#Fruit emoji fanfic ask game
avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
🥝What's your favourite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I always love writing canon-divergent AUs - whether it's a character making a different choice, a background change (like having the Rogues be the antagonists of S2 instead of Zoom) a non-canon pairing...it's just great fun!!
🍐Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
It pisses me off when characters just won’t communicated with each other and when they keep secrets, particulary when both these actions get called out in the narrative and have consequences...and then the characters keep doing it!!!!!!!!! And sure, sometimes this is in character but when it keeps happening in a show like the Flash, for example, it’s frustrating to see characters making the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results, and this is why I always have open communication in my fics, either from the start or as a result of a character realsing ‘hey, maybe we should talk about this’ and doing so.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Oh man, I have so many blorbos, but my main one has to be my sunshine fave Eddie Thawne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously he’s a good boyfriend, which I always showcase in my Westhawne/Thallen/Westhallen fics because that really shone out his canon relationship with Iris. I also headcanon him as having a poor relationship with most of his family - Eddie’s such a kind and loving person, but aside from one mention about his dad, he doesn’t talk about him or anyone else, and that really speaks volumes, plus Eobard’s words about him being the most useless member of the Thawne clan clearly struck a nerve, so it’s not the first time he’s heard words like that.
But he got the engagement ring from his Grandma, so he’s not estranged from everyone, and I always like the idea of him having a younger brother that he loves very much, which is why Malcolm shows up frequently in my fics - either in person or when Eddie talks about him - because I think he’d be a great brother and very protective of his younger sibling, and very very proud of whatever he was doing.
Fruit Emoji Fanfic Ask Game
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kiwiana-writes · 6 months
🥝 💖
Combo ask, I love it!
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I don't know if I have one! It's so dependent on my current mood, current fandom, etc. Though my most-used tag on AO3 is "prompt fill", so apparently what I love to write is what other people tell me to 😜
💖 What made you start writing?
You know, I've been writing fic so long I don't actually remember? So I'll answer this for RWRB specifically, which is: I read the book after a friend pitched it to me as part of a voiceteam challenge, and very deliberately did not seek out any fandom stuff because I knew it would become a hyperfixation and I didn't have time lol. But then I kind of faded out of the Schitt's Creek fandom, and then the trailer for the film came out and like... altered my brain chemistry or something, idk. And I smashed out a fic in a couple of days and then just... didn't leave 🤣
[Fruit emoji ask game] // [Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask]
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Hi lovely! For the fruit emoji meme, 🍓 (and it could be for writing or art)❤️❤️❤️
Hi dearest! Yasss, you chose my fav fruit the strawberry! I'm going to answer this for fic and art with some of HP rare pairs, so here ya go: 🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated? Fic: Thoughts That Count (Perciver, T, 2.8k- WIP 5/6). Mainly because a. I am missing the last part that concludes this epistolary fic (since it needs Oliver's letter AND art foliage for it to work) and b. I never formally promoted this fic because it's not done yet? It will get done this year...but I just need the time to make that last letter perfect. I love epistolary because I'm a sucker for dialogue and diving into characters' minds, especially when it's getting all of their thoughts down on paper. To see that from Percy AND Oliver is something I haven't seen done before, so that's why I made this work! Art: I Still Have You (Deamus, G, art). Because a. this was released during a busy hols season and b. there needs to be wayyy more Deamus art in general (how the hell is this the first time I've drawn them?!). I had such a blast when I got to make this for mini fest in 2021, and I'm hoping to make more content for them this year, since I've loved them for such a long time! *crossing fingers* Thanks so much for the ask! ___ Want to ask more q's? Ask away via the fruit emoji ask game!
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myth-blossom · 1 year
For the fruit asks: 🥝 & 🫐
Hi! Thank you for the ask :D
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I answered this one earlier, but I’ll also add feelings realization and after-action patch up. I have some new ideas for both of those and I’m impatiently waiting for the chance to write it all.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I haven’t been in the fandom long enough to know all that’s been covered in fics, comics, etc, but one of my favorite things to consume/write is “handler in the field” and I guess I don’t see that as often as I’d like? Diana Burnwood is a brilliant, beautiful badass and I like seeing her in situations we don’t see much of in canon (which makes sense—she’s a handler, not an assassin). But I like thinking about how she would approach a variety of missions at different stages of her life, whether the focus does or doesn’t include a romantic relationship with 47 (though in my head, it always leads there eventually). :)
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arrolyn1114 · 9 months
Fruit emoji ask game: 🍎
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won't write?
