i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
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I'm a shadow apart
Passed through time and the dark
From a treacherous start
To the ember's last spark
My beloved Commander and an even more beloved dottir, Alysannyra herself, in her most accurate form (aka if anet let me play beefy fem!humans.) She even has her muted, creepy eyes and scars <3
Thank you so much @heyitsmejona for bringing my girl to life <3333
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Greetings! Disjointed thoughts again: 1) There's going to be keeper graphic novel? That's so cool! 2) Your "nonsie" nicknames are really cute, and remind me of the "anonymous animal" thing on google docs ;) 3) I haven't listened to many of those musicals, so I'll give them a listen (hopefully)! I like a bunch of musicals but my comfort musical is Be More Chill. Also, I'd love to hear about your movie thoughts! I hope you're enjoying your day! - Amethyst
OKAY! Skipping over all that to get right to the movie thing because I simply must speak of it. The movies I was referring to were RRR and Baahubali 1 and 2 (3 isn't out yet). Each one is like 3 hours long ish but they're SO good. Such delightful cinema. They're incredibly dramatic (at least by my standards, which are unfortunately american), and some parts are incredibly unrealistic but takes itself so seriously and it's so entertaining. Not in like, this is a shitty movie that embraces that like velocipastor, but like it's a really well funded and produced movie that knows sometimes realism is a detriment to enjoyment so it throws it out.
It's been a while since i watched Baahubali so I couldn't really tell you the plot (I know I had a lot of fun with it though), but I can tell you RRR is about Indian revolution against british colonies. That. is such an understatement. It's also about these two men who are best friends but also enemies (but don't know they're enemies) overcoming that difference to unite and fuck over england. I don't want to spoil anything but it's SO good and has so much more going on than I can cover. Absolutely worth the 3 hours. There's also a full dance scene in there. And it's also nominated for an oscar for the dance scene song :)
If you don't have 6 hours to watch the baahubali's (skimmed the plot to refresh my memory, I think it's about a sibling rivalry for a kingdom but one of the two didn't know they were an heir, but is also insanely powerful and Good and Things), please find 3 hours to watch RRR you will not regret it it's so so good. I have been to the cinema once in the past three years and it was for this movie and I'd do it again.
Alright back to the rest of this ask. 1) yeah!! very exciting! this doesn't really do anything for me personally because I. am not really into graphic novels or visual media (I can't really picture things in my head), but it does give me something else keeper to add to my collection! 2) thank you! it's kinda become second nature at this point as just a thing that I do, but every so often I remember "huh, I deliberately chose to come up and use that". I didn't want to use the typical "nonnie/nonny" i'd seen, so I switched it up a little and now it's just part of my blog. And also part of some other people's blogs I think, sometimes I see other people say it.
3) Oh i've listened to Be More Chill! I haven't in a while, I must admit, but I listened to the typical new age musicals--Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hanson, Hamilton, Heathers. Oh! Speaking of Heathers, my favorite song from that musical is "I Say No", which isn't even on the main track; it's an addition to the world tour or something along those lines. But when I learned that I was so excited, like woah! There's this bomb song that just isn't on the main track??? WHY isn't it everywhere it's so good!
and thank you, I'm having a pretty good day! played some games (only today learned about the charms in omori), embroidered (ish) a little bunny on my shorts, didn't have to do any homework, stimmed to some songs, etc. Might bake something (apple muffins), unknown yet. I hope you're doing well and having a good whatever time it is where you are!
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rewriting canon to make miras love interests into girls. hold on. gonna rename fop doppler into dandy doppler & keep romac the absolute same cool motorcycle butch. need this bad
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hdmiports · 1 year
cis people are so weird sometimes
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al1fers-haven · 3 months
Almost Instinctual
Alastor x pregnant!reader
‼️pregnant reader, pregnancy in general, overprotective Alastor, a bit of angst, secret pregnancy‼️
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Prompt: In where you, y/n, go to the Hazbin hotel for shelter after splitting up with your previous boyfriend. And try and keep your pregnancy a secret until you find a better solution.
Part 1 (you’re here!), part 2
(I am lazy and am writing this like it’s a bunch of facts and writing specific scenes…I might rewrite when I get my laptop.)
(8 weeks/2 months)
You and your boyfriend had split up about a week ago, afraid you’ll run out of money eventually you decided that instead of staying at a creepy motel with no locks, you’d move to a free-helpful option.
Of course you felt a little bad for abusing the owners kindness, using the Hazbin hotel not for redemption, but instead for shelter and food.
Charlie had welcomed you in with open arms (literally, she squeezed you pretty hard.) and even introduced you to everyone except for two who were out running around hell.
Alastor was explained to you as a creepy, tall deer man who may sound rude but has good intentions.
And Charlie explained angeldust as a ‘work in progress’ and told her a couple stories instead of describing him.
Charlie offered you the job of receptionist, claiming that husker wasn’t exactly good with the socializing aspect of it and you happily accepted. Eyes beaming at the opportunity for a job right infront of you.
(12 weeks/3 months)
You were happily greeted with nausea every morning. The morning sickness now starting to affect you more than ever, you haven’t exactly told anyone about your pregnancy and were hoping to be out of the hotel by the time you started showing.
Now working at the hotel for a bit, you noticed that probably wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
“Are you alright y/n?” Charlie peaked her head into the bathroom; a small frown on her face as you heaved a bit, nodding.
“Yup- I’m just dandy..! Mind getting me a wet towel or something love? I think I ate something bad yesterday…” Charlie let out a little gasp and nodded, running off to god knows where just to get that little thing for you.
You had actually started to get to know the patrons of the hotel more, for example. You learned angeldust was actually the pornstar you had heard about all over social media. And he adored three things.
Making people uncomfortable.
And candy crush.
Husk had given you a couple of sickness remedies, saying that they would help with stomach bugs. All natural just incase you were allergic and you slowly started to warm up to him.
Charlie and vaggie had grown to be very special to you now. Their opposite personalities absolutely making you giggle everytime you hung out with them or went out for groceries.
Now, Alastor was an odd fellow. He was a bit younger than you since you were hellbotn and all but he seemed to act older than you. Calling you things like ‘dear’, ‘Cher’, or Mon biche.
Mon biche was the most common one, and after looking it up. You realized he was calling you my doe, or just doe 90% of the time.
He definetly knew. Not letting you eat any form of ‘raw meat’ that would go on your plate and even specially making drinks for you so you felt like you could participate in drinking games without suspicion.
Overall, he was a total kitten. A bit emotionally stunted in areas of course..but he never failed to brighten the room.
(Unless he was threatening someone.)
(17 weeks/3.2 months)
You started showing, not visibly with clothing on but you were still showing when you sat down.
Your closet changed a bit, from nice outfits to usually a dress you had gotten or some high waisted sweats, trying to be as comfortable as possible in your state.
Alastor had been…odd.
He had started to let you grab his arm when going up or down the stairs, which usually during conversations he’d just stand at the bottom waiting. And he now seemed like he was constantly watching you.
Husker had done the same. The two animal demons in the hotel knowing because of a certain change in smell, it wasn’t like you didn’t know it was going to happen.
Husker had promoted for just leaving you alone and stopping the mean comments, understanding that pregnant women were a force to be reckoned with. (And you appreciated that. You had been crying earlier that day for the cookie you bought not tasting like blueberry’s.)
You cried a couple times because of angel, which Alastor just stared at you as you sniffled and attempted to keep the conversation going.
You also cried about 2 days ago because Charlie bought you a pretty necklace. It was hell.
Alastor tried to be accommodating in the field of emotional intelligence but…he failed. Making you cry more times than he could count and to be honest he only cared that he did because you were quite literally an angel to everyone.
Husker asked you in private one day if Mr smiles was the daddy to that little hellspawn and all you could do was laugh and blush a bit. Telling husker that he wasn’t and that he was just acting that way because she was a single mother.
Husker didn’t understand that, Alastor never had a soft spot for women her age.
(20 weeks/4 months)
First time you let anyone touch your stomach was during this time period, Alastor did so with adoration almost. Mentioning something about how he always had a soft spot for women with children..
You two had grown a bit closer.
Husker definitely still had his suspicions about you and the baby. He really thinks is alastors with the way he had been acting.
The red demon had gone out of his way several times to get you your weird ass cravings. One day you asked for a bite of his venison and then cried because you weren’t allowed to have it
You found him coming near you more often and asking multiple times to touch your baby bump as it grew, and everytime you let him that little tail of his would wag a bit behind him. Seemingly happy with the little life growing inside you.
He got more protective as well. Way more protective. He was your puppy that followed you around basically.
(He totally got you a bunch of ice cream, or helped you out with foods and sickness with his old man knowledge.)
(25 weeks/5 months)
If you wanna talk about awkward? Everyone in the hotel basically thought you and Alastor were a thing with how weird you two were together.
You would always be caught either straightening his bow tie or dusting off his shoulders. The term doting describing the two of you around one another.
May or may have not let it slip to Charlie that ‘it’s not like that, Alastor has said multiple times he doesn’t want to prey on pregnant women.
She asked to be the godmother.
Alastor hated the thought of that actually when you brought up that Charlie might be a good fit when he was giving you a snack. A nerve you didn’t know he had.
Soon everyone knew you were pregnant and angel was absolutely infatuated with this information. Asking who’s it is and stuff like that.
(7 months)
Alastor and you were practically a thing- he would help you out a lot and in return you’d kiss his cheek or help him out with cooking.
He practically worships the ground you walk on. Foot rubs for when they hurt, running a bath for you. Even going out of his way to compliment your outfits (even if you looked downright awful that day)
He even accompanied you to return the ring your ex gave you. Along with a couple other belongings you had from him.
Alastor may or may have not been seen with you outside , and you were mentioned by Rosie the next time.
(8 months)
Alastor and you had become somewhat official, if letting a dude fall asleep on your pregnant stomach bc he wanted to means official. Then yes( you were.
After you had a talk with Alastor about why he acted the way he did around you he simply said it was almost instinctual to take care of you. Something along the lines of him also being a gentleman.
He had invited you out to cannibal town, where you met Rosie and she was absolutely infatuated with you. Asking you questions and being so lovely towards you. Even going as far as mentioning she had her fair share of labor experience when it came to giving birth!
Alastor was very pleased to hear Rosie would help you- a bit scared she would eat the baby though…
(Part two coming out about nine months and the actual baby?)
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rheya28 · 10 months
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Sol School of Fashion ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
♥ Hi guys, today I present to you SOL School of Fashion "SOF". This build/project is extremely special as I collaborated with the lovely and talented @farfallasims who kindly curated all the looks for the 2023 SOF Fashion Show Event
2023 SOF Fashion Show Theme: LUXURIOUS TROPICS " High end fashion meets the tropics" Looks Curated by: @farfallasims [ Look Book Link ] 25:23 Build by : @rheya28 [ Speed Build & Fashion Show ]
♥ Sol School of Fashion "SOF" is a well known fashion studio/school located in Del Sol Valley. SOF is a space that encourages boldness, creativity, and innovation. Sims can have access to a café, photo studios, a classroom, a meeting room, a lounge, as well as a customizable runway with a backstage dressing room that consist of all the fashion necessities needed to produce a professional fashion show event.
♥ I placed this as a Generic Lot as we don’t exactly have a fashion school Lot type, so it’s all just pretend. This lot could also be set as a Café as it meets all the requirements to function as one.
♥ This build was inspired by bbygyal23's Curve Agency , another talented builder so please check out her content!
♥ Warning: This is another CC heavy lot
♥ Please make sure to turn on bb.moveobjects on!
♥ Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own.
♥ Feel free to tag me if you are using it, I love seeing my build in other peoples save file but please make sure to credit me.
0:02 Intro
1:34 Speed Build
25:23 Fashion Show
27:25 Photos
Lot Name: Sol School of Fashion
Lot type: Generic lot type or Cafe
Lot size: 40x30
Location: Starlight Boulevard, Del Sol Valley
TOOL MOD by TwistedMexi
*Note: I have all parts of all sets in this list unless noted otherwise, so I highly recommend you guys dl them since I frequently use them in all my builds!*
Awingedllama : Boho Living, nostalgia living
Greenllama: The woodwind collection
Novvas: Holz Kitchen
Qicc: Sleep Hallway, Urban Bedroom
S-imagination: Nota
Sooky: Abstract framed posters -wooden frame
Sooky: Bon ton n1 ceiling lamp - Tall
Syboubou: Daguerre Reica Camera, Ballet mirror , fency
The Clutter Cat: Dandy Diary, Mellow moods
Aira : Artist in me
Anye: Zara Bathroom
ATS4: pot 4, pot 13, plant 16 Crafting room: dressform blouse, dressform male, dressform suit, folded fabrics, jar, paperstack, patterns, sewing machine
Harrie: Bafroom, brownstone, kichen
House of Harlix: Baysic, harluxe, brutalist, coastal, kwatei, octave, shop the look 2, spoons, Jardane, Livin Rum, Orjanic, tiny twavellers
Felix Andre: Berlin, Chateau, fayun, colonial, grove, kyoto, paris, shop the look
Brainstrip: my corner cc pack desk only
Charlypancakes: Munch, the lighthouse collection, miscellanea, modish, smol
Leori: Hipster loft
Illogical Sims: Home office
Kaiso: rustico living
Kate Emerald: Blissful baby Ottoman
Kiwisims4: Blockhouse hallway, Blockhouse Dining
Leaf Motif: Devon kitchen
Little Dica: Country side Cabin, Rise & Grind, sleek slumber
Madame Ria: Back to basics paint wall, Limber lumber
Madlen: Hiru misc set
Rusticsims: Mayaken, Modular life
Myls: Simple Clothes rack nordic
Mxims: LG
Myshunosun: Sol kitchen, Arrie Office, Gale dining, Lottie, Macaron kitchen, herbalist kitchen, tranquil bedroom
Peacemaker: Alesund, Hudson, Kitayama, Terra tiles horizontal/vertical, Vera Office
Pierisim: Coldbrew, David Apartment, Domain Du clos, MCM, Oak house, Tilable, unfold, Winter Garden
max20/maxsus: Poolside lounge pack
Sforzinda: Func EP02 Espressogrindomatic, espressoimpresso, cabin slats
sims4luxury: Mcgee&co Callhan rug
Sixam: Artz Living room, small spaces work from home, hotel bedroom, kessler kitchen, stylist wood livingroom, teen room
TaurusDesign: Eliza Bedroom, Elsa kids room
mycupofcc: Modernist
Tuds: 2ndWave, beam, cave, cross, wave
♥ Thank you to all CC Creators
♥ Tray file
♥ Gallery ID: Applez
♥ Twitter: Rheya28__
♥ Tiktok: Rheya28__
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eideticmemory · 11 months
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Spencer is a lot of things to you. Your baby daddy, your lover, your best friend, and a massive pain in your ass.
Word Count: 6k.
Warning/Includes: Dad!Spencer, smut, angst, hurt/comfort.
You haven’t even caught your breath yet and you go, “We can’t do this anymore.”
And Spencer’s, whose chest is still heaving up and down, goes, “Wh…what?”
“We can’t do this anymore,” you wipe sweat from your forehead. “It’s tacky.”
Spencer props himself up his elbow and turns his body to face you, “Tacky? What do you mean?”
“Don’t do that. You know what I mean.”
“It’s…I mean…we…it’s healthy.”
“Tuh!” you laugh. “That’s your professional opinion, doctor?”
“Yes. Yes, sex is good for the body and the mind.”
“What if…” you prop yourself up on your elbows, “It’s with your ex, who you can never work it out with, who you have a kid with, on an occasional and convenient basis?”
“From personal experience, it’s the best sex you can ever have,” he finishes his sentence with a devilish smile and you roll your eyes, poke your tongue out at him.
