snowfallenlavender · 1 year
promo time wahooo
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✧ hiya there! im snowy! nice to meet you!
✧ minor ❄️ she/they ❄️ autistic ❄️ south asian
✧ i’m a self shipper who’s always happy to make new friends! i show off my ships with my art and writing! i hope to draw more stuff in the future! im totally okay sharing my f/os!
✧ i have a LOT of interests but my current fixiations are splatoon (main fix, pls talk to me about it), monkie kid, vocaloid and epithet erased!
✧ as of now, i have 3 romantic f/os! but rn, my main f/o is emperor from the splatoon manga, also known as coroika!
✧ you can find my full f/o list right here!
✧ read my pinned before your interact! ty!
✧ i hope we can be friends!
proship dni thx
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universal-kitty · 8 months
I'm rarely even here anymore, but. If I'm gonna update my F/O list to. Actually work as intended, may as well keep on the work I continue to intend to do while I'm here. LMAO
SO!! F/O List update. Names below that I'm adding... It's basically all XIV except for four guys. Only four. RIP!
EDIT: Had to throw in names I forgot that got put into F/O territory, and then just-?? Didn't have their places on the list prior??? May as well add them to the rest of the update folks- (And that's a +1 to nonXIV folks...but a +1 also TO XIV folks, so. Y'know.)
Alan Orion
Altan Olkund (OC)
Estinien Varlineau
Esugen Oronir
Feo Ul
I'karus Tia (OC)
Sunny Day Jack / Joseph Cullman
Joseph Desaulnier
Leofard Myste
Mauci Dorthal
Thancred Waters
Themis [Elidibus]
Valmir Djt-setlas (OC)
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frickenfaded · 3 years
This is my first headcanon ever. It's kind of a headcanon anyway.. This is how I think the Feral Boys would react to (f!) Reader getting mad over something stupid while she's on her period.
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It was about midday and {Y/n} had to force herself to get out of bed to retrieve food. She decided she would get cereal and return straight to her blankets. Once in the quite kitchen, she reached up in a cabinet and grabbed a bowl, however she accidentally set it down way too hard and the brittle glass bowl shattered everywhere.
She was absolutely enraged. All she wanted was a bowl of cereal and *this* is what she gets? It didn't take long after to hear the thomping footsteps of her boyfriend coming down the stairs to see what the commotion was about. {Y/n} stood with her arms crossed, about to make a move for the broom. "Fucking damnit." She cursed, unbelievably mad at the smallest event.
Dream ended up beating {Y/n} to the broom, sweeping up the shards of glass that littered the tile. He was being extremely careful and thinking his words over before speaking. He knew she was in her period, and that meant she gets angered easily and doesn't like being clung onto by anyone during the week. However, he recognized that she still appreciates his presence.
He steps a little closer, giving a small forehead kiss to his girlfriend before resuming the cleaning. "Baby, if you want too, you can lay in my bed while I edit. I'll clean this up and bring you some cereal." He suggested. "How did you know I even wanted cereal?" She asked. "Because, that's normally what you crave." He answered. She thought for a moment before deciding to take him up on his offer. "Thank you, baby." She mutters before heading upstairs.
The relationship between {Y/n} and George was still fairly new, this being their third month together. Therefore, he still isn't exactly sure what his girlfriend needs during her special time of the month. However, he's sort of getting the idea. It's just a bit tricky for him to know for sure when she's going through it, because she doesn't tell a soul. She leaves them guessing, taking pride in it even.
But this time was a little different. She was laying down in bed, trying to read the book "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen, when the realization struck her that she was currently using her last (pad/tampon/other). She didn't want to leave her bed, much less her house. She angrily closed her book and slammed in down on the nightstand, thinking over her options in her mind.
George just happened to be passing by her door whenever she slammed her book. It startled him a little, but he entered her room nonetheless. Although she heard him come in, she refused to tear her focus away from her thoughts. George knew something was up a couple days ago. The possibility of her monthly happening was a thought, but he wasn't 100% sure.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, walking over to the edge of the bed before sitting down. "No." She immediately answers, crossing her arms over her chest. She still didn't really want to give in that easily, though. She still had her pride, despite her situation. "What happened?" He wondered. "Nothing." She replied, avoiding his careful gaze.
"C'mon, Love, we both know that isn't true." He says, softening his tone of voice. She almost instantly melts into his stare. She huffs out a breath, however desperate to keep her silence. He treads lightly, brushing a strand of messy hair from her face, whilst caressing her cheek in the meantime. She finally gives way, breaking through to him as if a dam just broke. "Fine." She states.
He smiles, knowing he won without asking the question that would set him up for failure. "I'm on my last (pad/tampon/other) and I don't want to leave the house." She explained. George breaks into a small fit of laughter. "Was it really something that simple? That's nothing compared to what I thought was wrong. But I can get you what you need, Love." He says, after narrowly avoiding a harsh glare. "Would you like anything else while I'm gone?" He wonders. "Hm.. Maybe some chocolate... Please." She answers. He nods before giving her a swift kiss.
Sapnap.. Is quite the special case, to say the least. He does n o t pick up on hints very well... Which leaves him very lost and confused when his girlfriend all of the sudden starts acting a lot different than normal and suddenly more distant with him. She didn't exactly mean too, it was just what happens during her period.
He was scared that he did something wrong because of this, but he couldn't come up with a reason why. Did he leave the toilet seat up? Maybe he accidentally ignored her? What if he forgot about something they were supposed to do? Dear God, did he forget their anniversary or her birthday or something? Despite what he thought he did, he wanted to try and "make things right."
He entered her bedroom as she watching a John Mulaney special on Netflix. He stood beside her bed. "Hey, could we play Pokémon together?" He asked. "No. I don't feel like it." She didn't mean to add the annoyed tone to her voice, but she did. She was just annoyed in general. "D-Did I do something wrong?" He asked, scared of her answer. It was then when she realized she was being short with him and distant.
She sighed, knowing she owed him an explanation now. "I'm sorry, Darling. I didn't mean to come across like that. I'm just... cramping really bad today, and I'm really really really craving some ice cream, but I don't want to get up either." She explains, rambling just a little bit. He blushes a little when he realizes what was going on, but he quickly retrieves some ice cream for the both of them, before joining her in bed and finishing the John Mulaney special together.
