#Enoch sans
pigeonstab · 3 months
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Enoch without his glasses
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val-uable-doodles · 2 years
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AA Rarepair Week Day 7 - Free Day 
Cursed ships.
It’s the last day so I wanted to make it special!
Ships from left to right: Moeworth, Herlock x BBC Sherlock, Sans x Enoch Drebber, Springtrap x Magnus McGilded, Beppo x Van Zieks, Miku x Bobby Fulbright, Gumshoe x Shadow
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soulsxng · 10 months
@ Meinyr: How well would you be able to get along with your angelic cousins if you had to have a big dinner party with all of them?
@soraeia | Relationships | Accepting!
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"...Not great, but definitely better than Uncle Pythius. I think the only ones he can somewhat get along with are Eno and Ellie. I at least have a few of the others that I can somewhat deal with. Zikiriel and Yeheriel, for example. Jehiel, sort of, and maybe Sachiel...though I'm not sure if I'd really count Sachiel as one of them. That might be because I wasn't around for when the older angels were taking pot shots at us for having 'stolen Sachiel' from them, or whatever their prick of a father told them back then."
"Besides, it wasn't until Lucifer fell that things got especially serious. The older angels-- Zikiriel especially-- were at least...I don't know how to say it. They let us have our pride. They only fought those of my family that met them on the battlefield; they never dragged anyone else into it. When Lucifer fell, though? All bets were off. Not only were they trying to kill us, they took over our home. Forced us to work for them for however the fuck long."
"Maybe I'd be able to keep my head enough to not get into an outright fight with them if one of them didn't start it first, but I definitely wouldn't be nice. I feel like that's a sentiment a few of us share, even now that both sides know everything that happened."
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itsc · 1 year
any friends want to let me read ebooks/get audiobooks on their library card…….. ?
i am down to two library cards rn 😔
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poetdarren · 2 years
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#tennessee #tenn #san #fitness #jesus #forgive #lavergne #smyrna #nashville #antioch #positivity #faith #heaven #star #peter #ruth #positivity #faith #workout #roses #pink #enoch www.purethoughts.info #birthday #money #yellow #forgiven #explore #God #happy #pure #cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjt7_rKDbAU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sslowdeathh · 3 months
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✦ Resident evil ;
Names, pronouns, and titles. Requested by @vintagedollcore. Plain text.
[PT: Resident evil: Names, pronouns, and titles. Requested by @/vintagedollcore. Plain text(link). /PT END]
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✦✦✦ Names ;
Biohazard. Zombi. Knox. Aconitine. Null. Adriel. Apocalypse. Ashe. Virus. Star. Redfeild. Hero. Blythe. Penn. Claire. Veronica. Rune. Lamoria. Saga. Briar. Phylum. Rosemary. Leon. Cael. December. Echo. Lev. Metro. Cairo. Navy. Devrim. Enoch. Dune. Gunner. Circe. Ervon. Cadaver. Field. Haven. Jinx. Laine. Lykke. Maddox. Reign. Vrai. Spiroch. Cicada. Salvar(san). Vetti. Syncline. Ileum. Gaiden.
✦✦✦ Pronouns ;
Corpse corpses. Kill killer. Infect infection. Numb numbs. Myth myths. Sur survive survivor. Whisp whisper. Path pathogen. Sick sicken. Parasite parasites. Infe infest. Core corrupt. Inje injure. Cure cures. Bile biles. Dea death. Lurk lurks. Sear search. Und undead. Dull dulls. Fight fights. Grime grimes. Necro necros. Sludge sludges. Zomb zombie. Spine spines. Rib ribs. Mu murs.
✦✦✦ Titles ;
The house of the dead. The revelation. The outbreak. The infection / infected. The code; [name]. The abducted one. The lost one. The one they want to find. The one they're searching for. The one they thought died. An agent of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA). The one that lurks in the marsh. The creator of the virus. The wanderer. The one that fights for the world. Hy who wonders if it's worth it. Hy who lost hys daughter. The searcher.
"The one", hy/hym, or anything else can be replaced with whatever you see fit :-)
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myemuisemo · 5 months
In the second part of "The Lauriston Garden Mystery," in Letters from Watson, the animal comparisons with people continue. The prior "simian" description of the victim now appears to be in the land of general Victorian biases about looks indicating character, rather than of specific dog whistles. (It's still an idea I'm glad isn't encouraged today.)
Inspector Lestrade, for instance, is given no description beyond "lean and ferret-like," implying he's a wiry, sneaky guy who's good at catching rats. Holmes, by contrast, is compared to a hound -- a classier and more morally noble catcher of vermin.
What the victim has in his pocketses is fascinating.
A Barraud watch is a high-quality pocket watch from the Barraud family watchmaker firm, which operated in the London area from 1727 to 1880 (so, retiring shortly before the story happens), per the British Museum. Holmes reads a serial number -- 97163 -- that may be made up without regard for Barraud's actual serial numbering (watch afficionados get very into Barraud details). Being five digits likely is meant to imply that the watch is newer rather than older.
