#I assume that is in lbs and not kgs
femmeholograms · 1 year
Butch powerlifter respectfully responding to your request to be carried. I deadlifted 3x315 today, I promise you'll be in good strong hands 💖
hello!! I only just saw this but you sound so strong 👀 please carry me
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
It's big, it's strong, its scaly, it's this week's Wet Beast Wednesday topic! An arapaima, also known as a pirarucu or paiche, is any of four species of fish in the genus Arapaima in the order of bony-tongued fish. There is som ongoing debate about the classification of the species, so to keep thing simple, I'm going to use the most common species names of Arapaima gigas (the type species and most well known, and the one with the most confusion about its classification), Arapaima agassizii, Arapaima leptosoma, and Arapaima mapae. Because A. gigas is the most well-studied of the species, unless I say otherwise you can assume everything I say in this post applies to it.
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(image: an arapaima)
Arapaimas are bony fish that retain several primitive traits, causing them to sometimes be identified as "living fossils". They are most notable for their size, with A. gigas being a contender for the largest freshwater fish in the world. The maximum recorded size for one was 3.7 meters (10 ft) and 200 kg (400 lbs), but most get to around 2 meters (6.6 ft) long and 200 kg (440 lbs). That average length is decreasing as overfishing of the largest individuals is resulting in a selective pressure for smaller sizes. In addition to their size, they are extremely strong and can move fast if needed. Arapaima are fully capable of leaping out of the water if disturbed or they feel their current pond in unsuitable. Because of their strength, specimens in captivity must be handled with care as they can easy break bones if they slap someone. They live in rivers and lakes in South America, where they are often the top predators.
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(image: several anglers with an arapaima)
Arapaimas are obligate air-breathers and will drown if they can't get to the surface to breathe. This is accomplished with a specialized swim bladder. The swim bladder is filled with highly vascularized tissue, letting it act like a lung. This pseudo-lung opens into the mouth using a modified gill arch known as the labyrinth organ. Arapaima gills are too small to sustain them, but they can supplement their oxygen intake with the gills. Juveniles are born exclusively using their gills and transition into air-breathers shortly after hatching. Arapaimas can survive up to a full day out of the water. They typically surface to gulp in air every 15-20 minutes. Breathing makes a loud gulping sound that anglers use to target them.
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(image: an arapaima at the surface)
Because of their ability to breathe air, arapaimas are top predators in low-oxygen environments. Non-air breathing fish are forced to slow down in water with low levels of dissolved oxygen as they can't get enough oxygen through their gills. Since Arapaimas breathe air, they can easily chase down lethargic smaller fish. They are especially potent predators during the low season, when water levels lower. A combination of rotting vegetation reducing oxygen levels and ponds getting cut off from rivers and losing a supply of oxygen lets the arapaima reign supreme. Arapaimas are primarily predators that feed on smaller fish, though they will hunt other types of animals and eat fruits and seeds. Even land animals aren't safe as arapaimas have been known to launch themselves out of the water to catch animals near the shore. A combination of sharp teeth and their bony tongues are used to debilitate prey.
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(image: an arapaima with its mouth open)
Not content with powerleveling their attack stat, arapaimas also have excellent defense. Their scales have been compared to bullet proof vests. Each has a hard, mineralized outer layer over multiple layers of collagen fibers. These layers are all oriented at an angle to each other to provide extra strength. This orientation of layers is called a Bouligand-type arrangement and is similar to how plywood is assembled. The harder outer layers and flexible inner layers work together to allow for both strength and flexibility. These scales help provide protection form large predators such as caiman and small threats like biting piranha. They also like provide protection from other arapaima, as the fish are aggressive and will fight each other.
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(image: a diagram showing the composition of arapaima scales. source)
You probably wouldn't expect a swimming tank of an animal to be a good parent, but you'd be wrong. Arapaimas work together in mated pairs to build nests for their eggs, then cooperate to guard the nest. Once the eggs hatch, the male will practice mouth brooding, keeping his young safe in his mouth. The female will also help by patrolling the area around the male to ward off predators. They secrete pheromones from their heads to ensure the young don't swim too far away. Eggs are laid either in in the low season or as water levels are starting to rise, ensuring that the young become independent during the high season.
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(Image: baby arapaimas)
Arapaima are classified as "data deficient" by the IUCN. This means there isn't enough data to properly assess their conservation needs. They are known to be threatened by overfishing. Arapaima make up a large part of the diet of many South American populations. Habitat loss and pollution are also believed to threaten them. They have been introduced to many areas out of their native range and are an invasive species in placed like Florida, Malaysia, and India.
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Does anyone else remember these cards? (image: the arapaima card from Weird n' Wild Creatures)
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kawarikisaki · 5 months
It really shouldn’t be surprising Hakuba is strong he’s a modern Holmes like Shinichi and Holmes casually straitened a fire poker a villain bent to intimidate him. Wouldn’t surprise me if he worked on being surprisingly strong just because he wants to be like Holmes.
Mm yeah.
I always kinda forget that Shinichi’s that strong, too, since most of the times we see Shinichi, he's actively melting from poison... but yeah, he's pretty strong.