Manz is prepared. I'm talking, he's got a secret box in his closet filled with everything she may need, from pads, to tampons, to chocolates, to a heating pad, he has it all. He's so dedicated to making sure he does everything right that he has a period tracker app on his phone to know when she's about to start. Therefore, he knows when he needs to back up and give you some breathing room.
So one day, when his girlfriend got very upset just because her phone died, he knew exactly why. "Do you need absolutely anything? I brought you a chocolate bar." He says when he hears the ruckus from her room. She softens up almost immediately, always touched by the way he knows what to do and say.
"Thank you.. Could you plug my phone up, please?" She asks. He happily jumps on the simple task, despite her charger literally being right beside her. "And maybe... could we cuddle for a little while too?' She wonders. He smiles brightly. "Definitely." He agrees, before slipping in bed with her as they start to watch Hamilton for the third time.
Quackity seems to think it's comedy gold whenever his girlfriend gets infuriated by the tiniest things. He was sitting on the couch, watching something on the T.V., while {Y/n} came out of her room for the first time since today. She came to get a snack herself, not wanting to bother her boyfriend much.
But what she failed to notice as she was walking through the Living Room, was the Thanos doll that Quackity completely forgot to pick up earlier. And of course, she stepped on the damned thing. She yelped, almost falling over thanks to the toy. In a fit of rage, she picked the doll up and stomped over to one of the open windows, throwing it as hard as she could into the outside world.
Quackity could not stop laughing from the moment she stepped on the plastic toy, now laughing harder than ever because of it. "Shut up! It's your stupid fucking fault the thing was left there anyway!" She cursed, clearly displeased. He didn't listen, of course. "I-I'm sorry." He said through his laughter. As much as she wanted to stay mad, his laughter was contagious.
She ended up bursting with laughter as well, their voices mixing like milk and honey in the atmosphere. {Y/n} joined Quackity on the couch, laying across his lap as he played with her hair, the two starting to talk about random topics. She always went through a few days on her period where she was just a little more clingy than the others, but Quackity just learned to accept that. He wouldn't say it exactly, but he did actually enjoy it.
That's it for this one lovelies! As I mentioned, this is indeed my first headcanon ever and actual content post I've posted on Tumblr. Therefore, I hope it wasn't too shabby. I'll get the hang of things soon, but for now, if you'd like to read any other things I've posted, the list is short, because I am pretty new here, but this option is available to you though this link:
My Creations♡
I hope you enjoy your stay here! Requests are always open! ♡♡
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
Youtuber!Ralbert Au - Part Two
once again inspired by the wonderful and fabulous @we-are-inevitable and you can find her original concept here
part one to this series can be found here
and my valentine’s concept can be found here
i finally did it guys are you proud ✨
now that we’re here, i realized i forgot some vital information last time (aka i hadn’t come up with it yet but ranting to jorja helped me solidify the world thank you mother goose)
so race’s online handle is radioactive racer, and albert’s is, as we know, chaotic red
both of these come from when they were in middle school and had just made vine accounts
albert’s entire account was just videos of race doing dumb shit while he cackled in the background
race’s was just memes
but because this was middle school, race looks WILDLY DIFFERENT compared to now
he was in his full dyed hair and guyliner phase, and before he grew 8 inches the summer before freshman year, so he’s fairly unrecognizable in the vines of him (plus,,,, they were dumb 13 year olds, only their friends saw their vines)
but there’s just,,,, an account full of very cringe videos of 7th grade racetrack higgins on the internet that nobody’s connected to them yet, so we’ll do something with that eventually
now back to your regularly scheduled programming ✨
so race and ‘red’ announced they were dating about a month ago, and it’s getting increasingly difficult to make sure al’s face isn’t visible in any clips
also both of their channels are gaining more traction, and race is getting recognized more in public (which he adores, i might add)
but it means that eventually someone’s going to make the connection between the redhead race is walking around with and chaotic red
so despite how anxious it makes him
how genuinely terrified he is that he won’t live up to expectations and everyone will be disappointed
he decides to post a Q&A video to his channel and reveal his identity
it starts with him adjusting the focus onto the couch in their living room, before his stocky frame, black sabbath shirt, jewelry and freckles walk on screen, and he sits down
if anybody had any idea what to expect, the crooked grin, lip ring and custom snapback probably weren’t terribly high on their list
he lets out a breath and his grin gets a bit wider, before he waves into the camera “hey guys! so,,,, this is probably a bit out of left field, but i wanted to properly introduce myself. i’m albert, nice to meet you, but please, call me red.”
his eyes flicker to behind the camera and he rolls his eyes slightly at race’s chuckling that barely audible to the audience
“don’t you dare laugh at me, i’ve never done this before!”
“you’re doing great babe, you’re just a massive dork.”
“stuff it, blondie.”
al can’t really hold back his laughter, not completely, so he huffs a bit before turning back to the camera and properly answer questions to “let the people get to know me”
the dynamic from race’s original video revealing their roommates is flipped
the audience finally getting to see that albert’s grin pulls up slightly farther on the left side than the right
or that he fidgets with his lip ring when he’s thinking through an answer
or the utterly s o f t look he has in his eyes when he looks at racer, one that seriously doesn’t match his mischievous expression or abrasive voice
he answers questions with more ease than he expected, excited to finally be sharing, but once it comes time to hit upload he freezes
“race i don’t think i can do this”
“of course you can sweetheart, everyone already loves you”
“but what if they’re disappointed? what if i’m not cool or interesting or attractive enough? what if-“
“al i k n o w you did not just look at me with t h a t face and claim to not be ‘attractive enough’. attractive enough for who, red? people that are gonna say mean shit anyway?”
al ends up hitting the upload button and promptly hitting his forehead on his desk in anguish cause holy shit what’d i just do
all his worrying ends up being for nothing because everyone absolutely adores him and won’t stop saying how p r o u d they are and how pretty he is
“i told you, dumbass. you’re the prettiest person i know.”
