#Geralt is in a huge mess
pinkatron · 2 months
Players join the game and Geralt begins to see that the mess Dragfa is in is deeper then he could have ever imagined.
“I work alone.” Geralt said adding, “I have a contract which shall be paid upon completion no matter who makes the final blow. I am not doing this for the reward, I am doing it because I will be paid to do so. You can have whatever it is you wish.”
“Dangerous words, but now I am even more intrigued.” The man looked at him and eyed him up. “You are right, I do wish for the reward, but I am more interested in seeing the man myself, bringing him in if I can.”
“Do you know who he is? After all you asked a second question, and such I am owed the answer.” Geralt looked to him and the man grinned again.
“Oh, what fun you are, clever man.” He laughed. “Men like the one we seek are clever too. A name I do not have, for if I did, it would make this far easier, and I would know where to look. Any other information you likely have, he is a mage of some sort, he has been hidden from the eyes of the powers that be, and he has not been cruel to his victims, nor does he take pleasure from the murder he entreats them to. All of the girls have been drugged with Either, they do not know their deaths.”
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shy-urban-hobbit · 9 months
"I'm telling you Geralt, my songs are definitely working."
"A few contracts not skimping on payment isn't proof Jaskier. It's coincidence." Geralt replied as he stuffed his newly purchased supplies into Roach's saddlebag. After two years, he didn't need to look to know the bard was probably doing his uncanny impression of a landed trout. His default expression when he thought himself gravely offended.
"Oh hoho. So it's proof you want? Fine, I'll get you proof you old cynic - wait, I'm here calling you old, how old are you? I know Witchers age differently but it's all so contradictory. I remember one text claiming you aged backwards. Backwards!"
Geralt was blessedly distracted from Jaskier's tangent by a small tug on his cloak causing him to look behind him and then down.
A small, tear stained face with huge, liquid brown eyes looked up at him. The hand that wasn't clutching Geralt's cloak fisted in the skirt of a green dress as she shuffled her small, booted feet. Witcher and child stared at one another and even Jaskier had fallen silent.
"Are you the White Wolf?" She asked in a small voice.
Geralt could only nod in response, keeping an eye and both ears out for angry adults about to accuse him of kidnapping.
"I can't find my Papa." She sniffled, voice trembling and eyes welling up.
He felt himself slip into Witcher mode, trying to think what could be snatching people from a crowded town in the middle of the day, "What do you mean you can't find him, has he gone missing or-"
"Sweetheart, do you mean you got separated from your Papa in the market?" Jaskier gently interjected before Geralt could start fully interrogating her. The girl gave a small nod, turning her attention to the bard now kneeling in the dirt next to her.
Geralt felt his face heat up. Right. Just a lost child. That was also a possible (and the most logical) explanation.
"It's ok, we'll help you find him. Won't we Geralt?" Jaskier's tone of voice leaving no room for argument.
It turned out that Jaskier's idea of helping was having the girl perch on Geralt's shoulders and scan the top of the crowd for her father while he stood playing silly little dittys to keep her from crying again. Geralt holding onto her shins lightly and trying to ignore the mess being made on his cloak by muddy feet.
"I see him! Papa! Papa!"
Geralt tightened his grip slightly as her weight shifted with her frantic waving. Waiting until he was clearly making his way over to them before setting her gently back on the ground.
"Mika! Oh thank the God's." He turned his attention to the two men, his eyes widened as he took Geralt in fully.
Geralt tried to hide his surprise as the man grasped his hand in a firm if slightly clammy grip. "My thanks Wolf. I swear, if I went home without her my wife would make sure I shared the same fate as that Hag from the song of yours." He said, smiling awkwardly at his own attempt at humour, "Come on Mika, say goodbye. Oh, here."
He reached into his satchel and pulled something out. Geralt could smell warm sugar as he handed it over. "It's not much, but I don't know a single person who doesn't like cake. I could do with cutting down myself." He said, patting his own slight paunch before taking his daughters hand with a final "Thank you." Mika turning back to give a wave which they both returned before the two of them disappeared into the crowd.
"What?" Geralt asked as they left the town. The bard hadn't stopped grinning at him like the cat who'd got the canary.
"Nothing. It just, the timing and everything. Seems Destiny agreed with me for once. The songs are making a difference."
"Hmm." Geralt fought the urge to roll his eyes.
"Oh don't give me that." Jaskier said, swatting Geralt in the side as he unwrapped the package Mika's father had given them, "You saw as well as I did there were plenty of town guards around but she went to you. She wanted you. Oooh, maybe this would be good for a new song. The Gentle Wolf! Yes I- hey! "
"No cake for you until you stop." Geralt stated, popping a piece into his own mouth to hide his smile.
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Hii, I would like to request something for Daemon.
At Rhaenyra wedding he sees reader(targaryen or valeryion), who was away for some time, and he falls in love with her again seeing as in the past they had a fling. He chooses her over Rhaenyra and they get married days later with Viserys approval. They reunite with the family on Driftmark for Leana's funeral, there Rhaenyra gets jealous when she sees Daemon being soft with his childrens and reader. Later she tries to sway Daemon and make him leave his family with the excuses of the Greens being against her but he gets mad and threatens her or something like that.
Author's Note- Thanks for the request. It was very interesting writing this one. I made a few changes in the scenes to fit in. Do not fret requesting for more. Requests are always opened and we'll appreciated.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Dancing with Dragons
Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary- Things and situations are bound to change as well as hearts...
Tag List- @minaxcarter, @eliseline, @blackhoodlea, @little-moonbeam-666, @neenieweenie, @omgsuperstarg, @avalyaaa, @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @krokietinio, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @thekayarlene, @narcy, @helloitsshitzulover, @muushwrites, @daringboba, @bi2simps, @issybee0611, @yariany02, @agathe, @5moremin, @candypurplebutterfly, @saraelizabeth26, @moon-light1415, @targaryenmoony, @stargaryenx, @instabul, @shine101
Warnings- Threats, Suggestive Content? Westrosi Things
GIF Credits to @userparamore
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Daemon looked around the feast in boredom, trying to find something to keep himself intrigued throughout the night. He could feel two pair of eyes on his figure. One belonging to his beloved niece while the other belonged to Laena Velaryon.
He wished to see a certain familiar face walking through those huge doors. It had been quite too long since he had seen his cousin sister, much to his dismay.
