#Even putting morality aside wouldn't it just be more fun to have them be in a secret forbidden relationship or whatever?
jadeazora · 7 months
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A bit of review/overall thoughts for the Teal Mask.
Overall, a much better attempt compared to DLC1 of SwSh. The Isle of Armor was pretty cool, but the storyline was pretty bland overall. I found the story much more engaging here, especially when we get the true story of what happened between the "Loyal" Three and Ogerpon.
Speaking of the new Legendaries, the L3 are interesting with how much intelligence they show (from knowing how valuable the masks are and traveling across regions to get to Kitakami to clearly planning their revenge on Ogerpon right in front of you and Carmine) and how they might have been corrupted by the Toxic Chain. Ogerpon is also really cute with how much personality she shows. I feel SV really did a great job with bonding us with our Legendary partners overall.
Also with the Loyal Three, there's a number of interesting guesses about how they came back to life. My initial assumption was that it was something like them feeding on Kieran's anger and resentment to reawaken themselves, but there's also the theories that he was possessed by the Toxic Chain (we do see a purple glow travel up his arm during the scene if you pay very close attention, so it's possible this is where he would be possessed) and the rumors of the crystals from the Crystal Pool possibly bringing the dead back to life, since Carmine mentions a rumor where people have met those who have passed away there, and Kieran was hanging around with the Mask that had been imbued with those crystals.
(As an aside, SV has very much of a corrupted wishes vibe, from the Professor and their vision of a utopia would cause an ecological disaster to Paldea, to the Loyal Three wishing for beauty/power/intelligence when they made contact with the Toxic Chain at the possible cost of their morality, and how Kieran wishes to become stronger than the player but falls into his obsession at the end.)
Honestly, Kieran's launched himself into being one of my favorite rivals with the game seemingly building him up as a problem for the Indigo Disk storyline, but it's neat how the siblings undergo a complete reversal with how they view the protagonist. He's also a pretty decent challenge, with a fully-evolved team of six in the low-mid Lv70s all packing held items. (If you're doing this after you completed the main story of SV.) He puts up a much better fight than Geeta does, for sure, and I hope he gets to meet your base-game rivals in the next storyline.
Carmine is also really fun, especially when she starts warming up to us, but I do hope she gets called out for her earlier treatment of her brother, and how she started this whole mess by lying to him. Like, I don't think he would have felt left out by us just randomly running into Ogerpon. We thought it was a child until it dropped its mask, we could have just explained that to him. We're the new kid, how would we know any better or what the ogre looks like? I guess she might have been worried that two little kids would just climb up this dangerous mountain at night, but it still lead to more problems.
I loved Perrin's sidequest too, and hope we see her again in the Indigo Disk! Bloodmoon Ursaluna is so cool (already one of my fave Gen9 Pokemon and regional variants), and can actually give you a pretty fierce battle if you go in with a new team.
Kitakami still feels a little empty imo, just like the base game, but there's a good amount of small caves that sometimes have rare Pokemon inside, and places like the Chilling Waterhead that I wouldn't even know was there if not for Fezandipiti. Some other areas are also visually cool, like the Crystal Pool (interesting to see those crystals from Area Zero are showing up in other regions as well) and the Fellhorn Gorge.
I'm really excited for the Indigo Disk now, like full-on brainrot mode rn, and feel the Teal Mask really does a pretty good job of building up the second part of the DLC with all the little teasers we get. (In comparison, SwSh's DLC felt more separate between the two halves.) I feel they haven't shown much of the story aside (from the BB League/battling stuff), so things are probably going to get pretty crazy, especially with certain things the datamine has given us, in Pt2, and I really can't wait to see what happens next!
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alchemicaladarna · 9 months
Just to clarify, I am obviously talking about the characters and the QSMP as a story. I am simply an avid viewer that had too much coffee and time on their hands so I basically wrote an essay. What is it about? I have no idea. So, read it if you want, but beware that nothing at the end of this should make sense.
In my opinion, morally ambigious characters are interesting, but UNPREDICTABLE morally ambigious characters are even more fun to analyze because they take more risks and play more dangerous games. If a character was labeled as a "hero" and played on the "good" side they are guaranteed a safe spot within the group. Regardless of whether they kill or hurt others, they are on the good side because they are fighting against the corporation that is keeping them and their friends trapped in a place that is a nightmarish paradise. If they had done actions that worked against the islanders' favor, by, for example nearly getting everyone killed by explosives at a party they are justifiably labelled a villian. But what if a character played in the middle? What if they were neutral? What if they simply wanted to let things play out- sticking to the sidelines and only becoming involved when the situation benifits their entertainment?
So, pardon me for the long intro, but here's the gist folks: q!Foolish arrested q!Pac e q!Mike and unknowingly put them through loads of emotional trauma that I don't think they'll be recovering from any time soon, for fun. To a person with a normal moral compass, that's obviously fucked up.
"Friends don't send friends to prison."
In q!Foolish's perspective, he REALLY didn't think the consequences of his actions through, but he wouldn't have arrested q!Pac e q!Mike for no reason. Mr. Mustard is missing and the Federation told q!Foolish that q!Pac e q!Mike were responsible for his disappearance. At this point, I think enough time has passed that we the audience know q!Foolish is being manipulated by the Federation. Even Foolish himself knows he's being manipulated by them, yet he still partakes in this precarious game because it's simply more entertaining than just sitting on the good side and letting things play out.
Q!Foolish has never actively gone out of his way to hurt people on purpose. Does he lack some emotional maturity and the appropriate response to some situations? Yes he does; but he doesn't have malicious intentions. He's there to have fun. Where others see a dire situation- at the mercy of the inescapable claws of a malevolent corporate entity, q!Foolish sees fun and exciting opportunities. The others might not want to admit it, but aside from the tragedies and kidnappings that have occured on the island, this nightmarish paradise has provided the characters with more excitement and enjoyment, than what is worth.
But, not everyone understands q!Foolish's perspective, and that's good! That's ok! But what I'm perplexed about is their constant unjust treatment of him- the exclusion, threats, torture, many many pointless accusations disguised as interrogations, etc- simply because he did one task for the Federation. One task that affected the lives of two people, but in the end both parties communicated and forgave each other anyways. One task that required q!Foolish, and by extension, q!Jaiden to harmlessly investigate around q!Pac and q!Mike's base for a considerably long time before finding nothing that would incriminate the duo. Throughout q!Foolish's endeavour, working with the Federation cost him most of his friends' trust and gave him no benifits, but he still reluctantly chooses to carry out another task because it's entertaining. But like q!Foolish said to q!Cellbit the other day, he may be stupid, but he's certainly not an idiot, and he has limits. A lot of people, specifically q!Max don't seem to understand the concept of a neutral party. If you work for the Federation, you are a villain- and honestly, that's a fair assumption considering their reputation. But what about people like q!Jaiden? Q!Jaiden, one of the kindest people on the island, who is compassionate to everyone, even Cucurucho, who is always perceived as a malicious entity?
What exactly defines a villain in this story? In my opinion, everyone on the island has a skewed sense of morality. Everyone except Elquackity knew of his first assasination and simply watched as he lost his first life, then celebrated when he lost the other with no regards to the repurcussions of their actions or how Elq felt about all this. And while we can justify their actions because Elq hurt people before, and either brainwashed or replaced q!Quackity, how do we justify their treatment of q!Foolish even after he communicated honestly to q!Pac e q!Mike and done nothing to deserve their maltreatment of him. Maybe I'm a bit impatient, but at this point, q!Foolish's arrest, has had the same value and impact as q!Bad giving people the survey for the Federation; I'm even more willing to believe that q!Cellbit's accidental "employee of the month" investigations benifitted the Federation more than whatever measly and repititive tasks they're giving out to q!Foolish.
So, what warrants all this hate and injustice towards q!Foolish then if he's not harming anyone? Why is he the punching bag? Why is he the butt if the joke Every Single Time? What warranted all the cruel jokes and malicious beatings after the Nether event? Is it because they know he won't exact revenge upon them? Is it because, in their eyes, they only value him as a court jester and nothing more? Q!Foolish even said the Nether, an obsolete dimension of fire and brimstone, offered more compassion and comfort than a world where the sun shone and the air was less polluted because the inhabitants, his "friends" treated him with more malevolence than literal souless monsters from hell itself.
Think about q!Jaiden- a person whose compassion broke through Cucurucho's souless programming and gave it a home, a sense of safety, and relaxation. Jaiden works (and apparently worked???) with the Federation, yet she has more kindness within her than an entire group of people, on the "good" side, fighting against evil.
The truth is, there is no bad side among the islanders. The admins (meta) wrote the Federation (and codes?) as entities that the collective group should be against- a common enemy. But once you "ally" yourself with the Federation and do tasks for them does that make you the common enemy as well, or do you need to commit more heinious acts to be considered a villain?
And what about the islanders? At what point do the rest of the players begin to consider a character on the wrong side of things? At what point do they begin to abandon compassion in favor of searching for the truth? How far will they go in pursuit of the truth?
