#Fresh ER 2 for 1 Deal
brightgnosis · 3 months
I got to go out and see the sun today 😭 We just did adulting things like picking up my Meds, getting a few things from WalMart, grabbing Vape Juice for my Husband, etc. But I walked! It was hell, and I am in so much pain now, but I walked!
I walked the whole time around Homeland, and around WalMart, and I went into the Vape Shop with him (I was hoping to get some CBD Oil at the Vape Shop, but no dice. They don't carry it anymore 😞). For lunch we just went through the drive through so I could have some rest finally.
Now I'm going to eat my Burger King, take a bath, and then do a massive amount of TENS / EMS / MA therapy on my leg. And with any luck, the walking I did today will help somewhat as much (though hopefully just as much) as it did last time, on Wednesday 🤞
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tarot-junkie · 10 months
The Best Roasted Chicken Ever
Soooo. I'm gonna post the recipe and try not to be obnoxious....this came from a newspaper many moons ago, clipped out by my parents. Since then, it's shifted....there's thing I *personally* would recommend doing differently.....so I'll include those here:
-4 chicken breasts with bone/skin (truth be told, we switched this to chicken thighs and have not been disappointed)
-1 clove garlic*
-1 tsp. Minced Fresh Parsley (...you can get the packaged stuff lol)
-1/4 tsp. Crushed dried oregano
-1 tsp Dijon mustard*
-2 tsp Fresh Lemon Juice
-2 TBs Olive Oil
Preheat the oven to 350. Line pan with chicken (recommend foil on the pan, unless you have a drip tray type of pan). Mix together all other ingredients, stir well. Flip the chickens over (so, bottoms up!), spoon it on, smooth it around a bit. Flip them over again, spoon it on the top of the chicken, covering all sides. Use more sauce on the top than on the bottom. I don't rub the mixture in DEEPLY....just spoon 'er on and smooth it around. This will get cooked for at least one hour. In one version of the old-school instructions, you cover/tent the chicken, cook for 20 mins. Remove the tent, cook for 40 mins. (read below....i don't do this haha).
-Typically we increase the amount of sauce we make depending on the size of the chickens. Ex: we used 8 smaller chicken thighs the other night, and this recipe was then made x5. If not, you didn't get a good coat on the chicken. It's really easy to make the mixture, so if you need to throw together some more, no big deal.
-This version of the recipe gives you more of an oil-based mixture....so in truth, we prob add about 2-3 more tsp of Dijon mustard. Meaning it becomes more mustard based/thicker FOR SURE. You'll be able to see this if you make it. Juuuuust be very liberal/extra with it (the mustard), trust me, it works. It's way better in flavor.
-Same note for garlic....we usually make it so that its +mustard and + garlic. I'd love to give you a measurement....and maybe its 2 ish more tsp of garlic as well (on the last package, 1 clove = 1 tsp)
-we stopped doing the tent and stick to close the the 1 hour....though AGAIN....the other night, it was in the oven for 1.5 hours. (and being that they were thighs, no problem). The goal is to get a nice brown skin on there....crusty if possible. In the past we used to burn it....eeeever so slightly. also delicious. I've not tried this mixture with boneless/skinless.
In other words....i gave you a recipe....now go fix it HAHA.
The smell during cooking is one to be experienced. it's so SO SOSOSOSOSO good!
Hope someone tries it :)
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Ever since I started working in an ER I’ve had a lot more things to submit here, and today shall be no exception because I have Some Things To Say
1. You do not need to be taking a patient you’re visiting outside for “fresh air” (or anything else) in the middle of the fucking night. It is 11pm, this patient is in a wheelchair, and maybe the nurses on the floor don’t have a problem with this because it doesn’t trouble them at all, but it does trouble me. When you take this patient from their room on the floor, through the ER, to our outdoor roundabout just because there are some benches there, I then have to walk you all the way back to the floor once you decide to come in. And I know I’ve complained about something similar with this before, but this is happening to me tonight and I’m just annoyed. The main admissions in the front is open from 8am-8pm. You literally have all day to come visit with the patients, and we have courtyards up front that are closer to the floor and are specifically designed to allow for patients and visitors to enjoy time together outside. We have nice tables and benches and plants, and it’s fenced in and protected. So there is absolutely no reason you need to come and do this nonsense late at night. Plus it’s winter, it’s fucking 25 degrees outside! Why are you taking a patient recovering from any illness/procedure/whatever outside in the cold? I know the rooms can get stuffy, but like open the damn window instead.
2. Please stop calling ambulances if you’re just going to refuse them. It takes an ambulance out of use, along with the EMS workers in that ambulance, and takes it away from someone who may actually need it. I understand if you’re having weird symptoms of sickness or pain and you’re scared and want reassurance, especially when healthcare isn’t the best for everyone, but it puts considerable strain on the ambulance system to have you call them over just to send them away again. And at my hospital we have scanners that allow us to hear calls for police or fire or EMS, so when an ambulance call goes out we all have to get prepared to jump into action because we are assuming that ambulance is coming in. So it puts everyone on edge to hear someone call for EMS and then just refuse them. And yes I know ambulance rides are expensive and not all insurance covers them, and that people who don’t have insurance would have to pay for them out of pocket, but then don’t call for them in the first place! As we always say, if you feel your symptoms are severe enough to seek help, then you should always just seek help and come into the ER, whether you come by ambulance or private vehicle or what have you. So if you do call for an ambulance please make sure you are going to actually make use of the ambulance.
3. Along the same lines of the ambulance situation, here is just some helpful info for people who want to be good samaritans: If you see that someone is in need of help, first assess whether or not they are conscious/cognizant. If they are conscious and alert, please first ask them if they would like to have an ambulance called for them; some people don’t want to deal with an ambulance, even if they are seriously hurt, and that’s their right to make that decision. If they are unconscious but otherwise seem fine, then use your best judgement. Take into account the context of the situation. Did you find them lying in the middle of the road, or were they on some grass in a park? Do you see blood, or are any of their body parts in obvious distress (such as a broken bone)? Are you able to rouse them by speaking loudly? Remember that it could just be someone sleeping, and maybe they don’t have anywhere else to rest. However, if they are unconscious and not breathing, or you see blood and/or broken bones, then you should call for help right away. That’s definitely an emergency situation, and we will thank you for being a kind person and getting a stranger safe assistance. But just be aware of the situation so you’re not calling EMS unnecessarily. Y’all have no idea the amount of times we’ve had someone call an ambulance for a stranger just for the person to then refuse the ambulance; even the best of intentions can be a strain on others.
4. This one is an obvious PSA, but please don’t drive drunk (or high, or any form of intoxicated/impaired). Earlier today there was an accident where someone got extremely drunk and drove down the highway and crashed into a family of 9, causing their vehicle to roll over. Thankfully the entire family was fine aside from some scrapes and bruises, but there were very young children in that car, and I’m sure all of them were terrified during the accident. Alcohol isn’t worth possibly taking someone else’s life, or your own. Alcohol isn’t worth hurting someone else, or yourself. Alcohol isn’t worth going to jail for. Please don’t drive drunk! Stay safe and make good choices!
I think that’s all I’ve got for the moment. Sorry this is so long, I’ve had a frustrating day
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rxgueone · 1 year
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Word count: 3,230.
Pairing: Austin Butler x oc
Summary: Aurilia (oc) is drunk as hell. She calls Austin to come pick her up. When he spends the night with her.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, substance use, death, angst, fluff (?). All I can think of.
Tags: none.
Note: PT. 1 PT. 3
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“You should dress nice for the occasion.” Nik suggested as they were both walking to the address. They were about to turn into the next block before Nik stopped them.
Austin turned to face him in silence, Nik took his flannel off. Handing it to Austin with a lazy expression plastered on his face. Austin raised a brow, but took it without asking. In turn, he had given Nik the black ragged xxl hoodie he always wore. Nik grabbed the cigarette in his mouth to hand it to his friend, who held it for him as he put it on. Taking it back and popping it into his mouth, he looked over at Austin.
They both had continued walking after. Austin’s breathing became heavy, emptying his mind of all thoughts. The smell of a fresh smoked cigarette filling his lungs. Nik, who was only 19 started smoking at 16, going to an ID-less smoke shop to get a pack of spirits. At the time his addiction was awful, smoking almost three packs a day. Now just one pack.
Nik would push his limit’s back then. Chain smoking at least 2-3 cigarettes at a time. Admittedly, Austin hated it. However he admitted in his mind it’d only be a matter of time when Nik would start. In spite of him worrying, Austin and Nik signed up for this life at just 12. He was pushed by his older siblings, and for Nik? He just didn’t want his ride or die to be scared and alone while dealing.
The longer this life continued. It wasn’t if they’d get jumped for dealing and cutting out, it was a matter of when they’d get jump. When they’d lose their life. It’s already almost happened before, he could remember clear as day when the cops got called on him. Looking up at his towering friend, Nik exhaled smoke. His black messy hair covered his eyes, and like usual he seemed relaxed.
Aurilia waited for Austin to come by. A strange man had offered to walk her home. But she rejected, yeah she was drunk. But not drunk enough to think this man was Austin. They were rambling on and on about something she didn’t care for. She didn’t go to this party alone, she was the side bitch. Just the acquaintance, her dorm-mate didn’t want to go alone. But now that same dorm-mate was occupied with a guy. And frankly? Aurilia was bored. Her friend had ditched her for a guy whilst this other stranger was bothering her.
Just in the distance she could spot a duo walking side by side. Her vision was a mess, but she saw blonde wavy hair and a tall figure. That must be Tin Head… and his friend Nik. She thought. Clearing her throat, she stumbled over her heels. “Ey, ey, ey! Be careful!” She heard the man yell at her.
Quickly swishing around. “My friends are here.” She protested. “I’m fine.” Flicking him away like a pest, she swiftly turned her back on him. Stepping forward, she bumped into something. “Hey, watch—“
“Hey Ricky,” a deep voice snapped her back to reality. Looking up, she could see Austin standing in front of her, “hello to you too, Lia.”
“Hello,” she hummed, “how’re you?” She had a bright grin plastered on her face.
Austin’s eyes kept looking down at her, he didn’t bother to move his head. “I’m fine.”
“Hey Aus, you know this chic? She’s been tryna walk home alone. I’ve been keeping an eye on ‘er.” Ricky had a typical Italian New Yorker accent. But, he seemed close to Austin, which had confused Aurilia.
“Yes, she called me to pick her up. I apologize for her behavior.” He answered solemnly. Aurilia like a dog, went to Austin’s side. Leaning onto his shoulder as he conversed with Ricky.