Even though it had been more than a few summers, Daemon still remembered the secret nights spent in each other's embrace. Moans and gasps mixing into groans of pleasure. Her smooth skin layered by beads of sweat. Eyes closed in euphoria, hair messed from tugging
Daemon smirked to himself as he took a sip of the Dornish wine served in the feast. His eyes traveled to the dusky skinned lady sitting on the opposite side of the table.
He stood up, stepping down the stairs and joining the dance. He could feel the movement of the Velaryon girl, turning to find her behind himself.
A conversation ignited and Daemon could feel a few sparks; though he knew it was not of love, but of simple lust towards a woman with a pretty face and pure innocence.
"Lady (Y/N) of Houses Targaryen and Arryn"
The room stilled as the dancing pairs moved out of the way of the late Queen Consort's younger sister strided in gracefully with an authoritative aura following her like the sunflower following the sun.
Her blue gown of expensive silks wrapped around her beautiful body smoothly, accentuating her features and pushing her breasts together to create ample cleavage. The silver thread forming falcons on the skirt of her gown.
Daemon let his eyes follow their way down her attractive figure. His legs moving on their accords as they lead him to her. Their eyes met, bodies only a few inches apart.
"Glad to see you here, Lady (Y/N)," Daemon bend down to place a gentlemanly kiss on the back of her palm. "The pleasure is all mine, Prince Daemon," her voice was music to his ears, making him hum in pleasure.
"Lady (Y/N), it is our pleasure to have you with us here," Viserys stood up with a smile. It was no surprise to anyone that the king was fond of his former good sister. Right from her birth, the Arryn Lady had been close to the king and his rebellious brother.
"It is much too my delight to join you in celebrating the Realm's Delight's marriage, Your Grace," (Y/N) said softly, her eyes kind yet a thin mask of caution remained. It had been quite some times since (Y/N) visited the place.
"Hope you enjoy the feast," the king said kindly, sitting down once again. The dancing resumed but this time, it wasn't Laena dancing in Daemon's arms but his old love. Sly smirks and non-verbal conversations exchanged amid the buzzing laughter of all the noble people.
"It's been long, sister," Daemon whispered in her ear, his hand discreetly grazing the curve of her back. "Indeed, brother," she whispered against the smooth skin of his neck.
A low groan bubbled in Daemon's throat. His hands grabbed her neck, bringing her closer to him as everyone danced around them. He could see the hunger in her eyes, the parting of her lips as a small whine of his name escaped; disappearing into the loud atmosphere as a small breeze on a winter day.
"Say it," he hissed, his eyes resembling a predator's, ready to pounce. "Mazverdagon nyke aōhon," (Make me yours) (Y/N) whispered, making Daemon smirk. One of his hands moved down to tangle around her waist, bringing her closer to him.
"Skorkydoso?" (How?) Daemon asked teasingly, his tongue darted out of his mouth, wetting his lips. "Mazverdagon nyke aōha ābrazȳrys. Tepagon nyke aōha riña, Daemon," (Make me your wife. Give me your child, Daemon) she replied back, her lips way too close to his to deem appropriate.
Daemon smirked, his hands grabbed hers, making his way to his chambers. His eyes darkening with passion. His mind clouded with all the pleasures to come.
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The winds were a bit too wild in Driftmark but it was no issue to the huge dragons of the Targaryens of Dragonstone. The red and bronze dragons descended down the skies followed by two more dark dragons. While one was a full grown, coal black, the other was yet not a fully-grown one.
Vermithor growled loudly, making the guards straighten up as the Targaryens of the Red Keep stayed firmly on the ground, watching as the dragon-riders stepped down from their mounts.
Daemon was the first one to step down, walking to Vermithor to help his sister-wife down. A crimson red blanket wrapped around their youngest, a daughter. (Y/N) smiled as Daemon carefully took Daenys from her, cooing at her softly.
Daemon looked up to find his eldest daughter and son walking towards them, head held high as they both smiled at their parents. Visenys looked like her father, carrying his character traits as well while Aelar had took after her mother, while adopting a few things of his father.
"Brother, sister," came the fragile and weak voice of the king. Daemon and his wife turned, a smile on their faces as they moved to greet the rest of the family, their children on their toes. "Your Grace," Daemon and his son bowed while the ladies dipped into a curtsey.
"Look at you both," Viserys chuckled, the side of his eyes crinkling. Daemon moved closer to his brother, letting him look at the little Targaryen, who was no more than three summers old. "She is beautiful," Viserys said with a smile, placing a caressing hand on the baby's head whose was sleeping peacefully in her father's arms.
"Aemma," (Y/N) said, offering her good brother a smile. Viserys felt his eyes fill with tears at the name, as he smiled at the baby. "Alicent," (Y/N) greeted the Queen, who was until now, standing quietly with her kids. The Hightower Queen smiled, "Lady (Y/N)."
The Targaryen Lady found her eyes drifting away to the heir of the throne, Princess Rhaenyra, who stood by Laenor and her kids. While (Y/N) had heard the whispered rumors about the offspring of the princess, she didn't expected it to be true; but to find them gazing at her in reality, (Y/N) now made sense of the rumors.
"Princess Rhaenyra," she said with a smile. "Lady (Y/N)," the Princess replied with gritted teeth, her eyes burning holes at her as she looked at how she had turned Daemon into a soft and dotting father; a stark opposite of the man she knew him to be.
Rhaenyra could feel herself becoming jealous of her aunt. A nagging in the back of her mind as she watched Daemon place a loving kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead as she laughed at something her father had said. Their son and daughter standing beside them with a smile.
A plan formulated in Rhaenyra's mind as she silently watched the small family interacting with the king and her half-siblings. A sly smirk finding its place on her lips as she thought of what she needed to do.
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Daemon stood against a dusted table, trying to find something interesting, while Rhaenyra spoke about something he didn't care about. He discreetly looked at her and thought of possible reasons as to why he was attracted to her at the first place.
Perhaps it was his want for the throne which made him crave her, or perhaps it was his somewhat rebellious nature which matched Daemon's. Or just frustration towards his brother.
"Are you listening to what I speak of, uncle?" Rhaenyra asked, sighing as she watched Daemon look up with raised eyebrows and bored look. "The Greens are against me and my children. Alicent and Otto will do anything under the sun to harm us. We need you. I need you."
Daemon scowled, glaring at his niece as she moved to caress Daemon's cheek with her hand. "Please, Daemon. I want you," Rhaenyra whispered, her lips near his neck. "Step aside," Daemon pushed Rhaenyra back softly. "I must warn you beforehand, Rhaenyra, if you dare come near me again, or attempt to get closer to me; I will have Caraxes eat you right in front of that lover of yours."
