gensnix · 17 days
It's been a year I'm gonna say something controversial
Rauru was fucking ugly
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
Secret Life finale highlights for me:
- "My strategy: Kill Skizz and Tango. Will happen at some point... Or, just maim them and watch them die in a corner." - Scar
- Scott on Grian's loyalty: "I have never seen a man drop a pair of sunglasses faster in my life [than last season after Joel died]."
- I think I reblogged someone's speculation weeks ago that at the dawn of final session, everyone's task book would just say "Win Secret Life." Congrats to them for Apollo's gift of prophecy.
- Martyn's beat of pause before saying to Joel "Welcome to the Out of Context video."
- At the start of the season, Etho said Joel was the first one he wanted to kill because "He's cheeky." When Joel is asked who he wants to kill, he says "Etho." Glad you're enjoying your rivalry, boys, smh...
- Joel, once again giving into his Shrek origins, watching Bdubs' wool globe go up in flames and chirping "My world's on fire; how 'bout yours?"
- Tango does not break his "pathetic death" curse. Just blipped out of existence. Love that for him.
- Spitting, crying... BigB panics and flees into his creepy backrooms for safety. Immediately vanishes into the tunnel maze. Scar pursues and skids to a halt because he hasn't seen it yet and is thoroughly creeped out.
- Scar coming up to surface and trying to describe how BigB disappeared. Martyn looks down at where they're standing and is just like "Oh, that's the backrooms." Mental image of Scar as that meme that goes "The. what."
- Scar describing BigB as a sneaky squirrel. "Squirrel" was the name of BigB's horse in Double Life.
- Joel's anxiety about entering a Nether portal on the final episode, specifically because of how he and Etho perma-died in Double Life
- Whatever was going on with Martyn flinging ender pearls up the ladder seconds before he died
- Additionally, people in the background commenting that they think Martyn's teamed up with Cleo and the only reason he was near them was an attempt to bear down and kill them
- Scar to Bdubs, watching Cleo and Etho from a distance: "Look at this- Mom and Dad are bringing their new ugly stepson to meet us, Bdubs." /camera pans to the warden chasing them
- Bdubs tells Scar that Cleo said he was her favorite son and Scar IMMEDIATELY, without responding or even waiting for Bdubs to finish his sentence, jumps a wall and books it to Cleo to confirm... Mental image of him swinging dramatically over it with one hand, his shawl billowing behind him
- Scar chases Cleo while they're both being pursued by a warden, asking her if he's her favorite son. Doesn't let up until she assures him she "just said it to keep Bdubs happy." what is wrong with the Clocker family.
- Joel somehow pulled off a beautiful PVP kill on Skizz despite having only 2.5 hearts
- In earlier episodes, Joel had people say "The florist sends his regards" on his behalf before striking. Before killing Skizz, he says "Scar sends his regards" since Scar really wanted to kill Skizz but bequeathed the fight to Joel instead.
- Scar trotting up to Etho and Cleo, who are watching him from a cliff, and announcing "I am not up to anything nefarious!"
- Scar's weird spiky wall design is really pretty
- slkdjfskldjfsklj?!?!?!? I had a bullet point on this list that said "Honorable non-finale mention to Scar getting both the Green and Yellow kill on Etho this season" but now I see I need to correct that:
- Shout-out to Scar killing Etho - in Etho's front yard - THREE TIMES this season. Etho rushing back to his base, tripping over his feet and saying "I'm going home, everybody- I'm dying at my home-"
- Scott to Scar: "I went down to BigB - to get him - and I see what you mean; he does just talk his way out of things so you feel bad; you just leave him." / Scar: "That's why you don't let him speak. You just inner monologue. You start talking about Star Wars so you can't hear his charms."
- As Scar drives his sword into Cleo, he says "Good-bye, Mom- This is for you telling Bdubs [he's your] favorite." Geez, dude. Scar killed both his parents; this family is a mess. Bonus points for Joel fumbling in the background like "Oh my gosh- Scar, you savage-"
- I watched multiple POVs until I was caught up to the standoff between Gem & The Scotts vs. The Mounders... So picking up from there with Scar's POV b/c his is the one I randomly started with today: I love how Joel basically went "I am once again throwing caution to the wind and charging into battle with a murderous Red rage in my eyes and no one behind me" like he ALWAYS does.
- Bdubs and Scar decide to back him up... Amazing.
- Scar has gotten 4 kills (Tango, Etho, Cleo, Impulse) and he was super close to getting BigB as well before Scott sniped the kill. Geez... The man is vicious today. During Limited Life, Grian made a comment that went something like "Of course Scar is only destructive / successful when I'm not on his team" and honestly? Yeah...
- Pearl begging Scar to kill her- Pearl warning Scar that if she perma-kills Gem, she'll go up 10 hearts- Scar refusing, insisting that he doesn't want to turn on her because it feels lame...
- Scar got Gem, he got Gem... GeminiSlay is DOWN!
Oh my goodness, I saw his episode title ("Can Villain Scar Win?") and the words that went through my head were "Welp, that's a spoiler that he's dead." I see I was wrong.
GG, SCAR WIN!!! Man who wanted so desperately to have friends, only to trip and fail time and time again... GoodTimesWithVictor!!
My heart, Scar letting that zombie knock him down to half a heart... playing up like he didn't just watch the lightning bolt mark Pearl's demise. He wanders, calling out to Pearl, asking where she went... quietly giggling and muttering to himself as that zombie pushes at him... GG, Scar. GG.
My goodness, is this the only time we haven't seen the winner die in their perspective? Scar slams that success button for winning the game, gets 5 hearts, turns back, and that's it... That's the game. End scene.
What a LAD!!
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Alright, Uchiha Clan oppression longpost
This is the unavoidable, and often central, topic people tend to surround their Naruto politics takes on, and is as a result a big, ugly discourse-generator. It's also a subject I'm definitely always thinking about when it comes to Naruto as a noted Sasuke stan, and my thoughts on it have changed gradually over the years. I'm making this post to share what my current interpretation on "how and why the Uchiha Clan were oppressed" is.
Before I do that though, notice on what this post is not:
I'm not writing a "discourse ender", a take meant to be spread around with the claim of being the only correct interpretation of events. This is a post I wrote to share the exact way I rotate an aspect of the manga in my mind, and to convince people that looking at it from this angle is interesting. Basically: it's not that serious, I think about this because it's fun.
This isn't a "character-bashing" post or whatever either, so like if you agree with what you read here, I suppose I can't stop you from using those infamous "anti-[X]" tags, it's just that making a post that warrants them has never been my intention.
Along with that, I do want to address the by now very well established fact that Naruto the series is Not Very Good, and has glaring inconsistencies in its writing. The Uchiha Clan drama is definitely not exempt from this, and in its case the failures in Kishimoto's writing usually show in inconsistent power-scaling, in which we're made to accept weird leaps in logic (how does a 13 year old get rid of what we're told is one of the most powerful and feared clans internationally?) That being said, those particular inconsistencies are kind of irrelevant to this particular post, and don't much change the fact that the Uchiha Clan Massacre did happen. I'll be taking it as a given that if you're reading this, you're accepting to suspend your disbelief of those events on a technical level, and are more interested in how I make sense of it all more on the diegetic social/political level.
With that settled, we can get to the important part now:
The most popular take (as far as I've personally seen) on the events that led to the Uchiha Clan's downfall is the one that takes Madara at his word: the Senju have been oppressing the Uchiha since Konoha's conception, and Tobirama becoming the 2nd Hokage gave him the opportunity to put the Uchiha in a more socially disadvantaged position (police force), gradually earning them the villagers' ire, which was the catalyst for their eventual genocide.
This interpretation works if the end goal of your analysis is to say "Tobirama really fucking sucks". I don't think this conclusion is an unreasonable one, since Tobirama's hostility towards the Uchiha is great enough that he can callously tell a 16 year old genocide survivor that if his clan "self-destructed for the sake of the village, so be it". However, to me, the circumstances surrounding the Uchiha Clan are much wider-encompassing and more fascinating than narrowing their fate to a single man in fan meta written to convince you to hate him, so it goes without saying that I don't think "this is all Tobirama's fault" is a very interesting lens to look at this from.
I also don't buy the argument that making the Uchiha cops was (originally) to their detriment. We'll get back to that in a bit. I suppose this depends on how you look at Tobirama's character, but I think that when he said he made the police force as a sign of trust and to give the clan something useful to do in Konoha, he was being genuine. Arguing the opposite requires you to either believe that a law enforcement order could ever be in an oppressed position by default, or that Tobirama created a fundamentally useless new institution because he just hated the Uchiha that much. I think the former is a weird thing to argue if you're trying to be Leftist about all this, and the latter is a very ungenerous interpretation of Tobirama's character in which his own "racism"/pettiness overshadows his more utilitarian instincts to ensure that the village his brother built was safe and functioning. Obviously you could interpret that, but that leads us back to the "everything is Tobirama's fault" take, that I already mentioned I find lame as hell.
So then, how do I think the Uchiha Clan was oppressed? Because I think they indisputably were, or I wouldn't be making this post. Well, I think it was less "The Senju/Tobirama have always wanted to lord over them and wanted them dead", and more: they became gradually more socially disadvantaged during the era of Hidden Villages, with the consecutive world wars creating a souring global opinion on kekkei genkai clans.
(I'm gonna base my arguments primarily on what we see happen in the manga, and I'll add in some information from the fanbooks/databooks that weren't contradicted by what we see happen in Kishimoto's canon)
Let's start with what we know, definitely, that canon tells us:
Kekkei genkai clans are discriminated against to a very high extent, leading to things such as their mass slaughter (eg, the Uchiha Clan obviously, but also kekkei genkai clans like Haku's clan in the Land of Mist), and a vulnerability which puts them in positions where they're likelier to be targeted and kidnapped (eg, Hinata, but also Orochimaru having a whole criminal entreprise built on kidnapping and experimenting on people possessing kekkei genkai).
