#Headmaster Lynch
neurosses · 3 months
snippet time??? ILYY
Yes, snippet time :-)
I'm going to be nice and give it to y'all WITH NO PUZZLE. Today was the worst day ever and I'm spreading some good vibes around. XOXO.
From the unpublished Chapter 16 of Concorde.
Ronan silently follows Adam to the porch. They both sit, legs dangling on the ledge. They observe the sprawling wilderness, the pitted gravel driveway with expensive cars, the swings in the distance, the cows even further out. Beyond the valley is the shadowy blue promise of mountains.  “You want what Aurora and Niall have?” Adam asks into the swaying breeze. He grabs a red leaf in the air and inspects it, the wind battering it in his fingers. He lets it go. The trees are flecked in oranges, reds, yellows. The sun is setting, the world cast in a suggestive semidarkness. Everything is a little more somber with the advent of the fall. “You know,” Ronan says, and he’s much quieter than he expected. His voice wavers, his face flooding with heat. Shit, it's so stupid to want anything. "You know what I want." Adam exhales. He tugs his thin windbreaker closer to himself. Ronan watches his gaze travel upwards, to a miniscule bird in the sky. A red robin, wings outstretched, is carried on the breeze. “Ronan,” he says, haltingly. “I’m not like Aurora.” Memories attack him like savage vultures. The single candle in the Creeper, dark secrets exchanged well past midnight. Adam’s chilling glare at Skov at that stupid party last year, like Skov wasn’t even worth the bruises on Ronan’s knuckles. Like Skov was nothing. The sweeping ease of Adam’s lie to Headmaster Child, plucking Ronan out of trouble because Ronan had done him a favor. No, Adam is no Aurora. “I fucking know that. I don’t want to date a carbon copy of my mom, jackass.” He elbows Adam. Adam laughs at that, his eyes widening slightly as he does. His own sound surprises him. He rubs his elbow. “That’s fair, I guess.” “Any other thoughts on what I said?” He stares at the grass underneath them with interest. Adam says, “I guess I am a jackass.” Ronan elbows him again. “I’m dating a whole other guy, right?” Adam says. It’s less to Ronan and more to himself. “Come on, Lynch. I know you don’t love repetitive bullshit; that’s why you’re doing so stellar in school.” Ronan snorts and gives him a low, languid middle finger, really letting him wait for it. Adam snickers again and rubs his jaw. The setting sun makes a marvel of him, pooling him in a warm orange glow. Adam continues, voice more frayed, fingers clutching the edge of the ledge, “I can’t fuck this up. Things are good right now.” He looks off in the distance, frowning. It creates a crease between his eyebrows. This time his eyes aren’t trained on the bird fluttering above them. He’s looking at nothing in particular, same as the times that Ronan has seen him scrying. His face is loose and open, no thought behind it. He pokes Adam’s shoulder. “What?” “What do you mean, what?” Adam looks back at him and pushes his hand away. Ronan’s body thrills at the contact. The ghost of Adam’s touch always lingers, a welcome guest to Ronan’s skin. “You heard exactly what I said.” “You stared off. Spacey.”  “Oh.” Adam rubs his eyes. “Bad dream.”
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
A/N: For @hp-12monthsofmagic’s April prompt (“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”). I saw the prompt and knew immediately that it belonged to the Gryffindorks. Thus, Tadhg’s partners in crime, Teddy and Gabriel, belong to @cursebreakerfarrier and @slytherindisaster.
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The wind howled as the rain slashed across the windows, obscuring all visibility towards the outside. Thunder rumbled. Lightning flashed. Inside the warmth of the drafty castle, Hogwarts was surprisingly quiet. Most of its students were in class, aside from the handful of classes that were canceled due to the onslaught of the cold and violent April thunderstorm.
Inside the library, three dark-haired Gryffindors had their heads bent together, poring over a book on jinxes. Their herbology class had been canceled due to the storm, which had suddenly left the three fifth years with free time. They had immediately headed up towards the library, with the intent of studying for their OWLs which were rapidly approaching. But, that had all been left behind when they had discovered the book.
“This one could be quite useful,” Tadhg Lynch muttered, pointing to a jinx whose intention was to turn the recipient into a duck.
“Yeah, but it’s kinda boring, Tadhg. Why turn someone into a duck when you could just use flipendo?” Teddy Ellison replied, tipping his chair backwards.
