janeway-lover · 1 month
there are not enough people obsessed with my wife
i am in despair
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another-lost-mc · 1 month
is it bad that as much as i like your ocs (theyre amazing, i love them!), i really miss seeing you write for the canon characters
You know, that’s valid. The proportion of Canon and OC content here lately has been way off. It’s sort of the elephant in the room I ignore every time I think about Obey Me and my inspiration automatically focuses on the world building or OC potential instead.
There’s a few reasons why I’ve been less interested in writing canon lately.
1. Disappointment with Nightbringer. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure why this game exists (except to overhaul the franchise’s monetization structure). The premise and lore payoff hasn’t been that great for me personally - it feels more like an AU rather than a canon addition/continuation of the OG game. It feels like we still end up with more loose ends and questions that we don’t have (and may never get) answers for. I’m still waiting for Raphael and Mephisto to be dateable, by the way. As a result, my focus when writing OM content has been using the OG story/characterization using the odd piece from NB that makes sense, and that leads into…
2. My favourite parts of Obey Me are under-developed in canon. I enjoy most of the canon cast, I really do. But I want more Celestial Realm lore, I want more Michael (and not NB HM Lesson 20 Michael), I want more angels in general. They’ve mentioned Uriel a couple times now, give me that angel please and thank you! (No longer relevant, I wrote a version of him myself.)
The world feels so empty at times but there’s so much potential. Parts of the Devildom are more fleshed out with NB adding to it, but what about the other realms? What’s going on with the Sorcerer’s Society and the reapers? I never know if the interesting hints of lore we get are truly relevant or if it’s just something the game decided was convenient for a plot point and never gets mentioned again. NB has been great for Solomon fans since it’s practically a Solomon x MC fanfic written with a forced roommates trope, and that might be the best thing about it from a lore perspective.
My OCs were originally meant to explore gaps in the world and give the canon characters room to grow beyond the one or two defining traits the game keeps repeating over and over. I like writing Mammon when I can have him interact with Karasu, I like imagining the types of angels other exchange students might meet in the Celestial Realm, I like giving a name and personality to the mysterious owner of The Fall where so many events and Devilgram stories take place. Admittedly, it was refreshing to see that other people enjoyed reading about them or imagining them paired with their own MCs/OCs too. I call them the OC Fan Club with genuine affection.
3. It’s not something I talk about often but before I began writing fanfiction, I was mostly focused on concepts or outlines for original stories. Writing supernatural and horror themes always been my interest as a writer so anything with demons/angels/other monstrous races automatically catches my eye.
It’s a little mean to say, but half-baked worlds like the Devildom are a lot of fun to use as a foundation for expanding my own ideas. The OC story I’ve been working on is one way for me to write longer and more complex pieces which is the type I like most. Granted, it includes nearly the entire game cast and it explores the Devildom and Celestial Realm in ways that tie together some of my favourite personal headcanons and characterization. It focuses on angel characters and the history/culture of the Celestial Realm which are two of my main interests for this game. It’s a huge project - the outline is nearly 20k words on its own, it’s practically a novel divided into four sections with 30+ chapters and an epilogue. I can’t even express how excited I am when I get to work on this.
That being said, I do like writing canon content and I’ve been missing it more lately. I got burnt out when it felt like I was losing interest in NB and was pushing myself to keep writing anyway which isn’t great.
Today someone left a nice comment on something I wrote a while back, an angst piece for the demon brothers. I haven’t read it in a while and after going back and re-reading it, I was like, “Huh, I don’t remember liking this as much as I do.” And then I remembered something in my drafts that’s been rotting away, half-edited and ignored, and realized that I wanted to finish it. So, I’ve been slowly tinkering with things while I work on my angels’ story. Some of my plans are ambitious and real life distractions (mostly health related, like my recent bout of COVID) haven’t helped.
If I learned anything about my writing since starting this blog, it’s that:
writing what you’re passionate about is more fulfilling than writing what seems trendy or popular
giving and receiving feedback and fostering friendships/supporting each other keeps the community thriving
self care self care self care
Anyway. My goal has always been to write about the things I love about the game world and the things I create that are inspired by it. It’s a delicate balancing act that I’m still working on.
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demonologue · 1 year
Can we talk about the dragons some more?
I will be. Forever.
Many have already noted the care and detail that went into the design of each dragon, and I love watching the fall of Emon over and over to see new details each time.
But we also see so much of their personalities in this scene, and I love it so much?
Thordak is there to establish dominance, show his power, and accept worshipers, like a true red. He focuses on property damage (yes, people die, too, but that will happen when you nuke a mountain!) and showing off, because he wants lots of the ants in the city to survive. He needs their terrified adoration. We stan all of his "Is this your king?" speeches as he claims his throne.
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Umbrasyl is doing what they've been told to do. As the least powerful of the remaining Conclave members, they are raining death from above but not overdoing it. Thordak has no domain and subjects if they melt it all. Bonus content fight between Umbrasyl and KimAllura. (P.S. they're not dead, guys!) I have a big soft spot for Umbrasyl, and I'm curious how much we will get to see the dynamic between the dragons as the story moves forward. They barely get along, and I hope we get to see them interacting with each other more. Something went down between them after Umbrasyl took over Gatshadow, and I want to know what it is that left the black dragon alone and stranded out there with busted palantiri.
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Vorugal, it's been mentioned, we don't see a lot of in the fall of Emon. But that's exactly as it should be. Think about it: Vorugal is an elite hunter. They live a solitary life, always seeking more challenging prey to indulge in their favourite pastime. What is the point of destroying a city of helpless ants to Vorugal? So they go for the most challenging targets first, i.e. Allura. I'm disappointed that we didn't get the iconic shot of Vorugal perched on the side of her tower before they destroy it, but at least Vorugal still destroyed it in this version. Then it's almost like they're searching the city for worthy prey, doing the bare minimum to satisfy Thordak's orders. Of course Vorugal tracks them to Greyskull Keep. VM are worthy targets for the white dragon. I'm sad we didn't get to see Vorugal wrestle Thordak for dominance there. That was such a fantastic scene in campaign. Hopefully we'll get to see the two of them butting heads in a different way later on.
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And Raishan, clever little pixie. She's just having fun with it. You see her casually flying around the city, blowing smoke here and there before she eats Scanlan's biggest fan. But she knows what she's doing. She killed Uriel with her first attack, and after that she's pretty much like a cat. What can I do that will satisfy Thordak's command but is the most amusing to me? Playing with VM, for one. She makes sure they know who she is, and that she knows who they are. After that, she's going to do what a green dragon does: be sneaky and infiltrate their keep even before they flee to Whitestone. She was a lot more subtle about it in campaign than she is about it here, but we want new viewers to feel like they've spotted something hidden, too (LARKIN WATCH!). Good job. Raishan was the first to give her name during the attack in the campaign, and of course she gave it to us here in the fall of Emon as well. We stan a queen. You'd better put some respect on her name.
Really looking forward to seeing more of her--and all the dragons--this season. Even if they just do cut-aways to their territory or Pike has dream sequences to show what's going on with them, I'll take it. We deserve more than just their death scenes. They are legendary villains and deserve as much love as the Briarwoods.
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dotthings · 2 months
Here's my post about Dean and the hunting life and unreliable narrators to pair with my Sam post.