And as far as the Gosho boys go I had honestly always thought of Hakuba as being physically stronger than Kaito or Shinichi just by pure merit of being bigger (he's a little taller and wider canonically, but I tend to make him a bit taller than that still). But like while its safe to assume that as a sherlockian detective he'd take up some kind of hobby or sport to train his body I’d really just thought of him as being strong in a casual way.
Strong enough that he doesn't sweat when he's chasing after Kaito. Sure. Strong enough to lift a person? Yeah probably, there are any number of reasons a detective may need to carry someone-
But what really got me was how effortless it looked.
My boi didn't struggle.
He Strong.
Let's break it down (cause I assume no one asks me these things expecting me to be normal about them). Fair warning there’s about to be a lot of estimates here:
We know Hakuba is 180 cm (5'11") and 65 kg (143 lbs). These are numbers Hakuba gave us himself so they could be inflated, but it actually tracks with the height that we have for Kaito so Im just going to assume this is correct.
Now then the numbers we have for Kaito are 174cm (5'7") and 58kg (127lbs).
Making Kaito approximately 89% Hakuba’s weight.
And of course its going to be quite a while before this case gets animated so we can't have a exact measure of how long he was holding him, so im going to lowball it and say it was 3 minutes, maybe I'll revisit this when its animated.
And maybe I’m projecting... but it would mess up my back if I held that much weight for that long.
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p7agu3 · 1 year
i have so much salt
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what can i do with this much salt? well
each piece is about the size of 2 fists
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google says a fist is roughly 250 ml in volume
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0.0005 x 200 = 0.1
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i'm gonna say it's 1000 kg/m^3
SO: I have 100 kg (220 lb) of solid salt (all obtained naturally from exploding rocks, of course)
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oh sweet neptune
that is 38,758,000 mg of sodium
(turns out i didn't need that step but that's certainly a number)
AO takes place in the like, 18somethings probably (source: rackham's journal, dated 1806-1807, presumably from decade(s) ago)
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reaching a little but should be close enough, let's say 130lbs?
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i'll just round up to 60 kg
hey google how much salt would kill a man
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3 x 60 = 180 g, or 0.18 kg
what kind of cursed worm can am i opening here?? (*continues to pry at the can's lid*)
100 / 0.18 = 555.5
i have enough salt to kill 500+ people
truly a menacing notion. that's enough to wipe out most smaller islands, and my power is only growing-
Goal Unlocked: Have Enough Salt to Theoretically Kill Everyone in the Bronze Sea
ravenna will rue the day that they arrested me, setting me on this path of (rock) destruction
the island is absolutely lush with rocks, too
Bronze Sea Population:
Ravenna, ~12,000 (goddamn)
Fort Talos, ~2,000
Silverhold, ~1,000
Palo Town, ~1,000 (literally how)
Cirrus Island, ~300
Redwake, ~300
Frostmill, ~180
Shell Island, ~80
Sailor's Lodge, ~50
Whitesummit, ~40
The Northern Jaws, ~30
The Forest of Cernunno, ~30
anywhere small enough to lack a population counter isn't worth putting on my saltlist, i'm not gonna hunt down Thorin and feed him salt, that's just unnecessary (and Thorin is cool, he has bronze hammer 👍)
0.18 x 19,010 = 3,421.8 kg
100 kg = 200 salts (1kg = 2 salts)
6,844 pieces of salt could kill every human in the Bronze Sea
and That's assuming we need the maximum dosage of sodium
sure, the Gravy and Ravenna military wouldn't go down without a fight, but they'll fall eventually. even sailor fist users probably have limits (except that one guy who ate fifty pies. they turned into God, i'm sorry, i could never kill such a being)
i will become Theoretically Unstoppable within years
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distortionswife · 5 months
How it all started
TWs for: Clowns, probably paranoia, kidnapping ( ig? it was kind of martin blackwood like conscious choice???? ) Mimicking of movement, uncanny shit,
-- PART ONE --
I had just woken up from a rather odd dream, I don't exactly remember what it was, I just remember that it horrified me. But the sight beside my bed was somehow worse.
It was a tall figure, it adorned a top hat and seemed to stare at me, watching my movement. I couldn't see it very well, mumbling something along the lines of "what are you.."
And then she laughed. And I knew.
It was Nikola, I'd recognize that laugh anywhere. And when she got a bit closer, I saw her face, still a bit blurred but it was her alright... Even if I was blind as hell without my glasses.
But if not for the face and laugh, it'd be that trademark ringleader outfit of hers with that top hat. She wore a wig, it was short and orange, curly too. It looked rather nice on her, in my opinion, but that wasn't what I was thinking in that moment.
All I could think was "Oh god." because why would she be here? So I moved my head slightly, still in the stomach sleeping position with my hands under my pillow.
But what I saw was real. It was to me, at least.
Because she moved her head with me.
I noticed her hand retracting from.. my shoulder? Had she woken me up? Why?
I moved my head side-to-side, seeing her mirroring and mimicking that exact movement.. it assured me she was certainly in my room. Which made a new, vivid fear arise, because London wasn't that close to where I lived. The area of The Netherlands, France and Germany was quite far, it's not like I'd have a close connection to it either.
But for some reason, she was here. In my room.
My thoughts were so blurry, I was still so sleepy and I had dreams like this before where I had woken up yet.
