#sans lookalike poll
sanslookalikepoll · 1 year
(yes I know I’m already running @bestfictionaldivorce but hush I’ve been rotating this in my head for weeks and I have to make it)
This poll is to determine what thing looks the most like Sans Undertale that ISNT Sans Undertale!
Submission Rules:
No Harry Potter/DSMP/Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel/South Park, I do not feel comfortable with those fandoms
Do not submit The Dashmaster Charm(Hollow Knight) or Pokotho(Hatchetfield), these are my personal picks to be in the bracket, so you need not submit them
Do not submit AU versions of Sans, or AU versions of Papyrus
Submit here
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They sure do seem a lot like sans undertale- but they're not. @sanslookalikepoll finds the best non-sans 'sans'.
Run by @robotdevilblue, who also runs @bestfictionaldivorce; see their entry; and co-runs @lordsinblackfollowersdeathmatch; see their entry.
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loredwy · 1 year
Sans lookalike poll: *exists*
D o n o t f o r g e t
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Mosque cowed covenant I keep Putin off...
and withheld broadcasting
the following communication tucked away these many years, when president number forty five donned, jump/kick started, and tweeted
thru his musky, albeit flabby mantle, a rallying cry forewarning onset of Mag(m)a bubbling, gurgling, lobbing, and spewing lava
against backdrop of his trumpeting vitriolic
political preservation, salvation, and veneration, though with hold
ding temptation tomb mike - (make) pence sieve lee clear, the immoral majority mold toot hoods, (those bajillion Americans unanimously polled) did want me to broadcast, communicate, and declare, sans incendiary fold drawl (folderol) feigning migrant accent, (no matter I'm getting older than Methuselah), nonetheless Ivana trumpet from Taj Mahal
straight to Mar-A-Lago) all told, plus thank Republicans (past or present), who extolled, an invisible grandiose fire walled barricade (donning, enclosing, and fortifying) against Carl mauled din lookalike hackers,
despite one sporting "FAKE" hook nosed, hunchbacked adorned, donned with (Turin) shawled,
shrouded, and disguised vagrant, indigent, double chinned agent - bald (except for being bewigged), viz flowing locks of "FAKE" gold
in toe with Amazon heavily funded unbridled trailing retinue chanting appellation Matthew Scott Harris alias Oswald), no matter said faux renegade twittering lobbyists
to flock (like lemmings) within his fold, and will laughably petrify any vigilantes dead cold, what with his bugs bunny eyed (What's up Doc) intent reader rabbit stare, that doth playfully scold any Bare Ladies scantily linkedin, NOT nsync
with netiquette politesse mold
gobbledygook communication, (asper my pork chopped message higglety pigglety divulged) obeying tacit gold din rule to hoodwink public, nonetheless lemme exemplify, how I plan to hold world web electronically hostage
by secret Ransomware sold, thru dark wide whirled web
cryptocurrency bitcoin blockchain trolled
under auspices, sans
omnipotent NON GMO gluten free CRISPR rolled oat sized INTEL nanobots, no bigger than mold spores heavily monitoring
meant to fortify electronic threads
woven into a virtual tapestry
likened to Dickensian chain e-mail intent to foment pandemonium at expense to captcha totalitarianism,
whereby democracy imperiled.
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justausualunicorn · 3 years
Mild aphantasia or mild prosopagnosia?
Is there a thing called a mild aphantasia or mild prosopagnosia? I can imagine a shape in my head when someone says imagine an apple. But the apple I imagine is always the same. An apple that looks like the Apple logo without the bite, red, and 2d. Or when I imagine a sunset just a canvas bottom is one color yellow for sand, there is an ocean in dark blue, and the top there is an orange sky with a half-sunk yellow sun. There are no shadows or contour it’s all just one color in a cartoony way. I can imagine a picture I saw like a dog, for example, Bichon Frise. I can see the picture flashing in the back of my mind. But I can’t bring it in front of me to describe it or just sketch it. It just disappears when I try to focus on it.
I can vaguely remember logos but there are no colors. I always fail at internet quizzes how well do you remember company logos. I know that there’s Google written in sans serif and there’s blue, red, and possibly yellow but I can’t recognize it. I am usually fine at seeing objects like blocks from different angles but if there are more than 5-6 blocks I can’t visualize it. I usually can’t tell if someone has a haircut or dyed their hair unless it’s an unnatural color. I usually can’t answer when someone says, I made some changes to the room do you like it, which usually upsets people. My room is usually messy but everything has stable places so I can tell when something changes.