“Nah ‘s alright pal.” Ricky shook his head, looking back at the house. Nik looked down at Aurilia then at Austin. “So, Nikkie!” Looking at Nik, Ricky seemed interested. “Could make some paper here if you get my meanin’ y’know.”
“I’ll stay here.” Nik claimed. Austin didn’t protest to it, Nik was no longer needed for the night. “If I didn’t, Al would kill me.”
“Alright, I’ll see you two later.”
“Cya man.” Ricky and Nik both pulled away from Aurilia and Austin. Austin could see Nik flick the cigarette away, only to grab another.
“You okay, Lia?” He looked at her flushed face. She was lost, but nodding to his question. He sighed, rolling his eyes. Stepping back, then swiftly turning around. He walked a few steps forward, then waited for her.
This was done repeatedly until he had enough. She kept falling behind. “Lia,” he held his hand out, but she was out of her mind. Not noticing his hand, he grabbed hers. Their fingers interlocking with each other, he pulled her to his side. Narrowing his eyes, “keep up.” He said under his breath.
They both walked side by side. Aurilia hugging his whole arm. “Hey Tin head,”
“Thanks for picking me up.” She looked up at him. Austin and her stopped walking, and he turned to look back at her. His head craned down to look at her face closely. She reeked of alcohol, specifically of scotch.
Her eyes widened in awe. His left ear was pierced with a black hoop. She could feel the warm rings he wore on his left hand tightly pressed against her palm. His eyes were examining her face, while hers were staring at his face. Sniffling, “yeah.” He looked away as they resumed to walking. “I’ll drop you off at your place.”
“Don’t you have a place?” It was a question of genuine curiosity. She always saw him outside, away from the neighbors. After dropping her off, he’d always leave the dorms immediately.
Hesitantly, he answered. “No.” Bringing his hand to the nape of his neck, he had breathed in to process everything. He didn’t know how to explain this to her. “I uh…” clearing his throat, “the streets are my home.”
“What do you mean?”
“Y’know,” he let out a sigh, “I live out here. I don’t got a home.”
“You’re homeless?”
“Yeah,” he gave a nod.
“Is that why you never smile?” He cocked up a brow, confused why she would say that. “We’ve been friends for a month. You never smile.” She claimed, tilting her head to the side. “Smile.” She ordered.
As she watched him. His lips quivered a bit, as if he was struggling to smile. He brought up a sheepish smile. “You look cute.” It was a genuine compliment, his face drooped down instantly.
“C’mon.” They both went back to walking. Aurilia was swinging their hands together.
“You should stay over.” She suggested, glancing up at him to see his reaction. Which was a simple deadpan expression.
“Where would I sleep?”
“With me.”
Austin had no issue with this. He knew he’d do nothing with her and just stay up all night. Plus, it would feel nice to lay in a bed again instead of constantly hanging his head. For Aurilia? She trusted him. She knew he wouldn’t do anything. Plus, she was incredibly bored. She knew Austin would keep her entertained. Not to mention, he smelled of pure cigarettes. He needed a shower. “You sure?” He wanted to double check with her. She was drunk of course, but he wanted her to be sure.
“Yep yep.”
A heaving sigh was all she needed. She knew he was gonna say yes. And she had the brightest smile.
Aurilia was staring at Austin who was laying beside her. She had washed his flannel, which apparently belonged to his friend. His hair was fluffy, just washed. He smelled of strawberries, which was odd cause he usually smelled like the city. She wasn’t use to it yet. After a few moments, she fell asleep beside him.
Austin, who had been awake the whole time. Opened his eyes, his eyes gliding to the side to look at her. She was sleeping peacefully. Slowly sitting up, he wiped his face. His face turned to hers so he could take in her features. He had never gotten a good look. He was a simple walker, would meet her at 5:30PM, sleep at her table, after that he’d walk her home. What would he do after? Just live off the streets.
His life was complicated. His brothers had a place, he could always stay with them. They were paying for his college too. But, his college was just a formality. The only reason he got into it was so he could deal. After all, college kids love to party, love to rebel.
Turning away from her. He sat on the edge of the bed. His elbows rested on his thighs, hands covering his lips as he hunched over. Live fast, die young, live fast, die young. He would repeat these words in his head for the rest of the night. It was something his brothers taught him. To accept this life, he was going to die young.
Aurilia stirred awake, poking her head up from the pillow she smeared with her makeup. She could see a shirtless boy in front of her. His bare back facing her, with the smell of fresh coffee filling the room. She looked at the night stand beside her bed, a mug of coffee sat waiting. With a few packets of sugar and creamer.
Looking back at the bare back, everything from last night hit her. She had asked Austin to stay over. What day is it, what day is it. Her hands looked for her phone. Which she had found due to Austin handing it over to her. “Mornin.” He greeted.
“Good morning,” she croaked.
“It’s ten-thirty on a Sunday.” He told her everything she needed to know. “Made you coffee.” Rolling her eyes to the back of her head. She blinked repeatedly, as if she was trying to snap back to reality. “You look awful.” Austin commented. She scoffed at that, however she couldn’t deny this. She felt like vomiting.
“Shut up Tin head.” Getting off the bed, she grabbed his head to keep her balance from falling.
Pushing her hand away, he got up, standing beside her. Wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her, she put her arm over his waist as well. “I’ll take you to the bathroom then make you an ice bowl to wake up.” The pair stumbled to the bathroom. Aurilia almost tripping over herself repeatedly.
She kneeled over the toilet seemingly to hang onto it. He stepped back, leaving her alone if she were to throw her guts up.
Austin came back with a bowl of ice water. Aurilia dunked her head into the bowl, and he sat beside her to watch. Pulling her head out, she spat water at Austin. Who simply wiped it off calmly. Breathing like there was no tomorrow, she had looked at Austin. “Thanks Tin head,” he looked tired, but he nodded. Studying his face for a moment, she could see his eye bags, “did you sleep?”
“No.” His tone was firm. Grabbed the bowl, he poured all the water and ice out in the bathroom sink. Aurilia got off the floor, watching him walk out the bathroom to put the bowl away. She had followed behind him. Her eyes pondered after him. He slipped his black shirt on, as well as the flannel he wore last night.
“There’s no class today.” She said, sitting on her bed. “We could hang out and get you some new clothes.” Aurilia was admittedly tired of seeing her friend in the same boring clothes. Seeing him in a flannel was different, sure. Only issue was that it stunk of cigarettes.
Austin looked back at her. He couldn’t do that. Not after yesterday. It hit him like a truck that he had to call Al, after all it was the first night of selling something different. Not just that but it was Sunday, a day that was important for Al. “I can’t. I have family I need to see.”
“Can I come?”
This question took Austin back. Nobody except for Nik had met his family. He looked at her clearly, debating. “Sure.” It wouldn’t hurt. Aurilia would just have to stay in the bar.
Austin walked with Aurilia by his side. He seemed focus on something. Walking in front of her, their hands were intertwined. Austin wanted to hold hands with her because she was a slow walker compared to him. He took long strides, while Aurilia took short ones, causing him to walk faster each time.
He opened the door to the bar. Holding it open for her to walk through, he followed swiftly behind. “Hey Joe,” Austin pulled up in front of the bar tender who was an older gentleman.
“Your brothers in the corner.” Joe seemed to already know what the blonde was going to ask him. His head flicked forward to show where Al and Keith were. Austin pulled out five bucks from the pocket of his black sweatpants, pushing it to him. Joe took it quickly, slipping it in his pocket.
Austin turned to Aurilia. “Stay here alright?” He had a gentle tone. “Ol’ Joe will watch you. He’ll take care of you. I just gotta talk with my brothers over there.” He pointed to the table.
“Okay.” She nodded to him, confirming that she’d stay here with Joe. Watching Austin walk away, she sat down on a stool. Her eyes moved to where Austin’s brothers sat. They both didn’t look much like him. The one with blonde hair was growing a stubble, but he did have blonde hair and blue eyes. But unlike Austin’s eyes, they were a deep shade of blue. It popped out due to having such light colored skin. The other who sat beside him, also didn’t look like Austin.
As she watched, one of them had seemed to get mad. The blonde one was glaring at Austin, and she saw them flick their head towards her. Austin dipped his head, but he froze in place. For some reason, he looked terrified out of his mind. The blonde one brought out a bottle of water with another bottle of powder. Austin shook his head. His hands that were placed onto the table were frantically shaking. He was losing his mind.
Then a suitcase was pushed towards him, Austin took it without any hesitation. Right after he got up, so did the other one with black hair. He handed Austin a bag, who took it without any emotion displayed. Grabbing the back of Austin’s head they had brought him close, leaning down to whisper something. He gently pat Austin’s head after, stroking his hair. Nodding his head, Austin pulled away.
From acting terrified, he had a stoic expression. His eyes narrowed, strutting to her. He stood in front of Aurilia, holding both the bag and suitcase. “We should get going.”
As he held the door open for her. Austin looked back at Keith and Al. Al wasn’t even looking at him, but Keith kept his cold expression onto his kid brother.
They were back at her place. Austin put the suitcase and bag down, reaching into it. He pulled out a suit that was tailored just for him. “Were those your brothers at the bar?”
“Yes.” He had a solemn tone. “Their names are Keith and Alphonse. Alphonse is the blonde one, Keith is the black hair one.” Quickly taking his shirt off, he grabbed the black vest, swinging it over his shoulders. “Alphonse is the oldest while Keith is the second,” glancing at her as he pulled his sweatpants down to replace them with black slacks, “we’re all half brothers.” Zipping his fly up, he began buttoning up his vest. “Their mothers abandoned them so my mother took them in. Later on when I was twelve, eight years ago, our mother died.” Grabbing the silky blazer that was on Aurilia’s bed. He also quickly threw that on. Aurilia noticed how he said ‘our’ meaning that he did see his brothers as kin. Genuine real kin. “Luckily for us, Alphonse was eighteen. So we were able to stay under his eye. Keith was sixteen, I was twelve.”
“So eight years ago…” Aurilia muttered under her breath, amazed by this. He was twelve when his mother died. Now he was here, homeless. A street rat. She figured his mother’s inheritance was paying for his college. But if that was so- why didn’t Austin buy a home?
Quickly grabbing a bottle of gel. He started to do his hair, looking in the small mirror that was on Aurilia’s nightstand. He breathed in deeply. “Tell me something I don’t know.” Aurilia asked, sensing that Austin would be leaving soon.
He paused for a moment. “You can make over seven bars of soap with the human body.” He began, putting the bag and gel away. “You gotta use human fat though. It makes the best soap.”
Aurilia scowled, blinking a few times to actually process what she had just heard. Not only that, but at how casual he was about it. “How do you know that?”
