#Halloween with dean drabble challenge
e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Thank You for 400!!
Celebration Anyone?
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Pic isn’t mine. Found it on Pinterest.
Greetings lovelies from my little blog!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who follows me, comments and reblogs my fics, throws a ♥️ at anything I post/write or sends a tag game my way.
To my pocket friends that I chat with on the regular and sometimes not so regular, you always bring a smile to my face when I see your messages.
I know interaction has been down here in the Tumblr-verse lately but I’ve decided to do a celebration anyway. I hope you’ll come say hello and drop something in my inbox ♥️
I don’t really have a name or a theme for this celebration so I’ll just say thank you again and the rules will be under the cut.
This isn’t limited to my followers, although I would love it if you did.
My two muses I write for are Matt Murdock and Billy Russo, although there are a few characters that I wouldn’t mind trying to write for ( Dean Winchester, Donald Pierce, Quinn McKenna, Brock Rumlow, but I’m really scared to. Maybe I just need a nudge 🤣
Send in as many as you’d like
Fuck, Marry, Kiss (or Kill if you wanna make it interesting) I’ll do characters from the following…
Netflix Series ( DD, Punisher, Defenders)
Boyd Holbrook characters
Ben Barnes characters
Fall Activity Moodboard 🍁🍂🎃👻🍺
It’s getting to be my favorite time of the year in my neck of the woods. I love everything about autumn. This one is for mutuals only OR if you have ever reblogged and commented on any of my fics.
Send in any character with a fall activity (apple picking, Halloween related, cider tasting, etc.) and I’ll make a moodboard for you
Song Lyric Prompt
Full disclosure, I am not a new music girl. I probably stopped listening to newer music around 10 years ago. But I love anything from the 80’s thru early 2010’s. (I love older music too from the 60’s and 70’s)
Send me a character and a song lyric (from those time periods) and I’ll see what it inspires me to write
Send me a character plus a fluffy or smexy gif and I can try to write a drabble/fic based off of that gif
Pick a scene from a fic of mine and I’ll write it from the other person’s POV.
Prompt Lists
I’ll leave some prompt/dialogue lists below and if something strikes your fancy, send it on over with one of my muses (or challenge me with a new one from the above list) and I’ll see what I can do with it. Or if you have one in mind not on these lists, that’s absolutely fine also.
Confessions of Feelings
Kiss Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue/Prompts
Random Dialogue Prompts
Autumn/Fall Dialogue/Scenarios
I’ll keep this open until September 16 CLOSED
Again, thank you all for following me, for commenting on my fics, just all of the things! Nothing goes unnoticed, I promise you ♥️ Everyone’s support means a lot to me and I hope you continue to like the content I put out. ♥️
Tagging some of my lovelies that always cheer me on and hug me from afar whenever I need it, thank you again!
@mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @munsonownsmyass @ilovewhiteroses @ruflirtingwithme @russosafehaven @qu1etwolf @kayhi808 @k-marzolf @wheresthesunshinesblog @danzer8705 @snowkestrel @fictional-hooman @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @mattmurdocksscars @theradioactivespidergwen @skvatnavle @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @music-indie-tv @idaofinfinity @vaguekayla @pedrito-friskito @wint3r-h3art @freshabogados @gijos @nutmeg17 @jvanilly
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
Word count: 600-ish
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warning: Severe PTSD (heed the warning), trauma
A/N: This is for @torn-and-frayed‘s Halloween with Dean drabble challenge. My prompt was: “Scream.” Thanks for the extension, Steph. You’re awesome <3 
Special thanks to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing for putting up with this fic, and putting up with me. I am sure the later takes so much more patience and effort than the former ever took. 
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She didn't talk, not yet anyway. But God, she screamed. Every night. And the scream pierced Dean like the ragged edge of a striated knife.
When he pulled her in his arms each night, he dreaded for the moment that was inevitably coming… because it always happened. Every damn time.
He and Sam had found her lying on the cold, crude concrete floor, bloody and broken. The moment he looked into her dying eyes, Dean knew there was no question of leaving her there. He still distinctly remembered the way she had clung to him; her shaking fingers clutching desperately at his jacket. When her eyes closed, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him.
But, she'd made it. Like the fighter that she was, she'd made it through… but she’d lost her words.
There were the screams though, screams which Dean knew would haunt him for the rest of his life.
It had just happened. One night, she had slipped into his bed and he'd held her in his arms, tightening his hold with every passing second in an effort to put her back together. After that, it became a silent promise, that he'd hold her, that he'd protect her.
Now he'd just come to expect it. When she nestled against his chest every night, Dean wanted to hide her from her own thoughts. He would count hours, minutes and seconds till it happened. He wouldn't allow himself to sleep, because even a second's delay was not acceptable when it came to her. He had to be there for her, soothing her, before her scream even echoed off the walls. He had to be there to rub her back and whisper soft reassurances, convincing her bewildered self that she was fine, that she was home.
Afterwards, when she'd lapsed back into her fitful sleep, all tears finally spent, Dean would still find it hard to not think of the horrors she had went through… that she was still going through.
He struggled to find the words to make it better for her, or at least tell her how much he cared. He wanted her to know how much he wished it hadn't happened to her. Because if there was one thing he could ask for, he'd ask for her peace, without skipping a beat. The finality of this one thought was what gave it away. He was in love with her, and there was no going back.
The first time it happened, Dean thought he’d made a mistake. She couldn’t have spoken, could she? But she had. It had been more of an exclamation, but it was something and it seemed to have brought a lot of her back with with it.
Eventually she found more words, and she found her smile. The light in her eyes was back, and every second of that journey, Dean only fell deeper in love with her. Every morning he woke up thinking that today was the day he would get a grip. Today was the day he would stop falling harder, but he did anyway.
Every morning he vowed he would tell her that those hugs, those soft brushes of his skin against hers meant so much more to him than she realized. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but seeing her smile just a little more than the day before, the words died on his lips, because he didn’t want her to retract back into the shell she was just starting to come out of. Because despite the improvement, the nightmares still found her every night still, causing the  blood-curdling and bone-chilling scream to echo through the Bunker.
Tonight, Dean was prepared. The moment the tiniest hint of a sob sounded from her, he shook her awake; gently, rousing her before she could even completely open her mouth. Maybe it was the vulnerability in her eyes, maybe it was the instinctive relaxation when she realized that she was with him, but Dean couldn't help it as he bent down and pressed his lips against hers, softly, hesitantly. What he didn't expect was for her to throw her arms around his neck, dig her heel into his back and melt against his body. The rest of his night was spent trying to somehow cram more love into the corners of his heart.
Who knew that words were never really needed to silence that scream. The answer had been him all along.
A/N 2: The drabble above is actually a part retelling of my fic Broken
Tagging a few: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @sdavid09 @grace-for-sale @growningupgeek @bellastellaluna @blacktithe7 @supernatural-jackles @deanssweetheart23 @jayankles @jotink78 @feelmyroarrrr @mrswhozeewhatsis @plaidstiel-wormstache @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @torn-and-frayed @captainradicalpassion @melonberri @thevioletthourr @katiekatskorner @rhapsody-in-flannel  @roxyspearing @atc74
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winchester-writes · 7 years
Bloody Mistake
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 656
Warnings: ANGST
A/N: This is my entry for @torn-and-frayed‘s Halloween with Dean Drabble Challenge! The prompt I got was Blood which I am sure you can tell by the title won’t be good lmao shoutout to @supernatural-jackles for reading through this and I am not sorry for all the angst hehehe
**Feedback is greatly appreciated**
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Copper; the only word to describe the flavor that was overwhelming your senses at the moment. A word you never thought you would use to describe anything but as a color. Looking around, you weren’t entirely sure how you got here, everything from the moment Dean left you in the motel room was a blur.  
Yet here you were, in the dark corner of an alleyway, sucking the blood out of some innocent man’s neck.
Standing up was when you started to panic and the weight of what you had just done finally sunk in. You officially became the monster you spent your whole life killing. All because you made one small mistake which led to you getting turned. Dean said he had a way to turn you human again but that you needed to sit tight until he got the last ingredient, the blood of the vamp who turned you. The urge to feed was getting immensely stronger as the days passed and Dean kept coming up empty handed, guilt feigning his expression.
All he did was leave you alone for five minutes to go get a soda from the machine and when he came back the window was open with you missing.
Running your hands through your hair, you started to cry. This was not how you were supposed to go out, you were supposed to live the rest of your life with Dean and go out swinging; together. Now, he was going to have to kill you.
Your ears perked up when you heard a click. Turning around you were met with those green eyes you loved so much, except this time instead of adoration, they held nothing but disappointment.
The scene he saw in front of him was something he probably thought he’d never see in a million years. A dead body behind you, while you stood there staring at him with blood covering your mouth and hands.
“Baby… no…” you watched as he visibly gulped while taking in your disheveled form.
Walking towards him, he lifted his gun a little higher which made you freeze, “You know that’s not going to kill me now…”
“I-I don’t think….I don’t think I could do the alternative.”