“It is interesting that there’s a whole section on jinxes to turn people into animals, though. Like who would think to turn their opponent into a duck or a chicken or even a worm,” Gabriel Sapieha mused, looking up from the book.
“My brother would probably make a good worm,” Tadhg mumbled, causing the other two boys to burst out laughing, earning a glare from the librarian.
“Uh, lads…” Gabriel began, elbowing Teddy into the gut.
Tadhg, who was tipping his chair back and trying to get it to stay steady on just the back two legs, looked up to see their head of house and promptly lost the balance that he had gained. The chair, and Tadhg, clattered to the ground with a resounding echo. Gryffindor’s head cast a disapproving look towards the three boys.
“Ellison. Lynch. Sapieha. Just the three I was looking for. Come with me,” the professor said, standing as the three boys scrambled to clear the table and pack their bags.
The walk back to their head’s office was a long and tense one. Tadhg had an inkling that he knew why they had been dragged into the head’s office. Someone had discovered the swamp that they had been growing in a seldom used corridor. Or the professor had discovered who had filled the Slytherins’ bathrooms with frog spawn. Or that they were the ones to enchant all the portraits in the castle to have the most absurd facial hair that they could think of. Or that they had been the ones to make the stairs move… even though Tadhg still wasn’t sure how they had managed that one. Or… okay, so Tadhg didn’t know exactly why they were being dragged into their head’s office.
“Take a seat,” Gryffindor’s head said, gesturing to the three chairs as they entered the office.
The three boys glanced at one another, but one glance at the professor told them all that they needed to know.
“You’ll be happy to know that we have finally put an end to the profanity that was coming from the griffin to Headmaster Black’s office,” the professor began and Tadhg swallowed to stifle a laugh, willing himself not to glance at either Teddy or Gabriel. He had forgotten about that one.
“It was quite a task, removing that spell. And after narrowing down our considerable suspect list, we have determined that you three were responsible. Brava for creativity and not involving Mr. Lynch’s brother this time.”
“Ah, professor, how can you be so sure that it was us?” Teddy asked.
“Answer me this, Mr. Ellison, why are you three always nearby when something happens?”
“Sheer coincidence, professor,” Teddy replied in the most innocent-sounding tone he could muster. Except Tadhg caught Gabriel’s eye at that moment and the dam burst. The laugh slipped out and soon enough the three boys had dissolved into giggles. Their professor let out a long-suffering sigh.
“And without a doubt, you three are clearly responsible. You will serve detention for all Friday evenings until OWL examinations have finished.”
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lizpaige · 1 year
“Enough! Mr. Parrish, take yourself to the headmaster’s office. The rest of you, get back to work!” he shouted, face red as a tomato as he huffed and puffed like a cartoon character. Adam walked to the door with his head down, bag slung over his shoulder as Holman asked, “Or would anyone else like to join him?”
Ronan caught Gansey’s warning glare before it happened, but really it was like muscle memory - completely unconscious decision making, you couldn’t blame him. Ronan tossed his test off his desk and stood up, looking at Holman with a sharp smile. 
“Yes, Mr. Lynch?”
Ronan caught Adam’s eye as he turned around at the door, looking less than thrilled that Ronan was standing up for him or not. Still, Ronan looked back at the professor and scrambled for something to get him out of taking this stupid test for this joke of a professor. 
“Uh… motherfucker.” That was the best he could come up with.
Holman sighed, exasperated. “Headmaster’s office, Mr. Lynch. Take your belongings.” 
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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EVENT : spring punishment
It’s been a very strange week, even by island standards. For days, it has felt more like a prison than a school. Slaves showering in awkward silence under the watchful eyes of several guards; students paddled publicly in the quad for minor missteps; and everyone, everywhere, wondering: will someone come forward?
Friday passes with no fanfare, and then, on Saturday morning...
Slaves are awoken long before dawn by guards shouting and banging on the cell doors. They’re dragged unceremoniously from their cells and forced into chains; claimed slaves, too, are removed from their homes, with or without their master’s consent--and they’re not the only ones. The administration is taking action against masters, too--or at least against all those masters who have shown themselves to be too sympathetic to the slaves plight. In the wee hours of the morning, masters who do not meet The Institute’s standards have been dragged out of their suites and homes, chained, and, in the case of supernaturals, bound.