Gold Albert chain is the style of chain that has a T-bar that slips into the button hole of a vest pocket and a swivel hook that attaches to the pocket watch. They were, unsurprisingly, popularized by Prince Albert, who died in 1861. I can't easily find a source that's specific about how long these specific chains really stayed fashionable, other than that pocket watches in general faded once men's wristwatches caught on in the early 20th century. Having a heavy gold chain at minimum implies the victim is a prosperous and outwardly respectable gentleman who might lean a titch conservative and practical.
Gold ring with Masonic device -- now this raises the BIG question. Are we talking Masons like "Moose Lodge but classier" or Masons like "conspiracy theories"? Even in the 1880s, it could have gone either way. Being a Mason was a gentlemanly thing to do, assuring business connections and a reliable social network when traveling. We're back in an era when everything respectable required an introduction -- gentlefolk who were moving to a new city took letters of introductions with them! -- and simply being a fellow Mason counted. So our victim has upper-middle-class social connections.
At the same time, Arthur Conan Doyle himself joined the Masons at about this time (possibly a bit after the story was written) as part of his exploration of spiritualism and self-improvement. So our victim's being a Mason isn't not a sign he might have deep secrets. (This interview with John Dickie, who wrote a book on Freemasonry, is particularly lively.)
Gold pin -- bull dog's head, with rubies as eyes. Bulldog stickpins or cravat pins were apparently quite popular! This one puzzles me, as the bulldog is ordinarily a symbol for England, but the victim is supposed to be American. And a gold pin is not a cheap souvenir! My next thought is that it's a Yale bulldog, but I'm reaching.
Russian leather card case -- Russian leather was popular for some years before the story because it was durable and resistant to water- and insect-damage. Our victim is willing to pay for quality and/or is taking his card case places where it has a rough life. If the cards only say "Enoch J. Drebber" and "Cleveland," these are his social cards, left when paying calls. (Paying calls was the Victorian equivalent of sending memes to the group chat. You'd go round dropping off your cards at the homes of friends and acquaintances, and a few might be "at home" to invite you in for tea and cakes. Not paying calls was a good way to fall out of contact with society.)
I keep wondering -- why Cleveland? It's a Doylistic question: the American has to be from somewhere, but why Cleveland? An Englishman in the 1880s would have heard of New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Chicago, surely, but Cleveland?
Well. I had forgotten that President James A. Garfield, elected in 1880 and assassinated in 1881, was from Cleveland. Cleveland was in the news. The city was also an industrial powerhouse from the Civil War into the early 20th century, so if the idea is to convey a large, wealthy American city, where society is perhaps less refined than in New York, but not so rough-and-tumble as in "the West," then Cleveland fits the bill brilliantly. Best yet, it was ethnically diverse, with large German and Hungarian populations.
Pocket edition of Boccaccio's Decameron -- it's an era when a man who traveled would carry a pocket edition of some classic book, to while away train trips and nights in hotels. The choice of book should be an indicator of character.
This is probably the 1872 revision of Charles Balguy's 1741 translation, which kept the more ribald bits in Italian. I'm leaning toward thinking that we're supposed to see the victim as a man who liked a bit of the salacious, as no matter how the Decameron is bowdlerized, everyone knows the spicy bits are there (though why is someone else's name in the book? well, someone likes a spicy read).
Letters from the Guion Steamship Company sent me down a rabbit hole of steamship history. This is not a made-up company. This is the JetBlue of steamship lines. Per my plunge into Wikipedia, White Star was known for comfort, Cunard and Inman were known for speed, and Guion was known for transporting immigrants in steerage.
Right around the time of the story, Guion commissioned new ships to try to compete based on speed. This went badly for them, including stranding a couple ships.
Our victim could be sailing Guion as an indicator that he's pinching some pennies, or that he simply doesn't care about White Star-type comforts. Alternately, this could be Chekov's steamship and someone important will later be on a ship that sinks.
Seven pounds 13 is about $300 in today's money. Without ATMs and credit cards, and without a bank book or other financial instruments for a UK bank, this is the money that has to get the victim to Liverpool on the train (there's no train ticket) and cover any incidentals until he embarks. (Or perhaps there's more wherever he was staying?) Depending what he's got to do before leaving, he's decently prosperous.
Whatever point Holmes expected Lestrade to see as "crucial" in wiring to Cleveland (presumably to the police department), I have no idea what it might be.
Holmes' deductions about the murderer are a mix of explainable and mysterious.
Height and shoes are derived from Holmes' painstaking measurements, and Holmes is an expert at identifying cigar ash. (Trichinopoly is an Indian cigar, popular for its mild flavor.) The details of the taxi are from Holmes' examination of the mud outside. (This is definitely not a Playfair mystery where the reader sees the actual clues.)
