#Fresh Spices
naturalspices · 11 months
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sanyuktiagrofoods · 1 year
Best masala of India | Sanyukti Agro Foods
From garam masala to chaat masala, there is a blend of spices that can be used to bring out intense flavours in any home-made meal. To make sure you get the best quality spices for your dishes, it is important to find a reliable source for Indian spice mixes, blends, and whole spices and you can get all of them under one roof – Sanyukti Agro Foods. With online stores offering good quality ground spices and blended spices, you can easily find everything you need to create delicious Indian dishes in your kitchen. Moreover, with pure spices available in bulk quantities, you can stock up on ingredients so that you are always ready to cook up an amazing Indian feast!
check out on – sanyuktifoods.com
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Taylor, the issue was never that he was "crazy". I believe our exact word was "racist".
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occasionaltouhou · 6 months
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heartwarming: the person you've been waiting for for 7000 years is still Like That
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bonefall · 3 months
Do you have a family tree for DOTC and the ancient tribes around the lake with Hollyleaf/Fallenleaf?
I don't yet. When I finish up my re-read, I'm going to gather ALL of the DOTC cats and start dividing them up into the three cultural groups. After getting them all in bundles, I'm going to whip them up into proper family trees.
If you're asking about canon's family tree... I can make it if you'd like, but I'd just be showing you the ticking timebomb of genetic diversity they set up for themselves. It's all Quiet Rainkin and random forest cats, most introduced after book 3. None of the other settlers had grandchildren and the living children have no mates.
Sun Shadow died.
Lightning Tail died and Acorn Fur was forced into a vow of chastity
None of Turtle Tail's kits have kits; one is in a vow of chastity
There's nothing to "preserve" about the canon tree, unfortunately. It's not really a "tree," it's more like a couple of bubbles with a ton of dead women floating around outside.
For funsies, let me try and remember all the "bubbles" off the top of my head, plus when the characters were introduced
Ravenstar x Juniper Branch (Book 6)
Milkweed x Leaf (Book 5, Book 2, plus existing kits with an unknown mate)
Misty (Book 2; kits have no kits.)
Shadowkin: Tall, Moon, Sun (1, 1, 5, extinct)
Jackdaw's Cry x Hawk Swoop (extinct)
Turtle Tail x Tom the Wifebeater (endangered)
Riverstar x Finch Song (Book 1, super edition)
Wind Runner x Gorse Fur (Moth Flight and Dust Muzzle are born in book 3)
Willow Tail (introduced with a sibling in book 4; extinct)
Shaded Moss was the father of Rainswept Flower (extinct)
Fox and Petal were siblings (Petal raised Misty's children)
I forgot the name of Drizzle's mom and sibling (book 6)
I think there's also a cat called Apple Bottom Jeans or something in Thunderstar's Echo who has a litter, but I can't remember her mate without google. There were also some litters born in Riverstar's Home I can't remember. I barely remember the side books, were there any others born in Shadowstar's Life...?
Here's all the pairings in the Quiet Rainkin family, as contrast;
Quiet Rain x Unknown (4 kits)
Clear Sky x Bright Stream (Died pregnant; gave birth to 2 dead angel fetus children in heaven)
Clear Sky x Storm (Thunder was the only survivor of 3)
Clear Sky x Star Flower (two litters; the first was 3 iirc, the second unknown)
Jagged Peak x Holly (3 kits)
Gray Wing x Slate (3 kits iirc)
Thunder x Violet Dawn (4 kits)
So... bottom line is, something like 50% of births were coming out of the Quiet Rainkin family, and they account for something like 30% of cats with existing family at all.
Personally, I think that's awful in a prequel arc that's supposed to be about ancestors. So I'm going to be making whole families for BB.
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1980s Wizard Wax Air Freshener
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fallinginlove-20s · 2 months
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Love a good farmers market 🥰
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petluck · 1 month
strictly out of curiosity, if ur blog had a scratch n sniff thing what would it smell like? put ur answers in the tags
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alaskashigh · 4 months
the northeast get pretty girlfriend privileges (the girlfriend is California)
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scaredofstyrofoam · 5 months
Sigh.. I have came to ask where I can find greaser lore
Is there comics? Fanfic? Anything I can find dropping the lore 🗣🗣🗣🗣
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I'll be honest it's hard to find because it's old and buried. A lot of it is incomplete, an Au, or left up to interpretation. Hahahaah... I'm going crazy.
But! Good places to look is obviously @radsee 's page first and foremost. You can go to their searchbar and search for Greaser or Vinny or even FreshGrease. You'll get a plethora of different stuff depending on what you search and how far you dive. A lot of asks and sh!tposts are as much content as you'll get with the guy.
There are two major Greaser AU's that are central to his character. Both go by the name of Vinny. One is by @loverofpiggies in Lucidia and the other is by @pixie-mage in the Spice Of Life.
CQ's Lucidia has yet to be started but there is some facts and art out there. Again you're going to have to go to the search bar and search him up. Same with SpiceOfLife by Pixie. I haven't seen a finished product. I'm not sure there will ever be finished products. It's been a long long time and people grow out of fandoms. I don't blame them but it does leave us to do the work.
Everything I've learned has been from hours of stalking these three creators and the greasersans or vinnylucidia tag which I now dominate💀.