It seems no one came forward to take ownership of the sabotaged lottery--and now much of the island will pay the price. 
A mass punishment will take place over Saturday, April 22nd and Sunday, April 23. 
All slaves (claimed and otherwise) and all masters the administration considers too soft have been separated into two groups. Group A will be punished on Saturday; Group B will be punished on Sunday. The group lists can be found under the cut.
The group being punished will be stripped naked except for blindfolds and earplugs, and chained spread eagle around the quad. Guards patrolling the quad will be equipped with whips, paddles, and floggers, and instructed to deliver punishment at regular intervals. 
Those masters who do meet The Institute’s standards are invited to visit, punish, and play with them as they please. Masters may remove the blindfold or earplugs if they wish, but both should be returned when they’re finished, to allow future visitors their anonymity.
Those being punished will receive a single ten minute break to use the facilities and drink water. Breaks will be staggered so the quad is never empty. They will not be fed.
Group A will be held in the cells overnight and when they are not being punished; Group B will be held in the ballroom. Those being punished are welcome to thread with the other members of the group on their ‘off’ days.
In game, this mass punishment will take place over Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23.
The event will last from Friday, April 21, 10:15pm EST, through Sunday, April 30, 11:59pm EST, out of game.
The dash WILL be paused for the duration of the event. Non-event threads should NOT be posted.
The starter rule is still in effect. Please use #theinstitutestarter for your starters, and reblog your starter to the starter blog to ensure it appears for everyone. Please also tag your starter in some way to indicate that it is an event starter. (For example, ‘spring punishment event’, ‘event starter’, etc.)
Preceded by The Garden Party Lottery
IMPORTANT: Spring Punishment Twist
Spring Punishment Conclusion
Headmaster Malvolio’s Letter
Group A
Alexander Black
Alfie Norris
Angelina Andrews
Atticus Carmine
Ava Montgomery
Ciaran O’Bryan
Elijah Scott
Evander Kasyade
Evelyn Stratford
Fayeth Araven
Frankie Vanderbilt
Genevieve Wranmyer
Gulana Alim
Jude Rigby
Katell Brightwood
Kylie Danvers
Leo Weatherington
Levi Matthews
Lily Lynch
Malakai Nolan
Margeaux Adkins
Orion Campbell
Owen Jackson
Persephone Clay
Qhuinn Fontenot
Rowan Aubri
Sabrina Christiansen
Sasha Bell
Stephen White
Sunshine Bunny
Thalia Moore
Thomas Chandler
Tommy Heavyshield
Violet Lynch
Group B
Aiden Wentworth
Ash Romero
Avery Fellhaven
Chase Walker
Daisy Lynch
Damien Black
Dhanial Lyman
Dominik Ruthingham
Dougal McLeod
Dylan Altomare
Edmund Elofsen
Elise Nyland
Elliot Raws
Felix Martin
Finn Carlyle
Freya Lund
Grace Carleton
Isabel Hai Phan
James Donovan
Judith Gilmore-Green
Layla DuBois
Leib Edelman
Magnus Kusihamar
Malon Savaris
Noah Wright
Nova Walker
Scarlett McKnight
Skyler Campbell
Tae Lee
Tessa Fuchs
Theodore Stott
Tilly Beaumont
Wilder Hayes
Xavier Lennon
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It’s time to present you another Irish family of wizards from my “Hold on” fan-fiction story. I bet some of you might recognise the real celebrity family that inspired me on the creation of the Harrows (don’t judge me, I was a teen when I started the “Hold on” 😅). 
The father of the family Paul works for the Irish Ministry of Magic (Muggle Department, technologies sector). The mother of the family Denise is officially unemployed but has green fingers, so she shares her vast practical knowledge with the Magical Plants Development Department of the Irish Ministry of Magic. Their eldest son Kevin is a Transfiguration genius and a bookworm. Their elder middle son Joe still can’t figure out what he wants from his life. Their younger middle son Nick was born to become a rock star and is dreaming of leaving the wizarding world for the muggle one. Their youngest son Franky is the king of mischief. And their beloved dog Elvis adores to beg for food from under the table. 
The Harrows are big friends withe the Lynch household. Paul and Jason were classmates and worked together before Jason became the headmaster of Limerick (the Irish school of Magic). Nick and Demi are of the same age, best friends and music geeks. They will get a separate post, as they are the centre of the “Hold on” story. 
