#I had a LOT of fun w this design and I’m pretty satisfied with the colors!
biirdex · 8 months
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Federation please return my daughter
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crystaldoodler · 3 months
A very long post of doodles relating to @theminecraftbee ‘s smallishsona AU (sorry for the tag again). I think of this AU while wandering Tartarus, so, I’ve had a lot of time to think. This post is really long and has a lot of rambling so, I’m putting it all under the cut. I’m sorry world I have too many words and rambles in me
First up, character designs!
I used primarily their mc skins for design, with only a few rl things thrown in. But, I didn’t bring them up so the colors are off a bit.
Starting off with Joel:
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He’s following the persona protagonist tradition of mostly wearing the school uniform correctly, but with some minor embellishments. I’m still debating whether or not to add more, but w/e. His signature color is green.
Then Skizz and Impulse:
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The greatest dichotomy of time to design, Impulse I knocked out on the second go, but I’ve done many iterations of Skizz and I still am not satisfied with this design. The ripped sleeves looked too out there (to me, at least) but nothing else seems to work so I settled for the shirt under uniform shirt look. Something I struggled with that these two emphasize is making them look like teenagers, and what they look like, and also keep to the anime style, and also my own incompetence with drawing facial features so It’s something all of these lack in. Impulse is yellow, and Skizz is blue.
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Scar and Grian are next up, Scar’s facial Scar is from summoning his persona, because he stabbed himself in the face lol. Not much to say about these guys, I settled on orange for Scar and red for grian, which I am still struggling with beacause mumbo:
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is ALSO red. So I guess they are just, both? red? If you look at the party select screens in persona though, the characters have pretty strong color coding, so I guess I’ll figure something out. If anyone is still reading: help. Anyway, mumbo wins the award for wearing the uniform the most normal (except for the tie)
Last but not least, Gem!
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She’s wearing a longer skirt than the usual uniforms and also some big-ass boots. Also, she’s a sea monster thing? So, I was thinking, staring at SEES cool new uniform things and thinking about the Phantom Thieves and how cool their outfits are and realized the persona games have at least some design change to separate their daily looks from shadow hunting. Even if it is only glasses in p4 lol. So, I thought maybe weapon holsters? but, that seemed a little too generic. So! I decided to combine how I normally draw the hermits (and a lot of the fandom does) as having non-human traits as the big things setting their combat looks apart. It is both a) fun to draw, b) creates an eye catching and distinctive design for combat and c) is really funny. I thought it was funny so I drew a comic about it:
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and here’s a sketch of what everyone looks like and also the transformation gives them very distinct eyes, for no reason other than I think it looks cool:
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mumbo is a normal human btw (or at least, he appears to be)
Welp,that’s all I got. If I look at these drawings any longer I will hate them so here they are, yippee. Also, Bee/OP, sorry for exploding; I am into persona and hermitcraft right now so this AU is like a perfect storm to give me brain rot.
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elfyourmother · 10 months
Do you consider yourself a lore breaking, lore bending or lore adhering roleplayer? Does this adherence to lore depend on the kind of lore you're exploring with your characters; i.e. you play fast and loose with ideas xiv has yet to develop, but you tend to pay close attention to the fleshed out ideals? Is there lore you have modified that you're proud of and would share here?
I view lore as a starting point for me to jump off from and make my own. Always have.
I find strict adherence to game canon for its own sake creatively suffocating and always have, in every setting I've ever written in. It’s pretty much entirely because I grew up on DMing and writing in Forgotten Realms, which took a very DIY approach back in the day that was heavily encouraged by its creator. Everyone's Realms were equally valid, according to Word of God, and there were often intentional "blanks" left in sourcebooks for the DM to fill. These books emphasized over and over again that the DM was the ultimate authority on canon, not TPTB or the novels or anything else. That philosophy has informed my approach to worldbuilding in the transformative fandom sense for the last 30 years. That and being a queer Black femme of color who is very rarely satisfied by canon narratives rife w racially problematic tropes. I change things to make a space for myself and my characters and the stories I want to tell, by necessity. FFXIV is no different in that respect.
That said, I don't smash SE canon just to smash it either. Despite how bonkershits a lot of Gisèle's canon appears on the surface (eg. post-war Ishgard's constitutional monarchy with King Aymeric), everything I change has been carefully considered and engineered for as much internal consistency as possible. As much as I operate on Rule of Cool, I need things to make sense for me to have fun.
But I am distinctly not a roleplayer, for this and many other reasons. I'm strictly a fic writer, and I don't ever collab with people. The world Gisèle operates in is constructed entirely for her, and my own enjoyment, by design. So no one is forced to deal with my stuff if they don't like it.
That said, King Aymeric is probably the lore I’m most proud of. I wrote a ficlet for ffxivwrite last year on it here, but the cliffs notes: Aymeric invoked the ancient covenant between man and dragon when begging Hraesvelgr’s aid against Nidhogg and vowed he would restore it, but Hraes said that because that covenant was broken by an Elezen king, only an Elezen king could restore it. Hraes was wily though, it wasn’t just upholding weird draconic custom in saying that. His ulterior motive was to make Aymeric guarantee his people would be united enough not to turn on the Dravanians once Nid was handled. the end result is that Aymeric restored the Ishgardian throne (“The Azure Throne”, as a nod to Haldrath), but as a largely unifying figurehead/ceremonial position with Parliament strictly defining the role of the king. Artoirel is Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. Aymeric’s still LC of the temple knights in addition to his royal duties. He wasn’t giving that up lol.
making a constitutional monarchy plausible in the context of the story was challenging and I think I’ve done a solid job of it tbh. I wanted to lean into the Arthurian romance vibes of HW but also solve the fundamental problem I had w how it ended, which is that I don’t think it’s a terribly realistic scenario for ppl who were under a theocracy for 1000 years. Aymeric essentially having his hand forced by Hraesvelgr solves the issue of why he would restore the throne and tbh I don’t flinch from the complications of squaring that with the revelations about Ishgard’s founding, I think it only plays more into Aymeric’s ambivalence about the role he’s been thrust into.
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hydez-oc · 2 years
gathering lore + notes for a story
Story: Rose Red
Status: I’ve written one version for creative writing but I’m not the most satisfied w/ it
the story was originally inspired by Rose Red by Emilie Autumn, but the creative writing version has a less complex story and a less dark tone than the concept inspired by the song
the original story featured human characters in a vaguely medieval-ish-inspired fantasy setting. Red Rose (royalty) fell in love with Jasmine, a musician, but was prohibited from seeing him by White Rose (Red’s older sibling, who is handling the arrangement of Red’s marriage). I don’t remember entirely if it was a “PLEASE get married but only to another noble” thing or a “DON’T get married unless it’s to this one (1) suitor” thing
One idea I had for why White was so protective of Red was because Red might have had the ability to use magic, thus making them an asset to the kingdom, but that may be a little too off-topic
The original story also had a subplot with a suitor from another kingdom, Iris, who came with the assumption that he would be courting White. This plot went like this: Iris confided in Red that he didn’t think he was courting them and actually wanted to marry White, and they organized a plan. To keep White from introducing other suitors to Red, Red said they would marry Iris if he could win at various athletic competitions. For added fun, White was usually who Iris was competing against, at least for fencing and jousting, because White was definitively better than Iris was so Iris COULDN’T win
The creative writing version showed a city of fae creatures, usually just called “Flowers”, and the weird situation in the Rose kingdom. White is trying to get Red a suitor to the point that they’re ignoring all other duties, but Red is turning everyone down. One day, during a ball which was organized so that Red would be forced to actually INTERACT with the suitors, Red snuck out and attracted Jasmine’s attention by having such a pretty singing voice. Red started being included in Jasmine’s performances and White’s anxiety was eased by seeing how well Red was being treated, how well Jasmine’s shows were doing, and things of that nature. So White reluctantly admitted they were wrong and gave the couple their blessing
(Iris was removed from this version because it was a short story and it would have become too long and complicated if he was included)
Red Rose’s design (which I haven’t drawn out yet) is inspired by ballet dresses. The thorns are incorporated as jewelry and potentially the ribbons of the shoes, the petals are the dress.
Jasmine’s design is undecided, but it has to be kept in mind that: he is not nobility, but he is not particularly poor either - he’s actually a pretty influential musician, he’s just excluded from White’s idea of a good suitor because he’s not nobility, so any lapse in work for any reason could erase his income. At least, that’s true in the creative writing version - idk what the plan was in the original
White Rose was always supposed to have a very stereotypical princely/knightly type of look to them. In the creative writing version White uses she/her but originally they used he/him. I keep using they/them because I don’t know which one I want to use (both?)
Iris. is a prince. He’s noticeably a lot more pampered than White - White carries around a sword, usually has a neutral/deadpan or unimpressed expression, and has a very proper stature. Iris looks a lot more delicate, his posture is also very proper but his dress is very reminiscent of roccoco-era clothing with all the frills and pastels, he doesn’t actually carry a sword, and he’s generally more expressive
Red and White’s crowns and eyes are inspired by Tudor roses (which have both white and red petals). That’s also the Rose Kingdom’s emblem
In the creative writing version, they are said to be really small fae creatures. You can tell they’re nearby if you see flowers growing in conditions they shouldn’t be (like, for example, a rose and a jasmine flower blooming at the same time - jasmine blooms at night and a rose blooms during the day)
Red and White’s parents are not present, which is why White is handling marriage in the first place. It might also be why White is so anxious
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kyufilms · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ ⌗ treasure ―︎ college life
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wc + genre/trope + cast + warnings ―︎ 3k words worth of slice of life: college au edition. ot12 nonidol!treasure. not proofread. lowercase intended. like, one mention of alcohol & an implication of needles, but i think that’s all?
request ―︎ hey jia 💜 i was wondering if i could request one of those bulletpoint lists for what you think ot12 treasure would be like as college students?
director’s notes ―︎ hi anon! i lost your ask (and numerous others) bc tumblr was being stupid, but i managed to save part of the original draft for this one in my notes app, so ty for requesting this <3 college au’s are one of my favorite tropes of all time, and i love college-centric stuff in general, so i might’ve gotten a little carried away bc i thought about this concept a lot,, even before i got the request :] i tried to use a variety of fields of study when assigning them to members (since i didn’t want to fall back on something music or performing arts related for everyone), though i had a little bit of trouble with deciding how to place certain members since i was still brainstorming while working on this </3 i also kinda cheated with junghwan’s bc it felt kinda hard to assign a field of study to him as he’s younger than me. i’m not fully happy with this because i feel like i strayed at some parts, and i could’ve worded things better, but lmk what you think! hope you enjoy :>
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⌗ choi hyunsuk / 최현석
i could go on for literal ages about my reasoning for this, but i can totally see hyunsuk studying fashion/apparel design.
sometimes he loses his focus in his general classes & ends up sketching out a new idea mid-lecture out of boredom, but he works even harder so he doesn’t fall behind.
at this point, he knows all of his friends’ measurements by heart because he always manages to convince bribe them into modeling the clothes he’s working on, whether it’s for an assignment or something he’s making for fun.
he loves trying out new styles & customizing all of his own clothes. he most likely has an instagram page to showcase all of his fits & his customization work, while his saved posts are organized into lookbook folders & inspiration boards.
if inspiration strikes, he’ll stay in the design studio as late as he can & won’t rest until he’s satisfied with whatever pieces he’s been working on. showing up to the first lecture of the day w/ a cup of coffee in his hand is pretty common for him.
he works part-time at one of his favorite department stores, which benefits him since it means he gets first pick when they get new shipments and he gets an employee discount on his own purchases. he probably offers sneaker customization services to earn extra money on the side too.
⌗ park jihoon / 박지훈
i feel like jihoon would have gotten into college with a sports scholarship or smth but chose to study broadcasting.
in class, he’s simultaneously proactive & serious, asking all the questions he wants to, no hesitation at all. he’s committed to trying his best to stay on top of his studies.
he’s definitely juggling a lot, but he wants to enjoy college life while being dedicated to his future, so he’s trying to find a way to make things work around his busy schedule.
as a member of the soccer team, he climbs the ranks pretty fast. he’s scary good, so no one’s really all that surprised when he gets bumped up to the position of team captain in his second year (or when they find out he has a fanclub 💀).
he works part-time at the shopping center; specifically at a smoothie bar that just so happens to be right across from where hyunsuk works. the two of them usually hang out or annoy one another whenever they’re on their breaks.
on top of the other stuff jihoon’s got going on, he’s also part of the broadcasting club. he always seems to know what’s going on, so if you need the details on something, he’s your guy. he could probably recite the morning announcements with his eyes closed if he really wanted to.
⌗ kanemoto yoshinori / 金本芳典
yoshi’s main focus is studying education because he wants to be a teacher, but he also minors in the fine arts :)
everyone you ask will tell you that he suits his major perfectly. he’s got a perfect balance of patience, care, and drive to work around whatever problems that come his way.
he’s a babysitter in his free time; half because it’s a job where he can be somewhat flexible with his availability so it works w/ his schedule, half because he simply adores kids.
when it comes to balancing his job with school, he sacrifices some of his sleep here & there, but he’s very thorough. he gets shy, but if he needs clarification, he’ll ask for it, and he’s actually pretty good at explaining things too.
maybe it has something to do with his major, maybe it doesn’t, but yoshi’s responsibility isn’t something that goes unnoticed. whether it’s school-related or not, it’s easy to see that he can keep his cool even when in stressful situations.
once in a blue moon, when his friends succeed in dragging him out to a party on a night he’s not working, he’s almost always the designated driver, but he doesn’t really mind it. he doesn’t really like to drink to begin with, so making sure that everyone gets home in one piece is fine by him.