I wish there was a fic or something. It would give definite canon lore. But it is what it is and it's kinda fun just to imagine. That's what the Utmv fandoms for I suppose 🤷
Some tags or searches that will help you on your journey, since it's a long and dangerous road:
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acotars · 10 months
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Read in 2023:
Sometimes beautiful things get messy. Mess is okay.
HONEY & SPICE by Bolu Babalola ★★★★
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sanyuktiagrofoods · 1 year
Best masala of India | Sanyukti Agro Foods
Indian spices are known for their unique tastes and aromas. They add flavour and character to any dish, making them a popular choice in many cuisines around the world. Whether you're looking for a spice blend to make your favourite curry, or need a specific masala powder to season your favourite dish, there is an Indian spice mix available online that will perfectly suit your taste. Sanyukti Agro food provides whole spices like cumin seeds or sabut jeera and to ground spices like turmeric and chili powder, there is something for everyone when it comes to Indian spices. When you shop online for good quality pure spices, you can be sure that you will get top-notch flavour every time you cook.
check out on – sanyuktifoods.com
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weaselle · 6 months
I worked in the rain while i was sick today. That's why i prefer to work for small businesses, and often have been the only employee of some proprietor run business. Because I will be dedicated and try my absolute hardest regardless of who i'm working for, and I need that to matter.
At a big business you're just a small part of the machine, and they'll use you until you break and absorb the loss of you until they can get a replacement. And that works for some people because they can be as selfish (complimentary) as this world can often demand we be just to stay healthy. I've done it. It's a valid choice, and sometimes a necessary one.
I do tend to fair better at places like where i work now. Run by a single mom trying really hard to make this work for all of us. Out of the last three years i've worked for her the first two years were spent as her only employee. Now i'm senior over two more employees. And that means things like: my input has helped form policy, and: whether or not i do my job well has a big impact on how well the business does.
The flip side to that is, if i call in sick, the business looses a big chunk of income and has to cancel clients last minute, and this business isn't big enough to take hits like that lightly. I gotta clock on. And even though boss would totally let me call off sick (and even has five days of sick pay saved up per employee, because she's trying really hard to be a legit business and a good boss) if i'm still willing to offer it, she needs the help.
But the truth is, i was always going to come in when i said i would and do the work i said i'd do unless i'm 100% unable anyway.
So i usually do best in a situation where that level of effort 100% matters
also, never you fear, i work 99% outside and alone i'm not getting other people sick (and i took two covid tests to be sure i felt comfortable risking that [and i wore a mask the 1% of the time i was at all near any other people])
ANYway. i worked sick in the rain today to keep the ship afloat. sniff hack. i'm a good thing.
My boss ran some errands and went to a Thai restaurant and told them i was sick and they made me a soup that isn't on their menu <3
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thepopcultureramble · 1 month
Now, lemme ramble a little bit.
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I wasn't born in the 1990s, but its cultural impact remains. I'm here to talk about the music and cultural impact, in particular, because many would argue that it was the golden era. I got my glimpse through TV shows and music videos. 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' was on heavy rotation in my household, as were Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.
That was my introduction: my mom singing 'I Will Always Love You' while MTV music videos replayed in the background.
But the impact it has on pop culture today, 34 years after its emergence, is what really gets me. You can see its fingerprints all over contemporary music, fashion, and even internet memes. It's as if the '90s created a blueprint for coolness that refuses to fade away.
I can't imagine what hearing TLC's 'Creep' live right when it dropped would have been like, or being in the crowd when Kurt Cobain was scream-singing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.'
It's that era that birthed groups and acts like Flo and Olivia Rodrigo.
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You know, there's something about the rawness of '90s music that just hits different. It was a time when artists weren't afraid to push boundaries and speak their truth. Take Tupac Shakur, for example. His lyrics were like poetry, tackling issues like racism, poverty, and social injustice head-on. And then you had the Notorious B.I.G., spinning tales of street life with unmatched skill and charisma.
These were more than just songs; they were snapshots of life in the '90s, capturing the struggles and triumphs of a generation.
But it wasn't all serious stuff. The '90s also gave us some of the catchiest pop hits of all time. From the infectious beats of Spice Girls to the smooth grooves of Boyz II Men, there was something for everyone on the airwaves. And let's not forget about the rise of boy bands like *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys.
Ballads ruled the charts, with artists like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, and Brian McKnight belting out love songs that still give us all the feels today. Whether you were nursing a broken heart or falling head over heels, there was a '90s jam for every romantic occasion.
Adele was kind of a product of that too.
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Now, let's switch gears and talk about fashion. The '90s were all about self-expression, and nowhere was that more evident than in the clothes we wore. Grunge was king, with flannel shirts, ripped jeans, and Doc Martens becoming the unofficial uniform of rebellious youth everywhere. And let's not forget about the rise of streetwear, with brands like Tommy Hilfiger, FUBU, and Supreme making a splash on the scene.
But perhaps the most iconic fashion statement of the '90s was the rise of the supermodel. From Cindy Crawford to Naomi Campbell, these runway goddesses epitomised glamour and sophistication, setting the bar high for fashionistas everywhere.
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So yeah, the '90s may be a thing of the past, but its influence? It still lives here.
This was a ramble by,
The PCR.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Writing a bucket list, but it's actually just a grocery list for when I have money
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