You shake your head, “I have to go. You have to go,” you get out of bed.
Spencer’s eyes scan over your naked body and he asks, “Why? Where are you going?”
“Gotta pick up Dandelion from my mom’s,” you tell him as you button your jeans.
“Can I come?”
“What? No.”
“Why not? I haven’t seen Dandy in a week.”
“It’s not about you seeing Dandy. It’s about my mom seeing you.”
“What? She loves me.”
“Duh, more than she loves me, but you know how she likes to pry. She’s gonna think we’re back together.”
“Ah! No, not that we’re back together,” he mocks. “You say that like it’s a bad thing, darling.”
“Well, it’s not a good thing. Put some clothes on.”
“Take your clothes off.”
“Oh, you wish.”
“Can I come?”
“You came about five minutes ago, mister. It’s time for you to go.”
He fakes a laugh, “You’re so clever. Can I come?”
“Are you going to keep asking?”
“Ugh,” you roll your eyes. “Fine, just, put some fucking clothes on.”
“You’re so easy to wear down,” he giggles, and he hops up, gets himself dressed. You go to leave the room and he calls out to you, “Hey.”
He steps in front of you, takes a good look, and runs his hand over your hair, “I think it would be a good thing…”
You feel this lump in your throat, jammed in the center of your voice box, blocking any air, any words. You tear your eyes away from him and clear your throat, “God, I hate your haircut.”
He chuckles to himself as you maneuver around him and he follows you out to your car.
You ring your mom’s doorbell and say, “Need you to act normal, please.”
“Oh, so, not like we just came from having sex?”
You feel him squeeze your ass and you jump, swat at his arm, “Hey!”
“I’m just getting it all out now.”
And as you roll your eyes, the door opens and your mom greets you with nothing but an, “Oh!”
“Hey, mom,” you wave as you step inside.
“Hey, mom,” Spencer mimics and gives her a big hug.
“Well, this is a surprise, huh?”
“Wrapped up with a case early, darling said I could tag along.”
You round the corner into the living room and see Dandelion sitting in front of the TV, legs crisscrossed underneath her. You lean against the wall and just watch her for a moment. You scan over her features, your eyes landing on the tip of her nose that pokes out just like her dad’s. You clear your throat and she does a double take when she sees you.
“Mommy!” she shouts, and she hops up at lightning speed, rushing towards you as fast as her little feet will carry her.
You drop to your knees and let her crash into you, engulf her in your arms, hold her really tight. You pepper her face with kisses, saying, “Hi, baby, hi, baby!”
“Did you have a good day at work?” she asks you.
“Yes, baby. How was your day with Mimi?”
“We got ice cream.”
“No way!”
“What kind of ice cream?”
“Chocolate,” she giggles.
“Ooh, that’s your favorite. Did you eat all of it?”
“Every single bite?”
“Where did it all go, huh?” You start to tickle her tummy and she falls over in laughter. “Here? Here?”
Her giggles are so loud and contagious that you smile so wide, it hurts your face. “Guess what? I have a surprise for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, you,” you tickle her face. “Look,” you stand her up. “Look who’s here.”
On queue, Spencer pops his head around the corner and Dandelion’s eyes light up. She jumps up and down, screaming, “Daddy!”
“Dandy!” Spencer exclaims, and he scoops her up in his arms.
You stand up as he walks her into the living room, pecking soft kisses all over her face, twirling her around, “Oh, I missed you. I missed you so much.”
You watch the two of them, Spencer sat on the couch with Dandelion in his lap, his arms around her protectively. And as you settle into the peace of it all, something - someone - pinches you very hard and they won’t let go.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,” you wince, as your mom drags you into the kitchen.
“What the hell is Spencer doing here?” she whispers.
She stands in front of you with her arms crossed and you suddenly feel like a little girl. You cut your eyes over to Spencer and Dandy very briefly and stutter, “He…told you. They finished the case early and he asked if he could come see Dandy.”
“Mmhmm…” she nods.
“Mom, please,” you groan.
“Don’t mom, please me. What is going on?”
“Nothing is going on. I…we…he wanted to come see Dandy, so I let him come see Dandy. Coparenting 101, I don’t understand why you’re so suspicious.”
“What…what is this…” she reaches in and pulls down the collar of your shirt to reveal your neck. “Is…is that a hickey? Oh, [y/n], c’mon. What are you? 15?”
“No, no, I…burnt myself with a flat iron.”
She sighs, “I hope you know what you’re doing here, kid.”
“I’m not doing anything. Nothing is happening. I…”
“Shush,” she tells you and you turn around as Spencer enters the kitchen.
“Darling?” he calls.
“Hm?” you reply.
“Could I, uh, could Dandy come home with me? I’ll be off tomorrow and I can watch her while you’re at work and you could pick her up after?”
You and your mom exchange a glance and you cross your arms defensively, “Sure,” you nod at him. “Sure, if Dandy’s okay with that.”
“Thank you!” he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and your mom raises her eyebrows at you.
Spencer runs back into the living room, chanting, “Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day!” and Dandelion bursts into laughter, repeating him, going, “Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day!”
“Does he know nothing is happening?” your mom asks you.
“Spencer’s a smart boy, mom. Don’t worry about him.”
“And yet,” she sucks her teeth. “He’s a complete dumbass when it comes to you.”
Spencer asks if you can drive them to the park. There, JJ meets you with Henry. Dandy and him are close in age. In fact, Spencer had just returned from seeing Henry in the hospital when you told him you were pregnant. It was not your best timing, considering his familial trauma and all, but it had to be done. This puts Henry at 4 and Dandy running in close second at 6 months behind. JJ takes a seat next to you on the bench, watching Spencer run around with the kids. There are the casual aspects of conversation. The how are yous and how’s work and anecdotes about the kids and then she asks, “So, what’s going on between you two?”
“Ugh,” you groan. “Is there a sign on my face today or something?”
“Sore subject?” she grins.
“No. Nothing sore about it. Nothing’s going on…” you look at her from the corner of your eye, then turn your head, “Why? Why, did he say something to you?”
A beat passes.
“You seem disappointed by that,” she adds.
“Oh, no. Don’t do that. Do not profile me. You know I hate it when you guys do that.”
She laughs, “Well, I lied. He talks about you all the time.”
You bite down on your lip and look away.
A beat passes.
JJ says, “You seem pleased by that.”
You drive Spencer and Dandelion to his apartment and she runs in like she owns the place.
“Okay, so,” you hold out her backpack for him. “She’s got a change of clothes in here, some hair clips, some ties, oh, uh, how much of her body wash and shampoo do you have left? Because I don’t think I put any in here…”
When you look up and he’s giving you a blank stare, you go, “What?”
“You’re not gonna come in?”
“It’ll just confuse her.”
Spencer wants to argue. He wants to sweet talk you and coax you inside, but coparenting 101, “No, yeah, you’re right.”
He watches you kiss Dandelion goodbye and when she runs back inside, he says, “Call you at bedtime?”
“Yes. Please.”
He has that look in his eye like he wants to kiss you, you know it well. So you leave before he can get a chance.
When you’re laying in bed that night, Spencer calls you on FaceTime and he sets you up on the nightstand so you can see them both. Dandelion laying in bed and Spencer kneeling beside her.
“Hi, mommy!” They say in unison.
“Hi,” you giggle.
“We were just about to pick Dandy’s story for the night,” Spencer tells you. “Dandy?”
She tilts her head.
“What story do you want tonight, baby?”
“Ummm…” she hums, giggling, “The story about my name.”
“Ohhh, that’s a good story,” Spencer grins.
“That is a good story,” you smile.
Spencer holds Dandelion’s hands in his and starts, in this sweet, soft voice, “Once upon a time…there was a mommy and a daddy. And they loved each other sooo much that they were gonna have a…”
“Baby!” she finishes for him and he chuckles.
“That’s right, they were gonna have a baby! And the mommy and daddy were sooo excited about their baby, they just couldn’t wait. But when the time came for the baby to come…”
“She didn’t wanna come out!” Dandy laughs.
“No, no, no, the baby didn’t wanna come out. She wanted to stay warm and cozy in the mommy’s belly. So, the mommy and daddy tried everything to get their baby to come out, but nothing worked! Until one day, they went for a walk at the park. And the mommy was so big that she walked like this…” Spencer mimics your trademark waddle and the two of you laugh at him, you rolling your eyes at the screen. “And they walked and walked and walked and nothing was working. Until, this big, big gust of wind came by…”
He flails his arms, going, “Whoooooosh!” and Dandelion mimics him.
“It was so big, it almost knocked the mommy and daddy over. And when the wind stopped, this tiny, small dandelion floated out of the sky and landed right on the mommy’s belly…and then…”
“Pop!” they say in sync.
“The baby was ready to come out! So the daddy took the mommy to the hospital and out came the most beautiful baby the world has ever, ever seen. The mommy and daddy were so happy and they loved her so much. But they still had to pick a name for her. So after they thought and thought and thought, they named her…”
“Diana Dandelion Reid,” she smiles.
“That’s right,” Spencer nods. “But we just call you Dandy.”
Dandelion smiles as Spencer places a kiss on her nose. “Goodnight, baby. Say good night to mommy,” he grabs his phone and holds it up to her.
“Goodnight, mommy,” she tells you and your heart just melts.
“Goodnight, baby,” you whisper. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
She nods and rolls over as Spencer turns out the lamp, leaving her to sleep. Once he’s out of the room, he closes the door and gives you a soft smile.
“Thanks for joining us, darling.”
You smile, nod, “It’s a good story.”
“The best.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Looking forward to it.”
While you’re at work the next day, Spencer sends you a picture of the two of them out on the lake.
S: Pedal boats today!
You giggle to yourself.
Y: Omg so fun!! I thought you were afraid of open water?
S: I was terrified but she begged and begged and begged! What was I supposed to do???
Y: 😂😂😂
You pick up Dandelion after work and she is distraught.
“I don’t want daddy to go!” she cries and you see Spencer’s heart break. You can hear it.
“He’ll be back, baby, he always come back,” you whisper, rubbing her back.
“No-oo-oo!” she cries and reaches up for Spencer who scoops her into his arms before she can ball her hands into a fist.
“Hey, hey, hey, Dandy, look at me,” he cooes. He wipes the tears from her eyes, “You and mommy are going to call me everyday, huh? And you’ll tell me all about your fun day with Mimi and we’ll do your story before bed and I promise you, I will be back before you know it. Okay?”
She sniffles, gives him a sad nod.
“Okay, give me a hug,” he says and they squeeze each other real tight. “You, too, mommy,” he holds his other arm open for you and you hesitate, but only for a moment, and then you step in and wrap your arms around both of them.
“Mmm,” he hums happily, gives you both a kiss on the cheek, “My girls. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Dandelion lets Spencer hand her over to you and he waves until you guys are out of the door and all the way down the stairs. Then he exhales all the air in his chest and he cries. But only for a little bit.
He’s gone for a little over two weeks. The day he comes back, he doesn’t really give you any notice, he just texts: Back in town. What are you up to?
And you, still at work, reply: Nothin. Workin.
S: Lunch?
You meet him at a restaurant down the street and when you walk in, he gets so excited that he stands up to wave and knocks all the silverware off the table. Your hand flies to your mouth as it all falls to the floor in a loud sequence of clangs and booms and you watch him scramble to pick it all up. People are staring and as you make the decision to walk over to him, it’s like you’re saying to everyone: yep, he’s mine!
“Hi, darling,” he huffs, his face bright red.
“Hi,” you laugh.
He takes you in a warm embrace and you hold the back of his head in your hand.
“Oh, I missed you,” he says.
“We missed you, too.”
He’s not supposed to, but like he always has, he tells you all about the case they were working on. Full of twists and turns and gorey details that make you sick to your stomach but, somehow, you can still eat. He asks about Dandy and that leads you into the dreaded preschool conversation and you both shut it down instantly.
“How did she get so big?” he asks.
“We just…kept feeding her,” you laugh and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“Time needs to slow down. Seriously. It’s happening too fast.”
“I know. I know, I know, but we’ve got so much more to look forward to, y’know? First day of school and science fairs and graduations…”
“Ah-ah! No, no, none of that. She’s gonna be little forever.”
“You’re in denial, doctor.”
“Well, duh.”
“Here’s the check, you guys,” the waiter interrupts. “No rush, though. Take your time.”
“Thanks,” you say in unison.
“He only brought one check?” you question.
Spencer raises his eyebrows at you.
“And he gave it to you? How caveman of him.”
“Now, now, darling, stand down. Let me pay for your food.”
“I mean, of course I’m going to let you pay for it. I just don’t like the assumption.”
“What assumption?” he smirks.
“I…you really like driving me insane, don’t you?”
He cackles and nods, “Yeah, actually. Kinda my job.”
You laugh and lean into him a bit. The booth you two are in has you sandwiched shoulder to shoulder, and sure, there is plenty of room for there to be distance between you two, but you don’t want there to be. You look at his neck and reach in. As your fingertip touches his skin, you can feel his pulse kick up. You pull the chain from underneath his shirt and let the dandelion pendant fall to his chest.
“Where’s yours?” he asks and his fingertips trail over your collarbone, grabbing onto your matching necklace.
You release his chain, but he won’t let go off yours and he’s giving you that look and you just shake your head, “I should really get back to work.”
When you get to his place, the two of you burst through the door, bodies mangled and tangled together, lips mushed into each other’s faces. Spencer’s got his arms wrapped tight around your waist and your hands have gotten lost in his hair. As he pushes you backwards, you trip over a barbie doll and nearly fall over but he catches you.
“You okay?” he mumbles.
“Mhm,” you nod, and you whip your bodies around, push him onto the couch. He lands with a deep, “oof!” and watches you crawl into his lap. His eyelids drop, feeling the warmth of your hand on his face and your lips on his neck. He grips onto your waist, bunches your dress up in his hands and you work to unbutton his shirt.
You breathe into each other’s mouths, out of breath and grinding against one another on a constant, rhythmic loop.
“Mm,” you moan as he licks down your neck. “Do you have a condom?”
“Mm,” he ponders, “Condom, condom, condom…yes!” And he throws you off of him, leaving you laying on your back while he runs into his room. You slide your panties off and he returns with the packet in hand and falls right on top of you.
His body perched between your legs, you undo his pants and take his jaw in your hands, put your tongue in his mouth. He puts the condom on and holds onto the couch as he pushes all the way into you. You both gasp and Spencer crashes on top of you, catching you in a messy kiss. You pull your legs back for him and he starts pounding into you with this rhythm that you love and he knows that you love. He peppers soft kisses all over your face and grunts into your ear, grips onto your jaw so he can look you in the eye. He thrusts into you so quickly and with so much force that the couch is rattling around on the floor and your head is getting knocked off the edge of the couch. But he’s got you.
Your moans bounce off the walls and your mouth is wide open as you scream, “Fuck!”
As Spencer leans into kiss you, the both of you lose your balance and go sliding off the couch.
“Oh, shit!” you gasp, and try to hold on, but it’s too late and you guys fall on the floor, Spencer groaning as he breaks your fall.
“Oh, my god,” you whisper, leaning down to comfort him. “Oh, my god, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, just…just do that thing with your hips that I like,” he huffs.
You readjust, “This?” you pant as you start to grind your hips on his cock.
“Oh, yeah,” he moans, his eyes falling shut and his head rolling back. “Yeah, that’s it.”
You lean back, resting your hands on his knees and bounce on him, your mouth falling open. He paws at your breasts and pulls at the fabric of your dress. He knows you’re about to come because he knows you, and he knows your body and he can feel you tightening around him, your hips increasing in speed. Your voice starts to get real whiny and you pound your palms into his chest.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper and all he can do is watch, and hold himself back until you get there.