⌗ kim junkyu / 김준규
i can’t really explain how i came to this conclusion, but i feel like junkyu would do well if he was studying psychology.
in his first year he was probably a dorky but adorable freshman with an undecided major. people seem to find that his clumsy, shy personality only adds to his charm, so it’s not surprising that he has admirers.
when he gets a little bit confused in class, his usual choice is to bite his tongue rather than ask a question. junkyu won’t ask for help until he reaches a certain point, he opts to keep trying on his own until it gets too much for him.
more often than not he gets roped into things by his friends. sometimes it’s a party that they want him to go to, sometimes it’s being hyunsuk’s model for new clothes. willingly tags along every now and then when yoshi’s babysitting, solely because the kids are sweethearts.
he’s stealing even more hearts as a resident assistant in his second year. despite his shyness, he’d end up being close with all the residents. it’s hard not to like him; he makes people feel comfortable. most of the time he’s laid back & has a hard time saying no, but he still tries to be responsible & enforces the rules, even if he doesn’t always like it.
ngl, he may or may not have applied for the RA position at first because he’s a homebody & he thought he could use it as an excuse to stay in the dorms since his friends always try to drag him out. still, he’s someone you can always rely on. he might joke around & act like he’s annoyed, but he’s not. he likes to make himself useful if there’s an opportunity.
⌗ takata mashiho / 高田ましほ
in my mind, mashiho would’ve gotten into uni on a full-ride sports scholarship & winds up studying sports medicine while double minoring in kinesiology & culinary arts.
all of his professors are quite fond of him. he’s another one of those students that actively participates in the lessons, and it’s clear he always tries extra hard, especially since he’s at school on that scholarship.
he might not be insanely tall, but don’t let his height fool you, he’s the basketball team’s secret weapon. his skills are insane, & he’s a different person on the court, so each game’s exciting; he always goes beyond expectations.
honestly though, if you thought jihoon was busy, you should see mashi. he might not have a job, but he’s got so much other stuff going on outside of sports & his studies, everyone’s a little bit curious as to how he balances all of it.
popularity check ― somehow, everyone seems to know mashi. he’s campus crush material & he’s got the fanclub to prove it. when he’s not studying or practicing for a game, you might find him with the dance club or the theatre kids.
overall, he just exudes good vibes and confidence, and that’s probably why so many people are naturally drawn to him. when he’s out, he can be the life of the party, but it’s pretty easy for him to have a good time just kicking back with friends. it’s hard to imagine someone not liking him.
⌗ yoon jaehyuk / 윤재혁
this is based off of that one fancall but jaehyuk studies both business administration & economics :)
even before people find out what his majors are, they’d already take a liking to him since he’s such a sweetheart. hearing what he’s studying only impresses others more.
i feel like he’d be part of student government. i could also see him giving the freshmen tours of the campus once he’s in his second year of studies, and he probably continues to do so every other year after that.
he’s got smarts to spare !! i feel like he’s that one person who’s always at the top of his class. he probably doesn’t even need to ask questions for clarification because he reads ahead of the current units they’re working on in class.
im 92.7% convinced he’d be the ultimate favorite student to any, if not all, of his professors. he’d always be prepared when he comes to lectures, and i feel like all the professors would genuinely enjoy reading through his thought process when they grade any of his work.
i could see him working as a student tutor on the side, though idk if it’d be for money or extra credit. it’s an easy but equally convenient way for him to review topics while simultaneously earning extra cash or extra points. even if he wasn’t getting anything out of it, i still think he’d enjoy helping other people better their understandings.
⌗ hamada asahi / 浜田朝光
i had a lot of ideas for asahi, but for simplicity i think he’d study art; specifically w/ a focus in animation.
something tells me he’d be part of the gifted program for fine arts. idk if it’d necessarily work like a scholarship, but i don’t think it’d be an easy program to get into. he’s getting the recognition he deserves for his talent.
when he’s in class he takes simple notes so he gets the general information he needs, but something tells me that he’d go back to redo them later on so that they’ll look nicer. it also helps him study, since he’s revisiting all the materials.
he probably has a bunch of sticky notes with doodles on them in his textbooks, & i feel like he’d doodle on his notes a lot too, but it’s not because he’s bored/distracted, it actually helps him focus & allows him to remember things better.
i feel like college is an even greater self discovery kind of experience for asahi more than any of the others. since he’s so introverted, people probably say that they hope he’ll learn to express himself outwardly the same way he expresses himself through his art. his friend group helps tho, so he’s working on redefining his comfort zone :]
for some reason, i can’t really see asahi having a job while he’s a student. he’d either be so wrapped up in art & studies that his free time kind of blends with them, or he’d keep to himself & his small circle of friends until he falls into a new hobby (which, unintentionally, would be music, but jihoon’s trying to convince him to join the soccer team/club).
⌗ bang yedam / 방예담
the idea of yedam not being involved with music at all feels foreign to me, but i could see him doubling up & studying music alongside communications.
he probably got into college through the gifted program for music, but he chose to study communications as well just to be practical and have some sort of backup plan.
yedam’s the type who stays in the studio more often than his dorm room. he’s always coming up with new song ideas, so his voicenotes app is full of little snippets of things that he came up with throughout the day.
if you happen to see him on campus, you’ll find that he listens to music more than half the time. he’ll always have a pair of headphones on him, whether they’re being worn over his ears or just hanging around his neck.
another popularity check ― the music department’s pride and joy. everyone on campus knows him, mostly because he always performs at events like the school festivals & talent shows. yet another person with a little fanclub behind him; his voice just seems to pull people in.
performs every week at an open mic night that a local coffee shop hosts. he’ll even take requests when there aren’t many people on the performance roster. definitely has a yt channel; sometimes he’ll sing originals while other times he’ll sing covers. half the student body is subscribed.
⌗ kim doyoung / 김도영
i was so dead set on this one pls i feel like doyoung would probably study biology & follow in his family’s footsteps as a pre-med student :]
campus!! crush!! somehow he’s the perfect balance between being a sweetheart & being a huge flirt. his busy schedule tends to have him all over the place, but that’s also how he gained popularity on campus.
probably gets involved with student government because of jaehyuk. he wasn’t really about it first because he already had a lot going on as a pre-med student, but he enjoyed it too much to give it up once he got a taste for it.
doyoung’s prepared for the worst; he’s like a walking first-aid kit & nurse’s office. definitely the person hyunsuk goes to ask for bandaids after accidentally poking himself one too many times while trying to design a new piece.
i’m convinced he’d be a teacher’s assistant. i don’t have an idea of which of his professors he’d TA for, but i know for a fact that he’s charmed all of the other students in the class and the professor themselves. the type to leave give people little hints/tips on what to study for while grading their papers if they didn’t necessarily do so hot.
if you’re ever looking for him on campus and he’s not assisting or sitting in the back of a class grading the papers, there’s a good chance you’ll find him in the library. he’s an assistant there on top of being a TA (and the head librarian always jokes about how they’d never seen so many people come in to study until doyoung became a library assistant).
⌗ watanabe haruto / 渡辺春虎
haruto’s studying music production & composition; he got in through the same program as yedam.
asahi’s roommate. he helps asahi get comfortable around others & is partially the reason why music is now one of asahi’s other hobbies outside of art.
rather than having a youtube channel like yedam, haruto posts on soundcloud for fun. he probably goes by an alias, but the stuff he puts out is semi-popular.
he likes to goof off & work on songs with his friends. at first he’d just mess around by himself & show asahi, but then he met yoshi & mashiho, so nowadays you can distinctly hear four different people in several tracks on haruto’s computer.
he’s not employed while he’s studying atm, but one of his professors mentioned that the campus radio station is looking for people to play songs & fill up the regular slots between the radio programs, so he’s been debating on whether or not he should apply for a position.
that one person who everyone’s unintentionally intimidated by. he does really well academic-wise, but he can be a little bit antisocial, so he doesn’t talk as much around people he’s not close to. others tend to find him hard to approach since he’s so tall istfg his responses can be short & they mistake his blank expressions/rbf as him judging them since they can’t really tell what he’s thinking by the look on his face.
⌗ park jeongwoo / 박정우
jeongwoo has absolutely no clue what he direction he wants to go in, so he hasn’t declared a field of study yet.
roommates with jaehyuk. junkyu’s had to drop by and tell them to knock it off on more than one occasion because they’ll get too loud without realizing it.
he’s on the basketball team with mashiho, but during the off-season you’ll probably find him goofing around on the field with some of the other people in the soccer club.
knows he has to pick a focused area of study sooner or later, but he’s not really sure what he wants. he’s kind of testing things & looking into a new focus every other week to try and find something that sparks his interests.
works part time at is probably on the verge of being fired from a cafe, but he’s usually only taking peoples’ orders, manning the register, or doing dishes. atm, his boss is just keeping him around since he makes up for his not-so-great coffee skills by bringing in a crowd, but he’s trying his best.
a bit of a social butterfly. despite not knowing what he wants to study just yet, the fact he’s made friends in several different departments has helped a lot. everyone on campus, regardless of their major, has probably seen jeongwoo lingering around their building once or twice, and whenever someone initiates conversation he’s always polite.
⌗ so junghwan / 소정환
junghwan’s still in high school & trying to decide what he wants to do in the future.
he’s sort of interested in a few different fields of study, but he wants to see what they’re like before he makes a final decision on what he’ll go into.
all his friends that have already graduated have been pestering him about going to the same university as them when the time comes for him to enroll.
though he’s not done with high school yet, several schools have already been keeping an eye on him & his potential. there’s been buzz about how some places want him in their sports programs; some are even talking scholarships.
he’s a full-time student as of right now. junghwan’s too busy studying for the college entrance exams to be working at the moment, but he’s a bright kid. his teachers are pretty sure he’ll pass with flying colors; they surely won’t hesitate to give him recommendations if he asks.
he’s probably asked jaehyuk or doyoung to help him study for his upcoming exams just to be prepared, but it’s somehow become a group-study thing because everyone else either tags along or invites themselves to the session. still, he’s grateful. they try to help him as much as they can & tell him not to worry so much since he’ll do just fine.
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treasure taglist | @rutowonz @acaiasahi @yogurteume @koishua @enhacolor (fill out the ‘membership club’ form in my pinned post to join!)
network tags | @kflixnet
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© kyufilms | please refrain from copying, translating, or reposting any of my works, regardless of whether or not it’s within or outside of this website. the content that i write is strictly fictional & made for entertainment purposes only.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Two Minds Think Alike
Vanny had just welcomed this stranger, William, into her head: a beige bunny with a shady past. As she tries to understand who they are and what their motives are, she discovers a fun little secret about her new bunny friend.
This fanfic was suggested by @trashylever on Tumblr. This is my first lee!Glitchtrap fanfic! So trashylever, and everyone else, I hope you enjoy!
Vanny was still trying to get used to there being more people in her head than just...herself. He kinda just introduced himself, said ‘I need a home’ and embedded himself into Vanny’s brain without a proper introduction. She didn’t even know who he was. And yet here he is: living in her head. If she’s gonna learn to live with him, she’s gonna have to get to know him.
Vanny closed her eyes and pushed herself deeper into her head. There, she saw the bunny being that had joined her head. Vanny decided to start off like all exchanges do: with names.
“So...Do you...have a name besides Glitchtrap?” Vanny asked. “Or something less mysterious than…’Malhare’?” Vanny asked, using quotations.
The being turned to her with a tired, bored face. “...Afton.” He replied.
Afton? Wait...Why did that name sound strangely familiar?
“Is that...a first name? Or a last name?” Vanny asked.
The bunny groaned and got up. “William. William Afton. Happy?” they spat at her.
Vanny raised her eyebrows. This person’s got quite the attitude. They sound pissed...over a need for a name. “Yes, thank you.” Vanny shot back.
The being looked at her before looking away.
“Are...Are you gonna ask me for a name? Or am I supposed to just give you a name?” Vanny asked.
The guy...William...looked at her from the corner of their eye and looked back down again. “You’re a teenage girl. That’s all I need to know.” the person said.
Vanny sighed and sat down on the ground. “Great...I’m expected to live with THIS-” She pointed to the bunny in front of her, “-For the rest of my life.” Vanny muttered out loud.
The bunny sighed. “Life isn’t fair, sunshine.” They muttered.
Vanny widened her eyes and turned to the bunny with a frown. “Excuse me?!” she walked right up to the bunny and pushed them down with her foot. “Just who do you think you are?!”
The bunny looked up at her with a frown. Then, they scoffed. “Try looking up my name. That’ll give you a pretty good idea.” they spat with a dangerous look in their eyes. Vanny growled and left her mind.
Vanny opened her eyes and hopped onto her phone. She typed the name ‘William Afftin’ into the search bar.
[A-f-t-o-n. AfTON.] the bunny corrected.
Vanny sighed and fixed the name. ‘William Afton’. She clicked the search button and watched as tons of links showed up right away. Tons of links about ‘child killer’, ‘The Man Behind The Slaughter’ and ‘Fazbear Entertainment’ came up. Vanny’s expression turned from annoyed to surprised in a single second. Child killer? Child killer?
She clicked one of the links. This brought up pictures of happy kids, and blurred images of their corpses beside the happy images. They were mostly aged 5 to age 10! Names of previously missing children filled her brain as she read them: Charlie...Cassidy...Fritz...Gabriel...Jeremy… And Susie.
[They were interesting kids. Somewhat ignored by the adults there. No one even noticed they went missing until they got home. Stupid people…] The bunny told her.
Vanny widened her eyes. Holy...How did he-
Vanny scrolled down and looked at the other pictures that came up. There were photos taken of...suits?
[Animatronics. Big robots with endoskeletons and programming designed for anything you want. In this instance, they were disguised as animals and made for kids entertainment. We were the talk of the town at the time! Freddy Fazbear and the Band. Kids loved it.] The bunny explained.
Freddy Fazbear- WAIT A SECOND! “That VR Video Game was based on real life?!” Vanny reacted.
[Yup. That game itself was Fazbear Entertainment’s way of saving their tarnished reputation of child-killing machines. Every entertainment spot the Fazbear company opened, ended up with at least one child or person killed from robot malfunctions.] The bunny explained.