In S4 while a demon manipulates Sam, angels are manipulating Dean. In 4.17 It’s a Terrible Life (written by Sera Gamble), after a despairing Dean confesses to Cas at the end of 4.16 On the Head of a Pin that he can’t do what the angels want, he’s not strong enough, Zachariah tries to nudge Dean to play his role by plunking him and Sam into a corporate boredom life Dean doesn’t want, and then tries to shame him into playing the role Zachariah wants him to play.
ZACHARIAH But after the unfortunate situation with Uriel, I felt it necessary to pay a visit. Get my ducks in a row. DEAN I am not one of your ducks. ZACHARIAH Starting with your attitude. DEAN Oh, so, what? This was all some sort of a lesson? Is that what you're telling me? Wow. Very creative. ZACHARIAH You should see my decoupage. DEAN Gross. No thank you. So, what? I'm just hallucinating all this? Is that it? ZACHARIAH Not at all. Real place, real haunting. Just plunked you in the middle without the benefit of your memories. DEAN Just to shake things up? Hm? So you guys can have fun watching us run around like ass clowns in monkey suits? ZACHARIAH To prove to you that the path you're on is truly in your blood. You're a hunter. Not because your dad made you, not because God called you back from hell, but because it is what you are. And you love it. You'll find your way to it in the dark every single time and you're miserable without it. Dean, let's be real here. You're good at this. You'll be successful. You will stop it. DEAN Stop what? The apocalypse, huh? Lucifer? What? Be specific, man. ZACHARIAH You'll do everything you're destined to do. All of it. But I know, I know. You're not strong enough. You're scared. You got daddy issues. You can't do it. Right? DEAN Angel or not, I will stab you in your face. ZACHARIAH All I'm saying is it's how you look at it. Most folks live and die without moving anything more than the dirt it takes to bury them. You get to change things. DEAN turns away. ZACHARIAH Save people, maybe even the world. All the while you drive a classic car and fornicate with women. This isn't a curse. It's a gift. So for God's sakes, Dean, quit whining about it. Look around. There are plenty of fates worse than yours. So are you with me? You wanna go steam yourself another latte? Or are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?
“This isn’t a curse. It’s a gift.” Notice Zachariah trying to glamorize hunting at Dean when it’s canonically traumatizing, dangerous, and often miserable, and telling Dean to “quit whining” and suck it up because there are people worse off, while Zachariah reduces Dean’s entire personality to nothing but the hunt, referencing perks that are a simplistic take on who Dean is—the facade not the whole person. There's something not right here.
Zachariah also isn't entirely incorrect. Dean does love hunting and he does always find his way back to it and Dean’s good at it, and they get to save people. The manipulative villains in SPN often use a core thread of truth and then twist it.
But much as it’s true about Dean’s affinity for hunting, Dean’s questioning of hunting, his conflicted feelings, his love and resentment for it, the brutality of that life that SPN self-evidently shows us, has been a long-running theme in every era of SPN. Dean yearns for and thinks about things beyond just hunting. Which doesn't include working as a suit. Zachariah picks that to push Dean towards hunting, it's not meant as an exploration of Dean's deep wants and needs beyond the hunt.
Dean would never be content leaving hunting for good, but he does have an ongoing love/hate relationship with it, and it’s not all he is.
He’s more than just the hunt and the kill. Deep down Dean has known that all along, but fears that’s all he is. Zachariah was wrong. For Dean, hunting is a curse AND a gift and it never has been all gift or all curse for him.
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ididthis----onpurpose · 9 months
Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I really want to know more about the significance of the signet rings. Obviously there's Aziraphale's, but Michael, Uriel and Saraquel also wear one, on the opposite hand as Aziraphale. At first I thought it was just a style choice, but when Aziraphale is discorporated in s1, he's still wearing the ring in Heaven, implying that it's a part of his Heavenly wardrobe.
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Is it a way of distinguishing rank among angels? Is it just a fashion choice? Gabriel doesn't wear a ring, but maybe it's because he's the boss. Is anyone else curious or am I just desperate for content and overanalyzing things??
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kimdokja-real · 1 year
ppl r thinking ab this shit way too deeply dokja can top nd yjh would bottom but i admire how far ur willing to go to justify it u have my respect but im also kind of confused y ppl care sm?
Dokja can top and Joonghyuk can bottom yeah.
Thanks. Why people care?
Well I don't know why people care, but I can explain why I care.
I care because I like bottom Yoo Joonghyuk and with the fandom insisting on only bottom Kim Dokja, there's no fics for the fan I am to read (and no other fandom content like fanart too). I want people to write fics for bottom Yoo Joonghyuk, so we bottom Yoo Joonghyuk (and Top Kim Dokja) fans have something to read.
I care because I care about the characters and I believe if you care about the characters, then you'll, in general, a person should at least be open to the idea of their ship the other way around. I do accept bottom kim dokja and even have a fic in store, I just much prefer top kim dokja.
I care because also, Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk as a BL/yaoi pairing is the main pairing in the fandom. Now I don't know if you or people know of these pairings, but ChildeZhongli from Genshin Impact, Shizaya from Durarara, and I guess SasuNaru/NaruSasu for a pairing which 'Joongdok' beat in the best BL pairing poll, all have a preference, but all have it the opposite way around. ChildeZhongli from Genshin Impact started with Childe topping only, but over time the fandom accepted the idea of Childe bottoming and Zhongli topping.
Basically the most popular main BL pairing/ship in a fandom will usually have it on both sides. For example ChildeZhongli is the most popular ship in the Genshin Impact fandom and has both Zhongli and Childe bottoming.
And Joongdok is the most popular main BL pairing/ship in the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fandom. I'm sure people who read and really enjoyed the novel and their interaction in canon came to the fandom for the Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk ship, for more of them and their interaction, and there's only bottom Kim Dokja (OOC too), no top Kim Dokja or bottom Yoo Joonghyuk at all. I'm sure some people wanted to see it the other way around, bottom Yoo Joonghyuk and top Kim Dokja, or at least with them switching.
Joongdok is the only most popular main BL pairing/ship that doesn't have it on both sides, that only has Kim Dokja bottoming and Yoo Joonghyuk topping, and it is so weird. And boring.
Even the newest Genshin Impact popular pairing Alhaitham/Kaveh has like 700+ fics of Alhaitham being top and 500+ fics of Kaveh being top, despite Kaveh acting like a brat in canon and Alhaitham being a very cool character.
Now we compare to Joongdok. There are 4206 fics in A03 for the pairing. There are 96 fics tagged Bottom Yoo Joonghyuk. That's 2.28% of the Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk fics, it's not even a measly 5%. This is pathetic.
And Joongdok fans say they love Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk as a pairing. I cannot believe it.
It's not only about sexual positions. It's about letting both characters be vulnerable, letting both Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk be vulnerable (not only fucking Kim Dokja), and also letting them explore different aspects of their personalities.
Joongdok won the best yaoi poll, and people are celebrating, it's funny because, the ships they beat, all have it the other way around.
And what is bottom Kim Dokja being the dominant pairing in the fandom based off? The limited, incorrect perception that he's a sly, shy bottom, or wanting Kim Dokja to be loved (which is not a bad thing but he can still be loved on the Top). The novel, canon, is clearly more towards top Kim Dokja and bottom Yoo Joonghyuk, Yoo Joonghyuk is always the one left behind by Kim Dokja who does whatever he wants. Uriel even canonically thinks Kim Dokja tops.
