#His 'human' body is mutating with every “test”
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 184
“Well damn.” 
Jason wrenched his gaze from the mess of red and green spattered across the room, searching for the source of the voice. His head hurt, he wanted his Dad. He wanted Bruce. He… his head hurt. His everything hurt. 
“Honestly, didn’t expect them to find another half-breed. Didn’t think there was another halfa out there…”  
He tore his gaze away from the floor- when had it gotten there- finally finding the other… person? The person giving him an empty smile through some sort of muzzle and missing an entire arm. Well, he couldn’t judge, he’d torn his nails off while digging out of his grave before… this. 
“Hey, kid, don’t sweat it, it’ll grow back,” the man apparently noticed where he was staring, shoulder twitching as he shrugged and more green pouring out. Jason couldn’t stop staring, eyes slipping from the growing pool to the rest of the chains apparently keeping the person on that side of the… room? Cage? Cell? 
“Shit, hey, kid, kid, don’t cry, uh, fuck, shh, kid don’t cry-” the person made a noise, some sort of hum or croon that caused him to relax. To his already brain-damaged confusion. “C’mere, away from the door now, shh…” 
Oh, when had he started to move? It was like he blinked and was stumbling away towards the chained person, practically tripping over a limb before the person managed to catch him. “Ope, oh you’re just a little baby-” a hand, clawed, carefully ran through his hair, tucking him against a rumbling chest that nearly made him tear up again. He wanted Bruce. 
“It’s alright kid, shh, they won’t get you,” the man rumbled, everything about him green to his rapidly closing eyes. Pale skin like a corpse, black scales like rot, hair white like snow, all stained green with blood.  “They’d have to kill me again for that.” 
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toast-on-dandelioms · 5 months
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__Just Another Neglected Story__
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This is the part 2 of this
Years passed and you were now 16, almost mute but with a few friends from school, the only place where no one knew you were a Wayne since you refused to take his surname.
You wanted your mother's surname, you refused to let go of that small part that you still had of her. You refused to let go of that and be replaced by a surname from a person that hated you.
You still had some dignity.
You were happy, you finally had your small place where no one could ruin it and you didn't even care that your supposed family didn't even know who you were.
But everything changed when you went to that damn interview to a scientist lab in a big corporation, you needed money for yourself and knowledge to better your inventions and the corporation you went to was better than any Wayne industry.
You were accepted obviously and after a few months you were on a good position as a part timer and helped with experiments with rats and spiders.
What those experiments were? You didn't know and honestly from what you saw when you were allowed to spectate an experiment in process, the animals almost never died and if they did then they would be honored with a small photo on a wall, to thank them for their help.
You were taking a few subjects to their enclosures and while letting a spider inside its little cage, the little legs of it running down your hand and making you shiver a bit but you did a mistake that all your superiors told uou to never make.
You accidentally moved while trying not to drop another animal that was on the table since it kept moving closer to the edge, scaring the spider and making you get bit by it in the process, the sting of the bite making you almost fall down but not before putting the spider in its cage and closing it.
Then you allowed yourself to fall down and hold the injured hand on the chest as you held back the tears by biting your lips and repeating a mantra you had so that you wouldn't seem weak.
You stayed on the ground for a few minutes, waiting for the sting on your hand to stop hurting so much.
You did notice the spider was a venomous one but that only paralyzed the prey making you scared, not wanting to be found paralyzed and get fired after making a stupid mistake.
You kept on reading the file and thanked whatever god was out there that the venom wasn't strong enough to paralyze a human but just making them a bit dizzy, explaining why you felt so dizzy like you drank five bottles of beer.
You finally got up after the bite stopped stinging and pulsing, making you wobble a bit and check the reports about the spider but it didn't said anything about any experiments made on the animal but you were a bit suspicious about it.
You went to the small lab you shared with a few other interns, starting a few tests on yourself to make sure you wouldn't die or have something horrible happen to your body because of some weird mutation.
You checked every test you ran on yourself, making sure to not have missed anything but it didn't showed any changes so you decided to wait until the new day to see if it was a delayed response from the bite.
You decided to go back to the Manor since it's been days and you couldn't sleep at another friend house again, not wanting to bother them with your 'family' problems.
You managed to get there safely enough by taking the bus, entering silently by the front door and just passing by the kitchen while ignoring the loud noises from the dining hall, knowing that they're probably celebrating something and didn't even try to invite you.
You finally arrive to your room, smiling softly at the plate on your desk filled with food and silently thanking Alfred in your mind since you just realised you didn't eat much that day.
You quickly sit down and eat everything with a big smile, making sure to clean the plate and leaving it on a table next to your door outside of your room to thank Alfred, not wanting to do the trip to the kitchen and risk being seen and seeing all of them look at you with confusion as to why you were there.
Like they didn't even remember that you lived there and were surprised that you were there. You hated whenever they looked at you like that.
You finally plop down in bed, face first and fall asleep in a few seconds, not even bothering to change or take a shower since you were exhausted.
You woke up the next day and as you got up you noticed that something changed in your body.
Not something noticeable like a new set of eyes or a new pair of arms like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, but you felt more flexible.
Like, you were already pretty good at moving your body thanks to the dance lessons you used to take but now you could move your body in positions you never thought were possible.
Your eyesight was also incredibly better and more enhanced, like you could see from pretty far away without having to squint to see it.
You immediately thought of the spider and its bite so you checked the wound but there was nothing, just two small moles (the small black spots) where the bite was supposed to be.
You quickly went to school, deciding to do a few more tests when you would get to the lab to make sure you didn't have anything dangerous in your body.
The day seemed more slow than usual, making you skip school just after an hour in there and quickly go to the corporation you worked at, using the excuse that school was closed because of a sudden villain attack.
No one even questioned it, they just let you in and went on with their day, not even bothering to check since you were in Gotham so that was normal.
You quickly walked to your lab, immediately starting a few more tests on yourself and sighing in defeat when all the results were the same.
Your blood was mixed with the spider on and you were now half spider. You sighed and worked before clocking in early, slowly going to an abandoned park to check what you now had to just learn to live with it.
You ran a few tests on the field, wanting to see what you now had with the DNA of the spider in your body.
You already checked the sight and flexible factor in a small notebook, adding super strenght, weirdly precise reflexes that also helped you when you were in danger.
You just now needed to see if you could walk on walls like spiders, really hoping you could since you wanted to see how that felt like.
You walked up to a deserted building and took off your shoes and socks before setting one foot on the wall, noticing that you couldn't really take it off.
You tried with the other foot and now you were standing sideways on the wall, making you laugh in glee since it was so freaking cool.
You quickly ran around the building walls before getting to the roof and sitting down on the edge since you were tired.
You thought to yourself to just live with these newfound powers, if you can call them that but then noticed many people walking around and being scared.
You noticed how, even though Batman and everyone else kept the streets clean from super villains, small time thieves and other bad people still ran around even after being caught and brought to jail.
You knew you weren't strong enough before but you now had a small advantage over them and decided to help people, make the streets a bit cleaner.
You would never go and fight big villains but small ones were easy so you quickly went to the manor to start your training, wanting to help others.
You first started by creating the costume, making sure to hide your face pretty well since you refused to let anyone know who you were, even though you were a nobody that not even the media knew about.
You then started to create your own vigilante, giving yourself the name of 'Spider', like the hero Spider-Man from the comics you used to read.
Hey, you got bit by a spider and decided to follow that theme, no judgement on that.
You created the web fuel and used a grappling hook that was lying around to create a web shooter, making sure to make it hidden on your wrists.
Then you started to train in the abandoned park that no one ever walked by, using the trees around it and the buildings as a way to learn how to swing around.
You also learned how to fight by spying your "family", recording how they fought and their weak and strong points to also learn from it.
In 2 months you officially became 'Spider', the new spider vigilante that helped the people from small thieves so no one had to be scared to walk on the streets.
You also used a taser if you couldn't fight against someone stronger and you didn't want to kill them with your super strenght, and the taser was the best move.
You didn't even notice but you started to become famous amongst the city, especially after helping a bus from falling off a brige and stopping a well known rapist after the police did nothing.
You just kept going, happy to help and thinking no one even noticed, not noticing that your "family" also started to notice the new vigilante and was starting to ask questions about who it was behind the mask.
But their curiosity may never be satisfied.
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pillarsalt · 1 month
hi! i was wondering your opinions on how hrt affects the body? i hold a lot of radfem beliefs but i am trans (taking testosterone). would being a woman to you have to be completely about chromosomes? for example, trans men years on T do not have the same genetic makeup as cis women. same with trans women on E, their genetic makeup would be very different to cis men, and would more correlate to cis women. does this factor in who you consider female/male or having experience as women?
Hi there, thanks for reaching out.
Firstly, I think you may be a bit confused. Taking exogenous hormones does not affect your genetic makeup. Your dna will stay the same unless you're exposed to something extreme like radiation - this is a good thing because dna mutation is bad for you and causes cancer! Your genetic sex is immutable, a person with XY chromosomes cannot have their dna altered to have XX chromosomes instead.
Hormones will affect the expression of your genes, for example turning on facial hair production in women who are taking testosterone. This is why those patterns of facial hair, even in women, differ from person to person. The genes for it were already there, but hormone replacement therapy uses the endocrine system to change what signals get sent to your genes to tell them what features to express.
Beyond chemically induced genetic expression, there are particular physical features in males that do not occur in males, and vice versa. This is a feature of the /ancient/ evolution of sexual reproduction. Despite the variety of metaphysical beliefs about identity and personhood, the truth is that humans evolved to reproduce between two sexes, and human beings cannot change sex. Every cell of your body has your sex encoded within it. This affects us physically in many ways. I and most feminists believe that this fact should be irrelevant to any person's ability to pursue their passion, be themselves, and love who they love. Even so, recognition of biological sex is something important. This is really critical in a medical context. For example: men who receive a blood transfusion from a pregnant or recently pregnant woman have an increased risk of death by transfusion-related lung injury. Another example: tracheostomy tubes differ in size depending on sex due to dimorphism in average tracheal diameter. A women who is reported as a male risks considerable injury by having a male sized tracheostomy tube forced into her windpipe. A considerable amount of medications differ in dose effectiveness and side effects based on biological sex. Something as straightforward as a heart attack has different symptoms depending on if the patient is female or male. Denial of biological sex is dangerous, and as it stands, medical science has not advanced enough to change the biological sex of an individual. If you are born male, you will stay male for your entire life. You say that a transwoman who has taken estrogen is more genetically similar to a woman, I'm sorry but that simply isn't true. A male person will always be more genetically similar to other males than to a female person.
Determination of sex is very simple, it's about the easiest genetic test to do. They have kits for high school classrooms to try out ffs. We need to leave the "meaningful sex change is possible through medical intervention" thing in the past, all we accomplish with that is giving people false hope and an unattainable goal to fixate on. Sex is real and immutable, I wish it didn't matter, but it does.
And why it matters is, maleness and femaleness have become inseparable from certain stereotypes and assigned qualities by societies in human history. Overwhelmingly, the male people subjugate the female people. Since men, male humans, discovered womens' ability to give birth could be taken advantage of, it was capitalized upon. And this is the foundation of patriarchal society. Religions were founded to justify this as the will of god. To deny that women have historically been persecuted due to their sex is, well, misogynistic. There is no "woman feeling" that makes us targets for child marriages, FGM, trafficking/prostitution, and other horrors from the minute we're born and even before. No, it's the sex we were born with that makes the world think it can decide our fate. In fact, the way that people treat male children differently from female children is so different so early, that we are genuinely unable to study human behaviour unaffected by gendered expectations. This is what feminists are talking about when they discuss "socialization". There is not a single man on the planet who knows exactly what it's like to see the world from a woman's eyes, no matter how feminine that man is. Womanhood isn't something you can achieve or acquire through effort: you were either born a woman or you weren't, just like you were either born with detached earlobes or not. It's so simple.
All that to get to my final point: Yes, I believe the definition of womanhood comes down to biology, because anything beyond that is a meaningless stereotype. Women can do anything, be anyone, look any way they want, go through any experience they do. The one thing they have in common is that they are female adult human beings. There is not way to fail at being a woman or do it wrong, you just are. Womanhood is the experience of having been a female person in this world, and nothing else. There are certain things only female human beings need, like abortion and female contraceptive rights, access to spaces where we can be safe from our subjugators (male human beings), and the ability to define ourselves and fight for our collective rights.
(At this point you may object and point out that male people who identify as trans women are also subject to violence and scorn from men: unfortunately that is often the case, but this does not make male people who identify as women, well, female. We need solutions for them that do not involve requiring women to sacrifice our comfort and safety for the sake of a particular subset of men, because of the inherent risks involved and the fact that women do not owe men anything even when those men have it bad.)
One last thing: my opinion is that prescribing exogenous cross-sex hormones is unethical (so are all elective cosmetic medical procedures but that's a post for a different day). I understand the distress that gender dysphoria inflicts on people, however the ill effects of hrt are too numerous to condone. The huge increase in risk of stroke with estrogen, heart disease and uterine atrophy with testosterone, and the way that trans medicine studies are notorious for losing followup with patients after a year or less... it's short sighted and frankly, financially motivated. The amount of trans patients who are prescribed hormones without access to an endocrinologist, it's honestly infuriating. People deserve the best care possible, not lab rat bullshit where they cut you loose when it's not working out. I won't judge anyone for what they do to themselves to cope with distress, but I want everyone, especially girls, to be aware of the lifetime effects medical decisions may have, and that you also can find happiness within yourself without hurting your body.
Thanks again for your question, be well ✌️
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
HEYYY just wondering if I can do a request of an experimented reader? (They can be any animal or anything)
❀*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Patient 001 // 141 Mini Drabbles
Warning(s): FailedExperiment!reader, gn!reader, medical procedures, drugging mention, kidnapping, blood, injury, death, animal testing mention, angst, hurt/comfort, no use of y/n Word Count: 2.6k ��꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ 141 MASTERLIST // have a request? ˗ˏˋ ASK BOX ˎˊ˗
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A/N: I hope this isn't too dark for what the anon requested. If it is, I apologize. I've been interested in this plot line for a bit, and wanted to write something for it!
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SYNOPSIS; You're a failed scientific experiment. Once a civilian, now a half-human that had gone through hell. Your other half, now a mutated creature.
To no longer be human would be a blessing. But that part of you stayed, partially. Still terrorized from the experiments, the tests, the documentation of your transformation.
Then came the day you were found.
MISSION BRIEFING; Their orders were simple.
Evacuate innocent technicians — and most importantly — find the location of the catastrophic chemical component, before it ends up in the wrong hands.
What was behind the doors, they'd certainly never forget.
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His rifle remained raised in front of him as he swept each room. It was obvious the enemy knew they were coming. All he'd found so far were empty sterile spaces, understimulating exam rooms, or numbing cubicles filled to the brim with charts.
Until he heard it.
A sickening screech, like that of a person possessed by a demon. Echoing off the tile walls, much too loud for the lung capacity of a human - and in deep anguish.
Simon's heart stopped when he pushed through the double doors, seeing a huddled figure left behind bars. Not a scientist left behind. Not a prisoner of war. Something.
The glow of your eyes reflected off the blinding white fluorescents, irises matching that of crimson. Your flesh, once human-like, is now sunken and riddled with healed slashes. Most of them self-inflicted, from when you thrashed against your restraints.
When you saw the figure, looming and dormant, it reminded you of the scientists that spent hours observing your changes. How you shrieked when touched when something as small as a pin dropped. Every noise was heightened, making your ears ring painfully. Your hearing could track the sound of potential prey for miles. And your tender skin? Only soothed when you weren't lucid enough to remember the pokes and prods.
Every week, it was a new serum, a new component. Something they would give you to study its effects on your body. Whatever you were, it was a mystery. All you did know was that you craved the metallic taste of blood.
Similar to that of a hungry hound, or that of urban legends that hunt unsuspecting hikers. But you weren't cruel. You weren't a cold-blooded beast that wanted to rip their throats out. That's what kept you around so long.
Your empathy never subsided, like it was supposed to. Your feedings were only that of animal blood or the human samples they gave you in the hope that it would progress the experiment. It never did. It only left you in that cell longer; fearsome and isolated.
"Christ..." Simon muttered to himself, eyes wide. The figure approached the enclosure, his rifle lowered when he observed your fear. He wasn't holding a syringe, not a clipboard, not a video camera, not even a vile of blood for you to choke down. Your vermillion gaze inspected the man with uncertainty, who looked like that of a soldier.
Your fatigued limps crawled across the scuffed cement until you could use the bars to find your feet. Something you couldn't do when the scientists were monitoring you. After so long huddled on the ground or writhing on the cot, it was a relief, if that was possible anymore.
Despite his best judgment, his fingers reached through the bars until they found your fingers. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered, his British rasp ringing through your overly-sensitive ears. For the first time in months, you touched the warm flesh of a human hand, not an unempathetic gloved one.
It was a natural reaction to flinch; that primal side of you overshadowing the human one. But you still had the ability to find genuine empathy in his amber eyes. Your hand wrapped tightly around his through the gap in the bars, savoring the once-deprived human contact. "Do you remember your name?"
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Price took the riskiest route; the one he wouldn't dare send his team into head-first. The pathway that took him through each of the hidden laboratories — the one only countless hours of digging for intel made him aware of.
It was more chilling than he foresaw.
Rows of exam rooms, shelves of unknown components, countless cages of small animals. All that is expected in a covert scientific compound.
That is... until he stumbled upon a sealed room different from the others. One that could only be inhabited by a human being. He stared in each direction of the hallway, finding a keycard left on one of the bodies.
It was his duty to clear every room, no matter how disturbing the contents would be. Behind the plate glass room that resembled that of an enclosure. A small table and two chairs, a video camera, and most shockingly — the trembling figure in restraints on a thin foam mattress. One who has clearly been poked and prodded for months straight, littered with scars and an almost inhuman appearance.
The man approaching you wasn't a threat, but that didn't stop your body's natural reaction to hide. After months of enduring tests and experiments, being monitored like some sort of creature — it was hard to trust anyone. "My God... What have they done to you?" Price murmured as he approached the cot, fingers finding each tube and removing them one by one.
His expression was one of pity and disgust as his mind imagined all the awful things they put you and your body through. Countless months of research and injecting new components into you clearly didn't turn you into some monster.
You were frightened and in agony — still human underneath it all.
"Can you move your fingers for me? Your legs?" He asked softly, bent down next to your bed. Your shaky fingers finally gained some movement, after he had cut off the constant drip of sedatives. Next, you hesitantly untucked your legs, feeling your bare feet touch the icy tile for the first time in months. It was like learning how to walk all over again, except now you weren't the same you.
Your senses were heightened — smell, eyesight, hearing, and most of all touch. His palm found the small of your back as he led you to the door of your cell, using the keycard he swiped to unlock it from the inside.
As he led you through the corridors, he grabbed a spare lab coat off one of the racks, placing it over your shivering shoulders. No scrubs, no sweats, only a loose white gown. If he wasn't so focused on keeping his eyes peeled for hostiles, he would've given you his own jacket. The entire building had to be kept cool and they hadn't bothered to give you something warmer to wear.
He spoke into his radio, alerting the rest of his team as they combed through the rest of the compound. Right now, his priority was making sure you ended up somewhere safe tonight. "You're safe now, alright? Nobody will put their hands on you again."
Not a place with sterile white walls, a bed to sleep in with more than a thin foam pad, a place where your every move wasn't monitored. A place where the human part of you could feel safe again.
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The power to the compound was cut off when Soap's team breached the tight security system. It was a faulty system — unlocking all the electronically sealed doors instead of the opposite. And the lights, instead of a blinding white, were dim and flickered repeatedly. Most likely the emergency ones.
Enough light to guide you through the corridors, but not enough for his trained eyes to be entirely sure of no threats.
He was using his instincts, his sensory training; all he had to rely on as he crept through the halls. Eerily silent halls. The only sound is the hum of all the technology littering this place and his boots hitting the smooth tile.
Eventually, he found one of the testing rooms; a place that is bound to have some chemical components stored.
Through the glass viewing window, he could see that this space was heavily used. Video cameras, viewing chairs, viles and IV bags stored on refrigerators shelves. Most chilling - the chair with restraints. The one you’d been bound to so many times, poked and prodded by medical tools.
The longer it went on, you felt it more. You weren’t lucky enough to go numb to the pain. It had the opposite effect. Every ache, every stab, every head-splitting migraine.
Soap’s brows knitted together in focus as he maintained his stealth, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of actionable intel. Though this room was dimmer than the rest, with emergency lights even more faulty than the ones in the rest of the building. He had to squint to clear the space in front of him, which hindered the rest of his senses.
Perhaps that's the reason he didn't hear the enemy behind him, or why he got a few stabs into Johnny's abdomen before he managed to fight him off. He slumped against the wall of the lab, comms jammed and unintelligible. Soap had convinced himself this was it, the moment he began seeing double from blood loss.
This was your long-awaited opportunity to escape - the electronic lock on your room failed when the compound was breached. You glided down the corridors, eyes trained ahead of you. What would the world out there be like? Would you ever have a semi-normal life again? This wasn't something you just move on from.
A sharp pain in your abdomen made you wince. But it wasn't pain from a true injury; it was a phantom ache. Someone nearby was hurt — someone deserving of your help.
It was a heavy debate; make your escape now, leave the maimed individual to fend for themselves. But your empathy outweighed your selfishness. The faint distressed prayers got louder as you crept inside one of the testing rooms.
The figure, one of a soldier, clutching his stomach in the same spot you had just felt the pain. Soap's eyes could barely adjust to the person approaching him, only managing a mumble. From his perspective, it must've been terrifying. A gowned, sickly patient with shaky hands outstretched to him.
He made his best attempt to fight you — which wasn't much of a fight at all. You lifted the crimson-soaked tee, wincing as the phantom pain kicked into high gear. The closer you got to a person in pain, the more intensity there was. It was time to use your new abilities by choice. Not one of the scientist's papercuts, not a wound they intentionally inflicted on a lab animal.
Your hands hovered over his inflamed stab wounds, teeth gritted in focus as you knelt next to him. One moment, Soap was delirious from blood loss, sputtering out incomprehensible phrases. The next, the searing in his abdomen reduced to a mild ache.
Then a tickle. And then nothing except the warmth radiating off your fingertips. The stab wounds faded from his flesh right before his eyes.
You had taken away his pain; somehow, in some way.
For a moment, he imagined this was heaven. An angel of mercy escorting him to the high place, though he was always convinced he'd end up in the fiery one. When not blinded by pain, he could finally muster the ability to speak again. "Who are you?" He wanted to ask what you were, but the empathy bleeding from your eyes pulled at his heartstrings. Those eyes; cloudy on the irises. And your sickly features, now filled with more life after healing him.
You were much too drained to answer. It was your first time saving a human in such a critical condition. Healing drained every ounce of energy from you. Before you could answer, he rose to his feet, wrapping one of the stray quilts around your trembling shoulders. "Ye saved my life, it's the least I can do."
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The raid was by no means straightforward. Nonetheless, it was strange to Gaz how few intel pieces he found. A few files he skimmed, some compelling blueprints — but nothing actionable. Once again, the rules of engagement prevented him from pushing the bounds of the code he followed. Another catastrophe is around the corner with an aloof public, yet there's nothing he can do but follow orders.
But there was more to this facility than met his eyes. Kyle knew it, and his instinct was rarely wrong.
There was a rattle on one of the lower levels, like that of a chair scraping against the floor. A faint scream. Then silence. No gunshots, no explosions, no enemies making callouts, not even his comms alerting him to check that level. It was obvious he was the only one who heard it.
He kept his sidearm raised ahead of him, eyes dancing around the motionless halls of the place. Whatever it was, he was going to find it; with or without following orders. "Anybody down here?" Gaz's own voice echoed off the walls. Still, no sound followed, not while he crept down the flight of stairs. Down the hall, he swept every room, finding nothing and no one once again.
Get out of there, Garrick. There's nothing here.
Price's comm almost swayed him — almost made his shaking hand that was hovering over the last door knob lower. Then he heard another clatter inside the room, one he couldn't ignore, despite his Captain's firm orders to evac.
He could take a serious hit for this, he knew that.
It wouldn't be his first time pushing the limits. Every time he did, he saved someone or something. If he didn't do that this time; he wasn't sure he could handle that weighing on his conscience.