Vanny frowned as she looked at the missing kids. “It wasn’t just robot malfunctions...It was murders too.” Vanny mentioned. “You were the cause of those murders! You killed up to 5 children!” Vanny reacted.
[Yup. Indeed I did.] The bunny replied.
Vanny huffed as she put her phone down and went into her head again. “Why?” She asked. “Did you know them personally? Why would you specifically choose to kill them?” She asked.
“Does it matter?” The bunny asked as they stood up. “I just did.” they replied.
Vanny looked at the bunny. “You’re not a bunny. I wanna see what you really look like.” Vanny told them.
William sighed and closed their eyes. “There’s plenty of images on the World Wide Web to give you a good picture.” they told her.
“I don’t want to use the internet. I wanna see you. The real you.” She told them. “That is, if your former self was programmed into your code.” Vanny mentioned.
William rolled his eyes. “I have no former self anymore. This is it. I’m a glitch shown as a bunny.” William explained.
“You know technology has advanced enough to change your appearance, right?” Vanny mentioned.
William gave her a dirty look. “Well maybe,” William walked closer to Vanny. “Someone didn’t put that into account when programming me into the fucking game!” William spat at her. Then, he leaned his head back a bit. “I’m afraid this is as close as you’re gonna get.” William turned around and walked away.
Vanny let out heavy breaths as she processed the words hidden under his overwhelmingly rude attitude. Despite not actually being responsible for how William’s brain and personality was handled, Vanny still felt hurt by his words. This man, who was once a physical being, is now stuck inside a girl’s head. Even worse: a teenage girl’s head.
Vanny closed her eyes and frowned as she looked at him. “Why…”
William hummed and tilted his head as he looked at pictures hidden in her head.
“Why choose me...of all people?” Vanessa asked.
William smiled a little at that question. He turned around and looked at her with purple, glowing eyes. “Because your curiosities can lead you down a really dark path if you let it.” William told her. “...And maybe I can help you with that.” William offered.
Vanny widened her eyes and stared at the bunny in both horror and awe.
William chuckled at her reaction. “The internet has offered you endless chances to satisfy your curiosities and yet…” William looked at their own hand. “You stop yourself.”
Vanny bit her lip and lifted her head up. “W-Well...that kind of job takes a lot of work to clean and cover up.” Vanny admitted. “And I don’t want the police finding out about my internet searches. They could see me as a suspect.” She added.
William chuckled at the last part. “There are always incognito modes.” William reminded her. “And as a guy who’s been there and done that, I will help you through all the steps. But only if you agree…” William offered.
Vanny’s awe-struck face shrunk down as she backed away. No...No she shouldn’t! She’s worked this hard trying to make a life for herself! She can’t ruin that now!
William hummed and waved their index finger. “Mmm...there’s that doubt. There’s the part of you that’s trying to return back to normal life.” William pointed out. “But that normalcy will not satisfy that instinct inside you. I’ve tried. Eventually, it found a crack and broke right through it. You’ll be better off starting early than spending your life trying to hide it. After all: Therapy always teaches you to let it out rather than shove it inside you.” William explained.
Vanny considered correcting him, but realised that he was still staying true to the facts. So, she let him talk more.
William walked closer to Vanny and gave her a charming, yet sadistic kind of smile. “You and I have something special in common: you and I both wanted to know things only the dark part of the web could provide you.” William said. “I’ve already answered all my curiosities. But you...You’re waiting to get your full answers. The world tells you to stay true to the law...yet your instincts tell you otherwise...” William explained. He started taking steps back.
“Besides: you gotta remember that everyone only has one life. It’s why I’ve been prolonging my life for as long as I have!” William explained. He spun himself around, sprinted up to Vanny and grabbed her shoulders. “Look at me! I’m in my triple digits now! I should be long dead! But I’m not! I’ve cheated death!” William declared with genuine excitement. “And now I have a chance to restart my killing spree...with a new body, and a loyal partner...something I lacked the first time.” William said eagerly.
Vanny smiled at the thought.
“So:” William held out his hand. “Will you be my new partner in crime?” William asked.
Vanny’s smile grew. It was a hard offer to resist. She’s been wanting to do this for so long. And now, she actually has the chance! Finally, after some thought, Vanny nodded and shook his hand. “I’d love to.” Vanny replied.
The two of them spent some time determining their action plans. With just a few google searches, William and Vanny were able to find a new Fazbear Mall that was opening up. And as luck would have it, they were hiring! So, Vanny pulled up her resume. With William’s previous business experience, he helped her sort out her slightly jumbled resume and cover letter. Before they knew it, the resume and the cover letter was sent to the business email. Now, all they had to do was wait.
While they waited, Vanny snuck back into her brain and looked at the bunny with curious eyes. “So...William Afton.” Vanny walked up and poked his shoulder. “What’s your little secret?” She asked.
William looked at her with confusion. “What do you mean ‘secret’?” William clarified.
“My deep secret is that I like really dark things. And I know you do too. But do you have another little secret you’d like to share?” Vanny asked.
William raised their eyebrows and smiled a little. “Like I’d ever share any secrets with you…”
Vanny frowned a bit. “Well, it’s only fair.” She told them. “Plus: we’re living with each other. I gotta know at least a few things about you.” She continued. “And specifically you...not just your history.”
William raised an eyebrow. The bunny had to admit she was stubborn. “Well...Okay.” William took a moment to think. “I was a father of three kids...all who I’ve outlived because… circumstances…” William admitted with a chuckle.
Vanny looked down with wide eyes. “Yyyyup...may or may not have found that within your history search.” Vanny admitted awkwardly.
William let out a laugh. “Wow! Okay.”
Vanny walked up to him. “Did you ever get tattoos when you were younger?” Vanny asked, grabbing his arm and looking at it.
William widened his eyes. “Uuuuuuhhh-” William pulled his arm out of her grip. “No. Even if I did, you’re not gonna see it on me now.” William mentioned.
Vanny looked down at the middle of his bunny tummy and gasped. “Look!” Vanny poked a visible light green little circle. “You have a bunny belly button!” she cooed.
William yelped and doubled over, wrapping both his arms around his belly. “HEY! No touching.” William warned.
Vanny raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Why? You ticklish?” Vanny asked. “Is de bunny wabbit ticklish?” Vanny teased as she tried to poke his belly.
“No!” William yelled back, slapping her hands away. “And stop that! I am a grown man!” William yelled at her.
“Hmmm…” Vanny leaned over and stared at the bunny’s side while poking it a couple times. “Maybe a grown bunny…” She gave the belly a squeeze. William shrieked and slapped her arm away. “But a grown man?! There’s NO way!” Vanny teased, sticking her tongue out.
William growled. “Bite me!” he shouted with visible teeth.
Vanny stared at him with starry eyes. Even though William was trying to scare her into stopping, his bunny image didn’t help him at all. If anything, it just made things worse! Vanny giggled and snorted at his attempts to frighten her. Lastly: Vanny brought her index finger up to William’s nose and…
William squeaked and held his nose in surprise and...almost fear. He made his eyes go cross-eyed as he tried to look at his nose, which only added to the cuteness. The moment Vanny let out an excited squeal however, William shot her a glare out of the corner of his eye.
“Don’t even THINK about pulling those stupid, childish-” William yelped as his backside was poked.
“OMG! Your back is ticklish too?!” Vanny reacted. William tried to turn around, but was caught by one of Vanny’s arms around his shoulders. With her free hand, Vanny started crawling her fingers slowly up his back. William’s eyes widened almost immediately as his lips formed a wobbly and crooked smile.
“Oooooh! I see it’s not just your spine…” Vanny started scratching the back ribs. “The sides of your back are ticklish too!” Vanny reacted.
William let out a muffled yelp and shook his head. “SSSTAHAP-!” He yelled at her.
“OH! I’m close! I’m cracking your wall down!” Vanny teased excitedly.
Then, Vanny moved one hand up to the rabbit ears. “I wonder…” She started tickling the inner ear just as a small test. The moment William moved his rabbit ear away and wheezed, Vanny IMMEDIATELY covered his ears with tickles! It was so hard to resist not going for it, when the perfect opportunity had come up!
Now Vanny was tickling his ears menacingly and listening to every laugh, squeak, titter and giggle that left his mouth. It had actually surprised William just how well the programming managed to replicate his laughter as well! Things have REALLY changed since he was younger.
“Hell no it’s not! We have tons of time! I still have a response to wait for from the Fazbear company that YOU used to work for. So now I’m just quickly waiting! And while I wait…” Vanny started tickling the base of William’s bunny ears. “-I can see just how ticklish you really are!” Vanny declared.
“Oh I KNOW it’s unfair. But wanna know something else that’s unfair?” Vanny asked rhetorically. “Refusing to tell me a secret of yours after you found out about mine!” Vanny replied to her own question. “Now THAT’S unfair! And just downright rude!” Vanny added.
William shook his head, flapping his ears around as she attacked the vulnerable base of his ears. “NAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHE! COHOME OHOHOHON VAHAHAHAHANNY!”
Vanny smirked. “Whaddaya mean ‘come on’? Are you challenging me?” Vanny asked.
William shrieked and turned himself around to get away. Sadly, this just didn’t work. Vanny quickly wrapped her sneaky arm around William’s back and waist, and used her arm to dip him backwards like they had just flashbacked to the 20’s.
William yelped and giggled quite bashfully at this sudden turn of events, but was immediately thrown back into his frustrated frenzy the moment Vanny tickled all over his belly. “NoHO! VANNY! IHIHIHI’LL KIHIHILL YOHOHOHOU!” William threatened as he fell into another hysterical laughing fit.
“Ooooooh! I see…” Vanny said to herself while she poked and prodded at the green circle that highlighted the bunny’s belly button. “You don’t really have a belly button! Just a little green circle that sticks it out from your tummy.” Vanny explained to herself.
Vanny rolled her eyes with a smile and continued to tickle his belly. “Ever heard of manners? Even dogs develop better manners than you!” Vanny teased.
William growled through his laughter and started to push her away. Vanny sighed and stopped tickling his belly. William went limp in her arms as bits of sweat started to fall down the bunny’s face. Was...was that just an overexaggerated emotion?! Or was William actually able to ‘sweat’? “Ohokahay. Can...can you put me down?...pleeeease?” William asked. His attempts to be polite sounded very childish. But, it somewhat worked.
Vanny smiled and laid William back down. “I-Thank you. Though, you didn’t need to lay me- HAHAHA! HEHEHEHEY- YOUSONOFA- EEEEEHEHEHEHEK!” William accidentally interrupted himself. It turns out that Vanny couldn’t resist sneaking a tickle or two onto his ears again.
“No more statements, Giggly Willy. Just a thank you will work well.” Vanny told him as she stopped fully this time.
William grabbed onto his ears and curled up into a little ball on the floor of Vanny’s mind. It was...Quite hilarious to see a tough, put together man doing such a childish move.
“I...Am content with wo-working with you, but…*huff*...C-Could we keep the tickle attacks to a minimum?” William asked.
Vanny hummed as she thought. She finally sighed. “Fine. Once a month.” she told him. “I’ll tickle you once a month.”
William looked up at her and uncurled himself. “Wanna move that to twice a month?” William asked.
Vanny blinked in surprise. “Bi-weekly?! I thought you wanted to keep the tickling to a minimum.” Vanny reacted.
“For-forget that. I don’t mind them.” William admitted casually.
Vanny did everything in her power to not throw her hands in the air and shower him with tickles. But she knew one thing for sure:
Vanny is never letting William live this down!
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whetstonefires · 3 years
Since you like the Hellboy...*perks up* Can I ask what you like about it? Does this need to be part of the ask game, if so, smash it in there. But opinions! I would love!
Ooh! Hm. This is actually surprisingly hard to articulate.
I’ve been ‘into’ Hellboy for like. Half my damn life now, and while I could have gone on at length about all the things about it I found fun as a teenager it was at its core very much a ‘this makes me Feel Happy’ thing. And now that glow is less intense but it’s bolstered by that habitual sort of attachment you feel to like. Family members.
Let’s see how far I can break this down lol.
I have never been able to much like most of the BPRD tie-in type materials and I was not at all pleased with the films, so to an extent I think I can say confidently part of what I like is the way Hellboy is situated in a superhero-comic-adjacent space while being very much coordinated by one overarching creative sensibility--like, other people were brought in to work on Hellboy a lot over the course of the run, but Mignola always had a unifying voice and even when I don’t actually agree with his taste or values that level of artistic...intentionality? Judgment? Presence? Something like that. Gives the work a sense of...integrity? Maybe just unity.
Anyway makes it feel less plastic than comics often do. This is a corporate product of course but it’s also just Mike Mignola hanging out doing whatever he thinks would be cool. Drawing rocks and monsters because that’s what he wants to draw. I like that.
Some of the higher-quality webcomics you get nowadays, when they don’t take themselves too terribly seriously but aren’t outright comedic, can land similarly in terms of voice, but even just fifteen years ago webcomics weren’t really at that point yet as a medium, and even now most are still amateurish as well as amateur. Which is fine, but different.
To get slightly less meta, I love the collection of genres that are smeared together for Hellboy--we’ve got a lot of detective noir stuff cut together with cosmic horror and like...the genre where people research folklore and then mostly punch it. Does that have a name? And then there are a bunch of other influences stirred in, sometimes for only a single issue, sometimes more.
Mignola managed to be significantly less offensive than average about the way he adapted world folklore into his weird groddy kitchen-sink fantasy system, which is pretty funny because he doesn’t come across as being careful about it at all. Not that I think there was no effort made, but also he just used research as a basis for narrative much more often than he started with a story premise and stretched the creature to fit, which by default gave him less scope for dickery.
Also I think the only god he ever fights is Hecate and she’s handled from a 19th-century-occultist angle rather than a Classical angle.
Also Hellboy fights Nazis and cyborg gorillas as well as like. Baba Yaga and vampires. The balance of schlock and gonzo nonsense to pathos and sensitive emotional bits is usually about where I like it.
