#Gold Jewellery For Girl Child
loveanamitra01 · 1 month
Delightful Experience Of Buying Kid’s Jewelry Online
Kid’s Jewelry has gained a lot of significance among youngsters, and we are one of the leading providers of Online Kid's Jewellery as we offer pure gold and silver ornaments. We have a wide range of jewelry available from which you can choose one as per your requirements. Today, in this blog, we are going to shed some light on the delightful experience of buying kid’s jewelry online.
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Convenience: You can shop at any time that suits you without having to worry about store hours or traveling.
Diverse Selection: Online stores often have a much broader selection of kids' jewelry compared to physical stores. 
Reviews and Recommendations: Online platforms provide customer reviews and ratings, which can help you make informed decisions about the quality and suitability of the jewelry. 
Customization: Some online jewelry stores offer customization options, allowing you to create personalized pieces for your child. This adds a special touch and makes the jewelry more meaningful.
Accessibility to Unique Designs: Online marketplaces feature independent designers and artisans who offer unique and handcrafted jewelry pieces that you might not find elsewhere. 
Concealed Surprise: If you're buying jewelry as a gift for your child, shopping online allows you to discreetly purchase without them knowing, maintaining the element of surprise until the gift is revealed.
We have Gold Jewellery For Girl Child, so if you or anyone you might know is searching for hallmarked jewelry, then you don’t have to worry about anything at all because we are the destination for you. It is an assurance that you will love each piece of jewelry, so why wait? Get the best pure gold jewelry from us that too under your budget and the preferences of the individuals. To know more, you can go through our website where we have a different variety available in necklaces, bracelets, and a lot more. 
Credit:- https://loveanamitra01.blogspot.com/2024/04/delightful-experience-of-buying-kids-jewelry-online.html
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Overindulgent father Astarion who tells his children they’re allergic to any kind of jewellery that isn’t made of the highest grade Dwarven crafted gold. 
It’s not even because Astarion might have a certain aversion to silver, no, he just raises his children to have standards, thank you very much. 
And it doesn’t end with shiny things, oh no… 
The Ancunín brood is known to be dressed in perfectly woven cotton, silk and soft leather clothes, no matter the occasion.
They’re seen playing with expensive toys, reading artfully illustrated books that certainly belong behind thick glass, not in children’s sticky hands. 
There’s even talk that one of the children is not as naturally inclined to music as his parents claim him to be, surely his lyre must be enchanted—the instrument certainly looks extravagant enough! 
And then there’s always this air of effortless haughtiness surrounding the Ancunín children whenever their nannies and servants are parading them through town as if they were perfect little dolls; objects to show off the wealth their parents acquired in quite the mysterious ways. 
So, it’s no secret that Astarion and Tav are pampering their children—some might say they’re even spoiling them rotten. 
And maybe they are, especially Astarion.
But he doesn’t see why he should raise them any other way, nor does he want to.  
When it comes to his children, Astarion has his own standards, and as long as Tav agrees with him nothing really matters. 
Because, these people, they don’t know anything about the Ancuníns. 
They don’t know that it’s not unusual for Astarion to wash out dirt and mud and strawberry stains from comically small finery, leaving behind only the memories of a day spent playing in the garden, chasing after ducks, picking flowers, lazing in the sun…
That any holes and tears the children’s clothes might suffer are quickly mended, making them look as good as new in no time. 
Nor do they know that Astarion doesn’t mind fashioning a brand new dress to match that of a favourite doll, either. Or to embroider a pretty vest with the likeness of that stray cat the children seem to adore, although their father would rather they don’t touch the mangy animal. 
No, those people know nothing at all...
“Not tired!” Astarion’s youngest cries; the vehement denial of her father’s earlier accusation is cut short by a telltale yawn.
The room still smells of fragrant lavender oil and peaches even when the bath water has already grown tepid, just one or two degrees above what Astarion would consider too cold to be enjoyable. 
Amused, he raises an eyebrow at the protesting toddler before he lifts her out of the copper bathtub with little effort. 
By now, he knows every step of this game.
“Tut-tut, my dear child, what did mama and I say?” Astarion kneels, quickly wrapping a soft towel around the child to keep her warm. “We only tell lies outside of this house.”
Unfazed by her father’s gentle scolding, the girl crosses her arms that haven’t yet lost their puppy fat across her chest, reminding Astarion a little too much of a very displeased Tav. 
Suppressing a sigh, he leans back to consider the pouting child, wondering what could possibly be upsetting her this time—the list is growing longer by the day, after all. 
“What’s the matter, dear?” Astarion asks gently, hoping it’s something easily fixable as it’s growing rather late. 
“Want apple!”
Decades ago, Astarion might’ve rolled his eyes—he knows exactly which stupid apple the child wants, it’s been haunting him all day—but once he started to treat his children’s problems as if they were his own, his life has grown somewhat easier. 
“Why, let’s get an apple on our way to bed, then. Would that be alright, Your Highness?” 
The girl promptly nods her head, allowing Astarion to pat her hair dry before dressing her in a clean night dress. 
She rests her cheek against her father’s shoulder as he carries her first to the kitchen to grab a fragrant apple and a knife, then to her bedroom where they settle on the cosy window seat, just like they do every night.
Soft moonlight is pouring through the windows; the child giggles at the way the knife’s blade is catching the silver light as Astarion peels and cuts the apple into even pieces.
“Here you go,” he finally says, giving the slice of apple one last examining look before surrendering it to the impatient little hands reaching for it. “A sweet treat for my little sweet. Doesn’t it taste so much better when we don’t eat it off the floor, darling?” And when it’s not crawling with ants…
The appeased toddler nibbles at the juicy fruit as Astarion carefully combs through her still-damp curls. 
Her hair’s getting long, he notices, knowing that taking care of it will become more time-consuming each day. 
Once, Astarion would’ve thought this task tedious, brushing out hair that’s not his own, oiling and braiding it for no other reason than knowing his children enjoy him doing it. 
But that’s why he loves doing it in the first place, he supposes.
Astarion can tell by his toddler’s heartbeat that sleep is about to claim her. 
The half-eaten slice of apple is still clutched in her little fist as he cradles the child to his chest, slowly rising from the window seat to put her to bed. 
He’s just about to lay the child down that the fruit drops to the floor, his daughter’s tiny hand clutching at his shirt instead.
“Thank you, papa,” she mumbles, more asleep than awake.
Astarion pauses.
He breathes in the clean, yet unique scent of the little girl that is forever engraved in his brain, the same way he knows under which exact constellation she was born. When she took her first steps, what her first word was. Soon, he will have to memorise her favourite colour, and what she likes to eat when dirty apples won’t be that appealing anymore. 
By now, Astarion knows this game by heart, knows that with every year that passes, he has something new to learn about his children.
And sometimes he wonders what it’s like to grow up with clean bed sheets and full bellies. Sleep filled with naught but warmth and happy memories. Ever open doors and tears that are dried by tender kisses. Living in a house where mistakes and anger are welcomed, safe. 
He wonders what it’s like for his children to know that their father’s love comes without conditions. Not now and not ever. 
Sitting down on the bed, Astarion holds his youngest a little closer to his chest, unwilling to let go of her, yet. 
He’s often accused of spoiling his children when most people can only just grasp the very surface of his love for them, the bare minimum of what he feels for his one and only, precious family. 
These baseless accusations are as unimportant to Astarion as the people voicing them.
He’s raising his children to have standards, wants them to take their father’s love for granted, to accept nothing less but pure devotion.
It’s the only way Astarion knows how to love them, the only way that comes most naturally to him. 
Astarion looks down at his little girl, now fast asleep, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. 
After all these years—all these children—he’s still in awe watching them sleep in his arms as if no harm in the world could ever befall them.
And it won’t—not if Astarion can help it. 
“No, thank you, my heart,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against the crown of the toddler’s head. 
When it comes to his children, Astarion holds himself to the highest standard.
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purplifield · 10 months
imagine, a Christian girl/boy (reader) x hobie brown. How would he deal with them?
Love this idea a lot 🥰 first time writing in headcanons, honestly I probably went off the rails but hopefully I fulfilled your wishes!
I kept it as gender/race neutral as I could, if you see flaws, please let me know
🪻| Crosses and pentagrams
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First of all, this boy is not waiting till marriage. He doesn’t believe that marriage is necessary and if that would be your only need in life, you would sadly have to part your ways.
BUT he is quite persistent. So he loves himself a challenge.
You met when you were volunteering for church, handing out flyers for a charity concert that would take place in church yard. As intimidating Hobie was, you decided to walk up to him and start your usual introduction
“Hello there! I’m y/n, a believer in goodness! Would you be interested in coming to a charity concert? Coming to mass afterwards is…optional” you said, last sentence was unsure, since while you talked you took a look at his outfit, full of spikes, heavy jewellery and a pentagram necklace. Yet weirdly, he stopped and listened intently instead of quickening his pace like most did.
“Tell you what, gimme your number and I’ll think of more questions to ask about the event” he smiled sheepishly and gave you a marker from his pocket, tapping the flyer.
That’s how your situationship started.
You never saw the pentagram on his neck again once you said you don’t like it. You noticed little things he did for you, compliments on your mostly white and usually modest appearance.
Like the devil he was, he tempted you to wear your more revealing tops, your excuse being the heat. (You thought he didn’t notice but oh boy he did)
Soon situationship turned into a relationship and you enjoyed kissing his pierced lips. You found out that making out did make you feel good. But you were scared so once it felt too good, you would back away and hear a frustrated groan.
It was cute seeing you two together; it was an ‘opposites attract’ typa couple. Him in black, silver jewellery with different crystals, piercings everywhere. And you- a modest person with minimalistic neutral color palette and simple gold jewellery. The only ring you wore ever was your purity ring.
Which eventually got taken off when you finally felt the urge to suck his dick, slowly learning that you were just a mere mortal with desires.
Hobie was ecstatic, knowing that the two months he waited were worth it and now he guided you to get on your knees and prepare.
This man is such a tease. He knew that you felt bad for giving in for your desires, and had a field day with this information
“Such a bad Christian you are, shouldn’t you wait for marriage?” He smirked, leaning into the chair and held you down on his dick. He groaned, feeling the little vibration of your moan.
After your first time he couldn’t take his hands off of you whenever you two met.
He would make you cum in an alleyway, suck him off in the streets at like 4am when rarely anyone was awake.
He would love when you had your cross necklace on, tugging on it whenever he wanted to kiss your fucked out face.
When nowadays you would get on your knees in the church, your cheeks would flush at the dirty thoughts you had.
He was possessive; if he saw you talking to another guy, he liked to mark you up, he knew that you would stress over it and try to cover it.
“Good child of god knows that they should be loyal, so what the fuck was that about?”
Would love to fuck you dumb, corrupt your mind.
It was truly the end of your journey with god once you decided to move in with him. Despite the fights with your dad, you finally gave in to Hobie
It was evening. You just changed in you pyjamas. You felt how Hobie was staring at you, but you didn’t mind.
“Finally you done with your skincare shimcare routine, I was wai-”
“Shush” you silenced him and kneeled leaning on your bed, starting to pray. You mumbled the prayer to yourself, eyes closed. Your felt how the mattress shifts and something touches your elbows. You slightly open your eyes before re-signing.
Hobie was sitting in front of you, legs spread, you were now in between them. He tilted his head with smirk, looking at his hardened cock, showing through his boxers and sweats, briefly.
“Did you say your goodbyes to god yet? Can you please show attention to me now?”
His dick inside of you, as you tried to reach your orgasm. He smiled at your needy and fucked out expression. He has edged you for a while now, pulling out as soon as your moans get higher.
“Please please, let me cum Hobie”
“Who’s your god now?”
“You! You’re my god. Please just let me cum”
“Your wish is my command”
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
No Words - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @lexondeck @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond @rubes2323 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @samanthaofanarchy @darqchilddaydreamz @yourwinchesterbros
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It’s a slow fall, one that Chibs could never have prepared himself for even if he tried. He feels his fingers clawing at the edge of the cliff, he tries to fight it, he really does but it’s like trying to struggle against the tide, you can’t, so in the end he succumbs to it. He feels it every time he looks at you, the current dragging him deeper.
There are a thousand things he loves about you.
Your elegance, your charm, your perseverance in the face of adversity. A woman like you, in their world. You shouldn’t fit in amongst the ingrates, but you do. The respect cuts both ways. It should be as simple as taking the money and doing the work, but you’re not like the other lawyers the club has worked with. You take the time to build relationships with each and every one of them. Most of the guys trust you with their personal affairs. You’ve handled Bobby’s most recent divorce, Tig’s investment in Cara Cara, Juice’s weed shop. You’ve fought for them all in court, brokered deals, reduced charges, laughed in the face of prosecutors who have designs on shutting down the club.
You’re vicious, beautiful and damn right tenacious.
Chibs notices when the wedding ring disappears, the faded indentation on your left hand where a diamond used to sit. You don’t mention it to anyone in the club but there’s signs. Your sense of style changes, you become more eclectic, bolder patterns, brighter colours, fabrics that accentuate your figure instead of hiding it away. You favour different jewellery, it’s more edgy than delicate, beaten metal instead of gold and precious stones. When you change your hair, it takes everything in him not to run his fingers through those freshly trimmed locks when he compliments it.
He recognises freedom when he sees it. Whatever was keeping you prim and proper, locked away in that claustrophobic little cage is gone and you are thriving. You bloom like a flower, petals unfurling as if you’re feeling the sun on your face for the first time. It’s stunning to watch.
It’s late that night, you’re seated at his kitchen table sipping from one of his lowball glasses. He’s filled it halfway with top shelf whisky imported straight from one of the distilleries in Scotland. You’re going through the most recent version of his will with him. He’s known since that last visit to Ireland, that things between him and Fiona were never going to be the way they were. She may be free from Jimmy, but his wife is dedicated to the cause, it will always be her first love. Fiona’s not holding out for him and he’s not holding out for her, they exist on two different continents, two separate spaces. He can never go back to that life, and she can never step into his.  He will always love the mother of his child but not in the way he loves you.
However, he wants to make sure that both her and Kerrianne are taken care of if something were to happen to him. He has assets, cash in a safety deposit box, some of his mother’s old jewellery, items that have been passed down through the generations. He wants to make sure they end up in the right place.
The two of you are sitting close together, his arm resting on the back of your chair as he studies the documentation in front of him. He taps the pen on the surface of the table as he reads, checking everything off in his head. Once he’s satisfied, he scrawls his signature at the bottom before setting it down and tilting his head to look at you.
“I’ll file it first thing in the morning.” You tell him, leaning in just a little to reach for your pen.
It’s your scent that catches him off guard, that and the proximity of your body. The perfume you’re wearing it’s dark and sensuous, something subtle and honied, he breathes it in and it floods his veins like a narcotic. The silk of your blouse brushes across the cotton of his shirt with a slight rustle and he feels the heat from your body grace his skin.
You look up and that’s the moment that everything changes, because he sees the desire in your eyes, the desperation, the need. He kisses you softly, nothing more than a brush of the lips but in that instant he’s lost.
There’s a moment when you step into the ocean that the current takes you, it snarls around your body, dragging you deeper, the waves crashing over your head until it forces you under. That’s what happens to Chibs in that moment, the tide fucking takes him, and he drowns.
He won’t survive this, he knows, but he can’t help himself.
You’re a force of nature and he’s simply a man adrift at sea.
He draws you into his lap, that pencil skirt of yours hitching higher up your thighs as he explores your mouth with slow, tender kisses that leave you whimpering. He can tell that it’s been a while since someone has loved you. It’s in the way you respond to his touches, that little sigh when he kisses your lower lip, the way your head tips back as his thumb chases along the line of your jaw, your thighs parting because you need to be as close as he does. He doesn’t know how you make it to the bedroom; he’s too wrapped up in the sensation of being with you.