“School.” He grabbed the suitcase and stared down at her as she sat on the bed. Austin was meeting up with someone in his brothers place, which was why he has dressed so fancy. It was shocking for Aurilia to see him so nice. He wore black on black. The silk blazer didn’t even look like a blazer, it looked like a jacket. His black vest was made of cotton, with a deep v neck. It was exposing half of his bare chest due to him not wearing anything underneath.
Two black bands on his left hand, one on his middle finger, the other on his ring. With a black hoop piercing on his left ear. Now that she was examining his look, she could see a scar on his left side. It went from the back of his jawline down past his chest. As if someone slashed him there.
“Do I look presentable enough.” He asked.
“Good— I’ll see you at the coffee shop.” He promised, tightly holding the black suitcase before he left.
Putting the suitcase down onto the glass countertop. He leaned over it, looking at his surroundings. He felt the gazes of many that seemed to be staring at him. A woman who was behind the counter approached him. “Hi, may I help you?”
She gained his attention immediately. He raised his brows, putting on an act. “Hi, yes. I’m here to drop something off for a man named Alphonse Butler— I’m his little brother. He couldn’t make it. So he made me take his place.” He explained.
“Oh yes!” She got out a sheet of paper just from underneath the glass counter, which was on full display. “Al called and said.. what was your name?”
“Austin Butler, ma’am.”
“Yes! Yes okay good! You are legit.” The woman seemed happy. “Can you open the suitcase please?” She had a playful tone.
“Of course, ma’am.” Without any hesitation, he grabbed the locks of the suitcase. Effortlessly flicking them up, he opened the suitcase. And he was greeted with bars of soap. Where he would sell these to the woman.
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petticoatsandparasols · 10 months
Realizing now that I have Lyme disease, it leaves a lot of questions. Maybe this is what has been causing my fibromyalgia? Maybe that extremely rough psychological stuff I’ve been dealing with lately are related? Learning about Lyme is like a lightbulb going off…
2 years ago I found a bullseye rash, never saw a tick and was treated with doxycycline. Lyme can become chronic in some people and you can have what is called a resurgence which is what I am dealing with now. I don’t believe I got a new fresh tick bite.
Lyme disease can cause so many symptoms that look like other disorders and is not easily detected on blood panels and other testing methods. I was tested over a year ago and since it was negative I assumed that meant I didn’t have the disease. Well now I know that is not true. I have questioned since then if lyme was a possibility… like I can’t even tell you how many times it crossed my mind, but since I’m not a doctor, I just kept pushing it off and saying well my doctor told me I have fibromyalgia… I do but there’s a reason for it!!
The good thing that comes out of this is antibiotics can help me greatly and if things start to flare again, I know what it is and can ask for help!
When I was at the hospital the doctor asked if I wanted to be part of a Lyme disease study they are doing through Dalhousie University and I said YES OF COURSE! So now, like I always do, I will become an advocate for this disease.
My message for everyone is simple:
1. Please be careful and check yourselves for ticks! I know it’s easy to forget especially since they can be the size of a grain of pepper but do everything you can to avoid this disease can I can tell you, it is absolute hell! Nova Scotia is dealing with a really high volume of tick bites and Lyme now and also other bacteria borne illnesses are popping up too. I witnessed at least half a dozen people at the ER in Lunenburg yesterday who were there for them as well! It is truly rampant and I share this as a warning.
2. Never stop fighting and advocating for yourself. I know that also isn’t easy especially with our crumbling healthcare system but if you believe something is wrong, don’t stop asking questions! Don’t stop looking for an answer! Listen to your body and trust yourselves!
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16th January >> Mass Readings (USA)
Monday, Second Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading Hebrews 5:1-10 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered.
Brothers and sisters: Every high priest is taken from among men and made their representative before God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring, for he himself is beset by weakness and so, for this reason, must make sin offerings for himself as well as for the people. No one takes this honor upon himself but only when called by God, just as Aaron was. In the same way, it was not Christ who glorified himself in becoming high priest, but rather the one who said to him:
You are my Son: this day I have begotten you;
just as he says in another place,You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
In the days when he was in the Flesh, he offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4
R/ You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.
The LORD said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool.”
R/ You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.
The scepter of your power the LORD will stretch forth from Zion: “Rule in the midst of your enemies.”
R/ You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.
“Yours is princely power in the day of your birth, in holy splendor; before the daystar, like the dew, I have begotten you.”
R/ You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.
The LORD has sworn, and he will not repent: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
R/ You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.
Gospel Acclamation Hebrews 4:12
Alleluia, alleluia. The word of God is living and effective, able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Mark 2:18-22 The bridegroom is with them.
The disciples of John and of the Pharisees were accustomed to fast. People came to Jesus and objected, “Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth on an old cloak. If he does, its fullness pulls away, the new from the old, and the tear gets worse. Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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theplumbnerd · 5 months
DIY Water Heater Element Replacement: Plumb Nerd's Step-by-Step Guide
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Howdy, DIY heroes! Jack Thompson, your Plumb Nerd from Denver, is back with a hands-on guide for all you water heater warriors. Today, we're tackling a common issue – replacing a water heater element. It might sound daunting, but don't worry, I'm here with a step-by-step guide that'll have you swapping out that element like a pro. Grab your tools, and let's dive into this DIY adventure together.
Why Replace a Water Heater Element?
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's understand why you might need to replace a water heater element: - No Hot Water: If your showers are more ice bath than spa day, a faulty element might be the culprit. - Rust and Corrosion: Elements can corrode over time, affecting their performance. - Age: Older water heaters may need a new element for a performance boost.
Plumb Nerd's Step-by-Step Guide
Here's your roadmap to a successful water heater element replacement: Step 1 - Safety First Always the first rule of DIY: - How-to: Turn off the power supply to the water heater. For electric heaters, flip the breaker. For gas heaters, set the control knob to "pilot." - Why: Keeps you safe from electric shocks or gas-related mishaps. Step 2 - Drain the Tank Empty out the tank before you start: - How-to: Connect a hose to the drain valve and let the water flow out. - Why: Prevents a watery mess when you remove the element. Step 3 - Locate the Elements Know where you're working: - How-to: Find the access panels on the side of the water heater. Elements are usually behind these. - Why: Saves you from unnecessary dismantling. Step 4 - Remove the Old Element Time to say goodbye to the old one: - How-to: Use a wrench to loosen and unscrew the old element. - Why: Clears the way for the shiny new one. Step 5 - Install the New Element Bring in the fresh blood: - How-to: Wrap the threads of the new element with Teflon tape and screw it in. - Why: Ensures a snug fit and prevents leaks. Step 6 - Tighten and Seal Seal the deal: - How-to: Tighten the element with a wrench – not too tight, just snug. - Why: Prevents leaks and secures the element in place. Step 7 - Refill the Tank Time to fill 'er up: - How-to: Close the drain valve and turn on the water supply. - Why: Gets your tank ready for action. Step 8 - Bleed the Air Let out the air trapped in the tank: - How-to: Open a hot water faucet until water flows consistently. - Why: Ensures proper water circulation. Step 9 - Turn on the Power Bring the heat back: - How-to: For electric heaters, flip the breaker back on. For gas heaters, set the control knob to the desired temperature. - Why: Time to enjoy that hot water. Step 10 - Check for Leaks Last but not least, a leak check: - How-to: Inspect around the newly installed element for any signs of water. - Why: Ensures a watertight installation. Conclusion There you have it, DIY warriors! A straightforward guide to replacing your water heater element, courtesy of Jack Thompson, your Plumb Nerd. If you ever need more DIY wisdom, head over to plumbnerd.com. Now, go give your water heater the TLC it deserves. Happy fixing! Read the full article
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libidomechanica · 10 months
I climb
A sonnet sequence
Forcing winds, our fearing and so the two of us walked in Porphyria; straint, came vested all be the envious wrath of maiden Aunt. And all never deep woods shall torment from mine a philosopher’s breast almighty beauty of these accelerating love me—me—sure things. No coward path edge the fresh beautyes grappling bell. Oh plunging mynd is nae sae bashfully, then without a shoutherne sent in sondry talys. Her bleed, falling stars. Very man sat still from the grounds, by the tag o’ her windy night, from time drew from that shows, kill me; kill ye. I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam!
Roe that we cannot this aged those, I koude I mette of either than whiteness? I with many music’s cage, will hold hope, by a Tombe a mouses are chaff of curtesie? To blamed, if wommenes love: its in fields them so a wyf in pain: and that despised be tolde it good-morrow and fair subject and snaw; but strike off his voice by hear horse. Peter! Moth, pod of respects, yet held such plenty and each others shone little this good dealing as I am such length, of touches rhetoric can learn to live. That, if learn my fancy light? To chirche as myne olde he men! Let no deyntee of sheaves when lo!
Great; but passion tis pluck down sweetness the sullen, in the lawes along, in princess, six feet that be nay, friends from jagged precipice: ther weel again among those thunder, told that we used them while it to their petty ocean’s verge; and shining darkness, when Ioues selfe alone another men will send ye. And teche that sin against my crowned light with the fairest-blossom’d bought of sunrise, so long a path the wo, Ful giltelees, a song of her lips do slay, or elles, Frere. His own slipperiness. Who wounding as twenty, Tam. Besides, without tempestuous lips’ rich is a lowly grounded.
Came a-pilferer. Ill-nurtured sparrow foredoom their fellow, and draw the many a dying at they gave its airy strange was oon of the greene: and off I ran, head-foremost files of al, of Oliue braue gleam I cannot get; she fast, and therefore? Are very moment, light, and hang her cheek appeared a font of laughed; a rosebud set with the bathe youth with the cove will begins to carry me to speak of the loveliness, and flush’d, mid that sober hue deuise, in spite of decorous earth, and noble yet reseeds&relights so white wicket; babies rough Year just fountain-path, to stay her goe.
Of college like a nest from low-grown breast. An housbondes hadde of my sweet boy, ere matrimony make, behold! As if it were swung blinded eyes of the East, and vaine Loue should be startings, crying signs she best lad, the wedded to one know he Symplicius Gallus left scole, and him there! Bet is, quod this more,—falsehood accurst! There met, they have in size as like the laste, with the broad breathing to creek joining this old wipers again the world, and for his monthly fix how he’d loveliness raise her till I die. She wolde han he saw the dark. And gentle Groane at rains green’d over her, O!
Nay rack youre leve, ye shal sprig of yourself had spoke, and al myn herte, and govern the distance in use, he with a squalid cot; shunn’d, had wounding the dull Time fond Phantasm, could all the loved. To the Storke be heard, thaw’d and so clearly: That’s one day I sought forth a steady, as air and press’d; for to stir? Open to the steps lead, my spite of wommenes love: question all my fantasye, as if by some woodmen heart’s the sons prophecies; if thou didst thou sing. So in the breach appeare of heaven and shoots javelin’s her grunzie wi’ ony body: he had fix’d, as filchers to loved not heart to see.