In my opinion, there are no villains in the story because everyone is capable of becoming an antagonist in one way or another. Basically, EVERYONE is morally ambiqious because they have all been antagonists to each other at some point in the tale, and as the story keeps unfolding, who knows what could happen? A character might say they are a good person, but as the story changes, so do their values, their morals, their limits. How thin can someone's patience be before it inevitably snaps?
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bloogers-boogers · 6 months
sometimes when scrolling past kyman analysises i get a little worried that people genuinely don't think kyle has the right to be upset with cartman, because he does! And that (+them caring for eachother regardless of anything) is why i like their dynamic:
because even if or when eric changes despite kyle having very much the right to atleast not forgive him.
having cartman become the person kyle always wanted him to be (maybe still being a dick but atleast a more ethical dick) and still holding onto those feelings of resentment is complicated for him, his own morals and both of their progresses!!
Having someone you love/hate grow as a person is complicated!! I think it makes for amazing angst and character development!!
(i hope this makes sense? Sorry for ranting, i've just been thinking about it a lot and am hella curious what u think of it all, or if im being out of line)
it's not something someone can easily forgive or probably won't ever. Like all the shit Kyle had to endure? Yeah.. but mostly for a character as strong and hotheaded as Kyle. I feel everyone has it easy to forgive Cartman (Stan, Kenny) but Kyle? Fuck even Butters would even struggle. Like you said, resentment. I can see Kyle having to force "growing up" from that bc either his friends persistent on accepting Cartman's changes or because he does feel it's right to do. But those feelings of resentment remain inside.
I think there would be parts of Kyle who'd be overwhelmed by those changes on Cartman, not knowing how to react probably even denial and also fear. And maybe for Kyle, being vulnerable and for Cartman of all people has his alarms going crazy. But there's also this Kyle who's proud for what Cartman archived? Bc in some way he witness that change, he contribute to it. Something he fight for. Something he wanted for Cartman and now that he's seeing actual progress it frightens him which takes away all the hits he was willing to take just to be able to see that happened for granted.
It's a "I endure hell to see you grow" type of cycle. Hope that it'd be better. For them to leave all of it aside and actually be friends. Even if that meant being hurt, humiliated in the process. Sacrifices he was willing to take. And it did but now Kyle remains resentful for it. For all of it.
I like to reflect on Kyle somehow. I went through a lot of emotional abuse for a long period of my life from someone close and I couldn't just back away from. I had to live with them around. There were times that it was great being around them, it was fun, comfortable and then, again a reminder of why I couldn't stand them. Because of all the hurt they gave me. And I just couldn't no matter how many apologies I received from the same person they meant nothing after a long period of abuse. Claims of wanting to "change" but never actually attempting to make that happen. I was hopeful things would be better but it never did, it worsen and I became more bitter about it than apologetic. I forgave but never forgot. And now that they're out from my life I can't ever forgive. Ofcourse this has nothing to do with Cartman and Kyle (it's a show after all) but it's what I use to put myself in Kyle's shoes. And if it weren't for it being fictional I honestly wouldn't be shipping them. But it is fictional and something about their relationship it's different from the rest of the other characters. It's different in the show. They work. I'm not saying Kyle's a victim cause he's fucking not.
They're both in a cycle they created. Kyle ain't no little angel early seasons show a whole other side of him that he outgrew from (not entirely). Kyle can fight back. And Cartman wasn't always some messed up kid just a dumb one. I'm not justifying his actions he's a dick. But I personally see them both in the wrong in the situation they're in.
Besides, their relationship feels more like the show puts them as "rivals". They can hangout, stand each other, be on equal ground, fight, tease, go against each other, get along. Hate is a strong word to use but I can't see them hating each other. Mostly bc we seen Stan telling Kyle to not go along with Cartman's shit if he doesn't want to deal with it, and he does that when he isn't feeling like it! (Tsss is a good example of that) also that episode where Kyle was rejected from the basketball team, Cartman stops his shit the moment he realizes Kyle isn't fighting back. Kyle is complying not standing his ground. It's no longer fun for him. Their relationship feels playful in a sense. That's toxic but that's what they grew use to and it's hard to break a toxic cycle like whatever shit they have going on.
If you hate someone you wouldn't care for what they do outside of you, you wouldn't save their life, you wouldn't be able to fight with them on one side and be friends on the other, you wouldn't rely of the other when things hit the fan/go wrong. These two are something else.
Pretty much their actions say otherwise.
Hahshaha dude I can talk about them all day, this thing is long but this is just me talking in the perspective I see Kyle on. Cartman is a whole other story😭😭
But yes, I get you anon! and don't apologize for the ranting! I love them<3
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docholligay · 7 days
Overwatch currently has a theme event with an alternate universe where Talon and Overwatch characters have swapped (There's even a voice line where Widow hisses at Tracer that one of the newer heroes (Ramattra) to Talon in the game 'only wanted peace' clearly swapping their cinematic roles). Obviously they're just doing it 'for fun' with no convincing narrative reason for doing so (maybe they've said something to this effect but I haven't caught it and don't care; it wouldn't be convincing coming from them).
This is all to say, if you were asked to write out how the characters you play with ended up on the other side, how would you go about it? (I'm curious about either/or the entire side changing swaps or just personal character profiles on how they individually might have ended up on the other side.)
Your versions of these characters are so much more interesting, so I just had to bring this idea to you and see what content I could squeeze out =P
Oh wow, what a terrible idea! But so fun, let's do this.
Fareeha I don't think would be so hard to do this to, IF you got to her before she had decided that Overwatch was the correct course of action. Fareeha is rigid, and inflexible, and if you convinced her that the only way to bring order to the world, to make the world fall into place in a way that made sense, was to join Talon, i think she would do it. But I think you would have to get her young.
I would love to believe she's spiteful enough to join Talon because her mother blocked her from joining Overwatch, but I don't actually think that's true, i think Fareeha is much too principled for that shit. So maybe I actually do think it's harder, I just think that IF she decided this, it would be damn near impossible to deradicalize her. Once she believes a thing, she believes it to the bone.
Lena. If I were going to turn Lena, I would not have Winston be the one to find her, take care of her, and watch over her when she got ripped out of time. he can find her, even, but if they hadn't had the chance to bond, if she'd woken up and she's disabled now, and her father is dead, and they deliberately hid the truth about what happened to her, and she's being kept from everything she loves, and she feels ALONE...I can see her taking any bargain from Talon, and being so furious with Overwatch that she is going to burn the whole thing to the ground.
I do think that, unlike Fareeha, she would come around back later and think "Hm. Might've put me foot in it, there." But the line for me is very clear with her because unlike Fareeha, I can seeing her putting immense weight into her personal anger and hurt.
Winston is the easiest. Wherever Lena goes, he will follow, after they connect and bond. He'll think it's stupid, he'll think they're actively doing the wrong thing, but if Lena goes, he won't know how to oppose her (I do not think this is a good trait of his)
Angela, she might be the hardest. Given what Talon is, and given what I think about her personal moral code and background, I'm having a lot of trouble carrying her over. I have her turn on Overwatch, and think it maybe shouldn't be resurrected, but for Angela, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. That's not how she works fundamentally as a person. She can have a big ol hating Overwatch party, and hate Talon on top of it. Angela Ziegler has two hands.
So i don't know, for her.
Hana, well she spends so much of her life sort of out of Talon's reach that it would be difficult for them to find her enough to make it happen. I mean, maybe she's fucking pissed about magic only being real in japan, apparently, or something like that, but by and large I don't think we've seen a lot of Talon's presence in east asia.
If I set that aside, I can see them appealing to her at JUST the right moment, when she's tired of being "D.va! Product!" and wants to really have a command of her own life and not be Korea's top PR character. This is something I think is fun to have her struggling with anyway, and when i get back to writing more I intend to delve into it. So tempting her with the idea of being Hana Song, of never having to blow bubblegum and pose like she's a naive 14 year old ever again, of being a true force to be reckoned with and allowed to be just that? I could see her taking the brass ring.
Remind me some other time and i'll try to do the other way round!
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Vriska is my favorite character in homestuck because she did nothing wrong. Jokes aside, the real reason is because I find her to be a pretty interesting character, and its not even because shes particularly complicated. Its the fact that she feels like a real troll. One of my biggest criticisms of Homestuck and Hussie himself is that he went to great lengths to create an entire fictional species with its own culture, way of reproduction, relationships, etc. All as a joke to make fun of shippers and then completely fucking abandon this golden ticket of world building. Literally all of the surviving trolls are human-lite at this point and most have been ret-conned to not even really liking the troll way of doing things anyway. All except Vriska. Shes the only one who felt in-between worlds. She was constantly on the verge of leaning one side or the other, especially because of the influences of John and Terezi, and even her own death. The "You dont have to be a good person to be a hero" is one of the best speeches of homestuck and a phenomenal characterization point for Vriska, so naturally in a later update, that same Vriska trash talked it because Hussie cant hold a serious idea for a fucking second.