It’s when he lays you down amongst his sheets that he pauses. He sees you lying there, the navy blue silk contrasting against your skin, buttons undone, revealing black lace. That silver necklace made of hammered metal sits against your collarbone like a chest piece. His fingertips run over it because by now he understands what it represents, beaten but never broken. If that doesn’t sear itself into an old Scot’s heart…
You watch as he removes the rings on his fingers, there’s a sensuality to it. His dark gaze sets firmly on yours as he takes them off one by own. You remove your own armour, that necklace, the matching bracelet on your wrist. There’s a catharsis in it. He takes them from your hands, setting them down gently on the nightstand alongside his own precious pieces.
He underdresses you in the dark, flashes of moonlight from the open highlighting your skin. You don’t speak and neither does he, there’s an affinity in the silence.
You breathe his name when he enters you, it flows like a prayer from your lips. He moves in slow strokes, prolonging the pleasure until you're flushed and wanton, a wreck amongst his sage green sheets. His hand caresses your jaw, guiding your gaze back to his as he makes love to you in a bed that’s never known it. He wants you to see what you do to him, that you’ve stolen away his heart, that you’re gradually stealing his sanity. He kisses you when you come around his cock, drinking down your moans as he cradles your head in his hand, his own release spilling into you.
In the aftermath he watches you dress, his back against the headboard, the sheets pooling around his hips as your fingers draw up the zipper of your pencil skirt. There are no words to describe what just happened, there’s nothing that needs to be said. You’re both still raw from your past, there’s no space to discuss a future.
It’s only after you leave that he realises you’ve left your jewellery on the nightstand. Your necklace and bracelet, his rings. They look like they belong together, a jumble of forged metal, worn in the heat of battle.
He smiles to himself, his fingertip tracing over the indents made in the hammered metal.
At least now you have a reason to come back.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 1 month
Max gives Joyce a piece of her mind
“Who is it that you got engaged to, Chloe?” Joyce only now noticed a new addition to Chloe’s usual hodgepodge of jewellery – a silver ring with many colourful stones on Chloe’s left ring finger. “I see he couldn’t even be bothered to buy you a proper ring. It should be gold, with a diamond. Like the one your father gave me”.
Chloe thought to herself: “Yes, that ring was beautiful. Too bad you sold it”. Chloe closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. “This is the best day of your life, Price. You’re not going to cry today”, she thought.
“It’s Max, mom”.
Joyce only now noticed Max standing behind Chloe in the doorway.
“Oh hi, Max! I’m so sorry you had to listen to our little quarrel. But you’ve been hanging around with Chloe almost every day since we moved to Seattle, so you’re used to that”.
“Mom, you’re not listening to me. It’s Max who …”
“Max is such a nice young woman. Why can’t you be more like her? She would never do something so reckless. You should …”
“Enough!” – said Max loudly, almost shouting, surprising everyone present, including herself. Max stepped in front of Chloe and continued, not as loud, but still way above her usual gentle tone of voice: “Enough. Joyce, there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you ever since I met you again at the Two Whales. You can’t talk about your daughter that way!”
Joyce seemed shocked by Max’s words. David and Chloe less so.
“We meet for the first time after five years and you spend the majority of our conversation going on and on about how big of a burden your own child is? ‘Chloe chose to remain angry’. That’s what you said. Maybe you don’t even remember saying it, but I will never forget you saying that. She chose to be angry? Chloe chose none of the things that happened to her. She didn’t choose for William to be killed by a reckless trucker who fell asleep behind the wheel. She didn’t choose for me, her supposed best friend, to stop answering her calls and texts. She didn’t choose for Rachel to promise her a life together and then break up with her using a letter”.
“Max, what are you saying? Chloe and Rachel were just friends. They had sleepovers all the time!”
David furrowed his brow, surprised with his wife’s obliviousness. “Joyce, that’s exactly why they had so many sleepovers. I thought that was obvious. It’s why I always woke them up so early and tried to get them out of Chloe’s room. I didn’t want them fooling around under our roof. Just like I would if Chloe tried doing that with a boy”.
Max continued telling all the things she’d been wanting to tell Joyce for the past year: “Chloe didn’t choose for her stepfather to slap and demean her!”
David’s face turned red. Not out of anger, though. Out of shame.
“Chloe didn’t choose for Nathan Prescott to roofie and attempt to assault her and then threaten to shoot her! She didn’t choose for Frank Bowers to threaten to kill her with a knife! By the way, David. That’s why she took your revolver. For self-defence”.
David was distraught that his daughter had been in danger and he didn’t even know about it. “What? Chloe, why didn’t you tell me about it? I would’ve done something!”
Chloe responded, quoting David’s own words: “’For your own good, stay away from Chloe. She’s a loser and she’ll only drag you down’. I didn’t want to drag you down, David”.
David hung his head low, confronted with his own venomous words, having finally realized how crushing it must’ve been for Chloe to hear something like that from her own parent.
Max kept pouring her heart out: “What did you even argue with her about when I picked up that phone call? I tell you David hit her and your reaction is to yell at her? Not to hug her, to console her, to tell her everything is going to be alright? To yell at her. Then again, she pushed him. That was the problem. Chloe pushing. Not her stepfather reacting with violence to being ‘pushed’, whatever that even means, by a teenage girl. Chloe being a bad daughter, a disappointment. That was the problem. Well, I know for a fact Chloe would give her life to save yours and David’s. Without hesitation. I know that for a fact! How’s that for a bad daughter? And why do you always seem to be annoyed when you see Chloe? When she went into the diner that day, before she even said anything, you were already angry with her. Why? What was even that stupid speech about Chloe blowing her college fund on bacon? Did you really charge your own child for a few scraps of bacon? When we were kids, we would visit you at work. You always gave us pie. Are you telling me you charged us back then too? Should I be worried about my own college fund? Did you really keep a tab for your daughter and you paid it off using money William had set aside for Chloe’s education?”
“Max, that was a joke. Of course I didn’t actually charge Chloe”.
“Well if that was a joke, I didn’t feel amused to hear it. More like embarrassed. Why even joke that way? What you were trying to get at? Did you want to remind her she had got expelled from Blackwell, as if she didn’t remember that? Were you complaining that she visited you at work too often? Or did you think she ate too much? She’s rail-thin, for God’s sake. I can feel all her bones when I touch her. If anything, she should be eating more”.
Chloe blushed, as Max’s remark clearly indicated she had seen her, and touched her, while she was in a state of undress. But it seemed neither Joyce nor David picked up on it.
“When I finish my classes at U-Dub in the afternoon and Chloe is there to pick me up, that’s the best part of my day. I always smile when I see her. I cannot fathom how could anyone react to my Chloe with annoyance. And yet, you do. Almost every time I see you interact. Could you stop doing that? Pretty please, now that we’re going to become a family? Because it’s me who proposed to Chloe. And by the way, that ring was the best thing I could afford using the money I made in my summer job. I admit, it’s not gold and diamonds. It’s silvered steel and agates. But I think it suits my fiancée. It’s bold and colourful, just like her”.
Joyce was floored with the revelation. David not so much.
Joyce needed a moment to process the news: “What? But … I mean … That’s wonderful, Max! I’m so happy for you. I know you will be a good influence on Chloe. I know you will help her change for the better”.
Max sighed. She was no longer angry and she reverted to her normal, gentle speaking voice. But she still had a lot to say: “Joyce, Chloe is not some kind of work in progress that needs finishing. Not any more than any other human being is. I love her for who she is now, not for who she might become. My love for her is not conditioned on her changing in any way. She will, of course, just as I will change going through life at her side. This is going to be our journey. But it doesn’t have any set goal, other than being together. Our love, it’s not a one-way street. I stand to gain from it just as much as she does. Chloe saved my life. Twice. When Nathan Prescott caught me snooping in the dorms, Chloe shielded me with her own body and pushed him away. Even though he was armed and had threatened to murder Chloe just two days prior. And when Frank Bowers lunged at me with a knife, Chloe stopped him. She wrestled a taller, stronger man armed with a knife to save my life, with no weapon of her own, because in my unmatched wisdom I had told her to discard it. And she did save my life”.
David nodded in respect, impressed with his daughter’s tenacity in defending her loved ones.
Max continued: “She taught me how to overcome my fears. How to be strong. And she proved she would be willing to die just to spare me from feeling guilty. Which is something I would never accept. But it’s proof how loyal she is and how far she’s willing to go protect the people she loves. To protect me. Joyce, I’m not the child you remember me to be and I’m not the perfect young woman you imagined me to be in my absence. You don’t really know me. You don’t know what I did and what choices I made. I think I’m much farther away from your idea of a good daughter than you think I am. And Chloe is much closer to it than you think she is”.
Max paused for a while. Both Joyce and Chloe sniffed. They had tears in their eyes. David’s eyes expressed profound sadness as well.
Max decided to tell the last thing she’d been wanting to tell Joyce for a long time: “Joyce, I’m going to tell you something now. I’m not telling this to hurt you, or make you sad. On the contrary. When you hear what I have to say, even before I’m finished, I want you to interrupt me. I want you to be indignant. I want you to tell me I’m wrong. That I have no idea what I’m talking about. That I have no right to say things like that. I want you to throw me out of your home for daring to say that, do you understand? Here it goes. Based on how you always have patience, support and kind words for me and how you have very little of that for Chloe, it seems to me that you’d rather have me as a daughter than Chloe. Is that true?”
Joyce did none of the things Max wanted her to do. She rested her elbows on the table and hid her face in the palms of her hands.
Continue reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55536358
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theroyalsims · 7 months
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Strike a pose! Covergirl Crown Princess Anya`stuns on the cover of Brindleton Sogue's special 150th anniversary issue.
The issue has been kept hush-hush until its release today. The swanky publication is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary, and what better way to mark such a milestone than to have the future Queen grace the cover... again. This is the second time that HRH has featured on the cover of the posh magazine.
The voluminous issue also includes wonderful new photos of the Crown Princess, taken in various picturesque locations around Brindleton. Her Royal Highness also very noticeably let down her natural curls and wore very few pieces of jewellery and minimal make-up for the feature. Crown Princess Anya's "stripped bare" hair and make-up are in stark contrast with the dramatic ballgowns she wore for the shoot.
Perhaps more importantly, however, Her Royal Highness sat down with the magazine's editor-in-chief for a very intimate conversation. The interview is said to be Anya's most honest and candid interview to date, and that's saying a lot, considering that the royals very rarely agree to be interviewed. The Crown Princess answered questions on her family, her work, and finding love. Snippets of the article are reproduced and translated below:
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Your Royal Highness, for what seems like years now, there have been speculations on certain, shall we say, disagreements between you and some members of the Family. The... discord... has caused multiple speculations, and some would even argue that it has affected the public's trust on the monarchy. How are things now within the Family?
At the core of it all, we are a family - much like yours and everyone else's. Perhaps what sets my family apart is the fact that we live under constant scrutiny, and with that, the tiniest things are magnified to the point of being ridiculous.
Yes, there have been arguments, and yes there have been fights but at the end of the day, we all take a step back and remind ourselves that we are a family, and much importantly, we owe it to the people to ensure that the monarchy is in safe hands. We're good. We're solid. We're very much a team. I love my parents, and I love my siblings. It's not always as dramatic as everyone sets it out to be.
So I suppose it's safe to say that all is well with The Harvelles?
What exactly is "well?" *laughs* They seem very happy with their lives, and I'm quite content with mine. I wish them, to use your word, "well." Really, I do. They have a lovely little daughter, and I'm quite certain I'm the least of their worries. I'm sure they'd rather spend time with each other that concern themselves with what other people are saying about my relationship with them.
Speaking of, YRH, have you seen your niece? Have you met her?
Of course... during the odd family gatherings and dinners, when we all come over to the big house. I find it quite entertaining how everyone's painting me out to be the evil aunt. I think she's a darling little girl. And of course, I've met her, yes.
You're to take on a very massive challenge next year, vying for gold at the World Sports Festival. How are the preparations going?
I'd like to think it's going quite swimmingly, and I hope my coach doesn't disagree. *laughs* I won't be taking a leave of absence for training; I don't think the current workload allows it, but I do make sure to free up some time to get on the saddle. I love horses, and I've been riding since I was a child, so my training - gruelling as it may be on certain days - isn't really that much of a hardship for me. I enjoy it, really.
I also love training with the rest of the Brindleton Team. I've made lots of new friends and I'm very proud to see so many gifted young athletes represent our country.
It's been a while since you last completed professionally, what made you decide to compete again?
It's alway been a dream to bag the gold at the Festival and bring it home to Brindleton. So for me, it's now or never. I'm not getting any younger, and I realised that if I want to try and achieve that dream, I should get my act together and get back on the horse, figuratively and literally.
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Since you brought it up, I hope you don't mind my asking, YRH, but there has been much speculation about your, shall I say, lack of prospects, and those write-ups came right after your birthday. Does that affect you in anyway?
When did I bring this up? *laughs* Ah, yes. I've heard about that. Mostly, I laugh it off. I know I'm no spring chicken *laughs* but these things... they can't be rushed, you know? Do I wish people would stop talking about my private life? Yes. Do I expect them to? No.
I know my place and I am very much aware that it's part of the job. This role, this life I'm born into... it's...well, I know what it entails. Let's just leave it at that.
Since I'm being so bold, I'll take my chances - have you ever been in love?
My, my. That is bold. They warned me about you. *laughs* Yes. Of course. Yes, I've been in love... once. But it was ages ago. It feels like a lifetime ago. It was beautiful and glorious, and most importantly, it was mine, ours. But you know, life happens, things change. You grow up. It is, however, something I look back very fondly on. I feel lucky to have experienced that.
And now? Are you looking for love?
No. Not actively anyway. I'd love to, but I can't afford to. And I promise you not every man who crosses my path fancies me. *laughs*
No, I... I believe things will fall into place when it's supposed to. Gosh, I sound like such a sap. *laughs* No... it's just that... I had it once... and you know, I grew up surrounded by love, by two people who are very much in love. So if it's not like what my mum and dad has, I don't want it.
That's fair enough.
Isn't it? I feel like that's a very small and reasonable demand. *laughs*
Finally, Your Royal Highness, What do you think shall be seen as your greatest legacy Crown Princess of Brindleton?
I really don't know. That's a very difficult question to answer, but if I were to free to hope, I hope it's my work with the youth. It's very important that we give our children, our teenagers - girls, especially - a fair and equal chance in life. And I'd like to think I've made an impact on that regard. I am very passionate about supporting children's well-being with a focus on their mental health, especially our teens because it's a very crucial point in one's life.
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Don't you just love how Anya and her siblings call the palace "the big house"? And for once, it's refreshing to not speculate about something that our royals did or did not do! Case in point: Anya HAS met her niece, contrary to the ongoing rumour that she has been snubbing poor little Lady Ella.
However, we can't help but wonder who exactly was The Crown Princess' one true love? Could it be Mario? Or Dr. Greg? Maybe even tennis pro Sterling? But then again, she did mention that it was a while back... so it couldn't possible be her footballer ex. Curiouser and curiouser... Leave it to Anya to actually share her secrets and yet leave us wanting more!
The issue has been selling incredibly fast, and major retailers have already reportedly sold out. And it's no wonder! It's so rare that we get to hear directly from our royals (especially notoriously tight-lipped Anya), so this issue is, indeed, a must-have and a must-read for all royal fans out there!
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blueiskewl · 5 months
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1,500-year-Old Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Found in UK
One of the most notable discoveries was the burial of a teenage girl and child.
Archaeologists in the United Kingdom have announced a major historical discovery dating back to as early as the 6th century after finding the buried remains of over 20 people alongside a range of grave goods including knives, jewelery and pottery vessels, officials said.
Scientists working on the National Grid’s Viking Link project -- construction of the world’s longest land and subsea interconnector involving installation of submarine and underground cables between the United Kingdom and Denmark -- have dug 50 archaeological sites along the onshore cable route since 2020, according to a statement from Wessex Archaeology in the United Kingdom.