"Florid face" likely means the murderer drinks, though he could be outdoorsy or have a choleric temperament. The long fingernails must be deduced from the writing in blood, but why were they long?
Victorian nails were kept very short by modern standards, even for women. So "remarkably long" nails might only be half an inch -- but it's a vulgar and exotic detail. I have driven myself into a frenzy in trying to find a fraternal group, religion, criminal activity, or skilled trade where it was normal, symbolic, or practically useful to have long nails on one hand.
In an era with serialized novels and no Wikipedia, readers must have been frantic with asking their friends about tantalizing details. Making all those required calls was doubtless a lot more fun if everyone had read the latest chapter.
So we have a victim who is prosperous and at least surface-respectable, but not quite "nice" and a murderer who sought revenge, has some odd trade, and is likely upset about whatever's to do with the wedding ring.
And what is to do with it? Is it intended for a future bride, taken from a dead one, or left by a runaway?
I'm on tenterhooks to hear what Constable Rance has to say next week.
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thetruthwilloutsworld · 7 months
🚨🚨🚨 The Telegraph newspaper review. It's behind a paywall so I've copied and pasted it - contains Spoilers 🚨🚨🚨
Eleanor Tomlinson and Alfred Enoch star in this sexy thriller set in an alternate-reality Yorkshire that looks more like LA than Leeds.
The Couple Next Door (Channel 4) is a sexy thriller and, if we’re honest, this isn’t Britain’s forte. Put it this way: a pivotal scene in which our two main characters lock eyes in a moment of simmering lust occurs while they’re putting the bins out. 
In an attempt to be less British – and this is a co-production with US network Starz, so it needs to be – the six-part, boxsetted drama has been given a glossy, international look. Hilariously, it claims to be set in Leeds, and you will believe that if you’ve never been to Leeds and are prepared to accept that it looks like LA’s San Fernando Valley, where the weather is great all the time (apart from the scene with the bins. Because rain is sexy). 
It’s enjoyable nonsense. Evie and Pete, played by Eleanor Tomlinson and Alfred Enoch, are a young couple who move into a new home in Truman Show suburbia and are immediately love-bombed by Becka (Jessica De Gouw), a hot yoga instructor who lives across the road with Danny, an equally hot traffic cop who rides a motorbike (because motorbikes are sexy). Danny wears tight, white T-shirts that show off his He-Man physique – he’s played by Outlander’s Sam Heughan – and Becka just wears her underwear when guests pop round. 
To be fair, the guests probably expect that sort of get-up, because Danny and Becka are swingers. Not that The Couple Next Door uses the term, because it’s striving to be far classier than that. Becka and Danny have the hots for Evie, and she – despite suffering a horrendous tragedy and being raised in a Christian cult based in what looks like the village from Emmerdale – is soon turned on to the whole wife-swapping idea. 
Pete, who is fatally nice, is less enthusiastic (Enoch is the only actor here who makes his character behave like a normal person). While all this is going on, a creepy neighbour played by Hugh Dennis is stalking Becka, and Danny starts moonlighting for a local criminal kingpin. The drama ramps up. Evie, who appears at the outset to be a sensible, sweet-natured type, goes fully bonkers by around episode four. 
Every five minutes there’s a complete failure of logic, either in terms of plot or production. Why would a crime boss trying to transport goods under the radar send them out in a car flanked by two police outriders? Why does the show go to the trouble of filming its countryside scenes in Yorkshire but not bother to disguise the architecture in any of the urban shots (it’s Belgium, apparently)? I found the whole thing ridiculous. So ridiculous that I happily binged the lot in two days.
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sanslookalikepoll · 1 year
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Dashmaster Charm - Hollow Knight VS Honda - Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
Sanitized Agent 3 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion VS Yorick - Hamlet
Skeletons - Real Life VS Homestuck - Homestuck
The Litch - Adventure Time VS Belos - The Owl House
Steven Universe - Steven Universe VS Cal Deveraux - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Phoenix Wright - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney VS Dr Sivana - Shazam!