She laughed at my reaction, and all I could mutter out was a "W-What are you doing here?"
And by god she must be strong, at least strong enough to easily shove 25 kg/55 lbs from in front of my door. I always have a basket in front of my door out of fear and paranoia, hallucinations are quite scary at night, both auditory and visual.
Either way, she was still blurry for me and I struggled seeing everything, it was dark, after all. Well, my blinds are darkened and they made the room dark, but my little space lamp allowed for light. It has a timer so I assumed it had turned off by itself again.
I tiredly mumbled about needing my glasses, not really sure if I was awake or if this was a dream as well. I smacked the bedside table to feel my glasses but they weren't there.
She laughed again and mocked me a bit, asking me "Are you really that blind?"
And I simply nodded, which caused her to laugh again, refusing to give me my glasses, "I'll just move closer, then." So she did, she moved very fucking close to my face, like mere inches away and somehow THAT caused me to properly wake up, even if the faint fear was already there. Now it was FULLY running through me.
This had apparently taken 5 minutes.
Once I sat up, I held the sheets up to my chest, just covering a bit as I stared at the other. Nikola had found my stupidity very entertaining.
She started talking about how I should just follow, I shouldn't question it and that she thought I was probably aware what would happen if I didn't listen.
I simply asked if I could at least get dressed, which made her groan,
" Is that really necessary? " Nikola said.
I nodded and she sighed, staring at the little space lamp, inspecting it with a strange curiosity as I got dressed.
I suddenly heard her laugh, seeing that she had removed it's head.
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see the picture above, it is indeed removable, but Nikola found it very entertaining.
Once I was dressed she walked to my door, closed it and reopened it again, suddenly.. elsewhere?
We were in the middle of London, the door closing and not leading to my bedroom anymore. She was very pleased with this.
I remember texting my friend, we'll call them Sunny.
"I think i fucked up somewhere" I texted them
but Nikola smacked my phone out of my hand ad took it away, saying I should lead the way as I apparently lived here. I argued that I didn't, I have never lived in London.
She was CONVINCED I was lying to her, saying she was very very sure of it.
I decided not to argue again, might be better since Nikola could kill me at any moment.
So, she leads me to the infamous institute, The Magnus Institute, London. I still had my watch so I was able to see the time; 4:02 a.m.
But I couldn't ponder the thought long, because I was being shoved towards the door and told to "go get the thing", and I didn't know what to do or get, but part of me was guessing skin, seeing as that was all she was talking about on the way there.
While i was in the tunnels, trying to evade the absolute horror that was Not!Sasha, I felt my watch buzz, it was still connected to my phone and apparently someone was trying to figure out what it was, as it was still on when Nikola smacked it out of my hand.
She was messaging Sunny, or well, messily messaging, I assumed. Sunny had sent a message that was just a keyboard smash in all caps. They also made a joke about time traveling or dimension hopping.
Then I got an "oh." and a "cool cosplay", which was an odd sight in itself but i had to focus on not dying AND not getting worms. There were a few left and I was about ready to throw up.
Michael was there, somehow, walking after me with a curiosity, asking who I was and why I was here. I explained it didn't matter who I was but that a certain ringmaster basically took me from my home and made me get her some skin she wanted.
"Why would you even follow her out of your room???" He asked me.
"Because she's absolutely horrifying, kind of pretty and mostly... I don't want to piss her off. I feel like she'd kill me if I wouldn't listen to her." I had responded.
Michael gave me a judging look like no other, not understanding my reasons and actually advising against getting the skin for her, even if it was against his nature. He said his door was a faster way out.
I refused and repeated I'd rather not piss someone off who wants skin.
Then he disappeared, at the voice of Elias and I somehow had that ANCIENT BIT OF SKIN. He looked at me, tilting his head and asked why I had that.
I tried to trick him by saying it was leather, getting an annoyed look and furrowed eyes. The orange glowy furrowed eyes, kind of intimidating, too.
"You know damned well I'm aware that the thing you are holding is not leather."
So I argued with him for a while and he eventually found out I was doing this for Nikola, the I do not know you. He offered me a job and I said I'd consider it, he'd hear from me in the morning.
Before he could stop me I ran the other way, into Michael who was probably more intrigued about me running through the corridors than whatever else he had going on, because he wanted to know my plan.
I joked about joining a fire-y cult and he asked me, loudly "WHY"
And because I was just so damned nervous I joked that "Can't peel what doesn't exist."
it made him chuckle.
I somehow got out of the tunnels and was once more seen by Elias, but I got the skin to Nikola and she was questioning me about Elias. I told her I was offered a job, and she encouraged me to take it so I could snoop for her.
Be her little errand person.
I blurted out that Elias wanted me to snoop on her.
Nikola just gripped my shoulder painfully tight, saying with her sweetest voice "well you're not going to tell him anything."
And I was honestly okay with that, getting my phone back and being told my friend was not the brightest. My friend Sunny, in this universe, thought that it wasn't real. But they were very much in the same universe. Just.. not aware.