“stop it, you sap.”
he starts using face cams for his (and race’s, when he’s on the chaotic red channel) gameplays and his focused face is s o c u t e
race finally doesn’t have to be sneaky or beg him to take pictures anymore
race is also incredibly excited to not have to aggressively edit all his videos to make sure you can’t see al’s face/hear his name in any of them
race “accidentally” leaves the clip of them slow dancing in the kitchen to ed sheeran in the vlog right after the face reveal
when al next films a sit down video, race is behind the camera, and they’re going through old pictures of albert from childhood (most of them have race in them too, he might as well be there)
this is when the fans discover albert blushes when he’s embarrassed
this video is also how everyone connects the old chaotic red vine account to them and race is m o r t i f i e d
they make it to a picture of them just after they got together, race leaning into albert’s side loosing his shit at something jack is doing off camera, but in-the-picture albert is too busy looking completely head over heels for race to notice whatever they’re doing over there
al just grins and looks up at race with the same stupid mushy expression
“that’s when i knew i was really in love with you”
you can basically hear race m e l t behind the camera and he just tackles al into a hug on the couch and it’s SUCH a cute couple-y moment
“yeah, and you were calling m e the sap earlier. s u r e, whatever helps you sleep at night, albie.”
“it ain’t sappy if it’s true, tonio.”
and editing-al cuts it off, but race had untucked his face from al’s neck and dragged him into a kiss
when he finally got back to filming, al may or may not have had to use cover up on his neck to make it less conspicuous, but that’s neither here nor there to be honest
also this isn’t a necessary addition but every once in awhile race or al will forget to cover up marks on their necks before filming and get absolutely ROASTED on twitter
i have a thousand more ideas for this au so i promise i will be making more at some point but here’s ✨this✨ for now
lmk if you want me to add you to a tag list or whatever cause i’m down with that
ok fín
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
kuroo tetsurou + crack alphabet hc’s (A-Z)
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A - Alphabet.  Do they actually know their abc's in order? Or do they have to sing the whole song to remember?
not only does he MEMORIZE the alphabet (big brain energy over here) he even has a good handle on how the letters are organized on those old, nokia phone keypads because he still owns a nokia phone
B - Boyband.  Any boybands that they’re secretly or not secretly a fan of?
he says he’s a fan of the Backstreet Boys but he only listens to ‘I Want it That Way’. once, he was talking to an Actual Fan and they asked him if they liked a particular album and kuroo just panicked and yelled ‘tELL ME WHY’
C - Crocs.  Would they wear them? What kind would they wear?
wears them for the specific reason that people hate them. he’ll take aesthetic ootd pics of him in leather jackets and tight jeans with thE UGLIEST PAIR OF CROCS YOU’VE EVER SEEN. he’ll even put his feet up in class to show of his ‘bad boys’
D - Dream. The weirdest, most disturbing dream that they had.  
he once dreamt that he was short, shorter than hinata, and playing during Nationals. kenma set the ball to him and when kuroo was about to jump, he realized that the volleyball was actually a pokeball. he woke up screaming and crying about the pokeball being a void of nothingness.
E - Existential Crisis.  What caused it? What do they do during this crisis?
it happened during his first day studying biochemistry. the professor put up a documentary about the origins of life. kuroo stood up in the middle of the class and said ‘everything’s?? chemicals??’ and left, looking absolutely distraught
F - Fried.  A cooking disaster that they somehow caused.
it was an honest mistake of accidentally rubbing his eyes while chopping chilies. kenma walked in on kuroo with his face dunked in a bowl of milk and said ‘ew, you put the milk first?’
G - Good Morning. What actually wakes them up in the morning?
their Limited Edition Spongebob Squarepants wristwatch that he got in a mcdonald’s happy meal when he was ten
H - Height. What i think their actual height should be.
*looks up appx. thickness of paper money*
*looks up kuroo’s height*
*does math*
his height is $17,210 dollars
I - ...Interesting. Something they came across on the internet that made them delve into a bit too deeply.
he was looking up funny halloween costumes to send as gag gifts to bokuto and kenma and after more than a few clicks, he came across ‘sexy sesame street costumes’ and hasn’t looked at cookie monster the same ever again
J - Joker. I pick one of the weird, out-of-context images I have saved on my phone to describe them.
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K - Karaoke. How they act in a karaoke bar.
he doesn’t give the songbook a second glance and keys ‘8008185′ in the machine and sings whichever song comes up. kenma shakes his head at him in the background.
L - Liquor. The dumbest thing they did when they got drunk
this guy was day-drinking and decided to take his binoculars (HE DOESN’T USE IT FOR THAT HE JUST THINKS THEY LOOK COOL) and stare directly at the sun
M - Math. Are they absolute brain lords at math or do they use calculators for basic addition?
his Big Brain is very good for multi-purpose use. he actually plays with his calculator after he finishes his exams. you think he’s checking his answers? no, he’s trying to make a cat face.
N - Neurons. How many brain cells do they actually have?
he has a fuck ton of brain cells and they’re always having an orgy so he experiences critical thinking 24/7
O - Oops. Their brain cells didn't quite connect and they ended up doing this.
okay, maybe the orgy doesn’t happen 24/7. during his small lapse in judgement, kuroo accidentally sent his professor his shopping list that was full of Items he and bokuto were using for a prank (his professor ended up recommending him a better brand of shaving cream)
P - Pictionary. How would they do in a Pictionary game?
the only things he can draw well are diagrams of molecules. he’ll fill the paper or board with hexagons and lines before anyone could guess that he’s drawing a chocolate-chip cookie
Q - Quote. What quote would they have on their yearbooks?
“my hair doesn’t fit in the frame, does it?” - kuroo tetsurou
R - Repeat. What song is on repeat in their heads 100% of the time?
