a preconceived notion that RWBY has to continue on the exact same production value as V9 left off, but that never had to be the case. I think a return to a much more subdued production with smaller teams focusing on strong individual episodes over large overarching narratives will be healthy for RWBY and more easily invite new fans, which it sorely needs if it wants to stay afloat this time around.
Whether this means a continuation to V10 or a reboot I don't know, but I know I'd rather take a RWBY that a new studio respects and will produce in a way that fits their strengths and limits, over trying and overreaching themselves to make something work that even Rooster Teeth failed to, or over no RWBY at all.
That's the crux of it: the worse alternative is no RWBY at all. CRWBY and especially us as a fandom are in no position to be picky when that's the alternative. There's no such thing as a perfect deal, but this is about as sweet as they come. If the only hurdle is WB's refusal to sell, then that's on Warner. If the only hurdle is affording the IP, I, many others and no doubt other associates Dillon Goo Studios knows are likely to help them meet that price.
I do wanna stress, despite my optimism, I'm not asking to stake all our hopes on DGS as the saviour of RWBY, god no - the last thing I want is a weirdo Monty 2.0 cult and I doubt Dillon would want that either. I'm not saying the RWBY they'd make will be perfect or be equitable for everyone either - some compromises must be made and professionally speaking, whoever owns RWBY next has no legal obligation to make V10 or bring back anyone from CRWBY. Any such action is solely on the graces of the new IP holder and at the end of the day, I think whatever creates a healthier, longer-lasting future for RWBY should take priority over our sentiment or attachment.
But as things stand right now, if DGS isn't just farming Twitter likes and is honest-to-god serious about acquiring RWBY, and no better candidate presents themselves, this is about the best option we have right now, and I myself will be ready to help and contribute in whatever little way I can. Because I know the very real alternative is either a complete gamble on yet another faceless media subsidiary, or watching RWBY rot behind a vault for the next decade or more.
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nyaagolor · 6 months
I saw you talking about ace attorney teapots in the replies of some post and I am curious, I would ask more specifically but I don't know that much about AA.
ok so admittedly that was partially hyperbolic, there's only one teapot in the AA series I can actually make character references from (which I elaborated on here), the others give information that's a little more basic. Kristoph has a deft blue china set in his cell, which reaffirms what we already know (namely that he's a classy, wealthy europhile), while all the (numerous) tea sets in DGS serve more to establish cultural things than explicit character motivations
All the british characters have relatively simple glazed teapots as would be typical at the time, while the japanese characters have tetsubins-- these aren't teapots (as in, you wouldn't put the leaves in them) but cast iron kettles that you boil water in. There's a whole theory about how cast iron was used in Japan because Japanese water is incredibly soft (aka low mineral content) and the iron leeching into the water from the tea draws out different notes when it reacts with the chemicals in the tea leaves themselves and blah blah blah I won't bore you with that here. Anyway, the shapes of these teapots are very distinct and I thought it was a cute detail because it shows you exactly who lives in the house with a single glance
the most fun one, though, is Susato's matcha set. Susato is explicitly based off the yamato nadeshiko (an ideal woman, basically) so the inclusion of her cute lil matcha set just contributes to that concept. Making matcha for a tea ceremony requires extraordinary levels of skill and she has all the tools to do that, including a small furnace? In the middle of the office floor????? susato sweetie I think that's a fire hazard
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So something relevant about green tea is that unlike basically every other tea type, which can handle boiling water, green tea will be "burnt" and taste icky if you try and brew it in boiling water. Japan is famous for its green tea culture, and matcha is a part of that, so there's always something in the tea ceremony to control the temperature of the water. That box in the middle is a full on charcoal stove, on top of which is a cast iron pot that holds the water and a hishaku (the ladle looking thing) which ensures you have the right amount of water and that it's sufficiently cooled when it hits the powder. On the adjacent tray there's a chasen (whisk) and chawan (bowl) both of which you would use for making the tea itself. Often times you'll also have a chasaku (j-shaped measuring stick for the powder itself) but I'm gonna assume that's out of sight or with the matcha powder. Cannot stress enough that for her to have this equipment and know how to use it is a pretty obvious display of education and wealth-- which combined with the tetsubin (stated to be hers) and the traditional japanese calligraphy set on her desk just adds more fuel to the idea that she was classically trained in lots of cultural arts. Classy lady :)
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felassan · 2 months
In this September 2023 episode of The Corner of Story and Game (“a podcast about the stories inside of games, the games that writers play, and the writers that create games”), it’s an interview with David Gaider. he talks about his early days at BioWare, a bit about Dragon Age development (including about an idea they had at one point for a Revelry demon or similar), about Stray Gods, creating a musical RPG, and crafting branching narratives in games in general.
A few quotes and notes are under the cut (due to length.)
Host: “Looking back, if you could give one piece of advice to young David before he started down this road, what would that piece of advice be?” DGaider: “That’s a hard one. […] I worked for BW for 17 years. I think my advice would probably have been, don’t give your loyalty to a company. It probably sounds a little depressing, but I mean, I think I always threw myself into my work as if it was my life, and I think that in the long run that was detrimental. Because, I mean, companies are companies, they put themselves first. You are ultimately expendable. You can give everything to them, be intrinsic to making them successful, but they’re never gonna give you that kind of love back, so. I think that would’ve been good advice to hear. It’s like, they called me ‘The Machine’ [because of how much he wrote so fast]. I did sooo much work to the point that it affected my health. I burned myself out. I had like three different periods of burnout while I was writing and they were each progressively worse than before. I always looked on it at the time as like a personal failure, like oh my god, I can’t write anymore, maybe this isn’t what I’m supposed to do. It stressed me out, it affected my health, I gained weight, you know, it really affected me on a personal level because I attached so much of my personal self-worth to how good I was at this job. […] That was a lesson that was a long time coming.”