The episodic format is really well used. It lets the storytelling style lean heavily on the late-19th-through-mid-20th-century short story genres that it borrows a lot from, and which honestly has always worked better for comics than end-to-end long-arc serialization. I like how the anachronic order of many sections of the series allowed for a lot of ‘building outward from the middle.’
Also it means the story can stay true to its roots and kill off a lot of characters in gothic excess without constantly sloughing main cast or having to do fakeouts.
...I can’t believe that since Hellboy isn’t really emotionally involved with the issue of his birth parents except inasmuch as it explains the world-ending stone hand, the single angstiest part of his backstory is technically when he went on a drinking binge road trip around Mexico in his teens and made friends with vampire-fighting luchador triplets but then the youngest one whom he was closest to was kidnapped by the vampires and Hellboy had to kill his best friend, and this is all established in a random side story that pushes the intentional genre absurdism to its breaking point and is equal parts comedic and grotesque.
(The second angstiest is probably the bit in volume 1 when he finds his dad murdered by frogs.)
I also just love characters who wear trench coats and are actually really clever and knowledgeable and kind but tend to resort, in extremity, to just hitting problems really hard. Okay? I like that. That’s a fave.
Hellboy’s whole character design is very strong, a bunch of dramatic broad-strokes decisions that contrast interestingly against one another, and then a lot of subtler elements layered in crosswise.
The way his relationship to the narrative ‘occult-fighting antichrist figure’ could be really straightforward, but keeps stepping a little sideways off the usual shape of the tropes in a way that creates depth.
He’s a giant red demon guy who stopped aging in the 50s; he’s never going to be able to be ‘normal’ or pretend he isn’t what he is--but also he’s a dude with a government job and probably a Social Security Number who goes and interviews people about the situation and says ‘I’m Agent Hellboy’ and gets called ‘Mr. Boy’ and is just this guy who knows his shit and can take a beating.
(This was one of the major things I hated in the first movie, that they decided to make him this weird secret cryptid whose dad keeps him locked in a vault when he’s not fighting.)
The way the identity thing is never reduced to comfortable binaries with him except by enemies trying to psych him out is just really satisfying. He fights monsters not because he hates them or himself but because he was recruited into this career young and he’s really good at it, and he feels good about helping people who are being victimized.
When something occult isn’t hurting anybody he’s down to chill, and if it turns out they secretly are after all he’s always so tired and disappointed, and if they really aren’t then he has a new friend. Whom he may never see again or may hit up for a game of cards next time he’s in town.
(I also like how he combines ‘being pretty private’ ‘being very casually friendly’ and ‘being an asshole who makes a lot of enemies’; it’s not that unusual a combo for his type of main character but it’s one I enjoy.)
When he breaks off his own horns as part of his rejection of being Anung Un Rama it’s not ‘choosing humanity’ or w/e it’s choosing not to be used for this. His name is Hellboy, which is an objectively awful name but it was given to him by people he loved and who chose him, not the people who made him or brought him to this world to be used, and he chooses it.
And that has weight. That has force enough behind it to carry a world.
Just in general in spite of all the identity stuff he gets swamped with he’s really good at self-knowledge and letting other people’s ideas of who and what he’s supposed to be just wash over him. As the story goes on and shit gets weirder his sense of identity gets shaken, but he never quite loses that anchor in the knowledge that he is the ultimate arbiter of his own identity.
His exasperation on being told via stabbing that he doesn’t get to be King of England even if he is the first male descendant of King Arthur since Mordred is so funny. Why is this a thing, says Hellboy. Why am I finding out like this. Why do I always find out this shit like this. Why would anyone think I wanted to be King of England. I already punched so many skeletons about not wanting to be King of Witches.
He’s got so much righteous anger that comes out when people are treated as disposable, or as less for being not human or less human or superpowered, and of course it’s founded in his own experiences and his own fight for respect but it’s not about him. It’s about the person who’s suffering now.
One time his combat one-liner before shooting something started with ‘The Torch of Liberty said I was the worst shot he ever tried to train’ that’s so funny! I love that!
He’s my boy okay.
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ruakichan · 3 years
Having a lot of fun with Alchemy Stars; been a long time since I really enjoyed a gacha game, even during the honeymoon phase.  Anyhoo, I finally, finally pulled a wood healer with the 10 roll they gave on the final log-in reward so now I can settle into my core teams and focus on building them before finishing up Chapter 6:
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Water team! Found this to be a very nice combination while doing Secret Territory—Corax is pretty strong!  He ended up replacing Blanc on my team, who I only slot in if I need a second Converter (replacing Vice or Hydrad, depending if I need Detonators or Snipers more). I also have a Connolly, but I’m not sure if she’s better than Vice when I tested in Secret Territory... Vice can snipe all over the board, even if it’s a weaker attack, but it’s great for wiping out the last bit of HP from mobs running away.
Water feels like the sausage element...
As an aside, I love the Secret Territory mode; it’s a great way to test out characters before investing in them due to the mechanics of the mode, and to try out team synergies.
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My wood team is largely unbuilt, as I was hampered by the lack of healer until recently. I still don’t really have a solid damage dealer; Sylva’s okay, but he lacks some oomph? Not sure; I think I need to play with them more now that I have a healer.  Just overall they feel a bit lacking, so they’re a bit lower on the scale in priority despite the higher rarity lineup.  It looks like you need to utilize enhanced tiles to up their damage output, given that so many of them have this gimmick built into their kit.
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My thunder waifu team! They’re not great at converting (Nemesis needs full breakthrough before she can do conversion at turn 1) but they have a lot of skills that hit far and wide, so they manage all right. And if I get a lot of good yellow tiles lined up, they hit hard too.  They’re pretty fun—or frustrating—to use, depending on the board, so they’re as volatile as their element. w  Mia was a great addition though, so I’m glad she answered my flares, as the slot she now occupies I wasn’t satisfied with who was in there previous (Kafka and Rabbie).
Another aside, but I thought Vivian had a really plain design when I first saw her in story (especially compared to like... everyone else), but after I pulled her... her art is really elegant? Her eyes are very striking and delicate compared to others.  And she’s an iai type so her animations in battle (especially her chain attack) are just really impressive; they convey a lot of graceful power.
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Last but definitely not least, my burn baby, burn team.  Leona gets freely swapped out with Tiny One, depending if I need more mobility through a second Converter than what Faust provides. Fire is full of too many sexy characters haha. I want to keep using Leona cause she’s 100% made for me, but sometimes I don’t need more damage, I need more utility... and I’m not removing Istvan from my team... 
Anyhoo, they hit hard when they can chain, especially against the huge bosses cause they all have massive, multi-hitting AOEs. Absolutely shreds HP. I used a combination of water+fire to 3* the final boss for chapter 5; Faust and Leona’s damage output is wild even at low chain values.
I have raised Brock for farming, but haven’t found a point to use him yet? He’s good with auto since the auto AI isn’t very well-programmed, but I found it faster to manual stages in most cases.
Final aside, but the True Order’s interactions with the Navigator are just hilarious.  Faust especially feels like the Kool-aid man just bursting onto your Colossus going ‘HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD WORD?’ and having experienced things like this so often IRL, it just makes me laugh cause it’s so true to form.
I still hope Charon pops up someday for husbando reasons (NO IDEA WHERE i’D PUT HIM IN A FIRE TEAM IF HE DID THOUGH LOL MAYBE BOOT OUT VICTORIA?), but overall I’m pretty satisfied with my teams other than grabbing a better damage dealer for wood until they release some hot character that piques my thirst.
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yunsoh · 4 years
could u rank aaaall the characters u can think of from fave to least fave?
i won’t do every single one because there’s literally too many characters in this series but i’ll rank the ones that i have opinions about;
1. yuki -- a shocker i know but it cannot be helped. he’s been my favorite since day one. hands down my favorite character arc in the story, i think it’s just so impactful not just for a romance series but for a story so focused on cyclical trauma. he’s a cryptic little weirdo but he’s also just like..... achingly normal and relatable. (i mean........ isn’t that just his whole character development......). big romantic, so kind and genuinely good but also he’s a big bastard and i love that for him. his and tohru’s relationship? his development surrounding it?? the best of the best. just standout to me. mwah. absolutely iconic.
2. kakeru -- for a character i didn’t even remember when i went back to reread the series a few years ago he is like....... quite literally on the brain all the time now lmfao. technical-wise i think he stands as a really interesting juxtaposition to our main trio in the sense that he has the qualities they initially lack, but he struggles with and has to actively work on aspects that are very inherent to all three of them. he just holds a unique perspective that i appreciate, esp since it’s so critical to challenging yuki’s. vibes-wise i think he’s both interestingly complicated and a fucking fool. absolutely lame and refuses to acknowledge it. love him.
3. machi -- the ways in which my opinion about her character have changed over the past year....... okay so if we’re talking like, strictly canon machi i don’t think she would be this high up (still top 10 probably) but considering the mental energy i’ve put into reconsidering her character & story and just like.... the fact that i think about her as much as i do..... i kind of can’t not have her up here lmfao. idk i think she had a lot of potential that got dropped in canon which is a shame, but i think i’ve talked that point to death so. anyways. i do just love her. she just has those vibes you know. no bullshit, secretly rabid, depressed & doing her best. yeah. takaya nerfed her because she realized she would just end up giving her the same gay subtext she gave yuki and u know how she feels about that.
4. haru -- god what is there not to love abt him. i think he makes me laugh the most throughout the series but he’s also sooo fucking intense at times it’s sick. especially since he usually stands as a chill and grounded point while everyone else is going crazy..... again just immaculate vibes. just so much love in his heart. like he genuinely just wants people to be happy and having a good time. i do also wish his character/issues were explored a little more (maybe in lieu of characters who like.... didn’t really need a character arc lmao) but it’s not a dealbreaker. boy rlly almost exposed the sohmas to the whole school though huh.
5. kyo -- he’s actually somewhat tied with tohru but i think he has just an edge above her for me because he’s such a grouch LMAO. idk there’s just something about how he’s very prickly but suuuch a softie and romantic under it all that just gets me. in a weird way though, he ticks a lot of my boxes but isn’t exactly a character that i’m strongly drawn to? i like him, but i don’t really reread his chapters/rewatch his eps. something about him doesn’t click exactly right for me..... maybe bc his story is strictly romance-focused (and honestly tends towards the melodramatic that i’m a bit ‘hm’ about). that said he lucked out with getting a satisfying ending to his arc and he’s made me cry at least once so gg. 
6. tohru -- every time i think about her i’m just like. can we pleeeeease get this girl a therapist. yes they all need therapy but like..... hello can someone help..... anyways she’s just so lovingly made and i think her progression is super super well done. how her issues and grief manifest and really take form in the series over time is just...... oog...... it’s just perfect. i really appreciate that we get to see a character who is stereotypically feminine and mother-like actually struggle under those traits, but doesn’t abandon them once she overcomes her issues. she’s not a go-to character for me like, personality-wise ig (again.... melodrama....) but i do love her. icon.
7. uo -- back in middle school i think she was actually my favorite character after yuki.... and tbh is it such a coincidence that i couldn’t remember the second half of the series when i visited it again in my 20s lmaoooo. first-half series uo is just so fresh. i love that people find her threatening and yet she’s just this chill harsh-mouth who’s also incredibly tender-hearted and vulnerable. just genuinely funny and insightful every time she’s on the page. her friendship with kyo is also pretty standout to me it makes me laugh every time, and ofc her love for tohru... well u know. meanwhile second-half series uo um.... who’s that lol..... she only takes a place above hana here because i have really affectionate memories about just loving & admiring her when i was younger. 
8. hana -- more or less tied with uo. she’s a constant mood and i love her for it. i guess i could say “second-half hana idk her” here too, but that’s just more because she just literally drops off the face of the earth after a certain point. but whatever, i love that she walks around with psychic powers and everyone knows it but it’s never questioned because everyone is just so fuckin weird it doesn’t matter. takes no shit, could kill you without leaving evidence. vibes. i also think her backstory is really beautiful and her relationship with tohru is just gorgeous. just a perfect support character.
9. shigure -- okay he actually also used to be a fave back in the day. i think he’s just fun to think about...... his perspective and his purpose in the story is pretty fascinating and i think it’s one that you gain new insight on with each reread. he just stews in this incredibly morally grey area and that’s where he stays. truly a character that you either love or you loathe. i mean at the heart of things he’s a conniving bastard who has fuckin problems LMAO but he’s also just so.... aggravatingly lackadaisical when he’s not actively being a shit-stirrer.... just “cause problems on purpose & chill” energy. ends justify the means to the bitter core. problematique. his story w akito is fucking batshit and the series wouldn’t be the same without it, the energy of that with the rest of the story?? what the fuck dude. meanwhile i do love his relationships with the main trio & the other sohma kids.
10. ayame -- king.... he’s just 110% all the time and i think that his existence is just the most exquisite dunk on his family’s rigid upholding of conservatism and tradition it’s truly sexy of him. he does what he wants and tbh, it’s worked in his favor for the most part. when he’s on screen you know some stupid shit is about to go down. and of course i really love his and yuki’s relationship and how it impacts them both over the series...... good shit rlly. a fabulous menace.
11. kimi -- she’s literally just up here because she’s goddamn funny and i love her relationships with kakeru and yuki. no deep traumatic lore just a girl owning the fact that she’s cute smart as hell and knows how to get what she wants. a brat to the core. idk she’s just pure fun and i think that’s necessary in a story where even the designated clown characters (kakeru, ayame) have fairly dark moments. also i think about the “his wallet 💖” moment too often.
12. komaki -- okay. so. she is not this high up on the list because of who she is in canon. she’s this high up purely because of how i’ve recreated her in my brain lmfao. i think she’s borderline unnecessary in canon (i like that we see the other side of the accident, but the execution of it is just. not it.), but my extensive daydream universe where i just overload her with headcanons to give her any sort of character beyond “kakeru’s cute girlfriend” lands her up here. i also just think of her too much as an extension of thinking about kakeru too much. sue me.