Uriel smiled and said. [Kim Dokja, will you accept Eden’s story?]
“That… I need to think a bit.”
[Why? Our story is the best! It isn’t comparable to other places!]
This was certainly true. The Messiah’s Path was the best story in the resurrection system. There was one problem.
“I will lose something precious if I accept that story.”
[Eh? Ah. T-That’s right. If you choose our story, you’ll become an eunuch… That can’t be.]
I expected to be persuaded but unexpectedly, Uriel shook with agitation. Was it such a big deal for Uriel that I would become en eunuch? Why?
[W-What to do? If I don’t bring Kim Dokja to Metatron, he won’t let me use the Internet for a month… but if he accepts, Kim Dokja will become an eunuch… when that happens… oh, wait a minute. Perhaps if his position changes…?]
…What position?
[O-Okay! Kim Dokja! Don’t worry too much about this problem. One way or another…!]
Uriel seemed to be filled with great determination on her own. I firmly shook my head. “I don’t want it.”
[Yes! It is okay if you are an eunuch…!]
Where is Kim Dokja being a sly, shy bottom here? He's merely confused, and confidently or bluntly says Next.
But for some reason people just ignore this? This is canon, man. And by Uriel, our main Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk shipper in canon.
Of course Kim Dokja dominantly says No.
(And even if he did it he would get his cock back because he's Kim Dokja)
There are actual scenes in the novel of Yoo Joonghyuk being bottom, (the fact he canonically has a female form, he wins for Kim Dokja using his female form and gets him lots of money, Kim Dokja imagines him in a chinese dress, etc) There are no scenes in the novel of Kim Dokja being bottom. Like, show me evidence in the novel of Kim Dokja being Bottom. Because Kim Dokja is filled with confidence the whole way through and is the one always saving Yoo Joonghyuk.
Let's not even talk about Yoo Joonghyuk being bottom.. Let's talk about Kim Dokja being top. People who love Kim Dokja, why won't you let Kim Dokja be top?
The fandom says Kim Dokja is self-sacrificial, doesn't know people love him, doesn't know how to show love outside of self-sacrifice...which is why he self-sacrifices...all the more Kim Dokja should top. Kim Dokja being bottom and being loved is good yes, but Kim Dokja being bottom and being loved forever? Kim Dokja being bottom forever is only Kim Dokja running away from his core root problem of not understanding love, not understanding how to show love. Because he doesn't do anything but cry out in pleasure on the bottom. He doesn't think, he doesn't comprehend, he doesn't show his desire like he does in the novel. There's no character development.
Kim Dokja being top has so much potential for his character. Kim Dokja is the one with the most favourite character he would do anything for. Imagine an insecure outwardly confident Kim Dokja not even knowing if he's touching Yoo Joonghyuk properly or not, if he even deserves to touch Yoo Joonghyuk. This is just an example of how Kim Dokja can be Top while still showing his character trait of hidden insecurity and lack of understanding of love.
Also, I once shipped Shizaya. I was a famous person there. Shizaya is the pairing of Heiwajima Shizuo and Orihara Izaya (and is one of the pairings Joongdok beat in the yaoi poll), there's Shizaya, Izaya bottoms, Shizuo tops, and there's Izuo, Izaya tops, Shizuo bottoms. You don't need to know the character but, the preferred bottom Izaya is also very intelligent and super smart and manipulates people. The thing is, he's also an intelligent character like Kim Dokja, and I preferred him on the bottom, so I can understand the appeal of having an intelligent character on the bottom, like how people prefer Kim Dokja to be bottom, because he's the intelligent one and he can be sly on the bottom. But the fandom who loves Izaya also lets Izaya top.
I'm used to BL/yaoi pairings where it goes both sides despite the preference of the fandom (and you can just pick the one you like or have them switch), so the Joongdok fandom really confuses me on why the fandom who loves Kim Dokja won't let Kim Dokja top.
I know this post seems a bit confrontational and perhaps bold but just imagine - those hundreds of Joongdok fics you love? Yeah, they're all gone and there's only 20 fics left to read. Maybe 10 worth reading. That's how little fandom content there is for people who prefer Bottom Joonghyuk and Top Kim Dokja.
To me, Kim Dokja will be happier on the top, because Kim Dokja is on top of all the Scenarios and everything in canon.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I was wondering if you had thoughts on potential consequences of going to Keyleth (story wise or game play wise). I've personally been bouncing back and forth with story wise it makes sense, game play wise this almost feels like cheating, and content wise I'm not sure I like where this could potentially go down the road and while I want to stay open minded about it, it just feels like a mistake.
Hi anon,
I agree pretty much entirely. I have been pretty openly wary of the connections to major campaign 1 characters from the beginning and I am hoping my concerns will remain unfounded, but the current developments have not been great.
I truly think that Orym's connection to Keyleth should have, hands down, been vetoed during character creation. (I also think Laudna's specific connection to Delilah should have been refused, to the point that when Fearne was revivified and both Orym and Laudna were down I was like, you know, it's sad...but this would resolve some things).
It's not that you can't have references to earlier campaigns - indeed, both FCG and Jester are characters who would not have existed without the previous campaigns but engage with that material in a much better way, and we're getting no shortage of references to Campaign 2 in-game right now that are much more skillfully woven into the plot. But once you have a character who has the ability to call up Vox Machina with minimal barriers? That's a problem. It's not even comparable to the capacity to call on someone moderately powerful for a favor, because it's built into the backstory that Orym knows Keyleth, she's his leader, his father-in-law and husband died protecting her. It's not like Eshteross, who is both very kind and understanding and accommodating, but is, ultimately, an employer without a longstanding relationship. Nor is it like previous powerful allies like Essek, Yussa, or The Bright Queen, (or even Gilmore and Allura and Uriel in C1) who all had their own agendas and interests and limits to what the party could ask of them, in that, again, Orym's agenda is, to an extent, inherently aligned with Keyleth's agenda.
It's also an issue, in my opinion, because it's a former PC whose abilities we know. I have no issue with Matt playing Keyleth - I had no issue with him writing a letter on behalf of Vex - but Vox Machina are level 20 heroes. Canonically, Keyleth is nigh immortal with access to multiple resurrection spells, and Pike can just ask her god to do whatever once a week. It does not feel comparable to just any high-level NPC because of this; again, Eshteross is relatively high level and quite wealthy, but he is, ultimately, a powerful fighter with a certain amount of cachet, not someone who can provide a miracle on demand. Like...it's ok to have Vox Machina as people they can call upon for a few resources (as the Nein did with Allura), but here, it's like...we're shutting down more interesting avenues, like this cool group of urban planners in Jrusar, or striking a deal with Jiana, and instead we just, pun unintended but unavoidable, have this deus ex machina on call. We really are at a point where the question becomes "we know who the problem is and Keyleth can scry and is a level 20 druid who could quite literally destroy the entire seat of disdain without breaking a sweat...why doesn't SHE deal with Otohan?"
And of course there's just a lack of potential with former PCs. We KNOW we're unlikely to get any sort of twist or betrayal, nor them getting killed off, because like, why would Matt do that with Keyleth? So there's none of the interesting dynamics. Like, again going to Eshteross, but: I genuinely worry he might die at Otohan's hand! And I'll be sad, because I love him as a character, but that's also an incredible story! For Keyleth (or any member of Vox Machina) there's this odd case that the scope of their capabilities is massive, but the scope of what can be done to them within the story is incredibly narrow. Through no fault of their own, they just kind of suck the story into a black hole because of who they are.