The Periodic Table Song
S - Soccer. As volleyball players, how well would they fare in a soccer game? (Also, would they even call it soccer??)
kuroo actually mixed up american football and soccer. the soccer ball would be sailing at him at full speed and kuroo will just be mesmerized about how an entire spherical surface could be filled with black and white hexagons
T - Twilight. What did they do during their Twilight phase?
kuroo’s tumblr blog when he was 13: 
one day, jacob brouhgt u to the doctor for ur surjery. ‘jacob, im scared’ u looked at him with tears in ur eyes. ‘dont be scared, i will be here after’ he told u, staring at ur e/c orbs. u went to the surjery and then came out. ‘jacob where are u?’ u said. the doctor looked at u sadly. ‘who do u think gave u ur heart?’
U - Until now... What did they not know until now?
that Hollywood is not a US state
V - Video. Someone took a video of them doing this to blackmail them. What was it?
him slicking his hair down in front of the mirror just to see how he would look like with slicked-down hair
W - Wake me up. Are they a  ‘wake me up inside’, ‘before you go go’, or ‘when september ends’ kind of person?
X - X marks the spot. Which spot are they ticklish?
his kneecaps. like, just run your fingernails over them and he’ll slap your hand away
Y - You're/Your. Are they a grammar nazi? How do they type their messages when talking to people online/making posts?
he’ll misspell things and the only punctuation he’d use are exclamation points just to piss off whoever he’s talking to and see just how far he could take things
Z - Zoinks. Weird catchphrase that their friends remember them for.
“it started out with a fish, how did it end up like this?” 
taglist that i forgot to add lskjga (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart@akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan@therainroguefanfiction@atetiffdoesart@stephdaninja@oikaw-ugh @charliefredb @dramaqueenweeb1469@tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella​
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winterbl0ss0m · 3 years
😌 !!
sooo ive chosen nagito (i forgot i removed my f/o list ill have to add that back in a sec) since i have the most for him so !! here we go. im doing 4 cuz i couldnt choose one song<3
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lucky people bc of nagito’s luck - rhinestone eyes bc of The nagito edit - soren and freaks bc they remind me of him a lot !!
thank you <3 !!
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katatty · 4 years
C, F, H, L, O & Q!
C: Favourite Pre-Made
That Iis way too nightmareishly hard to answer so I will just list all my favourites lol:
Juliette Capp
Tybalt Capp
Angela Pleasant
Lilith Pleasant
Dustin Broke
Dina Caliente
Chloe Curious
Erin Beaker
Ripp Grunt
F: Gameplay With or Without Cheats
I guess it depends how you define cheats! I use building cheats & stuff for storytelling purposes, obviously. I use teleporters a lot, and recently I decided to have controlpets on in my userstartup. But I usually don’t use anything I’d consider too cheaty - morgage shrubs and loans instead of money cheats, for example! And I never use maxmotives unless I’m filming something!
G: Favourite Expansion Pack
I already answered university, but my other favourite is probably seasons! I am very, very, big on seasons in real life, watching the changes in nature throughout the year and enjoying the different seasonal activities, aesthetics, and overall “vibes” is one of life’s greatest joys for me, I even have an altar to persephone in my home because of it haha  :D
H: Stuff Pack vs Expansion Pack - Which Do You Prefer?
Expansion packs, of course! They add so much more to the game...
I: Your Bella Goth Theories!
Already answered this one :)
J: The One Piece of CC You Couldn't Play Without
Already answered this, but inspired by a previous ask - I absolutely hated giving up my aging mod!! (I use Phaenoh’s, but I’ve edited it myself to suit my preferences, adults get about 60 days)
K: Your S3 Traits or what is your Aspiration?
Already answered this too, but I didn’t say my secondary, I don’t think? Plus I’m super in the mood to write extemely long, rambly posts because I just had my morning coffee, lol. I’m pleasure/knowledge. Those “stay home from work” “change into pajamas” “go on a date” wants are super relatable to me, I like my creature comforts! Me & my partner are both big fans of the stay-at-home date where we have wine, make dinner, and watch a movie or play video games. And that’s definitely what life’s about for me!
L: Have Your Sims ever Cheated?
M: How Long Have You Been Playing any of the Sims?
Already answered this one :)
N: Natural or Dramatic End to a Sim's Life? [Do they get Hula Zombies?]
Already answered this one :)
O: Do You Prefer Your Sims to Have Skills or Popularity?
Popularity! Skills aren’t as fun to pick up gameplay-wise, and I always like my sims to have large networks of friends!
P: Pose or Play Your Sims?
Play, mostly! I usually just write stories around what happens in-game & only bust out the pose boxes at the very end of each round unless there’s something really specific I need
Q: EA, The Store or CC?
I’m not sure I get this question, haha, CC I guess?
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cal you're so lovely for doing this!! could i have your onions for my edits please? ✨ + /tagged/*mine
em!!! ur edits are so pretty & it took me so mf long to pick which ones were my favorites because theyre! all! so! gorgeous!
ok first off my fav is this baz pitch edit that is just b e a u t i f u l the quote is amazing & the typography is just gorgeous i love the holes in the words where the other words are idk how to explain it but u get it and its just beautiful omg. the pictures are amazing too and just gah! amazing
ok second is this james potter edit i love the lines on either side of the text is gorgeous + the minimalism theme is just perfect, i love the font too, everything is amazing ily
ok third (or honestly tied for second i couldnt choose theyre all so gorgeous) is this aaddtsotu edit i recently (aka finished a couple hours ago) reread this book and i forgot how beautiful it was so i just had to add this to the list. the quotes are so pretty & the fonts too. the pictures are so well chosen and the aesthetic is just god tier! em! u are a goddess
alr fourth would be this thor edit its so gorgeous the pictures the muted colors the pictures the text all! amazing! god this is so gorgeous im in awe
next i would put this remus lupin edit, as u all should know i absolutely adore remus lupin & this edit is just so pretty! the text the font everythin is so pretty. i love the brown color it fits the aesthetic p e r f e c t l y just so amazing
em i a d o r e all of your edits & these were so hard to choose ily
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courtingcourtiers · 4 years
damn this dumb bitch really forgot to add whirl as a platonic f/o huh. need to edit my list.