The trend for their discrimination is in being scapegoated. When Haku talks about the genocides in the Land of Mist (I refuse to call it the Land of Water sorry it sounds so stupid), this is how he describes them:
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(chapter 59)
basically, it's not shinobi as a whole who are badly seen even though all sorts of them were likely participating in those wars: it's kekkei genkai clans in particular. Compare this to the Uchiha Clan being blamed for the Nine Tails attack (I mean one of them certainly was responsible, but was entirely unaffiliated with the rest of the clan) and being roped off to the edge of the village as a result.
Kekkei genkai clans are also frequently described by characters as being a bit "wilder" and more violent than usual shinobi. Tobirama calling the Uchiha "cursed", Kushina describing the Uzumaki as being "a bit savage", and Kakashi introducing us to the concept of kekkei genkai initially with these fun visuals:
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(chapter 25)
The thing that's interesting about all this is the context in which it exists: the shinobi villages aren't technically "nations", but I think it would be accurate to liken their possessiveness of their secrets and paranoia regarding outside intrusion + conception of themselves as unified cultural entities + incredibly harsh treatment of dissidents (becoming a rogue is essentially a death sentence) to nationalism. There's an intentse "in-group vs out-group" feeling here.
Not to mention that canonically that shinobi have always been tools of imperialism for greater powers. While Hashirama's initial dream was to put an end to that, it eventually became corrupted; there was already discontent regarding land and resource allocations during his tenure as Hokage, and while we have no idea why the 1st War started, we know that by the time we're on the 2nd one, Konoha had become a tool for the Land of Fire's imperialist expansion (and was apparently was expanding its influence as a military village, too).
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(chapter 436)
Basically, the "in-group vs out-group" conception that had once solely been clan-centric widened, and became this new concept of shinobi villages.
This is important because nationalistic sentiment inevitably rises during war; as a result, there's be a sharper eye for who'd turn traitor, who wasn't supporting the military effort, who would endanger their nation/village, etc. With this, there would be greater suspicion directed towards kekkei genkai clans, because they're more "genetically predisposed" to being unpredictable, because they would appear more loyal to their own than to the whole of the village, because they were the likeliest to turn traitor, and so on.
This would be a gradual process going on since the 1st War, but I believe that the 2nd War was where this kickstarted into becoming so much worse, because that one saw the destruction of Uzushio. It was a village composed entirely of a single clan, didn't bend to any of the big 5, and the Uzumaki were "savage" and had abilities that were greatly feared. It would be interesting to consider the idea that their associations with Konoha would have done them more harm than good here, too, given that Konoha was the Big Bad in the 2nd War and an alliance with them would not have been viewed positively.
It's thinking about all this in context, where nationalism was at its peak, where there's an idea that genetic chakra abilities impair swathes of people from being regular functioning shinobi like everyone else, is how we can imagine the Uchiha were discriminated against. They had another disadvantage to them as well, given that one of the first deadly attacks committed on Konoha was done by one of them. If we want to go back to the police force argument, it would be interesting to consider the idea that while it had been a good position for them at first, the utility and influence of the institution gradually eroded over time, and by the time the era where the massacre happened came along it became nearly meaningless since most of its original functions had been assigned elsewhere; as the kekkei genkai clan discrimination rose, the Uchiha also fell victim to it and their influence within the village significantly reduced out of fear of them.
The surveillance and the sequestering of the Uchiha Clan came after two important events; the first being the 3rd Great Shinobi War, and the second being the Nine Tails' attack on Konoha which happened barely a year post-armistice. Konoha was barely recovering from global armed conflict when half of it was destroyed in that attack; tensions are high, the Hokage is dead, and so the village saw an incredibly convenient scapegoat in the Uchiha clan.
So... yeah, that's how I see it! I find this a more fun interpretation than just pointing fingers at individual characters, because it allows me to consider the wider worldbuilding of the Naruto world, and also doesn't assume the Uchiha's position was especially unique and the end-be-all of all the problems with Naruto's politics. It's certainly important, but it's part of a greater network of problems too!
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bengiyo · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
10 Favorite Characters
You asked a broad question, so I hope you’re okay with answers outside of my daily posting. I post a lot about BL on here, but this list is a mild reminder that I am Black. As I’m putting this list together, I’m recognizing a common thread of ruthlessness in these characters that I will have to unpack at some point.
Omar Little (The Wire)
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Omar is one of my favorite characters of all time because he was the first sympathetic gay character I ever watched on TV with my dad. As I got older, my dad decided I was old enough and wanted me to watch what he considered to be one of the greatest shows ever made (NOTE: He is correct). I was obsessed with Omar because of his strict code and how gentle and loving he was with his boyfriends. It was amazing to me that we had this powerful gay character in the middle of a modern Greek tragedy and he is one of the most compelling characters ever created in American television.  
Ender Wiggin (Ender’s Game)
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One of the sad thing about growing up queer is the people who wrote a lot of your formative works hate queer people. Orson Scott Card was my first major disappointment in this regard. In the 7th grade, I discovered this book in our school library and ended up reading it and the related books multiple times throughout my adolescence.  I was a weird kid who was too smart for my own good. In middle school I struggled with feeling out of place because I was relatively new compared to most of these kids, and my family had me on a specific life track that meant that I had to perform at a high level constantly. I connected with Ender’s isolation and his brilliance. I also connected to his ruthlessness.
Marco (Animorphs)
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Animorphs is a pretty dark series for a bunch of elementary school kids to read, but that was K. A. Applegate’s point. War is horrible, and should be avoided. Reading this series is a reading the perspective of child soldiers. There was something about the way Marco always masked with jokes, but was quietly the most ruthless member of their group that means he’s always the one I remember first. There were also the ways he commented on Ax and Jake that just didn’t read straight, and I’ve been relieved that Applegate and the ghost writers have acknowledged the fan read on Marco’s bisexuality. I just love how from appearances at the end of the series Marco is actually okay after all the war, but he absolutely is not.
Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
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He was our first Black captain in Star Trek and I will love him forever. He’s also from New Orleans and cooks our food. He’s a devoted father, which was something Avery Brooks requested for the role to make sure we had a positive depiction of Black fatherhood on TV in the 90s. He has an understated spirituality to him. He has grit from facing the ugly side of maintaining a utopia and has an incredible temper that he holds most of the time. He’s a nerd about baseball. He cares about his people and holds firm as their commander. This isn’t a committee for him. He can be so brutal. I love him.
Ghost Dog (Ghost Dog)
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Ghost Dog (1999) is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I’ve always loved the version of masculinity Forest Whitaker put into this character. He has a sense of style and flair, and also follows a strict code of conduct. His adherence to his way earned him the respect of everyone in his community, and gangsters in his neighborhood show him admiration and respect. I loved his friendship with Raymond, in which neither knows what the other is saying and yet they are actually on the same page constantly.
Raymond Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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Yes, this show is copaganda, but I love Raymond Holt so much. I love that Andre Braugher played the Straight Man role in a comedy as a politically out gay man who has such a serious exterior. Holt was so gay in so many ways and I am obsessed with him. He is so deep into his niche interests (like me) and yet he was actually such a great mentor figure to everyone under him. I loved that he and his husband were so devoted to each other but were never depicted as the perfect couple. I love that he has a petty beef with another colleague. He’s just an incredible character.
Kiram Kir-zaki (Lord of the White Hell)
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Kiram is the first time I ever realized how deep the programming in speculative fiction to read the protagonist as a white man with brown hair and brown eyes. Kiram is a dark-skinned Haldiim youth with curly gold hair and light eyes. It took me three readings of this book to perceive Kiram properly, and it’s something that has shaken me for a long time. Kiram is brilliant, snarky, and too gay for his own good. He’s also not stupid. I love reading a smart gay character who generally cannot hide who he is doing the work to blend in to a homophobic setting. Ginn Hale also writes gay sex better than some gay male authors.
Kakei Shiro (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
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Honestly, when am I ever not thinking about this man? I love how, even if he can’t immediately give Kenji everything he might want, he gives Kenji all that he can. He couldn’t say he loved Kenji for a long time, but you could feel the love in his cooking. I’m so happy to have this man and his partner back on my screen again. It is just so hard to be gay. I am so relieved that many of the folks reading my posts didn’t suffer The Knowing, because I know that Shiro and I will never be able to get away from what it did to us.
Chiron (Moonlight)
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The terrible intersection of poverty, race, and sexuality has never been better exemplified for me than in this film that has no white people in it. There are just so many fewer choices for us, especially if you can’t hide who you are. I love Chiron so much because we see so much of what he was forced to be pushed onto him. There’s something heartbreaking and beautiful that as an adult he resembles Juan, and that he never got over Kevin.  I find it hard to explain why Chiron means so much to me, but I’m black and gay so I don’t always feel like I have to.
Max (Black Sails)
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I love Max because she consistently chose to not be cruel when so many others would have. She is not accumulating power for her own ego or to punish those who wronged her. She holds power as a facilitator. History doesn’t remember the facilitators who keep the lights on and make sure the bread gets made every day, but you notice their absence within two days when they’re gone. Max is also funny to me because she and Flint almost never encounter each other, but have caused the other so much grief.
Thank you for the ask!