I found the sims in the gallery and edited them to my taste. The Harrow Manor is gorgeous Jessicapie’s Huge Family Mansion with a couple of touches from me to fit the household members. 
Previous Sneak / Next Sneak
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
Like is nobody gonna mention the fact that the headmaster cursed his own brother and apparently everybody’s fine with it? Or how Cerise was almost LYNCHED by her own town?
For the first point specifically, yeah that was SUPER glossed over in the cartoons, again likely because of viewship/audience. I can definitely see why the second point was never brought up at all, and I feel like Cerise was explored a lot more in the books because of that. Honestly glad she was given development in the books!
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the-institute-promos · 7 months
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CONNECTION TO: Daisy Lynch CHARACTER NAME: Rose, Poppy, Holly, or any other flower name FACE CLAIM: Luca Hollestelle AGE: 22 STATUS: Up to Player SPECIES: Witch
She’s the goody-goody of the sisters. The one who never did wrong, who tried to keep Lily and especially Violet and Daisy in line. Her naturally shy nature and desire to take over the family farm made her more reluctant to join the other three at college.
She shares the same poor, simple, but happy upbringing as her other sisters, being raised on a farm with her close-knit family and magical community.
She is the third sister, older than Violet and younger than Lily and Daisy.
As the family’s means are still very modest, she would have had to come up with the money in some way if you wish to bring her in as a mistress.
Please contact Lecia to discuss this connection further.
The Institute - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
The Institute is a supernatural master/slave roleplay established in 2015, set at a prestigious university on a tropical island--a prestigious university with some dark secrets.
Our long-term NPC headmaster has just been killed, and we are rolling out big IC changes--new worldbuilding, new in character rules, new locations, and new open characters! Join us today to be part of our revamp!
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brianrope · 2 years
Transitioning from school to the workplace
Transitioning from school to the workplace
After completing secondary school, I needed to embark on the next stage of my life. The careers counsellor at school had suggested I pursue a career as a teacher, chartered accountant or actuary. None of those careers appealed to me, although I did make an (unsuccessful) application for a Teachers College Scholarship. Of course, I also needed to obtain some references. As was the common practice…
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
Due to Crewel's age, (Y / n) cannot perceive him as her father. As a result, she spends a lot of time with teacher Trein, who unknowingly began to perceive her as his daughter. It seems like there is a new member at the Rejected Fathers club (which is founded by the infamous Headmaster Crowley).
Everyone of my followers would riot if I added him to the Rejected Fathers club, I'll tell you that 👀
So, to avoid being lynched, Crewel and Crowley can continue fighting for the position of (Y/n)'s father while Trein keeps his grandpa rights ✨
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ilikestuff69 · 2 years
Dead Poets Society Modern Fancast
John Keating played by Matt Damon
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Todd Anderson played by Asa Butterfield
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Neil Perry played by Fin Argus
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Knox Overstreet played by Charlie Rowe
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Charlie Dalton played by Ross Lynch
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Richard Cameron played by Ethan Cutkosky
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Gerard Pitts played by Zachary Gibson
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Steven Meeks played by Corey Fogelmanis
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Mr. Perry played by J.K. Simmons
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Headmaster Nolan played by Tommy Lee Jones
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Dream(re)casting: SPRING AWAKENING (Deaf West)
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“All shall know the wonder of purple summer.”