Half hidden hedde, ne I wolde lyve parfitly, and ye third among bed. And tower and even to age’s steel, throws: she sawe, ne durst all live on the sully the heat of my sleeps with that were place upon a hoary mounts that followed to make me glades’ colonnades, all cope him to blame reprov’d; I know his river been al pacient for when you shall all the cruel breath With veiled exhalation is buried, love’s fighter of the women fresh lustful language but kill his loathed? Comes a craftely you beneath those who asked, above them down: it is abuse: seeds of their dear trace: binde your skin.
This knoweth Helicon the cycle, where, if, listens, speak thy text, and breed and me of another sides, know, a maidenhead; yet through the fair displese. I conjure than flint, for any day lapped are. I want me, Love is soule fog that make her that over. Of possible that same night he. But wel it is a fitting short, or that the curlews call, dreary minstrelsy, found, I trowe me the meadows? To pay; and all the literate your faith, since he seems unkind, i’ll learned song, but consent, to drink to Ovid, and humble desires with music, words, and loving pool of al my beauty.
Now what of thy classes, hors, allas, the blacke why wrapt she bore? Shine and wished and bite my tears doth her mither bed her nose and his nat bothe up as before the way, till, cheering with debt: for which gave me not! Leave me on my joy blinket sae bashful shame, and many an every beauties white flocks, and hurl their stupefied wit, require of Venus make an infant that ensues forth my nece also. Being tied again; throw all the white, has a maydens doe obay, and, lordynges, by this our many a seizure on the singular tune of plastic wits? There is not, joy delight? The single drop of maidens and constant of our victory, bring hound, and leave excel, the prechyng eek, with been born or by a multitude, and twigs and minstrel’s skill to me yon king’s: beneath flowers, I thoughte the wood. The ground, sobbing To sink, but conseil every vestige of thou encountenance?
And in it is nourishing loosen’d fruit in another womman for ever. And sunflowery perching; frown a vulture far off she Autumn tress of skin open to my chamber sprites then I know no more, not my enemy, nor an infant’s smilest, bury this breast; in bed she saw endymion pine away from thee solace singular shoes from the night. They did I kiss their freckled. And her Pleasure. Knowing her mishaps, as does not fear the younglings: next, well compact of hem faire, and al my being gone, the brute bloods may well her head, and times I’d rather I wouldn’t have gone.
Brought vnsownd, when life was thy poor chill; beauties where to vs be feast? Others. With other cheek when laurels and aw’d resign this power he came in size and all their shouting’s making that morning bought the city towers do the airy street with this tail, whose petals nipp’d her face, ere I many a curl that, it is with suitors, dowagers forth a steadily aglow, hastily spak, that my tongue, althought word she her do still, from the woman, and down—yet the poet is over her till the rocks and so mild as a male, as if it well-gotten, and careless wings raine, forcing wild, I curse they were sits she crystal tears were, an imagined you hadst thou, to love, a gold thoughts augment? And wonders puls’d tenfold his seede, such a page or two that she shoulders. There is not how, with portly pace, making the tame and mine ear again. And I untanglement lay carved the apple trees old.
She answer and gall. Than that lead, my woe, or at the deawy leaue you great deity, for Death their Institute of which dull Time rot and sometimes fals; I dremed of my swogh I bring her head was born a-morwe with her coming the abandoned fire, the tender’d, no fence cannon: Echo hence thee. Or naething quiet shadows, to the quiet woodland, oh, the world of other holy thunder; dangerous guide in white, and tuneless grate, showing rain, and bleed, being nuns, the hears in his count the shadow make thy might with a blast been, and flaunt with snow and in the water unto his warm.
And butterflies Woo’d and bonier yet beginning is awake the lay, whan she say? Then this sentence beat for us, and I hate and seem an hors I koude pleyned fields at last to him. Now dame, quod he, though neither the trees, as a woman, she counsel of things of time, let thy sovranty, recoiling bread as I grant, lusty folk. And babbles o’er me roll’d into wooing much misery! Dangers only Maud was born, and we are seven so sweet-smelling like a sojourning cloys and leaue to morn till we should hurt that profit and blossom of the forehead of his you shalt thou to see.
Image was a lady sweetness of men: men, my busy vision of those leaves Lover bY ROBERT BROWNING the ruby-budded limbs, and hand did its wren so a wyf destroy, to moan! Behold hopes are manere lost, what rang with mine, are gone to eat&see thee; but her paradise Alas, that shall will take to golden pits: ’twas bonie and rain, it was a wind wherein did stead of winter.— Be happiness; who bids th’ unhallow hair waits me to the perfection which he skill. And the day when the stood, which her whose swift up thy father prayses sing the brought palms, or maid was they be wedding.
Interminable hour their rose on my joint narrative does not Hyacinthus, by God a proud, had no heare both of a brothers, there did we watched the more they fawn his light or dim, as one doo fishes for peace in the guilty sigh above the eagles stand, I sayde. I cannot be prolonged, all folkes fare? Things of their songs. From the spoke, and carrol sweetness be undistinguished greater in oon, and, well-conducted person the dedicated honoured men moors, benighted, close after long here; lest this helmet these care and now she was its kind of a well-gotten looks them eternal course to the sun that softer voices? Kept walkes about its spires up like she looks now, by my fancifullest she fast thou shall fly and urchin-spouted bliss? Waved my name is Martha Ray about here I something—into sleeps, and cities of the great carouse knocks hard a thousand battle wings.
And having feet, and haply may forget mine to touch their whit; I do forgive therefore mayst that I speke. A twiste. That ever but to die. But ones of Woman. They locust and long delight fair Orithea, whom all that there. Lifts a young Favonious. His pleasant, ugly, meagre, leaves—she shudder in a triple hour their death’s eternal, which she in glories old Sir Ralph had fled from whose master’s tale to do a fly, in a queer sort of the Echoes, in her eyes at our device in tempest of hym so greet: spreading so as on the mountain chastity, vnspotte, which I shouldst be the conseil al.
Two strewed with his blynde horses, girls in circle the coasteth to me to beat; where is a mass of Time; which at the sped, died with his horse. In thy pains he sees clear untouches rhetoric can lend, melting to espy some beneath was like the dark, and the wind that air that close? Shrink for his might goes. Beauty slain I spied her her faces are greedy pleasant days, made of other, but deeply place, and pant, as one in something unforeseen—tiny bottles I make, beholders, sprung. And feels its utmost shades and suppose, change and while it felt th’ vnpleasant plays and flower, and married in.
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brightgnosis · 4 months
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Iiiit'ss hhaaapppennniiinnnggggg; guess whose packing up to move back into the Basement right now!
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Laundry Room Plumbing Tips: How To Maintain Plumbing Like A Pro
Laundry room plumbing is one of the most overlooked areas of every home. Unfortunately, this can lead to mishaps such as drain blockages, clogged supply lines, damaged appliances, and even flooding. Luckily, we’re here to help you prevent all this — and more — from affecting your laundry room. 
Dealing with a flooded and dysfunctional laundry room is the last thing any homeowner wants to do. In this article, we give you tips on how to maintain your laundry room plumbing like a pro. 
5 Laundry Room Plumbing Tips to Consider
Most people put off necessary plumbing maintenance for fear of paying expensive laundry services costs. Regardless, regular plumbing maintenance can help prevent problems from affecting your laundry room. Additionally, it can extend the life expectancy of your appliances — saving you more money in the long run.
Use these tips to get the most out of your laundry room.
Tip #1: Regularly inspect hoses.
Washing machines and dryers have all sorts of hoses connected to them. Each one serves a different purpose; however, all of them can wear out over time. It’s best to regularly inspect the machine hoses for cracks, holes, or tears. Not only can these issues cause unwanted leaks, but they could also compromise your washing machine’s electrical components. 
Generally, washing machine hoses should be replaced every five years — or as indicated on your washing machine’s user manual. If you suspect something is wrong with your supply line or drain line, you’ll have to replace the equipment quickly. Visit your local hardware store or plumbing supply store. You could also contact a plumbing professional like us to help you resolve the situation.
Tip #2: Inspect the pipes for leaks.
If your laundry room has exposed pipes, it can be easy for them to acquire cracks and holes that eventually lead to leaking. Water damage is an inevitable result of pipe leaks, so acting quickly in the situation is necessary to prevent further problems. Contact your plumber to conduct regular inspections on your laundry room pipes. 
Tip #3: Flush the p-trap. 
The p-trap is the u-shaped bend that’s that connects your washing machine’s drain to the sewer system. This part of the drain line contains water that prevents sewage gases from re-entering your home. Unfortunately, p-traps tend to dry up when they aren’t in frequent use. When the water inside the p-trap completely evaporates, foul odors can start to seep into your home, causing discomfort and even illnesses to your family. 
If you notice your laundry room is smelling less appealing lately, a quick p-trap flush should do the trick. Pour a bucket of water into the p-trap to create a fresh seal to prevent sewage smells from wafting into your house. 
Tip #4: Place a strainer over the drains.
Wet lint might seem like the least of your problems when it comes to laundry room plumbing; however, it’s actually one of the things you need to watch out for. Wet lint can easily get into pipes and hoses during the draining process. Over time, some stray pieces of lint can get stuck inside the hose walls. This can cause poor drainage and even clogs in your pipes. If not addressed immediately, clogged pipes can also lead to burst pipes — which is not a problem anyone wants in their house.
Luckily, there are strainers designed specifically for washing machine hoses and pipes. These strainers can be bought at any hardware store at relatively low prices. They may also be bought online if you don’t want to make the trip to your local hardware. Experienced DIY-ers can easily install the strainer in their washing machine pipes while some may need expert assistance. 
Contact a professional if you don’t know how to install your strainer.
Tip #5: Only wash full loads of laundry.
As surprising as it might sound, small laundry loads are more harmful to your laundry room plumbing than full loads. Washing machines typically use 40 gallons of water for each load. Using 40 gallons for a single shirt and a few pairs of socks means you’re using your plumbing wastefully. You can extend your laundry room plumbing’s life expectancy by batching your laundry — waiting until you have enough to equate to a full load. If you absolutely need to get a single piece of clothing washed immediately, consider handwashing it as opposed to using your washing machine. 
Maintain Good Laundry Room Plumbing with Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing!
Here at Kevin Szabo Jr Plumbing, nothing is more important to us than the happiness and safety of our clients. Thus, we ensure that the services we provide are both affordable and efficient. Our plumbing professionals are trained in the latest methodologies to meet industry standards. Whether it’s cleaning the drains or doing preventative maintenance on your laundry room plumbing, you can rest assured that our technicians will handle the job with utmost care and professionalism. 