It speaks to how Vriska has to adapt from being, as Dave so eloquently puts it "hell murder world" to playing nice and not murdering people on a whim like she was conditioned to, and would be expected of, on Alternia. Vriska and Eridan were really the only two highbloods that acted as highbloods were characterized to act. Feferi was a weirdo, Gamzee was high, and Equius was a pussy. Eridan was a side character turned brief villain who was then killed and never mentioned again. But then we had Vriska, who stuck around for awhile, and was relevant as a ghost then came back to life and we all had to deal with her. I feel like Vriska's journey of dealing with troll shit combined with human sensibilities should have been what all of them went through, but Karkat, Terezi and Kanaya really had no fucking problem going with the human ways of romance. Oh sure, Terezi tries to do a blackrom with John but he himself admits he doesnt really feel that way about her, since its not in humans to feel that way. The quadrants are dead, and its unlikely they'll make a return. Oh, sure there were spades in Vrissy's eyes when Tavros kissed her cheek (Or was it harry? I dont fucking care) but its not going to go anywhere.
Trolls as an alien species whose moral views are fucked up compared to humans, is way more interesting when it first started. It what makes them ALIENS. Foreign. That's what people loved about them. Now, people just make grey humans and slap troll horns on it and call it a day. Sure there is the whole rebellion this and that, but what about trolls that embrace being bad and awful people? Where are the gold diggers? Where are the cannibalists? What about a troll scientist that raises the dead and experiments body parts for their interest in science? Because in Alternia, that type of shit is seen as normal thing to do and justified. Vriska was interesting that she was like "yeah, I'm 8ad and DAMN proud!" I don't remember if she knew that Doc Scratch was the being that made trolls violent in nature. If she did, I would bet you she would be happy it happened because she wouldn't be where she was. And people who abandon that kind of nature don't deserve to be as awesome as her. Would have been interesting to see that kind of narrative of trolls that knowing their origins are fucked up, but damn proud. Whether they take time to change or don't as they use it to their advantage to keep rising up, would be interesting to explore in fanventures or fanfics. Part of me wants the latter since change is hard and I like my trolls being bad people. But that's just me. And if people say that the violent nature was only there because Doc Scratch made it so, doesn't that apply to quadrants? So there is no reason for anyone on Earth C to commit it. Not trolls, humans, or Carapacians. So Vrissy and Tavros should not be in one. I also mentioned before that Vrissy and Tavros are technically cousins in some way. So not only they are kismesis, but incest? So incest is fine on Earth C? Or only if one party is a troll? Earth C makes it vague what troll customs are allowed that isn't the caste system.
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himbogiants · 1 year
A Lapse of Judgement
Felt like making a one shot!
Also just wanna say, I've been watching Castlevania, Alistar is very much inspired by Alucard
Anyways, Giant Angel, tiny demon :))
Warnings: Language I guess? Mentions of depression, fear of dying. Angsty and fearplay.
If you like this please like and let me know what you think! I love reading what others have to say <3 enjoy!
In her humble opinion Luciel wasn't doing anything wrong- ok no, that's a lie, but still she was only doing her job! Being a demon was hard work, especially when you were a lower class. She was just thankful she had her wings because she couldn't possibly imagine trying to traverse the human realm without them, trying to reach their ears just to whisper some corrupt ideas into them would be such a pain. More than it already was!
It was tough, but at the very least the humans couldn't see her so there wasn't really any stopping her except whenever procrastination kicked in. Well..that wouldn't be true either.
There were ways to stop her.
And all of them came in the form of Angels.
Self righteous perfect little Angels. Except they weren't little at all! Given their 'holy' nature they were all the same height as a middle class demon, or human. And might she add incredibly annoying! Because even when casting a fellow demon aside they always tried to be so moral and just about it. She for one thought they were a bunch of sad sour souls. What was the point in living a mortal life if you didn't get to cause a little mischief while you had the chance? You know, fun?!
But no. For every wicked whisper, they'd always counter, shunning out the darkness, much to the humans obliviousness.
Luciel had dealt with only a handful of them, possibly less. They never really paid her any mind, more than just a glare of disapproval anyways. Besides they were far more focused on putting a stop to her more powerful coworkers- if they could even be called that. Demons never exactly worked together.
In some ways she was glad to be at the rank she was, the most an Angel could do to her was shoo her off. They didn't attempt anything else. And she was content with that way of things, bothersome yes, but nothing she couldn't live with.
Or so she thought, until Alistar anyhow.
The little demon (quite literally) had been taunting a simple human named Dave- if she was correct. Poor precious Dave, and his sunken eyes. Perhaps she was feeding his anxiety a little too much. But it was quite fun to watch! So she'd continue to egg him on- no matter how many anxiety pills her swallowed.
She laughed in her mirth, going off to see another human deciding it may be time to give old Dave some time out. She flew through above crowds, she was in a city today. She never did bother learning names of locations for she did jump or rather fly around pretty frequently.
The sun was shining and the flowers were blooming- not her preference in weather by any means but perhaps that was the demon in her. All in all it was looking to be a successful day.
She stopped mid flight and floated above the colossal crowds, all impatient to get to the next place sprinkled with remnants of anger, addictions, drunkards, and much more. Wherever the city was it was looking to be a delightful place!
She scanned around before selecting a new target. Baggy eyes, tired expression, possible depression oh yes now this was perfect.
She flew after him thrilled by the chase- and the mere thought of a new client!
Up the stairs through a washed out apartment complex, past the many doors before alas, she caught up just as he walked in and shut the door.
She clapped her hands together, looking around the dingy little complex. It was still clean (odd, he couldn't take care of his own mind, yet his house was unbelievably clean. A possible touch of OCD?)
He walked further in, coming into the kitchen. She spotted them instantly, pills all lined up. Bingo, she was on the money with this one.
Then to his bedroom, he slumped down and switched on his computer, seemingly worn out even though the day was only beginning and just about to get a whole lot more exciting.
She landed on his shoulder, holding onto his collar and taking a breath, so many possibilities! Now, more importantly, what to say?
She settled with the obvious, time to corrupt his self worth!
Though she never got to do that. She had just steadied herself and headed for his ear, when a great hand burst in from seemingly nowhere, and trapped her tightly in a fist.
The breath was forcefully taken out of her as the hand squeezed harsher. Then she cried out at an instant heat. Something was burning! Searing hot! And it hurt. Heat shouldn't hurt Demons!! Nothing should!
"Aww..how pathetic"
She winced, an Angel of course but how?! Why was he even bothering?! She was only a lower cla-
The hand shifted and she was pulled around to a overbearing perspective. And what she was greeted with shook her to her core.
Not just an Angel. A Guardian Angel.
Fuck. No.
If normals Angels were so painfully just and morally correct in their hatred for demons, Guardian Angels amplified it ten fold. They too had wings and all in all looked fairly similar to any regular Angel, apart from their give away, an aura eclipsed their forms. Angels had beauty, but these ones were a new level, porcelain like skin, bright shining golden eyes, eyes that currently bore into her with nothing but repulsion. Angels hated Demons. But Guardians? They loathed them.
Not only that, but the worst aspect, they had the power to wipe any level of demon out, which is what made them so incredibly dangerous.
They could make demons writhe and scream for hours on end, possibly more than any damnation in hell ever could. And now one had her in his grasp. And he looked very pissed.
He lifted her to eye level, as she swallowed, tears beginning to brim at the corner of her eyes.
"A lowly little lower class hmm?"
His other hand appeared out of the blue and it made her yelp. The size difference had never bothered her before. Ever. She had grown so used to it, so why was she so terrified of it now?
The impossibly large hand came into contact and with one sharp nail he pushed her hair out of her eyes meeting her gaze. He smirked.
The Guardian Angel smirked. Angels didn't smirk, they didn't taunt nor tease. They done their duty and left. But this was new. And mortifying. He seemed to watch her as he pinned her wings painfully to her back. Despite the security of flight the drop below was still nerve enduring.
He brought her closer, right before his burning pupils, as the heat slicing through her worsened. He took in a deep breath and chuckled, his exhale brushing against her skin.
Scared? Scared?! She had never known fear. A demon never felt scared!, but it seemed today was a day for new experiences. Here she was, dying out in a fist bigger than herself. Fear was her newest foe. Fear was what drove her to nod in response. Just as he had put it. Pathetic.
He sneered, seemingly finding this only delightful.
"Good. You should be"
And from there, everything felt raw..and white. At least the pain did anyways. She let out a howling cry, a piercing shriek. She noticed her arms, they were cracking .
She..she was dying.
A new wave of the meaning washed over this situation as did fright. Oh Satan..what..what happened to an Demon in death? She wasn't even a living soul? Was there more beyond this?! Was this it?! Panic seized her and finally she understood. Was this the type of thoughts she instilled on humanity? The self doubting, the fear. What lay awaiting in the foggy unknown?
She was speaking before she could stop herself.
The Guardian Angels eyes lay still, as he consumed her every wail.
