#Elle greenway
vivienvalentino · 7 months
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she gagged him
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lilliejareau · 6 months
spencer: do you think pigeons have feelings?
elle: the fuck??
gideon: i do.
derek: bro??
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starch1ldz · 2 months
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“You'll never get away from the sound of the
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Woman that loves you”
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ja-reau · 2 years
JJ to Henry: a good romance starts with a good friendship
Emily: and a bad romance starts with a ‘ra ra ah ah ah, ro ma, ro ma ma, ga ga ohh La La.”
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scarlettdragnastan · 1 year
(Not so incorrect) incorrect criminal minds quotes:
Luke: should we wait for backup?
Luke: let’s go in
**** explosion every time
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fuckingstrange · 5 months
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#hotboxed fanfiction - ..my fanfics ?
#strange speaks (stutters) ! - random posts + me making fun of myself in the name
#strange answers ! - answering msgs from inbox
#strange's strange headcannons ! - my headcannons in a segment thing
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#strange's special place - My special fics
#hotboxed x-mas ficlist - You're never gonna guess what this is..
#"woah mama !!" - Emily Prentiss fanfics tag + made from a joke between me and my sister
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robinisexhausted · 1 year
criminal minds characters and their favorite video games:
emily: call of duty: warzone
reid: wordle
morgan: mario kart
hotch: flappy bird
jj: stardew valley
elle: sims (specifically drowning them)
rossi: papas pastaria
garcia: animal crossing (she bullies ugly villagers)
gideon: online chess
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veeluvss · 6 months
✮⋆˙ The perfect present
Day 7 of the 12 days of christmas!!!
Elle is struggling with her finding jj a christmas present
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“Jay, what do you want for christmas?” Elle asked for the fifth time that week.
“Elle, I already told you,” JJ laughed and curled herself up in her girlfriend’s arms. “Having you is more than enough.”
Elle groaned and threw her head back. “That’s not a good enough answer. Just tell me something I can buy you.”
“Elle I really don’t need anything.”
“Neither do I but I still want stuff. Tell me what you want,” Elle sighed.
“Elle, I don’t know…” JJ sighed, getting frustrated that her girlfriend was getting frustrated. “Just you.”
“JJ!” Elle groaned. JJ got up from her arms and frowned.
“Why are you so hell bent on getting me something anyway? It’s just a gift.”
“I just want you to be treated like a princess and you’ve got me stuff.”
“I don’t need presents to feel like a princess, Elle. Just don’t get pissed off at me.” She got up and walked away to her bedroom, Elle heard the door close and sighed, knowing she’d messed up.
Later that night, Elle snuck into their shared bedroom and saw JJ fast asleep, looking like an angel in the middle of the bed. She didn’t want to disturb her but there was no room for her to get in without doing so. Instead, she grabbed some warmer pjs, the spare blanket and headed back downstairs to sleep on the sofa. She dreamt about JJ. It wasn’t the nicest dream, being left again because she wasn’t good enough. But at least her love was there, smiling at her sadly.
JJ came down the next morning and sighed seeing Elle asleep on the sofa. She was sad she didn’t sleep with her, she wanted to wake up and cuddle with her girlfriend like they used too. She wanted to be held and not stressed at for not knowing the answers. She sighed and went to make her breakfast, trying to be as quiet as possible before sliding out the door for work.
As soon as Elle woke up, she was back online looking for a present. She wanted it to be perfect, she wanted to make it up to JJ. She knew she’d been a dick lately but that’s because she was scared. Elle was terrified she wasn't good enough for JJ, terrified she wasn’t going to be able to make her happy the way she deserves. She was struggling to understand that she actually was good enough and that a present for christmas wasn’t going to reheal the entire relationship as it fell apart through her clenched fists.
JJ sat at her desk at work, feeling rubbish. She understood Elle’s internal conflict but it wasn’t her fault she didn’t know what she wanted. It wasn’t important to her, getting gifts never had been. JJ’s family weren’t the richest growing up so she never really received presents. She never got to write her wish list to santa or even to her mum as she got older. Christmas to her was family time, watching movies, playing games, dancing to music. Yeah, she got Elle presents but that’s because she didn’t get that so she wanted to give it to someone else. Besides, she hadn’t got Elle that much.