“Dean you have to. You have to kill me before I hurt someone else. I can’t live like this.”
Dean shook his head violently, “I can’t do that. Maybe- Maybe we could…” You knew he was trying to figure out a way to save you, to keep you in his life just a little longer.
“Dean ,there is no other way out of this. I will feed again and who knows who it will be next time. I could kill a little kid… please… I don’t think I could live with myself.” You cried, tears mixing with the drying blood as they cascaded down your cheeks.
When you noticed his shoulder sag, he dropped his gun, prompting you to walk up to him, “Please?”
“I love you so much, you know that?” You nodded, a weak smile on your face as you now noticed the tears spilling out of his eyes, “Why couldn’t you have waited just a little longer? I can’t lose you baby.” Your eyes shut when you felt his calloused fingers against your cheek, leaning into his touch.
“I’m sorry…”
“Come back to the motel with me. I know we can figure something out. We can get you bags of blood or something to live on, we can-”
“Dean…” you shook your head, “You know that can only last so long. What if I hurt you or Sam? I’d find a way to kill myself if that happened. I need you to do this for me.”
Dean took in a deep breath as he looked deep into your eyes, his decision already made. You scrunched your brow when he took your hand and started walking back towards the car, “That’s not an option.”
Dean Winchester Sluts (CLOSED): @bringmesomepie56, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @mysteriouslyme81, @padackles2010, @salvachester, @torn-and-frayed, @waywardlullabies, @skathan-omaha, @betterlattethennever, @kittenofdoomage, @fandom-whore2point0, @atc74, @xtina2191, @oriona75, @livaart, @sleep-silent-angel, @holdyourselfinmyhands, @howling-at-that-moon, @latinenglishfandomblog, @winchesterenthusiast, @impala-dreamer, @writingbeautifulmen, @smoothdogsgirl, @too-much-winchester, @blacktithe7, @wildfirewinchester, @paigeinastory, @moose-lyfe, @deanssweetcherrypie, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @freakintasticfan, @waiting4thedoctor, @jpadjackles, @impalaimagining, @frickfracklesackles, @chickenmcsade, @sandlee44, @deanwinchesterisamazing, @dancingalone21, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @illbeguiltyifyouwantmetobe, @naadestiel, @faith-in-dean, @mayasmedberg, @supernatural-jackles, @docharleythegeekqueen, @tardistrash, @sortaathief, @findingfitnessforme, @winchestrs-cas, @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @jesstherebel, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @voldemorts-mexican-idjit67, @ambocalypse, @sherrilynn67, @jensen-gal, @capsofwinchesters, @demonic-meatball, @multifandomlove2002, @maui137, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @jerkbitchidjitassbutt, @ayeeitsemry, @clarewinchester, @arryn-nyx, @love-kittykat21, @ruprecht0420, @stefanypeccinis2, @jayankles, @devilgirlsarah, @poukothenerd, @pebblesz892, @moonstar86, @allieyolo123, @demondean-for-kingofhell, @helvonasche, @tas898, @hexparker, @missdestiel67, @16wiishes, @fangirlingfanatic2442, @boreanazgirl80, @xxxdevine-demonsxxx, @faegal04, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
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It’s a Date
Title: It’s a Date
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 595
Warnings: Fluff, Mild Sexual Tension
Summary: Casual conversation on a salt and burn. 
A/N: this is for @torn-and-frayed‘s Halloween with Dean (and Jensen) drabble challenge! Mine was Graveyard. I hope y’all enjoy! Feedback is appreciated. 
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 “Would you just dig the grave already?” Dean shouted, turning your direction to give you a bitch face. You rolled your eyes of course. You were rambling on about how you wished you could switch places with Sam and stay with the guy, rather that dig up a grave on Halloween night.
 “What’s got your boxers in a twist?” you joked. Nothing. Not even a scoff, or a huff. No acknowledgement whatsoever. You took that as your cue to dig the grave and ask again later.
 You were digging up the bones of what was a guys girlfriend, well, dead girlfriend. She was killed last Halloween when a prank had gone too far. She ended up falling from the second story window, cracking her head on the edge of the pool and she died instantly. Turns out she walked in on the douchebag cheating on her with her sister. You couldn’t blame the girl for wanting to kill him. You’d want to kill him. That there was probably reason number one on why you were digging a grave and not with the guy. Her sister was already dead. You knew you’d ‘accidentally’ let her get the drop on him. Any guy who would do that to a woman didn’t deserve to get away with it.
 Dean gave you a boost out of the grave before hopping out himself. You poured the salt over the bones and Dean poured the gas, then lighting the body. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, the only sound was the flames from the grave below. You glanced over to Dean, watching the flames light up his face as he stared down at them.
 “What’s going on, Dean?” you questioned, bumping your arm into his almost playfully, in hopes to make him smile.
 “I’m good,” he said gruffly.
 “No you’re not,” you frowned. Your voice was low and timid sounding. He looked down before his eyes met yours.
 “I know you wanted to go out tonight, Y/N,” he started. “I saw you had a costume ready, and I know Charlie asked you to go out with her tonight.”
 “It’s fine, Dean. It’s not the last Halloween,” you chuckled.
 “You never know with what we do. I wish you didn’t have to give up the things you want to do for this job. I wish you had a normal life where you could dress up in something super revealing and have all heads turning your way,” he explained to you.
 “Dean, honestly, it’s fine! I’d rather be out here doing my job with you and Sam,” you stated, bumping him once more. “Although, I hate to admit it, it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any action.”
 “I can help with that, sweetheart,” he winked, letting out a laugh. “I know you want me.”
 “In a graveyard? Yeah okay, Dean,” you giggled.
 “I don’t see anyone else here,” he played. “I even lit a body. It’s like a candle light. So romantic!”
 Laughter erupted through the two of you and that comfortability that you had with one another fell over you. Would you sleep with Dean? Hell yes! But there was no way you were going to do it in the middle of a graveyard with a bunch of dead bodies beneath you.
 “Take me out to dinner first, Winchester,” you winked. “Then we’ll talk about romantic, candle lit bodies.”
 “How ‘bout I take you out tonight and see where the night goes from there?” he shrugged nonchalantly.
 “Absolutely! Fries and some beer?”
 “Fries and beer it is, sweetheart.”
Please tell me what you think here
Dean babes:
@jpadjackles @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @gunsandimpalas @winchestdiaries @docharleythegeekqueen @highonpastries @torn-and-frayed @that1seniorchick @autopistaaningunaparte @emoryhemsworth @sis-tafics @your-used-to-be-pillow @jayankles @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ams-2004 @silver-and-green @its-not-a-tulpa  @michirutenshi @winchester-writes @ourutopianparadise @naadestiel @mariahoedt @band-and-sadness @bringmesomepie56 @emilywritesaboutdean @extreme-supernatural-lover @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @ruprecht0420 @ohmystars30 @percywinchester27 @captainemwinchester @lbyers28 @sandlee44 @blu-eyed-devil @tinemarie19 @skybinx-blog @babydanixox @summer-binging-spn @spn-fan-girl-173 @mein1928 @crawegirl @jensenackesl @4401lnc @iwantthedean @salvachester @sleep-silent-angel @secretlyfurrydragon @superwholock1983 @tas898 @erule  @milkymilky-cocopuff @essie1876 @abbessolute @riversong-sam @avengingthesupernatural @kathaswings @mayasmedberg @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @evansrogerskitten @brooke-supernatural16 @my-thoughts-on-display3 @wellcrazythis @dustycelt @lipstickandwhiskey @adaliamalfoy @awesomestperson22 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @xfanqirlinq @im-a-light-child @darknessbetweenthestarssn @laurenisnot
@wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @idontknow-canyou @feelmyroarrrr @capsofwinchesters @nakedshowerdean @missdestiel67 @thereisnolumos @plaidstiel-wormstache @danradislife @akshi8278 @keenondean @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @thisishowieroll  @devilgirlsarah @juliaspnlover @gallifreyansass @quiddy-writes @anokhi07 @cobrakai1967 @unknownartwork @twilightsagafan12 @keepcalmandbeajunkie @dslocum89 @i-just-wanna-live-gc  @maddieburcham1 @moonlessnight14 @padamoosemakegirlmoosegowhaaa @heavymetalhauswife @imagefanfictionlover @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @siriustopsremus @iamnotsaneatall @mizzzpink @jensen-jarpad @daughterleftbehind @shamelesslydean @sam-deans-baby @winchasterdean @wwecrazed2010 @letsgetyourdeanon @redeyed-winchester @meeshw777 @bethanyzed @pizza-boy-cas @michellethetvaddict @mamaredd123 @llerret15 @siriustopsremus @love-me-some-pie21 @mysterious-398 @celmiea @j2-winchester-boys @boxywrites @savvythedork @endlesslytimeless @wishedworld @mariairwin666 @chicagolove88 @mrswhozeewhatsis @captainradicalpassion @squirrel-moose-winchester @potterhead1265 @polina-93 @waywardasfudge @flipsorenson99 @veevm @super100012 @quantumcheese @atc74 @roxyspearing @katackles
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deanssweetheart23 · 7 years
Blue (Ain’t Your Color)
Title: Blue (Ain’t Your Color)
Summary: When the reader’s feeling down after a case, Dean’s there to help. Sweetness ensues. 