DG: “The thing about Dragon Age, weirdly, was that every time a game went out it always sold better than anyone ever, on the publisher side, than anybody expected it to. We always expected it to be selling worse than Mass Effect for some reason, but it always sold better. [laughs] To my eternal amusement.”
DG: “I really enjoyed working with the composer and writing the lyrics [for the musical scene in DA:I after Haven is attacked]. So having done that, I had this idea that sort of wormed its way into my head, possibly after watching the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The thing I liked, the musical element of it was diagenic, like it was in the world, it was happening and everybody knew they were singing, it wasn’t just a metaphor for them expressing their feelings, like they knew they were singing and it was weird. And I was like, oh, what if we did something like this, and it’s happening, and we have a dream realm, in the Fade, and what if the characters, like there was some kind of demon, a demon of Revelry or something like that that was making them sing.” The whole team, especially voiceover and localization, were very excited about this idea, but the bosses were like whoa, whoa [as to them it sounded like a lot of work to do], “if we sell 10 million copies, then yes we will do that DLC.” “which was sort of their way of saying no, because there was like, no chance, but we got pretty close, surprisingly.” “But they kind of pooh-pooh’d it, I think the main worry was they thought it wasn’t a very commercial idea. I mean like, I don’t think you understand our audience, but okay.”
The host asked "What would you say is the best compliment you've ever received on something you've created?" DG said that nothing really hit home as much as a fan's response to his character Dorian in DA:I. he related how this is the character he put most of himself into as a gay man, and how a lot of players were personally affected by Dorian and his story. one one occasion, a player emailed him and expressed that they had been contemplating ending things as they hadn't been able to come out due to their religious family. they were feeling conflicted, and played the game as a form of escape. "Dorian was a revelation" to this person and game them the courage to come out to their brother, stand up to their family and move out. the player told David "I just wanted you to know that your character saved my life."
internet discourse started mainly around the time that DAII came out. around then it reached its height and they received a lot of hate, which was very concerning and distressing for DG personally. but moments like the one Dorian inspired were the kind of thing that made it worthwhile. "To actually touch someone to that point is like, wow."
"I never thought back when I started that games could be anything else [than heteronormative]. that's just the way I assumed it would always be. I never considered the possibility of an alternative until Jade Empire. there was a different team, I didn't work on Jade Empire and I still don't know who to this day brought up putting same-sex romances into that game, but here I was working on Dragon Age when I heard that they were doing it and that the company was okay with it. I was shocked. I was like, can we do that? Can we put that into DA? Is that a thing we can do? The idea that I could also tell stories that took more personally from my own life, that was news, and powerful." it was a revelation for players and for the people making the game.
[source and link to complete interview] <- pls note there's quite a bit more discussed in the interview than what is noted in this post.
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pascalishere · 1 year
Ok, here are some thoughts on Death Grips, cause I forgot earlier whoops
I’ve been feeling some latent frustration with how I see a lot of people online engage with their music. I don’t mean to be some kind of elitist about this, but a lot of the (deserved) praise that I see them getting feels kind of…detached? It’s almost always coming from the kind of “woah, this music is crazy…but it works somehow?” mindset. I know I’m absolutely making a strawman argument here, but I’ve seen it enough times to where I feel like it’s not just a person I’m making up in my head to be mad at.
I feel like some people don’t get that DG isn’t good in spite of the “insanity”, they’re good because of the “insanity”. And I’ll admit, a lot of their music can be quite alienating! They use lots of abrasive textures, MC Ride’s performances can get very intense, it’s all a lot. But I feel like there are tons of moments of sheer beauty within DG’s discography. The riff from Centuries of Damn comes to mind, it’s so tired and desperate sounding, it’s incredible.
Hearing the incredible art that DG puts out is great, but to see a lot of people in it for the pure spectacle is a little disheartening. And I’m not trying to claim to be the only one who really gets Death Grips, at least I hope I’m not. I just really only see people talk about how crazy they are instead of how flat-out good they are.
Like, each member of DG itself is so talented!
Ride’s ability to channel that much visceral feeling into his performances is impressive on its own, it’s a miracle his throat hasn’t completely given out yet. But it feels so shitty to pigeonhole his style into “Funny homeless man screaming”. First of all, that’s just fucking rude. Second, that’s so reductive! Screaming isn’t all he does, he’s a really damn versatile performer! I never feel like he’s phoning it in or reusing a vibe, he does exactly what needs to be done, every single track. Lots of the most memorable moments of DG’s music are when Ride drops the yelling, and just talks. It’s chilling every time. Plus, his ability to keep a consistent flow over the off-kilter production is a feat all on its own.
Speaking of which, I think Andy Morin might be one of my favorite music producers right now. Right up there with Arca, Patricia Taxxon, Nigel Godrich, that real legendary shit. Like Ride, it never feels like I’m hearing the same thing twice. Each DG track sounds and feels so distinct, even while keeping within the general industrial, electronic, and punk sound palettes. Even my least favorite DG project in terms of production, NLDW, never ever felt lazy or unfinished. I think it’s an excellent project, I just don’t personally enjoy it as much as other DG albums, for very superficial reasons. On projects I prefer more, I still strongly feel that he’s very skilled at creating unique sounds, while still maintaining a sense of familiarity within the outlandish production.
