#Dr. Stephen Arden
elwolfen · 30 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 1:
Species (1995)
Dr. Stephen Arden
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His Role: His character doesn't have too much to do until near the end of the movie. During the containment lab scene, I just thought that he reminded me of some kid in the back of a classroom who sometimes chimes into the conversation or scene of the main characters. I don't know why.
Also, when the cast is waiting for Sil to arrive back to the club, him thinking it's a waste of time and decides to just opt out and sleep in the van is very relatable to me. That's what I do half the time at boring events.
When it is his time to shine, we get to see some of his personality, which is that he can be quite fun! Him hanging out with the other guys was really fun to see, I really enjoyed when him and Dan shared time together, I really wish we got more of the two! Although iffy on the whole letting Dan think long island iced tea was just tea and him not feeling good afterwards.
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(This is a funny picture)
Arden shooting his shot with those two ladies was hilarious. He tried, but he didn't even properly ask if they had dates or not.
And the final scene with him... he really just bought what Sil (not knowing it's her) said? Like even if I was very horny and lonely, I would still be really freaked out if someone broke into my room because they were interested in me. Just saying. I was also really afraid I was gonna finally see someone's dick in those movie and it was gonna be his, but thankfully not (I don't like see anyone's penis, no thank)... but there is dick, we'll get back to that.
So he successfully knocks up Sil (not intentionally on his part) and gets killed. Which I already knew was gonna happen, I haven't watched this movie before, but I knew the general plot and that he died. I didn't enjoy the fact that his death only gets brought up once by Laura asking "Did you see him?" Like that's it. Nothing from Dan, I want to see him devastated! He's an empath!!!
I also thought it would have been more interesting if he was alive (not just because I wanna see more of Molina), just him grappling with the fact that he unintentionally help Sil with her goal and the other fact that he has a alien/human hybrid son! It would have been funny if someone said, "Your son tried to kill me, Arden!" Maybe him having mixed feelings that his son had to be killed or maybe this made-up version the son wouldn't be dead. I don't know!
Anyways, this character had more potential, but I enjoyed his last few scenes. Especially his bromance time with Dan.
Last thing: I was very envious of his hair. Give it to me, please.
The Rest of the Movie: I didn't expect to really enjoy this movie, but I did and I'm glad. I heavily judged it solely on Sil's alien form... yes really.
I was really surprised that I liked both plots of the movie (Sil on the prowl and the team hunting her down), and the romance between Press and Laura? I actually love it. It was kinda cute, I don't always like romances happening quickly but this was good.
Laura: You want to dance?
Press: Who, me?
Laura: Yeah, you.
God, I love how she delivers that line! Gently mocking his voice. And her saying "cute socks" when they're about to have sex was adorable.
I really liked Dan the empath but I don't fully know if he was supposed to be kind of a joke? Like him stating his empathic yet obvious observations and how everyone reacts to that. He kind of reminded me of Padparadscha Sapphire form SU, just a bit.
Like I said earlier, since we saw plenty of scenes of Press and Laura, I wish we saw more of Arden and Dan.
Sil's journey and mission throughout the movie was interesting, but her alien design really bothered me. Like, were the tenta-tits really needed? I really got the Xenomorph and H.R. Giger vibes from the design, which I'm sure it was a huge inspiration. Actually, I looked it up, he did design her...
It was nice to see so many people being kind to who they thought was a foreign woman, even the motel guy! But that poor woman she uses to fake her death... her acting was incredible and heartbreaking.
Xavier... I didn't like anything about this character and the actor, I'm sorry, but I don't understand the direction he was given. Not his fault, but man I was happy when he died. I was also confused with the scene after Sil faked her death and she was in the other car if Sil just knew what he was gonna say or she was mind controlling him? Which doesn't show up anywhere else.
The horror aspect of this horror movie was not really there, which I didn't mind. It wasn't scary or anything, but I enjoyed the chase between the team and Sil and all the people Sil meets.
The last thing I want to add is the fact that I laughed way too hard at one scene. In the beginning, Xavier was talking about how Sil came to be and says:
"We decided to make it female so that it would be more docile and controllable."
And I hope that it would cut back to the only woman on the team, and yes, it did. I howled with laughter, probably wasn't that funny but it was to me.