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 770
Warnings: A smudge of angst. References to a hit and run. Mentions of death (like for a second). Other than that, this is pure fluff.
Author’s Note: This is my sumbission for @torn-and-frayed‘s Halloween with Dean drabble challenge.  Steph, thank you so much for organizing this and letting me participate, I always love writing more of Dean.
My prompt for this was “candy corn” and you’ll find it inserted into the fic.
Enjoy <3
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One of the things you love about Dean Winchester is his ability to make you smile.
Admittedly, the life the two of you lead isn’t easy and there are nights you’re your world seems to revolve around nothing but death and hatred, nights when you’re swallowed by darkness and all you have is each other.
Even then though, Dean fights to keep the smile on your face, no matter the cost. It’s there in the way he says silly things to make you laugh, or the way he makes you dinner and spends the night holding you. It’s in that tender nose kiss and the whispered I got you, kid when he tucks you against him. It’s in the way he loves you.
Tonight, however, even that can’t help.
The case was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, just a quick hunt right before Halloween. You’d find the ghost, burn the bones and go on with business as usual.
None of you even entertained the possibility of the ghost being a kid, a kid you’d have to kill all over again, simply because it happened to be at the wrong place the wrong time years ago, when he was left abandoned on the street after a hit and run.
“Hey,” Dean’s deep voice pulls you out of your thoughts as his arms wrap around you from behind, “you with me, kid?”
Your let the back of your head drop to his shoulder.
Your hands cover his.
“Yeah.” You say, turning around to face him. “Yeah, just tired.”
He raises an eyebrow then, because he knows you’re lying, that you’re hurting and just won’t admit it, but he plays along anyway, gives you the time he knows you need.
“Alright.” He kisses your forehead. “I, uh… I got you something.”
Looking up at him through your lashes, you scrunch up your nose and purse your lips.
“Is that,” you chuckle, bemused and nervous, “is that candy corn?”
“Dean, why would you-”
“D’you remember that time Dad left us with you for Halloween?”
You hum and wrap your arms around his middle, softness blending with solid muscles.
“Bobby wanted to take us out trick or treating but Sammy was sick, so we stayed home and you-”
“Went with some neighbors.” You cut him off, nuzzling his jaw. “Yeah, I remember. I also remember having an awful time because you weren’t there.”
He smirks and shakes his head, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“I still can’t believe,” he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, “I can’t believe that look on your face when got back home and sneaked into my room to give me a bag of candy corn.
“I thought you were upset you didn’t tag along.” You say, heat painting your cheek, but he only smiles, brighter than before.
“Should have known there you’d end up having me wrapped around your little finger.”
“Shut up.” You whine, smacking his arm. “You love it.”
He chuckles a little under his breath, all delight and warmth.
“Yeah, I really do.” He presses his forehead against yours. “So. Tell you what. How ‘bout we spend some quality time tonight, just the two of us? I’ll tell Sam to go to a bar or something.”
“Real classy, Dean.”
“Don’t care. Wanna spend some time with you.” He replies, kissing your nose. “We can watch that Halloween movie you love so much. Or.” A slanted brow. “I can take you to bed. Or the couch. Or the shower. Or the counter. M’ not really picky.”
And for the first time that day, you laugh, and it might be gruff and laced with guilt and unshed tears, but it’s a place to start.
“There’s that laugh I’ve been dying to hear.” He whispers, clasping a hand on the side of your face.
“You’re shameless, you know that?”
“Mmmm,” he hums as his lips brush yours softly, “you love it, Mrs. Winchester.”
Smiling, you let your hand slide up his arm, and whisper a soft thank you against his mouth.
His grip tightens around you.
“Anytime, kid.” He says and it’s a statement and a promise, it’s his way of letting you know he’d give up anything for you in a heartbeat and knows you’d do the same thing for him.
And you don’t know how you’ll feel in a week or a day or an hour from now, but in that moment, with his arms around you and his heartbeat vibrating in your bones, the world doesn’t seem like such a terrible place after all.
And you’re okay with that.
Tags:  @ravengirl94  @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @becs-bunker @impala-dreamer @wordstothewisereaders @imagining-supernatural @sgarrett49 @myrabbitholetoneverland @greek-geek48  @percywinchester27 @iwriteaboutdean @spngeronimo @ruprecht0420 @captainemwinchester@pickupthatamulet  @mogaruke  @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @wellthatsrandomkek @winchestersnco @jayankles @winchesters-flannels@akshi8278 @trexrambling @escabell @kathaswings @atari-writes @emilywritesaboutdean @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @thevioletthourr @winchestersnfriends 
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Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Porcelain Dolls - so ended up regretting that freaking prompt! Hate ‘em!!   
Word Count: 776
A/N: This is written for @torn-and-frayed’s Halloween with Dean Challenge and I wrote Jensen cause I am a rebel :P And I think I managed to scar myself for life here!
Thanks to @like-a-bag-of-potatoes for betaing this for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You should have known your revenge would backfire on you. Jensen always managed to scare you on Halloween. Either with some stupid gimmick with skeletons popping from closets, giant freaking plastic spiders in your bathroom or by dressing up himself as the grim reaper or a zombie, jumping out in front of you at the most unexpected of moments. Last year had been the drop that had made the cup spill over. The jerk had decided to wear his make-up home as he came stumbling in collapsing straight into your arms. You had actually started crying and begging for him not to leave you before the asshole started laughing. Needless to say Jensen spent the next two nights on the couch but you had still been dead set on getting your revenge this year.
The perfect idea had hit you when you by chance had chatted with your best friend Ida about weird crap you had collected as kids. Ida mentioned the giant box of creepy porcelain dolls she had sitting in her attic and you had instantly commandeered it promising you would get rid of them for her. But not before you scared the holy hell out of your husband with the thing he hated the most in the world.
With a little help from Misha and Jared you had managed to keep Jensen from noticing your arrival on set in Vancouver, as they had kept him from entering his trailer all day while you were working on your surprise for him. You had set the dolls up so his air condition hit them just right, causing their eyes to blink open and closed on their own volition. You had disabled all lights in his trailer but the ones directly above the shelves where you had placed the freaky fuckers. The only flaw in your plan was that you were just as, if not more, creeped out by the damn things as Jensen was.
Chills were running down your spine when time came to stay alone with them in the dark trailer for a good 30 minutes, and scenes from the movie Chucky kept playing over and over in your head, causing you to jump with the slightest of sounds.
Finally Jensen had arrived in his trailer, cussing when the light by the door hadn’t worked and it took all your willpower to not burst out laughing before he reached the jack on the back wall flicking the switch. The shelves across the room from him lit up, showcasing the small army of blinking dolls and the most unmanly of screams had fallen from Jensen’s lips filling the trailer, seconds before Jared and Misha’s roaring laughter had sounded outside the door and you had showed yourself practically rolling on the floor with laughter.
Everything had went according to plan and you had loved teasing your fake grumpy husband all night. He acted like he was pissed at you and his two childish friends, but actually you knew he was impressed that you had finally gotten him back. Jensen was hard to piss off and a prank most certainly never caused him any anger.
See the problem wasn’t your husband was mad at you. His facade had dropped the moment you were alone and he couldn’t keep his hands off you any longer. Long distance wasn’t easy and making up for lost time had trumped pretending to be upset with you. The trouble was the damn dolls. You had no way of getting rid of them until tomorrow and even though you couldn’t see them from his bed, you knew they were there. Waiting for you to fall asleep and murder both of you… okay you had watched too many horror flicks this fall but the fact remained you couldn’t sleep.
“You’re still awake too huh?” Jensen turned to look at you, rolling his eyes dramatically. “What were you thinking Y/N/N?”
“I was thinking you were a jerk that deserved to get a good scare,” you fake glared at him, making Jensen laugh.
“Well now neither of us are getting any sleep, not with those fucking dolls in the trailer,” Jensen grumped, falling back onto his back not noticing the smirk on your lips before you were straddling him with a mischievous glimmer in your eyes.
“Well if we aren’t gonna sleep…” you spoke suggestively, his shirt you were wearing slowly moving down your shoulders before squealing in surprise as Jensen wrapped his arm around your waist, throwing you back down on the bed, rolling on top of you with a boyish grin on his face.