“The wealth of evidence recovered is shedding light on life across rural south-east Lincolnshire from prehistory to the present day, with highlights including a Bronze Age barrow and a Romano-British farmstead. The most striking discovery, however, is the remains of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery,” according to Wessex Archaeology.
“The burials in the cemetery deliberately focus on an earlier Bronze Age ring ditch and indicate the funerary landscape was long established,” scientists said. “Archaeologists uncovered the buried remains of over 20 people alongside a range of grave goods including knives, jewellery and pottery vessels. From these 250 artefacts, experts know the cemetery dates to the 6th and 7th centuries AD.”
Among some of the most notable discovery was the burial of a teenage girl and a child, both of whom lay on their sides with the child tucked in behind the older girl, officials said.
“Two small gold pendants set with garnets and a delicate silver pendant with an amber mount were recovered from around the teenager’s head or chest, together with two small blue glass beads and an annular brooch,” according to Wessex Archaeology.
The relationship between the child and the teenager is not yet known -- and may never be -- but scientists are now conducting research and analysis on the subjects, including isotope and Ancient DNA analysis of the skeletal remains.
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Officials say that this critical research could help to identify “familial relationships and broader genetic links both within this community and between others in the region, and the movement of people in wider society.”
“I really enjoyed being part of the project. It was surprising how many artefacts we found across the route - the gold Anglo-Saxon pendant from the burial ground was a highlight as was the outreach with the local communities to share what we found,” said Peter Bryant who led the project for Viking Link. “It has been very interesting and exciting to help unearth the hidden treasures that have lain dormant for hundreds of years, in such a careful way.”
Specialists will also be looking at the artefacts discovered on the burial site as well as the layout of the cemetery in hopes of learning more about the economic, cultural and social factors affecting this specific community, “including the import of exotic goods and the health of those buried within different parts of the cemetery,” according to Wessex Archaeology. “Although many Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are known in Lincolnshire, most were excavated decades ago when the focus was on the grave goods, not the people buried there,” said Jacqueline McKinley, principal osteoarchaeologist of Wessex Archaeology. “Excitingly, here we can employ various scientific advancements, including isotopic and DNA analyses. This will give us a far better understanding of the population, from their mobility to their genetic background and even their diet.”
Said Wessex Archaeology following the discovery: “As this research unfolds, we hope to greatly extend our understanding of Anglo-Saxon life and death in the region."
By Jon Haworth.
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sebstan2020 · 4 months
A Slave For You
Chapter 1
Leila's life was very normal. She had everything she wanted, a nice house, car, and all the money she could ever ask for. She was a rich girl and lived her life doing nothing but shopping and spending money. However her life changed when on her way home from a night out she was kidnapped by human traffickers and sent to the slave market in New York City where she finds herself being brought by one of the most dangerous mob bosses of Brooklyn, James Buchanan Barnes
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Leila’s life was far from normal. A fancy house, a classy car, designer clothes—the life of a woman who was given everything by her parents. Her father was a doctor, and her mother was a lawyer. She’d never have to work a day in her life if she didn’t want to. It is safe to say she was a daddie girl. If she asked for a new apartment, her father would buy it for her. If she asked for a new car, her father would buy it; if she asked for a $10,000 bag, her dad would buy it for her. There was nothing she couldn’t get or wouldn’t get.
She could, by all means, go to college, get a degree, and apply for a job to earn the money herself. But why would she do that when she could just be given it? No, Leila wasn’t a normal girl. She was very privileged, and she didn’t even have to work for it. Her days were spent shopping in designer malls, meeting up with her girlfriends for expensive cocktails and shopping sprees, spa days, and manicures. Of course she was thankful for them, but she had never known what it was like to have to work for money or for respect and admiration. She was a daddies little girl, and she loved it.
Growing up, she always got what she wanted, and being an only child made her the spoiled brat she is today. She never went anywhere without looking like a million dollars. Gold jewellery hanging off her wrists and ears, sunglasses that were more than $500, a designer bag always on her elbow, hair blown out as if she had been to the salon every day, a classic white French on her nails, and perfect plump lips. She took pride in making herself look good, almost as if she wanted to stand out from the crowd. Living in Beverly Hills made that hard, as everyone seemed to dress and act the same. Everyone would be walking with their cell phones glued to their ears or a wireless head set so that they didn’t have to use a phone.
Little did she know that her life was going to change. It was a chilly night. The winter wind was coming further into February, which meant long fur coats and high knee boots to keep her warm. It wasn't unusual for LA to be cold, but this night in particular was the coldest. The club music was booming from the outside, the vibrations pounding against the floor. The club was packed with girls and boys dressed in designer clothes, with alcohol littering the tables with champagne bottles and vodka shots. It was one of the most expensive clubs to get into, and of course Leila could get in with just a smile and a wink to the bouncer. She had hired the VIP section for her and her friends, meaning they had the top floor to themselves.
“Cheers girls!” Lacey, one of the girls from her group, shouted over the loud music, and they clinked their shot glasses together before necking them down. Leila shook her head from the spicy taste of the vodka, a buzz hitting her straight away, and she leaned back into the plush sofa of the VIP section. This was probably their sixth shot, along with the endless bottles of champagne they had been drinking. She was in a tight-fitting black dress, high above her neck with her hair in a bouncy blow, and black knee-high boots. She was stunning with her smokey makeup and plump lips.
Her girls were dressed in similar outfits. Tight dresses and heels, short skirts, and crop tops, showing off every curve and inch of their bodies. The club was alive, with dancing people grinding against each other, couples making out in the corners and bathrooms of the club, and men throwing money on the most expensive drinks for girls. The alcohol didn’t take long to take effect on Leila, and she was starting to lose sense of everything. Her vision was slightly blurred, and her hands were turning numb to her fingers. The tingles spread across her body, and she knew she had reached her limit.
“Girls, I need to go home now; I will literally throw up if I have anymore,” she said with warning, standing up to get her balance and check if she could walk home. Anymore, and she'd be on the floor.
“No, come on, stay,” one of her friends whined, not wanting her to go home and miss any fun.
“I can't... besides, I have a spa day tomorrow, and I don’t want to miss it,” she grinned with excitement, gathering her Chanel bag and hitching it over her shoulder. Her fur coat was slung on the back of the sofa, which she slipped over. She kissed her friends goodbye, hugging them tightly and reassuring each and every one of them that she would be fine getting home. Her house wasn’t too far from the club, and she had done this walk a million times, so she’d be fine.
"I love you,” she said, blowing a kiss to them before strutting out of the club into the freezing cold air. She slightly shivered as she walked home briskly, boots clicking on the concrete floor in sync, her hips swaying underneath the fur coat. Her cell phone was nearly out of battery, and she huffed in annoyance, shoved it back in her pocket, and focused on getting home. She was drunk but sober enough to walk home and not fall into the road. It suddenly got quieter the further she left the club, and the empty streets began to frighten her a little, but she kept her head down and focused hard on her steps.
She was unfortunate to have to walk through a rather rough part of town to get to Beverly Hills, and as she made her way down the street, she took in the shaggy houses, fences half knocked down, trash across the pavement, and homeless people wrapped up in whatever blankets they could find and huddled in the corner. She kept her body close, hugging her bag tightly, and took a shaky breath. It made her shiver, looking at the decrepit sights. Her eyes flickered over to the other side of the road to see a pair of rough men, talking hushedly and clearly trading over money for drugs. She hurried along, not wanting to be noticed or associated with anything like that.
As she turned the corner, she looked up briefly as she picked up her speed. Down the street, there was a dark black van parked on the side and what looked like someone leaning against it, smoking a cigarette. His head was down, his legs were crossed, and his face was hard to tell in both the darkness and with the cap he was wearing. Leila swallowed but kept her head down and picked her pace up more. It was a classic scene out of a horror movie—the ones where the girl gets kidnapped and thrown in the back of the van. Crime in these parts of LA was high and known for its kidnaps and murders, and she certainly didn't want to be on that end. As she neared the creepy-looking van and began to pass it, she hoped that it was just nothing and that the guy was completely oblivious to her, but as he looked up and threw the cigarette away, stepping in front of her, her heart began to beat loudly, and she hugged her coat tighter towards her.
“Hey, do you mind helping me? I’ve just broken down, and I need a cell phone to call someone,” he said. His voice was gruff, and he looked a little rough under the cap. He had a thick brown beard, which looked wirey and dirty. His eyes couldn’t be seen due to the darkness, but the thick smell of smoke lingered on his breath and clothes. Leila grimaced, her nose curling up at the sickly scent of him, and took a step back.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have one.” She tried to pass him quickly to head home, but he jumped in front of her again, preventing her from passing. “Please, I could really do with some help, lady,” he said with a creepy smile. His teeth were crooked and yellow, and Leila was starting to feel sick. “I said no!” She snapped and tried to sneak past, but suddenly he grabbed her, shoving her up against a wall. A shriek fell from her lips, and she immediately tried to fight him back. Whimpers and grunts fell from her lips as she smacked her hands against him, but the man was taller and stronger. His dirty, dry hands grabbed her mouth, pressing hard on her lips, and she whimpered underneath him. He was quick to wrap his arm around, and suddenly the side door of the van pulled open, revealing a mystery man inside. He, too, looked rough around the edges and reached over to help pick up her legs. forcing her into the van. Leila kicked and screamed with all her might, praying someone was around to see or hear her kidnapping.
The van door slammed shut, and she was in darkness.
Everything happened so fast. Over the next three days, her life was nothing but tears and fear. She was stripped of everything she knew and loved. In the back of the van, she was tied with a black bag over her head, keeping her in darkness. kicking and screaming on the floor. She tried with all her effort and energy to escape, but nothing was working. The cuffs weren't any loose, and the bag prevented her from seeing anything. Her voice was hoarse by the end, and she felt like she had swallowed razor blades. After a few hours of travel, she was forced out of the van and made to hobble along to another van, much bigger this time and fuller. Although she couldn’t see, her hearing had heightened, and she heard the soft whimpers of several other girls tied up in the van. She was shoved in, pressed against the side of the van with her hands handcuffed above her, legs out in front with her ankles tied with cable ties, cutting into her skin and marking them. Then it was another long journey.
Leila had heard about human traffickers. The stories in the news had become a lot more frequent over the last few months, and hundreds of girls were being kidnapped and trafficked to other countries for slave labour. She wasn’t a complete bimbo to not know that right now her life was in the hands of human traffickers, and she feared where she was being taken. She didn’t have to ask to know that she was being taken to a slave market to be sold to some sick fuck for whatever pleasure they wanted, and the tears running down her eyes were a clear reaction. She was scared, frightened, and petrified. She was shaking to the point the cuffs were cutting into her wrists, and blood started to booze and drip down her arms. Her makeup was caked and smudged around her eyes, giving her the look of a drunk who hadn’t been sober for days. Her hair had fallen flat from the beautiful curls it had once had. But it wasn’t just her. The other fourteen girls in the back of the van had the same look and thoughts as her.
After three long days of travelling with little water and food, they arrived at the slave market. The van pulled up to the large building, parking its back door right next to the back door of the building. Silence fell into the back of the van, and the girls were silent and still. The creek of the door opening had everyone on edge, and one by one, the girls were taken out. Leila swallowed a hard lump in her mouth, biting her lower lip to stop her whimpers from catching any attention. The last thing she wanted was to get slapped or hit for causing a fuss. The scuff of boots on the van floor grew louder as one by one the girls were taken off the can and forced inside, and finally Leila was next. Rough hands grabbed her ankles and cut the ties, freeing them, and then unlocked the cuffs from the chain hanging above them. She was yanked up, large hands gripping her forearms, and she was shoved out of the van, the bag still on top of her head preventing her from seeing. She stumbled out, her bare feet hitting a concrete floor that was cold and wet, and she whimpered as she was shoved inside, about to meet her doom.
Chapter 2
Hi, so I previously had another fic called a slave for you which was pretty much the same with a similar story. I was thinking long and hard about how to update that one and have decided to start all over again and start from the beginning so I have changed the story line a bit and I have a clearer idea of how this story could turn out which I think will be more interesting. Let me know what you think in the comments and if you want to be tagged.
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sayafics · 10 months
Ghost - Chapter IX
Hi guys, sorry for the very long delay in an update. This is a short one, but I promise you another chapter is on it's way <33
Next Chapter
Previous Chapter
When they had made it down to the basement, Glenn stood straighter as he ordered Jacqui to stand watch so he and Morales could scout the tunnel.
That had left Casper, Rick, and the others to their own devices - so the rest of the group made their way back to the small shop in quiet huffs and proud nods.
Casper still kept her distance from Rick, watching from afar as he demonstrated to Andrea how to use her gun properly. She rolled her eyes in a huff, annoyed that he had taken to the group so easily after all they had been through.
Andrea had pulled a gun on him, and her attitude towards Casper had been soured by anger and jealousy from the minute she had stepped foot into the store Andrea's group had taken to hiding in.
She turned away from the pair, oblivious to Rick's trailing eyes and how his lips quirked in amusement at her blatant show of irritation. She looked amongst the jewellery collection with feigned curiosity, fingers running over rings and necklaces, brushing against gems and charms.
It was right as her eyes were drawn to one item in particular that she felt a warm breath puff against her cheek. Casper startled, the unexpected shock running through her caused her to step back by instinct, only to fall into the arms of the man waiting behind her.
Rick let out a quiet chuckle at her surprise, arms already open to catch the girl should she fall in fright. The truth was, he knew she was still upset with him, and he also knew that he didn't know her as well as he should. As well as he wanted to.
Casper could ignore him for all he knew. She could throw a huff and even hurt him with her words or her hands. He let out an amused sigh at the thought that - if she wanted, she could have even stabbed him out of irritation. But something in him knew she wouldn't. She couldn't.
Something told him that the compelling sensation of utter loyalty he felt festering under his skin ran in a similar manner under her own.
As Casper heard his laugh, a deep and rich sound tinged by almost child-like glee, she had felt herself relax unwillingly. As though the simple sounds of his breathing were enough to calm the storm bubbling inside of her.
But she didn't pay him any attention, she didn't turn to him or call to him. Her eyes stayed on the gold-plated necklace that sat delicately on a velvet perch in front of her. The hand that had fisted shut around the hilt of her knife withdrew itself as she redirected it towards the item, fingers brushing over the jewel as she admired it.
"That's pretty."
Rick's voice was slow, as though he was cautious of every word he spouted. It caused his words to become enunciated with his southern drawl, one that always caused her ears to perk up, and this time was no different.
Casper couldn't help herself as she replied, knowing no part of herself could truly ignore the man who had saved her life, the one who had brought her so far from her doomed end.
"I used to have one like it, I think."
"Hmm." Rick leaned into her presence as though it was a second nature. And the feeling of his chest pressing into the skin of her bare shoulders prompted her to keep speaking, like she was trying to pretend she couldn't feel him on her at all.
"I can't remember properly, it's like flashes- like I can see something but I can't see it," she let out a frustrated sigh as she tried to string her thoughts together, "it's like deja vu. You know? Like you think it's happened before, you know it has. But your mind won't let you remember when."
"Why don't you take it?"
She frowned, "I could. But I can't."
Rick's arms wrapped around her at the whispered confession, winding over her shoulders to rest against her chest as he pulled her closer, leaning down to bury his chin in the long tresses of hair that flowed freely down her back. Casper felt her cheeks warm at the action, a tremble running through her hands as they reached up to hold his forearms and she leaned back into his chest.
Her grip tightened as she tried to sort her thoughts, one of her thumbs tracing soft circles against his flesh - oblivious to the way his hand twitched at the foreign sensation.
Rick then spoke, "why not, sweetheart?"