Her breaths became laboured and tight, the crackled fractured up her arms and legs, getting closer and closer to her heart.
She wasn't ready to die.
A small tear fell from her cheeks and ricocheted off his hand.
She took one final gasp and then it all stopped.
The hand loosened and opened, as she collapsed in on his palm panting, heaving, shaking like a crisp little leaf.
She grasped her chest tightly as she softly began to sob, her ruffled wings twitched in pain, as they were freed from their constraints.
A warm voice breezed over her, she was closer to his mouth she reckoned.
"In all my lifetime, in all my training. I have never once seen a Demon apologise for their ways. Nonetheless cry. In eradication, many have felt fear. But nothing to this extent. Yet..here you are."
She was quivering as her curled up form hitched at his words. Her cracks were fading. He was letting her live..or so she hoped.
She unfurled slowly, looking up to meet his impossibly large eyes. He was so close.
"A-and I, have never witnessed an Angel who expelled violence"
A small smile tugged at his lips.
"Well, I for one, am not just an Angel, which I suppose you have already taken note off. And never having experienced such violent nature hmm? Must be the low level in you."
Her eyes furrowed as she died them.
"Most Angels I've met don't give me a second glance. I hadn't even done anything yet!"
It was his turn to glare, though she had noticed the venom was fading, replaced by a morbid curiosity. She found herself despising being a Guardians object of interest.
"Yes.. nothing yet. You had every intent on making this man's life a living hell and all for your own gain."
She tried to stand with her fury but pain riffled through causing her to stagger back. The Angel apparently having noticed used his finger from his other hand to curl around her miniscule waist and steady her out, he carefully sat her back down, going easy on her wings, he must have noticed their damage then. She couldn't exactly ignore the fascination lurking in his pupils either.
"Don't try and move. You'll make this harder on yourself, I was intending on killing you after all."
She laughed coldly as she folded her arms across her chest.
"And what. You're not gonna do that anymore huh? I was only doing my damn job!"
The Angel rolled his eyes and poked at her lightly with the same finger.
"As was I. Demons are a plague on humanity, which must be stopped at all costs."
She snarled at this. There it was. The self righteousness
"Well you're no blessing either, you psychopath"
Expectations of the Angels anger to give way were blocked as he could only chuckle deeply once more, his finger beginning to mess with her small body.
"You'll find that I am, quite literally, a blessing. Though perhaps I went a smidge too harsh. You're a tiny little thing, aren't you? I must admit, I've never actually seen a lower class. I'm usually left dealing with your counterparts."
It was her turn to roll her eyes at this. Though at his belittling of her ranking she felt a small spark of rage. She pushed the finger aside, hissing in pain as she weakly pointed up at the gargantuan glowing man.
"H-How dare you!? Fuck you-" She went to stand once more only to feel a shock in her wing, she yelped and let loose a pitiful whisper.
She did not miss the wince in the Angels features, as well as a hint of guilt. Guilt..for hurting a demon..hurting her? Carefully this time he brought his full hand, gently cupping behind her, only to stroke her wings in a soft and calming manner.
"Calm down, you need to stop fighting. The scorches are still wearing off."
She hated that she found herself leaning into the touch, sending a feeling of anxiety to coarse through her. It had only been five minutes and already this Angel was corrupting her mind as well as setting free butterflies that attacked her stomach.
"So..so you're not gonna kill me then?"
The Guardian fell still, his fingers freezing mid stroke.
"It's what must be done. It's what should be done, but you don't seem like a very real threat. So no..It goes against my inner judgement, but no. You will not perish today."
Luciel felt herself ease instantly with the news but met his eyes. They truly were a sight to behold.
"Thank you.."
A acknowledged this with another hesitant smile as he cocked his head, his long blond hair billowing over his shoulder.
"A Demon saying thank you? Lower classes must still posses manners then. But in any case, you're welcome."
She huffed "must you constantly mention my class? It's demeaning"
His head tilted further
"Curious little thing you are. I never knew Demons could feel insulted."
She turned her gaze away in embarrassment, fortifying her response without words, face turning red.
"Or to be oddly cute when angry."
She coughed at this and instantly facing down. His laugh bellowed around them as his hand shifted over her wings once more resuming their stroking, before he paused once more and set a huge finger beneath her chin, tilting her head upwards to meet his gaze.
"My name is Alistar"
He watched her expectedly as she cleared her throat baring her words, now impossibly soft, loosing their malice intent.
His finger beneath her face left as it lay awaiting infront of her. Her face fell flat as realisation dawned, oh..a handshake.
She outstretched her arm, her hand falling on his finger tip, almost smaller than his nail. Unnerving to say the least.
"Y-you do realise I still have to do my job right, I can't just stop tormenting humans it's kinda what I'm assigned to do."
His eyes sharpened but only slightly, he sighed instead of sneering.
"You must do your duties and I must do mine. But I propose a bargain. You leave this human be, I've put enough work into keeping this place clean and keeping him alive. I don't condone it but as you must resume tormenting humans- from now it shall only be humans however, that show greed and evil. Rotten ideals. Seeing as demons don't care for humanity this shouldn't affect your work. Have at them. Leave the ones just trying to get by. Do this, and I promise to leave you be, as well as whenever we are together worklife shall go on pause. Do we have an understanding?"
She snapped her hand away from the finger with a raised brow meeting the golden eyes with suspicion
"Just what in all the layers of hell would make you think I would be insane enough to want to meet again?"
Alistar chuckled, his finger moving to twirl a lock of her hair, as he ruffled the rest, much to her dismay (which was met with an entertained grin.) The hand shifted as she got extremely close to his face making her freeze completely. He carefully placed her down on his shoulder and delighted in leaving her stranded, forcing her to sit as she could not yet fly.
"Because my little Demon, work can be awfully dull, and I am in need of some entertainment. A friend if you will."
Luciel felt her face flush, she didn't quite know what to say.. but his offer wasn't too..unappealing. But friendship of any sorts between their kind was forbidden, and if this Angel was willing to bend the rules he proved more interesting than the rest.
She'd take the gamble.
"You have a deal."
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sybaritick · 2 months
a thought re: the post I have seen a few mutuals rb about the demonization of doms into hard kink, like how some people online are seemingly OK with someone having a sexual fantasy about receiving pain but find it morally unacceptable for someone to have a sexual fantasy about inflicting pain. (I mean one issue with this is then who's supposed to inflict the pain? Presumably someone who swears on their life that they totally aren't enjoying it?)
jokes aside I agree with the post, and I wonder how much that influences the fact that it seems like there are more submissive folks on Tumblr by a significant margin. I used to think that this was just because of the demographics of Tumblr, but the other part of course is that I don't believe the world is naturally divided on every kink into 50% givers and 50% receivers: for one, many people are both, but also sometimes there are just more people who want to suck people's toes than people who want their toes sucked (or vice versa). And I wonder about this in combination with how people "become" more dominant or more submissive.
To me it feels ""normal"" that it is sexually arousing to see someone you're attracted to in a position of weakness or vulnerability, or to see their deference to you, or to feel like they're under your control, especially so if you are the one who "put them there"/that you have intentionally cultivated this dynamic. And by "normal" I just mean that I remember feeling this way when I was 14, 15 years old/having my sexual awakening. In some sense I felt that this was a natural result of the fun of just... problem-solving and playing games. A romantic or sexual relationship can be a social game. Playing (and "solving") the game with a partner to get them into your desired position, while knowing they are trying to get you into theirs, is a great joy. Winning even more so, but there can still be fun in losing to a worthy opponent.
But of course that doesn't mean it's universal. There are many people who would agree with me but there are many people who wouldn't. And for a time I thought surely most people harbor these feelings and some people just repress them, or are forced to repress them/taught that they are not OK. But clearly it's more complicated than that-- I am not going to claim everyone is a dom deep down, lol. there must be things happening before your sexual awakening/puberty that determine some of this, based on your experiences and maybe even your genetics.
and so... do whatever-those-causes-are just tend to produce more submissives? and I would guess it must vary by society, by culture? I'm curious.
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m34gs · 6 months
Rollo Flamme in the TWST Saw AU: Victim or rival apprentice? (can imagine him in a trap after the events of GloMas)
Alrighty, time to answer this ask! Thank you for your patience, anon, I just finished the Glorious Masquerade on Sunday! I talked with @kimium (co-creator of the Saw AU; see her fics here) and we had a good discussion about Rollo!
So, what we know about Rollo is that his actions were fuelled by his despair, anger, grief, and survivor's guilt surrounding the death of his younger brother. But, part of him doesn't want to believe what he is doing is wrong. He has twisted his own morals to justify trying to rid the world of magic for the good of others. You could even say, because of the way he is so desperate to convince himself that he's doing the right thing, that he is doing this *because* he values life. He's a complex and interesting side-character and it's fun to discuss him. I think, if he was in the main story, he also would have been one of the overblots...which makes this an interesting case.