Letting the threat hang in the air, Daemon turned and went straight towards his wife who stood conversing with Rhaenys. "My love," he kissed her cheek from behind, letting his hand wrap around her waist. "Daemon," (Y/N) smiled, leaning into him.
"I will leave you two alone," Rhaenys said, excusing herself from the couple who gazed lovingly at their kids. "Visenys looks happy here," Daemon commented. Visenys was busy doing something in sand with Aemond, giggling like a child she is.
"They look happy," (Y/N) commented, looking at Daemon who frowned at her words. "He can have her after... 60 summers? Yes," Daemon grumbled, making (Y/N).
(Y/N) leaned into Daemon's chest, smiling dreamily as she looked at her happy family.
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pterodactylterrace · 2 years
Wanna play a game? It’s called “How Many Ways TWN Has Messed Up”
It’s easy to play. You just list the biggest misstep you can think of. Unfortunately there is no winner. Only losing.
Replaced the LEAD
Geralt and Jaskier’s mountain fallout
Yennifer trying to sacrifice Ciri
Jaskier not aging over the course of decades
Vesemir trying to mutate Ciri
Eskel was a huge prick
Lambert was not
Eskel cosplayed Groot then died
Wolves ate the Grootskel instead of the usual funeral pyre
Only four Wolf Witchers remain. Who are all these people?
Coen isn’t a Griffin
Roach is a bay mare. Why does he have a black stallion(?)?
Kaer Morhen is very hard to get to and only the Witchers know the way. Unless they’re hosting a very drunken hooker party, because who cares about consent?
Please, feel free to continue on.
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uiuishii · 11 months
Ok I finished the... thing.
Listen, I know it's an adaptation, it's not suppose to be a transcription of the book (although they always say it will be). But there are huge problems.
I would say the one that shocked me the most is with women. Strong women. The reason reading the witcher was that fun and so inspiring. Here, these strong women are always dominated by a man. Geralt interrupts Yen, Dijsktra interrupts Philippa, Gallatin interrupts Francesca. There is always something like that (Radovid calling Philippa with sweet nickname like a boss of a fucking company with her secretary). I'm not dumb, I understand it's to show how women are treated badly in this terrible world and to justify the creation of the lodge. But the truth is, it's the case for random women not sorceresses. Sorceresses are the bosses of this fucking Continent. So why making them that weak? I remember reading about how they made kings shiver just by speaking, how they rule the country. And now you see a poor Philippa, at the corner of the table, who needs to whip Dijkstra to have power/a favor ? Philippa just have to glance at him and Dijkstra is on his knees. I swear this made me scream/laugh so hard.
This is for me the biggest issue. Of course there are many more: Cahir killing his friend and getting further and further of Book Cahir, Tissaia x Vilgefortz which makes Tissaia the exact opposite of her character, Margarita Laux-Antille A.K.A the sweetest sorceress slapping Ciri and being a bitch, Radovid being not Radovid (just call him another name please), Redania being isolated from the other countries for no reasons, Stregobor. Just Stregobor. And his Silent Hill monsters.
I watched the show with my polish friend and she was just sad seeing how it messed up with the book/the polish culture it is supposed to adapt.
I'm worried for part 2 but I will watch. Why ? I want to know how badly they mess with my favorite characters honestly. (Waiting for Tissaia and Philippa moments)
This is just my opinion by the way. If you enjoyed the show I'm glad you had a great time !
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haamuart · 8 months
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You can take this as a random drawings of a 16th century aesthetic lady OR as I originally intended, as a Witcher OC. More under the cut. :D
SO as it reads on the doodle, this is Julia. She is Jaskier's sister, older or younger, this does not matter. Sometimes she is a twin. She is supposed to be very plain looking with a round face and kind of a square jaw, mousy brown hair and plain blue eyes. Her body build is a little heavy and not very shapely, not that it matters under her court clothes.
She originally appeared when I reimagined the Royal! or King!Jaskier prompt. Here's a few notes I remember of it:
Jaskier - sorry Julian - gets a permission to travel around to play his music - sorry, to get more familiar with the people he will rule over one day. Somehow both Julia and their mother manage to persuade the King to agree to this. The agreement includes Jaskier not revealing his true identity, which is NOT an issue.
Julia was always the one more inclined to politics. Jaskier was everything but that.
In the kingdom, everyone (including women and children) are heavily encourages to learn how to fight and warcraft. The country is known for their huge armies and for the fact that every single peasant could best another kingdom's royal knights in a fight. They do not get many visitors, and the King and his advisors prefer it that way.
(Geralt also avoids the place. If they are so good at fighting, they probably can handle their own monsters. This is true for the most part.)
The exception to the everyone-being-masters-of-self-defence are royal women. This might originate in the habit of royal men marrying outsider women, and if all other royal ladies were all for fighting, their wifes might seem less in comparison. Or some bullshit like that.
Julia does NOT like this rule. She, unlike her brother, would very VERY much like to learn how to defend herself and maybe also go on offence. Sometimes. You know, when time calls for it.
So anyway, young Jaskier knew how to physically fight and defend himself, but he just preferred not to. When he got out, he just did not keep his promise of keeping up the practice and forgot mostly everything. In some ways, initially, it is always a way to separate his Emotionless Crown Prince persona and what he truly wants himself to be.
Julia, sometime when Jaskier is away, gets more into politics even against his parents wishes. However, since there are no other children and Jaskier is away, they do not have a good reason to forbid her.
(Julia also manages to persuade one of her personal bodyguards (who also happens to be head of the royal guard) to teach her. They also might be slowly falling in love with each other but neither is willing to initiate anything.)
Anyway. After The Mountain
Jaskier hears his father has died. His father was still young, so Jaskier suspects it might not be normal. Or maybe he developed an illness? He wants to know for sure to satisfy his curiosity and worry, and he does not currently feel like he has anything else important to do. Might as well take a look.
(The father dying part is direct inspiration from another King!Jaskier story)
He does not expect to stay.
So heartbroken Jaskier packs his meagre belongings and goes on a long trip back to the kingdom that just might be his now.
When Jaskier- sorry, Julian- gets back to the capital, it is a mess. His subjects are worried, confused and scared, and a lot of rumours are flying. No one seems to know anything for a fact, and the royal palace has not output any official announcements.
Jaskier gets to the palace, is greeted by his sister and is promptly informet what happened.