“That’s the best idea you had all day sweetheart…”
Jensen Tag Team
@mysupernaturalfics @blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @torn-and-frayed @docharleythegeekqueen @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @feelmyroarrrr @starswirlblitz @akshi8278 @jpadjackles @crushing83 @flufy07 @quiddy-writes @d-s-winchester @lenaabs @jpadjackles @petrovadixon @blanketmadeofstar @arryn-nyxx @winchesters-flannels @winchester-writes @ruprecht0420 @tas898 @emilywritesaboutdean @mogaruke @emoryhemsworth @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @supernatural-jackles  @jojo-nz @riakie @jayankles @mouselovesmusic @jensenackesl @ivvitm1109 @sinbadcat83 @winchestdiaries @thebunkerismyhome @iwriteaboutdean @winchesterprincessbride @captainradicalpassion @redunicorn10 @brooke-supernatural16 @atc74 @becauseimawinchester @deansbaekaz2y5 @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @spn-fan-girl-173 @be-amaziing @sandlee44 @bringmesomepie56 @gecko9596 @impala-dreamer @jensen-jarpad @deansleather @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @phoenixia67 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @brihughes4 @aiaranradnay @angelsdeadromance @katarinfrost @castiels-broken-fool @bemyqueenofdarkness @moonstar86 @ashleydivine @winter-hunter @smoothdogsgirl @niamandthings @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @alicat-life @4401lnc @mcdaring @im-a-light-child @soulslaststand @itsmyeffingstory @maui137 @molleighs24 @itsbubbaog @roxyspearing @gemini75eeyore @moonstar86 @devilgirlsarah @plaid-lover-bay25 @iamabeautifulperson18 @blushingdean @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @deansgirl215 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
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revwinchester · 7 years
Don’t Mess With Baby
Summary: The Winchesters and the reader catch a werewolf case right in the middle of a prank war of epic proportions.
Challenge: Halloween With Dean Drabble Challenge hosted by @torn-and-frayed Prompt: Scaring Each Other
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 999 (phew, I don’t lose!)
Warnings: cursing, practical jokes, major character death?, it feels like angst but it’s not - I promise
A/N: This was fun and keeping it under 1000 words was a challenge (I’m always the first to admit that I’m a wordy bitch!).  I had wanted to get this posted on Halloween but Kink Bingo took over my life at the end of October (but I got the blackout! If you’re over 18, check out @impalasutra for 25 kinky fics!). 
Like I said in the warnings, it’s going to feel angsty but stick with me on this one.  If you’re really worried you can check the tags for spoilers.
Don’t Mess With Baby -
“This is not going to end well…” was all you heard before you pushed the motel door open.
You walked into the room, your eyes drifting to where Sam, Dean, and Cas were all seated.  “What’s not going to end well?” you asked the now suspiciously quiet group of men.  You looked longest at Cas, who had been the one you had heard speaking.
Dean stood and crossed to where you stood, pulling you in for a hug.  “Nothing, babe,” he assured you before planting a kiss on the top of your head.  
You didn’t believe him, not for a second.  You knew he had something up his sleeve, there was no way he didn’t.  The two of you had been playing practical jokes and trying to scare each other for weeks, upping the ante each time.  You had gotten Dean good just a week ago.  You had snuck out of the motel room and broken some clear glass bottles, planting the glass next to the Impala’s drivers side door before driving the car around to park behind the building.  
When Dean woke up and tried to get breakfast the next morning, he had flipped out.  You had tried to play your role and act surprised but eventually the giggles had won out and Dean figured out you were behind his car’s disappearance.  You had been waiting for payback ever since.  
You couldn’t dwell on your boyfriend’s words for too long, though, because it turned out that Sam had caught another case a couple of hours away from where you were now.  It would be your fourth case in three weeks but the work was important so you did your best not to complain too much as you packed everything into the Impala and drove off towards whatever horrors were awaiting you in the next town.  
“It sounds like werewolves,” Dean told you in the car, “so we’re up against the lunar cycle if we want to take care of this before anyone else gets killed.  I’m gonna drop you off at the library while Sam and I go to the morgue.  We need you to check out old newspapers, figure out how far back this town’s been targeted.”
It was an odd request but you brushed it off.  There was only one day left to deal with the wolves before they would be back to looking and living like regular humans for a few weeks.  You figured it was better to check out every angle right from the start and you tended to be the best researcher of your trio.
Your afternoon was spent surrounded by newspapers and microfiche but you didn’t find anything helpful.  You couldn’t help but feel like you had wasted your time instead of doing something actually useful for the case.  
You were about to call Dean and tell him the bad news when Castiel appeared in front of you.  The angel looked pained but, then again, he often had a similar look of discomfort on his face.  “Dean and Sam have tracked the werewolves to a house just outside of town,” Cas intoned.  “They would like me to bring you to them.”
You were instantly transported to the edge of the town where a creepy looking house backed up to the woods.  “I don’t understand,” Castiel commented, “they said they would wait by the car.”
You looked behind you and, sure enough, the Impala was just a few feet away but Sam and Dean were nowhere to be found.  The idiots probably went in on their own, you figured, rolling your eyes.  You heard a shout.
It was Sam’s voice and he sounded broken.
You took off running in the direction that Sam’s voice had come from, Castiel a few steps behind you.  As you rounded the back of the house, you raised your gun, unsure of what you would find.  Scanning the scene, your heart sank.  Sam was there on his knees, hovering over something - over someone.  You dropped your gun and ran to Sam’s side.  
Dean was laid out on the ground, bloodied and beaten with a gash running across his chest above where his heart should be.  His clothes were torn to shreds and there was just so much blood.  You were frozen in place, you couldn’t believe your eyes and, yet, you couldn’t look away.  A choked sound came from somewhere and when it happened again, you realized it was coming from you.  
You dropped to your knees beside Dean’s body.  Your rational side was telling you there were still wolves out there, that the time for mourning would come, that there was a job to be done but your emotional side was winning out.  You lightly ran your fingers across your boyfriend’s forehead, brushing a few hairs back into place.
Dean’s eyes popped open and he lunged up towards you with a “Boo!”
You fell back onto your ass and let out a little scream.  Once you got your heart and breathing under control Dean helped you to your feet.  You smacked his chest.  “Dean Winchester, what the hell?” You asked, your voice incredulous.
Dean smirked down at you as best as he could through all the apparently fake blood and gore that covered his face.  “Don’t mess with Baby, baby.”
“You made up this entire case because I parked your car behind the motel last week?” You asked and Dean nodded, a grin plastered across his face.  “Well, you can sleep in your damn car, Winchester, because you are certainly not sleeping in my bed tonight.”  
You stomped off in the direction of the Impala before you spun around and pointed a finger at Sam and Cas, “And I can’t believe the two of you were in on this, too.”  You walked away again, waiting until your back was turned to the men before letting a small smile grace your lips.  Dean had gotten you good with this one.  You had some major revenge to plan.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official
Squirrel Scouts: @akshi8278
Dean Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress-official @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @matteson-crazed @castielspahdehrah @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967  @gryffindorable713 @deandoesthingstome @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @manawhaat @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @i-never-said-a-pilot @thewinchestielboys @supermoonpanda  @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @becs-bunker  @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @prettyxwickedxthings @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls  @shortandlongstories @strange-inhumanity @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy @fangirling-instead-of-working @aprofoundbondwithdean @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @kayteonline @spnsimpleman @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @mamaimpala @for-the-love-of-dean @winchesterfiesta @zanthiasplace @salvachester @sleep-silent-angel @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @tia58 @sams-little-toy @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @supernatural-jackles @babypieandwhiskey @avasmommy224 @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings @mysaintsasinner @chelsea-winchester @spn-fan-girl-173 @besslincoln-bruh @wheresthekillswitch @shelovesallthethings @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @klaineaholic @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @supernaturalismalife @pinknerdpanda @quiddy-writes @inmysparetime0 @hexparker @atwistoffate @evilskank-inthemegacoven @there-must-be-a-lock
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Average for a Day
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A/N: This little ditty is for Steph’s ( @torn-and-frayed ) Halloween with Dean challenge. My prompt was pumpkin patch. Special thanks to Miss @amanda-teaches for the read through.
Warnings: Just absolutely disgusting amounts of fluff. Like I’m a little ashamed of myself. There’s nothing here but floof, it’s gross.
Words: 830
“Dad! Dad-dad-dad-dad-dad-dad-d-”
“Whoa! Where’s the fire buddy?”
“Something is wrong with Mommy.”
That certainly peaked Dean’s interest. “Ok, Milo, you gotta breathe for me alright? Where’s Mom?”
Taking an exaggerated breath in through his nose like Uncle Sam taught him, your six year old nodded his head at Dean and waited for a moment to continue.
“Ok. She is in my room. There’s lotsa new clothes. Fancy stuff, like those pants that look like Uncle Cas’ coat.”
“Ummm...sure. So them and shirts and weird shoes an’ she’s laying them all on my bed and I just wanted to play but she kicked me out and said I had to shower and DAD! I already showered yesterday. I don’t even smell. She’s runnin’ round like a chicken with its legs cut off!”
“Head cut off.”
“Wha? No. If it’s legs are off then it would be crazy, if a chicken get’s a head cut off it would be dead. Dad! Mom is crazy not dead!”
“I-that’s not. Ok, ya know what? Uncle Sam will explain it to you later, but if Mom said you have to shower you better go do it.”
“Buuuuuuut Dad!”
“Go! Get outta here ya little terror. I’ll figure out Mom.” Dean put on his best dad face and pointed in the direction of the showers. He didn’t even crack a smile when Milo threw his hands up and gave him an epic Winchester eye roll before he turned and stomped off.