It wasn't an enemy, he would've attacked the Sergeant's weak points by now. Kyle opened the door labeled Observation — his last hope of making this treacherous move worth it. Another shuffle sounded from inside. "If you're in here, show yourself!" The door creaked open as his sidearm remained at the ready, though it quickly dropped to his side when he caught a glimpse of the gruesome scene.
You curled into a ball and let out gasps and whimpers. Around you, a blood trail led up to the body of one of the technicians. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision; you heard the shots, and his hands were on you. You acted on mere impulse, which seemed to be more common after all the experimentations.
Gaz felt like he had dry-swallowed a big pill. You weren't a hostile, not even a scientist. You were some form of maltreated lab rat — one that had finally snapped and didn't know what to do with themselves.
You raised your head from your hands, showing him your face wrinkled with both fright and shock. An obvious adrenaline high, from what he was seeing. Kyle held out a hand, holstering his weapon as he approached slowly. "I'm here to help, alright?" He spoke cautiously, kneeling beside you to meet your crouched level. His hand found your forearm, tracing a hand over the number tattooed on your skin.
The thought was sickening — a human being meddled with, imprisoned in this place for testing. His instincts were proven right again, yet another person he could still save. It was tempting to act on that instinct again, to put up your walls. But this soldier was your last chance at freedom, and whatever half-normal life you might be able to salvage after all this.
His hands found your waist next, guiding you to a standing position. "You stay behind me and you'll get out of here. I promise you." Kyle spoke to you softly, before leading the way out of there. You'd never seen the outside of the observation room, not once in all the time you had been kept there.
He allowed you to cling to him as he retraced his steps, ascending the staircase. Gaz had saved you — point blank. Any longer, and you would've been an abandoned trial by the scientists, or wrongfully executed during the siege.
No amount of paperwork would make this choice any less worth it.
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A DC X DP IDEA#10 Their Humanity
Imagine dis…
It is always Talia, Damian, and Ra hiding the fact that either they have another child of Batman that died due to the fight to the death between siblings. It is always either Danny faking or is at the edge of death to escape the League. But what if in this universe it is quite the opposite?
It came as a surprise to Talia that she had just given birth to twins, with her Father on her side exclaiming that they were blessed to have the Al Ghul have twin heirs.
The midwife first presented the first newborn as well as the one to come out first. Tan skin as well emerald green eyes and a mop of spiky hair on top of his head are what they saw naming him Damian as the firstborn as well the future Demon Head. Crying and screaming his heart out, Ra deemed him worthy enough of being the heir.
But the moment the two laid their eyes on the second child made them feel that their heart had just beaten.
The second one was not crying just sleeping quietly and peacefully, light skin and blue eyes are what had greeted them, and with bated breath, they look intently at the second born.
With wide eyes, Talia named the child Danyal in the quietest and softest voice she could muster. Her Father, on the other hand, his eyes stayed on his 2nd grandson as something foreign and unknown inside him stirred, something warm that he could not describe the sensation. Carefully reaching out his hand to take a good look at the boy’s face, Talia would have never thought in her life but her maternal instincts are now screaming at her to protect Danyal from her own father if he ever dares to harm the boy which confuses her, as in her entire life there had been not a single moment of such frivolous emotions arise, not even when she seduced Batman for the sake of creating the ultimate heir yet here she was, still weak after literal moments after giving birth add to the fact she felt indifference to her firstborn so what made Danyal special to the point she was ready to fight her Father for Danyal’s safety?
Ra didn’t comment when he saw the rigid form of Talia and continued reaching out to the newborn. Now take note that he had taken multiple bathes using the pits, also it is a well-known fact that babies tend to know things or even read the mood. Babies are also known as the most innocent creatures on this planet aside for toddlers and kids, so when Ra reached towards Danyal he had expected the child to be scared and start crying but his grandson who was merely minutes born did the impossible.
Danyal had reached out, gave the tinniest grip a newborn could do, and giggled as if he already knew that whoever that man is, he just knew that he felt safe just by being around him.
Ra widened his eyes at the action and merely hummed in approval or dismissal Talia never knew.
But that day whether they knew or not the world the of cruelest assassins who wouldn’t bat an eye whether they kill children and newborns for the sake of their cause had just their world had just been shifted towards this newborn.
During the early years of both children, the League had changed to something of the past Ra would rather die or even commit seppuku than see the changes in the League.
Ra and Talia both interacted with Danyal, using the milk that was produced from her very own body to nourish Danyal while Damián was in the care of his wet nurses.
Ra would look question at the tiny infant, does this child possess some sort of meta ability that made him likable?
Unlikely, the number of tests that the child had to face to ensure his health reveals no gene or mutation of any sort.
Talia would express a foreign expression to her and those around her every time she interacted with Danyal, every time he smiles, giggled, cooed, and laughs she felt lighter and happy. On the other hand, every time Danyal cries or even has even the lightest traces of being upset she would immediately gets rid of the source.
Ra would very often come to the twin’s chambers to observe Danyal, and every time he would take a brief visit Danyal would immediately stir awake and try to reach out to his grandfather.
Each time Ra would leave with unclear thoughts and mind as he still has that current yet foreign feeling in his chest.
Each time that Ra would leave the chambers Danyal would always steal a small piece of the cold man’s heart.
Until one day those walls that were built using the strongest materials that surround their Icey cold hearts, slowly crumble and melt at the mention of Danyal
New toys, new robes that were made with the finest silks, and gifts that were made for a king were all presented and gifted to Danyal who was barely a month old and barely able to hold his own head on his own.
Growing up Damian had noticed the amount of personal attention his younger brother has received through his grandfather and mother. For someone who had done the League’s utilization of basic forms at a young age under the tillage from his personal trainers. Danyal on the other hand was a bit of a slow learner, he was not born to be an assassin a thought that passed his mind.
Damian witnessed the acknowledgment and praise that came from both his grandfather and mother when Danyal had perfected a certain form that he had already perfected a month prior.
At first, Damian is bewildered at the amount of attention and personal gifts that were given to his younger brother.
Is he not the heir of the League? Is he not the first-born grandson of the Demon Head?
At first, he held anger and resentment towards Danyal in his mind he is a competition for the privilege of being trained personally by the two greatest warriors in the League.
Even though he had vocally and physically informed Danyal his displeasure towards him didn’t deter Danyal from him from training with him, fighting alongside him, looking at the stars with him, and creating a bond with him. To the point that Danyal had dragged Damian to a private training session with the attendance of the two people whom Damian had respected.
As he progressed alongside his younger brother, he finally learned why he was cherished and treasured.
Danyal is fresh cool water in the desert sands and scorching sun that surrounds the Nanda Parbat.
That day he swore to protect Danyal from the harms of the world to the point that the majority of his kills are either child rapes, or child abusers in any shape or form as he alongside his grandfather and mother that together they will make a world a better place for Danyal.
All but one person held annoyance and offense towards the unofficial prince of the League, Deathstroke, a few months before turns to be a defect to the League, he had originally planned to plant bombs around the base to be blown sky high but all of his plans went to the drain when Danyal Al Ghul had confronted him ad disabled the bombs he spent months to place in places that no one would ever think off.
Deathstroke admit it, he thought that Danyal Al Ghul is nothing but a sheltered spoilt prince but clearly the skills he had shown to Deathstroke to the point he Deathstroke was very impressed at the raw skill and talent this boy held at the mere age of 7 made him almost feel guilty, almost.
Deathstroke is a grown man with 10 years of experience in his belt, he easily overpowered the child after dealing with countless injuries that he had obtained when fighting the child.
Grabbing Danyal by the neck, he ponders what would he do to the child when Ra Al Ghul alongside his daughter and grandson with plenty of assassins behind his back looks enraged at the mere scene before him.
Deathstroke pondered at his predicament he could escape but he needed a distraction, looking down below he saw the glowing green waters of the Lazarus pits.
Letting go of the unconscious child he watched gleefully under his mask as he watched the unaltered horror etched on each Al Ghul's faces as they watch Danyal fall towards the pits.
It will be fine Ra assured himself, with his little side project of Jason Todd, he raised the teen from the dead using the pits, he had also used the pits to ensure his longevity.
But when Danyal hadn’t reached out to the edges of the pool he began to think the unimaginable.
Damian his first grandson at the very edges of the pits looking for any signs of his brother, Talia barking orders to the rest of the assassins to look for the prince.
Minutes turned into hours as Danyal hadn’t reached the surface.
That day something inside of all of them died as anger, resentment, grief, and depression at the mere fact that Danyal Al Ghul is no longer with them.
Danny had always known that he wasn’t the son of Jack and Maddie Fenton, he knew that the Lazarus pits had somehow transported him to an alternate dimension, those nightmares that his “sister” and “parents” used to tell him that was only a figment of imagination were his memories, using the skills he had learned he searched for any whispers of the league or even his father but so far his search led him to an unknown dimension.
Clinging to only the memories he had to ground him, to remember himself that they are waiting for him.
Pretending to have amnesia and acting to be a scared little boy who was abandoned in the forest was easier as of now he needed to make a new identity. On the papers, he was named Daniel Fenton, a shy and quiet young boy who was found in the middle of the forest suffering from multiple injuries, hypothermia, and amnesia.
The only reason he had picked the Fenton’s as his fosters is due to the fact that they have an advanced and unrestricted vault of weapons as well their studies are well aligned at the Lazarus pits.
Pretending to be a meek boy who was bullied by a larger child, who was best friends with two of the natural outcasts in the population as well sabotaging his own grades in order to remain unseen or normal.
Dying at the age of 10 was not even part of the plan, he had read that children who are about to enter their teen years are doing something childish or even stupid. Nor becoming alive once again or even becoming a vigilante like his father, even getting attached to his supposed friends as well as sister to the point he would rather die for the second time than see them hurt.
When he became the crowned prince of the Infinite Realms, he had ordered all of the ghosts and rogues to stay in the Realms as it was getting dangerous for all ghosts as the GIW and the Fenton’s have not only doubled their efforts as well became more brutal in terms of handling ghosts.
At the age of 13 there we see Danny running toward the Infinite Realms all bloody and injured. Jack and Maddie had found out and they were in the middle of dissecting him when his two best friends and the woman whom he is proud to call his sister all to burst into a hidden GIW location which is where he is being held and practically all of them prepared to lay their lives for him. All three of them not only rescued him but also destroyed all research and weapons they possibly have about the Infinite Realms.
As he was trying to create a portal a natural portal randomly opened in front of him, leaving no choice he immediately jumped.
It had been 6 years since Danyal had died, during this time the previous 10-year-old Damian Al Ghul was introduced and stayed with his father who was Batman in Gotham.
Ra Al Ghul had been revived secretly and started to rebuild the League. Talia had finally captured Slade and finally slit the man’s throat after hours of continuous torture.
Ra along with Talia was looking somberly at the pits as this was the final resting place of Danyal, as it has been years since the pits had taken and had not returned the body of Danyal.
Suddenly the pits started to glow brighter and brighter unable to stand the brightness both Ra and Talia covered their eyes. The moment they take a moment to discern what made the pits reacts like that, a loud splash was heard around the cave.
Talia just needed a second to see who dared to use the pits to suddenly see herself swimming to retrieve what had just disturbed the pits.
The moment she reached the shores she didn’t dare to wish for, there she is, cradling a 13-year-old bloodied and injured version of Danyal.
Disbelief is written on the faces of the Al Ghul’s, Ra didn’t want to be taken advantage of and immediately requested a DNA test that came back positive.
Relief and happiness flowed like air to the two Al Ghuls.
Thus, the journey of healing and family.
It has been months since Damian had started to act differently Bruce thought.
His 13-year-old son started to go out more in the guise of spending time with his siblings, but when the said siblings denied ever spending time with Damian made him worry. According to the parenting books he had found online, teens especially Damian’s age tend to be more rebellious to find the place where they belong.
This prompted them to follow him when he had requested to have a week out of town with a “sibling”, Batman along with Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin is following Damian in his civilian clothing to an expensive hotel and resort surrounded by the desert sun.
As they were going around inside the said resort and hotel, they saw Ra and Talia Al Ghul which made them immediately on the defensive as they start to wonder over the comms what could the hotel or this resort has that warranted the attention of the two deadly assassins.
As they hide in the shadows, they saw a child collide with Ra, they were almost afraid of what Ra would have done but what Ra have done made them drop their respective jaws.
Ra just smiled, SMILED, the assassin that even Batman has trouble defeating as well as holding the title of the cruelest assassin in the world, smiled, and hugged the child.
Looking closely, they swore they saw a mini Bruce in that teen. Blue eyes with a mop of black hair that rests on top of the teen's head.
Another clone? Was an immediate conclusion up until they saw Talia approach the pair with a soft smile, as the child ran up to Talia screaming mother.
Damian who entered alongside Talia, didn’t seem to bother by the supposed clone, the Batfam knew his deep hatred towards clones, so when Damian just looked at the teen with soft eyes made them fear the worse.
Damian was being blackmailed by the League or else their new brother might just suffer the consequence of refusing.
Batman was distraught about another child that has hidden from him and was right now being held against his will, Red Hood exclaimed that he was sure he saw the Demons spawn with blue eyes not green.
Now they fight about who has the rightful custody of Danyal Al Ghul Wayne.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Promise | Part Two
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Pairing: RE4!Leon S. Kennedy x co-worker!fwb!afab!Reader
Genre: Friends with Benefits AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut 
Synopsis: It’s been days since Leon left, the last you heard from him being rumors about the mission. Over the span of those days without him, you start to realize how much you craved Leon’s comfort beyond physical. But, why is he suddenly acting so distant? 
Word Count: 9.2K
Warnings: 18+ SEXUAL CONTENT MINORS DNI; mild slow burn?, allusions towards depressive episode, crying, slight depictions of blood and gore, Y/N used once, reader smokes cigarette, reader consumes alcohol, switch!reader x dom!Leon, slight humiliation (reader receiving), slight overstimulation (reader receiving), pet names (love, baby, beautiful), fingering (reader receiving), rough fucking, oral sex (reader receiving), spanking (reader receiving), choking (reader receiving), oil massage (reader receiving), manhandling (reader receiving),mutual aftercare, swearing
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE!!! A huge, huge thank you for everyone's love for Promise pt. 1. I really hope everyone enjoys the second part. I appreciate everyone’s patience and apologize for taking so long to finish this. I cannot tell you how many times I reconstructed the plot lol 
Taglist: @navreads @navstuffs (sry i couldn't tag your side blog)
- masterlist -
- part one -
You don’t remember the last time you slept. Well, of course you slept, every human needs sleep to recover. Maybe you should say that you couldn’t remember the last time you fully recovered. Regardless, all you knew was that feeling of uneasiness whirling in the pits of your stomach. 
Ever since Leon left for the mission, you couldn’t help but worry. The constant feeling of fear consumed your thoughts 24/7 as you daydreamed about what horrors Leon could be facing and whether or not he had the skill and luck to survive. The devil that people call “the little voice in my head” tormented you with narrative images of Leon’s death. Some scenarios were soaked with gushing blood, some were infected with whatever mutated virus, and some – the one you deemed the worst out of all – was simply a missing person, no body to be found whatsoever. 
You spent your mornings in bed, laying there for what felt like hours only to fight off the grogginess with some cheap coffee or energy drink before heading to work at the very last second possible without being considered tardy. Normally, you were a very diligent worker, investigating virus cases or testing for possible antidotes. But these days with your mind clouded with Leon’s absence, you often caught yourself stumbling over work. Your supervisor scolded you for simple mistakes, ones that you would’ve never made before. You were slow and sloppy, and Leon was all to blame. 
If you thought your performance at work was bad, your personal life was even worse. Once work was over, you’d go home, maybe make a sorry excuse for a meal, watch an episode or two of whatever show you had queued, and get ready for bed. When you entered your apartment, you’d think of when Leon would push you towards the closest wall, pining you with his hips as he grinded his restricted erection into your hip bone. When you cooked, you’d think of when Leon slid his hands down from your waist to pick you up and trap you on your granite countertops. When you ate, you’d think of when Leon bent you over and railed into you from behind over your kitchen table. 
You’d hope some TV would ease your mind, but the audio quickly became white noise as your thoughts drifted towards Leon. On a day where you were feeling particularly lonely, you closed your eyes and layed yourself in bed with your hand creeping under the waistband of your pants. You sighed in relief, reaching the spot which craved your attention. With your imagination, you pictured Leon in front of you. His eyes watched as you did your best to satisfy yourself. You listened to his ghost-like whispers as he guided where to put your fingers and how much or little to apply pressure. With your fingers, you tried your best to follow his silent commands, doing your best to imitate his technique. For an hour, you remained like that, pushing and hoping to reach a climax, but even imitation could never compare to the real thing. Nothing could compare to Leon. So, you found yourself cleaning up, although barely lubricated and heading to bed to ignore the pitiful aching between your legs. 
You didn’t know when – if – Leon was coming back, all you knew was that somehow, this became routine for you. 
“Hello?? Hello???” Poppy waved a hand in your face, “Earth to agent? What’s got you so distracted?”
Startled, you jumped back, not realizing that you’d been staring blankly at your laptop screen for some while. You cleared your throat, finding the almost empty cup of whatever drink left behind and chugging it, “Shit, sorry. Need something?”
Poppy looked at you with concern, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, “I do. I need to know what’s up with you. Are you okay? You’ve been totally out of it these days.”
“I’m fine,” You touched her hand, grateful for her concern, “Just tired.”
“Trouble sleeping? I don’t want to be mean, but those eye bags are killer. Not the good kind.”
Rubbing your eyes, you sighed with the weight of last night’s lack of sleep on your shoulders, “Yeah, something like that.”
“You know I care for you, right?” Poppy softly smiled, “And, that you can tell me anything, and I mean anything, if you need to.” 
You nodded, reciprocating her smile, genuinely thankful for her friendship. Although you weren’t ready to share your experience, you were glad to know that you had someone to go to if you ever felt particularly sentimental, “I know, thank you. Just got some stuff on my mind, but I promise I’m okay.” 
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself back into work mode, “Did you still need something or just come to visit?”
Only then, you noticed the collection of papers in Poppy’s hands as she gave them to you. Looking through them, your heart leapt to your throat as you instantly recognized Leon’s handwriting on the mission reports. Stunned, you felt like all of time ceased around you as a loud buzzing sound pierced your ears. It was only until Poppy’s soft voice pulled you back into reality, “He’s in the infirmary, the doctors are watching him for any signs of Las Plagas just in case Luis’s laboratory was faulty. We’re supposed to go see him and run some tests as well.” 
You were out the door quicker than Poppy could finish, leaving her to trail behind you as you rushed towards the infirmary. You could hear Poppy shouting for you to slow down and wait for her, but your mind was racing with Leon and the need to just see him. You heard a soft crunch, looking down to notice that the reports had been crumpled by your death grip. You felt light headed, out of breath with anxiety, almost like your heart was about to burst through your ribcage. Turning towards Poppy, who just caught up to you, you pleaded, “Which room is he in?”
“The one on the left.”
In your mind, you wanted to dash towards his room, slam the door open, and jump into his arms; however, your legs felt like jelly, each step slower than the previous as you paced to a standstill just in front of the closed door with your hand frozen on the handle. From the little window in the door, you saw Leon laying on the bed, draped in a hospital gown and tucked underneath the thin, white top sheet. Next to him, his bloodied uniform folded in a sealed bag, waiting to be sent off to forensics. With your free hand, you covered your mouth as tears silently ran down your face. The sight before you was freighting, nothing like any type of fear you felt before. Leon, bruised and battered, became your worst nightmare. The image of his dormant figure etching into your memory forever. 
“Is he…” You gulped, swallowing down the lump in your throat before taking a shaky breath. It didn’t matter as you couldn’t bear to finish your sentence. 
Poppy grabbed your hand, the one that’d been resting on the door handle and pulled you to face her. She cooed at you to take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling with you. You hadn’t realized you were starting to hyperventilate. Once the heavy pressure on your chest dissipated, Poppy spoke, “He’s okay, just sleeping. His body is recovering from the lack of food and sleep. The doctors are closely monitoring him, and we’re waiting for his results.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and thanked whatever higher being for protecting Leon. As much as you wanted to look back at Leon, you were scared to see him in such condition again. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him return from a mission, but this was definitely the first time you’ve seen him return so beaten up and in a hospital bed. 
A tight hug from Poppy pulled you from your thoughts. You’d meant to ask what she was doing, but her warm embrace reminded you of your lack of social interaction and sent you into another fit of tears. Your lips trembled as you buried your face into her shoulder and graciously accepted her embrace. You mumbled as coherently as you could about how scared you were, how worried you were, and how lonely you’d been without him. Unknowingly, you’d just confess your feelings for Leon. 
Poppy consoled you, bringing up a hand to pat the back of your head and caringly brushing your hair, “You haven’t told him?”
You shook your head, “I don’t think I realized until now.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t.”
You pulled back, confused, “What do you mean?”
“Everyone can tell that you two have chemistry,” Poppy laughed to ease the tense atmosphere, “Sorry to say, but you two aren’t so good at hiding your not-so-secret glances at each other.” 
You sniffed, wiping your nose with the back of your hand as you blushed, “Damn, I didn’t think it was that bad.” 
“It wasn’t, you just confirmed it for me,” Poppy snickered as you scowled. She rejoiced with an empathetic look in her eyes, “You know you should tell Leon how you feel. We almost lost him this time, you might not get to say how you feel about him.” 
You pressed your lips together, hesitating before speaking, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Getting rejected?”
“And, how would you know that? We’ve seen the way he treats you, you both go home after work together, what else do you need?” Poppy reasoned, “How could he say no to you?”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” Your voice came out as a hushed whisper, as you looked towards the floor and found the patterns on the tiles more interesting than your answer. 
Poppy looked over at Leon’s sleeping body, “You can practice when he’s not listening, and then, when you’re ready, you can tell him how you feel without being scared.”
You followed Poppy’s eyes, once again landing on Leon’s body. Internally, you debated whether or not you should follow Poppy's plan. You bit your lip with anticipation, “What’s the worst that could happen, right?”
Poppy nodded, a brighter smile blooming on her face. She wiped your tears and fixed your hair, “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
You thanked her, giving her one last hug before turning back towards the door. You took a moment to breathe before bracing yourself and entering his room. The hum of the machines buzzed through your ears, blurring the deafening thoughts racing through your mind. Soft yellow hues from the overhead light illuminated Leon’s scratched up face. Slowly, you moved towards him and stood near the edge of the bed. You stared at his hand, a bandage wrapped around what you assumed to be a wound obtained from catching a knife. Hesitantly, your fingers touched the bandage before gently snaking them to hold his hand. A sense of relief washed over you as the warmth of his hand reassured he was alive and well. Although he was sleeping, you felt him grip your hand just a tiny bit tighter once yours was in his, causing your lips to quiver again and slow tears to fall. 
“Um, hey,” Your voice cracked, “Sorry. Um, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I really missed you, and I was really worried about you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left. Uh, I don’t really know what I’m saying right now, but I care for you. I want you to be happy, I want you to be healthy, and-” 
You gulped, “And…I want to be the one to make you happy.” 
“I…” You took a deep breath, “I love you, Leon.”
And, mumbling through his slumber, Leon whispered, “I love you too, Ada.” 
It’s been three days since you showed up to work, having a poor excuse of catching a nasty cold. In reality, you were perfectly fine if you considered an aching heart to be okay. Like a teen whose crush just kissed another person, you spend the last three days lazing around in your bed, barely getting up to eat and seldom showering. You basically lived in your bed. But as nice as this was, you couldn’t run away forever. You had a day job, and you didn’t want to risk getting fired. So, you shuffled towards your bathroom and hopped in the shower, not having the confidence to look at your appearance through the mirror’s reflection. Even though it took most of your energy to walk to the shower, you instantly regretted not showering sooner with the relief of the hot water soaking your frail body. You worked through your matted and tangled hair, cleaned up your hygiene, and took some time to think about random shower thoughts. After all, that’s all you’d been doing with your time – thinking. Though no matter how much you thought about it, you couldn’t figure out any answers to your questions: Who was Ada and when did he meet her? 
If you recall correctly, you were the only person that had been hooking up with Leon. You confirmed this because he rarely spends nights at others’ places, having preferred to be in the comfort of his own home. Plus, you never saw any indications of other female visitors at his place. So, if you and he had been exclusive for the past few months, that limits the time frame down to Ada being way before your time and not a recent person of interest. So, then the question changes to whether Ada was an ex-girlfriend and whether Leon still had feelings for her. 