I feel like I've been referencing Brian Murphy of Naddpod a lot lately, but he is really good at talking about the gears and wires of D&D planning and is willing to be fairly critical, which I appreciate, and the way he puts this is that some people come to the table and then try to avoid playing D&D. Calling in a level 20 druid to fix your problem feels like that - and I don't think that's the intention, and you're absolutely right that it makes sense because of that set up in the story - which is why I really think that setup was, fundamentally, a mistake.
So, as I said, my hope is that the resurrection fails, the way that Will and Derrig's apparently did (which would make complete sense in-story, since it was the same assailants), though I am still kind of a fan of Laudna from 32 years ago being brought back in that I think Bells Hells will perceive it as not entirely successful. I think that would neither show as any slight on Keyleth or her abilities since it's already canonical, but would lead Bells Hells to perhaps focus on other options and be reluctant to call upon her.
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My favorite scenes (⚠️novel spoilers!!⚠️) and thoughts:
Yoo Junghyuk and Uriel sprinting to the demon world because they got a vague hint about Kim Dokja's possible whereabouts
KDJ's modifier becoming the Demon King of Salvation. KDJ telling everyone that he had explained how to kill a demon king before, so... *cries*
KDJ making 1863rd YJH eat dirt literally (it was sad but really funny too)
Yoo Sangah making the first fake revelation from the hole in the Library
YSA shoving YJH onto the chest of unconscious KDJ, making him read part of the Library during the Isle of Reincarnaters arc
YSA and KDJ's conversation in the dark right before she reincarnates
Persephone stroking KDJ's head and telling him, [You're our son. That is all that matters.] (Chp 389)
KDJ, for the first time, desperately wanting to live. And sent Jung Heewon and YJH (and Han Sooyoung if I remember correctly) the message that he wanted help, that he wanted to be saved. (During the War of Demons and Angels, and KDJ was inside the Indescribable Distance)
YSA taking the monkey king's headband off his head and PLACING IT ON KDJ'S HEAD HAHAHA
Secretive Plotter sincerely smiling <3
Literally every time Sun Wukong/ monkey king referred to KDJ as maknae /maknae-ah in a brotherly affectionate tone of voice
The Librarians seeing KDJ+co. off at the subway train. Their voices being cut off from the door closing.
KDJ+co.+Outer God Kings meeting the Most Ancient Dream. the line, [Please end the 'Most Ancient Dream'.] BROKE MY HEARTTT
YJH becoming an astronaut!!!
KDJ waking up in the hospital at the end <3 At least I like to believe he did wake up. HSY and YJH did an amazing job <333
I just can't believe it's over now. I can't wait to see all the scenes drawn in the webtoon!! (But I'm scared about the health of the webtoon artists. It's gonna take ages)
The scenes that are most vivid in my mind are YSA's fake revelation, Secretive Plotter (and later, KDJ's companions) being chased by the Hounds Chasing After the Abyss, the [Please end the 'Most Ancient Dream'] scene, the Outer God Kings holding the Most Ancient Dream, Persephone stroking KDJ's hair, and KDJ being a demon king with his wings and horns.
Someday I want to reread now that I know what happens.
I guessed that tls123 was Han Sooyoung (I couldn't figure out how, though, until it was revealed). I definitely didn't guess correctly who Secretive Plotter or the Most Ancient Dream were. I thought SP was Dokja of the future, and I can't remember what I guessed for MAD. Pretty sure I was thinking of YJH, but very tentatively lol
I have so many other thoughts, but I'll just say, what an insane story overall. Honestly with all the time looping and regressing and stuff, things got confusing for me, so as I got nearer to the end, I was repeatedly shocked at how well everything was being connected together. How HSY and KDJ and YJH were all interconnected and there wasn't a beginning nor an end. But it all made sense!! And there were so many funny and extremely heartbreaking moments. I'm so happy and excited that I get to delete the orv spoilers content tag now and see all the fanart I want without spoiling myself.
I think the thing that will stick in my mind for a long time, is 'Write something on the wall, because maybe someday, someone will read your message. Even when you're long gone, even when communication is impossible'.
Thank you author (authors??) for writing this story. It's definitely one of my favorites now💖💖💖
I hope the ongoing stories I'm reading and love, will end as amazingly as ORV. Like Tower of God, Witch Hat Atelier, Inso's Law (webcomic), Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World (webcomic), Blue Period, Houseki no Kuni, Seraph of the End, and lots more 💖💖💖
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biggiedraws · 1 year
mannnn rereading orv really makes it clear just how well the constellations represent readers. like literally from chapter one, so many times a constellation sends an indirect message and im like "omg thats what i was thinking!" and just in general, the way they comment on the story in such a detached way really feels like readers leaving comments on a webnovel.
but thats just the superficial aspect: orv takes it so much further than that. cause first of all, we have the way constellations can band together to change the outcome of the story. even if its cruel, even if it wont lead to the right ending, they can force the direction of the story with donations (and the unspoken threat that theyll leave if they dont get their way). the dokkaebis practically have no choice- they live for donations. no viewers means they get demoted and no one will watch their story. (which is an incredibly relevant struggle to any artist who wants to do it as a career- feeling like you have to choose between artistic integrity and paying the bills.)
like, you ever wonder why most successful tv shows keep running until theyre no longer good? because the people want more content! you know how long fans have been BEGGING alex hirsch for more gravity falls content, even though the finale was the perfect ending for that show? the fans dont know whats good for the story, they just follow what theyre feeling in the moment. and when the writers cave to that (in order to avoid losing their job) the story suffers.
but theres ALSO the aspect of not only commenting on and interfering in the story, but dehumanizing the characters. now, this one isnt so much a criticism of real life, but more of an exploration of what it would be like from the characters perspective. from uriel shipping joongdok, to the constellation banquet where all the constellations are trying to project their own stories and experiences onto the "characters", to the "chemistry awards", to every instance where the constellations demand to see the incarnations struggle for their own satisfaction..... at every turn, the constellations dont treat the incarnations as people. theyre just entertainment. and these are all normal fan behaviors, which obviously isnt a problem irl because fictional characters dont have feelings. but when seen from the perspective of the character its incredibly fucked up. no wonder yjh hates the constellations so much, i would too!
and i especially like this aspect of it because instead of it being a commentary on the reader/writer/character relationships irl, it becomes about them growing past the roles of constellation/incarnation/dokkaebi and seeing each other as people. this is really shown when kdj becomes a constellation and yjh has to come to terms with that (and similarly with tls123, much later in the story). but also, over time kimcom makes genuine connections with both constellations and dokkaebis, and a lot of the characters sort of shed those roles and start to work together for the sake of telling the right story together.
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kaesaaurelia · 7 months
your turn with the brain cell
For @whumptober day 31, using the prompt "setbacks."
This is the last installment of this fic.
Continued from Day 4, wherein Aziraphale receives an unwanted gift of a memory-wiped angel Crowley who is collared and chained and cheerfully obedient, and a tiny bit of hope that the Crowley he knows still exists somewhere in that angel, Day 7, wherein Aziraphale asked Crowley provocative questions, and failed to get the answers he wanted, Day 17, wherein Crowley began to become physically affectionate, and Aziraphale couldn’t handle that, Day 21, wherein Aziraphale decided he couldn’t keep going with this, and came up with a dangerous plan, and Day 24, when Crowley suddenly found himself in possession of all his wits, and a happy, obedient, wrong version of Aziraphale, and was exasperated.
