#thank u for asking tho
acapelladitty · 4 months
Can I ask for some writing and fandom advice? This might be kind of long, so I hope that’s OK.
I recently started writing my own fanfics but I’m scared to actually publish because a lot of them deal with dark topics (noncon, dubcon, abuse, forced captivity, that kind of stuff).
I’m a big DC and Marvel fan (I’m in other phantoms too, but those are my main ones) and I particularly like villains, so I’m usually reading and writing about characters where it makes sense to explore those dark topics. For reasons I don’t totally understand, I find dark fic hot and cathartic.
I know there are others like me who are villain fans and who like dark fic so I know there would be a target audience and part of me wants to share it with them…but I’m very wary of the purity culture push in fandom spaces. I know that sometimes people who write darker content can get very hateful messages, or mass blocked, or even doxxed in the worst cases, and I’m scared of the possibility of that backlash.
Have you ever had to deal with that kind of backlash? And if so, how do you manage it? Do you ever struggle with guilt over liking dark fiction?
I've not really had any backlash with my writing and I like to think it's because I'm respectful of the things I'm portraying. I don't condone or defend any of the actions, I only portray them in the way I could see them occurring as part of that canon.
I think people catch hate because they revel in underage content and incest (which gives me the fear) as well as non-con elements. Non-con is generally more 'accepted' but won't be when they're mixed with those other topics as it leaves a really bad taste in people's mouths.
I don't struggle with engaging with works which have some darker elements (hard bdsm, non-con, toxic relationships etc) because these are things I know are interesting to explore in fiction but would repulse me irl. If I ever did catch flak for my writing then I would wait to see what the person's problem was and if it was something that required discussion or an explanation.
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Wait hold on, would it be disrespectful to systems to M!A Erisol into being a system, feel the need to ask so I'm not rude
//ooc im not sure as im not a system myself, and regardless wouldnt be super conmfy with that lmao. he gets to be sad for alittel bit then ed and sol go back to being annoying ghost voices
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chewwypepsicola · 1 year
What is the aftermath of Chosen's snap of "he only keeps you cause you're usefull" to second?
We all know Second is an insecure baby, do they put their head down and leave quietly? Does he snap back? Do they give the most hurt look and give chosen space?
Also whats Dark reaction to this? (Bet hes gonna tear Chosen a new one for hurting their little brother)
LONG POST AHEAD WAHOO sorrrey hahahah
Me and my brother hal talked about the aftermath a while back, all of it happens in less than 10 minutes and outside the house, maybe Second chasing Chosen trying to make a point and Chosen finally snapping at him. Second does keep his head down and lets Chosen say some mean things to him, problem is that he gets so overwhelmed that a small part of his green powers awaken as he silently holds back the tears cause he's been hurt by someone he genuelly wished to get closer to, its not big scale like what happened in showdown its just small electricity and his eyes glowing green, he cant handle these emotions, its not even the mean things its who's saying them you know? second wants more than anything to feel like he belongs and that he's not sticking out like a sore thumb, despite loving his friends deeply he still really wants to be let in by chosen and dark.
Dark at this point in time was already on good terms w second (maybe also another reason as to why chosen would snap at second, he felt threatened that he was going to take dark away from him) so even if Dark wanted to go and comfort Second she's frozen with fear, cause suddenly he's back at that crater badly injured and alone. Chosen just doesn't care, he's pissed. Second eventually stops holding back how hurt he is, and he breaks, he starts crying and all of that electricity and power that was building up finds a different outlet and disspiates slowly as Second silently cries into the arms of his sweater, he looks up to find both of them staring, and despite being embarrassed and hurt he holds his gaze for a moment onto Chosen before leaving. He leaves a patch of burned grass where he stood.
Dark goes after Second a couple of hours later, letting it be really clear that he's upset w Chosen, Dark arrives at the PC and Second of course greets her w a hug, the color gang are for once sleeping so he just sneaks Dark into his room and they hang out, Dark wanted to leave in less than a day but Second begs him to stay cause he's really messed up emotionally and Dark is the only one that knows why, lots of talking, Dark stays over for two days almost three and then has to go back cause he knows if he's not there Chosen will not eat or get out of bed in general so. Second lets her of course, now feeling better, both agreeing that they will give this whole family thing one more try, Dark will convince Chosen somehow. (The colors gang all freak out when they Dark walking around grabbing a glass of water for Second, all except Red, Red saw them hugging the first night and decided that if Second is okay w him then so is he, the rest accept it too for Second's sake)
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mythicalartisttm · 3 months
*gives you a gentle poke* Friend okay??