Dreamcasting Broadway: Spring Awakening
Jordan Fisher as Melchior Gabor
Ren Putz as Wendla
Eleri Ward as Voice of Wendla/Guitar/Piano
Daniel Durant as Moritz Stiefel (reprising the role)
Jakeim Hart as Voice of Moritz/Guitar
Micaela Diamond as Ilse Neumann
Sky Lakota-Lynch as Georg Zirschnitz
Mallory Miller as Martha Bessell
Eileen Doan as Voice of Martha/Guitar
Joe Serafini as Hänschen Rilow
Samuel Langshteyn as Ernst Robel
Ben Levi Ross as Voice of Ernst/Piano
Sydney Parra as Anna
Aryana Engineer as Thea
Amy Forsyth as Melitta/Voice of Thea (Ilse u/s)
Kaitlyn Santa Juana as Greta/Harp (Anna u/s, Melitta/Voice of Thea u/s)
Dickie Hearts as Otto Lämmermeier (Moritz u/s, Ernst u/s)
Trevor Lindley Craft as Voice of Otto/Bass
Rachel Bay Jones as Hearing Adult Women (Frau Bergmann/Fräulein Knuppledick/Fräulein Grossebustenhalter)
Tom Hewitt as Hearing Adult Men (Herr Sonnenstich/Herr Rilow/Father Kaulbach/Doctor Von Brausepulver/Herr Gabor)
Deanne Bray as Deaf Adult Women (Frau Gabor/Frau Bessell/Frau Schmidt)
Troy Kotsur as Deaf Adult Men (Headmaster Knochenbruch/Herr Stiefel/Father Kaulbach)
Anne Tolpegin as Standby (Hearing Adult Women)
Anthony Chatmon II as Musician Swing (Voice of Moritz u/s, Voice of Ernst u/s, Voice of Otto u/s)
Asa Somers as Standby (Hearing Adult Men)
Erika Chirino as Character Swing (Wendla u/s, Martha u/s, Thea u/s)
John McGinty as Standby (Deaf Adult Men)
Jules Dameron as Standby (Deaf Adult Women)
Luke Bove as Character Swing (Melchior u/s, Georg u/s, Hänschen u/s)
Parisa Shahmir as Musician Swing (Voice of Wendla u/s, Voice of Martha u/s, Greta u/s)
Still sad this production never got to tour.
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itzaras · 2 years
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"I was blind. Blind to how the world worked…and then I met a man who taught me to see——see how things really were. I loved him for it. And because I loved him——because I believed in him…and, in a way worshipped him——I claimed the things that he had faith in as my own. He called it his dream. It was a good one. But the world, you see——the waking world——where we all live…it is a killer of dreams. A destroyer of things you believe in. So when I grew older, I realized it was foolish to…deify him. Honestly, it’s unfair to expect that kind of perfection from anyone. After all, we’re all flawed and imperfect. There is no real difference between any of us. No matter how much we believe the lie that there is. You see, he wasn’t a savior. He was just a man——a mutant——like me. And his dreams——which still make me smile to this day——are no more valid than anyone else’s. Including mine. I love the idea of that. The promise of it. So what’s my story? I’m a dreamer. I’m an X-Man. " -Cyclops.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Real Name: Scott Summers
Current Alias: Cyclops
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195 Ibs
Eyes: Brown (glowing red when using powers)
Unusual Features: Usually wears ruby quartz sunglasses or visor to contains optic blasts.
Origin: Mutant
Place of Birth: Anchorage, Alaska
Occupation: Adventurer; former teacher, fugitive, leader of mutant race/nation, headmaster, radio announcer, student, and space pirate.
Education: College graduate, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
First Appearance: X-Men #1 (July 1963)
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───── ❝ 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 ❞ ─────
When Scott Summers developed his mutant eye beams, he trained himself to operate blind, fearful of the damage he could cause with his powers. He dated Lorna Dane, a fellow mutant with magnetic powers, until she dumped him for his older brother, Alex. Later, Scott was rescued from a lynch mob by the telepath Charles Xavier, who recruited him to be the first X-Man, Cyclops. Alex turned down a similar invitation. Scott fell in love with Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Xavier's next recruit, but hesitated to tell her. After the X-Men rescued the President's kidnapped daughter, Cyclops became disillusioned, allegedly because of Xavier's dealings with an anti-mutant U.S. administration, but also because Jean had become involved with new recruit Wolverine. Scott defected to the terrorist Brotherhood of Mutants. When their leader, Magneto, set out to annihilate Washington, Cyclops rejoined the X-Men, even convincing Magneto's son Quicksilver to help defeat him.
When teammate Colossus quit and returned to Russia, Cyclops and Marvel Girl followed and convinced him to rejoin; during this period Scott and Jean grew closer, and soon after, became an item. Though his relationship with Jean had already ended, a jealous Wolverine fought with Scott. Xavier tried to force them to learn to co-exist, sending them on a mission to the Savage Land to find missing U.S. marines. They faced a sentient computer and its army of cyborg zombies; while fleeing a collapsing underground complex, Wolverine deliberately let Cyclops fall in to a chasm. Cyclops survived the fall, albeit severely injured, and clung to life by eating grubs and worms to survive. After twenty-six days he was found by Brotherhood members, who failed to recognize him as "the traitor Cyclops", and took him back to their new base, the Citadel, for medical treatment. When Magneto plotted to reverse Earth's magnetic fields, Cyclops summoned in the X-Men in time to stop him. After the battle, Cyclops confronted a penitent Wolverine and violently removed him from the team. Months later, Cyclops reconsidered and invited Wolverine back, feeling it was his best chance to rehabilitate.