Oh yeah the penis I mentioned? It was Sil and Adren's sons'... I didn't really wanna see a kids genitals. No thank you.
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writingkitten · 9 months
Ricky: his face!!! anywhere on his face because he just loves feeling your lips on him and he can easily steal kisses whenever you get in one of your kissy moods!!
Robert: tummy! he’s so insecure about it and now that you’re here doting on it omg he loves it as much as you love it and you lips feel so good against it
Harold: lips, his a classic boy and very romantic, so he wants you lips on yours as he gently kisses you at the end of your date, wanting so badly to go further but being a gentleman and not doing it ugh the sexual tension
Otto: his hands, because he does a lot of work with them and cuts them all the time, so you bandage him up and kiss his wounds to make them feel better and it’s so cute to him that it’s his favorite place to see your lips
Doc Ock: hands, see Otto + his hands have done such evil as Doc that he doesn’t believe they can do any good anymore, until you kiss them and he’s like “oh wow an angel just blessed my hands”
Harding: his pulse, because he loves showing what you do to his body and the best way, other than feeling his cock, is feeling his pulse
Edelweiss: his balls. like let’s just be honest, he wants your gurgling (that’s kinda gross I’m sorry)
Chandler: inner thigh, because it’s so close to his cock and almost just as sensitive but without as much pain when you bite it, also loves the tease
Big Boss: COCK, specifically the slit or somewhere along the snake tattoo
Andres: his hands, like the way he romantically kisses your hand, he enjoys feeling your lips on his knuckles
Boris: his nose!!! 🥺 it makes him blush!!!
Dunlop: cheeks (face)!!! also a blushy boy!!
Arden: his tongue, throw in some sucking on it toooooo
Jim: forehead, he’s a soft old grouchy man 🥺
Jimmy: either his lips, because he just loves kissing and especially kissing you, but also his neck because holy fuck is he SENSITIVE
Armand: his chest, specifically right above his heart, it’s so soft and meaningful and it feels like your little way of claiming him
Manuel: his knees, because he’s on them praying so much that they can get pretty bruised and seeing you kiss them like you’re worshipping his hard work turns him ON
Maxim: lips, he’s a hopeless romantic and it’s a classic
Hank: his chest, especially around the breast area but not quite the nipple, like the meaty part
Oswald: his fingers because 1) he’s so anxious and nervous about his scars from the surgery and he thinks they’re ugly but when you kiss them he’s like “oh wow they’re beautiful”, and 2) you usually end up sucking on them and that gets him so fuckin’ hard (credit: @chrism02)
Dick: his cheeks (face), he loves getting random pecks from you while he typing away, you bring him back to reality and sometimes he gets so caught up and needs that, also your lips are so soft!!!!!
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drottooctaviuslover · 2 years
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heartofhubris · 2 years
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Hiya. I made teas for the Molina Universe of characters. i dont make any money or anything i just got bored. Under the cut are the different teas if you'd like the raw pics too. I'm taking requests if your character isn't up here too
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marsi-arden · 1 year
❤👽 Stephen Arden icons 👽❤
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fanwritersposts · 2 years
Welcome to my account
This account is where I write my stories and this here is my masterlist and requests you can make.
Request are open
The rules here are important and if you break or say something in the request that is involved in the won't write list, then it will be ignored or blocked.
Things I'll write:
Angst/Hurt & Comfort
Mentions of alcohol or drugs in the past
Mentions of cheating in the past
AU(Alternate Universe)
OC insert
Long stories(up to 3-10 part story)
One-shot stories
Things I won't write:
Abusive relationship
Rape or sexual harassment
Fat phobic and homophobic mentions
Any offensive or hateful comments
These are the kind of characters I will write about if you make a request, Alfred Molina Characters(definitely focused on) and Doctor Octopus variants(I just thought why not do that also). I'll update the list when I see more movies with Alfred Molina in it.