Hmm, this is a good first one to answer, thanks for the ask! I think the only things I would straight up not write would be: pedophilia, any sex acts that involve feces or urine (cause that's unsanitary and it sets off my germophobia like whoa), rape/non consensual/sexual assault. The rape/non con/sa is due to the fact I have known people in my life who experienced that and it just wouldn't sit well with me to write it even in a fictional setting. Now if it's part of a character's back story and they mention it happened in the past that's fine. I just wouldn't feel comfortable writing out the actual event. Incest I may or may not write, for me it's dependent entirely upon the fandom. For example, I haven't written any GoT or HOTD fics, but I've read a lot of those fics and if I were ever to write any myself I would be fine with incest since it's a part of that universe's canon and also all of those characters are 100% purely fictional. There are plenty of fictional relationships that I would never condone in real life due to problematic elements. That said, if I were writing a fic for a fandom where real life people are involved, such as the Elvis fandom, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything incest related because that does not involve 100% fictional characters or universe.
But, other than those stipulations, I think I'd be open to writing just about anything else.
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tillywunderwing · 8 months
Hyperspecific ask game for when you’re bored
Send whoever’s blog you see this on an ask containing whichever corresponding emoji/s you’d like them to answer! Or you can just copy/paste the question, whatever you like.
📖 What’s the first line of the third chapter of the book you’re currently reading / the last book you read?
🍂 Describe your favourite colour in terms of nature (e.g. the grey of a building storm, the green of an almost-ripe fruit). The more excessively long-winded and poetic, the better.
🎶 Pick any lyric from your current favourite song (or just any song you enjoy). That lyric is now a fanfic title. What’s the fic about?
⚡️ What’s your favourite Pokémon that has the same first letter as the name of your blog?
🖼️ Find and share an image in your camera roll that describes your current mood. Do not, under any circumstances, elaborate.
🐸 What species of frog would you say best describes you?
🤝 What’s the most cursed thing an employer could possibly ask during a job interview, in your opinion? (Bonus points for an actual anecdote, but you can just as well make it up.)
🪐 Disregard logistics. If you had to move to any planet or celestial body besides Earth, where would you go?
❤️ What is love?
📌 Pick two seemingly completely unrelated things. Now explain how they’re connected. (You do not have to be, by any measure, correct.)
🥑 How do you feel about avocados? Be incredibly descriptive. Cover every aspect of the topic you can think of.
📝 List ten words that you just think are cool.
📚 Give me some book recommendations (as many or few as you like), but you only get maximum ten words per book for actually describing them or telling me why they’re good.
🎮 What are three video games that you’ve never played yourself, but really want to?
🦉 You’ve been given a pet owl. What do you name it?
🧩 How many pieces is too many pieces for a jigsaw puzzle, as far as you’ll go?
🌈 Free space! Talk about whatever you want.
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punch-love · 3 months
hard hitting emojis for you: 😈🤗🥰
hard hitting numbers: 10 16 19 (this question is about real books)
I can't believe you looked up questions for TWO ask games.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Hysterically, this is the question someone asked me that I refused to answer, which led them to harassing me for three days straight. I think I told them I'm always mean, and they wanted examples, but again: I am always mean! I refuse to elaborate ever.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
You should write things outside your comfort zone. You never know what you might be accidentally good at - or, what you're not terribly great at but will improve greatly if you keep on practicing. You have to challenge yourself because you never know what you are, or could be capable of writing otherwise!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I like reader interactions. I'm always interested in how people engage with my work, what stands out, how it impacts them, what parts of them stick out in their mind. I'm open to receiving questions and usually enjoy answering them but I always, delightfully, reserve the right to simply not answer for whatever reason. I don't answer any personal questions but I love talking about my writing specifically.