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R u still writing?
yes, sorry to say it's slow and not for imagines though
i might come back to here one day, idk, it's a nice writing exercise
at the moment, though, i'm writing one (erm, three) long ass bishova au, but i do have plenty of authors to recommend if u wouldl ike some!
i do enjoy refreshing y'all on who's somehwat active on the kate/yelena x reader tag, just to keep 'em alive and to encourage authors to keep writing
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eddiesghxst · 9 months
Hello, my lovely!
Do you have any updates on the next part of the ex-bf!rockstar!eddie x lawyer!reader fic? (Asked very respectfully and not at all in any way, shape or form like I am rushing whatsoever I was just absolutely obsessed with this concept when you first posted the initial idea way back when and am just so genuinely curious, trying to ask so sweetly)
i promise i have not forgotten about those two hotheads😭 i’m getting back into the groove of classes and when things get into a steady rhythm i promise those two will be back🤭🫶
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cyareclones · 1 year
Could I make myself a pin from your artwork? I won't sell it or anything, just wanted your Rex's portrait join my to school on my backpack
I’d prefer if you didn’t, I really don’t want my work reproduced even if it’s a one off for personal use, sorry!
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glitchydyke · 2 years
hi how far are you into utena + would you like me to tag spoilers
HI i’m on ep 5 as of now !!! and no you don’t have to tag things it’s okay !!
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softsnot · 1 year
do i refer to you as "she" then "him" as in "she likes tumblr there's no one as chronically online as him" coz there's no her/he in ur desc
hihi i go by both she/her & he/him you can use them interchangeably i simply wanted to keep it short and didn’t realize “she/he” would make more sense
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lizztaylor · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if you take gif requests but if you do, I was wondering if you could gif Sophia Loren in The Cassandra Crossing as well?
hiii! so sorry to say my requests are closed 🙈
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
What are your fave love live cards?
Im not a man of idol anime lmao but id love to hear u infodump
AAHHH THANK U SM FOR ASKING !! I love talking about Love Live so much :,D!! There is so many good ones and I feel like I’m leaving some other favorites out but these are the ones that first came to mind!!!
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First off THIS IDOLIZED RUBY UR… I don’t have it sadly but oh my god it’s literally soooo breath taking ;w; I love her outfit, the background, the theme. Just like everything. It all comes together so well.
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Next is this Kasumi UR. I’m obsessed with this fashion style and it looks amazing on her!! I love her hair, the outfit, and the idea of using the photo she took of her eye & covering her actual one is so cool and unique :D I’m so glad I have this one.
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Another Kasumi Ur :3 this one is just soooooo adorable and gives me nostalgia over g1 MLP because of the background. Honestly I think they put the most effort into that background than any other card ever. There is just so many little details in the back it’s amazing. And Kasumi of course looks cute her self !!
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And… another Kasumi card ^_^;; for some reason I feel like they just put the most effort into her URs. I love this one so much and just recently got it! I love her outfit and her pose! She’s just always so stylish in her URs I’m just AAAHHH
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Next isn’t Kasumi.. It’s Shioriko! This one is just soo good. I’m pretty sure this was her first UR too? And it’s her best one imo. Her outfit just fits her as a character so well if that makes sense. The art style is so nice aND AND!!!! IN GAME HER SLEEVES FLOP AROUND WHILE SHE DANCES! I LOVE THAT
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Next is a Yohane UR ^_^ I like this one for the same reason I like Kasumis URs. She’s just so stylish! I love pink sooo much and I think that’s why cards where they wear pink end up being my favorites of theirs LOL. I love her dress and pink in her hair.
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Same reasons for the last one. Again another card I feel they put a lot of effort into bc of the background ^_^ I would love to be in that room !!
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And a Riko Card! Surprise it’s another mostly pink card mixed with ‘creepy’ dark tones.. I never got this one sadly but I want it sooo much. I love cards in idol games that are menhera/punk nurses. Riko is one of my favorite LL characters too so it sucks I don’t have this one yet :,) I love everything about this one
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milkshakeworm · 1 year
Are you sure you want to go to film school? You can learn much more from just making movies, the main pro of going is to get connections with other film-makers
im going for scripting not movie making, always liked it and its close to my house so its not a hour and a half commute like the one i do now so it kinda summons the things i love the most and i think it would be good for me to stop waking up so early and doing the same exact commute every day, i dont think i can go for another year tbh let alone three. I already have connections in my country from both my parents who are in the industry and ill be happy if i get a chance to write scripts for a living cause i love it but, still, even with the connections inside the school and the honorable mentions i got in literature, i really don't think i have a chance in getting in cause i went for humanities instead of arts and i know jackshit so ill prov flunk the admission test next month
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playgrl0 · 2 years
tbh,,,, to be really honest,,,pretty fucking bad tbh ive been staring at the ceiling all day trying not to kms nd my head HURTS from thinking too much
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stevebabey · 1 year
part one here. ze part two to touch-starved stevie that absolutely no one requested hehe <3 but i gots to let my boys have a wee kiss :")
So, hugs with Eddie become… well, a thing.