He takes your nipple into his mouth and you tangle your fingers in his hair and grind yourself against him until your whole body tenses up and trembles. You come with his face in your chest and your eyes rolling so far back in your head that you go blind. It only takes a few more motions of your hips for him to follow behind you and he holds onto you for dear life, muffling his groans against your skin.
You both fall onto the floor, still holding each other, trying to catch your breath. Spencer grips onto your hair and kisses you passionately, repeatedly, and casually says, “Love you.”
You can’t stop the visceral reaction you have. You just sit up and stare at him, your eyes big and wide. “I…” you stutter, give him a friendly pat on the face, “Love you…I have to go.”
He watches, dazed and confused, as you hop off of him and fix your dress, “You’re making me feel cheap here, darling.”
You laugh, awkwardly, “No, no, I just, I’m so late for work. I have to get back,” you trip over your panties as you pull them up your legs and swear, “Shit!”
Spencer fixes his pants and stands up, striding over to you, “I freaked you out…”
“What? No. You didn’t freak me out.”
“Because, I can say I don’t love you if it’ll fix it.”
“I’m not freaked out.”
“I don’t love you, I…hate you actually.”
“I’m just late for work,” you try to slide out the door but he reaches out for you.
“Wait, wait,” he calls. “I thought I could maybe see Dandy today?”
“Uh, yeah, she’s at my mom’s just, go whenever,” you shrug. “I have to go. Bye.”
“Darling?” he calls, but you close the door on him.
Your body shivers and you march down the hallway, down the stairs and back on your way to work. When your shift ends, you head over to your mom’s and she opens the door with a bright smile, “Hello, my love!”
“Hi,” you groan as you step inside.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just, rough day. Need to see my Dandy…” you round the corner and see Spencer playing with her in the living room, so you push yourself back, your mom along with you.
“What the hell is he doing here?” you whisper.
“He’s been here for a few hours. He said he told you?”
“He…I mean…yeah, he did. Why is he still here?”
“I don’t know, [y/n], maybe to be an active, caring father? Crucify the boy, why don’t you?”
Your heart is pounding out of your chest and you tug on your hair with a rush of anxiety.
“[y/n]…” your mom says. “What is going on?”
You sigh and lean against the wall, “I don’t know what I’m doing…you were right, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
And she steps in, grabs your shoulders, takes a deep breath. You follow her. In and out, in and out.
“Well, then,” she nods. “You better figure it the fuck out, baby.”
“I know. I know, I know.”
“Mommy?” Your heads turn to the sound of the tiny voice and Dandelion looks up at you with wide, innocent eyes and every bit of tightness in your chest just dissipates.
“Hi, honey,” you coo and you instantly lean down to pick her up. “Oh, hi, you. Hi, my baby.”
Spencer follows her out there and waves, casually, “Hi, mommy.”
“Hi,” you nod to him.
“Me and daddy made a castle,” Dandelion tells you. “Come look!”
“Oh, yes, show me, show me!”
You follow her into the living room, leaving Spencer with your mom. She purses her lips at him and then promptly walks by him, giving his shoulder a harsh slap.
“Ow!” he exclaims. “What did I do?”
Spencer takes Dandelion home for the night. It’s a Friday so he plans to have her all weekend and most of next week which is fine with you. It’ll give you time to rest and reflect and figure it the fuck out. Spencer takes the hint. For once, he takes the hint and he only texts you sporadic updates.
So, when he calls you on Monday at four in the morning, you think he wants to have a talk. One of those conversations that you guys can never seem to have in the light of day.
“Hello?” you grumble.
“Hey,” he says. “Sorry I woke you up. Can you, um, can you come over?”
You sit up, “Why? Is Dandy okay?”
“Oh, yeah, she’s fine. She’s asleep. I, uh…there’s a case…”
You sigh. “Of course.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” You’re already up to get dressed.
“I’ll be there in ten,” and you hang up.
He sees your car pull in from the street and he has the door open for you when you get upstairs. He has his go-bag packed and he looks apologetic.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you. “I’ll make it up to you. Both of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you wave him off. “I’ve got it. You can go.”
“Darling, you know I can’t…I…I didn’t ask to be called in.”
“No, well, duh. This is just one of those things, right?” you shrug. “One of those things I could never stand and I still can’t stand. I’m used to it. It’s fine. I’ll explain to Dandy.”
“This isn’t about the case…”
“Can you…please?”
“This is about the other day. When we…when I…”
“I’m not upset. Don’t project on me. I’m fine.”
“Oh, okay, that was convincing.”
“Why do you always have to do this?” you snap, keeping your voice down. “Without fail. You always do this.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you always have to ruin a good thing? You always, always just have to suck the fun out of everything.”
He scoffs, goes to speak, and pauses, “Did it ever occur to you that…that it wasn’t fun for me, [y/n]?”
Oh, he’s serious. He used your real name.
“That I didn’t enjoy being yanked around and used like some toy?”
“I…oh, come on! Is your eidetic memory broken or something? You initiated it, remember? And if you did that just in hopes of us getting back together, that’s not fair. That’s so unfair.”
“I just wanted to be close to you. And, yeah, maybe that wasn’t fair. But I just…I’m having a hard time believing that it doesn’t work. That we don’t work, hey,” he grabs your shoulders, makes you stop shaking your head and look at him, “Maybe for all the hurt we’ve caused each other and all the baggage, maybe it’s just meant to work. We are meant to work, okay? Because I love you. I am so in love with you. I don’t know how to not be in love with you, look,” he puts your hand to his chest, “Feel how fast my heart is beating? It does not every time I’m around you. I can’t help it.”
“Please, stop.”
“And you’re telling me you don’t feel the same way?” he puts his hand to your ribs and your heart is pounding against his palm. “I don’t believe you.”
It takes you a moment before you can pry his hand away. You remove your hand from his chest, hold his hands in yours, and give him this sad, sad look.
You can see his shoulders fall in defeat, this heavy breath of air coming straight from his chest. He steps away and grabs his go-bag, stands up straight, “It’s a local case so I shouldn’t be gone too long. Kiss Dandy for me?”
You nod, but you can’t look at him. You let him place a kiss on your forehead and then he leaves. You lock the door behind him.
You crawl into bed with Dandelion and you stir for most of the night.
By the time you fall asleep, she wakes up twenty minutes later.
And so, life just kinda goes on. Spencer calls to talk to Dandy just before you go into work so you tell him to call your mom and he does. That’s the last you hear from him for the next couple of days until he calls you while you’re at work.
“Hello?” you answer.
You pause for a moment, “JJ?” and then the realization hits you and you hop up from your desk, running out of the building.
There’s some words like “bomb” and “concussion” and “pavement” but they all blur together and you yell, “Just tell me what hospital!”
You can’t even remember where you parked your car. Everything is muffled and you rush around the crowded hospital in a frenzy. You can’t hear anything. Hell, you can barely see anything. Just Derek, holding an ice pack to his head, pointing you towards a room so you go.
When you see Spencer lying there, a big bandage wrapped around the circumference of his head and a doctor tracking his vitals, you can barely bring yourself to step in the room.
The doctor glances at you, then returns to his clipboard, “Are you his wife?”
You step in, slowly, bring yourself to Spencer’s side, “I’m, uh, the closest thing he’s got to one.”
He tells you there’s some swelling around Spencer’s brain, but it’s been drained. He can’t provide you with an exact estimate of when Spencer will wake up. If he ever wakes up. And as this man is talking to you in this stern, stoic voice, you just look at Spencer. You trace the structure of his face and put your hand on his chest. The doctor leaves and you still can’t pull yourself away from him.
“You did this on purpose,” you whisper, caressing his face. “You did this on purpose to make me feel bad, didn’t you? Because…because I was awful to you…I’m so sorry,” you sob. “I’m so sorry.”
You lay your head on his chest and cry, “Just don’t die. I can’t do this by myself, you hear me? Please, don’t, die.”
Spencer wouldn’t wake up for another four whole days. You sleep in the chair beside his bed until a nice nurse brings you a cot. Dandelion stays at your mom’s house and JJ offers, repeatedly, to give you a a chance to leave. Shower, eat, see your kid. But you’re so worried that if you leave, Spencer will die. So you fall asleep every night to the sound of his heartbeat on the monitor and if it ever should stop, you would know. On day four, you pop your head up from a few hours sleep and he’s watching you. His eyes are hooded and grey, but they are open, you can tell. You hop up and rush over to him, gently setting your hands on his body.
“Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Hi! Hi! Hi, Spencer,” you sob. “Oh, my god.”
He stares at you for a moment, then his eyes scan the room. He looks back at you, “Who…” his voice breaks, “Are you?”
Your eyes go wide and you let out this defeated sound. You don’t even know where to begin. You don’t know how to respond or what to do or how to feel. You think you’re gonna crumble to your knees. And then he smiles.
“I’m just messing with you, darling.”
“Ugh!” you shout and you start slamming your palms into his chest. “That’s not funny!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” he laughs. “Okay, okay, okay, I’m injured here!”
You take his face in your hands and give him a long kiss. You can hear his heart rate go up on the monitor.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he mumbles, as you hug him. “I’m…I’m sorry for everything.”
“No, stop that. Not important. Ridiculously unimportant, okay? Don’t even think about it.”
He nods and breathes you in, “You…stink. When was the last time you showered?”
“That would be…like, the day you were blown up.”
“Ah. When was that?”
“Four days ago.”
“Holy shit.”
You giggle, “Did you just say a bad word, doctor l?”
“Fuck, cut me some slack! I slept through hump day.”
You press your nose against his and laugh and the world feels okay again.
Spencer has to stay in the hospital for another week before you can bring him home. Dandelion is back in her own bed and she just thinks Spencer has gone on a long, long trip. She’s at your mom’s when you get Spencer to his apartment and he begs to see her. Even when his head is still killing him, he begs to see her.
“Tomorrow,” you say as you tuck him into bed. “You’ve still got that scary raccoon look going on. Don’t wanna freak her out.”
“Tomorrow? You promise?”
“I promised the both of you. Tomorrow.”
He curls up and notices you crawl in bed beside him, “Darling, you don’t have to sleep here.”
“Shhhh,” you whisper, run your hand through his hair, “Go to sleep.”
The next day, he is more like himself. Maybe it’s the adrenaline he gets from the prospect of seeing his daughter, maybe it’s waking up next to you in the morning, but either way, he looks like himself and he talks like himself and he can’t wait to go to the park.
Your mom meets you there with Dandelion and she trips over her feet running to Spencer. She crashes into him and nearly knocks him over, and you can tell it hurts him, but he takes it and kisses her face.
“Where were you, daddy?”
“Oh, on a long, long trip, baby. But I’m back now.”
“I missed you!”
“Oh, Dandy,” he squeezes her tight. “You have no idea.”
He plays for as long as he can. He climbs the playset and runs around playing tag and hide and seek until his breath nearly gives out. He runs over to the bench you and your mom are sat on and huffs, “Can someone else push her on the swing before I pass out?”
The two of you laugh and your mom says, “I’ll go.”
“Thanks,” Spencer takes her spot beside you and his head falls into your lap. “Phew! Tell you what, a coma seriously bends you out of shape.”
“Well, you weren’t all that much in shape before the coma.”
“Ugh,” he groans. “You sound like the fitness personnel at the academy. What does in shape even mean?”
You cackle and he puts his arm over your shoulder. The two of you watch Dandy on the swing. Up and down, up and down, higher and higher, until her laughter is echoing around the park.
“You know…” you start. “Maybe it wouldn’t be…the worst thing in the world…”
Spencer doesn’t even have to ask what you’re talking about, he just looks at you and smiles, “Really?”
You give him a sly shrug.
He looks away from you, trying to keep himself from smiling so hard that his face rips in half. “I…I’m sorry - it’s because I got blown up, isn’t it?”
“Just shut up,” you laugh.
“You can tell me the truth, I won’t be mad.”
“You know what? I take it back, you get on my nerves. Oof!” you exclaim as he suddenly takes you into a tight hug. And for the first time in a long time, you feel a calm, serene peace.
“Yeah, well,” he says, “Sorry, too late.”
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chuunai · 5 months
Can we get Dazai, Chuya and Fyodor with scenario 19 and prompt 13? (drabbles)
hey did you know I LOVE Chuuya Nakahara?
✧˚ · . drunken confessions - dazai osamu, nakahara chuuya, fyodor dostoevsky
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, SFW. also clingy insecure chuuya. fyodor also kinda takes advantage of you mentally/emotionally while drunk
Dazai Osamu
He somewhat planned it all out. The invitation sent to you to watch movies with him at his dorm, right next to yours. The drinks, too. Cheap cans of beer and sake that are lazily passed to you. The futon too that you two are situated on is more neat and tidy than usual with no forgotten crab legs or alcohol stains in sight. It’d be easier to confess if he had liquid courage, right? Dazai didn’t want to fuck it all up.
When he confesses this way, it’s because he can’t think of anything better. Dinner at a restaurant is nice and dandy, sure, but it’s not quite intimate enough. A letter doesn’t express the tone of how serious he is with his love for you. You’ve been with him since his days in the Mafia. You saw him at his worst, and so he wishes to give you the best.
So when you’re both slightly tipsy and giggly at the sights on the TV, he tugged at your clothes and brought you in closer, pretending to shiver and whine about the cold. Unsurprisingly, you had snuggled into him back—such an affectionate drunkard. What Dazai did next was probably purely driven by intoxication and the need to confess. Jokingly (not really), he asked if you could be with him every night to warm him up just like you did already with his heart.
Dazai nearly had a heart attack when you took so long to ultimately respond with a yes. He doesn’t waste time, already carefully maneuvering you on top of him as a pretty body pillow while he sleepily mumbled that he loved his pillow. Loves you. Sure, it was all planned out, but it worked. He’d keep you forever by his side.
Nakahara Chuuya
It’s such a total fucking accident. The whole thing was never intended to happen when Chuuya took you out for a drink after a successful mission. You were his subordinate—albeit a close one of his—and it’d be wrong to act on his feelings for you. Death is a common and accepted daily occurrence of the Port Mafia, and he doesn’t want to accidentally get you hurt or even killed because you were his partner. Even if it hurts, he doesn’t want to confess. For your safety.
Although two glasses of wine later and a guy hitting on you stirs jealousy in his mind, and the fact that you seem uncomfortable increases it by tenfold. He didn’t hesitate to walk over with a thin smile on his face, wrapping an arm around your waist and cooing in your ear that he missed his baby and if you could please dance with him—your fake boyfriend. That’s how he ended up dancing with you to the beat of the music. His eyes were glued to your lips, admiring the shape as he wished they’d cover his body in rouge lipstick.
But Chuuya Nakahara lost everyone he ever cared about. Kouyou was still here, but he doubted the world would let her stay by his side for long. The drunken urge to kiss you was pushed back by the logical side of his mind, screaming out the fact that he’d be a creep if he did that. And he didn’t want you to think he was a sleazy guy. You were his muse from afar, and he wouldn’t dare do anything to hurt you.
So instead the wine in his veins opts to merely drop his head onto your shoulder and hesitantly intertwine his fingers with you. Next? He mumbles in your neck that he loves you. Loves you to the point where he’d kill everyone in the world if they dared to cross you—his heart. All he wanted was your heart, your undying love. But at the end of the day, you’re too good for him. He’s not even human, after all.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
He wasn’t drunk whatsoever and capitalized on your inebriation. Fyodor was a smart man, able to read moves of his opponents and acquaintances alike. This included you, of course. He knew absolutely everything about his little mouse, from your family to your darkest secrets. It was no surprise that he discovered your deep admiration of him as well.
What was supposed to be a meeting between the two of you discussing the DoA’s plans, instead ended up into him gently coaxing you to sip at the wine he had given you. He didn’t drink himself—a man as great as himself would not taint his mind with such a poison—but merely watched as your cheeks flushed with the telltale sign of tipsiness. The scenario would’ve been baffling for any outsider. Two terrorists in a room that both have a crush on each other. How utterly perplexing and unsettling!