Black Rock Shooter - Black★Rock Shooter VS Shinada Takumi - Delicious Party Pretty Cure
Gumball - The Amazing World of Gumball VS Ness - Earthbound
Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas VS Ainz Ooal Gown - Overlord
Nagito Komaeda - Danganronpa VS Sorawo Kamikoshi - Otherside Picnic
Stuffed Toy - Bluey VS Jerry - Have A Nice Death
Emil - NeiR VS Barrel - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Comedium - Truegreen7 VS Turbo - Wreck It Ralph
Barry the Chopper - Fullmetal Alchemist VS The Titan - The Owl House
Blaze Devil - Candies ‘N Curses VS Hogarth Gilligan - Codename: Kids Next Door
Dipper Pines - Gravity Falls VS Gus Porter - The Owl House
Pokotho - Hatchetfield  VS Bruno Bangnyfe - Burn the Witch
Lancer - Deltarune VS Tailgate - Transformers
Dr. Eggman Robotnick - Sonic VS Skull Trooper - Fortnite
Ordis - WARFRAME VS Pouty Porter - Sky: Children of the Light
Cubone - Pokemon VS Yoisaki Kanade - Project Sekai
Enoch - OFF VS Duskull - Pokemon
White Crewmate - Among Us VS Minecraft Skeleton - Minecraft
Mr Skullhead - Animaniacs VS Skullboy - Ruby Gloom
Grim - The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy VS Stix the Skeleton  - Squishmallow
Light Blue Shy Guy - Mario VS Hans - Animal Crossing
Wheatley - Portal VS Dr Man - Awful Hospital
Garfield - Garfield VS Shane - Stardew Valley
Forneus - Cult Of The Lamb VS Jon Arbuckle - Garfield
Karamatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu-san VS Dr. Bones Cookie - Cookie Run
Husky - Real Life VS Spade King - Deltarune
Capitalist Skeleton Guy - The Doomsday Crisis Line VS Comic Sans - Real Life
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clarkes-and-god · 6 months
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"Welcome home honey! Gosh, it's so good to see you, how was San Myshuno? You look tanned, was it hot?"
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"Oh, yeah it was hot. It was good, I learnt a lot at those seminars. Anyways, it's Ezekiel's birthday, isn't it? Let me go say happy birthday to him."
"It's Enoch's birthday, honey, but sure."
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"Who the hell is Princess?"
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bcacstuff · 7 months
The Couple Next Door, Channel 4, review: nonsensical, ridiculous – and very, very bingeable
Eleanor Tomlinson and Alfred Enoch star in this sexy thriller set in an alternate-reality Yorkshire that looks more like LA than Leeds
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Eleanor Tomlinson, Jessica De Gouw and Sam Heughan in The Couple Next Door CREDIT: Sofie Gheysens/Channel 4
The Couple Next Door (Channel 4) is a sexy thriller and, if we’re honest, this isn’t Britain’s forte. Put it this way: a pivotal scene in which our two main characters lock eyes in a moment of simmering lust occurs while they’re putting the bins out.  In an attempt to be less British – and this is a co-production with US network Starz, so it needs to be – the six-part, boxsetted drama has been given a glossy, international look. Hilariously, it claims to be set in Leeds, and you will believe that if you’ve never been to Leeds and are prepared to accept that it looks like LA’s San Fernando Valley, where the weather is great all the time (apart from the scene with the bins. Because rain is sexy). 
It’s enjoyable nonsense. Evie and Pete, played by Eleanor Tomlinson and Alfred Enoch, are a young couple who move into a new home in Truman Show suburbia and are immediately love-bombed by Becka (Jessica De Gouw), a hot yoga instructor who lives across the road with Danny, an equally hot traffic cop who rides a motorbike (because motorbikes are sexy). Danny wears tight, white T-shirts that show off his He-Man physique – he’s played by Outlander’s Sam Heughan – and Becka just wears her underwear when guests pop round. 
To be fair, the guests probably expect that sort of get-up, because Danny and Becka are swingers. Not that The Couple Next Door uses the term, because it’s striving to be far classier than that. Becka and Danny have the hots for Evie, and she – despite suffering a horrendous tragedy and being raised in a Christian cult based in what looks like the village from Emmerdale – is soon turned on to the whole wife-swapping idea. 
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Pete, who is fatally nice, is less enthusiastic (Enoch is the only actor here who makes his character behave like a normal person). While all this is going on, a creepy neighbour played by Hugh Dennis is stalking Becka, and Danny starts moonlighting for a local criminal kingpin. The drama ramps up. Evie, who appears at the outset to be a sensible, sweet-natured type, goes fully bonkers by around episode four. 
Every five minutes there’s a complete failure of logic, either in terms of plot or production. Why would a crime boss trying to transport goods under the radar send them out in a car flanked by two police outriders? Why does the show go to the trouble of filming its countryside scenes in Yorkshire but not bother to disguise the architecture in any of the urban shots (it’s Belgium, apparently)? I found the whole thing ridiculous. So ridiculous that I happily binged the lot in two days.
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pigeonstab · 3 months
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Echoes from a past forgotten
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Also enoch and some guy
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thedarkbelowrpg · 6 months
Mythe de la création
A l’origine, il n’y avait rien, simplement le néant. Se manifesta alors Eorr, être suprême venu au monde du néant lui-même dans un chaos fulgurant qui créa avec lui les étoiles et les galaxies. Eorr s’employa à créer des choses, avec sa formidable puissance, façonnant des mondes incroyables, des planètes remarquables et même des univers entiers. Iel regardait ses mondes vides se développer, changer au fil des saisons, au fil du temps qui s’écoulait avec une lenteur infinie. 