10. If You Could Have Any Of Your Works Become Real, Which Would It Be?
I'd Rather Die Horribly On The Rocks Of A Cold Desolate Beach <3
16. Any Big Projects In The Works?
I want to start branching into original fiction this year. currently I'm working on.
bliss: a retelling of the biblical myth about the tree of good and evil where a plant starts appearing all over the world providing a fruit that, if eaten, causes a total loss of appetite toward living and a radical acceptance of death. (short story)
meat: a girl raised in an end times fundamentalist cult is dealing with strange, impossible hungers that make her a danger to her community. (novel)
inconclusive: two clones born in a facility created to manufacture responses to human progression deal with the profoundly terrible implications of their existence before escaping and having to adapt to the real world. (novel)
19. Last Thing You Read?
Leaving Isn't The Hardest Thing: Essays by Lauren Hough which is about a girl who grew up in the Family cult before joining the military, getting kicked out from the military for being gay, became a lesbian bouncer, then a lesbian electrician, and eventually a collector of her ex-cult propaganda. fascinating life story.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Fruit Emoji ask game
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I love Canon Divergence. Basically, you take the canon setting and canon characters and change something that either alters the past of the setting and characters, or you change something during the story to alter its trajectory. It lends itself to some really engaging character study stuff.
I've always hated all variants of Modern AUs, though. Why on earth would I want to exchange an intricate fantasy world for a mundane high school or teashop? It just doesn't compute. It's so much less interesting. It's especially grating in AUs where the characters' magical background is an integral part of their personality.
I don't mind more mundane fic topics with franchises where the characters are regular people to begin with, though, like Yu-Gi-Oh! or Digimon, because there the characters backgrounds and personalities remaining the same are easy to justify.
I also despise character bashing fics/salt fics. The cast in those is always so out of character than I count them as AUs. I've said this before, but I get really uncomfortable when I can tell from a fanfic what personal issues the author has with the show, the characters or even in their personal lives.
The thing about bashing fics is that they take my favorite AU type and butcher it. They take an interesting character or world study opportunity and use it to air out personal grievances instead.
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dayeongi · 2 months
for the fanfic asks 🍏 🫐 🍇 <3
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
YES! I love people stammering. I know not everyone stammers as often as in my fics but i like having people BAMBOOZLED and their flabbers fully ghasted. In the inverse I don't use em dashes enough.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I feel like not a lot of people use the content from Gaara Hiden! And I want more historical au shikatema fics please!!! So far I really only know of three.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Blank period, and naruto - boruto gap shikatema is my sweet spot! I don't have enough patience to mess with the nonsensical canon timeline
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
🍒 & 🍇?
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write?
I love writing about platonic soulmates, particulary when it's Male-Female Friendship like in The Shieldmaiden Saga.
🍇Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Ever since I saw a compilation of every clip of the Particle Accelerator explosion I've just really wanted to write about it because wow, a lot of shit was going down, and that is fanfic potential right there.
Fruit Emoji Fanfic Ask Game
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mochiwrites · 1 year
For the fic ask game
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
omg okay I have like. 3 different wips so I'll give all three !!!!
the first one is the next chapter of my sea fruits rancher fic !!! I've got it all outlined and we get some fun information on grian and jimmy's connection, as well as some rancher fluff !! :D also the plot of the fic really kicks off in this second chapter >:3c
my next wip is the next fic for my songbird's blood series !!! we've got another fic that's meant to do some more world building and also force grian and mumbo to interact again (even if grian promised he'd leave mumbo alone hehe). it's gonna be a fun one to write I think !!
aaaand lastly we've got the next crime au fic, one where we get a big chunk of mumbo and scar backstory (Finally), and that one is gonna be a lot of fun I think. very angsty, very Pain :3
fanfic writer emoji asks
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pynkhues · 2 years
🧠 Beth
🧠 Rio
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
I feel like everyone knows my favourite headcanons for these two, haha, sooo let's go with new ones.
Beth can make a meal out of anything. Had to learn how to when the pantry was empty and their mom was in bed, and sometimes she thinks those years were when she was her most adventurous, her most optimistic, her most brave-faced, because hopelessness flooded the ground floor of her psyche and here she was, every minute of every day, patching holes in the little boat, the little life she was trying to make Annie, because if she drowned so did her sister, and that was something Beth wouldn't - couldn't - ever let happen.