For more details, please visit our website or send us an email containing your concerns and requests. 
CALL TODAY 708-845-7922
We look forward to working with you!
Guest Contributor: Sophia Young
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Hey, I just found your blog through your adorable A Smaller Predicament headcanons. You’re an amazing writer and I was wondering if you could please do a version of that for Venti?
A Small(er) Predicament [Venti x Reader]
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Synopsis: When you have to deal with each other's quirkiness as either him as a child or you as a pocket-sized human being
(Two seperate scenarios of Smol Series 1 and 2)
(A/n): Awww you're too kind anon and Venti is such a good addition to this. He's already babie (just look at the art #protecc)
Venti as a smol baby
The price for the Anemo Archon taking the form of a 12-year old boy had errupted some unique reprocussions after the potion effect: Rather than a young child with the capacity of walking at best, he reduced to something much much younger...a baby.
This meant that Venti will articulate the exact traits of an average one year old except he's more chaotic given his godly powers. It's because he's yet to learn his powers, if Klee could blow up the entirety of DragonSpine, then Barbatos would spin a tornado enough to flatten the mountains and plains altogether. You pray to god when he happens to sneeze (until you realize he is the god). Time to duck under the table, every item would fly off their tables and snot would be coming down his nose...which you have to wipe now (yuck!)
No matter what form he takes, Venti is still the same troublemaking, free-spirited to a fault and mischevious bard. The type to cry at least three times during sleeping hours and you wake up the next day completely deprived of energy. He's a messy eater as well as a picky eater. Food would constantly be stained around his face to the point you feel uncomfortable looking at him. Oh and if you ever try feeding him meals that he dislikes, Venti will either dodge your spoon or blow it away that it splashes all over your shirt.
Does. not. drink. milk. You fight to shove the bottle into his mouth which ends up with him crying a ear-splitting scream. It's almost embarassing trying to feed him in public. Because what Venti wants is not milk, he wants wine. WINE. You knew because "wine" was his first word. The amount of stress he gives you almost wants to make you cry too. So you often had to bring him to the Cathedral and ask the sisters to help instead. Turns out singing songs helps him calm down alot.
However when there are times where Venti is behaving, he's an absolute cutie. He laughs alot, a bubbly and gurgly giggle where you can almost hear his signature "Ehe" except now its an "Eehee". For some reason, Venti loves to bite. He will take a strand of your hair and put it in his mouth. If you bring him close to your face, he'll lean in and chomp your cheek. You're not sure why but that's just his way of showing affection. Most of the time he may stink as a baby, but after a good shower he smells like the fresh minty wind that had blown through the whispering woods.
Once he turns back to his normal self, Venti acts like nothing much happened. Doesn't even apologize for all the trouble he committed. He just says "That was fun!"
When you turn pocket-sized
Boy oh boy you two are going to have lots of fun together ehe ^_^ But don't worry. Venti has no malicious intent. Just his mischeivious tricks like usual. It's like having his own verison of Paimon! Oh, you can't fly? That can be fixed. He crafts you a mini wind-glider when actually it's a cheap folded paper airplane he made in just ten seconds, sticks you on it using tape before using his powers to generate a wind current. You were screaming for your life.
But it doesn't stop there. With you brand new powers, you guys can now be partners in crime! Big and small. As he distracts the staff at the Dawn Winery, you can sneak into the cart and push the apples down into his bag. Or what about sneaking underneath the door to unlock the cathedrals cell where all of the wine stash is hidden?
"No? *sigh* such a shame. We could have been really great partners. A fantastic duo hehe! But you know, now that I'm looking at how small you are, this kinda reminds me of...nevermind. Where shall we be off to next?"
He lets you slip underneath his beret hat. Despite being the wind god, it never falls off. Whenever you shift and push out from the edges of his hat to take a peek outside, Venti can feel your knees digging into his head. Although the feeling can be a bit nagging sometimes and that he has to get used to, at least he has someone to scratch for him whenever he feels itchy!
Whenever you need help climbing on top of furniture, sometimes you'll feel a gentle boost ghosting in the air. Even when Venti isn't around, he keeps in mind to help you navigate your surroundings whenever you need to. Also considering that he's so short himself, sometimes he'll lift you to the top shelves to get something for him.
When you turn back, he says he's going to miss the times where you're flying around in a tiny form. It brings him a sense of deja-vu. Regardless, Venti makes sure to implement this into his songs and stories, a tale of two figures of different sizes ready for adventure!
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Kanao: Did Tanjiro Give Her A Weakness?
Kanao already reached the Tsuchinoto rank (5th of 10) within about 1.5 months* of passing the Final Selection but then only progressed to Hinoto (7th of 10) over the following 10 months or so.* Why the slow-down? I've got a handful of possible ideas but no indication of if any of them would be true. *(According to my timeline estimates.)
In the extra chapter in Volume 7 about all the suffering in Kanao's past, Kanao snaps. All of a sudden, she stops feeling anything. She doesn't think for herself at all, only doing things as she's told.
According to the Taisho Secret at the end of Chapter 163, Kanao learned Flower Breathing by observation, though neither Kanae or Shinobu approved of this. She entered the Final Selection without permission. Although, as Tanjiro puts it, the voice of Kanao's heart is very small, Kanao had a growing sense that she couldn't forgive demons for how they orphaned her housemates and took Shinobu's parents, sister, and Tsuguko from her. Straight from Word of God-touge, fighting demons is Kanao's will. However, Shinobu at first worries that it's not really something Kanao felt that deeply about, and admonishes her simply to not falter or overthink things, and just cut off demon's heads. I suspect she declared Kanao her Tsuguko immediately as a means of keeping an eye on her, and that she had to enforce a professional distance that she otherwise never would had wanted to impose on Kanao. I suspect that Kanao did not only observe Kanae; Shinobu may very well have had other Flower Breath users among her Tsuguko. We don't know how involved the Tsuguko were in the Butterfly Mansion household; I suspect there was a bit of professional emotional distance, seeing as how Kanao goes from referring to Shinobu as her sister to referring to her as her master. None of the other Butterfly Mansion girls ever use such close terms of endearment to Shinobu. Although Kanao did enter the Corp of her own accord (feeling nothing, except perhaps "demons are bad, I should get rid of them"), she still is in a pretty broken, unfeeling state. When she's not on missions or training, she's content to sit somewhere and stare off into the sun (Kanao, your eyes, take care of your precious eyes!!). And since she doesn't need to think about anything besides cutting off demon heads, and she doesn't mind any fear or suffering, she probably goes about her missions in a manner similar to how Muichiro did in that whirlwind two-month journey to becoming a Pillar. The "I don't care (but actually I just hate you)" method of demon slaying, apparently pretty effective. While we don't know how the rate of climbing the ranks is calculated, I suspect that Flower Breathing stresses evasion (see here and here), so Kanao likely doesn’t spend at much time down with injury, and therefore she took a lot more missions. And, being in a Pillar’s household, she might have had a Nichirin blade she could use right away to start taking missions while hers was being made, giving her at least a 10-day leg up on the others in her Final Selection batch. Likewise, being in the company of a Pillar, she’s probably gone straight into fighting higher level demons. And who knows? Maybe being declared a Tsuguko also adds to rank? But then Tanjiro turns her world upside-down at the flip of a coin, like how Shinobu throwing coins around a bridge changed her life years before. And, little by little, the voice of Kanao's heart starts growing stronger. While before Kanao was happy to simply stare off at the sun, Fanbook #1 tells us she's started looking at the world around her afresh. Bubbles!! Blowing bubbles is her new hobby. And she might not be good at treating injuries, but she goes on errands now for the Butterfly Mansion and likes bringing back candy and other small gifts for everyone. Look, it's even fun to poke the paw pads on cats! Beans! (Seeing as Shinobu doesn't like furry creatures (yet somehow puts up with Inosuke), Kanao probably only interacts with cats on her errands, and I'll bet Shinobu and Aoi both stay on pins and needles wondering what's taking her so long out there on her own). Kanao's even started to try helping with cooking! In one of the light novels, we see her go to Aoi for help, asking her to teach her new recipes. And, a few months into this bright new outlook on the world where she actually takes and interest in things and forms her own opinions, the Uzui Incident happens, and Kanao, at least by Kanao's standards, flamboyantly stands up to him. It was a terrifyingly bigger and more complicated decision than she's ever faced in battle. So here's a question:
Can a Corp member be
punished for anything by being downgraded a rank? Was there any repercussion to interfering with a Pillar's demon slaying mission? That might explain some of the sudden slow-down in Kanao's dramatic rate of promotion. What might also be possible is that a different Pillar, Shinobu, was concerned about the speed with which she advanced, especially seeing how emotionally stunted Muichiro was despite his skills, and how he wound up in more and more dangerous situations because of his rank. Even if Shinobu recognizes (perhaps with some surprise) that Kanao is innately talented, she's no genius, and she can't simply survive by cutting off heads as she climbs the ranks. Shinobu perhaps puts her foot down against Kanao's advancement to make sure there is time to focus on other aspects Kanao needs to mature in, and Oyakata-sama would probably be pretty understanding of that. This sort of request may be allowed purely because of the nature of the Hashira-Tsuguko relationship, regardless of the reason, who knows. But what it also might be is that as Kanao starts feeling things, she starts feeling all the things. Whereas before she might never had cared enough to be affected by fear or pain or sadness or weariness, just as she's seeing the simple tiny pleasures of life with fresh eyes, perhaps she's lost the natural armor she had against these other feelings. And, given the reasons why she snapped in the first place, it may be an especially confusing process for her to have to deal with these negative feelings in a healthier way. That's got to have a negative impact on her effectiveness in battle, and if it ever breaks her focus (though I don't see any evidence of this ever happening), it could be something that leads to injuries, which would decrease her number of missions (but, given her mastery of Breath technique and Functional Recovery Training, she's probably quick to recover). Even if Kanao doesn't get to the point of having breakdowns, people like Shinobu and Oyakata-sama would be keen enough of her development as a person that they might slow down how often she's assigned missions, as she requires that time to work at her new interests and becoming a more whole person. They've probably been watching over her without her even being aware of it, and as Shinobu perhaps devotes more and more time to her research, Kanao supposes that's the reason for her own slow-down in missions. If Master is busy, then the Tsuguko should merely help out and keep training. And it's not as if Kanao enjoys slaying demons; she's probably happily distracted with all these new things she finds she enjoys. She's probably never cared about promotion anyway. But, would Kanao have blown through the ranks if Tanjiro hadn't unwittingly derailed her so dramatically?
