#Heir of Slytherin
karinagiada · 5 months
Probably can’t fix this one. 🐍
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radical-ghostface · 4 months
MC: “I’m not having sex with Sebastian!”
Ominis: “No one is judging you. It’s understandable. Sebastian is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.”
MC: “I am not having sex with Sebastian. But I’m starting to think that you might be.”
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machiavellli · 7 months
If the slytherins had socials…part IV
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<- Part III
-> Part V
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You’ll find that I can be very persuasive
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bookworm-with-coffee · 4 months
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Ominis Gaunt
《 M i s u n d e r s t o o d • ◇ • S l y t h e r i n ' s H e i r 》
Born; 1874 / 1875
Died; { - u n k n o w n - } .
"Everything to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising! Until it's too late...".
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niabridges · 3 months
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The Heir of Slytherin.
Ominis kept his diary bound in worn, unadorned leather, its pages thick and yellowed. It was a solitary object, tucked within the false bottom of his battered traveling trunk. Not a single soul knew of its existence. Not even Sebastian.
He didn't write every day. Sometimes, the guilt festering in his chest was too overwhelming, the weight of unspoken horrors too heavy to give them shape through ink. Other days, the rage burned too brightly, and he needed to release it somehow, lest he unleash his fury upon those who didn't deserve it.
The diary wasn't a testament to his days. It was a confessional, a purging of the darkest truths his family would have celebrated. Here, he railed against the whispered curses his relatives hurled at innocent Muggles. Here, he detailed the revulsion that consumed him when his father raised his wand, ready to deliver torment.
There were softer entries too. Memories of his mother's gentle touch, faded into the distant past, yet etched upon his heart. Scrawled recollections of the first time he'd felt true acceptance, belonging, within Hogwarts' hallowed halls. In these fragile moments, hope flickered – a defiant flame against the suffocating darkness he knew lay in his blood.
The diary wasn't a source of comfort. It was a vessel for the ongoing battle within him, a memoir to the silent war for his very soul.
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starrysallow · 2 months
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He's so ethereal
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slytherinsrule89 · 1 month
Project partners -
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Tom Riddle x Reader smut
This does contain smut so be aware. If you are uncomfortable with that please don’t read :)
Word count: 1414
Sitting in class you had already begun to grow bored. What was with these professors in always droning on about topics that have nothing to do with what we are supposed to be learning? Looking around the classroom you spot a boy. He had soft waves in his hair but his expression was hard and unwelcoming. He certainly was hard to read but you had heard of him before. Tom Riddle, you believe, was his name. You’ve never talked to him before. He wasn’t exactly…approachable.
Tom was very sophisticated and practically knew everything. Top of the class and even head boy. It was certainly impressive. “Ms. Y/L/N?” You quickly got out of your little trance and whipped your head up to the professor. “Sorry?” The professor sighed before speaking. ”You’ll be paired with Tom for this project. And partners cannot be changed.” He announced the last bit a bit louder for the whole class to hear.
You looked at Tom but he hadn’t looked back once. This would be fun. By the time class had ended you tried to pack up your books quickly so that you could talk to Tom about the project. But the moment you looked up, he was gone. Goddamn it. When you walked out of the classroom the hallway was too filled with other students to be able to even see him. What a great start, was this man ever going to speak with you?
Later that night an owl flew to your windowsill and perched there, a letter in hand. You gently took it and the owl flew off. That's strange, you don’t often get mail. The envelope didn’t have a name either so you had no clue who it was from. Opening it you were met with a short note in very elegant cursive. Meet me at the library. 9:00. Signed T.M.R. It took you longer than you’d liked to admit to realize it was Tom but whatever.
Checking the time you realize it’s already 8:45. You got up and dressed into some clothes that weren’t as casual as the ones you were wearing and made sure you had all your books and notes. Assuming obviously that he had wanted to either talk about or work on the project together. You walked out of the dorm knowing it was a bit of a longer walk to the library from the girls dormitories and Tom was probably already there.