Not a thing. They’re not a thing, Steve and Eddie. It’s totally the same as when he gets hugs from Robin. Eddie’s doing him a favour as a friend. It’s got the 100% platonic energy of getting a hug from a friend — a hug that usually melts into some form of a cuddle, limbs all tangled together until they can’t tell whose are whose.
Except, Steve doesn’t really do that second part with Robin. Like he hasn’t done it ever with Robin.
So, it’s an Eddie thing.
But they’re not a thing. Not matter how much Steve would actually very much like for that happen. Okay, maybe Steve’s overthinking the whole thing a bit, but he just can’t tell.
Where’s the line? It’s infuriating not being able to discern between platonic and more, just because Steve wasn’t held enough as a fucking baby. Out of all the things he resents his parents for, Steve’s surprised that this is so near the top.
Because, sure, Steve’s had more than his fair share of hookups. He knows that sort of touch. He knows the shape of lust; the scrapes of fingernails down backs, the tight grips over skin, the push and pull of the heat of the moment.
And this thing with Eddie… is not that.
So, really, Steve knows that it’s all friendly. Eddie is just being nice. He’s being a decent dude and helping his friend out — by catapulting himself into Steve’s arms at every opportune moment.
(Steve’s only dropped 3 mugs of coffee because of this so far. It’s only because Eddie says good catch, big boy with a devilish grin every time that Steve manages to catch Eddie that Steve hasn’t completely told him to knock it off. Just yet, at least.)
And he’s different in other areas. He’ll always seem to choose the seat next to Steve on movie-nights now, content to snuggle right up to him. They get thigh to thigh, arm to arm — and Eddie only needs to get about 20 minutes in for him to do a big sigh, like an old dog, and slump over, resting his head on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve notices though. He always notices.
It’s impossible not to— the skin, even if there’s 3 layers between them, burns blazing warm. Eddie’s hair drapes over his arm, a curl inevitably tickling along Steve’s collar. He can feel the rise and fall of Eddie’s breathing, the little shake of when he laughs.
It drives Steve a little insane— insane in the way that makes him think about burying his fingers in those curls again, about pressing his lips against Eddie’s pretty mouth just to feel the smile against his skin, about digging into his chest so he can climb into his chest and live there.
Yeah, it’s— well, it’s safe to say that the effect of Eddie’s touchiness has sent what was once a fleeting thought of a crush into mind-melting levels of affection.
But he can’t fucking tell.
To Steve’s credit, neither can Eddie.
Which is not surprisingly considering sometimes he catches himself wondering how the hell he ended up here; in a close-knit friendship with band-geek Robin Buckley, princess Nancy Wheeler, and King Steve Harrington.
Okay, the Robin one sort of makes sense. He thinks that if no matter when their paths crossed, he and Robin would’ve always even some sort of strange friends - her snark complimenting his bitchiness. Also, the whole super queer thing helps too. Even the friendship with Nancy works, in its own weird way.
Steve though? He’s the fucking curve ball.
It works though, the two of them. Surprisingly well, actually — the two of them get on like a house on fire, bitchy quips back and forth. Even better, is the quiet that they can share. Steve loves to come around and do… nothing. Do nothing with Eddie, though.
So, even though Eddie had noticed the tension in Steve with touch, little moments where he turned rigid when Eddie’s usual wandering hands got too comfortable — Eddie chalked it up to the usual. Guys bring too uncomfortable with him, too weird about another guy being touchy. It didn’t matter than Eddie wasn’t even out to Steve yet, he was still might be that type of guy.
Well, Eddie had certainly thought so. Sure, Steve might not be one of those jocks who smacked around boys who looked too long in the locker room, but if he knew a smidge of the truth, who really knows. It would explain the tenseness at least.
But then— ‘Can I… have a hug?’ There had been a dozen things Eddie was thinking that Steve could’ve asked for but that? Wasn’t even in the ballpark. It was so left-field it left Eddie speechless for a whole moment. And Steve had been staring at the ceiling, his hands curled up tight again like- like he thought Eddie might say no.
A ridiculous thought, honestly. Anyone who knew Eddie well enough knew he was touchy; loved giving it, loved getting it. Like an overly affectionate cat, Wayne had once called him, just 11 years old, because Eddie’s need for affection seem to never be sated.
