burrotello · 1 month
So... after chapter 2 of tadc came out...
How do you imagine gummigoo and max and chad? it made me curious
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todomemolesta18 · 6 months
Someone mention the colorism in goofy movie i can give my thought about this since i'm half southeast and east asian
A goofy movie is colorist so we have max out main character whos white skin or light skin compare it to the other student whos much more brown skintone than him. So they fall several colorist writing
The dark skin bully trope
The oversexualized brown skin character
Light is good and dark is bad in skintone
While they are background character they still perpetuate colorist stereotype. Lisa her design is much more sexual and lets compare it to other teenage girl roxanne, stacy, their design is very different. So in colorism there the implicit bias that dark skin girl or woman is much more sexual, expert in sex, they have uncontrolable sexual desire. Chad hes also brown skin and hes body type i much more muscular and atleast he being balanced by other brown skin male character who have different body type than lisa
Lets move to darkskin bully trope so the movie doesn reveal or explain why students in school bullied him. For whatever reason they still bullying the one who bullied or being rude toward him is darker than him. There this narrative about how darkskin people always bullying light skin or white skin people, when by the system darkskin are more likely to get bullied because of their skintone
The last one so all the people who help max and being kind toward him is light skin, the people who being mean to him is brown skin. So this send the message brown skin people are all horrible people and the only good people is light skin or white skin
I see. Interesting. I still enjoy the movie.
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littl1wofdesign · 3 years
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Boyfriend time!
Riptide the chad seawing, idk I always saw him with a chiseled chin XD Also, pretty blues. Aaaaand bigs ears, love his design so much.
Also, I’m not the biggest fan of the ‘sins of the father’ trope though he was a part of the Talons of Peace so does it count as that trope? The way Coral was treating him? IDK, I just really like Riptide as a character, even his flaws.
I personally like the Ripnami ship as I don’t really feel like it was forced. Riptide was the first dragon to treat Tsunami like an equal (that wasn’t part of the DoD) and tbh, they both have some daredevilly personalities. I really enjoyed reading their interactions together and who wouldn’t like that big ol dumb face?
Disclaimer: Me liking a ship you don’t like doesn’t give you the right to attack or insult me. We probably do not share the same culture or laws and that makes us view the ship differently. Feel free to message me so we can discuss any issues in a calm and healthy manner if you dissapprove of this ship. 
No, I am not supporting illegal ships or a ‘pro-shipper’. “But Littl1, Tsunami is a dragonet and Riptide is an adult!” I hear you even though I haven’t posted this design yet. There is no direct links between human age and dragon age, Tui never made an official “graph” or post relating the two. The only information we currently have is that 7 is the age dragons reach their adult size and that 10 is the more appropriate age to start having eggs. No where is it mentionned that there is an adult and minor “state” of life. And still, Riptide and Tsunami have at max 2.5-3 years of difference. And must I say that dragons aren’t humans?
I’m more than happy to discuss my reasoning behind the ship in a calm DM discussion or even make a post about it if I get too many messages.
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enigmamuse · 2 years
hiya! I'm a huge paul dano fan so it looks like I have to dip my toes into more riddler shit--you're the only riddler stan i'm following--if you have any idea on where the hell I start or if there's a defininitive riddler collection or some shit I can pick up and you're willing to tell me, I'd be grateful! I've played the batman games, bought a few batwoman comics and love the nolanverse, thats about it, though.
Thanks for following & strap in bc this is kind of a long recommendations post. Idk if I'd consider this fully comprehensive vs. what I consider you might be interested in/giving you ground work for where to start.
BTAS (Batman the Animated Series) gave Riddler three featuring episodes - the writers supposedly found him difficult to write for. This is where they start making Edward more tech savvy - he’s an ex-game designer/programmer spurned by his boss. A whole darling, but certainly not as gritty as other versions. Not 100% necessary, but I do consider him a blueprint that a lot of modern Riddlers have to thank for keeping the character relevant.
Arkhamverse, particularly City, Origins, and Knight depending on which part of his story you’re keen on seeing. Origins is his backstory where he’s part of the GCPD, City is more standard Riddler antics, Knight he’s in a decline. There are Riddler content-specific videos online of gameplay if you don’t feel like grinding through every trophy though. Good if you like men with Issues.
Assault on Arkham is an animated movie connected to the Arkham games - taking place before the events of Arkham Asylum in the Arkhamverse. I think he’s very cute here.
Hush: I recommend reading the comic versus the animated movie, unless you like being disappointed. Or at least reading it first. Riddler’s role here isn’t the main focus for most of the story, but he’s still a key player.
Zero Year is not so much a “back story” like his childhood, but sets him up as a genius who worked for Wayne Enterprises, later taking over Gotham. One of my favs & shows off Eddie at his best (worst?)
The War of Jokes and Riddles (shortened to twojar) is unfortunately iconic. I’m not super into a lot of New 52 stuff, but twojar has some good riddles and shows Edward as capable, which earns merit in my book. They made him a chad though, which was kinda weird.
Batman Forever. I used to love watching this as a kid; it has aged decently. Edward again works for Wayne Enterprises & is obsessed with Bruce. Val Kilmer is not very good as Batman (opinion), but Jim Carrey is a fun Riddler, and I wish they kept his hair from the beginning of the movie. Not gritty so much as camp, but I hard suggest it since it’s the other live-action movie that you might want to compare the upcoming one to.
There are a bunch of other Riddlers like classic, 2004, 60s Gorshin, Telltale, etc. if you find yourself really into the character + I will probably post this and then immediately realize I’ve forgotten one of my favorites.
Readcomiconline has a good compilation of riddler comics if you’re looking for older content of him. They also have Hush and Zero Year available (listed under Batman Secret City/Dark City).
TL;DR If you’re looking for darker Riddler, I would recommend Zero Year, Hush (though it’s not technically riddler-centric), and twojar the most. IMO those are his most popular stories where they let him be more of a viable threat & puppet master, which I think is his best role. (twojar being the only one that’s unavailable online last I checked?) HBO Max has BTAS, Batman Forever, and the animated movies, as well as a free trial (might need to double check, I pay for mine;;) My other suggestion is watching Batman Forever as a reference point.
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oodlyenough · 3 years
life is strange true colours review
the non spoilery part: i LOVED this game, my personal fave game this year and the first franchise entry since the original that has really resonated with or moved me.
it's a life is strange game through and through, so if you don't like slice of life episodes or bonding with NPCs, it's not gonna be for you. but if you like the franchise, or even if you liked the first game but haven't been interested in/liked the other two instalments, i recommend giving this one a chance. i think it got closer to figuring out the formula while still doing something new and interesting.
more detailed spoilers and opinions:
holy shit i love alex? bisexual chad... my darling... i'm gonna be real, a lot of the trailers and promo for this game made me worried she'd be kind of a dull wallflower Soft Girl character, but she's not! she's so funny, and even parts of her characterization i initially thought were maybe a bit of a stretch ended up making sense as i learned more about her. she stole the show. i straight up forgot how much loving the protag helps enjoyment of these kinds of games lmao ... finally a reason to click on everything in the room: to hear what alex will say about it.
i thought her backstory exploration in ep 5 especially was wonderful and emotive and great. broke my heart and explained so much about her :( baby girl
i loved the mystery. i don't think it was quite as Mysterious as the mystery in lis1, but that was okay, i was still invested in solving it. i also got invested enough in the NPCs around the town to make all the exploration bits really fun. i loved eavesdropping on the sagas of the random NPCs like bald man and ice cream couple... just fun little touches and narratives to follow that i enjoyed.
i really appreciated this script not being afraid to shy away from some messier emotions, even if in some cases i wish we spent more time on them. for example: alex feeling a bit jealous of the other people in town that got to know gabe better than her/spend more time with him than she did. or charlotte hating ethan!!! my jaw dropped, i thought that was so good, what a messy but realistic response.
I'm not entirely sure what all the ramifications of different choices are at this point, fresh off my first play. i ended up getting only part of the council to stand with me (eleanor & duckie) while losing pike and charlotte.
i do wish we saw a bit more fallout or exploration of what taking away emotion DOES. i took charlotte's anger, and obviously it meant she didn't stand up for me in the council meeting, but where does she go from there? does she like... ever return to feeling emotions lmao... I also think we probably should've had the opportunity to do that another time, instead of just 2 isolated events -- I think Diane would've been a good candidate.
the romance
i romanced steph, ofc, but i was surprised during the game how drawn i was to ryan too -- i really liked that Drama of him being the one who cut Gabe free, as well as later the drama of him being Jed's son. UNTIL HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME... that made me mad lmfao, i have to learn what to do to make him believe me before i play a Ryan route bc i'll kill him lmfao.
the steph/alex romance was sweet... it didn't really, like, Consume Me as a ship, but by the end of the game I was still "aww"ing at their moments in the flashforward. steph was more rounded and flawed than i thought she might be, which i really appreciated! i was worried they'd just make her perfect idealized gf, but she has a bit of a temper and is kind of tempestuous and stuff... liked it. loved her standing up for alex so fiercely and immediately at the council meeting <3 and my main reservation about her in ep 4 was that i wanted alex to stay in haven, so when she offered to stay i was thrilled LOL
one semi-complaint i had was that something i loved so much about lis1 was how max and chloe's relationship was central to the entire game and story, it wasn't some extra thing on the side, it WAS the game... whereas here, the romance routes, especially steph's, felt like sidequests. I wish they'd found a way to incorporate those relationships a bit more into the main goings-on. I also wanted to spend more time with either romance option to feel like I knew them better -- splitting the time between Steph and Ryan means that I came away feeling like I didn't get quite as much of either of them as I would've liked, vs spending almost the entire game with Chloe lol.
however, this ended up not really bothering me too much because I DID really like the core mystery and themes, the exploration of grief and Emotion, etc.
other characters
considering everyone knew going into the game that gabe was going to die, i was impressed with how they did it, and how they managed to get me attached to gabe in a mere single episode. it's a tall order to introduce a character designed to die, who your audience KNOWS is going to die, and still make them work.
i thought this supporting cast was ... maybe the strongest in the franchise? or at least, they created scenarios where i felt invested in multiple people in the town, and was genuinely trying to build decent relationships with most of them. duckie cracked me tf up, i liked eleanor and riley, even diane and jeb were good for their roles. (fuck pike. i signed ur stupid thing and left your emotions alone and you still won't do shit? ACAB!!!) the choice to stay in haven or leave was a little harder than i expected honestly, considering how quickly i let arcadia bay burn to the ground lmfao.
also i know the whole internet has been dunking on "empathy" as a super power since the game was announced, and i get that it sounds corny and looks corny in the trailers, but i thought how they did it was really cool. i wish they'd branded it "Mindreading" more than empathy tbh because a lot of the cooler elements of it are more along those lines... using her power to manipulate people, potentially taking people's emotions away and what that does to them... very interesting imo!
i really liked the memory feature!!! cool way to give us character exposition and inform the story while encouraging exploration. finally a collectible that like, expands the story, instead of chloe drawing butts on the wall and sean taking 10 years to draw something.
it's definitely the most evolved-feeling LIS game, which it should be, given it's the newest. graphics looked really nice, loved getting to see the characters actually emote, even if there are still some scenes that were a lil comically blank-faced -- usually NPCs. i actually noticed this with Jed the most, which in retrospect maybe was somewhat intentional?
i had a number of visual glitches, nothing major but a little silly, like T-posing Alex, npcs t-posing in the windows, etc. i'm sure they'll get patched out soon.
anyway... i rly liked this game, i'm excited for the steph dlc and finally feel like i have reason to be optimistic about future LIS instalments. hooray!