A bit later you opened the library door and took a moment before seeing Tom in a corner of the library. You weren’t nervous before but it was certainly kicking in now. Awkwardly you walked over and took the seat a few down from his. Without spearing you a single glance he speaks. “You’re late.” A frown quickly swept my face before he started again. “It is 9:01. I said 9:00.” You rolled your eyes internally at that. He was one of those.
Nevertheless, you ignored it and spoke up. “You wanted to work on the project right? Or talk about it at least?” “No.” He replied. What? How could this not be about the project? So far it has been the only thing that’s gotten us to spare a glance at each other. Well excluding when you were staring at him in class before the professor had mentioned the project but never mind that. “So…what exactly is this about then?” You asked him, trying to rid your confusion of the whole situation.
He stayed silent longer than you had the patience for before finally speaking. “You…infatuate me.” Okay, surely my hearing was getting worse because there was no way he just said that but he went on. “You make me feel a way that I’ve never felt before and I don’t like it.” You paused for a moment. Tom Riddle, the Tom Riddle, was admitting feelings…for you. “Are you saying that you have a crush on me?” “I said infatuation, not crush.” You rolled my eyes. “Same thing.”
Tom had sighed “I suppose I do then.” You were in shock. How could someone like him ever like you? Plus you hadn’t even talked to the guy before. “Stand up.” He blurted out. About to ask him why he cut you off and said it again this time with a little more demand to it. A bit hesitant, you stood up and moved your chair in before he quickly did the same thing. In a second he was inches away from you, staring you down. “Tom…?”
Before you could react to anything else his lips smashed into yours and he grips your hips hard pushing you against the table. “Jump.” Not sure what else to do you jumped a bit and he placed me on top of the table before standing between your legs. He quickly resumed with his lips on yours not caring about being gentle whatsoever.
Soon enough you feel his hands begin to grope your thighs, making sure that you’ll be bruised by tomorrow. His hands trailed up closer and closer to where you needed him the most while never once stopping or even slowing his attack on your mouth. Not that you minded one bit. Feeling his fingers stroke your clothed center your mouth let a small moan against his lips which caused him to groan and quickly push your panties to the side, sliding his fingers against your slick.
“So pathetic, you’re already this wet for me little slut?” Tom has wasted absolutely no time shoving a finger into your hole making you let out another noise and as you accidentally bit his lip. The taller boy had groaned again before biting your lip twice as hard causing you to cry out a bit. “You don’t keep that pretty little mouth shut soon and I’ll have to shove my cock into it.” You were shocked at his degrading words but couldn’t get much of a response out as he added another finger and started pumping them in and out at a faster pace.
As soon as he could feel you clenching down on his fingers indicating that you were getting close he took them out, and you let out a loud whine before he shoved you down to the ground on your knees. “Did you not listen to a word I just said? Too much a little slut to keep your mouth shut by yourself huh? Need someone else to do it.” You could only nod dumbly, pleasure and desperation clouding your mind.
Hearing as the zipper goes down your eyes refocus and he’s already pushing his trousers and boxers down revealing his hard cock, precum dripping out from the tip. Your eyes widened at the size wondering how the hell you could fit that in your mouth let alone your pussy. Tom's mouth grew into a smirk at the look on your face. “Come on little slut, you can take it.”
You leaned forward a bit and stroked him a couple times watching as it twitched before slowly you started sucking on the tip. Though quickly you realized that Tom was not going to wait as he took a step closer before started to fuck your face instead, taking his time for a second before losing all patience and just going for it. Tears started streaming down your face and you had kept gagging which Tom seemed to enjoy immensely. After he had found a rhythm you finally started breathing through your nose in order not to not gag so much.
His dick began twitching in your mouth but before he came he pulled you up again and onto the table, wasting no time in slamming his cock into you. Pounding into you mercilessly as you were a moaning mess, blabbering against his shoulder as he groaned above you. “You gonna be a pretty little cum slut for me? Gonna let me cum all over you princess?” I nodded against him, my moans increasing as I came. Still thrusting as my orgasm washed through me, he let me finish before cumming all over my thighs and lower stomach.