Content note for explicit discussion of sex, but only in the crossed-out portions, so it's fine, right?
I know you're going to be all upset about being back, but I just couldn't get access to the documents I needed with you all bubble-brained. I've enclosed all my notes and my current plan. Also, fair warning, I think the Metatron noticed something the first time you gave me all the responsibility for everything. I've chosen to do it while his schedule's busy, I think, but it's difficult to check when you're not there and I'm not supposed to be there, and I don't know exactly what he's noticing since no alarms seem to go off.
Also. I don't know what you meant by that 'you can do whatever you like with me' thing, but please don't be if you're going to be angry you were all over me and I made a guess about what exactly you meant by that, and I might have been too hasty. I know it's inexcusable if If you wanted to ditch me here I wouldn't blame you. But if you're willing to work with me I'll help, even if you're furious. I care a great deal for I'm not getting you any more books, though.
Good heavens lord Really, Crowley, what did you think I might've meant? I've no complaints whatsoever -- not with your behavior, anyway. I do wish I had more than fuzzy memories of In fact, I would appreciate if you hadn't kept turning the other me down on my account after that first time. Until I read your letter I assumed I wasn't very Of course, if you're not interested, that's one thing, but it seemed to frustrate you, and I know it frustrated other-me.
I wasn't able to get direct copies of the documents but I do hope you can read my notes, they're in shorthand. Also took the trouble of transcribing some of the things before and after in the records, they looked related, but then that officious fellow who's in charge of the scriveners came by and wanted to be Helpful so I had to make my excuses and flee. Noted down the locations and numbers I could recall of other things that looked useful, but Uriel's been on me for neglecting my duties so I haven't been able to get at them. Frankly, I think I do a better job when I'm not in, as it were, and I think we're going to need to hurry up with this, so I'm handing the reins back to you.
You were right about the Metatron being alerted, by the way, but I worked it out! He gave me a very nice pen when I started out, and, as the humans would say, it's bugged. But not for audio, it's got some sort of miracle sensor. Have enclosed it in a miracle-proof seal and I try to remember to feed it bits and pieces of miracle every time I do something innocuous, but I did a few experiments and I think it's been successfully secured. It's in the top drawer on the left, it's the white one with gold filigree, because of course it is.
Oh, and regarding the book situation, I don't think you understand. Voyage of the Dawn Treader is the best one! Please do kindly leave out The Last Battle, nobody likes it. Well, probably the Metatron does.
What part of "I'm not getting you more books" was I not clear about? I just happened to stumble across that Dawn Treader one the last time I had you go on a "fact-finding mission" to Earth but that's it. Also, isn't this the fellow who got a hold of all that correspondence from Hell? It was a great scandal Down There, Dagon got internal stoats for two months over it. Didn't think you'd enjoy novels by such a noted demonologist.
Thanks for the heads up about the pen, I think you were right. Haven't heard anything from him this last time, and I also did some fairly major workings on my own, you'll see what I mean in the notes. I've been asking you to feed it the decoy crumbs of miracles, since I don't know if there's any difference between our miracles anymore.
I think I've got a plan, but we're going to have to distract Michael and get her out of her office for, oh, probably an hour or so, depending. Maybe two. Can you pick locks? The human way, I mean. I'm a bit rusty on it myself. I've outlined the plan in my notes, let me know what you think of it.
On your request regarding things I am allowed to do with you, I hope I've been thanks for clarifying. Also, you don't need to be such a bloody gentleman about that sort of thing when Stupid Me gets all clingy. Just push me away or go with it, I thought it would be clear I was all right with that given what I'd done with you. Where did you get so good at giving head, anyway?
Let me know what you think about the plan.
C.S. Lewis was not a demonologist!
I like the plan. I've made some adjustments re: timing. Had a long meeting with Michael about battle strategies so I could study the case, and I don't think we need to pick the lock, one of us could just take the hinges on the top off with a screwdriver. I think it'd be easiest if you stood on a chair and did it, I'd need a stepladder otherwise, so I think you should be in charge for this.
I've drawn up extra copies of the documentation so if we need to switch off in a hurry we can do that, and I think I've got a way to get Michael out of her office for three hours at least, because that fellow who supervises the scriveners has Ideas he would like to share with her, and good gracious, he can talk forever and say almost nothing. I'm ready to set everything into action as soon as you sign off on the plan; once Michael's out of the office I'll sign things back over to you, and then we can get out of here. Does that sound good?
Regarding... liberties to be taken with our respective corporations, I also appreciated your clarification a great deal.
I think all that bending me over your desk and fucking me really clarified how much you appreciated the clarification, but I'm gonna need more clarification of the clarification because
Good thought about the screwdriver; I swiped one from maintenance, it's in my inside jacket pocket if you need it for anything, but try to remember to put it back before we go through with things.
I'm ready if you are. I expect to be in Michael's office next time I know what the hell is going on. I love Hope this works.
It's all on you, my dearest. Good luck.
There were alarms, and they were very noisy, and they were in Michael's office, and Aziraphale did not feel that any of this was how things were supposed to be. He watched Crowley for a bit; he seemed to be struggling with a large sword, trying to cut the chain that linked the two of them. On the wall was a clear plastic case that had been partially unscrewed, where, presumably, the sword had been hanging for millennia.
"I don't know if we're supposed to be doing this?" ventured Aziraphale, wringing his hands.
"Oh, we definitely are," said Crowley. "God told me to do it."
"Oh!" said Aziraphale. "Well. That's all right, then." He didn't much like the sirens but if Crowley said something was true you could rely on it. Crowley had never lied once. He probably ought to get out of the way, though, and he patted himself down for the book he'd been reading so he could do that more effectively. It had been very exciting. There'd been a sailing ship and a mouse with a sword, and -- "Oh dear, I think I left one of my books in your office. My office, I mean," he corrected, because Crowley told him he should always call it his office, even though he was sure it was meant to be the Supreme Archangel's office.
Crowley sighed, not looking up from his trouble with the chain and the sword. "I told you to gather those up," he said. He stepped on the blade of the sword, but it just flipped flat.
"Yes, but you said I could keep out the one I was reading, and I'm reading it, and --"
"Never mind that, angel, just -- could you stand over there?" said Crowley, "and -- and think about that awful collar?"
"Oh," said Aziraphale, stepping away to stand in the indicated corner. "I'm sorry. Have I done something wrong?" He hoped he hadn't. Crowley was so nice, and he was clearly having a bad day.
Crowley looked at him and sighed. "No, angel, I just need this chain to go taut, you're doing everything right. Hang on..." He raised the sword above his head and brought it down hard, and the chain shattered and sublimated into the air, and everything came back to Aziraphale all at once, and he staggered a bit.
"Fucking finally," said Crowley. "Aziraphale? Are you --"
"Yes, I am," said Aziraphale, thrilled beyond description to be looking at Crowley again -- his Crowley, the real Crowley, Crowley who was good for drunken conversations about dolphins and awkward questions about the nature of evil and, as it turned out, actual heist planning, as unlikely as that had seemed. "Oh, you did it!"