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percy-ils · 6 months
c!dream drabble I talked about. all impulsive writing I did on the train so don't judge me
/dsmp /rp
people look at him the same way they did before, at first. some with anger, hatred; others with fear they try oh so hard to hide but ultimately fail when their body language betrays the cold face they put on. some are just indifferent, as they used to be.
it takes them less than three seconds, as far as his experiences tell, for them to notice. then their expressions change, even if for a brief moment before they fix up an emotionless facade again. he finds it amusing to watch, as much as he can with the situation.
every admin reflects their world, gets something from them and gives as much in return. for Dream, the most obvious one has always been his wings - those of the ender dragon that less than a handful of people have even gotten close to seeing with their own eyes. it's all written in books, though, found in mansions and villages and temples. everyone has heard about them in childhood stories and seen illustrations in the old writings. it's the first thing that everyone used to notice about him. his hair used to shine gold like the midday sun falling on fields and curling around his pointed ears when he let it fall freely on his shoulders, his eyes like the green of the forests of his world he so dearly loved, brown specks shining when the sun reflected off of them.
his friends used to tease him about how his wings raised high above him whenever he got excited or saw someone he loved approaching. they hated how he used to impulsively jump off of high cliffs and only take flight right before the hit the bottom, and they used to love how the light got filtered through the black-purple of the wings. he used them to protect his friends from the winds and rain, to shield them from the scorching heat of their sun in the summers. Sapnap used to reach up to ruffle his hair to make it frizzy and George would braid it back for him, not too tight and not too loose, when it annoyed him too much. they said they never understood how he climbed all those trees, without making a sound too, with the size of his wings and how he digged through caves in manhunts and managed to fit through the smallest cracks.
everything was different now.
Now, whenever someone looked at him for more than a few seconds, they noticed everything that was wrong with him. his hair was long, way past his shoulders and no longer curling but instead matted and tangled, no matter how much he tried to brush them out, and bleached white. it didn't look natural, it didn't look human and it did not look like him. it wasn't. only when he was out of prison and washed off of everything ugly that was sticking to his skin did he notice. he had looked at the mirror, saw his hair falling around his face white, his face covered in scars that weren't there before, freckles he's had as far as he can remember no longer there. there are still cuts on his knuckles from the broken glass.
he did not need a mirror to notice the huge emptiness in the space behind him, wings no longer there to rise twice his height into the sky and take in all the light around. he didn't like thinking back to that day. even Sam had been speechless. he hadn't stayed conscious enough to see them separated from him despite feeling it in his very core, nor he knew what had been done with them. he had decided that he didn't want to learn.
people notice, and they take a few seconds to collect themselves and kept on with whatever threat they were spewing out or weapon they were gripping in their hand. he thought he saw some sort of hesitance to continue with it after the initial shock subsides, he thinks he doesn't want it.
he knows it's a lot to take in. Techno had been the first to see him after everything, aside from Sam and Quackity, and unlike how he imagines other people would've reacted, Technoblade had the decency to be kind and not mention it, though he did have that flash of pity that Dream thought he saw for a second.
Punz's reaction was the worst, because of the care and sadness and shock they had all written without them holding it back, and Dream had watched their eyes as they took in the scars and the torn jumpsuit and the blood, his hair and his wings that were no longer there. it had hurt, in a way he couldn't explain and he had opted to staring down at the snow that was getting stained with a mix of dry and fresh blood and swallowing his feelings down.
he hated seeing the faces when people noticed. noticed how thin he was and the way his clothes were all askew and how he looked barely like half the person they knew and feared.
he hated how much he had changed and lost and he hated how nothing, after all, would be the same as before after those three seconds passed for people to take notice.
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clayhilllll · 2 years
Dhmis cast playing minecraft
Yellow guy has a rudimentary survival house made of oak wood and planks, not a lot of actual decor save for some potted flowers. Good at mining and found diamond before any of the others. Gets lost constantly if he doesn't leave a trail of torches, and even then he can get mixed up. Favorite biome is the meadows. He dies to endermen a lot
Duck is that godawful player that takes nine million years to build a house that he found on Pinterest, only for it to look nothing like that. Is generally bad at building bc he ends up losing the patience for it. Is good at enchanting and potion making tho, tried to create his own village but zombies got in and turned them all into zombified villagers. Nearly destroyed the computer in rage
Red guy is good at exploring and mining, and is probably the only one out of the three that can read both coordinates, compass, and the map without getting them completely lost. Has the potential to be good at building but doesn't find any interest to. He dies most often to lava, which makes him actually scream in anger. Is shit at enchanting and potions. Gets attacked by illagers a lot. His house is a treehouse that is literally a birch wood square on top of an upright tree trunk. It is so ugly that duck attempts burning it down
Lesley is so OP that everyone is frankly scared of her. WAY higher level than anyone else, has a booby trapped house that puts players in bedrock cages when they try to infiltrate, has fully enchanted diamond armor and a fully enchanted netherite sword. Absolute unquestioned god at the game. Only one who has a chance against her is the ender dragon itself.
Roy is an anomaly of a player. The main three often come across him on their own mining trips into caves, wherein Roy is wielding nothing but a stone pickaxe and a stone sword, jumping and repeatedly crouching at them in game in the universal gesture of peace. His base is to be honest, beautiful. It's a little house that's been built in the crevice of a ravine, very cute, highly decorated bc he has way too much free time. His knowledge of redstone is frankly baffling. He likes to throw raw meat and eggs at everyone bc he thinks it's funny. Basically he's Herobrine but sillier
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Fun and Modded Games with 035, Or... Did You Just Caboose Me? So Wrong, Dude.
My first test with 035 aka Dyo. Just little ol me, the Possesive Mask, and a modded to hell copy of a quasipopular 4 v everyone zombie shooter. What can go wrong? Everything.
Well, it's time to meet the Possesive Mask, for a few "friendly" games. 035 walks in, and sees me setting up my gaming rig. If he could raise an eyebrow, he would have.
"What's going on? I was told I'd be testing. Didn't expect to test with 049's girl."
"Yeah... it's not really an official official test. And I thought since the Doctor is important to me, thought we should actually meet on less formal terms." I smile, extend a hand. "I'm Rabbit, nice to finally meet you, Dyo. Wanna blow up some boomers?"
"Big, nasty explody undead bastards. It'll be fun, I promise. And, since we're not being overly monitored, feel free to swear at the lumbering sacks of boom and acid."
I fire up the game, hand him an extra controller. And... break out laughing. My dumb ass forgot to switch off my mods. So, the shamblers are all Bernie Sanders, the spitters are dilophasaurs, the boomers are all the heavy from Team Fortress 2, and the witches... are the most demented version of Princess Peach ever seen. Hell, I still left my character mods on, meaning I'm stuck as a neon green Amongus and Dyo is... Caboose from Red vs Blue. Our weapons are modded, Dyo running with the BFG 1000 from Doom, I picked dual plasma cutters. Our online teammates are modded up too, 'Sarcasm&4Gauges' is ready to wreck shit as Lord Heisenberg from RE Village, and our last teammate is fucking Sailor Moon. Yes, Usagi is in the house. We get to it. After an initial learning curve, Dyo is on it. He took out Peach one shot. Massive legend. But... not without cost. My Amongus died, after Sailor Moon shot me in the back. Twice.
"Ayo, Sailor Moon? You Caboosed my ass. So wrong, my dude. Don't hate on your squaddie for being better as a rook than you, not our fault you suck with aiming."
"Kiss my disco medallion. Not my fault YOU were in my way."
Dyo pipes up. "Dr. Bright? Don't you have more rules to break before they're written? Teamkilling is almost as low as teabagging. Get your worthless ass back to Crystal Tokyo, heard Queen Beryl is on her bullshit again." Sarcasm&4Gauges loses it on the in-game chat.
"Damn, that was both thematic and cold as fuck, dawg. I can see why 049 chills with you. Savage."
"We do work well together, kind of a Beauty and the Beast deal. Of course, I'm the Beauty."
"Not in this chat, Dyo. Rabbit be fiiiiiine."
"And the Killer Rabbit is good with her honey. Back off her, Jack. Go perv on Rights again."
"Damn, Cleffy be dropping bodies without a shot. Thanks, Uncle Alto. Nice spot job on the herd of Bernies. Not into that kind of getting ate out."
We're back on our zombie slaying grind when... a wild tank appears, modded into a mini 682. Clef dies laughing on mic.
"Maybe I need to chill with the mods, the prospect of soloing a mini 682 brought out Clef's Scooby-Doo villain for real. Oh shit... Caboose dropped the BFG, Clef grab that big fucking gun and get nutty with it."
"Naw, Rabbit. I'm gonna Thor this punk ass. Time to drop the hammer." Clef runs up, the wind up is good... but mini 682 tail-yeets his ass into a wall. Dyo nods at me, and I drop a nice little surprise... a Juggernaught from COD. I toggle on theme music, Dyo pumps his BFG, and we see who kills the Unkillable Lizard first. Just as Dyo lobs the first volley, an Enderman pops up behind him, ready to drag him off. I shoot him with my cutters, Ender fall down, go immobile. Bright is back up... throwing his fucking tiara at 682. Who just laughs in 'what part of hard-to-fucking-KILL do you not get, bitch?' He drops like a bad habit after getting stomped. After several rounds of fire, multiple revives, and several death threats against Dr. Bright for friendly fire, the big scaly butt-ugly undead asshole dies.
"I don't even want to play this game anymore."
"Fine by us, Jack. You suck."
"Yeah, well at least I'm not cuddling up to 049."
"You. Did. Not. Just. Besmerch. The. Doctor's. Rabbit. If I get out of Containment, I am going to curbstomp both you and that tacky as hells medallion into the next reality. And not even 343 will save you. Be ready."
"Dyo, chill. Let me handle him. I have a plan."
"Please tell me you're going to freeze his mouth shut."
"Of course not. Why debase high magic for such low intellect?" I give Dyo an evil grin, and mute my mic. "First, I've arranged a nice Tinder date for him, and he won't even have to leave site. I know a young lady who would love having him over for dinner. Then, after dinner... how about a nice 963 under 60 meters of ice, floating in deep space? Far, far away from our galaxy."
"Rabbit, you're cold-blooded, evil, vindictive... and too bad 049 met you first. I'm honestly impressed."