13. momiji -- honestly i’m having kind of a hard time placing him because i do like him, i think he’s funny and sweet and of course has his own brand of issues going on, but...... i don’t think i have any strong feelings about his story? i think he brings a necessary lightness to the cast, but when it comes down to some individual aspects of his narrative (involving his mom/momo, his unrequited crush on tohru) ...hm.... i think his complicated feelings about the curse are really poignant though and that part of his story especially slaps for me.
14. akito -- hmm... hm.... i like how akito stands as tohru’s narrative foil and i think the parallels between the two are pretty rich...... but i really struggle with just how fucking exhausting she is lmfao. the lengths of her derangement are just 2 much for me personally, and i feel like the ending really failed her as far as her personal growth goes (which? i think is super fucking detrimental considering how takaya tries to portray her as like, “reformed” or something along those lines.... i just don’t buy it. her having a normal functioning relationship with SHIGURE??? lmaoooooo. please). i do appreciate the level of darkness she brings to the story, and how her behaviors form and completely fuck the family over, but...... i don’t necessarily enjoy her........ tiring queen.
15. rin -- ah... tragic, vitriolic goth.... i do like her, and i think i could place her above akito depending on the day, but her story doesn’t really stand out to me. like, it’s obviously incredibly sad, but it’s really unfortunate that we don’t see her develop in a way that actually..... you know.... develops her character.... idk it sucks that she’s written in a way where she’s fruitlessly sacrificing herself mentally and physically for haru and there’s never really a point where it feels like she can just relax and consider herself and her own needs (or even like. like herself). she starts and ends the story feeling completely broken from trauma and i just think there should have been more of an intervening point somewhere in there, which i think could have been achieved with more time between her and tohru. as is she’s just kind of all-around tragic which :’/ bummer. she deserved more growth.
16. mayu -- honestly i still don’t really get why she of all of the characters has a backstory chapter. i think her friendship with kana is pretty heartbreaking but it also doesn’t... do much for me.... after the fact... so i don’t know what to think about it. her crush on hatori is kind of weird and i don’t fully understand it in canon. but you know what. she’s funny and i like her attitude. for the most part, i like when she’s on-screen. i think she has a really funny relationship with her students and is this chill no-bullshit kind of figure. her friendship with the mabudachi boys is nice even though i think it’s delivered a little weird at times (which is more or less because it can be easy to forget that she. knows them lmfao). yeah. i like her but takaya really made some decisions with her huh. also i originally didn’t add her to this list but i’m just sticking her in here last second so yes there’s a note in hatori’s bit that doesn’t make sense now but it’s staying.
17. kyoko -- so i kind of have some blasé feelings about kyoko, except when it comes to her backstory, in which case i am just... upset lmfao..... the adult version we see of kyoko is sweet and at times like, pretty funny in just how blunt/harsh she can come across as, but in general my feelings about the parents in furuba are just like.... oh you’re a nice parent.... oh you’re a fucking horrible parent..... etc. you know? it’s usually pretty one or the other (some parents are a little more complicated than others -- tbh kakeru’s mom comes to mind), and she’s obviously portrayed as a good parent, esp since we see her primarily through memory. anyways, her backstory is just tragic. she went from one abusive situation to the next and was then left to be a single mom at like, 19/20, traumatized and with just about no support system, and while i understand that she was able to become the kyoko we see in the present because of tohru.... idk i think i still feel a kind of unresolved dissonance between backstory kyoko and the kyoko we see later on. and i think that largely has to do with the fact that we (purposefully) don’t see the parent’s perspectives -- so she ends up in this transitory stage. i have no idea how this would be resolved lmao i think it just is what it is.
18. hatori -- i’m also struggling to place him because i think he’s sooo so poignant in the beginning of the story but i don’t really pay much attention to him later on. which is a shame considering his introduction is to me the first real punch to the gut regarding just how deep the issues go with the sohmas. i don’t feel inclined to really think of him very often, but i just think there could have been more done for him. i think trying to tie up his issues with a romance just doesn’t really work and is also irrelevant to his? actual problems? (also sorry i’m just remembering that this is another symptom of takaya pulling another wacky coincidence maam they don’t all have to know each other i repeat they don’t all have to fucking know each other--) anyways i feel like his resolution wrt his issues with his family/the curse is kinda.... glossed over..... unless i’m just completely forgetting something. 
19. hiro -- i used to hate this kid. straight up. now i think he’s just like.... a typical smart-mouth 12 year old...... so he’s alright lmfao. i think his relationship with rin is interesting but it’s pretty forgettable. i don’t really care about his relationship with kisa or the parallel it makes with kyoru, but i do like the scene where he tells her about his curse breaking. he does mature in a nice way over the series. oh and the panel of him holding his sister makes me cry idk dudes. alright maybe i’ll place him above kagura just on that right alone.
20. kagura -- do i feel justified putting her this far down on the list? i dunno. her relationship with kyo isn’t my favorite (i just find it obnoxious) but i think she’s pretty funny and cute otherwise..... thing is kyo takes up like 95% of her story so there isn’t much otherwise 2 speak of. really wish her relationship with rin could have been explored more tbh i think that could have had potential. honestly my feelings about her change with the phases of the moon so while i don’t care much about her right now two weeks from now i’ll probably feel more inclined to bump her up to the momiji-rin range. which i feel like says enough about her character for me lmfao.
21. kisa -- she’s alright? i think she’s cute but she doesn’t really do much for me after her intro chapters (which. i only like so much bc they’re a big part of yuki’s narrative tbh). yeah. honestly not much to say about her :( 
22. ritsu -- sighs.... man...... ritsu could have just been so much more but canon doesn’t give us much and i really don’t think about them otherwise. like truly they just completely disappear for the whole meat of the story LMAO...... what the fuck..... 
23.  nao -- he’s not so far down at the bottom because i hate him, he only has this placement because you could literally take him out of the story and i wouldn’t fucking notice lmao. i never think about him and i don’t rlly want to. next.
24. kureno -- uuuugh uuuughhhhhhh. the wasted potential of this fucking guy. would it have been so hard to drop the creepy romance plotline and just put more effort into his story regarding his place in the family....... his symbolism...... fuck even just giving him a personality. ugh. honestly i think we could have benefitted from a pov chapter from him to get a better sense of all of this instead of just extrapolating but. alas. looking at him gives me the residual taste of cardboard and regret. i had actually originally placed him above both nao and ritsu because at least he gives me something to think about, but it didn’t feel right. i actively dislike seeing this dude because i just know that his storyline is fucked from start to finish -- not in a narrative way like akito or rin, but in a way that just gives me the impression that his character was never 100% there. all this drama over a man who only wears button-ups and khakis. despicable.
25. katsuya -- yeah i know boring typical answer and surprise to no one but there is just nothing redeemable about this dude to me. i won’t lie, i think i would consider his character differently if the narrative had any intention whatsoever to condemn him, but obviously that doesn’t happen so here we are. anyways tohru baby you were right to dislike him just like...... lean a little more into it yknow........ yeah. i considered maybe not putting him on here because of my general attitude about the furuba parents but the fact that the story tries to paint him in a positive light just makes kyoko’s backstory borderline unbearable to read. bad.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 5 years
Good Intentions
Based off this post. You guys really seemed to like it, so here you go.
The plan to ruin Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s reputation and credibility was well under way. And while there had been a bump in the road with Bustier undoing her seat switch plan at the end of the day, Lila still considered the day a victory. After all, she managed to sow the seeds of distrust, and the class managed to believe her over Marinette. She gave the baker girl maybe a month, tops, before everything came crashing down on her, and with no way to prove that Lila had anything to do with it.
Of course, there was still the issue of Adrien, but he was a pushover. All he wanted was to make friends! He had no spine, and it would only be a matter of time before she had him twisted around her little finger.
That night, maybe an hour or so before retiring to bed, she hatches her next plan and hits up Alya with a text:
L: Hey, Alya? Could I have Marinette’s number? I’d like to work things out with her and maybe even get her opinion on some clothes??
Usually, for texts like these, she gets a pretty immediate response. She even gets the animation indicating that Alya is typing a message, only for it to stop and no message to be sent. Frowning, she places the phone down on her desk as she goes about browsing social media profiles of her classmates and the stars she’s supposedly schmoozed with, checking to see if there are any new updates. About thirty minutes pass when Alya finally responds, and Lila can’t help but roll her eyes at what might have possibly kept Alya for so long.
A: heyyy, i think it’s great u want to get along w Mari, but i think it’s better 2 give her some space after 2day. but if it’s an emergency, i can ask her 4 u!
Squinting her eyes, she gives the text a long, hard glance before realizing that it’s real. It has to be some sort of joke. There’s no real reason Alya should be hesitant in giving her something like this. 
L: I was worried about this. Marinette must really hate me if she doesn’t even want to give me her number!
A satisfied smirk spreads across her face as she waits for the inevitable anxious reply. Surely, Alya wouldn’t want her new friend to feel so left out and targeted, right? Once again, the texting animation is quickly evident, and she can practically hear Alya apologizing for making her feel so bad about it. 
A: i swear it’s not like that!!! just give her some time & she’ll warm up, i swear!! so how about those outfits!?
Scowling, she quickly responds with a half-hearted “never mind, I’ll ask Clara’s designer instead,” and tosses the phone across the room onto her bed with a sigh. Perhaps it’s just a fluke, and maybe tomorrow, when Lila comes face to face with Alya, she can corner her into giving up Marinette’s number. It’s not something she should be this worried about anyway, but if she’s going to forge fake messages, she needs to make it look like they had contact with each other.
For now, that idea is on hold. Still, there’s plenty of ways to shake things up the next morning.
While having a position of power made you respected, it also made you stress out over every other little thing, and put you in a position of criticism. Thankfully, Lila doesn’t have to contend with the responsibilities of Class Rep, and can instead content herself to push Marinette’s buttons instead.
“...And the class vs class picnic will be happening next Friday,” she says, finishing the morning announcements, “Please make sure to bring athletic attire to change into, because we will  be getting messy. Does anyone have any questions?”
Oh boy, does Lila ever. She meekly raises her hand, making sure at least one or two other classmates note the wary expression on her face. Biting back a sigh, Marinette points to her and asks, “Yes?”
“Um, well, I’m not sure I can handle anything outdoorsy,” she pouts, holding out her hand, “My wrist is busted and I can’t really throw anything.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Mylene interrupts, smiling cheerfully, “We made sure to include some non-athletic activities, like making friendship bracelets and writing nature haikus! If you don’t want to use pen and paper, you should be able to bring your tablet!”
With her lips curling inward, Lila has to bite back a dark glare. Something was definitely up. She’s not sure what, but Marinette must have told them something about the previous day. It’s difficult to tell because Marinette doesn’t have a very distinctive expression, but Lila would be a fool to believe otherwise.
And she would certainly not be that.
“That’s very nice of you to think of me,” she says, trying to bite back tears, “But, um, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to go that day, anyway. I’m supposed to be volunteering at a charity event to help reduce carbon emissions. Is it possible that we could have the picnic a day earlier? Or the next week?”
Some glances are exchanged in the rows before conversation breaks out. As she expects, Marinette’s face contorts with annoyance, and she opens her mouth to say something, but she’s cut off by Alya, who places a hand on her shoulder, and shakes her head. Turning to Lila, she says, “Actually, me and Mari spent a lot of time organizing this event with the other student reps, and it wouldn’t be fair to suddenly reschedule like that. But I assure you that we have some other events in the future that we’ll be more easily able to take your schedule into account, just as long as you tell us ahead of time, Lila.”
“Oh,” she pouts, blinking as rapidly as she can. “That’s too bad. I was really looking forward to going too…” she says with a sigh.
“Well,” Mylene offers, “We can always throw you a picnic another day. That way, Marinette and the other student reps don’t have to worry about all that rescheduling, and you can still have fun hanging out with us. Right, guys?”
The chattering, the annoying, annoying chattering grows more excited, as if they already have it planned in stone. As though they no longer have to give Lila anymore thought or concern. Of course, she’d have to be gracious and just accept it, right?
There’s still no sign from Marinette that she’s in on it, or that she’s satisfied with the turn out. For someone who hates lying so much, she must be pretty good at it. There’s no way she’s innocent.
Still, Lila has no choice but to playfully bat her eyes and practically coo at the suggestion. “You’re all just so wonderful! I would love that, of course!”
A pen snaps in her hands, and the ink covers the knee of her leggings. But her forced smile doesn’t falter for a second, lest she want to draw unwanted attention.
Marinette is naive to leave her backpack by itself, without a single eye to watch it. It seems that Chloe failed at her job at instilling fear in the school, if Marinette was going around carefree without any sort of protection. But that leaves Lila free to sneak into her bag and plant the answers for the test that they finished taking-
A sudden, squeakish voice interrupts, causing her to drop the paper.
“There you are, Lila!” Rose says cheerfully, “What are you doing?”
Jumping, it takes her a moment to realize she’s dropped the paper. She unfortunately can’t see where it landed, and she finds herself sputtering, sputtering, her response, “O-Oh, Rose! I-I was just… I found Marinette’s backpack!”
“Oh, she was looking for that!” Rose says, picking it up and hugging it to her chest, “That’s awfully nice of you, Lila! Marinette was looking for that.”
“It’s not a big deal! I just wanted to help out a friend, you know?”
“You really are a sweetheart, you know?” Rose says, patting her shoulder, “Still, I think we’re better off just telling Marinette it was in the lost or found.”
She blinks. “What? Why?” 
“Well, we don’t want to give Marinette the wrong idea,” Rose points out, “You might be trying to help her, but knowing her, she’ll probably think you tampered with her stuff.”
“I can’t believe she thinks so little of me,” Lila sniffs, “I’m only trying to help.”