What happened is thus:
The king indeed is dead. He had been assassinated. The court is not yet in shambles, but they are not agreeing on who did it. Everyone is blaming each other. Their mother is grieving, and refuses to do anything useful. She is supposed to be the regent.
Julia has been doing a lot of the work of running the kingdom, but officially she is powerless, and some advisors try to use this against her. She has to keep claiming the orders came from her mother, who she is supposedly comforting. In truth, she has barely set a foot in her mother's rooms.
Julia cries many tears of frustration that night, and Jask- Julian wishes he could too. He is already starting to feel his emotions numb, just like the last time he was here.
Julia is sure she knows who the true assassin was. The man would not shame himself in commissioning a kill when he can do it himself. She has tried to put the blame on him, but somehow it never sticks, For an instant she thinks Jaskier will be the same, but he is not. He takes everything she tells him in carefully and makes sure to remember. She has missed his brother.
So they talk for hours, and the next day, Jaskier makes an appearance at the court and promptly informs them that he will be crowned the next day.
The plot continues with Jaskier/Julian being crowned and then publically executing the guilty man. Julian slowly starts to struggle with anxiety and some symptoms of depression due to the atmosphere in the palace plus the fact that he is in a situation he desperately never wanted to be in even if he always knew it would come inevitably. He practically drugs himself every night just to calm down, and the effects last long enough that he manages get through the morning audience and some meetings. During this time he trusts Julia to make sure he never agrees to anything he would not with a clear head. He is not fine.
In the evenings, Julian, Julia, Julia's beau and maybe some others have a private meetings without most of the late King's advisors. They talk about what came up in the morning audience, what rumours everyone has heard etc. Some days, however, Julia just holds Julian as he cries.
Julian gives Julia an official permission to carry a sword because he knows she can handle it already. She can also finally start practicing outside, which is a relief. Julian himself also reluctantly starts practicing again. He hates it. In his clearer moments, Julian (or maybe this time Jaskier) drops hints both to Julia and her crush that they should maybe do something more than noticing how fetching the other is. It did not take him long to take notice of their respective crushes.
I was never sure what happened after this! Somehow Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri come across Jaskier, they hash things out, get into some epic plot and then ride into the sunset after Julia has been crowned the queen.
Sometimes there was also a plotline in which the royal guard use a little magic called "the shadow technique", which in practice includes having your hands tattooed, and pinching certain places together allows you to move faster, get blended in the shadows, and idk maybe something else too. Julia was never allowed to get the tattoos no matter how dearly she hoped, and as Jaskier is now the king, he knows he will have to. However, he is scared because he does not know how it will affect his playing. He tries to postpone it as much as he can but then something changes his mind so he agrees to the process when Julia is out for a patrol. She is mad at him and sad that she could not be here to comfort him for the pain.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 year
CW: Geraskier, captured Witcher, Witcher heat cycles, probably some other uncomfortable themes related to ownership, coercion.
"How is he? Is he awake?"
"Sleeping, sire. It was a difficult journey."
"Oh, yes, well... Of course. Were there any problems?"
"He tried to run and when we cornered him, he fought back..."
"If there is a single mark on him! I told you--I told you--he was not to be hurt, I--"
"We had no choice, sire. He's half beast, but--"
"But what?"
"We mentioned the girl and he--he stopped straight away, threw down his swords, and knelt in the mud."
"He--he just gave up? Just like that?"
"Just like that."
Jaskier turned to the window, his eyes unfocused as he peered into the inky black of the mansion garden. He could make out the rough outline of the perimeter wall, and the gnarled claws of the naked trees against the greyish tint of the sky.
He hadn't really thought this through. Not entirely. It had always been his dream to travel the world and meet exotic heroes, but fate had intervened with his father's untimely death and a raft of siblings to care for. As the eldest, they had trapped him with threats and ultimatums.
But now the house was empty, his mother had passed on, and he was left with a huge fortune and nothing to spend it on. He could hit the road but he had become somewhat used to his creature comforts, and his joints would no doubt catch a cold, or something equally as arduous.
That didn't stop the itch beneath his skin. The ache of some yawning gap yet to be filled.
The answer had come in a new fad. Exotic or supernatural concubines for the adventurous and wealthy. Most visited special parlours where they could access a wide array of humanoids; succubi, werewolves, even a Drowner if you were so inclined, but those with refined taste secured their own pleasures.
Jaskier had always wanted to meet a Witcher. Heroes of old, valiant monster slayers with mutated abilities. And now he owned one. Purchased from poachers that specialised in hunting the most dangerous beasts for a huge sum.
He had never expected them to be *successful*, and his mind raced with the next steps...
"And, the uhm, the heat cycle, you know..."
His guest shifted a little uncomfortably. "From what we know it only happens when the potions are out of their systems," he paused to scratch the greying whiskers of his beard, "it's the toxins, messes them up, makes them infertile."
Jaskier's ears perked. "And it's... It's all reversible?"
The poacher shrugged. "Look, witchers are rare. What we know is in the leaflet we have you, but even that's... vague. They were always secretive. Trial and error."
Jaskier nodded slowly. "And is he... is he dangerous?"
"No. The brand will keep him docile. He won't be able to hurt you even if he wanted to."
The poacher shrugged one shoulder this time as he turned away. "Doesn't strike me as particularly... violent. He didn't fight maliciously, and he tried to run rather than kill us all. Doesn't... fit what we thought. But don't trust him, you never know. Good evening, sir."
The poacher dismissed himself and left Jaskier in the oppressive silent. He held his breath and strained his ears, hoping to pick up even a breath of noise from his bedroom next door, because, of course, he had told them to drop the witcher off there. It was the comfiest, warmest, quietest place on the estate, and he wanted the witcher--Geralt, Jaskier reminded himself--to feel safe.
Jaskier wandered to his desk and picked up the pamphlet by his inkwell. He had read it a thousand times while he waited for Geralt's arrival. He knew witchers ate raw food, that they were resistant to disease and sickness, that they were strong and could use rudimentary magic. Witchers had cycles of heat where they wanted to fuck and nest and eat and fuck some more. That's why they wintered in big keeps far away from civilisation. Or used to, before--
Jaskier gazed at the wall between him and Geralt and let out a long breath. One little peek wouldn't hurt. He would leave Geralt to rest and fold himself onto the narrow couch by the fireplace, but just... One glimpse.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the household, there were two peepholes tucked behind a painting of Jaskier's great-great grandfather. The torrid old codger had used it to spy on his wife with her young lovers. But Jaskier tried not to think about following in those particular footsteps as he pulled over a chair and shifted the wall covering aside.