Crowley looked away. "We did it, I was just, all I did was --"
Aziraphale grabbed his tie and pulled him into an impulsive kiss. When Aziraphale released him, Crowley looked like he did not know what had just happened. Well. Served him right, Aziraphale decided.
"Right." Crowley shook his head. "Anyway. You. Er. You take the sword, you know how to use it." He pressed Michael's sword into one of Aziraphale's hands, then grabbed the other one, and hurried toward the door. "Come on!"
They ran through the half-empty corridors of Heaven with wild abandon. Crowley, laughing like a maniac, nearly collided with three angels carrying stacks of paperwork and ran into a fourth on the way to the lifts. Aziraphale hurried to keep up, flailing a bit as he clung to the stolen sword, but if anyone looked askance at them he made it very clear he was going to use it on anyone who tried anything with him. The lift doors closed just in time for them to see Michael run out of the archives, look around wildly, and spot them.
"Well," said Crowley, "she's not going to be having a very good day. Or week. Or eon."
"Good," said Aziraphale. The serene downward motion of the lift felt bizarre after their giddy run through Heaven.
"About, um. When you..." Crowley said.
Aziraphale put the sword safely away into a different layer of reality. "When I what?" Crowley's expression was so serious.
"It's just." Crowley swallowed, and tried to say something, and gave up, and then grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him, and Aziraphale kissed back, pushing Crowley back into the wall of the lift with one hand flat on his chest, parting his lips for Crowley's tongue. It was a good kiss, and thrilling, and much better than the ones he'd had with Not Crowley.
The lift opened, and they parted reluctantly, hurrying to where they'd left their getaway car. It wasn't the Bentley -- Aziraphale had insisted it would be too recognizable, lovely as it was. But he'd let Crowley pick a modern car, so it was a sleek silver Aston Martin.
"Still a bit upset with you about the whole... redemption thing," said Crowley, holding the door for him.
Aziraphale sighed. "I think that's fair."
Crowley hurried around the car and got into the driver's seat. "But, you know, I could probably see my way to forgiving you," he said, pulling the door shut. He pulled Aziraphale in for another, much more heated kiss, and suddenly Aziraphale decided that this late model Aston Martin had, to its surprise, a bench seat with no glovebox in the front, just like 1926 Bentleys did, so it was very easy, actually, for Crowley to pull him into his lap, and very easy for Aziraphale to put his arms around Crowley.
"Oh? Do you really think you could?" Aziraphale asked, as Crowley kissed down his jaw.
"Mm. Maybe. Eventually," Crowley muttered against his neck. "Could see my way to it. S'pose we've got to get away with this first, though." He began to loosen Aziraphale's bowtie.
Over Crowley's shoulder, as Crowley was cupping his arse with almost proprietary interest, Aziraphale saw three or four people in the beiges and whites of Heaven run past frantically. "I think we had better get out of here first, my dear," he said, reluctantly pulling himself out of Crowley's embrace. "But I'm happy to give you my very best apology as soon as we're somewhere safer."
Crowley grinned at him. "I'll certainly consider it," he said, starting the car, "but it might take a few tries before I'm willing to accept."
As the car pulled out, Aziraphale put a hand on Crowley's knee. "And I'm willing to try as many times as it takes."
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mythweaverarts · 8 months
Day 1:
In terms of where I think the plot's going to go in Season 3, here are my thoughts.
I don't think Aziraphale would truly abandon Crowley like he did. I also don't think the coffee theory is correct, instead I believe it was all just a massive miscommunication between the two of them, made worse by the fact that Metatron was watching them closely through the window at the end of season 2.
Aziraphale truly believes that now he's in the position of power, he can make a Difference. He has seen how twisted Heaven's ideals have become, and he sees a chance to fix all of this. It's not that he's leaving Crowley forever, it's that he's trying to make Heaven a better place for both him and Crowley.
Now, onto what I actually made this post for. I believe the plot of Season 3 will goeth thusly:
Aziraphale has been put in charge of the Second Coming, we all know this. But unlike in season 1, where he and Crowley accidentally fuck up Armageddon, he'll do it on purpose. He doesn't want things to change for Earth. He loves Earth, that much is clear. (to the world. Come on.) So his arc will be him trying to stop the Second Coming, while also trying to improve Heaven, and I'm looking forward to some Archangel beef between him, Michael and Uriel.
Meanwhile, we can't just have Crowley doing nothing back down on Earth can we? What else is there for him though. All he had at the start of season 2 were his plants, his car and Aziraphale. Now he has no Aziraphale, no world left. I think that while Aziraphale tries to fix things in Heaven, Crowley might try to fix things either on Earth or he'll go back down to Hell to try and fix things there. Thinking about it, the latter is more probable, since it makes a nice mirror to Aziraphale's supposed arc, and there's really nothing left for him on Earth.
As for the side characters, I hope we'll get more Nina and Maggie content, and especially Muriel, I love them. Also, since the last episode of Season 3 will be the show's finale moment, I predict an epic battle of some description featuring returning characters, maybe Shadwell and Madame Tracy, Anathema and Newt and hopefully Adam and the Them.
That's all I have to say for now, k thanks byeeeeee!
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A more in-depth unpacking of Season 2 below!!
Perhaps one of the nicest things was that this still felt like Good Omens. I think that was one of my worries. And I think that Season 3 will feel even more Good Omens-ish given Neil and Terry planned it together.
I loved the little nods toward the novel - Milton Keynes paper headline, the conversation in Edinburgh about Aziraphale believing that starting lower gives you more opportunities, the secret service agents meeting in St James’ park. I’m so glad I re-read the book recently.
Shax is excellent and I enjoyed her interactions with Crowley on Earth greatly. Miranda Richardson is supremely talented.
The minisode about Job was the best by far, in my opinion. It had everything - Crowley pretending to be worse that he is, questions about morality, origin story for Aziraphale’s love of food, angels being fucking clueless about how humans work but pretending they get it. Excellent content!
Loved the conflict between Michael and Uriel, and the introduction of Saraqael. I do hope we can get Sandalphon back in Season 3.
Crowley’s plan for Maggie and Nina in the rain.......... you disaster demon. But also, it was absolutely on the way to working. Can I get a vavoom?
I really wanted to like the new Beelzebub, but I just couldn’t get into them. It might have been different if we had Shelley Conn from the start, but I just found myself wanting to know how Anna Maxwell Martin would have handled this storyline in all her glorious weirdness.
Muriel is utter perfection, as we all predicted. I do hope there’s something for her in Season 3.
The ball was so silly. That’s not a criticism. It was meant to be. I adored the swap to Austen-esque dialogue, which must have been so much fun to write.
Aziraphale not using real candles in his shop anymore is such a great detail. I wonder if Crowley was the one to suggest it, given that he actually saw it burning.
I am really happy with how Nina and Maggie’s storyline ended. The importance of not rushing into a relationship was a wonderful message to come out of it.
I think that Gabriel is being faded out to make Metatron the big villain of Heaven. This makes sense - Gabriel wasn’t in the book and took some of the role of Metatron (eg. appearing at the airbase at the end). Therefore, it’s likely that the sequel Terry and Neil planned involves Metatron more heavily, so Season 2 has set us up nicely for that.