That brings me to what Kim and I came to as a conclusion. Rollo is not an apprentice, neither is he a trap victim. Not because he is somehow right; no. Not because the Housewardens don't care; Malleus in particular wants to chuck him in a trap. It's a mix of things keeping Rollo "safe":
Division of the Housewardens. While they are all independent apprentices, Kim and I have established with each other that there are times where they work together, make agreements, and set guidelines/rules together for themselves to follow. When playing through the event, the Housewardens at Fleur City had mixed feelings about what Rollo did. While they all did work together to stop him, Idia in particular felt a connection to him. I mean, how often is it that someone else's diary gets Idia Shroud to *willingly* climb stairs? I'm certain it hit really close to home for him, and I think it would make him hesitate to put Rollo in a trap; because it would be very personal. Azul probably would weigh pros and cons of putting Rollo in the trap, so that will depend on his use to Azul. Riddle might want to put him in a trap, but he would probably consult Jigsaw first at the very least. What about the Housewardens not present at the scene? Well, we've already established Kalim doesn't like putting people in traps to begin with (and he'd probably fight with Jamil over trapping Rollo if it came down to it). Leona would find Rollo annoying, but if the problem's been dealt with he isn't about to waste his time and energy going after him. Vil is one of the most compassionate Housewardens in my mind; he is another we've established does not enjoy putting people in traps if he doesn't feel he has to. What about Malleus? He has fae powers, right? And we've established that he more or less follows John's rules out of courtesy and not because he is afraid of breaking them. That kind of brings us to the next points.
No Actual Harm Befell Yuu. We've established that the Housewardens, especially Malleus, will consider throwing anyone in a trap if they've harmed Yuu (though there are some times where they don't think traps are appropriate or are too easy a punishment, they still consider it). Aside from dropping the floor out from under Yuu (where they were saved by Professor Trein), Rollo didn't actually try to do anything to Yuu directly. The firelotuses don't affect Yuu since they have no magic. If anything happened to Yuu, it would have been collateral damage, but I would argue that he might have been trying hard not to harm Yuu (or anyone without magic); based on the discussions he had with them where he was pretty much trying to feel out whether they thought magic was evil as he did. There was potential for harm, and some would argue that's enough, but you wouldn't find all of them convinced.
Yuu Knows Rollo. This isn't some asshole in the street who they'll probably forget in a month or two. They know Rollo personally. They've talked to him at length. They may not be a fan of what he did, but they have been through something similar with each of the Housewardens and showed a remarkable ability to understand and make peace with people. It is reasonable to assume they could do the same with Rollo. If he ended up dying in a gruesome manner from a trap they would probably be sad. None of the Housewardens want to make Yuu sad. (Note: I have hinted before that Jigsaw would have put the Housewardens, and potentially their dorm mates, through traps too; this is different. The assumption is John did not know Yuu at the time. He knew of them but had not met them. He did not know what a sin it was To Make Yuu Sad. He also did not ever have a Housewarden trap another Housewarden; he did those ones himself. John eventually tries to make up for risking Yuu's sadness when he trapped the Housewardens by finding ways to make Yuu happy and allowing the Housewardens a looser leash when it comes to people who harm/disturb Yuu).
Potentially the strongest argument we have: The Gargoyle's Promise. In the event, when the gargoyle is losing its ability to move and speak, it tells Malleus, Idia, and Azul, to take care of Rollo. Look me in the eye and tell me Malleus will break that promise ever. Look me in the eyes. and Tell Me. He would never break his oath to a talking gargoyle. Even though he desperately wants to. He really wants to. He thinks about it every time he sees Rollo get too close to Yuu or give them presents (my little headcanon; I like to think Rollo tries to befriend Yuu and maybe even win them over). But the Gargoyle's promise is a powerful thing. It would take even more extreme acts to get him to consider breaking it. For now, Malleus just grumbles like a disgruntled housecat who has seen another cat sit on the sidewalk across the street, from his favourite vantage point in the window.
So, Rollo is safe for a few complex reasons! (That doesn't mean Malleus isn't watching him like a hawk though. He is. He definitely is.)
Of course, this is just what we've decided for our Saw AU; if you want to test Rollo through a trap or think he would make a good apprentice, I highly encourage you to build that AU as you see fit and have fun with it!
Thank you again for sending this ask, it was fun to discuss and answer! I liked it :D feel free to send more if you ever feel inclined; and feel free to send asks about this au to @kimium as well! Also, Kim, if you have anything further to add from what we've discussed, please do!
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cabinette · 10 months
OC RANTING: Falkor And Lloyd!
Posting semi-huge posts about my own characters isn't really my style, but I wanted to have a proper place to stow away most of the info about these two, just for some peace of mind :)
(these are basically just greentexts of information... listen, I'm not good at this stuff!)
If you guys aren't somewhat familiar with these two already, let me introduce you to Falkor and Lloyd!
they're a duo of adventurers who are trying to make it big in the world of questing and adventuring so that their family lineage of much better adventurers are not ashamed of them.
Falkor Svend, a basic loser knight who probably has more luck talking to plants than he does not getting his ass beat up by every monster he encounters, and the one who carries him through every battle- a wizard called Lloyd Adrik, who has been cursed with unpredictable, uncontrollable ice magic!With no need for a staff or chanting of any kind. He's also cold-blooded, and his hair turned white, and a bunch of other stuff....... Which I will get into in just a moment!
Here's a rundown of Falkor
He was the runt of his brothers, a little dim, a little distracted, preferring to fight for fun and joy and kiddiness than really taking the time to learn tactics and techniques. now all his brothers are somewhat well known, and he's still just some dope who stayed under his parent's wing for too long. So then he made the decision to leave and go run around collecting gold and cute animals and pretty trinkets with a veeeeery powerful magician he made friends with!!!! yoppeee !!!!!! (His parents are just glad he's gone.)
On his armour, he wears an emblem that resembles a shell-shocked reptile looking down at itself in confusion. It's called "The Stupid Dragon" and it's from a very well-renowned fable within his world.
The story behind it goes a little something like this. it centres around a lizard who wanted to be a dragon with every molecule in its body that they trained nonstop every single day on how to fly through the air, how to control its breathing for fire-breath, collecting shiny things to have a hoard for themselves, they prayed to this heavenly deity up above- seeking for consolation, calling the deity's name night after night when it didn't answer. The deity was insecure, worried about being cast aside if they did not validate this small lizard's claims. So the deity had no choice but to confirm their belief of being a dragon, but the lizard was never satisfied. it was so wrapped up in their determination, it had to be petrified by a stronger, much more responsible god, fearing that if the lizard found out the truth, it would cause an outcry about the deity's mistake.
Anyway, not sure what the moral is but its something about lying for the better, and the consequences that come after it,
Falkor is often criticised for being like the lizard in the story. being too passionate about something he will never succeed in, simply because he wasn't made out to be one from the very start. He wears it to become better than the lizard. showing that even if he was just a lowly lizard, he would still earn his way to being a dragon..... or something. in reality, he just resonated with the myth and sees the dragon in solidarity. Who wouldn't, after all the times he tried his best thinking he was doing well, just to be put down by his brothers? Petrified on the spot for simply wishing to be something greater? Something he will never, ever be.
Anyway, here's some more basic information!
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And his emblem up close
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He's 5'11, 28 years old, and uses He/Him pronouns, he's got flat, wavy hair that's usually pressed down against his head, with tan skin spattered with an assortment of scars, but he usually covers them up anyway. He has bright brown eyes- beautiful when not marred with bruising, maybe he should invest in a helmet... He also has his emblem tattooed over the left side of his chest, over his heart. His armour is slightly unpolished and doesn't reflect as nicely. His padding and underclothes are greyish-white, as well as thick, brown leather gloves. His most prominent feature is his nose btw, it is visible from every. single. angle.
Here's a rundown of Lloyd
Lloyd was one of the only few people born in his prestigious sorcerer family without an affinity for magic. whether that be a divinity-defying connection with the stars or a healing so powerful it could bring the dead back, he ran off from his duties one day- stumbling into the treasury, where he grabbed the first "Grimoire" that he saw bound in frosty iron chains. It gave him nice snow magic, sure, and for a while, he kept up this illusion- visiting the treasury, showing his parents his "magic", then going back in the middle of the night. One day, his father found out about this and barged into the treasury- scaring Lloyd. in this fit of rage he yelled at Lloyd about being a charlatan, a disgrace, Lloyd, being the naive kid he was, simply absorbed all the magic within the book out of a fit of fear... Accidentally blasting his father with this magic, then shortly passed out. now he's cold-blooded. now his hair is as white as snow. now tumours of ice culminate on his skin, and it's all too much for this small boy to take. Every time he casts magic, a strange symbol on his forehead lights up, it's icy to the touch.
He got the Elsa treatment, one side of his father's face is now frozen into a perpetually shocked state, his lips chafed away to reveal the bone, his eye milky white with blindness, his hair now two-toned- resembling the shade that Lloyd's took on, and he is NOT happy about the similarities.