Once he was certain you were to be easily manipulated to whatever he wanted, he began asking more personal questions and other matters. Coyly asking if you needed to visit a doctor with how red your face was whenever you two spoke. Or when he began to poke fun at your habit of stammering when he’d appear behind you and give your head that small condescending tap. Poor, poor you who didn’t stand a chance. You were so easy to crack. The seed at the middle of it all was your confession and the way he invited you onto his lap and began stroking your hair like one might do with a beloved pet.
While he’s not entirely sure what love truly is other than the definition, Fyodor felt a deep sense of affection and responsibility for you. Nearly every ruler in history had a beloved at their side to witness the fruits of their goals, so naturally he should as well. It wasn’t like you’d leave either. He’d make sure of it and keep you with him forever until he decided to end it.
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Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @xxcandlelightxx
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von2dutch · 27 days
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Chapter three
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 2.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
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Lastly, Enjoy.
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As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon inside Jey’s hotel room , a chorus of birds greeted the dawn with a symphony of chirps and songs. The melodic sound filled the air, announcing the arrival of a fresh day full of possibilities.
The calm and tranquil feeling in the bedroom is one of comfort and safety, as if the world is at peace. With Dakota by his side of course.
Joshua slowly opened his eyes to a warm and radiant morning light filtering through the window.
As Jey looked over at Dakota, he saw her sleeping peacefully beside him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart as he watched her snuggled up against his chest, her arms wrapped around him tightly. The moment felt serene, and he took a deep breath, savoring it. He couldn't help but admire Dakota's beauty in that moment, as the soft glow of the moon illuminated her features and added an ethereal quality to the scene. It was a simple yet beautiful moment that he would always cherish.
He gently pulled her close with his arm, and planting soft kisses all over her face and neck, waking her up slowly but lovingly.
Jey had felt horrible about how he treated Dakota especially what he said to her a couple weeks ago when discussing being with her more than just a client.
He initially took in what his brother was saying and realized he loved Dakota not just what she did for him sexually but what she did for him mentally and physically because as much as he was there for her in those needs she was also there in those needs of his. With him being on the road 25/7 it sometimes gets lonely and sad but she always made sure to brighten his day even when she didn’t know she did.
His affection for her was not just a fleeting infatuation. It was a profound feeling that surpassed any previous experience he had ever had. This love penetrated through the depths of his heart and soul, and he had never felt anything like it before. He was completely consumed by her, and she had become the center of his whole universe. In his life, she was the beacon of hope that illuminated his path through even the darkest of times.
She's got him wrapped around her little finger, and he'd do anything to see her smile. He just needed to show her more than tell her and he was going staring today.
“Mmm Josh stop.” Dakota groaned moving her face away to stop the kisses he repeatedly left on her cheeks.
Chuckling he kissed her exposed neck annoying her even more “Ko baby get up I’m bored and I miss you.”
Opening her eyes staring back at his brown precious big eyes she could almlsh Melt into them but at moment all she felt was her love fading away from him because like he said she was just a client. “Josh don’t think cause we had sex last night that every is all dandy and cool cause it’s not.”
Joshua, sighed flustered, sat up abruptly. "Ko, I apologize. What more do you want me to say?" he asked, his tone reflecting a hint of desperation.
Getting out of his grasp she folded her arms looking at him like he was stupid “It’s not about what else I want you to say, I want you to acknowledge what you said.”
“Matter fact I’m done explaining myself cause remember I’m just your client it isn’t nothing else to it so it don’t matter I’m leaving.” Dakota attempted to get out of the bed to grab her clothes and leave but Joshua grabbed her pinning her arms down on the bed hovering over her as his sliver chain dangled in her face he stared in her eyes deeply.
“Dakota, you're more than just a client...I can't be away from you, can't go without seeing your radiant face or hearing your angelic voice. I want to be around you, soak up life with you, and just be beside you. Losing you would kill me. I love you with all of my heart.I don't want to miss a minute without you by my side. I love you Ko.”
“I want you and I’ll prove it by showing you then just telling you.”
That was it. Those words was something she thought she’d never hear but she did. All Dakota could do was stare back into his eyes taking in everything he had just told her. He was in love with her but she was also hesitant to believe maybe he was right he did need to show her.
“Joshua you don’t mean that you’re just telling me that because you want me to get over what you said.” Dakota said being stubborn no matter how much it melted her heart to hear him say those words she just couldn’t believe it.
Laughing to himself softly he knew she would be stubborn and he could handle it he just had to show her how much he meant it “Ko I mean that shit and if it takes me a million hours, years, or months to show you I will. I apologize for I what said I love you and I’ll show you.”
As he hovers above her, his gaze never wavers.He stares down at her with such intensity and passion, as if he owns her.He wants her back in his home, alone, just the two of them for a whole month.
He wants nothing but her all to himself, without any interference or distractions.
“That’s why I want to ask you to come back home with me while I’m off for the whole month just me and you…that’s if you want to mama.” He asked with pleading eyes.
Dakota pondered for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts and doubts. She wanted to believe him, to trust that he was sincere in his words. Could this be his opportunity to prove it? She took a deep breath and looked up at him, searching for any sign of insincerity. When she saw only a warm smile on his face, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. With a smile of her own, she answered, "Yes, I'll go with you."
Instagram Story • Dakota Valentine
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“It’s so beautiful here.” Dakota covered her eyes from the hard sunlight while she admired the beautiful landscape of Pensacola, Florida. The beautiful trees and water was something that amazed her how beautifully it was.
After a long flight from Atlanta in Jey’s private Jet alone just them two the more they spent alone the more she became to believe he actually meant what he said.
“Here ko.” Jey handed Dakota the keys to his home while he grabbed her luggage from the car his driver sat in. “Go unlock the door and chill I got everything and you better be laying down Frl ko.” He glared at her knowing how much she didn’t listen.
Rolling her eyes she caught the keys walking towards the door she threw the middle finger up at him “You already did.” He shot back smartly.
As she turned the doorknob and stepped inside, she found herself mesmerized by the sheer beauty of his home. Every time he had flown her out to his place when he was off, she was left in awe at the stunning interiors and the breathtaking exteriors. It was as if the first time she had visited his home was replayed in her mind every time she visited.
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Dakota walked towards the refrigerator grabbing a drink of water before she plopped down on his white comforting couch she watched as the sunset rose in more beautifully the water waving softly the trees flowing through the wind she was so caught up into the sight that she didn’t hear Josh calling her name.
“Mama you good?”Jey asked sitting next to Dakota on the couch, gently and lovingly takes her feet into his hands.He removes her blue Dior slides and begins to gently rub and massage her feet, caressing every inch of her soft, smooth skin.
He places a gentle kiss on her foot, sending tingles through her body, before rubbing the other foot. She leans back into his hands and sighs contently as he spoils her with this attention and affection.
With a gentle nod of her head, she replied, "Yes, it's just that this place is so breathtakingly beautiful. It's been quite some time since I last visited, and I almost forgot how much I missed it."
“I know I changed some things around here too, remember that painting you wanted back in September when I took you too that art show? I got it hung up right there for you Ko.” He pointed towards the white painted wall where the panting hung.
“Aww thank you baby.” She blushed cheesing happily resting her head and back against the couch.
The two of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Jey spoke up, his voice soft and gentle, breaking the comfortable stillness that had enveloped them. As he looked into Dakota's eyes, he spoke with a sincerity that could not be denied, “Dakota I meant what I said earlier.”
Sighing she looked back at him “I know but I want you to show me Joshua not tell me.”
“And I will trust me.”
Park West Beach
“Joshua you bet not have me at no damn water park! For me dressing up when I should be sleeping some damn where.” Dakota stressed as he had his hands covering her eyes leading her towards the beach she felt sand at her foot.
“Dakota shut up and be patient.”
“You shut up! You better not throw me in the water cause I feel sand at my feet and we are at the beach sir.”
Huffing Joshua smiled finally being at the location he desired for her he spoke “okay ima count to three and then I’ll uncover your eyes aight?”
“Yes.” Dakota answered softly geeked with anticipation and eager.
“1,2,3.” Removing his hand from her eyes he stood back watching as she took in what was in front of her.
Dakota's face lit up with a wide smile as she gazed at the mesmerizing sight in front of her. She could hardly believe that he had gone to so much trouble just for her. The ambiance was absolutely perfect, with flickering candles casting a warm, inviting glow all around them. Her favorite foods were carefully laid out on the table, tantalizing her senses with their mouth-watering aromas. The comfortable chairs beckoned to her, inviting her to sit down and relax. And all around them, fragrant roses bloomed, their delicate petals bathed in the soft light of the moon, as they sat beside the tranquil waters.
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“J-Joshua you did all this?” She looked back at him with tears filling her eyes that she so desperately wanted to held back.
Smiling he embraced her into a hug leaving a few kisses on her face “Yeah I had Jimmy and trin help me, you like it?” He asked nervously, he was worried that she wouldn’t like it considering he wasn’t much a romantic partner but he tried and he always with over and beyond for Dakota no matter what.
His love ran deep for her that some would say he was infuriated with her.
“Do I love it? Of course!” She jumped into his arms Jey caught her with one arm wrapping her legs around him he held her tightly then two laughing.
“I can’t believe you did this for me.” She gushed once more before he sat her down gently on the circle chair he sat beside her holding her hand.
As she glanced around she couldn’t help but ask what did he do all this for? Was it to apologize? Because if so she wasn’t accepting it from him no matter how beautiful everything was.
“So what is all this for?” She asked knitting her eyebrows together while she looked into his eyes waiting for an answer.
“Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He took her hand into his moving closer to Dakota he stared directly into her eyes watching as she became nervously because she was biting her lip which he took notice of a few months back of when she was nervous.
“I know what I said a few weeks ago hurt you Ko and I apologize but not only that but I wanted to confess my love for you Dakota.” Jey left a few kisses on her Hand before taking a deep breath.
Jey's eyes burn with the passionate fire and desire he's had for Dakota for so long. He wants to express his love for her with a burning intensity, wants to claim her as his, and make her his in every way possible. It's not just an infatuation anymore, it's something so much more than that.He's obsessed, addicted, and obsessed with her.
As he watches her, he's hit in the gut with the depth of his feelings.It feels like a burning hot flame that's raging within him and he can't deny or stop. He's consumed by his love for her, intoxicated by her beauty and presence.
“I love you with every breath I take, with every beat of my heart", I couldn’t imagine life with you Ko and no matter how stubborn you are I’ll show you I mean it.” he confesses.
Jey holds her hands. He looks at her with pure adoration and devotion, his feelings so deep and his love so real.
"Dakota Kamire Valentine..." he whispers, taking a moment to take in her whole beauty and being.
He takes in a deep breath and continues. "Will you be my girlfriend? My partner in life? My soulmate?"
He stares deeply into her eyes, waiting for her answer, his heart pounding and aching.
Dakota's eyes widened in surprise as she gazed back at him, feeling a mix of emotions bubbling up inside her. She tried to avoid looking directly at him, scanning the surroundings instead, to control her tears. It was hard to believe that Jey Uso, the Joshua she had grown to know so well, was confessing his feelings for her on a picturesque beach, with just the two of them as witnesses. The beauty of the moment was almost too much to handle.
He wanted her and only her and he was going to show he meant it.
“Y-yes I’ll be your girlfriend Josh.” She stuttered tears leaving her eyes Jey embraced her into a hug before wiping her tears away she kissed him deeply.
“I can’t believe your silly ass just asked me to be your girlfriend.” Dakota chuckled wiping away her tears pushing at his chest playfully while smiling at him shyly.
“Yeah it took me a while but I had too I couldn’t stand you possibly being with someone else other than me Ko, I love you.”
"Josh, why did it take you so long to come clean about this? Was it because you were hoping I'd forgive you for what you said, or was it because you saw me at the club with another man and felt guilty? I need to know the truth, Josh," she said, her arms folded as she fixed him with a curious gaze.
“To be honest… It was because of what my brother said.” He spoke “I had realized that I fell in love with you ko and I was scared to admit it because of past experiences as far as my divorce I had a year ago I didn’t want to go through another heart ache if we never worked out Dakota with me being on the road I feared you’ll fall out of love with me too and find someone else new.”
“I feared that maybe you didn’t want this as much or I wasn’t enough but most importantly my one fears made me push back my feelings for you but no matter how hard I tried I always seemed to fall for you deeper and deeper.”
"You probably think I’m bullshiting, but there is truth to these words..You are the air in my lungs, the light in my eye, the smile on my face. You are everything to me, and without you...I feel lost and like a ghost of who I used to be.”
“Your gaze upon me is simply enchanting, it's like a magnet pulling me closer to you. Your mere presence ignites a flame of passion inside me, and I feel alive in your arms. The warmth of your touch sends shivers down my spine, and it's a sensation I never want to lose. You're the missing piece of my puzzle, the one who completes me in every way. I can't imagine my life without you; you're my every breath, my lifeline, and my everything. I love you more than words can express, Ko.”
Dakota couldn’t even spare a word to him after hearing him confess his love for her. She was stunned she couldn’t believe it that the one thing she wanted was happening before her eyes.
She love him just as much as he loved her.
“Aww Josh you gon make me cry…I hate you.” She said playfully before she wiped her tears falling from her eyes. She was in such awe.
“Don’t cry ma I just want to tell you how much I love you uce and I meant it.” Jey kissed her, her lips so soft and so sweet. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his chest, the heat of their bodies making them close and intimate. He touches her body slightly, caressing the curves of her hip before letting his hand rest on her ass. He stares at her with desire, wanting to never stop touching her.
Dakota's eyes sparkled with love as she gazed at Joshua. "I love you, Joshua," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "There's nothing else in this world that I want more than this moment with you." As she spoke, she reached up to caress his face, her fingertips gently tracing the contours of his beard. The touch was soft and delicate, but it conveyed a deep sense of affection and intimacy. Joshua felt a surge of emotion as he looked into her eyes, knowing that he was the luckiest person in the world to have her by his side.
While the two sat and watched the waves of the water flow by quietly Josh spoke “I got something for you.” He said before grabbing a gift from the side of him it was red roses and a jar full of poems of letters that he wrote confessions of his love for her.
“Since you said you liked hand written notes, I decided to do this , here’s 365 hand written notes.”
“Jey you didn’t.” She smiled grabbing the jar opening it she read a few notes in complete awe she couldn’t wait to tell Jasmine she was going to flip about this.
She chuckled softly, unable to contain her surprise as she looked at him. 'You really do have a memory like a steel trap,' she murmured, a hint of admiration in her voice. 'I said that months ago, and yet you remember it like it was just yesterday.' Her laughter was infectious as she leaned in to kiss him, grateful for his thoughtful nature.
“But I did and I wanted to it’s always the littlest things that matter and this is one of them baby.”
Jey gazed at Dakota with a look of compassion and sincerity, and spoke in a gentle tone, "I want to take away any pain that you have ever experienced, Ko. I want to help you heal and feel better."
“What if I told you that you did.” She admitted.
“You Frl ko?”
“Yes I’m Frl, when my mom passed you were there for me every step of the way Jey. With you being on the road and busy 24/7 you still made time for me, you still made sure I was okay no matter how many miles away you were from me it always felt like you were there with me. You made me feel whole again through those dark times and I appreciate and will always love you for that.” She stared at him watching him smile brightly hearing those words.
Jey looked at her, an adoration in his eyes as he stares.
"You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
His eyes are soft and tender, yet there is a desire in them.
"I only want you to be happy, Dakota, even if you'd be happier with someone else."
They both were in love and there wasn’t anything getting in the way of it.
Lovers till the end of time .
