#Future WIPS
buckttommy · 26 days
Tommy calling Buck “kid” in context of Buck being his Lawyer Apprentice.., do you see the vision?
babe i see the vision so clearly it may as well be tattooed to my eyelids. i didn't finish suits but whatever this is my au, i'm playing with it now.
so we have buck, law school drop-out who, through a little bit of "magic" (hacking, thanks hen) bumps himself up to the top of the list of possible interns out of harvard. he's trying to save money to get his sister out of an abusive situation, and he's terrified because he stopped hearing from her ages ago. he doesn't even know if she's alive at this point, but. he has to try. if nothing else, he has to try and law is kind of the only thing he knows how to do even a little bit, so. here we are. he's hired on as an intern at tommy's law firm and is told he's going to be working under kinard. everyone who says it always accompanies the words with an apologetic little wince which is... not ideal.
apparently kinard is a hardass. he gets results - probably why his firm keeps him on; his close rate is fucking impeccable - but. that's about as far as he goes. buck hears the words "asshole" "motherfucker" and "prick" to describe him well before he meets the man himself. so he's surprised when tommy kinard is... well. unexpected is the only word he can think of. he greets him with a smile and handshake, listens and nods intently when buck speaks, and the man in front of him is SO different from the man buck's built up in his head that he gets a little whiplash. he was expecting some old, white, cocky, alpha male, shithead. what he's not expecting is a gorgeous, attentive, fifty-something who actually looks and talks to him like he's a real person.
buck knows tommy for all of a week before he realizes that every single person in this building, and possibly tommy's entire career field, has gotten him all wrong and he's so fascinated by the man he sees underneath.
tommy is serious and he is intense. those things are all true. but... he's not mean. he's not even unkind. even when buck is late for work. even when he spills coffee on his desk. he waves him off and shushes him when he babbles an apology, for christ's sake. buck has no idea how tommy got this unforgiving and shitty reputation but he's shocked by the fact that he wants to learn. none of it was supposed to last forever. this job was a means to an end, a means to get maddie out of a shitty situation, but. it's more than that now. it's more than that because, when tommy learned what he was trying to do, he wrote him a check to get her on a plane and set up in an apartment (deposit + last month's rent + first month's rent) without batting an eye.
it's more than that because when tommy looks him in the eye and calls him "kid," eyes dark, body so close they may as well be touching, kissing, it sounds like teasing. it sounds like hunger. it's more than that because when tommy calls him "evan," his voice soft and deep and fond, it sounds like it could be so much more.
yeah. yeah.
buck is so. fucking. screwed.
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jtl-fics · 10 months
the ta neil au?? I love it!! I keep thinking about andrew sitting in on all of Neil's office hours to death glare at students who come in exclusively to flirt with him
Lol I'm trying to think of how I'd like to write it and part of me thinks it would be endlessly funny to do like an intro and then each of the Foxes coming to office hours and all the different people hitting on Neil while Andrew is just (Knife emoji)
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the-heartlines · 7 months
work song by hozier helaemond idea
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gracehosborn · 4 months
Past/Current/Next WIP Tag Game
Thanks to the lovely @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag!
Rules: share a past work-in-progress, your current work-in-progress, and the work-in-progress you want to work on next.
I have so many abandoned WIPs lol. The one that got the most development though was a science fiction series titled The Earths Beyond. Essentially, the daughter of a NASA employee who’s on an internship discovers this strange hidden file on a computer while helping clean up. The file, titled The Earths Beyond, contained information on mission logs from centuries’ past of these six planets that colonies were founded on. After centuries, the humans on each planet adapted to their environments and created their own societies. Confused as to why the government would hide such a feat from the public for centuries, our protagonist with a band of friends would hijack the next planned mission and steal a spacecraft to go find these worlds at war thanks to neglect. And then be on the run from the U.S. government.
I only got to part of the world building stage for TEB, but I’ve considered touching it again.