Mais Eorr s’ennuyait, seul dans ce monde, n’ayant pas encore créé la vie. Iel se décida donc à créer d’autres êtres pour peupler ce monde gigantesque qu’il avait bâti. Iel s’enleva une côte et s’en servit pour créer Ancaster, qu’iel nomma comme dieu de la vie. Avec ses cheveux, iel créa les jumelles Sahar et Solair, déesses de la nuit et du jour, de la lumière et des ténèbres. Iel donna ensuite l’un de ses yeux, pour créer Anondar, dieu de la sagesse et du savoir. Répandant son sang dans la terre, iel créa Kehala, déesse de la mort. D’un de ses rêves, s’échappa Shandrea, déesse du monde onirique Et enfin, de sa langue naquit Enoch, dieu de la noblesse et de la parole.
Eorr s’amusa de voir ses enfants grandir et se disputer, essayant de savoir qui recevait le plus d’amour de leur parent. Chacun d’entre eux créant des miracles pour l’impressionner. Iel aimait les voir jouer et leur donna, à chacun, le pouvoir de la création. Les dieux décidèrent d’un jeu, pour déterminer qui était le préféré de leur parent. Ainsi naquit la vie, d’abord des animaux, puis des créatures magiques en tout genre et, enfin, les peuples magiques. Chacun d’entre eux avaient créé un peuple et celui dont le peuple serait le dernier survivant serait forcément le préféré. Ils se servirent des incroyables pouvoirs offerts par Eorr pour infuser de la magie dans les éléments du monde et créer, chacun un peuple entièrement différent.
Ancaster, dieu de la vie, décida de créer un peuple qui pourrait gouverner toute vie sur Terre. Comprenant les animaux du monde, les Changelings étaient doués du don de métamorphose et pouvaient communiquer avec les autres formes de vie. 
Sahar et Solair, déesses respectives de la lune et du soleil, décidèrent qu’elles infuseraient leurs pouvoirs dans les éléments de la nature, pour leur donner ainsi vie. Les Nymphes sont des protectrices de la nature et peuvent se servir des éléments pour se battre. 
Kehala, déesse de la mort, créa un peuple qui provenait de son propre royaume, perdu entre les morts et les vivants. A la nature changeante et complexe, les Psychiques sont des êtres à la morts et vivants, aux dons mentaux incroyables.
Shandrea, déesse des rêves et cauchemars, ne fit que rêver de ce qu’elle voulait créer. Mais son rêve devint cauchemar et elle créa ainsi les Croquemitaines, créatures d’effroi à la forme monstrueuse, se nourrissant de toute vie et faits de ténèbres.
Enoch, dieu de la noblesse et de la parole, souhaita l’emporter en créant une race puissante et aux idéaux grandioses. Les Dragons contrôlaient les métaux de la terre et se montraient nobles et valeureux en toutes circonstances. 
Anondar, dieu de la sagesse et du savoir, ne voulait pas participer à ce jeu, trouvant ridicule de se battre entre eux et voulant qu’ils vivent et œuvrent en harmonie. Il décida de créer une race qui n’aurait aucun pouvoir, autre que leur intelligence. Il créa les Humains. 
Pendant des millénaires, ces peuples vécurent sur Terre, s’opposant et se battant, sans qu’aucun vainqueur véritable ne se détache. Chaque peuple recevait des messages des dieux, des présages et des cadeaux pour les aider, puisque tous pouvaient intervenir dans le monde de la manière qui leur plaisait. Mais le jeu n’était cependant plus aussi amusant si personne ne pouvait gagner ou perdre. Alors les dieux, d’un commun accord, décidèrent de répandre sur Terre la magie qu’Eorr leur avait confiée. Ils créèrent des lignes de force et des puits magiques partout sur le monde, où chaque race pouvait recevoir plus de force et de savoir. Mais les dieux n’avaient pas prévu un détail : ils avaient tous été trompés car Eorr avait eu un dernier enfant. 
Larkhan, dieu de la tromperie et du mensonge, était sorti de l’oreille de son parent, minuscule comparé aux autres dieux, et s’était caché tout ce temps pour observer les jeux des dieux. Usant de ruse, Larkhan s’empara de la magie laissée sur Terre par les dieux, empêchant les peuples de s’en servir, ne laissant qu’un seul et unique puits. Grâce à ce puits, il créa les Magiciens à partir des Humains, seul peuple à ne pas faire partie de la magie mais à pouvoir l’utiliser selon leurs bons vouloirs, comme lui. 