The holes were fairly discreet and the resulting view was somewhat obscured. The room was dark but for a small, sputtering candle on the nightstand and the stream of silver moonlight through the parted curtains. Perhaps the light was why the bed was empty. The sheets were rumpled where a body had been placed upon them, but they weren't untucked nor the pillows disturbed.
Jaskier bit his lower lip as he glanced at the door--locked door--and then across at the window, still secure. It was only a small flicker of movement that alerted him to Geralt's presence, tucked into a shadowed corner to the right of the window.
He was slumped against the wall, his knees tucked to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. Trying to make himself appear small, Jaskier thought. He was barely moving, his shoulders rising and falling in incremental amounts the only indication he was breathing.
And then, suddenly, two gleaming eyes looked up. They caught the sheen of the moonlight and blazed briefly gold as they stared straight at Jaskier. Jaskier squeaked and almost fell from the chair. There was no way Geralt could see him. Not from there.
Geralt seemed to stare for an eternity, two glowing eyes unblinking and intense, and then they were gone. The witcher gave an audible sigh and appeared to fold further into himself, his bare feet disappearing from the moonlight to shirk into the shadows.
Jaskier climbed down from the chair shakily and wrung his hands. What had he expected? An ethereal creature to be snuggled in his bed? Perhaps stretched out and naked, or--
Foolish. Of course Geralt would be frightened. His swords had been taken from him, the back of his shoulder branded with a sigil that would be playing havoc with his thoughts while it settled. Geralt would need time, wouldn't he? And food, yes, maybe some new clothes, a nice bath, some time to rest.
Jaskier climbed onto the couch by the fireplace and pulled the waiting blanket over his body. Tomorrow, tomorrow he would make his introductions.
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fics-not-tragedies · 6 months
January 2024 Music Prompts - Spotify Wrapped edition
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♪ Hello again! Yes, I'm finally back, at last. Let's start new year with something great: music prompts ♪🎵🎶
♪ Since getting your Spotify Wrapped is such a huge event every year (at least for me, who listens to the same 5 artists and even tho I still get surprised, lol), I decided to surprise you with a little prompt event.
♪ I've chosen 15 songs from my 2023 Wrapped playlist and a lyric (or few) for each one of them that just has THE vibe (y'know):
1. Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin I'm prayin' at your altar if you know what I mean.
2. Dinner & Diatribes ♫ Hozier I’d suffer hell if you'd tell me/What you'd do to me tonight.
3. Kiwi ♫ Harry Styles She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes/Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect.
4. Electricity ♫ Arctic Monkeys Tell me something I don’t already know/Like how'd you get your kisses to fill me with electricity?
5. Francesca ♫ Hozier Though I know my heart would break/I'd tell them, "Put me back in it".
6. Honey (Are You Coming?) ♫ Måneskin I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor/It's gonna love you harder than ever before/You will like it.
7. Don't Blame Me ♫ Taylor Swift I would fall from grace/Just to touch your face.
8. For Your Love ♫ Måneskin I wanna be the first man you look at tonight/I wanna be stuck in your head and make you go wild.
9. Stuck ♫ Thirty Seconds to Mars I've been lost in your eyes all afternoon/The more I drift, the closer I get to you.
10. Mammamia ♫ Måneskin They ask me why I'm so hot, 'cause I'm italiano.
11. Nobody ♫ Hozier I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave/But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love.
12. I Can See You ♫ Taylor Swift But what would you do if I went to touch you now?/What would you do if they never found us out?/What would you do if we never made a sound?
13. Baby Said ♫ Måneskin Baby said, "Let me taste your silhouette/You can talk between my legs"/Uh-uh, uh, uh, know you really want to.
14. Cuff It ♫ Beyonce I wanna go higher, can I sit on top of you?
15. I Wanna Be Your Dog ♫ John McCrea So messed up, I want you here/In my room, I want you here/Now we're gonna be face-to-face/And I'll lay right down in my favorite place.
♪ You can now start making request for the following list of characters:
1. Keanu Reeves along with his following characters/movies:
John Wick & the John Wick movies franchise,
Constantine & the movie,
Johnny Utah & Point Break,
Jonathan Harker & Bram Stoker’s Dracula,
Neo & The Matrix,
dr Julian Mercer,
Jack Traven & Speed;
2. Riccardo Scamarcio along with:
Santino D’Antonio;
3. Andrew Hozier Byrne;
4. Tom Hiddleston along with his following characters/movies:
Sir Thomas Sharpe & Crimson Peak,
Loki & Avengers/Thor,
Adam & Only Lovers Left Alive,
dr Robert Laing & High Rise,
Jonathan Pine & The Night Manager;
5. Henry Cavill along with his following characters/movies:
Geralt of Rivia & The Witcher,
Walter Marshall & Nomis,
Capt. Syverson & Sand Castle,
Napoleon Solo & The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,
August Walker & MI: Fallout,
6. Alexander Skarsgård along with his following characters/movies:
Eric Northman & True Blood,
Leo Beiler & Mute,
Gadi Becker & The Little Drummer Girl,
sergeant Brad “Iceman” Colbert & Generation Kill,
7. Peaky Blinders franchise along with the following characters:
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Shelby,
Alfie Solomons,
8. Supernatural franchise along with the following characters:
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
9. The X Files franchise along with the following characters:
Dana Scully,
Fox Mulder,
10. Kiefer Sutherland along with his following characters/movies:
Jack Bauer & 24,
president Tom Kirkman & Designated Survivor,
David & The Lost Boys.
Please send in a number with the song/lyric you fancy + a character from those listed above, first come - first serve, as always.
If there are any questions don’t be afraid to ask them, I’m always all ears for y’all!
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magnetic-rose · 2 years
there were rumors that henry cavill fought with the writers over the source material of the show and then that interview with beau demayo (a former producer) where he said that some of the writers openly disliked and mocked the books and games. henry cavill is a huge witcher fan. geralt was literally his dream role and he said he’d do it the role for seven years.
i defended s1 a lot from book purists who were angry about the poc in the cast and the female showrunners but s2 was a hot mess. i can’t even imagine what s3 is gonna be like if it’s making henry cavill leave his dream job.
