sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
Currently feeling like I could fight and/or fuck god (I'm very versatile) right now so they should square up and see what happens
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i-am-dulaman · 8 months
So its election day here in aotearoa nz and its 1 hour til voting ends and we start hearing the results which are probably going to be very scary (likely the most right wing gov in nz history) but also id like to just make a post about how small nz is lol cause like i personally have met 10 sitting members of parliament and 2 prime ministers thats like 10% of the nz government i know 10% of the nz government
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crashxsites · 20 days
I'm only on season 1 episode 28 but I can't get over how Spy Family has FMA vibes as in all people have good and bad points and all people are redeemable and human connection is the saving grace of life. I get it now. I would protect the Forger family with my life. All of them are too precious beyond words.
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i want to raise shrimp but i don’t trust my foolish cats to behave themselves around a shrimp tank
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faerunsbest · 4 months
I love Rolan for a million reasons( i am drubk thinking of rolan shhh let it happen)
but i love him because he also has a visible character arc you get to watch his character grow.
i know that as a partner he could ONLY expand on that ability to learn and improve at vast and unimaginable speeds. I don't think when you meet him hes a virgin i think he has experience be it very little and surface level.
i imagine by the time you meet him hes just past three, the most important three. that one child like love where you look and adore someone and cannot fathom the feelings you're experiencing and it is absolutely destined to be your very first heartbreak and for him its his fault for being clueless for not knowing what he was feeling until it was too late. The realization probably hit like a ton of bricks
the 2nd time he knew what he felt but had no idea how to navigate that feeling or what to do with those feelings. the first time he was pining and absolutely knew it. when finally he worked up the courage and stunningly they said yes to him!
and he stumbles through trying to learn how to care for them and when finally he does he realizes he forgot that he deserved care too. It isn't fair he gave them so much and suddenly hes left watched that partner be toted off by someone with more confidence and self assurance.
and by the god the third time around he was so SURE he was so sure he had it down- he must by now. he know how to proclaim his feelings, he knew how to make his partner know he wanted them. he knew how stand his ground and speak his mind- that he deserved care too.
problem as he lay in bed with them, they disagreed. he had miscalculated and given up a huge part of himself he could never get back. and now then, everything was wrong and he had no time to cope. no time to heal his siblings needed his mug confidence- they needed more than anything for him to light the path to safety. so he did, he gave his heart entirely to the people who loved him with their whole heart and isn't fair.
it isn't fair that some lunatic came marching down a dirt path caked in blood bile and mud and just looked at him. they looked at him with sad pitying eyes if they knew something he didn't. as if his weak arms could carry any burden. HOW DARE THEY! But lia smiled with tears in her eyes and the way cal sighed heavy with relief.
And this blasted lunatic with with such wild eyes and an unreadable heart left again, they where seen in the grove at a passing glance like a whisper- something you weren't sure anyone said. maybe you imagine it.
but you post certainly didn't imagine a terrified little girl crying and sobbing against her parents about a stranger that saved them. You didn't imagine the massive clouds of destruction over the camp so many miles away. you did not imagine them coming back and looking at you with pride.
and horribly you heart fluttered.
stop that.
again at some ridiculous part they stood nearby watching you kindly, hiding a limp. clouding injuries no one needed to see. but you knew something was amiss, and they smiled just for you. they clapped and cheered just for you.
and HORRIBLY your heart skipped a beat, the feeling making a tightness in your chest that you knew. and it isn't fair.
it isn't fair that you're bawling at goddamn bar trying to drown yourself away and they appear out of nowhere with those pitying eyes on you. they reach out and you cant help the spines on your tongue the hateful way you lash out when they SWEAR they'll save the others. They bring cal and lia home to you, blood dribbles out from under their armor and you- FOOL THAT YOU ARE! you believe them.
they disappear up the stair and world takes another turn for the worse and some how it is pulled backward. you look over your should and you see it- that moment that should have been their last/ someone strikes out at your refuges icon- its beacon and this bastard lunatic steps in the way, hands empty and arms stretched out. they pull Isobel behind them- their body only a shield.
how unbelievable this is the moment you know its too late. the thought of that blade striking them down leaves your body cold and numb and no one listens when you scream out.