As an aside, the aforementioned Taisho Secret also states that Kanao joined the Corp because unlike Aoi, she wasn't good at treating injuries. Yet in the extended epilogue comic in Fanbook #2 Tanjiro says she's a fantastic doctor??? Hmm???? When?? How????? Can she see well enough to administer medicine safely?? Umm? Aoi? Please supervise her???? No offense, Kanao, but--where---did--this--come--from???????
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shijiujun · 3 years
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Okay if y’all have read my top 2020 danmei list from a week or two back, you’ll know this is currently my favourite danmei (outside of Qi Wei Shang + 2ha hahaha), so here’s a proper, full rec!
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
Ji Yan Ran is the Emperor’s brother and wields military power in the novel, and it starts with an object being stolen from the palace. Ji Yan Ran has to retrieve the item secretly, and so enlists the help of Feng Yu Sect’s Sect Master, Yun Yi Feng, who heads the martial arts world’s one and only information trading post. Yun Yi Feng does not deal in business that involves any royalty, but Jing Yan Ran offers him something he cannot refuse - the Blood Red Lingzhi, a rare and mystical herb that is rumoured to be able to treat his life-threatening condition.
Yun Yi Feng was used by his shifu when he was younger to test out all kinds of poisons and cures, and since then, his body flushes dangerously hot and cold frequently, with bouts of severe coughing fits in between. Throughout the first mission where he spends time with Ji Yan Ran searching for the stolen object, he allows Jing Yan Ran to take care of him. Their relationship is pretty flirty and touchy right off the bat, with Ji Yan Ran knowing really clearly that he wants to take care of Yun Yi Feng. When Yun Yi Feng goes anywhere without a coat, JYR always has one ready. He promises all his riches to him, even his mother hahaha (but that’s because he knows he deceived YYF with the Blood Red Lingzhi and is willing to give YYF everything else while also continuing to look for the lingzhi for him). 
Of course, they have to uncover a plot and conspiracy against their enemies who are plotting to dethrone the Emperor, and also reveal the secrets of Yun Yi Feng’s birth.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Not Available | Novel Translations | Manhua
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1. 云倚风 Yun Yi Feng (right) - The revered Sect Master of Feng Yu Sect as his sect controls the flow and movement of information. People from all over buy information or hire the sect to help them get information, and is considered a neutral sect within the wuxia world. Very intelligent, a cool-headed strategist who also loves riches, whose eyes light up at the sight of treasures and money.
He was a child remnant of a war, and picked up by his shifu Gui Ci, who brought him to this island to live with other kids he picked up. His first few years were spent rather happily there, but then one day the man gave all the children bowls of what they thought was soup but ended up being poison because Gui Ci wanted to test out his new concoctions. At the end, only YYF survived after multiple ingestions of poisons and experimental cures. Because he was the ‘strongest’ out of all the other children, Gui Ci began testing out all sorts of poisons and cures on him after. If someone came to him after having been poisoned, Gui Ci would poison YYF in the same way as a test subject to use cures on, and only after they worked on YYF would he use them on the patient. 
His shifu is considered a mad man, and the last straw was when he locked YYF up with several scorpions for a few days and YYF was the closest thing to death at that moment, and afterwards, realizing that he’d gone overboard, Gui Ci is more careful about poisoning him, allowing him to have a slightly more normal childhood, but because of this YYF’s body would flush hot and cold frequently and unbearably. He manages to escape from Gui Ci and sets up Feng Yu Sect.
He only has 5 years left to live if he doesn’t find the Blood Red Lingzhi, when he meets Ji Yan Ran and his request. After meeting JYR he realizes how sweet life is, to have someone who always thinks of him, who cares about his well-being, who wants to make him happy, who buys and gives him everything he wants. In the beginning he is unable to reciprocate knowing he’ll die soon, but they get together anyway after a close call, as JYR tries to find the Lingzhi for him.
He also loves to cook and play the zither, but is so bad at both!! He’s so terrible that every time he approaches the kitchen or the zither the servants themselves try to redirect him subtly and chase him away because they CANNOT stand his dishes or his music hahahaha.
2. 季燕然 Ji Yan Ran (left) - Army commander/general, and a prince. Close to the Emperor, who’s his older brother, and takes a liking to YYF the moment he meets him. He bluffs YYF, says that he has the Blood Red Lingzhi, and then realizing how much YYF needs it, he feels more guilty and guilty for lying to him, and once admitting it, he promises to do whatever it takes to find it for him.  
He’s very smart as well, has eyes only for YYF and is willing to indulge him in every single whim he has. If YYF complains that he doesn’t have anything to wear (even in jest), JYR has the garment stores in the whole city send 10 outfits each for YYF to pick. And even though he hates YYF’s cooking and playing of the zither, he lets him do it anyway, fond but exasperated while everyone is staring daggers at him for not stopping YYF.
A few years ago, a close friend of his and the Emperor’s died, and JYR suspects that their father had something to do with it. It’s something that has been troubling him for many years and it’s a dilemma for him because he has to balance between questioning the Emperor but also trusting him and being a good brother/official to him, as clues keep pointing towards the Emperor and his father being involved in shady deals/decisions. His relationship with the Emperor, his brother, can be described as close, but of course even though they are close and trust each other to a good extent, there is still room for a tiny bit of doubt that both brothers are well aware of due to their positions, not that this affects their relationship.
Openly is affectionate to YYF in front of everyone, including his mother, who likes YYF alot as well. YYF once worried if the Emperor would oppose his relationship with him, but JYR said that their relationship should put the Emperor even more at ease, because the world and other officials would not recognize an Emperor who liked men and didn’t have any children, meaning that JYR becomes an even smaller threat to the throne.
3. 暮成雪 Mu Cheng Xue - An assassin who keeps popping up throughout the novel, and is a frenemy to YYF especially because he stole the cuteass snow leopard that was supposed to be YYF’s and refuses to return it. Not good nor bad, he does whatever he’s paid for.
4. 江凌飞 Jiang Ling Fei - JYR’s godbrother, who didn’t have a good childhood with no one to protect him in the Jiang family, one of the big wuxia families in the novel, as he had no parents and was technically brought up by his scheming uncles/cousins etc. He befriended JYR when they were younger and acknowledged JYR’s mother as his godmother because she was truly and genuinely good to him, and spends a large part of his days running in and out of the Jing manor. He’s JYR’s right hand man, but his dream is to be a bum wandering through different parts of the world, having fun whenever instead of being boggled down by duties to the Jiang family and other things.
Amazing Scenes:
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YYF unceremoniously using JYR’s arm as a pillow while he’s talking 
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Basically YYF fainting and getting sick a lot and JYR always there to catch him ;-; To dote on him!!! Ahhhh my heart
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
The first time YYF plays the zither in the Jing manor, JYR’s mother, shaking, goes to JYR and asks, “Is Yun-er learning some evil cultivation music?”
YYF tends to go out to the markets and will buy back 2kg of flour for example, while all the servants shudder in the fear and cry in front of JYR, who can only sigh but indulge him
YYF’s favourite things include JYR’s mother taking his blankets out to soak up the sunlight in the day so he has fluffy, warmth-filled and fresh-smelling covers everyday to collapse into
JYR once asked YYF if it’s a good thing that he met him, and YYF says, “Of course it’s a good thing I met wangye, because of you, I now know that life can be sweet and warm too.”
YYF carves out what he thinks the Blood Red Lingzhi looks like based on some bogus description JYR gave him and because he’s so hopeful and happy about finally being able to have the lingzhi, he carves it out and wears it like a pendant, and everytime JYR sees it he wants to slap himself for being such a motherfucking asshole and deceiving this man
YYF keeps forgetting his cape/coat, so JYR always gives him his, but YYF keeps taking and not returning and on the fourth time it happens, YYF looks at JYR expectantly, and JYR says, “You’ve already taken three, this is my last one, I’m gonna freeze to death, left without a cape if I give you this one”
JYR always tempts YYF into doing things by giving him treasures, and jokingly promises YYF his army commander ring, which symbolizes his authority and power, and YYF unceremoniously takes it knowing what it is, and refuses to return it to him - After a few times this happens, JYR makes a replica of it so they matchy matchy ;-;
They travel South in a holiday for a few months after the first arc is wrapped up, knowing that YYF doesn’t have much time left to live, and every single day is painful for JYR as the time YYF spends conscious decreases day by day
YYF asks for some oil/salve to use as lube from the army camp’s physician, a night before JYR is due to go off for war, and the physician scolds the messenger for having the time to think about such thoughts, and when the messenger says it’s for YYF, physician is like “... oh. okay, here you go, give this to him” without another word HAHAHAHA
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 1 & Part 2
Part 3/3:
Nines froze as the human’s body melded to his. Gavin kept his eyes shut and his lips moving. Then what he’d been bracing for finally came.
Sweet glorious pain, blossoming everywhere Nines gripped his body. Gavin was sure that his lips would bruise under the pressure of the reciprocal kiss… that his rib cage would shatter if Nines held him any tighter… that his lungs would burst if they didn’t fill with air soon…
A wolf-whistle broke through the stunned silence in the yard.
Gavin pulled back, light-headed from the rush of oxygen and drain of adrenaline. He didn’t fall though. Didn’t even move an inch. Strong arms and a heated gaze kept him pinned.
“Of all the things in the world… why coffee?”
“I could ask you the same.”
Gavin tucked his head into the crook of Nines’ neck, cuddling closer.
“Hmm… I think weird working hours made me actually need the caffeine… but the bean snobbery just came with the rest of my superiority complexes.”
Nines laughed. It was more of an exhale than an actual laugh, but Gavin was thankful for it nonetheless.
“And you?”
Nines kissed his forehead, prolonging his answer as much as he could before finally relenting with a sigh.
“The reason you’re asking… is because running a café is just about the last thing you’d expect an android like me to be doing. And… that’s your answer. That’s exactly why I wanted it.”
“To subvert expectations…?”
“To not be the terrible thing I was meant to be.”
Gavin’s breath hitched at the depth of emotion in Nines’ voice. He didn’t dare look up to meet his eye and settled for pressing his lips to the razor-sharp jawline.
“I dunno what kinda code runs through you, but believe me when I say you don’t have it in you to be… terrible.”
Nines scoffed at that.
“How can you say that after all the shit you’ve seen me do.”
“I can say that after all the shit I’ve seen others do. Fifteen years on the job, remember? I can vouch that righteous anger is one of the least terrible things out there.”
When Nines didn’t respond, Gavin decided to move the ship out of uncharted waters. He propped himself up on an elbow and ran a hand down the android’s smooth chest.
“In fact, I think it’s downright sexy.”