I don’t have a problem recognizing faces but I can’t visualize them. I can’t visualize my face or any of my family members. I can visualize the faces of actors if I binge-watch a show but it still comes like a flash and goes so it is impossible to draw or describe. Also, there’s no color. When I try to draw something without a reference it is usually stickman or something weird-looking.
I usually mix people that look similar and I am usually the first one to say celebrity lookalikes, which also means I will mix them from now on, or when two songs have similar melodies. I don’t have this problem with sounds or melodies, I can remember them fine. 
I also saw some posts on internet aphantasia and prosopagnosia being related to ADHD / ADD. And saw a poll where 40% of aphantasic people were on Aro/Ace spectrum which sounds interesting.
Does anyone have similar experiences?
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smutfornerds · 5 years
The Dating Game // Team Flash x Reader
A/N: ahhh babes this was so fun!! this idea came straight from our Wells discord groupchat! The lovely @itsprongs has a sister fic series that you should 20000% go read to get further immersed into the wonderful world of Wells boys fighting for your love. Hope you all enjoy!! ps it’s ‘team flash’ because literally everyone is in this and I didn’t wanna spoil who wins!!!
Also no smut here! Just fluff and funnies!
A loud and obnoxious squawking jolted you from a deep slumber. Creaking your eyes open you found that you’d apparently left your window cracked when you fell asleep, and now a less than friendly crow was perched on the telephone poll outside to help you start your day. “Thanks for that..” you muttered sleepily, reluctantly sitting up to slide the pane fully closed. You stretched, a yawn engulfing your face while you heard your phone buzz on your headboard. Reaching up for it you saw three missed calls. A humorless laugh spilled from you and you flopped back onto your bed reading the names of all three iterations of a Mr. Harrison Wells. An hour ago, HR. He left a simple but blabbery voicemail asking how you were doing and if you were coming in today and if you could bring coffee. Twenty minutes later, a call and text from Harry. A short but sweet ‘Rise and shine, we need our seamstress.’ The idea that Barry or Cisco had ripped yet another hole in their suits made your fingers ache. Finally one last missed call from Sherloque, the little eyeglass emoji he’d placed beside his name making you roll your eyes in frustration.
These men were relentless. Every minute of your day at least one of them was begging for your attention, most days being two of them biting each other’s heads off while the third distracted you. It never ended, each day bringing new things for them to bicker about or new ways to try to win your affection. The week before, HR and Sherloque had gotten lost in arguing over who was a better romancer, and while they debated Harry led you off to his lab to where he’d made a Big Belly Burger picnic on the floor. He won that argument. The following day, the detective made you a sample tray of tea while giving you a much needed shoulder rub. To top it off, Friday night had ended with HR twirling you around the training room to flirtatious swing music and half a bottle of rosé in your veins. You were in system overload by the weekend and had holed up in your apartment for the entirety of it, keeping your phone on silent and catching up on housework and reading. It was helpful in clearing your mind of the ongoing battle but of course the tauntingly bright and early Monday morning would thrust you right back into their games, unbeknownst to you quite literally.
Not bothering to respond to any of them, you opted for texting Cisco that you’d be there in an hour. Being a hermit indoors for three days meant you needed a shower and a fresh face of makeup to hide your eye bags. Waiting until you got a ‘good to go!’ in response you hopped into the steaming water to ease the growing tensions about facing the Wells boys again. Each one held a special place in your heart, and when you were alone with them it made it so hard to keep your feelings for the others in check. Rinsing the suds from your hair you finally shut the water off and wrapped yourself in a towel to start getting ready. You’d showered faster than anticipated so you took the time to perfect your hair and outfit. The green sundress you wore let your white bra peak out slightly but the lace was a nice touch to your outfit so you didn’t mind it. Slipping your black sneakers on you reluctantly headed for Star Labs. The last thing you expected was the Cortex to be empty. It was 11 AM on a Monday, usually the entire team was packed into the room discussing one thing or another about one meta or another. Today though it was silent. A notecard was perched curiously on the keyboard at the main desk and you lifted it to read what was written. ‘Let the games begin! Meet us in the lounge.’ It wasn’t signed but you’d seen enough of his love notes to Iris to know that was Barry’s speedy chicken-scratch handwriting. Your eyes narrowed at it trying to decode his words but you sighed defeatedly as you headed downstairs.
