andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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so this episode is off to a smashing start
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margarethx · 3 months
I like that a big part of the Sambucky relationship is often just Sam giving Bucky full permission to be a little fucked up. Not in the sense that he recognizes his mental problems, but also because he sometimes just shrugs and allows Bucky's worst instincts to take over. (Which is mostly a fandom thing, but a small part of canon too, since Sam went with Bucky's plan to free Zemo with very little push-back, for example..)
It gave me the idea for a story where after Hydra everyone around Bucky wants him to move on from his traumas and heal, but Sam gives him the space to also be furious and unhinged about that. Like... all the other people would say: "what they did to you was awful, but the best revenge is to live a happy life <3". And Sam's like... "no, the best revenge is to wake them up with a gun to the temple in the middle of the night and to burn down their home, actually. here's a lighter, are you free this weekend, handsome?".
I don't mean to say that other people don't understand Bucky's anger, but they believe it'd be healthier for him to deal with the pain only by finding hobbies, adopting a pet, eating nice food etc. Whereas Sam offers all those things with an extra dose of pure vengeance. One night he takes Bucky out to a nice restaurant. The next night he stands aside as Bucky beats the shit out of some doctor, who experimented on him in 1989 and then helps him cover it up.
This dynamic would probably work better in a AU with no powers where they're regular people and where Bucky's been kidnapped or integrated into a cult that ruined his life. But it could apply to the canon too, in some ways.
I just like the the idea of all the well-meaning people in Bucky life trying to put as big of a distance between him and his abusers as possible... While Sam - who everyone sees as a rational almost-pacifist with a lot of empathy - helps his boyfriend hunt these abusers for sport.
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everyone and their mother goes thru the monthly occurrence of grabbing pics of young rsl and going 'oh my god new orleans wilson' but like. rsl in Married To It (1991) is literally how i imagine him at that time...the boring suit. the ring. the almost-but-not-quite middle part. the fact that its very much the 90's. if he was a little more dishevelled and fucked up it would be quite literally Him that night
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bromcommie · 2 months
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I'm ready to make it, don't care what the weather don't care 'bout no trouble got myself together I feel the kind of protection that's all around me
for @catws-anniversary day 6 | march 31st theme: sam wilson | prompt: music/soundtrack
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thankstothe · 11 months
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wynsvre · 6 months
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painting owen wilson as hansel... listening to my owen wilson playlist ... does it get any better than this
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plantswithme · 2 years
i still can’t believe bucky walked up to sam, bumped his shoulder, sam looked and saw it was bucky, he chuckled and smiled, then they watched the sunset together and bucky looked at sam like he’s everything he’s ever wanted and then they smiled at each other and while walking away sam grabbed buckys left shoulder but then he changed to the right one and pulled bucky in closer, tucking him into his side and then they walked off together.
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cianmars · 1 year
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imma need the footage of Lou, Brennan, and Siobhan beating the ever loving shit out of Sam
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Bucky: call me and I'll be there.
Bucky: not necessarily as a team.
Sam: nope.
Bucky: we're not that good.
Sam: definitely not.
Bucky: we're professionals.
Sam: definitely.
Bucky: and, uh... we're partners.
Sam: co-workers.
Bucky: but we're also a couple of guys with a mutual friend.
Sam: friend's now gone.
Bucky: so we're a couple of guys.
Sam: I can live with that.
Bucky: perfect.
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samwilsonvan · 2 years
Look at this photo and see how Anthony is a very good actor i hate when people say phase 4 is painful and bring every scenes to the other charachters and didn't bring sam wilson scenes like look at his face he wanted to cry and held his tears The pain has embodied guilt and self blame and I don't see anyone talk about this scene i hate when people say anthony isn't a good actor or say he doing same reactions
Let's appreciate anthony i love him
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kayvsworld · 1 year
sam wilson is made of the sun i think
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maybeimissu · 2 years
If bucky don't appear in the movie There will be no factors for the success of the movie. Do you think anyone is waiting for a Falcon movie or Anthony? No one is waiting, not even me And if Bucky does not appear, the movie will fail because everyone will enter the movie for Bucky, no more or less. You have to thank Bucky and wish his presence because he will be The credit for the success of this film For a silly star and a bad director
it's been a while since i heard such a rancid and stupid take. i'm only replying so others can see what an idiot you are. but it's currently 5am and i'm not in the mood for going into the details of exactly why you're wrong
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farragoofwires · 1 year
don' dweeblog
Watching season 7 is absolutely buckwild. Who is this person HL is suddenly portraying.
I hope that he was EXACTLY like this about Stacy.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
Pulling an Kripke and killing off Ava’s fiancé so that she has no choice but to join Sam Winchester and His Roving Gang of Special Children (and also Dean)
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realraelios · 2 years
We tell stories to understand, and in some small way to make sure that someone knows. The stories matter because they happened.
Thank you to everyone at critical role for such an amazing story of hope and love ❤️
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zoof-katt · 1 year
Just watched Captain America: Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War for the first time, back to back, at school because I didn’t need to do any finals...losing my entire mind right now
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