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I completely forgot to say anything about Mystère au bout du monde, the most Game I’ve ever sat through. My full review of it below the cut:
-Everyone in the older Carmen fandom has said that this game is the worst, so naturally I had to go see for myself -It’s a sort-of reboot of Treasures of Knowledge but all the changes it’s made are bad, if it were a movie it’d be a direct-to-video sequel that you’d find in a walmart bargain bin -Shadow Hawkins is now Adam Shadow, and is now an asshole weirdo
-There’s a scene in the Louvre where he’s told not to touch anything and he IMMEDIATELY goes to pick up an ancient statue barehanded because he thinks it’s broken. The museum curator yells at him and tells him it was discovered in that state. It was the only funny joke in the game
-Jules picks Adam on purpose to be her partner but does nothing but rag on him the whole game. She’s also weirdly abrasive at times
-Neither of them are all that likeable in this, to be perfectly honest. Treasures had awkward moments, sure, but Jules and Hawkins were still fun and their rapport with other characters was interesting, especially with Jules and Carmen. This had absolutely none of that, everyone’s an asshole for some reason
-Everyone’s outfit/hair/aesthetics just......sucks shit, there is no nice way of putting it. Like I made fun of Jules’ character design a while ago but there’s MORE you guys, there’s more
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-The plaid turtleneck. The JC Penny statement necklace. The high heeled leather boots. The skinny jeans. The hair. The clownishly proportioned women’s jacket. God.
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-What the fuck is going on with this shirt??? the sleeves????
-I have a new drawing challenge that I’m proposing right now: take ANY outfit from this game and try to redesign it to be good.
-Some of the art looks unfinished, too, like nobody inked it properly and they just rushed sketches out to ship with the game
-It’s a personal gripe, but IDK why every reboot/reference to TOK feels like it needs to make Jules pointedly not-butch? CS2019 is light-years ahead of this game but it’s sort of guilty too
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-Wow Shadow, your partner looks GNC af
-I think the only game that doesn’t do this is Hidden Drums?
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-Adam’s outfits are better, but they’re still kinda bland.
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-They took away all of his pockets. Fuck you. I hate you
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-Shadow needs to look like a 7 year old boy that was allowed to dress himself at all times, you can’t do this, game
-The artstyle in general is also super awkward, the expressions look awful. A collection my favorites:
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-There’s this weird love square going on?????? There’s no development for it, but it’s there regardless:
There’s this weird redditor/incel-type guy working in the lab who gives off Viktor from Despicable Me vibes. He constantly flirts with Jules but Jules isn’t into him, and he’s also relentlessly passive-aggressive towards Adam and hazes him because he probably thinks Adam is a Chad because Jules likes him more
Adam also constantly makes passes at Jules but she’s also not that into it, except when she is?? Half the time she brushes him off, but then she’ll turn around and flirt with him. I think the writers were trying to do that thing where a woman plays “hard to get”, except no woman ever has acted like that
I guarantee this was written by men
People call Jules and Adam up and they’re like “haha don’t get too distracted by each other you lovebirds” but they’ve only know each other for like two days max, what are they talking about
You think this shit is over, but then Carmen shows up in the ring with a steel chair and is like “Oh Jules, I find Adam attractive as well, oh hohoho! :3″ and you have to sit there and take it
I’m not really one to have strong feelings about “ships” either way, but honestly the aggressive attempt to remove the personal connection Jules and Carmen had in the first game and redirect it to be a fight over some Bland Dude is an act of homophobia, I’m sorry fjkdsl;afd
Thankfully none of this goes anywhere, but it’s uncomfortable nonetheless
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- Carmen is barely in this game for some reason? The first time we see her in at least 20-30 minutes into the playthrough
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-There also.... hints of racism? Like, all of the non-white people are sort of unhelpful, and there’s a moment where Carmen steals a mask from a Maasai Tribe and one dude sees her doing it, and instead of stopping her he’s like “her willpower and coat of red fire hypnotized me, so I came her to warn you instead”
- :/ idk man
-anyway, it turns out that all the items Carmen has been stealing are embedded with...microchips? And that when put together they lead to....atlantis??
-like, the honest to god atlantis
-ACME finally puts all the chips together and find the map, but then Carmen hacks in and get the map
-They race to an island that I guess does have the doorway to Atlantis, but right as Adam is about to catch Carmen, Jules falls off a cliff and has to be rescued
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- To imply that this is a tense moment, rather than play intense music or have additional art with dialogue, the game instead flashes between these two images as fast as possible in dead silence
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-Then, instead of addressing that the game just implied that Atlantis exists in this world, the game ends before we actually get to see Carmen, or even if there’s anything on the island
-After all is said and done, this game was entertaining to watch. I love bad media so much, although it’s a piss-poor game if you actually want something good about the characters. I’m hoping the recent show will spur HMH/Netflix to maaaaybe make another game, although who knows.
-A big thank you to fycarmensandiego for posting the walkthrough on youtube, I’m not sure if I could have sat through this on my own. If you like Carmen stuff, or would like to play this game yourself, you can check out their blog here on tumblr, they’ve done a lot of neat archival and emulation work!
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justafanwarrior · 4 years
** Prompt : Marinette has a snow dragon soulmark and no idea who it could be. Toshiro Hitsugaya has a ladybug soulmark and knows about Marinette, but she can’t see him until something happens to her.**
As long as she could remember Marinette always had four soulmarks, a blue snake around her left ankle, a red dragon around the right ear, a red bug with  a chinese symbol behind on her left wrist and finally a snow dragon around her waist with its head resting on her heart. She new it wasn’t commune but she loved each of them deeply. She grew up wondering about their identities, creating clothes inspired by them.
However her soulmarks were also different, when she felt happy the wings of the ladybug would start flapping, when she was nervous the snake would feel like if it was trying to be wrapped around her even more to comfort her, when she was upset she could hear the tiny dragon around her ear hissing in anger. Finally, when she was scared, the snow dragon would move, he moved around her in a protective embrace. Her soulmarks were different, but it wasn’t bad, it was all she could ever hope for.
She never had a lot of friends beside Kim who she grew up with because their mothers were close friends. He was her big brother always protecting her even when she didn’t need it. She was ecstatic when he met his soulmate, a very smart boy named Max, it didn't stop her from threatening the boy if hé ever dared hurting her brother. Though she was also sad when he stopped hanging out with her, but she decided to smile because her brother had met his other half.
Time had passed, she became LadyBug and met her first soulmate, her kwami. Tikki explained that sometimes miraculous wielder were soulmates with their kwami, proving that they are a perfect match, and often their others soulmates were other miraculous wielder. She was sad during a moment that neither Adrien nor Chat Noir were her soulmate.
She never been as happy than the day she met Kagami. Her protective red dragon. It was hard at first, Kagami didn’t liked her at all. But they tried, and they grew closer. They even been in a relationship during a moment, a pretty long moment, but they broke up after three wonderful years. They would be best friends instead maybe sister as time would pass.
It’s not long after meeting her fierce dragon that she met her calm snake. He was the brother of a classmate, Luka was a very talented musician. They seemed to link immediatly, they loved each other too, soon he joined her relationship with Kagami. When they broke up he ended with the japonese, Marinette was the only one leaving this relationship. She loved them but was searching for something else, though when they hang out it usually ends on a date.
Marinette loved her soulmates, they always been there for her. They were here when she needed backup and Chat was missing, they were here to comfort her after the loss of her mentor, they were here when Lila turned her whole class against her, they saved her when Lila made Alya ‘accidentally’ triped her in the stairs. The dark-haired girl didn’t know what happened exactly, only that she woke up at Kagami crying on her chest and Luka screaming at the class with tears in his eyes.
Since that day, she was able to see ghosts. She freaked out when she woke up in the morning to see a girl in a spotted armor, black hair and a scar on her mouth behind her. Turned out she was Joan of Arc, a former LadyBug, each day a different former wielder would be there. And boy, wasn’t she trilled to see THE Hua Mulan behind her girlfriend, she was her hero her whole life !
She was 17 when she finally met her fourth and last soulmate. They were in a schooltrip in the town of Karakura in Japon, she was happy to be fluent thanks to Kagami whose mother refused to be in a relationship with someone who won’t at least learn their culture and language. Beside Kagami herself leaded the trip no matter how much Lila would complain because  ‘She was not even part of the school’.
They visited ‘Karakura High School’ with Orihime Inoue, who presented them to her class. Marinette particulary liked her friends Sado ‘Chad’ Yasutora and Ichigo Kurosaki, though Uryu Ishida and Tatsuki Arisawa  were also nice. Even if she had to nearly break the arm of a girl named Chizuru Honsho who tried to touch her, she ran really fast once she saw the anger on the Tsurugi girl whose reputation followed her.
Everything was going well until Lila started talking, like always. She started to insult their culture while just faking not knowing that it was an insult. She was driving the spotted hero crazy and her ghost of the day, an amazon named Hippolytia, wouldn’t stop giving her means to kill the girl.
Sadly, for the italian girl, the class they were meeting weren’t fools and stopped listening to her once they understood the only thing that came from her mouth were lies.
The designer was happy, she was having a great time, and then the door opened pretty violently. She prepared herself for an attack but then forced herself to calm, it was not Paris, she was not a hero here. It was just another girl, black short hair, pretty small, not as small as she was herself but still, there was a few people behind her, a boy with red hair, a woman with orange hair and a really big chest, and finally a short boy with white hair and beautiful turquoise eyes. She hold her breath a moment at the sight, for some reason her heart missed a beat and decided that he would take his time to recover.
Marinette couldn’t help but notice that he was not wearing the uniform as were the people with him except the black-haired girl, no, he was wearing what Kagami called a Haori, he also had a katana on his back, now that she paid attention, so were the others.
She stared at them during a moment until Lila made fun of her.
‘‘What are you looking at Marinette there’s nothing here but if you are searching for intellect you should look after me.’’ The italian girl snorted, making the half chinese girl realizing that they were ghosts.
Some of the others laughed as well, Kim looked utterly uncomfortable but said nothing. The blue-eyed girl sent him a hurt and disppointed look, which he looked away. Coward. The liar thought she was smart to talk in french then the japonese class wouldn’t understand. Too bad for her once again, this class has been chose specifically because they studied french as well. And from the anger in the faces of the friends she made, they DID understood.
Kagami and Ichigo stepped up to defend me, but it was my turn, there wasn’t any Hawkmoth to akumatised her in case of reveal here, Adrien couldn’t make me stop with his ‘kicked-puppy look’. A bloodthirsty grin grew on me, and my dear storm dragon understood my intention since she took out her phone to record the showdown.
‘‘Aww, poor Lila she hadn’t realized yet that without her very dear boss to save her by akumatisation, I will not let her step on me. Now where shall I start ?’’ She said in a voice as sweet as poison. ‘‘How will I destroy this little kingdom of yours ?’’
The sausage girl took a step back in fear, ah, finally understanding comes at her. Marinette was not someone you wanted as an enemy. Said girl’s smirk grew when she felt Tikki trying to hide a laugh in her purse, nice she might be, but she also spent milleniums with Plagg, she knew how to make a great revenge, she knew how to cause Chaos. And for now, the anger she kept in her during years was all concentrated on one Rossi girl who dared hurt HER chosen, HER soulmate, She won’t let this go easily and will enjoy each second of her fall.
Plagg hide a smile from Adrien's bag, the boy could be an idiot but he was a good Chat, the only reason why he kept his miraculous, but at this moment, the god of destruction had to keep ears open, a revenge from his sugarcube and her chosen was always worth it, after all last time it happened, it caused more destruction than when he destroyed Atlantis.