Regarding Zach Hill, I think his drumming speaks for itself. Like, watch any video of a live Death Grips performance. That man goes absolutely ham on the drums, every single time. It’s a wonder he hasn’t snapped his wrists more often. Admittedly, he is the DG member I have the least to say about. I tend to get lost in the electronic elements of most DG tracks, I don’t pay as much attention to the drumming. I also have yet to check out Hella, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. Moving forward, I’m definitely going to try to keep my ears open to what he’s doing while the other elements of the tracks pass me by. I’m certain I’ll find something incredible.
Put together, they’re easily one of the most unique and consistently astonishing bands ever. I say that with my full chest. I don’t know, I just really like them! Sorry for the rambling, I just wanted to get all of this out there. Bottom line, Death Grips Good.
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magicwhiskers29 · 2 months
For the latest ask game...Great Ace Attorney, specifically
Favourite Character:
Gina, my girl Gina!! I love her development!! She adds to the atmosphere so well in Unspeakable Story, and I love her and Gregson's dynamic in DGS2!
Least Favourite Character:
Roly Beate. I think his gag is a little obnoxious, but I'm less endeared to him than Pat, so... I don't really actively dislike him that much, but he annoys me, so if I have to pick a least favourite...
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
-Haosusa (/Susarei)
Character I find most attractive:
Uhm. I don't know if I feel qualified to answer this. Maybe I'll just say whose design I like best... In which case, Gina again, maybe? I think she's very well-designed! :)
Character I would marry:
Also not that qualified to answer this one, uh... I could marry Courtney Sithe to make her history of marriages/relationships even more confusing? lol
Character I would be best friends with:
Iris!! We both like writing and science so I think we'd be cool buddies
A random thought:
Killing off Jezaille Brett at the start of DGS2 is an excellent way of setting the tone for the rest of the game, as well as setting up that, yeah, important characters can just die, so that Gregson's death works better later. I think it's a very shocking reveal that she's the victim, and I like it a lot.
An unpopular opinion:
Idk if this is that unpopular, but I asked my friend, and they told me this is at least a weird opinion, but Return of the Great Departed Soul is my favourite case in the doulogy, and my favourite case in Ace Attorney overall.
My canon OTP:
There aren't that many canon ships, to my memory, but the Vigils (Evie and Daley Vigil), I guess? Better than the Beates or the Garridebs...
My non-canon OTP:
I guess since this says OTP I can't say Ginasusahao, so uhm... Ginasusa, maybe? That's probably my favourite DGS ship, but I'm not like, that attached to it specifically, so...
Most badass character:
SUSATO MIKOTOBA!!! She saves you in court so many times, and she will take down anyone she needs to with a Susato takedown <3
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Hm... The most I think I get towards DGS ships I don't care is ambivilent, tbh. I can usualy see why people like them, though. I guess the ones I stear most clear from would be Baroryuu or Asobaro? Nothing against then, and I can get why people ship them, but they're not really my thing.
Character I feel the writer's screwed up:
Right, this isn't so clear-cut as it would be as if I was writing this about PL, but if you'll allow me to be petty for a moment, I do have a few minor grievances with Susato. I love her writing for the most part, but I think there was a major missed opportunity in the specifics of her ending.
I don't think her thematic beats about choosing her own path work quite as well if her sole motivation to return to Japan at the end of DGS2 os for Ryuunosuke. Like, yes, she chooses to follow him over Kazuma, that's something, but she's still just choosing to follow another character, when she was previously set up in Blossoming Attorney to be capable of standing on her own if the law only allowed it! I think i would have liked it more if it was at least implied that she returned to Japan to help Ryuunosuke AND start to try to begin her own legal career.
Otherwise, I think her ending's uncomfortably similar to the midpoint in her arc for the ending of Unspeakable Story. Albeit indirectly, she's once again returning to Japan upon her father's request, and I think that could have been avoided a little if her motivations for wanting to return were established as being outside of what other characters want, because that is her arc!
Favourite friendship:
Kazuma and Susato. Everything they do with those two is so interesting to me, and I love writing about it. It's so interesting how core Kazuma is to Susato, but how also she can't mean as much to him, because he only met her properly after he's already decided his mission. But she still means a lot to him, and I just, augh. I love the tragedy.
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agentgrange · 1 year
What is some fiction outside of the mythos or DG that you look to for inspiration?
Excellent, fun question. I've been on a narrowboat trip through the countryside and hadn't had a lot of time to get my thoughts out so this is a great way to get back in the headspace actually. This isn't going to be the most coherent answer in the world but off the top of my head here's some ideas and recommendations in no particular order.
Philip K Dick-- I've talked about his work a bit before, less because of his works themselves (there's a lot there that's problematic and can be cut) and more because he really channels that bridge between Lovecraft's historic paranoia and a modern contemporary setting
Basically any works by Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and Grant Morrison-- I feel like I don't need to say a lot about these authors, they really are the triarchy that serve as the prime example of how to distill complex occult principles into media. They really paved the way for how to take an abstract idea and shape it into fiction as a way to sort of upload an idea into another person's brain.
Rawhead Rex by Clive Barker and Les Edwards-- this graphic novel really was my gateway into horror as something more complex than the slasher / torture porn that was en vogue when I was growing up which had previously turned me off of the genre.
Strangehaven by Gary Spencer Millidge-- beautiful and inspiring labor of love about a small town subject to extraordinary circumstances
Mononoke & Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales-- Beautiful stories that give a window into how another culture expresses the same ideas as a lot of the works above
Satoshi Kon's movies to me really tap into the same energy as Philip K Dick but without a lot of the ugliness and much more beauty. Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers are my two favorites to the point that I honestly get emotional just thinking about them.
