#He's my poor little meow meow
larkoneironaut · 4 months
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✨Seven of Pentacles✨
Reaping what is sown, perseverance
🌿Lily of the Valley🌿
Return to happiness
Can you guess what my tarot card symbolizes?
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mios-art · 1 year
Trying to be normal at work but just thinking about Chu Wanning who at 26 thinks he's beyond love and support after spending all his formative years without anyone to stand by him and who developed feelings for the first person who showed some interest and kindness towards him even if it made no sense and who then saw that person fall for someone else
That man who hides when he sees people smiling heading his way because he knows they'll stop smiling if they see him since everyone he knows is afraid of him because he sticks to the rules however harsh those rules are and reacts aggressively at any show of injustice, but who still uses his powers in secret to create barriers to shield his students from the rain and who after failing to save one of his disciple became hated by the person he cared the most about
Chu Wanning who's every clumsy attempts at kindness is taken as mockery or cruelty and who spent the last 10 years of his life being abused emotionally and physically by that same person he loved and and I'm aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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gonedreaminggg · 5 months
aphblr is so small yet all of it is laurance content
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plainblackcanvas56 · 1 year
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Vote for him in @novafire-is-thinking 's poll! (He actually is right - more or less...)
Based on this comic panel:
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Bonus Betrayal:
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(Not even his trine thinks he's husband material...)
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amrv-5 · 1 year
M*A*S*H /// Absolutely (Story of a Girl) - Nine Days
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kuroshika · 1 year
"it's my comfort show!" my brother in christ they just killed a man.
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his ass is NOT software engineering 😤😤
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seawherethesunsets · 3 months
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saapphirx · 8 months
Poe being an absolute drama queen
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airlocksandaviaries · 11 months
*to the tune of She’s Always a Woman by Billy Joel* He’s Wet and a Freak but he’s always a Blorbo to meeeeeee
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shimny-demonpie · 2 years
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7, 8, 21, and 25 with Fuegoleon for the ask game?
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Okay, so, as far as I've seen, the fandom has concluded that Fue is a romantic, and I love that they do depict him as a gentle and heartfelt person. Because, let's face it, in canon he is rather serious (and as I've said multiple times, he's a bit of a prude (affectionate)). In fact, he barely smiles in canon, so... he definitely smiles more in fanfics. And I don't think it's something that people really realize. As in, I took a while to realize it myself. But then again, usually the fics I've read dwell in themes and moments, where it'd be topical (?) for him to be smiling. Sometimes I think that it goes a little bit overboard in some fics. Like, he is also a private person, so I think that "excessive" PDA when he's on duty (specifically) would be a bit of a no. Like a soft "no". Because he wishes to be professional. Granted that sometimes those displays of affection while on duty can be a powerful narrative tool. But as said, sometimes I think that it goes a little bit overboard. I don't mind too much, however. Generally speaking, I like how the fandom, at least for the parts that I follow and have stumbled on, do him justice.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
That being said, I have stumbled through dark valleys of this fandom, and seen also Bad Takes(tm). I think I mentioned it to a couple of friends in a private Discord server a couple of weeks back, that... all the takes that you could imagine for him (and some that you couldn't) I have probably seen it, or heard about it. So, I'm not really surprised by any of it. I think. *knocks on wood* However, some individual Bad Takes(tm) aren't really something that "the fandom does", so I'll take something that at least used to be a thing in the past. And it was that because Fue is an understanding person, it was a popular enough characterization for some time that Fue would take anything you throw at him, all the slander and misbehaviour and just put up with it with a smile on his face. He was basically characterized as a doormat. A dumb doormat. Which is why I sometimes get annoyed by people implying that he is quite dumb actually. Sure, he is aloof at times, but being aloof isn't a mark of stupidity. And on that note, there are also many kinds of intelligence. Also, his tolerance isn't a mark of lacking a spine or putting up with anything indefinitely. Accepting everything. I mean, he has canonically dismissed people because of the crimes they committed (which can't, for example, be said about Julius; yes, it's more complicated than that, but to make a point). So, I hated him being characterized as a dumb doormat.
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
I like depicting his internal monologue and the emotional spectrum that he's going through. Essentially, I like exploring his thoughts and how he would react to things, or maybe find out why he might have done some things in canon. I want to understand his character. So, I like working within the scope of possible scenarios that he might be in, whether it's in canon or in an AU. And so, I suppose I don't particularly enjoy writing very superficial things for him, or "forcing" him to do something that I don't particularly feel like he would do, which is why the text also comes out forced. Most of the time I can reason actions, or behaviour, but there are certainly scenarios that I've tried to write, but it's just come out very forced because "he would not do/say that!"
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay... uhh... funny story
So, I didn't start watching BC myself, but instead I was "watching" it whenever I passed by our tv as hubby was watching it. So, I missed a good chunk of the early episodes, and only started watching watching myself later on. However, this means that I missed a lot of the early episodes with Fue, the first time around. And... I think the very first comment I have made of Fue, out loud, was: "Oh, so he died?" So, he was 'The One Who Died' for a while... *insert awkward laughter* I only got more invested after he was woken up, and I started going through the earlier chapters (so essentially backtracking). And since then, he quickly became my favourite.
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sraksha · 6 months
Sorry to all my followers, but i have a new Guy Of The Month, and i will not be getting over him anytime soon.
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jamiealways · 2 years
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continentalblue · 2 years
dating stanley when you're both in the parable {{ requests open! }}
The two of you mess around. You go left and he goes through the right door.
"When Stanley and his partner came to a set of two open doors, they entered the door on their -- no, never mind, Stanley went through the right door and his partner went through the -- oh, to hell with it. Restart."
Stanley never goes to do the Zending. He saw how sad you were once he did it, and he couldn't bear to do that to you again
Please bake something for him!! Stanley really likes baked goods (especially bread)
"You two would rather make out with each other than go through my story? Really? That's quite inconsiderate, wouldn't you say?"
This man is obsessed with holding your hand
Literally obsessed
The Narrator is the unfortunate viewer of your and Stanley's cuddling
You help bring Stanley down when he's anxious over things like the press conference/elevator ending
He only holds you in slightly higher regard than the bucket
"Really? You would rather spend time with the bucket than your partner? Stanley, I insist you put the bucket down. God, just kiss your partner already; at least they can reciprocate."
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motheatenscarf · 9 months
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