To be continued…
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Hey my baby dolls I hope you all enjoyed this lovely chapter! I told y’all he would do better but next chapter will be not so great that’s all ima say na!
Happy Mother’s Day as well hope you all are having an amazing Sunday with your families.
Till next time. Love you all for tuning in🎀
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luselih · 1 month
Another new tumblr page! Welcome welcome!
I was wondering your thoughts on some of the Bleach captains with a very petite s/o? Think like… 4’8 - 5’2 , teeny tiny lil things. Someone who “looks” frail at first glance. Is someone smaller their type? Would that factor into any pursuit? 👀 You can go into NSFW territory if you like, but I’d be happy with SFW too!
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miniature love(r) || gotei 13
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summary/ask: bleach captains with tiny/petite s/o! (height around 4’8 to 5’2 feet or 142 cm to 157 cm)
content warnings | manga spoilers!!, separated in sfw/nsfw, sfw- mostly fluff (a little bit of angst) and my personal opinions of them having tiny fem s/o, teasing, kissing and physical affection, mentions of kids and domestic life, i think that’s it for this part, nsfw - so smut of course (minors dni), fem! reader, neutral skin color reader, yapping too much about kinks ,size kink go BRRRRR, oral (receiving), different sex positions, wlw!!, overstimulation, breeding + pregnancy + kids mentioned, mentions after care + more…
a/n - #1 i am actually using tumblr last 3 years but i just recently got back into writing lol and you got my european ass to convert those feet’s and inches to centimeters, 😦 i am like 5’8-9 feet ( around 175 cm-ish tall) so please if i didn’t get a good point in this writing im sorry 😭, didn’t write for old man Yama, sorry not sorry honestly, he’s best grandpa tho <3
#2 also to say i wrote for captains in that picture (before tybw lineup) if you are interested in past/future captains please send me a request! i don’t mind doing them later on~ Toshiro is aged up (grown up/him using his complete bankai)!
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Suì-Fēng is interesting one since she is not the tallest one (as tall as 150 cm (4'11")) definitely so she is leaning more into taller or at least average sized ones. However i don’t think she minds someone around her height, they can get each other struggles and solve then like you climbing on her shoulders to get a food from a high cabinet in a kitchen or gets in a tiny space together comfortably, yeah i think she is content with it!
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi would like to have someone dandy on his side, dressing you up in fancy clothes and accessories. Having you as his dress up doll at home~ (sorry this is dry, i don’t like his characters that much lol)
Retsu (Yachiru) Unohana isn’t that tall either being 159 cm (5'2½") tall but her terrifying aura so there is no one pick on you and definitely not her in entire Seireitei so that’s nice <3 However i see her personal preference is someone taller but she also doesn’t mind having “a puppy” following her in free time ;)
Shinji Hirako, this little shit of a man would tease you till a day you die, picking on you as you are just trying to do your job or just passing by, he would put just get your paperwork and lift it that his lanky ass could reach and stuck his tongue out at you, eventually giving in and giving it back with a playful grin and a kiss on a side of your cheek as a apology, saying he won’t tease you again and then teasing you AGAIN not even an hour later 🤦‍♀️
Byakuya Kuchiki would honestly prefer someone who is tiny imo, that has already been proven right since he was with Hisana who is most likely same size as Rukia so there is no doubt. As a head of a clan he likes the feeling that his dearest could rely on him in anything, call it whatever you want but it brings him a sense of something he lost once and he is not planning to lose it again.
Sajin Komamura is TALLEST one 288 cm (9'5½") so as i said he would be probably more found of someone taller or average sized…however! that’s doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy having you around, in both of his forms he would carry you bridal style at late night hours or when Seireitei is empty so you two could have your time without having a fear of being judged or made fun of because of your appearances.
Shunsui Kyōraku, this man hoe likes every woman. He is a proud women lover. He loves any shape, size and complexion in women, he would absolutely adore having you close to him anywhere, especially in his bed late at night as he brushes your wedding rings together :)
Kensei Muguruma is on a more neutral side since i can see him wanting a tall and strong s/o he can fight and train with, but something in me is telling me that he’s a traditional man, he likes to be needed and wanted, be able to stood out in front of you proud, strong and straight to protect you.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya would finally be relieved that there is another person that is small, he’s so mf tiny that you are just maybe slightly taller than him anyway, in his true bankai form he’s around Byakuya’s height so he just might indulge himself into telling you a slight teasing comment, yeah i think he would like someone tiny to match him-
Kenpachi Zaraki would have a smaller s/o without a need for you to be smaller than an average woman in height, he’s like tall-tall, strong and intimidating compared with every race anyway. However i do have a feeling that he would like to have someone so dandy and small like Yachiru since she is a practically a part of his soul so he is found of tiny and cute things. Since his little Yachiru left ( :( ) you had become one who would sit on his shoulder as you two have to go anywhere, imo he probably wishes that one day if you two had a little kid together that it would be little girl who is his eyes is a little Yachiru who you two take care of, but this one have a little eyes just like yours and he likes that very much <3
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, this is weird one because i can see him not really having a type? He barely likes anyone, yet your tiny ass got underneath his skin and now you are here for him. Following him as you two raise Nemuri together, you 3 now looking like a real family!
Jūshirō Ukitake :( gosh i love him so much, anyway he is so nice with you, since you both are physically not very strong, it would make it easy but he fears he couldn’t protect you in time because of his fragile body :( yeah, can definitely see him with tiny s/o <3
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Suì-Fēng - i think she loves classic scissoring as you two play w each other’s clits, can’t go well with that one and also, just sit on her face when she’s angry and don’t you dare to put only 10 percents of your body weight on her, fucking sit on it like a chair and let her spend her big mouth on a good job between your legs~
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - into Dacryphilia, absolutely loves when you get all pretty and dolled up especially in tiny dress, Pretzel Dip or missionary as you cry from overstimulation, looking so ruined and perfect just for him <3
Retsu (Yachiru) Unohana - man, if you haven’t died when she showed a 8 inch strap up your vagina and fucked you like she hate your guts you are good 👍 anyway, she fucking loves when you ride her or when she puts you in a mating press, absolutely filthy as she splits in your mouth you just because. ( she had a secret breeding kink but shush 🤫 don’t say you heard it from me, also i got some trans!Unohana thoughs, anyone interested in hearing it? comment down please!)
Shinji Hirako - he’s such a meanie in bed too ☹️, i mean he would literally yank you back by your ankle and continue giving you head with his pierced tongue, gosh the overstimulation is crazyyyy with him. Absolutely loves snuggling after it and his hand sliding on your side gently as it went to tease your kitty cat AGAIN-
Byakuya Kuchiki - he must be in love w you if he brings you to his bed so missionary or any position where he can see your face and kiss it is a must, he makes love with you and genuinely only fuckes you if he is jealous or mad, probably have a savior kinks/hints of it sometimes + soft kisses down your back as he praises you after 🥹
Sajin Komamura - (human version) when you two have sex he can’t help but to have a need to make you his because of wolf genetics in him so pretzel dip or prone bone are his favorite positions to make your tiny mind mindless as he might just cums inside if you especially in spring 🤭
Shunsui Kyōraku - loves cowgirl/any version of it so he doesn’t have to do too much at least at the start, see you bouncing on top of his cook as it’s tip bullies your cervix is a fever dream, pressing against your lower back or tummy just for your pussy get a death grip on his dick, isn’t fully interested in pulling out so pregnancy is inevitable sooner or later my dear 🫡
Kensei Muguruma - he is a simple man so he goes doggy or full nelson, fucks to fucks and myb slightly into bondage?? absolutely makes you squirt by fingering you, hate sex??? he absolutely demolish your poor pussy if you flirt w Shinji or Rose, he will kiss your forehead after it tho <3
Tōshirō Hitsugaya - (grown up version) doesn’t have that high of a sex drive but he adores you so he indulge into your horny cravings of him, loves spooning or Scissoring (just mlw) so he can kiss your shoulders or forehead as he for sure makes you cum couple of times at end of the night, secretly loves cookwarming but shushhh 🫢
Kenpachi Zaraki - actually fuckes you in every position possible and everywhere you can imagine, loves stand and deliver (The Bicycle position) as he is chocking you while pounding into your tight kitty, your bodies only stability is his arm that you are gripping for dear life and yes, he isn’t pulling out since he say so <3
Mayuri Kurotsuchi - doesn’t have that high of sex drive but he would absolutely make you deepthroath his length if you are bratty enough, probably some doctor/patient roleplay, people of Seireitei are scared to see his genuine smile if they see a little girl with both of your features??
Jūshirō Ukitake - my sweet man can only had cow girl/variations + missionary sex position with you so he doesn’t finish too soon, absolutely PERFECT with his fingers and has a praise kink so absolutely praise the living shit out of him as you make love underneath the moonlight all night long so he can be happy <333
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
"using your hair as a towel" oh the way I would throw hands until my knuckles break, NOT THE HAIR! THE REST IS ALL GOOD AND DANDY THO 👌
this has me thinking of König with a darling who is a total clean freak, which would be particularly hellish in the lovefool AU, having her beg for a shower more than food and asking if she can tiny up a bit or scrub the basement because its gross :(
God, it would be so so horrible for a darling who is even slightly squeamish. I am extremely sensitive to anything that resembles dirt or sticky surfaces, and I would NOT survive in Konig's basement. Dude literally uses this place to store items he forgot about, there is so much dirt and insects in here( it's damp and dark, he literally throws you on a mattress that was already half-eaten by a moth, and with his personal hygiene sustaining of 5 minute showers and maybe a damp cloth over his dick before he gets to fuck you, it would be extremely hard for you to actually survive here( Darling would beg Konig to let her go upstairs, even if that would mean getting fucked constantly(Konig has a simple logic - basement means the victim and torture, bedroom means girlfriend and sex) and obeying his perverted wishes because at least his bed is nice and somewhat tidy( He often leaves her in the basement for long periods of time and would specifically miss the bath days because he doesn't really care about the smell, he would love you to get musky and dirty, he knows the methods of psychological torture and how personal hygiene or lack thereof can break you easily. He will literally hold showers over you, threatening to just hose you like a dog if you're too whiny about wanting to go to the bath.
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
since you asked about twins requests: what if they’re worried that only one of the twins got spider powers? like they were hoping that neither would, or both, but they’re worried that just one twin having them will drive a wedge or feel separate or the like
but no both twins have spidey skills, one just had something less observable develop first (like spidey sense or smth)
Thank you!!! I love the twins sm ❤️ hope you like it, angel!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF
It's Fluffy Friday!
Billie sits between your legs, babbling away to her sister who wobbles, crawling to her. Various toys are littered around the soft playing mat but Ramona ignores it all. She tries to reach for the teething toy in Billie's hand.
In just seven months, they've started to crawl on their own. Fully aware that it's a bit early for them, you don't ignore that they might have inherited Hobie's spider abilities. You've seen it in Mayday when she was their age, so you anticipate your girls to have the same traits. You just hope that they both get it or they both don't have the abilities, not wanting for their spidey powers to drive a wedge between them if only one of them has it.
They are twins after all, you've heard that twins have a special bond with each other. Even though they look identical, save for Mona having your nose and eyes while Billie looks like a female version of Hobie from her head to her tiny toes. You and Hobie try to encourage individuality between them, that's why you didn't give them similar sounding names or even names starting with the same letter. Not to mention how you dress them differently from each other, always different colors or styles. They've started to voice their own opinions on their clothes too, translating their tiny grunts and excited baby talk to a yes or no.
Despite encouraging them to have their own identity, you and Hobie never separate them. It's not like they'd allow you anyway. Mona and Billie are always together, so much so they even share the same crib, crying their little hearts out once you put Billie in her own crib. You love that they've already got that sisterly bond.
Mona sits up in the most adorable way, trying to stand up despite her baby limbs.
"You can do it, Mona!" You cheer her on, holding Billie's hands to make her clap. Mona makes an adorable determined face, eyebrows knitted together in concentration, cheeks puffed out.
Your eyes widen at what she's trying to do, immediately calling for Hobie.
Said man races from the bathroom, almost tripping on his shorts around his ankles.
"Are you okay?!" He asks, fixing his shorts, panic subsiding when he sees you three just fine and dandy sitting on the twin's playmat.
"Look!" You point excitedly at Mona standing up in her chubby legs.
"Holy sh–smores" Hobie stops himself from swearing since the babies are starting to mimic their words with similar sounding babbles. You definitely don't want their first word to be a swear.
Mona waddles towards you for a second before falling softly on her butt. Lips trembling, her eyes starting to water.
"Aww it's okay, baby" You coo at her, Hobie watches as Billie stands up more effortlessly, baby arms straining a bit, nonetheless she slowly closes the small distance between her and Mona.
"Oh fu–dge" you cover your mouth in surprise, Hand reaching out to Hobie. He joins your side, mirroring your flabbergasted expression.
Billie must've walked five steps but for you and Hobie it felt like she ran a marathon. Billie drops down with a small thump, curls bouncing as she lands next to Mona, handing her the toy. She sniffs, stopping her from crying. They talk as if they have their own language, murmuring to each other.
You hold Hobie while he looks at his daughters with pride. Whether they have powers or not, you both know it wouldn't come between them. Their bond is stronger than anything else in the world. You're already proud of them just by being kind to each other.
"That's my genes at work right there" Hobie smirks, side eyeing you.
You pinch his sides, head laying on his shoulder. He moves his neck to press a kiss on the shell of your ear.
"Do you think they've got your powers?" You whisper it to Hobie so that you don't interrupt the girls' excited chatter. They've recently had a habit of interrupting your time with him, always getting his or your attention away from each other by either crying or doing the most precious thing of crawling towards you.
"There's a chance." He shrugs nonchalantly but inside he wishes they don't. Hobie doesn't want to give that kind of burden to his children. He'd love them even if they have it, Hobie's a hundred percent teaching them how to use their powers responsibly. "What do you think?"
"It's a bit early to tell, I'll still love them the same if they have it or not" looking at him with fondness, "besides, they'll have an amazing teacher if they do"
Hobie chuckles at your comment, leaning down to press a chaste kiss, he gets interrupted before your lips meet. Your girls laugh loudly as Mona throws the teething toy in your direction, saliva flings at your cheek. They laugh louder as you gasp.
"Oi oi oi" Hobie crawls quickly towards them, scooping the twins in his arms. You watch as Hobie play fights with his daughters. Both kids sitting on his stomach, giggling playfully.
"Ow!" He acts hurt when Billie slaps his cheek with all her baby strength. "Help me! Your children are bullying me!—" Mona silences him with her bright yellow blankie to his face.
"Oh now they're my children?!" You join in, attacking Hobie with a tight embrace.
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dre6ming · 9 months
Kissing in the rain
The delicate beginning rush-imagine
More of my work: Masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem singer/actress reader
Warning: sexual content, sex (piv) fingering, kissing, mentions of bodily fluids, fluff
Plot: Austin wakes you up in the middle of the night to take you on a rainy adventure that ends in a steamy way
Word count: 2700
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"Wake up!" I feel the soft touch of a warm hand on my back and then a little tug and shake as Austin gently tries to wake me up. It's pitch black in the room and I was sleeping so soundly  I can't come up with a reason for him waking me up, so my brain goes straight to fight or flight. ,my eyes are not used to the dark just yet, so I blink fast trying to shed any trace of sleep. "Shh it's ok, nothing's wrong, Y/n baby!" He assures me, stroking my hair, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.