After that night, Steve’s lack of touch became far more obvious. It’s always hair ruffles or high-fives, yet never hugs. Normally, Eddie would keep to that boundary; some people are less touchy other than others, he knows that.
But… “Sometimes I realise it’s been awhile, since I’ve had some touch.” That’s what Steve had said, his words. Eddie doesn’t even think he meant to say something so heartbreaking. In fact, the guy seemed embarrassed.
It had thrown Eddie for a loop— because Steve gets around. He’s nearly notorious for one-night stands and failed flings, as Robin loves to drone on about considering she’s subjected to all the flirting. What had originally been a point of envy for Eddie, just saturates the bleakness of Steve’s words. Sex but without a moment of intimacy.
So, while Eddie is miles away from being the person who gets into Steve’s pants — not for lack of want, mind you — he does try hike up the touchiness. Little things. Lingering when he taps him on the arm, hooking his chin over Steve’s shoulder to peer over it, leaning up against him when they’re side by side watching a film.
It’s good. It helps Eddie release the pressure of his stupid monumental god-awful crush he has. Yeah, yeah, it’s laughable, even to Eddie. It’s like Gay 101; don’t get crush on straight dudes, especially the ones you’re friends with. And yet…
Steve lets him. He lets Eddie give him touch, more than he lets anyone else. He still tenses; there’s still always a moment before he can remember to relax, like he’s trying to shake off bad thoughts but then he melts. He always melts into Eddie’s touch eventually — in a way Eddie knows Steve actually loves it, drinks it up as much as he can.
And maybe, Eddie is the biggest fool to grace the Earth to let that fact give him some hope. Sue his gooey heart, he’s a romantic. It’s a quiet hope but, it’s there.
Tonight, it seems relaxing for Steve is been harder than usual— several times has Eddie traced a quite long along Steve’s arms, a subtle point that they were far too tense for someone who was wrapped up in cuddles on the couch. ‘Cos that’s 100% what they are now. Eddie will still call them hugs, but usually, when it’s just the two of them, it becomes this.
Steve, tucked up into the corner of the couch, one leg flush along the back of the couch and one hanging off the edge. It’s the prime position for Eddie to crawl up, wind his arms around Steve’s middle and give him a good squeeze and then settle there. Head on Steve’s chest, lying in the cradle of his hips. Safe. Warm.
It makes him warm, oh very warm to know that he gets this. That Steve doesn’t give this amount of trust to many, if any, other people but Eddie — he trusts Eddie.
“Y’know,” Eddie says, cheeks smushed against the plain of Steve’s pec. It feels deliciously warm and Eddie’s fairly sure he can feel how toned it is just through his cheek. Hot bastard. “I’m actually real glad you asked for that hug all those weeks ago.”
He leaves it there ‘cos he knows Steve will ask. Eddie’s eyes stay on the buzzing tv-screen even as Steve’s head shifts, turning to peer down at the boy slumped on his chest. Eddie’s pretty sure he can see Steve’s mouth twitch up into a smile.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie affirms, giving a nod and his eyes flick up to meet Steve’s for just a moment. “Think I’ve had some of the best hugs in the world.”
Okay, that was maybe more honest and sappy than Eddie was going for. He is just letting Steve know he isn’t just doing it for Steve — that he enjoys these moments just as much. He lays it on thick, tries for a smarmy angle.
“Swept up in these pillowy arms?” He croons, giving Steve’s bicep a quick squeeze, making the other chuckle softly. “Who wouldn’t think so? I’m a lucky guy.”
Despite the joking tone, there’s no quick comeback from Steve. That’s alright. Eddie’s quite happy if this is one of the times Steve just takes the compliment; let’s the word sink in and hopefully, believes them, even if it’s just a little bit. He watches the film and doesn’t read into the silence.
Not even when Steve says, “Eddie?” all soft. Nearly shy sounding. It doesn’t quite register to Eddie’s ears.
“Eddie.” Steve says again, a little firmer and that catches Eddie’s attention. He turns his head and rests his chin on Steve’s chest, his brows drawn together in silent question.
But the moment he makes eye contact, Steve’s doing that scrunched up face again. Is studying the ceiling instead of facing Eddie. And just like all those weeks ago, his hands clench up tight. Twists up the fabric of Eddie’s sweater in between his fingers and uses it to ground himself.
Last time, he asked for a hug. Considering he’s currently just about squishing Steve beneath his body weight, Eddie can’t fathom what he might be worked up to ask for. Unless he was going to ask for something more than a hug— which, well, just wasn’t going to happen, even if Eddie really wanted it to.