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stillness138 · 1 year
violence ask: 1 or 9?
or both >:)
1.the character everyone gets wrong i wanted to say geralt, but honestly, it's yennefer. there's of course the relationship, from yenralt truthers buying into the "it got magically fixed", or worse, "by the kid they both took care of separately", to people not even acknowledging the domestic violence. even if they both largely shed their individual self-loathing, learned to process their respective trauma and to let other people in, they're still two stubborn mules who clash all the time.
everyone calls her a complex character for the wrong reasons it seems like. i'm not even gonna go into twn's many issues with just this one character, but even looking at cdpr, she always felt all over the place, suprisingly understanding at one point, upset about bullshit at another. i get they didn't include her earlier for fear of not doing her justice, because in a huge game, messing up consistency of writing is all too easy.
as honorable mentions, cdpr also bungled regis and dijkstra, fandom often goes too simplistic with witchers and especially eskel and lambert, netflix fucked up everything else they could and only i am correct about milva's sexuality (or rather, lack thereof).
9. worst part of canon any time SA occurs and especially when it happens to minors. or in other words, the majority of ciri's arc and backstory, from emhyr's pedophilia making pavetta a mother at 14-15 to [gestures at mistle and the rats]. andrzej sapkowski to dziadek jebany 😔
in games it's never addressing the triss situation and instead ironically enough writing her as just as manipulative and obsessed only to make it tee hee cute in the end because the horny wins over the self-aware. also every other point on my cringe game moments poll.
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Random thought: Jaskier is a celebrity (most probably a musician) and Geralt is a wildland firefighter. (Yes, this is heavily inspired by the plot of Planes 2; no, I don't know how and why my brain made that connection). The other witchers and Geralt work at the same base (with Vesemir being retired and sometimes coming over to visit and remind his pups that they shouldn't be slacking off), and Geralt is the chief with Eskel being the second in commmand.
Mostly for doing something useful for a good cause and for publicity (and also to spend time around very hot, muscular men), Jaskier volunteers to spend some time (a few weeks?) at the base and help with whatever he can. He gets a crash course in wildland fires and joins for the safer and easier bits of their traning and shares everything he can on his social media.
Geralt is very irritated about the whole thing. He knows it's a great opportunity to gain publicity and donations (since the base is probably terribly underfunded) and also spread some education about how to prevent wildland fires, but he cannot stand this loud, colourful, clueless lad running around his base and being indredibly loud and incredibly annoying. Geralt also has to dedicate some of his time to teaching and training Jaskier. That's probably the only thing he sees as a positive, because it gives him ample opportunity to mess with the young musician. Everyone got instructions to play nice with Jaskier, because they want to appear in the best light, but it's easy to disguise some teasing as training. Naturally, Lambert is the one to first ignore the instructions and openly prank Jaskier. The other wolves are half amused and half afraid that Jaskier's going to be mad and drag their name through the mud. To their surprise, he takes it super well and laughs about it. That's how the teasing, ribbing and pranking that usually goes on at the base gets to it's usual intensity, with Jaskier joining in as a new addition.
Jaskier, of course, has a crush on Geralt right from the start. Geralt stops hating Jaskier when he realises that the man is there to earnestly help and not just to do a few token gestures to look good in front of his fans. He also starts finding him cute and then he falls in love without really realising it at first.
After the few weeks are over, Jaskier's time as a volunteer widlland firefighter in-training was a huge success among his fans and Jaskier also enjoyed himself immensly and also felt like he was doing something useful. Since he didn't manage to seduce Geralt yet and still wants to climb the man like a tree, he returns to the base to help whenever he manages to clear up his schedule enough.
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Author's Note- My first one shot related to a song. Though it's a Hindi song, I loved writing for it. Hope you all like it.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Broken yet Beautiful Doll
Tom Hiddleston x Desi!Reader
Summary- (Y/N)'s moments spend with her knight in shining armor in the light of moon...
Tag List- @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @lastwandastan, @eudximoniakr, @saraelizabeth26, @girlnred, @hc-geralt-23, @omgsuperstarg, @strangesthirdeye, @clea-strange-is-the-way, @lana, @kenzi-woycehoski, @nyx2021, @all-things-fandomstuck, @newt-scamander-is-hot-af, @moon-light1415, @candypurplebutterfly
Warnings- A bit steamy. Nothing else though
GIF Credits to @your-eyes-were-full-of-regret
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To be an actress in an industry such as Hollywood was a difficult job from the very start and having a conservative parents only added to the difficulty levels. And the addition of media and paparazzi in this deal is just... tiring.
God blessed (Y/N) with Tom to keep her sanity safe from all the insane things in her life. He was the moon to her dark night sky; the sun to her clear blue skies. Her knight in shining armor.
With (Y/N) wrapping up Game of Thrones, the media was going absolutely crazy. Adding to that was HBO's official post announcing the much awaited nude scene featuring the actress with her on-screen love interest, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
The announcement of her nude scene had not only created chaos in the media, but also in (Y/N)'s family. Her mother had given her an almost threatening lecture, while her father talked of how it would effect (Y/N)'s chances of finding a perfect husband; only that they weren't aware of Tom's presence in her life.
The famous actress sat down on the sofa with a sigh, her eyes locked on the screen of her mobile. Tears welling up in her (E/C) eyes as she recalled her mother's words and her father's disapproving tone.
"Is everything alright, (Y/N)?" The soothing voice of Tom vibrated in her ears as his smell intoxicated her senses, his hands wrapping around her waist. "Usual melodrama of maa," she sighed, snuggling into his chest.
"She only cares about you, darling," Tom said, his fingers running through her (H/C) hair, making her purr like their black cat, whom (Y/N) named Loki. "Threatening me with 'Tum ghar aana phir dikhati hu' is so much lovely," (You come home, then I will show you) (Y/N) said sarcastically.
Tom chuckled lightly, kissing her hairline. "It's almost midnight," he stated casually, making (Y/N) hum.
Bikharney Ka Mujhko
Shauq Hai Bada
Sameitega Mujko
Tu Bata Zara
Tom looked down at the lady in his arms. The (H/C) hair of his beloved shone in the moonlight, glistening as if a gemstone. Her eyes closed, while a bit of kohl beneath her eyes laid smudged from rubbing her eyes constantly. In short, (Y/N) looked a mess instead of the gorgeous lady in front of the red carpets.
"You look a mess. Or may I dare say, like a broken yet beautiful doll," Tom noted with a teasing smile. (Y/N) laughed, sitting in between his legs. "I love to look like a mess, or as you beautifully placed it, 'a broken yet beautiful doll'. The question is: will you be there to collect me?"