Nina and Maggie suggesting that Crowley is like Nina and Aziraphale is like Maggie is such good misdirection. On the surface, sure. But Crowley has never had a problem trusting Aziraphale, and in some way is more excited by the world than Aziraphale is. When you swap the roles and realise that Aziraphale is more alike to Nina, and that he isn’t done with his toxic relationship with Heaven yet, it makes his decision at the end of episode 6 much more understandable.
I am firmly of the belief that Metatron has manipulated Aziraphale, likely with some coffee related miracles. He ordered Muriel to stay before even offering the role to Aziraphale. He knew he’d say yes. The look he gives Crowley before leaving the bookstore... nothing about his offer for Aziraphale to work with Crowley was sincere, but he knew that suggesting it would be the selling point for Aziraphale, who perhaps was more susceptible because of the coffee.
Everything about the heartbreak from the end of episode 6 was masterful. The lines. The delivery. The call backs. I am in pain in the best way possible.
As crushed as I am for Crowley... I think this makes sense. Crowley has ALWAYS been all in with Aziraphale, who still keeps him at arm’s length when it suits him. I don’t think them getting together would have worked as this point of their relationship - Aziraphale has work to do. He needs to be the one to choose Crowley, and fight for him, and I have full faith that that is where Season 3 is going to take us.
Also, the allegory to religious trauma is glorious, as somebody who went to a religious school. Hats off to you, Neil.
Crowley cleaning up the bookshop while waiting for Aziraphale to come back just broke me when I rewatched it last night, knowing what was about to come.
I feel like the part about Crowley living from his car was under-explored. I wondered if it was just that Aziraphale didn’t know, and that he’d offer for Crowley to stay with him upon finding out, but it’s clear that by the end, Aziraphale does know! Perhaps this is intentionally unresolved, further proof that Aziraphale is just a bit too self-centered at this stage and not yet willing to put in the same effort that Crowley puts in.
I feel immensely relieved that @neil-gaiman has indicated that if Season 3 can’t get made on television, the story will be ended in another way. Thank you, sir, for that and everything else.
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insurrection-if · 2 years
Hello! The premise of the story seems really awesome ☺️
If we don’t lock in a route with any of the main ROs, will we be able to keep a “relationship” (sort of) with any of the minor ROs if we pursued them previously? To be honest, the Minor ROs caught my eye first 😅 but all the ROs seem amazing tho! just… Dearil and Retriever 🥹 kinda wish they were main ROs 🥲
Also, can we ask RO-related asks? Scenarios, reactions etc. And what about NSFW asks?
Have a nice day luv 💛
First and foremost, I am absolutely open to RO-related asks: scenarios, reactions, or whatever it may be! (´∀`•)
I am open to NSFW asks as well but, in full honesty, they will probably take the longest for me to answer. I'm not sufficiently experienced with NSFW writing, and so I may be a bit more hesitant (embarrassed) in releasing those as quickly as other asks. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) So, if one is sent, please do not fret if I take a while to respond!
Now, moving onwards . . . I sympathize with your desire for the minor ROs. (´ω`) The very reason the minor RO dynamic exists is because I wanted Curadora to be an RO so badly yet, due to events in the plot, I feared people would feel upset / cheated by her route. I made her a minor RO instead, but then remembered a certain dynamic with Dearil in the pre-interactive version of Insurrection: HAWKS and thought "hey, let's give him the same treatment!" . . . and then there was Retriever and Lempo who were supposed to only have available one-night stands . . . and it accommodated for a certain element of the Mishka-Fyodor plotline . . . and then during the writing of the Origins chapter it felt so perfect for Bones too . . . ah, my heart!
If an MC has no locked-in romance, extra romantic / sexual content will be available with the minor ROs. Though a locked-in MC can be flustered by / return flirtations with minor ROs early in their official route, an unlocked MC would be able to act further in these interactions as it would not then be cheating.
I would say Curadora would be the closest to feeling like an RO in this type of route with Retriever as a close second; yet it would still be less content overall compared to the official ROs. There might also be some drama with Retriever when a certain faction is formed and an old heartache of his resurfaces. Curadora, maybe, could have an open-ended possibility of something much more permanent and on par with the main ROs in the future . . . just likely not within the main narrative. And with Insurrection: HAWKS now being interactive, I might consider allowing Retriever's dream of a wedding to come true. It's not all so set-in-stone quite yet!
Lempo would become more emotionally invested in her relationship with the MC, but wouldn't value it any more or less than her other relationships . . . excluding Boar who she adores dearly, and might develop a slight bias towards as time progresses. She would be pleasantly surprised (and grateful) that no one has claimed her delightful MC all for themselves.
Bones would come to tear down his walls more so than he would with a locked-in MC, and there would be more opportunities to gather a taste of a true relationship with him, but his convictions are likely to ultimately win over his desire for the MC. Poor MC will be caught in a game of tug-of-war as he pulls them in only to push them away just as harshly.
And Dearil . . . I pity the poor soul caught in a a full-on relationship with him. It might be worthy of a Bad End (or good, depending on what one is into), haha! An unlocked MC would have much more room to entertain, encourage, or accept his advances - and it would make Dearil all the more dangerously infatuated with them. Dearil would also take it as an opportunity to toy with them more since he no longer has to be concerned with any serious competition. The MC should expect some very offended looks from a heartbroken Uriel.
Mishka's minor romance can only be unlocked by MC's locked-in with Fyodor, so they are the exception. Maybe if enough attraction points were gathered they might make a passive comment that vaguely reveals their momentary interest in the MC, but nothing more than that.
Overall, relationships with the minor ROs would be quite non-traditional and maybe a little hectic. ( ´ ∀`)
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ilovemyblanket · 2 years
JoongDok | Miscommunication (Finale)
Description: Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja are capable of doing almost everything, except talking to each other properly and express their feelings. After some counselling, they finally get their first date.
//WARNING: SPOILERS (epilogue), slightly OOC//
Kim Dokja grimaces and looked puzzled, “Of course I'm happy. I couldn't ask for anything better.”
“…You should start thinking more about your feelings, Kim Dokja.” Yoo Joonghyuk let out a small sigh.
“So are you.” Kim Dokja pouts He pauses for a moment and then continues. I'm really happy, Yoo Joonghyuk. Especially tonight.”
He grins like a child. “You talk more than usual and I like that. I feel much closer to you."
“Do I normally look that intimidating?” - Yoo Joonghyuk asks.
Kim Dokja immediately replies without hesitation. “Do you still have to ask me that obvious question? If it was not for the 4th Wall back then, I would have died of shock from the moment I met you. You choked me, threatened to kill me, and dropped me into the mouth of the sea monster. After that, every time I saw you again, you stared at me like I owed you the whole world, and not to mention you even almost succeeded in killing me when you thought I wanted to stay in the 1863th regression or something—”
Kim Dokja pretends to make a crying expression and hug himself in fear. “The day I woke up, you also scowled angrily."
Yoo Joonghyuk hit his hand on Kim Dokja's shoulder. He said in anger. “Then you should reflect on yourself, Kim Dokja, and find out why I hate you so much.”
“Look, Yoo Joonghyuk, you're mad at me again.” Kim Dokja spoke softly. He reaches out and lifts the corners of Yoo Joonghyuk's mouth up. "Smile, you look more handsome this way than when you are blowing your stacks."
"You-!" - Yoo Joonghyuk catches Kim Dokja's wrist and holds it tight. Kim Dokja laughs so hard that he starts coughing. It is only now that he notices that Yoo Joonghyuk's face has become red, but he doesn't know exactly if it is because of his irritation or just pure embarrassment.