Both panting and catching our breaths he gives me a softer kiss. “Such a good girl for me aren’t you?” “Uh huh, only for you Tom.” “Good. That’s what I like to hear.” Helping me fix my skirt leaving his cum on my body, he then pulls up his boxers and trousers as well before starting to walk off. “Same time tomorrow, don’t be late.”
I hope you guys like this, let me know if you want to be tagged in future writings :)
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dvinaamesca · 8 months
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mamalunawolf · 9 months
Y'all send help
Ok so I've come to obsess over Tom Riddle. Don't judge me on my choice of men. We all chose Sebastian. So...I used midjourney once again and this is what I got of Tom. And I'm debating if I want to do commission art. So if you like the idea. Tell me. I will add it to my Etsy shop. Bonus to the child version.
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stabby-apologist · 11 months
A decadent reminder that Jason Isaacs voices the basilisk in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Harry hears it speak Parseltongue.
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capriddle · 14 days
If sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle had the internet:
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radical-ghostface · 9 months
MC: Can I ask a personal question?
Ominis: I was born blind.
MC: I guess that's what everyone wants to know.
Ominis: That or, "How do you comb your hair?"
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machiavellli · 7 months
Some painful headcanons about Mattheo and Draco growing up as brothers
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Summary: Draco and Mattheo became brothers once the Malfoy adopted him, now they suffer together as their youth is being stripped away.
Notes: one thing about me is that I like pain, I love feeling miserable, I live for tragedy. And I was about to write some cute Enzo headcanons but then this caught my mind, so I think that will be for later. I even though about putting a sort of reader situation were the two basically fight for you, but it was ruining everything, so this is the outcome. Some sad headcanons about two brothers by choice.
Warnings: painful memories, mention of bl0od, agony, children being slowly forced into a war that’s not theirs, Lucius Malloy being himself, voldy mention. English is not my first language, please alert me if I make any mistake!
I don’t know if this is a general headcanon but I personally headcanons Mattheo to be sort of adopted by the Malfoy family, so I started thinking about his life there
Lucius would be thrilled to have the dark lord’s son under his tutelage, it would be an honor for him (obviously).
Narcissa would feel bad for the little brown haired boy with eyes so big yet already full of pain and range.
It’s almost like Mattheo always knew who he was and always hated it.
Draco would obviously despise him at first, he would learn what jealousy feels like like with Mattheo
It seemed like Lucius liked Mattheo best.
But what could that little boy, that didn’t even looked like a Malfoy, have for his own father to watch him like the most rare gem?
Mattheo just arrived one day and he knew that he wasn’t his brother, so what was he doing here?
He tried to ask his father but he literally shutter him away, as expected.
His mum tried her best.
She explained that he was a less fortunate one
“But why do we have to help him? Couldn’t he go to an orphanage or something?” Immediately interrupted the short blonde figure
“Because we are kind dear and you shall be kind with him too”
After that Draco changed attitude, it’s not like he really understood what his mum said, but he understood that he had to be kind. It was mandatory.
His mum asked him, what could he do otherwise??
So he tried to approach him one day in the Malfoy manor’s garden with a game for the two to play
Mattheo was slightly taller, but his mum told him it was because he was also a couple of months older, so that’s normal, he wasn’t worried, a couple of months and he would have been as tall as him, if not more
They played together for hours and so on the day after, and the day after that, etc etc
Draco was so stunned by the fact that he actually grew affectionate to Mattheo, but he liked that
He liked that so much that one day, he really didn’t meant to say it aloud, but it just slipped out of his tongue, he called Mattheo “Brother”
Mattheo looked as stunned as the blondie in front of him, but his lips quickly turned into a smile
“Sure little brother” he just responded.
In their childhood they had their closest moments.
Laughing and smiling is all they knew.
And I like to think that Narcissa didn’t want another child because she wouldn’t ever want to ruin this precious yet delicate brotherhood that had formed between the two.
Her heart was warm at the sight of the two happy children and she felt at peace with that.
Lucius, wasn’t that pleased at first, but the fact that Draco was growing closer and closer with the dark lord’s son was for sure a good thing.