"I learned at the sandaled feet of THE masters of dirty tactics, 076-2 and Clef. Let's just say I'm rolling the Mastermind perks up in here 24/7. After all, you gotta bring your A game to even match Abel. And Clef? Dude literally wrote the book on reality warpers, and I paid attention. After all, it's hard to learn much from the dead, let alone as one of them." I sense my new gaming buddy is a bit nervous. "Tell you what, you play a few rounds of Modern Warfare with me, we'll call it a non-aggession pact. Hey, maybe we can stomp Bright on and offline, heh?"
"Non-aggression pact? Meaning?"
"You don't kill me or 049 attempting to bail, I look the other way as much as I can. Maybe accidentally drop a few helpful items."
"I'll think about it."
"The pact, or the game?"
"The pact. I honestly like playing with you, you're in it to win via chaos. Very entertaining."
"Thanks, Dyo. You're pretty good yourself." I turn my mic back on. "So, gents... who's up for COD?" Clef opts in, but Bright backs out.
"You bailing, Bright? Can't handle playing unmodded?" Clef teases him.
"More like I can't deal with Rabbit. She's brutal, more so than Mongolian death metal, and she scares me."
"Can I train, or can I train? Not my fault you got no game, zero drip, and lo! No maidens."
"Why are you guys so mean to me?"
"Uh... my dude. You. Have. An. Over. 800. Item. List. Of. Things. You. Specifically. Are. Forbidden. To. Do. Do you really need us to tell you that alone got you disinvited from ALL official functions not directly related to your job? Plus, you have all the culture of garden soil 073 danced on."
"Ouch. That wounds me, 035."
"I have not yet begun to wound you, you backshooting idiot. Now, get off our server." Sonic rings, then a message: Admin Clef has booted G04tedwth963 from the server. "Thank you, Doctor Clef. You get dibs on my first care package should I die before getting it."
"The other team better pray to 343 it's not a gunship."
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moriartyluver · 10 months
Hello! Not requesting anything cuz i have no thoughts in my brain rn but just wanna say that I enjoy your works a lot! it feeds into my moriarty the patriot brainrot. What's ur favorite arc in the series?
Thank you so much anon!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing :)
Tbh I like a lot of the arcs in Moriarty the patriot but if I had to say, it would either be the noahatic arc or the hounds of Baskerville arc. Least favourite is probably the final problem arc because it makes me really sad every time I watch/read it.
The noahatic arc I feel was very detailed and well written in terms of how William had everything planned out. That goes for most of his plans though. Also that one scene when he and Sherlock meet is just so funny and honestly is everything to me. I also like how they use a ‘good looking’ noble to show that appearances don’t matter when it comes to morality. Before this point we either saw average or ugly guys being the villains and were all fairly outcasted socially but Enders was a handsome man who had a good social status and was fairly well liked. I think the creators used that in a really clever way to show how no matter how attractive someone is, they can still be bad.
I liked the hounds of Baskerville arc because it was genuinely quite terrifying and shows the extremes of how evil some noblemen could be. Also I really like the development it gave both Louis and Fred aswell as William to an extent because we see he isn’t entirely perfect and sometimes he is a bit of an idiot with the whole ego thing and not understanding how Louis felt left out. We get to see how Louis and Fred could both be William’s successor in a sense and how they both differ as people considering we never got much on either of them before then. I think it was really well written in terms of character development and I did a whole ramble on the themes of brotherhood and family earlier here
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dyketubbo · 1 year
theres a lot i could say about dsmp and i think if i had to be super honest: theres a lot about dsmp that sucked. some of the people who have been on it sucked, dream himself is a horrible person, the writing has sucked at times and often gave off horrible messages (especially that finale), and in general this fandom has been the fucking pits. abuse apologia, mass harrassment, suibaiting, death threats, doxxing, racism, misogyny, transmisogyny specifically, and much more.
but theres a lot about the dsmp that mattered to people, that meant a lot and helped people through dark times. and thats always going to be special. ctubbo is always going to be dear to my heart, michael_beloved, the very real depiction of abuse that ctommy went through, the ways multiple characters stories and statements have rang deep within me. thats going to stick with me, and theres a lot thats going to stick with others, and itd feel dishonest to act as if im better than the people who are still fully attached, dishonest to act as if im better than saying that yes, i had a genuine interest in the dream smp and it meant a lot to me and there were good things that will stick with me.
dsmp was a mess, a very ugly mess, but it had a lot of hidden treasure in it. i wish that the loose ends were able to be tied up. i wish there was better writing in the areas where it crashed and burned. i wish the ccs who got put on the sideline were treated better, not just by the fandom but by each other, honestly, because god knows these ccs have fucking sucked at rp etiquette and being even polite to each other and their stories at times. i wish ctubbo got to grow old with his son. to me, im going to believe that he did. im going to believe that cdream died, and that the server got together to defeat the ender dragon, and cclingyduo are happy forever ever after and everyone got to tie up loose ends and the characters get to be happy and grow gardens together
im, personally, letting my interest ride out naturally. a gentle goodbye to the dream smp. i wish you were better
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meteor752 · 2 years
The Double life children Headcanons 2, Electric Boogaloo
The babs are back, and they’re more sad than ever 🥳
Here’s a link to the first post with the babies, and here’s the first post with the headcanons
Wes hates being called either Weston or Wesley, or anything like that. His name is just Wes, simple as that, but Novo, Liana, and Jassy all love calling him elongated versions of his name to mess with him. Sometimes they go the extra mile and making up names, like Wessica or Wessandra. It’s the easiest way to rile him up
Novo takes his superstition extremely far. He refuses to leave his home if it’s Friday the 13th, he doesn’t walk under ladders, he puts a lot of faith into four clovers and rabbit feet, Black cats must die, he barely interacts with mirrors in fear of smashing them, he knocks on wood after almost every sentence, he always has salt to throw over his shoulder, he is ecstatic when his palm itches, y’all get the gist. Neither of his parents are particularly superstitious, not anyone around him, so it’s a mystery of where it comes from. He just simply puts a lot of trust in simple luck
Wes is the only one who kinda understands Novo and his superstition. Because of his OCD, Wes is always keeping things straight and orderly, he washes his hands obsessively and tries to keep things clean, he always asks for reassurance by people, he’s always counting things for no reason, he needs his things rearranged in a certain way or else he will cry, he panics over even the smallest decisions because he doesn’t want to make the wrong choice, etc. Novo and Wes don’t question the things the other just feels a need to do, and they find comfort in each other because of it.
Jassy is a big horror fan. She loves reading horror novels in the bowel of the Relation, the multitude of candles as the only light source only adding to the atmosphere. As a bab Joel used to tell her the most horrific stories he could come up with about The Wither, and The Ender Dragon, and The Deep Dark and such. Etho was horrified when he walked in on it one day. Jassy tried to share her interest with Liana when they were teens, and the poor gal couldn’t sleep for a week.
Gertrude on the other hand loves romantic stories. BigB used to tell her these sweet love stories about princesses in castles and knights coming to rescue them (And Ren had his own stories about Kings and their Hands falling in love while defending their homeland), and Gertrude was just enamored. She may be this tough tomboy gal with a chillaxed attitude and not a care in the world, but a happy ending always makes her cry. As a kid she used to fantasize about a charming charismatic man sweeping her off her feet like in the romance stories she reads, and while Novo isn’t exactly what she’d imagined (Partly because he’s 4’11 and twig and she’s 6’5 and bulky as all heck), she wouldn’t trade her gremlin boyfriend for anything.
Jekiv’s zombie-ness makes him unable to sleep. He physically can’t, he just doesn’t get tired like the rest of the people on the server. When he was a baby this was a pain in the ass for Cleo and Scott (And Novo when he wasn’t with Pearl), as Jekiv got bored during the nights with no one to entertain him which resulted in him screaming and crying for attention. Cleo (Who still needed sleep, Jekiv just has messed up Pineal glands or something) almost went insane during this time, trying to keep her fussy baby quiet. As Jekiv grew older he found ways to entertain himself during the nights, like hunting, fishing, reading, farming, or building. Sometimes he spends the whole night with Wes, listening to his heartbeat and breathing all night. It calms him, and Wes likes the cuddles, so it’s a Win-Win situation.
When Liana hatched, she was absolutely disgusting looking, and I say that in the most affectionate way. But like, she was hatched all fleshy and pink and gross because, well, she’s a bird and they are very ugly when first hatched. Scar, who was expecting a fluffy feathery mini-Grian baby actually yelped when he first laid eyes on her, thinking she’d hatched too early. It took just a few weeks for her feathers to grow in though, and then she was just the fluffiest bab either of them had ever seen.
Jassy’s hair is a huge mystery to everyone on the server. She has ridiculous hairstyles that should in no way be possible*, even less stay up as long as it does. She enjoys styling her hair in weird updos, it’s a weird hobby, and Jekiv and Liana enjoys studying the logistics of her hair, so again, Win-Win all around.
*Google ‘Ridiculous anime hairstyles’ or something, and then you get an idea of what Jassy looks like. Her hair defy the laws of gravity and she sees nothing wrong with it
As a tot, Johnny was a wanderer. He never sat still, always going where his nose was pointing, not a single care in the world. This was a problem, because the Ranch is located right by a ravine, and there’s a ton of animals there that could trample him, and a forest that was dark enough to spawn mobs. What I’m basically saying here, is that Johnny was a leash kid. Some of the other pairs made fun of Jimmy and Tango for not being able to keep track of their kid, but like it was the only option, they look away for literally two seconds and he’s gone, toddling away after a butterfly or something. Sometimes he’d slip out of the leash however, which lead to his dads chasing after him like he’s a baby at a construction site in a Looney Toons cartoon.
Despite being nearly adults (Or like actually adults, I have no clue how old the babs are supposed to be okay), Johnny and Gertrude love to roughhouse. They’ve both got some animalistic instincts in them (Gertrude being a dog and Johnny a fecking demon), and you know sometimes you just gotta tussle with the homies. They’re both quite aggressive and it could be a bit scary to watch if you don’t know they’re just doing it for fun, but they do know their limits. Gertrude is usually the one who wins, since she’s so much physically stronger than him, but if Johnny gets riled up enough that demonic wrath will kick in and then she’s in trouble.