I don't need to tell you about Akira, but I will absolutely recommend you don't discount it's more low brow contemporaries like Urotsukidoji and Wicked City for some fucked up exploitation anime.
Possession (1981) is genuinely my all time favorite work of surrealist horror and a cornerstone for a lot of my ideas
Society (1989) what if Possession was even more fucked up & grind house but also silly? :3c
Obviously X-Files, Twin Peaks, and True Detective are giant influences but I'd like to recommend a fourth "weird cop" show-- FX's Fargo. The original movie was already a true crime classic but the show really takes it to 11. Season 2 is probably my favorite for reasons that will be apparent for anyone who's watched it.
Lastly the bulk of media I regularly consume is usually actually non-fiction. History, particularly US history, is fucked up and clown shoes enough that it has all the inspiration you might need if you just have a good source that can present it as an interesting narrative. Last Podcast on the Left is a good gateway into this but there's plenty of other more "serious" sources that can still be just as entertaining like the podcast Blowback. Once you're able to put history into a narrative you can be entertained by and feel invested in it becomes a lot more interesting to read books from authoritative sources that help feed into that interest because you have an emotional connection to it instead of it just being a series of context-less names and dates.
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milaza · 2 years
thoughts on the racism in DGS (specifically van zieks)
i want to preface this by saying that 1) i’m a chinese person from a western country, and 2) i really like van zieks (outside of his racism of course). but basically, i don’t claim to understand how japanese fans in japan view him, and i also understand that van zieks may be an unforgiveable character for japanese fans who live in the west because his attacks are rather personal. i’m not trying to change anyone’s mind with this... as you’ll see later, i don’t even think his redemption is written well (me liking van zieks is solely based on the other aspects of his character). i’m just thinking out loud
this post contains major DGS2 spoilers.
what does van zieks' racism add to DGS?
i think there are two main reasons van zieks was written as racist towards japanese people in the game. the first logic seems to be that since the game takes place in the 1900s, him being racist is part of the period theme and shows how british people used to be very racist towards japanese people and foreigners. i guess due to cultural differences and looking down on them for not being as ‘technologically advanced’.
however, the thing is that van zieks’ racism doesn’t stem from that. he does talk about it awful lot, but his cultural differences/’lack of advancement’ itself isn’t the reason he hates japanese people. his racism just stems from him being affected by a personal incident where his brother happened to be killed by a japanese guy. the story of “van zieks overcoming his racism” doesn’t have anything to do with the theme of the victorian period, it’s just his own problem. he was perfectly accepting and respectful of japanese people before the incident.
thus to me it’s so weird how his redemption is done by seeing how ryunosuke believes in him/defend him. cool, so he now recognizes that japanese people can be smart and full of heart... even though that’s what he originally believed 10 years ago??? so again, because his racism doesn’t stem from innate/learned bigotry but just that one incident, i don’t think his redemption arc really means anything, if that makes sense! it’s not commentary on victorian england or english/japanese relationships. it’s not a man learning to undo racism he grew up with. like i said before, it’s literally just his own problem, and it’s a problem i think is unnecessary to this game. it would be exactly the same if they made him a regular asshole instead of a racist asshole.
the other reason i believe racism was included in DGS was to serve as a mystery for the player/ryunosuke to wonder why van zieks despises japanese people so much. however, it doesn’t work as a mystery. because the player is just like “? he hates japanese people because he’s a british man from the 1800s” it really doesn’t feel that deep. we figure it’s solved already, it doesn’t matter! so it should’ve been excluded to begin with.
how was his in-game redemption handled?
like i said before, i really think that his ‘redemption’ was not written well and it did make me feel unsatisfied, speaking as an asian in the west. i felt frustrated that it seemed like there was no proper scene where he’s truly sorry for the shit he spouted for so long, and there was no scene where either ryunosuke or asogi address it fully either. (i might be missing something since i can’t look up a transcript ATM, but i feel like i would remember it if there was a scene like that)
the part i dislike the most is when his backstory comes out. ryunosuke, who has spent all this time being verbally abused by van zieks, is just like “oh, well if your brother was killed by a japanese person then i understand why you’d hate us”. like what!?! that’s no excuse to hate japanese people for a decade??? i couldn’t believe i saw that coming from the main character, because i believe that the main character (at least in a game like this) should reflect the values of the author, and this logic of “it’s understandable to hate a race based on one person” is extremely bad IRL.
(also i hate how he was like “just as japanese people are the bane of my existence... i am the bane of asogi’s” dude it really is not comparable to say you hate a whole ethnicity to asogi just hating you. and he only knew you existed a month ago)
one thing i noticed about DGS2-5 was that characters were open about not forgiving each other. i was really surprised by that, because it felt unusual to see characters like vigil and asogi be so direct about refusing to forgive those who wronged them. i know asogi had that big scene at the end of the trial, but i also wish either he or ryunosuke had taken the time to address van ziek’s past racism too. i felt like a direct confrontation saying that what van zieks did was wrong was what was missing. something along the lines of “i won’t forgive you for what you said and did in the past, but i respect that you’re trying to get better and we can work together from now on”. like just acknowledge that it IS bad to be racist even if you have a ‘reason’ for it! or better yet, don’t make him racist to begin with!!!
how would i rewrite him?
obviously, i don’t want barok van zieks to be racist because everything else about him is perfect to me and it’s just this one aspect of his character that pisses me off like crazy.