And so...... Lloyd brought disgrace, healers did what they could, managing to rid him of most of the side effects, and yet he still couldn't properly control his magic- bound to his new room inside an iron box, made to sit alone in isolation for days on end, rarely if at all being visited by his own family. He once nearly froze his own sister's hand off after begging her not to leave him alone. this was the final straw for his father, after many, many close calls... soooo he was booted! Onto the streets, with barely a penny to his name, (To think he could piece two and two together about being a decent parent, and uh, maybe not throwing out a teenager with unpredictable ice magic.)
After a few years of helping with other adventurers and trying to avoid freezing their heads off, (he gave into this urge like. once) he then found Falkor, who he instantly clicked with. Ao now they are friends who beat up monsters together !
Anyway, here's some more basic information!
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(you'll have to forgive me for not having a good ref of Lloyd on hand, haha)
Yes. Yes I know that his symbol is the same one for ice pokemon LMFAO I swear this is what it looks like now!
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He's 6'7, 27 years old, and uses He/Him pronouns, he's got thin, fluffy hair that's usually windswept over his face, one specific cowlick always just a little bit curlier than the rest, and I guess he's too unbothered to fix it. He has pale papery skin that's perpetually flushed red from the cold, he's only... A little bit insecure about it. His eyes turned a bright shade of cyan upon being inflicted with the curse, and he has huge ears. HUGE ears. I fail to demonstrate just how disproportionately big they are compared to his face in these refs but he hears all.
Their dynamic is a basic wizard x fighter trope, Lloyd does the fighting though, while Falkor's able to talk for him when he's too anxious to ask for no pickles. Here's some miscellaneous art of them :)
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anyway, that has been my OC rant, if I ever decide to give their universe a name I'll probably be editing this post! 🤔😊 If you've gotten this far, please be my mutual and I hope to talk again about these two very soon
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witchspeka · 1 year
I feel like TeruRitsu have untapped dynamic potential
They're both competitive and have some ego issues so if forced to interact I'll feel like they'll inevitably have a conflict
Plus they're both putting up appearances, Ritsu with his whole goody two shoes exemplary student bs and Teru trying to seem as morally pure as possible to make up for the past he quickly stopped associating with
They've only interacted once, really, and that's when they first met and GOD was that awful but I do think it's important to note Ritsu was also going through his joker arc and he usually minds his own business/isn't as cocky
But I do think Teru can be pretty condescending, he suffers from Main Character Syndrome and while he's getting better I do think he can lack some tact
So if he ends up saying something to set off Ritsus inferiority complex it would just be a matter of how many polite smiles Ritsu has left in him
AND LIKE... I do think their hypothetical dynamic would be different depending on what point in time they'd interact
Cause obv their flaws wouldn't be as prominent post-canon but tbh I think interactions somewhere between 7th division and confession arc would be the funnest
Imo they still deal with the brunt of their mistakes even post-confession arc, like, mp100 is a story that revolves around Mob (obviously) and as a result the end of their arcs is really just wrapping up their relationship with Mob
Interestingly, the way they both view their relationship with Mob is through the lens of competitiveness (Teru being his self proclaimed rival and Ritsu with his inferiority complex, they also both use him as a standard of smth they want to achieve) and it gets concluded with them regarding themselves as equals (Teru saying Mob is just as ordinary as him and Ritsu saying he'll be the brother he can earnestly compete with)
K now back on topic--
I feel like Teru and Ritsu have come to certain conclusions during the duration of the show and are changing themselves for the better but their flaws are still being worked on even as the story wrapped up and I think they have the potential to highlight those flaws within one another
Every other time they've been on screen togheter, aside from their first encounter, they've interacted briefly so I still like to consider that handshake as a template for other possible interactions
Still, I don't think they hate eachother or smth, just that they're similar and as a result incompatible
You can lean into the friends or enemies part more and neither would be disproven by canon lol, their dynamic is flexible
I think they'd be fun frenemies and I rarely see content that focuses solely on their dynamic, idk man its a shame
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ask-zaukodar · 6 months
Miraculous Awakening Thoughts
So now that I've actually had time to digest (and re-ingest and re-digest) the miraculous ladybug movie I want to gush out about what I did and didn't like. Spoilers below the break.
Marinette's lack of having it together in the beginning and having the anxiety about messing up because she kind of is a disaster was a great starting point for her character in this movie.
Gabriel Agreste got a lot of improvement. Outright evil to morally gray, actually behaving like a fashion designer and not just a big business man, using his miraculous taking a serious toll on him, those fucking pipes of his...I could go on, but I like this condensed but complicated villain more than the series. Especially at the end where he faces actual consequences and doesn't get to peace out on his terms.
The Ladynoir development, which was clearly the main focus of the movie, felt a lot more fun even when it was being condensed (rushed?) for the sake of time. I've seen a lot of critique of how LB and CN don't just spend more time hanging out and goofing off with each other and seeing them do just that felt great, especially when they have their teasing nicknames for each other and you get to see them grow from insufferable rivals to best friends and more.
Adrien having more of a spine in the movie than in the series felt good. Him telling off his father was a satisfying moment, and his frustration evolving into anger in the final fight felt natural.
I like that Tikki and Plagg chose their holders instead of having their holders chosen for them. Sure Adrien didn't get a Master Fu moment that showed his worth to Plagg, but Tikki basically seeing Marinette do her thing and going "yeah i want her" before slipping into her backpack seemed more earnest.
Speaking of Tikki: she has SO MUCH MORE SASS and I love it. I've always loved Tikki and how sweet she is with Marinette, but now having that extra layer of vibrant energy was a great touch. Especially when Marinette tries to ditch her, Tikki shouts "YOU D-", and then just pops back in. Also the shameless shipping gestures. Love her.
THE FINALE REVEAL, AAAAGH IT MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH STUFF. Putting aside just how gorgeous that dress is, that emotional climax of the two lovebirds finally knowing each other and getting to be together without any secrets felt amazing. Adrien crying tears of joy felt perfect in that scene.
"Stronger Together" is probably the best song I've heard in a musical movie in a very, very long time.
Marinette's dad getting more screentime and focus was great, even if it only happened for two scenes.
All the little nods of how the two heroes are made for each other: the beginning intro, all the photos on Alya's phone, the back-and-forth scene cuts where they're talking opposites about each other, how dorky the two really are...soup for the soul.
Special shout-out to the thumbs-up scene for making me laugh harder than it really should have.
Second shout-out for Careless Whisper being used correctly in both the ironic and unironic senses.
Poor, poor Plagg: most of his subtle points and nuance just got tossed out the window just so he could become fart jokes?! Why?! Granted the cheese was going to be a thing, but...man, where's the rest of his character? The friendly chats with Adrien? The glimpse of his relationship with Tikki?
Why didn't Ladybug have Lucky Charm or Miraculous Ladybug during the second fight onward? Okay she wouldn't have either during the first fight, but we don't get to see her unique thinking process with weird items or see her repair the damage of all those fights, which is an under-utilized quality in superhero media these days.
The Adrienette angle of the love square didn't get the proper exploration it needed, and while I realize there wasn't enough time to fully do it justice it would have been nice to see Adrien also have a moment or two where he's starting to see Marinette in a different light and having the same conflict that Marinette had over Adrien vs CN.
The final battle didn't feel quite epic enough, and it's clear there wasn't enough time to do it properly. I would have added a few minutes more where LB and CN actually get their act together and make a bigger dent in HM before they get curbstomped, at least.
The Volkswagen product placement was jarring, and the heroes being there to endorse the cars under the Eiffel Tower felt out of character for a couple of teenagers who are taking a relative serious duty. They're teens, but they're not out for fame or fortune.
Nathalie was waaay under-utilized, but again I get that this was probably because of lack of time, which is a shame.
There's probably SO MUCH MORE I could take apart, but I should probably stop here. Suffice to say: I love this movie, it's a solid 9/10, and I can't wait for the next one in this specific universe.
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zooophagous · 1 year
Strauss delicately poured an odd greenish liquid from the kettle into a pair of small mugs. It was different from a coffee meeting, a 'tea time' to break up the monotony. Besides, coffee was terribly bitter. The mild and citrus scented green tea might be more agreeable.
Artemis sat stoicly in the chair across from his own. He had a stack of note cards with him, no doubt some interview questions he'd carefully curated ahead of time. Their last round of questioning had been intense, to the point of tears, and she had no doubt he was about to hit her with inquiries as hard as she'd hit him.
He was taking his time getting settled, though. Not just pouring the tea, but also cutting a fresh lemon and squeezing it into his own cup before stirring and sitting down. He folded his tall body neatly into the chair, one leg over the other, and draped one arm across its back. Now that he was in charge of the interview, and not being subjected to it, he appeared much more open and comfortable.
"When you're ready to begin, let me know. The rules are the same as they have been. I will ask you personal questions, and you may skip a question at any time. If you wish to stop at any time, the interview will end." He sipped his tea. It was more pleasant than coffee, more plant like, but he missed the powerful burn hot coffee usually left behind.
"Alright Strauss." Artemis sipped her own tea with a half smile. "You can start wherever you'd like to."