And his words broke her out her reverie. Casper knew, in that moment, she should still be upset with him - angry with his decision to stay. But in his warm and heartfelt embrace, she felt that she could never stay upset with him. Perhaps it was that stupid word, a term of endearment she had no understanding of how she gained. Sweetheart.
Or perhaps it was his touch - a kind and gentle feeling, regardless of the emotions which burned through the man and the horrors he buried within himself.
"I can't trust that what I'm seeing is real. For all I know, it's not my memory to take."
It was now Rick's turn to frown, confused by her words as he drew her closer and leaned towards her ear as he spoke in a stern voice, "don't say that. You can trust yourself, you can trust your memories. You'll get them back, okay? I promise."
"What if I don't?"
"I'll be here."
He'll be here. With her. He'll be here.
She felt her eyes sting at the confession, knowing that despite losing everything, she had gained a friend in Rick. A partner that would do everything to stay.
"And if I do?"
"I'll be here," he repeated, his words firm as his hold grew tighter, like he was afraid she would slip through his fingers, "as long as you'll have me. In any way you want me."
A partner that would never leave, even if she changed.
She held her breath for a moment, eyes finally straying from the necklace that begged her to take hold of it as they trailed their way to the ground. She closed her eyes, and she felt guilt bubble up her throat at the words that forced their way through - "I always will."
As a friend. As a partner. In any way you want me.
Casper cleared her throat, her mind warning her of the prying eyes and curious whispers before pulling away from Rick. His hands fell to his sides with ease, and she didn't spare the necklace another look as she walked away, feigning ignorance at Andrea's accusatory glare.
Rick's eyes, however, fell to the necklace that now called to him. He stood there for a few moments, several thoughts rushing through his mind like a tumultuous river. But as his hands reached towards it, steady and stubborn, a voice pulled his attention away, and his hand fell to his side once more.
Turning towards Andrea's frantic voice and waving hands, he looks towards the glass doors - fale paling as he sees the walkers have broken through enough glass to reach the inner doors.
His eyes zigzag across the room, in search of the person who had left his side only seconds ago. Casper stood in the far corner of the small shop, looking as though she was rifling through some clothes on the rack and putting them into a small backpack she had found.
Rick inched his way towards her as he raised his gun and aimed towards the door, ready to do what it takes to make sure he makes it out alive. That they make it out alive.
He held his breath for a second, fear curdling in his throat as he was too afraid to even call for Casper to step towards him as she drew out her own gun, hand wavering as she held it high and at the ready. It was the gun he had given to her, the gun she had felt was uneeded until now, because all this time she had felt safe enough to lean into his presence and seek safety in the comfort it provided.
She didn't feel safe anymore, not even when Rick was a hair's breadth away from touching her.
The room was quiet, apart from the groans of the dead, everyone held their breaths as they waited for a signal telling them what to do.
They were broken out of their fearful states by the sound of rushed footsteps behind them. Casper turned to see it was Morales, Jacqui, and Glenn - she felt hope bubble in her chest as she stepped closer to them, and in doing so she closed the remaining gap between herself and Rick.
"What did you find down there?"
"Not a way out."
Morales voice was laced with disappointment, lips downturned as he shook his head. It was Andrea who spoke next, "we need to find a way out... and soon."
With those words, the frightful stares of the group returned to the weakening barrier that separated them from assured doom.
Casper cleared her throat, catching Rick's eyes as she spoke, hoping that at least Rick would follow her, that he would listen - "I think we should head back up to the roof, staying down here will just rile them up."
He nodded, "she's right. If we stay up there, it'll buy us more time. If we're lucky, they'll get distracted by something, clear out a bit."
With reluctant nods, the group ascended the stairs as they returned to the miserable presence of Merle Dixon.
Taglist: @maxinehufflepuffprincess @brittney69
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loveanamitra01 · 3 months
Top 5 Reasons Why Parents & Retailers Should Consider Adding Children’s Jewlery To Collection
In a world where fashion knows no age, we are one of the leading online retailers of children's jewelry, we offer the latest collection designed to captivate young hearts and inspire endless smiles.
With a mission to bring joy and style to every child's wardrobe, we unveil a diverse range of enchanting jewelry pieces crafted with safety, quality, and creativity in mind. From whimsical charm bracelets to dainty necklaces and adorable earrings, each piece is meticulously crafted using child-friendly materials and adorned with playful designs that celebrate the magic of childhood.
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Investing in an Online Kid's Jewellery Set offers a multitude of benefits for both parents and retailers alike. Here are the top five reasons why parents and retailers should consider adding children's jewelry to their collections. 
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Credit:- https://penzu.com/p/a84086177a5223f2
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HI ANGEL god i love this okay so i’d love a matchup with someone from jjk, please. i do have a favourite, and i do have a type…so i’m curious to see who i’m matched with. i’m a leo stellium — leo sun/rising/mercury/mars w/ a pisces moon and a virgo venus. i’m also an enfp. i’m a bit of a firecracker. passionate and intense, feisty and emotional, spoiled and demanding, principled and loyal and incredibly romantic. i’d like to think i’m brave. i’m not afraid to fight for what i believe in. i’m also the eldest daughter, and a bit of a perfectionist. i’m a huge city girl, and i enjoy reading, writing, shopping, and curating hyper-specific Spotify playlists. i also love doing my skincare and makeup, and have an extensive shower and self-care routine that gives me almost the same benefits as therapy does. i adore late night drives, sunny but cold weather, the mountains, and the city lights. i grew up amongst skyscrapers, and i couldn’t live without them. my favourite way to spend a night out is with my girlfriends, going from one swanky bar to the next, exploring new restaurants, giggling and gossiping the entire time. i’m not a big fan of the outdoors, or of bugs, lizards, amphibians, stinginess, and indecision. i talk a lot, i love talking. i suppose it’s why i tend to gravitate to people opposite from me. i get along best with them, i think. my best friends are both introverts and i’ve always had a thing for quieter men (especially those of the darker-haired, slightly brooding variety). i’m still discovering my style but i know i like stuff that’s bolder, a little glamorous, and i’m a huge bootcut jeans girl. perhaps a little y2k inspired? i only really wear gold jewellery, but i’m trying to mix metals at the moment. i’m plus-sized and just started working out! thank you so much. x
Baby girl what a lovely day because you’re getting matched with….🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Geto Suguru!!🥴
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You didn’t even have to say you had a type, I read the first few lines and I was already thinking about mister Sugs🤭
This man adores you, we all know he tends to go for someone on the more extroverted spectrum and there’s nothing more our little Aquarius needs than a fire sign to keep him on his toes. He LOVES how passionate you get when you’re standing up for what you believe in, he’s also not above ticking you off on purpose just to hear your voice if he’s feeling particularly needy.
Who are we kidding, homies first love was a clan member so we know he loves a MATERIAL GWORL
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Don’t even THINK about pulling your card out when you’re with him. He’s paying for everything + your girlfriends things because he got it like that(especially in his cult leader era😩)
He’s the type to let you do your own thing but to walk behind you and glare like the big guard dog he is. But if you say come, he’s by your side within seconds.
Treats you like his queen and practically worships you, doesn’t make any big decisions without asking you first.
I’m pretty sure he’s an only child meaning he’s a little used to things being his way, but if you want something it’s yes ma’am and no questions.
Basically whatever you want is yours baby💖
Activists you two do together….
• walks late at night when the earth is still
• beach trips
• have picnics and listen to music
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raptorfae53 · 8 months
Monster High Reimagined
Clawdeen Wolf character bio/redesign
Clawdeen wolf (she/her)
3rd werewolf child of the Wolf family 
(Transforms on the full moon into a timber wolf)
A New York City-born werewolf with a deep love for the world of fashion,clawdeen is an ambitious,independent and serious girl whose often contradictory desires to both carve out her own legend whilst also living up to the reputation of her big sister clawdia way too often feed back into her self doubt,in itself not helped by the shakeup of her family's recent move to a homestead outside New Salem. Regardless, clawdeen hopes that this change of pace and the new friends she's made at monster high can be the start of something great in itself.
Likes: her siblings,fashion design,animal print ,thrifting for clothing and fabric and long jogs.
Dislikes: her siblings,artists block,silver jewellery (allergic) ,synthetic cotton and people being antagonistic towards her friends.
Killer style: being an aspiring fashionista,clawdeen's designs and by extent personal style take inspiration from many sources across time and the planet, leaning mostly into the looks of the 70s, 90s and contemporary african and afro-american fashion, often made out of upcycled materials in her favoured shades of purple,gold and green. 
Familiar: Crescent is Clawdeen's family's Bingus Sphinx cat and often the involuntary model for small outfits clawdeen likes to make out of fabric scraps,which he often voices his displeasure for by knocking items off of clawdeen's desk or loafing himself in inconvenient spots around her room.
Pet Peeve: One thing that unquestionably irks clawdeen is people (most often humans) telling her that she'd look prettier if she started shaving her fur. An insensitive question even if she weren't a werewolf,and one that makes her glad her parents instilled in her a strong sense of personal pride at a young age, a similar sentiment also existing for those who tell her to straighten her naturally curly hair.
Freaky Flaw: her self-doubt,ever present in the back of clawdeen's head and often gnawing on her conscience,it makes clawdeen worry about things otherwise set in stone and makes her feel more obnoxious and abrasive than she really is,especially when it comes to her friends and love life.
Spooky Secret: ever since they met the summer before high school started clawdeen has had a frankly colossal crush on draculaura,but since draculaura got together with her brother Clawd she's decided to keep it under wraps to avoid things getting… awkward between the three of them,and besides the two of them are the closest of friends and 'Lala and Clawd make for an adorable couple.
Dream job: To work in fashion of course! Clawdeen has grand ambitions to run a full fashion empire that represents and caters to both humans and monsters, to get a headstart on said plans,clawdeen is taking economics,art and textiles classes as well as honing her skills in her own time taking commissions.
Five Fearsome Facts:
Clawdeen wore glasses during elementary and middle school but switched them out for contacts after middle school graduation, worried they'd make her look too "childish" in high school and wanting to emulate her older sister Clawdia at the time.
Outside of fashion design,one of Clawdeen's favourite pastimes is athletics and particularly running, With one of the most satisfying things for her being taking a jog/run after spending a long day in class or in her room drawing and sewing. 
With their being so many members of her family to feed as well as too many deer in New England clawdeen's family hunt and fish in the woods around their farm alongside Keeping livestock like pigs and poultry. Clawdeen often joining her dad and siblings to fish and socialise in the woods when she needs to de-stress from her busy school schedule.
Among the many hobbies clawdeen has taken up since she moved to new Salem is attempting to spin yarn for use in her designs,unfortunately this endeavour has hit a roadblock thanks to the presence of rámon the alpaca,the only wool-bearing animal on the wolf homestead and the bad-tempered bane of clawdeen's sisters howleen and weredith's existence. Nonetheless clawdeen keeps on attempting to shear him, despite his objections…
Before meeting her future besties over the summer at MHs induction weekend, clawdeen was quite lonely in middle school and spent a lot of time online fashion forums. Here however she met Skelita and Jinafire,two other aspiring fashion designers,and the three became fast friends over many conversations on Instagrave and Pinterrorest, clawdeen hoping the three can meet up someday in person at one of the big fashion weeks in Paris,London or New York.
I'm back,and considerably faster than with the last few entries in this series.
With the debut of the first werewolf of this reimaginings cast,I feel as if it's as good a time as any to explain how werewolves work in this universe.
In short, werewolves are sort of similar to vampires in the sense that they turn from a humanoid form with canid features (I feel the closest approximation in this case would be how the wolf siblings are drawn by artists like mossy_moth and nati_chuan on Instagram) into a species of wolf or fox on the full moon,clawdeen and her family in particular turn into Eastern or timber wolves,a species/subspecies native to the northeastern US and Canada:
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Also yes,Werewolves also have tails in their humanoid forms too.
Anyhow, hope you like this profile and I hope to be back soon with another one.
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indian-kahani · 1 year
I wrote a thing:
Tell me how it is! It's not for the LGBT fest or anything (ikr shocking) but any feedback would be great!
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Once, long ago, in a land long forgotten, there was a princess. She was the pride of her city – her parents loved her, her friends laughed with her, and her people adored her from the bottom of their hearts.
Perhaps, some would say, it was her beauty they all loved. Her smooth skin, the colour of the most expensive cinnamon the traders could buy from neighboring cities. Her hair, deep, silky black as if stained with the finest scholars’ ink, ink made from a hundred different pastes and pigments, blacker than the night sky in the middle of the desert. Her almond-shaped eyes, always lit with joy or mischief or a wise, graceful smile that drew faint crow’s feet in the corners, wisdom that came from love and kindness and experience. Perhaps, it was her fine clothes – edged with gold, embroidered with delicate peacocks and blooming flowers and nature in the midst of spring, rich mulberry, shocking green, sunset yellows and reds and faded oranges – set against her glowing skin and beautiful jewellery, even as she moved it was as if a shimmering world of silken thread moved with her.
Of course not. A wiser one would say, chuckling slowly at the ignorance of his fellow citizen. It’s not just her beauty I love. It’s her character. And indeed, he too spoke nothing but the truth. When the princess smiled, it was a true smile – with hints of fun, and youth, and a life being lived to the full. When she laughed, it was even more real – a laugh like that moment would never come again. She laughed as if she would never laugh again for the rest of her life, living in a whirlwind of passion and light. She spoke with an animated seriousness, treating each second that she was trusted with importance as just that – a trust, one that she had to repay, not a mindless job that could be half-done or passed off to a more-than-willing advisor. She worked night and day, already taking on so many of the responsibilities delegated to the king and queen – tours, inspections, interviews, recruitments, you name it, she had done it. Sometimes, there was the occasional photo of her, exhausted, leaning against the wall or sitting on a garden bench. Her people loved her all the more for it. Whatever she did, they loved her – because she did it with their best interests at heart.
All her little quirks were smiled upon and blessed and occasionally, laughed over. An infamous poet, as often as not it was her fingers, and not her hair, that were stained with the finest scholars’ ink. An intelligent girl, they would say, may god bless her. Her embroidery could rival the palace dressmakers themselves, shimmering thread creating shifting scenes in cloth. Threads, clinging onto her dress, laughed over in the corners of the kingdom, laughter received with a small half-embarassed giggle from the princess as she dusted down her clothes. A good girl, that one, they smiled, it’s good that she has fun while she still can. Everything she did, the people smiled upon her, for it was impossible to do anything else. The princess beautified everything she touched – coaxing music out of even the most worn-down flute, finding a rhythm in the simplest of drums, crafted by a child learning his trade, finding the joy of dance in the bleakest silence. Everything she does, she does it perfectly, they said with love and a hint of an envious sigh.
And as the inky-fingered, thread-covered princess grew up, she lost much that she had once loved. When she became a queen, she lost the freedom she enjoyed so much as a child, lost the time she’d once had to sew beauty into the very fibers of her life, but still: her skin was smooth and dark, her hair was inky black, she wrote her poetry and crafted her music - and still the queen was a happy woman.
For she had all the love of everyone in her kingdom, and their blessings shone down on her like the sun.
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I feel like it's a bit long-winded, but idk. Yeah, basically tell me what you think :D
I wrote it a while ago when I was a bit annoyed at the lack of portrayals of Indian princesses/royalty in fiction, I just found it in my drafts now and thought well why not post it lol
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slumberingrose-fandom · 4 months
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[Name] Mariah Amathyst
[VA] Akari Kitou
[Quote] "Each crystal has their own beauty inside. As for me, I have my secret magic inside."