Who were you kidding? Of course he still had feelings for her, he confessed his love to Ada afterall. Even though he didn’t know that it was you that had confessed to him, Leon subconsciously kept Ada close to his heart. 
The only thing to confuse you was why had Leon treated you so nicely beforehand? He was always around you, kept you company, walked you home, memorized your favorite foods, and so on. What was the reason for all of that if he hadn’t been interested? Was he leading you on? Toying with your feelings? Had you over-thought his actions? 
You groaned, frustrated at the endless loop of questions in your head. With some new found anger, you stepped out of the shower and started your care routine. You kind of missed having a normal person routine as much as you despised how much effort it took to make yourself deemed socially presentable. Fortunately, your journey to work was uneventful. You did your best to avoid crowded areas, mostly keeping your eye out for Leon. You were not ready to face Leon, knowing that you’d freeze up immediately. You were trying to lay low, keep yourself from being too suspicious. 
“What are we looking at?” 
You jumped through your skin, nearly having a heart attack. You spun around abruptly, having been face to face with the very person you’d been trying to avoid. You stood there, frozen and mouth agape and you tried to muster up a coherent sentence to speak. 
Once he realized you were struggling, Leon popped his brow, “No hello?” 
Leon nodded, slowly, “Hi. So, how’ve you-”
“Um, I gotta go!” And, you sprinted towards your office, leaving Leon staring confused at your retreating figure. 
You spent the next few days avoiding Leon like that by running into the bathrooms whenever he passed in the hall, ducking under the table if you both decided to go into the food hall, and sitting on the opposite side of the table in the briefing room for mandatory meetings. You didn’t care if you were blatantly obvious that you were avoiding Leon. You knew he was smart enough to know that, but you weren’t ready to confront him. Thankfully, Leon hadn’t pushed you to meet with him, but he did send you many concerned glances whenever you both were in close vicinity. Until today, at least, when a light knock on your doorframe took you out of your work. 
“I thought you said you were leaving early today, Poppy.” 
“She did leave.” 
Your head snapped up, “Agent Kennedy-” 
“Oh so, it’s agent now?” Leon questioned, welcoming himself into your office and closing the door behind him. His eyes narrowed and expression stern, indicating that he was fully serious. Admittingly, he played into your game for a while, but he grew tired of you running away. He too wanted answers to his questions. 
You looked away, not liking the way your heart ached when he looked at you with that condescending expression on his face. It made you feel like you disappointed him, “This isn’t very work appropriate.” 
“Is there something wrong with co-workers visiting each other?” Leon questioned, sitting himself in your guest chair. 
You countered, “It’s after work hours.” 
“That hasn’t stopped us before, has it?”
You bit your lip, having no rebuttal against him. Silence cloaked the room as the both of you waited for someone to say something. When he knew that you weren’t willing to give a response, Leon pushed the conversation. 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Leon stated blandly, “Why is that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Bullshit,” Leon spat, “I’ve seen you run into bathrooms, hide under furniture, and make up lame excuses whenever I’m around. What the fuck is going on?”
“Nothing, you don’t have to worry about it,” You buried your face in your hands, already feeling a headache forming from the result of a long day, “Please, Leon, just-”
“What happened to Agent Kennedy?” Leon sassed, his tone indicating that he was choosing to be petty. 
You groaned, “Please, don’t make this any harder for me.” 
“And, you don’t think it’s hard for me as well?” 
You scoffed, “Why would it be hard for you?” 
Leon pressed, “Because the person I’m fucking is avoiding me like I still have Las Plagas.” 
“So, is that what I am?” You laughed in disbelief, “Just someone to fuck?”
“Isn’t that what we agreed on?” Leon grimaced at his own words, but continued to stand his ground. 
“We didn’t agree on anything, Leon. Shit just happened.” 
“And what about now? What changed?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. One moment we’re no strings attached and the next moment we’re eating pizza like we’re a couple. You confuse me, Leon. You lead me on, and I don’t know how to feel about you,” You took deep breaths, trying your best not to overreact or become too emotional, but you were failing. 
“And, how do you feel about me?”
“For fucks sake,” And, you snapped, “I love you, Leon! Can’t you fucking see that!?” 
The cloak of silence engulfed you two again, only the sounds of your ragged breathing piercing through the air. As you caught Leon’s eyes for the first time, you finally broke down with that familiar lump in your throat and blur in your eyes. 
“And, I’m fucking heartbroken sitting here infront of you, acting like everything’s okay when it’s not. I feel like my heart is ripping out of my chest, because I confessed my love for you and you don’t feel the same,” You sniffled, trying your best to hold your tears back as they trailed down your face. 
“You confessed to me? When?” Leon questioned in disbelief. 
“When you came back.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Let me make this easy for you then,” You paused, “Who’s Ada?”
Leon’s eyes widened, jaw slightly slacking. He didn’t answer you, just staring at you as he internally debated what was the best answer. But, he didn’t know what to say to you and even more so what to say to himself. 
You purse your lips, wiping away your last tears before confidently speaking, “Exactly, so until you figure out your feelings, please don’t talk to me.” 
It’s been two weeks since you and Leon last talked – or rather interacted. There were no longer any lingering looks, no hiding behind furniture, and no running into bathrooms. It wasn’t an effort to stay out of each other's lives anymore, it rather came naturally as you both had differing missions. During your time apart, you took much time to think for yourself – healthily at that – and unravel the situation. Beneficially, you were doing slightly better than before such as eating more and sleeping more. But ultimately, Leon was still on your mind 24/7. And, being invited to the President’s gala dedicated towards rewarding and celebrating the researchers and agents who contributed to saving Ashley did you no justice in keeping your mind off Leon. 
“Doing okay?” Poppy found you sitting alone in the corner with a large glass of champagne. 
“Yeah, just taking a break,” You sighed, craning your neck to loosen up the tense muscles, “I don’t know how much longer I can take people coming up to thank me or tell me how great my research is.” 
Poppy laughed, popping some of the table candy into her mouth, “What? Don’t like being the center of attention?”
You itched at your face, skin feeling heavy with the makeup that covered your dark circles, “Not when I have to dress up and act prim and proper all the time. Like, could we have not done this in an email or something?” 
Poppy took her flute of champagne and gently tapped the rim against yours, “Cheers to that, I could be home watching TV.” 
You both shot back your drinks, relishing in the sweet flavor and bubbly texture. You and Poppy chatted for a moment before she was taken away to meet more people, leaving you back in your lonely corner. Eventually, after sitting for a while, you became bored, having already met with most people or just on low energy in general. You didn’t want to take another flute of champagne, fearful that it’d make you more sluggish than you already were, so you motivated yourself to make your way to the snack table and hoped that something citrus-y could wake you up. 
Just as you were about to grab a scoop from the fruit bowl, a voice from behind you caught your attention, “Hey! You’re the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped, right?”
Turning around, you came face to face with Ashley, “I had a bit of help.” 
“Thanks, you saved my life,” Ashley smiled, hugging you with appreciation before taking your hand and dragging you towards another part of the gala, “Hey, let me introduce you to my dad!” 
You tried to protest, but you already found yourself face to face with the President. 
“Ashley! So, that’s where you ran off to. Who’s this?” 
You turned towards the man, body instantly stiffening with formality, “Mr. President.” 
Ashley smiled, “This is the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped.” 
The President gave you a nod, “Thank you for saving my daughter.” 
Feeling awkward in the presence of such high authority, you just smiled and fiddled with your empty fingers. Before you could excuse yourself, Ashley perked up, “Dad look! It’s Leon!”
Fuck. Just what you needed. 
The President turned towards Leon and gave him a firm handshake with much more adoration and affection than what he gave you, “I knew I could count on you, Leon. You’re a valuable asset.” 
You and Leon connected eyes for a brief moment, his eyes lingering before Leon focused his attention back to the President and acknowledged his words, “I couldn’t have succeeded without my partner.” 
Leon and the President continued chatting as you stood there silently, thoughts about your fruit bowl long gone. You choked at Leon’s words, definitely knowing that he was referring to you but not directly. It’s been so long since you’ve heard Leon’s voice and seen Leon’s face, all of your progress of moving on fell back to ground level as your heart longed for him. You stood there awkwardly, having felt like you were very out of place. You were zoned out for most of the conversation or at least until you noticed Ashley inching closer towards Leon. Her laughter was louder, more forced as she clung on Leon’s arm. She pressed herself up against him, causing a sickening feeling to brew in your stomach. But that feeling was nothing compared to seeing Leon do nothing to brush off Ashley from his side. 
At this moment, you were glad you never touched the fruit bowl, knowing that it would’ve come up from your front seat view of Leon and Ashley. Unfortunately, the heaps of alcohol were starting to get to you as nausea and fatigue washed over your consciousness. Picking up a glass of water from a passing staff member, you took a few heavy gulps before inserting yourself back into the conversation, “Please excuse me.”
For the most part, you were ignored which you didn’t mind too much, having been able to slip away unnoticed. Briskly walking out of the main room, you found yourself stumbling through long halls, almost identical to the last before somehow locating a low leveled balcony overlooking a large open field of grass and garden. You untangled the curtains and softly closed the elegant door behind you, shielding yourself into isolation as you walked towards the balcony’s edge and leaning your hip against the cold stone. Looking out into the night, you sighed a breath of relief as the rush of cool air enveloped your flushed body. 
You lost track of time staring at the stars above you, drunk thoughts floating through your mind. Specifically, thoughts about Leon, then Leon and Ashley, and then Leon and you – or rather Leon without you. At this point, you hated how your thoughts were consumed by him, almost like your entire life revolved around him. You wondered, how did you get yourself to this point? 
Groaning in frustration, you fished out a spare cigarette and lighter from your person, pressing the soft paper between your lips and reaching up to light the tip. You rotated the gears of the lighter to ignite a flame; however, the cool breeze of the night prevented the flame from growing high enough. You cursed, trying again and again, but to no avail – until a large hand helped enclose your cigarette and block the wind from extinguishing your flame. You followed the hand’s owner, surprised to see Leon standing before you, having no conclusion on how he made it past the balcony doors without you noticing or hearing him. 
You slacked your lips, letting the cigarette slightly fall just enough to let you speak, “I thought you didn’t like smokers.”
“You only smoke when you’re stressed,” Leon shrugged, still cupping his hand near your cigarette. 
You didn’t comment, lighting your cigarette and sheathing your lighter. You took a long, deep breath before blowing out the smoke in the opposite direction where Leon stood. For a moment, you did debate whether to blow smoke in his face, but you weren’t that petty. Yet. 
“Long night, I guess.” 
“Yeah, same,” Leon scrunched his brows, referring to these awful parties that always praised the small number of agents and soldiers that were lucky enough to return home to their families. 
Deciding to act civilized, you lightly chuckled, flicking the ashes off your cigarette, “Not enjoying the spotlight, hero boy?”
“Can’t say I do this often.”
You didn’t reply and found no need to keep the conversation going. Maybe it was awkward, but the smell of nicotine helped ease your nerves. You enjoyed watching the smoke as it dissipated into the night air, only to be blown away by the gentle breeze which made you and the garden bushes shiver. 
You heard Leon rustling before a bit of heavy weight landed on your shoulders and the residual warmth engulfed your arms and torso. Stubbing out your cigarette, you blow out one last drag before looking over at Leon in his button up and instinctively gripping his jacket around you tighter. You usually brought your own jackets to these kinds of events, but you didn’t expect to run and hide outside for this long. 
“Keep it, you’re cold,” Leon leaned up against the balcony, “And, call me Leon.”
You didn’t know how to answer him, so you chose not to. You didn’t feel like you could be personal with him, at least not anytime soon. 
Noticing your lack of interaction, Leon piped up, “So, what’s on your mind?”
You cringed at the question, shrugging through his jacket, “Things.”
“Personal things.”
Another blanket of silence covered you both, but this time, it was definitely awkward as you no longer had your smoke to distract you with. 
You purse your lips, “Sorry, you go first.”
“Please, I insist.”
For the first time since he came out, you and Leon made eye contact as you both tried to read each other's emotions. You debated whether or not to say anything to him, knowing that you had weeks of pent up emotions and unresolved tension. Thinking about Poppy, voices about weighing your pros and cons came back to mind. Pros with talking with Leon were gaining yourself a sense of conclusion, whereas the cons were getting your heart broken – again. Somewhere along the line of thinking, your heart must’ve made the decision for you, throwing logic completely out the question. While gazing into his blue eyes, your pupils shook, causing you to close your eyes and take a deep breath for confidence. 
With a small and broken voice, you softly spoke in a volume borderline inaudible, “You can’t- you can’t keep doing this to me, Leon.”
Leon pinched his eyes closed, almost like he was in physical pain, “I know.”
“You’re hurting me,” Your voice quivered. 
“I know.”
“I’m confused at your words and actions.” 
“I know.” 
“And, this whole time I feel like I’ve just been used.”
“I know.” 
Suddenly, you grit your teeth in frustration and throwing his jacket off your shoulders, “Fuck, Leon, can you say anything besides I know!?”
You didn’t mean to shout at him, but it just came out like that. You really shouldn’t have yelled. You were never the type to speak out from emotions anyways. Plus, you didn’t need to draw attention to yourselves had there been any unseen party goers straggling in the hallway. 
Watching Leon frown from your outburst made your heart ache before his eyes shifted towards something sympathetic. He shifted closer towards you, picking up his jacket and fixing it back on you before placing a warm hand over yours, “I’ve figured out my feelings.”
Tears flooded your vision as the air in your lungs crushed your chest. It didn’t matter what Leon’s answer was, you just weren’t ready to hear it, so you did the first thing that came to mind. You ran away, “No, no, no, don’t do this to me right now, please. I can’t do this anymore, just leave me alone, please.”
With his lightning reaction, Leon caught you by the arms and stopped you halfway towards the door. His grip was strong enough to hug you comfortably in his chest, but nowhere near tight enough to be painful or uncomfortable. Still, you pathetically fought against him, weakly slapping his upper chest; although, a part of you really didn't want him to let you go. 
Leon hugged you tighter, holding you closely and consoled your hysterics the best he could, “Shh, baby please, just let me explain.”
You halted your struggling, “Let go of me.”
"You don't mean it," Leon shook his head, "I don't believe you." 
“Damn it, Y/N!” 
Leon's abrupt outburst killed whatever thought you had and silenced you into submission. Of all the years you've known him, never once has he ever raised his voice at you nor looked at you with such passionate eyes blazing with equal parts frustration and determination. 
“I will tell you everything, okay? Ask me anything you want, I’ll give you only the truth. I just want to talk to you, please?”
He continued when you didn't answer him. 
“I don’t want to leave you like this, but if you decide that you don’t like my answers or that you don’t like me, just say the word and everything we’ve ever had stops,” Leon looked down at you hopeful, releasing his hold as a sign that he trusts you not to dash away. Instead, he fixed his jacket around you as you didn't realize it was halfway down your torso. 
"Deal?" Leon said. 
Hesitantly, you nodded. Maybe it was his change in demeanor or thoughtful speech or the smell of his cologne engulfing you – whatever it was, you were compelled to accept the temptations of a devil. And yours was Leon and his sparkling eyes under the moonlit sky. 
“Say it, please,” His tone returned back to a soft and gentle level as he cupped your face with one hand and brushed your bottom lip with his thumb. 
You gulped nervously, yet determined for answers, “You have one minute.”
Leon let out a sigh of relief before flashing a small, crooked smile and thanking you for giving him a chance. 
“Ada was someone I met at Raccoon City. We spent a bit of time together, trying to get to Umbrella’s underground lab. She kissed me, but we had our differences and ended up parting ways.”
“Differences?” You perked. 
“I wanted to save the people, but she didn’t," It was a simple answer, but Leon didn't have time to elaborate while on your timer, “Then, I met Ada in Spain.”
"Wait," You paused and rewound the storyline, “I thought only you and Claire survived.”
Leon nodded with a far off look on his face as he reminisced his old days, “I thought so too, I don’t even know how she’s alive or what she’s doing, but she was in Spain.”
“Leon, why didn’t you tell us? She could be dangerous, she could’ve been working for Los Illuminados!” You scolded with a deep frown, wondering how he could've trusted someone like that. 
“No, she isn’t," Leon denied, "She’s working for someone else though, I don’t know who.”
Getting sick of talking about Ada and nearing the end of your minute, you jabbed, “I’m failing to see how this involves me.”
“This involves you, because I can’t get you out of my mind! At first, I thought it was all physical, and that was okay with me. But, we started working on more projects together, and I could finally see you for who you are. Like how intelligent you are in the meeting rooms, how your eyes crinkle when you smile at Poppy, and how you always look at me with your sparkling eyes. I didn’t even know when I started falling for you. I looked forward to seeing you every Friday, even if nothing were to happen, I still wanted your company. I wanted to see you for as long as I could, so that’s why I started visiting your office more, inviting you out more, figuring out your likes and dislikes. God, I’m so fucking obsessed with you.”
Without realizing, Leon caged you against the balcony with his hands on either side of your hips and drew soft circles. He ghosted his lips on the nape of your neck before following the shell of your ear and whispered, “‘I’m so fucking obsessed with you, when I look at you I create a future with us. Just me and you, and maybe some little ones later if you wanted.”
You sighed in pleasure as you responded to his kisses, one leg instinctively hooking around his thigh as to bring him closer to you. Leon accepted your beckoning and closed the gap between each other's chests. Face to face, you could feel his breath on your lips as he laid his forehead on yours. There was barely anything keeping you from kissing each other, something you two had never done before while hooking up as it seemed too intimate for friends with benefits to do. 
Looking into his eyes, you didn't need to ask if he were sincere. You could see all of him already, and he made sure you knew that he was willing to be a hundred percent and more vulnerable. While observing, you noticed how his eyes darted between yours frantically and how his Adam's apple bobbed in a nervous gulp. You were taking too long to answer. 
“Why are you so scared?” You asked gently, placing a hand on his cheek. 
He nuzzled into your touch, “I’m scared of hurting you. I didn’t know if I would come back from that mission. I made a promise that I didn’t even know if I could keep.” 
“You came back,” You explained, now calm and confident as you said, “That’s all that matters.”
Leon's eyes lit up in delight with a breath of relief. Without any warning, Leon’s lips were all over your face, kissing your cheeks, temple, and forehead. You shied back, embarrassed from his affection. He must’ve known this as well, smirking from seeing the blush surfaced on your cheeks. Palm facing outwards, you partially blocked your face as you looked away, “Don’t look at me.”
“You look beautiful,” Leon gently removed your guarding hand and held it in his with a comforting caress before taking his other hand to guide your chin back to lock eyes, “Can I kiss you again?”
You didn’t answer him with words, opting to crane your neck forward and pressing your lips onto his. Without hesitation, Leon melted into your kiss by sliding the hand on your chin along your jawline and adjusting your angle to deepen the kiss. Arching your back, you circled your arms around his broad shoulders. Leon’s hands moved back to your hips, effortlessly propping you to sit on the balcony’s edge. You gasped in pleasure as you wrapped your legs around Leon’s hips, feeling him pressed against your core. Leon pulled you closer, teasingly grinding his hips against yours. 
“Leon!” You hissed, slapping his chest, “We’re at a party. We-”
“- could get caught?” Leon pulled back with a smirk, “Don’t be loud then.” 
You scolded him to which he laughed joyously. As much as you were annoyed with his antics, you knew that you’d never be able to forget how big his smile was and how happy he looked with you in his arms. So, you laughed with him with a large smile on your face as well, feeling the most safe and comfortable in this moment. 
He held you closely, listening to the beat of his heart, "As much as I want to take you right now, I want us to take it slow. There's so much I want to show how I can treat you. Until then, let's wait until we're both ready." 
Leon had gone out of his way to make you feel like you were his world. Every morning, he’d send you a short message even if it were just a hello. If you had time before work, he’d meet you at your apartment and take you out for a quick breakfast before heading to the office. If you happened to be running late, Leon still made sure to drop off your favorite drink before carrying out his own responsibilities. During lunch, Leon would sit extra close to you, enough to indicate to onlookers that something was brewing between the two of you, but distant enough to not make anyone feel uncomfortable. After work, Leon took you out for dinner or walked you home if you were feeling particularly tired. This new found routine eventually became a lifestyle. Leon attended to all your needs and took extra care of you. Although sex with Leon was no doubt amazing, you both found solace in the emotional comfort and companionship. That is until one day you invited Leon over to bake cookies for Poppy’s birthday. 
“There’s eggshells in the mix, Leon.”
“Leon, you didn’t turn on the oven.”
“Don’t eat the chocolate, Leon!”
“Leon! How did you get flour in your hair?”
You sighed, realizing a bit too late that the flawless Leon Kennedy actually did not have a knack for cooking. Leon blushed with embarrassment, wiping the back of his hand on his forehead and thus smearing more flour on his messy face. Putting your batch of the cookies in the oven, you glided over towards Leon to brush his face clean before pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "Just get cleaned up, 'kay?
Leon nodded sheepishly, heading over towards your bathroom and showering while the cookies baked. With only your batch of cookies surviving the mixing phase, you modified the recipe to make mini cookies instead. Thankfully, they were done and set to cool by the time you finished cleaning up. Realizing your clothes were dusted with flour, you made your way to your closet to change into one of Leon’s large t-shirts. Just as the shirt draped over your body, Leon entered with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and water still dripping down his glistening chest. 
“It’s rude to stare you know,” Leon teased, stretching his bicep on display as he toweled his hair. 
You shuffled your way over to him, teasingly drawing your fingers along the skin of his exposed hipline, “Do you mind?” 
“Not at all,” Leon laughed before sneaking his hands under your thighs and propping you on top of your dresser, “You look good in my clothes. I don’t know how much longer I can resist you.” 
You knew Leon liked to tease you, having gotten used to his sly comments by now. But, you’d been waiting so long since you’ve last had him in you, having Leon barely naked in front of you awoke the desires you’d been trying so hard to suppress. Rubbing your hands along his damp biceps, you trailed your hands all over his chest and up to hold his jawline and bring him in for a deep kiss. You broke the kiss, “Then don’t resist.”
Leon went to protest, probably about to spew some nonsense about waiting for the right time or wanting it to be a special moment, but you’d already forgiven him and any moment with Leon felt special to you. You hushed him impatiently, “Shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.”
You knew you won by his stern set features and darkening eyes, knowing that Leon always hated you pleasuring yourself without his assistance, “Like hell you will.”
Without warning, Leon picked you up again and headed towards your bed, tossing you onto the mattress with a small bounce. You yelped, half in surprise and half in excitement as you tried to sit up; however, Leon stopped you by crawling over your lower body and pining your wrists above your head, “You wanna say that again?”
You tilted your head not-so-innocently, “Say what again, Leon?”
With his free hand, Leon wrapped it around your neck and added a small amount of pressure as a warning, “Don’t test me.” 
You licked your lips, absolutely loving Leon’s change in demeanor. Sometimes, it was too easy to rile him up, “I said, shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.” 
Silence fell between you two as you challenged each other to break first. After a couple moments, you started to believe that maybe you said something wrong by the way Leon had yet to respond or react to you. But this sliver of doubt you held was just enough for Leon to play right into your vulnerability. And with a sly smile, Leon flipped you on your stomach and repositioned your hands to grip a pole on your metal headboard, “Let go and this all stops, do you understand?”
Your question was interrupted as Leon released your wrists, bundled his shirt towards your shoulder blades, and lightly smacked your ass. You jolted with a gasp, fingers tightening around the pole. You heard Leon throw something, probably getting rid of his towel. You hated that you couldn’t tell what he was doing nor could you see him in his glory, but that added towards the excitement of it all as you guessed what you were going to feel and experience next. Leon hovered above you, lips ghosting around the shell of your ear, “I don’t repeat myself, love.” 
You clenched at the pet name, whimpering from the ache between your legs. You felt Leon smirk against your skin as he pressed kisses all around your neck and shoulder. He paused to take a pillow and place it comfortably under your pelvis to prop your hips higher for him. Taking a shaky breath in, you readjusted your fingers to grip the pole even tighter than before, “I understand.” 