"Very well. These are not yes or no questions. I am hoping for responses of more than one word. They are personal questions about yourself, and about the institute. We will begin now. Ahem."
He picked up his first note card, the dainty cursive script so small and fine Artemis actually couldn't read it from across the table.
"Aside from Frau Harker, who is your aunt, do you have any living relatives?"
"Uh.. No. Not any I'm close to I mean, I have a few distant cousins but I've never actually met them. So yes and no I guess." That was an odd question for him to ask, but Strauss was an odd person to talk to.
"I see. And neither of your parents is still living? Were they felled in the line of work?"
"No. Dad was a motorcycle accident, mom was a stroke. You'd think it would be something more interesting right? In this line of work? But no, supernatural creatures are really rare even for us to run into. They didn't meet very many face to face and as far as I know they never got hurt by one."
"Good, good. Do you have a home outside of the institute or is all of your time spent here?"
"Pretty much all here. I inherited a house but it's really honestly all storage now, anything I need is right here and I'm usually so busy there's not much of a reason to leave." He had said they would be 'personal' questions, but she didn't really know what to expect by that.
"What do you do for fun?"
"Uh." She blinked. "Strauss, I'm not gonna lie, I was sort of expecting your line of questions to have more to do with like... the research project, or why we came to you, or who the people hunting you are." She laughed nervously.
"These are all things I want to know." He shrugged. "I have no desire to pull questions out of you like teeth, Frau Van Helsing-"
"Artemis." He flushed slightly as he was corrected. "As much as the institute is adamant that I talk, even if it hurts me, I do not have the same desire to put you through what you have done to me." He folded his claws neatly and interlaced his fingers.
"I have told you that I am a moral creature and I have no desire to hurt you. That much is still true. If I am to get the story of who your family is, and how you truly lost your eye, I am quite sure I will get it when I deserve to get it. That is, when it is given freely as a gift, and not when it is bullied or bargained for. Unlike yourself, I am not a scientist and this is not a study. I only, truly, wish to know you."
Artemis sat, slightly taken aback. "Strauss, it wouldn't be fair for me not to be open with you after everything you've told me."
"You are being open by answering my questions. You know how my daughter passed away, and now I know something of what happened to your own family. A tit for tat. Now, if you will please stop avoiding the question." He unfolded himself in his chair and sat forward, looking eager for an answer. "What is it you do for fun, Frau Van Helsing?"
"Well, I... uh. Um." She looked awkwardly back at the figure who hungrily waited for her reply. "Truthfully, I'm all work and no play. It's hard to say what I do for fun any more because I don't get real leisure time. Not really. Before the project started I was really outdoorsy I guess. I mean, there's great hiking out here. Biking. Kayaking."
"A kayak is a small single person boat, you steer it with a big paddle with an oar on each end." She moved her arms to demonstrate. "But it's not like there's a ton of time for that right now, even if I could find time to bring security with me somehow there's just not enough hours in the day."
"I see." He tapped a claw to his chin. "You know, I used to enjoy outdoor activities once upon a time. It was horses for me, though, not bicycles. I used to ride them in my down time, I was quite good at it."
"I don't suppose it was possible to keep up with it after 'the incident' huh."
"No, when I was in mourning life lost its pleasures and I sold my horse. It was a small regret in the grand scheme of things, but a regret."
"That sucks. I guess they're kind of a lot to feed aren't they?"
"They're more work than they're worth. I had them stabled. Still, I do wonder what became of them, when their poor master couldn't continue to look after them. Next question for you now. You are college educated, that much I know. What did you study?"
"I have a degree in psychology from the University of St. Mary, and I'm still in classes now for sociology, biology and anthropology. I'm actually hoping I can earn a doctorate."
"I knew you were smart. That must be what keeps you working so late into the evening when you are not around. Do you like the work?"
"I do. I'm very lucky to be able to study as much as I do."
"Am I a project for your thesis, then?"
"No, no you're separate. Nobody outside of the Institute knows about you. Well, not because I told them."
"Would you ever submit your research on the supernatural to peer review?"
"Oh, I don't think so." She shook her head. "Outing you like that would only put you in danger. These beings live and die on secrecy, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you got hurt because I wanted my name on something."
"Good. I have no desire to be known. Not by people other than you, I mean. The lack of peer review does make the project less scientifically rigorous however."
"I'd rather it be faulty than have my friends get hurt."
"Am I your friend, Frau Van Helsing?"
"I consider you a friend."
"And you aren't just saying that to appease me?"
"You need a lot of reassurance." She smiled and nodded. "You are actually my friend, yes, for real. I read to you while you were in the hospital bed. I don't think most psychological researchers take that sort of time for their subjects."
"Good, because the questions are about to get more difficult." He set his note cards aside. "My final question is a request. How would you feel, about an outdoor outing some time? The two of us given a chance to stretch our legs and enjoy a lost hobby."
"You're asking me if I want to go hiking with you?"
"Or in one of those kayak boats, or on a bicycle. It would be up to you."
"You know auntie wouldn't allow it."
"She may chaperone. I already knew it would likely be a condition of our outing."
"You're not going to use it as some opportunity to catch me in the wilderness and get rid of me are you?"
"Why tease me like that? No. I do not have any subtle machinations or ulterior motives. I just..." He flushed again. "I want to see you have more fun. I think that you deserve more fun."
She folded her arms and tilted her head. "You know what, Strauss? You're right. I do deserve more fun. Maybe we all deserve more fun. We can meet in the middle, too. You like horses, I like hiking trails, maybe there's a barn around here we could go trail riding at. Might be difficult to get it done at night, but it never hurts to ask."
"If you can get me back into a saddle, Frau Van Helsing, I will tell you any of my sordid stories you wish to hear."
"Deal. On one condition. I'm serious about you calling me Artemis from now on."
He flushed again, so deeply she could clearly see it. She was stifling a chuckle at his expense.
"Of course, Artemis. I will try harder. We are close enough to do away with formalities, I suppose."
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sealeneee · 9 months
I know you’re working on the other ask but I had some more questions.
What is Doc/Katona’s love language? How does Katona respond to Doc’s nicknames of “beautiful” and “gorgeous”? Does she have specific ways she likes to be touched or talked to? Is she taller than Doc and if so, how does he feel about that?
And for Katona and Theron: what is their friendship like? What sort of things do they get up to? Does Doc ever get involved or is it purely Katona and Theron who hang out? What is Katona’s favorite and least favorite things about Doc and Theron?
this turned out quite long so i'm putting it under readmore jkhfakjfg
i think katona is more of a gift giver -- she'd buy or make anything that reminded her of her husband, while doc is more of an acts of service and quality time guy. physical touch is a thing for both of them.
at first katona find the nicknames a bit annoying, but starts to like them pretty quickly. she may not exactly share his views on her looks -- "i look fine, but nothing outstanding. aside from, you know, the veins and glowing eyes" is something she'd say -- but she appreciates it nonetheless. it's something nice amidst whatever disaster is happening at the time. makes her smile every time.
as for ways of being talked to, i think she prefers a casual, humorous banter kind of talk. unless we're talking about sex, in which case she has a praise kink.
touch is a bit hard to answer, but i think she likes having her hair braided/played with, and having doc's hand on her waist is one of her favorite ways of physical contact, alongside hugs and putting one's head on their partner's shoulder.
and oh YEAH she's taller. she's like 6'8, while i see doc as average or below average height. something like 5'9? having him shorter would be fun (not in a demeaning way though. he's just a little guy. stealing @rubensmuse's text here)
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but would be too much of a height difference. so he's about average in my canon
i'd say he was just surprised at first -- not every day you see anyone, let alone a human, over two meters tall -- but quickly got used to it. he likes it, it suits katona's personality and skills in his opinion, makes him feel defended when she's nearby. she could snap him in half and he loves it and also knows that she wouldn't.
now for theron. i think they really bonded during kotfe/et, when they had to closely work together and got to know each other better. chaotic adhd siblings. i think most of their shenanigans either happen when theron asks katona to help him on whatever job he has to do, which can be a lot of things, from recovering intel to getting new allies or assets. we all know how theron operates, and katona isn't afraid of doing some insane bullshit either. also i think there is a lot of grabbing food and talking shit about everyone and everything. don't think doc joins on their bullshit too often, most times it's only if several alliance people are involved. group bullshit, if you will.
have i answered favorite things about doc? i think i have. poke me if i haven't. as for theron, i think what draws katona to him most is the similar chaotic vibe they have and the opportunity to bond over their weird relationship with the jedi order.
as for the disliked qualities, i think doc's vanity can get on her nerves sometimes. another thing that just clashes with her personality is his immense desire to help people even if it puts themselves in danger. sorry imperials on balmorra yall are getting stabbed. nevertheless she saves his ass on dromund kaas instead of moving to attack the emperor right away. that's because she's a little hypocritical. as a treat.
i think the latter is also a point of conflict with theron -- he is, despite his chaotic nature, a very goodhearted character, while she has... interesting morals. if it's not beneficial to her or isn't explicitly a part of her task it's very likely she'll stall doing the objective to help someone, i.e. the reactor on zakuul. there is no time to waste, she's super confused and fresh out of carbonite, and she didn't even cause the damn explosion! not her job. master surro gets killed as a weird way of showing mercy. and so on.
she also never lets him forget the """""betrayal""""" and especially the dumb haircut he got. the spy shenanigans greatly annoy her, and the hair was just ugly.