the first way i’d go about it is to make him hate all people who work in law/law enforcement (since genshin was aiming to be a detective). then the mystery would actually work; the player would wonder why such a revered prosecutor despised other lawyers and police so much. it’s just a way better mystery than wondering why a white man in the victorian period hates foreigners. plus, it would be humorous to see van zieks constantly hating on lawyers despite being one.
the second way is to make him hate the asogi family specifically and not other japanese people too. this option would add to the game in multiple ways. for example, isn’t it such a crazy coincidence that he reaper of the bailey just happened to start his prosecuting career again as soon as ryunosuke arrived in london? it would make sense with this one simple fix!
have the reaper find out that the exchange student asogi was due to come to london that day, and have that be the reason he starts prosecuting again. when he arrives at court and finds that ryunosuke is in his place, ryunosuke should be explicit about knowing asogi personally. and there we go, a reason for van zieks to hate ryunsouke/sustato without it being race-based! (of course, replace his awful remarks about japan with remarks about how obviously friends of asogi are all stupid/cruel/whatnot)
the direct jeers against ryunosuke for being asogi’s associate would then serve as a good mystery for the player to wonder why he hates this ‘dead’ defense attorney so much. isn’t asogi just our friend from university? is there something more to his past, that he shares with a prosecutor on the other side of the world...?
(i’d personally go with the lawyer hater one though since it’s funnier + strays further from specifically targeting the japanese characters in the game)
on another note:
the racism in general in DGS is very odd... i suppose it might add to the victorian theme to have these british people talk about cultural differences all the time. but it’s especially odd to me because like, every white character is casually racist out of ignorance while van zieks is racist for plot-induced reasons??? and his racism ‘gets resolved’ while the others are never commented upon. idk it’s tonally weird though i do still like the rest of the cast a lot.
and in conclusion:
i love van zieks and i think he’s intended to be a good and likeable character/person by the end of the story. however to me, the writing never redeems him well and i wish he was written so that he wasn’t racist to begin with. but i’m not the game’s target audience, so i don’t believe i’ll ever have the cultural context to view him in the way a japanese person in japan would see him. he’s still the 2nd most popular DGS character in japan though. i don’t know if that means they accepted his redemption or if they simply think he’s very sexy (he is)
anyway i’ve been thinking about van zieks so much lately and rewrote him enough in my brain to the point where i now self insert ship myself with him so nothing i say is valid
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hechiima · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thought this would be fun with the end of the year!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
398,723. I'm really proud of this number tbh; never thought I'd write this much. Was hoping to hit 400k by the end of 2023 but I don't think that's gonna happen. Here's to hoping I hit half a million by this time next year!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You Ever Been In Love?
Things Are As They Are
On the Morality of Birds
Awkward Business
The View from the Gallery
No DGS fics. I know its a smaller fandom so it makes sense but still. 🥲 Also I swear I'll finish Awkward Business someday I'm just. So deep into Sherlock Holmes/DGS hell atm. ;A;
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I never do unless it's a specific question. I used to but then I got overwhelmed/I never knew what to say so I just stopped. That said, I read all of them and they really mean a ton to me!!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Prob Running Late or Shoulder Pain. I'm not really good with angsty endings so I usually only keep it angsty in the shorter fics lmao.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lololol I think most of my fics have happy endings so that's a hard one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Thankfully, I think the hate on fics trend has died down a lot since the ff.net days.
9. Do you write smut?
Hell yeah. Please read my smut I'm so proud of it. I'm also on a quest to boost the hmmk smut tag on ao3 so if y'all have any smut you wanna see for them lmk.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. My dream fic of a holmesverse crossover will happen someday though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had a few translated to Russian and Chinese. Honestly it's insanely flattering when ppl ask to translate a fic like ough you liked my story so much you wanted to share it with others who don't speak English? It's so sweet. ;A;
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Okay so Mango and Krissey and I started an amazing pirate AU and l adore it. And someday. We will finish it. I believe in us. I'd love to co-write a fic tho so if anyone's interested please hmu I think it'd be so so fun.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ugh. Johnlock/Hmmk or Nrmt have to be like. The only ships that made me insane enough to write multiple fics over so it's def them. I love insanely codependant relationships.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's so many. But off the top of my head, I have a fantasy AU that Beau and I came up with that I still love a ton (Finding You) and want to finish and a Edgeworth ends up in a Gregory lives AU (In Another Life) that I'm not sure if I'll ever finish. The former is just so much work and the latter I've kinda lost the plot thread so. Ough. Sorry.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
aksfjjalsjflsjf everything else LMAO. That's why we practice!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't love doing it? I've done it like once for a fic where language was important but other than that I try to avoid doing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
....hetalia..........it was the only other fandom i wrote for before AA. This was like in 2009/2010 tho I know better now but those fics ARE still up on fanfiction.net (: It sucks b/c sometimes I wanna compare my old writing to my current writing but I'm like ough. I cannot read these old fics.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'd have to say A Study In Gold. I genuinely love that one so much. Thinking about hmmk early days makes me insane. I also really liked On the Morality of Birds b/c it was just such a supremely stupid fic.
@anyone who sees this and writes fic please feel free to do it! I'd love to see others talk about their fics <3
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hyusolk · 1 year
omg we all know u love jay but i wasnt sure who comes after jay so!