Scott was reunited with his estranged brother Alex, who joined Emma Frost's rival mutant educational program, The Academy of Tomorrow. They failed to resolve their differences. Later, when Lorna, now called Polaris, apparently lost control of her powers and killed several people, Cyclops tried to prevent Alex and other Frost students from breaking into the Triskelion to rescue her.
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daisyapples · 3 years
“Turns out not being in school was actually brilliant.
Being suspended should have come as a shock but somehow Ronan knew there would be even more consequences to Saturday night than just losing Adam and his freedom. He knew the power Greenmantle held and he knew this was another way for him to show Ronan just how much control he had over him. When he had walked into school on Monday morning, the sheriff and Headmaster Childs had been waiting for him with grim expressions on his face. The meeting was held right there in the hallway, raven boys walking around them with curious glances. They had laid it out in clear terms; pull his charges against Robert Parrish and accept a week suspension or both he and Matthew would be expelled and Declan would be struck from the alumni records.
It had been an easy choice; he’d given them both the finger before walking from the building.
He’d gone straight to Nino’s to let them know he could work whatever they needed and then went home to change before the shift he’d already convinced them to give him.And sure he was pulling double shifts but it meant they would definitely make rent this month and helped to ease the sting of Greenmantle taking his car money and refusing to take it off the amount they owed him because this is a lesson, Lynch, learn it. 
Missing Adam was a constant ache in his chest but he'd long practiced ignoring the ache of missing people and so it was easily ignored. It was only at night, at the end of another endless day, when his mind was tired and his body hurt and it was impossible to keep the thoughts at bay that he would remember Adam’s smile when he called him his boyfriend, how his lips felt, the heat of his hands on Ronan’s back.
Only then could Ronan admit to himself that his feelings for Adam were a fiery oil spill and that he burned.“
New chapter of Choices is up!
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nightmaresart · 3 years
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𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓸
I don't give a fuck about you anyways
Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you?
You never share your toys or communicate
I guess I'm just a play date to you
Play date - Melanie Martinez
𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full Name: Orla Shannon Atkinson
Meaning of Name:
The name Orla is from Irish origins and means "Golden princess/ Golden lady"
The name Shannon is from Irish origins and means "Little old wise one" or in some rarer cases it means "Possessor of Wisdom"
Nickname: The empath, Lala & Vipertooth by Jackson @carewyncromwell
Reason of Nickname:
The empath is a nickname Orla recieved after some of her friends and fellow students managed to figure out that the girl always knows how other people are feeling, this caused her to show more empathy to those she sees as friends
Lala is one of the two nicknames that Orla received from one of her good friends, Jackson Knightly, at first the girl didn't like the sound of the name at all but she soon grew fond of it the more Jackson used it
Vipertooth is the other nickname that Orla received from her good friend and partner in crime, Jackson Knightly, she managed to get this nicknsme due to the fact that she doesn't back down in a fight and easily hexes people when they're bothering her and her friends
Gender identity: Cis-Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Age: 17, but depends on what I write
Birthday: 31-12
Zodiac sign: Capricorn ♑
Place of birth: Tralee, Ireland
Blood Status: Pure Blood
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖊
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
The wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstring core, 12 ½ inches
Cedar: Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Dragon Heartstring core: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Patronus: Black Swan
Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!
Magical abilities: Emotion Manipulation, Legilimency, Occlumency
Emotion Manipulation/Enhanced Empathy: User can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.
Legilimency: Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. 
Occlumency: Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency.
Her parents looming over her, wanting to cradle her and close her off from society forever to protect her
Riddikulus form:
Her parents turn into their house elf Elijah and he starts to pull the silly faces he always made when Orla was younger
What do they smell?
She smells old books, the sweet smell of a variety of pies and the woods
What do they smell like?