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miodiodavinci · 7 years
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a a a a a a a i’m not the best with making tutorials but i’ll give it a shot??
i’m going to go a little in depth and mainly talk about my own set up which is honestly a lot more complex than the average rig! if you’re more just looking for an introduction, there’s a three part video series here that’ll get you up to speed and running real fast!! it’s what i used to learn!!
that aside a a a a a a i’ll try my best sdhgfksdfjhglhk HERE WE GO
a a a a first and foremost you’re going to want to start with the base?? which is going to be your transparent drawing sans most of the face (though keep the nose in there because you won’t be animating it). so for instance with my donut hole cover, that looked a little something like this:
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(i mean sort of but a a a a a a i won’t get into too much detail about all the loops i went through to make the donut hole rig so i could move the face/head/and hair individually sdjghksdfjhg)
from there you have your basic facial groups: eyes, brows, and mouths, as you probably already know w. how they work is they’re drawn on a transparent layer that’s lined up exactly with the base (the canvas size has to be exactly the same! if you crop your facials and leave your base as is, your facials won’t line up with your drawing!!). the amount of facials you want to draw for each all depends on how expressive/versatile you want your rig to be or how much animation you’re willing to trudge through later on (more facials means more expressive animation, but it also means a longer facial list and more digging around to get at the frame you want w).
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the total facial list for a basic set up (in this case the default miku model)
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and about 1/3rd of the face list i used for donut hole skjdghslfgkjsf
the most basic set up is a closed mouth, shapes for A, I, U, E, O, N, an open set of eyes, a closed set of eyes, and a transition between the two (or half closed, if you want to think of it that way). if you just want to get a functional rig, that’s all you need to make. from there, though, you can either build your rig for a specific song and only make the extra facials you know you’ll need (like i usually do) or you can draw a wider variety of facials and make a more generalized rig that can be used more than once (which is the typical norm).
in my case, my usual set up is :
MOUTH > closed mouth (default) > wider closed mouth > small versions of all the vowels (a i u e o) > basic versions of all the vowels (A I U E O) > wider versions of all the vowels (A I U E O) > yelling versions of the more dramatic vowels (A E O) > wider versions of the more dramatic yelling vowels (A E) if you want to be fancy w > basic consonants (n f sh ts m) > wider versions of some of the consonants (N SH M) EYES > open (default) > half (transition between open and closed) > closed (blinking) > wide (slightly more open) > relaxed (slightly more closed) > tired (in between open and half) BROW > default > up > down > furrowed > sad/worried > arched/happy > angry
which honestly adds up to a lot of drawings w
(donut hole in particular had a whole ton because i had to make full set of eyes for every direction i wanted the eyes to look. so for the eyes looking down, for instance, i had to have open, half, closed, wide, relaxed, and tired versions sjhgksjfdh)
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(that’s not even half of them it was a lot of facials sfgdjlksdfgj)
as for the jaw, i typically make 4 or 5 jaw edits?? one for each of the vowel sets, so small/default/wide/yell/extra yell??? and for each one you want to try to visualize how the lower jaw moves downward in response to the movement of the mouth ? ? ?  so for a small A, for example, the mouth’s only opening slightly, which means that the jaw’s only going to drop a little bit. it definitely helps if you draw out a rough of your teeth first and use the spacing between the bottom teeth and the chin as a guide (which is what i did for the gomen’ne pv ye).
as for the actual facial, how the jaw edit works is that you make a copy of your jaw line art (or redraw it if you want), move/stretch/warp it so the chin is slightly further down down, and then color underneath it with the same color as your base, so that way when you turn the facial on, it masks the base line art and replaces it with the edit.
how far down you want the jaw to go depends on how dramatic you want the finished effect to be, though it’s best not to move it too much otherwise it gets to be a little jarring w
i’m not ?? ? sure if i’m explaining it correctly??? it might just help if i show my A set kdhfgj
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(though note that the skin color underneath the mouth isn’t actually necessary—all you need is enough to cover up the original jaw line art. i only put color under mine because i used a greenscreen to transfer my animation onto the base in AviUtl and i needed a buffer—though that   plan didn’t actually work at all because i was silly and forgot to actually     make sure the color surrounded each mouth     so if you watch the pv you can see the greenscreen getting fussy with some of the wider mouths sjkghklfdjg)
a a a a other than that ANIMATION A A A
the main reason i make ten million variations on the same vowels is so i can do some makeshift interpolation/easing in LipSync (the other reason being so if i have two of the same vowel in a row i don’t have to suffer ww). the way i break it down so that i get a nice easing effect is:
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[default vowel][wider vowel][default vowel][small vowel]
and then for the more dramatic vowels i’d do it as [yell vowel][wider yell vowel][yell vowel][default vowel][small vowel]
what all that means is that your mouth is going to transition from closed to open very quickly (between the closed and default vowel frames there’s a dramatic difference in size), but appear to “ease” into the rest of the expression (because there’s a much smaller difference between the default and wider frames).   i   ‘m    not sure how to properly explain it further/put into words  jdfskhgl but it’s one of the basics of animation?? about frame spacing and the differences between keyframes??? a a a a a a forgive me i have no idea how write it out fjghklsdjfglk
learning the fundamentals of animation definitely helps you work your way around the program better!! easing, squash-and-stretch, anticipation, so on and so forth!! i used to do a lot of animation in flash back in the day so i learned a lot of it through trial and error and picking apart my favorite animations, but that in turn means i   don’t   really know a lot of the technical terms sdfjghlkfd ; ; ;
a a a a A A A A i hope that answers some questions ! ! ! i’m not sure how well i explained everything but hopefully it helps ! ! ! !
i uh     also just realized this is probably all even more overwhelming SFJFHKJHFKS FORGIVE ME ;
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pparkchimin · 7 years
I ’m making a tutorial for @victuuri-moonandsun on how I downloaded the YOI episodes and how to make a basic gif. I decided just to make a tutorial for everyone else who wants to learn? I’m like hella basic at making gifs so ill be providing resources in hopes it will help! 