My current project that has most of my attention is of course The American Icarus. Following the life of Alexander Hamilton, but written in the style of a posthumous memoir. I’ve spent absolutely forever writing just book one (of five somehow), but so far I’m making steady progress. Super excited to tackle Hamilton’s time as a New York artillery captain. Even if most of the fun will be writing things going boom and some bloodshed sprinkled with badassary.
To be completely honest, I don’t know what’s next after TAI. I do have that Aaron Burr post-duel idea, and my Hamilton Quasi-War alternate history idea (and even more Hamilton adjacent ideas similarly styled to TAI), but at the moment with how taxing TAI is proving to be with the amount of research I’m doing, I’d like to take a break from something rooted in lots of real history. So probably something akin to my fantasy/alternate history novel, Ink of Destruction, that’s less serious with itself while still unique and chaotic. I’d love to mess with time travel for instance, but right now I can’t figure out how I would put a fresh spin on it and not just write another time travel story. A common feature among all my projects is proving to be that history plays a notable role though, and honestly this is very fitting.
Leaving this as an open tag for anyone who wants to play!
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So one of my novel ideas I have that I know won't see the light of day for a while is a fin de siècle circus plot set in Montmartre which kinda smashes together Mother War from MCR's Welcome to the Black Parade music video and the girl in Mr. Brightside. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but it's kinda Phantom of the Opera meets Moulin Rouge like Where Dreams Descend but gimme more.
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👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
🍎 apple: let’s talk about friendship in your wip. do you have any favorite friend/platonic dynamics? any friendships gone sour?
tysm for the ask @writingonesdreams-main
👻-I have been wanting to and working on a few wip ideas behind the scenes.
specifically, a demon slayer fic and an original fic of mine based on a few of my fictober one-shots, however both of these are still in the planning phase.
🍎-I'm going to pick my wip, the great beasts for this one.
my favorite friendship/platonic friendship is between my character qiaolian and the dragon king of the east sea, Ao Guang.
they share a genuine friendship where either will always be there to help the other out.
an example of this is when she made him a gift in honor of his fallen son Ao Bing and in exchange, he gave her a powerful tonic that would remove a demon's poison from her mother
for a friendship that ends or goes sour, that would be between chuntao's sister rong and her husband wukong.
I don't wanna spoil too much, but let's just say a few events happened and Rong ends up harboring bitter resentment, bordering on hatred, towards sun wukong
she doesn't bother associating with him, to the point that in the sequel we learn from Chuntao, that she or wukong hasn't spoken to Rong and macaque for a couple hundred years.
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hexonthepeach · 1 year
i just love lore so is there any background info or heacanons about the ncta organization you think is cool and would like the share with the class?
i obviously really love this kind of ask because i can unleash my headcanons like they aren't the deeply intricated stuff i have written stressing me out so thank you for asking!
(here's my notes i made on my phone over the last few weeks, some vague spoilers for wips and future works)
i have a pet theory it's been normalized that most modern spy works outside of hyperfictionalized superhero-adjacent stuff like Bourne, Bond, and M:I return to this era because our current media has an easier time talking about Russia and communism being the greatest evil rather than reflecting on Western imperialist and colonialist devastation in the global south
the timeline in this AU is nebulous and jumps around a bit and no one really ages (maybe they're vampires?) but i'm keeping it limited to alternate versions of the 60s-90s based on the fact that this was the time of peak cold war era spy fiction and that's what i know best
other inspirational texts besides Mission: Impossible and the wide range of spy fiction and old school TV are Venture Bros., Ed Brubaker's work on Captain America (Marvel's attempts at spy stuff in general really), The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015), Atomic Blonde (2017), and a few more
the NCTA building is located somewhere in the Virginia side of the DMV. most of the agents have permanent residency in these areas or adjacent to them. the institutional cover is Neotech Industries which specializes in government-contracted tech advancement projects and has a full legal wing dedicated to institutional reform and emerging markets. many of the employees have no idea what they do but it's very dry and boring in a pre-internet age way and of course allows them special access to US intelligence networks. like the IMF in Mission: Impossible they're a multinational project mostly working against rich, evil, and powerful influences in global politics with a fierce interest in minimizing human costs and bettering the world in secret. aka the author wishes to make this spy fantasy not a spy fact
pretty much all SM groups exist in this AU and the original NCTA was started by my favorite 2nd gen group who you'll probably be able to guess easily but will be introduced in the Yuta installment. they're a shadow organization now that 127 has taken over but are still very much active. they're already name-dropped in some of my wips but expect to hear about Diamante, Exile, Artemis, and a few others.