The chat log was along the lines of:
( Sunny ) AKDJFNKA ALSO WHY ARE YOU AWAKE Did you finally go through a spiral door into the archives or something? /j ( Nikola ) Spiral door? Into the archives? Do tell :)
( Sunny ) What? It was a joke, I put the /j ( Nikola ) I don't know what that means :) [ a picture of Nikola's face, she apparently took it on accident ] ( Sunny ) Cool cosplay, you got that together real fast KSDHFBKS ( Nikola ) [ another picture, she figured it out!! It was of the front of the archives, her tall shadow in front of it ] ( Sunny ) Oh. OH.
It was quite funny to read, there were also a lot of scratches on my phone, Nikola had made a little finger hat of skin, eventually. Like a thimble of skin.
I tried texting them back, sending "THAT WAS NOT ME I'M SO SORRY." And I got back: "YEAH I CAN SEE THAT." There was more but I was knocked on my head, waking up tied to a chair, she removed the bandana from my mouth because she didn't think I'd scream, but kept me tied down, thinking I'd run.
I argued I'd probably get myself killed if I did, she found that to be the one smart thing.
She then talked to me about working for her, what it'd entail and what my "freedom" would be. Since she'd want dirt and info on the institute.
And that's where the first one ended. I signed a contract, in a way, not literally. It didn't tie me to the stranger, either, just to Nikola.
I got the nickname "little archivist" due to my height. 154.2cm/barely 5'0
Soooo let me know your thoughts, and what you think!
I don't know if it helps with reading but have my picrew as a reference for how I look, it's accurate, believe me. I know it helps me to have visual aids aksdjhfbaksd
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phoenixagent · 5 months
AGENT A███████, R███ (CODENAME Phoenix) LAST KNOWN ADDRESS Agency HQ DOB 12/31/19██ STATUS ACTIVE DECEASED ACTIVE DECEASED ACTIVE – Field Operative AFFILIATION The Agency, Enhanced Operatives Division
CITIZENSHIP United States BIRTHPLACE Los Angeles, California GENDER "None" (uses they/them pronouns) HEIGHT 6'4" (193 cm) WEIGHT 187 lbs (85 kg) HAIR Jet Black EYES Reddish Brown BLOOD TYPE AB-
Selectively Mute
Needlessly Reckless
Alcoholic Tendencies Exhibited
Pyromaniacal Behavior Exhibited
Extraordinarily Strong Stomach
The Agent raises a hand up to their mouth, the corners of their lips curving into an amused smile as their other hand's gloved thumb runs over the document.
Ahh. They've always known they could be a real piece of work sometimes, but seeing it printed out on an official Agency document in good ol' professional-speak?
Hah! Guess they really are the Agency's golden child and problem child simultaneously after all... They dust the paper a little before straightening it, placing it back where they found it.
Okay. Let's grab what they came here to fetch real quick before people start noticing the ever-so-troublesome Agent Phoenix is snooping around looking at things they shouldn't be looking at again...
hello, welcome to my askblog for agent phoenix/the protagonist of the i expect you to die video game trilogy! please be aware this blog will contain untagged spoilers for all three games!
no nsfw, bigotry, etc. standard package stuff, you know the deal. flirting is a-okay though and is in fact encouraged if it's really, really funny. we love committing to the bit here!
this blog defaults to a semi-literate/literate style most of the time! interacting blogs do not need to adhere to this style as well; this is simply just a stylistic choice on my part <333
because my depiction of agent phoenix is a selective mute, please assume they're signing unless explicitly stated otherwise! on a related note, lines of dialogue from phoenix won't be colored, but ones from other characters if/when they're involved will be in their respective colors (e.g. yellow for the handler, green for juniper, blue for dr. prism, etc.)
messages from me, the admin, will be prefixed with "OOC:".
if the need ever arises, feel free to ask for anything to be tagged! content warnings are tagged as the topic name itself (e.g. "#knives" for knives)
inspired by @ag3nt-ph0en1x and @ask-agent-phoenix! hi!!!
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
How many ivans could one alfred bench press🤔🤔🤔 this is how my friend and I measure it😂😂
well. i don't have a concrete weight for my ivan. but given how tall he is and the body type i see him as, i can somewhat base his weight off of figures such as olivier richters - who is 7'2/218 cm and 309-331 lb/140-150 kg. my alfred can 100% bench at least one ivan, idc what anyone else says.
but given that - if canon is your thing - we've seen alfred easily drag both a car and a shipping container...he can probably bench several of the cast in one go.
in the car's case: it's england's and it looks like a luxury car, which helps narrow it down. given its hood ornament, headlights, spare tire placement, grille, and the fact that it's england, the implication is that of a rolls royce. i'm not going to overanalyze it too hard - it's most likely a phantom i or phantom ii sedan (four doors) from 1930-1932. i'll go with the 1931 phantom ii dover sedan because i'm gross and biased. i can't find a curb weight for the phantom ii specifically, but similar competitor cars of the era weighed anywhere from 4500-5500 lbs (~2000-2500 kg). we can probably assume the phantom ii dover probably weighed around 5000 lb. and he's pulling it like a maniac by its front bumper at a walking pace. and you know his is probably fast because he probably takes big steps.