Once you exited the elevator you could hear a murmur of voices float down the hallway. As your footsteps approached though they were shushed, rather violently, until you walked in and your mouth fell open. The entire team was gathered on the couches, sans the three lookalike lover boys of yours. Cisco and Ralph stood - in disastrously bright blue and yellow colored suits - on a newly made platform, three cubicle looking squared off areas beside them. Behind the group was a softly buzzing scoreboard, and you read over the words ‘contestant 1, contestant 2, contestant 3’ in a column along the side of it. Your eyes scanned the entire room never faltering from your stunned expression. Quickly Iris fell into a fit if giggling and Barry followed soon after, shushing her softly. “This is not happening..” you muttered and began to turn on your heel to run, but before you could even about-face, the speedster whirred you into the chair on the make-shift stage. In front of you all your friends’ faces shown how amused they were and you glared at all of them equally. “So this was a group effort I take it?” You hollered over to them and they collectively let out laughs and hums of pride. Their smugness caused your shoulders to slump back into the chair.
Beside you Ralph cleared his throat and Cisco posed obnoxiously stoic with his face fixed in a classic gameshow-host grin. The shorter male began their little show. “Welcome, Team Flash to the first, and hopefully only,” he paused and Ralph joined him now. “Wells Dating Game!” Your friends all erupted in clapping and yelling, making your face burn even redder. Finally breaking from their charismatic personas, the boys turned to you with wide smiles. “We’re sorry for the ambush, we just can’t deal with them fighting over you all the time anymore.” Ralph mused. “None of them are getting any work done!” Cisco rattles out, and finally you let out a nervous giggle and nodded. “So this was your idea?” You pointed an accusing look to him and he held his hands up defensively. “Don’t look at me, look at the elongated hopeless romantic.” He side eyed Ralph and your focus went to him. He stammered for a second before giving you as much of an innocent smile as he could pull. With another heavy sigh you held your face in your hands for a moment before taking a deep breath and facing everyone again. “So.. how is this even gonna work?” You asked sheepishly. The vindicated smiles and high fives that lingered through the group made you wonder if this is what they’d been doing all weekend long. (It totally was.)
“Each of the three objects vying for your affection will occupy those lil buddies,” Ralph pointed to your left at the secluded little areas they’d built. “And you won’t be able to tell who’s who.” He beamed proudly but you narrowed your eyes at the pair of pastel dressed bozos before you. “Okay, but... one of them has an accent, and the other two speak in completely different octaves.” Expecting defeated faces you were taken back by Cisco’s excited gesture to his right hand, a small remote in it. “Not a problem! Vocal distortion mics boomed up to them will erase all traces of dialect, tone and any other giveaways of which is which.” He stood proudly with his hands on his hips and you couldn’t help but laugh. “So thorough, I should’ve known.” You quipped and he simply nodded. “You really should’ve. Alright, all we have to do now is choose a voice for them to sound like. It’s preprogrammed with almost everyone here and some celebrities, so I guess take your pick?”
Cisco stepped forward to where you and all the Wells’ could see him and him them. He pointed to one of them as he clicked the remote for the devices. “Say something.” Your head glanced over to the wall next to you and for the first time you desperately wished you had Kara’s X-ray vision. “Hey hi hello.” The voice came out in a low and rumbling tone, you recognized it as Joe’s voice. From the couches Iris scrunched her nose and shook her head. “I don’t need to hear them say what they wanna do to her in my dad’s voice!” She cupped her hands and hollered, causing a general consensus of nods and a shudder from Barry. You chuckled and shook your head at Cisco. “Next.” You stated and he clicked the remote again, now pointing to a different one of the Wells and he spoke up. “Who is it this time?” The smooth and cunning voice rang out and everyone groaned. It’d been a while since you’d heard Leonard Snart’s chilly voice but it wasn’t doing it for you and you shook your head. “Makes me uncomfortable. Try someone that won’t make me feel awkward or intimidated?” Your words hit Cisco’s brain and he nodded enthusiastically knowing just who to switch it to. Finally pointing to the final of the three men he spoke up. “Have we decided then?” The soft and adorable tone of Caitlin’s voice drifting through the room and you nodded once. “Perfect! Not weird, not creepy, just sweet lil’ ol’ Caity cat.” You smiled over at her and she playfully blew you a kiss. “Alrighty then, ladies and gents we have a game to play!” Ralph hollered and the group erupted in cheers again and finally you laughed along with them, letting your nerves shake off with each huff.