As my heart calms from the sudden panic I had felt, I turn around to better see him. "Are you ok?" My voice sounds hoarse and my lips are dry. I make the shape of Austin in the moonlight and see him faintly smile, shaking his head. "I'm ok darling, but look!" His right hand cups my cheek and he slowly turns my head to look at the windows. The first thing I notice are the ever shining lights of New York City, but then my eyes focus on the small droplets of rain and then my ears pick up the soft taping of water against the glass. I smile brightly, I love rain, it's my favorite thing, this must be the reason why I was having such a good sleep. "Get dressed!" Austin tells me, putting a pile of clothes in my lap and getting up without another word. He leaves the room before I can ask anything.
I put on the simple miss matched sweat pieces, I can literally see him in my head, fumbling around my closet trying to pick the perfect combination of a sweater and sweatpants, but ultimately failing badly. I brush my hair out and take a look in the body length mirror, laughing one more time at the dark pink pants with the light blue sweater. Before I go find him, I add some of my favorite lip balm in hopes of maybe getting rid of the dry lips.
"Austin?" I call out to him, immediately being met with the small kitten he got for me a few weeks ago after our first big fight. "Hi dandy" I pick up dandelion and stroke her soft white fur, she really looks like a dandelion. "Here, put on the rain coat." Austin tells me, handing it to me, a boyish smile on his lips. "What's happening?" I ask putting the cat down and dressing. "Shoes!" He's not telling me anything and the mystery makes my blood pump faster.
"Come on!" Austin puts his hand out and I take it. Now as I walk hand in hand with him to the elevator I take a look at him, he's wearing those ungodly grey sweatpants and his favorite long sleeve cotton shirt under his dark blue rain coat. "Phone!" I say as the elevator doors close and he pulls me back. "You won't need it." He says hugging me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder for the time it takes to get to the garage level. "I love you!" I say as we step out and he stops mid-step to look at me. "I love you too, my darling!" He leans down and touches his lips to mine, just a ghost of a kiss that leaves me wanting more.
"Come on!" Austin walks to my Jeep. "My car?" He giggles. "As much as I hate to admit, it's best for this weather." He clarifies, opening the passenger door for me. "So no Russian roulette tonight?" I ask quirking a brow at him referring to that time Timmy told Austin, riding shotgun with me was like Russian roulette, you never know how my driving could go. "I'd rather not tonight." He laughs at my joke, leaning over me to buckle my seat belt. His hand rests on my thigh, squeezing softly, as his blue eyes look into mine. "I trust you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!" He says honestly, brushing some of my hair back with the hand that's not on my leg. "I know!" I say touching his face.
Austin then gets in the drivers seat, turning on the car and the heating at the same time. My eyes almost bulge out as I see the time 2:30 am. He rests his right hand on my thigh as he drives and the slow stroke of his hand, up and down my leg is all I can think about and suddenly when his hand goes so high it almost touches my core, the car feels to hot and I jump up, turning the heating down. Austin takes his hand off to switch gears and I curse the fact that I drive stick. The little whine that goes past my lips, is noticed by him and I see the corner of his mouth turn up right as his eyes watch me briefly. "Something wrong?" Oh he thinks he's so smug. "N-no." I say and wish that it sounded a bit more confident. "Ok" is all his says and I wait for his hand back on my leg, but it doesn't come and I try to not seem so bothered by looking out the window.
The rain started thickening, bigger and faster droplets of water fall from the sky and as much as I love him I kinda wish I was in my bed right now. Somehow I must of dozed off, because I try to wake up as I feel the car come to a stop. Looking at the clock it's 3:15 am so we drove for some time. I look out and I don't recognize anything. It looks like we are at the edge of a forest so we are clearly outside of the city. Did Austin finally go crazy and decided to kill me in the forest? I mean it's not unheard of. "I'm not going to kill you!" His voice startles me.
"How-?" I ask blushing. "I just know you and your weird little brain." Austin tells me, taking one of my hands in his. "Remember when we watched the notebook?" I nod, remembering the crying mess I was during the entire movie. "Well you said "kissing in the rain looks so hot" and I thought, when is it gonna rain next, cause I'm definitely kissing my girl in the rain." I'm shocked that he paid attention to my ranting during the movie and that he actually took me seriously. I shouldn't be tho, cause this is Austin and this is exactly who he is, the sweet loving boyfriend that listens and plans ahead.
"Come on. Take the rain coat off, we are going for the full effect." He says, starting to undress and I do the same, coming out of the car at the same time as him, impatient. "Let's dance." He extendes his hand out and I take it. I feel the rain soak through my clothes and turning my hair to a mushy mess. Austin let the headlights on so we could see, which makes the rain look like sparkling gems falling around us. I follow his lead, looking up at the sky, seeing the water shine in the light.
"I I loved you in secret
First sight yeah we love without reason
Ohh 29 years old, how was I to know"
He sings softly, spinning me in the falling rain. I move my body with his and hold tight onto him, placing my chin on his shoulder as he sings, his voice so soothing. His hands hold my waist tightly and carefully roam down my figure, sneaking under my sweater, cold fingers touching my flaming skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. I shudder in his hold and turn my head to catch his lips in a kiss. It's sloppy and wet and hot and cold and divine and everything, it's life. My hands move to his wet hair, fingernails scratching at his scalp, pulling moan after moan from his lips.
Suddenly he pulls away, looking at me with his eyes on fire, pupils blown with lust. "Baby, I-" he licks his lips, pausing. "I can't-" he starts again but he stops. His hands squeeze me harder and I push my body against his, feeling through the wet clothes the bulge in his pants. "I want you! I love you!" I say, wiping away drops of water from his rosy cheeks. "Ok. Are you sure?" He asks again and I answer by kissing him and pushing my hips against his. "Ok, car now!" He growls and we rush to get in the back seat. Thank god we took the Jeep, we wouldn't have had the space in his Audi.
Austin gets in first, reaching between the seats and turning off the headlights. "We wouldn't want anyone to see, would we?" He winks at me and I giggle blushing. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I straddle him. Austin waists no time taking off my wet sweatshirt, his following close behind. My naked nipples sit hard against his warm chest and his hands find purchase around my breasts. He looks down at the way they fit so perfectly in his hands. "I love you, so much!" He whispers, giving my breasts a good squeeze, making me unconsciously press my clothed core onto him and grind on him, throwing my head back to moan. "Austin!" I sigh as his mouth takes a hardened peak in, swirling his hot tongue over my tender flesh.
He takes his time kissing up my torso and my neck, then my lips. I sigh against his plush lips and feel him lift his hips up, taking off his sweatpants and underwear at once. I feel his erection against my tummy and suddenly the burn between my legs gets so bad I can't take it anymore. I jump off of him, working my sweats off as he takes himself in his right hand, stroking himself. His Addam's apple bops up and down, his pleasure filled eyes watch me undress. "I don't have a condom so I have to pull out, ok?" Austin tells me as I climb back onto him.
I just got my first  birth control shot a week ago and I haven't told him yet, but I'll just keep it a secret for just the right time. "Sure" I say breathless, drunk on pleasure. My wet pussy makes context with his throbbing cock and I'm lost completely. One of his hands stays on my hip as the other goes between us and between my legs. Austin groans feeling how wet I am and his fingers venture further, circling my hole. "I'll just open you up a bit, ok?" He tells me and I nod, moaning as two fingers enter me at once, scissoring inside me and stroking the place that makes me go livid. I move against his fingers, fucking myself on his hand as he watches through hooded eyes the way his fingers get lost inside me.
"Such a good girl, fucking your self on my fingers, just how you like it. Hmmm so wet for me, so tight, so warm." He praises me, and I feel the bubble of my orgasm building up. Austin knows me so well, that he feels the change in me and stills me using the hand resting on my hip. I whine and show displeasure as he pulls his fingers out before I can cum. "I know honey, I know." Austin soothes me. "Please!" I sound pathetic, but I don't care.
Austin let's out a breathy laugh that ends in a moan, when his swollen head touches my warm wet pussy. Using one hand he placed himself at my entrance, holding my hip to stop me from sinking down onto him. "Slow, ok? I don't want to hurt you." He tells me, helping me down on him, slowly, inch my inch. When my bum touches his thighs and I'm all the way down, it feels like he's in my stomach. It feels so full. "Oh god, so tight all the time, fuuuck!" He swears throwing his head back.
Both of his hands go to my hips and he starts moving me up and down, it's devine, each time I come down his head nudges just the right spot making me shake. "Faster!" I say breathless needing more. "Fuck" Austin let's out, before his hips start moving up to meet mine. I brace myself on his shoulders and catch his lips in a kiss, grunting and moaning in his mouth. One of his hands let's go of my hips and goes to my clit, circling it teasingly.
I feel the knot in my belly about to burst. "Cum inside me!" I breathe, biting his ear as I start contracting around him, my orgasm building up fast. "N-no condom honey.." Austin reminds me and I intentionally squeeze around him, causing his thrusts to lose pace for a moment. "I'm on birth control, started this week, I get the shot." His blue eyes look at me begging, searching to see if I'm joking or if I'm serious. I nod and shut my eyes tightly as I feel myself so close to coming. "Cum for me Austin, come inside me." His hand goes from my hip to the seat in front of us and his movements get faster and sloppier as he teases my clit. "Fuuck!" We both sigh as we cum at the same time. My vision darkens at the edges and I feel euphoric, like I never have before.
"Y/n? Baby? Are you ok?" Austin sounds concerned, but I'm so comfortable here in his arms, with my eyes closed. His fingertips touch my spine traveling up to stroke the back of my neck and then massage my wet scalp. The feeling of my cold wet hair against my hot skin wakes me up. I lift my head from his chest, and look at him, with hooded eyes. "You're so beautiful like this!" He tells me cupping my face, kissing the tip of my nose. "Thank you, you're beautiful  too!" I say sleepy, yawning half way through. Austin laughs, shaking us both and I feel him soften inside me. "Can we stay like this forever?" I ask, hoping he'd say 'yes'.
He chuckles, gathering my wet hair in a ponytail at the back my head. "I wish, but we'd probably get pneumonia if we don't get dressed soon." I whine and cuddle further into him, enjoying his warmth. "I know baby, I love being this close to you too, but I think we should get home now." I nod defeated and he helps me up and off of him. The loss of him, leaves me empty and I look down to see our juices combined. Following my eyes, Austin curses looking at the mess we made, so he leans forward to grab the tissue box that I keep in my car, first taking his time to clean me as he peppers kisses over my chest and abdomen while I giggle from the ticklish feeling, drops of water falling from his damp hair. I tangle my hand in the mess of blonde locks and shake, making more water fall on my skin. "We won't get home soon if you keep like this." He warns, a taint of amusement in his voice.
"I wouldn't mind." I tease and Austin simply shakes his head, cleaning himself next. I start dressing so I keep my eyes away from the sweet temptation that is his body. And let me tell you, putting on wet, cold clothes is horrible, simply horrible.
After we make sure we are both decent and ok, we get out of the car, the rain has stopped by now. We get back in the front seats. I look out the window as we drive through the loud city, my fingers interlocking with his. I give his hand a squeeze 3 times and he responds by doing the same, our way of saying "I love you!"
"Thank you Austin!" I say to him, later when we are in the shower. His face softens and his eyes get watery. "Anything for you, my girl, my soul, my Y/n!" Austin confesses, hugging me tight and I close my eyes feeling at home. "My home!"
A/n: I know lately my blog has been lacking but this summer I really took the time to relax and work on myself, seeing as next year of college will be way harder than the last, this theme might last and post might come very inconsistently. So I want to thank you all for sticking around and reading, I love you!
Tags: @galaxygirl453
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zelphin124 · 2 months
SeasonTale - Chapter 6
I'm not super proud of this one... and it took forever to finally sit down and write it, but I hope you enjoy! There will be a poll at the end, so look for that as well. Here we go!
School was boring now. 
Summer couldn’t bring himself to pay attention in his education. There was no joy in learning anymore. There was no joy in… well, anything. He had lost all motivation and will to keep going. 
But he wasn’t sad either. 
He was confused, mostly. After the procedure yesterday, he didn’t even enjoy throwing the ball up for himself anymore. When the kids played without him at recess, he didn’t feel sad either. 
Every bit of emotion was gone. 
Although Summer wanted to hate it… he couldn’t bring himself to. 
He twirled one of his pens in his hand, watching it fly in different directions before the bell rang. Summer had never packed his bags so fast; and he planned to get out of there as soon as he could. 
“Summer,” Summer!Alphys inquired. “Could you come here real quick?” 
“Ooh Lemon is in trouble,” some of the kids laughed as they ran outside. 
Summer couldn’t even bring himself to care about what they said. 
“Hey, you had trouble paying attention in class today. Is everything alright?” The teacher asked, sitting at her desk and motioning for Summer to follow suit. 
Summer obeyed, but he had to adjust so the sun didn’t block his vision. “Yeup,” he nodded. “Everything is just dandy.” 
Summer!Alphys glanced at the desk, her fingers fidgeting with one another. Summer could tell she was worried. 
And he envied that. 
The way he saw her emotions, and the way they wrestled within her. He wanted that again. He wanted… He…
He couldn’t figure out what he wanted. He was tired, and sleep sounded amazing. It was one of the only ways to get rid of the nightmare that he lived in, but he couldn’t care enough to go and take a nap. 
He existed. That’s all he could bring himself to do. 
“You know that friend I was telling you about? Who wanted to play catch?” His teacher spoke gently. “He’s here, if you wish to play ball.” 
“Sure, that sounds fun,” Summer shrugged, smirking and digging through his backpack. He pulled out the red ball and squished it in his hands. 
It didn’t shine like it used to. 
“Honey,” Summer!Alphys’ gaze locked with the skeleton’s. “Do you… do you have anything at home that you would wish to bring if you were gone for a long time?” 
Summer looked away and stared at the red ball in his hands. “Nah, just this red ball.” 
“Okay,” She got up, brushing off her bright yellow skirt. “He’s outside.” 
Summer bounded toward the door, carrying his only toy in his hands. He opened the door and looked around. Most of who he saw were others in the school, but he saw someone who he didn’t recgonize before. His eyes squinted at the glorious light the figure held with him. 
He was a goat monster of some sorts. His horns blended in with the magnificent crown on his head that glimmered like the stars. HIs yellow eyes were dazzling, and they bore such kindness within them. 
Summer thought his cape was dope; its sleek white fabric on the outside completely sealed the night sky inside of the cape, that radiating hundreds of stars and galaxies within it. It changed whenever the creature moved. The only way Summer could compare it to was seeing the sun and stars in the middle of space. 
The rest of his clothes were made up of the silky white fabric, with dozens of gold accessories scattered across his body. Chains connected various parts of his wear, and the two shoulder guards made his figure look broad and powerful. It was clear that he was older than most of the adults that Summer saw, but it came with a lot more wisdom. 
In his hand rested a long, shining weapon. It had three sides and a pointy thing down the middle. Summer recalled that it was a type of spear that the Asgore monster formed. As a matter of fact, he looked very much like an Asgore. 
But the skeleton couldn’t figure out what season he was from. 
“Hello young one,” his voice roared like a thousand lions, but was as gentle as the morning breeze. “You must be Summer Sans?” 
Summer nodded, his attention fully focused on the monster before him. 
“My name is Solstice,” he smiled, giving a soft bow. “Do you want to play catch?” 
The kid nodded some more, looking at the red ball and tossing it toward Solstice. 
Summer watched as Solstice’s eyes gleamed with delight as he caught the ball. The goat tossed it from hand to hand before tossing it back towards him. 
Summer faked a smile as he barely caught the ball. He’d never have a ball tossed back to him, so the angle he usually caught the ball didn’t help him. 
“Oh, I did not mean to throw it so hard,” Solstice sighed as he approached the half-fallen over child. “Here, mind if I take your hands?” 
“You’re… you’re not going to hurt me, right?” 
“Of course not,” Solstice shook his head before looking up at Alphys, who had come out of the building to watch. Summer watched as they communicated with no words, but he couldn’t figure out what they were saying. 