Dean headed off in the direction of his son’s room, but didn’t quite make it that far. You’d moved on to your room, stopping just inside the door, he leaned against the door and cleared his throat.
“Dean! Perfect. Where’s that buffalo check plaid you have? I can’t find it.”
“My what?”
“The-the red and black one with the big checks.”
“Laundry, I think? You mind hitting pause for a minute? Our kid thinks you went nuts.”
“He’s just mad I told him to shower - which by the way you and Sam need to too. Oh! And tell Sam to wear something blue, like navyish. We should probably leave in like an hour. I’ll go change what Milo’s wearing since your red is dirty. You can wear that solid maroon one. Tha-mff”
Dean cut off your ramblings with a kiss. When he pulled back, he kept his hands on your face, thumbs sweeping soothingly over your cheeks.
“Leave for where exactly?”
“Pumpkin patch.”
“Pumpkin patch?”
“Yes, Dean, a pumpkin patch. I feel like this shouldn’t be a hard concept to follow.”
“Alllriiiiiight...just humor me. Why are we getting dressed up to go to a pumpkin patch?”
“First of all, despite what Milo thinks, khakis are not dressing up, he’ll survive. They’re practically jeans. And second, because. Because he’s six. Our kid is basically a teenager, and he’s never been to a pumpkin patch! What kind of mom does that make me? I mean we live in Kansas for fuck’s sake!”
“Whoa...where is this coming from? You’ve never mentioned this before, not once, and you’re a great mom. I don’t think pumpkins have much to do with that.”
“It-I heard an ad on the radio earlier, and it just hit me. I know we’re not an average family - and I wouldn’t change us for the world - obviously, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do some normal stuff right?”
Dean stayed silent, looking at you expectantly like he didn’t buy you were done.
“I want a family picture,” you said shyly. “I just want a couple of nice pictures. All four of us, just us three, maybe one with just the boys, and Milo and his uncle...I want, I want to pick pumpkins to bring home and carve and make a big huge mess. There’s a giant sandbox, but it’s corn not sand and a petting zoo, and a corn maze and-”
“No corn maze. I draw the line at corn maze. Everything else is very much doable. I’ll go talk to Sam, and wrangle your kid out of the shower before he drains us of all the water. I love you.” He kissed your nose, and leaned his forehead against yours. “You know that? Coulda told me about all this before you traumatized the kid.”
“Oh no,” you groaned. “Did I seriously freak him out?”
“Nah, speaking as somewhat of an expert on childhood trauma, this is pretty low on the scale. He probably just thinks you’re weirder than before now.”
“Excuse me? You’re totally the weird one. I’m like the least weird of everyone.”
Giving you one last soft kiss, Dean let go of you. “Let’s just agree that Cas is the weird one and leave it at that. Go get ready, I’ll take care of the boy.”
“Deal. Love you back.”
When he was just out of the room, you yelled after him. “Dean! Make sure he wears the khakis. Don’t like him puppy eye you!”
All of the Things: @amanda-teaches @casownsmyass @codexofwitches @emilypkuzu @emoryhemsworth @feelmyroarrrr @hexparker @ilsawasanacrobat @lynnebla @muliermalefici @skymoonandstardust @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @the-winchesterboys
Supernatural Things: @bradygabrielle-blog @imascreamerbabymakemeamute @impala-dreamer @holisticdean @m0ther-of-drag0ns @mrsbatesmotel53 @myplaceofthingsilove @sunskittlex
Dean Things: @akshi8278 @jessilliam-caronday
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arazialotis · 7 years
Hayrides and Pickup Lines
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Pairing: Jensen × Reader
Word Count: 970
This was written for @torn-and-frayed​ Steph’s Halloween with Dean Drabble Challenge. I chose to be inspired by hayrides and wrote up a quick ‘meet-cute’ for the reader and Jensen. The only warning is that it is pure fluff.
Obviously I intend no hate or ill wishes to him or his family. This is purely just for writing and wasting my time as hobby. Maybe some of you will enjoy it too. I apologize in advance for any mistakes or grammatical/spelling errors. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions!
Thanks for editing @misguidedconqueress​ You are amazing!!
Fall; your favorite season. Sweaters, warm drinks, a moody atmosphere, and yes, even pumpkin spice were just a few of the reasons you loved this time of year. Typically, any given Saturday, you would be found curled up with a hot cup of tea and your nose buried in a book. But somehow, this Saturday a group of coworkers had convinced you to come out to an orchard.
You spent the afternoon playing cornhole, picking apples, and wandering through a corn maze. A group of workers decided it was time for a hayride. After buying a ticket, someone mentioned how amazing the bakery’s pumpkin doughnuts were. A few agreed and thought it would be fun to take them along the ride. You volunteered to run and grab some. You bounced impatiently in line, checking your watch every few minutes. By the time you had run back, the cart had already left with your coworkers in tow.
Another ride pulled up. You sighed; deciding to go alone, you already had a ticket… and doughnuts. Before getting onboard, you pet the Clydesdales upfront, brushing the hair out of one’s eyes and promising them to sneak them a snack at some point. You hopped up on the cart. A few others joined, but it was fairly empty. The hay was coarse and scratchy but it’s sweet scent made up for it. The air was turning colder as evening was setting in. You wrapped your arms around you in attempt to cozy up.
The driver snapped the crop and the horses set off down a predestined trail. You watched the crowd as the horses weaved through the orchard’s buildings before heading out into the fields. For a moment, you thought you saw… No, it couldn’t be. You did a double take and he was staring straight back at you. Jensen Ackles, right next to Jared Padalecki and his family. Jensen smiled and licked his lips before bolting away from Jared, who was in the middle of a conversation, and jumped up onto the wagon.
“A little help?” He directed at you.
You grabbed the drink out of his hand so he could climb over the gate. You looked back at Jared who was just as confused as you were as Jensen took a seat next to you.
“I think you need a ticket to ride.” You commented.
“Nah. I’ll pay for one later.” He responded taking back his coffee.
“You must get this a lot, but you look like that guy from Supernatural.” You stated, not wanting to be direct but getting out with the point.
“Supernatural? Is that like a movie or something? Never heard of it.” He played coy.
“Oh, that’s too bad. I have some fresh doughnuts, but they’re only for people named Jensen.” You taunted trying to catch him in his lie.
He eyed you, and the bag, and then you again. “Okay, you’re right, I’m that guy.” You smiled in victory and handed him the bag. “I’m Y/N.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Y/N.” He greeted you, already munching down on a doughnut.
“So, do you commandeer hayrides often?” You teased.
He softly chuckled. “Only if there are cute and chilly passengers on board.” He grabbed a hidden flannel blanket from the corner and wrapped it around you but the heat from your blush had already warmed you. His arm lingered around your shoulder.
“In that case, you may have landed on the wrong ride… I don’t see any of those passengers around here.” You attempted to play his compliment down.
“It looks a lot different than from where I’m sitting.” He politely argued.
“Jeez, you are just full of lines aren’t ya?” You giggled.
“You should see me when I’m trying.” He cockily grinned right before the wagon hit a bump causing him to lose grip of the coffee and sent it splattering everywhere. You threw your head back, laughing loudly. “Shit.” He whispered looking down at his wet jeans.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized still trying to get a control over your laughter.
“Are you though?” He questioned; relishing the way your face lit up.
You shook your head no, grinning widely.
He reached over a wiped a drop of coffee that hand landed on your cheek before standing up. “Alright, well I need to go take care of this.” He straddled the gate.
“Hey! You can’t have all my doughnuts.” You yelled at him before he was able to jump off, realizing the bag was still in his hand.
He pressed his lips together and smirked. “I’ll trade ya for your phone number.”
You giggled. “You are unbelievable.”
“Have it your way then.” He jumped off the back.
You immediately jumped up and ran to the gate. “Wait! Okay.” He got out his phone and typed in your number. He slid his phone back into his pocket and started walking the trail back to the farm as the wagon continued the opposite way. “Ackles!” You yelled after him, still doughnut-less.
He continued down the path, not looking back at you, but making it obvious he was opening the bag.
“Oh my god.” You muttered under your breath.
You followed by example and straddled the gate, pausing to look back to the driver who was lost in his own world thanks to headphones. You anxiously squealed building up the final courage to take the leap and by some miraculous intervention made a somewhat graceful landing. After quickly patting down your clothes, you ran to meet up with Jensen. Upon expecting you, he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to him but also dangling the doughnuts right out of your reach. But it was never really about the doughnuts, was it? The both of you were just thrilled to be pressed close against each other.
Forever Tags: @nanie5 @sea040561 @crushing83 @mogaruke @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @ginamsmith @jotink78 @blushingdean @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @dancingalone21 @li-ssu @highonpastries @daddy-kink-confirmed @weewooweewoo1212 @carryonmyswansong @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
JensenxReader: @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @jensen-gal @be-amaziing @mizzzpink @akshi8278 @beatlesobsessionlove @tiffanycaruso @mywillfulwinchester @boxywrites @its-not-a-tulpa
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kittycat-cas · 7 years
A Halloween Surprise!