“But I'm telling the truth, Yoo Joonghyuk. You should talk and smile more. If you had done it earlier, I might have fallen for you even more quickly.” Kim Dokja tries to convince Yoo Joonghyuk. "Smile for me, okay?”
Yoo Joonghyuk's annoyed but eventually gives in. He forces himself to make a smile.
Kim Dokja freezes when he sees his face. His ears involuntarily becomes a little pink and soon turns as red as a beetroot.
“Are you satisfied now?” Yoo Joonghyuk's smile gradually becomes scarier.
Kim Dokja nods contently.
"Oh, there's one more thing." Kim Dokja seems to have just remembered something, "From now on, promise to share more with me, okay? Stop being silent and putting an act in front of me, I don't take hints well."
Yoo Joonghyuk remains silent for a moment before speaking, “Then you must promise the same thing. Don't put aside your own feelings and do everything on the sly, Kim Dokja."
“Okay, okay. Promise."
“You said the same thing last time and you broke your promise.”
Kim Dokja clarifies himself, “I have changed, so no worries. I'll be more honest, okay?"
Yoo Joonghyuk glares at him, “You better be like that, Kim Dokja. Otherwise I will really kill you this time."
Kim Dokja avoids Yoo Joonghyuk's fierce gaze. Only then does he realize that his hand is being held tightly in Yoo Joonghyuk's hand. The warmth of Joonghyuk transfers to him and he even seems to be able to feel his pulse.
Yoo Joonghyuk looks at him and Dokja's chest trembles. He is more excited and happier than ever. Kim Dokja pulls Yoo Joonghyuk's hand, "Let's go, I want some ice cream."
"You just sneezed, you can't-"
Yoo Joonghyuk's voice becomes smaller as Kim Dokja pulls his hand further away. The bickering sounds between the two of them gradually merges with the noise of the street.
Extra: “A-A—”
Uriel drops the tea cup in her hand and points out the window of the cafe with a shocked face. Her sudden action startles Gabriel. Gabriel says worriedly. “Uriel? Are you okay? What's up??"
“H-hold hands! They're really—" - Uriel's voice became high-pitched and her words are no longer comprehensible.
“Uriel? Uriel?”
“Uriel? Where are you going?! Wait for me, Uriel!!”
Author's note: lol finally this series came to an end. I will be posting something related to AU soon, i promise *dead*
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years
Hello. I just discovered your blog, and I wanted to ask you something regarding Devils and Realist. Mind you, I have never read the manga nor watched the anime. Is Dantelion a teenager or an adult? I'm asking because I've seen people ship him with William, who's 17, and from what I can gather, William seems to be a reincarnation of Dantelion's past master. I just hope that this isn't a Seb*ciel situation is all I'm saying.
Hi anon, welcome to hell, aka my blog.
I'm going to be honest with you there, it's questionable at best. I cannot give you a definitive answer on "is this ship morally acceptable?", but I want you to be able to figure that out for yourself, so I'm going to give you all of the facts as I know them. With minimal spoilers.
(However I can very easily say that this is not a Seb*ciel situation. We're not talking about p*dobait written by someone who depicts children in gross and undefendable ways at every single occasion. We're also not talking about content that can and has been used to groom children. So if your concern is about real life influences and consequences, don't worry- this is inconsequential compared to the disgusting sins of Kuro.)
So, what do we know about Dantalion/William?
Starting with the "this is weird!!" parts:
William is 17 at the beginning of the manga, and Dantalion thinks he's Solomon immediately. At that point it has already been implied (and guessed by William himself) that D and S were lovers. We never see Dantalion in his human (don't quote me on that the lore is messy) youth, and though his human form is supposedly of an appropriate age for the setting (17-18) it's barely different from his true form (yeah, the millennia-old one, which does canonically look youthful, but also if he's as scary as canon says he is I'm going to assume it's youthful as in under 30). Demons sort of canonically care more about age than physical appearance (I'm making this assumption based on Lamia. Dantalion seems to be the only one who minds.) which... complicates things. William is canonically a completely separate person (and soul) from Solomon, so yes that's a 17-18 year old, 100%.
Now the "I mean... I guess it works?" parts:
William turns 18 in the manga, and the most popular (and heavily supported by canon, with things like "Your soul should know") interpretation is that Dantalion only really likes William near the very end of the manga. You could even argue the only somewhat romantic thing between them happens in the very last chapter (but that's only if you don't count the countless moments when Dantalion misses Solomon so much William just has to witness his intense yearning). None of the romance is confirmed, the only person who's canonically attracted to Dantalion is Gilles (I refuse to add Lamia. It's depicted both too childishly and too politically to matter.) but even that is arguably not true and that's... a whole other issue I'm not going to get into right now. Makai Ouji is not a romance, the main plot is political intrigue with lots of occult BS.
And finally the "this could go either way but it needs to be considered and interpreted because it's relevant" parts:
This manga (and anime) is very queerphobic (this is not up for debate. dare question my words and I will get angry.) in many (unintentional, I think) ways and its "unapologetic" depictions of "in your face" queerness are bad (Gilles. he's so bad he makes Grelle look like good trans rep. and I love him but this is terrible.), but also it does not shy away from representing unhealthy relationships that could very much seem queer (Michael and Uriel are just one example among many). But it has always depicted Dantalion and William as healthy. (Which gave me whiplash reading the manga because Dantalion and Solomon were mutually destructive. The contrast is baffling.) All of the canon romances are m/f (Gilles/Dantalion is one-sided and only seen a few times. and again, could not be an actual thing). Lots of romantic tropes and typical subplots apply to Dantalion/William.
And my very simplified opinion (for your own peace of mind, or need to unfollow/block me):
ngl I'm just here to see Dantalion yearn for Solomon, some dead guy who never treated him right. Dantalion/William? whatever I don't fucking care I don't ship it. if you ask me (sorry if you don't get that reference), shipping them is like shipping inukag, but I was an inukyo bitch. (like sure, I could like the alive, currently canon version... but why the fuck would I? also similar age gap) I think the romantic moments are peak romance because the angst is spicy as hell. and Dantalion says the cutest shit (again, "Your soul should know" fucking haunts me, this dude wants Solomon to be there so fucking bad it's lovely and sad). but as I've said, it's technically not canon? like, even the gayest interpretation of Makai Ouji is that these hoes still don't date. honestly if Dantalion/William really bothers you it's still readable, just skip the very last page of the manga and you'll be fine? even the end isn't that bad. if you want to avoid questionable/triggering things in Makai Ouji this ship isn't what you should be worried about. worry about the homophobia, transphobia, (we're talking Kuro levels and above) issues of consent (but it is depicted as bad. there's just a lot going on.), weird amount of whiteness????, and other things. but again, it's readable, the anime is worse than the manga tho (it's really not that bad still).
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Hello! I noticed that with all the talk about female ROs, so far Kingdoms and empires have predominantly male fans ( obviously not a bad thing!). I just hope that doesn't mean male ROs will get less content or attention. Please give the boys some love too! I'm hoping I don't seem entitled, I really love your work so far! Especially family stuff. Uriel is such a great dad and siblings seem very sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them all.
This does not sound like entitlement at all and boys will be given just the same amount of love. Just go ahead and ask what you want to know! If it aint too spoilery ill answer! And thanks for joining!
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