For the next hour, Solstice took the time to teach Summer how to catch and throw the ball better and more efficiently. Summer listened to every word and felt a glimmer of hope, despite is apathetic state. They tossed the ball back and forth; the only time they stopped was when Summer accidentally threw the ball into the twisted trees, which Solstice didn’t hesitate to get it out. They rotated a couple of times to keep playing in the shade, as the sun was unbearable in the afternoon. 
While they played, Summer finally had enough time to notice the large ocean not far from his school. He caught the ball and pointed towards it. “What’s that?” 
“That is the Tidal Sea, my boy,” Solstice smiled. “It contains beautiful waters and coves for miles under its surface. No one knows what’s on the other side.” 
“Can we go there?” Summer asked, curious. 
“Perhaps we could-” Solstice paused as Alphys motioned toward him. He sighed, kneeling down. His gaze had changed, and it unsettled Summer. 
Why did his mood change? Did I do something wrong? Summer began to worry. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you I’ll do better-” 
“Buddy, hey, hey,” Solstice smiled at him. “You did nothing wrong, I’m just really concerned for you.” Solstice took his hand and tilted Summer’s face to observe it. “Did Summer!Gaster do this to you?” 
“Y-Yeah,” Summer shuddered, remembering how it was done. “But it’s fine, I don’t want to talk about it-” 
“It’s clear you don’t want this to happen again to you, huh?” 
Summer stared at Solstice. How- How did he know? He thought, shaking his head in response. He would do anything to get away from his dad at this point. He remembered that he cared for his dad…
But that feeling wasn’t there anymore, just like the rest of them. All he wanted to do was avoid physical pain, but he couldn’t find the will to run away again. 
“I’m with the rebellion,” Solstice informed. “I save many people like you from your dad and others who are cruel like him. If you allow me to, I’ll make sure you’ll never have to go through an experiment like that again.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“There’s a place in the mountains that we hold as refuge, we hide there so we can plan our next action of justice, and restore the kingdoms to their former glory.” Solstice explained. “Life doesn’t have to be like this.” 
The sun started shining on Summer’s face, warming his bones. “That’s a lot of big words,” Summer smirked, thinking for a bit. Life doesn’t… it doesn’t have to be this way? 
“You will learn them all in due time,” Solstice reassured. “I plan to teach you a lot of things.” 
“We don’t have much time,” Alphys ran out from the school. “He’s coming, you must decide quickly.” 
Solstice locked eyes with the boy again. “This might be the only time I get to speak with you. I wish to help you. Come with me and I’ll keep you safe. If you don’t like it, you can come back. Help us restore SeasonTale to justice.” 
Summer could hear traces of his father’s footsteps. He recgonized them anywhere, for whenever he was near, bad things happened. He looked worriedly at the school door before grabbing onto Solstice’s sleeve. 
“Please,” he begged. “I don’t want to be in another experiment.” 
“Say no more, my boy,” Solstice hoisted Summer up on his back. “Hold on, we are going to get you out of here.” 
“He’ll look for me,” Summer shivered as Solstice booked it into the forest, the sun becoming brighter and brighter as they went. 
“Don’t worry, he- he won’t find us-” Solstice gasped between breaths. 
“Where can we go that he won’t?” 
There was a moment of interrupted silence before Solstice answered. He paused once he reached the ocean shore, whistling into the sky. He turned around and pointed inland. “You see those mountains way over there?”
Summer’s eyes widened, seeing the mountains he saw in his dreams. One covered with white shades and clouds that covered the sun. “Yeah?” 
The skeleton’s eyes widened even more when he saw a huge creature land from the sky, folding its wings in and snorting out a cloud of smoke. It’s head was similar to a gaster blaster, and his wings and structure were all bone, expect for the inside of its wings and belly, which shined like the night sky. 
“Is that a dragon?!” Summer gasped, bewildered that the creatures even existed. 
“Yes, and you can pet him later,” Solstice walked toward the dragon and hoisted himself onto it. “Those mountains, we will be going there.” 
Summer was too distracted by the dragon to pay attention, but one thing he did know, was that this was far more exciting than anything his dad did with him. 
As the dragon took off into the air, Summer gasped and held tight onto the dragon’s neck, looking down at the ground. Everything became smaller as clouds brushed against the child’s face. Summer could see the entire landscape of the known land, including all the other kingdoms he never got to see before. 
“Soon, all this land will be free from the Gaster’s hand,” Solstice explained as he steered the dragon towards the colder area of SeasonTale, up in the mountains. “And you can help rule it all.” 
“Really?!” Summer smiled as something jolted inside him. 
The goat smiled, sighing with relief. 
“I promise.”
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 5 months
Persephone's Devotee (Hello, Mr. Monster AU, I)
Master List
Summary: In the age of Spiritualists and magicians, wyrds winds in different ways to link Dream of the Endless and Aisling Hunt. AU of Hello, Mr. Monster beginning in the 1920s. (Alternatively titled 'We All Hate Roderick Burgess')
Warnings: Implied child abuse/neglect, child left to travel solo, manipulating children for profit (non-sexual trafficking)
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A/N: Your bird just got diagnosed with a life changing chronic condition (in addition to being put back on depression meds). We'll see how this post does. Have four chapters planned. The last scene is based on personal experiences with heat exhaustion/borderline heat stroke.
Dream’s tools brought many things to Fawney Rig. Wealth and prestige. Admiration, gifts, and influence. Nearly everything the magus wanted and only a fraction of what he thought he deserved. Roderick’s dreams of power and riches drew another tool to his hand, or perhaps Destiny drew the magus to her. The girl who saw strange things in the dark and found answers to strange riddles in her cards. But her wyrd would always draw her to old house and its shrouded dungeon, in any world or time. All because of what the Burgesses kept there.
In the eight years since the fateful evening he summoned and caught one of the Endless, Roderick had become a man much desired. He found himself with an invitation to Lord and Lady Werthrope’s party, a guest of honor at a soiree at their country estate. They promised a night of occult mysteries and foreign prizes. Bits of people and places from across the empire and beyond. Mummies from Egypt and fragments of Greek antiquities to gasp and shriek over with glasses of champagne and brandy.
Roderick carried himself as Lord Werthrope’s equal, and at least for that night, surrounded by ancient mysteries of all kinds, he was seen as such. He was an expert, a guide, someone to hold in reverence rather than an oddity to gawk over. He told them with his bearing, his dignity, and the ruby he wore on a golden chain around his neck. His wishes became dreams and so became real. He stood like a stronger god beside the broken figure of Apollo and scoffed at the mistranslations of texts he’d only ever read secondhand.
Beside the wonders kept under guard at home, what were these paltry things? He could have any of them he desired, and he’d already claimed better.
His sense of superiority carried him through the party’s early hours, moving from acrobats in elaborate costumes, to fire eaters, to ghost stories and flights of fancy spun by swindlers far below his consideration. He had an answer or alternative for everything. And then he met the girl.
She sat at a bare table with no long cloth to hide rolling ankles, clever fishing lines, or knocking accomplices. Only a candle and a deck of cards separated her from the guests, and she’d drawn quite a queue. Her feet didn’t even reach the floor, swinging idly between the legs of the chair as she read the cards of a distraught-looking dandy.
Taking his arm, Lady Werthrope said, “This one you really must see, Magus. She’s made quite the splash in New York and London.”
The Magus offered a tolerant smile. “And what is the trick? Does she blow out the candle? Bend spoons?”
“Oh, no, nothing like that.” The lady practically vibrated, eager to impress as she led them to the table, scattering the line. “She sees things, and she reads fortunes like no one I’ve ever seen, and I’ve had more than a few pet psychics in my time. This one’s a bit of a sad story.”
The magus clenched his jaw until the muscle in his cheek twitched. He could make whatever sob story the girl shilled much worse. Of all the frauds and liars who feigned knowledge of the occult, Roderick Burgess hated mediums and ghost whisperers the most. The tantalizing promise of connection with Randal – always waved in his face, always ultimately denied – it clawed open the rotting wound in his heart, and he let the poison drip back on any fools who tried his patience.
Let this one try to pull the wool over his eyes, and he’d unmask her in front of this glittering audience. She’d be a penniless sad story when he was through.
“Those people,” the lady said, nodding to a couple flanking the child, “are just the adoptive parents. Saw her family murdered, poor thing. They say that’s what cracked her open to the other world.”
“Do they indeed.” He kept his smile, showing his teeth as his grip flexed over the cane in his free hand. “Then I look forward to her performance.”
The Magus and the lady sat across from the faux family, and the girl looked at them. The people who weren’t her parents did not manage her well, Burgess couldn’t help noting. They’d painted her up with rogue and kohl that made her look even more like a child playing grownup games, and the feather in her headband hung limp and lifeless. She barely managed to grimace through a smile, and she spoke with all the enthusiasm of a student reporting on Ovid to the class.
“What are you asking?” A child’s voice really shouldn’t be so dull. Now that he was nearer, the Magus couldn’t help wondering if she was even younger than he’d first assumed. Not even ten, he thought, and already so exhausted.
It wasn’t what he’d expected. He kept his guard, but curiosity stirred beneath. She was no great performer.
Lady Werthrope leaned forward, eager to take the first reading as the girl shuffled her cards. They were nearly too big for her to manage, but in this at least she clearly had much practice. Her handling of the tarot was the most natural element of her demeanor he’d yet to see.
The lady talked about her dog Moxy, a cocker spaniel much loved and terribly spoiled. It was getting on in years, and, well, ought she prepare for anything dreadful? Only, her friend had just lost her terrier, and she couldn’t chase it from her thoughts…
The cards appeared on the table. One by one. The Six of Cups. The Two of Swords. And, lastly, the Nine of Swords reversed.
“Moxy is well-loved.” The child pointed to the first card. “That’s the foundation. But she’s getting older, and she may go blind eventually. She’s accepted it, though, and you will, too.” She smiled a little, hesitantly, like a pet used to getting kicked when she barked at company. The Magus noted how her gaze flicked to her pseudo-father.
Lady Werthrope clucked and reached over to squeeze the child’s hand. “You’re very honest. And very sweet. Now, won’t you show the Magus what you can do?”
Obediently, she gathered the cards and folded the deck, shuffling them with the fresh energy of her next customer. “What do you want to know?”
Roderick considered. It was a little below him to ask anything specific of a child spiritualist, and he still meant to test her. Hate stirred the old thorn in his heart, and although she didn’t speak with ghosts to earn her bread, he didn’t need to justify himself.
“I’ll leave the question to you.” He squinted in a way that may seem affectionate, but it was only sharp, a predator focusing on little fawn to see how quickly it might run. “What do you see?”
She flinched, lifting her eyes from the cards to meet his in a fleeting, startled glance. Like he’d come near to guessing something she didn’t say out loud. But then she bent over the deck, back to her work as the woman behind her set a hand on her shoulder.
“Be good, Aisling,” the adoptive mother said. “Show the Magus your skills. Don’t embarrass us.”
The child rolled her lip between her teeth, sorting the task quickly. One card. Two cards. Three cards. Tap, tap, tap on the bare table. The Magician’s face glowed in the candle light, and Roderick blinked. A good tarot reader must have good luck in order to draw the appropriate cards – or a marked deck. But he’d watched those little hands like a hawk, and he’d seen nothing. It wasn’t definitive proof by any means, but Roderick Burgess knew himself to be cleverer than a child.
Pointing to the first card, the Magician, the girl said, “You’re the Magus. The Magician is your creation of yourself.” The second card was the Nine of Cups. “Your cups all overflow, and you enjoy the plenty you already have.” And then there was the Ace of Pentacles. Roderick wondered for a moment if she’d laid the cards out of the intended order, but she simply said, “There is new wealth coming. You’ve just found something that will bring you more good fortune. The benefits will grow in the months and years to come.”
“You’re very sure of yourself.” He looked for cracks, and there were many. Fatigue clouded her eyes and weighted the end of every sentence. Not a sign of a lie, though. She couldn’t even pretend to be happy for the audience.
He turned the interaction over in his mind through the rest of the night, wearing away the questions and presumptions like the rough edges of a stone, and by the later hours, he thought he might hold a jewel.
The adoptive parents made themselves easy to find. They hadn’t left the table. Neither had the girl. The lord and lady hired them to entertain, and they stayed at their posts. They’d gathered refreshments, but no cup or plate sat on the table, and he wondered if they had any idea children needed things like water after a long night of speaking with strangers.
Really. The scheme was too transparent. The only lies hid in any manner of affection the parents pretended for the child they claimed.
The Magus marched up to the table, rapping the top with his cane to seize the drowsy girl’s attention. She blinked, started licking her dry lips, caught herself, and pinched her mouth closed with her teeth.
“Aisling, wasn’t it?” He nodded to her, encouraging her to echo the motion. “I would like a word with you. No cards. No reading. Just a conversation. Alone.”
The father stepped forward, ready to defend his meal ticket. “Sir, I’m afraid we can’t just –”
“The girl and I will sit here, at this table,” he tapped it again to make his point, “and you will both stand over there.” The cane swung to point towards the bar, which was well within sight but well out of earshot.
When the man moved to protest again, Roderick pulled out his wallet, and the father’s mouth snapped shut. A few pounds bought the adults’ willing compliance, and they went off in search of drinks with barely a backwards glance. Roderick settled into the seat he claimed earlier, watching the girl squirm. Her hands fluttered restlessly between her lap and the table, clearly used to the cards, uneasy without the form and ritual of a reading to guide the conversation.
That was well enough. Roderick had his own plans.
He signaled one of the roving staff, and as the waiter approached, he ordered, “A lemonade for the young lady.”
With a bow, the server hurried off, and the Magus smiled, lips closed, tilting his head as his legs crossed under the table. He was not a client. He was an adult who noticed, who might be moved to care, and in the few hours of their acquaintance, he was already offering more than anyone else.
“So, you see things?”
Her eyes snapped from him to the people who managed her. Then back again, and down to her lap.
“I’m not supposed to upset people.” She picked at the fringe on the garish frock she wore – entirely unsuited to her age and clearly uncomfortable. “It upsets Mr. and Mrs. Foster when I see things. Or when I talk about them.”
The Magus nodded, unsurprised. He wondered if the people who adopted her even realized her talents were genuine when they snatched her up. They had too many connections and too much showmanship to be anything other than experienced con artists. This little Aisling must be very sensitive, and the truly sensitive didn’t see strictly good, kind, or encouraging things. How she must terrify the fools.
The server returned with a cut crystal glass rattling with ice. The girl thanked the server, then thanked her benefactor, and wrapped her hands around the condensation-slicked sides. She sipped carefully, and Roderick could see the tension ease from her posture as she drank. Desperate as she was, she didn’t gulp, and with clear regret, she set the drink on the table still two-thirds full. But she kept her hands on the glass, lest some waiter assume she was finished and spirit it away.
“I won’t be upset, and I’d like to believe you.” Angling his head down to peer at her meaningfully, employing a look he’d once used when his son misbehaved, he asked, “What have you seen tonight that would upset people?”
The girl looked around, shifting so her chair creaked. This time, it wasn’t her adoptive parents she feared. Any ears may be a threat. When she leaned in, the Magus copied her, silently assuring her the secret would be safe with him.
“There’s a guest who’s not a guest, and he isn’t a man, either.”
The Magus hummed. “Say I believe you. Could you prove it?”
Seduced into the invitation of an adult confidant, and revived by the lemonade, she rushed to answer. She wanted to prove herself. She wanted to be believed and heard. The Magus was listening, and he was beginning to believe as well.
“The man paid the footman with holly leaves,” she hissed in a loud whisper. “The footman folded them like bank notes, and the spines stabbed his palms, but he didn’t notice. Look for the one with blood on his gloves.”
“And the man who isn’t a man?”