Words: 1338
Pairing: Jensen x Reader 
Warnings: None, unless black cats and abandonment trigger you. This is just a fluffy drabble! 
This is a fanfic for @torn-and-frayed's Halloween challenge based on the propmt black cats. A big shout out to @plungerwhisk for being my beta and @beacon-hills-chance-harbor for the awesome Instagram edits! 
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"Hey Jen? Did you hear something?" 
Jensen frowned in concentration, listening for anything. You immediately ran down the alley way, leaving Jensen to run after you, confused by your sudden outburst.
You leant down, in front of a box next to a large trash can and picked something up. You had your back to Jensen but he heard you unzip your hoodie, and place something inside, hugging it to your chest. He heard you speaking so quietly and softly that even he strained to hear it. That's when he heard it, a small squeak. 
"Hey? What've you got there?" Jensen moved towards you slowly, as to not startle the creature. Was it an animal? He put a gentle hand on your shoulder and slowly turned you around. Snuggled to your chest was a small black kitten; he looked half starved and was shivering, but Jensen could hear the soft purrs the cat was giving off as you held it close and gently rubbed your thumb back and forth over its small head.
"Who could do something like this? It's tiny, where's it momma?" You started to panic looking around. "Here kitty, kitty?"
"Y/N sweetheart, someone might have abandoned it, the mom might not have been able to cope or..." he trailed off.
You know what he meant, placing a gentle kiss to the top of the small animal's head.
It was getting darker and the pair of you had to return to set for a few more scenes. "Let's head back to set, we can warm him up - get him some water or milk from my trailer."
You weren't needed for the next scene; the other make up artist offered to take over after hearing about the situation. You and your new found family member waited for Jensen in his trailer. You warmed up some milk, dipping your finger in the small saucer and letting the kitten suckle from your finger.
It didn't take long before Jensen walked back through your door, smiling at the pair of you.
"I've found a 24 hour veterinary office nearby, it's where Jared takes Arlo, how about we get this little guy checked out?"
"Yeah, that sounds good," you sniffed, holding the kitten closer to your chest. You took off your beanie, deciding to wrap the kitten up warm in there before you headed out.
The pair of you arrived at the vet’s office and made your way to the reception desk. Jensen explained and filled out the forms before a vet lead you back to an exam room. You placed the cat down on the table, still snuggled in your beanie, letting the vet get a good look.
"He's a little dehydrated but shouldn't need a drip. He should be with his mom, ideally. He's a little small for his age too, probably the runt of the litter."
"Is that why he was abandoned?" you asked, picking up the kitten again. He began to suckle at your finger again as you cooed.
"It's hard to say, the owner could have or his mom, you're lucky you found him with the cold nights coming,” the vet explained.
Jensen smiled at the pair of you, exchanging a few more words with the vet about his condition.
"So, if you two want to leave him here we have plenty of staff available to help rehabilitate and re-home him when he is older."
"No!" You whispered, covering the kitten's ears. "I mean can't we keep him?"
"If you want to yes, I can get one of our nurses to give you some equipment and milk to tide you over for tonight and talk you through feeding schedules and care."
"Yes, this little guy is coming with me, you'll never be abandoned again sweet boy! I'm going to call you Binks, huh? You like that little Binksy?"
"Hocus Pocus?" Jensen smiled.
"Of course, plus it's Halloween this month, perfect name for our perfect little guy."
It turned out Binks was also blind in one eye, but that only made you love him even more.
"Did you know black cats are one of the most abandoned?" you told Jensen as you leant over his shoulder. He had Binks wrapped in a blanket, a small bottle of milk in his hand that the kitten was suckling off, every now and then a drop falling out of his mouth. Jensen let out a chuckle as he wiped up the drops. The vet said he'd need to be on milk for at least a week or two, depending on his age and how to gently wean him from milk to solid foods.
"I can't see why. You know, I never was a cat person, but this little guy is great."
"So tomorrow, we need to go shopping for supplies!" You exclaimed. "I've already made a list, we need wet food, the vet said we can try weaning him off the milk soon. Which means he also needs food bowls, he'll need some blankets, a scratching post-” you continued, listing everything he needed or you wanted for him. You wanted to give him everything since he had such a bad start in life.
Jensen nodded in agreement. "Whatever he needs."
"Since when did you go soft?" you asked him.
The next morning as promised you left Jensen at home with Binks while you went to the pet store. Jensen knew maybe he should have sent a chaperone along with you, and that thought was confirmed when you came through the door with two big bags and a box with 'cat tree' printed on the front.
The next few days consisted of the two of you mixing solid food with Binks' milk and letting him lick food off his mouth and your fingers. The weaning process was quite easy, and before you knew it he was seeking out the small plate of wet and dry food you left him.
You played with him every day and much to Jensen's mock annoyance, he spent most nights cuddled around either one of your necks or on either of your chests.
"So, I've been asked to do a shoot for the EW Halloween magazine, so I was wondering if I could take Binks along? We could get some good photos with him and we can bring some attention to black cats around Halloween and adopting instead of buying animals?"
Of course you let him, knowing how cute the pictures would be of your two favourite guys. Jensen didn't let you come, wanting it to be a surprise for you when it came out.
With Halloween finally a week away, you and Jensen had decorated the house and your garden with pumpkins and decorations. That's when the pair of you decided to introduce Binks to the Supernatural family officially before the magazine came out. You staked a smaller pumpkin on top of a bigger one next to the fall decorations adorning your porch and placed Binks on top. You snapped a picture and decided to use this as the picture you wanted to use to show the world your new addition.
When the magazine came out you couldn't help but smile at how cute the pictures were. Jensen was dressed in a suit, holding Binks in his hand as they both stared right into the camera. You were surprised at how well they came out; you knew how hard it was to work with animals sometimes from what Jensen had told you of the dogs and the snake! The article inside was exactly what you had hoped for too, linked to your Instagram post and the thousands of comments about adoption and people's own stories pouring in you knew you'd made the right choice.
Halloween night came around and you were hiding from the trick or treaters, spending a quiet night in. You both spent the evening cuddled with a blanket and candy. Binks was spread over both of your laps, happy and purring as you watched the film that started it all; Hocus Pocus.
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amberandmetal · 7 years
Happy Halloween
Author: @waywardkitten Featuring: Dean x F!reader Written for:  @torn-and-frayed ‘s halloween with Dean drabble challenge. Prompt: Jack-o-lanterns Warnings: Just slightly bickering.Other than that just fluff Rating: Teen and up Word count: 599 Summary: Reader and her boyfriend is at her parents house for the Halloween weekend. Said boyfriend is not amused. ~ Kind words & feedback are food to a creative mind ♡
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“You do realise the ridiculous irony in all this, right?”
You glared at the man on your old childhood bed as you kept massaging the cinnamon scented body butter onto your legs.
The increasingly cold weather was absolute hell on your skin. 
Your put your hair up in a messy bun and buttoned the last hole in one of Dean’s shirts that you had claimed as your sleeping attire for the night. “Oh come on!”, he exclaimed “we left Sam alone to fight real monsters to, what? Hang around with your family and pretend to be monsters?”
He slumped back against the pillows with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest “This holiday is bs, and you know it”
You stopped in the doorway to the bathroom for a second, fixing Dean with a glare that shot daggers before primly putting your toothbrush between your teeth and slamming the door behind you.
You bit back the angry growl that threatened to rise up your throat. Of course you agreed with him about the laughable notion of Halloween but this wasn’t about that. This was the two of you taking a weekend to visit your childhood home and for once spend some quality time with your family. You rarely got to see them; the more you stayed away the safer they’d be- and it had almost been a year since the last time you saw them.
You spat and rinsed before splashing your face with cold water, trying to calm down before inhaling deeply, steadying yourself, and opening the door.
The room was dark save for the warm glowing light coming from the balcony outside your window. Dean was on the bed with an apologetic grin crooking his handsome features. Your eyebrows drew together high on your forehead as you blinked outside, your gaze falling on the small lit jack-o’-lanterns placed on the white wooden railing. “Dean..”
When you turned back he’d made a mess of the covers trying to get under them, his clothes strewn on the floor. He looked up at you with a glint in his eye and his right arm spread out in an inviting gesture. The warm orange light from the flames danced and licked up and down his face, casting shadows in the beginning lines and turning his shamrock eyes into something almost chartreuse. “I’m sorry I was a whiny bitch…”, he drawled “..but you know I hate leaving Sam to fend for himself..”
A fond smile danced over your lips as he added “..the little shit”, at which you laughed before jumping onto the bed right next to him with an impish grin on your face. “What?”
“I should’ve known that’s what this was about. You’re such a mother hen”, you giggled, swatting him playfully with a pillow before laying down and snuggling up at the crook of his shoulder.
Dean let out an indignant huff “Am not”
You barked a laugh so loud it eased up his disgruntled expression and he offered you a small smile before turning on his side to scoop you up and pull you close to him. You let out a pleased sigh as the warmth of him seeped through the thin layer of your shirt and he began peppering your neck with slow, soft kisses. You opened your eyes towards the ceiling, letting your gaze follow the dancing shadows the jack-o’-lanterns cast. “Happy Halloween..”, he breathed underneath your ear.