“Can I-” Steve starts. He sucks in a breath, almost like he’s gathering courage. But he’s not, because he’s not about to ask for what Eddie hopes for, he’s not, he’s—
“Can I… have a kiss?” Steve asks, barely audible. The sentence is murmured, soft words that hit Eddie like a gentle kiss in itself — imprinting right onto his heart. Steve Harrington wants a kiss — from him!
“Oh.” Eddie says, in a breathy delightful way. He’s fairly certain the little monkey in his brain is clapping its cymbals at double-speed as the words process; or maybe it’s his heart, which feels like it’s leapt up his throat.
“Oh?” Steve echoes, a smile already playing at the edges of his mouth, because he can see Eddie’s want. Because he knows him.
“Yes.” Eddie says suddenly, with a frantic nod, pushing up closer so their faces are aligned. “Yes, absolutely, you can.” He affirms.
Steve huffs a quiet laugh at the eagerness and then his arm that had been slung around Eddie shifts. It moves up til his hand caresses along the line of Eddie’s jaw, tilting him just how he likes.
Eddie holds his breath. Counts the freckles he can see this close. Tries to feel Steve’s heartbeat through where they’re pressed so closely together; can Steve feel his? Thundering and hurried, beating so hard Eddie thinks he might bruise the inside of his ribs.
Then Steve kisses him. And shit, Steve’s lip are better by ten-fold than every daydream Eddie’s ever had about them. They’re warm and so soft — plush and pressing against his own and Eddie is freezing. Fuck, wait, how does this go again? Right, Eddie’s never… well, kissed anybody before.
Steve pulls back and Eddie screws his eyes up — not ready in the slightest for the disappointment of his own shoddy kissing skills. Fuck, did he really just freeze? Steve — Steve Harrington — asks for a kiss and Eddie decides to stab himself in the back by not figuring out how to fuck to kiss back.
“You call that a kiss?” Steve teases and Eddie’s well aware of the parallel — of the irony of Steve repeating his own words back at him. But he can’t make himself laugh even though it’s funny. Instead, a little groan wiggles out his throat.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says, earnest. He forces his eyes opens — he needs to see what’s Steve’s thinking. Where he’s expecting disappointment or perhaps regret, is only patience. Maybe a touch of concern. Eddie continues, despite the humiliation that makes his throat sticky.
“I haven’t- I don’t do this often.” He coughs awkwardly clearing his throat and hoping it hides the next word. “Ever.”
There’s a jump in Steve’s eyebrows, a moment of surprise in his eyes that lets him know he did, indeed, hear that final word. It makes Eddie feel… well, it’s nice that Steve had expected him to have been kissed by now. Even if he hasn’t. He tries to take it as a compliment.
“That’s okay,” Steve assures. Absentmindedly, his thumb rubs soothing along Eddie’s jaw. It makes Eddie shiver, some outrageous amount of joy clawing into every nerve. Steve likes Eddie. He wants to kiss Eddie.
“Do you want to try again?”
Eddie nods before the questions even out of his mouth. Steve smiles, all sunshine. This time when he draws Eddie in, he notices the way Eddie holds his breath — the rigidness in his body.
Steve kisses him again, another short and soft one and then whispers against his lips, “Relax.”
‘Cos isn’t tonight just full of the parallels, Eddie thinks. He listens, tries to focus on how sweet Steve’s kiss is than his panicky heart, forcing out a breath between the kisses. His hands along Steve’s sides find a grip, grounding and good, and by the fourth kiss, he begins to feel a bit melty.
It’s good. It’s really good. Kissing Steve is top 5– nay, the top moment of his life so far. Somehow, it’s made all that much better knowing the build-up behind it. Knowing that Steve knows he isn’t just kissing him for a heat of the moment — that Eddie wants kisses here, kisses before bed, in the morning, on dates. Eddie wants Steve.
And with the way he kisses, Eddie’s pretty sure Steve wants him just as bad.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to reach what Eddie decides is an ultra pretty fuckin’ state; lips swollen from kisses, cheeks flushed, hair a little mussed up. He bets he looks no better. The thought makes him grin, enough they have to break the kiss ‘cos Eddie can’t stop his stupid happy grin ‘cos shit— he actually gets to have this Steve.
“What?” Steve asks, somehow half heart-eyed and half suspicious at the mischief in Eddie’s eyes.
“Can I... have a hickie?”
now with a part three !
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mblue-art · 1 month
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this man. ..
(inspo) (og meme)
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reegis · 5 months
hi since you have out on the brain and i wont be inflicting it on you here's a headcanon of mine:
after nastya leaves, aurora stops talking entirely
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