section V
fun fact: the NCTA lacks fem agents because they are all actively recruited by Artemis, a rival/reluctant ally org of all-women agents. Black Widow but based because I love ggs. it's common knowledge they've infiltrated the agency but it's allowed to both supply counter-intel (Section V's responsibility) as well as keep the peace. one (or maybe more?) of the neos gets a dedicated romance with a rival agent in their installment and I'm looking forward to giving a peek inside that institution, especially wrt aespa's role/lore
speaking of future WIPs I think the one I'm looking forward to the most is Section V. I wanted to make an A-Team style ragtag group of misfits who also happen to be incredibly good at what they do. They're an independent wing of the NCTA who run counterintelligence and agency security and go out in the field as a team or as counsel with other agents for high-stakes operations
In lieu of any details here's their trope alignments and what I've constructed based on their existing personas:
Kun [Diplomacy] - as mentioned in D&S is Director of Internal Security so 2nd in command to the Director. He provides operational oversight but like Taeyong is an experienced active field agent that will participate in missions as an Ace Pilot/Mentor. Perpetually sighing at everyone but especially his team. I will write y/n with him eventually as he deserves but Ten will have to be involved in some capacity
Ten [Stealth] is the agency's top spy and responsible for NCTA training protocol. He's a Black Widow type with a troubled past but also The Heart/Team Mom of the group. Most likely to use lethal force in combat so rightly feared by everyone in the team and the agency with the exception of the Directors. Trained Johnny and a few of the other agents (amongst other things) and never lets them forget it
Winwin [Diplomacy] is the Face of the group and the one most in the public eye. He's there to provide cover/legitimacy for operations needing access to elite institutions or to play roles such as a wealthy buyer. Very shy and reserved when he's not playing a part but intelligent and knowledgeable and worldly. Also in the vein of Mr. T absolutely terrified of flying.
Xiaojun [Stealth] is Kun's right hand and the Brains of the op and computing/cryptography expert. He's expected to do more field ops as part of the younger trio and is fully capable but is more dedicated to eye-in-the-sky technology and providing direction and information. The Lancer to Yangyang's Hero, he tries to keep the impulsivity of the younger agents in check while constantly being steamrolled by them.
Hendery [Combat] is the technical/weapons/demolitions expert of the group. Goofy, sweet personality but most likely to do the most damage in the shortest amount of time, by accident or not. Acts as The Heavy with a heart of gold and Yangyang's field partner and is the glue keeping the younger trio together. Comic relief as usual but also extremely reliable and kind and gets along well with non-Section agents. Most often deployed as Winwin's bodyguard in public-facing ops but absolutely useless with women (in a fun way)
As regards sub-units I have a personal comfort hardline policy on writing certain Dream members T-rated-only (Renjun, Chenle, Jisung) so future wips are a bit out except for them working with older agents. however my next big WIP in the vein of D&S is the story of how Mark gets recruited into the agency by Haechan's partner and ruins his life (literally) before they eventually become best frenemys. I'm not going to let on who wins y/n's heart in that one except that the love triangle in this one will not end with an OT3 (unlike a few others) and the loser will get his own one-shot to make up for it
Yangyang [combat] is Ten's understudy/apprentice and the group wildcard. If this were a TV show he'd be the main character/new guy (yeah you know my bias now) who is always getting into trouble and somehow slipping out of it. Wants badly to be an international man of mystery but no one takes him seriously. Personality quirk is always saying what no one else in their right mind would say aloud, and usually at the wrong time.