Cisco stayed in his place in front of all of you. Ralph took a seat near you with a small switchboard in his hands. With a wide grin, the raven haired meta cleared his throat and fell back into his overzealous persona as he began. “Question number one! Contestants, if you could take our blushing beauty on a date anywhere in the multiverse, where would it be and why?” He paused and waggled his eyebrows gaining laughter from the group. “Contestant number one?” He pointed to the cubicle closest to you and you waited, Caitlin’s voice echoing the words to the air. “Preferably somewhere close to home. Can’t be too far when things.. progress.” The words made you giggle solely because of the voice saying them, but you still felt a hint of pink hit your cheeks knowing one of the Wells’ had truly said it. Cisco playfully fanned himself before continuing. “Contestant number two?” The next male cleared their throat trying to sound deeper but the vocal distortion device made that impossible. “Somewhere tropical. Hawaii maybe, or Barbados. Seduce her on the beach, make love to her in a beach house.” Again the words made your face tint but you couldn’t help but laugh. Caitlin sat in the audience stifling her own giggles hearing her own voice say such raunchy things about you. “So glad that’s not my dad’s voice..” Iris mumbled and the group all chucked slightly. “Alrighty, finally contestant three, where would you take the lady?” For a moment it was silent like he was thinking and finally he spoke up letting the woman’s voice lend him his words. “Wouldn’t really matter I’d just want her with me.” From the couches, Iris and Caitlin both loudly let out an “Aww!” You giggled at their antics but the words stuck with you. Cisco finally strolled over to you and held his hand out as if a microphone were in it, though it was very much empty. “Alright, which Wells gets the point this round?” It didn’t take long for you to give an answer. “Three.” You stated flatly and the group grinned, each one of them knowing who you’d chosen but you none the wiser. Cisco nodded and motioned to Ralph, who hit a single button before him and a slash shown on the board next to ‘contestant 3’.
“Moving on to question 2,” he cleared his throat and sighed. “This one’s not entirely appropriate. But it’s what needs to be asked.. contestants, how would you woo the lady during a night of passion?” Your eyes went wide and you felt your face glow like a neon light. “Oh, my god..” you mumbled and rubbed your temples softly. In the mock-audience, Iris and Barry ‘oooh’-ed playfully. Sighing you looked back to Cisco and motioned for him to get on with it. “Contestant three, we’ll start at your end this time.” He pointed to the end little stall with a grin, and whichever man cleared his throat coming out like a delicate squeal and you couldn’t fight the small burst of laughter as he started. “Take her hands in mine and lead her to bed, kiss every inch of her and tell her how gorgeous she is before.. making love to her.” The last few words were rushed out, and you didn’t know if it was due to nerves or being unnerved by hearing it in your best friend’s voice. Despite the tone it still made a lump form in your throat at the thought. Beside you Ralph cleared his own throat to remind him the voice did not fit the body. With a sharp nod you let Cisco continue. “Oookay.. Contestant two?” There was another pause as the man seated in the middle thought over his words. “Light copious amounts of candles, have slow sensual music playing. Maybe give her a less than innocent massage to lead into the night.” It was still strange to hear Caitlin’s voice but it was getting easier to ignore when you just focused on the words. Your heart fluttered a bit at the scene this man had painted. Cisco turned ever so slightly to face the Wells closest to you. “Finally contestant one?” This round you noticed Cisco didn’t repeat the question and you knew it was because it made his face flush from secondhand embarrassment. “Why would it matter? The moments lends itself to letting things happen without a need for a plan. So I would just live in that moment.” You could see Iris pout at the sentiment and bring a hand to her chest. You laughed softly at the action and just shook your head. All the answers had been good ones, but you could only have one winner each round and the choice made you nibble at your lower lip. “Which Wells wins this round?” Cisco repeated the alliterative phrase and you draw in a slow breath before answering. “Two. I’m a sucker for mood music.” Again your face flushed pink and Cisco chuckled at your response as Ralph clicked a point for ‘contestant 2’.