• favorite crew
• favorite workers affiliate (lmaooo)
• coolest fighting style
• character you wish would interact more with jay
• character/s you kin with
• problematic fav! villain fav! scumbag fav!
sorry there are a lot, but i'm curious my loveee!!
kindly indulge me 😌
1. favorite crew:
if i were lying id say daniels because jay but honestly i think big deal because the backstory is very cute and funny and theyre all just very cute and funny + they have lua and jake 😊😊 but mainly because of how much they all love each other like its extremely adorable 😭😭 honestly the kind of love i desire
2. favorite workers affiliate:
I think the 4th one with one mcn ? with samuel because i was diehard simping over that man 😍
3. coolest fighting style:
Im gonna be deadass honest with you, i pay like no attention to the fights. But id say james lee or dg or whateva catches my eye the most because that dude be balancing on peoples heads??
4. characters i wish would interact more with jay:
this is obvious from me but daniel 😭 but i also really wanna see more interactions with him, joy, and kitae because i think id be able to laugh and relate if we saw more panels with them all together + i wanna see what his familys like
5. characters i kin:
honestly ive never really related to a character or thought about it 😭 but i am curious about who you would assume i kin
6. problematic fave:
...its gun 😞 unfortunately. hes such a dickwad and is public enemy number 1. Hes my fave mainly for the fact that i used to be a hardcore gun simp and found him so hot 😭 now i just laugh at him
(Also dont apologize i had so much fun answering ^^💕💕)
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
words cannot express how much i love vanlock like i got into it for the exes energy at first in dgs 1 and then it all spiralled from there and i started reading fanfiction (there's this one really good author i absolutely adore) bro dude i was there when there were 36 vanlock fics on ao3 and 18 of them were in chinese i have remained devoted and i will continue to remain devoted to these gayasses
most of my thoughts ive already posted about them, some of them i plan to make into fics once school stops kicking my ass with a vengeance and im writing one right now but lemme try to highlight everything i like about their dynamic uhhhh
there is so much potential post-dgs2 for their dynamic because found family and [cOUGHs in dgs2 spoilers] and literally how are they NOT gonna have to be in contact 24/7 they are going to be married in 10 years if iris has anything to say about it.
we dont know ANYTHING about their history even though they clearly have a history which is just a green flag for headcanons to go wild, i mean im already deadset on the idea that both of them at least minored in theater with how fuckin flamboyant they are so van zieks majored in law while herlock majored in either chemistry, engineering, or the art of driving everyone insane. or everything idk
they must have done a stage kiss at least once that was extremely fraught with actual romantic/sexual tension that everyone but them noticed and was extremely awkward about. benjamin/albert happens to be with van zieks when they both see herlock in the present and albert is like "oh hey i remember him you guys did that really awkward stage k-" and van zieks is like "please stop talking"
i said this in another post but it is so unclear what their relationship is that you could assign so many things to it. exes, divorcees, one night stand, several night stands, coworkers with benefits, secretly married, what are you i could write so much fanfiction about you there are so many potential complex emotions and conflicted feelings and regret and i live for that shit
i'm pretty sure herlock DOES trust van zieks to some extent and my memory is fuzzy but i don't think he's ever really indicated that he actually thought van zieks was The Reaper despite calling him shinigami-kun/reapy/mr. reaper and such?? correct me if im wrong but he seems to subtly guide ryuu into realizing that barok is not in fact a murderer
the london dlc case literally has me reeling like sholmes used his very questionable connections to find out van zieks' birthday and then both he and iris snuck into his office to do nice things for him what the fuck like this was a family project?? they straight up adopted him and he didnt notice
i read this one addition to my post where someone talked about how barok and sholmes are a lot nicer to each other in private and sholmes says "barok" instead of reapy and i havent seen much of 2-5 but i dont even care if it's true or not im making it canon in my head im so down bad for the enemies in public softer in private dynamic like shizaya or dabihawks
the way the public actively avoids both of them, one of them because he's annoying and the other because he's supposedly a murderer is good flavor i enjoy that and i enjoy people gawking at them being in public together interacting normally i read this one fic where barok was used to observing the thirteen foot distance between him and the crowd and then herlock joined him and he was like oh. it's fourteen feet now ahskdGSDGSHKkjhdsjh
gina iris and the apprentice teasing/exposing barok for his crush on herlock is also very fun, and vice versa
them being like "my masked apprentice is better" "no ryuunosuke is better"while said apprentices are making out
they qualify for my "teachers that have tried to kill each other at least once and are also probably married and students have no idea what their relationship is" au that i lovingly bestow on all my older people ships
there's probably more but i have to get back to work ahjdkGHJSJ anyway vanlock supremacy
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Since you were talking about games, I know you're also a Dai Gyakuten Saiban/Great Ace Attorney fan (so am I! I followed you originally because you're into both it and BSD hehe), and I'm curious to know your thoughts on it! 💖 Who are your favorite characters/relationships/cases/parts? (My fave character is Benedict/Graydon. Yes I have a tendency to become obsessed with minor characters no one else cares about, oops) Did you play it with the Chronicles version (I assume so, like most people did) or are you an og who followed along with the fan translation like I did? One of the best/funniest parts of getting into that duology was coming across Souseki and being like "if I had a nickel for every time I've encountered a piece of media that had an anime version of real-life author Natsume Souseki, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" lmao 😭
Since they're two of my favorite media, sometimes I try to imagine how a BSD/DGS crossover would work, and which characters would get along, though granted the only things they really have in common are detective work/mysteries, an old-fashioned aesthetic, and some similar themes lol... I just really love both of them a lot 🥹💖 Ryuunosuke and Atsushi being the exasperated straight men to the genius comedy duo that is Sholmes and Dazai? lmao (also Iris and Kyouka and their bunnies 🥹)
I need to play Hatoful Boyfriend. I've played lots of visual novels but that one is still on my to-play list (I don't know how seriously I'll be able to take it with bird sprites instead of actual human facial expressions, even though I fully trust that it is as good as its reputation says it is, but I'll just have to see for myself lmao)
Hsjfdnvskdf ok so I don't know what keeps happening to me with TGAA because I love it so much but I can't seem to write proper meta on it so. I just keep reiterating how much I like it lol. I got into it a bit later - I knew it existed almost since it came out in Japan but since I hadn't played original Ace Attorney, I avoided it for a long time. Then I saw a playthrough of the fan translation Case 1 and was hooked. By that point, I knew there was going to be a full English release so I waited for that because I wanted so badly to play it through! It's such a good game.