In the corner of her eyes, the wielder of the miraculous of ladybug could see the white-haired boy looking at her with interest.
‘‘So this is my soulmate, she finally let her rage showing her the way to follow.’’ He let a chuckle escape his lips before smirking, he will enjoy this ‘‘A true avenging angel.’’.
The only thing he was not expecting was when she turned her head to look at him in the eyes, like if she could see him, but she couldn’t, only the dead could see each others, shinigami, quincy, hollows or simply ghost, Kurosaki was just an exception. Even a wielder of the miraculous couldn’t, this fact being proved by the confuse look on the other soulmate of LadyBug.
The girl only smiled at her, before turning back to the girl who dared insulting her. He knew what was happening in her life, he just had to wait for her as long as he needed to. He could be patient after all how couldn’t he be with Matsumoto as his second.
Toshiro Hitsugaya, captain of the tenth division of the soul society, watched amused as his soulmate destroyed each lie, each word that ever came form the mouth of her bully. But it wasn’t enough and soon after she turned her hurtful but no less truthful words to her other classmates, leaving them in the verge of tears. Oh, but she hadn’t finish, finally she turned to her childhood friends. The wielder of Hyorinmaru raised an hairbrow, sincerly curious, knowing that the girl was truly fond of the half asian boy.
‘’You know Kim, I always been happy that you found your soulmate in Max, he always been  able to bring you back on earth when you were too far. I was hurt when you refused to hang out with me, but I understood that he was more important, I really did. But I was dumb to think that despite the fact that we stopped being like we used to, you would still think of me like you did. Because you never stopped to be my dear big brother in my eyes but I can see that it was not shared. After all didn’t you promised that you would always protect me from those who want to hurt me.’’ She started talking louder when he tried to interrupt her. ‘‘Didn’t you promised to be there for me when i met my soulmates like I was for you when you met yours ?’’
He opened his mouth to defend himself but was interrupt by a loud snort from the girl wearing glasses.
‘‘You hadn’t met your soulmate Mari you would have told me beside stop using plurial, nobody can have more than one soulmate, and if you did you would have told me as your bestie.’’ Alya if he remembered correctly spit.
The blond girl with the sunglasses started laughing when the other finished talking.
‘‘ Oh you’ve got to be kidding me Cesaire ! Why would Dupain-Cheng tell you ? You’ve been worst to her than I ever been and I tried to steal her design and put it on her what could’ve ruin her whole career and bullied her during years. And you know why I started bullying her ? It was because she had four soulmates everybody at school knew that. How far did you fallen to think that she thinks about you as a friend after all you have done ? The only ones she supports in this class is the tomatoe boy and myself, because we apologized long ago.’’ Mocked the former wielder of the bee.
The day ended well for Marinette, she had a weight off her shoulders now that she said  what she thought to the class and could even enjoy the rest of the time with her new friends. That didn’t stop her either to notice that nobody saw the people in haori except for the orange head and the short girl that she learned was named Rukia Kuchiki. Or to notice that the boy with turquoise eyes looked at her the whole time. The reminder made her blush slightly what Hippolytia saw and then started to tease the newest ladybug about.
The evening came and Kagami brought her to a date for the ‘good old time’ she said. But really Mari was too fond of her to say no, and she also needed a good time with her fierce dragon before they leaved High School.
In the way back to the hotel she felt like she had somewhere else to be and leaved Kagami after a kiss on her cheek. She walked down the alley following her instinct. Finally she fell on a sight that highly reminded her of some of the worse akumas back in Paris. Once again she wanted to transform but this was not her work, beside, there was already a group of people taking care of it and she heard it.
‘‘Daiguren Hyorinmaru !’’ Screamed the boy with white hair from earlier.
Her eyes widened at the sight of a dragon made of ice, she realized then the reason why her own snow dragon started getting warmer this morning. She had met her last soulmate and didn’t even aknowledged it, though he seemed to know who she was. Finally she took the decision to wait the end of the fight to talk to him, that wouldn’t end well if he was the kind ‘stab first, ask later’.
She watched mesmerized by the way he and the people she recognized as his fellows fought. That was nothing like Kagami fought with her own katana but at the same time, it was oddly familiar.
Finally the fight ended, and she made them aknowledged her presence by a cough. And finally she spoke her first words to her fourth soulmate.
‘‘To be honest I never thought you would be some ghost but I’m still very happy to meet you, Just in case you don’t already know, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Merry met dear soulmate.’’
So this was my try for a prompt adressed to @musicfeedsmysoul12  I hope the one who asked will be happy, it was not what wanted to do at start but I like it. English is not my native language so i won’t say no to constructive criticism ! Plus, it’s been a very long time since the last time I saw/read Bleach.
I forgot I did this tbh...
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (July 2020)
While June was a slow month for Cartoon Network, no thanks to HBO Max taking Summer Camp Island and seemingly most of Cartoon Network’s 2020 lineup, July is a bit more interesting. Alongside the return of Mao Mao, we also get the return of Apple & Onion as well! More after the break.
Apple & Onion
The second season of Apple & Onion starts on July 20th.
July 20
Champion - Apple and Onion need to get rid of a problematic dog they thought was a horse. (6:00 PM)
July 21
Falafel's Passion - Apple and Onion must stop Falafel from humiliating himself on a national TV show. (6:00 PM)
July 22
Hole in Roof - Apple and Onion must repair the hole in their roof before the impending storm of the century. (6:00 PM)
July 23
Patty's Law - Apple and Onion must look after a sick Falafel in order to go parasailing. (6:00 PM)
Bakugan: Armored Alliance
July 5th
Final Battle! Dan vs. Ajit/Secrets Exposed - It's time for the event everyone in Los Volmos has been waiting for, The Bakugan Battle League finals! Then, with the winner determined the celebration is cut short when Phantom Thief Storm crashes the party by stealing everyone's Bakugan! (6:30 AM)
July 19th
The Director/Queen Ebony - Everett Ray reaches out to Lia with an opportunity that seems too good to be true. Then, Lightning learns of a street cat named Ebony, threatening them to do her bidding or face the wrath of her Bakugan! (6:30 AM)
July 26th
Here Comes Haavik/The Fusion Bakugan Arrive - An evil shapeshifting alien has landed in Los Volmos and he has a group of robot mechanoids on his trail trying to bring him justice. Then, Chad and Trey challenge Dan to rematch but this time they have a few tricks up their sleeve. (6:30 AM)
We also get an advanced listing for an episode in August.
August 2nd
Sophie, the Bakuganist/Midnight Train Battle! - Magnus is on the trail of the illegal Baku-brawling devices and is looking to cut off the supply at its source. Then, Sophie Judson Warfield is working to put an end to all Bakugan brawling. Her latest target is the Awesome Brawlers.
Craig of the Creek
A week before, Cartoon Network suddenly scheduled four episodes of Craig of the Creek on the last week of June, which rolls into July. For the sake of completion, I’m going to put them here, too.
June 29th
The Ground is Lava! - When an intense game of "The Ground is Lava" breaks out, Craig must carefully traverse the Creek to save his sister. (10:00 AM)
June 30th
Council of the Creek: Operation Hive-Mind - Hive Mind - When bees take over the Trading Tree, Craig must assemble the Council of the Creek to avert disaster. (10:00 AM)
July 1st
The Bike Thief - Craig investigates the theft of the 10 Speed's bikes in hopes of finding the culprit! (10:00 AM)
July 2nd
Craig of the Beach - Craig gets to hit the beach with his friends and family, but starts to get worried his Dad is more fun than him. (10:00 AM)
Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart
For the first time since October of last year, Mao Mao is finally getting some new episodes.
July 6th
Mao Mao's Nakey - When MM loses his clothes while trying to scale the Ruby Pure Heart, he has to get back to Sheriff's HQ by daybreak. (12:30 PM)
July 7th
Lucky Ducky Mug - When Adorabat and Badgerclops break Mao Mao's favorite mug, he gives them the silent treatment. (12:30 PM)
July 8th
Lonely Kid - When AD has trouble making friends at school, MM tells her the story of how he made his first real friend - BB. (12:30 PM)
July 9th
Try Hard - When the Sky Pirates take Mao Mao and Badgerclops hostage, it's up to Adorabat to save the day. (12:30 PM)
July 10th
Scared of Puppets - Mao Mao is scared of puppets. (12:30 PM)
July 13th
The Perfect Couple - When Mao Mao accidentally breaks up the most perfect couple in Pure Heart Valley, he has to figure out how to get them back together. (12:30 PM)
July 14th
Adoradad - When AD's dad forbids her from working with the Sheriff's Dept because it's too dangerous, AD sets out to prove that she can take care of herself. (12:30 PM)
July 15th
Badge-a-fire Explosion - When BC comes out of a rare state of hyper-focused creativity, he may have made something that could destroy all of PHV. (12:30 PM)
July 16th
Zing Your Heart Out - When Adorabat starts to aggressively heckle everyone with her new zing power, she threatens the entire kingdom. (12:30 PM)
July 17th
Strange Bedfellows - After an insane battle, MM and OS end up in the same hospital room. But even in full body casts, the sworn enemies continue the fight. (12:30 PM)
We may not get new episodes of a certain other LEGO-related cartoon, but we do have new episodes of Ninjago, starting with a full hour of them on July 19th.
July 19th
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire? - While investigating a heist, the ninja discover Prime Empire, a legendary unreleased arcade game that suddenly takes control of all other games in Ninjago. (11:00 AM)
Dyer Island - When the ninja connect Jay's disappearance to Prime Empire, they set out to Dyer Island to seek answers from the game's designer, the elusive Milton Dyer. (11:15 AM)
Level Thirteen - Cyrus Borg discovers a shocking secret about Prime Empire, while the ninja battle an escaped Mechanic in their attempt to reach Level Thirteen and enter the game themselves. (11:30 AM)
Superstar Rockin' Jay - Now inside the Prime Empire game, the ninja find themselves in unfamiliar territory, ignorant of the rules of this world, as they try to find Zane and escape Unagami's army of Red Visors. (11:45 AM)
July 26th
I Am Okino - Inside one of the game zones, a Samurai named Okino faces a crisis of faith when he repeatedly fails to lead a series of Masters to victory, causing him to lose all hope, until some familiar ninja arrive. (11:00 AM)
The Glitch - In order to stop Unagami the ninja must obtain three Key-tanas, the first of which is hidden in the game zone Terra Kerana, one of Prime Empire's most dangerous game environments. (11:15 AM)
August 2nd
The Cliffs of Hysteria - While being chased by Unagami's dreaded Red Visors the ninja must climb the 'Cliffs of Hysteria', however, they make a startling discovery: Unagami is converting players into energy cubes in order to build a portal into the real world! (11:00 AM)
The Maze of the Red Dragon - Still in the game zone Terra Kerana, the Samurai guide Okino has to choose between helping his allies the ninja, or obeying the evil orders of his Master, Unagami. (11:15 AM)
Teen Titans Go!
The sequel to the legendary “Night Begins to Shine” premieres in July.
July 10th
Night Begins to Shine 2: You're the One - The elderly Titans decide to take one last trip to the world of Night Begins to Shine only to encounter a new villain ruling the land, Ultralak. In order to stop Ultralak, the Titans must find three music stems. (6:00 PM)
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yung-tamale · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @satans-helper.  Muchísimas gracias! 😊💛🌻
Name: Ash
Nicknames: Lita
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5'4
Languages: Spanish and English (working on my German!)