Liana swears like a sailor, and has been doing so her entire life. She could stub her toe against a table and spout out a row swear words that makes even the toughest bitch blush, and Grian always gasps in shock and fricking clutches his pearls like an upper class old white lady whenever she does, wherever he may be on the server. It’s the instinct of a strict parent that kicks in.
Lianas favorite parent is Scar, Wes’ is Impulse, Gertrudes is Ren, Jassys is Etho, Novos is Pearl, Jekivs is Cleo, and Johnny doesn’t have a favorite because he’s the only one who grew up with a healthy and steady relationship with both of his parents. Surprisingly, Johnny is the most well adjusted and stable person of the kids, probably on the entire server actually. He’s just here to play the banjo and cuddle his goats, and we love him for it
All the kids used to talk about what they’d want to do when they were old enough to leave the dl server as babs. Jassy and Jekiv wanted to compete in tournaments, Novo wanted to be apart of MCC that his dad often talked about, Wes, Gertrude, and Liana all wanted to join Hermitcraft, and Johnny wanted to start his own server to settle down in. Once they actually got old enough to be allowed to leave the server, and discovered that it was impossible for them, all their dreams were promptly crushed. It was a sad day on the server
In hindsight, the kids are absolutely terrifying. They’re technically all gifts from god, none of them can die (unless their parents do but they don’t even know that), two of them are actual demons, one of them is an undead rotting corpse, one is a star elf who’s absolutely insane, one’s a fucking werewolf, one is a professional assassin and one can swindle you out of all of your possessions and can probably find a way to buy your soul, plus two of them are absolutely jacked and one can speak with Wardens, aka a demonic beast on the underworld. It’s probably good that they weren’t able to leave the server, they could all take over the world with barely any effort.
And yeah that’s it. This is probably the last thing I’ll do with the kids, unless I decide to actually write something with them. Also I thought I’d say this now, yea you’re allowed to make fanart or other fan content of them, I’ve had people contact me and ask if they can and it’s totally cool, just credit me (And tag me because I wanna see :D)
If you made it this far, then I’m treating you with more “Final” designs of the kids under the cut. Except, I can’t draw so I have to make do
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Again, kinda rough designs but I still like em :)
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devilsgatewayhq · 22 days
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Name: Celal Yilmaz Age: 33 Time living in Tonopah: 1 Day Occupation: ATF Special Agent Gang Affiliation: ATF Neighborhood: Springate Crossings. Face Claim: Berk Cankat
Biography (TW: depression, adultery):
Celal had always dreamed of becoming more. Their family had been born with a fight in their blood, unable to settle with the hand that was dealt. Instead of waiting for things to change, the Yilmaz family did what others would not, and changed it for themselves. Celal Yilmaz, just like his mother and father, had always wanted to achieve the impossible, unable to settle unless he bested those around him. From chess, to mathematics and a keen interest in politics—he’d been a picture perfect son on the surface. 
But no matter how much Celal achieved, it was never enough. His parents, always proud, encouraging, couldn’t understand the strain that he put on himself. Even as young as fourteen, there’d been a dark shroud that followed the boy around. His own worst critic, and the reason for his consistent dwindling happiness.
His parents having fought their way through Turkey, to give them a better life: For their sacrifice, Celal had always felt a deep need to do right by his parents. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t have done, even if it meant never chasing his genuine passions in life. Celal did everything by the book: he never spoke out of turn, never drank, or tried drugs. His focus was his studies, and living by his means. Celal had never felt a pull towards many people, often referred to as somewhat of an introvert in his younger years. With his awareness that depression had made him a lonely person, he often gravitated towards two people in particular: his older brother, Ender, and his younger sister, Selin.
School seemed to be over in a flash. One minute he was trying to decide what to do with his life, and the next, he was graduating with honours. Celal, amazingly, received multiple offers from different universities around the country. But when a full-ride scholarship offer came from Georgetown University to study Political Science and psychology, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse.
Although he wasn’t top of his class, and it was something that Celal had to come to terms with (and didn’t like one bit.) he still excelled. And his professors often noted the extra work and time that he put in. His extra-curricular activities were packed from the paper to political debate—he felt unstoppable.
But even he couldn’t outrun that dark cloud that followed him around: his depression, always waiting to rear its ugly head at any given time. And every time Celal felt like he was clear, it found him again. Still, as always, just like a Yilmaz would: he persisted. 
In his second year, he met Afet, a beautiful Turkish woman whom he met on the political university paper, Truth Speaks. All it took was one look, and he was quick to fall in love, and not too soon after, proposed to round off the achievement under his belt. And while he loved Afet, deep down, he’d always known there was something missing. It’d been more out of duty than anything else. Did he feel guilty that as years passed, looking at her made him feel somewhat bitter? Celal knew it was unfair to blame her, but he couldn’t help it.
Nothing was perfect, something he’d later learn. Himself, included.
In all honesty, he often wondered if he’d missed out on the younger years of his life trying to maintain a perfect image. In that, he’d lost himself along the way. But once he graduated from Georgetown, married and settled into a house was when the real crash in his life came. 
Post graduation, job hunting hadn’t been as easy as he’d first thought. In fact, for the first time in his life, Celal understood that his education wasn't as significant in the real world as when he had a thousand other people vying for the same job. And his initial thoughts of going into politics, without connections, seemed almost impossible. Even for a Georgetown graduate. 
During his initial first two years, he filled his time with frivolous internships for political campaigns that never propelled him forward, and he had a brief stint with a paper where he wrote more nonsense pieces about politics than anything of value. Celal felt like he was failing, himself, his wife, his life...and in his eyes, it was unacceptable. 
Nowhere near where he’d wanted to be at that point in his life, Celal had no idea where to turn. Barely three years into his marriage, and their conversations had almost ceased to exist. Affection had all but dried up and evaporated into nothing. And he felt like he could do nothing right, that dark cloud finding him more and more as each day went by. 
He’d been job scrolling when he came across the role of Special Agent. In all honesty, he’d never thought about his career taking him in the direction of the ATF. Especially because that had been the direction that his older brother, Ender, had taken. Even when he filled out the application, he hadn’t been certain. With his life so on the rocks, it almost felt like a copout to give up now.
Politics had been his love, his passion. What he knew, and was good at. 
But was he that good if he hadn’t excelled yet? He was so far behind those who he’d graduated with. 
However, Celal found himself surprised when he received an email inviting him to attend an interview. He doubted if they would consider him at all, given his credentials. So being invited was a boost that he hadn’t quite felt in some time. Even Afet seemed happy for him, and she hadn’t shown an ounce of emotion in a good six months at that stage.
After the initial interview came the exams: written and physical. Which he passed with flying colours. For the first time since he’d graduated University, Celal felt like he was on the right path. Finally, doing something worthwhile with himself. And just as he’d always been his entire life, he threw himself at the job with a hundred percent every single time.
Through his initial on-the-job training, to beginning his specialisation in his career, his best friend Cera had been the highlight of most days. Also, a fellow agent-in-training, the two had bonded over the course of, as they liked to call it, hell's asshole (the training). They’d developed a very close, very personal relationship. 
When Afet started a conversation about wanting children, which baffled Celal beyond belief because the two could barely stand each other, a string of arguments began, and unfortunately, descended to every minute they spent with each other. Being in the same room felt almost impossible. The two had once loved each other, but now it was as cold as ice. No warmth remained. 
When an assignment came, he was glad for the time away, and she was glad he was gone. It was there, in a shoddy motel, working on a case with Cera, that the affair started. A late night, paper work scattered and playful words that had led to heated stares and later, when he’d woken up in tangled sheets and hair sprawled out across his chest—Celal realised that he didn’t feel guilty. He knew he should, but he didn’t. 
For once, he felt like he was doing something solely for himself. And no matter how selfish that was, he couldn’t help himself. But, once again, nothing stayed perfect forever. The affair continued. One year turned into two, and by the fifth (yes, she’d truly waited that long for a married man) she was leaving him with an ultimatum: leave Afet, or Cera would leave. There was one problem, for everything he was, he knew he was an asshole for this…
He didn’t want to divorce Afet because of how it would affect his image to the public. Divorce meant failure, and Celal didn’t do failure. So when she walked away from him, he felt like there was a gaping hole that could never be fixed. And the only person he had to blame was himself. 
Working alongside Cera after that became unbearable. Just being in close vicinity was like having his skin set on fire because he wanted to ask her for more. But he knew he couldn’t offer it in return. Even when a year passed, he still felt it in his core. 
So he threw himself into work, doing what he always did best and attempting to best everyone around him. Vying for jobs that were bigger, better, and more complex. It was then that he began to make a name for himself. He’d see Cera from time to time, and his heart felt like it stopped in his chest every time he did. So, when they offered him the job in Tonopah, Nevada, he jumped, not caring that a job like this might not be exactly the kind of path he’d initially been wanting to take. Ender was there, and that was all that mattered to him. It’d been a long while since he’d seen his older brother.
Celal had always been careful to keep his family out of his marital problems. But when he announced the change to Afet, she’d served him with divorce papers. Advising that she’d known about the affair, and had been waiting for the right time to leave him. In that moment, the perfect image he’d spent his whole life crafting came crashing down around him at his own hand. Once again.
Packing his life up, leaving Afet behind at her request, Celal headed to Nevada to focus on specialising in a new pathway while focusing on a new case that was drawing him in deeper and deeper as he read the files on the flight over. This was a challenge, but the most challenging thing for him was going to be explaining to his family that his life was a sham.
Celal dislikes most animals that are not domesticated and he has an irrational fear of pigeons. 