The tutorial includes:
How to download
Capturing Method: VLC vs KMPlayer
Importing + Making the gif (Timing, Cropping, Sharpening, Saving)
Ill teach u how to go from:
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to this:
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+ A shit ton of screencaps to make up for the fact i’m bad at explanation. ++ what is grammar n spelling? +++ cursing a lot of it
its like legit 3 am and this tutorial is so bad good luck
You will need:
Photoshop (I use CS6)
VLC Player or KMPlayer (I will later discuss the difference usage of these programs)
I. Downloading
Sup yo! Okay let’s start with downloading the actual episodes! I usually use torrents when i’m downloading the episodes. This is what Vuze is for. Like most things u wanna be careful when you download shit off the internet but idgaf i’ve been downloading shit off the interwebs for a while. 
So you wanna either google “yuri on ice 1080p torrent”, but im gonna use HorribleSubs for my example. You wanna make sure you download the 1080p version of the episodes so you can have the clearest/more HQ gifs.
If you’re using the horriblesubs site then you wanna click on “1080p” for whatever episode you want and right click the magnet link.
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Yay! Now we gonna wanna open Vuze. First you gonna want to click the “add” folder > Add Magnet > Paste URL > Then hit okay.
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Okay. So once you hit ok this should pop up:
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Then hit ok again! You can also change where you wanna save it at this stage too. Okay now your file is downloading and now we wait! The more seeds the faster the download. 
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Once the file is done downloading we can move on to actually capturing for gif making.  
II. Capturing:
OKay. SO I personally use the VLC capturing way because it’s easier for me. With VLC you;re basically recording the scene you want so you can import it into Photoshop. With the KMPlayer you’re taking a shit ton of sceencaps and you’re importing each image into Photoshop. I used both methods and they both get the job done. The only time i use KMPlayer is when VLC is acting wonky. Ill show the VLC method first then the KMPlayer (cringes).
Yay VLC. My fav bby right here. OKay So you’re gonna wanna open that shit up. Okay, so the first thing you wanna do when you open the program is go to view > advance controls. This gives you the option to record!
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Hell yeah bro now we in business. Okay you’re gonna wanna open the episode you wanna be gif-ing. Since I showed how to download episode 12 i’m just gonna use episode 12 for this too cause fuck it man. You’re gonna wanna decide what scene you’re gonna want to make a gif of. I think for the purpose of the tutorial i’m just gonna do the scene where yurio finishes his program and creys cause hella yeha bro.
okay so for myself, i tend to start recording couple seconds (like 5-10 *my computer is really wonky ) before the actual scene because I want to make sure I record the whole scene without cutting anything out.
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You also notice that the record button is red now. So you’re basically just gonna click it once and let it record until you want it to stop!
Where i began to record (actual a couple secs before becuz i forgot to screencap):
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Where I ended:
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***note: Notice how the record button changes while you’re recording vs not recording! (i’ve done the dumb thing where i forgot to stop recording and watched the rest of the episode .-. )
Now that short clip will be saved. my video was saved in my video file im sure you can change where you want it saved but idk how. This is where it is saved on my computer. Probably can search “vlc” on your computer if it is absolutely lost (sorry I can’t help much in finding the file).
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Basically after this step you’re done deezy. You can skip the KMPlayer and go directly to the gif making portion of this shit tutorial.
I need to explain this program a bit more. So unlike VLC you’re not recording or anything like that. This captures screencaps into jpg or png files. When you do the VLC method, photoshop will make the screencaps for u. This method you’re gonna have to load the each photo (This usually takes photoshop longer to load for me, but than again my computer is old as shit so it may not matter to you).
OKay u gonna wanna open that satan spawn and open the episode u wanna do. Again here im gonna do the same scene cause yeah. Basically just go to the scene you want. 
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Okay here the annoying shit happens. SO unlike VLC for me, I don’t have to a big gap of recording time. I can get closer to the actual scene and want and start capturing (ctrl+G).
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When you hit ctrl+G, this window pops up and this where all the settings happen. 1. You decided where you all the pictures will be saved! 2. You can pic the image quality. I go for JPG because my computer just cant handle doing png. If you’re computer can do the png go for it. 3.) Seconds refers to how long you want the program to capture for. I just put 5 seconds to make sure i get the whole scene. You also want the images to be in the original size. 4.) I WILL DISCUSS THE TIMING THING MORE INDEPTH LATER, but for the time being i’ll do every 1 frame. 
When you click start on the small window your video has to be playing to actually capture. I just hit start and hhit play cuz fuck it.
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When the program finish capturing this will pop up in the corner. *note: I ended up doing 10 seconds because my computer hates me. So there’s a lot more caps than i needed. this is what you end up with!
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A shit ton of fucking photos! YOU READy TO GO TO PHOTOSHOP.
*if you need help downloading photoshop send me an ask and ill try my best to help you. I downloaded ps cs6 a long time ago and the link i used to download it doesn't exist anymore. 
THis step is gonna be different depending on what method you used for the capturing. I’m going to begin with the VLC method. So you’re gonna wanna go to file > importing > video frame to layers.
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Find the clip file and hit open. a window will open and now you can select what part of the video you want to actually gif! the two point thingies on the bottom are adjustable. FOr example maybe you recorded too much in the beginning? drag the 1st arrow thing to where you want the gif to start. Same with if you recorded to much at the tale end of the video. You can adjust the right one.
Make sure to have frame animation box is check.
And now we’re at the frames part.This is where I feel conflicted and you will see why when I get to the timing part of the video. (I use to make a lot of gifs for real action tv shows and this is the first anime I ever edited and I just feel like i haven’t found the best timing yet?). For this screencape i left the limit box and just do every frame.
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So my video was too long at the end and decided to cut that unwanted shit out. (you can hit the play button just to make sure you’re happy with what you got. Hit ok when u done deezy
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THEN BOOM THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. THAT BOOTIFUL ASS YURIO’S FACE HELL yeAH. Okay. So on the right hand side you have all your layers. but we missing the timeline bro. SO you go to window> timeline
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DAMN LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE READY TO MAKE A GIF. You can skip ahead and learn about timing. Keep reading for the KMPLAYER way.
oKAY. You’re gonna wanna go to file> scripts > load files to stacks
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A window will pop up and basically you’re gonna select all the screencaps you want for the gif and hit okay.