You laughed, biting his forearm playfully before turning around in his arms to face those emerald eyes that were currently sparkling with mirth. “You’re such a cheeseball”
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mandilion76 · 7 years
His Trick, Their Treat
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 465(My first official drabble, holy shit!)
Warnings: Just a bit of making out in public and fluff
A/N: Written for @torn-and-frayed ‘s Halloween With Dean Drabble Challenge, my prompt is spine chilling, which is bolded in the story.  All mistakes are mine.  I hope you enjoy!
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Dean was having a hell of a time concentrating on the movie playing on the big screen before him, what with Y/N sitting in the seat next to him, her attention solely focused on the B Horror movie she had insisted they see to celebrate Halloween. It was her favorite holiday, she had explained to him.  Even though he wasn’t much into Halloween, he was so wrapped around her finger that he’d do just about anything to make her happy. So here they were in the very back row, alone except for the three or four other couples scattered throughout the theater
With the largest bucket of popcorn between them and five or six boxes of various candy (because as Y/N put it, what would Halloween be without all the sugary goodness that comes with it?) along with their drinks, Dean watched Y/N, her striking features basked in the white light radiating from the movie screen. The way she held the popcorn to her lips, pausing just long enough for a gasp of surprise to escape before pulling the salty kernels in with her tongue, was a complete turn on for Dean.
“Dean, this is the best part!” Y/N exclaimed, her eyes never once straying from the screen. In her excitement, she dropped one of the boxes of candy onto the floor.   “Here, let me get that sweetheart,” Dean offered, bending at the waist to reach for the candy. As soon as his eyes became accustomed to the darkness, he easily located the rogue candy.  Feeling frisky, Dean leisurely straightened back in his seat, ghosting two of his fingers up the side of Y/N’s leg along the way.  
Y/N’s gasp of surprise perfectly coincided with the gruesome scene currently playing, and no one the wiser because of it.  He held out the box of candy and waited for Y/N to grab it out of his hand. “What the hell Dean, you scared me!” Y/N muttered, but a quick glance at Dean told her everything she needed to know.  
“I was just thinking…” Dean leaned over to kiss her neck, his breath lightly caressing the exposed skin. “…there are better ways to induce spine chilling sensations than some B horror movie,” he murmured, peppering kisses along her jawline. The feeling of his five o’clock shadow as it brushed across her skin sent chills up and down her spine.
“Mmm, you’re definitely not wrong,” Y/N hummed, turning towards Dean to brush her lips against his, neither one caring about the bucket of popcorn tumbling to the floor. As happened so many times before, Y/N lost herself in Dean’s kiss, this time the combination of salt and sweet on his tongue oddly intoxicating. It left her needing more.  Needless to say, the movie was no longer a distraction.  
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justme-noonebutme · 7 years
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Prompt: Cobwebs
Word count: 886
Warnings: fluffy romance 
A/n: Happy Halloween! This little Drabble is for the #Halloween With Dean Drabble Challenge for @torn-and-frayed. Thank you for letting me join! My prompt was Cobwebs and my pairing was DeanxReader. I hope you enjoy. It’s my first attempt to romance stuff so be nice.  
I rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake. Dean and I had been hiding for almost two hours in the back room of an old and dusty thought-to-be vamp-nest, waiting for it’s residents to return.
“How much longer do you wanna wait?” My whisper disturbed the deafening silence.
Dean was sitting beside me on the floor. His back leaning against the wall, eyes focused on the task at hand, as he tried to balance the hilt of his machete on his index finger.
“It’s your call. I’m just here for the company,” he smiled, never dropping the machete.
“Alright. You were right, I was wrong,” I muttered, looking down as I punctured the wooden floor with the tip of my own machete.
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure I heard that. What did you just say?” his smile widened to an amused grin as he flipped his machete upwards and caught it in one swift motion.
“No reason to get greedy, Dean.” I bumped my shoulder against his trying my best to suppress the smile on my face.
“So, are you ready to get back to the bunker now?” He got onto his feet reaching his hand out to me, which I took begrudgingly as he helped me up.  I brushed the dust from the back of my jeans and stretched my legs.
“Guess so. We’re probably not getting lucky tonight anyways.”
“That was your plan, huh? You should really work on your seduction methods,” Dean grinned and I tried my best to just let the comment slide.
“And there goes another night without a hit.” I kicked a chair on our way out of the back-room into what must have been a living room once. “I was so sure we’d finally get some action.”
I bit my lower lip, hoping he would ignore the suggestion in my comment.
“No reason to be grumpy, sweetheart. You knew it was a stretch to come here.”
“I know…” I huffed as I kicked against the front door to open it up and then slammed it shut, making the walls jiggle. I took a glance back, stopping in my tracks. We probably were lucky to get out of there alive. The house looked as if it might fall apart at any second and, I imagined, if a fight had taken place in there it probably would’ve fallen down on us in an instant.
“What a dump. Not even a vamp would want to stay here.”
Dean turned around at my words and walked back the few steps that he had been ahead of me.
“Hold still, you got some…” he raised his hand to the top of my head, softly picking grey strands from my hair. The sudden proximity of his body and face to mine made my stomach tingle. This felt different.
“Cobwebs” he stated still standing so unusually close to me, stroking once more over my hair. I looked up and his eyes met with mine. I just stood there. A second ago I had no other thought in my head but to leave this place and now my feet couldn’t move an inch if my life depended on it. His eyes searched mine as if he was trying to look into my head and read my thoughts. I would’ve let him, if I had any idea what was going on in there. All I could think was that his eyes had never been this green before and that his scent had never smelled so good before. We had been physically close many times so why did the heat from his body suddenly set a bunch of butterflies free in my stomach?
His right hand found my face and as his thumb softly stroked over my cheekbone as I closed my eyes. My knees felt weak. His kiss was soft and careful, but I felt like he tried to hold back the urge to let his passion take over. As his lips parted from mine and my eyes opened up again I smiled shyly up at him. He smiled back, his hand again stroking my hair, tucking stray strands behind my ear. I breathed in, gathering all of my courage, and pulled him towards me, crashing his lips to mine. My heart was racing and my cheeks felt hot as our kiss deepened. When he finally broke away he was holding my face in his hands. I felt dizzy and wanted nothing more than to keep him here with me so that tonight would never end. He smiled at me as I chuckled, knowing that the grin on my face told him all he needed to know.
“I guess you got lucky tonight after all,” Dean grinned back.
behind my ear. I breathed in, taking all the courage I had in me and pulled him towards me, crashing his lips to mine. My heart was racing and my cheeks felt hot as our kiss deepened. When he finally broke the kiss holding my face in his hands I felt dizzy and wanted nothing more than to keep him here with me so that tonight would never end. He smiled at me as I chuckled knowing that the grin on my face told him all he needed to know.
“I guess you got lucky tonight after all” Dean grinned.
Tags: I just tagged away... ;) 
@torn-and-frayed @anticipate1003 @gabby913  @yellowstar7 @cra-zy-vib-es1999 @brewinchesterskywalker @wickidlady @bookchic20 @miraxo-xo-supernatrual
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sugarlips-jensen · 7 years
It’s Halloween!
Author: @sugarlips-jensen Word Count: 955 (five words to spare!) Warnings: slight cursing? fake horror, i guess? it’s a haunted house fic, y’all. A/N: This is for @torn-and-frayed ‘s Halloween with Dean Challenge!
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“We have to stop, Y/N!” Dean whined - actually whined. Dean Winchester, infamous hardass and cold-hearted dick he could be, was whining, begging you to come into the haunted house he’d spotted on your way out of town.
“Dean,” you huffed, “I’m exhausted and covered in dirt and vampire blood-”
“It’s authentic, then!” he cut you off, as he pulled the impala gently onto the dirt road toward the haunted house, “It’s Halloween, no one is going to look twice at the fact that you’re covered in blood, they’ll think it’s your costume!”
“This is so stupid,” you scoffed, but there was no saying no now. Dean had made his decision, and there was no turning back.
“Ha!” Dean hooted, and you had the distinct feeling that if his hands weren’t on the wheel he’d have pumped his fist in the air. “This is going to be great - it’s got that middle-of-nowhere, small town haunted house vibe. I hope it’s terrifying.”
You released a low, breathy chuckle, “I hope it sucks.”
Dean ignored you as you pulled up and parked among the cars; there weren’t many - only about four.
And, even if you didn’t particularly like haunted houses, you could admit that this one had the spooky vibe all on it’s own. Situated in the middle of a field, there was nothing to be seen in any direction but tall swaying grass. Even when you turned to look over your shoulder, back towards the town, the lights were distant and dim. Two stories tall and built out of wood, the house itself looked appropriately dilapidated - smashed out windows, broken posts off the rail surrounding the large porch, strategically placed debris.
A scream sounded from inside the house - high and keening, and you jolted. Dean chuckled lowly but didn’t comment. It wasn’t actual fear, per say, you hunted the things that scared normal people every day, but it grated against your instincts to not rush in and help.