Celal’s interests & hobbies: reading, violin, chess, tennis, lacrosse and airsoft. Political genre styled fictional novels, as well as non-fiction books, always seem to keep his interest the longest. Celal is particularly fond of common drama or comedy sitcoms alongside intellectual documentaries on crime. Tennis is his sport of choice if he needs to process thoughts. And airsoft is something he does with his boys to get away from his life from time to time. 
Celal when it comes to dressing, his sense is always keeping it smart. Jumpers with shirts, blue jeans when he’s not working. Inside of business, it’s always the best he can afford. Which, unfortunately, is not what Celal had been hoping to earn at this point.  
Celal’s based on the characters: Neal Sampat & Jim Harper from The Newsroom / Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds / Seth Cohen from The O.C / Donald Ressler from The Blacklist.
Celal speaks three languages: Turkish, English & German.
Celal often looks after his parents by returning home, and showering them with gifts. He’s a bit of a mommy’s boy, and women often find him…attached. He might look the part, but his personality sometimes falls flat due to being tied to her apron strings.
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thechillsquid · 5 months
The end writing for the DSMP axolotl au, originally posted to Ao3
Thank you all that enjoyed the series, even if it’s been awhile since I wrote or drew for it <3
(And as always, these writings were heavily inspired by @beaskaa and @ryucreates and their designs for axolotl hybrid Dream.)
It dawned on him during a most peculiar moment. Dream currently cackling like a madman as he ran his damned hardest away from a most pissed off Ant, Ranboo yelping nearby as they tried to desperately catch the device thrown his way.
Ant tackled Dream, moving to sit on the taller’s back before, as the man-shaped axolotl could imagine, shot Ranboo a sharp eyed glance. “You’re next if you don’t give me back my comm,” the feline spat, and yeah, he was defintely directed to the anxious ender.
Dream shifted a bit to rest his arms under his head, wispy breaths coming and going. Prime, I’m happy.He smiled, pausing as the realization struck something deep and cruel.
He… he was actually happy. Not just some cheap amusement or thrill, but— but genuinely. 
Dream was happy. 
He blinked a moment, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes before suddenly the world around him came back into focus. The weight on his back moved and he moved to sit up, feeling stunned as he dully watched Ant tackle Ranboo now.
A smile quirked upon his lips again, something warmer in the gesture now.
He cleared his throat a touch and quickly wiped an eye as he moved to join the chaos once more, crowing loudly, “Ranboo! You tall mess, why didn’t you run!?”
He got a very irritated warble, Ant adjusting himself so he was sat on top of the defeated Ender’s chest now.
Dream just laughed. It felt good.
Tommy grinned at Tubbo as the other dragged Aimsey along, trailing after the two with Michael (the piglin, not the guy; the guy himself had gone off server afterall to do his own thing as some else had done) holding his hand.
He looked down as Michael gave a little snort, seeing the little piglin reaching for something off the ground. The blond crouched down to get a better look as well, “What’s up, bossman?”
A little hooved hand picked up a small rock, a curious one at that, half of it a much more notable pale coloration while the other was a shimmering onyx. 
Tommy snickered quietly to himself, “Rockboo.”
Michael gazed up at him and gave a giggle, Tommy snorting in his own amusement as his other hand cane to ruffle the kid’s fur. The piglin giggled harder and Tommy beamed. This kid is too cute. He got up, nodding for Michael to follow along, “Let’s go catch up, yeah?”
The kid nodded with the rock clutched to his chest with the hand not holding his own. Tommy couldn’t help but feel warm inside, damn, he had an awesome life didn’t he?
He swung his and Michael’s joined hands gently as they caught up, feeling the warmth of the sun beaming down despite the slight nip in the air.
I feel alive. 
Some ugly little knot that had sat in chest finally came undone.
He was alive.
People came and went. Some stayed on the server, others visited, and some’s adventures took them to new places.
It was a bittersweet sort of thing, but it was bound to happen. Things had changed, the server had changed.
It was time to continue on. To make new memories, to feel new sorrows, to hold new joys.
XD closed the book held in its hands, a low hum echoing in the starlight around itself.
It had been a good story. Not perfect, mind you, but an amusing one all the same. 
This wasn’t an end… just a new beginning.
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suspiciousriver · 6 months
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At the Gas Station
The patchwork quilt is this:
a Navajo, a pal, a Ronald Reagan,
Two baritone boys, and an alcoholic.
Spanish, plaid, orange juice, white noise,
Criterion, draping my legs over Paul’s
knees and his playful tap.
Me and my friends and we’re chugging beer,
Sky shows up and she was a friend from my childhood
And she plays pool with her boyfriend
and they’re the type that Neo opens the door to.
I bought two gray rabbits at King’s Thrift
And I positioned them to touch noses.
Two black eyes and their noses kissing
on a bookcase and when I sat on the couch
I began to think of them as a camera.
I painted the one rabbit pink with flowers
and left the other one gray.
I looked to the left and their eyes were
Cold-black and chill-haunted.
This is how we taunt: with helicopters
and invisible cameras and a surveilled
Boob light.
No one believes that Paul and I were
that tight.
Zach gives me two objects:
A Gameboy and a wind-up mouth toy,
You twist it and it chatters and jumps
Downstairs. I have too many lost objects to count.
I had three chests that I kept by the door.
A trophy from my debate days.
I was neatly clipped.
He was neatly tipped.
I am too tired to talk.
It’s too dark to walk.
I’m better suited for flourescent-white, sterile,
spandex environments anyway.
I have seen this before:
Mother-rape-son. He had a right to roll
his eyes. African man with angry eyes
I’m trying to tell you:
Maybe when I look in the mirror I see a face that’s better suited for darkness, or lamps, and that scares me — the sun can be so critical.
I don’t always feel deserving of it.
Ever catch a sun ray so pure and warm it sets your heart on fire? I chase that feeling daily. I chase warmth daily.
Love is a form of knowledge,
which I think it is.
We share blue eyeliner.
You’re a thought in your own head, honey.
Will a Twisted tea fix this?
It won’t.
It’s all hidden crackhead knowledge.
These are the treats.
Every day
boiled eggs.
Castro visited Utah and the truck
newspapers. Rich!
That was genuine disgust
Because I looked like a
The Asian doctor sniffed my crotch
And said, “You’re really being released
with all of that baggage?”
Fuck you. This is why he ran.
St. George man and I ride the same
wavelength. He was trying to maintain
his sanity.
They flock around Derrick's slit neck
and I am so grief-ridden that I kicked
him. I did not want to escalate.
Is he alive? South Korea Ender’s Game dude
and his robotic voice cracked into my skull:
I am thinking about sex.
This is why I cannot sleep.
He’s 32. You’re nothing. You’re everything.
Give it to Gina: I looked trashy as hell.
Can you act black for a second?
What does Cuba represent?
Not Adrian. Not Adrienne.
Pizza gate: I am politely telling you,
I do not have that disease.
Thank you. It was Isaiah’s parakeet,
and the Bible. I am politely
asking you to show me your 7 cults.
I am asking you to FaceTime my husband
and his dirty beard and a seatbelt.
Day Two, they helped strap
me to a gurney and I was secured.
We like to drop hints: Sunglasses and something is seriously wrong
with the lifeboat. It was his ball sweat and a dog named Cujo.
My father/crack was a child. My father thinks I’m ugly.
It’s about time we met each other
for real. I resisted those journals for two years
because he Ultra-Blued his way onto my couch.
A big treat from the nice girl, pink soap.
I was smelly. I was brown. Here are your affirmation
cards: World-War-3. I should have
invited Shane(heroin)and my mother(meth)
to share the same couch. I had to snip
my chlorine hair because it was locking.
California is the deep fake. Home box office
recession. Century 16. Who can pretend to be the
most grateful for a chicken leg? I was.
me and a denim coat. Artificially intelligent
and let’s keep shit on TikTok. I met you through
MF Doom and Tupac. The world’s worst violent arm
length and fishing for work. Pork! I want to eat you.
Toasters and fake forks and that twitch.
It’s mine. I want small work. Here is the crystal cage.
Men are obsessed with my militantly tight pussy
and masked men keep shit loud. I don’t know why you don’t finger yourself
I want you! That was a real treat from Joe. I want to sever three red ties.
The blonde. The host. The pace. MINUS 3 POINTS: BACK TO JAZZ.
He lashes his own back like Jesus
and I cannot help him there.
That was her favorite hiss.
0 notes
fan-burns · 6 months
Robots 2
Chapter 8: Rodney’s POV (1 month later)
My name is Rodney Copperplate. I’m the owner of a small repair shop a short walk away from an upgrade store known as Jackhammer’s. I mostly do car and upgrade repairs, but I also have a few upgrades that I sell on the side. 
As per city law that was established a month ago, I had to get myself into uniform. A lot of us were left Outmoded during Bigweld’s reign, so Ratchet and his associates handed out some fresh upgrades on the house during a parade as part of his “Welcome Home” celebration. It’s nothing too fancy, but to me, it was priceless. It was a black vest chest piece with sleeves for my upper arms. I also had to get repainted red and black to match with the city’s colors, but it was worth it. The second I put it on, I was officially a High Ender! Finally, no more self loathing and ugly flaws! I’m up to date and I’m finally flawless!
I got up from my bed, took a few stretches, and headed downstairs. You see, my house is also my shop. It’s not the most luxurious place, but it’s all I need to make a living. My purpose is more important than my lifestyle anyways. The less time I waste driving to work, the more time I have working! At the bottom of the stairs was a stanchion rope that I bought to keep robots out of my room. Uncoupling and recoupling it, I made my way to the front door. 
The shop was a decent size for what it was, and it had all I could want, too. Right next to the stairs was a nice L counter where the register and my TV were seated at. Behind the counter was the crown jewel of this place, my upgrade display case. I was lucky to get some Next-Gen Models from Ratchet Industries, as they were flying off of the shelves faster than the speed of light! I can’t wait to sell them off! I’ll make a fortune for sure!