in the shipping container's case: your average 20 ft shipping container has a tare (empty) weight of ~4500 lb (2050 kg). we see in the comic strip that it has some amount of cargo, so its gross weight is probably quite a bit higher. keep in mind that the max payload for a 20 ft shipping container is 30,480 kg (67,200 lb). so that's a huge range he can have. it's hard to tell how fast he's dragging it in the manga strip, but given how we usually treat this man, and his smug expression, it's probably fairly easy.
either way, even if you just leave super strength at "he can lift a car," even your everyday toyota corolla weighs at minimum 1 1/2 tons. he can easily bench a singular ivan.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
More Monster Hunter things. One of the more notable things is that based on sort of an evolutionary thing, one could assume that since the monsters are so big and strong, that the humans there are also pretty frickin' sturdy. One thing to support this (one which is quite funny to me) is that in game, hunters, when they jump off of things, not take fall damage. It's just not a thing. Doesn't matter how high, their knees are just made of weapons grade adamantium.
The weapons an armor is also usually made out of monster parts. Some armor is lighter than others, but even still have a fair hit of weight to them. And all the weapons save for things like dual blades and sword and shield, are pretty bulky/big because you kinda need it to be to pierce the monster hide. So this also boosts the average strength ratio of a human from Monster Hunter, compared to a hylian.
Because of this, there's also instances where one could latch onto a monster with a rope and yank it towards the wall for a fairly vicious knockdown. You can do this with just about every monster, and all of them will tab out at at least 400+ lbs (that's like 180+kg for those non Americans). This makes it possible that Mh Player could absolutely at least suplex a lynel if so desired. This also means they can tank attacks, because some monster attacks are brutal and what gives hylians broken bones, just gives Player a decent bruise.
But yeah, in domestic situations, Twilight isn't the strongest anymore and he can't exactly say he's mad about it because all the Link's have a thing for people who can kick their ass.
I think next I'll talk about palicoes and palamutes.
Player proceeding to bench press a Lynel after it tried to get them one too many times is hilarious actually IUDHIEPUH
And it makes sense that humans were stronger, having to adapt to such conditions with such monsters, it's only natural that humans grew stronger to fight those conditions.
I'm sorry and I'm tired nothing might make sense here OIUFGFU
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HOLY $H!T ! thats heavy
So I was curious just how heavy the stupid impractical-will crack and flood the apartment the first earthquake-aquarium in the sky line apartment in VTMB is so i did so estimation calculations. Looking online for measurements of a similar trunk seen in game I’m assuming the trunk measures (3 ft x 1.5 ft x 1.5 ft) and looking up the average door hight to be 6ft 8 in (I rounded up to 7 ft for easier math) that the Aquariums measurements to be (7 ft length x 9 ft hight x 3 ft depth)  so the total volume of water would be 189 ft^3. So I converted to metric ( 5.35 m^3) because density of water  i(1000 kg/m^3) is easier to calculate then.(i’m assuming its a fresh water tank if its salt water then its even heavyer). With the final mass of the water in the aquarium being:
5,350 kg or 11,794.7 lbs or 5.89 US tons 
Thats almost the same weight as a full grown male Asian Elephant which according to the Denver Zoo the average weight of adult male Asian Elephant is 11,500 pounds (5,221 kg) and this is on the fourth floor of the building but with each apartment being two stories that means all this water is almost 8 stories off the ground!
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no-side-us · 1 year
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Feb. 28
The Man with the Twisted Lip, Part 2
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No offense to Mr. St. Clair, who by Holmes' account seems like a good guy, but based on him one day appearing in town with a lot of money, I'm going to assume he acquired all or most of it through somewhat non-legitimate means in his past, which has now caught up to him. I feel like that's the most likely sort of situation going on here just based on previous cases.
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You could say he is a man with a twisted lip, even.
All signs so far definitely seem to implicate Mr. Boone.
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Based on the weights given by Wikipedia, 421 pennies and 270 half-pennies would weigh roughly 5.5 kg, or approximately 12 lbs, which I guess is heavy enough. I rounded also, in case anyone wants to check my math.
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How awfully convenient that Holmes would have use of two rooms when Watson spontaneously appeared to be a part of this case.
I'm not suggesting anything of course, just saying that it's very convenient.
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Now I don't remember the rest of this case, and I certainly don't want to jump to conclusions, but here it is said that Mr. St. Clair had cut himself the day he disappeared. An interesting little detail. But you know who else was mentioned to have cut himself on the very same day?
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That's right! Mr. Boone! The man with the twisted lip! Obviously they're the same person! Case solved!
Jokes aside, I don't actually think Mr. St. Clair is Mr. Boone, but I do assume they must have had some sort of past history together. I'm imagining something similar to Holmes' first case of The Gloria Scott, where past meets present and all that.
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Can't wait.
A very interesting mystery so far, I have to say. One moment Mr. St. Clair is pretty assuredly dead, and then he sends a letter to his wife. All very curious.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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redoqs · 2 years
So while i was at the gym today i had a thought. Theoretically since Alcina 1. Doesnt age and therefore wont lose bone density, and 2. Clearly has muscle but (probably) doesn’t train so she just has fantastic genetics.
What do you think her hip thrust pr would be? Cause personally ive seen some small ass women ht 140kg or three times their with good training. With no training probably just their body weight.
Personally i think it would be at least 400kg
Not you sending asks that require me to do math?