Didi line will have their own dedicated series because I love them and their chaotic gamer energy and would like to throw them against an enemy spy or spies that would toy with them with a comedy angle while the older agents have to help them find their groove
Project: DREAM
You'll meet more Dream members but they're all apprenticed to older agents or working specialized roles within the agency at current writing. Their program is important because they're NCTA's attempt to build agents from the ground up, providing advanced covers while crosstraining them in intelligence roles. so I've approached them more like child superheroes than the others with double lives within double lives. For 5Dream specifically:
Jaemin is Doyoung’s intern learning legal and financial (corporate espionage)
Jisung is Taeyong's leadership intern and personal assistant/bodyguard
Renjun is the Q character supporting Research under Section V oversight and working directly with field agents to provide weaponry and spytech
Chenle is working in medical which is a part of Research along with Renjun, doubling as a combat medic and agent health assessor
Jeno is partnered with Chenle currently (you'll meet him in D&S follow-up) but has been cycled through multiple roles and trainings previously for field agent advancement under Mark and Haechan
They've all survived placements with semi-retired agents and agents (getting paired with mentors to put the fear of God into them), as well as working with newer recruits in basic field training.
i have plans for the Rookies even though I've made Sungtaro into the surveillance team, but definitely will find a place for them once I actually have time to watch their content on Viki and especially if they debut. What can I say, Shohei has my attention as a big ol' goth boi with a government assigned eagle persona. He better be in NCT 2023 (hopefully later rather than sooner with this fucked up winter schedule) and I need more interactions with him and Johnny stat
thanks again for the ask and hope you have an excellent holiday break and new year
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cherrytraveller · 5 months
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Future Mikey?? Good Future Mikey?? No crying???? No ascent to godhood via insurmountable rage and grief, but only funky vibes???
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kaysdenofchaos · 3 months
Sobbing the twins are everything to me YOU DONT UNDERSTANDDDD
Wips of Donnie w future Leo + @angelpuns Lil Leo sshshshshs 💙
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notemaker · 10 months
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Imagine building a family in a terrible world. Some of you die sooner, and you try to make it work. Then everyone, everything is gone, you have less than a minute to process that, and you're alone. Except it's worse! Because your family will be there, but suddenly you're not part of it. The house is in front of you and you don't have the keys.
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buckttommy · 8 months
not to be like "if two characters have the same last name they're automatically related" but distant cousins Sam Wilson (MCU) and Hen Wilson (911) is actually so real to me
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rheakira · 3 months
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Just a collection of old Clover doodles and WIPs I'm never gonna finish. A lot of these are as old as of January. My designs for characters have changed a lot since these were made. Read the img descriptions for details! 💛
Shoutout to @northstarscowboyhat you guys should definitely check out their Clover Lives AU stuff cuz it's solid!
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shrimpfriedeggs · 1 month
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doodle dump
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spiritsonic · 1 year
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Well well well look who it is
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narwhalcasserole · 8 days
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committing crimes <3
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quazies · 9 months
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Thank you to everyone who's taken interested in my cryptid project!! Here's some more sketches!
I've been animating awhile and it feels right to start making my own lil' series..I've loved North American cryptids since I was a wee baby! I actually wanted to be a Cryptozoologist when I was a kid.. (I guess this is as close as I'm gonna get!)
Our MC's are Bigs (BigFoot) and Tad (LoveLand Frog)
The two of them have lived in isolation their whole life, and the series follows them as humans slowly take over more of their neck of the woods, as well as meeting other cryptids over the series! (They also take care of the Moth-Baby I've shown in previous post!)
While the tone will be slice of life, that doesn't mean there wont be some drama/horror elements!
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