“Oh, we know,” Rose says, patting her shoulder, “And someday she’ll be able to see that. But I think she’s really coming around. Just a little more time and she’ll see just how cool you really are!”
As they leave the area, Lila waits for a moment to sneak back into the backpack, but the opportunity never presents itself. Soon enough, Marinette is reunited with her backpack, and Lila knows from her narrowed leer, she’s bound to search through the bag to make sure it wasn’t tampered with.
There is no doubt in her mind that this is deliberate sabotage. Marinette said something to get these goons to follow her around and interrupt at the most opportune and least convenient moments. Plan after plan, ruined because they “don’t want Marinette getting the wrong impression of her!” 
Well, with any luck, that was going to stop today.
She is quick to follow Marinette into the bathroom and pin her against the walls.
“So, you think you’re so smart, huh? Getting your friends to keep an eye on me and keep you out of trouble?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Stop lying!” Lila shouts, “Playing stupid isn’t your forte! I know you said something about me to them to ruin my plans! Well, guess what? I have plenty of methods that’ll get you expelled.”
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, Lila?” Alya’s booming voice calls out, holding a phone in front of her. Behind her are Alix, Mylene, Rose and Juleka, who all share darkened expressions and are ready to voice their distaste. She has to think of something quick if she’s going to recover and get control of the situation again.
“A-Alya,” she stammers, trying to force a smile, “M-Marinette was just, um, she was bullying me! Can you believe it?”
“No, I can’t,” Alya retorts, “Because I just captured footage for the past few minutes of you attacking Marinette in the bathroom and threatening to get her expelled! And after everything we did for you, trying to help you get along with her, especially at Adrien’s suggestion!” She clicks her tongue. 
Blinking, she looks from Marinette back to Alya. Adrien? Adrien was the one to calculate this plan? She supposed it would make some degree of sense - Adrien was hardly the type to get his hands dirty when he had assistants and money to do that for him. Still, there was no way the boy with the least amount of backbone in the entire school would go out of his way to sabotage her, especially not for Marinette.
“You’re a liar,” Lila hisses, before trying to smile again, “Adrien would never suggest something so diabolical.”
“Since when was trying to help people get along diabolical?” Alix points out, “If anyone is headed toward the realm of villainy and bullying, it’s you. Anything else you want to confess to?”
And for once, Lila’s out of stories to spin.
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meitantei-lavi · 3 years
hi hello i’m drinking and i have thoughts on yashahime that i’ll put under the cut if u wanna read and try to follow my train of thought tldr; i like yashahime but i have some problems with motivation, tension, and other plot related things
(also keep in mind that i’ve only been watching the dub bc reading is hard sometimes, so i’m only on like episode 10 or w/e)
OKAY SO i’ve been trying to put my finger on what i don’t like about yashahime, though as a whole i do like the anime. so lemme first itemize what i DO like:
so i do really like the main characters, both personality wise and design wise. i like towa and setsuna’s relationship and i really really love that moroha has precisely one brain cell. 
going off of that, i really don’t mind that the central story doesn’t focus on solely inuyasha and kagome’s kid. i think that would’ve kinda been the conventional way to go, so props to the writers for not doing something predictable (though i really kinda hope that we never find out who towa and setsuna’s mother is; frankly i can’t believe sesshomaru could have sex at all)
also going off of design, i like the design of the demons and the main group of bad guys. it’s all very reminiscent of inuyasha and i think it works
i also think it’s a nice callback to have characters from inuyasha come back in yashahime! they don’t feel entirely shoehorned in (except for maybe kikyo as the tree of ages??? don’t really get that) and they don’t detract from the main story revolving around the gals
not really plot related, but i’m SUPER happy that kaoru wada came back to do the score. his music is very Iconique and really just makes the show, in my opinion (and i love that opening. very catchy)
BUT i’m still having problems getting really invested in the show. for me, what really made me like inuyasha when i first started getting into it when i was like, 12 or so, was how interesting the characters were and how they were motivated by a united threat, i.e., naraku. while i think our main characters are interesting and fun, i’m so not interested in the main villains for a couple reasons:
there’s too many of them, for starters. and yes, naraku had 800 million incarnations of himself, but naraku was the main threat and main villain. his incarnations or whatever other demon of the week were threats to the main gang, but there was still a clear motivation to defeat naraku
on the subject of naraku’s incarnations, i compare them to the four perils in yashahime. the four perils are there to provide a challenge for the gals and impede them on their way to fight kirinmaru. HOWEVER, 2 of the four perils are pretty much immediately killed by the gals in the course of one episode apiece, which to me kinda defeats their purpose. i’ll concede that some of naraku’s incarnations were one-off villains, but they actually posed a threat to the OG gang. the rest of the incarnations lasted pretty much the whole series (i.e., kagura, kanna, the douche kid whatever his name was, etc.)
on THAT note, i feel like the motivation for the four perils and kirinmaru kinda sucks. like they wanna get back at sesshomaru for being a dick by killing his daughters?? compare that to naraku’s motivation for doing what he did: be a terrible bastard man who wants kikyo, hate inuyasha, wants to become a full demon and threaten pretty much all of japan by doing so, enjoys manipulating and tricking ppl into doing his dirty work, etc etc. maybe we’ll find out more about kirinmaru as the series goes along, but idk nothing can really top how disgusting naraku is
aside from what i feel like are weak motivations, i just don’t really feel worried for our gals !! they easily best pretty much any kind of demon that comes their way (as seen in their fights with the four perils) with no real danger or concern. they already seem to be masters of their abilities, which i feel like was more interesting in inuyasha. inuyasha had to improve and get stronger to overcome more powerful foes, and that was exciting to watch!! like how will inuyasha fight ryuukotsuke with his heavy ass sword? how will he figure out the adamant barrage if the red tetsusaiga doesn’t work anymore? will he improve enough to beat naraku? i don’t want to call the gals mary sues by any means, but this kind of improvement to me is just more fun to watch
also with that, in inuyasha, we see inuyasha and the gang lose fights, and they lose bad. call it sadistic or whatever, but when our main characters lose, it adds more weight to the story and it’s a lot more satisfying when they win! like the whole band of seven arc was awesome because we got to see our heroes lose then work to beat them against all odds. and even THEN by the end of that arc, naraku is pretty much at full power and it’s like oh shit !! yeah, the gang beat the band of seven, but naraku is stronger than them now!! how will they win??
in yashahime, i don’t really get that same weight or tension. maybe more of the tension is between towa and setsuna’s relationship, which i think is fine, but with an external threat of some powerful demons and the established world that takahashi made, it’s a little disappointing not seeing our heroes struggle against their enemies. any kind of struggle that they do have against any of the four perils or the demon of the week is pretty much resolved by the end of the episode, unlike in inuyasha, where arcs spanned several episodes
yashahime is probably going to be a much much shorter series than inuyasha is, so maybe they didn’t plan on really fleshing out certain elements in the story that i think could be better. that’s kinda my problem with shorter anime series as a whole; with less time to work with, the details of the plot become rushed. but when you’re following up one of the most iconic anime ever, it’s a disservice to do a shorter series and leave out story elements that would really give yashahime a boost to make it a really quality, fun series
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kirishwima · 4 years
Could you please write about RFA + V&Saeran reacting to MC playing otome games? I don't know if you ever wrote something like that before. Thank u ♥️
as a big fan of otome games i’m obligated to answer this OwO
Since you haven’t specified any pronouns, I’ll be using they/them for MC!
* “MC, do you like playing games?” he asks one day whilst on a call with MC, the glee in his voice palpable.
* He’s so happy when MC replies with a shy yes! He’s about to ask them is they play LOLOL when MC cuts him off with a rush. “I-it’s probably not the kind of games you play though!”
* He’s a little baffled by that, but MC is quick to change the topic to Yoosung’s beloved LOLOL, and he’s sufficiently distracted to let the matter slide in the meantime.
* It’s only after he and MC meet at the party, only after they start dating and spending much more time together that he understands just what kind of a gamer MC really is.
* “MC! Stop paying attention to your fake boyfriend and come hug me! Me! Flesh and bone, right here!” he groans, patting at his chest and belly with a big sad pout-and really, MC you heartless fiend, how can you ignore those big puppy eyes in favor of an online hottie on your laptop?!
* He’s not nearly as upset over MC’s choice of games as one would think-so long as he receives sufficient amounts of kisses and cuddles, and reassurances that he’s their one and only true boyfriend, he’s good! He’ll even watch MC as they game on their phone whilst they rest their head on his chest.
* “Oh, MC, go with that guy! He looks um-” he blushes, wondering how to phrase his next words-how can he say that that dude with the choker full of spikes and smudged eyeliner looks hot?! “he looks...promising?”
* Oho? *MC will remember that.*
* He never really noticed what exactly it was MC was playing-he saw them giggling at their phone or laptop from time to time and found it cute, sometimes he’d see the background of a game but he’d pay no mind to it-if it was something MC wanted to share with him, they would after all!
* Well, one day he was sitting besides them as they played on their laptop, going over his lines when MC laughed and tugged at his shirt, nodding over to their screen. 
* “Zenny, look at this-doesn’t this guy look a lot like Jumin?”
* Zen raised a brow and looked at the screen-and he was floored. The man at the screen was a well-drawn, hyper-realistic man that really did look oddly similar to that Trustfund prick-and what was that? There was a dialogue bubble at the side of him that wrote ‘For you, my love, I’d buy the moon and all the stars.”
* “MC-are you not satisfied with me...?” he trembled as he uttered the words, his eyes fixated to the man on the screen-and he suddenly had a deep desire to punch Jumin the next time he saw him (doesn’t he always feel that way tho orz)
* It took a lot of explaining from MC to show him that yes, this is just a game, and no, this isn’t real-yes they’re super happy with Zen and don’t need any compensation from a virtual boyfriend, these are just fun games to play, same as Yoosung with his LOLOL.
* Eventually Zen eases into the idea, though not entirely-and if he catches MC playing any game like that, he’ll always urge them to go for the character that most resembles himself lmao
* She really doesn’t see the appeal-and doesn’t really have much of a reaction when MC tells her of their hobby. 
*She’s interested to learn of what MC enjoys in their free time, and she’s content to spend some time lounging around on the couch with them, her watching Zen’s musical whilst MC plays on their phone or laptop, and she’ll occasionally look to MC’s screen, offer commentary on the characters, but that’s pretty much it
* Until one day....MC discovers a Zen dating fan game.
* They figure Jaehee will be thrilled to see this, that she’ll want to play this right away! So they waste no time in showing it to them-the plot is fairly good and the art is great, so they know it’s a promising game...
* ...but Jaehee doesn’t seem all that interested. She shakes her head when MC offers her their phone, pushing it back to MC.
* “Thank you, but I’ve already seen this game before-playing as Zen’s lover feels weird, more so when he’s a dear friend. If you’d like to play it you’re free to do so though....” she lowered her head at that last bit, biting her lip. 
* With a bit of coaxing and a chin tilt so she’d look MC in the eye, Jaehee admitted her fear. “W-what if after playing this game you fall in love with Zen?! Of course I had no such fear with all the other games you play, they’re fake, but this is real and it’s Zen and-”
* MC had to kiss Jaehee to shush her, the phone all but forgotten, the game still gleaming on the screen. 
* “Let’s never play that game, ok? Neither of us has any use for it. I love you, and only you” MC whispered on Jaehee’s lips-and that was all the confirmation Jaehee needed.
* Zen couldn’t stop sneezing that night, poor dude lmao
* “So....MC you enjoy playing as someone else’s significant other?”    “I mean...kind of but not really?”    “I see.”
* The conversation was as awkward as you can imagine-MC had been giggling at something a character had said while playing on their phone, and Jumin asked what they were laughing about, so they answered honestly-and that’s how they ended up here, sitting across each other, MC’s phone in the middle of the two on the dining table, the rich-dude-character still shining on the screen, his brooding expression perfectly matching Jumin’s.
* “Is there anything you feel is lacking from our relationship, that these games provide instead?” Jumin asked, nodding down to MC’s phone.
* “No! No, not at all-Jumin, these are just games, and these are simply characters. I enjoy playing the games, and I like seeing well-written characters, but that’s as far as my exchange with them goes. You-you’re here. You’re with me, and we’re together. I love you, and no game can change this or take that away.”
* This is getting too meta for me lmao
* “I see” Jumin said at last-the words sounded cold, but his lips betrayed a small smile as he stood up, coming around to kneel in front of MC, taking their hands in his. “Thank you for being honest with me, MC.”
* And that was that. Or so MC thought.
* Barely a week after this conversation, a notification popped up on MC’s phone. ‘New Otome Game, Exclusive-Corporate Heir Professes His Love?!’
* Curious MC cilcked on the suspicious link, assuming it’d be a prank from Seven or something of the sort-but hoo boy, it sure wasn’t.
* No, instead it was a full-blown, million-dollar-budget otome game; featuring Jumin Han himself, with his own voice, and a lot of cameos by Elizabeth the 3d-even the MC was built-in the game, designed to look exactly like...well, like MC.
* Jealousy, meet Jumin Han, the man that created an entire freaking game for his fiance to play, which he updates weekly so they’ll focus on him and only him lmao
* “Dude, you’re playing The Arcana?! Do Julian’s route, he’s one kinky motherf-mmf!”
* Seven’s words were cut short as MC put a hand over his mouth, stopping him mid-sentence. “Babe!” they screamed, “spoilers! I’m still on the prologue!”
* He plays any and all games, and otome are no exceptions lol, it just has to be good enough to catch Seven’s eye.
* He’ll often recommend games to MC, or lay in bed with them and play on their phone, choosing bad dialogue options on purpose to mess with them lol
* You’d think he’d make them an otome game featuring himself since they love them so much-and he might, but he’s a little too self-conscious for that lol, so he’d end up making it more of a meme than anything. He might add in a deep profound love confession unlocked through a series of tests though, just to see if MC would go through the trouble of achieving it~
* And they would-it’d take a lot of trial and error but they’d reach a point in Seven’s game where there’d be a blank screen and his own voice, simply telling MC how much he loves them, how he’d do anything to see their smile and how their every action brightens up his day. It’s short and simple, but enough to make MC’s heart melt, and make them run to Seven’s desk to jump in his arms and kiss him.