“Okay folks for the next round, we’re going to let our leading lady ask her own question!” Again Cisco walked over to you with his invisible microphone and you stared up at him sheepishly, giving a small shrug. Your mind was drawing a total blank on anything to ask, being put on the spot definitely didn’t help. Piping up from behind you, Ralph made a suggestion. “Ask if they’re all the same size.” You whipped around to him with your mouth gaping, and he just gave an unbothered expression. “What? Doppelgängers or not we were all thinking it.” You shook your head quickly at Cisco. “No, no no, that is not the question.” You stammered and heard one of the men to your left huff a laugh that sounded like a schoolgirl giggle with their warped voice. “Uhm.. I guess, why do you think I should I choose you?” You spoke just loud enough for them to hear and Cisco stepped back again to point to contestant three first in the end cubicle. “I want to do right by you and for you. You inspire me every day to be better than I have been.” You nodded with a soft smile, before the next man spoke up without even being prompted. “I for one don’t have to change for you to love me fully because I already fully know how to love you.” His words came out in a sweet sing song tone and you giggled at the high pitch. Finally Cisco shot a pointed finger the the square closest to you. “Because in the multiverse, so far you’re the only person that actually truly makes me happy.” Each one’s words struck you differently and you grimaced at your own answer knowing what it meant. “I gotta go with one.” Team Flash all gave their own dramatic gasps as the scoreboard tied up. “Ooooh it’s neck and neck and neck! This tie breaking round will round up the game!” Cisco jumped with genuine excitement but you felt a trillion tiny spiky butterflies erupting inside your stomach.
The male flipped his hair over both shoulders before sighing, eyes floating over all three men and landing on you. While he spoke he kept his eyes in you, each word coming out slowly. “Do you love her?” The question hung in the air and you felt as if you were going to pass out. That was not a conversation you hadn’t planned to have with any of them any time soon let alone in front of all your closest friends. Cisco didn’t ask for a specific contestant however, he just let it linger for a few seconds more. “All of you are going to answer at the same time. On the count of three.” Feeling your stomach do a backflip you covered your face and whined into your hands softly. “One..” This must be what dying feels like. Hot face. Clammy hands. Racing heart. “Two..” Matched with heavy breathing, and your feet impatiently tapping on the floor you gave a deep sigh before Cisco delivered the final, “Three.”
The words all overlapped each other but the one outlier stuck out like a sore thumb. Your head snapped up and you saw the shocked expressions on everyone else’s as they simply stared at the corner box. Cisco was absolutely beaming. “WITH THAY WE HAVE OUR WINNER FOLKS.” Your heart raced but you stayed planted firmly in your seat, your legs wouldn’t move. “Please remove your voicebox and greet your Misses.” Watching as Cisco motioned the ‘winning’ Wells out of his hiding place you listened as the footsteps clicked toward you until those beautiful blue eyes met you - from behind his two toned glasses. A rare bright and goofy smile was spread across Harry’s face and he had his hands shoved awkwardly in his pockets as he finally stepped towards you and you saw Sherloque poke out from the box beside you, HR shuffling off the stage from the middle cubby. Admittedly you were relieved; he was undoubtedly the smartest of the men and had the best wit about him. And he was always the one to put the most effort into keeping you happy without being over the top. Something had told you he was contestant 3 when he gave the answer about simply wanting you. Harry was a very simple man. And now, your simple man. Without saying a single word you hopped down in front of him and planted a kiss on his triumphant lips. His strong arms glided around your waist like they were meant to be there. Behind you your friends clapped and cheered, Caitlin comforting a sullen looking HR and Sherloque wandering off to bury his feelings in his tea. Once the group had all filed out Harry took your hands in his gently, rubbing the backs of your knuckles with his tough fingertips. “Come on..” he mumbled, beginning to tug you along the hallways. The way he’d answered the second question replayed in your mind and you happily followed close behind him, giving his hands a squeeze as you hurried him to his room just a bit faster.
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Marketing Day: Brand politics, a poll on the Time Well Spent movement, WordPress 5.0
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Do brand politics impact consumer purchases? It’s complicated Dec 4, 2018 by Greg Sterling Multiple variables may affect how consumers react to brands that take a stand.
Take our poll: Is the Time Well Spent movement influencing social media marketing plans? Dec 4, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues Marketing Land wants to know if the digital well being features introduced on social apps and mobile devices have impacted your social media ad strategies.
Dive deep on best practices in search. Attend an SMX workshop! Dec 4, 2018 by Marketing Land Bona fide digital marketers need proven search marketing tactics and best practices in their toolkit. That’s why SMX® West offers in-depth workshops conducted by the world’s leading subject matter experts in SEO, SEM, in-house, and digital marketing. Workshops will be held Friday, February 1 at the San Jose Convention Center.