Nationality: Mexican but I'm a first-generation Mexican-American
Favorite season: autumn
Favorite flower: tulips, sunflowers, and daisies
Favorite scent: anything citrus related, but especially dark coffee, gasoline, and second-hand smoke (I'm nasty)
Favorite fictional character: Magneto. I've been a huge X-Men fan since I was eight years old (half my life!) and Erik/Max was the one who really caught my attention, and still has it to this day. Just the way he was never ashamed of who he was or where he came from hugely influenced me and still does today.
Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate?: Coffee coffee!
Average sleep: I've been trying to get more sleep lately. Not an exact number, but anywhere from 4-6 hours a night.
Dogs or cats?: Dogs! I have a dog and she's wonderful.
Number of blankets: 2. I use a regular one and then this huge and super thick San Marcos blanket underneath that one.
Dream trip: Exploring the European countryside with the future love of my life, only to realize the best trip I could ever have is the high I get by looking in their eyes and being around them.
Blog established: 2018
Random fact: My signature red lipstick is Anastasia Beverly Hills in Ruby. I use it with lip liner. Lipstick is the heaviest my makeup usually gets. Oh, and I never use highlighter when I put on makeup. 
Gender: Female
Current time: 3:46 PM
Favorite artists: David Bowie; the Cure; Carpenter Brut; Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds; Depeche Mode; the Clash; Nine Inch Nails; Perturbator, Jane's Addiction; Einstürzende Neubauten; Orville Peck, etc.
Stuck in my head: "Man on the Moon" by R.E.M.
Last movie I saw: The Return of Dracula (1958)
Last thing I Googled: the weather
Other blogs: My active ones? There's @nickcave-and-the-chad-seeds !
Do I get asks?: Do racist or sexist trolls count? Hehe but not really (besides compliments on my looks) but I will answer anything worth answering (I don't bite).
Reason for URL: I did it as a joke and was like, "Okay beech make up a name for your Soundcloud rap career." So @yung-tamale it was!
Followers/following: following 449, 594 followers (thank you!)
Lucky number: 2
Currently wearing: a tee-shirt, a knitted cardigan, straight leg jeans, knee socks
Dream job: freelance writer or graphic designer, whichever works out best
Favorite foods: mango, anything with spinach, chickpeas, avocado toast
Instruments: none for now
Favorite song: I would say right now I'm stuck on "Beware of the Beast" by Carpenter Brut
I'm tagging @dig-lazarus-dig @pallanwen @thegrandwilde @svartmalt @the-yellow-giraffe @planetclaires @clandestine-intestine @wilderdevotee @clivedurhxm @werkaetzchen although anybody who sees this is welcome as well!
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wxy85 · 5 years
People have no sense of reality, responsibility or commitment. They will adopt cute little pigs or ducklings or puppies and when their cutsy itsy baby animal turn into a grown ass swine or duck or dog, suddenly they’re not cute enough anymore to be worth the trouble. Guess what Linda, you should have thought of that before. It’s the same goddamn thing with the fitness implants, sure it’s tempting to hack yours, amp it up to the max and live your muscle growth fantasy. But who’s gonna wipe your butt when you’re too big to bend your arms? Who’s gonna feed you with that fucking funnel to get the bare minimal 10k calories you need to survive? Who’s gonna sponge bath you? Who’s gonna take care of every one of your fucking needs because you’ll be as helpless as a fucking potted plant? I got stories like that every month, they’re nothing special. They’re sadly common stories of abandonment, broken dreams and aborted love stories. Ever since we opened the Bullpen with a few other guys, we’ve been receiving hundreds of requests to take in boyfriend, husbands or sons that were a burden on their family due to their size. But we can’t take everyone in, as much as we want to help those overgrown bulls. Their care is expensive, and we had to make the Bullpen a sustainable space. We take in up to 50 Bulls max, 30 gay bulls 20 straights there is an overlap for bisexual ones. We feed them, take care of them in a five star complex. Each bull have a dedicated caretaker that see to his every need. A happy bull is a growing bull and a growing bull is a bankable bull. The facility is filled with camera and we sell subscriptions to channel broadcasting the feed to muscle fetishists all around the world. We sell bulls from time to time too. We make sure the people adopting them are able to take a decent care of them. That allows us to have new bulls over and so on. Oh come on! Cut that fucking outraged face,i don’t need a lecture on how this is prostitution and human trade, I know what we’re doing. I don’t care what you think, we’re actually helping those big morons because no one else would. I’ll tell you the story of Rafael, how we got him here, how we rescued him from of a fucking shithole and how much better he is now with us. Rafael application was sent in by his boyfriend Chad. There was a lot of pictures documenting their story and a long long letter from Chad explaining why we wanted his beloved bull gone from his life. Let me tell you that letter wasn’t a touching text about the man he loved, it was the cry for help of an asswipe that didn’t see the writing on the walls. They met in college they were both 20 years old, Chad was your all american closeted football player and Rafael was a brilliant exchange student from Mexico. They fell in love, thoug i suspect it was only skin deep but I’ll never know for sure. Chad a square jaw blond hair blue eyes and that thick body of a football player while Rafael was a model like young man with dark almond eyes jet black hair, full lips and a very open and joyful face. I knew right away he’d be a hit in the bullpen. After a year of relationship Chad had opened to Rafael about his muscle fantasies and talked his very enthusiast boyfriend into getting his fitness implant unlocked and amped to the max. Like always it was fun at first. Within the first few month Rafael had turned into a real fitness freak. One of those adonis you see all over your IG feed. But that was merely a temporary state as Rafael was just beginning his journey toward freakdom. Six month into it, Rafael was already a big as a pro heavyweight bodybuilder, his shape was incredible, thin waist, ripped body, massive arms and ass and legs. Chad didn’t mention anything about it but from Rafael’s bulge on the pics of that period, he was also growing down there. It was probably the best period for them. Chad paraded his trophee boy all over the place. The tipping point was when Rafael dropped out of college. One of the very bad side effects of amping up an implant is that it upset the hormonal balance so much that it slowly turn people into dumb obedient and totally dependent persons. Bulls if you want. As it started to affect Rafael, he tried doing odd jobs but couldn’t keep one because of his degrading emotional state and shears size and range of motion. And yet, he was still growing. As expected, one year into the process Rafael had left the realm of humanly possible. Bigger than any roidhead, he was turning into a dumb obedient bull in need of constant attention. It was a full time care that Chad couldn’t provide. What happens in that sort of situation? What wasn’t said in Chad’s application? I had a faint idea of course. Rafael growth chart had started to curb down but he was far from done. Remember what I said : a happy bull is a growing bull. I knew Rafael wasn’t receiving proper care, I just had no idea how much of a shitshow it really was. Rafael was to be my new protege. My former one had been sold to an rich entrepreneur from the United Arab Emirates (with the utmost discretion of course). And as I perused the various applications I saw potential in Rafael and decided to be his caretaker. I took the Bullpen truck and drove all the way to their place to pick Rafael up. Due to their size, Bulls don’t do well in planes or bus. The truck has been modified for their comfort and has some material for emergencies an unplanned events. Chad and Rafael lived in a small house on the outskirts of the town. An affordable place for a low income couple. I remember pulling in their driveway an early morning of june. I was greeted by a nervous Chad, waiting for me on the porch. He was a gorgeous man but he looked like shit. Dirty sweatpants and t-shirt, messy hair and bags under the eyes. He was a wreck, it almost sparked sympathy in me but I knew Rafael was sort of the real victim here. -”Hello, Chad. I’m Leigh. We talked on the phone, I’m here to pick Rafael up” I said forcing an ultra brite smile. Chad eyed me from top to bottom, I knew the man was checking me out. I had a perfectly configured fitness implant and I dare say my body was fitness magazine cover material. I was wearing worn out jeans and a tight t-shirt that did hug my body in the most flattering way and a very expensive pair of shades, but the display wasn’t intended for him. -” Yeah, he’s inside.” he said nervous. I could feel something wasn’t quite right. Most of the bulls are waiting to be picked up more impatiently than their carers are waiting to get rid of them. I decided to probe around a little. -”Is his stuff ready?” I asked. -”He doesn’t really have stuff to pack. He doesn’t fit into anything anymore.” He said growing more nervous. “...And he doesn’t know yet.” I felt my face crack on the spot. Chad froze, probably afraid I’d just cancel the pick up. -”You didn’t tell him? That's irresponsible” I snapped. -”It’s not easy ok?!” Chad said eyes watering. I took my sunglasses off and stared right into his eyes until he squirmed on the spot. -”Spare me that bullshit.” I said flatout. “Let’s get going.” I said pointing at the door. When we entered, the first thing that I took in was the smell. It was terrible. And the second thing was the mess. It was equally terrible. We entered the living room, there was several dirty mattress piled on the floor. It was a makeshift bed for Rafael. he was still sleeping. I felt my heart tighten, he was dirty, unkempt. I wanted to punch Chad for doing that to his boyfriend. I had never seen a bull left in such a terrible state. Chad walked to Rafael and shook his shoulder softly. It felt unnatural. -”Rafael, wake up.” he breathed “wake up.” Rafael stirred. He was incredibly large compared to his boyfriend I’d say around 6’6 and over 400lbs with a body fat in the singledigits. Yet that seemed smaller than what I expected. It dawned on my that he might be underfed. Rafael slowly woke up, asking Chad for a hug. Chad looked dead inside, he went along but I could tell he wanted nothing to do with Rafael. and then Rafael spotted me. -”Who’s that?” he said. I remained silent, letting Chad take responsibility. -”It’s Leigh, he’s here for you. He’s gonna take you to the Bullpen.” To those guys the Bullpen is a fucking Disneyland on roids. Getting accepted in is generally the best day of their lives. So I did not expect the reaction that followed. -”YOU’RE ABANDONING ME?!” Rafael cried. The whole fucking house shook. Chad almost pissed himself of fear. I stayed stolid, straight in my designer leather boots. Two things about bulls: first they’re submissive stay cool and they’ll obey. Second, they’re practically harmless overgrown teddy bears. So I while Chad was expecting him to go on a roid rage like rampage I knew Rafael would most likely just start wailing and sobbing. -”You can’t leave me! You said you’d take care of me. That you wanted it.” Rafael said. Chad couldn’t even look him in the eyes. -”Babe, you said you loved me. That we were in it together. You can’t give me up.” Rafael said between heavy sobs. Chad remained silent as Rafael was stuck on repeat. His hair was long and unkept. His tears flowing on his cheeks, leaving trails in the dirt. That was the last straw. I laid my hand on Chad’s shoulder and shoved him toward the door. -”Get out of here. Wait outside. You’re useless.” I said I turned to Rafael who was looking at me for the first time really. -”I wanna stay with Chad.” Rafael said still sobbing. I looked for a clean spot to sit but couldn’t find any so I stayed up. -”When was the last time you two had sex? or even some sort intimacy?” I asked. “When was the last time he took care of you? When did he cleaned you last time?” -”I don’t fit in the shower anymore…” -”There is a hose outside, he could wash you. He could clean the dump he makes you live in. Does he even feed you correctly?” Pregnant pause. -”Look, I can’t force you to come with me. But I’m pretty sure you’re not happy here… Can I at least give you a haircut and a shower. We’ll talk afterward. Rafael nodded. -”Good.” I breathed. “I’ll be right back.” I walked out to the truck. It had basic clothes and an first aid kit. I put some clean clothes, soap, shampoo, sponge and an oversized towel in a bucket and walked back to the house. Chad was out by the door, smoking and staring at me. I shot him a nasty look. -”don’t move from here till I’m done.” I said. Back in the living room Rafael was up. Trying to cover his nudity with hands but he was so wide, thick, muscular