Le jeu prit une toute nouvelle tournure, dominé par les Magiciens, qui avaient entraîné avec eux les Humains pour vaincre les autres races et s’emparer de leurs pouvoirs. Les pertes furent nombreuses et le monde fut sur le point de mourir quand Eorr intervint. Si iel aimait voir ses enfants se disputer, iel n’allait pas leur laisser détruire sa création. Iel bannit ses enfants, les forçant à résider chacun dans un monde où ils étaient enfermés et libres de faire ce qui leur plaisait. Quant à ellui, iel surveillerait le monde qu’iel avait créé et les peuples qui l’habitaient. Iel choisit les Humains, race inoffensive, pour diriger le monde et cacha les autres, dotant chacune du pouvoir de se dissimuler sous forme humaine.
Depuis, le secret magique est une règle absolue de tous les peuples, l’enfreindre, c’est risquer de déclencher la fureur d’Eorr. Tous les peuples respectent cette règle et tous cachent la magie aux Humains qui règnent sur le monde. Eorr fit également signe à tous les peuples d’arrêter de se battre, que la guerre entre eux devait se terminer. Et la cohabitation fut difficile, la paix règne depuis lors entre les six peuples magiques. 
Secret magique et cohabitation sont les maîtres-mots de la vie aujourd’hui. La société magique vivant bien tranquillement à l’abri des regards humains. Mais quelque chose couve, une ombre s’approche que tout le monde n’est pas encore capable de voir…
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awardseason · 1 year
21st Annual Visual Effects Society Awards — Film Winners
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature Avatar: The Way of Water – Richard Baneham, Walter Garcia, Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, JD Schwalm — WINNER Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Christian Mänz, Olly Young, Benjamin Loch, Stephane Naze, Alistair Williams Jurassic World: Dominion – David Vickery, Ann Podlozny, Jance Rubinchik, Dan Snape, Paul Corbould The Batman – Dan Lemmon, Bryan Searing, Russell Earl, Anders Langlands, Dominic Tuohy Top Gun: Maverick – Ryan Tudhope, Paul Molles, Seth Hill, Bryan Litson, Scott Fisher
Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature Death on the Nile – George Murphy, Claudia Dehmel, Mathieu Raynault, Jonathan Bowen, David Watkins I Wanna Dance With Somebody – Paul Norris, Tim Field, Don Libby, Andrew Simmonds The Fabelmans – Pablo Helman, Jennifer Mizener, Cernogorods Aleksei, Jeff Kalmus, Mark Hawker The Gray Man – Swen Gilberg, Viet Luu, Bryan Grill, Cliff Welsh, Michael Meinardus The Pale Blue Eye – Jake Braver, Catherine Farrell, Tim Van Horn, Scott Pritchard, Jeremy Hays Thirteen Lives – Jason Billington, Thomas Horton, Denis Baudin, Michael Harrison, Brian Cox — WINNER
Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio – Aaron Weintraub, Jeffrey Schaper, Cameron Carson, Emma Gorbey, Mad God, Chris Morley, Phil Tippett, Ken Rogerson, Tom Gibbons — WINNER Strange World – Steve Goldberg, Laurie Au, Mark Hammel, Mehrdad Isvandi The Bad Guys– Pierre Perifel, Damon Ross, Matt Baer, JP Sans The Sea Beast – Joshua Beveridge, Christian Hejnal, Stirling Duguid, Spencer Lueders Turning Red – Domee Shi, Lindsey Collins, Danielle Feinberg, Dave Hale
Outstanding Animated Character in a Photoreal Feature  Avatar: The Way of Water: Kiri – Anneka Fris, Rebecca Louise Leybourne, Guillaume Francois, Jung-Rock Hwang — WINNER Beast: Lion – Alvise Avati, Bora Şahin, Chris McGaw, Krzysztof Boyoko Disney’s Pinocchio: Honest John – Christophe Paradis, Valentina Rosselli, Armita Khanlarpour, Kyoungmin Kim Slumberland: Pig – Fernando Lopes Herrera, Victor Dinis, Martine Chartrand, Lucie Martinetto
Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio: Geppetto – Charles Greenfield, Peter Saunders, Shami Lang-Rinderspacher, Noel Estevez-Baker Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio: Pinocchio – Oliver Beale, Richard Pickersgill, Brian Leif Hansen, Kim Slate — WINNER Strange World: Splat – Leticia Gillett, Cameron Black, Dan Lipson, Louis Jones Turning Red: Panda Mei – Christopher Bolwyn, Ethan Dean, Bill Sheffler, Kureha Yokoo
Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature Avatar: The Way of Water: Metkayina Village – Ryan Arcus, Lisa Hardisty, Paul Harris TaeHyoung David Kim Avatar: The Way of Water: The Reef – Jessica Cowley, Joe W. Churchill, Justin Stockton, Alex Nowotny — WINNER Jurassic World Dominion: Biosyn Valley – Steve Ellis, Steve Hardy, Thomas Dohlen, John Seru Slumberland: The Wondrous Cuban Hotel Dream – Daniël Dimitri Veder, Marc Austin, Pavan Rajesh Uppu, Casey Gorton
Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio: In the Stomach of a Sea Monster – Warren Lawtey, Anjum Sakharkar, Javier Gonzalez Alonso, Quinn Carvalho — WINNER Lightyear: T’Kani Prime Forest – Lenora Acidera, Amy Allen, Alyssa Minko, Jose L. Ramos Serrano Strange World: The Windy Jungle – Ki Jong Hong, Ryan Smith, Jesse Erickson, Benjamin Fiske The Sea Beast: The Hunting Ship – Yohan Bang, Enoch Ihde, Denil George Chundangal, John Wallace Wendell & Wild: The Scream Fair – Tom Proost, Nicholas Blake, Colin Babcock, Matthew Paul Albertus Cross
Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a CG Project ABBA: Voyage – Pär M. Ekberg, John Galloway, Paolo Acri, Jose Burgos Avatar: The Way of Water – Richard Baneham, Dan Cox, Eric Reynolds, A.J Briones — WINNER Prehistoric Planet – Daniel Fotheringham, Krzysztof Szczepanski, Wei-Chuan Hsu, Claire Hill The Batman: Rain Soaked Car Chase – Dennis Yoo, Michael J. Hall, Jason Desjarlais, Ben Bigiel
Outstanding Model in a Photoreal or Animated Project Avatar: The Way of Water: The Sea Dragon – Sam Sharplin, Stephan Skorepa, Ian Baker, Guillaume Francois — WINNER The Sea Beast – Maxx Okazaki, Susan Kornfeld, Edward Lee, Doug Smith Top Gun: Maverick: F-14 Tomcat – Christian Peck, Klaudio Ladavac, Aram Jung, Peter Dominik Wendell & Wild: Dream Faire – Peter Dahmen, Paul Harrod, Nicholas Blake
Outstanding Effects Simulation in a Photoreal Feature Avatar: The Way of Water: Fire and Destruction – Miguel Perez Senent, Xavier Martin Ramirez, David Kirchner, Ole Geir Eidsheim Avatar: The Way of Water: Water Simulations – Johnathan M. Nixon, David Moraton, Nicolas Illingworth, David Caeiro Cebrian — WINNER Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: City Street Flooding – Matthew Hanger, Alexis Hall, Hang Yang, Mikel Zuloaga Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Jesse Parker Holmes, Grayden Solman, Toyokazu Hirai, Rob Richardson
Outstanding Effects Simulation in an Animated Feature Lightyear – Alexis Angelidis, Chris Chapman, Jung-Hyun Kim, Keith Klohn Puss in Boots: The Last Wish – Derek Cheung, Michael Losure, Kiem Ching Ong, Jinguang Huang — WINNER Strange World – Deborah Carlson, Scott Townsend, Stuart Griese, Yasser Hamed The Sea Beast – Spencer Lueders, Dmitriy Kolesnik, Brian D. Casper, Joe Eckroat
Outstanding Compositing & Lighting in Feature Avatar: The Way of Water: Landing Rockets Forest Destruction – Miguel Santana Da Silva, Hongfei Geng, Jonathan Moulin, Maria Corcho Avatar: The Way of Water: Water Integration – Sam Cole, Francois Sugny, Florian Schroeder, Jean Matthews — WINNER The Batman: Rainy Freeway Chase – Beck Veitch, Stephen Tong, Eva Snyder, Rachel E. Herbert Top Gun: Maverick – Saul Davide Galbiati, Jean-Frederic Veilleux, Felix B. Lafontaine, Cynthia Rodriguez del Castillo
Outstanding Special (Practical) Effects in a Photoreal Project Avatar: The Way of Water: Current Machine and Wave Pool – JD Schwalm, Richie Schwalm, Nick Rand, Robert Spurlock — WINNER Black Adam: Robotic Flight – JD Schwalm, Nick Rand, Andrew Hyde, Andy Robot, Mad God, Phil Tippett, Chris Morley, Webster Colcord, Johnny McLeod The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power “Adrift” Middle Earth Storm – Dean Clarke, Oliver Gee, Eliot Naimie, Mark Robson
Emerging Technology Award Avatar: The Way of Water: Depth Comp – Dejan Momcilovic, Tobias B. Schmidt, Benny Edlund, Joshua Hardgrave Avatar: The Way of Water: Facial System – Byungkuk Choi, Stephen Cullingford, Stuart Adcock, Marco Revelant Avatar: The Way of Water: Water Toolset – Alexey Dmitrievich Stomakhin, Steve Lesser, Sven Joel Wretborn, Douglas McHale — WINNER Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio: 3D Printed Metal Armature – Richard Pickersgill, Glen Southern, Peter Saunders, Brian Leif Hansen Turning Red: Profile Mover and CurveNets – Kurt Fleischer, Fernando de Goes, Bill Sheffler