Alfred Molina Characters
Otto Octavius/Doc Ock (Spider-Man 2 & No Way Home)
Maxim Horvath (Sorcerer's Apprentice)
Rahad Jackson (Boogie Nights)
Roger Stephenson (Roger and Val Just got in)
Randall Pepperidge (Pink Panther )
Edy Rodriguez (Nothing like the holidays)
Jim Bussey (The Water Man)
Satipo (Indiana Jones raiders of the lost ark)
Stephen Arden (Species)
Snidely K. Whiplash (Dudley do right)
Sheikh Amar (Prince of Persia)
Manuel Aringarosa (Da Vinci Code)
Diego Rivera (Frida)
Boris Plots (Undertaking Betty/Plot of view)
Hugh Weldon (Pete's Meteor)
Harding Hooten (Monday Morning)
Ben Weeks (Normal Hearts)
Ricardo Morales (Law & Order LA)
Jimmy Stiles (Ladies man)
Cliff Gray (Orchids)
Paul Weller (Breakable You)
Dr. Edelweiss (Angie Tribeca)
Doc Ock Characters
Raimi Doc Ock(just a reminder)
TSSM Doc Ock
USM Doc Ock
PS4 Doc Ock
Share your requests here in this post
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deadlightcircus · 1 year
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Alfred Molina as Dr. Stephen Arden in Species (1995)
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illiana-mystery · 8 months
Okay, so I will admit, this unfinished fic is definitely a little different from my usual writing. I mean it's not that far off the beating path, but it is different.
That being said, this was an idea that I might pick up again in the future. I don't know yet though. I have so many other projects going on, so if I do pick it back up again it's gonna be a minute.
But without further ado, this is the first chapter of a fic I called Blind Ambition. The premise was that it was about the past of Lorraina Maria Amato, the antagonist in my fic, Cloud 9 (that I'm hoping to update soon).
It would chronicle her exploits and run ins with Jameson, Norman, and Otto as a junior reporter at The Daily Bugle. It would eventually end with her leaving New York and finding a new life in Georgia.
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(How I picture young Norman and Otto. Read the Author's Note below.)
Today, I'm sharing with you the first chapter of this fic. Enjoy and let me know if you would be interested in reading more in the future! 😉😌
Blind Ambition (chapter 1)
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Chapter Summary: Lorraina, referred to as Lori by her boss, is annoyed with her standing as a junior reporter at The Daily Bugle. Especially since she's having an affair with her boss, J. Jonah Jameson. However, her luck is about to change when she finally gets the news she's been wanting to hear. She's finally gonna get to interview Dr. Osborn and Dr. Octavius.
Author's Note: This fic takes place in the mid 90s, so I imagine that Norman would look kinda like John LeTour from Light Sleeper and Otto would look like Stephen Arden from Species. So if I do pick this back up, that's what they would look like in that next chapter. Jameson is starting to go grey, so his hair color is still mostly dark brunette but is the same cut.
Content Warnings: Office Sex, Age Gap, Adulterous Affair, Mention of an ED, Possessive Behavior
It was a boiling hot afternoon in the city known as the Big Apple and while its many citizens were trying to hustle and bustle their way back to their designated offices after their lunch breaks, there was one young and determined junior reporter that stayed behind.
She stared out her window for just a moment, looking down at all of the people scrambling to get out of the scorching heat while trying to stay away from the blistering asphalt that only carried taxi cabs in its path.
She laughed at the sight and went back to the black and green abyss she called her work computer.
Happily, her fingers typed away before she took another bite of her half-eaten tuna fish sandwich. Like clockwork, her fingers traveled to find a bag of salt and vinegar chips but disappointment only followed once she realized she didn't have a bag.
No, she was trying to cut her salt intake and be a little healthier. She couldn't risk gaining weight or that meant she would be kissing her cozy office and her beneficial relationship goodbye.
A sigh only left her lips and instead her hands went around her small Diet Coke that she happily sipped.
The junior reporter was the only person at the office today except for her boss, but she was fine with that. She could finally hear herself think and peacefully write the piece that she knew would knock her boss right off his feet.
She knew it was so good that he would be forced to transfer her to the actual news section of the paper.
Her tranquility between her lips only lasted for a little while before her boss barged in. She jumped, but quickly patted down her stubborn curls and fixed the butterfly clips that decorated her hairstyle.
Her chair slowly turned and she faced her boss for the first time that day.
His short buzz cut hair was gently blowing under the air conditioning vent and he was nursing a cigar between his lips. His baby blues thoughtfully looked her over as a cheeky grin slowly surface in between his cigar.