Orla smells like freshly plucked strawberries, a variety of flowers and a rainy day
Mirror of Erised
She will see herself in the future, with her friends and her boyfriend graduated from Hogwarts and no longer having to follow rules that were only ment to hold the young woman down
𝕻𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour: Light Blonde
Hair Style: She always keeps her hair up in a neat bun
Weight: 43 kg or 94 lbs
Height: 1,55 m or 5,1 ft
Type of Body/Build: Mesomorph/Hourglass figure, on the thinner side
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory
Distinguishing Marks: Her eyes stand out as well as the freckles that adorn her face
Face claim: Dove Cameron
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Overall Personality:
She is a loyal and hardworking girl who can come off as harsh and crude when you first approach her. When you get to know her you will see that she is fierce and creative as well as loving. She just needs to time adjust to you and she'll eventually warm up. She is no softie and can easily hold her own if necessary. You wouldn't like this gal angry
Briggs myer type: ISFP
Good traits:
Loyal, hardworking, caring and kind
Bad traits:
Rude, easily agitated and annoyed, closes herself off once she is in pain
Towards people they hate
Orla is very cold towards the people she hates, she doesn't even spare them a glance whenever she passes. However, when they're purposely pushing all her wrong buttons she will not hesitate with lashing out and fighting them.
Towards people they tolerate
A small smile is all that Orla will over to the people she tolerates, she doesn't want to chat with them but she won't treat them cruelly at all.
Towards people they consider friends
Towards the people she considers and sees as friends, Orla is nothing but kind, of course she will make snarky remarks when they're being idiots but she wouldn't trade them for anyone else. She is loyal and will stand by their side no matter what.
Father: Jacob Atkinson
Mother: Anastasia Atkinson
Kenneth Jones, Lewis Gallach, Tadgh Lynch, William Rosen @unfortunate-arrow , Monty Bloom, Teddy Ellison, Stella Seabright @cursebreakerfarrier , Jackson Knightly @carewyncromwell , Danny Gibson @catohphm , Logan Rosseto @demon-twins-and-co , Josie Edwards @lizzieparkerhphm
Rivals: TBD
Born in Ireland to the family Atkinson, Orla has always been an only child to the pair Jacob and Anastasia Atkinson. This caused her parents to become protective over their daughter from a very young age, the young girl got whatever she wanted but she never got to interact with other children her age.
She was kept inside most of the time and was only allowed to leave the house with supervision of either her parents or their house elf Elijah. This continued for most of her life and Orla thought it was normal and that all parents were like her own.
Around the age of ten she discovered that she could sense other peoples/creatures emotions much stronger than anyone else could, she kept this a secret from her parents as well as the Legilimency and Occlumency she goes to discover once her grandparents visit her at her eleventh birthday.
Orla finally attended Hogwarts at the age of thirteen for the first time, her parents had alot of trouble coming to term with this but reluctantly allowed her to go with the promise of the headmaster that he would keep an eye on the blonde girl.
This is where she begins to discover more and more about herself and her powers, eventually unlocking their full potential once she reached the age of eighteen.
𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘
She eventually becomes a perfect.
She always wears long clothes that cover her body as she isn't comfortable showing much skin.
Due to her upbringing, Orla can come off as harsh and rude while in reality she has never interacted with people her age before and thus struggles with it.
She adores dressing up and often does so when she is either alone or when Jackson decides to drag the blonde along to go shopping.
She doesn't talk about her parents at all, she is embarrassed by them and often wishes they weren't so protective.
She is quite a powerful witch and can and will do some serious damage if people get on her bad side. Her parents may have been reluctant of her going to Hogwarts but that doesn't mean she hasn't been taught alot already.
She respects house elves alot and sometimes even helps them out whenever she has the time or feels like it.
She knows quite a bit of healing spells and uses them on her friends if they managed to get themselves hurt.
She can manipulate peoples emotions but doesn't do so, atleast not on purpose. Her feelings, when they're too much, sometimes affect the people around her and she doesn't even notice it until its mentioned to her.
If you want your mc to be added to her friends list, or if you want them to be her rival, just tell me and ill add them!^^
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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EVENT : garden party lottery
It’s time to celebrate the spring, islanders! All unclaimed slaves have been fitted with uniforms, the gardens have been elaborately decorated, and an exquisite meal has been prepared. Masters who RSVP’d positively to the garden party are welcomed into a garden overflowing with spring flowers; honeysuckle perfumes the air, while vibrant tulips and daffodils sway merrily in the gentle spring breeze.
A long banquet table sits in the shade of a cherry blossom tree that seems to have grown overnight. Place cards mark each master’s seat, with Headmaster Malvolio’s seat located in the place of honor at the head. 