Tom smiled, glancing at the ceiling-to-floor window. "Of course, darling," Tom smiled, making the young actress smile widely. "
Dekh Ke Tujhey Hi Raat Ki Hawa Ne
Saans Thaam Li Hai Haath Ke Tarah Haaye
Ki Aankhon Mein Teri Raat Ki Nadi
Tom picked (Y/N) up in bridal style, taking her out to the huge balcony attached to their shared bedroom. The soft breeze caressed their skins, bringing a unique warmth to them.
Tom's breath hitched silently as he looked upon the lady beside him. All soft and vulnerable before his ocean eyes. London's lights illuminating the perfections and imperfections on her face.
Tom could see the sight of entire London in her (E/C) eyes. Lights dancing in her eyes like ballerinas performing a ballet. The sweet dance with precise timings and smooth dance moves.
Ho Kho Rahe Hain Dono Ek Doosre Mein
Jaise Sardiyon Ki Sham Mein Dhuan
(Y/N) and Tom's eyes met at the same moment. The entire world drifting away, leaving the couple along with the beauty of the entire world. The night breeze singing songs of love as the two stepped closer.
"What else did they say?" Tom whispered, his lips too close to hers. "Papa said that I won't find any good husband," she whispered back, gazing deeply into his blue, deep eyes. Tom smirked, his hands strongly holding her waist.
"Perhaps, I should meet him." They were too close to deem appropriate, almost taking in the same air. Their lips met in a combination of passion and lust. Hands threading through each other's hairs, tugging on them.
Hands went through the thin, dark shirt (Y/N) wore, tracing patterns on her skin as they moved up, leaving behind goosebumps and sending pleasures right to her core.
Lips and tongues clashed in a battle of who know what. As for dominance, it seemed like (Y/N) abandoned the dominance for the night, letting Tom take control over her for tonight.
Never before had they been so close, always stopping after a kiss or two on necks and behind ears. But tonight, the passion was too much, too consuming for both to stop.
Tom pressed (Y/N) against the wall. A gasp breaking through her throat at the contact of the cold wall on her warm, too hot, skin. Tom kissed her neck, creating a purple bruise after another.
The two conjoined there as if the smoke in the winter night. Breathing together and riding the waves of pleasure with each other.
Tom pulled away to look at the masterpiece he created on the canvas his lady love's body was. Hair disheveled, lips swollen, eyes wide with darkness of pleasure clouding them; all along with the black-purple bruises littered over her neck and collarbone.
The rest of the night was spent in the warmth of embraces and waves of pleasure mixed with pain. Sweet words and comforting promises whispered into the ears. A beautiful future ensured.
Perhaps the nature always paired two different beings together. One who likes to break and the other who wishes to collect. A person who can praise and one who can receive it and stay humble.
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arielleej · 1 year
Why I’m crying over Bumbleby
I was originally thinking about doing this on Twitter but after spending several hours browsing both it and Tumblr I came to the conclusion that Tumblr is just better for long-form content. Plus a huge number of the RWBY content creators (be they artists, fanfiction authors, or otherwise) that I follow or whose work I consume are here anyway, so I figure they must know something I don’t.
Anyway I wanted to talk about why I was so emotionally affected by Bumbleby finally getting their moment, and why as a member of the single most over-represented demographic in “western” media (i.e. a Caucasian cishet male) that I found it mattering to me.
For most of my life I’ve been bombarded by cishet romances in media. And like, that’s fine, but they start to lose any kind of meaning if they’re in literally everything you consume. I think the last one that I really felt emotionally connected to was Yennefer and Geralt in Witcher 3. Coming into that game with no prior experience left me with no biases towards any of the potential love interests, and their journey to reconciliation while trying to find their missing kid was something I found truly special.
Other than that one, most of the relationships I really felt connected to in media I’ve consumed have been gay. I think - and I have no idea if I’m right about this or not - that the reason for this is gay romances have to try so much harder to be valid and real than straight ones do. The lengths the characters go through to show how much they care for each other is just mesmerizing.
That’s the kind of love I want to have in my own life.
The first example of this to me was Femshep/Liara in Mass Effect. When I finished Mass 3 for the first time I was a depressed, sobbing, mess. I spent almost an entire weekend in my bed crying. I recognize that a lot of the lines Shepard uses are similar no matter what relationship you choose to pursue, but something about Jennifer Hale and Ali Hillis’ line delivery was incredible. I suspect that no small part of my attachment was a result of Liara being the only character you can have a relationship with spanning all three games.
A more recent example was Bill and Frank from The Last of Us on HBO. We were only given one episode (a long one, granted) but was enough to get me hook, line, and sinker. Doing domestic shit like secretly planting strawberries as a surprise gift, or establishing a trade network through some friends made on the radio (or online, to use a current day analogue) is what I live for. As for the ending, I would’ve done exactly the same in Bill’s place. 
Which brings us back to Blake and Yang.
I’ll be the first to admit that it took me until V6 to figure it out. Specifically it took Arryn Troche (https://twitter.com/dontyoudarryn) pointing out in their V6 reactions that the interactions between Blake and Yang are clearly romantic in nature. Specifically the scene where Yang is dropping Blake off to go sabotage the radar tower, and Yang says “Go” in the softest voice fucking imaginable. After that point, it all made sense.
Yang trying her hardest to coax Blake out from behind the anti-social defenses she had built up in V1/V2. Yang being the one to knock Blake out of her self-destructive spiral in V2. How heartbroken Yang was when Blake didn’t believe her story about the match with Mercury. Yang stepping in to protect Blake from Adam without a moment’s hesitation.
And then in V4 (and subsequently the comics) Yang is utterly heartbroken because this girl that she felt something for - even if it’s clear she didn’t know what it was exactly - just vanished after the most traumatic event of her life. Again it wasn’t until after V6 that I realized “A part of me is gone and it’s never coming back” was not only talking about her arm, but also the fact that Blake took her heart when she ran.
It’s pretty clear from the comics and V4/V5 that Blake realized what Yang meant to her while she was in Menagerie. But Yang wasn’t there and in order to get back to Yang to fight for her again, she first needed to fight for herself and what she believed in. She fights to win her parent’s love again (easy), she fights to convince the people to help her stop Adam (medium), and she fights to redeem one of her oldest and closest friends (hard). Only then is she able to take on the most difficult challenge in V6 - fighting for her future with Yang.
By the time we get to V7/8 it’s pretty clear that Blake knows how Yang feels about her, even if Yang doesn’t understand it herself. She laughs at every stupid joke Yang makes, makes a fool of herself dancing just so she can spend time with her, and spends time putting on makeup - all to try and coax Yang into giving a voice to their feelings. Honestly one of their best scenes is in V7 discussing how to talk to Robyn. They initially disagree on the approach but talk it out, and Yang is the one to come up with the solution based on Blake’s feelings.