[Age] 18 years old
[Birthday] March 3rd
[Star Sign] Pisces
[Height] 173 cm
[Hair Color] Pearl White
[Eyes Color] Amethyst Purple
[Race] Human
[Species] None
[Homeland] Land of Amethyst
Arman Amathyst (Father)
Snezhana Amathyst (Mother)
Toma Amathyst (Brother)
Tamara Amathyst (Sister)
Unnamed relatives
[Nicknames / Aliases]
Mary (by her family and friends)
Mademoiselle Pearl (by Rook Hunt)
Lady Amathyst (by her mouse friend)
Crazy collector (by the rumors)
Snow's Dress Boutique
Night Raven College
[Dorm] Ramshackle
[School Year] 3rd Year (/Junior)
[Class] 3-C | Student no.27
Student of Night Raven College
Dorm member of Ramshackle
Founder of Fashion Club
Part-time waitress at Mostro Lounge
Fashion designer
[Best Subject] Alchemy
[Worst Subject] Physical Education
[Club] Fashion Club
[Dominant Hand] Ambidextrous
[Favourite Colors] Daisy White, Ebony Black and Honey Gold
[Favorite Food] Fish soup
[Least Favorite] None
[Likes] Beautiful things, butterflies, sewing, collecting crystals and jewelries, apples, horrors, winter, darkness, hair braiding, pretty hairstyles, reading, classic music, ball jointed dolls
[Dislikes] Ruining her collections, messing with her dress, ugly things, gossiping about her life, boredoms, summer, sweating, being treated as a slave, being mocked, being prejudiced
[Hobbies] Sewing, collecting crystals, doing chores, reading, customize dolls
[Talents] Fashion designing, jewellery making, playing violin and cello, doll customization
Mariah has a fair skin and a long snow-white hair curvy way on her back with a braid on the side of her forehead. She has a pair of purple eyes resemble to the amethyst.
She often appears with a blank aura and cold expression that may scare people away. But, when she smile, it looks like a rare jewel shine brightly through the hall.
She oftens wear casual dresses and clothes.
Calm and distant, Mariah is a woman of intellectual. She memorize all spells and its abilities, and calculative in every one of her moves.
As a child, Mariah was positive, outspoken, and optimistic.
However, when she grew up, due to family restrictions, she developed insecurities about society and slowly suffered from depression, afraid to share her truth, leaving her empty inside and yearning for something to fill in the blanks of her memory and heart. She believed no one is on par with her, and as such, no one can care her.
Though being restrictive, Mariah frequently being arrogant and rebellious against their rules.
Mariah was born in the Land of Amethyst, the country area of the Queendom of Quartz. Her father was a magician and her mother was a fashion designer alongside her family. She have two younger siblings, Toma and Tamara.
Originally her life was full of joy, but when she grew up, she found that her life had become boring because her family continued to restrict her life, preferences, words and deeds. Although she controlled herself, she was punished by her family for her rebellion and bad behavior. Therefore, she collects jewelry every day to clear boredom and to block out the past. But they are still etched in her head.
One day the ebony carriage arrived at the doorstep of her house and sent her to Night Raven College.
When she was sorted to the Ramshackle dorm, due to her identity unmatched to any dorm by the identification of dark mirror, Mariah met her new roommates, Kimiko, Augustine, Delilah, as well as Grim.
Mariah - A girl's name of Latin origin, meaning “The Lord is my teacher.” From the Latin Maria and the Hebrew Moriah, this heavenly variation is a modern take inspired by the strong feminine biblical figure.
Amathyst - the word of "Amethyst", a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz.
Unique Magic
"Villainess' Punishment"
The ability to kill opponents with one touch has lost its magic along with the rest. The soul of her collected opponent would transform into a white butterfly and keep in her hand.
This magic is not so much a "sin" as a "punishment". She only used it once because using it twice would have been life-threatening.
Mariah was inspired by "Oh My God" from (G)-idle, also her appearance, personality and magic take a loosely based on Tatsuhiko Shibusawa and Fyodor Dostoevsky from BSD Dead Apple.
Mariah mentioned that she had gone to the doctor. He told her parents that she suffered from depression, but they didn't believe the doctor and thought Mariah was just rebelling against what they said. At that moment, she getting melancholy but pretend to be strong.
She has a pet mouse named, Dimitri, that found at the window of her room during the blizzard winter. He is a cute and chubby brown mouse, likes to build a nest Mariah's hair when Mariah was asleep. She constantly cautious with him for running around the house and keep him distance from her family who are abhorrent to rodents.
During her teenage year, Mariah had an albino dragon named, Andros. He was a bubbly and loyalty to Mariah. It was given by her grandfather. However, when her father had discovered, Andros was sent to Dragon Empire without Mariah's permission.
This moment was the only one she remembered vividly. She mentioned that when she found out, she angrily asked her father. He explains that he and his family, expect her grandfather, protects Maria's life and doesn't want her to become a bad girl.
Due to her family's restrictions, Mariah absolutely hate people who torture her to do, such as Vil.
In fact, Mariah and Delilah were classmates in high school and there was a year age difference between them. Their relationship have a few close, though Mariah, as the senior, tends to worry for her.
As for her preference on crystal, Mariah has a collection room at her room. It is a secret place that she kept from her family and friends.
Regarding her future partner, Maria hopes to have someone who can patiently listen to her depressed words, support her choices and decisions, comfort her feelings.
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Chapter 14 - Battle Of The Psychos
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Though it was pretty late into the day and Ohma was outside, practicing and warming up for the longest time... Kisara was in the deepest sleep she could be. It was such a sweet dream that the man, once he returned to their shared room to take a shower and wake her up, he almost didn't have the heart to do so... 'Almost' being the key word. He was feeling incredibly cocky and confident in anticipation to his next round. He didn't care who his opponent was, no matter how many times the red head warned him over and over again that it's going to be a dangerous match. On the other hand, he was feeling rather playful, so making sure he turns her to lay on her back and took a strand of her hair, tickling her face. She was scrunching her face and waving her hand lazily to make the nuisance stop, but it just wouldn't. But then, she mumbled the funniest thing she could, in a sleepy yet murderous voice.
"I'll kill you, you fucking pest." it made her partner chuckle at her before he flicked her forehead, forcing her to wake up with another cursed. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. I've got a match to win, and you've got a lot of cheering to do." The girl growled, half-awake, and planted her palm over his face. "Gosh, you're loud. Don't you know that Sleeping Beauty woke up after a kiss? Why do you expect me to wake up under different conditions." though he laughed at her, he indulged her semi-awake fantasy and kissed her before he grabbed her arm and got her out of the bed. "Happy now, Your Majesty?" her answer was a cheeky grin and a double thumbs up as she stumbled backwards towards the bathroom to get ready.
Loud music was heard from the bathroom and the girl was getting ready for an eternity - Or at least, that what Ohma, who never bothered with anything fancy like that, thought - So he did some shadow boxing while waiting. Thankfully, that was enough to make the time pass by. When Kisara was finally ready, she looked like a beautiful assassin or a mafia don. Sporting black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of black jeans with a golden chain, leather boots and black light trench coat over her shoulders, a black and gold watch and various opulent golden jewellery, her crimson hair just a little bit wavey an that katana attached to her him, she could have passed as some real deal killer from a yakuza organization. Ohma's pride and cockiness went up by miles. With his arm around her shoulder, the two walked together to the arena, and though the fighter went to watch the fight from the stadium, the red head went down to say her good lucks to Cosmo. She was afraid for him - That police guy is a complete psycho with speed and reflexes and a perfect defense. A real monster. Not on par with Raian, per se, but Cosmo, albeit a prodigy, was still an inexperienced child... Well, inexperienced, but with over 25 matched won or something. But Ohma was a great all-rounder with life experience and enough street fights that he might find fighting trickier opponents a bit easier.
As soon as she got at the entrance to the arena, Cosmo, Akira and Adam were already there, ready to get out there and fight. "Hey, boy! You better not lose to no fucking pig! A.C.A.B. , boy! All Cops Are Bastards!" Adam was sneering and frowning in pure rage and hatred for the police force, showing an aggressive thumbs down. "Go get 'em, Cos." Akira was smirking with full confidence in his fighter. Unlike the two men who were encouraging the young one with a hands-off approach, Kisara stepped in front of the boy and tilted her chin up to get a better look at him. "Show him who's the Grappler King, Cos." she grabbed the boy into a tight hug. "I've got such a pretty sis cheering for me, I can't afford to lose, can I? Thank, you guys, I swear I'll win!" he had a determined look on his as he pulled back and went inside the arena as soon as he was called by Sayaka. "How come he's not wearing his shirt? Is he gonna be okay?" she looked at Akira with mild concern. She knew his skin was rather delicate, and if he were to be wrestling on the ground, the friction with the sand might cause bleeding from the surface damage. "He was afraid he might get grabbed by that fucker." Akira explained. "Remember how his shirt got ripped by Adam? It put him at a disadvantage. Adam is a great brawler, but this guy is not right in the head. Gotta grab at any advantage there is." "I understand... And I guess it makes sense... I just hope the pluses will out weight the minuses." she muttered. "But how come he looks in top shape? Ohma has tons of scars all over his body, and even admitted he's not fully recovered after his fight with Ryo. He did get thrown around quite a lot... And Adam, you're a super strong brawler and you delivered enough punched to his body. I know he's a fighter, but he's still 19, about my size, and nowhere near as packed with muscles as most of the fighters. Proportionally, I think the damage Adam inflicted on Cos should have been more visible... Or, at least, felt." with great concern for the boy, Adam, too, raised his eyebrows realising the truth of her statement. "Miss K is right, is he really as undamaged as he looks?" his arms were crossed over his chest. "Hardly. He's sustained full body contusions, as well as cracks in his forearms. He's just using painkillers to cover it up." Akira frowned, his voice getting solemn all of a sudden. "I should have known... After a fight like that, I don't think even Wakatsuki would get out undamaged." the red head hummed sadly. "WTF?! You fuckin' sent him out to fight like that?!" the American barked out, outraged. "...No. Cos decided to enter the match himself. He said - You've gotta expect injuries in a tournament - with a smile." they could all envision the kid's bright smile as he declared his participation. He had a fantastic future ahead of him. "...Fuckin' dumbass...! I would've taken his place if I'd known..." it seemed like Adam and Cos had a really lovely friendship, if he could be so overprotective of him. "Akira... You know, I always encouraged Cos, and I strongly believe that he will have a bright future. He's a fantastic fighter, especially from his age, and knowing him since he was - What, 14? 15? He's only gotten exponentially better and better. He's so cheerful, ambitious and only sees beyond the borders of the horizon..." the girl abruptly turned around, her brows furrowed in a sorrowful, worried expression. "...But when he faces his first defeat, will he be able to bounce back and learn that there's only one way to go, and that is upwards, towards the sky? That you always learn from your mistakes, and that there's more to learn from failure than from wins?" "Cos won't lose, Kisara. Have some faith in him." despite saying that, Nishihonji knew she wasn't wrong. "Not now, yes - But whenever that will happen? Not even Wakatsuki has a perfect record. Put Cosmo against him... Against Hatsumi or Agito. Do you think he'd win? I guarantee you, he wouldn't. He'd be completely overwhelmed. What then? Say - Cosmo wins today, and let's imagine he beats Ohma. He'll be against Wakatsuki. Do you really think he'd get past that?" she asked, crossing her arms. "I'm not saying this to discourage anyone. I'm just worried for his mental and emotional health. Young talents like him always fall down incredibly hard once they've tasted defeat." with a sigh, the CEO sighed and nodded. "I know, I know Red. But Cos is like my little brother. I won't let him go down no matter what." he was determined to make sure his fighter was alright.
As the fight began, Akoya took the same stance as the first time around, as if his arm was a policeman's shield - He really was a defense specialist, whilst Cos, shocking everyone, took an uncharacteristic upright stance. No, this must be a feint. He can't win in a battle of blows, so he has to trick him. Kisara knew better than anyone how important it was to deceive an enemy stronger than you. 
To go through with this enigma, he had to close the distance with quick but vey careful footwork - He did a jab feint followed by a left inner low kick, but as expected, Akoya had no problem taking that light hit. The blond widened the distance once again with quick backward bounces, only to lunge forwards again and performed a wheel kick over the enemy's head.
"Gahhh, bullshit! Is that dickhead for real?!" Adam was stupefied at what he was seeing. "He's actually trying to beat the fuckin' cop with nothing but blows!" "No, he's not." Kisara cut him off sharply. "He's tricking him." "Trickin'? Are we watchin' the same match, Miss K?" Adam certainly wasn't much of a deep thinker. "I do the same when I'm fighting. Most fighters are like 10 times stronger than me. If I take a direct hit, I'm dead. Did you see Cosmo when I was next to him? We're almost the same height, same weight - The only different thing is that his body is covered in better worked muscles, but that's it. Even his skin is fragile like a girl's. When you're against a powerhouse that can take blows from someone like Haruo... What chance do Cosmo's kitten hits have to inflict damage on that psycho? None. Therefore, they're all a ruse to make Akoya focus on the blow aspect of the fight, and once the opportunity arises, Cos will get him in a grappling hold without a second thought. Outsmart your opponent and win with well-refined techniques. That's his only chance to win against someone like Akoya." the red head explained, making Dudley's eyes go wide with understanding. "Shit, miss, you're smart." he muttered under his breath. "Red here’s sneaky and fast on her feet. If anyone knows anything about tricks, it's her. If that bastard is a fortified castle, you have only two strategies to win a siege - One is with great weapons, which in fighting would mean brute force like you, Haruo, Wakatsuki and many others. The other is by sending an assassin to kill the king, like Cosmo, Inaba and you, Kisara." Akira pointed out the reasoning.
Keeping his upright stance, went for another feint jab, but his forearm got ripped and blood started splurting like a fountain. This wasn't good. Cosmo made some distance again - He was now even more cautious than before. This time, it was Akoya who closed the distance at lighting speed and though Cos was able to stop the approach, they were within range of each other. The jerk was luring Cos, but he ran away farther. The match was already started by 3 minutes now, and nothing happened. The audience was getting pissed off and yelling at the young one to stop running away already... But what did they know? All of those idiots screaming from the stadium were nothing but obnoxious politicians and businessmen who had not the slightest clue about fighting.
All of a sudden, Akoya went straight before taking a stance that although greatly resembled Agito's, it was far lower. It seems that he was stealing and adapting other's techniques as well. Smart. Based on the way he looked, his next lunge will be at a great speed.
Cosmo circled to the left - In that instant, Akoya circled in the opposite direction and easily cut him off. Were his reflexes that fantastic? Was he talented in Foresight too? Though Cosmo parried with his forearm... Akira did say he had fractures, so he was even more vulnerable. That punch looked really painful.
The whole fight looked too one sided. It was as if he already knew what moves Cos would do in advance, and he was doing his counters before Cosmo could even hit back. He ducked and dodged to the side, hitting Cos with a right uppercut. He even managed to deliver a clean left low kick to his right leg as soon as he was ready to evade. More, he kicked his knee to get rid of his mobility.
"How the hell does he do that? Something's not right. He's too fast and clean. Even Agito and Takeshi got hit. They took hits to get the pattern of attack from the enemy - Something, anything - But this guy is just... Untouchable. Look at him with his guard up, pushing through Cosmo's jab barrage and blocking every hit. This is ridiculous." Kisara dug her long nails into her arms trying to calm herself. "That fuckin' pig! It's like he's predicting all of Imai's goddamn moves! Fuckin' pisses me off!" Adam's fists were clenched, as well as his jaw - He was angry beyond belief. "Kaneda taught me the basics of Foresight, and I've already got a good grip on it since I trained with Hatsumi - But what Akoya is doing is nowhere compared to any good eye, reflexes or speed. It's... Impeccable." Kisara remembered very well the lesson from the previous day. In that instant, Akira took out a walkie talkie like device, saying they were 'on the money'. It seems that Akira suspected some foul play and had someone investigate for him. "Yo, sir! Why don't you fuckin' cheer for Imai for a change?!" Adam was pretty annoyed, yet still maintained a hilarious grip on calling Akira 'Sir', despite swearing with every three words.  "You're right. It looks like he does need some... Support. Kisara, you coming?" whenever Akira called her by her name, it was clear that he was serious and not messing around, as usual. With a curt nod, her and Adam followed the CEO upstairs, and passing a very cute and pouty Inaba who made a beautiful recovery and a cheerful Urita, we saw the mass of bodyguards tied up by the assassin's fantastic hair. "Ryo~♪ You're all better, I'm so glad~♪! And your hair is as great as ever!" Kisara grinned at him as they walked by, and the boy smiled and waved at her friendly. Now she wanted to do some top notch self-care routines with him. "Thanks, you two. I owe you one." Akira gave them a nod. "We're friends, aren't we? Go on ahead, we've got this." Suki dismissed his friend, urging him to go forward already.