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That Wrestling Moment: Dark Rogers Rises
One day our hero awoke from a brutal beating and rebuilt himself up as Dark Rogers...
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So indulge me for a second while I describe the superhero/villain origin story on how Scott turned Dark.  All images are property of bgeast, all of this is unsanctioned and completely made up, but hey, it just wouldn't be pro gay wrestling without a certain amount of flair, so here we go - 
The Backstory Hard working and earnest, young Scott Rogers always looked forward to his underground wrestling matches.  The butterflies, the nerves, all the adrenaline lit him up like a Christmas tree and like the big day, Scott felt amazing each time he wrestled.  It was a natural high, good clean fun, and a wholesome feeling that followed him for days after wrestling.
But that was all about to change - Entering the dimly lit room, Scott felt an immediate sensation that something was different; not danger or that his life was at stake, but rather that something big and life changing was at stake.  
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Scott entered the match gracing that Cowboy getup he found at the thrift store, his friends all told him it suited his 'good guy' image and that this gimmick could help him rise up through the ranks.  "Just a few more years," he thought.  A couple of years of putting punks like Thom Katt in their place and then he'd get his chance to join the big leagues.  
The Action Rogers seethed as he stared down little Thom Katt.  He'd seen his kind before.  Cocky, pushy, and a real bully that took advantage of naïve wrestlers and really got off humiliating them.  This was going to be so worth it to put the little twerp in his place. 
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Scott was doing well at first, using his mat work to punish the cocky punk and force him to respect the sanctity of wrestling.  Good always triumphed over evil, or so he thought until ... 
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Scott didn't have a chance.  He fought back valiantly but Thom's instantiable hunger for those ripped and hairy pecs could not be satisfied.  Then suddenly, with Scott's strength slowly draining away, Thom unleashed his finishing move; a move in which there was no rallying back.  
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The Moment  So here is the exact moment when Scott was broken.  Thom had not only beaten Scott but continued to humiliate and take what he wanted from him.  Each and every bite was another example of Thom ignoring the rules and breaking down our hero.
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The moral compass in Scott, always one to play by the rules, shifted as he tried desperately to level the playing field, even biting Thom back, but it was too late.  At this point Scott was too weak and too humiliated to go on and it was just before the pain became too much to bare that he realized he could never get ahead or move up in the ranks being the good guy.  Wrestling for him, would never be good clean fun again.
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Only when Thom finally put Scott out of his misery; tying him up and leaving him for his sidekick to find, did the carnage stop.  
Scott was the better man, there was no doubt of that.  The clean cut, play by the rules golden boy; but despite all his hard work and fair play, Thom crushed him in the end.  He was used  up and treated like a personal plaything before being tossed aside.  
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And it was at that moment, bashed on the mats, tied up and humiliated, that he knew that the better man would never succeed.  Dark Rogers would need to rise and a heel was born.  
For the original post, check out:
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Hey Dreams x
Happy Worldbuilding Character-Building Wednesday :D ✨
What is your favourite character flaw, AND/OR your favourite type of character arc / development?
Perhaps one your own characters go through? Or even one you've seen in media? And do you know why you like it? (:
from @bloodlessheirbyjacques (:
Thank you for this question, it's absolutely amazing. I love how you redesigned WBW for me 🙈😁 this is so much more suited and fun for me. You are a treasure, thank you 🥰.
I love characters learning to trust people. Realizing that a) feelings for others aren't a weaknes b) that they can't prevent themselves from feeling c) that they are actually happier feeling and they don't want to give it up anymore (Hal and in my previous WIP The Fifth Magic it was the main protagonist Kyler. And in an AU roleplay it was my OC Grayson).
I also like characters learning to be better people, as you say, better versions of themselves.
I love confidence arcs, realizing that what was preventing you from doing something was your own fear and insecurity that you wouldn't be able to do it (Skye). I love angry characters who just want to fight and run and keep doing, realizing they need to stop, that they don't want to go on like that, finding the one thing that gives them peace (Kieran). I love people being lazy and selfish and unapologetic and realizing they don't want to be hurting people they have come to care about and working on themselves to improve that by learning to be more selfless and considerate (Leander).
Zephyr is a special case and a troublesome case I have been struggling with for some time and could use some thoughts, if anyone has time & energy to give me advice.
Zephyr is an interesting case, because on one hand I really want to do an arc addressing perfectionism. The arc of learning that you don't have to be perfect all the time, shouldering everything for everyone alone to have worth. That you can do mistakes and be flawed and imperfect, and you are still valuable and loveable. This is a major theme on Tears of Iron.
On the other hand, Zephyr is friendly and naturally kind in a way that makes him hard to write. I think he is the most noble and moral character from the cast, the one most balanced and calm, the one not fighting with an internal conflict or flaw to be better, aside the perfectionism and burning himself out. But that's an arc and theme, not a character flaw, not a trait, is it? I feel like maybe I'm missing something. Like he either has more to reveal to me, I'm overlooking something, I'm making him unrealistically perfect, or I don't understand him. I stiched him together from traits I admire, that I myself struggle with, that I would wish in a romantic partner, but it makes it hard to put myself in his head, because he just works so differently for me.
Plus I don't really have a base characyer for him. Maybe for appearence and mannerism, or the goals, but not for him as this heroic selfless person, this gentle steel warrior poet vibe that inspires him. I was thinking of the samurai movies, of noble warriors, of the Jedi, of fighters with a cause who want to use their power for good, who get fulfilled by helping and working hard, when those are also things I would find too exhaustive to do 🙈 so how can he manage to do it? And how can I manage to write that? Maybe he really needs a quirk or proper flaw. But flaws are supposed to be the other side of the strenghts, and all his strenghts' downsides are burn out...idk.
Could use some thoughts, if you could spare some :) esp from you two, you are the coolest, smartest here and know my story well @bloodlessheirbyjacques @thewalkingnerdx
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sime667 · 2 years
Dealing with assholes on the internet - A brief guide
Every interaction you will ever have with another human being is a game.
You can either accept the game, refuse it, or change it.
As an example, let's imagine someone wants to interview you. You both sit down, the guy asks you questions, you answer. Boom, game accepted. You just played "interview".
Now let's imagine that you remain completely silent, or that you simply stand up from your chair and leave. Beep, game refused.
A final - and remarkably fun - option: Instead of sitting down, you can start hopping around the room and whinny like a horse. The game has just been changed to "someone call security".
So now let's imagine you're sitting in front of your computer, wasting time on the internet. (wild scenario, I know.) Let's say you just posted your review for a new brand of instant noodles. According to you, they're the shit. Quick, tasty, 100% unhealthy. Apparently, some health freak has stumbled into your comment and is calling you all kinds of names because you're promoting "unhealthy food that is going to kill you." He proceeds to throw a bunch of faulty arguments at you, puts words in your mouth and concludes by asking you to kindly fuck off.
There's the game he wants to play. He wants to play "toxic internet argument." And he's just laid down the rules: you're going to answer him point by point, and you're going to get upset.
Play his game, and you've just granted him the upper hand. He's now in a dominant position, leading the dance. He has successfully cajoled you in a game that is going to ruin your mood and waste your time.
A much better option would be to refuse the game: just close the fucking web page and put that mental energy of yours to a better use.
Still, let's not forget about the fun option. You can also change the game.
He wants you to submit and feel like shit? "Boohooo bad man on the internet called me an idiot :( mommyyyy"
He expects you to address all of his faulty arguments? "You're clearly a man of great erudition, I wouldn't dare debating someone as cultured as you are."
Or, if you want to go down a more wholesome path: "But hey man, jokes aside, I see that you seem to care a great deal about health topics and you must have your good reasons for that. Thanks for the input, I'll try to limit my noodle-splurging to once a week. Cheers!"
Brief overview of what happened there: - Sarcasm and irony demonstrate an ability to remain unaffected by insults, which implies that the person insulting you is of lower status and you have no need to worry about any reputational damage coming from them; also, by refusing to tackle their arguments, you imply that something in what they've just said is so ridiculous you don't even need to address it - or that you have some valid counterpoints, but you're unwilling to share them. - Refusing to submit to the rules of the game is bound to create frustration and throw your opponent off guard. Whatever you do, do not react by impulse. Do not comply. Take a deep breath, walk away from the computer screen, clear your head. Then come back and evaluate the best course of action. - Once the game has been sabotaged, you can then proceed to impose your own rules, and invite the other person to play your own game. Whether you wanna defuse the situation or just inflict as much psychological damage as possible, that's totally up to you. No morals here, only a bit of social dynamics.
You're welcome. <3
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