“What’s going on up there blondie?” Derek teased, nudging her arm as he walked past. “You’ve been thinking all day.”
“Nothing,” JJ replied, a little too quickly.
“Ooh I know that was a lie. Talk to me,” he pulled up a chair and sat opposite her. She sighed and put her head in her hands.
“It’s just Elle, thats all.”
“Just Elle? Are you having issues?”
“I just - she keeps asking me what I want for Christmas but I don’t know and it’s stressing her out and it’s stressing me out and I just wish I could be better for her.”
“Better for her? JJ you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever met and you’re not even my girlfriend!” Derek said. JJ just whimpered, covering her eyes, trying not to get upset at work. “Look, why don’t you just talk to her? Sit down - explain it all to her, how you’re feeling. Chances are, she’ll open up to you too and you can feel better. I can’t have my favourite lesbians sad at christmas.” JJ chuckled a little and looked up.
“I should just talk to her?”
“About it all. Get it all out, she’s probably struggling just as much as you are.” JJ nodded and stood up.
“I’m going to sort it out right now. You’re right Derek, we can’t be sad at Christmas.”
“Too right. Go get back your girl!”
JJ walked into her house and heard Elle crying. She knew Elle’s cry from anywhere. She tried to keep herself quiet but the way her breathing was broken and her choked sobs made it hard.
“Baby?” JJ said, heading to where the cries where. Elle immediately froze and stood up as JJ entered the living room.
“Jay, you’re home? Why are you home?” she asked, sniffling.
“I came to talk to you. I don’t like us being like this. Are you okay baby? What’s going on?” She moved closer to Elle and put out her hands and Elle collapsed onto the sofa.
“JJ I feel so useless.”
“Useless? Why?” She moved to sit beside her girlfriend. She put an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, comforting her.
“I just want to make you feel special. Make you realise what you are to me - get you something to show you how much I love you. I just , I don’t know what and you won’t help me and I feel like I’m failing you JJ.”
JJ sighed and held Elle tighter. She wrapped her other arm around her and pulled her close.
“You could never, ever fail me Elle.”
“I do, everyday.”
“No, Elle. You really don’t. When I wake up next to you in the morning and you hold me close and play with my hair, that makes me feel special. When you get out of bed to make me breakfast or turn on the shower for me, that makes me feel special. When you simply pull me into your arms for a kiss or cuddle, that makes me feel special. Elle I don’t need a stupid present to make me feel special - I need a girlfriend who believes in herself and shows me how incredible she is everyday.”
“But it’s christmas,” Elle mumbled.
“But everyday is Christmas when you love me Elle. I feel so lucky having you by my side through everything.”
“You do?”
“I do. So much and I couldn’t be more grateful to have someone so kind and caring.”
Elle didn’t reply, only leaned into JJ. JJ sighed and held Elle. She caressed her hair and kissed her head gently.
“You want to know what I want?” JJ smirked after a while.
“I need some socks.” Elle smiled at sat up.
“Socks?” She repeated.
“Socks.” Jj confirmed.
“I’ll get you some socks.” Elle giggled. Jj smiled and pulled her girlfriend back into her arms.
“I know it’s hard to believe you’re not good enough Elle but to me, you’re more than good enough.”
“I love you JJ,” Elle replied.
“I love you more.”
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
I love it when I reblog my girl and one or two of my followers like the post :) My initial reaction is always I’M NOT ALONE!!!
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
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Guys I’m sobbing, she’s just like me for real 🥺 I’ve always loved her, but I didn’t know she was my ethnicity this whole time! I’m happy stimming so hard it hurts right now. My heart 🫀 she’s so good!
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lilliejareau · 1 year
I thinks that's everyone who's left
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cluelessred3 · 5 months
started watching criminal minds season 2, cried throughout all of episode 1
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ja-reau · 2 years
Emily, reading off her phone: JJ, are you from Paris? Because you mon-sure are fine as hell
JJ: that doesn’t work, im not a guy
Emily, scoffing: fine, then are you from Paris? Because ma-damn
JJ: damn it that was smooth
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I think I had a dream someone thought elle Greenaway was straight like no ma'am
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kfans-writerblog · 1 year
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Edit I made
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starshinegarcia · 1 month
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goodnight my fellow show about fbi-profilers obsessed friends💗
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