and hung he had troubles being decent. I smiled to him and gestured for him to move toward the backyard. I made him stay on the concrete terrace -”Sorry it’s gonna be cold.” I said I then splashed the big man with water, He shivered as the cold water hit his massive body. I drenched him and then cut the water I grabbed some soap and the sponge and started washing him. I love washing bulls. I love rubbing their massive muscles. I started with his back, Rafael was really a gorgeous one, sinewy and massive. He had a tapered waist that highlighted his insane V shaped torso and his huge round ass and legs. His proportions were insanely erotic. I was boning in my jeans as I felt his thick muscle, rubbing suds in worshiping manner. He was breathing slowly, definitely enjoying some much need attention. I moved to the front. He was even more impressive upfront, he had proper bull neck and massive traps. His pecs were gorgeous full slabs of muscle adorned with large large brown nipples. His abs were hard, defined and bulged in an obscene manner. Between his legs was a fat uncut cock, probably a 10 incher, all chubbed up by all the attention he was getting. I rolled off his foreskin to clean him thoroughly his dick hardened in my expert hands. I teased him just enough to get him almost fully hard and flustered but not enough to send him over the edge. With the grime gone, his skin had a warm light brown tone that highlighted his incredible physique. I noticed a few stretch marks on his shoulders and ass. Bulls grow so fast they need a good skin moisturizer or stretch marks happen. I had some nourishing oil to fade them, I made note to use it afterward. I noticed a few dark traces on his pecs that hadn't disappear. I got a closer look and my heart sank as I noticed those were bruises. -”How did you get those?” I asked afraid of the answer. -”It’s nothing.” He said deflectively. -”they’re not noting. They’re bruises, the are blueish so they’re a few days old already and they’re on a weird place.” -”It’s my fault… i didn’t even notice them.” -”how so?” -”I can’t stop my growth. Chad said I needed to but I can’t stop it. I couldn’t obey him… and…” Rafael stopped breaking down in tears again. I hugged him, getting my clothes drenched in the process. We stayed a few minutes, I hold him tight, rocking him softly until his sobbing stopped. -”I’ll come with you.” he said softly. -”That’s a relief... I wouldn’t have left you here anyway.” I said. “I’ll take of you and I’ll make sure you’re happy. You can count on me. Let’s get this over and tear out of here. Sit.” He obeyed and i proceed to wash his hair and then buzz it in a short neat fashion. His gorgeous face was finally in full view. He was looking tired but he still was that drop dead gorgeous young man from his college picture. I rinsed him one last time with the hose. I oiled his marks, put some ointment on his bruises and then helped put on shorts short and a string tank top made of soft light brushed cotton. I got him a pair of flip flop for his massive feet. His fat dick was leaving a major dick print in his grey shorts and his tank was hugging his massive frame. He was even more handsome than i expected. I put all the stuff back in the bucket and we went around the house to get to the truck. I stashed the bucket in the truck and got my tablet out. I prompted the contract on it and hold it out to Rafael. -”I need your signature on that contract. The bullpen will be your legal guardian. We’ll see to your every need and well being. In exchange we’ll monetize captions of your daily life in the bullpen.” I said. Rafael looked at me and then at Chad still on the porch of the house where he had been chain smoking out of stress and/or guilt. Rafael’s last glance was heartbreaking but brief. He pressed his thumb on the tablet to sign. Without a second glance he climbed in the truck. I looked at Chad, and decided to ignore him. I’m pretty sure sure I wouldn’t have been able to control myself and would have punched him in the throat. Instead I climbed in the truck and drove away from here. The trip’s only event was our stop midway. we stopped for food and coffee at a dinner in the middle of nowhere. Rafael was like a kid on Christmas when I told him to order everything he wanted. The waitress was shook by the amount of food he ordered and all the patrons were staring at the massive man taking up almost two seats of our booth while he shovelled crazy amounts of food in his mouth. He looked so happy, it was contagious. I can’t save every bull in the world but I try. One bull at a time. He was totally oblivious to the nasty stares he was getting and so was I. I delighted in watched him dig in his food and as I ate mine I booted my tablet to get some stuff done. -”What are you doing?” he asked between two mouthful. -”Don’t talk with a full mouth. I’m just taking care of some… paperwork… regarding Chad.” I heard him gulp and from the sudden silence coming from his side of the table, I noticed he had stopped eating. I raised my head to look at him look at me with a concerned face. -What?” I asked -”You’reporting him?” I breathed deeply. -”Yes. For domestic abuse and endangering the life of others.“ Rafael laid a thick hand on mine. -”Please don’t.” He said. “He’s had enough trouble.” I shot a hard look to Rafael. making it clear i disapproved his decision. Relationship with Bulls is not just bossing them around and stuffing them. There needs to be trust and respect between a caretaker and his bull. So I deleted the report i was about to send. -”Fine.” I said. “I don’t approve of it but I guess it is your decision to make.” -”Thanks.” he said with relief. Once we were done with lunch I paid the astronomical tab and we were back on the road. It was 10pm when we reached the Bullpen. We were both exhausted. I took Rafael straight to his room. It was a vast room with hardwood floor, white walls and ceiling, a massive bed with white sheets and a little furniture in clear would with discreet steel reinforcements. It had windows that took all of the far wall of the room and showed the forest encircling the bullpen. I gave him a tour of the room before closing the blinds. -”I’ll let you rest for tonight. I’ll give you a tour of the facility tomorrow morning.” I said. -”Leigh?” -”Yes?” -”I don’t wanna sleep alone.” -”Of course.” I said. “I’ll just grab a shower and go to sleep with you. -”I could use a shower too.” he said shyly I smiled and gestured him to the bathroom. I went to the dressing and retrieved two pair of soft loose boxers for us after the shower and went to bathroom where Rafael was struggling to get undressed. The bathroom was a large room in polished concrete with a large wooden reinforced stool that doubled as a stepladder and a storage for shower supplies. It was designed for bulls to sit on and for caretaker to climb on to clean their bull. Their was sprinklers heads on the ceiling to ensure an efficient use of water. I watched Rafael try to take off his tanktop before, it was a turn on watching big guys struggle and that would definitely please the watchers of our channels. They loved seeing big guys struggle with mundane tasks. Rafael ended up looking at me with a pleading look. -”Sit.” I said. He obeyed. I climbed on the stool and grabbed the bottom of his tanktop and lifted it off his massive frame. -”Stand up.” I grabbed the waist of his shorts and yanked them down. He gasped as his big dick flopped in the open. I went to a laundry box by the entrance of the bathroom and dumped the clothes in them. It then turned my back Rafael and undressed. I felt him watch me. I wanted him to watch me. Bulls have a crazy sex drive they need sex several times a day to be happy. And that bull hadn’t had sex in a while. It was my duty to make him happy… plus Rafael had got me sort of horny. I turned around as if i wasn’t naked, exposing my perfectly shaped body and decent cock, walked to the tap and unleashed a a warm rain in the room. Rafael was on the stool in the middle, he was beaming… I wondered when was the last time he had felt hot water on his skin. I washed both of us, he sat obediently on the stool while I took care of us. I wasn’t just cleaning him i was massaging his huge muscles, caressing his huge frame, exploring part of his body that hadn't been touch in a while. His pits, his crack, under his pecs or under his lemon sized balls. He was hard as a rock. I grabbed his fat dick and stroked it pretending to clean it. He was looking at me, waiting for me to make a move. I leaned against him and kissed his soft lips. He moaned in delight. We made out for a few minutes. We then sat next to each other and started masturbating each other. His temperature was rising, we would exchange kiss and caress as we pleasured each other. -”Get on your back. I know what my bull needs.” I said Rafael laid on his back on the stool, licking his lips in anticipation. He raised his legs in the air exposing his hole. I grabbed the lube in the shower supplies and used a generous amount on both my dick and his hole. I started teasing his hole with my cockhead. He was breathing hard, looking at me with lust, he begged me to fuck him. I went in slowly and gently. He was tight and hot around my dick. I’d go back and forth with the tip to loosen him. Sliding myself further in everytime. Until I had all my seven inches buried in him. He was slowly loosening around me and soon I was pounding him good. It felt amazing having his massive legs around my body as I pounded his huge ass. I grabbed his dick and wanked him as I fucked his brain out. The moment he came I allowed myself to pound him harder and fill him with seed. His whole body relaxed, shook by occasional spasm of the afterglow. After a little rest, I cleaned both of us again. After helping my bull in a sitting position I turned off the water, towelled us and helped him put on his boxer before going to bed. Rafael was just at the beginning of his conditioning as a bull and he was already doing so good. He’d be one of the best we had ever had here. I knew it. We laid on the massive bed and hugged each other to sleep. -”Leigh?” -”Yes.” I said half asleep. -”thanks.” -”My pleasure.” I chuckled. I heard him from afar as I was falling asleep. -”Please… tell me you won’t leave me.” -”I won’t. You’re mine now...” I said before blacking out.
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destructiveshade · 5 years
Lightspeed: Chapter one
“Alezxander Luis?” Called the voice from the front of the room.
“Alezxander Luis?” Came the voice a second time.
Zxan could not hear his Advanced Physics/Calculus professor asking the class the question because he had his earphones in. He was doing what some would call doodling, but he preferred the challenge of designing the nanotechnology that would make his suit capable of transforming itself into the various gadgets he’d use when he got out of the Academy. At the moment, his nanotech designs were only theoretical. He couldn’t afford to actually make the tech, let alone test it to perfection. Hell, he could hardly afford the Academy in the first place.
“Zxan,” whispered the person next to him as a foot kicked him from the side. He looked up and took out an earphone.
“Ahh, glad you could join us Alezxander. I was just asking the class why time travel is only theoretically possible. Maybe you’d care to answer,” the professor said condescendingly.
“No, not really, sir,” Zxan replied, somewhat awkwardly as he returned to his sketches and equations.
“It wasn’t a question,” retorted the professor.
“Oh. Okay. Well, first off, to time travel, you have to think of time as a continuous line, not a reoccurring event that resets every 364.25 days. We’d have to create a technology that would bend time backward or forward onto itself in order for us to drop into the future or the past. There are actually some pretty compelling theories that state that time travel already exists, it’s just kept from us by our governments so that it’s not used for personal gain. But, to answer your question truthfully, time travel isn’t actually theoretical anymore, and it hasn’t been for a while. It’s just that not everyone can do it. Only people with the innate ability for time manipulation or for speed can time travel. In fact, my great great uncle on my mom’s side was the first Speedster to time travel without using any special equipment.” Answered Zxan.
The professor, who’s dark brown eyes squinted as he scowled at the young man, was obviously not expecting such an in depth answer, so he decided to try to embarrass Zxan with a follow-up question. “And you, Alezxander, are able to time travel also?”
“Well, no, but I never claimed to be able to.” Zxan said, annoyance obvious in his voice.
“Oh, that’s right. And what is your max speed, pray tell.” He said, being supercilious.
“Oh. It’s um, 450 mph.” Zxan responded, looking embarrassed and defeated. A long silence ensued, which drove Zxan, awkward as he is, to continue with his sketches.
The professor just kept on teaching, his thin lips spreading into a smug smile over his face as he won the small victory over the awkward student.
“Alyss Rodriguez, what is the square root of 7,921, and the square root of 1,398,750?” The professor shot off.