* Also he’s a total sucker for blushy innocent characters that can’t reckon danger if it were to punch them in the face, wAnna guess whY?
* also if u havent go play the arcana its p darn good
* He finds MC’s obsession with otome games to be pretty darn cute?! The way they giggle at some of the dialogue or point out their favorite and explain why they like that character to V is so endearing, and he’s always eagerly listening to their explanations-he’ll even play with them from time to time.
* He won’t really play otome games on his own, but he’ll sit with MC on his lap, his head resting on their shoulder as he helps them pick dialogue options (the best, cutest option, always-this man can’t be mean even to a fictional character, never)
* His favorite seem to be the overly sarcastic, blunt characters that seem to want nothing to do with the main character-MC questioned him about it once, asking him if he’s a masochist or something, but he gave them such an innocent look they just dropped the subject without much thought.
* One night MC was too busy playing otome games as V sat on the couch besides them, gently nudging their thigh with his for even a glimpse of their attention-but MC kept mumbling ‘not now babe’, focusing on their game and the moving dialogue.
* V pouted, prodding his lip as he leaned close to MC. “Baby, do you prefer these characters over me...?”
* Listen. Listen V does NOT get into these cutesy moods often so if he does you are LEGALLY OBLIGED TO DROP EVERYHTING YOU’RE GOING AND GIVE HIM ALL YOUR ATTENTION and that’s exactly what MC did, otome games be damned.
* V=Victorious
* He’s so confused???!
* “Wait so the point of the game is to...date the characters?! All of them?!”
* MC nodded, a mischievous grin on their lips. “Sound familiar?” they asked, knowing full well that was how Ray once lured them to Mint Eye-a story as old as time now, now that he’s on his path to recovery, now that the two are happy together.
* Saeran grumbled under his breath, a blush spreading on his cheek. “It’s not like I really knew what these games were at the time...I just took a look at your search history, saw a lot of that ‘otome’ or whatever and made up a rouse based off of it. I didn’t know you’re that invested in them!”
* MC laughed at his obvious confusion, how he looked to MC’s screen, a desktop folder full of otome games open on their screen and glaring back at them. He pouted, furrowing his brow.
* “Wait but-you’re not like-you like me right?”
* MC rolled their eyes. He was slowly getting over his insecurities, sure, but there was still a long way to go.
* They leaned in close and kissed him, a quick peck on the lips before they leaned back, looking to their computer screen. “I could delete all these if it’d make you feel better. I love you. Only you.” they shrugged.
* Saeran’s reddened face was adorable, the way his breath hitched in his throat, his hands trembing as he came to rest his fingers over MC’s wrist. 
* “N-no it’s-it’s okay, I trust you. I um-I love you too.”
* He’s not a fan of otome games, especially not with the connnotations they have for him, but well, if his beloved likes them...he doesn’t mind building a proper game for them.
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon for character reactions-
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abyssmail · 3 years
Caerul Design Notes,
because I’ve actually put a lot of thought into creating Caerul’s aesthetic and I’m lowkey really proud of it.  I won’t get into her actual character concept/personality/backstory/etc. since this got super long, but this is how/why I made the choices I did with regards to her name and visual design!
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▶ Caerul’s color scheme started off way bluer (hence the name “Caerul,” from caeruleus/a/um - “blue”/“cerulean”/“azure”/“of the sky/sea” in Latin) and less saturated, but when I gave her a (dead) twin with a red theme, I wanted them to look more alike and made both of their hair purple (although I haven’t actually done more than sketch Roseus before... he’s got purple hair and red eyes).  Purple’s my favorite color, and unnatural hair colors don’t seem to be uncommon in Orth, so why not, right?   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   The red elements in Caerul’s design are meant to represent her honoring Roseus!
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All of the base colors I use when drawing Caerul! They all end up looking a bit darker once they’re shaded though.
▶ As well as shamelessly using one of my favorite Latin words (I’m a Classics major, okay ;;>~>), I also tried to pick a name that sounded similar to the ones that already exist in-universe.  This was actually fairly tricky, since as far as I can tell the names in Made in Abyss have a WIDE variety of influences.  Some of them seem passably Japanese-sounding (Riko, Jiruo, Kiyui, Nanachi) disclaimer I bring dishonor to my ancestors and know 0 Japanese so this is just about vibez, others seem Western-ish (Reg, Nat, Lyza, Prushka).  Some are fairly whimsical (Shiggy, Maruruk, Mitty) while others are more mysterious and fantastic (Any of the White Whistles besides maybe Lyza).  The only common thread I could really settle on was a general fantasy feeling to all of the names.  I tried to capture that nebulous vibe with Caerul’s name, although with something so vague and subjective it’s pretty much impossible to say if I was entirely successful.  I named her siblings afterward with other Latin color words and ended up with a RGB theme lol.
▸ By the way, “Caerul” is pronounced “KAI-rool.”  It rhymes with “Hyrule.”  The ae diphthong makes an “eye” sound in Latin #TheMoreYouKnow
▸ “Caducalae” is a portmanteau of “caducae alae,” literally “falling/doomed/futile wings” in Latin (again), playing off how pointless it is to be able to fly when the Curse of the Abyss is a thing.  Originally, they weren’t supposed to work at all outside of the Abyss, but I decided that was boring for crossovers/other verses so I scrapped it.  I’m not too happy with the name since it doesn’t fit the naming scheme of the canon relics (there is no precedent at all for gratuitous Latin in Made in Abyss, which is a good thing because it’s overused in fantasy, but Latin was the only thing I was good at in high school sooooo... ^^;), but I didn’t like any of my other ideas that much, either.  “Wings of Futility” feels more canon, but it’s also kinda depressing :/
▶ I’ve mentioned before that Caerul’s build is based off of mine for art reference purposes (it’s convenient to just look in the mirror while making the pose I want =w=)b), but another reason she’s so short is that I didn’t have to make the caducalae quite as big since she’s smaller, so she can actually go indoors if she’s careful.
▶ Long hair isn’t super practical with mechanical wings with lots of bits for it to get caught in, but Caerul idolizes Lyza, so I left her hair as long as I could reasonably get away with.
▶ I heavily referenced the canon Made in Abyss character designs for Caerul’s clothing so she would fit into the world, but made some alterations to make everything more personal to her and accommodate for her wings.  In general, I lightened everything up, since she takes a bunch of short, quick trips rather than lengthy expeditions.  Her gloves, for instance, are loosely inspired by the ones we see many delvers wearing in the manga/anime, but are less heavy-duty and are convertible mittens/fingerless gloves for better dexterity with handling letters and such.  
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The best close up of the gloves I could find was actually a screenshot of the aftermath Reg & Riko’s orb piercer encounter, but I didn’t want to have to tag this for gore, so you get Lyza ^^; There’s a filter over Caerul here so you can see the glove better which is why she looks kinda washed out :/
▶ Her coat is heavily influenced by Jiruo’s, since he’s the only Moon Whistle we’ve seen in canon.  
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yeah, uhhhh, sorry to yoink your style my dude ^^;
▸ Caerul’s has a different color palette, a simpler lapel border, an extra set of outer pockets, and three separate panels in the back that button around her wings so she can put it on! I haven’t drawn it, but her shirt works similarly.  
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This is my favorite detail about her design tbh... it’s just really satisfying what a logical solution it is for some reason???  the original doodle is off rotting somewhere in my Modern European History notes, but I tried to recreate it just as sloppily here =w=)b
▶ Caerul’s corset isn’t just a painful fashion choice - it’s actually meant to be a(n admittedly heavily stylized) brace for her back against the weight of her wings.  
▶ Since Caerul can’t wear a backpack with the wings, I had to get creative with storage options for her.  In addition to an undetermined number of pockets on the inside of her coat, I gave her these two pouches on her thighs to carry more stuff.  
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I wonder how buff your quads could get carrying a significant amount of weight there...
▸ Messenger bags don’t seem super practical for delving, so I didn’t design a specific one for her to carry all the time, but Caerul does use them on occasion.  Even with that, though, she still has far less carrying capacity than the average delver, which is a problem she has to deal with when carrying out her duties!
▶ The wings/caducalae were by far the most difficult part of designing Caerul, and it took several redesigns over 2+ years before I was finally happy with them.  Their first design was deliberately far simpler in the interest of having to draw them a zillion times, but they ended up clunky and unwieldy looking: 
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chonky o~O
▸ The final design is MUCH more of a pain to draw (in fact, a lot of the time I cheat and just copy and paste them from drawings I’ve already done), but I think it looks much sleeker and more “functional”.  
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I also got better at making my diagrams look slightly more authentic ;0
▸ I knew I wanted jetpack-style thrusters to be a component of the wings to somewhat justify the shit I wanted Caerul to be able to pull with them (especially to eliminate the need for accounting for the damage landing suddenly could do to her ankles), but incorporating them proved to be one of the biggest problems of the design.  At one point, they were going to have a whole separate attachment point on her back, but I finally just made them an offshoot of the first “joint,” as you can see in the final design.  
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A really messy intermediate caducalae sketch.  The weird double pentagon shape was meant to be the part of the relic actually fused to Caerul’s back, but I scrapped that too when I scrapped the separate limbs for the thrusters.
▸ Speaking of the joints, they’re all balls so they can rotate all over and I don’t have to fuss too much about how they move.  Likewise, the frame is metal, but I treat it like it’s kind of flexible, so Caerul can “flex” the wings open and closed.  These wings are hard enough to draw period okay I’m giving myself every excuse to be inconsistent af on purpose.
▸ The caducalae have some “bonus” features that I’ve sketched out, but that Caerul hasn’t unlocked yet, and won’t for a while.  
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owo what’s this?
▸ For the wings, I think my biggest inspirations were some of the mechier Cardfight!! Vanguard dragon units (although I don’t remember which cards specifically) and the energy wings on the ninth-generation knightmares in Code Geass R2.
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I’ve made a lot of OCs, and since I don’t like to use faceclaims, I’ve done a fair amount of character designing.  I don’t think I’ve ever spent as much time or had as much fun with any of them as I have with Caerul, though!  OCs aren’t always super well accepted in fandom roleplay, but the Made in Abyss community has been super welcoming and I’ve had a blast.  Thanks for listening to me gush about Caerul if you got this far, and thank you to everyone who’s interacted with her!  
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The original sketch of Caerul from back in 2017.  How far we’ve come :’D
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pinkanonwrites · 4 years
Asahi: Time Stops
Here’s chapter two! Writing Asahi is so fun, he’s just a big sweet boy.
Crossposted on AO3!
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It’d taken Asahi plenty of time to shake off the majority of his skittish nature. Sure, there were still a handful of things that would cause him to worry now and again, don’t get him wrong, but during his years in college he’d spent plenty of time practicing rewiring his brain to not immediately expect the worst of situations.
Of course, that being said, there’s not much to trust in a strange figure hunched by a dumpster at 8 in the morning.
He’d passed the alleyway plenty of times before, both early in the morning and late into the evening, during the walk from the train station to his office building. But on this morning there was… something lurking in the alleyway as he strolled past it. Someone curled up on the dirty concrete.
‘It’s a dead body!’ His accursed brain eagerly provided.
‘It’s not a dead body.’
‘A knife-wielding maniac!’
‘I should see if they’re okay.’
‘What? And risk getting stabbed?’
‘They could be hurt.’
This mental tug of war continued for a few moments more, Asahi hesitantly putting a foot in the alley’s direction and pulling it away about a half dozen times before he took a shuddering breath, steeled his nerves, and took a few steps forward.
And no, his knees weren’t shaking, thank you very much.
As he inched closer, super definitely not shaking, he could hear a small, hushed voice speaking in an ever-so-gentle tone.
“It’s okay, little baby. I’m not gonna hurt you. Come here!”
Another step closer and he could finally make out how the figure was laying, flat on their stomach with an arm all the way under the dumpster, head turned to peer into the darkness beneath it as they made kissy noises into the void.
“Poor little pumpkin, I’ll get you outta there. Don’t be scared!”
Confused (and ignoring the voice in his head that hollered they must be on drugs)  Asahi was about to ask if they were okay when suddenly…
“Gotcha! Shh shh shh, it’s okay! I got you…”
A cacophony of panicked mewing erupted from beneath the dumpster as you shifted your arm and pulled it back, revealing in your grip a small, orange kitten with its head stuck inside a tin can. You sat up and cradled the kitten in your arms, continuing to make soothing shushing noises as you carefully worked the can off its head.
“There you go pumpkin, isn’t that all better?”
With the crying kitten in your arms you moved to sit up properly, only now noticing someone standing in the alleyway entrance. You glanced up to meet Asahi’s gaze.
And time stopped.
For about a second.
And then you screamed.
Asahi immediately began spewing out apologies, his entire face burning red as he took a few steps back. You looked equally as embarrassed as you stumbled to your feet, frantically spouting apologies of your own.
“Oh god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you I thought maybe you were hurt and-!”
“Ah I didn’t mean to startle you I just didn’t hear you come up and when you were suddenly right there I panicked and-!”
“No I shouldn’t have been lurking so weirdly it’s completely fine!”
“I was laying down in an alleyway, you had every right to be concerned!”
It took the kitten snuggled in your arms letting out a loud, irritated hiss before the two of you realized just how ridiculous you must have looked, and quickly clammed up. You quietly began shushing the kitten again and Asahi frantically unraveled his scarf from around his neck.
“H-Here, he’s getting your shirt all muddy.”
“Oh! You don’t have to…”
“It’s fine, I’ve kinda been wanting a new scarf anyway.”
“Thank you.”