So she learned how to make layered casseroles on scraps and crumble cakes out of half rotten fruit the kiosk let her take home for free and quiche out of turned cream. Not everything worked. Sometimes things came out sour or bitter or worst of all, gritty, and some things turned their stomachs and saw them spend a night together in the bathroom, spewing their guts up, but a part of her liked that maybe. Liked the challenge and the adventure and the way Annie would always commentate. Pretend to be a food critic, talk in big words she didn't understand and always end it with wowowow a million stars even if the meal was awful, and she remembers that most of all when she's making faces in her kids' sandwiches, even though Emma's the only one who says thank you and Kenny complains about being too old for it, and some nights when it's just her and Annie, they get drunk and look for the food in Annie's fridge that's going off and Beth whips something up and Annie gets out her notebook and she slurs a million stars between giggles as she takes another bite of something Beth's pretty sure will make them sick (but at least they can blame that on the hangover these days).
Rio's not really into tv or movies - Rosa didn't have one while he was a kid, and when he was old enough to get one himself, he was too busy and it just didn't really appeal. He reads though, voraciously, something he thinks Rosa passed onto him, and while he reads mostly literary fiction, poetry, occassionally high fantasy, he's always had a soft spot for monster stories. Inhaled Dorian Gray, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man before he started highscool, and he doesn't like movies, he doesn't, but he saw Godzilla when he was 11 at a friend's place, and maybe it just hit at the right moment, the right minute.
Latched onto a feeling of a past that won't be reconciled with and a future that's not waiting for you, and a monster in the sea that would consume both if you let it. Maybe there was something in it that lodged in his chest and saw him sneaking into the cinema with friends to see The Thing and Alien and the Godzilla remake, and he could tell them he just thought they were dope, but Rio knows metaphor from monster, knows the hurt and hope in the jaws of a beast, and maybe he just never stops seeing himself there. Not the guy with the gun, but the one with the torch - facing up to light the way into the future.
Fanfic writers emoji ask game
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myth-blossom · 1 year
🍓 are my favorite
Thank you for the ask, Issy! :)
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
I agree with @mrsmungus’s answer when I asked her this question: “I'm absolutely stoked if any of my fics get love in any shape or size.” I love writing and I enjoy sharing what I come up with & seeing it resonate with others, so any feedback is lovely.
If I had to pick a fic I wish got some more love, maybe it would be Lost? It’s a Grey/47 fic (my first for that ship, actually) but I’m really proud of it.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 11 months
🍌🥭 for the fruit asks
🍌: In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I wrote a poorly written smut fanfic called eat the rich. Enough said 🤣
🥭: Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack
Fluff, crack, angst, smut. I don’t mind writing any of them, it’s just I’m the most inexperienced with writing smut
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magicaltear · 1 year
Hi, dear! For the fic writer asks: 💘 (Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?), 🌿(How does creating make you feel?) and 🎀 (Give yourself a compliment about your own writing).
Aaaah! Thank you so much for engaging~! I always love replying to these ask games 💕 If anyone else is interested in participating, here is the post where you can choose a few emojis to send me!
💘 Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write? Hmm, not that I actually would, but I sometimes feel like returning to the first two fanfics I ever posted, As Long As We Both Shall Live and Peace On Earth (Will Come To Stay). I've gained a better understanding of Blake and Schofield and the last year of the war since I first wrote these stories. People seem to like them though, so that makes me happy!
🌿 How does creating make you feel? It makes me feel alive, to put it simply. I feel giddy and at ease when my writing is flowing; when a scene simply pours out of my fingertips and into the screen. If I'm creating something alongside friends, then I will grow so excited it is difficult for me to modulate the volume of my voice and I will fall into longwinded explanations of what I am picturing in my head. It just feels right, and I know that it is what I was meant to do.
🎀 Give yourself a compliment about your own writing. The best compliment I can think of is the way I constantly go back to reread my own fics. The fanfiction that I write is purely born out of my desire to read the specific stories I come up with. I enjoy writing and I enjoy reading my writing. I've been writing since 2010, so I've been honing this craft for over 13 years, plus I even went to university to polish it. I enjoy the fruit of this hard labor every day, every time that I can reread my work and not cringe at it. And if I ever feel some self-doubt, then I just have to remember that my hard work and talent allowed me to graduate valedictorian in a creative writing bachelor's program in the USA when English is actually my second language.
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