“89 and 1,182.68761725148708,” Alyss said, without any hesitation, from beside Zxan. Alyss was short, but fit, and very beautiful. She had long hair, but it was naturally very curly, so sometimes it just looked like an afro if it got staticky. She was born into a hispanic family and with a very rare ability. It is the ability of knowledge. It has its limits, but she pretty much just knows anything at any given time. The only catch is that she has to focus on whatever it is she wants to know.
~Looks like he’s out for me again.~ Zxan typed into the keyboard that was projected onto his forearm by his custom made wristband. The message was immediately sent to Alyss’s matching wristband. The only difference between them was the color. Alyss’s being bright pink and Zxan’s being Black with a streak of bright green.
Zxan had created the wristbands in his garage a few weeks earlier out of old computer and projector parts from his room and some old FitBits he’d found laying in the trash. The FitBit part is purely for show. All the real magic happens because of computer chips he designed, created, and put inside the FitBits.
~These watches are so cool.~ Alyss responded by typing onto her own forearm.
~The beauty of it is that no-one even knows they act as our phones.~ Zxan replied. After reading the message, Alyss looked over at Zxan, and Zxan looked at Alyss and just grinned.
The rest of the school day went by pretty quickly and was very uneventful, despite it being a school for children with abilities. Most of the students, like Liam, were required to wear Dampeners while at school, and through most of their lives. This is only because they don’t have full control over their powers yet, and some of them, like Liam, had very dangerous powers if not controlled properly.
The final bell rang, bringing the school day to an end. Zxan ran from his locker, down the stairs to the second floor of the Academy to catch up to Alyss, who was leaving for the day.
“Alyss! Wait up!” He half shouted, making his voice travel over the roar of the students that filled the hallways. He caught her attention and she waited patiently for him to push his way through the influx of students as they left their classrooms and rushed to their lockers.
“Hey Zxan, what’s up?” Alyss asked with a certain sweetness in her voice.
“I just wanted to see what you’re doing after school and was wondering if you’d want to hangout maybe.” He said, awkwardly.
“Oh, yeah, I’d love to, but Chad is taking me to the beach with some of his friends.”
“Oh.” He started, his smile fading slightly, then returning so quickly that Alyss thought maybe it never left in the first place. “Okay, never mind then. I’ll just head home then. Have fun!” He said as he patted her shoulder. Then he ran off towards the second set of stairs that led to the first floor of the Academy.
The Academy has dampeners for people with physical abilities, like Zxan. It means that even though his top speed is 450 mph, he can only run about 15mph tops, while inside the school. The dampeners are so strong though that he had to push his every last muscle to hit 15mph, so he resolved to keep it around his average when in school. A cool, 8mph. There are special rooms in the four basement levels where they teach the students how to properly control their abilities, but the day is Friday and Zxan’s training day is every other Thursday. And because he didn’t practice this week, he knows next week is his turn to try to push himself to 475 mph or higher.
As he left the school, he accidentally bumped into a sharp dressed man, who in turn helped Zxan from the ground. The man was not super tall, but taller than Zxan who stood at 5’11. He had a cleanly trimmed beard that tied into his mustache to make him look very eccentric.
“I’m so sorry Mister! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I wasn't looking where I was going and I… I’m sorry.” He said quickly and dejectedly. The man started laughing.
“Oh, it’s all right, my boy. Without kids like you keeping me on my toes, how else is this old fart going to keep his edge.” The man said while laughing. “What’s your name?”
“I… It’s Zxan, sir.” He replied, dusting himself off.
“Well, Zxan, my name is Howard Wayne VI.” The man said with a bow. Zxan just stood there looking awe-struck.
“As in, Bruce Wayne’s great, great grandson?” Zxan said in disbelief.
“The very same.” Howard said with a grin, reaching his hand out. Zxan grabbed his hand and shook it emphatically.
“Dude! You’re amazing! All your accomplishments and awards, and not to mention your role in the unifying of the gifted nations!” Zxan said excitedly, still shaking Howard’s hand.
“Yes, yes, I guess it was important, but that means very little to me. I’m here to help the gifted youth of our grand city of Great Rapids.”
“How so?” Zxan asked, finally letting go of the man’s hand.
“I’m here, on the behalf of my company, to present 3 scholarships for 3 gifted young adults.”
“What does the scholarship entail?”
“Essentially, the participants would be taken to my tower in the central region of the city and they’d be taught how to act as a hero, but not only while in uniform. They’d also be able to design and create their own super suits to fit their needs and abilities.” Howard explained.
“Can I apply?” Zxan asked excitedly.
“Of course. Everyone here is encouraged to apply. Then the committee for the scholarship will pick the three best candidates.”
“What are the conditions that the committee bases their evaluations off of?”
“Their are a number of different factors, but the main few are courage, honor, and loyalty.”
“It’s not based on wealth, right?” Zxan asked nervously.
“Nope. You’ve no need to worry. It’s a full scholarship, not like this academy.” Howard said with a hint of disgust in his voice.
“How do I apply?” Zxan asked.
“The applications will be passed out on Monday to all the students, but here, take this one and work it out the best you can over the weekend.” He said as he handed Zxan a packet of paper that looked suspiciously like a math test.
“Thank you, sir. And again, it was very nice to meet you, but I have to get home now. My mom is expecting me.”
As he walked through the front door of his house, he said hi to his mom and then went directly to the garage. He started working on the packet immediately, using his super speed to write and process the questions, he finished in 30 minutes flat. Most of the questions were easy, but the last one had him puzzled. It was a huge equation that looked like a college professor from Mars had written it.
The whole packet, before the last equation took him 5 minutes to finish. The last equation took him the other 25, but he finished it and he was confident he had the right answer.
The weekend went by slowly and painfully boringly. Normally he’d just hangout with Alyss, but since she started dating Chad a month ago, he had nobody who he could really talk to and hangout with. He thought that normally he wouldn’t care. In the past, he had friends who blew him off entirely for their girlfriends, and it didn’t really hurt. But for some reason, Alyss blowing him off for Chad hurt him in a way he hadn’t felt since his dad died.
He learned to cope, of course, using his great great uncle’s Cosmic Treadmill to help him work on his speed while his mom was at work. Or, more normally, he played video games and watched TV. Sometimes he even read books, and not teenager books. Like college level textbooks. He read them to strengthen his mind and to broaden his vocabulary. He never really hung out with his mom because she was hardly ever home.
His mom was also born with a rare gift, healing. That’s why she works as a nurse. Of course, she doesn’t have to hide her powers. Many many people around the world are very open with their powers. But as history shows, there are always people who are afraid of what they don’t understand. There’s a radical group that call themselves Purifiers and basically what they do is kidnap people with abilities and then kill them on an online broadcast. They say it’s to “purify” the gene pool of humanity, but Zxan just thought they were jealous.
Monday morning couldn’t come fast enough. Zxan practically jumped out of bed to get ready for school. Halfway to school, he realized that he couldn’t just pull out the application and say he already did his. The school might think he cheated or something, so he devised a plan. He would ask for one, then switch it out before he has to turn it back in.
When he got to school, he went looking for Alyss. His heart sank when he saw her though, cause she had an extra thick layer of make-up by her left eye. A normal person probably wouldn’t have noticed, but Zxan did because he grew up with her his entire life.
“Did Chad do that to you?” Zxan asked as he approached her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alyss responded, trying to walk around him.
“Well, for starters, there’s way too much make-up around your left eye for that to not be hiding something, and second, you don’t even wear makeup that often. Plus I didn’t hear from you all weekend, so what happened?” He asked, stepping in front of her.
“I wasn’t paying attention and I walked into a door.”
“I’m going to kick his ass.”
“You can’t!” She hurriedly replied, “You know you’ll go to jail for using your abilities on regs!” Zxan knew that “regs” was short for “regulars”, which is what the gifted called people without abilities.
“Who said anything about using my powers?” Zxan retorted.
“He’s twice as big as you, Zxan, and he’s the star quarterback. Please just leave it alone.”
“Alyss, I don’t want to leave it alone. What he did is wrong. What he is is wrong.” Zxan said, getting angry with Alyss for protecting Chad. “You know what? Forget it. I just want what’s best for you, but if you honestly believe that he’s not going to do that again, then you’re not as smart as everyone thinks you are.” He said, then he turned and headed towards the stairs that led to the third floor of the Academy.
His first hour class went by slowly because he couldn’t stop thinking about how badly he wanted to hurt Chad and how sad he got when he saw Alyss. He knew Alyss was smart. He knew she’d do the right thing, but just in case she doesn’t, he resolved to introduce Chad to immeasurable pain if it ever happened again.
Halfway through the lunch period, he had decided to head up to his next class to wait. Advanced Physics/Calculus with the insufferable Professor Vlad. Zxan usually sat by Alyss, but today he didn’t want to. He was still mad at her for protecting the woman beater, so he decided to sit at the very back-left side of the classroom, right next to the window that looks out over the track field. It was the only desk in the classroom, the rest of the seats being chairs at small, two-person tables.
He laid his head down on the desk and waited for the bell to ring. After a while, when the bell didn’t ring, he finally looked up. Nobody was in the room. Not even the professor, who had been there when he first entered. He could hear faint shouts, but tacked it up to being because of the lunch hour. He looked out the window and noticed that there was also nobody out there.
‘That’s weird,’ He thought, ‘There’s usually a PhyEd class going on right now.’
Then he noticed the man, floating 300 meters away, shooting beam of lights out of his eyes and evaporating people into dust. Zxan jumped to his feet and ran as fast as they would carry him. He was shouting for Alyss, but couldn’t hear anything over the students screaming in the hallway.
He spotted her, huddled near a doorway so she didn’t get trampled over by all the other students. He ran over to her, pushing his way passed hysterical teenagers and hysterical professors.
“Zxan!” She screamed as she spotted him running up to her.
“Alyss, are you okay? Are you hurt? I need to get you out of here.” He said hurriedly, looking around for their best exit route. They were on the second floor of the academy, the stairwell was stuffed with students and teachers trying to escape the now on fire building.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He said, then turned and pushed his way through the crowd to the room across the hall. He looked through the window and assessed the height then ran back to Alyss.
“We have to jump.” He said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the sea of students once more.
“What?! Are you nuts?” She shouted. “It’s got to be at least fifteen feet high!”
“Yup, more or less. But there are bushes down there. Just trust me, okay?” He said, turning towards her and positioning her in front of him with his back facing the window. “Grab my jacket right here.” He said, putting her hands on the chest portion of his jacket, near his collar bone, as he pulled his hood over his head.
“What are you doing?” Alyss asked, the fear obvious in her voice.
“Just hold on tight and do not let go.” He said, pulling her into him and holding her as tight as he could. Then, with a powerful leap backwards, he threw them both through the window. He bit his tongue as a shard of glass dug into his calf as they went through the now shattered window. They landed on the bushes with a loud crunch and Zxan let out a shout of pain.
“Alyss, are you okay?” He asked as he quelled the dizziness from his head.
“Yeah,” She started. “Wait! Are you alright? I just landed on you. And we fell a whole fifteen feet! Are you okay?” She asked hurriedly, tears streaking her face.
“I’m fine, Alyss, just a little back pain and a scratch on my leg.” He lied. In fact, his back pain was so immense that he was sure he wouldn’t be able to move for another five minutes, if at all. But a blast of fire and screams from above shook him out of his focus on his pain. He forced himself to his feet and grabbed Alyss. He pulled her clear of the Academy windows and checked her for damages.
“Alright, you seem to be fine right now, but I’m not taking any chances. Get on my back.”
“What?” Alyss asked, totally confused by his ridiculous request.
“Get on my back, now.” Zxan commanded without any hint at a joke.