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This shit takes my compouter f o r e v e r (compared to the VLC method.) to load and even longer afterwards when it’s being uploaded as layers. This method took my computer to load the files 3 minutes compared to the 5 seconds the VLC method took me. Like i’ve mentioned before it might just be my ancient ass computer’s fault. But this it what it looks like when it’s done loading
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Okay you;re gonna wanna do the same step as VLC to create the timeline (Window>timeline).
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But because this was loaded in differently the the stacks will not automatically have frames. You’re gonna want to click create timeline and you will notice you have one frame only.
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So on the top right corner of the timeline you will have the option to make the layers into frames.
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Now you maybe noticed that the frames are fucking backwards son like wtf man. a simple fix to that! in the list of options where you made the frames from layers, you can reverse the frames.
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OKay this gets really iffy for me. I’ll just basically show you the times I use and what it may look if you capture every frame of you choose to do every 2 times (anything else isn’t recommended). In this section it’s what I use and probably not the best, but you can play around with photoshop and you can do whatever the fuck you want yo!
Anyways as you can imagine if you decide to do every frame youre gonna get a shit ton of layers(i’m gonna be working with the vlc method from this point on. any kmplayer question can be sent my way!). But it may look smoother! *will make a note on this*. Downside, the file is prob gonna be WAY bigger.
For ex: Every frame. 103 FRAMES FUCK MAN.
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Every 2 frames: 53 frames
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So it’s basically about half cuz u know math
OKay. so when i do gifs I usually set the time to “0.06″ but I put “0.07  for every 2 frames. To change the timing make sure you have all the frames selected (click the first frame then go to the last frame and Shift+click it). Now that all the frames are highlighted you want to hit the down arrow and click other. This is where you set the time and hit okay.
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every frame @ 0.06  (No cropping/no coloring/no sharpening)
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every 2 frames @ 0.07
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So it’s really personal preference. I just have it so ingrained to do every frame at 0.06 since i started making gifs years ago, but i feel like the every 2 frames at 0.07 looks smoother for anime? Really guys experiment and see what you like better!
Yay lets get to cropping! These are the current dimensions for tumblr
one picture/gif: 540px width two pictures/gifs: 268px three pictures/gifs: 177px, 178px (middle), 177px spaces: 4px
I always crop my gifs. I just think they look nicer when they’re crop.To start cropping you either wanna hit “C” on your keyboard or clip the crop tool. Afterwards you can put a value of the dimensions (i tend to do 268x165 or 268x170 when I to he gifset with 8 different gifs). Now you can drag the box over the gif to position it where exactly you want the focus to be. You either double click the box or hit enter when you wanna crop.
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You might not want to have it dead center. so yeah this what it looks like if you just dragged it:
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Damn yurio is looking good dead in center, but you noticed the 2nd half yurio isn’t in the middle no more. When you’re cropping you wanna keep this in mind. (you can always make two separate gif to have it all centered but i can make a dif tutorial for that).
This what it looks like if i decided to keep the cropping in the center:
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Overall both scenes are more centered.
BUT WHAT IFF YOU JUST WANNA ZOOM IN ONTO YURIO’S FACE?? i got chu bro. I’m goning to delete the 2nd half of the gif for the purpose of this example. So what you’re gonan want to do is drag a side of the square until you’re happy with what you want.
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Here i just dragged the bottom. Since I have my measure inplace from before, no matter what side i drag it it’s always gonna be the same ratio of 268x170 so no need to worry !
Regular crop:
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Crop to zoom in on the face:
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OKay. Once you’re done cropping you’re gonna want to resize that!
I’m going back to the original gif with both scenes.
To resize an image you either can hol the CTRL+ALT+i or go to image>image size
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a window will pop up and youll type in what size you wanted. Because i had the dimensions typed in while i was cropping it will basically do the ratio for u
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the original size was 1702x1080. Once i typed 268, the program kept the ratio and changed the height. SORRY IM NOT EXPLAINING THIS WELL I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW. 
We went from this:
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to this:
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it’s not a HUGE change but there is a change!
VI. Coloring *bonus
I have no authority on color tbh It takes me to forever to color shit and i’m h o r r i b l e at it. so i aint gonna discuss this much but here what coloring can do for u!
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to this garbage:
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I don’t really like it but i just did it quickly for the sake of this tutorial. If you wanted an idea of what I did
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The best way I learned to color was from PSDs others made or just fucking around in PS. Here are some resources:
PSDs:  x x x Tutorials: x x
VII: Sharpening:
Oh man okay so i use an action for my gifs but the thing is i downloaded a long ass time ago. It may be this, but im not entirely sure. This hella easy yo!
so you wanna select all the layers:
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then you wanna convert the frame animation to a timeline (make sure you changed the time you want the frames to be before you convert!)
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You will notice the frames changed on the bottom. Now you wanna go to filter>convert to smart layer
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Now you only have one layer!
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With this one magic layer you can sharpen all your goddamn layers all at once.
If you don’t have the action you can do the basic sharpening. Okay now go back to the filter tab>Sharpen>smart sharpen. I have use this option in YEARS but i believe the kinda go too was this:
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and hit okay!
Before sharpening:
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After sharpening:
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the lines are more defined in the 2nd gif, If you were able to download the action this is how you use it. 
GO to Windows> actions.
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WHere the red circle you click, and find the option for load actions. Once you load it you wanna make sure you selected the smart layer and hit th eplay button and the action should sharpen it for u
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BOOM. your gif is sharpen. So lts compare all three now.
No sharpening:
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Smart sharpening only:
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Action (Smart sharpening + blur)
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I like the action th most because it’s not as intense as the smart sharpening only. WOW U FINISH A GIF CONGRATULATIONS NOW YOU WANNA SHOW THIS BABY TO THE WHOLE WORLD RIGHT? WELL IMMA SHOW U HOW,
So basically you either hold alt+ctrl+shift+S or file>save as for web 
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and a window aPPEARS. These are the settings i use to save:
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this gif is under 1mb so im safe yo! Some tips if gif is too large is to add a selective layer>black> then +5-10 
another tip is to use optimize tool if yOU HAVE TO: go to the top right corner
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now u done deezy
u save that shit
and cry 
send me an ask if you need shit cleared up.