There was a lack of response as the weight of Leon’s body disappeared, leaving you wondering what was to come next. Through all of Leon’s previous training, he’s perfected stealth movements. No matter how much you closed your eyes to concentrate on focusing, you were well aware that Leon had the ability to exit the room without you even noticing. It felt like forever as your breathing became labored even if you hadn’t moved. The anticipation was killing you, inside and out. Just as you were about to question him, a small pop adjacent to the sound of a bottle opening pierced the air before what sounded like a glop of substance was squeezed out and rubbed between Leon’s hands. You stayed silent, letting your imagination guide you as Leon’s hands finally touched your body. He started at your shoulders, massaging small, pressured circles into the tense muscles. Once he felt you relax against him, Leon moved to give the same treatment along your back, waist, and hips. Although he wasn’t pleasing you sexually, Leon’s hands still felt euphoric as he trailed his hands along your bodyline. 
Suddenly, he stopped at your ass, squirting some more oil onto his hands before gripping the flesh and spreading you apart. Instinctually, you buried your face into the sheets and spread your legs as you felt Leon’s lingering eyes on you. Slipping a thumb forward, Leon swiped up and down your pussy lips, “So wet and I haven’t touched you yet.” 
You grit your teeth, “Don’t tease me.”
Without warning, Leon slipped his thumb in fully, rubbing against your inner walls as you mewled out in response, “You asked for that.”
“Asshole,” You muttered, still trying to adjust to him. Sure you were no stranger to having Leon’s fingers buried in you; however, it’s been so long since you’ve stretched yourself out. 
Leon chose to ignore you, finding your twitching lips more entertaining than your false resistance. He’d gotten used to it by now anyways. Leon explored your tight cunt a little more with his thumb before releasing his hold on you, “Guess we’ll have to do this the long way, not that I mind.” 
You heard Leon shuffle before his soft, wet lips connected with your pussy lips. Licking and sucking, Leon teased and abused your already swollen clit. For extra lubrication, Leon spit on you before shoving his tongue into your awaiting hole, causing you to lurch forward. You moaned out his name as he quickly brought his hands up to hold your hips stable. From the lack of sexual activity, you were surprised to find yourself so sensitive to his licks and unable to hold yourself still for him. It was almost like this was your first time getting eaten out. 
Your thoughts clouded as Leon pushed his face deeper into you, tongue stretching beyond your tight rim as he fucked you. Shuddering with pleasure, you started to gain a sense of control as you rocked your hips back to push him deeper into you. But just as you did so, Leon retracted his tongue and replaced it with two of his fingers as his lips returned back to your clit. You cried out, confused at how Leon's fingers could make you feel this way when you knew his dick in you would feel even better. Had you gone without him for too long? 
You didn't get a chance to dwell much longer as Leon's long fingers curled up and brushed your pleasure point, causing you to cry out even more and subconsciously releasing one of your hands. Leon immediately noticed this, "Calling quits already? I never knew you were so weak." 
You hissed out in annoyance which quickly changed into pleasure as Leon continued fingering deeper into you. The way he pumped in and out of you, foamed up your sticky consistency as it dripped all over his hand. With your limited vision, the audio of your wet squelching intensified as Leon quickened his pace. 
“Ready for three?”
Leon didn’t wait for an answer before adding another finger into you. At this point, your legs were quivering with delight, barely being strong enough to hold you up. Just as he rubbed your most sensitive part, your legs twitched harshly causing you to give out and slump back into the bed and pillow. Without missing a beat, Leon continued fingering you as his other hand rubbed small circles around your clit. Your moans intensified, legs still shaking from the double pleasuring sensation. 
“Wait- Leon- ngh-” 
You tried taking deep breaths to calm yourself, but you knew your climax was coming despite the efforts to prolong it. Leon seemed to know this as well as he – again – increased his speed and skill. He shushed you, prompting you to climax, “Come on, love, I know you can do it. Just let go, I promise to give you more. Just give yourself to me.” 
Instantly, you clenched around him, feeling yourself cum around the bundle of his fingers as he helped you ride it out. Your loud moans transitioned to deep gasps as you took a moment to catch your breath. Leon flipped you over, giving you a chaste kiss, “Still doing okay?” 
“Yes,” You breathed, “Can I let go now?”
You looked up at Leon with a pleading look. Leon debated for a moment before obliging, knowing that your arms must’ve started feeling sore by now, “Fine, but keep your eyes on me. I want to see your face when you cum on me this time.” 
You looked away, embarrassed. Leon chuckled, finding your reaction adorable as he took the initiative to pump himself and slide his tip along your super sensitive clit. Leon pushed himself into you with a vice grip on your hips, groaning from how wet you still were, “I should’ve fucked you sooner.” 
Before he could fully bottom out, you’d already lifted your hips to indicate to him to start thrusting into you; however, Leon did the exact opposite as he pulled back out just to fuck his tip into you over and over again, “Impatient are we? What’s the rush? We’ve got all night.” 
Having enough with his constant teasing, you mustered all your strength to push Leon back as you straddled him with your hands firmly in his toned chest. Power surged through your veins as Leon surrendered himself beneath you. Although you know Leon could easily overpower you and that he probably let you turn the tables on him for his own entertainment, you let your ego fuel your confidence as you took his hardened dick into your hand and guided him inside you as you sank downwards. 
You watched as Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, trying his best to contain his reaction despite how good you felt engulfing him with your hot walls. Rocking up and down slowly, you leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I told you to shut up or I’ll do it myself.” 
Placing your hands on his shoulders to hold your weight, you thrust your hips along his shaft, pumping him from tip to balls. Leon’s groans grew louder as he put his hands on your hips to help you increase your speed. With the support of Leon, you postured back up and used your body weight to slam down onto his dick, feeling him reach the deepest depths of you. Your pussy clenched around him, throwing your head back from the pleasure. 
A smack to your ass shifted your attention back to Leon as he scowled at you, “I told you to keep your eyes on me.” 
Rolling your eyes, you continued to ride him without answering him. Undoubtedly, Leon glared at you, pushing you off of him and pining you back down into missionary, “You asked for it, hope you're ready.” 
You went to call out his bluff; however, Leon thrusted himself fully into you. You cried out from the fullness, unsuspecting that Leon would enter so roughly into you. But your clenching cunt revealed that you secretly enjoyed how rough he was with you. With that in mind, Leon thrusted roughly into you, pushing your body higher and higher upon the mattress. Leon intertwined his hands in yours, pinning you down in place as he pounded himself deeper into you. Usually, Leon focuses on the sight of you swallowing him whole, watching as his shaft disappears into you and reappears wetter than before. However, as Leon slammed his hips into yours and elicited deafening skin slapping audio, he was solely focused on you, reading every passing emotion across your face. He was studying you, figuring out what you liked versus what you loved. He’d try different angles, watching and listening to your reactions and changing his technique accordingly. He kept at it until a single harsh thrust had you tightening against his cock, gripped his hands, and moaning out his name. With that information, Leon smiled and monopolized his findings as he fixated on hitting your g-spot repeatedly, “Gotcha.” 
Leon pounded into you, harsher and deeper than before as he chased his own high. He guided you, telling you when to wait, so that you could both cum together. You struggled to keep your eyes open from how much stimulation you were receiving. But the look in Leon’s eyes convinced you to keep yours open. 
“I’m almost, fuck, I’m almost done,” Leon’s thrusts became sloppy, yet still hitting you where you needed him. 
You chanted his name over and over as you began to cum for the second time, “Please- I-” 
Without releasing your hands, Leon pumped into you one last time before pulling out and squirting his cum over your lower abdomen. Leon muttered a few curses before lazily falling next to you and kissing you. Leon helped you take off his shirt and wipe his cum off of you, throwing it somewhere on the floor before pulling you closer to him and burying himself in the crook of your neck. You receive his cuddles, lacing your fingers into his messy, damp hair. Leon kissed your neck up to your lips, “Doing okay?”
You nodded with a soft smile, “Help me to the bathroom?”
Leon obliged, lifting you up and placing you in the bathtub to share a bath together. Soaking in the warm water, your back rested against his chest. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder as he wrapped his large arms around your midsection like you’d disappear any second, “Leon?”
He kissed your shoulder, “Yes?” 
“Do you love me?” You asked shyly. 
Leon chuckled, holding you tighter against him, “Of course, I love you.”
“I promise.” 
You kissed him again, “Good, because I love you too.” 
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venerable-sun · 8 months
Call My Name (Nuada x Reader)
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Nuada Silverlance (Hellboy) x Reader
TW: Some slight violence (as to be expected), but otherwise just Nuada being an emotionally-constipated ass
Word Count: ~5400 words
Prompt: I always call you by your title except the one time when you’re in trouble, enemies to lovers, slight hurt-comfort
I stayed up until 3 am writing this, so if you see a typo... no you didn't. Just a reminder that my requests are open so please send them in!
Your ability to get along with just about everyone is something you take a lot of pride in. When you first came under the protection of the BPRD with Red, you had quickly formed many valuable connections, even if you couldn’t call many of them true friends. And when Liz later joined the team, the two of you got on like wildfire (pun intended) almost instantly. Hell, even Manning acts agreeable towards you. You’ve always thought of yourself as a charming person, despite your somewhat off-putting appearance, and your skills in negotiation and peacemaking are unmatched.
That is, until a certain elf-prince came into the BPRD’s custody and put that to the test.
You hadn’t been part of the task team that fought in the Battle of the Golden Army, your… special skills pulling you away from the conflict to mediate between two warring tribes of giants in the Himalayas. 
You are an Avian, a mutated human with wings and the ability to speak every language, both human and supernatural, on the planet. Had the two tribes gone to war, it would have been devastating for the entire Asian continent and would have exposed the entire supernatural world. Being deep into the world’s tallest mountains and in the throes of complicated negotiations meant that you had little to no communication to the outside world for weeks, so to say you were shocked to find out that the world had been incredibly close to being destroyed by an ancient army would be an understatement. 
Even more shocking was finding out that the BPRD had taken the culprit into custody. 
The compound was bustling with activity as you made your way through the long corridors to Manning’s office for your debrief. Familiar faces greeted you as you walked past, some stopping for a moment to ask you about your mission. There were a few who gave you a wide berth, eyeing your wings warily. You had grown used to such looks, knowing that your wings were far from the prettiest things to gaze upon. Avians are an incredibly rare type of mutation, but your specific type even more so. While most had beautiful feathered wings like that of an angel, yours more closely resembled a bat’s. 
You unconsciously tuck your wings closer against your back, wishing that there was more room underground to stretch out to your full wingspan more often. 
You knock on Manning’s door once before pushing your way in, too tired from your trip to wait for him to call you in. All you want to do is take a long, hot shower and sleep for days. 
You’re surprised someone is already sitting there across from the director of the BRPD, and from the tension in his shoulders he isn’t very happy. His head snaps towards you the moment you step into the room, his golden eyes finding yours instantly. His mouth is pulled back into a sneer as he regards you coolly, eyes flicking up and down your form before settling on your wings. Something hardens in his gaze, and he quickly turns his body away from you as if you were not even there. 
“Ah, you’ve returned!” Manning greets. “Well?” 
“The conflict between the giants has successfully been resolved,” you report, trying hard to ignore the disdain that seems to be radiating from the golden-eyed man. “I doubt they will be so quick to go to arms with each other again.” 
Manning hums in approval, settling back into his seat. “I want a full report typed up on my desk tomorrow.”  You nod, turning to leave. “Wait, there’s one more thing.”
You eye him warily, your hopes of a quick escape dashed. Manning gestures to the stranger in the room. “This is Nuada Silverlance, Prince of the Bethmoora Clan. He is in our charge for the foreseeable future.” You notice Nuada’s hands tightening into fists at his words. “I’ve assigned you to be his personal guide and companion while he settles into life here.” 
“I do not need a guide.” The prince speaks for the first time. His voice is deep and smooth like honey, and you would find it strangely attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he was glaring at you as he spoke. “And I certainly do not want companionship from the likes of her. If I am to be forced to live in this insufferable human prison, then I wish to at least be left alone.” 
“You will escort Nuada around the compound,” Manning ignores the silver-haired elf. “And you will help him with anything he needs as well as teach him about human culture.” 
Nuada growls, getting to his feet abruptly. “Absolutely not!”
Manning eyes him coolly. “Need I remind you of the reason you're here in the first place. And if you have any hopes of repairing your relationship with your sister, I would recommend you behave and do as we say.” 
You stifle a yawn as Nuada growls again, your jet lag really starting to make itself known. The elf turns his angry gaze towards you, rage sparking like molten gold in his eyes. “Am I boring you, human? Maybe a knife to your throat will wake you up.” He threatens. 
“Really? Because I don’t see any weapons on you.” You gesture to his empty belt and  exaggeratedly look around the office. “Unless you’ve hidden one somewhere. Is the knife here in the room with us?” 
Nuada looks like a volcano about to erupt, and you have to stifle a laugh. “That’s enough, (Name).” Manning says. “If you would be so kind as to show Nuada to his room. It’ll be right across from yours.” 
You and the elf-prince exit Manning’s office in silence and stand awkwardly in the hallway. “Okay,” you clear your throat. “It’s this way.”
You walk a few paces before you realize Nuada isn’t following. You sigh, mustering up the last of your remaining energy as you face the still-glaring prince. “Look, I know you don’t want to be here. Hell, I wouldn’t either. But you are, and from what I’ve heard about what happened, there’s much worse places you could be.” You hold up your hand to stop him as he takes an angry step forward. “We can fight about this tomorrow, but I have had a very long day. And I can promise you that of all the people to get assigned to be your chaperone, you could do a whole lot worse than me. So unless you want me to go get Red to be your buddy, I recommend that you follow me to your room.” 
With that, you turn and begin walking away again, a small smile pulling at your lips when you hear light, almost-silent footsteps following behind you. 
By the time you reach your rooms, your wings are dragging against the ground with exhaustion. “That’s yours, I guess.” You gesture vaguely at the door across from yours. “If you need anything, just knock or find one of the guards. I’m sure they won’t be far.” 
Nuada nods stiffly and enters into his room, closing the door solidly behind him. “Good talk,” you sigh. You spend the rest of the evening decompressing from your trip, taking a hot bath and relaxing in bed with a cup of tea, and most importantly, keeping your mind off of the intriguing elf-prince just across the hall from you.
You’re shockingly unbothered for the entire night, managing to sleep well into the next day. By the time you drag yourself out of bed, it’s shortly before noon and your stomach is making its hunger known. 
You dress quickly and go to knock on Nuada’s door. You wait several moments with no response and knock again, louder this time. 
“What do you want, human?” Nuada growls, opening the door half-way. 
“I thought you might be hungry and figured I could show you to the dining hall.” 
The elf narrows his eyes but reluctantly steps out. “If you must.” 
You struggle to hide your amusement at the sight of his disgusted face when you get to the bustling cafeteria. Agents roam between full tables and a clamor of voices and cutlery scraping against plates fills the air. Your smile fades when Nuada suddenly goes rigid. You follow his gaze to see Nuala sitting at a table with Abe. Their bodies are angled towards each other, knees knocking together as Abe leans forward to brush a stray hair behind her ear. 
Before you can stop him, Nuada is stalking forward, and you struggle to keep up behind him without knocking into anyone with your wings. Nuala gazes up at her brother with a face devoid of emotion while Abe pulls back awkwardly. “Sister, I wish to speak with you privately.”
“Whatever you have to say can be said to the both of us, brother.” She replies evenly. You hang back, unsure of if you should redirect this before the elf-prince causes a scene. 
“You really stoop so low as to openly fraternize with a traitor? You would truly embarrass your people this way?” Nuada shoots Abe a withering glare. The fish-man blinks in surprise. “Uhm, excuse me, but-” 
“I love Abe, brother. I expect you to respect my choice.” Nuala reaches over and clasps his hand in her own. “And he is far from a traitor.”
“He helps the enemy! He lives amongst them as if they are family!” Nuada hisses. 
“They are my family,” Abe replies smoothly. “If you were to let go of your hate, you could see all the good that they do.” 
Nuada growls, taking a menacing step forward. “Hey, let’s maybe not do this here, yeah?” You finally butt in, acutely aware that the dining hall has gone completely quiet and everyone’s attention in on you.
The elf-prince turns and stalks away without a word, leaving you struggling to keep up with him once again. He’s already half-way down the hall when you catch up to him, and you reach forward to grab at his wrist. “Nuada, hold on a second-” 
“Don’t you dare touch me, you filth!” 
You reel back for a moment, shocked at his outburst in one second and enraged in the next. 
“And don’t you dare talk to me like that, your highness.” You square up to the prince, matching his angry gaze with your own. “You may be royalty amongst your kind, but that doesn’t give you any right to speak to me in such a manner. I have done nothing but try to help you.” 
“I never asked for your help.” Nuada hisses, looming over you in a certain way that you try very hard not to pay attention to. “If you haven’t noticed, I am being held here against my will.” 
You soften slightly, feeling slightly bad for him despite yourself. “I know you are. But you tried to wipe out the entire human race- what did you expect to happen? The best you can do now is try and make the most of being here. It really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.” 
“I will never accept being a prisoner here.” Nuada growls, whipping around and stalking off in the direction of his room. 
You watch him go with a frown, deciding to give him some time to cool off. 
“I apologize for my brother,” a soft voice speaks from behind you. 
Nuala stands there with Abe standing slightly behind her, a sympathetic look on her face. “He has always been quick to anger, even when we were elflings.” 
You give her a lopsided smile, reaching out a hand to introduce yourself formally. “I appreciate the apology, but none is needed, at least not from you.” 
You cast a glance in the direction the elf in question disappeared off to. “I feel bad for him, in a way. Even though he tried to commit mass genocide and all.” 
“My brother is very passionate when it comes to the preservation of our people.” Nuala sighs. “Unfortunately, his means of acting on them are grossly misguided.” 
You leave the two of them to go on their way, heading back into the dining hall to actually eat this time. After making a quick sandwich, you leave with some fruit and bread wrapped in a napkin. You place it in front of Nuada’s door, knocking sharply twice before heading to the training room for some practice. 
Only once he’s certain you’ve left does Nuada open his door, stamping down the small twinge of guilt he feels as he picks up the food you’ve left for him. 
Nuada doesn’t leave his room once for the next three days. The only indication you have that he’s still in there is the faint light from beneath the door and the fact that the food you leave for him always quickly disappears. 
On the third day, you grow tired of awkwardly hanging around in the hallway debating on knocking on his door and finally do so. 
You wait a few moments before knocking again, louder this time. 
“You humans are so impatient. I was going to answer.” Nuada gives as way of greeting. “What do you want?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the training room.” You offer with what you hope is a convincing smile. “It’s always empty at this time of day and I figured you might enjoy a change of scenery.” 
The prince quirks an eyebrow at you suspiciously but begrudgingly gestures for you to lead the way. 
You ask him about his preferred weapon, surprised that he answers your question without malice. He tells you of his prized spear, indulging you in a tale of how it was forged. 
You hum in thought before the weapon wall, grabbing a bo staff and handing it to him. “It’s not elven-made, but it’s the closest training weapon we have to what you’re used to.” 
Nuada gives it a few test swings, getting used to its weight. While he does so, you unsheath your personal dual swords from their scabbards, examining them closely before deeming them acceptable for the training session. 
You settle into a loose fighting stance, shooting the elf a wicked grin. “Ready when you are, princeling.” 
He surges forward without warning, immediately going on the offense. You parry his blow easily, following it with a lunge of your own. The sound of metal on metal begins to fill the room as you match each other blow for blow, both of you unable to land a hit on the other. You blink at the sweat threatening to drip into your eyes, searching for any chink in the prince’s otherwise impenetrable stance. 
He takes a small step back, presumably to gain momentum for his next attack, but in that moment you spot his weakness. He shifts too much weight into that one foot, and before he can pivot towards you, you’re darting forward with a well-aimed strike to his knee. 
He wobbles, off-balanced for a second. That second is all you need, and before he can comprehend it, he’s knocked onto his back with one of your blades pointed at his throat. 
He ignores the hand you offer to him, pushing himself to his feet without a word. He can’t help the glimmer of respect he feels for you as you smile at him, finally wiping the sweat from your brow. 
You stretch your arms languidly above your head, and he averts his eyes from the sliver of soft skin that becomes visible as your top rides up slightly. 
“I haven’t had to work so hard to win against someone in forever.” You say. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.” 
“That would be… amenable.” 
You grin in victory, pleased at having won two battles today. “Come on, there’s one more place I want to show you while we’re over on this side of the building.” 
You lead him to the library, which is almost always virtually devoid of anyone else. The prince can’t completely keep the look of pleasure off his space as he explores the countless titles, pulling some of them to take back to his room with him. 
As you bid him goodbye to take a shower, you could swear his gaze lingers on you slightly longer as you turn toward your own chambers. 
Things are slightly different after that day. 
Nuada still makes his displeasure at being the BPRD’s prisoner apparent, and he is often cold and grumpy in his demeanor, but he does not direct such harsh words at you again. You continue to train together, slowly learning each other’s fighting styles and testing them with a variety of different weapons. You know Manning isn’t very pleased that you’re allowing the prince to wield a weapon, but the way you see it, it allows him to blow off some steam and that’s a win in your book. 
You also begin to spend time in the library together, most of the time just reading your separate books in silence. There’s something oddly… domestic about it, if you would allow yourself to think of it in that way. 
Thoughts like these are dangerous though, for as the weeks go by, you begin to find yourself attracted to the silver-haired elf. 
You realize the true depth of these feelings with startling clarity one night after you see Nuada smile for the first time. It is small and barely-there, pulling at his lips after he finds a book of elven fairy-tales on a shelf tucked in the very back of the library, but the sight of it nearly knocks the air out of your lungs.
There’s no denying the elf is incredibly handsome, but his smile completely transforms his face from alluring to ethereal. You avert your gaze before he can notice, and resolve to never let your feelings become apartment to him. 
Because at the end of the day, you’re still just a human, wings or not. 
You struggle particularly hard one evening in the library to focus on the book you’ve chosen, stealing quick glimpses at the elf sitting across from you through your hair. 
“You’re staring,” He hums, long fingers flicking to the next page without looking up at you.
“Just thinking.” You say, forcing your attention back to the page in front of you. You read the same sentence four times before getting to your feet, carefully marking your place before setting the book down. “I can’t stand being inside one moment longer,” You announce. 
Nuada raises an eyebrow. “I do not believe I am ‘allowed’ to leave the premises, if you weren’t aware.” He comments drily, and you scoff. 
“Who said anything about leaving?
Cool wind whips at you as you push open the door to the roof, and you sigh in relief at the open air. Stars twinkle overhead, the compound being far enough from the city lights to be able to see a faint haze of the galaxy spread across the sky. 
You allow your wings to stretch to their full span for what feels like the first time in ages, giving a small flap that lifts your feet slightly above the ground for a moment.
You can feel the prince’s eyes on you, and you extend one of your wings towards him. “You can touch it, if you want. Most people are curious.” 
You suppress a shiver as his calloused hand swipes experimentally over the skin, not expecting your wings to be so sensitive to his touch. He drags his fingertips over the back, marveling at how a limb so strong could feel so soft. “Have you always been like this?” He asks softly. 
“I was born with them, yes.” You say, directing your attention to the stars above your head. “Gave my parents quite a shock, I suppose, seeing as they put me up for adoption immediately after I was born. I was taken in by Professor Bruttenholm, who raised me alongside Red. He taught me that my wings are a gift, a way to do good despite what others may see them as.” 
You turn to see Nuada is gazing at you intently. “Others have treated you horribly for your appearance.” He doesn’t say it as a question.
“That’s true,” you smile wryly. “People can definitely be cruel. But they can also be incredibly kind, and while there may be a couple here who will avoid me in the hallways, for the most part the BPRD is my family.” 
You meet the prince’s gaze imploringly. “I know you hold significant anger for humanity. And I even understand why. But don’t punish an entire race for the sins of a few. There are many who care a whole lot… like me.” For you. 
You don’t say that last part, but you know he understands its implication. Over the course of you speaking, the two of you have somehow gravitated closer to each other. You stare into the elf’s golden eyes, now inches from your own. 
Your hands brush together as he draws even closer, and your breath hitches slightly at the electricity that the touch elicits. 
“I must admit I have grown rather fond of you,” Nuada murmurs, almost as if he doesn’t even realize. “You have made being here slightly more bearable.” 
You huff out a laugh as his warm breath fans across your cheeks. Your eyelids begin to flutter closed as his lips just barely brush against yours. All of the sudden, he yanks himself away, his face a mixture of disbelief and fury. 