And the best thing ever is that, when the moment will come, it would be easier for Draco to fulfill his destiny as a humble servant of the dark lord. His own son befriended the closest thing to the dark lord, wonderful! Isn’t it? Isn’t it…?
With the departure for Hogwarts something shifted, no one knows what happened, but the two sort of drifted apart.
Is not like they weren’t friend, but their friend groups kinda melted what they had, that special brother to brother connection
Yet, they still cared.
But now Draco was the closest with Blaise and Mattheo the same with Theodore.
But they were all friend at the end, so it was fine, that’s what often they told themselves in their heads.
During the first three summer breaks from Hogwarts they didn’t spent that much time together.
That’s the problem about you prideful people:
So worried to be hurt that you prefer to hurt yourself first, so that nothing and no body could ever caught you by surprise
Such insecure people.
Such as Draco and Mattheo.
But you can’t actually blame them.
Imagine being forced into an ideology, being forced to hate, to refuse, to the point that you actually start to wonder if you are the dumb miserable idiot that failed to see life as your father wished.
Imagine crying alone in the cold, in the dark of a moonless night, because you don’t know what’s real.
Imagine suffering, to the point of breaking each one of your nail with your grip on the wood chair.
Imagine that blood rushing, imagine when it will stop on the corpse of somebody you didn’t even knew, when even the gray ashes floating around, of the candle that was once a life, have stopped.
Imagine thinking about all of this when you are blowing your birthday candles, knowing that it will be your everyday vision for the rest of your life, but with actual warm bodies, destined to become cold by your hand.
Imagine a child, a teenager, thinking it. Imagine being stripped of your youth that way.
That’s what I think was going in the head of the two.
And I feel like that they both feared the unstoppable in a way that made their bones tremble.
Perhaps that’s the reason they stared to drift apart.
Draco knew who Mattheo Riddle was. Who the dark lord was.
And when he discovered it, he grew so worried that detaching himself from Mattheo appeared as the sole logical thing.
He was trying to stand a chance against his destiny, can’t you understand?
Because what a fool he had been, volunteering for a life of pain.
But also…you shall be kind with him Draco…
This brotherhood, his mother’s words, both echoing in his mind.
He befriended the devil’s son and he actually cared about him.
He couldn’t simply let him go…they were brothers, right?
And Mattheo…well he had enough shit on his own. He always knew, but now that reality was about to break free on everyone face…well it was different.
He was so fed up by Lucius words, his father intrusion in his mind, the evil laugh of his mother. There was such a stark contrast between the chaos he felt when being involved with anything regarding the cause and the peace coming from Narcissa’s care and Draco’s brotherhood.
He knew what was right, he knew what light was because of them.
On the summer after the fourth year they had some of their moments again. A glimpse.
Draco living between shame and guilt
And Mattheo in the same rotted broth as his brother.
They sat down in the Malfoy garden in a warm mid July evening.
It was like when they were kids, Draco brought something for the two to do, but no more shiny toys, just disgusting cigarettes.
And as the smoke got in and out of them, hoping that it could actually burn something inside them for real, instead of living with just this imaginary fire, they talked again.
With they hearts open again
As if the two little children were hiding all along inside of them, both scared and miserable.
“You don’t have to be on my father’s side, I don’t want either.”
“It’s not like we got that much of a choice anyway.”
“Yeah right, little brother”.
My ask box is open!
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asexualenjolras · 1 year
The mirroring between Harry (bullied for being the "Heir of Slytherin") Potter and Scorpius (bullied for being the "Son of Voldemort") Malfoy in this deleted scene from Chamber of Secrets has me sobbing.
There is such a link between what Harry says here, and Scorpius saying: "sometimes I find myself thinking - maybe they're true too."
This whole deleted scene makes Harry's disapproval of Scorpius hurt that much more because Harry knows how it feels to be called such awful names. He knows how it feels to be accused of being something but he's so blinded by his own trauma that he doesn't think about Scorpius.
It helps to explain why Albus was so frustrated at his dad for being so short-sighted.
And I imagine Harry was so apologetic when he came to his senses. Him and Scorpius have so much to bond over.
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aesthetic--mood · 9 months
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Salazar Slytherin Aesthetic
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