Oh, Graydon was interesting. That case was really fun, if it weren't for the fact that I figured out the key evidence really early and I kept trying to present it too soon aojsbsidhb. Graydon as a character was great because he's exactly as he appears but then there's just that bit more that fleshes him out and made him the slightest bit more sympathetic while not detracting from his actions. He was cool. (I actually had an idea for an after trial fic with him and the Skulkins but I don't think I'll ever get around to writing it :/)
Oh yeah I flipped out when I saw Natsume - my whole brain stopped (this was before my BSD obsession btw so this was very strange to me lol) and I shrieked out "NATSUME SOSEKI???" and my mom from the other room was just "???". yeah. And then he showed up again in BSD and I just said "...hi Natsume".
My favourites are the Mikotobas! Both Susato and Yuujin! They're such sweet people aghhhhh they deserve the world. But I really love all the main cast tbh. Ryuunosuke is such a dork but there's real personality to him, Sholmes is the perfect adaptation of that character, Gina should get all the puppies and friends she wants, and though I have some mixed feelings on him, I hope van Zieks gets a fucking break at some point (or just keep friendly tormenting him. I think it's good for him actually. unlearn your prejudices and relearn how to smile, you edgy vampire man.). Kazuma's arc was excellent and I wish so badly we could've gotten a true reunion scene with less of the baggage... actually, thinking about Kazuma for too long makes me ill. You essentially watch him break in the middle of court and it sucks. It sucks man.
And Iris was a standout character to me because her archetype could've so easily been bland or annoying but instead she's a realistic kid who happens to be a genius and she's kind and gets sad and angry and has depth and I would give her a big hug.
In terms of case specific characters, I liked Haori/Rei a lot, just because her dynamic with Susato was so silly and she's a cool gifted forensics student! She's awesome! I want to see her again!
However, my favourite was Olive. OLIVE. I adore her and I adore the twist with her. God she's so passive aggressive. Like damn. Have I mentioned that I adore her character? If Olive has only 1 fan then I am that fan. I wished we had gotten to consult with her again, even though that wouldn't have made much sense... just because she was interesting to me and I would've liked to have seen her character more fleshed out.
I'd really love to see a lot of these characters again. I've seen some people talking about Kazuma Asougi Investigations but tbh I'd really like to see Susato Mikotoba Investigations with Haori and Yuujin helping out! It'd be neat to see more Meiji Japan and Susato continue to grow as a character in her own right, since she started that journey in Chronicles. Oh well. I know that's a pipe dream but still.
Omg omg so Iris and Kyouka was such a sweet mental image that I had to doodle it!
Tumblr media
I bet Kyouka would really find Iris's inventions fascinating and love to listen to how they work and stuff! I think they'd get along tbh. The idea of Sholmes and Dazai ever interacting terrifies me. Keep them away from each other. Please.
As for Hatoful, I am biased but I'd say it is well worth a playthrough. Given you like both DGS and BSD, I'd say you'll probably like it. My mom (who has also played it) and I were chatting about it recently and thinking that weirdly enough, BSD gives us a lot of the same vibes... like it's nowhere near identical, but that kind of desperate darkness where the characters are not who they appear to be at first and everyone has a different motive for doing what they do, but it's also not taking itself too seriously and it's still kinda silly... yeah. Same feel. It's better to go in with no expectations but I'm thinking of making a post later about why people should play that game... it's still one of my favourites of all time.
About the stock bird images: I know it's weird. I know it's weird that they're birds. But the best part of this game - to me, anyways - is that for as much as it is a gag, the story leans into it so heavily that you will quickly realize the main plot only makes logical sense if the main cast are birds and the player the only human. Like, it literally would not make sense otherwise. Please play it. It's wacky, it's zany, the characters have a good amount of depth, it's mildly traumatizing, it's one of the best things I've played and I feel it's become an inscrutable part of my identity. I am still obsessed with it many years later. That almost never happens to me. It's that good.
Agh this was long. I hope it wasn't overwhelming haha. Actually I'm curious: did you like Olive too? And/or what do you like about Graydon? :D
(Also if you ever decide to start Hatoful, please let me know your thoughts!!!)
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thelocalmuffin · 2 years
kayziska + 13 !! Or, if you’d prefer, susahao + 6 :)
I went with susahao for six! Kay's actually a lot harder to write than I expected, so I'll try to tackle it when I learn more about investigations.
DGS 2 spoilers abound.
As ambitious as Susato is, she does have some off days, just like everyone else.
It’s been a long week.
Susato, in her Ryutaro disguise, collapses on the bed. She could remove the clothes, but she'd rather just do it after the date she has planned. It's just too much energy right now...
She sighs, exhaling as she stares at the ceiling. Everyone has been so rude to her this week. Prosecutors, police, and even just random folks on the street. Even in this disguise, they’re disregarding what she has to say. With the exception of Naruhodo-san and her father, of course.