Standing by the door, I flipped the “Closed” sign to “Open”, and made my way to the desk chair behind the counter. As I got seated, I looked at the rest of my shop and what it had to offer. Beside the stairs was the door to the washroom, which I’m tempted to either lock it up or to rope off after the oil spills. I still want to strangle those workbots…the floor is still stained with oil! They didn’t even bother to clean it up!
The shop floor was pretty empty, but there were two seats next to the front window. The floor itself was a gray and black diamond tile, but I don’t remember hiring someone to install it. It must’ve slipped my mind. Inside the garage was a small, slightly raised platform that’s used for vehicle and Transport Pod repairs. There wasn’t much in there, just some shelves and a table. I did, however, put up one of those Ratchet posters that I got from his party. I had to flex somehow!
Like I said, it’s not much, but it’s all I need to fulfill my purpose.
I reached for the remote and turned the TV on. Storms had been hammering down over at Diamond Drill, the place responsible for transporting fuels to different cities and countries. Ratchet City being one of those cities. I crossed my fingers, praying that there was some good news. The TV flickered to life, and I was greeted to the face of a press bot standing behind a counter in a News studio. 
“Good morning, Ratchet City!” She spoke. “We’re opening up with Breaking news as The Diamond Drill Fuel transports have announced that they’re continuing their operations to Ratchet City despite the presence of the Security walls. The storms have finally died down and operations can resume.”
Oh thank Cog, I was starting to wonder if I had to start scavenging oil from cars like an Outmode. That was awfully lucky…one moment I’m hoping for it, and then it happens! Must’ve been that classic Ratchet magic! 
The screen then cut to a smaller robot standing in front of the many abandoned Train Stations that were closed due to the walls being up. He straightened his tie and faced the camera. “Thank you, Diana. Yes you heard that right, Fuel is back on the menu, but at what cost? We’ve received word that Lord Ratchet has declared that a new monthly Citizenship Test is to be introduced this afternoon. The test is designed to reward discounted fuel to citizens who take and pass the test in order to ensure that Bigweld’s influence is fully eradicated from the city. The test is required for all citizens, and failure to complete it can result in jail time and a downgrade to Outmode status.”
Downgrades. The one fate worse than death. Being stripped of your purpose and upgrades? Thanks but no thanks. I’m taking that test as soon as it’s available. 
“The test is scheduled to be released on Ratchet City’s official website at five o’clock,” he went on, “so be sure to write a reminder and to take it as soon as you can.”
No need to tell me twice. I was about to grab something to write it down when the door opened and the bell sounded. 
A small round bot walked in, with a hammer and wrench attached to his head. He was painted a light silver, a result from a recent repaint. “Hey kid! How goes it?”
“Jack! I didn’t think you were coming over!”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I’d figure you’d want some company. My shop’s still closed because they’re doing some new electrical work in it, and I’ve got nowhere else to go.”
Jackhammer’s place had been ransacked by Outmodes last week. They took everything, even the kitchen sink! He has the money to restock almost everything, but it’s still a massive loss in profit. While the shop is getting fixed and updated, he tends to waddle over here to either waste time by chit chatting or actually helping me out. He’s a good guy, but we can get into some pretty heated politics.
I gestured to the TV as he walked in. “You hear the news? Oils back but they’re putting out a test for everyone to take in order to get it.”
He stared at me like I just gained a third arm before he came to his senses. “What!? That’s nuts! We should be able to just buy fuel when we want to!”
It was my turn to shrug, “It’s just for security. Besides, it’s a free discount on expensive fuel, how can you complain about that?”
He gave me a glare, then he looked around as if he was looking for someone. He then turned back to me. “Rodney, don’t you think this whole “Hail Ratchet” thing is a bit…much?”
I blinked for a moment, processing what he said. I never really thought of it, but only because it was nonsense. “Of course not! It’s for the greater good! Ratchet is the one in charge for a reason, so we just gotta listen to him.”
He shook his head in disappointment. “Kid, look at yourself. You just blindly follow him without question! Can’t you think for yourself?!”
“I-I can! I’m just…really grateful for what he’s done is all! I have zero complaints about any of this!”
I didn’t want to agree with him, but he had a point. Even after Ratchet fixed everything, I feel like I’m missing something in my life. I hate my job, I'm constantly at Doctor V’s place despite the fact that I hate it there, and I’m constantly low on fuel. Am I doing something wrong? That has to be the problem…there’s no way Ratchet of all bots can do anything wrong! It’s all my fault! Besides I can’t just…go against Ratchet! Ratchet is everything! I refuse to think negatively about him any longer! It’s not good for my health, and it’s not good for his health either!
Frustrated with trying to understand him, I put my foot down. “Look Jack, Ratchet is the boss. He’s the mayor, the king, whatever. We owe everything to him, so if you have a better idea of how to live, talk to him, not me.”
He looked at me indignantly. “But I do need to talk to you. You’re the one who needs to understand what’s happening!”
But before he could go on, the door opened again. This time it was a strange bot wearing nothing but pink. She had a ponytail that was hot pink, her suit was pale pink, her heels were the same hot pink as her hair, purse was pink. Everything. The only piece of her that wasn’t pink was a bronze leg brace on her left leg. The leg itself wasn’t too bad, but it definitely needed attention or she could risk more damage. 
She turned to the counter and seemed really excited to see me, like we’ve met before. “Rod-er I mean…I mean, Hello there sirs! I’m in need of a little….freshening up. Can you help a damsel out?”
She looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. I had questions, but I’ll have to set those aside. I have a business to run. I approached her and gave her the rundown. “Sure thing. I’m Rodney, I own the place. The little guy back there is Jackhammer.”
“Oh, very funny kid!” Jack snapped back.
Her laugh was like a set of windchimes, soft but sweet. She gathered herself quickly and turned back to me. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Loretta. Loretta Geargrinder.”
“Name sounds familiar, can I get a hint?”
She gave me a nervous glance. “Oh uh…My family used to own an accessory shop here. G-Geargrinder Glass. You’ve heard of it?”
Oh, that’s why it sounds familiar! GG was one of the shops that Ratchet shut down due to it being associated with…Bigweld. Oh dear.
“Um…yeah I’ve heard of it. Why don’t you take a seat while I get my tools?”
As she walked to the seats by the window, I went into the garage portion of the shop to get my tools for her leg. She may or may not have ties with Bigweld, but I can’t just turn a customer down based on speculations, that’s just bad business. I had to gather myself and help her out. 
Let’s see. She needs her leg repaired first. After that she needs to be repainted into the city’s colors. The tan and pink need to go. Ratchet wanted to unite everyone after Bigweld’s attack, so he decided to make a uniform policy. The city’s colors were shades of grays, reds, silvers, and black. If you wanted black in your paint job, it had to be an accent color or the color for an accessory piece. A full black paint job is reserved for the elite that had the privilege of working with Ratchet himself. 
While pink is tenticaly a shade of red, it’s not mentioned specifically in the pamphlet, so I’m afraid it has to go. I’ll replace the tan with a light gray, with a red suit and black accents. That’ll fix the obvious, but I’ll have to see if there’s anything else that needs to be fixed, if so I'll have to add that to the list. 
With my tools now sorted out, I headed back to where Loretta was. She was chatting with Jackhammer over by the window. I didn’t catch what they were talking about, but when she turned to me she seemed more…flirtatious than before. Jackhammer had a smirk on his face, as if he knew something that I didn’t. I wasn’t sure where this was going, but I did know what I was going to do.
“I take that’s all we’ll need, sir?” She inquired.
“Well, that depends…Is there anything else that needs looked at?”
She pondered for a moment, and replied. “I’ve been meaning to be repainted, is that something you can do here?”
“Certainly! It’ll be an extra fifteen dollars per ounce of paint used, but you can pay with cash, card, or check! If you have any other methods of payment, please let me know in the paperwork that’s on the counter! You’ll just have to sign an agreement before we can start.” 
A smirk grew on her face. “Funny you mention that, I already filled that out.”
“Already? That was fast.”
She gave me a wink as she handed me the sheet. Again, wasn’t sure what she was going for, but regardless, she was paying me. Can’t really complain when there’s money involved. Besides, it was kind of nice to know someone else knows I look good. Not that there was any doubt of course.
“Alright, let’s get started.” 
Four hours. It took me four damned hours, but I finished the job! Her leg was the easy part, that took about twenty minutes. It was a small break, so it didn’t hinder me too much. The hard part was getting the paint ready and actually painting her. I’m surprised Jack stayed to help me out, usually he just leaves me on my own. I feel like he’s up to something.
I sat behind the counter, waiting for Loretta to come out of the washroom. She wanted to look at the paint job before she paid. It was a pretty good job on my end, and it was probably my finest work yet. All I really did was repainted her suit red, and made her hair a darker shade of said red. Her tan was replaced with a delicate silver finish, which I couldn’t help but decorate with some blush and lipstick. I repainted the eyeshadows too, and put a bigger emphasis on her eyeliner. Now she actually looked like she belonged here and not with those Outmoded freaks.
She left the washroom and turned to me. As per usual, I wanted her feedback, “So, what do you think?”
She was practically ecstatic when I asked. “It’s perfect! Why don’t you have a paint salon?! You’d be rich in a week!”
Naturally I was flattered but not surprised. Not only am I perfect, but so is my work. If it’s not perfect, then I didn’t do it. 
I couldn’t hold my chuckle back, she was pretty cute, I’ll give her that, but I wasn’t interested. “Why thank you! I’d like to expand my shop and get a better business, but money’s pretty tight. What, with that fuel tax and those filthy Outmodes everywhere. Oh, I almost forgot, here’s the bill.”
I didn’t tell her this, but I threw in a small discount. Bad business, I know, but she was cute. And she was a first time customer, so by law I had to give her a discount regardless if I wanted to or not. Ratchet was pretty strict with that one.
After she scanned over it, she took a checkbook from her purse. After she was done writing, she handed it to me. “Pleasure doing business, sir.” 