Quickly, we opened the room to the secluded balcony room and Akira went and grabbed Hiyama's hand, revealing the transmitter she was holding. Her head turned slowly to the side, her terrified eyes glancing at the trio. Her teeth were chattering, that's how frightened she was. "You're probably thinking... 'What is this man doing here? I hired elite bodyguards as a counter measure against attacks.' And it seems like you did hire a couple of tough guys to defend against attacks from other corporations. They all have resumes that'd put your average fighter to shame. But I've got a very good friend of my own, and there aren't many fighters that can deal with his sneak attacks." Akira's monologue was taking its toll on the short woman. "And now, you're probably thinking 'How did he fin out I was cheating?' Now, that's simple. I've been intercepting all your signals. It looks like you've taken careful precautions against eavesdropping, but I know a specialist in the field. Of course, we couldn't get our hands on definitive evidence." oh, surfer dude is ruthless! No wonder he's a CEO in this messed up organization. "When did you figure it out?" the woman asked in a soft, meek yet incredibly desperate voice. "It was just a little hunch at first. I was bothered that Akoya seemed to be capable of predicting his opponent's attacks, so I decided to do my research on your team before the second round began. I wasn't certain of anything, of course. I looked into you too, Hiyama, and noticed that you have a pretty rare ability. A perfectly accurate internal clock. There are only a handful of cases in the world that are on your level. Top class reflexes combined with a perfect internal clock and my hunch on top of that - With these three parts in place, it was easy to reach a conclusion. Miss Hiyama, if I go public with this, you won't be penalized by the kengan association. They won't recognise any fould that the referee doesn't catch, but Wakasa Life Insurance will lose all credibility. That will affect your future dealings." thus, Akira's voice got more threatening and dark. "Miss Hiyama. Tell Akoya to forfeit the match. Then, and only then, will I overlook your cheating." a pissed off Akira was really scary, considering how chill he usually is. she hopes she won't see the chill and laid-back Hatsumi losing his chill any time soon, he'll be far scarier. "Forfeit the match, Miss Hiyama. You don't have a choice anymore."  In that instant, Hiyama tried to dash and grab back the transmitter from Akira's hand, but Adam caught her wrist, making her lose balance. "Yo! Fuckin' Zashiki Warashi! Give it up, bitch. Your fuckin' machine is out of order."  "N-No... I can... Still... Help... Akoya... Please... Please..." she struggled - As if summoned, Akoya's voice was heard, calling out to his CEO. The girl gasped his name out loudly. "Do you remember what I said after my first match?" in that instant, her eyes went wide and the horror she held was as if she was seeing torture and death before her. "Hiyama... BEGONE." his voice was awfully harsh and hateful.
From outside, Sayaka's loud voice made the trio snap and rush to the balcony edge - The psycho was digging his fingers into Cosmo's arms, ripping into his muscles and pulling him away, until Cosmo was forced to retreat. The enemy got faster and significantly more aggressive - He was like a berserk feral monster, starving, with a succulent prey in front of him. With a high kick, Akoya tried to use his toes to hit the young one's eyes, and since he was forced to lean backwards a bit too unnaturally, he was taken into a quick tackle... Followed by a cannibalistic bite to his thigh.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?!" Kisara cried out, almost falling out of the balcony by how much he was leaning, desperate as she heard Cosmo's cry of complete agony resounding through the stadium. Adam was so angry that he almost shattered the wall with his punch. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?! HE JUST GOT SUPER FUCKIN' VIOLENT ALL OF A SUDDEN!" Adam was just as livid. "Akoya... Akoya... Has been engaging in vigilante justice against people he decides are evil, in the name of... Executing justice." the most pissed was Adam, who already had a huge grudge against coppers. "This was all for the creation of Akoya's ideal of a world without evil, and Akoya's 'activism' went well at first... But as he was fighting evil... Akoya changed, little by little. He became possessed by his killer instincts. Since then, Akoya has been fighting on my instructions in the Kengan matches... All so that he isn't swallowed by his killer instincts." the realisation of their doing fell heavy on them. They just doomed Cosmo to this torture. "Fuck... So you were his brakes?!" Adam gasped, in complete disbelief. "We just completely screwed Cosmo... Big time." Kisara's hands were buried deep into her hair, tugging to it. She couldn't believe the torture that psychopath was inflicting on that young boy who did absolutely nothing wrong in his entire life. If it was anyone else, she wouldn't have cared, but this was her friend out there, someone so close to her that she considered her real family. If she could, she'd go out there and slice that bastard into tiny pieces. 
Akoya literally ripped apart part of Cosmo's thigh muscle and he was chewing on it, taunting him, as if it wasn't enough that he must have ruptured a freaking artery, considering he was splashing blood around like a fountain. The poor boy was trembling like a leaf in the wind and his eyes were wide with complete hopelessness - He was so long in his anguish that he couldn't move. "FUUUUUUCK!!!" Adam couldn't stop his profanity string. "CALM DOWN, COS! DON'T LET HIM PROVOKE--.... ? Cos...?" Akira's voice quieted down as soon as he realised that the little one was so far gone that he was just standing there, holding himself, in a meek, submissive position. Akoya was taking menacing steps towards the young boy who wailed out in sheer fear and started walking backwards. The enemy started pulling his punches before he grabbed the boy and slammed him to the ground, mounting him and holding tightly onto his wrists. It was the same position her and Ohma were in the previous day. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't escape even with a pelvic thrust. "Oh my God, not this... This is awful, this is awful." Kisara and Adam were freaking out the bad that they were shaking each other from the anxiety. In that instant, Cosmo scream - It looked as if he wanted to give up and surrender from his fear. He was mentally broken. However, Akoya slammed his rock-like forearm into his mouth, stopping him from uttering a single word. "He's a demon. Oh my God, he's insane, he's fucking insane. He made him deliberately bite into his forearm so he won't bite his tongue from pain. I've seen it in many horror movies, he's going to torture him to death, that fucking psychopath!" the red head's nails were digging into the American's arm, but he was feeling nothing. "THAT FUCKIN' BASTARD!" Adam roared, repeatedly punching a wall as he watched Cosmo's small feet wiggling from raw agony as that psycho stabbed his thumb into Cosmo's intercostal nerve, to the point of losing his consciousness - Only to be awoken by having one of his ribs broken. The kid was outright sobbing, they were almost surprised he didn't piss himself. "YOU LITTLE PSYCHO BITCH, CALL IT OFF OR I CUT YOUR HEAD OFF AND THROW IT IN THE ARENA RIGHT NOW!" after witnessing Akoya stabbing the next intercostal nerve, Kisara took out her katana and swung it until it was glued to Hiyami's neck. "LISTEN TO HER OR I'LL KILL YOU, CUNT!" Adam, too, was raging at her. "It's too late. No one can stop Akoya now. The moment he hears that I've forfeited, Akoya will kill Imai Cosmo, then he will continue slaughtering people until he himself is dead. Stopping the match will lead to even more deaths." seeing how the CEO looked absolutely soulless, Kisara couldn't but believe her, albeit, with enough anger in her veins - Still, she sheathed back her blade and started pacing around. "Just stay calm, you two. Cos hasn't lost yet." Akira reassured the two - Although, it made both of them rather irked.  "ARE YOU FUCKIN' NUTS?! IMAI'S GONNA GET KILLED OUT THERE!! HE'S RISKING HIS GODDAMN LIFE FOR YOU! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY PITY FOR HIM?!" Adam, as volcanic as ever, was shouting into Akira's face, voicing the same thing Kisara was feeling as well. "You've got it all wrong. You didn't think I was a good person, did you? I'm the one who pulled a kid with a bright future ahead of him into the underworld, and now I've forced him to face this deadly crisis. And you think I'm a good person? Ha. I strayed from the path a long time ago. What's the point in being weak, yet good? I will become the Kengan association chairman, no matter what sacrifices I have to make. Every ambition comes with sacrifices, so don't say another damn word...!" Akira was frowning, a dark expression on his face, though he couldn't face Adam. All of a sudden, someone burst into fits of laughter - They were fake, venomous and mocking. "You? Chairman? In what world?" Kisara's face was now serene, taunting the surfer. "Nishihonji, you're a cool guy for most of the time - But do you even hear yourself? Every kid has a dream, but you don't see trillions of astronauts, singers, lawyers and doctors with each generation, do you? Some end up beggars, janitors, hobos and what not. The only person that would support you is Urita, and he already lost. You can only fight your way to the top using Cosmo, but even if he wins, he will stand NO chance against either Ohma or Raian, especially with those injuries. Open your eyes, you're not surfing, there's no way you'll become the new chairman unless someone appoints you - And in case you haven't noticed, the political sway is nowhere in your favour. That boy sees you as his big brother. He respects and cares for you as much as he does for his own brother, his master and his senpai. If you completely dismiss that, you're as much of a psycho as that cop guy is." standing straight in front of Akira for her speech, she walked past him, hitting him with her shoulder. "Adam... Take care of Cosmo, will you? I don't trust this airhead with his well-being anymore." she scoffed, marching out of the balcony room, pissed beyond belief. By the time she went went to the stadium and finding the loser bunch, she went next to them and clutched the railing tightly, trying not to voice her wrath and the guys were yelling at the ref to end the game, or for Cosmo to get up and be strong. "He already broke four of his ribs, that psycho." Naoya was just as angry as Adam. "Do I get thrown out of the organization if I go down there and kill Akoya?" the girl was leaning dangerously over the railing. "I wish we could do that, damn it." Himuro was growling, moving his cast around. However, something sparked in the young boy - Something must have happened that made the psycho dismount Cosmo and lunge backwards. "HE'S BACK! COSMO IS BACK!" Kisara cried out from shock and glee. Though he let himself get punched, he was able to grab onto Akoya's arm - Even if the attempt was break, it was still very good. Cosmo was now fighting with his life on the line. He was losing all that inner rage, pain, desperation - And focusing them on his strategy and fight. Even if he got kicked right onto his broken ribs, he still didn't get down. "COSMO CAN WIN THIS!" just as she said, now Cosmo had his A-game face on. He had the face of a real fighter now. He wasn't Cosmo the kid, he was Cosmo the Fighter, with true determination to WIN. "You're right, he's changed... He's fighting for real now. Like a warrior." Kaneda nodded in agreement.
Cosmo got in a low tackling stance - His top speed was even faster than before and he was circling around the enemy to confuse him. He was running on adrenaline... But for how long can he really last? Even his reaction time was significantly faster. Still, the cop was just as fast, and he got him by the throat, dangling him in the air, only for Cos to escape with a kick to his eye. The peanut gallery was cheering loudly for him - And they realised he was moving fast into Akoya's blind spot. Cosmo was able to get him into a tight Python Hold.
"DON'T LET GO, COSMO! DON'T LET GO!" Kisara yelled out as loud as her lungs kept her. Next to her, everyone was encouraging the boy to hold on and destroy that bastard. The psycho started running backwards, slamming Cos into the wall, but even that wasn't enough. And he got slammed again. And again, but this time, down on the ground - And he let go of his sleeper hold.
But that was just what Cos wanted, because he tripped Akoya, slipping his limbs around him and getting him into yet another suffocating hold - But Akoya's hand was free, and he had free reign to punch at Cosmo's ribcage. And he punched and punched and punched, and Cosmo wailed - But no matter what, he didn't let go.
"I AM THE KING OF STRANGLERS, IMAI COSMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with one last act of torment, the Grappler shrieked his throat raw, his fist up in the air, as Akoya fell limp over him. "HE WON!!!!!!!!!!" Kisara jumped on Kaneda, hugging him and swinging him around. "GOOD JOB, IMAI!" the guys around were celebrating his win.
The whole stadium was chanting Cosmo's name loudly - But it was now the time for Kisara to dash out of there and look for Ohma. She went to the waiting room, passing by Yamashita who looked rather distressed, and she found Ohma doing his warm up. With a sweet smile, she got in front of him and bent to his level. "How are you feeling, champion~❤️?"  "Hasashi Kisara. I have a favour to ask." Ohma was serious - It made the girl widen her eyes and straighten her back. "What is it? Is it about Yamashita Kazuo?" Tokita, too, got up and put his hands on her shoulders, flashing a quick smile. "As intuitive as always. That's why you're good at predicting your opponent's moves with ease." as always, his mind was fixed on fighting. "The Kure Clan is threatening Yamashita Kazuo's eldest son. He's the true CEO behind Under Mount Inc, the company that hired the Kure Clan to begin with, but that old relic claimed the kid deceived them. The deal is that I have to beat that dumb shit to save that kid's life." Kisara started blinking rapidly from the shock. It wasn't easy processing such information, but she should be used to all sorts of crazy things by now. "You want me to take care of him while you're fighting, huh? It goes without saying, I wouldn't let anything happen to the old man. I already almost killed someone on impulse. Might as well get some proper warm up now." she chuckled lightly. "Don't worry your pretty head, just do what you always do. Beat that guy into oblivion. I'll take care of the rest." Ohma nodded, knowing she could rely on her. However, the next thing he mentioned was completely unrelated. "Imai Cosmo's match made me realise I have to teach you how to defend yourself better. It was funny yesterday, but now that I saw even that kid unable to escape a mounting properly, I knew I had to find something that would help you out. After this, we'll find something, okay?" she held a grateful smile - They were thinking in sync, as always. "Let's go after him. He can't stay alone too long." this comment made the girl pinch his chiseled cheek. "You're surprisingly considered and soft today, aren't you? Have I melted you, Ohma~❤️?" she had one of those enigmatic fox-like smiles. "If I say yes, will you stop pestering me?" her smile grew wider. "Then I'll claim my good luck kiss and leave." the brunet grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss, leaving the girl awestruck as always. He didn't wait for her to wipe that sparkling smile off her face - He just put his arm around her shoulder and guided her out of there.
Halfway through the corridor they caught up to the manager who looked incredibly disheartened. "Don't you worry. I'm not letting them kill your oldest son." the fighter was as cocky as always. "Besides, why would I lose to that punk-ass brat? Just sit back and watch me. I'm gonna take his ass down." the girl laughed at his confident speech. "...Raian was right about me... I'm pissed at myself... It's all my fault that Kenzo turned out this way." Yamashita proceeded to tell the two about his relationship with Kenzo from his very childhood - How he was a sweet and very smart boy who loved to read and hated sports, but still indulged his father in playing baseball together to bond... Then one day, around highschool, he's changed drastically, and since then, he's shut himself in his room and wouldn't come out to see any of his family. The old man was so afraid of facing him, so afraid of him and what he's become, that he let him be. His wife left him, Yasuo became a delinquent, and he was all alone. "I know that I brought all of this on myself... If only I'd been firmer, we might still be a happy family. I'm a failure as a father, but still... I AM KENZO'S FATHER! I CAN'T JUST ABANDON KENZO!!! PLEASE, OHMA, PLEASE DEFEAT RAIAN!!!" bowing, Kazuo  was sobbing desperately and pleading for his fighter to win. 
While Ohma simply flashed him a confident smirk and walked inside the arena, Kisara's eyes were now wide, and her mouth was agape. 