She groans in her pillow. No matter how many times she tries to be polite and considerate, it's never enough. When she's herself, that's even not enough.
Why isn’t she enough?
The door opens, interrupting her thoughts. She sighs as she turns over to dismiss the unwanted visitor. “Go away, Father.”
“It’s not your father, it’s me, Haori.”
“Oh,” Susato raises her head, forcing a smile. “Hello, Haori. How are you doing?”
“I’m alright, but you sound…well, down.” Haori pouts, placing her purse on the dresser. “Are you alright?”
Susato exhales, looking down. “I apologise. I know we were supposed to go out, but I am not feeling well. I’m exhausted mentally.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t mind if you want to take it easy tonight.” Haori smiles, lying down next to her girlfriend. She turns her body towards her. “Besides, when I walked past the milk bar, they looked packed. I was going to suggest somewhere else."
“Even if we take it easy tonight, it’ll be a distraction, not a solution…” Susato trails off with a frown, “What will stop all these people from treating me poorly just because the work week has ended?”
Haori’s smile falls when Susato’s eyes tear up. She tries to wipe them, but they don’t stop.  Susato sighs, accepting the fact her stress has come out through tears. 
Haori leans in, kissing the dripping tear with a smile.
“Listen, I know it’s rough, but you’re Susato Mikotoba. The most terrifying woman in Japan. Even Kazuma-sama admitted he was scared of you! People are intimidated by those who show skill and ambition, so they’ll go for underhanded comments to bring you down. Those who truly matter think you are an incredible person, no matter what. Alright?”
Susato smiles for the first time this whole week at Haori’s kind words. “Thank you. That truly means a lot.”
"And I mean it. Don't you forget that, okay?"
Susato nods, "I won't."
Sorry today's was a bit shorter than usual, I had a bit of an off day. If you'd like to request something, feel free to! Just use these prompts and send them here.
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4ragon · 1 year
ryunosuke naruhodo for the ask game? 🤲
Oh yes good choice. I really don't write enough about the DGS cast. Gonna just go ahead and start off with DGS spoilers for a couple of thoughts in here buuuuut...
Sexuality Headcanon: I definitely see Ryuu as gay, maybe on the ace scale? Demisexual? And didn't really give it much thought until meeting Asougi in college. Though I feel like he's the kind of guy to be like "Oh well ALL guys feels this way about men like Asougi" and just doesn't give it a ton of thought. Gender Headcanon: See, for a lot of characters I don't have super strong opinions on their gender identity. There are a couple of exceptions, but for Ryuu, I'd be fine with anything. Cis? Trans? All headcanons are fun! A ship I have with said character: Asoryuu for sure. I just really enjoy their dynamic, and how much growth they have to go through together. Like, should they get together right at the end of DGS2? No, I think they both need to do some healing and growing and rebuilding their friendship. But once they heal. I want them to kiss. Because I'd be sad otherwise. A BROTP I have with said character: Man, this one is hard. He has a lot of fun dynamics with so many characters. Maybe Susato? Or Holmes? It really is a joy to watch him get strung along by Holmes, their dynamic is one of my favorite parts of DGS. A NOTP I have with said character: I have a few Ryuu ships that I'm not crazy about, but him being with Susato makes me uncomfortable. A random headcanon: Ryunosuke Naruhodo is tone deaf. Like, super tone deaf. Couldn't hold a tune to save his life. He tries so hard, too, but it's never going to happen, Ryuu. General Opinion over said character: I love Ryunosuke. People knowing who he is was one of the things I was most excited about when they announced the translation. He's just so much fun! Like, he's just So Incredibly Anxious, it's amazing. Like, they took one look at how jumpy and anxious Apollo was and were like "We can go deeper"
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chibitantei · 1 year
@tacitusauxilium sends: 5 + 25
𝑬𝑿𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺𝑬𝑳𝑭 . — Munday meme, me dudes | Open
∗ o5﹕ what  character  have  you  never  written ,  but  have  wanted  to ? Gina Lestrade DGS my beloved. The only thing stopping me is making sure she’ll stick after I finish DGS 2 and her insufferable Cockney accent. There are a few characters from Chainsaw Man I’ve thought about writing, however, I’m a manga reader and one of these characters appears in Part 2, which won’t be adapted for god knows how long.
Persona wise, there was Sumi, but she’s so vastly different from Naoto that I don’t think I would be able to get into her headspace accurately because god knows how intense Naoto’s grip on my brain cells are.
∗ 25﹕ who  is  an  author  whose  writing  inspires  your  own ?
I have not read a real book that wasn’t a textbook since high school, but I remember enjoying the Mysterious Benedict Society as a kid. I was pretty shook to know it got a fourth (technically fifth if you count the prequel) installment to the saga in 2019. I don’t know how much of it has influenced my writing because it has been years since I’ve read it, but I’m telling you, I’d reread the shit out of the second book so much as a kid. No idea why I liked it the most.
But I am a casual and insanely picky fanfic reader. There are two authors I enjoy (one has fics for P3 and P5), the other has a lot of P4 and is the only author that has made kan//nao enjoyable and believable. Both of their styles are different, and while I do ‘study’ them to see why I like their writing so much, the main takeaway I get from their works is focusing on the character’s voice, whether it’s through spoken dialogue or internal. I am not gifted in spinning purple poetry on the spot, and neither of them go to that length, but how they create their imagery feels like it’s something I could do, too. If I ever say I’m reading a fanfic, it’s probably from one of those two authors.
Another thing I like about their writing is that they’re a little subtle about the things they imply. I love it when I’m able to piece together something without being it being directly told because god only knows why.
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