“Please, you can call me Rodney. Only investors call me sir.”
She turned her back to me with a smirk, “Well then it’s been a pleasure, Rodney.” 
And with a wink, she left the shop. I looked at the check that she gave me. She left the five hundred she owed, but she threw in a fifteen dollar tip. Sweet. That wasn’t the only thing, though. 
A second blank check fell out of my hands. I was about to chase after her to give it back, when I noticed that there was something on it. As I looked at it, I couldn’t believe what I saw…She left me her number. 
Why the hell did she leave her number on a check?! Why give it to me of all bots?! I’m only devoted to one bot, and his name is Ratchet! 
“Looks like she likes you, kid! Congrats!”
I had to force my head up to look at him. Was this what he was planning?! 
“D-Did you know she-”
“No, goodness no! She was interested, so I may or may not have helped her out a bit.”
“…So you did plan this?”
“Yes, yes I did.”
I bolted up out of my seat. I'm flattered that she likes me, but I don’t like her back. I have a business, and business always comes first in this city. Business is life, and life is business. That’s my purpose, working and spending money. I hate the idea of being distracted from my work because of some stupid friendship or romance…such a waste of time. 
“Relax kid, we're good friends. If it doesn’t work out it isn’t the end of the world. Just…give her a shoot! Y’know she’s a keeper.”
I let a sigh escape my mouth, “You know what, fine. I’ll call her after I take that test.” 
…The test. 
I was about to sprint upstairs when Jack stopped me. “Woah kid, easy! It’s only three o’clock! You’ve got plenty of time!” 
As soon as those words registered I fell to the floor, not in pain but relief, my eyes closing as I landed. “Oh thank Cog, I thought I was screwed.”
I heard Jack laughing his aft off. Probably from the fact I had the gull to swear in front of an old bot who’s probably heard worse. I really should get that test done as soon as I can, but right now I just wanted to stay here on the floor for a bit.
It’s going to be a long day.
0 notes
9.15.23 Friday
4:55 am
Just got back from the floor of Iqor... Still, there are angles to point out, like why dread-locks guy is not texting me? It is a strange behaviour...
Brother Rodel became a stranger to us.... But we are still friends... But he is being distant, hmm.... It is so strange, people's behaviour changed in a snap of a finger...
Got good 3 opening calls... I had a good mood on that, thank God to Coach Gian for being nice.
And some bad callers an enders for me that I almost wanna give up... But I bounce back after lunch.
But still, my self-esteem is crashing coz of the weird bad callers... He is from the phone brand company that we are carrying an employee and client as well...
I still need to raise up my FCR angels... Some callers are weird and they have different accents. I had a hard time on the employee that is also a client... I can't get his point of expecting to get a credit that all of his 4 lines is suspended.
I feel fat,ugly,old and wrinkled... whew!
Tomorrow is our off... As well as the Dread-locks guy of wave 469...We had a qa talk awhile ago, the last 45 minutes of our working hours... Someone announced that 469 will be having their rest day as well as,the 468 our wave...
Can one angel ask dread-locks guy....Why he added me but not texting? Why, he asked for my messenger, then nah...Nothing... That's a sin, angels... Getting my messenger ID but not keeping in touch...
What's with the "baseball top" dread-locks guy? Where is the ball? Who is the batter? Who is the bat???
11:50 am
I have a sore throat weird... Some of the people in Iqor are also sneezing or having sore throat like Champi...
12:03 noon
Windblow windblow is still here angels...
2:09 pm
Hmm... It is so sad that mommy Linda passed away already, Dina told me 2 days ago and I wasn't able to post here coz I'm fucking tired and busy... I'm having stress on my FCR... Whew!
Mommy Linda was one of my elderlies that I took care of for 2 months... That is the sad part of being a caregiver. I wiped her butt and cleaned her vajayjay... She was nice in spite of the tantrums... But life is a big mystery and the world sometimes is full of lies...
This is Mommy Linda, last December angels...
She is the head leader of Avon here in Cavite...
Rest in Peace Mommy Linda, God is with you now...
Thanks for the memories,Mommy Linda...
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This is her log-book...
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I added these on her log book.
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5:02 pm
Rest day will do my laundry tomorrow and I can't do house chores without gloves or I will really, really cry if I don't have gloves...
I just bought a gloves coz I feel self-pity coz still I'm not yet a regular employee and I truly feel ugly even my hands, I wanna have collagen someday...
My upbringing here since I was 13, before sleeping at night my Aunt Teresa who raised me here in my old childhood house, she taught me to wear my gloves and my hand cream... Most of my events my family always wanted me to wear a gloves... I find it strange...
So,lemme go back to Iqor issues:
The negative of Coach Gian in spite of his long patience... When the time yesterday that he coached me to polish me on the floor, it was ohkay for me to know my mistake... But I don't like Coach Gian when he said that he will call Jen ( one of our wavemates ) coz why he needs to call Jen in-front of me while coaching me. Who is Jen? To embarass me ? Jen is just a wavemate not my friend but in a way a wavemate but I don't know her that much... But helping one another in work is a professional thing.
About Supervisor Gian? ( this is a different Gian ). I know it was just a joke but telling me to give him a 150 just to waive my sup call it is kinda ouchie in my part... That I treated him with respect and I asked a favour to please guide me here in Iqor. Then, he will tell me that I should give him 150... But I just smiled...
If I have money it is ohkay ( I mean extra money), but I'm so tight these days...
Lemme go back to FCR or First Call Resolution:
My self-esteem is crashing most specially I remember this particular customer over the phone named Cristina Croeguert...She said that I received an email back June and I got suspended and who initiated it,that I don't know.
Then, I probe to achieve the FCR you need to ask and ask the customer and paraphrase for confirmation.
Then, I said Ms Cristina you received an email last June and you don't know why it happened that you got a suspension. Right?
Then,Ms Cristina said you don't get it... She said from the past couple of months I received a message an email that I was suspended and I don't know, who initiated it?
I said Yes Ms Cristina if I'm getting it correctly you said you received a mail that you were suspended and you don't know why it happened that you didn't do it... ( meaning this suspension is a double meaning either coz of bills or customer's request ).
Cases that I know I can manage in Iqor:
1. Receiving payment or make a payment. I used Atlas System.
2. Payment Arrangement. I used Atlas system as well here. So many zig-zags and cases of Payment Arrangement.
Payment Arrangement this can be 1 installment on schedule requested by customer or 2 installment requested by customer, 14 days interval if customer requested for 2 installment.
If the first payment arrangement was not successful due to insufficient balance or no fundings in the card, if it is 2 installment then a customer wanted to extend that failed first payment arrangement. Customer must wait for the first payment arrangement to be deleted in the system for 48 hours then that's time they can create an another payment arrangement.
If there is payment arrangement, it is 100% sure that the service will not be disconnected.
3 . Return a payment to the customer's card if it is acceptable card or case. If it is a double payment.
Here I always go to the customer's "checkbook" but I can't see the double payment... Then, I realized I have to search for "payment and look up" in Atlas.
Bounce Check- this is due to insufficient funds.
4. Checking the whole bill of customer's expenses monthly,their MRC ( monthly recurring bill ). But there is an additional if there is a usage on their voice call or any additional thing or plan upgrade then possible there will be "pro-rated".
5. Credit Adjustment. This for goodwill hahaha I need to review the Samson System tab tab grrr.But I handled 2 cases of credit adjustment...
6. Removing Feature. I have to memorize the Samson System tab tab. I handled this once.
7. Transfer Pin--If customer wanted to have their transfer pin and make a t-mobile id. Just guide them on the t-mobile website and find the C2 policy about transfer pin.
This job is not that easy coz of the weird callers, weird accents and weird deep within of your customer's... The FCR is the most difficult to get if the caller is having a bad intention of twisting or simply to damage the agent's reputation.
0 notes
melbournenewsvine · 2 years
My family is still called ugly names on the street: Tan France
Since swept from relative obscurity as a designer for famous British brands to global fame as a designer on the Netflix series Makeover Queer Eye, Tan France has done a fair amount of travel. The show took him across the United States to Australia and Japan. Today, he is suffering from jet lag in London, as he arrives to promote his upcoming role as the new host of the United Kingdom We say yes to the dressIn addition to his documentary film bearing his soul Tan France: Beauty and the Bleachabout discrimination in skin tone, otherwise known as “colour”. Tan Franceattributed to him: But he will not stay in the country in which he was born. Nor can he face visiting his childhood home in Doncaster, Yorkshire, as he suffers severely from the racism he endured while growing up Pakistani Muslim there. “England has a long way to go when it comes to changing notions of race and belonging and who deserves that respect and attention. I talk more about government than the average person.” “I don’t see my people well represented in entertainment when I scroll through the channels on TV. I know my family is still called ugly names on the street. So I can’t imagine that much has changed since I left 14 years ago.” In his adopted home in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he lives with his husband, artist Rob France, and their 15-month-old son, Isaiah, France barely suffers from racism. “Being a South Asian in America isn’t really a problem for me at all… Seems like the goal is [African-American] The black community is more than other people of color.” But the coloring, apparently, is just as widespread as in Britain. In the film, France hears from American singer Kelly Rowland how it was subjected to the historically humiliating “paper bag test” where people were discriminated against if their skin was darker than a brown paper bag. in the UK, East Enders Actress Bunmei Mojiko reads Tlanouh’s insults she received on social media. In both cases, the discrimination came from within their communities. “I feel [the film] Betrayal of a dirty little secret. But it also feels like a betrayal of everything we’ve ever known, when it comes to how we present ourselves. There are many people who strongly believe that they need [skin bleaching] In order to succeed, have a good marriage, and get a job. Well, what if bleach wasn’t an option and we just had to be grateful for the skin we had? I wonder what that will lead to.” France was nine years old when he first tried skin bleach. He used it again when he was a teenager. It was and still is a confusing source of shame. Fatherhood prompted him to face the problem. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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