“You have bewitched me,” the prince hisses, eyes devoid of the warmth they had held just moments ago. “I see your ploy now, witch. You would make me a traitor to my own kind, complacent to stay here forever and allow humanity to corrupt what little of the natural world there is left.” 
“Nuada, I-” you stumble in disbelief, reeling from the complete change in his attitude. 
“Silence!” He roars, causing you to take an involuntary step back. Gone is any of the tenderness he had directed towards you, replaced with cold, simmering rage. For the first time, you find yourself slightly afraid of him. 
"You are nothing but a filthy human with extra appendages,” he spits viciously, and you rear back as if he had slapped you. “And I will always hate you just like the rest of your despicable kind.” 
He leaves you on the roof, slamming the door behind him with a bang. 
You don’t know how long you stand in the cold, completely dumbfounded by Nuada’s actions. All the progress you’d made with him had vanished in an instant, any hope of him possibly returning your feelings snatched away in the cruelest way possible. 
You finally shake yourself out of your shock, reaching up to wipe the silent tears off your cheeks. You suppose that you should have expected this. You’d been foolish to think that you and the elvish prince could even remotely be friends, much less anything more. 
You bury your hurt deep, deciding that from now on that you would avoid Nuada at all costs. Manning would just have to find someone else to accompany him around. 
You make your way back to your room in a daze, heart twisting as you briefly glance at the door across from yours. 
You don’t sleep at all that night, wrapping your wings comfortingly around yourself and shivering from the cold that has seemed to settle itself right against your bones. 
You and Nuada do not speak for a month. 
You deliberately avoid his gaze every time you pass each other in the halls, and if he happens to be in the training room or library whenever you are, you leave until he is finished. 
By some twisted form of masochism, you spend a lot of time on the rooftop, staring blankly at the horizon.
Life without the elvish prince is boring and monotonous, and you have no idea how you carried out your days before he was there to occupy all your time. It doesn’t help that you’ve barely been given any missions, the few you’re called on only pulling you away from the compound for a few days at a time.
If anyone notices the change in either of your attitudes, they don’t say anything. Nuala often looks at you with sympathy and Liz seems to hang around more despite being constantly busy with the twins, but neither of them address your listlessness. 
You’re sitting in the library pretending to read when a lower agent approaches you. “Manning wants to see you in his office.”
You get up with a sigh, already not looking forward to this conversation. 
You struggle to keep any emotion from showing on your face when you see Nuada is sitting across from Manning’s desk. A strong sense of deja vu hits you as his gaze meets yours and flicks away just as quickly before you can read anything there. The director of the BPRD clears his throat, obviously having caught the brief exchange. 
“There has been a troll sighting not far from here,” Manning directs towards you. “They’re bold, amassing forces so close to our base. I’m sending a large team to go deal with the problem.” He gestures to the elf who is pointedly not looking at you. “Nuada will be accompanying you.” 
You immediately open your mouth to protest, your refusal dying on your tongue as Manning holds up a hand to silence you. “The prince has not caused any problems during his stay here and I believe it is time for him to start becoming more involved with our operations. He will be your responsibility while out on the field.” 
You grind your teeth so hard you fear they might crack as Manning dismisses you both. You speed-walk out of the office before Nuada can get to his feet, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as possibly. 
It’s a little hard to do that while in the back of a transport van, which you find yourself seated in the next morning. You do your best to ignore the elf sitting across the aisle from you as you’re jostled along. You grip your dual swords sitting across your lap, trying to keep your mind on the mission ahead. 
You’re the first out of the van when it stops, immediately beginning to scan your surroundings. Your group has been dropped off right in front of a dense part of the forest, the trees so close together it's impossible to see between them. 
As the rest of the team assembles on the grass, you strap your swords to your back and launch yourself into the air, trying to get a better glimpse into the thicket. You swoop closer to the treetops, but the branches are too thick to see through, and you return to the clearing with no luck. 
“I can barely see into there,” you report. “They’ve chosen their hideout well.”
Red claps his hands together, calling everyone closer to him. “We’ll have to split up to cover more ground. Me and Liz will head north-west into the forest. (Name), you and Nuada will go north-east. The rest of you fan out in between.” 
Ice settles into your heart as the group disperses, leaving you and Nuada alone. “We’d better get going,” you address the elf for the first time in weeks, not waiting for him to reply before you start walking into the trees. 
The two of you hike in silence for some minutes, pushing aside branches and foliage with every step. You grumble quietly to yourself, wishing you could stretch your wings. Nuada stops suddenly, his hand on your wrist and a slender finger pressed to his lips to keep you quiet. 
Warmth begins to creep up your arm from where his skin touches yours, but the hair standing up at the back of your head distracts you from it. The sounds of the forest have gone completely silent, leaving behind an eerie ringing that you don’t know is in your head or not. 
Nuada pulls you down suddenly, wide eyes meeting your own as an arrow embeds itself in the wood right behind where your head had just been. 
“Run,” he growls, and then you’re both taking off through the trees. 
Branches whip at your face as you race through the thicket, knobby roots seeming to reach up to try and trip you with every stride. 
You scramble to a halt as a troll seems to materialize out of the branches before you, his sharp teeth and red eyes gleaming in the dappled sunlight that manages to filter through the leaves. You draw your swords, preparing for a fight. Your swords meet his in a clash of metal on metal, and you grunt from the exertion. The troll is strong, and your stomach rolls at the stench of his breath as he grins wickedly at you.
“(Name)!” A scream of your name steals your attention just enough to notice the troll that has also been creeping up behind you, but it is already too late.
A hard blow strikes you across the back of the head, and you crumple immediately. An enraged roar and a high-pitched squeal of pain that is suddenly cut off is the last thing you hear before your world completely goes black. 
You wake slowly, head pounding with every beat of your heart. 
You blink blearily, the sight of one of the BPRD’s hospital rooms coming into focus. Movement from beside you shifts your attention, and you’re shocked to see Nuada sitting uncomfortably in one of the metal chairs by your bedside. 
He is dressed in fresh robes, his silver hair pulled back and a somber look on his face. You gaze at him silently, not trusting yourself to speak for multiple reasons. 
“I owe you numerous apologies,” he begins without ceremony. “I was cruel and incredibly unkind. I have no excuse other than my own bigotry and confusion. I did not know how to handle my emotions and lashed out at you as a result.” 
You allow him to grab your hand, the same warmth beginning to creep up your arm. You can’t deny that it feels nice, but you don’t exactly want to forgive him just yet. 
“I feel… very strong emotions for you.” Nuada says, his face sincere as he looks at you. For once, there is no anger lurking in his sight, and his eyes are golden pools of sunlight. “I did not want to admit to myself what they were at the time, but seeing you hurt proves that I can fight it no longer.” The prince takes a deep breath. “I love you, (Name). And I will spend every day for the rest of our lives making up for the hurt I have caused you, if you would allow me to court you.” 
You press your lips to his, the kiss soft and hopeful. He responds immediately, carefully bringing his hand up to caress your cheek and hold you to him. This kiss is everything that your first one should have been, and you pull away reluctantly despite yourself. 
“You have a lot of making up to do,” you say with a smile. Nuada smiles back, his entire face lighting up with joy. 
“I will make you my queen,” he vows. “You will never want for anything from this day forward.” 
You can’t help the laugh that escapes at how serious he’s being, reaching forward to intertwine your fingers with his.
“Let’s maybe start with dinner, hm?”
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linkspooky · 7 months
Someone has pointed it out before and it's becoming more prevalent now more than ever. Sukuna is really shaping up to be Megumi's own Mahito. Bro has violated him in so many ways - deformed, corrupted and tainted his body and soul that I'm sitting here reading the weekly updates hoping Megumi will finally wake up and yell 'ENOUGH!'. Like, when Megumi finally breaks free I want him to be as crazed as he was (or even more) when he first deployed his domain.
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You're right anon, there are a lot of parallels between what Sukuna is doing to Megumi currently, and what Mahito did to Yuji throughout his introduction arc and Shibuya. In fact Megumi's journey right now mirrors wat Yuji already went through in Shibuya, possession of his body, using his body to make him complicit in murder by getting the blood on his hands, then killing off his loved ones to weaken his resolve.
Sukuna is to Megumi what Mahito is to Yuji. They are both curses that represent the opposite of what the heroes represent. Yuji lives to save lives, so Mahito violates life. Megumi lives to save his loved ones and Sukuna rejects the idea of ever loving another person.
Mahito and Sukuna both employ the same strategy to break down the sorcerer they are opposed to, there are several parallels between what Megumi is experiencing right now and what Yuji experienced at the hands of Mahito. The first thing Sukuna did was show Megumi he was too weak to save a friend. In chapter 9 Sukuna rips Yuji's heart out and Megumi isn't able to fight Sukuna enough to force him to fix Yuji. Similiarly, Mahito right in front of Yuji's eyes mutates Junpei and there's nothing Yuji can do to turn him back. Any deal he tries to make is rejected by Sukuna and both of them laugh at him. The two panels even parallel each other in Yuji and Megumi standing in the aftermath of witnessing the deaths.
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Mahito also goes out of his way to make Yuji lose his innocence, by proving as the ultimate test of his ideology to save others. Mahito tells Junpei that all life is equally worthless in the same few chapters that Yuji says he doesn't want life to lose it's value.
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Yuji wants to give people a natural death, a death that comes at the end of one's life like his grandfather's death, and not the brutal way that victims of curses are killed. Mahito's ability violates life itself by twisting humans into inhumane shapes that mindlessly cry out in agony and lash out at whatever's around them until they die.
Mahito himself also forces Yuji to kill innocent people, because the humans he mutates can't be saved they can only be mercy killed. Something which unnerves both Yuji and even a seasoned professional like Nanami, which Mahito says his soul was shaking in response to seeing what he had done to the humans. If Yuji's philosophy is to save people, and let die natural causes after living long lives Mahito kills people without any reason and gives them unnatural deaths. However, he's not satisfied with just killing Yuji he wants to psychologically break him down he wants to become him.
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Mahito acts plotwise as the mirror to Yuji's actions by being his opposite. He's attempting to force self-analysis on Yuji. Yuji doesn't stop to think about killing curses, the same way that Mahito doesn't contemplate killing people.
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Mahito has power over Yuji specifically because Yuji does not analyze himself. Part of the reason Mahito and Sukuna in general are able to run rampant over Megumi and Yuji's entire lives is because they are both people who adapt the cog mindset too well.
They act without thinking, and they act for the sake of other people rather than themselves. It's easy to be manipulated, to be blindsided, to be run roughshod over when you are a cog because cogs don't think. The easiest way to get manipulated by others is to not think for yourself after all.
Mahito is essentially trying to get Yuji's ego to break by making him question every philosophy he fights for. His strategy is to violate that same philosophy in front of Yuji's eyes while he's helpless, again and again. Sukuna even helps him in Shibuya.
Sukuna takes away from Yuji the idea that he can die and save others by taking Sukuna with him, by forcing him to become the sole survivor of a massacre. Even if he's executed and Sukuna vanishes permanently he's not going to reduce the total number of deaths in the world because now thousands of people have died because Yuji let Sukuna out in Shibuya.
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Sukuna's first move to break megumi when he has control of his body is the exact same play, to convince Megumi that he is a murderer by using ten shadows his own technique to destroy Tsumiki's body. Mahito also as mentioned earlier made this play early on to make Yuji feel like a murderer by having to kill the mutated humans that were just innocent people.
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Megumi and Yuji are made to feel like murderers by Sukuna and Mahito respectively, they're also made to kill the people they wanted to save. Yuji's desire is to save everyone so he's forced to mercy kill innocent people, and Megumi's desire is to save his sister so Sukuna's literal first action is to bury Tsumiki as deep as possible.
He's not just taking away Megumi's sister, but also his reason for living and being a sorcerer. The same way that Mahito is trying to show Yuji that his philosophy of saving people is wrong and worthless, Sukuna shows Megumi that everything he did to protect his sister amounted to nothing in th eend. Megumi and Yuji both value life and Sukuna and Mahito violate and trample all over that life.
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Flowers = purity and innocence, and Mahito and Sukuna both exist to defile those things, trampling and tearing apart those flowers.
The next action Mahito takes is to kill Yuji's mentor right in front of him. Which is what we just witnessed Sukuna did to Gojo, in Megumi's body. Nanami and Gojo even die in the same way, still standing as their torsos are separated from their lower halves.
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Mahito's actions didn't stop with Nanami though, as Yuji when he was about to break from the pressure of Sukuna's massacre in Shibuya received support from Nobara arriving on time to remind him he's not alone.
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Only for Mahito to kill Nobara right in front of him a moment later due to a small slip up during the fight. Nobara's unceremonious death and being made to fight alone again breaks Yuji's resolve almost completely until he believes what Mahito has been trying to convince him of, that all of his ideals are wrong, that they're just excuses, that he's completely helpless and can't fight back.
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Now, there's a couple of parallels, the murder of Nobara could both parallel the attempted murder of Hana and Angel someone who gave Megumi and the audience a brief hope spot that she'd be able to exorcise sukuna from him only for that hope to be ripped away in the goriest fashion possible.
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Or it could be Tsumiki's death which was the breaking point for Megumi at which point he stopped fighting back even curling up in the fetal position like Yuji. It could even be Sukuna immediately awakening to punch Yuji through a building. Either way, Sukuna's strategy mirrors Mahito's here, it's to number one isolate Megumi and convince him he's alone, and two by victimizing all of his friends in front of him he shows Megumi he's helpless to stop him and convinces him not to fight back.
Either way Mahito violates the idea Yuji can save anyone even his friends by killing Nobara in a fight that they are both fighting in, right in front of his eyes, convincing him that his philosophy for helping others was an excuse and he never had the strength to save others to begin with.
The same way Sukuna violates love, he makes a joke of pretending to be Megumi again so Hana will embrace him, only to eat her when she drops her guard. He talks about destroying Tsumiki Fushiguro while she's drawn naked on panel and there are flowers representing purity torn up in the background. Megumi's sister is possessed by Yorozu, a woman who is fanatically in love with Sukuna and the two of them make a twisted mockery of the love between siblings in the bodies of the two siblings they're possessing.
Mahito twists the value and sanctity of life to insist that all life is worth nothing, because Yuji his foil is the one who fights to save as many people as possible without thinking about it. Sukuna rejects love and other people in his life because Megumi is only fighting for the sake of the people he loves.
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They even use strategies from the same playbook, forcing their victims to kill, then the killing of a mentor, a friend right in front of them until they've convinced their victims they're helpless and alone.
Mahito insists that he and Yuji are the same. Sukuna's goal too in a way is to become Megumi, by completely dominating his body so he can reincarnate in this era. Mahito wants to kill Yuji, and Sukuna wants to make Megumi experience an ego-death, bury him so deep within his consciousness that he'll never stop fighting back.
Mahito is sucesful in a way because even if Yuji managed to kill Mahito, he became like him. Mahito wanted to covince Yuji that life was meaningless, that he didn't need ideals to strive for and all his ideals were excuses and to get out of a tough situation Yuji decided to just embrace that cog mentality. Mahito convinced Yuji to just keep mindlessly killing curses without looking for a purpose beyond that.
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However, that's not a true victory over Mahito because once again that's what Mahito wanted Yuji to think. Mahito was trying to drag Yuji down to his level and convince him he was no better than a curse. Yuji and Megumi are weak to Mahito and Sukuna's manipulations because they embrace the cog-like mindset and don't try to take control of their own lives.
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Yuji is currently, still mindlessly exorcising curses while Megumi at the moment is also in a mindless cog like state where he is being used by someone else. Neither of them have broken free from being cogs and become fully self-actualized individuals in control of their own actions, especially in Megumi's case because he's being possessed by Satan.
The only way for them both to fight back will be to take control of their own lives, and define who they are, outside of what Mahito and Sukuna insist that they are. Megumi has to take back his own body at this point because it's the climax of a long arc of never really being in control of his own life or allowed to make his own decisions.
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Since Megumi is currently sunk to the deepest part of his shadow, I imagine it will be almost exactly like the first time we see him use his domain. "Bring forth the deepest shadows..."
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A future Megumi who has surpassed his own limits. A Megumi who gets to decide what he wants to be, outside of what Gojo wants, or what Sukuna is using him for.
That requires both for Megumi to assert himself, and for Yuji to help him. I've posted this panel a hundred times but Megumi says "Start by saving me..." to rescue Yuji from despair post Shibuya and get him moving again. However, if you think about it Jujutsu Society would say that Megumi needs to be killed for the greater good, and everyone including Gojo has Megumi's rescue from Sukuna as a second priority.
Yuji's act of saving Megumi would also be him asserting his will and throwing off the cog mentality, because he'd be going against Jujutsu Society and deciding for himself who he wants to save.
Megumi and Yuji have had their philosophies tested and completely deconstructed by Sukuna and Mahito respectively, but this isn't the end, but it's up to the boys to reconstruct them. Remember Mahito and Sukuna aren't really enlightened or wise. They're trying to convince Megumi and Yuji of these things to convince them they're helpless so they'll stop fighting back and be easier to dominate. It's up to Yuji and Megumi. To show them both that they're not helpless as Sukuna and Mahito would want them to believe and they can fight back.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Final Part | Bonus
I've never written anything like this so this was a new experience. I wrote a lot more than I intended. There are additional warnings of murder, needles, experimentation, and mentionings of physical abuse, which is canon-typical but still deserves a warning.
Word Count: 8431
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Vi hears Singed’s footsteps before she can see him. Two of Singed’s assistants had dragged her out of her cage as she settled down for the night. They put a muzzle on her, making sure she couldn’t attack them before taking her to that goddamn lab. She growled the whole way there, making the assistants glance at her nervously the louder she got, but she remained compliant. That was how she survived in this place. Faking the loss of her memories, listening to whatever Singed told her to do, and playing the part of a good pet. She hated it. She hated Singed and his assistants and wanted to devour them in a rage. 
“Good evening, Willow.” Singed hums as he walks around the table she’s strapped to, “Tonight… Tonight you receive the final dose of the serum I perfected for you. Isn’t that wonderful, Willow? The final dose. You have become the most perfect specimen.” He grins patting her arm and making her want to lash out at him. Unfortunately, the chains holding her down wouldn’t allow her to. Singed looked awful. His eyes were sunken deeper than usual, skin sickly and showing his scars. Yet, it didn’t hide the manic look in his eyes. She could smell it on him, too, to her surprise. Singed was always guarded around her. It was rare she could sense anything about his emotional state or health. She suspected that he had some kind of blocker on when he visited her, as the assistants didn't. 
“Six years. It took six years and a few failed test subjects to get here. Warwick was the closest we got before he tragically died a few years ago. He did not survive the experiments as you did.” A low growl rumbles in her chest to show her displeasure, but a lump forms in her throat at those words. Even though his death was a few years ago, it stung every time it got brought up. Singed liked to give his experiments new names and Warwick was Vander’s. Vi watched helplessly as Vander was mutated and lost his memories, but he always said that she seemed familiar to him. That brought her more pain than anything Singed did. And now, Vi was the last of the test subjects… and the only successful one. 
“You are my greatest creation yet. A perfect killing machine hidden in a human’s body.” She could hear the adoration in his voice, but it wasn’t for her. No. It was for his creation. The thing he turned her and her father into. Her hand tightens into a fist causing her claws to sink into her skin. The stinging pain reminds her that she’s not in a nightmare.
“When you wake up, things will change. You’ll be rewarded for being so cooperative.” Singed croons at her, “Don’t worry about a thing, Willow.” A large 60ml syringe filled with a light yellow serum is removed from his pocket. A touch of fear brushes the edge of her subconscious as the syringe reminds her of the first night in this place. Her serum wasn’t yellow. The one they gave her over the years has been green, but she can’t voice that thought as she feels the thick needle slide into her arm. 
An unearthly scream rips through the silence as the serum is injected into her. It burns through her veins like acid and as the rest of the liquid is injected it feels like her head is going to burst. She lets out a howl and thrashes in her chains, screaming in pain as she desperately tries to find some kind of relief. It’s not long until her body becomes very heavy and her head starts to spin. The last thing she sees is Singed's sinister eyes as she slumps unconscious.
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“Y/n.” Jim - Singed’s main assistant - nods at you when you make eye contact with him. You give him a friendly smile as you hand the customer in front of you their fully repaired weapon. This was the tenth weapon you’ve had to fix today. ‘What are Silco’s men doing with these things? They’re definitely keeping me busy.’
“Hey, Jim.” You say cheerily, “Are you here to take my tools again?”
“No, actually, I’m hoping I can take you on a date.” Jim announces confidently. You raise an eyebrow at him as you wipe down your workstation. Jim has been coming to your shop since it opened a few years ago on behalf of Singed. You knew that he was crushing on you, but you weren’t into him. Your gaze was only for women, whether they were human, Vastayan, or another species. It wasn’t a secret, as everyone knows you’re Grace’s favorite client; a chameleon-like Vastaya who works as a Dominatrix at Babette’s. So, the confident way Jim said this made you chuckle.
“Sorry, Jim. You’re not my type, and by that, I mean a woman.” You turn to him and put a hand on your hip, “I’m gonna have to turn you down.”
“Of course, I’m not your type! I know that!” Jim laughs, but you can tell it’s forced, “I’m actually here to offer you a job on the weekends.”
“What kind of job?” You tilt your head, “It better be worth my while.”
“Singed is looking for someone to do an important job. It’s only two hours a day. He tasked me with finding a person and I thought you’d be best.”
“And, because it’s Singed… You can’t tell me more than that, right?” You snort, “How do you think that’ll get my interest?” You had already made up your mind to turn down the offer. You had wondered what Singed was working on, but you weren’t foolish enough to find out. He was the one who created Shimmer, after all.
“You’re the only one who can do it.” Jim pleads, seeing the answer on your face. 
“It’s a no, Jim.” You shake your head and go back to your work. ‘Who am I kidding? I am foolish. I’m so curious about this job.’
“You’ll get to find out why you’re repairing so many things.” Jim rushes out, “I’m sure you have questions about it!” You sigh, knowing that he got you. Naturally, that piqued your interest and you found yourself getting a rundown on your new job that weekend. ‘Why does he need me? And, why am I the only one who can do this?’ You ponder.
Singed greeted you with a chill warmth but there was a glee in his eyes when they landed on you. He was quick to inform you about what he needed you for - an observation job. All you had to do was sign some forms - which you read thoroughly - and take a little pill before you went to see what you’d be taking care of. Singed wasn’t very forthcoming about specifics of the task, except for three things that involved your safety. One, always take the pill. Two, always announce your presence even if you know she can sense you. Three, don’t step past the white line or open the cage. You could only open it in emergencies.
You figured from the rules that it had to be an animal of some sort, as that was the only thing that made sense. You had asked what the pill was for and Singed told you it was important for your observations. You were so curious about what this animal could be that you took the pill without another question. It couldn’t be any worse for you than Shimmer or anything else in Zaun.
Five minutes later, Singed leads you down a long, bare hallway. You rub your arms as the temperature significantly drops, trying to keep yourself warm. The only thing down here is two large cages facing each other. One was empty but covered in scratches and what you could assume to be dried blood. Your attention was directed to the cage opposite it and your heart leaped into your throat. In the cage wasn’t an animal, but a woman. A very, very attractive woman.
“Before you freak out.” Singed glances at you, “Willow is not human. She only appears this way when she hasn’t… tapped into her nature.” 
“Tapped into her nature? What does that mean?”
“Willow is a creature of my own creation. A werewolf. A predator hidden in plain sight. I assure you that you won’t see her as human when you witness her true form. She is the reason you’ve had to repair so many items.” You couldn’t take your eyes off of her. Something about her drew you in. In the corner she is laying in, there is a mass of blankets and pillows bundled around her. Off to the side, there’s a door into what you assume to be a bathroom since you don’t see any evidence of one in the main cage. ‘To have created a new species…’ You take a peek at the man next to you. ‘Just what does this man have spinning in his mind?’
“Is there anything I should know about Willow?”
“Willow has only been around men since she was born, so you’re the first woman she’ll be in contact with. I am not sure how she will act around you, but that is part of your job to find out. As such, all necessary information about her is in a folder on your desk.”
“The first woman?” You gasp in shock, “That adds some clarity as to why I was chosen for this job.”
“Yes, that along with your attention to detail. On the weekends, you’ll bring her a treat and spend some time with her. She may reveal things to you that she does not reveal during testing. But, don’t be fooled, Willow can speak like and understand a human. Don’t underestimate her.”