Back to basics: Measuring your social media efforts with unique acquisition channels Dec 4, 2018 by Alan K’necht Segregating paid, organic and social activity in analytics clarifies the activity that drives which type of conversion.
Email’s humble beginnings and the birth of tracking pixels Dec 4, 2018 by Len Shneyder Part 1 of this email marketing series looks at how far we’ve come with email from the days of ARPANET to the creation of a webmail client.
AdStage launches Join to automatically unify campaign, analytics, sales data in one dashboard Dec 4, 2018 by Ginny Marvin Customers will have full-funnel visibility into how their search and social campaigns are driving sales outcomes.
Adobe adds new features to its data management platform Dec 3, 2018 by Barry Levine Audience Manager can now subtract traits in a lookalike model and report impressions by user segment.
Bombora now shows clients online content interests that led to a purchase Dec 3, 2018 by Barry Levine The new historical tool complements the company’s existing Surge product, which uses online content interests to predict when companies are in-market for a given product.
Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:
WordPress to release 5.0, with its Gutenberg editor, this week Dec 4, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues But many website owners and managers are not thrilled with this release coming so soon, especially with the holidays now in full swing.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
A New Way to Share Gift Ideas on Facebook, Facebook Newsroom
Black Friday Surpasses Cyber Monday in Global Ecommerce, Multichannel Merchant
Facebook announces F8 2019 dates, Facebook for Developers
Get Creative Guidelines, Tips and Inspiration All in One Place, Facebook Business
In-Housing Is Accelerating, But Brands Will Never Completely Quit Their Agencies, AdExchanger
Kargo partners with RSI to combat metric inflation, Kargo
Reddit’s Year in Review: 2018, Upvoted
What to do now for 2019 holiday sales, Practical Ecommerce
Why a High Performing Product Marketing Team Is the Key to Growth, Marketo
The post Marketing Day: Brand politics, a poll on the Time Well Spent movement, WordPress 5.0 appeared first on Marketing Land.
from Marketing Land https://ift.tt/2QyN1HL
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sanslookalikepoll · 1 year
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Dashmaster Charm - Hollow Knight VS Honda - Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
Sanitized Agent 3 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion VS Yorick - Hamlet
Skeletons - Real Life VS Homestuck - Homestuck
The Litch - Adventure Time VS Belos - The Owl House
Steven Universe - Steven Universe VS Cal Deveraux - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Phoenix Wright - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney VS Dr Sivana - Shazam!
Black Rock Shooter - Black★Rock Shooter VS Shinada Takumi - Delicious Party Pretty Cure
Gumball - The Amazing World of Gumball VS Ness - Earthbound
Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas VS Ainz Ooal Gown - Overlord
Nagito Komaeda - Danganronpa VS Sorawo Kamikoshi - Otherside Picnic
Stuffed Toy - Bluey VS Jerry - Have A Nice Death
Emil - NeiR VS Barrel - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Comedium - Truegreen7 VS Turbo - Wreck It Ralph
Barry the Chopper - Fullmetal Alchemist VS The Titan - The Owl House
Blaze Devil - Candies ‘N Curses VS Hogarth Gilligan - Codename: Kids Next Door
Dipper Pines - Gravity Falls VS Gus Porter - The Owl House
Pokotho - Hatchetfield  VS Bruno Bangnyfe - Burn the Witch
Lancer - Deltarune VS Tailgate - Transformers
Dr. Eggman Robotnick - Sonic VS Skull Trooper - Fortnite
Ordis - WARFRAME VS Pouty Porter - Sky: Children of the Light
Cubone - Pokemon VS Yoisaki Kanade - Project Sekai
Enoch - OFF VS Duskull - Pokemon
White Crewmate - Among Us VS Minecraft Skeleton - Minecraft
Mr Skullhead - Animaniacs VS Skullboy - Ruby Gloom
Grim - The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy VS Stix the Skeleton  - Squishmallow
Light Blue Shy Guy - Mario VS Hans - Animal Crossing
Wheatley - Portal VS Dr Man - Awful Hospital
Garfield - Garfield VS Shane - Stardew Valley
Forneus - Cult Of The Lamb VS Jon Arbuckle - Garfield
Karamatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu-san VS Dr. Bones Cookie - Cookie Run
Husky - Real Life VS Spade King - Deltarune
Capitalist Skeleton Guy - The Doomsday Crisis Line VS Comic Sans - Real Life
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