Okay, so we know that Alcina weighs approximately 600 lbs. According to Google the average woman weighs 170 lbs, meaning she’s about 3.5 times larger than average. Let’s assume that Alcina has some good ass genetics but no training so she can hip thrust her weight, 600 lbs which is 272 kg. But cmon we know she’s stronger than that so let’s say she had average training. Based on this chart I found, an 170 lbs woman with average training should be able to hip thrust 227 lbs. For every 10 lbs of weight for a person there’s an 5 lbs increase for how much they should thrust. So for Alcina, 600 lbs, 780 lbs or 353 kg is approximately what she should be able to hip thrust.
Or we could do 272kg x 3.5 = 431 kg or 952 lbs which would make your assumption correct
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crunchyfield · 1 year
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Have you ever wondered what's the mass of our friendly Steve ?
Well what I could tell you is that he for sure weighs more than some random apples but how heavy is he actually because as we discussed Steve's height in a previous post, let's now figure out his mass.
(yeah I said mass not weight because weight is in this case the force of attraction exercised between Steve at Earth's surface level and Earth's core level which is different)
The topic has already been thought out in the article thereafter:
However I strongly disagree with it assuming blocks' voxels' (3D pixels in Minecraft) dimensions are equivalent to Steve's voxels' ones when stating that Steve weighs 342 kg (754 lbs).It's just not necessarily true, in fact a mob's voxels' dimensions are subjective.
First off, we know Steve is 1.875 m (6'2") tall and measures 32 of his voxels in height that we'll shorten as svx (Steve voxel(s)) as of now for the sake of simplification.
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With this out of the way, we have to find Steve's total body volume, to proceed we can notice Steve's character model could be viewed as 2 rectangular parallelepipeds & 1 cube attached all together :p .
This means means that we'd have to sum every 3 volumes to find out Steve's total body volume.
To proceed we can display some 3D axes non orthonormed for each volume to get a clear sight of what we're trying to measure as such:
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Now as you might think, it's indeed a bit tough to clearly count voxels so let's make the task easier by counting voxels on a modified Steve skin:
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Here are the results:
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Thus Steve's total body volume corresponds to :
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Now keep in mind that a svx equates :
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which is about :
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Finally we can translate Steve's total volume in cubic meters :
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Furthermore, since Steve is a very athletic character (he jumps all the time, run all the time, looks healthy & is most certainly not average at all) we'll assume his body fat percentage to be approximately 10%.
After asking a few stupid questions to ChatGPT AI we're gonna assume Steve's body density is similar to an average low body fat, athletic (and ripped ofc x] ) male body density whose value is 1120 g/m^3.
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As a result, manoeuvering the density formula gives a way to calculate Steve's mass :
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Basically this guy is huge in every direction lol, his BMI is tremendously over 30 BUT we cannot necessarily say that he is morbidly obese because he does not look like it and if we were to make any judgement, those must be based off of Minecraft's world properties not of our world's...
Sidenote: Don't try to sue me for not getting the significant figures right, I purposefully let more decimal places to show how results really go.
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osomatsusanki · 10 months
Hey….do you think the Matsu brothers would be able to carry someone 20 lbs heavier than them?
I assume they are all 5’7’ and 120-130 lbs (170 cm and 54-58 kg if you’re THAT B*TCH)
their canon height is 150cm and i think they probably weigh more than that, but choromatsu, jyushimatsu and karamatsu definitely could! the other three would cave in like a house of cards
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heiko-writes · 1 year
...and I'm ISO new, queer, and queer-friendly friends for chatting, sharing, bonding (and dating?)!
Lt. Brown Hair
Grey Eyes
Fair, Neutral Skin
5'5", 165 cm
260 lbs, 118 kg, 18.5 st
DnD: True Neutral leaning Lawful
Ravenclaw 42%
Hufflepuff 40%
Gryffindor 12%
Slytherin 6%
Irish 45%
Italian 25%
English 15%
Scottish 10%
Dutch/Flemish 5%
Pro-choice Christian
Law Enforcement Parents and Friends
Armed Forces Parents and Friends
Centrist/Per Issue Voter; Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative; Foreign Policy: US Safety First
Sober Driver
Fibromyalgia (meds)
Reactive Hypoglycemia
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Food Intolerance/Sensitivities
Heat Intolerance
General Anxiety Disorder w/ Executive Dysfunction (meds, therapy)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (therapy)
PTSD (therapy)
ADHD Mixed (therapy)
Major Depressive Disorder (meds, therapy)
Echolalia (daily)
Night Terrors (rare)
Somnambulism (rare)
Deputy Rick Grimes
Dr. Henry 'Indiana' Jones
Full-time Artist
Police Officer
Marvel by a longshot, especially Avengers and X-men, but Im also a Justice League fan, especially Supercavill Batfleck, Aquamomoa, EzraFLASHMiller, and WonderGadot.
High tea, hugging and cuddling, leaning on each other, touching legs, dancing, taking off-season cruises
Zoos, Museums, Gardens, Antiques, Americana, Folk Art
Full french toast breakfasts and rib dinners, black coffee, tea, soda, whiskey, taste tests, chips, chocolate, cereal, oatmilk
Muscle cars, especially a 1967 Pontiac GTO
IRL Roleplaying
Texting, sharing memes and reels
Board, card, dice games, discussions, crafts, doodling. I'd love to learn to sew, and to play DnD.