“Okay.” You nod, eyes still trained on her prone body, “I can do that.” You couldn’t help but feel a bit excited. You’re the first woman to interact with Willow, and that opens up so many questions. ‘It’s not every day you get to interact with a whole new species.’
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Vi’s eyes snap open and she snarls in aggravation as her dream slips away. Her dreams were infinitely better than her reality. The past few weeks were filled with tests. She was poked, prodded, and studied to see what the completed serum did to her. Physically, it enhanced her muscles, making them bulkier than her working out did. It made Vi feel a little annoyed since she worked so hard to build muscle in the first place. But, Singed was gleeful about the physical changes in her. ‘A real apex predator’ was what he muttered during the last test. It also amplified her senses and even her canines felt more pointed than they used to be. Mentally, she was a lot more aware of her surroundings, quicker to act, and in tune with everything. They tested that by having her hunt some of Silco’s men who were unfortunate enough to make him angry. Singed mentioned something cryptic about her falling into her instincts and testing hormones but that wasn’t something she could piece together.
Today was a weekend day. She knew it was because the assistants came in late during the weekend. Singed would give her thick, rare meat that she would gladly indulge in, never questioning what kind of meat it was. The quality of it was better than what she was given during the week so it was something she looked forward to. It made her so excited that she started to pace the cage when she smelled it. Vi can feel herself salivating but the footsteps she hears puzzle her. ‘These are lighter than what I’m used to. They’re not ones I’ve heard before, so it’s… someone new?’ She listens closely to the steady steps and surprisingly even breathing. ‘Whoever it is, isn’t afraid of me either.’ Vi tilts her head and slinks back into the darkness, intending on studying who it is before they can see her. A body appears in front of her cage and Vi has to stop herself from recoiling in shock. The person in front of her wasn’t another man like she assumed but a woman.
“Willow?” A soft, delicate voice sounds and it’s music to her ears. ‘It’s been six years since I’ve been around a woman. All of Singed's assistants have been men.’ Vi’s heart pounds in her chest as she stares at her. ‘She’s… gorgeous.’ She thinks in awe.
“Willow, I have a treat for you.” She watches intently as the woman places the tray on the floor. Slowly, the woman slides the tray under the bars and into her cage. Overtaken by an emotion she can’t comprehend, Vi races forward and slams into the bars. Her hands grip the iron tightly as she tries to get as close to the woman as possible. ‘Why is she here? Why now? What’s changed?’
A loud yelp comes from the woman as she stumbles back and falls over in shock. She lands on her ass with a low thud and a small groan of pain, “Ouch, I wasn’t expecting that.” The woman laughs to herself before they make eye contact, “Hello, Willow.” She says pleasantly, but it makes Vi flinch. She didn’t like hearing that name come out of her mouth.
“You’re a woman.” Vi’s voice comes out silky, alluring, but it didn’t sound strange to her. Not anymore. She’s had years to get used to it and it was a part of her just like her wolf.
“I am. I’ve been told I’m uh…” The woman adjusts her position so she’s sitting cross-legged, “the first woman you’ve been exposed to since you’ve been here. I hope you don’t mind me being here.” Vi was shaking her head before she finished her sentence.
“I don’t mind at all. All of my other prison guards have been men.” Vi huffs, annoyance rising at the thought, “They all smell disgusting.”
“Well, what do I smell like?” The woman asks, intrigued.
“I’d like your name first.” Vi mumbles, “What’s your name?”
“My name?” She questions in shock, “My name is Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Willow.” A low snarl leaves her lips that makes the woman in front of her flinch. That action makes Vi frown. ‘I didn’t mean to scare her. I don’t want to scare her away. What if she never comes back?’ That thought makes her want to let out a whine. ‘I don’t want to be alone again.’
“That’s not my name.” She awkwardly clears her throat. She didn’t want this woman to call her by that name. Not the name that Singed gave her.
“Oh, I’m sorry. What is your name, then?” Y/n apologizes and gives her a kind smile. That makes Vi blink in shock. Singed didn’t like acknowledging that she was once human, so Vi never heard her real name uttered in these halls. Yet, here was someone new asking her for it.
“…Violet…but I go by Vi.” She whispers longingly. How long has it been since someone said her name to her? It was a miracle she could even remember it after so long. 
“Vi…” Y/n tests and Vi nearly slams her face into the bars to hear it better. The way it rolled off of her tongue sent shivers down her spine. Y/n gets startled again but smiles, “I’ll call you Vi, but only when we’re alone, okay? I don’t think Singed would be happy that I’m calling you something else. It’ll be our little secret.” She whispers conspiratorially and stands up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, hm? I’ll be here longer and we can talk some more. Today was only an introduction. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind female company after all of these smelly guys.” Y/n winks.
“Please…” Vi pleads as the other woman starts walking away, “Please come back.”
“Don’t worry, I will!” Y/n reassures her as she disappears from Vi’s vision. A wave of loneliness washes over Vi and she sits down heavily. ‘I couldn’t smell her… She asked me what she smelled like and I didn’t smell anything. Is Singed hiding her scent? Why would he do that? Then again, why wouldn’t he?’ Vi snorts bitterly. It was then that she realized she really missed having the company of a woman. The ache in her chest only furthered her yearning to hear Y/n’s voice again. To see her again. Vi spent the rest of the time eating and wondering what Y/n would smell like.
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You walk into the lab and head over to the small office that Singed designated to you. You take the time to change out of your civilian clothes and into the white jumpsuit provided. It was important to Singed that Vi wasn’t exposed to any outside scents, so you would be wearing this each time you came in. On the counter are a bottle of pills, a glass of water, and the stuff you need for your reports. The file that contains all of the information about Vi was still opened on your desk. You pick up one of your report papers and note the sections that you should be discussing with Vi. ‘Ah, these are quite invasive… Then again, she is an experiment… I don’t think there’s privacy in that.’ You sigh and tuck the paper back into its alcove. You find it a bit hard to believe that she was born and raised in this lab. To you, she appears to be too human and she even speaks like one, but Singed told you that she has never seen the outside of this lab. You’re the first outsider in, too. ‘She must be so lonely in that cage. As far as I know, she’s the only one. There may have been someone else in that other cage… but I think it’s too soon to ask about that.’ You take one of the pills before you head for the small kitchen.
You wrinkle your nose at the raw meat, not used to seeing such a large amount in one place. ‘This is enough for a small family. Can she really eat this much?’ You wonder as you pick up the tray. With a deep breath, you leave the kitchen. ‘What should I talk about with her? Those questions he gave me to ask are too invasive. Maybe I should stick to the basics? What… would be the basics?’
“Vi.” You say softly, carefully placing the tray down, “I’m here.” You glance up into the cage to try and see her. The back half of the cage was very dark and you couldn’t see anything. It was like the light vanished when it hit the halfway mark and a wall of shadows took its place. ’I don’t know how they managed to get that to happen, but it’s Singed. It's probably to give Vi a sense of privacy since there’s no wall here.’ It takes a moment but Vi comes bounding out of the darkness with a grin.
“You came back!” Vi’s eyes practically glow when she meets yours. ‘Or maybe they are glowing?’ She stops in front of you and grips the bars, “I was nervous that you might not come back. It’s been days since you were here last.” Her excitement to see you makes you feel flattered knowing that she missed you. ‘I like how she looks with a smile.’ You think idly. ‘So beautiful.’
“Don’t worry.” You smile and sit down behind the line, “I’ll be back every weekend until they don’t need me anymore. I can’t be here during the week since I run a shop on Main.”
“A shop? What shop?” Vi pauses, her claws hovering above the meat. ‘When did they change? I didn’t even notice. Does that happen instantly or does it take some time?’ You think in interest.
“I own a repair shop. I can fix pretty much anything you hand me, so my business is always busy. That’s where I am when I’m not helping Singed.”
“I wish I could see it. I’ve been in here for years.” Vi sighs, popping a piece of the meat into her mouth. ‘How could I be so insensitive!’ You scold yourself. ‘She has probably been in here her whole life and here I am talking about a place she can’t visit.’
“It’s not special.” You try to comfort her, “You’re not missing out on much. Besides, I get to come to see you. I think you’re much cooler and I enjoy being around you.”
“You’re… the first person to say that to me.” Vi mumbles sadly, “The other assistants are scared of me and don’t say much outside of delivering food…” Your initial reaction is to reach out and touch her but you stop your hand halfway. ‘I’m not allowed to. That’s one of the rules.’ You bite your lip feeling conflicted. ‘But, she’s clearly hurting.’
“You have me now.” Your fingers twist in the fabric of your pants, fighting the urge to reach out, “I’ll be keeping you company if you’d like.”
“... I’d like that.” Vi nods, “I’d like that a lot. Can you tell me about yourself?”
“Hm, well, I grew up here in Zaun. I didn’t tell you that… and my favorite color is pink, like the color of your hair, actually.” You point out and Vi runs her clean hand through it.
“You like my hair then?” Vi tilts her head, a smirk tugging on her lips.
“I do like your hair.” You giggle at her question, “And your eyes too, I think they’re beautiful.” Vi perks up at your comments and happily takes a bite of her food. When she does, you catch a glimpse of her sharp teeth and it makes you swallow hard. ‘Those are definitely not human teeth. If she can cut through meat that easily… I don’t even want to think about what she could do to me.’ Yet, part of you is very intrigued.
“I think you’re very pretty. Will you tell me more about yourself?” Vi asks, “I want to know more about you.” A blush rises to your face as you try to hold in a sympathetic sigh. ‘She must be dying to know more about anything other than this building. I can’t blame her for being eager to know someone new.’
“Alright, I’ll tell you more about me. My favorite animal is a poro…” You ramble on, telling her some basic things about you. During the time that you speak, she doesn’t interrupt you much, content to listen. When she does interrupt you, it’s as if she’s not aware of it. Vi will give you a compliment on something, but not even acknowledge that she did. So you thank her before continuing on with your story, feeling flustered from all of the compliments. You can’t recall a time someone did that without wanting to fuck you so it felt nice.  Before you know it, two hours pass, and your watch's vibrations let you know your time is up. You’re forced to cut your conversation short, but you promise to pick up where you left off tomorrow.
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“I read your report from last week.” Jim stands in your doorway, “You shouldn’t tell her so much about yourself. She can use that against you.” 
“Did Singed give you clearance for that?” You put the pill in your mouth and raise an eyebrow at him. You’ve only talked to Jim in passing when you’re leaving for the day. You were trusted to speak to Vi when no one else was in the lab, so you had privacy. Singed believed that she might not tell you the things he needed if she knew others might overhear. Jim had protested, stating that no one would be here to help you if something happened. Singed’s response was that you had signed the contract, so if something happened it was on you.
“I’m his assistant. Don’t be ridiculous, Y/n… and that’s why I’m qualified to tell you to be careful with her. Willow knows how to mess with your mind. She has killed a lot of assistants before you by talking them into trusting her. It’s why we have the line.” You can hear a hint of envy in his voice. ‘Why would he be envious of that? He’s worked here much longer than I have.’
“It sounds like you're jealous she even speaks to me.” You snort, putting the glass down, “It’s my job, Jim. To talk to her. Besides, we only talked about my favorite color and other basic things. She can’t use that against me. What is she going to do? Serenade me with a poem?”
“I’m being serious here, Y/n. You don’t know this creature as I do. You haven’t seen her true form. You’ve only been here for three weeks!”
“You’re right. I haven’t seen her true form. I only know how Willow looks in her human form, but my job is to gather information. I can’t do that without giving my own. She’d never open up to me.”
“Well, don’t fall in love with her or you’ll end up like the guy before me.” Jim narrows his eyes at you, “Torn… to… pieces.” He hisses before leaving the room. You shake your head in disbelief. ‘What’s his problem? I’ve only talked to her a few times and he’s acting like I’m in love with her. Maybe he’s the one in love with her.’ You grumble and grab the tray with her treat. Watching her eat raw meat made your stomach turn, but she scarfed it down like it was a piece of cake. ‘Maybe I can sneak her in a piece of cake. Her records show me that all she’s been eating are meat and vegetables. She might like it.’ You head down the hallway, glad that you remembered to ask for a jacket this time around. It wouldn’t do you any good to sit there shivering in front of Vi for an hour or more.
“I’m back!” You call out as you clear the wall. To your surprise, Vi was already seated in front of the bars and waiting for you, “You seemed to know that I was here.” You muse, sliding the tray through. When you meet her gaze, Vi’s eyes are wide with wonder as she stares at you. You furrow your brow when she doesn’t take her gaze off of you.
“Vi?” You question worriedly. She blinks and shakes her head, pulling the tray closer to herself.
“I can smell you.” Vi glances up at you through her lashes, “I couldn’t smell you before.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, is it overwhelming?” You slowly sit down as she shakes her head.
“It’s faint. Very faint. The smell of the meat almost drowned it out. That’s why I was staring. I was trying to figure out what it was.”
“Okay, well… What do I smell like?” You tilt your head curiously. ‘I hope it’s nothing bad. She said the men smell gross. I hope I smell nice to her.’
“Sweet.” Vi pauses, thinking, “You smell like those cupcakes Jim eats for lunch.”
“I smell like a cupcake?” You laugh, not expecting to be compared to that.
“Mhm, you smell really good. It’s almost distracting me from my meal, and your scent isn’t as strong as others usually are.” 
“Good to know.” You blush, then pause, “Wait, you can smell the kitchen from here?” Vi nods as she swallows her food. ‘Does Singed know that?’
“I can hear and smell farther than that.” Vi snorts, “Don’t worry, I won’t tear you to pieces. Jim is angry that I killed his friends.” You try to recall if you’ve ever mumbled out loud about her or your job. It would be humiliating or potentially distressing for her to hear certain things. ‘Like how I’ve suddenly started dreaming about her at night.’
“If you don’t mind me asking… Why… did you kill those assistants?” You inquire hesitantly. You weren’t planning on asking something like this so soon, but the opportunity offered itself up. You weren’t going to let this chance slip away. ‘Even if I am nervous about the answer.’
“I didn’t like them. They would beat me when I was chained down and took the opportunity to be rough with me when Master permitted them. To them, I am nothing but an animal.” You can hear the anger in her voice, “The first chance I got to sink my teeth into or rip them apart, I took it.” You thought the deaths had been unwarranted, but to hear that they were deserved only made you feel sad for her. ‘To live and be surrounded by no one who cares for you… people who only see you as an animal. It’s a miracle she even talks with me.’ That broke your heart.
“I’m so sorry, Vi.” You whisper, leaning forward, “You don’t deserve that at all.” Vi’s eyes drop down to her lap and back to your face a few times before you follow her gaze. You let out a squeak when you realize that your hand is on her knee. You jerk away as if you’ve been burned. Somehow, subconsciously, you had reached through the bars to comfort her.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- I didn’t mean to do that.” You stutter out, worried that you upset her after what she had told you. You had experience with abuse survivors and knew that some didn’t like to be touched without permission. So, you decide to move away when Vi’s hand shoots out and grabs your wrist. You freeze, the abnormally tight grip around it warning you that moving won’t be smart. Your heartbeat picks up and you feel a blush rise to your face as Vi gives you the puppy eyes.
“Don’t go. Please.” Vi begs you, “I-I didn’t mind. Please. Please, do it again.”
“Are you sure…?” You breathe out, being in contact with her makes your head spin. You squeal as Vi pulls you by your wrist as if you were the tray at her feet. Your eyes go wide as she places your hand back on her knee and holds it there, “I’m sure.”
“Okay.” You nod absentmindedly, eyes trained on your hand, “I’ll keep my hand here until our time is up.” So that’s exactly what you do until the alarm goes off. Vi never removed her hand from yours until you were forced to leave. For a split second, you thought she frowned when you removed your hand but the expression was gone immediately. You thought about it on the way back to your office, feeling a bit dazed knowing you broke the rules because Vi begged you to. Her icy eyes flash into your mind making your breathing hitch. ‘Get yourself together! Am I… Am I seriously crushing on her? Already?!’ You groan and hit your head against your desk.
“Y/n.” You jolt in your chair at the sound of Singed’s voice. You turn to see him hovering in your doorway with a smile that unnerves you.
“Sir.” You nod at him, “What can I do for you?”
“You’re making amazing progress with Willow. Her tests have come back positive, so please continue to do whatever you’re doing. I might give you more leeway if you keep this up.” He says pleasantly and you try to push down the bitterness you’re feeling towards him.
“Ah, t-thank you! Actually, I have a question.” He nods at you to continue, “Can I bring Willow a treat other than the meat we give her? I’m curious as to how her body might react to it.” You carefully word your request. ‘Please buy it. Please buy it. Let me bring her some joy.’
“Sure, why not?” Singed muses, “As long as you keep producing results.”
You fall into your bed with a tired sigh, not even bothering to put on any clothes. You had spent the whole Sunday morning with Vi, purposefully getting up earlier than usual to have more time with her. Vi wasted no time and jumped at the chance to have physical contact with you. At the moment you were too surprised to really process your feelings about it, but now that you’re home… that’s all you can do. Especially after the bombshell she dropped on you.
You yelp as Vi grabs your wrist and pulls you up to the bars the moment you sit down. Instead of putting your hand on her knee, she laces your fingers together and rests them on her thigh. Speechless, you can only watch as Vi contentedly digs into her treat. The heat radiating from her hand is warmer than you’re used to and a reminder as to why the cages are so cold.
“I like holding your hand.” Vi mumbles, gently squeezing your hand. Her words trigger something in your mind and you bite your lip. ‘That’s something else Vi has said that’s uncharacteristic of someone who’s never interacted with the outside world.’
“Vi… I have a question about something that's been bothering me.” You say softly, tapping your fingers against the ground.
“What is it?” Her eyes flick to you, concern in them.
“You… talk to me like you understand what I’m saying, but from what I’ve been told… you’ve never been outside of the lab.” You swallow nervously when Vi fixes you with an intense stare, “Is… there something I should know?” Her grip on your hand tightens and the icy blue of her eyes goes colder.
“You can’t report this to Singed.” Vi says darkly, “I’m trusting you with this.” Your breathing hitches at those words and butterflies erupt in your chest. ‘Trusting me? She’s trusting me with something not even Singed knows?’
“I won’t. I promise.” You squeeze her hand and Vi lets out a long breath.
“I wasn’t born in this lab as they told you. I was human before this but Singed thinks I lost my memories as my father did. I didn’t say otherwise because I didn’t want them to be taken away.” Vi sighs, caressing your hand, “I didn’t want to forget who I am.”
“W-What?” You gasp, the world closing in on you, “So this whole time…” You trail off, too afraid to vocalize the truth.
“I’m not human anymore, but I did live in Zaun. The cage behind you? My father used to be there, but he’s gone now. I’m the only one.” The sadness in her voice makes your heart clench.
Tears gather in your eyes and you squeeze a pillow to your chest. You didn’t even know what to say to her after that. The fact that she used to be human made everything make sense, but it also made it scarier. ‘I knew Singed was fucked but this? This is… is a whole new level. Vi’s stuck in that cage and I’m the only one who even bothers to be nice to her.’ You groan in frustration. ‘I can’t get her out without Silco’s men raining down on me either.’ You shift your position in bed and try to sleep, but your mind has other ideas.
“Your scent is stronger than yesterday.” Vi tugs on your arm as if to pull you closer, “I really love it. It makes me feel warm.”
“I make you feel warm?” You tilt your head.
“You always have, but now that I can smell you, I feel like I can’t get enough.” Vi stares into your eyes, “You’re a welcome change from everything. I like having you around. I want you around more.”
“I like being around you, too. It makes me happy to hear that you like my company.” You shake your intertwined hands, “But, I can’t leave my business all the time. I can come earlier instead.”
“Please do.” Vi hums, “It’s nice to have someone beautiful to look at.” She hands you a cookie from her tray.
“Are you flirting with me?” You question, amused. This wasn’t the first time she complimented you, but she's progressively gotten more direct with them. You didn’t want to assume she's been flirting, but knowing she was human makes it obvious. Vi gives you a cheeky smile and brushes her lips over the back of your hand. It tingles where her lips touch you.
“Do you want me to flirt with you?” She bats her lashes innocently.
“I- No.” You huff, desperately trying to hold back a blush.
“You hesitated.” Vi points out mischievously, “I know you like me, Y/n. I don't need to smell it to know. You’re not very good at hiding it.”
“It’s my job to observe you.” You playfully scoff, looking away from her, “I stare at you every day.”
“I don’t think that requires staring at my lips.” She chuckles, “But that’s okay, I stare at yours, too. I wonder if you’re a good kisser.” You choke on your cookie.
You put a pillow over your head as your face heats up. You didn’t want to acknowledge your rapidly developing crush on the werewolf. Nope, acknowledging it would only make it worse, but you couldn’t deny it. There would be no more running from it. It didn’t help that Vi seems to be thrilled about it.
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“Vi, I brought you a different kind of treat today!” You say with barely concealed excitement, “I hope you don’t mind!” You stopped at the bakery in Piltover and picked up a variety of brownies for her to try. They were a new dessert that you loved. Your conversation last week reminded you that she hasn’t had anything outside of this building since she got here. You were determined to introduce her to new things as long as Singed let you… and if he didn’t, then you’d sneak it in.
You pause when you don’t see Vi waiting for you like she usually does. Your eyes immediately dart into the dark half of the room and you nervously adjust your grip on the tray. 
“Vi?” You call nervously, listening for an indication that she’s there. You bite your lip when you remember that she went through more tests yesterday. ‘Could she be hurt? Is she okay? What if something went wrong and she’s not okay?’ Your anxiety rises and you place the tray of cupcakes on the floor, “Vi? Vi, are you okay?” You grip the bars in worry, still trying to see into the dark. When no response comes, you run down the hallway as you try to stop yourself from panicking. ‘Singed keeps the keys somewhere in his office, so they must be on his desk, right?’ You open the door to Singed’s office and immediately start digging through his desk drawer. It was covered in papers and notebooks but none of that was of interest to you. You find the keys to Vi’s cage and yank them out of the drawer. You sprint back to Vi’s cage, shouting her name as you do in hopes that she replies. There’s no response again, and you curse, jamming the keys into the lock with shaky hands.
“Vi? I’m coming in.” You announce as the lock clicks. You’re breaking every rule by doing this, but your concern for her won over any other thoughts. Your hands shake as you walk inside. ‘Why isn’t she answering me? If she was sleeping, my shouting would’ve woken her up. Gods, shouldn’t I be more worried for my own life?’ You were afraid. Not of Vi, but of the thought that something could have happened to her.
“Vi?” You whisper, taking a few more steps forward. A flash of pink streaks out of the darkness and across your vision making you recoil in shock.
“I never thought I could get you into here.” Vi’s awed voice comes from behind you, sounding deeper than normal, “Yet here you are… standing in front of me with no bars between us. All it took was being silent.” Your stomach drops as you whirl around. ‘How did she get behind me so fast?!’ You see nothing but empty space and it only makes your pulse race harder.
“You tricked me… to get me in here?” You shakily ask for clarification. You hear Vi hum from behind you and it makes a shiver go down your spine.
“I’ve been thinking about you all week. Your voice, your body, your scent, even the way you cover your smile when you laugh or blush.” Vi croons, “Last night, all I could think about was how nice your hand felt in mine. I wanted to know how you’d feel in my arms… so yes, I tricked you to get you in here. I’m sorry for scaring you, but I knew you wouldn’t come in if I asked.” Your mind takes that confession and runs with it, already fantasizing about being in her arms. It’s something you’ve thought about in passing, but having her admit those thoughts? That made you feel hot.
“You don’t know that.” You turn around, only to stare into the inky blackness, “I could have done it on my own. I’ve already broken most of the rules for you.”
“Mmm, yes. Yes, I do. You’re a very sweet girl, almost too sweet for the Undercity. Sitting over the line and letting me hold your hand is one thing, but being within my reach is another.” Her voice travels around the room, but when you look she’s gone, “I can smell your fear right now and I don’t like it. It taints your delightful scent. You’re not scared of me when we’re separated.”
“I was afraid that you were hurt. That’s why I came running in here.” You cross your arms, “I should be angry that you tricked me, but all I want to know is if you’re okay or not.”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry your pretty little head, cupcake.” Vi snorts.