Lunch will be served at noon on the dot; until then, masters are encouraged to mingle, while slaves wander the garden with serving trays, offering drinks and appetizers. 
The Garden Party Lottery Event has now begun! 
The dash is not paused. Non-event threads may continue. 
The event will last from April 14th, 11:59pm EST, through April 16th, 11:59pm EST, out of game. 
The starter rule is still in effect. Please use #theinstitutestarter for your starters, and reblog your starter to the starter blog to ensure it appears for everyone. Please also tag your starter in some way to indicate that it is an event starter. (For example, ‘garden party event’, ‘event starter’, etc.)
Lottery winners will be revealed on Sunday, April 16th. Keep your eyes peeled, and if you are not yet tracking #theinstiuteplotdrop, now is the time to do so.
The list of masters who RSVP’d to the Garden Party and have been entered in the lottery is under the cut. All unclaimed slaves are required to attend. Claimed slaves may attend with their masters, if permitted to do so.
Noah Wright
Cassie Hayes
Jude Rigby
Lilim Morrigan
Alexander Black
James Donovan
Arthur Augustus
Markus Christiansen
Qhuinn Fontenot
Evelyn Stratford
Ciaran O’Bryan
Grace Carleton
Thomas Chandler
Ivy Lawson
Raven Powers
Wade Jensen
Ava Montgomery
Damien Black
Dakota Winters
Grayson Stratford
Leib Edelman
Wilder Hayes
Clara Woodhouse
Matt Clarke
Donnie Miller
Milo Cole
Margeaux Adkins
Gulana Alim
Kane Whelan
Leo Weatherington
Alfie Norris
Lily Lynch
Park Jae-Min
Winter DuBois
Magnus Kusihamar
Uriel Zeriah
Hunter Morrigan / Carmella D’Amico
Dougal McLeod
Emmanuel Reyes
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Disclaimer: MANY letters to follow 😇🤓
Okay, it’s time to tell you my big secret, guys. I’m a Potterhead 😃 I read the books and watched the movies (in both English and my mother tongue) countless times. I have a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin scarfs, a cauldron cup and a snitch (I honestly tried to buy Draco’s wand last September but they ran out of them at the shop 🥲). I attended Tom Felton’s meet and greet when he visited my city. And finally, I’ve been writing HP fan-fiction since my teenage years. I’ve never published any of my “pieces of art” anywhere, so the things that I’ve finally decided to share with you here are hell of exclusive 😎
The “Hold on” is particularly dear to me not only because it’s one of the few things that I’ve actually finished, but also because the 2009-2012 version of it shows an enormous progress of my writing skill. It started as a never-ending dialogue, and it developed into a story with a study of characters’ depth and an attempt to reflect on the magic world of Harry Potter beyond the borders of the books and the movies. 
The 2020 pandemic year gave me a lot of time and chances to reflect on the past, present and future, on life and death, on love, friendship, devotion, freedom, peace. That scary year of unprecedented uncertainty surprisingly helped me to get back to many things that I haven’t been doing for quite a while before covid, including writing. I tried to go on with a couple of my originals but my soul was constantly demanding something magic. And that’s where I decided that the time for reviewing the “Hold on” story has finally come. 
The English adaptation that I’m still working on differs from the original in Russian. It certainly has many twists that I invented back in 2010s. However, it goes deeper in exploring the characters, it broadens the Malfoy-side story from the original J.K. Rowling books and it contains a large part on the Irish magic society that plays a very important role in the development of the general storyline of the “Hold on”. 
I’m not sure that my Tumblr/Simblr blog is a proper place for sharing an over-300 pages draft (roughly 1/3 of the planned size). However, if some of you would like to read it I will consider making a Wattpad/Fanfiction.net page or whatever to publish it for you 😇
Today I wanna show you the Sim versions of some of the main characters of the “Hold on”. Hopefully, they will win over your hearts as they did over mine 😍 Please, welcome, the Lynches. 
Jason Lynch, the headmaster of Limerick, the Irish School of Magic. His wife Brie (or Brianne), Potions teacher at Limerick. And their daughter Demi (Demetria), a talented potion maker and a big lover of muggle rock.
The Lynch Manor (under cut) is an ancient Irish country home outside Dublin that Jason inherited from his parents. 
The sims and the manor are made by me, and I’m hell of proud of myself 😂😃
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