All things law enforcement, fire fighter, paramedic, military, camo, tac boots, gun belts, Interceptors, Engines, helos, battleships, cargo pants.
Tall ships, pirates, 18th, 19th, 20th century films and genre pieces.
Superman (DCU)
Captain America (MCU)
Iron Man (MCU)
GENRES: Horror, Crime, One-man Action, 19th C., Prohibition, Cerebral Comedy, Psychological Drama & Thrillers, Artsy/Indie Queer, WWII, Dystopian, Serial Killers, Coming of Age, Fish Out Of Water, High Fantasy, Space/Sci-Fi, Vampyre, Werewolf,
TV SPECIFICS: Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Fargo, ADAM-12, Emergency!, Andy Griffith, Big Bang Theory, The Office, Peaky Blinders, Sopranos, True Blood
ACTORS: Tom Hardy, Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Henry Cavill, Gerard Butler, Cillian Murphy, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lawrence
MUSIC (My rotating Sirius Channels):
All the Classic Rock stations, Yacht Rock, 60s, 70, 80s, 1st Wave, Mosaic, Prime Country, Radio Classics, Octane, Turbo, Ozzy's Boneyard
ARTISTS: Rammstein, Bastille, Crowder, Andrew Bird, Chris Tomlin, Garth Brooks, Five Finger Death Punch, Slipknot, Corey Taylor. Journey, Styx, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Meg Myers, Sia, Lady Gaga, Garth Brooks, George Strait, The Outfield, Elton John, Billy Joel, Kenny Rogers, Ronnie Milsap, Jerry Reed, Dwight Yoakam, Fleetwood Mac, Commodores, The Police, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Eagles
Horror, True Crime, Cryptids, Unexplained, Disasters, History, Wildlife, Mummies, Mortuary/Funerary, Archeology, Psychology, Psychiatry
CREATORS: MrBallen, That Chapter, Fascinating Horror, Brief Case, Thoughty2 GOOD THINGS TO KNOW:
I’m sensitive, a weeper. If you're uncomfortable around emotion, I'm probably not for you ;(
I don't always get the joke. Sometimes I take things the wrong way. Executive Dysfunction can be frustrating. Please don't assume I'm simple. I do have standards. I do have ideologies. Sometimes my ire is more than appropriate when someone is being rude, a bully, or just a dick.
I can act like a mom or a big bro. I may encourage you to hydrate more, or eat more protein and fruit. It's because I care, not because you're not meeting standards.
Sometimes I'm very quiet and have not much at all to say. It's probably not. I'm an introvert and need to recharge. Sometimes just sitting quietly together doing our own thing is as nourishing as chatting about all the things while adventuring about town.
I nap A LOT. I sleep a long time. I can sleep almost anywhere, at any time. I'm a night owl IF I get a second wind, but I can still sleep late every. single. day. I'm more of a mid-day person than either morning or night person ;) See link to know more about the Wolf Chronotype.
I am loyal to a fault.
Friends don’t lie.
Please don’t lose my trust once you gain it.
I am moderately toy-experienced as a Top, but VERY inexperienced as a bottom. Can you teach me gently?
I don't own any formal attire and have a bitch of a time finding business-wear that fits well. My "dressed up" is pretty casual (clean, dark or black jeans, button up shirt, and blazer) and I'm a little embarrassed about it, but I'm trying to find better clothes.
I’m re-learning to do my makeup. I can always use pointers/tips/help.
Let's not be too shy about sharing our views and opinions on sensitive subjects. We may have to agree to disagree on some things. And if anything becomes a dealbreaker, so be it. Let's move on amiably. But please don’t assume that being a Christian who votes "Centrist" and has Independent friends who own guns means I’m a right-wing NRA “Trumper”. You may be surprised what MY views actually are when we get a chance to talk things out. And I'm open to new perspectives. I live with ambivalence. I prefer to make decisions knowing both/all sides to an argument.
Small talk can be awkward. Feel free to ask the deep TMI stuff early on. It's easier to learn about each other now than end up heartbroken too late. I’m really good at oversharing, too. I often can’t tell if you're offended and being stoic, or just feeling neutral about something I've said/shared. Please be patient. Let's always be open and honest with each other.
Around me there is always inappropriate laughter, burps, farts, naughty jokes, cursing. If you’re looking for LT friendship or anything intimate, you’ll eventually meet my friends and family and will need to be cool with cursing and the occasionally rank joke or discussion.
I often laugh out loud in public places, even restaurants, and sometimes I send my food back.
I don’t do well in the heat so prefer shade or indoors but definitely venture out as much as possible during the Summer.
I am trying to become debt-free. Please be willing to help pay for all outings, and easy to feed and entertain ;)
NO 420, vaping, cigarette or cigar smoking
NO drugs of any kind, including holistic
NO children
ZERO Tolerance for ACAB and anti-military hate speech
ALL Lives Matter. ALL Peoples deserve Opportunity, Safety, and Justice.
Uberfeminism, Atheistic rants, cries of Fascism, Marxists, Anarchists, or male bashing are NOT OK. This is a safe place for kind people looking to thrive.