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avanneman · 6 years
Charles Krauthammer was a wonderful man and a shameless liar
If you want to read kind words about Charles Krauthammer, well, go ahead. By all accounts, in his private life Krauthammer was gracious and kind to everyone he met, regardless of their political convictions. But Charles isn’t famous for being a nice guy; he’s famous for being a political commentator, and as a political commentator he was a remorseless hitman for the State of Israel.
Krauthammer did surprise me a number of times (the complete list of my K-man outbursts is here). Most remarkable, I would say, was a column by Charlie headed “The GOP gets the Iran prisoner swap wrong”, responding to the Republican “response” (aka “hysteria”) to Iran’s return of five U.S. prisoners as part of the agreement halting Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Since my response, “Charles Krauthammer truly surprises me, for a full ten column inches,” was so short, I’ll repeat it in full:
“Yes, he does. For ten column inches (maybe twelve!) the K-Man coolly and calmly rebuts every single criticism Republicans have made over the recent U.S./Iran prisoner swap.
“It’s too good to last, of course. Charlie quickly goes off an extended rant about the lifting of long-standing sanctions on Iran consequent to the nuclear deal and how that will be the wind beneath the wings of that country’s “aggressively interventionist and immutably anti-American” foreign policy—language that studiously ignores the fact that it is the U.S., not Iran, that has been “aggressively interventionist”, much at Charlie’s urgings, and much to our sorrow. Why, according to Charlie, it’s another Munich!
“Another Munich! Okay! That’s the Charlie Krauthammer I know! That other Charlie Krauthammer, the one who, you know, spoke the truth, I scarcely recognized.”
Because that’s the way it was with Charlie: every nation that didn’t kiss Uncle Sam’s ass was Nazi Germany and every agreement with such a country was a “Munich”. Charlie was one of a group of Jewish neocons who came of age in the seventies, a wrenching experience that convinced them of two things: 1) the Democratic Party could not be trusted to defend the state of Israel; and 2) the United States could only be trusted to defend the state of Israel if its citizens could be persuaded to believe that the defense of Israel was an integral part of the defense of the U.S. against an “existential threat”.
Charlie and friends labored endlessly to convince America that she was in precisely the same situation as Israel—surrounded by ruthless enemies whose evil designs deserved to be, and only could be, defeated by any—any and all—means necessary. Our backs are against the wall! Do you want to live or do you want to die?
The Soviet Union, of course, supplied the necessary existential threat, and it’s no wonder that Charlie, like eventual comrade in arms William F. Buckley1, was terrified by Ronald Reagan’s bizarre decision to do what he said he wanted to do: win the Cold War. Because there’s nothing so politically useless as a war that’s over!
Fortunately for Charlie and his friends, George H. W. Bush, though a bit of a wimp domestically,2 took American ass-kicking overseas to a whole new level, by actually doing it, and in the Middle East, no less! Listen up, Muslims! There’s a new sheriff in town! And he shoots to kill!3
With the sweet sound of smart bombs still ringing in their ears, the neocons were massively unprepared for the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. That was not supposed to happen! Utterly shell-shocked, they swore an oath on the altar of God eternal hostility to the Democratic Party. No lie was too great, no deception too loathsome! Ecrasez l'infame!
And Charlie told them, endlessly. The Clinton years were “a holiday from history”, the Obama years, “America’s retreat”, despite the fact that if you compared U.S. foreign policy under Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice, you’d get a 98% match. Domestically, Charlie’s “policy” was, basically, “give the goddamn hillbillies4 what they goddamn want.” Foreign affairs, and foreign affairs alone, were what counted.
Naturally, the advent of Trump sent poor Charlie spinning like a whirligig.5 While Charlie denounced Trump’s “plan” to deport 11 million illegals as “morally obscene”6, he praised Trump’s “revised edition”, whereby only those who had entered the country illegally would be deported. Left unsaid by Krauthammer was the number to be deported—around six million. Perhaps (perhaps!), for one who had played the Holocaust card so often, the image of six million non-white people rapists being herded onto cattle cars luxurious, air-conditioned buses was just a little too awkward to be examined.
Afterwords Andrew Sullivan, writing in New York magazine, describes—a bit gently, I would say—his frequent disagreements with Charles and then adds:
“But he seemed incapable of personal abuse, animosity, or rhetorical demonization. He even expressed a kind of fondness for me, I like to think, which was hard not to reciprocate. He was always a thinker, always drawn to argument and counterargument, even if he almost never conceded a point, however trivial. He’d smile laconically if you thought you’d made a good point, in what seemed like a mixture of mischief and condescension, and you knew it wouldn’t be worth haggling any further.”
Okay, so he didn’t lie to his friends, but did lie to the public.7 How many lies is too many?
In his early years, Buckley wanted to save Jews’ souls, but as the seventies wore on he was ready to have them help save conservatism’s ass. ↩︎
Despite his self-applied Texan mystique, Aitch Dubya had a Connecticut Yankee’s pride in being on the right side of the Civil War and took an earnest if patently paternal interest in black America. As supply-side Republican Bruce Bartlett notes, honestly and uncomfortably, in his “interesting” history of Democratic racism, Wrong on Race, when a black staffer was “needed” to appear at a bill signing photo op at the Reagan White House, one had to be “borrowed” from Bush’s staff. ↩︎
My ululations on the subject of Iraq are almost without number, but not quite. ↩︎
Aka “goyim”. The two terms are interchangeable. ↩︎
Krauthammer, like all other neocons, "forgot" that Donald Trump was/is nothing more than Rush Limbaugh with a bad weave, the same man they've been married to for the past 25 years. ↩︎
The link to Charlie’s column is busted, so I’m linking to my comment. ↩︎
In this post from 2009, The Evolution of Charles Krauthammer”, written when he had broken with Krauthammer over Charlie’s support of torture post 9/11, Sullivan gives a crisper take on his friend. He also notes that back when the Iran/Contra scandal broke during Reagan’s second term, he was shocked to learn that Charlie wasn’t shocked, that, for Krauthammer, the struggle proceeds by any means necessary. The Constitution? Hey, it’s not a suicide pact is it? And if it is, fuck it! ↩︎
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