“Okay, okay.” Alyss said as Zxan squatted so she could climb onto his back.
“Again, hold on tight.” He said as he stood up, reached his hand up and braced Alyss’s head against his shoulder. He took the other hand and pulled up his scarf around the bottom of his face for a mask, and then he took off. He ran as fast as he could to the hospital where his mother works. He knew that she’d know what to do.
When he reached the hospital, without slowing down, he grabbed two pieces of paper and a pen and wrote two separate notes, then skidded to a halt next to a gurney. He put Alyss on the gurney then leaned down and started talking as he slipped both notes into Alyss’s pockets.
“Don’t let them know you have abilities and do not tell them where you came from and who brought you here. Ask for my mom, okay? Her name is Roxanne Luis. And please, Alyss, stay safe.” And with that said, he rushed back to the school.
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twins2994 · 5 years
A’s Rally In 6th To Even Series.
Athletics 5 Twins 3 W-Bassitt (7-4) L-Harper (3-2) SV-Hendriks (7)
The Oakland Athletics were rolling in the mist of a six-game winning streak as they headed into Minnesota on Thursday night. The Twins snapped their winning streak with some late homers, but the A’s would get their revenge tonight at Target Field. Oakland got started early tonight in the first inning. Marcus Semien led-off and drilled a Jake Odorizzi fastball out to left to start the ballgame. The A’s were up 1-0 and didn’t stop there. Mark Canha lined a two-out single to left and Ramon Laureano walked. Khris Davis delivered a run-scoring single to right and the A’s were up 2-0 before the Twins grabbed a bat. The Twins answered in the second inning. Miguel Sano drew a two-out walk and Jason Castro singled to right. Max Kepler then hit a grounder to first that gold glover Matt Olson could not handle. The ball got past him and Sano scored to pull the Twins within a run. The Twins would get back to work in the third. Nelson Cruz led-off and was hit in the elbow by a pitch. With two outs, Marwin Gonzalez crushed a Chris Bassitt curveball out to right and the Twins led 3-2 after three frames. Oakland would comeback in the fifth. Marcus Semien doubled with one out. Later in the inning, Matt Olson hit an RBI single to center to tie the game at three. Ryne Harper came on for the Twins in the sixth and things got dicey. Ramon Laureano hit a ground-rule double to left. Khris Davis plated him with a single and the A’s had a 4-3 lead. Robbie Grossman reached on a fielder’s choice and stole second base to keep the chain moving. Chad Pinder singled him home and Oakland had a two-run lead. The A’s bullpen did the rest as Ryan Buchter got four big outs, Joakim Soria retired three men, and Liam Hendriks entered with one out in the eighth. Hendriks struck out Miguel Sano and Mitch Garver to end the eighth. He then threw a 1-2-3 ninth as the A’s evened up the series at a game apiece. 
-Final Thoughts- Jake Odorizzi had a solid outing on a hot night. He went five innings and allowed three runs on six hits with three strikeouts and two walks. Ryne Harper gave up two runs in the sixth to take the loss, Tyler Duffey had a clean seventh, and Blake Parker fanned one in the eighth. Zack Littell had a scoreless ninth. Jason Castro led the team with two hits on the night. The Twins hit 0-for-4 with runners in scoring position and left nine men on base. Before the game, the Twins recalled Kohl Stewart and designated Matt Magill for assignment. I get the Adalberto Mejia move, but not the Mike Morin or Matt Magill moves. Both Morin and Magill have been solid relievers with good stuff. Tyler Duffy has been inconsistent for years and is still on the team. The 40-man roster now sits at 36 men. Tomorrow, Brett Anderson faces Jose Berrios in Game 3. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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maukgame · 5 years
Final Reflection
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Mauk has been a tremendous triumph for me as a budding game developer. As my first solo, completed project from start to finish I’ve learned an enormous amount from every step of the development process. With a fuller grasp of Unity’s coding, visuals, terrain editors, Max, and the Leap Motion I feel I’ve been challenged to develop skills rapidly and immediately put them to the test, and looking back on Mauk I can say with certainty that it’s been a success.
The process began as all processes do: with ambition. Mauk was a concept I’ve had in my head for a long time, and after the completion of my final project in a Max class with Tim Weaver using the Leap Motion last quarter, I realized I had the skillset to finally try to make it happen. Flight games have always been a passion of mine, and drawing inspiration from Glyder (iOS App), Glyder 2 (iOS App), and Aer: Memories of Old (Steam) I set out to create a game that realized the challenges of glider physics with a hands-free, intuitive control scheme.
The first step was mechanics. I had a vision in my head of the user ambulating their hand in a similar way to the way children stick their hands out car windows and “glide” it along with the wind. The Leap Motion truly was the only choice for the realization of this concept, and beyond that it was a sensor I had enough prior experience with that I knew I could navigate the calculations I needed. After a few dead ends of trying to get the Leap to work in Unity directly, I determined that the more elegant solution would be running the calculations in Max – a process I was familiar with – and feeding the data to Unity via OSC routing. Saying it here makes it sound so simple, but tailoring the movement coding with the conversation between Max and Unity and modifying Unity’s physics to accept my idea while still remaining largely realistic enough to pose a challenge to players was a matter of several weeks of constant iteration and work. But I knew that no matter what the game ended up looking like if I didn’t have mechanics, gameplay, I didn’t have a game.
It was after the mastery of the movement mechanics that I moved on to begin working on the actual terrain design and visuals. First, the geology/geography. Inspired by the Falkland Islands (a habitat of real-world albatross) I set about making stony, rugged islands with sharp cliffs and scrubby greenery. By midterm, the islands were in place – though not the assets. The next few weeks were dedicated to polishing, populating, and making the world of Mauk come to life. Here I faced a new challenge – I had never tried to create a unified aesthetic in a broad game world using so many sourced assets. Everything in Mauk originates from the Unity Asset Store, but being that it’s easy for anyone to post anything there, finding assets that would fit together relatively seamlessly while still attaining a level of variety was a visual challenge that I leapt into eagerly.
As the world of Mauk began to fill and liven, I simultaneously turned my attention to another task – the composition of a fitting soundtrack. Achieving an airy, meditative sound that would steep the player in the relaxed challenge of the game was something I actually struggled with more than I have with past soundtracks (see my website for further sound work). It wasn’t that I couldn’t envision what I wanted Mauk to sound like – I just had a hard time converting the atmosphere into sound. As I composed the soundtrack, I was actually learning and taking lessons in Logic Pro X with Chad Beall – a Colorado-based composer, performer, and freelance sound mixer. Thus, Mauk was able to teach me another lesson, a whole new software, in the form of going through the compositional process in Logic Pro X rather than the more familiar Ableton Live 10. I drew inspiration for the soundtrack from Nintendo games in particular as I’ve always admired their dedication to melodies and memorable themes, and took particular inspiration from a few tracks from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. After exploring the theory behind how these songs I so loved were composed, I was eventually able to discover and adopt strategies for how to attain my target sound.
The remaining time was thin, and I poured all that remained before the final presentation into polish, polish, polish. I finalized the intro and outro images, created a title screen, and wrote the scripts that navigated between them. I tested various sizes of colliders on the collectibles, tweaked speed variables, and smoothed the looping of the audio. Tiny details are absolutely what make a difference in the perceived quality level of a game, so I really tried my best to iron out as many of the tiny kinks I could, though I’ll admit I missed a few.
By the time the presentation arrived, Mauk was ready. Not perfect – but ready. And as my classmates dove into it eagerly, I’ll admit I felt something close to genuine giddiness. I think the biggest compliment I received was actually how much fun everyone seemed to be having playing it. When time for feedback came, people didn’t want to stop playing. As a game designer, that’s exactly what you want: fun. This was a real triumph for me, and honestly I look forward to the May presentation date and giving everyone the chance to spend even more time playing.
Reflecting back on the things I’d change or improve, there are two that stand out to me immediately. The first is that there was a graphical error I myself had not experienced that my classmates discovered on presentation day – objects in the game world puncture “through” my images, interrupting the intros and outros. In the future I can change this by moving the images to be closer to the camera lens, as well as disabling the script that allows rotation while the cutscene objects are in place. The second error has to do with the communication between Max and Unity. For whatever reason, Max seems to rather unpredictably decide when it will agreeably run in the background and when it has to be the top “floating” window in order to update from the Leap Motion. I thought the solution was a simple matter of unlocking the patch, but in recording documentation for this piece I realized this was not the case. I still don’t know precisely what leads it to determine when to stop refreshing, so for the May presentation I’ll hunt down the issue and ensure the window order is taken care of.
Mauk has been a true demonstration to me of just how much I’ve grown at DU. It’s employed skills from a wide variety of my interests and developed fields including visual art, sound design, game design, programming, and alternative controllers. I truly don’t think there’s a better project I could have selected for my pinnacle project in the EDP department, and despite the small issues I still have to fix I consider Mauk to be an overwhelming success and a crown jewel for my current portfolio. It pushed me to my limits in many ways, and I’m proud to say that I feel I not only stepped up to the challenge but grew beyond even my own expectations. I look forward to taking the lessons I learned with me forward into graduate studies and my professional life.
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Content Review (SPOILERS)
This play through will be on New Game+ for reasons you’ll see in my vanilla review.
OG Review: 1 , 2 , 3
If you read that review, you would know I chose Makoto as my romantic route and for this one, I wanted to try something else. I liked Kawakami but I thought it would be weird since he’s a student and the fact I already maxed her persona so I chose Yoshizawa. I mean she is the new girl in Royal so it only makes sense. I named my Joker “Chad Omega” funny isn’t it, I almost did “Omegalul” but “Omegalul-Kun” sounds awful.
I originally thought that the confidants you maxed would stay that way in New Game+ so that you could try and collect the rest but they don’t, they go back to square one. Same with battle items, you get your equippable weapons and armor but not stat boosters or healing items.
I breezed through everything because I had such a high level persona and since my social stats were done then I used that time to train my HP so I basically only died when I decided to restart the battle. But then Okumura came and I dreaded it. Did it multiple times and was actually failing. I got to the one. The run. I beat all his robots. Then I beat the big one. Then I beat robot Haru. For those who have played it know that that’s it, thats the boss, all that’s left is a cutscene...well? THE EFFING TIMER WENT OFF DURING THE CUTSCENE AND IT TRIED TO TELL ME I LOST. I uninstalled the game, put the disc back in its case and put the case in a box, packed away, hidden from sight just like when I finished it originally and figured out that I didn’t play it right.
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I ended up getting Maruki to level 8, I technically only needed to get him to 9 but I wanted to make sure so I was going to max him. I got Chihaya, Hifumi and Yusuke close to max and what do I have to show for it? Nothing because of the stupid Okumura boss.
I played both play-throughs on normal difficulty because, as I mentioned, it was a breeze the second time and making it easy mode would’ve felt too cheap, it actually wouldn’t have made anything faster. So how is it that I beat Okumura the first time with the Principality persona? A persona that’s half the level of the one I was using for the second, yet I still had trouble? I never even had a problem with the palace, it’s always been the boss.
So, yeah screw this game, it screws me every time I play it, that shiz went up on eBay, I don't think I've been that dramatic about rage quitting before but I don't even regret it. So, I decided to look up the story details and watch the actual “Royal” content so the rest of this review will be based on that. Let’s end this stupid game! This arc! Spoilers by the way, you should already know my opinion on the game anyway.
So, that was the way to bring Akechi back if there ever was one, I knew he would return but I never would have guessed it’d be like that. Bryce Papenbrook as Morgana (Chat Noir) is the icing on the cake.
