#Gemini men
findingshelterr · 1 year
u rly wanna date him?
Aries: be ready to go out with him to parties and clubs and stuff and physically fight girls off when they shamelessly throw themselves at him right in front of ur very eyes
Taurus: be ready for scathing critiques of ur closet (he WILL be one to talk)
Gemini: be ready for absolute perfection (this is a warning)
Cancer: be ready for some intense physical exercise or debates against conservatism. Or both. Enjoy the serenades
Leo: he's prettier than u but u r both a model and a photographer on duty at all times
Virgo: be ok with never getting reassurance (“it goes without saying”)
Libra: be ready to date his mom and ex too. And compete with them sometimes. Ask about his dad and be ready to listen. u might not have to but just be ready
Scorpio: too bad! u have already lost and would have way more success if u actually did not want to date him at all
Sagittarius: be ok with the bare minimum of relationship maintenance in exchange for relatively good sex and free dinner like once or twice a month
Capricorn: be ok with seeing him like 4 hours a week (he’s busy working (out))
Aquarius: MASTER detachment make it your BITCH and be patient. unlike scorpio, u don't have to actively not want to date him, just be ambivalent about it
Pisces: be ok with not knowing wtf he’s talking about 90% of the time
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californiagoddess · 18 days
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iamphatvenus · 18 days
I wish I could set up an asks and yall answer anonymously but I’ve been attracting a lot of Geminis lately and I’m hella skeptical. What makes yall attracted to me? I NEED to know for my data.
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brettesims · 9 months
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justins-foley · 23 days
When I tell you Cillian Murphy is the only Gemini man that I will stan in this life, I mean it
(Except Colin Farrell…. But he acts way more like a Gemini than Cillian does)
Never trust a Gemini man, for real. Same for a man with Gemini moon. When you see those placements, run. I have never met a man with any of those placements who didn’t lie, cheat, or have multiple lives. They are SO unstable, they would marry you and then sell you in exchange of a glass of water. They do not care. Cillian is the only one that I put a little bit more faith in, though I’m not completely delusional about him either
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astrognossienne · 2 years
a few things about gemini men
they’re fuckboys for a reason
you have to get both twins to agree to things
the vast majority have mental issues; these are some psychologically mind fucked men.
they play mind games with you, loving you one minute and ignoring you the other minute, but when you decided to pay their wacky asses dust, they go around talking about how you're "messing up their mind".
they're like scorpios in the sense that they expect someone to just sit there and take all the abuse and psychological warfare they are so happy and gleeful to dish out; if you decide to walk away from their bullshit they act like you're HURTING THEM!!
also like scorpios, these men can dish it but can't take it when it comes to words or their own fucked up behaviour. this is one of the reasons why i like scorpios with geminis; they're crazy and damaged enough to understand each other on a deep level
even more than fire sign men, they need excitement and they like women to act crazy over them. if you're normal (sane) and not being crazy they will drum up some drama/excitement. they create the chaos and love the mental stimulation that comes from it but on the other hand they can't handle the emotional stuff that also comes.
they're deeply insecure and easily triggered by anything that threatens his ego. passive aggressive and loves mind games. they love to see women bothered.
best match for a gemini man is an emotionally detached woman that's clingy but not needy (scorpios).
gemini men don’t want healthy relationships. they want some one they can control and manipulate through what I call “future faking” or love bombing. their tactics aren’t even that advanced if you know how to also play the game. bunch of children.
they never rely on themselves for stimulation. like they're needy as fuck but you never realize because they're on the go, they need social interaction. it's odd.
all they do is project that very insecurity with all their jealous, criticism, baiting, mind games, disrespect, wishy-washy games and immaturity.
unless you wanna play their games, it’s almost impossible to remain with one. it gets tiring!!
the only couples I know that lasted with a gemini man is if they’re super old and the gemini is too tired to play those games OR the partner is a gemini female.
went out with one and he was a bitch (even more than virgos are), constantly nit picked about my hair, makeup, etc...never again with gemini men. it’s always something with them.
understanding the power of silence and being emotionally detached is key when dealing with them if you choose to do so.
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alaskaheartbreak · 2 years
pisces men are just as bad gemini and sagittarius men
but at least gemini and sag men are fun
pisces men just disappoint the second you find out they’re pisces
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calmwaterstarot · 5 months
What keeps Gemini men faithful? Is it only air sign women?
Geminis love someone with intelligence and who's able to carry on a deep conversation that really gets them thinking. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have some air in your chart, but there's more to synastry than just Sun signs.