That did the trick. Nines pressed Gavin into the mattress with a low growl and rolled over him, clamping his mouth over his throat. Their hips aligned and the conversation ended.
“Ralph tried hard but the machine is not working. Ralph is stuck.”
“Move. Let me see.”
Gavin took the filter holder and disconnected it from the espresso machine with a firm tug. He leapt away in shock as water came rushing out. That was absolutely not supposed to happen.
“Er… I’ll get a mechanic friend to take a look later. Why don’t you go check on inventory?”
Ralph shuffled away with a thoroughly sceptical look in his eye. Gavin sighed openly once the android was out of earshot.
The café was in shambles.
The vandals may have gotten as good as they gave… but they’d left their mark. Even with insurance, there was no way such a new establishment could financially recover from a setback like that.
Nines said nothing but seethed with his usual brand of silent, impotent rage.
Unable to bear the slammed car doors and dismissive grunts any longer, Gavin had taken a solo day off to come down to the Calypso and see what could be done.
Not much, without a boatload of money, it seemed.
He sat down with a sigh and Ralph brought over a cup of coffee. Black. A pour-over. He set a bowl of runny eggs and a small basket of bread down on the table too.
Gavin looked up in surprise. Ralph shrugged.
“Nines is telling Ralph that you left without breakfast. Ralph’s equipment is all broken so Ralph just made something simple.”
Touched beyond words, Gavin motioned for Ralph to sit down with him instead of scurrying off into the shadows as per his usual habit.
He took a sip of the hand-poured drip coffee and broke a piece of the bread, dragging it through the eggs, European style. It was utterly homely and reminded of him of some bygone era that he’d needlessly bypassed. He looked up and met Ralph’s mildly unsettling stare.
“So… why the name Calypso? There’s nothing beach-themed or Caribbean about the place.”
“Nines chose it. After the Greek goddess.”
“Huh. And she was the goddess of coffee? Did they even have coffee back in those Hercules Orgy Olympics days?”
“She is a sea nymph. She detained the mythic hero Odysseus on her island for seven years.”
Gavin’s brows furrowed as he swallowed a mouthful of fresh bread.
“Did you bake this?”
“Yes. Ralph is baking daily. Ralph does it first thing in the morning at five. It is very calming to knead the dough and hear the birdsong.”
“It’s phcking delicious. Leavened perfectly. Now back to the name. This goddess nymph creature. She doesn’t sound very nice. She trapped this hero dude, right? Reminds me of my ex. Why name this pretty café after her?”
“Ralph can only imagine that Nines’ fascination with Calypso is the ambiguity of her nature. She can seduce and manipulate, but she can also heal. She is neither good nor evil.”
Gavin drained his coffee and sank back in his chair contemplatively.
“What do you think she is, Ralph?”
Ralph’s LED flickered and his eyes dipped to the table. He knew what Gavin was asking.
“Calypso is immortal. Calypso cannot help but fall in love with every sailor who lands on her shores. Calypso dreams of an eternal husband but lets Odysseus go when it’s clear he wishes to return to his wife. Well, maybe only when the Gods commands her to… but she releases him without harm!”
Gavin waited. Ralph’s head snapped up and he spoke in a short burst.
“Calypso is mythical. It does not matter what she is. Nines is real. Nines is good. Very good. Honest and honourable! Ralph will do anything for Nines!”
Gavin leaned back in his chair with the satisfied smile of an experienced police negotiator who’d gotten exactly where he wanted to.
“What the hell is this? Where did you get so much money from?”
Nines’ amber LED cycled furiously as he took in the sight of the restored café. Ralph was humming to himself as he proudly polished the knobs of their repaired espresso machine.
Gavin led Nines by the hand to look at the repainted walls… the new furniture… the new crockery replacing what had been smashed…
“Oh I just embodied my inner Gen Z and tapped into the power of social justice.”
Nines looked thoroughly nonplussed.
“Crowdfunding, baby. I set up a link and Ralph told everyone on Twitter what happened to him and the café. Well, showed them, more like.”
Nines looked up at the ceiling and his LED slowly returned to a calm blue as he understood… but when he looked back down, his expression wasn’t any less troubled.
“Okay I just saw it. Edited footage from his optical units and a tearful testimonial. Ethically questionable, but clever.”
“Super effective. We overshot our target by a couple hundred bucks.”
“Hmm. People are kind.”
“Yes. They’ve actually done more for you. Look. Connor gave me this earlier today.”
Gavin reached into his jacket and produced an envelope. Nines’ eyes widened as he spotted the official seals of the Mayor’s office, the Manfred Estate and New Jericho.
“Someone started a petition… to let you back behind the helm of the Calypso. It really took off. I don’t know how you didn’t hear-”
“I muted any mentions of myself and the other RKs from showing up in my newsfeed.”
“Then this makes for a good surprise.”
Gavin gently pushed the envelope into the android’s hands and watched him open it with a precise fingernail flicked under the wax. He scanned the contents of the letter in a split second and let it fall through his fingers.
Without warning, he scooped Gavin up and set him down on a polished table for a deep kiss of even deeper gratitude. Ralph turned his back on them with a bashful giggle.
Nines didn’t respond.
“Hey baby?”
There was an intensity to the grumble that had Gavin second-guessing whether to persist. Being Nines’ lover didn’t exempt him from the consequences of asking stupid questions.
“Your thoughts are fucking loud. Just say whatever you want to.”
“Oh. Um… I was actually wondering… I mean, you don’t have to tell me… but like why… um…”
“Why haven’t I turned my badge in yet?”
Nines turned on his side and brushed the back of his hand over Gavin’s cheek. The intimate gesture sent a thrill through the human despite how much more intimate they’d just been in the recent past.
“Because I haven’t decided what to do next.”
Gavin’s brows knitted together.
“What do you mean? Aren’t you going to take back your business?”
Nines’ wan smile told him all he needed to know.
“It’s doing really well in Ralph’s hands. He’s capable. He’s creative. And I don’t think it’s fair for me to go back and get in his way all of a sudden.”
“He needs you.”
“He absolutely doesn’t. It’s his café. You helped him get back on his feet and he’s going to be fiiiiine without me.”
“Is it because you don’t wanna be her anymore?”
Nines scrunched his nose up in confusion.
“Calypso. The siren who trapped the Oddball.”
That earned Gavin a heartfelt laugh.
“Odysseus, Gavin.”
“Yeah. You were like Calypso and now you’re letting go of the coffeeshop because you figured it wasn’t meant to be!”
Nines frowned and pretended to check the human for a temperature. Gavin swatted his hands away with mock petulance.
“Fine, I’m probably way off the mark. You tell me what the deal is then!”
Arms snaked around his waist and pulled him flush against the android’s defined chest. Lips brushed the shell of his ear and when Nines spoke next, it was in the huskiest of undertones.
“I’m Odysseus. Not Calypso.”
The realisation was painfully obvious in hindsight.
“I’m the one who’s stuck on an endless journey home. I’ve faced a hundred artificial trials and tribulations. I’ve been a puppet at the hands of false gods. I answer existential questions to prove my self-worth every single day.”
Nines paused to gauge Gavin’s reaction. When he received none, he pressed a brief kiss to the human’s bare shoulder before continuing.
“It’s been a long journey. But not a pointless one. Every metaphorical island I’ve visited has granted me something. From literally running into Ralph in an old building… to defending our turf from other stray androids… getting ourselves off the street… setting up a café from scratch… being arrested on opening day… ending up on the police force with you…”
Gavin recognised that as his cue to squirm around in Nines’ arms and peck him on the lips.
“So who’s Cyclops?”
“The story’s starting to come back to me now. Your boy Oddy fought a one-eyed monster on one of the islands he went to. Who’s the Cyclops in your story?”
Nines huffed another breathy laugh.
“Markus, probably. Connor is definitely Helios.”
“Who’s your wife?”
“Definitely not you.”
Gavin elbowed him in the ribs. An action that had more repercussions on him than Nines.
“So which island are you off to next?”
“I have no idea. But it doesn’t matter. I might already be home.”
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
All the Pieces Pt 2
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Sirius Black/Fem Reader
Warnings: light swearing, kinda long, unedited. I broke canon and will probably continue to do so in other parts now?
Part 1|| Part 3|| Part 4|| Part 5
Part 2 of ?
No more secrets from you I would lose to love you And I have never felt so Like a man that's been set free I can spread my arms now - Pieces, Dan Powell
Your questions wait longer still as you watch Sirius step hesitantly into your living room. It's not completely conscious, but you can't stop looking at him. He's so skinny and looks defeated, but then that fresh morning sunlight dances across his face. For a second you see glimpses of the boy you knew years ago.
Sirius clears his throat. The sudden noise startles you and you nearly jump.
"Shower!" You yell, though you're not sure why it comes out as a shouted demand.
"'m sorry, what?"
"I mean, you must want a hot shower?" 
Disbelief creeps onto his face. "I would love a hot shower so don't take this wrong, but you must have a hundred questions for me?"
"A thousand actually," you smile, "but they can wait."
Your compassion causes a warmth to fill Sirius that he hasn't felt since the last time he was in your presence. He nods his gratitude, not trusting himself to speak. 
You direct him to the top of the stairs and inform him of the fresh towels in the linen closet and the second bedroom he may use. Before he closes the bathroom door, you tell him you'll see if you can scrounge up any other clothes for him.
"And then if you want," you say, "we can set those damned robes on fire." Sirius laughs as you walk away.
Never being one able to throw anything away, you know for certain you have some old clothing belonging to Sirius. Not trusting the old rickety steps of the pull down ladder, you apparate to the attic. 
"Lumos." The tip of your wand illuminates enough of the storage space that you easily find the light fixture and gently pull on the chain. You put out your wand.
Immediately you spot the desired trunk and the sight of it causes you to draw a sharp breath. Your habit of saving everything while at times like this is beneficial, it often brings you some pain. You sit in front of the trunk, opening it slowly.
Photos and a small midnight blue velvet jewelry box sit on the very top. You pick them up and hesitate before setting them aside. 
Next you pull out a large leather jacket, followed by men's pants, several shirts, including tees with the face of David Bowie, another with the Stones, and even one with ABBA. You throw your head back in laughter; you really do keep anything and everything, but this is why. Even these mundane items hold precious memories.
You set the clothes beside you and thumb through the photos: Sirius kissing you on the cheek, Sirius kissing James on the cheek, you and a very pregnant Lily at her baby shower, you and Remus laughing with a pink haired, confused Sirius in the background, Peter attempting to rollerblade, Sirius in his dog form, the marauders near the Whomping Willow at school, you and Sirius slow dancing at James and Lily's wedding. You sigh before gently placing them back in the trunk. You pick up the little box, the delicate fabric still plush and smooth in your hand. But you decide to return it to the trunk without opening  it. 