Kenzo... He said? Yamashita... Kenzo...? The nerdy little boy in her class who had a crush on her because she was smart like him? That guy with silly glasses, who got made fun of a lot for wearing them, to the point that Kisara got a pair of matching fake glasses so he wouldn't feel bad? The boy with whom she shared a desk with for four years? The boy who was as interested as her in science, and they promised to go to the same highschool and University, but then he disappeared? That boy that invited her for their graduation ball, and he let her tie his hair with a pretty ribbon because it grew so long and pretty and they wanted to match the ribbon with her dress?
"Yamashita... Kenzo. Yamashita Kenzo... From Tokyo... You must be fucking kidding me." she muttered to herself as she whipped out her phone and showed the old man a phone number. "Please tell me this isn't Kenzo's phone number." "... How do you have it?" the man took her phone in his hands gingerly, cradling it. "...I can't believe it. Tokyo is really smaller than I imagined." she muttered, taking back her phone and trying to dial the boy. "I was his classmate back in school. His best friend. I lost all contact with him once we got put in different highschools. I thought he hated me... But now I get what's going on, more or less. Let's keep calling him and make sure he's okay. And... Have faith in Ohma, okay? He will definitely win against Raian." Kisara gave the old man a wink as she kept dialing Kenzo over and over and over again. He wasn't answering to her, nor his father. Damn it.
The two fighters got in their stances and the match began - Though the first to move was Raian, Ohma delivered a nice punch to his face using the Ironbreaker move. Then, he used a mix of redirection and water katas to deliver a lightning-fast, unpredictable punching barrage... Until the villain grabbed his wrists, taunting him. To escape, Ohma kicked Raian where it hurt the most then delivered a knee to his chin, grabbed him by the head and neck, and using the weeping willow, he slammed him to the ground - Not fully, because Raian broke his fall with his hands as if he was doing a push-up, but Ohma predicted that and kicked him in the face, making him fly away to the other end of the arena. 
He delivered numerous ironbreakers to the Kure's face and shoulder and chest and chin, going for a fast and deceiving footwork, Flame kata phantom dance, circling him like he circled Inaba, then punched him in the stomach. With all his Kata techniques hitting their mark, it looked like one-sided domination.
But something changed. Raian punched him so hard that he rolled backwards. "So you've gotten a little stronger - Big fucking deal! Don't tell me that's all you've got! Get back up. I'm gonna show you the insurmountable wall between you and me." Raian had a wicked grin on his face, looking down at the kneeling Ohma. "GET UP AND FIGHT, OHMA! FUCK HIM UP!" Kisara was screaming as loud as she could, hoping he could hear her... And that Kenzo would answer already. "Ohhh, you've got a little bitch cheering for ya, huh~❤️ I'm gonna have fun killing you in front of her. You're such a fuckin' let down!" Raian was laughing like a lunatic, casually wiping the blood from his face. "Your moves are all so shitty - Though that kick to the balls did hurt a little~❤️. I'm not interested in your mish-mash of moves! I wanna see THAT form from your first mach. You better get transitioning or I'll kill ya~♪" the weirdo was trying to provoke Ohma, but so far, it didn't work, and thank goodness for that. A provoked Ohma is a reckless and mindless Ohma.  "Don't get cocky, you brat." the man smirked back as a reply.
Ohma kept trying to attack, but it was clear that Raian was done taking the brunt of all hits. He's got Ohma's pattern and techniques all figured out. What a fucking monster. "I told you - It's not gonna work. You haven't noticed yet, have you? You haven't mastered your techniques. That's why your accuracy sucks." is that true? Only someone properly fighting another could realise it, or someone staying in a very close proximity. It was an interesting piece of advice. If Ohma gets out of there alive, he can start focusing on the weaknesses that he had no idea he even had. It must really suck, thinking you can do something, but you're proven otherwise.
Raian was playing with Ohma as if he was some rag doll, picking him by the head, slamming him to the ground, punching him, and slamming and slamming and kicking... But there was something weird about this guy. He was fighting like a brawler. Like he was just enjoying a game. He wasn't serious. He was using no technique. He was just on a rampage, as if he wanted to throw away all negative feelings. "GET UP, OHMA! GET UP!" 
And so he did.
With the use of his Advance.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, no, no, damn it, not that. Damn it, Ohma..." one of her hands was tugging at her hair frustration, while with the other, she still died the un-answering Kenzo. "That's it!! Ohma still had THIS ace up his sleeve! But... It seems a little different from last time, doesn't it?" Kazuo stepped closer, now standing next to the girl. "Yes... The output seems far stronger. I just fear that it will be so strong that it will take a toll on him." and it was the truth. Ohma's movements were now at least twice or thrice as fast as the first time around... But doesn't that mean it will damage his heart thrice as much?
He was throwing punch after punch, but even like that, Raian managed to get him back... Until Ohma caught his fist in his palm. "What's wrong? Did you just slow down?" his voice was much lower, with a dark vibrato that seemed absolutely hellish. Now he was even faster than before. It was enough to make Raian use his 100% Removal. "Big fucking deal. I'm gonna kill you, whoever the hell you are." ... what is that? Why did he sound as if he genuinely had no idea who he was fighting... And his eyes - The sclera was far darker than before, and his irises were glowing blood red, just like his body. All of his blood vessels must be congested that the blood was going faster than an airplane. 
"I figured as much. It looks like I was right about Ohma's mysterious power. The source of Ohma's strength is his heart." Hanafusa came out of nowhere. "Yes, you are right." Kisara nodded at him. "And it's taking a hell of a toll on it. Two days ago, he had massive bleeding. I don't know if he'll last, at this rate." though she didn't turn to look at him, he stepped next to her to get a closer look to the fight. "I See. So my hypothesis was correct. From the sound of his heartbeat, his heart is working for or five times harder than it is at rest. Considering the amount of physical damage taken... His life really is hanging on by a thread." he confirmed what she already knew. "Ohma... Is... Going to die...?" Kazuo's revelation was a painful one. The more he thought, Ohma kept saying "Shut the fuck up, who the hell are you?" it was an awful sign. "... He's having temporary amnesia, isn't he? The damage already got to his brain." Kisara muttered, making the doctor nod curtly. The more they thought, the worse the man was and the doctor was asking the manager if he wanted to keep the fight going or... But he was already gone, most likely, desperately calling for his son... But he wouldn't answer.
Ohma was getting more chaotic with his fighting, even coughing an exorbitant amount of blood from a punch to his diaphragm,�� then an awful punch to the face that sent the brunet flying in circles all the way across the stadium. And he was not moving at all. Even his advance disappeared. "OHMA, GET UP AND FIGHT! WIN, OHMA, WIN! YOU CAN DO IT! TOKITAAAAAAAAA OHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" though Kisara wasn't the only one crying out his name - From the stadium, Kiryu Setsuna was livid, and the old man was already on his knees, crying, thinking that he lost both Ohma and Kenzo. "WAKE UP, YOU STUPID GYM RAT! FUCKING WIN! TOKITAAAAAAAAAA OHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" she continued screaming raw, and she would scream his name even if it was ripped apart and bleeding and had no voice anymore. Tokita Ohma couldn't die now. He just couldn't. He had to get up and win this shit. "OOOHMAAAAA!!! GET UP!!! PLEAASEEEE, GET UP!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!" Yamashita Kazuo was calling out to the man, right next to the girl, but their voices were left unheard by him - He wasn't budging from the ground... But Raian wasn't using the removal anymore. Why? Why wasn't he? Because his Removal was the same as the Advance, at its core. A technique that made you powerful, in detriment of something concerning your health - And it came with a timer, just like the Advance. This must be it, and it seemed like the old man had the same idea. "OHMA!!! HE CAN'T USE REMOVAL ANYMORE! HE'S DONE FOR! GET UP AND KILL THAT SHITTY BRAT!" Kisara was the first to cry out. "RAIAN CAN'T USE THE REMOVAL ANYMORE! JUST BECAUSE HE UNLEASHES HIS LATENT POWER DOESN'T MEAN HIS ENDURANCE IMPROVES! AFTER TAKING YOUR ATTACKS HEAD-ON, RAIAN DOESN'T HAVE THE STRENGTH LEFT TO MAINTAIN THE REMOVAL!!!" for an old man, he really had good lungs to yell out so much and so loud. "HE'S DEAD MEAT, OHMA!! SHOW HIM WHO'S THE STRONGEST MAN OUT THERE! HE'S APPROACHING! FUCKING GET UP -- OHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" the two kept screaming, but they had no idea if it was doing anything at all.
Either way, Raian was prowling dangerously towards the knocked out Ohma -- And finally, his muscles were twitching. Leaning on his knees and forearms, he was struggling and trembling to get up, fight the pain, the fatigue and weak, until he was finally standing, albeit still a bit wobbly. Even in spite of all this, he now looked to be a complete different man - With his techniques, Ohma seemed far more precise with all of his hits, and they were incredibly powerful. The brunet got the devil himself by the neck and though he tried to spin him, Raian performed a neck spring and got him away - But that wasn't enough, for Ohma retaliated with more punches and even what looked to be a grappling move, making Ohma sit on Raian's upper back and keep his arm in a tight lock, it was absolutely fantastic - And even from that, he escaped. 
"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! OHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Kazuo was shrieking as loud as he could. "OHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! KILL HIM, OHMA!!!!!!!!" Kisara, too, encouraged him with just as much fire.
They were hitting each other more and more until, for exactly 0,14 seconds, Raian lost consciousness - Ohma knew it was his one and only change to defeat his foe, so he grabbed his arm, crossed his own leg behind his own to make him lose balance and fall to the ground, and he followed with a new Niko Style technique of incredible power that broke his face continuously - Until he was declared the winner.
Ohma was kneeling on the ground, panting, while Raian was sprawled on his back, looking like a dead devil. With an ear-piercing shriek of glee, Kisara immediately dashed across the arena and slid on the sad on her knees, her arms wrapped around his body, putting his forehead to her shoulder. "Please tell me you remember me. Please remember me. Please remember me." he had no strength to answer with his words, but her shaky breath and the trembling of her body kept him awake and sane in her warm, tight embrace. He needed to reassure her somehow... Why would he remember her? Why are you speaking so much nonsense? You're the smart one, not him. If you wanted a hug, you should have just said so. You don't need to cry for it. He hates when Kisara cries, it really breaks him. He can't even look at her and keep his composure when he sees that distressed look on her face, the way that bottom lip quivers and how those tears glimmer in those beautiful green eyes of her. She's too pretty to cry... Please be happy. Please smile for me.
Ohma's arms gathered enough strength to sneak around her torso. He still knows who you are, Hasashi Kisara. "I love you so much, Ohma. I love you so much. Please don't die on me. I need you. I really need you. I love you, please don't die on me. I love you so much, you can't even realise. Please, please, please, please, please, Ohma, live. Live. Please. Live." she sounded outright mental and in pain. Her voice was sending agony through his veins and nerves more than his injuries, just like back then, in the bathroom, when she caught him coughing and vomiting blood and what not. He was too weak to answer though. Instead, he felt her struggling to pick him up and drag him over her shoulder... It was just like back then, in that alley, but this time, he still held onto his consciousness. Barely, but still there. She really got stronger over the years. He was so proud of her. "Get him to the infirmary right now. Hanafusa is the only one who can take care of him." he heard her giving instructions, and next thing he knows, his gravity center shifted, and he was on his back. He was be in a stretcher, being quickly delivered for intensive care or something.
There was nothing she could do now. The infirmary was already overcrowded and Ohma had a lot of people wanting to visit him. She'll go visit him later, when the situation has diffused and she's calmed down as much possible. She was losing her mind now.
But she knew just what to do. It was Takeshi's match next. He must be in the waiting room now, 'listening' to music and getting his shit together. Ohma was is great hands. If Hanafusa can't save him, nobody can. But Ohma was strong, he won't give up now. He has a tournament to win.
"Hey... Takeshi... Is your music still off?" after knocking lightly, she opened the door just a bit and peeked inside. Though he didn't reply, he motioned for her to come over, and so she did. "How are you feeling, Takeshi. Still anxious?" she tried to put on a smile, but it was weak. "It was Tokita's match, wasn't it? Did he win?" the girl nodded, but she didn't meet his eyes. "Then why are you upset?" "...He's used the Advance again... Only, for some reason, the output was like five times stronger. And... His opponent was Raian, of all people. I hope he'll get up in two days." she confessed, hanging her head. "But I didn't come here to complain. I came here to encourage you. The Superhuman Wakatsuki Takeshi is going the win today again, without a doubt, okay? So there's no need to be nervous. You're strong, you're smart, you have great techniques. You're the Wild Tiger. You don't have anything to prove to anyone that you're strong. You just have to realise it yourself and find complete self-confidence." the man took of his earbuds and put the phone on the table. "You've got to stop crying when encouraging people. I can't stand seeing my best friend crying, you know? She's building me up while she's breaking inside. Come here." the girl let out a ragged exhale of amusement as she took a step forward and felt his hand wiping away the stray tears before he pulled her in a hug, just like she did for him the previous round... And many other times, in the long time they've known each other. Instinctively, Kisara wrapped her tiny arms around him and held him tighter. She wanted to hug the life out of Ohma, but she was so afraid she'd hurt him that she held back. She was so afraid he'd have forgotten her, so afraid that he'd die in her arms... That would break her in every way possible. She can't watch the love of her life dying in her arms. She'd rather commit seppuku than have that happening to her. So, she hugged Takeshi as hard as she wanted to hug Ohma - At least he could take the hug. "Thank you, Takeshi. Thank you. I really needed this." after a little while, she managed to take a deep breath and she calmed herself. "I think it's time for you match. Are you ready, Wild Tiger?" standing back at arm's length, she smiled at him, this time, genuinely, much brighter and filled with fire and encouragement. "Yes. Let's go." together, they walked towards the entrance to the arena.
Julius was the first to enter - And then, Wakatsuki Takeshi's name was called.
And the Wild Tiger jumped in the arena.
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wangsejabin · 1 year
Chapter 48
When the matter was settled, she was given half of the silver. During this period, Song was so annoyed that she did not sleep for several days and nights, thinking that she had raised Su Pan'er for so many years for nothing, so she did not go into details.Once the Su family had money, it was a big change.
They spent a lot of money on the house, on buying servants and maids, and on clothes and jewellery for the men and women in the family. The rest of the silver Yao Jinzhi planned to find someone she knew and put it in a money bank to eat the dividends, or start a small business, so that the family could get by, but it turned out that Su Hai had gambling debts in a gambling house and lost it all to others.
Su Hai was already a gambling addict, which is why he was too old to get a wife. The family was too poor to go to the gambling house, so they dared not go there, but just a few people they knew got together to play a few games. Yao Jinzhi sold all the gold jewellery she had bought for herself and her daughter-in-law to make up for the loss. Naturally, she couldn't afford to keep the servants, so she sold them all. Now there is only a granny who keeps the fire burning and cooks, and a little girl who has not yet had her hair cut left, and it looks like she will have to sell them after the New Year too. When Yao Jinzhi saw her second son come back from outside, she felt angry and thought that he must have gone to the gambling house again.
So before Su Hai could even put his hands on a bowl of rice, he was scolded by his mother.The scolding made him irritable and his two nephews were crying in fear. He dropped his chopsticks and said angrily, "I didn't go to the gambling house, I didn't go, I don't have any money to go! When Su Hai became angry, Yao Jinzhi became quiet and picked up her bowl and ate as if nothing had happened.
Seeing her like this, Su Hai's frustration was overwhelming, but he had never been a match for his mother since he was a child. "Mother, I think I saw Pan'er at the East Market today." "Pan'er?" Yao Jinzhi's next reaction was not to ask her daughter, but - "What were you doing in the east of the city? How dare you say you didn't go to the gambling house?" "I really didn't. Dazhi asked me to deliver something for him, and I passed by there. Hey, Mother, didn't you say that Pan'er was sold to a noble lord, how come she is still in Yangzhou?"