The two of you carefully wrapped up the kitten, Asahi’s heart rate spiking whenever your hands just so happened to touch. When the kitten was satisfiably bundled in a scarf burrito you tucked it close to your chest again, scratching it gently behind the ear.
“Poor baby… I wonder why it isn’t with its mama.” You cooed.
“There’s a lot of stray cats in this area. He might’ve been left behind when he got stuck.”
“That’s so sad…” You mused for a moment, watching the kitten lean into your warm touch. Finally you looked up to Asahi again. “I don’t suppose you know where there may be a shelter nearby? Or a vet?”
It just so happened that he did know of a vet, a small clinic just two buildings down from his own, one that again, he passed every day on his way to work.
“I can walk you, if you’d like. I’m headed that direction anyway.”
“That’d be amazing, thank you.”
As the two of you walked you took the time to introduce yourselves. You were still pretty new to the area, having been moved further into the city for work, and Asahi had been working for a few months now at a relatively well-known design company. He blushed when you matter-of-factly stated that he must be a pretty big deal to get to work at a place like that.
“Ah, no, nothing like that. I just work hard.”
“That’s a good trait to have! Don’t sell yourself short, Azumane-san.”
At the door to the clinic he paused, hand awkwardly on the door handle. He didn’t want to head to work just yet. But he had to. But if he left now he may never get the opportunity to speak to you again.
“W-Will you be waiting here?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.
“Oh! Yeah, just to see if he’s gonna be alright.”
“I, uh, I work just down there.” He pointed to the office building two doors down. “I’ll swing by during my lunch break and see how you’re doing. How he’s doing. The kitten, I mean. If that’s okay with you.”
You chuckled. “Of course. I’ll see you then.” You held the kitten up to him so the two of them were nose-to-nose. “Say bye, Pumpkin!”
The kitten mewled and wiggled a paw free to pat it on Asahi’s nose.
“Aw, he likes you. See you in a few hours, Azumane-san.”
“Y-Yeah. See you.”
Once you stepped into the clinic he let the door swing closed behind you, before heading to his office with an uncharacteristic spring in his step.
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pleaseburger · 4 years
heyo :-) what is... your favorite video game
thank u for asking! get ready for a huge answer you probably didn’t want.
idk if I have just 1 favourite. lately I’ve been playing baldurs gate 3′s early access and it’s pretty great so far.. hmm what else
minecraft is of course a classic and I’ve been playing a ton of it in the last week or so (also minecraft dungeons is fun! ive played abt 10 hours of it). after me n my friends have gotten a good whiff of the vanilla experience I’d like to try modded MC again bc I know a lot of them haven’t even tasted it
I was playing among us a lot when it was first getting crazy popular. I’m a very good liar so naturally I love playing as imposter lmao
all of the pokemon games in gen 3 and 4 (INCLUDING pokemon XD) are I guess what you might call my “comfort games”
the elder scrolls series wants what the witcher 3 has
halo will always have a soft spot in my heart but I can’t stand to play FPS games anymore
I’ve played portal 2′s single and multiplayer all the way thru a combined total of 20ish times. love it
shovel knight is good but hollow knight is my favourite platformer by far just. the combat is so satisfying. the music is perfection. the ambiance and the worldbuilding. the characters. the dialogue. the sfx. *chefs kiss* mwah
i have a ton of hours in the isaac games (the orignal thru afterbirth) but heroes of hammerwatch is a hidden gem that I’ll always vouch for it’s like the ideal roguelike imo
rivals of aether is like if smash bros was actually fun :) played it a couple years ago I think it’s on switch now
deep rock galactic is another gem. you n your friends are dwarves and you go mining for valuables and you kill nasty creatures. the movement options are fun and mining is satisfying. also the lobby is the best lobby in any game ever. would reccommend
castle crashers is fun to kick back and play w your friends
I tried wizard of legend for a while and it’s very frustrating for me but like in a good way. I think. it’s fun but also grrrrrr
similarly to the last few kingsway is another little gem I need to investigate more I’ve played maybe 5 hours of it a couple years ago but it was so interesting and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the UI design of it
idk if this counts but I’ve been playing catan on switch lately with my friends. it’s catan so it’s a board game but it’s on the switch so it counts as a videogame I think.
I’ve been playing hearthstone pretty consistently for umm.. 6 or 7 years? it’s different now than what it was before but I still like it
runescape is probably my favourite though it’s just.. there’s something abt it that I’ll never get over. it feels like gielinor really lives and breathes and the community is how you say umm... insane? <3
(special shoutout to viridi. it’s just a plant. i had one going for like 3 years at one point I think)
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supposed2bfunny · 4 years
2doc Week Day 5-Quarantine
This one’s a tad longer, so putting it under a ‘read more.’ Just some really insipid shenanigans for this day’s prompt!
“You ready, Muds?”
“This is an astonishing waste of time, Stu—”
“On three, then?”
“Great! One, two, three…go!” 2D jumped out of his room, a little confused to find that Murdoc was already standing in the hallway, staring at him. “Hey, you cheated.”
“I came out on three, you came out on go. You just said ‘on three—‘"
“Well yeah, but you count to three and then you—”
“Nevermind,” he cut him off, smirking. “Mate, you look ridiculous.”
“You’re one to talk!” 2D clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle the giggle that threatened to end the sentence in a highly undignified high pitch.
Murdoc was dressed in the clothes 2D had worn in their “Saturnz Barz” video, complete with a pair of blue trousers that looked uncomfortably tight, belted way above his paunch, and a black button-down, opened to reveal a tempting tuft of coarse hair. His chest looked alien without his usual upside-down cross. Without thinking, the singer reached up to his own chest, where the cross sat between his skin and the worn material of Murdoc’s striped jumper.
“Those pants look more like capris on you!” the bassist cackled, pointing at his bare ankles.
“Shut up! The jumper suits me quite well, don’t you think? The color brings out my hair. Least I don’t look like the male whore in some B-movie!”
“Mate,” Murdoc was still laughing, and having a hard time getting his words out. “You can’t say I look like a whore when I’m dressed as you!”
“I wore that outfit better than you!”
“Great, so can we agree that we both look completely mental?”
“I don’t think that’s entirely fair; I think I pull off your frumpiness like a model!”
“That jumper was designed for someone with a complexion more like my own.”
“Green, you mean green skin?”
“Well, I guess green is a state of mind,” he grumbled, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “So slip into that mindset, turtledove, because for the rest of the day, you’re me.”
“Oh, I’ve had two decades to observe you, Muds,” he replied casually, leaning against the doorframe. “All I have to do is act drunk, shout every hour or so about how great my band is, and go out of my way to grate on everyone’s nerves. Easy. Think that mastering the nuance of my enigmatic personality will be way harder for you.”
The bassist-turned-frontman rolled his eyes and moved to brush past him. “All I have to do is not think for the rest of the day. This’ll be a bloody vacation, pet.”
“Hey wait, before we start officially, give me a kiss,” he requested, catching the shorter man by the simple gold necklace—his necklace—around his neck, dragging him in closer and pausing as their lips hovered over each other.
“Am I kissing you as Murdoc, or as 2D?”
“As hot as a little 2D-on-2D action sounds, I want a kiss from my boyfriend.”
“Needy bitch,” he chuckled, but he obliged, pressing the taller man against the wall and kissing him languidly, reaching underneath that hole-filled sweater to trace the cross against his boyfriend’s chest. “Let’s stick a pin in that idea, huh? Now then, shall we pop off? There’s a certain drummer I’m dying to pester with my extensive knowledge of zombie flicks.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll go see if Noodle notices the difference—oh, careful!” He reached out quickly and caught the shorter man as he tripped over his slightly-too-big shoes. “Watch it, luv. Being me is a right safety hazard.”
Grinning mischievously, the two parted ways, and the man formerly known as 2D made for the living room, where Noodle could be found flipping through a magazine.
“Noods!” he crowed, doing his best to sound gruff and Stoke-on-Trent-y. “I’ve got some grrreat news! I tried a new skin-care product and it took decades off my skin. I’d say I look at least twelve years younger: what do you think?”
She glanced up and frowned. “What fresh stupidity is this?” she asked.
“Stupidity? Don’t be so rude, poppet, I look good don’t I? Don’t worry; there’s no shame in admitting that a bloke so many years your senior is more attractive than you, really.”
“2D,” she sighed. “Why are you impersonating Murdoc?”
“Impersonating? I am Murdoc!”
“Sure you are. And is Murdoc also Murdoc, or is he 2D?”
“Um…wait, I’m confused…” he paused to try and track what she’d just said, and he realized that  he had completely broken character. “Sod this! Your questions just show that you’re…you’re confused by my superior genius!” Yeah, that sounded about right.
She tapped the magazine on her lap impatiently. “I’m trying to gauge my astrological compatibility with Tessa Thompson right now,” she said. “Can you come back to be annoying and strange later?”
“Er…but I…”
“Get lost, Murdoc.”
She’d done it! She’d acknowledged his acting skills! Satisfied, he pumped his fist in celebration. “Right, enjoy flipping through that trashy magazine telling you what nail polish color will make Tesla love you! I’m going to sit here and watch my soaps!”
“It’s…nevermind.” She sighed, looking like she had a lot more to say, but no energy to say it, and ‘Murdoc’ cheerfully flounced across the room to grab the remote, moving with more spring in his step than he’d had in decades.
Meanwhile, Russel was in the kitchen, preparing himself a hoagie of epic proportions, having been inspired by one of his favorite cooking shows. Just as he was debating whether to opt for dill or bread and butter pickles (or both? life was short), a nicotine-laden pair of lungs cleared themselves right behind him.
“Oh no,” he said, spinning around. “I’m having ‘me time:’ whatever stupid scheme you’re up to, it can damn well wait, Murdo—” he froze, pickle jars in hand, and after a moment, he bent over in a ground-shaking belly laugh. “You look ridiculous!”
“W-wot d’yew mean, Russ?” he asked, pressing a finger to his lips in an attempt to look juvenile. “It’s me, 2D, innit?”
“Murdoc, that belt looks like it’s constricting your ribs, and your belly is about to pop out. What gives?”
“Nuffink gives, just fought I’d try on my old cloves from ‘Saturnz—”
“Man, if you don’t stop talking like that immediately, we’re going to have bigger problems than whatever wardrobe malfunction this is.”
“Easy, easy, big guy! I’ll cut back on the Cockney accent! Fortunately I’ve picked up the ability to speak a bit better in recent years. Can you understand me now?”
“Not at all,” he said dryly. “Why are you dressed like 2D?”
“Mate, I am 2D! The adorable and absentminded singer for our band!” the dark-haired 2D insisted stubbornly.
Russel stared at him, ready to launch into yet another insult. Then he considered the two pickle jars in his hands. “So uh,” he shrugged. “What day of quarantine is it?”
“Oh, seventy-three or seventy-four, something like that. But who’s counting?”
“So you two are just messing around because you’re bored.”
“Well, it’s more fun than making a sandwich, wouldn’t you say?” he asked, smirking, realizing 2D wasn’t really the smirking type, and settling on a softer smile.
Russel weighed his options, and decided the prospective entertainment value was too good to pass up. “Well then, ‘Dee,’ do you want to make this monster sandwich with me? You can regale me with stories of what it’s like in your head the whole time.”
Murdoc—no that wasn’t right—‘2D’ beamed at him and nodded. “I’d love nothing more! Could probably use some extra calories, frail little waif of a man that I am.”
“Oh yeah,” Russel agreed, playfully patting his middle-aged potbelly. “You’re a real waif. Now grab the mustard.”
“You got it, Russ! Yellow or spicy?”
Several hours later found the singer and bassist reunited in 2D’s bedroom. They sat together, swapping their clothes back piece-by-piece: first 2D pulled the striped jumper over his head, then Murdoc unbuttoned the black shirt as though he were giving a strip tease. They giggled the whole time, each looking particularly relieved when their pants came undone and they could step into comfortable sweatpants once again.
“I’d say outfit-swap was a roaring success!” Murdoc said cheerfully, grabbing a sip of a lukewarm beer sitting on the bedside table.
“I don’t know about that…I think Noodle and Russel were just humoring us.”
“Well at first, sure,” he conceded, gracing the singer with a kiss as he reverently returned his cross necklace to him. “But I think that as we really got into character, they forgot that we were simply acting. Once this quarantine ends, we should head back to LA and reconsider the whole movie star thing!”
“I’ll pass on that,” he replied, pulling a face, then falling down onto his bed, motioning for Murdoc to finish his drink and join him. The older man happily obliged, and the mattress creaked slightly at their combined weight as they cuddled together. “So…what are we going to do tomorrow to annoy the others?”
“We could speak only in riddles the whole day!”
“What if I’m not smart enough for that?”
“Was that a riddle?” Murdoc asked, cackling as he got a poke in the ribs for the comment. “Gentle, gentle! I’ve got it: let’s speak the way people write your dialogue online.”
“Not the super Cockney?”
“That’s right! Let’s speak like Dick Van Dyke attempting to sound like a proper Brit! That’ll be a right laugh!”
“You’re so cruel: what did Noodle and Russel do to deserve you as their bandmate?”
“Hey,” he teased, “you were in on today’s game.”
“Fine, I’ll consider the Cockney schtick, but I think you can do better. Keep working on it.”
“Yes sir,” he agreed, nuzzling into the singer’s neck. “So, we still have the night ahead of us: what did you want to do?”
2D was quiet for long enough that he began to get a little suspicious. “Stu? Simple enough question, luv. What’s on that pretty mind of yours?”
“I was just thinking, Muds…” another long bout of silence.
“Yes?” he prodded.
“Would you still be up for that 2D-on-2D action we were joking about earlier?”
Murdoc pulled away from him abruptly, and he scrambled to follow the bassist, to apologize for the stupid suggestion. As he opened his mouth to voice his mortification and backtrack, Murdoc caught his eye with a playful smirk and slowly pulled his necklace off. “Mate,” he said, voice unusually high, like he was trying to imitate someone else, “I fought yew’d neva ask!”
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