#Genshin impact Easter egg
tired-smol-flower · 2 years
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Eyo is there a Arapadme too?
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alligaytorswamp · 1 year
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wow can't believe this happened in canon guys that's crazy-
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Genshin Impact | 2024 Easter Artwork
Download Link (Google Drive)
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siribunbun · 5 months
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Happy holidays! I finished a drawing from a while back! It's a personal piece and I'm glad it's finally done after so long hehe ; U ;
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kxslana · 8 months
i am a firm believer in that so many hoyoverse characters look alike because kiana kaslana is subconsciously feeding the imaginary tree names and faces from her memories. (kinda like how every person you’ve seen in a dream, you’ve seen in real life thing)
this can also explain why certain things are destined to happen in every (or almost every) universe, like himeko’s death. the imaginary tree is using kiana to create events for each and every one of its branches and leaves that exist based on her actual experiences before embracing finality.
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koriyue · 2 years
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the wind is always with you... the newly debuted 5-member group 5wirl is excited to announce their first full album: with the wind! explore the tumultuous feelings of infatuation, love, and loss as 5wirl overtakes teyvat—and your heart— like a storm.
each album includes: a photobook, a sticker pack, a random photocard, a random ticket, and a random keychain. while supplies last.
which album would you buy? and who did you pull?
SPECIAL THANKS TO:@monocaelia / @sohyuki / 👁‍🗨 anon / my beloved romance album anon / love whisper & unsaid farewells anon for inspiring these song titles!
+ ANOTHER THANK YOU TO @monocaelia FOR THE CAT-INSPIRED PHOTOCARDS HAHA <3 thank you didi i love you n your big brain
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gthswrld · 4 months
Made a redesign of one of my most behated characters. 💜💜💜 I say that even though I have also completely rewritten her character too.
Erased the whole "I'm so lonely and sad evil waifu that can't cook" schtick entirely. I hate that aspect of her so much. Raiden could've been so much more and had endless potential. She could've been genshin first real villain but she wasn't.
She is now a ruthless ruler, the highest authority in the land of Inazuma who is at fault for many people losing their lives and families to the vision hunt decree. She has grown numb from the loss of her closest kin and desn't care if her people are with her or against her. All she cares about is carrying the will of eternity. She is the offspring of death and lightning itself.
You also won't win with her with the power of friendship cuz wth was that part of the archon quest. Literally ruined the fight with her for me.
Also she is met with the concequences of her actions (unlike her original counterpart...) and is later abolished and Yae takes her place as an archon probably.
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allerghen · 11 months
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the Light
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Hi Wifi!
I had this idea, since Easter is coming up where I'm from we're gonna be decorating easter eggs (or pisanki as we call them in Poland, tbh I'm not too sure if easter eggs and pisanki are that much different but they've been quite culturally significant to us so anyway) and I thought about doing just that with FL (and Ajax too of course).
Just imagine him trying not to crush a wydmuszka (emptied out egg shell) or just a boiled egg and we take pity on him and find some egg shaped rocks or sth for him to paint/scratch designs on. And after that somewhere in the house there're multiple pisanki that we, FL and Ajax (gotta include him as well) made on full display because they all came out so beautiful (even though the ones FL made may be a little more crude) <333
Anyway I just thought that since Snezhnaya it's based on Slavic countries in general it'd be fun to see since of my own traditions y'know
OHHHH this is SO CUTE!!! i don't personally celebrate Easter but i will say the eggs (and chocolate) are very lovely
it'd be so sweet if Ajax was the one who taught you how to make (in terms of the emptied shells) and paint the pisanki- it's something he did with his family every year! at least, before Harbinger duties took up all his time. but now he's got you, who just happens to live right where he's stationed, so why not give it a shot? he has to fight back a snicker when you accidentally crack a shell, then absolutely loses it and starts laughing his head off when you break a whole raw egg by mistake- which quickly turns into an undignified squawk when you smudge raw egg whites on his face... you end up with a few more broken eggs than painted ones, but still, he teaches you some traditional patterns and techniques, and soon you have a good cluster of painted eggs, a few even with Liyue-inspired styles that you came up with
Foul Legacy finds it a little more difficult to paint the eggs with such big claws and hands- he has to hold the eggshells just right so they don't immediately crack, and the tiny paintbrush is slightly unsteady at best and a straight up nuisance at worst. still, he does his absolute best to draw little patterns dotted with stars and ocean waves and glassy fragments, even making two eggs with constellations, one for him and one for you. his favorite part is helping you find a good place to display them, picking you up with a cheerful chirp so you can set them somewhere high enough. you sit on his shoulder afterwards, looking at the eggs that you, Legacy, and Ajax all decorated, feeling your fluffy Abyss monster rumble in delight as he trills at the sight, a fanged grin stretched across his crimson plated face
you decide that you rather like this tradition <33
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somas-delusions · 1 year
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they locked scara out 💔💔💔
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tricksrabbit · 1 year
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Happy Easter
Art by @Kameg00n
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alligaytorswamp · 7 months
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xiao is having a religious experience
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elany · 2 years
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Oh, what can it mean To a daydream believer And a homecoming queen?
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zhimaqiu · 1 year
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indilaras · 1 year
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Doodles of Alhaitham's mornings
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xochitai · 2 years
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trying to use the watercolor paper texture more
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