“Then why won’t you let me see you? You keep moving away.” You huff, “I don’t think you intentionally tricked me with the way you’re acting.” Vi doesn’t respond but you hear her sigh. You turn in that direction, facing the darkness once again to see a silhouette step into the light. You stop breathing, eyes widening as you take a step back in surprise. Towering above you is a creature you can only assume to be Vi in her werewolf form. Dark reddish-pink fur covers the creature with a face that would’ve belonged to a wolf… if it weren’t for the human-like body accompanying it. But it’s the thick, rippling muscle and wicked claws that draw your attention. This was a creature that could kill you with no issues. You part your lips to say something, but nothing comes out. All you can do is stare as Vi stalks around you with her eyes trained on your form.
“Nothing to say?” Vi chuckles bitterly, “I knew if I showed you this form, you’d want to leave.” You couldn’t believe what she was saying. You didn’t want to leave her. You weren’t even scared of her.
“That’s-” You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, “That’s not why I’m speechless, Vi.”
“Then what is it?” Vi growls out and your heartbeat picks up. ‘I wonder how my name would sound coming out like that…’
“I… find you to be utterly stunning.” You say sincerely, slowly walking to her, “You’re still my Vi. You just look different, is all.” You pause, realizing what you said. ‘MY VI?! WHY WOULD I SAY THAT?’ You shriek to yourself. There’s no warning, not even an indication before Vi lunges at you. You let out a startled scream, instinctively covering your face when your brain processes the movement. You grunt as your body hits the ground and you try to catch your breath as it’s knocked out of you. ‘I didn’t see that coming.’ You gasp for breath as Vi pins you to the ground, an unreadable expression in her eyes.
“Say that again!” Vi demands, shoving her snout into your face.
“W-What?” You wheeze, “Say what?” You were thrown off by what just happened, making your mind foggy.
“What you just said! Say it again!” Vi snarls.
“That I think you’re stunning?” You furrow your brow.
“No, the other thing!” Vi whines desperately and that clears the fog from your mind. ‘Oh, Gods, that was hot.’ You groan internally, heat flooding through your body. ‘Now is not the time to be turned on.’ You scold yourself as Vi takes a deep breath.
“I said… that you’re still my Vi?” You say uncertainly. ‘I didn’t mean to say that. It… just came out.’ You yelp as Vi lets out a happy yip, nuzzling your neck as she does so. Your whole body freezes at the action, feeling her hot breath against your neck. You close your eyes begging the Gods to get this werewolf off of you. You were turned on and lying underneath her. ‘Please don’t let her notice. Please.’
“Again!” Vi demands, tightening her grip on you.
“You’re still my Vi.” You repeat for her, earning you a sharp nip on the neck. You yelp as Vi lets out a pleased rumble before backing off of you. You had a moment to exhale in relief before you were lifted from the ground and tossed over her shoulder.
“Vi?!” You squeal, gripping onto her soft fur as she walks into the darkness. Your eyes adjust to the lack of light and you realize it’s not hard to see when you’re over here.
“Y/n.” Vi rumbles, her claws gently scraping against your inner thigh. 
“Um…” The words flee from you as your mind focuses on that. The tip of her claws against the sensitive flesh only makes your clit ache with need. Vi chuckles, lifting you off of her shoulder and gently placing you down on her nest of blankets. She curls around you, resting her head on your lap with a sigh. Hesitantly, you rest your hand on her head and run your fingers through her fur. You try not to acknowledge the ache coming from your lower body. 
“I wouldn’t hurt you, you know.” Vi mutters, “I like you too much to allow myself to.”
“I trust you not to.” You say softly, “I don’t believe you’re the monster they make you out to be.” It didn’t matter what form Vi was in, you cared about her. In your eyes, she wasn’t a monster, and laying here with her made you realize that you’ve fallen in love with her. The cooling arousal was something new - that you hope she didn’t notice - and you’ll have to do a lot of thinking when you get home.
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Vi nudged Y/n awake when she felt the vibrations coming from her watch. She was too thrilled at having Y/n in her arms to fall asleep herself. From the moment she laid her eyes on the new assistant, Vi knew that she was in trouble. Everything about her made Vi feel like she had plummeted into the river and wasn’t that a new feeling? Y/n made Vi happy. More than that, she made Vi feel like there was something worth this miserable existence. As a human, she could have protected Y/n with her fists, but as a werewolf, she can do more.
Vi watched her leave in a hurry, picking up the keys from the floor and locking the cage behind her. With a whispered goodbye, Y/n vanished from her sight but not from her other senses. Vi could hear her moving around and still smell the delicious scent wafting off of her. That very scent was driving her out of her mind. Now that she can pick it up, it made Vi want to go positively feral, especially earlier in the cage when it took on a spicy note. She had to do everything she could to keep herself from commenting on it or even acting on it. Placing Y/n in her bed had eased the reaction, but it made Vi feel more territorial than she planned.
Vi found something irresistible about Y/n and it kept her spinning through Vi’s mind. Day in and day out, Y/n was all she thought of outside of her old memories. Being stuck in her werewolf form robbed her of the chance to kiss her, but Vi knew that she’d get another opportunity. ‘Y/n had called me hers.’ Vi rumbles happily. It was relieving to know that she hadn’t been hallucinating Y/n’s attraction to her. Vi didn’t know what she would have done if that wasn’t true. Y/n was so gentle with her that Vi spent the first few weeks crying about it, and she didn’t want to lose her.
“Ah, Y/n. I see you have finished writing up your report for the day.” Singed’s voice sounds.
“Yes, Willow wasn’t very talkative with me at first, but we managed to get through it. She… was in her werewolf form. Was that supposed to happen?”
“A side effect of one of the tests we run. Normally we do that one first so she’s back to her human form when you come, but complications made it last.”
“Okay, that’s good to know. I was given quite the fright when I saw her.”
“I can only imagine. How… did you feel when you saw Willow’s other form?” Singed’s tone makes Vi feel a bit suspicious of him, he seemed too interested in that question.
“Quite stunned, if I’m honest. She looked magnificent. I consider myself lucky I got to see her in a non-hostile state.” That stroked Vi’s ego a bit and she couldn’t keep a dopey smile off her muzzle, “Although, I’m sure she is just as magnificent when fighting.”
“Indeed she is. Now, I must get to work but keep it up. Willow’s results this past week were through the roof. You’re doing a splendid job.” Vi closed her eyes as she heard you change out of your clothes. ‘I wonder what she looks like underneath all of that.’ She wonders, the memory of that spicy undertone popping into her mind and making her growl in displeasure. She wanted to smell that again, but she wasn’t sure what emotional reaction it was. It wasn’t her usual ones. ‘I guess I’ll have to figure it out.’
Tags: @anoying-weirdo @mega-ultra-so-awesome-it-hurts @bigboobslilheart @pixievi @sugarcookes-milky
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Introduction: Level 5 Inmate 0001: The “Slender Man” aka. Dr. P.J Hopkins (for lore purposes, the facility has no clue they are the same guy)
Classification: Unknown
Threat Level: Severe
Primary traits: Quiet, aggressive.
Abilities: Can sting its victims and turn them into “zombies” of sorts. Other abilities are unknown as of now.
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown (suspecting male)
Debrief: (tw. Animal death, body horror, violence)
6 years ago, The Underground was founded. A place to keep ‘Inmates’ (unexplained anomalies) away from the regular world. From demons, to super-humans, to sentient machinery. The Underground was supposed to house, study, and neutralize these threats. The founder, Dr. P.J Hopkins, was a very well equipped man to find out the secrets of these strange beings. But, he used the space on the lowest level to do his own strange and unusual things. You see, he was a man of all trades, he knew everything you could ever ask, even the things you never thought had an answer. He knew it. He was a very smart man. And humble.
Dr. Hopkins was trying to find a way to expand. To find something more than this world, more than this universe. He worked for years to build a gateway to find alternate dimensions. He did. He opened “The Gate”. A large hole that crackled with deep and un heard of power. Dr. Hopkins appointed a small group of interns and scientists to his study as long as they kept it quiet of their secret operation. Trials and tests to find if the idea of travel through the gate was even possible turned up inconclusive. They used animals like dogs, cats, and rats to travel between the gateways and some came back fine. Shaken, but fine. Others…were changed, mutated into agonized forms of their past selves. Given they only stayed in the Gate for no longer than an hour, they concluded that staying between the gateways was harmful. But if you managed to reach the other side, you seemed fine. The final test before human trial was a dog, a husky named Kibbles. The Dog walked in with its long rope lead. Everyone waited as the rope tugged on for 30 minutes, which was the supposed amount of time it took to get from one gate to the other. But after a moment, the rope tugged, that dog wasn’t strong enough for that. Dr. Hopkins demanded they pull the dog back but within minutes the rope was cut and Kibbles was gone.
Dr. Hopkins deemed the project unable to host human trails that night.
After Kibbles went missing, every time Dr. Hopkins passed the Gate, he would hear something. Something…wrong. At first he thought it could have been his imagination. But as weeks went by, the sounds only took over his head. Whispers. Whispers beckoning him to come into the Gate. To follow their call. Dr. Hopkins had enough. He decided it was best to shut down the project. Knowing that it was too dangerous. But, as he started to shut down, the voices came. He tried to ignore the pleas, and only focused on closing the Gate. But something made him stop. Curiosity? Fear? No one knows why he stopped and found himself walking into the Gate. Having someone travel in and the machines keeping it open already going through the shut down process made the Gate unstable. His team heard the alarms that something was wrong and rushed to his aid, only to find that the Gate was closed. And Dr. Hopkins was gone.
Years. 2 to be exact. His trusted team was appointed as the new heads of the facility. They held a funeral for Dr. Hopkins. After some time, the basement was cleaned and abandoned. Until one day. There was a noise in the elevator shaft, a screech of some kind. Had an Inmate escaped. The facility went into lockdown and swarms of teams with weapons went down into the basement to see the commotion. What they found was harrowing. A ten foot tall naked humanoid, with 2 long scorpion tail like appendages on its back, and seemingly no face thrashing and screeching. After mild panic they sedated the thing and kept it in a level 4 cell. Studying it was hard. The thing was unresponsive and animalistic almost in nature. It couldn’t speak. They had found that it had 4 white eyes and a slit in its face that opened into a mouth for feeding. But from a distance, the thing appeared to be featureless.
Over time, staff noticed that it was using its scorpion tails to sting rats in almost an experimental way. Like it had no idea what it was capable of doing. Staff never found out what the stings could do. Until one day. A guard was stung when she was trying to get a better look at its antics, she showed symptoms of sweating, auditory hallucinations, and paranoia. The higher ups appointed her off the 4th floor. But she kept going back down and being detained. When questioned she said “It talks to me.” She was hard to speak to, and often she muttered to herself when left alone in a room. It wasn’t until she was stung a second time. This time, her symptoms were impaired brain function, lack of awareness, heightened strength, and aggression. Unfortunately, she was killed by gunfire in an attempt to attack fellow staff. The higher ups found it fit to move the creature into the basement in a special containment. They are still in attempts to study the thing. So far to no avail.
(End of debrief)
Staff notes:
• It talks to me. No please you have to believe me, its talking to me! It’s in my head I cant get it out, help me! Help me! CUT IT OUT OF MY HEAD!! - Staff member Rosa Oswald (deceased)
• The thing gives me the creeps, all it does is stare and sometimes I swear I can hear it whispering to me. -Anon
• I decided to start calling it the Slender man, but I cant really tell if it’s a man? Maybe it’s a woman? Who knows, its freaky - Staff Member Cody
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vanillaxoshi · 7 months
BBB brother ordeal au
An element will be used for each of the siblings, despite the different elements, results and errors will end up similar or the same. different usages of items and chemicals will fix the errors that will be made.
Each of them are genetically identical, and not only that, their blood and dna is already assimilated with supernatural cells coming from their hero father, Mechamato, his alias. Amato, his real name.
Perhaps they will have a greater chance of success than the rest of the failures. but even if we made too much mistakes on one of the siblings, there will be another to spare
Tw: Gore
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experiment 1403
-10 years old
-Human male
-Topic used: Lightning element
Petir, the oldest out of his siblings. we have used metal like fissures from a creature in Planet XXX, this creature had a metal-like body and cells, it had quite a strong shell as well
we decided to use its spine and fix it unto experiment 1403, as well as replacing his humerus, ulna and radius with the metal bones from the creature while mixing the blood with its cells.
the mixed blood and cells combined well enough with the assimilated bones can shape the bones and flesh into swords or blades.
Collecting the amounts of 1403's blood, we decided to increase the electron output of the molecules within the blood cells by mutating and collecting each electron into one spot, it was risky to say the least, but if there are any errors, its data will be collected and revised.
The chemicals seem to be making the subject age faster, or notibly aging
Subject is noted to be shaking every now and then, perhaps the shock of the electrons or electricity is not enough for the subject to handle
Subject also is noted to be delirious, perhaps we should've considered how these tests could deter the mind from the purpose of this objective
Training should be included, 1403's control of its electricity is barely activated, even its morph isnt doing well, 1403 cant seem to handle or control its own body.
We now have noted all our mistakes on 1403, the subject is a lost cause and any fixes seem to be ineffective.
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d8nielaa · 1 month
"How Soon Is Now?/ Daughter Of Olympus - Prologe: The Quest Begins...
x fem!reader/x teen!reader
“ I am human and I need to be loved, 
just like everybody else does.” - How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths
There she stood, silver and golden dagger in hand while she circled her opponent - her enemy. 
It felt strange. It felt like she was having an out of body experience. Like she was watching from the sidelines as another version of herself fought. "Dreams", Hypnos had called them. "Dreams are happy, Alesie. Dreams are silly, but it feels real. Nightmares are what you should be afraid of." Alesie had recalled as the out of body experience continued. While she watched, it felt like she was in the shoes of her younger self, but this version of her in the "dream" seemed to be much older. Though she was only twelve, her mind was wise beyond its years. Being a handcrafted creation of the Greek gods has many perks. Every feature and trait she had, was like a gift from them. She had Athena's intelligence, Ares's bravery, Hermes's sense of direction and so the list goes on. She had never asked why the gods suddenly needed a mutation (Alesie). It felt weird. She never grew up on Earth, but on Olympus. For twelve whole years, this young girl learned from the Greek gods themeselves, and when she was told she would be leaving to venture out on Earth alone.... she felt afraid. Which was strange because she had never felt that way before. It was a foreign feeling for her. One that she didn't like. This version of her was nothing like the girl thought she was. "Do not dissapoint me, Alesie. I put a lot of faith in you" Zeus had told her just minutes she was transported onto Earth. Her and Zeus were never the closest but, she respected him deeply. She had to anyway, he was one of the main gods that created her. When those words had been said, it felt like a huge weight had been thrown onto her shoulders. She had never felt so afraid. Not just of being alone, but of failing. Failing the gods, failing the people on Earth, and herself.
Alesie continued to watched as this older version of herselfcalled out to her opponent. She saw the pleading look in her own eyes, like she was begging them to stop. But, the sound of the rain and thunder was loud enough to drown out her voice. She was confuesd. She would never start a fight or never back down from one, she would let the fight find her. It's what she had always been taught. So, what had changed? What had scared her so much that she had to aim her dagger at them? What the girl could see from afar, was that her opponent didn't want to hurt her. She didn't know who it was. She could see the body perfectly, but the face was just not there. Like it had been blurred out. She could tell that the person she was going against, was a boy. Who in the dream, didn't seem much older then her. She wondered if the boy who was approaching her with a sword in his hand, was really an enemy. Or just an obstecle the gods threw in her way as a test.
The fight went on for what seemed like forever. All Alesie could do was just stand there and watch as her older self and the unknown boy circled each other. Then, the two stopped moving and Alesie watched in anticipation as they stood there for a moment. Suddenly, the boy lunged at her while letting out a war cry. But, before she could see the outcome of herself, she awoke. Her eyes jolted opened as her hands grabbed onto the grass under her. It smelt musky almost, she moved her head around and saw flowers with a few trees behind them. When she stood up, she saw a wheat field in front of her. And when she turned around, a forest. One that felt inviting. She looked down and saw a backpack next to her feet. She observed herself as she had been dressed in a pair of brown boots and a beautiful white dress. She lifted up her hands to see the skin tight golden bangles on her arms and a beautiful snake braclet on her wrist. Alesie picked up the bag as she felt around for her crystal. The one that Hermes had given her before she left.
She felt something sharp in the pocket of her dress and grabbed it. She reveled the crystal and held it up in front of her. She pointed it into the direction of the forest, before pointing it into the direction of the wheat field. She waited for a moment before a gust of wind blew in the direction of the forest. Alesie nodded her head at seemingly no one as she put her crystal back in her pocket and sighed. She looked around once more before heading into the woods. "Here we go"
This would be the start of a journey. One that would not only change the course of Alesie's life, but the lives of others. The daughter of Olympus began her quest.
Hi Guys! Im so excited for this story and i think you guys will really like it! I'll try to be consist while posting but i am on a slighty busy time frame. Requests are open for the time being! Have a wonderful day!!!
Alesie’s outfit inspo-
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toast-on-dandelioms · 4 months
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For those who cannot see part 2, here is the repost of it!
Years passed and you were now 16, almost mute but with a few friends from school, the only place where no one knew you were a Wayne since you refused to take his surname.
You wanted your mother's surname, you refused to let go of that small part that you still had of her. You refused to let go of that and be replaced by a surname from a person that hated you.
You still had some dignity.
You were happy, you finally had your small place where no one could ruin it and you didn't even care that your supposed family didn't even know who you were.
But everything changed when you went to that damn interview to a scientist lab in a big corporation, you needed money for yourself and knowledge to better your inventions and the corporation you went to was better than any Wayne industry.
You were accepted obviously and after a few months you were on a good position as a part timer and helped with experiments with rats and spiders.
What those experiments were? You didn't know and honestly from what you saw when you were allowed to spectate an experiment in process, the animals almost never died and if they did then they would be honored with a small photo on a wall, to thank them for their help.
You were taking a few subjects to their enclosures and while letting a spider inside its little cage, the little legs of it running down your hand and making you shiver a bit but you did a mistake that all your superiors told uou to never make.
You accidentally moved while trying not to drop another animal that was on the table since it kept moving closer to the edge, scaring the spider and making you get bit by it in the process, the sting of the bite making you almost fall down but not before putting the spider in its cage and closing it.
Then you allowed yourself to fall down and hold the injured hand on the chest as you held back the tears by biting your lips and repeating a mantra you had so that you wouldn't seem weak.
You stayed on the ground for a few minutes, waiting for the sting on your hand to stop hurting so much.
You did notice the spider was a venomous one but that only paralyzed the prey making you scared, not wanting to be found paralyzed and get fired after making a stupid mistake.
You kept on reading the file and thanked whatever god was out there that the venom wasn't strong enough to paralyze a human but just making them a bit dizzy, explaining why you felt so dizzy like you drank five bottles of beer.
You finally got up after the bite stopped stinging and pulsing, making you wobble a bit and check the reports about the spider but it didn't said anything about any experiments made on the animal but you were a bit suspicious about it.
You went to the small lab you shared with a few other interns, starting a few tests on yourself to make sure you wouldn't die or have something horrible happen to your body because of some weird mutation.
You checked every test you ran on yourself, making sure to not have missed anything but it didn't showed any changes so you decided to wait until the new day to see if it was a delayed response from the bite.
You decided to go back to the Manor since it's been days and you couldn't sleep at another friend house again, not wanting to bother them with your 'family' problems.
You managed to get there safely enough by taking the bus, entering silently by the front door and just passing by the kitchen while ignoring the loud noises from the dining hall, knowing that they're probably celebrating something and didn't even try to invite you.
You finally arrive to your room, smiling softly at the plate on your desk filled with food and silently thanking Alfred in your mind since you just realised you didn't eat much that day.
You quickly sit down and eat everything with a big smile, making sure to clean the plate and leaving it on a table next to your door outside of your room to thank Alfred, not wanting to do the trip to the kitchen and risk being seen and seeing all of them look at you with confusion as to why you were there.
Like they didn't even remember that you lived there and were surprised that you were there. You hated whenever they looked at you like that.
You finally plop down in bed, face first and fall asleep in a few seconds, not even bothering to change or take a shower since you were exhausted.
You woke up the next day and as you got up you noticed that something changed in your body.
Not something noticeable like a new set of eyes or a new pair of arms like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, but you felt more flexible.
Like, you were already pretty good at moving your body thanks to the dance lessons you used to take but now you could move your body in positions you never thought were possible.
Your eyesight was also incredibly better and more enhanced, like you could see from pretty far away without having to squint to see it.
You immediately thought of the spider and its bite so you checked the wound but there was nothing, just two small moles (the small black spots) where the bite was supposed to be.
You quickly went to school, deciding to do a few more tests when you would get to the lab to make sure you didn't have anything dangerous in your body.
The day seemed more slow than usual, making you skip school just after an hour in there and quickly go to the corporation you worked at, using the excuse that school was closed because of a sudden villain attack.
No one even questioned it, they just let you in and went on with their day, not even bothering to check since you were in Gotham so that was normal.
You quickly walked to your lab, immediately starting a few more tests on yourself and sighing in defeat when all the results were the same.
Your blood was mixed with the spider on and you were now half spider. You sighed and worked before clocking in early, slowly going to an abandoned park to check what you now had to just learn to live with it.
You ran a few tests on the field, wanting to see what you now had with the DNA of the spider in your body.
You already checked the sight and flexible factor in a small notebook, adding super strenght, weirdly precise reflexes that also helped you when you were in danger.
You just now needed to see if you could walk on walls like spiders, really hoping you could since you wanted to see how that felt like.
You walked up to a deserted building and took off your shoes and socks before setting one foot on the wall, noticing that you couldn't really take it off.
You tried with the other foot and now you were standing sideways on the wall, making you laugh in glee since it was so freaking cool.
You quickly ran around the building walls before getting to the roof and sitting down on the edge since you were tired.
You thought to yourself to just live with these newfound powers, if you can call them that but then noticed many people walking around and being scared.
You noticed how, even though Batman and everyone else kept the streets clean from super villains, small time thieves and other bad people still ran around even after being caught and brought to jail.
You knew you weren't strong enough before but you now had a small advantage over them and decided to help people, make the streets a bit cleaner.
You would never go and fight big villains but small ones were easy so you quickly went to the manor to start your training, wanting to help others.
You first started by creating the costume, making sure to hide your face pretty well since you refused to let anyone know who you were, even though you were a nobody that not even the media knew about.
You then started to create your own vigilante, giving yourself the name of 'Spider', like the hero Spider-Man from the comics you used to read.
Hey, you got bit by a spider and decided to follow that theme, no judgement on that.
You created the web fuel and used a grappling hook that was lying around to create a web shooter, making sure to make it hidden on your wrists.
Then you started to train in the abandoned park that no one ever walked by, using the trees around it and the buildings as a way to learn how to swing around.
You also learned how to fight by spying your "family", recording how they fought and their weak and strong points to also learn from it.
In 2 months you officially became 'Spider', the new spider vigilante that helped the people from small thieves so no one had to be scared to walk on the streets.
You also used a taser if you couldn't fight against someone stronger and you didn't want to kill them with your super strenght, and the taser was the best move.
You didn't even notice but you started to become famous amongst the city, especially after helping a bus from falling off a brige and stopping a well known rapist after the police did nothing.
You just kept going, happy to help and thinking no one even noticed, not noticing that your "family" also started to notice the new vigilante and was starting to ask questions about who it was behind the mask.
But their curiosity may never be satisfied.
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(sorry if I can't tag everyone, I'll try to do all of them next time!)
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unknownmusing · 9 months
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Adoribull Fanfic: 'When a Thread of Fate Brings Two People Together'
Plot Summary:
A story of how a Mage and Qunari who are both of different races slowly over time as they spent having adventures together begin to develop something more between them.
Prologue - 'The Beginning of a Thread of Fate Weaving between Two Different Races to Join Them Together' (Part 1 of ?)
Location - Un-named river some distance from Redcliffe Village - Hinterlands, Ferelden - Late Evening
In an area surrounded by meadow grass and wildflowers, while a river winds it way through mountainous region a few feet away, Dorian Pavus flicks through the tome he picked up on his travels using the light from the crackling camp-fire to illuminate the pages so he can read them - some of the writing is faded over time with other parts missing paragraphs but the diagrams helped understand the spells being mentioned.