It’s obvious to us as the audience that Yang is a total goner for Blake, and that’s even more true in V8 when they disagree about the best way to help Mantle and in the aftermath the thing that Yang is concerned about the most is if she somehow hurt Blake’s feelings.
Which brings us to V9C6.
To me the most beautiful thing about that scene is how all Blake did was give Yang the safety to talk about her feelings, and immediately validate them once they were given voice. Blake knew what she wanted and never doubted for a second what Yang wanted, even if Yang doubted herself. 
Just like Yang said, Blake never gave up on them.
That’s the kind of shit that makes me cry.
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polis-fandom · 2 years
Thoughts on the Witcher Netflix series
a.k.a. the Disapointment.
As a long time fan of the Witcher books and games, I've been on the fence about The Witcher series on Netflix for a while - since the day the first season premiered, to be exact.
I felt like the writers missfired at a lot of key moments of the storyline. The most important scenes technically were there, but something about them was off, they lacked either the spirit or climate or the emotional weight of the source material. Some characters were badly mis-characterized. I really felt like the showrunners didn't really grasp the core of the story, it's themes and messages.
I felt like they tried to correct the course, by addressing some of the missed themes in the second season, but it was too little too late - and they kept messing up new key scenes, so...
then I saw this, and suddenly it explained everything.
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[id: tweet from @ign with a quote "I've been on shows - namely Witcher - where some of the writers were not or actively disliked the books and games (even actively mocking the source material)" - Beau DeMayo, a former producer and writer on the Witcher. Tweet includes a link to an article titled "Former the Witcher producer claims some writers actively disliked the books and games". /End id]
I've been willing to separate the show from the whole Witcher universe, trying to treat it like it's own entity - an unrelated story in its own unrelated universe. I've been willing to give it a shot and see the story wherever it would go.
With the news of Henry Cavill quitting after the third season, I kinda don't feel interested enough anymore? I mean, I respect Henry for being a huge the Witcher fan, and I trusted him to at least keep the spirit of Geralt true throught the show.
I've had mixed feelings about how they were adapting my favourite story onto the screen, now they are asking me to re-adjust to a new Geralt halfway through, when I already no longer trust them to do the justice to the story? I don't think I have enough in me for this.
Frankly, I'm disheartened.
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bekah-reading · 11 months
I am so glad that this is what was chosen from the TBR jar. I haven’t read a fantasy in a while and I am glad that this is what it picked. And I realised after putting this on my goodreads- I messed up. Apparently there is a book before this one. I thought this was the first one. So my next one that I buy will be the one before this one and maybe the next one as well.
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I’m not that well versed on the world and more of The Witcher universe: I’ve only played the third game, and watched the TV show. So when I found out it was a book series I wanted to pick them up. I am glad that I was able to dive more into this world.
It took a bit to get used to, I’m not huge on 3rd person POV, especially as of recent times, as I don’t pick a ton of them up. But I really did enjoy the writing and that helped. The dialogue was good, the characters were well fleshed out. I love Geralt of Rivia.
The action scenes were intense and very well done. I am really glad that this book stood on its own in that way. When I started it I was a bit worried how the fights would go. But my worry was needlessly placed.
However, I did find this to be slow. But I think that’s because mostly this was very much in line with the TV show. So it didn’t really go over anything new to me. I am glad that I read it, and I definitely want to continue the book series.
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caeloservare · 2 years
Send me some tea to spill heh
// I don't think there's like anyone here who would fully understand, but...
Netfl.ix's Witc.her series is so DAMN BAD. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I'm so glad I've watched only fragments of second season, because the first at least tried to follow the books plot. There were many, many issues there, I've literally pushed Cah.ir from my memory at all, because whom the fuck is that? BUT second season doesn't even pretend to try!
There were upsides and it was pleasant to see eg. Renfri's story involved. Or Jaskier is a lovely puppy, very unlike the book original, but he's lovely, even if I can't imagine him working as a spy at any point. Toss a coin of course. Henry <3 He played Geralt so well. So did Yennefer's actress (I forgot her name), she did awesome, not her fault her plot doesn't make sense anymore.
First season messed up some important plot points, so Yennefer's whole motivation made 0 sense. I can sum it up as: mages: "It's awesome, but it will cost you. You sure want this?" Yen: "Yes, I want this! [*bit later*] It costed! I've been robbed!". Cahir is... I don't even know what he is anymore. Nothing is left of whom he was supposed to be. Not a single thing. Not to mention ugly af Nilgaardian armour that apparently are ment to catch all the arrows instead of letting them slide off the plates. Logic doesn't exist in this production and then it only gets worse. Why didn't Triss lose her hair?! That's the whole point of her being one of the fallen on the Sodden hill! That one could recognize her and it was very unclear if she died or not and what the truth was! Hell, she had amazing rant (in witchers faces btw) about Sodden addressing her trauma. Where is all of that?! She just sat sadly at the gate and that was all in the series! Why mages are some kings' and queens' puppets? They were so only sort of in Nilfgaard, the rest of it was a very dangerous political games of them being literal power and at some point plotting an independent alliance for the good of the magic. Why are the witchers so weak and pathetic? They're apparently very easy to kill, despite being commonly feared, unnaturally fast mutants with sense sharper than razors. Brokilon dryads just letting some kids wander in? When they murdered anyone who so much as looked too curiously on their forest to the point even their 'friends' couldn't know if they won't get shot on sight?
Obviously no such bullshit in the books. The books might not be perfect masterpieces, but they became huge part of culture and basis of like 95% (if not more) Polish fantasy fandom for a reason. They're good. They're fun. They're easy read that is really good fantasy and solid bunch of stories before it grows into the saga. (Even if you'll miss out on language details that are seems to be lost in translation. The Witcher uses specific mix archaisms and slang and even repurposed some words.)
Read the books. Seriously. Or play the games, they're pretty awesome too. Or watch the movie fans made for fans (there are subs available!) that, despite the tiniest of budgets, is a production keeping the mood and the heart of what The Witcher universe is better than this huge mistake Net.flix made that could have been good but isn't.
You know what should be in the Witcher? Unicorns. You know what shouldn't? Tree-Eskel.
I shit you not.
Fun fact: I keep calling drug from the Arcane Fisstech instead of Shimmer by mistake 😂
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