Yao Jinzhi was slightly uncomfortable at the mention of her daughter who had been sold, and shouted, "Can't a nobleman be from Yangzhou? Besides, what are you doing mentioning her when she's already been sold?" "I don't know if I'm mistaken, but she doesn't look like she's married to a nobleman, she looks like she's married to a poor family. She's with a man who is good looking, but he doesn't dress as well as I do and seems to be quite poor."
Hearing this, the Su family looked at each other, while Su Datian continued to sip his wine, looking very intoxicated."Drink, drink, drink, you just know how to drink, you can't get by without filling your yellow soup for a day, can you?" Yao Jinzhi was already irritated, and when she caught a glimpse of Su Datian's appearance out of the corner of her eye, she exploded. "You guys say your words, it's none of my business, what's wrong with not letting me have a drink?" Su Datian could not afford to mess with them, so he took a plate of peanuts and avoided them with a bottle of wine in his hand.
After this fuss, the topic of conversation naturally ended in vain, Su Hai also saw that his mother did not want to discuss this matter, so he did not mention it anymore, but his heart was a bit sad.
"You should have left her for me as a daughter-in-law, but you had to sell her."Yao Jinzhi had just sat down when she jumped up from her chair.
"You little bastard, I haven't even looked into your affairs yet, but you are talking about me. I alone spent the silver in the beginning, but it was all lost by you, a loser? I'm telling you, after New Year's Eve, go back to the docks and carry the goods, and if you go to the gambling house again, I'll break your legs!
After the meal, Miao Cui Xiang told Su Jiang that it would be better if the family could split up, and that if they lived like this with his mother, their lives would be shortened by ten years.
Su Jiang did not want to hear such words, although he was also annoyed by his mother, but as a child you must be filial, when your parents are still alive, there can be no family separation, and the oldest one is a bit muddled, but in the end he is his own brother."You married into my family, and you know what my family is like. Although the oldest brother has lost all the silver, there is still this mansion, can't this mansion hold you?"
Miao Cui Xiang suddenly stopped murmuring.After sitting dryly by herself for a while, she came over to Su Jiang: "Do you think what Lao Er said was true or not, could it be that little sister has followed a noble master and is not liked by others, and they have sold her again?" Su Jiang's face instantly darkened: "Don't talk nonsense here, if you don't want to be scolded by mother, then don't mention this." "What's wrong with me mentioning it?" She said with some resentment. But seeing the man's unwillingness to talk to her, Miao Cui Xiang didn't dare to say anything else. --.
On the other hand, Su Hai had lit Yao Jinzhi's fireworks, but it didn't end well.He was escorted by Yao Jinzhi to the docks to help load and unload goods with the dock labourers. Su Hai used to do this kind of work, but he was a three-day fisherman and a two-day sunbather.
The Su family had made a fortune in the last six months, and most of the people at the docks knew about it, but the boy had gotten into trouble and was now back at the docks carrying goods. A labourer called Da Wang, who had told Su Hai to go to the gambling house, came to Su Hai and asked him if he was still going to the gambling house at night. "Fuck you, I don't have any money to go to the gambling house?"
Da Wang gave him an ambiguous wink: "If you don't have any silver, you can borrow it, I'll give you a guarantee ......" "Get lost, get as far away as you can!" Su Hai scolded and gave him another kick, and Da Wang slinked away.
A dark and tall young man came over and frowned at Su Hai, "Hai Zi, you should not hang around with Da Wang, you still don't remember after such a big loss?" When Su Hai thought of what happened before, he wanted to vomit blood, but no one could blame him, he couldn't control his own hands.
But he wouldn't go again, and even if he did, he wouldn't go with Dawang. "Dazhi, you don't need to tell me about this, I know." The young man called Dazhi nodded and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, keep your feet on the ground and work hard, you will never be short of food."
But Su Hai thought of the silver he had lost and was reluctant to talk to Dazhi about it. The two families used to be neighbours, so who knows if his mother would have thought about it and come to Dazhi to ask him about it, so Su Hai didn't usually talk to Dazhi about his own affairs. Inevitably, he remembered what happened yesterday. "By the way, I think I saw Pan'er at the East Market entrance yesterday ......"
"Pan'er?" Dazhi froze. Su Hai nodded, "I don't know if I was mistaken, but I don't think I was, but this girl's appearance has changed a lot compared to before. It's strange to say, I heard my mother say that Pan'er was bought by a rich lord, but I don't see her dressed well, with a man by her side, and not dressed as well as me, and I don't know ......" He rambled on and on, but Dazhi didn't hear a word of it.
"Pan'er!"Pan'er, who was looking down at the stall picking out the spring couplets, turned her head and saw Xue Dazhi and Su Hai standing not far behind her.
She frowned subconsciously.
Xiang Pu on the side looked around curiously and didn't dare to make a peep.
"It's really you,…… Pan'er." Mostly because the words were a bit artificial, Dazhi said it with extra shortness, and couldn't help but scratch his head as he said it.Pan'er then knew that he must have lied. It was true that Su Hai had not meant what he said that day, but he had meant what he heard.
For several days in a row, every morning, Dazhi would go halfway around Yangzhou to the east market entrance to see if he could run into Pan'er. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to come forward at this time. For several days in a row, he found that Pan'er would come here every morning to buy something, so today he dragged Dazhi up with him and waited stiffly for Pan'er. "Hai Zi, you are not looking for Pan Er to say something, why don't you say it?" When he saw Pan'er looking at him, Dazhi panicked and bumped Su Hai with his elbow.
Su Hai wanted to curse in his heart, he didn't know who had found Pan'er to talk to or who wanted to know if Pan'er was doing well now.The two families were neighbours, and Xue Dazhi had loved Pan'er since she was a child, but unfortunately Pan'er was sent to Zhao Wu's home by Yao Jinzhi at the age of eight.
On the surface it was called foster care, but in reality the adults knew what it was for, but Dazhi was only a half-grown boy at the time, so he didn't know what it meant, and just assumed that Pan'er was really being fostered by a relative.
After all, the Su family's house was not very big and there was no spare room for Pan'er, and he knew it. So after that he still went to see Pan'er every now and then. It was not until later, when he was older, that he understood but did not give up, that the two of them kept seeing each other, but it was just the relationship between the neighbour's son and the neighbour's daughter.
It was only when he found out from his mother that the Xue family had sold Pan'er and made a fortune that he was completely dumbfounded. In his mind, he worked hard to save up enough silver so that he could talk to Aunt Yao about marrying Pan'er. In Xue Dazhi's opinion, he still couldn't believe that Aunt Yao would sell her daughter and that the Su family was that starved for silver.
Unfortunately, before he could save up enough money, she disappeared.After all, in the eyes of the common people, no one who is a concubine can lead a good life, and they are always scolded by the first wife. If Pan'er was doing well, he naturally wished her well, even though it would make him feel bad. If she is not doing well ......
In the end, they grew up together, Su Hai also does not want to refute the face of Dazhi in front of people, besides he also wants to know how Pan'er is doing now.
"That what …… saw you here a few days ago, called you and you ignored me, not that I said, how I am also your second brother, why do you not respond when called?" The words have not yet been said, Su Hai is back to his usual demeanor.
Pan'er had never liked this second brother, so she mentally rolled her eyes but said, "I didn't hear you.""You didn't hear me, or you just don't want to talk to me? What, you don't even recognize your own brother after you've married a noble master?" Seeing that Su Hai was becoming more and more unlikeable, Dazhi pushed him aside and said, "Pan'er, don't pay any attention to Su Hai, he is just unforgiving. We came to look for you, nothing more, we just want to know if you are doing well?"
Looking at the tall, dark-skinned youth in front of her, Pan'er's emotions rose and fell for a moment. She was not the real Su Pan'er, she was the Empress Dowager Yi'an, but she had not forgotten this childhood friend she had grown up with. 'Su Pan'er' hadn't forgotten either, Pan'er felt that this young body still had some effect on her true self, as the Empress Dowager of Yi'an, her mood shouldn't rise and fall like this after seeing this person, but now it was precisely like this.
" Big Brother Zhi ……" The moment the address was uttered, Pan'er froze for a moment."Pan'er!" Dazhi was thrilled to see that Pan'er was still calling himself like he used to.
Pan'er took a deep breath and smiled, "I'm doing quite well now, I'm already married too ……"As he was talking, the Crown Prince walked out from the side with Zhang Laishun in tow. "This is-"
Pan'er was subconsciously a little confused, with the feeling of being caught by her husband in the act of seeing her old sweetheart, but she quickly reacted.
"Brother Zong, this is my former neighbour, and this is my second brother," after answering the prince, she busied herself with adding to Dazhi and Su Hai, "Second brother, brother Dazhi, I'm doing quite well, and this is my …… husband, who works as a bookkeeper for someone. "
"You are not bought ...... by the noble lord," Dazhi bumped Su Hai and cut him off. "Just get on with your life, we have things to do, so we will leave first. Where are you staying now, I'll come to see you some day with Haizi I?" "This ......" Pan'er subconsciously glanced at the prince, and seeing that he didn't say anything else, she gave Xue Dazhi the address of where she was currently staying.
"We don't know how long we'll be able to stay here, we'll probably have to leave after the year." Dazhi nodded and hurriedly dragged Su Hai away. When the two men had gone, Pan Er looked to the Prince. "I didn't expect to run into them at this, my second brother he's a bit of a good-for-nothing, so I told him that you're a bookkeeper ......, Third Master." This was also a statement that came to Pan'er's mind on a whim, but the prince also looked quite like a down and out scholar working as a bookkeeper for someone in this outfit.
That was not what the prince was concerned about."Who is that Brother Dazhi?"
Pan'er always felt that the Prince's voice was a bit strange, but looking at his expression it seemed quite normal, so she didn't have time to think too much about it and replied, "He's the eldest son of the Su family's neighbour, the Xue family, Xue Dazhi, and because the two families are close, he's been like a brother to me since he was a child, more like a brother than my second brother anyway."
An older brother? The prince wordlessly chewed on the words and did not speak, just glanced at Pan'er. He had just gone to the Four Treasures shop to look at the pens and ink, and when Pan'er saw a shop selling lanterns and spring scrolls, he said he would buy two red lanterns to hang. When he came out of the shop, he saw two more men in front of Pan'er.
The way Xue Dazhi looked at Pan'er, the prince did not feel that he looked at her like a brother would.
A childhood friend?
--After this incident, they went back without further ado. Pan'er was a bit worried about whether Su's family would come looking for her, but luckily she had a chance to say that the Prince worked as a bookkeeper in a rich family's house, and that made sense. She wasn't sure if Su's family would come looking for her, but she knew Xue Dazhi would. When she was sold, Xue Dazhi had gone to the countryside and they hadn't seen each other since then, even if it was a neighbourhood brother who had cared for her since she was a child and would be concerned about how she was getting on. The two of them have not seen each other since then, and even if they had grown up caring for each other, they would still be concerned about how she was doing.
Xue Dazhi is such a character, thick, honest and persevering, also known as a bit of a stickler, he will certainly try every possible way to find out if she is living a good life after 'she was sold'.
" Su Pan'er" did not understand, and it was only later that Empress Dowager Yi'an understood that she and Dazhi were not only childhood friends, but also a little bit in love with each other. It was only then that she was too young to realize it, and she was forced to separate, and as time passed, everything faded.
But Pan'er had not missed the way Xue Dazhi had looked at her.What a headache! If the prince knew about this ...... "What's on your mind?"
Such a question popped up next to her suddenly, and Pan'er turned her head subconsciously to see the prince's face."I was thinking about having someone hang the lanterns I bought," she said, and stood up, "Master, I'll go take a look, it's festive to hang them earlier."
Pan'er's whole person was just short of writing a few big words 'I am very faint-hearted', so much so that the prince looked at her back for a long time.
When Pan'er went out she realised that she had done nothing wrong in the first place, so why should she be guilty?
But it was too late to do anything about it. Pan'er still had to think of a way to persuade the prince to accompany her in a play, so that she could deal with Dazhi and Su's family.
To show that she was not at all faint-hearted, Pan'er proceeded with great vigour.The outside lanterns were left to the guards to hang, while she called Zhang Laishun and Xiangpu to help with the inside lanterns, while she directed from below. Xiang Pu held the ladder while Zhang Laishun climbed up to it trembling. How long had it been since he had done this kind of work? He was afraid that he would fall if he was not careful. But with Su Feng Yi watching from below and the Prince sitting in the room, he had no choice but to go up. "Master Feng Yi, have you seen it yet?" In fact, Fang Laishun had already hung the lantern, but Pan'er said it was a little short.
It was because of this statement that the two of them wrangled for half a day to get the meaning right.It turns out that there is a taboo in Yangzhou not to say unlucky words in the waxing moon, especially when putting up the spring couplets and hanging the lanterns, not to say that they are crooked and not to say that they are low, but to say that they are up. It's a good practice to say something auspicious, but if it's not a good placements, it's a better solution to say something vague.
So when Zhang Laishun hung the lantern crooked, Pan'er didn't say it's crooked, he said it's a bit worse. But Zhang Laishun doesn't understand the difference, what exactly is the difference?"Okay, very good." Hearing this, Zhang Laishun sighed with relief and climbed down from the ladder with shaky legs.
Pan'er entered the room and said to the prince with a smile, "Master, just now the concubine prepared the couplet and the fortune words, but thought that your writing was so good, so it would be unbecoming to let others take over the door, so why don't you write some for me?" The former Emperor Jianping loved to write fortune characters and reward them, which is also called giving blessings. "You need red paper to write spring couplets and fortune characters."
"The red paper was bought by this concubine." She told Qing Dai to go and bring the red paper, and then she dragged the Prince to the study with her affection. When she arrived at the study, she was very attentive, laying out paper and preparing ink, and even had a brush ready, waiting for the prince to put pen to paper. There were four gates in the house, the main gate, the left and right corner gates and the back gate, plus the main courtyard gate, which meant that at least five large ones had to be written. There was also the kitchen and barn, which was an essential place to put up the spring couplets for the New Year, signifying wealth and prosperity, so two smaller ones were needed.
The more the merrier, so to speak. At this point, Pan'er felt that it was too much to write, so how could she ask the Prince to do such a task? However, she had already decided to do so, so she had to put her head down. So she didn't dare to say how many, but just wrote a few. Pan'er was responsible for cutting the paper, and the Prince was responsible for writing them. By the time she finished cutting the paper with Qing Dai's help, she was also exhausted. It was rather uncomfortable to see the Prince recklessly wielding his problems. But she dared not say anything, who told her to be weak-minded and to ask for help. The prince wrote a dozen or so fortune words, which relieved Pan'er. When the prince stopped writing and reached out for a handkerchief to wipe his hands, she handed over the one she had prepared in advance. It was no different from the usual way Zhang Laishun and his team served the Prince. When they got it, they had to pretend to look at it and say a few kind words of praise. But the Prince's writing was really good too. Although Pan'er didn't like practising calligraphy, she had seen many masterpieces by famous writers and knew that the Prince's pen and ink could be considered to be of the upper class.
She did not know that after she and the Prince had left Yangzhou, many people came to see the Spring Festival couplets outside the door, but in the end they were written on paper and could not withstand the wind and the sun.
By the time they had finished, it was noon. At lunchtime, Pan'er was still extremely attentive, almost treating the Prince like an ancestor. The prince, who had been upset, was amused by her behaviour, and when Pan'er made a show of talking to him, he gave her a puzzled look. "I want to talk to you about something. I ran into my second brother in the morning, and I was afraid that he would come looking for me, so I lied and said that Your Highness was working as a bookkeeper ......"
After listening to Pan'er stumble over her words, the prince said, "You mean if they come looking for you, it's time for me to accompany you in a play?" Pan'er nodded his head repeatedly. "Is it for Brother Dazhi, or for your second brother?" She hadn't been prepared for him to ask that and froze.
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