So absorbed in his reading of the tome he doesn't hear his second companion travelling with him approaching the camp, until a thud of something heavy lands close-by making him lift his head to see some kind of wild boar lays there - though looking more mutated and hybrid-looking - then flicks his gaze up to his large companion who's reached for a large carving knife to sharpen it with a whetstone.
"Don't worry, I know which cuts to get that won't make us ill." Iron Bull - a Beast of the the Qunari - states to Dorian who's wondering if should decline in eating but his stomach betrays him by choosing to grumble indicating he's hungry.
This makes the large Qunari chuckle at him, standing up to pick up the wild boar's body to take it over to the branch of tree to begin skinning it - removing the fur; other parts which are inedible and finally cutting it so effeciently and effortlessly that Dorian forgets for a moment Iron Bull has murdered various people in similar ways as he watches the sight of the minotaur working away.
The slope of the large muscles shifting, every soft way the hands slide over the dead boar's body testing to see which way to cut and turning it to check the other side of it that gulping slightly, Dorian shuts the tome to place in his travelling pack and getting up heads down to river needing some space.
His mind begins to flood with so many images, he quickly places a clenched fist in his mouth to silence any sounds - this was frankly embarassing, he's acting like a young randy male seeing a female they like but don't want to admit - when he reaches the beach-area nearby the river curve so that Iron Bull can't pick them up, his other resting over his abdomen close to his groin.
"Control yourself, Dorian…..Control yourself…..you hate his Race…..remember….." He mutters under his breath, only for sudden image of him and the beast embraced in such a way his clenched fist moves away from his mouth to grip his shoulder and other cup himself between his thighs arching slightly when unexpected heat floods through him at it.
He moans breathlessly to his shame, horror and embarassment knowing that the Qunari would pick it up with their acute hearing only to sink down onto the sandy ground lying back to begin to rub himself through his breeches, thighs quivering intensely and mind flooding with so many images, whispers and sensation of being embraced he can't help but let out mewling breathless gasps, pants and whimpers.
What is happening to him?
Why was heat flooding throughout his system like his body had realised he was compatible with the Qunari when records stated it wasn't possible for a Beast of the Qunari to be compatible with a Human and other species and only their own.
Was it because of when they met that fateful rainfall night the touch from the Qunari had left an imprint and somehow they both become compatible?
 PART 1 - 'How the Thread First Formed Between Two'
Location - Tevinter Imperium - Nothern Thedas, Minrathous - Approaching Late Evening 
2 Years Earlier
Rain is falling down heavily on the streets of Tevintar Imperium in Northern Thedas, Minrathous, drowning out the sounds of scuffle going on between four people – the fourth trying to make dash for it, an alleyway between two large buildings briefly becoming illuminated by an eerie light which fades away when they are knocked over before can get out of the alleyway where curses in native Tevene begin to fill it.
“Maybe we should gag him for good measure. This….fucking mage as a mouth on him doesn’t he.”
“Just remember his….the Magister Pavus I mean wants him alive.”
“Heh, yeah good coin being paid for escorting this….”
Dorian Pavus – son of Halward Pavus and Aquinea Thalrassian – finds him struggling in vain to get away from the larger of the Hired Thugs pinning him down onto the alleyway ground mostly grinding to his vain his face into it, discussing with the other two thugs debating on what do with him.
It is a handful of days since he run away from his home and for good intentions and reasons, he never wanted to set foot there again. Surrounded by something which had started to become the equivalent of a gilded cage which he begins to wonder would ever be able to get out of.
“Heh, seems our Mage here is being a little too quiet.” One of the Hired Thugs notes, squatting down in front of him to reach out to grab hold of the back of his head by his hair wrenching it upwards to force him to look at harsh, unforgiving cold eyes. “What you thinking about? Way to escape?”
Glaring back, Dorian refuses to answer resulting a hand immediately slapping him across the face so hard it leaves his ears ringing and splitting his lower lip in the process allowing blood to trickle down the side of his lip and chin closely followed by a hand grabbing hold of his chin to dig their nails harshly into his cheeks when they say their next words.
“You know I always hated Vint’s like this, Pompous, arrogant and vain. Only thinking about themselves.”
Brought up onto his feet, Dorian wonders if can summon a quick spell – one that will get rid of the Hired Thugs - when a gruff, deep voice interrupts it sends prickles up and down him in a such a way it felt like when one meets their Soulmate for the first time and their coloured Soul Threads connect.
“And does that count for yourself as well."
A very large, tall figure stands there at the entrance to the alleyway wearing a faded hooded cloak looking straight at the Hired Thugs surrounding him.
"So......Did you miss me?" Is the first words from the large hooded figure - who after the brief glimpse Dorian had seen of their face when they were fighting is a Qunari who looks oddly familiar and bringing back a memory of night at a Masked Party, an embrace in large arms and so much unexpected overstimulation it was feat he managed to get up to leave in the morning - as he leans against the alley brick-wall with his arms crossed over his chest and staff back in its holder on his back.
Sighing heavily with one hand up coming to pinch the bridge of his nose he wonders how he answer the Qunari - the hulk of a beast who he had a one night stand with, before escaping from the guest bedchamber lest fear of scandal of being discovered bedding a Qunari - whose name he doesn't know, who is busy going through the Hired Thugs until finds one still alive.
"I...Don't have a clue what you mean by 'Did I miss you?' because 1. I don't know who you are and 2. What are you doing?" Dorian replies, watching the Qunari turn their hooded gaze to him before gets up, just after bounding their prisoner in tight ropes so the singled-out Hired Thug cannot escape, walking up to where he stands.
A hand slams beside his head onto the alley brickwall allowing for the hooded cloak to slip off slightly revealing one ash-grey hand covered in snaking ink-black tattoos at the sametime the Qunari presses closer to him it forces him to turn his face to one side to not look at them.
"You have to understand....you felt the sensation didn't you?" The Qunari asks him, referring of course to the feel of a Soul-Thread connecting him to their's making Dorian, blush so heavily it's no doubt showing on his face even in the dim moonlight alongside the promixity of them against his body.
"Vishante kaffas!! I have no idea what your talking about!!!? Now if you'll excuse me....I like to get on....mmfffff!!!?" Dorian begins to say, only for lips to smash into his before he can even protest or cast a spell sending a throbbing wave of something through the forming Soul Thread making him slump against their large body, feeling one hand slide around to embrace him and the other come up to cradle the back of his head.
His fingers twitch heavily, hands spasming before manages to wrench free stumbling down the alleyway to compose himself.
Dorian brings up to his slightly swollen lips a shaking hand - the Qunari had just kissed him!!!? Without even a warning, just did it to him.
Angry at the forcefulness of it he forms a lightening ball in one hand, turning fully around to face the Qunari standing there watching him to send it hurtling towards them choosing not to hang around to check if worked or not. 
His mind beginning to flood with a memory of a masked party, the mysterious large Qunari and everything else that had happened that fateful night as he keeps on running and running through the weaving alleyways and down empty streets passing by houses, shops and market stalls until out of one of the many large city gate's into the wildness of a land unknown to him. 
This chapter deals with introducing the characters called Verikas - an elf who doesn't want to be an Inquisitor - and his friend Ku'rac who is a Qunari who in next chapter will soon meet Dorian and Iron Bull
Part 2 – The Beginning (1 of ?)
Location - The Fade also known as The Beyond - Location of Realm Unknown 
It is an quiet, eerie stillness of without sound which makes Verikas flutter his eyes open, faintly seeing the blurred large figure of his close friend Ku’rac – a Qunari who had become exiled from his people due to disagreements with them – lying close-by then his vision fully clears to reveal he is in the Fade.
Around wispy emerald mist raises in different areas, structures of crumbled elvish ruins float in the air way above - some facing upside down and others dissembling - then hears a pained groan coming from Ku'rac making him get up, stumbling slightly forwards swaying due to experiencing the Fade for the first time trying to remember what happened but all he is getting is fractured memories of group of people talking; a cloaked hooded figure wearing a mask with liliac vines on it and then a explosion of raw, untimed magical energy originating from somewhere.
"Ku'rac....Ku'rac...." Verikas reaching his friend calls out, trying to rouse the Qunari who gives pained groan with both his hands twitching - unclenching and clenching - until flutters his eyes open, gaze soon focusing on him with Ku'rac allowing him to help him to sit up
"Verikas, what.....the Maker just happened?!! Last thing I remember was watching you from the balcony about to state you don't want to be an Inquisitor then nothing afterwards!!" Ku'rac asks him so many questions he cannot give his friend any of the answers to, because even himself doesn't know them.
"I....have faint memory but will have to discuss it later. We need to get out of here." Verikas replies, his keen hearing picking up that they are not alone with him helping Ku'rac to stand up, followed by noticing a bright light in the distance.
Both agree that they should head towards it to investigate what it could be, quickly making their way across crumbling platforms; clambering up floating islands above them and coping with walking upside down or even sideways until finally reach a flight of stone-carved steps.
"Verika, spiders!!!?" Ku'rac calls out to him, pointing to mass of them skittering across over to where they are located he begins to run up the stairs only to trip over a step when a sudden and unexpected sharp, lightening-like pain radiates from his hand through every nerve ending he finds himself giving out a bloodcurdling scream.
His legs give out on him with Ku'rac sweeping in to grab hold to cradle in his large arms, running up the stone-carved steps where the light of the figure waiting seems to enamate outwards that Verikas doesn't remember what happens next.
Just the words 'You'll will live. The both of you' closely followed by blackness.
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sketchfanda · 5 months
A Little Moxxie Love: Well that happened!,
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Somedays I.M.P just had one of those days and one of those kinds of jobs. It had started all routine enough, a client came to their office looking for the service they provide to the best of their abilities of course. They go to the living world, find the target and make a corpse out of them. Simple as that, leave little to no evidence and back to their modest little slice of Hell, provided things didn't go FUBAR of course.
Except for the fact their client had been the recently deceased employee of a genetics research lab which had little to no moral compass on using animals as test subjects for God only knows what the fuck for. Not to forget to the target and cause of his death, that he naturally neglected to mention before hand of course had been FUCK MOTHERING HONEST TO GOD GREMLINS!! Yes somehow this bunch of amoral labcoat wearing intellectual jackasses had gotten their hands on a cute little mogwai, got him wet and then they fed the newly born ones AFTER midnight!! So they basically not only broke 2 of the 3 key rules when handling a mogwai, they wound up with the natural result of being ambushed by a hoard of gremlins who did as Gremlins were want to do.
That being cause untold wanton destruction and mayhem for shits and giggles, eat any and everything in sight and of course get themselves wet in order to multiply enough to make an army. Which meant I.M.P pretty much had to clean up this shit before these scaly goblin/troll looking scuzz-balls got out of the lab and made their way into a populated area like a small town or a major urban city. Where they would no doubt cause even more of a fuck-storm of chaos at least before they had to avoid any major potentially fatal bright lights like the sun then move on, rinse and repeat. it was fortunate they could be killed easier than cockroaches at least.
EXCEPT for the fact some of the anarchic little monsters started getting their grubby 3 clawed hands on of the lab's experimental chemicals, ingesting them nonchalantly which began to result in God only knows what sort of mutations. One of them grew batwings, another was turning into a living vegetable garden and don't even get started on the goddamn spider!! It was small wonder this had to require everyone in the whole misfit organisation, yes including even Loona who was busy mauling as many of the little goobers she could get within reach of tooth and claw. to say nothing of how busy as fuck Blitzo and Millie were painting the walls and ceiling with the green blood of every gremlin in sight, but what of Moxxie I hear you asking?
Well our favourite little possum found himself in a bit of a situation that was even more unexpected a snafu than finding out about this mission. As he was cornered in the rec room by one particular and quite frankly peculiar Gremlin who had something in mind besides wrecking other people's shit. Now by nature gremlins and mogwai were what you might call a mono-gendered, asexual species. They were technically mostly all male and their means of production consisted of getting soaked in water, causing more of their kind to multiply and sprout off their backs, so the bigger the body of water, the better.
But Moxxie you see wasn't dealing with the average Gremlin right now, for you see this one was legit an actual female. It seemed among the Lab's numerous formulas and mutagens, they'd cooked up one that could in theory physically and biologically change one's gender. For all their amoral antics and who knows what the fuck sort of acts against God and humanity they had going on here, seems one of those egghead fuck-wipes was apparently trying to make transitioning a better process for the T portion of the LGBT community. And this Gremlin right here was unintentional proof it sure as Hell worked!!
Moxxie:*currently backed up against a corner of the room as he scrambled through his coat to find any weapons on hand. His shirt messed up, bowtie missing as his face was covered in lipstick marks as he tried not to panic.* "N-now now miss, I'm sure you're as reasonable as you're very pretty so maybe you should reconsider...uhm..."*The imp spat and cursed, mumbling as he hadn't yet found something to defend himself. Damnit this bitch was horny!!*
??:*let out a mix of a purr and a giggle as the clicking of black stiletto high heels signalled every step closer to her prey. Yes this Gremlin, Greta we will call her, had changed in so many ways from the rest of her kind and it showed. Don't even ask where she got her outfit from, it was like these damn things operated on some toon logic and physics. As the shortstack minx ran a hand through her long mane of neon green hair, her pouty ruby lips making kisses at our imp boi, hips sashaying as she shed her snow leopard skin mini skirt, standing clad in just a matching set of a bra and thong panties.*"Oh why can't you commit?"
Moxxie:*knew the feeling all too well that he was literally and figuratively screwed. This she-gremlin was looking down to fuck, his golden eyes widening as she nonchalantly removed her bra. Tossing it aside as she now stood clad in just her thing and high heels and still looking down to fuck. To which the imp sighed and took a deep breath, looking intently at the lusty chaos beast.* “So this is how it’s gotta go, very well. But know this, I possesses a certain set of skills when it comes to dealing with women, my wife included. Skills that should you proceed with your intentions, that I will not hesitate to use. So bring it….Bitch…”
Greta:*let out a lusty mix of a coo and purr, as if Moxxie’s sudden mood shift was a total turn on for her.* “Oooh what a hunk!!” *The further emboldened and aroused female Gremlin wasted no further time as she pounced into the imp, grabbing and pulling down his pants, boxers and all!! Pink glowing hearts in her eyes as she beheld the imp’s now exposed, stiffening cock. Now this was a feast!!*
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Greta proceeded of course to practically suffocate herself on that alpha imp dick, her Ruby red lips latched around that length and girth as licked and sucked on it. Her newfound sexual instincts guiding her into a primal drive to mate with this unique specimen as she deepthroated with abandon. Her snow leopard print thong soaked with her flow of juices as they made a puddle on the floor as she lewdly bobbed her head on that imp shaft with abandon. Moxxie gritting his teeth as he clutched her wild neon green mane of hair and facefucked her, driven to tame this insatiable she-beast.
it was no wonder and only natural that the battle of sexual wills proceeded to its next level as Greta now remained only in her high heels, arms and legs wrapped around the imp who was just as nude as the day he was born. Performing a standing fuck position as his hands clutched that bubbly scaly Jade booty of hers, his heavy balls smacking the outer rim of her netherlips. Juices splashing and flying as Greta let loose with deep beastly moans of primal desire at such grilling erotic sensations. Glowing pink hearts in her eyes as Moxxie proceeded to not only give her one helluva a first time but pretty much ruin her for other men altogether, and she wouldn’t want or have it any other way!
Greta:”Hahhnharder! Harder daddy!! Don’t stop! Make babies with me!!”*the sexually mutated gremlin howled lustfully, as Moxxie fucked her spotty style. Her lipstick smeared, mascara flowing down her eyes like gothic tears. Her stomach swollen from he deep his length and girth reached and filled her as those baby-making balls slapped her clit. She just couldn’t get enough of it!”
Moxxie:”This isn’t my first rodeo you know!”*The imp hitman quipped as he found himself on his back as Greta now rode him cowgirl style. Her 3 clawed hands caressing his chest as her hips bounced on his cock, his pelvis all soaked and sticky with their mixed juices. He had cum 5 times in this mutant and hadn’t pulled out once but he was no stranger to borderline nymphomaniacs!! Hands holding onto her waist as he used his best natural weapon in his arsenal, his infernal stamina!!*
The rec room clock ticked on, minute after minute into hour after hour as the imp and gremlin’s battle of erotic wills raged on. Position after position with Greta especially making sure she got plenty of oral and anal stimulation. It was a lucky thing the rule about never make a mogwai or gremlin didn’t apply to any liquid outside of water or this room would get pretty Damn crowded real fast!! But right about now Greta was enjoying getting wet in a more different and fun way and didn’t want to stop anytime soon.
Missionary to mating press, spread eagle to full nelson but Moxxie knew he would prevail! He could only hope that his co workers weren’t having too much trouble with the infestation, unaware of the security camera in the upper corner of the room that was catching each and every single moment of his and Greta’s sexual duel. All transmitting on a monitor in the security room, where Millie and Loona sat and enjoyed the show. Enjoying the snacks available as their crimson skin and fur respectively was stained with the green blood of gremlins.
Indeed Moxxie had nothing to worry about as they’d taken care of the infestation, preventing the little freaks from breaking out for their shit storm of chaos. Floor after floor, wall to wall and ceilings coated in the remains of gremlins, splatters and pools of green slime blood, body parts making it akin to a slaughterhouse. Of course the imp and hellhound didn’t think Moxxie needed to know that yet, not when he was having so much fun. Hey they just laid waste to a gremlin army, who said they couldn’t enjoy a free porn show?
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Loona:-.-“Sooo we gonna take that one back with Us? Seems like a waste, girl gets her world rocked by fatty daddy and we got to off her?”*The hellhound quipped, tail idly wagging as she rubbed her thighs together. Phantom sensations of past intimacy with Moxxie coursing through her nerves. It reminded her she needed her fix.*
Millie:”Oh don’t you worry none, we just tell the client job done, sneak her back into hell and get her all nice, settled in with ID and papers. After a little of this of course…”*the wrath shortstack assured as she held up a syringe filled with the lab’s genetic sunblock. Handy to have on hand in deprive Greta of the bright light weakness. Sensually biting her lip as she and Loona watched Moxxie pin the kne of a kind lady gremlin against a wall and plow her fierce. The voyeur duo sharing a fist bump as their devious plan came together.*
Yes sir what the client didn’t know wouldn’t hurt, especially given it was payback for holding out on the mission details. Not Loona’s fault for the intel for sure as they conspired on smuggling Greta out of the living world and into hell, there was no doubt she’d make a killing in the lust circle. That is knowing she’d get her regular Moxxie dick fix of course. Plus who knows what kind of babies you’d get from a gremlin going all porno with an imp…for science!!
Blitzo of course was clueless about this going on, as he was busy fishing himself out of the mountain of gremlin bodies he’d racked up. Popping his head out as he looked around a sea of limbs and green blood, eyeing the handiwork akin to a critic analysing a work of art. Sitting comfy as he fished out a set of glasses from what had been one very brainy, chatty gremlin and out them on. Humming as he looked at where the 4th wall would be.
Blitzo:”Now, was that civilized? No, clearly not. Fun, but in no sense civilized. Now what we want is, I think, what everyone wants, and what you and yours have: civilization. The niceties. The fine points: diplomacy, compassion, standards, manners, tradition... that's what we're reaching toward. Oh, we may stumble along the way, but civilization, yes. Everything society has worked so hard to accomplish over the centuries, that's what we aspire to; we want to be civilized…..or something I dunno what the fuck I’m talking about….so any of you fuckers not dead yet?”
Now that’s comedy….
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best-underrated-anime · 7 months
[Test Poll] Format #1
This is to test what format would be best for the poll posts during the tournament. The media featured are Chinese BL novels (danmei), and propagandas are from my stack of old reviews so they may be quite long. No trailers, so I’m putting images as placeholders for where the trailer should go. Just vote as if this were actually part of the tournament, then later I’ll gather some feedback. You may also leave feedback in the replies of this post.
Group A Round 1: #A1 vs #A2
#A1: Man picks up fish, keeps it as pet, but then it turns into a merman
Follows the story of Rand Sievers, the younger brother of the CEO of Deep White, the leading company for biological advancements. Rand was once kidnapped as a child, and when his brother Vincent finally found him years later, he no longer remembered anything.
One day, Rand picked up a stranded “fish” from the beach, kept it as a pet, and gave it the name “Munster.” Little did he know that he was actually raising a biological weapon… a real monster.
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#A2: Mushroom turns into a man, goes after another man to retrieve his “child”
The story follows An Zhe, a sentient mushroom, after he takes over the body of the dead human An Ze. Assuming An Ze’s identity, he enters the northern human base in search of his spore, which had been harvested by humans. All people entering this base first have to undergo a screening that determines whether or not they have been infected by the mutated creatures outside. If found infected, the person will be eliminated on the spot.
An Zhe isn’t human, but he isn’t infected either. The judge Lu Feng cannot determine his case, but he highly doubts that the man is human. Hence, even after An Zhe is granted entry, he still keeps a close eye on him.
Propagandas, visuals/trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#A1: Man picks up fish, keeps it as pet, but then it turns into a merman
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Trigger Warnings: Gore, cannibalism, violence, rape*, kidnapping, blood
*rape happens, but the perpetrator was drugged and did it out of his control
The novel starts out slow and, dare I say, fluffy. It introduces Rand as naïve and oblivious, just happily raising his ugly little fish. Even when said fish begins exhibiting anomalous behavior, Rand has merely chalked it up to it being extremely weird.
Meanwhile, his overprotective brother, Vincent, is secretly engaging in a dubious biological project. Rand has been kept ignorant about it for his safety, but some things are just beyond their control.
When Rand picks up Munster from the beach, he inevitably gets himself signed up to the chaos surrounding Vincent. Mysteries arise and distorted truths unwind, and these are all gonna forcefully unearth the traumas of the past that Rand has forgotten. Like opening Pandora’s box, all hell breaks loose, and never before have I read a danmei novel more hell-like than Mermaid Effect.
The novel would forcibly configure stomach-churning images in my mind. With vivid descriptions of violence and claustrophobic portrayals of the characters’ struggles, one should have high tolerance for disturbing content in order to fully enjoy this amazing thriller. I didn’t think I could handle extreme gore and cannibalism before, but this novel really forced me to raise my limits
Throughout the story, it asks the question on what it is that truly makes a monster. Some characters seem friendly and kind, but inside, their hearts are full of darkness. And then there are those who you’d think were villains, but underneath all the scary exterior, were actually just misunderstood. This novel then explores the answer to the question by bringing out the worst in its characters, showing how every single one of them is a bit of a monster inside, blurring the lines between “monster” and “human.” In the end, all that remains is the essence of the person, who they truly are in spite of the skins they wear.
But at its very core, this is actually a heartwarming story. It’s a story of love and of family, and of healing and second chances.
How Rand develops from staying ignorant to being brave enough to face his past was really commendable. And this was all possible with the help of Munster, who, oddly enough, was at the very bottom of Pandora’s box. Munster gave Rand the push and support he needed to rip off his scars and fix what had been broken.
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#A2: Mushroom turns into a man, goes after another man to retrieve his “child”
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Trigger warnings: …It’s been so long since I read this, so I can’t remember
It’s unlike those danmei zombie stories where the apocalypse seems like it’s all fun and games. There is no group of friends forming teams and going on missions. No treasure hunting, no power-ups, and no strengthening of the fort. In this novel, the “enemy” is not just another adventure; the enemy is a powerful and overwhelming force that can swallow one unawares, and no one can run away from it.
So many of the characters die, and most of the time, their deaths are not even meaningful. The author kills them off like they’re swatting away flies, and you can’t complain that it’s bad writing either because it’s a f**king apocalypse. People are supposed to die.
But either way, the sudden meaningless deaths still wouldn’t be bad writing. The deaths significantly contribute to the tense atmosphere of the whole story. The author setting up the great inevitability of death paints a vivid picture of what the characters are going against, which is important because the Boss enemy has no physical form. The characters can’t fight it head-on like with a zombie.
And amidst all this hopelessness, our main character An Zhe shines like sunshine in the rain. He is the one thing that saves this story from further sinking into the abyss. His character is not exactly sunny and all-smiles, but he has a certain charm that comforts the people around him, and the readers as well. He is the embodiment of hope in this novel, and I couldn’t have asked for a more fitting main character.
Overall, the story highlights the beauty of hope and human will—how humans, in the face of calamity, will struggle and resist. Some may give in, but there will always be those who will continue to fight. This is an apocalypse story that one shouldn’t miss, and I absolutely recommend it to everyone.
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