Shrinking back, the girl shook her head until the headband went crooked. Her hand pressed over her heart, rubbing hard circles as her face creased.
“He’d know I saw him,” she said. “I don’t let them know I see them anymore.”
Now there was a tale and no mistake. A child with enough power to annoy things beyond the veil – one that survived an encounter – was rare indeed.
“What happened?” He lent his tone a shade of concern. Facts, he found, traveled swiftest to a sympathetic ear, and he needed to know everything. Curiosity was growing into practical fervor as the first dreams of a plan grew into place. “Are you ill?”
She crumbled just a little bit more, folding into herself to protect the place she rubbed from some invisible threat. “Sometimes I see things that don’t want to be seen. One of them – hurt me. There’s no scar, but it hurt me, and now it aches.”
The Magus donned a solemn expression, though he felt a thrill at the prospect sitting before him. The little girl had unusual skills, and though she wasn’t handled well by the adults governing her, they must still turn a pretty penny showing her in salons and private homes. He’d confirm what she’d said, of course, validate her little proof, but she was either a better liar than he’d ever met or she was childishly honest. He knew where he’d put his money.
Where he might very well invest it, actually.
He didn’t say goodbye, only nodding as he rose and went in search of the servant with bloody gloves.
Of course, he found him. When he demanded to see what the footman had in his pockets, the boy paled, stammering excuses, only to pull out a handful of forest detritus. As the young man fell into a whirl of confusion and disappointment, the Magus truly smiled. The first real smile since Lady Werthrope brought him to the child’s table.
He must have a proper conversation with the girl’s current guardians.
Aisling clung to her bag, drowning in the heat as the train pulled away from the Wych Cross platform. Men and women fanned themselves with hats and newspapers, desperate for a breeze in the dead summer stillness. Ladies shed their gloves. Men loosened their ties. Propriety mattered less when the air was trying to suffocate them, a crushing, inescapable oven scalding the usually damp countryside.
A miserable day to travel.
Sweat dripped down her back, soaking the neck of her dress, gluing her hair to her skin. But she didn’t have a free hand to stir a breeze. Her bag was too heavy, full of everything she would need in her new home, or at least everything the Fosters thought they couldn’t sell for a profit. Mrs. Foster took her to the train station and dropped her at the door.
“Here’s your ticket. You’re heading to Wych Cross, and then to Fawney Rig. Don’t forget, and don’t miss your train,” she’d said. Then she climbed back into the cab beside Mr. Foster and disappeared into the flow of London traffic.
They’d sold her on to someone else, and now they were free of her.
She peered around the station, but it was really just a platform. In London, there were helpful adults in uniforms and suits who pointed out the right train and the right stairs to reach it. Nothing here told her how to find Fawney Rig, though, and the only adult in a uniform seemed to be the man in the ticket booth.
She’d find her way. She wasn’t a baby after all. She was eight. And she could read very well, and no one was coming to help her, so she better figure it out.
She stood in line for the ticket man’s attention. Surely, he could give her directions. The Magus was rich, and a little famous, she thought, so his neighbors must know where he lived. If the man in the booth didn’t know, she’d keep asking until she found someone who did. While she waited her turn, she set down her suitcase and sat on it, taking deep breaths that tasted like salt. It could be worse. What if it rained instead? Well. Actually. Rain sounded very nice.
Soon enough, she took her place in front of the booth, and the man frowned under his mustache like she’d arrived with a bill or a letter from someone nasty. She smiled prettily, the way the Fosters told her to, and tried to make herself look like less of a problem as she clutched her case again.
“Excuse me,” she said, “but do you know the way to Fawney Rig?”
He physically recoiled, and his frown hooked deeper with glowering doubt as he scanned her. “Fawney Rig? That devil worshiper’s house? Why do you want to know?”
“I’ve been sent to live there, sir. I’m expected, but I don’t think they’ve sent anyone for me.” Manners made things easier with adults. Good manners and clear words – the fewer the better.
But the man wasn’t swayed. He looked thunderous. Like she’d broken something valuable and ought to pay for it with a lashing.
“Do you have money for a cab?”
The Fosters didn’t own her anymore, and they’d given her nothing but cards, and costumes, and a hairbrush. All the cash stayed warm and safe in their pockets.
“No, sir.”
“Then walk down the main road. Go east from the village, and keep going until there are no more houses you can see from the street. There’ll be a path on the left with a big iron gate. Follow that and you’ll find your devil worshipers.” He waved her off like he’d slap her if not for the glass. “Next!”
Manners got her what she needed, at least. “Thank you.”
The other adults all moved aside as she trundled through with her case. It made it easier to avoid clipping ankles and shins with her luggage, but she wondered if they hated her the way the ticket man hated her – because of Fawney Rig – or if she simply smelled after the long, stuffy ride in third class. Not that adults needed an excuse to dislike her. The nice ones called her uncanny and gifted. The mean ones called her a witch, and a bastard devil-spawn, and other names a mother should wash out of their mouths with soap.
She wasn’t sure which ones were telling the truth.
She knew the way forward, though. To Fawney Rig. That was good, even if the other adults didn’t think so. The Magus may not be a nice person, she hadn’t known him long enough for the usual adult lies to wear thin enough to see through, but he was smarter than the Fosters, and he’d given her a lemonade, so maybe she wouldn’t be as hungry or thirsty under his guardianship. She’d still have to work. Adults only wanted her if they thought she could give them something. But everything was more bearable with a good dinner and cold drinks.
She hoped he’d give her another cold drink, even water with some ice, when she reached his home. The train ride left her terribly thirsty.
Leaving the shaded platform, she bowed away from the sun’s violent touch and started on her journey. The village only kept a cobbled road in the center of town. It led up to the train station, linking it to a clutch of shops and offices. A parish church sat a little way back from the road, separated from the secular world by a field of tidy tombstones in heat-bleached grass. People noticed her. They looked. They whispered to each other. But no one waved or offered a hand. Gossip didn’t move fast enough to beat her here from the train, and she wondered how people could tell she was odd. Society had so many rules beyond manners, but no one would tell her what they were, and she never guessed right.
By the time the cobblestones ended, she was struggling to hold onto her suitcase. The handle kept trying to slip from her fingers, even when she held it with both hands, and she had to work harder and harder to keep it out of the dirt. If she knew anything about the world, it was that good children didn’t drag their luggage, and bad things happened to those that did. She’d travelled enough to learn, and she wanted to make a good impression on her new keeper and his household.
The road outside of town went a very, very long way. The ticket seller’s instructions made each step sound the same length: go through town, pass the houses, go down the long drive past the gates. Her imagination had lied to her, though. Every time she thought she’d passed the last house, there came another. Each handed her down the chain of cottage gardens and small homes full of families who pretended not to see. They all knew she’d done something, like she had a brand on her forehead, and she wasn’t allowed to stop. She didn’t try to.
Everything looked sickly yellow in the midday glare. Dust hung in the air, stirred by passing cars, lingering without a breath of wind to dispel the choking clouds. Everything looked flat and dead, so much so she almost missed the gate. Another leg of her trek done. Still too far to go, and the private road leading to the Magus’ home was longer than it had any right to be.
She didn’t feel well. The trees gave her a little protection, but her stomach and lungs felt hard, strained, the way her arms ached with carrying her suitcase. Only they were parts that shouldn’t feel that way, and she thought maybe she should sit down.
But she was almost there.
Even if she walked slowly, and her feet didn’t land quite where she told them to.
She just wouldn’t think about those things. Complaining was just making excuses, and she was expected.
The house appeared out of nowhere, or she was too dizzy to see it through the leaves before the last turn in the drive. It loomed, a very final-looking destination, and her suitcase escaped her grasp. The case was slippery, and her fingers didn’t curl the way they should. She bent to pick it up, and when she straightened, the whole world spun.
She stood very still until it stopped, and she found herself shivering as she approached the front door. Very strange. Was she afraid? No. That didn’t sound right. She felt terrible, too terrible to worry, and none of it made sense.
But she’d nearly made it. She had made it. Almost.
Knocking summoned a young man, and the door creaked open as he glanced down with a quizzical expression. “Hello? Can I help you?”
She tried holding her suitcase with just one hand, but it slipped away again, barely missing her foot. Maybe a handshake was a bad idea. The stranger hadn’t held his hand out for a shake, after all. She was just confused. He might not want to touch her. And she must look a picture after her walk.
She should’ve done something differently. If she were smarter, or taller, or…
“I’m Aisling Hunt, sir. The Magus sent for me.”
“Oh.” The young man’s eyes popped wider, and she wondered if he was younger than she thought at first. Stepping back, he pulled open the door to usher her inside. “I’m sorry. I’d heard someone was coming, but I’d thought you’d be… well, older. And I’m just Alex.”
“Nice to meet you, Alex. I’m Aisling.”
He nodded and plucked her bag from where she’d dropped it. “Yes. You said. Are you feeling alright?”
She didn’t know. And grownups didn’t really like it when she was unwell anyway. Before she could come up with a suitable lie that would get her what she needed without stepping on any toes, a familiar face appeared at the end of the hall.
“Ah! You made it.” Out of formal dress, the Magus still brimmed with authority. Aisling had met many adults who wore costumes and pretended to be something they weren’t, but the Magus seemed like he’d somehow stitched his chosen persona into his skin. “Welcome to Fawney Rig.”
She wobbled. “Thank you, sir.”
“Magus,” he corrected.
“Thank you, Magus, sir.”
At last, what he was seeing overshadowed his enthusiasm, and the old man frowned. “Did you walk here? From the station?”
“Yes, Magus.”
“The Fosters didn’t even give you money for a fucking cab?”
“Just the train ticket, sir. Magus.”
She blinked, and the whole room turned blue, like peering at the world through stained glass. It looked so pretty she didn’t realize the Magus was asking her another question until his hand settled on her shoulder.
His voice came from far away. “Can you hear me?”
Yes, she wanted to say. Yes, Magus, I walked, and I found Fawney Rig all on my own, and I’m not useless, please don’t throw me away yet.
But everything looked cool, and blue, and lovely. She was floating in it. Floating and so awfully heavy at the same time. The color slipped in with her breath, eroding her control until it slipped from her grasp like the suitcase had.
The world went dark, and she didn’t see, hear, or say anything more.
And deep below, in the belly of the house, Dream of the Endless waited in his cage, as senseless to the world above as she.
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marchsfreakshow · 20 days
You Over Her! [Dandy Mott]
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Dandy has taken to you plenty, but Gloria's idea to marry him off causes him to stick to your side like glue.
A request by the wonderful @poeticsorcery <3 thank you for this!
So many ways to execute this idea aaaa I hope this reads well I'm in love with Dandy being clingy to you<33
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
Dora could only do so much for the whiny man-child. She could only take so much abuse before you stepped in fully. Sure she still liked cooking, but you had to serve everything to Dandy. If it wasn't given to him by you? Anarchy. Clearly, you didn't love him as much as he thought if you weren't bothering to help out.
Every evening he sat and watched you as you cleaned. Cleaning every inch of the playroom he loved so much. But he adored you more. If your clothes were ever so slightly uncomfortable, they were thrown and new ones were on your bed in the morning. If you slacked off and almost fell asleep, you'd get yelled at before being tucked into the makeshift bed in the playroom. Sweet words whispered, uncomfortably, into your ears as the covers were messily tucked around your body.
"you're so amazing. So perfect. So gorgeous. Everything." He chuckled, staring at your sleeping face. A finger tracing your jaw, nose, and cheeks. Every part of you he needed. Every part.
This routine of you two sharing small stares and smiles through your workday had been fine for the months you stayed. Pay never lowered, and you found yourself silently attached to the brat despite his... tantrums. Whenever you went to bed you pretended to sleep so you could be aware of Dandy's small kiss on your cheek. And to your forehead, to your neck, chest. Never lower. He was a gentleman after all. It was a sweet few months, with sweet talks and treats for your work.
But, fate decided to intervene on the most peaceful day of all. Dora was out. So was Gloria. Dandy was in his playroom with you, watching you as per usual. Watching you move as you adjusted his items, and humming show tunes to yourself. Such a quiet, peaceful day. Until Gloria's shrill voice decided to break your, quiet time with the spoilt man. "I need you out." She mentioned to you. "Dandy! I have someone for you to meet."
Not wanting to upset Gloria, you immediately walked out. But looked a bit sadly at Dandy, who was immediately annoyed to no ends of the earth. A lovely woman, your age was behind Gloria as you walked out. The eye contact with each other was slightly tense. She could tell you wanted to be left alone, but you could tell Gloria's wants. She wanted this girl to marry Dandy. Badly. So much so, that a potential payment was held in the woman's bag. Walking away to Dandy's room, you closed the door, in an attempt to make Gloria happy.
Obviously, you didn't stay in there. You immediately walked back out once you could tell the two ladies were in the playroom. Eavesdropping on the conversation. A very one-sided conversation. Dandy was practically silent as Gloria introduced the woman and practical information about her. You could almost tell Dandy was rolling his eyes and was thinking more about you.
Only a few minutes passed before you heard steps out of the room. So, you just made it seem like you were hanging around, waiting for the conversation to finish. "She's such a cow." You heard before arms wrapped around you, and a face buried itself in your neck. Letting out a small awkward chuckle, eventually, you reciprocated the unexpected affection. In your head, any and all scenarios played out in detail. The worst one you thought of was Dandy killing the lovely lady just because. You knew he wanted to explore murder. He spilled his heart out to you whenever he got a chance.
"Dandy! Please just take a chance on her!" Gloria's slightly uninterested and shrill voice intruded your ears once again. He shook his head silently and stuffed his face in your neck again. If Gloria spoke up again, you might have to punch her.
So that's exactly what you did. She kept pestering Dandy with the call of his name and begging for a wedding. A heavy and annoyed sigh left you and pushed the brat off you (gently of course) before going up to the brat's mother and punching her. You hit her in her nose, causing her to fall back slightly, stumbling as she caught her footing. Your stare was hard, and cold as Gloria examined the blood dripping out of her nose. Oh. Shit. That wasn't meant to happen.
Where was the lovely stranger in all of this? She was stood by one of Dandy's stuffed animals, watching on in fear. A broken nose, yelling and a tantrum wasn't how she saw her day going. She expected to be introduced to her future husband, prepare details, and move in. All with a promise of a good deal, and money. Plenty of it. Everyone was easily swayed by money. And the Mott family had it at their fingertips 24/7. How could such a handsome man be such a baby? It dissuaded her if it wasn't already obvious that marriage would not be taking place.
You? You were getting a gentle kiss on each of your red knuckles, and praises sung in your ear. Dandy was already so swayed by you, and that punch made him fall deeper. Such a strong... persuasive way to tell Gloria no. But she shrieked your name and looked at Dandy with that look she couldn't erase from her eyes. "Why do you insist on staying with this dreadful person?!"
"They're better than some hag who only wants our money!" He raised his voice back, finally hitting rock bottom with his mother. Everything basically collapsed at that point, and the stranger took this opportunity to run out, heading in whatever direction she could so she didn't risk a punch from you. You felt bad for her, only slightly though. Sure she wanted to be married for the money, but you were sure she was a sweet woman.
Minutes of screaming passed and Gloria eventually headed out, down the stairs to 'calm herself down' which left Dandy staring annoyedly at the door to the playroom. The best thing you could think of was to put your hands on his face, staring gently at him. His eyes met yours, and immediately you could tell the brat softened. Dandy's hands pulled you closer, and he almost melted under your touch. "you feeling better now?"
He nodded into your neck, pressing little kisses to the skin he was close to. Any touch on him made him feel better, in any situation. As long as it was you. "How about I marry you instead?"
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @slvt4jamesmarch @fear-is-truth @coentinim @nahoyasboyfriend @bluerthanvelvet444 @starry-eyed-wild-child @babygorewhore
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