But it isn't the end.
that precious lunatic bellows and roars and it rattles deep in your ribs.
They turn the blade, they turn the tide.
and you know horribly its too late.
its not fair, how could you possibly fall in love with this person who only ever gave you such pitying eyes.
You stand there at the bar watching them bleeding and pulling up Isobel, you watch them take hold of her soft round face and make sure shes safe. something inside burns and you look around. like a fool you're just sitting trying to drown your guilt when its possible! its entirely possible to do the impossible.
the feeling wears on your skin and your bones and the dark seeps into your pores and you're left with your knees in the mud feeling your eyes begin to sting. then all of a sudden a wave of warmth washes over you and its blinding.
there they are again.
in bleak endless night there they are light sun eclipsing the moon. it isn't fair the way you feel yourself light up at the sight of them it isn't fair how hope and relief flood you as they take hold of your arm and pull you up.
Those behind them smiling brightly, they look tired but assured, confident in the company they keep.
and it isn't fair.
but how glorious when you look from a polling stupor at the bar and see them. Cal and Lia slightly worse for wear but alive! Gloriously alive and all you can do is scold them! scold them for leaving you. You couldn't possibly admit to the terror that near overwhelmed you as the night overtake the day as the dark has overwhelmed this land.
by the time you find the words they are staring upward, watching the sunrise in once eternal night. There is a furious silver angel cutting the dark and leading that lunatics way...
and like a stark raving mad lunatic you feel yourself be overwhelmed with gratitude and hope. Like some psychopath you dare to stand up tall as you can and just fucking march.
unknowingly into the mouth of madness and once again when you are lost and alone and bogged down in the dark this fucking psycho appears again in the door.
They are happy and cheerful and at the mere sight of you that smile falls, but.. not in the way it seems.
a hand cradles your face while a delicate voice asks who. who did this to you, there is an outraced laced sweetly beneath and you can feel it. You try to turn away but.. the question is there.
naught but to do but answer honestly.
something you had never seen on them in all this is that quiet subtle rage. muted and quieted for release at a later time. more stunning when return again to the titans tower to rip him from it's throne.
You cannot declare your love... but you can and you do.
and as you announce your willingness to be exactly where they need you.. you see it. A deep exhaustion down in their bones and you want to scream.
you can do nothing right.
you can do nothing.
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shinolavolume1 · 6 months
making this bar listen to sparks and ween right now
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punkrock-bottom · 7 months
Tonight was a good night :)
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sentimentalslut · 1 year
i was making some sims and i thought you'd enjoy this
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gwen has to wear that shirt bc duncan has done cocaine off the gas station ice chest before. also you said she has extensions in ggg so. and i don't have a cross necklace for catholic sims unfortunately.
Warning: boobs
im dying
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R u still writing?
yes, sorry to say it's slow and not for imagines though
i might come back to here one day, idk, it's a nice writing exercise
at the moment, though, i'm writing one (erm, three) long ass bishova au, but i do have plenty of authors to recommend if u wouldl ike some!
i do enjoy refreshing y'all on who's somehwat active on the kate/yelena x reader tag, just to keep 'em alive and to encourage authors to keep writing
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Weird gnc queer people who like/have liked South Park and weird gnc queer people who don’t like South Park (and have seen it) are two very different beasts. Both sorts can be neopronouns using, nonbinary gender having, strange little creechers, but the vibes will be very distinct.
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ladyeroway · 2 years
Celebrating 16 years with my love with cocktails and a lot of free whiskey
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domesticmail · 14 days
juuuust kiddijng my poor cpu is literally not able to handle the stress of playing the game AND fucking streaming
for shits and gigs tho i might post the vid on here
anyways!!! enjoy your night yall
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iguana8llama · 4 months
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honeymoss666 · 7 months
If u catch me reblogging from radfem/terf/swerf blogs can u let me know pls?? I keep finding them in my following and blocking them but they be stealthy af sometimes pls help me lol
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frrosty · 10 months
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fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
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