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jeremyfrail · 2 years
You either die the good guy or live another day to have one of your guy friends confess his feelings to you.
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safiredreams · 6 months
the signs when they start falling in love (men edition)
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aries: they start chasing like crazy, they give knight in shining armor vibes, can be a bit too forceful and pushy sometimes, there is a lot of playful fighting and they love to tease but are crazy protective, get bashful and blush a lot too
taurus: they really just start spending all of their energy on their person, buying them gifts, taking them out for dinner/cooking for them, they get really touchy and generally start dressing really well around their special someone
gemini: they call and text you a lot, tell you all about how their day went and they will want you to share your thoughts and feelings too, they will put effort into taking you to all the cool bars and cafes in town, short trips around the country, lots of jokes 
cancer: they do what makes you or them feel safe, there is a softness to these people, they will nurture you by asking you how you feel all the time, they will get you your favorite snacks and take you out to nice romantic dates, will look at you with these innocent eyes and charming smiles
leo: they show off, they will garner all the attention in the room but their eyes will always land on you, they compliment you directly but they also make sure that others know how amazing you are too, classic romance tropes of a guy lending his jacket or picking you up when you’re crossing a puddle
virgo: they want to be useful and helpful to you, always being the one that makes your life just that bit more easy, they will always make sure you’re okay, that you ate, that you arent too tired, acts of service is important to them and as you get closer they will do small things like brush your hair, wash your clothes, pick you up from work
libra: they are great at flirting and making you feel beautiful and seen, they compliment you and make sure you know just how special you are to them, they will hold the door open for you, take you out on a romantic candlelight dinner and they will always make time for you and be on your side of any issues you may have
scorpio: they will do anything for you, things they would never do for anyone else, they will remember everything you ever told them, they will look at you as if nobody else exists in the world, they will protect you and always take care of you, their focus is only on you
sagittarius: they will always be happy around you, crack jokes and try and keep you happy, get clumsy around you, laugh really loud when you are in the room, ask for your opinion and really listen to it, they will be great listeners and will give you lots of advice and will expect the same from you, they will want to travel with you and they are very giving and caring of you
capricorn: they will tell you that they want you, they will be generous and kind to you more than anyone else they know, they will treat you well and with a lot of respect, will always pay for everything, they are warm around you but so much colder around others, hand around your shoulder while you walk down the street vibes
aquarius: they will want to know everything about you, they will be very helpful and will give you lots of tips even when you didn’t ask for them, spend the most time with you, always give you the time of day, will cancel plans with others just to have a chance to see you
pisces: they will turn into anything and everything that you wish them to be, they will be gentle and kind, very romantic and soft, they will touch you with how much they understand you, buy you flowers and bring you to your favorite places, they will seem to know things about you without you telling them and they will always text of call at the right time just when you need them
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paulscunt · 2 months
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paul at the end of this video seemingly with his arms fully around billy to play him something like hello?? the paul flirts with all men incidents continue
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saphirdevil · 2 years
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sololuci art i did for the past few days.. i love them.... 
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🌊Water sign Energy🌊
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Cancer is the shell of the moon and takes on the day to day struggles and protective of their outter shell being hurt or threatened, they are the “daily life warriors” they put up a front for everyone usually, and when they get home they usually let it all out (a good shower cry?) but at the end of the day they feel with others do, but not deeply as Pisces and not so sacrificing of one’s emotions like a Scorpio. Cancer knows when to cut it off with the emotions but not when they’re infatuated with someone.
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Pisces can hold everything together they can make everything feel whole, and usually the middle ground for water signs. Crabs visits the waters of Pisces and Scorpio knows how to tap into the energies of all the signs. Pisces feel they’re environment they feel the people around them even if they’re strangers, the fish can pick up senses well and try to make sure the energy is leveled. Without them there isn’t a essence of understanding of one’s and other emotions, they run their emotions a whole. (Heart on your sleeve kind of love)
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Scorpio is the underbelly of the moon. (As I like to think) Gets the “end of the stick” emotions of everyone and not everyone knows how to settle with that and not everyone knows who to handle that energy. They know how to cut off emotions really quick (almost like Aquarius) and they do make more space in they’re lives for more loss they will face in the future. Without them there wouldn’t be pain there would be the feeling of sorrow, they feel what we don’t want to feel. And that within itself is powerful. There beauty within death and they are the epitome of it.
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sailorspica · 25 days
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happy birthday, hitch dreyse! ✿ { may 10 }
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notokbutthriving · 2 months
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sorry Taurus looks like that, I can't draw muscled men
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