My Aussiedog Jemma is my furever furbaby soulmate. I talk about her a lot. I also have dog hair on all my clothes and in my car. If you are allergic to dogs, or just don't like dogs, this is a Dealbreaker.
I am afraid of large bully breed dogs. If you have a mastiff or pibble or a cross of either kind, I will probably be weird around them for a while, OR may never be comfortable around them. Once bitten, twice shy.
I live with my hetero BFF and her elderly mom. I probably won’t be able to have you over for games or meals until they are comfortable knowing you for a little while. I’m sorry if this is a Dealbreaker for you. I really do want to share my space(s) with you.
Instagram: JoondalupArts
Follow me for art, doggos, food, snacks, coffee, stupid swlfies (not cute, still don’t delete), current obsessions and random shenanigans.
*Disclaimers aren’t necessarily Dealbreakers if they’re not for you. If we vibe hard on a lot of common interests and ideologies then I’m sure we can be flexible on some of our disclaimers. Thoughts?
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kariachi · 2 years
Random: There’s always talk of altricial vs precocial when it comes to baby centaur, with the argument on the altricial side being that a more precocial baby would be too large due to the human half, so me being me, I had to do up the math. Namely a horse’s head and neck make up about 10% of themselves, at least as regards weight, while a human’s lower half makes up about 40-50% of themselves- I couldn’t get numbers on the hips-down section of the torso specifically. Now a newborn baby horse weighs on average about 100 lbs from the sources I’ve found (I’ve seen an outlier saying they top out at 55 lbs, but given the other sources including research papers I have to assume that’s a mistake and they meant kg), while newborn human babies average about 7.3 lbs.
So, the portion of a human baby that would be used in a centaur is, using human birth weights, 3.6-4.3 lbs, as compared to the estimated ~10 lbs of the newborn horse head and neck. Quite the difference. To get closer to the known standard limit of a horse (assuming it’s a hard limit) you would have to grow the humany portion to be around ~10lbs. This would mean the full size of the human would have to be 20-25 pounds. This weight correlates to human infants between the ages of 12 and 18 months. Between these ages, with standard development, children can be expected to be speaking to even just a very minor degree and walking with or without supports to keep them upright.
So if we’re just going off of weight then having a newborn centaur who can run around at about birth should be reasonable. But that’s not the real big issue, which is more in how the baby is configured in there. So we get a few questions, the first of which it- ‘what is the size of a human toddler compared to the neck of a newborn horse’.
An 18-mo seems to be about 32 inches tall, removing the lower half would make them about 17 inches. A newborn foal will apparently be about 44 inches long on average, head and neck make up 1/3 of that, which is ~14.6 inches. So the sizes are comparable. To get down to equal you would want to drop the human baby full size down to about 29 inches, which is closer to the 12 month size.
The second, though, is more pertinent- ‘how is this thing arranged in there’. Because in utero a foal tucks it’s head, allowing it to take up less space, while you’re simply not going to be able to get the same effect with a human body. We have to assume, for this, that either a centaur is more flexible side to side than a human torso can manage, allowing them to fold themselves to rest more along their side, or that baby centaur take up a little more space than a baby horse does. Either is doable, the latter just makes the pregnancy itself a little harder on the dam, though given centaur seem to often be depicted as being quite flexible I think you would be reasonable to go with the former if one decided to depict this shit for some reason.
And this, of course, is assuming we don’t just just use the ‘this is a typically-magical species with it’s own growth rates and normal sizes’, just using information regarding baby horses and humans.
So, I think would be plausible to say a newborn centaur leans more precocial then altricial, with mental and- on the human portion- physical development about even with a 1-yo, and so able to hold their heads up, quickly learn some baby talk, play simple games, pick up items between their thumb and forefinger, quickly pick-up some degree of object permanence, and so on.
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russenoire · 9 months
i don't offer unsolicited comment on others' bodies...
...as a matter of principle. i hate it when people comment on my body and my weight. why would i do that to someone else? it costs nothing to be kind. (figured i should make my own post here.)
i have friends who are fat; i have many, many family members who are fat. i am indifferent to their weight; they will comment on mine. repeatedly. my family will persist even if i ask them to stop. even my father assumed i was throwing up my food. (though i wouldn't have known if he hadn't brought it up in an argument when i came out to him?)
i don't love it.
once upon a time, i was too heartbroken to eat -- and working a job that exacerbated it -- and dropped down to 53 kg (118 lb). i could easily see my heart beating in my chest; i was cold, even more anxious, and frequently exhausted. but some of my former coworkers positively commented on the weight i'd lost. i was miserable.
i left that industry entirely, and eventually i regained the weight i'd lost. all 19 kg of it.
our bodies seek stasis. i was a lanky beanpole as a child. i wouldn't self-describe as a Noodle Person™ as an adult, but some might describe me that way. i have been heavier than my current weight. i have been even thinner. but my ribs and hip bones have always been visible, as long as i can remember. my wrists have always been tiny. my body always returns to my current weight and doesn't vary much from it under normal circumstances.
being thin doesn't make me unhealthy any more than being fat makes you unhealthy. so can y'all get off my arse about it? thanks.
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