8 notes · View notes
nityarawal · 8 months
Morning Songs
Dia's Song
Sitting In The Woods
Once Again
Wondering Where To Turn
Thinkin' Of Our Moms
And Foul Play Done
Billionaire Heiress
Lydia Abrams
Now A Probate
Money Tied Up
By Court Fraud
Her Son Just Wants
X- Sheriff Keith 
Harper Murdered 
His Mom
Dia And Her
Caretaker Jodi
I Called On Ad
To The Caretaking Ranch
I Called On An Ad
And Spoke To Keith
For Bautista Ranch
Up Apple Canyon 
Hurkey Creek
Didn't Take The Job
Won't Go Out
And Investigate
A Already Solved
He Already Murdered
My Bunky Jodi
And Dia Abrams
Why Does Becky Clark
Advertise A Murderer
Confirmed Sex Offender
She Offered Me $15
Dollars An Article
Before Idyology
Caged Me
And Pushes Academy
Moms On Pleas
Was The Advertising
Worth It
For A Registered
Sex Offender
$15 Like An Article
To Buy Another
Murdered Caretaker
Why Would You
Do A Story
On Man
Who Murdered Two Moms
Not Get To The Bottom
Of It
Or Tie Up Loose
For Academy Graduates
We Alerted The
Help Center
About Keith Harper's
Ad in Idyllwild Town Crier
For Another Caretaker
Sounds Like 
Another Journalist
From Idyllwild Arts
In Latest Video
From Jodi
Touring Bautista
Airbnb Site
Garner Valley
Was Almost Sold
Take Down Your Ad
For Sex Offenders
Witch Hunting Mommies
For Proud Boys
Take Down Your Ad
We Work For Dia
Restraining Orders
For Sex Offenders
From Her Ranches
Not The X Sheriff
Or Officers That Need
To Be Fired
Raiding For Billions
We Work With
San Diego Probates
PNC Bank
BBVA Before Them
Wells Fargo
San Diego Credit
Refund Billions
Times To Thee
Mary Schmitz
Admitted Airbnb
400 Victims
In Idyllwild
Mountain Center
Pine Cove
Wrongfully Evicted
Idyllwild Realty
Wrongful Deaths
Sergeant Protero 
Pretends To Investigate
Lipstick On
With A Harem
Of Hitmen
Fraudulent Officers
Ignorant Of Laws
Raping Mommies
Not One Good Probate
Not One Officer
Knows The Law
5 W's
Citizen Journalists
So Charge
Harper And His
Sheriff Bianco
With Fraud
You Can't "OJ Murder"
Another Mom
On Cons
My Sisters
2nd Bunky
Witnessed Foul Play
Paris Hilton Whistle 
#FreeBritney And I
Don't Take Another
For A Job
Our Taxes Won't
Domestic Terrorism 
Don't Take Another 
Give 300k  Finders
Fee To #Nitya4Eternity
To Me
Starving Journalist
In Need
Who Tweeted
Until Elon
Joined Me 
On "X"
Just A Humble
Of Merlin
Nobody Jealous
Of Merlin Mommy
Give Us Back Our
Give Us Back X
You Can't Give Us
6 Years
With King Kyan
Or Princess Anjali
Nor All The Oil
For Iranian Women
Lives Matter
And Always
All The Oil Stolen
In WW3 Bribes
Give It Back
To The Prople
But The Power
Is Now
And You Can't
Do That
Give It Back
Give It Back
Rewind Pendant
YouTube And
Watch That
Stole Our Time
On Apple Cons
Techy Bribes
Selling Starter Wives
Give It Back
Give Back My Beach
Your Black Mary
With Her Pierced
Conned To Work For
Probate Judge Jackson
Candace Owen's Pod
Bribed My Mothers
On The Black Market
For Politicians
Send Back Your
Dancing Gigolos
To London
Jodi Was Flustered
As Keith
Tried To Burn
The Hoes
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
2 notes · View notes
I feel like there’s almost 2 ways to look at the AA Tumblr Sexyman debate: There is the “Who from AA fits the most Tumblr Sexyman qualifications?” and “Who from AA is the most likely to be considered part of the main Tumblr Sexyman line-up?” Because Luke Atmey, Blue Badger, Enoch Drebber… they fit the Tumblr Sexyman Archetype more, but Beanix and Miles Edgeworth are popular enough to hold their own against the Big Tumblr Sexymen. Maybe not the big, iconic ones like Once-ler, Sans, and Bill Cipher, but they could make an impression among King Dice and others that were in the Top Tumblr Sexyman Tournament but didn’t make it far.
This is an interesting point. I'm leaving it up to voter interpretation how they decide to vote on the poll, but my intention was actually "who fits the most Sexyman qualifications" rather than "who should actually be part of the sexyman line up". I see some people are voting based on "this character is my personal Sexyman/skrunkly" as well, which is hilarious and great I'm not gonna object to voting based on those grounds, but yeah, the first question was what I was thinking of
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