You approached the door quietly, flicking your eyes upward to read the sign that was haphazardly tacked above the rusty screen door that squealed as you opened it.
Dean was practically buzzing with excitement as you scoffed and whispered, “Enter at your own risk? Really?”
“Shhhh,” he responded, motioning you forward, into the house. There was a hallway that lead towards the backdoor, with a staircase next to it, and to your left was a living room. You jolted slightly when you took a second glance at the living room; a fake corpse was laid across the couch, but it looked so real. Even to someone who saw corpses constantly. Fake blood flowed down it’s throat, pooling on the couch and dripping into a puddle on the floor.
Dean’s mouth brushed against your ear, “Let’s go upstairs.”
Despite yourself, goosebumps rose along your arms, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up as you started toward the staircase. One step, two, three… something moved in the shadowy darkness, but you didn’t have time to prepare yourself as a body swung downward towards you, swinging inches from your face. You screamed, leaping backwards, only to connect with a hard chest. His breathing was quick, leading you to believe that he’d been startled too, even as he laughed.
Your heartbeat pounded loudly in your ears as you stepped around the swinging form, and continued up the staircase. It lead to three bedrooms, one directly in front of the staircase, and the other two to the right and left.
“Go left,” Dean whispered, and you rolled your eyes as you swung right. He chuckled, but followed you as you headed toward the bedroom. There were streaks of red along the walls, finger sized paintings of blood. An axe protruded from one wall, through a full hand print. You shivered.
Your fingers shook slightly when you reached the door and started for the doorknob. Dean bumped impatiently into your back - you could feel his hot breath across your neck, and you told yourself it was the atmosphere of the haunted house that had your breath coming out short. It wasn’t the way he curved a hand around your hip, or bumped his hard chest against your back.
A distraction, to push the door open, even as you stifled a groan.
It was staged like a little girl’s room. Pink, gauzy curtains swayed next to the shattered window, red streaked through the pastel pink. A small white table, equip with a tiny tea set, was in the middle of the room. Stuffed animals were stacked along the tiny twin bed, adorned with a pink comforter to match the curtains. But to top it all off, there was the creepiest doll you’d ever seen sitting at the table. With stringy blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and wide, unfeeling blue eyes. You couldn’t stop staring at her, at the way the paint had started to crack, and the blood they’d smeared across her face and dress.
You were so caught up in the scene that you didn’t register when Dean moved away from you, and crept away from your side. Suddenly, he jumped out, and grabbed your shoulders, shaking you. Your heart skipped a beat, and the scream that tore from your mouth caught slightly as you leapt away from him.
Your heartbeat was pounding in your ear drums as anger flared, replacing the fear, and you glared at him.
“What the fu-”
He cut you off but stepping forward and pressing his lips against yours, consuming your anger and replacing it, one slow, languid kiss at a time, until your body was roaring with something else; need.
Grinning against your mouth, he pulled back and whispered, “I got you.”
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Different Countries, Different Customs
Title: Different Countries, Different Customs
Chapter No./One-Shot/ Drabble: Drabble
Words: 466
Author: Sille
Challenge: Halloween with Dean drabble challenge
Pairing: DeanxReader
Notes/Warnings: German superstition, accent, reader is not from the US, all the mistakes are mine
Summary: After finishing a hunt with Sam and Dean ou three celebrate it at the local bar
Author’s Note: This was an interesting challenge. First time I really did some research for one of my fics that took me longer than a few minutes. So thanks @torn-and-frayed for hosting it! Also I’m still searching for a Beta-Reader. If you’re interested shoot me an ask!
You were at the local bar together with Sam and Dean after a successful hunt. Sam was just getting your drinks so you were sitting alone with Dean in one of the corner booths.
“So Y/N, what brings you to good old America?” he asked and laid his arm around your shoulders.
You grinned at him. “Caught the accent, didn’t you?”
“There is no mistaking it. Even though it is subtle, I give you that.”
You chuckled and caught his hand laying on your arm with one of yours. “Well, originally I’m from Germany. My dad got a job offer here when I was a teenager so we moved,” you explained playing with his fingers.
“And when did you start hunting?”
“When I was 18. My family was killed by a vampire on Halloween nonetheless. Didn’t know what it was as it attacked us in our home. Another hunter saved me and helped me get my revenge. Been hunting ever since.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Dean tightened his arm around you in a comforting gesture.
“Thank you.” you smiled at him. “But it was years ago.”
He opened his mouth to say something else but didn’t get the chance. Sam came back in that moment with your drinks in hand.
“Here you go,” said he as he handed you and Dean your beers.
“Thanks,” you responded.
“Well, here’s to us and successful hunt!” declared Dean as he wanted to clink bottles with you but you pulled yours away.
“Ah!” you began. “You have to look me in the eyes as we toast. Otherwise, you will have bad sex for the next seven years.”
Dean looked at you confused. You just shrugged. “German superstition and I’m not risking it! I would rather have no sex than bad sex.”
He watched you for a moment but then began to smirk. “Well, if the lady insists.” he acknowledged and held his bottle out to you. His look was intense as you clinked bottles with him. Heat was building in your stomach. You knew just from this one look that you were getting lucky tonight.
After you both touched bottles with his brother, Dean gave his full attention to you again.
“Do you have any more German superstitions? I have to say I’m a bit intrigued,” he asked.
“Well, we’ve got a few. I could tell you about them back at my motel room?” you suggested and threw him an obvious glance. He couldn’t misjudge the meaning.
The slow smile said that he didn’t. “Lead the way,” he said eagerly.
You placed the almost full bottle of beer on the table and stood up. Dean did the same before he turned to Sam with a wide grin.
“Don’t wait for me, Sammy. I’ve got some research to do!”
The End
Forever Taggys: @emptywithout
Dean Taggys: @akshi8278
If you want to be tagged in future stories shoot me ans ask!
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torn-and-frayed · 7 years
Halloween With Dean Drabble Challenge
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It’s been awhile since I’ve hosted a challenge, I know. I love Halloween so I decided to host a drabble challenge surrounding it. I know there’s a shit ton of challenges happening right now, so I figured a drabble challenge would be super low stress. 
1. Must be Dean x Reader or Jensen x Reader (I know it says Halloween with Dean but I decided to allow Jensen because...I’m me.) No ships. 
2. Cannot be longer than 1000 words. 
3. Cannot be part of an ongoing series. Can stand alone or can be part 1 of a new series. 
4. Can be fluff, smut, angst, smangst, flangst, whatever you want. I don’t care. You do you. 
5. Fics are due Saturday, November 4th. No specific time. Just whenever. If you need an extension, just tell me. I really don’t care. Shit happens. I know. 
6. Use the hashtag #Halloween With Dean Drabble Challenge in your first 5 tags and don’t forget to tag me in your fic. If I didn’t like it in ~48 hours I didn’t see it. Send me the link! 
How to Join:
Send me an ask with your prompt and a backup prompt just in case yours is taken. 
Prompts and tags below the cut. 
1. Haunted Houses
 2. Trick or Treating
 3. Pumpkin Carving
 4. Black Cats
 5. Witches
 6. Ghosts
 7. Ghouls
 8. Vampires
 9. Halloween Costumes
 10. Halloween Party
 11. Mischief Night
 12. Telling Ghost Stories
 13. Scaring Each Other
 14. Candy Corn
 15. Sugar High
 16. Scary Movie Marathon
 17. Hayrides
 18. Nightmares
 19. Clowns
 20. Porcelain Dolls
 21. Jack - o - Lanterns
 22. Scarecrows
 23. Fog
 24. Halloween Carnival
 25. Pumpkin Patch
 26. Demons
 27. Blood
 28. Death
 29. Wraith
 30. Scream
 31. Zombie
 32. Graveyard
 33. Mist
 34. Mauseoleum
 35. Fright Nights
 36. Potions
 37. Enchantment
 38. Macabre
 39. Darkness
 40. Bloodcurdling
Added Prompts:
41. Haunted Hayride 42. Werewolf 43. Phantom 44. Superstition 45. Grim Reaper 46. Apparition 47. Ectoplasm 48. Spine Chilling 49. Shadows 50. Cobwebs
Writer Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @ariannnawinchester @arryn-nyxx @blacktithe7 @bringmesomepie56 @captainradicalpassion @chaos-and-the-calm67 @d-s-winchester @dancingalone21 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @deanssweetheart23@deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @docharleythegeekqueen @dreamsfromthebunker @ellen-reincarnated1967 @evansrogerskitten @feelmyroarrrr @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @iwantthedean @iwriteshortstuff @jayankles @kayteonline @kittenofdoomage @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @mrs-squirrel-chester @mrswhozeewhatsis @nichelle-my-belle @not-moose-one-shots @percussiongirl2017 @percywinchester27 @ravengirl94 @sis-tafics @supernatural-jackles @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @trexrambling @wayard-marvel-sommer1196 @waywardjoy  @wheresthekillswitch@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @wildfirewinchester @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @winchesterprincessbride @winchesters-favorite-girl
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