#Hospital Sketches
veronicaleighauthor · 6 months
Before “Little Women”
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Louisa May Alcott is best known as the author of the American classic “Little Women,” and has become synonymous with her literary counterpart, Jo March. While the Alcott family and their experiences inspired the events of the book, we must remember it is fiction and Louisa was her own person. She was raised by the idealistic Bronson Alcott and practical Abigail May. The Alcott’s were often in debt, starving and moving from place to place, yet their unorthodox Transcendental beliefs encouraged them to continually sacrifice for others. It was not uncommon for them to ration their food and give what they had to spare to the less fortunate. The Transcendentalists supported the abolition of slavery before it was popular; Bronson welcomed an African American girl into his classroom and was later forced to close down his school for such a progressive act. The Alcott family even had connections to the Underground Railroad.
            When the Civil War began, the Alcott’s did their part. They rolled bandages, donated their time and meager funds. For Louisa that was not enough. A woman of action, she was not satisfied with sitting on the sidelines and she was not faint of heart. For years she struggled alongside her family, striving for something more. At age fifteen she made a vow: “I will do something by and by. Don’t care what, teach, sew, act, write, anything to help the family. I’ll be rich and famous and happy before I die, see if I won’t!” She had always had a knack for writing and had begun to make a small name for herself writing blood and thunder tales. Louisa had become her family’s breadwinner.
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Dorothea Dix and her band of nurses broke barriers. Prior to the Civil War, it was unthinkable for a lady to attend to wounded and ailing men. Early on in the war, only married women were allowed to participate. By 1862, the Union was so desperate for volunteers, that they accepted unmarried ladies. When Louisa heard of this, she volunteered and headed to Washington. Bronson felt as though he were “sending his only son to war.” It was the only acceptable way Louisa could serve her country, without actually donning on a uniform and fighting. This was one of the many times she lamented being born a girl instead of a boy.
            On her arrival at the hospital, Louisa’s eyes were open to the results of war. She supported the Union wholeheartedly and believed that slavery was a great evil. However, she realized that there was no glory in the suffering of men who shed their blood. Men of all ages and backgrounds were coming straight from the battlefield. They were mangled, ill, and many dying. The ones that survived, their broken bodies and spirits had to be repaired. Louisa washed them, administered medication, assisted in surgeries and amputations, read to them and helped them write letters home to their families.
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She connected with one Union soldier; a Virginian blacksmith named John. She was drawn to his strength and quiet grace. As he slipped away, she remained by his side, holding his hand. Withdrawing from him, the white marks of his fingers were still pressed into her skin. He also left a lasting impression on her heart. While she worked there, she sent letters home detailing her experiences. Her parents saved and cherished her correspondence.
            Typhus, typhoid fever, cholera, and pneumonia struck down many of the patients…and the hospital staff. Louisa was in her sixth week of nursing when she contracted typhoid fever and struggled between life and death. Her long, dark hair –which she considered her one beauty- was shorn off to relieve her of her fever. The doctors treated her with mercury, in the form of calomel. Calomel was deemed unsafe, but many physicians still used it, which would result in mercury poisoning. When he heard she was deathly ill, her father Bronson escorted her from the hospital and brought her back home, where it took many months for her to recuperate. Prior to her service as a nurse, Louisa’s health had been robust. But now it was fragile and remained so for the remainder of her life. The mercury would have eventually left her system; however it is suspected that her illness and treatment could have let to her suffering from the auto-immune disease, Lupus.
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When Louisa recovered enough from typhoid fever, she looked over the letters she had sent home. After some editing, she submitted them to a gazette. Excerpts of her work, “Hospital Sketches,” appeared in print throughout the east coast. In 1863, it was published in book form. A slim volume, it was a costly 50 cents and though the royalties she received did not lift her or her family out of poverty, it was a literary success. She received attention and made important connections, paving the way for her to become a famous author.
            Louisa made her youthful vow partly come true. By 1868, through “Little Women,” she was famous and rich. Her family never had to worry about money again. Yet all of that came with a heavy price. The public always wanted another book, her health and emotional state were delicate and she never wrote the kind of fiction that she had dreamt of writing.
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But she was forever proud of her service to her country and at that time in history, she was considered a war veteran.  
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