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They didn’t really explain it, it’s more of an underlying thing but I think that Sumire didn’t wish for her sister to be back instead because even before her sister was gone, she wanted to be like her. I suppose they only get one big wish. She’s really the only reason I even attempted to start the game again, I saw Sumire but I didn’t think much of it or who she was or anything. It kind of reminds me of Kingdom Hearts, how Sora loses the keyblade to Riku after learning he’s the true owner and he has to gain it back; ‘Kasumi’ (or her personality anyway) is kind of the original owner of the persona so Sumire has to gain it back.
Also what happens when Maruki himself ceases? Say he had a mental shutdown, does reality just jump and everybody goes back to the way things were anyway? The extended stuff actually seems to improve on some of the points and problems that I had with the last, the formula is different and so is the villain, he’s kind of a grey character I suppose but almost like he’s not even bad to begin with? I mean if you could change reality, why would you have to face it? It’s an odd concept. There’s also a good bit of content, it was a lot to look through.
The actual palace, as I was saying, seems pretty big, as you know, all the other palaces had will seeds named after the 7 deadlies, so what's this one? Well they're called "Sorrow" which isn't a sin, just even more ambiguity towards who Maruki is, it even asks you moral questions in order to proceed. "Do you help your friend yourself or go get help for them?" Neither is really wrong, I suppose it depends on the context. And his palace has rorschach paintings on the wall which I have to respect, not to mention RGB puzzles (in concept sounds cool but actually looks annoying). The music is pretty cool too, I actually might even put it up against Shido's palace.
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“Here in the garden, let’s play a game, I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
So the third tier personas are a cool idea but it’s hit or miss with the designs. I wish I knew about Sumire unlocking Maria, that’s really cool. The final boss seems like a heck of a lot to get through but the true ending seems a lot more definitive, I like it more than the regular game's ending, it doesn't even change that much but gives different context and a few new scenes and an after credits scene that I don't think was in the base game (maybe you had to 100% I don't know).
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arringtongreene · 4 years
How Media Affects Me: My Social Media Use for A Day
The thought of tracking my daily social media use on an average day in my regular life is quite scary. Thus, my anxiety initially went through the roof at the thought of having to do it under self-isolation and mandated quarantine. However, I must remember that I am not special or unique; most people my age fill their time with pointless scrolling and superficial entertainment. So, in no particular order, these are the apps I use in a day. 
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TikTok is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company founded in 2012 by Zhang Yiming. It is used to create short dance, lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. After waking up at around 11:00am, I spent roughly 3 hours on this app this morning. While the app provides many different genres of entertainment, I prefer to watch comedic videos and videos of people creating art. The latter are incredibly soothing and the former are almost always relatable in a unique way that other forms of media rarely get right. Like all apps, there are a plethora of conventionally attractive people baiting young audiences into providing them with a career in looking pretty (which, arguably, is a skill in an of itself). Seeing those people interact with the app is discouraging, but rest assured, the next video on my “For You” page will be a girl reenacting an annoying altercation with a customer and my hunger for humor will again be satiated. 
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The next app that I peruse is Instagram. Instagram is an American photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010. I spend about a total of 4.5 hours on this app (not consecutively). Between holding conversations in my DMs and scrolling through hashtags to keep up with a zoomed out version of the news, this app keeps my preoccupied whenever I get a random surge of boredom, which, nowadays, is often. Like Tik Tok, Instagram lets me access versions of comedy that are niche enough to grab my attention and quick enough to keep it. This app, more so than the others, is a breeding ground for people with geometrically impossible hourglass figures and dangerously sharp jawlines. And if their job is to make me feel like peeling off my skin and just starting over completely, their success rate is 100%. But, because Instagram is a little more intimate, I can also see pictures of my friends and keep up with their success and life events. 
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Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Of all the apps on my phone, this is undoubtedly the one that I use the least. I spend no more than an hour a day on this app (max). I keep it active for now so that, in the future, I’ll be able to use for wherever my career takes me. However, in the meantime, I use it to check in on what’s going on in the world outside fo small circles. There are more words than images, so the lack of visual stimulation might be the reason it fails to keep me entertained. 
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Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app used globally, created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford University. If I do some rough math, I spend about 2-3 hours a day on the app (again, not consecutively) I do not post on this app, but it allows me to keep up with what people are doing. On Snapchat, I only add people I know. I can instantly see what's going on in their lives. On other apps, where posts are virtually permanent, people have to present the most polished or funniest or most creative version of themselves. Here, because the posts go away in 24hrs, people don't feel that same pressure. I still feel that pressure of course, ergo I have not posted in 2 years. Nevertheless, this app, no matter how battery-draining it may be, provides me a connection to my friends that does not require me to physically interact with them. 
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YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. Three former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in February 2005. While I’m not completely sure if this counts as a social media app, I use it the most. Again, it is not an app that I interact with by commenting or posting. However, I watch an immeasurable amount of videos on this app. I genuinely lost track of my time on it. I think Youtube creators are so successful because they deliver the core content that you could probably get elsewhere but gives the viewer a relationship with the creator so the experience is personal. 
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Other than the yearly post on Instagram, I do not interact with any of my social media apps. I don't post often, I never comment on other people’s posts and content creators are lucky to receive a like or share from me. I guess, in this way, these public sharing platforms feel incredibly personal for me. My history contributes to how the algorithms curate my feed. That means that every time I open my phone, there’s an entire world, essentially designed for me, by me, and frankly, I’d like to keep it that way. 
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daydreamer0078 · 4 years
5 Best Action Movies of All Time You Must Watch
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5 Best Action Movies and Franchises of All Time You Must Watch
Almost Everyone loves action movies. Are you one of them? I think so because that's why you visited this article to see what are the best action movies that you must watch. There are tons and tons of action films have produced in the cinema industry. Among them, only some movies have good content and a perfect storyline to watch. Every action movie must possess a strong character and a strong intention to fight the enemy. Without perfect characterization and proper story, could the audience connect to the movie? right So, we've listed out some of the greatest action movies that every movie lover should watch without missing them. Especially, if you're an action movie lover, then you must watch these films. I think you shouldn't call yourself an action movie lover without watching these films. Okay! before going into the list of best action movies of all time. I would like to tell that marvel or dc movies aren't included in the list. Despite them, we've listed 5 Best Action movies    1. John Wick
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Hell Yeahh! John wick is the most loved franchise by the audience and film lovers. Almost everyone would love to watch John wick films because of its characterization and insane action sequences. Keanu Reeves who portrayed as john wick has done a splendid job in these movies. He became a social media star and many people love his humbleness and ofcourse he is gentlemen. John Wick movies are so brutal and insane to enjoy ourselves. Those movies make us watch and stick to the seat. Chad Stahelski is the director of the JohnWick franchise who is actually and originally a stuntman. He has done awesome work showing the action sequences in a cool way that everybody would freak out. In the same way, he designed the storyline perfectly and narrated it well to the audience. Though, Johnwick is the most recommended acti0n franchise that you must watch if you're a film lover. DO NOT MISS THIS EPIC FRANCHISE. You will surely love JOHN WICK Plot: John Wick, a retired hitman seeking revenge for killing a dog given to him by his recently deceased wife John Wick Franchise : John Wick John Wick: Chapter 2 John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum   2. Mission Impossible
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Mission Impossible is one of the largest action franchise. It was started in the year 1996 and still, the franchise is ongoing. It is one of the most liked action series by the people too. The latest movie of this franchise is Mission: Impossible – Fallout which was a massive hit and loved by the audience. The Sequel is currently in Shooting progress and scheduled to release in 2021 July 23. The reason why these films got a lot of hype is because the actor TOM CRUISE who is the main lead in this series. Tom Cruise is known for his action movies and especially for this Mission Impossible Action Franchise. He is a great actor and has done spectacular stunts in the movies. Several directors for this franchise and one of them is Christopher McQuarrie who directed the latest movie and is also gonna direct sequels too. Regardless, you will enjoy thoroughly watching action sequences designed in this franchise. Plot: It follows the operations of the IMF's main field team under the leadership of Hunt who is forced to take over after the team was betrayed from within during the first film. Mission Impossible Franchise: Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible 2 Mission: Impossible III Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Mission: Impossible – Fallout   3.Fast and Furious
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Fast and Furious / The Fast Saga is the largest action franchise and highest-grossing series in the box office. The first fast and furious movie was released in 2001 and the franchise is still going on. It is one of the most loved franchises by the audience especially because of their streetcar racing action sequences. The franchise has an ensemble cast like Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, and Sung Kang. In 2013, Paul Walker died in a car accident which was a tragedic moment for everybody and Fast & Furious 7 became his final performance. Since the fast saga got a lot of hype and massive success. The franchise continues to exist. The ninth installment of this series is currently in post-production progress and scheduled to release on May 22, 2020, and it also has been said that that there is going to the tenth installment for this series which will be the finale one. Recently, the spin-off for this franchise was released in 2019 Hobbs & Shaw. Although, Never miss this franchise if you're an action movie and car lover. Plot: The series concerned illegal street races, heists and spies. Fast and Furious Franchise : The Fast and the Furious 2 Fast 2 Furious The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Fast & Furious 4 Fast & Furious Five Fast & Furious 6 Furious 7 The Fate of the Furious   4.Terminator
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Terminator is one of the most loved and old action movie franchise. The first installment came out in the year 1984. At that time, the film created a lot of hype and Arnold Schwarzenegger professional bodybuilder became an action star. However, the Terminator franchise had potentially gained massive success from the box office and continues to exist. The Most loved installment from this franchise is Terminator: Judgment Day  which was directed by one of the greatest director James Cameron who directed two historical films Titanic and Avatar. Maybe, this makes you watch terminator for sure. It is one of the best action franchises you shouldn't miss. Terminator is an old franchise and first franchise to introduce how an action movie should be. The series inspired so many action movies and franchises. Although, Terminator always remains in the best action movie franchises list. Plot: The battle for survival between the nearly extinct human race and the Artificial intelligence Terminator Franchise : The Terminator Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Terminator Salvation Terminator Genisys Terminator: Dark Fate   5.Mad Max
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Mad Max is one of the most popular action movie franchises in the cinematic world. The first installment of this franchise came out in the year 1979. It is one of the best franchise in the post-apocalyptic and action genre. Among all mad max movies, Mad Max 2 and latest Mad Max: Fury Road considered as the best movies from the franchise. In 2015, MadMax Fury road got a lot of hype and greatly lauded by critics and audiences. MadMax Fury Road is also considered to be one of the greatest action films of all time which makes you more curious to watch the film. The sequel to Fury Road is being delayed and currently in pre-production. According to some reports, the sequel will start filming in 2020 Autumn. The sequel tentatively named as Mad Max: The Wasteland. Although, the Mad Max franchise is great watch films. Plot: A police officer in the future of Australia who is witnessing a social collapse due to conflict and vital resource shortages. When his wife and child are killed by a ruthless biker gang, Max kills them in vengeance and becomes a lonely weirdo in the Desert. Mad Max Franchise: Mad Max Mad Max 2 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Mad Max: Fury Road HONORABLE MENTIONS: Die Hard James Bond Bourne   You might be interested in these articles, Have a look at them. 16 Most Anticipated Movies in 2020 10 Best Movies of 2019 You Must Watch If You Haven’t Seen MCU Timeline – Watch Every Marvel Movie in Order Best Hollywood Movies of 2019 that You Must See! MARVEL PHASE 5 MOVIES AND SHOWS LIST HUGE MARVEL PHASE 5 LEAK – MCU Read the full article
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