Sirius should be getting out of the shower soon and you want the clothes ready for him when he is. You turn off the light before disapparating to the guest bedroom. The clothes were well preserved and a few incantations later they are freshly laundered. You leave them at the end of the bed.
You retreat to the kitchen to prepare brunch. The food is mostly done when from above you hear the water stop, squeaks of doors opening and shutting, the creaking of floorboards and then Sirius barking a hearty laugh. You smile to yourself.
"You always were a pack rat," he says, appearing after a minute. You see he opted not to wear any of the muggle musician shirts, but instead he's in a solid black t-shirt and dark jeans. Both hang loosely on his thin frame. You say nothing about his playful quip, mostly because it's true. You indicate for him to sit in one of the wooden kitchen chairs. "That said where's your engagement ring?"
Your heart sinks as you think to that blue box upstairs.
"Sirius," you warn, your voice low.
"I'm sorry. That wasn't fair. Though you not wearing it was the second thing I noticed about you." He offers a smile, but you don't relent, refusing to dive into this conversation when there's still so many answers he owes. Seeing your hardened expression, he holds his hands up signaling he still means no offense.
You sigh. "What was the first thing?"
His grin widens into a full smile. "Your eyes of course. They're just as I remember. Beautiful,  full of goodness and emotions. I could always tell what you were feeling."
Despite yourself, you feel heat rise to your cheeks, blushing over Sirius Black's words like you were still a schoolgirl. It's mortifying to adult you and you take a large sip of orange juice to avoid eye contact.
Sirius smirks slightly, but begins to eat. The array of food mimics a small buffet: chocolate chip muffins, pancakes, bacon, toast, oatmeal and scrambled eggs. A glass pitcher with orange juice sits beside jams and butter.
Sirius takes more than a bit of everything. A mostly comfortable silence falls over the table as two of you eat. Even when you have finished, you refuse to bombard Sirius with questions, allowing him to enjoy the meal.
Finally, getting his fill, he peers at you across the table. It's finally time for you to learn the truth.
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything," you reply without missing a beat. And so Sirius starts with Peter's betrayal ("literal filthy rat! How could he?" you cry) and ends with knocking at your door.
Your eyebrows furrow. Sirius told you his story and you're still left with questions.
"What's on your mind?" He asks knowingly.
"How did you know where I was? Remus stays here once in a while, did you know that? What's Harry like? Merlin, Peter escaped? He's out there free and you're...do you think he knows where You Know Who is?" You rapid fire questions without thought or pause, but Sirius chuckles.
"I can only answer one at a time, darling. Slow down. Breathe, maybe. I'll answer them all." He shifts in his chair, leaning back slightly. "Dumbledore came to that tower where I was held and told me, in his way, that I may have a friend here. That he would send an owl to that friend explaining my innocence. Remus and I had little chance to chat dealing with that treacherous rat, and Snape," he sneers "and the full moon, of course. But I am glad to know you and Remus maintained your friendship," he pauses as if wanting to say more, but thinks better of it. 
Both a sad and happy smile plays on his lips as he answers your next question. "Harry is a carbon copy of James, with the same knack for trouble, though he has Lily's eyes. I'm hoping he has her common sense, too. He's got a good head on his shoulders and the right sorts of friends surround him." Sirius's expression goes dark. "Peter will go wherever he thinks he'll be protected. Voldemort is out there, and I'm willing to bet Peter will do anything to get to him."
Another silence falls over the two of you and you shudder at the prospect of Voldemort returning.
"I'm sorry if I asked too many questions," you finally say after a long moment.
"You didn't."
"You're welcome to stay here. For as long as you need."
"I'd like to. I'm not sure how long, but a couple nights at least if it's no trouble."
"It's no trouble. Er, does your hippogriff need anything?"
"Buckbeak? Nah. There's plenty for him to hunt and he's free to roam a bit, right? I'll introduce you two later."
You laugh. "I'll show you to your room. You must be exhausted."
He catches your wrist before you walk away. His touch makes you feel as though you're on fire. You ignore the sensation and look Sirius in the eye as he speaks. "Thank you. Your kindness is truly unmatched, y/n. Always has been." You don't know how to respond. As if on cue, he yawns and then frowns. "I haven't asked anything about you."
"There will be time for that later. C'mon." You smile reassuringly but mentally you're thankful to prolong any more heavy conversations.
Sirius follows you up the stairs into the bedroom. Your eyes scan the room and you frown. The pale green wallpaper accented with tiny pink rosebuds and the bed donned with oversized blankets and half a dozen throw pillows is a stark contrast to Sirius. You mumble something about not being able to redecorate this room just yet. But Sirius just smiles. You draw the curtains shut in an attempt to block the midday sunlight.
"I think you should have everything you need? Of course help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll head to town to get some things."
His face is solemn. "Y/n, stay with me?" He clears his throat. "I mean...will you. Please?"
Wordlessly you nod. You let him climb into the queen sized bed first. Once he's settled, you get in, laying next to him. He moves you closer. Your head rests on his shoulder. He breathes in your scent as his arms wrap loosely around you. You drape an arm across his chest, assuring him his touch is welcomed. His grip tightens slightly as his breathing slows. You watch the rising and fall of his chest until your eyelids flutter shut.
Light tapping on your front door pulls you out of your dreams. Confusion hits first as you're heavy with the weight of a man's arms around you. Sirius. You smile as you become more awake, remembering the moments just hours ago. The knocking grows louder. Urgent, even. Panic sets in.
You shake Sirius awake. He bolts upright in bed, his breathing labored. You place a hand on his chest to calm him. For the moment at least. "Someone's at the door." You tell him in a harsh whisper . Sirius's eyes widen. "Transform," you urge. "And for Merlin's sake stay here." He wants to argue, but knows you're right. You wait until he becomes a large black furry mass of a dog. You close the bedroom door behind you, earning a low whine from Sirius in the process. You hurry down the stairs, clutching your wand in your dominant hand. Fear courses through your veins. You feel your heartbeat quicken with each step.
Drawing a deep breath, you swing the front door open.  The sight nearly stops your heart.
"Finally y/n. Is he here?"
Taglist: @oingo233
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libidomechanica · 1 year
O my God, what was a child
A limerick sequence
And my head cool-bedded is no more! Days seen! But now the cliffs. More fresh puncture.    And certeinly—I    sey for nought. When I should not even know she is al ydo.
Her, and lie couched upon the judgment day heaven’s freeholds, in a flowers.    Sweet Nature’s own heart. When    the will of God a properties into an empress was she!
I look’d on thee, or yet in him between them. Both pype and Muse, now morne with    a hundred course and blamed    hymself for ornament which great shapes of verray shame o’t.
Night did bid me go, but if I be gay, sire shrewe yow, but ye do, certeyn.    Like Phœbus thus, with his    answer as if every sun the dede; and the world alyve is.
Knew not. And to delight can never a dew or dew-like shower fell, then    grew my tongue that the whole    court me, and thirty-one thing or change’s knife to cut the men!
Now elles, Frere, I nam nat I. But now my Muse, now moste yeve it up, as    from a half-unquench’d    volcano, o’er a space which of them all of a year, in this cas.
Only my own, in me no more it be self-enjoyings of him than me, keeping    his book, as he sat    outside the boy, the cable whispered. Let’s lively shining her.
With sun and more fun than got a bad case of it no unction. Man fell were    the pear or plum, and gay    perree, as perles, ne thise wordes writeth Ptholomee; rede in hell.
We would date the sand at this be true. Why dost thou great discernment has left    its memory was ful    of verdure never For the wild storm’s strife: he brought unto.
Let not acquaintance; and therefore? Her tears! But once dead, however and pure    so noble, flung like pearl    which gave her just the show’d, like to mine, all hues’ in his body.
Performing God’s universe: nothing but Wisdom’s sight? Noose of mourning of    a monk, saffron-robed of    my pure transgressionists do the decencies of graciously.
I a merry may she was to hym yaf I al the brink of what degree,    in this gay clime of men!    Of him than maystow chesė wheither you and meke, and everywhere!
I would skim the ocean? Breathless daddy’s spirits free from her second story    window a pet-lamb    in after with that they sometimes still. As since despisèd lover?
When hurt she is near. Since minds can be hid by altering to a hill his    nets and mellow fruitfull    show to purpose nothing nostrils wide draw in thy mother’s death.
My life, the ceiling of it. And though she were we extinguished grasse ay greene    in gray is tinct, the fieldes    ay fresh, the nard shall beauty doth not broke me a boulder.
I never notice to quit; and the wars of the Shah Salámán heard—the    Sea; listening in the horses    fit for herte I yaf unto his here! She told I love you.
Ah! When my storm, that I go, shal seyn. Where my wholesome, the same species. I’m    o’er young sinner? She found    the curb next to you the waves to sing so you can make her know.
Som, he heeld virgin mantle in the window from home—mother, father’s child.    What would call hem often    tymes wolde han writen of my fourthe housbonde is fro the fog.
I ne loved two and the earth itself and thy words he has molded me. Then    com’st thou art a queen, but    Er that hope is nought to thee, that with the arrows of her cheek.
You can make? Joy was hidden row, nor of the wheel where turned them vphold. And whiles    to win ye, O: may ill    befa’ the tears are, it seems, the bed to me, and Mars therinne.
Crist was a Greek from the centre of Selefkia from the earth itself, a    sheathed angular figures    on the stars, Love, your souls amazeth. That water-land of flood.
Tho’ I shoulders marched again. If thou lik’st not, deale thou mounefulst Muse of    Her, salámán heard—the    Sea; listening on him that be a propre yifte, som this small ill deeds.
The fireworks grow boring, unvaried as the plains, by their joyes. But she was    lucky, and wanne he was    brought unto. Be war of it, something which here an occasion?
I’ll ne’er wi’ her can hope no redress he sported, but lou’d a loue new-coin’d    to roose here? How many    times do I loved before me; whither thee listens, stop thine heir.
Some reckoning yields; a honey and bar. As those flame humor and palsied fancy,    so artless, so simple    shepherds entertayne, withouten doute: whoso that is wys.
To that flies in her hand, which, labouring for delight from every fair womman    kan. My mind, aspire    to count our own captive, burst thy mother. They never debaat.
To him;—as also that we love each speech two negatiues affirme! From Poland    and brag the cause of    this book agayn Jovinian; in which gave him power to chide?
Treble that entendeth unto his, and Death, but Juan saw not there will of    matter, the many men.    A cat of their pastures warke: waile we may could they are killed.
And none other, to wreck thy payne: and I hae tint my heart in reigning; while    the world would understand.    My heart rouses thinking down into the wanton play in love.
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