His inferior just smiled back and twirled one of her curls in her finger before he finally spoke.
"Are you almost done with your piece, Lori?" he asked curiously in his smoky, deep voice.
"Yes, I'm almost done. Would you like to see what I wrote so far?" she softly asked before motioning him with her finger to come closer.
"Hmm, stand," he commanded before she did so.
Happily, she watched as he sat down in her chair and blew some smoke from his cigar. He quickly motioned her to come sit on his lap which she did almost immediately.
Pleased by her eagerness, he put his cigar out and placed it to the side before his lips landed on her neck and collarbone. She was surprised by his sudden affection, but she also enjoyed it.
He knew all of her sensitivities, which made him a much better lover than a boss.
"Hmm, JJ, am I turning you soft?"
"Quite the contrary," he huffed before he slipped her skirt and panties off. "I usually have my own fun at this time, but since we're the only ones here..."
She just rolled her eyes and waited until he slipped off his pants and boxers, to slowly lower herself on his waiting 8 inches. He let out a small whimper as she did so before he started a little rhythm thrusting in and out of her.
"Now let's see your article," he said as he kept his pace up. "Hmm...NYC mayor busted for embezzling campaign funds...wait, wasn't this Cynthia's story?"
"It was," she evilly chirped.
The man beneath her couldn't help but laugh too.
Honestly, he was impressed by her cutthroat nature, but he still had to keep his paper running as smoothly as possible. He just couldn't have the gossip and events reporter stealing stories from the head reporter he worked with for years. Sure, she was his girlfriend and he was fucking her right now, but that didn't mean he owed her any favors.
"No, no, no, this just won't do, Lori. You can't go around stealing stories from Cynthia..."
"Oh, I can't? Well, maybe I'll just..." she started while trying to get off of him. He tightly grabbed her hips and roughly thrusted back inside of her making her moan and yelp in pleasure.
"You're not going anywhere, Lori. I made you and you'll have no where else to go if you leave me," he declared as he started pounding into her harder.
Not a retort or complaint came from her, so that meant she was over her little temper tantrum.
"Are you calm, now?" he asked in her ear.
"I guess so," she moaned. "Oh, you're hitting my G-spot so well."
"No one else will make you feel as good as I do. Remember that."
"Oh, I'm remembering. Damn," she panted.
He snickered in her ear and whispered, "Take your top and bra off."
With no hesitation, she stripped the rest of her clothes off and happily witnessed her superior rub his callus hands all over her perky C-cup breasts. She mewed in delight and leaned her head against his shoulder as he started to knead her milk bags with his rugged hands.
"You're such a good whore," he whispered. "I might need to have you come to my office more...scratch my itch..."
"Yes, JJ," she cooed before he chuckled in her ear.
"Now where was I? Oh yes, Lori, you can't steal stories from Cynthia. She's my top journalist on the team. We've worked together and known each other longer than I've known you."
"So? Really, Lori? Stop being a brat. You're my gossip and events reporter. Stay focused on that."
"So you're not gonna publish my story? I worked so hard on this. I even got in contact with Cynthia's contact before she did."
"As much as I admire you tenacity, I won't publish your story. I'm gonna publish Cynthia's original story."
"Don't do this, Lori. I'm not gonna just let you do whatever you want just because we're fucking. You have to earn your spot in the news section.
"And here I thought sucking your dick and letting you fuck me in my office chair would give me perks."
"Well, actually, I do have one little perk for you."
"And that would be?"
"Remember how you've been dying to interview Dr. Osborn and Dr. Octavius?" he asked, pinching her nipples.
"Yes," she mewed.
"Well, I might have lined up an interview with both of them for you."
"What?!" she exclaimed. "You did? For me?"
"Of course..."
"Now I can ask Dr. Osborn about his business practices..."
"No, no, no," he whispered in her ear. "I already told his secretary why you're interviewing him and Dr. Octavius."
"And what did you tell her?"
"I told her that you're only gonna ask them about their work and the 1st annual Oscorp Gala."
"They're having a gala?"
"Yes, now get up and lean against your desk with your elbows," he commanded. She happily obliged and he followed as they maneuvered into this new position, his cock still deep inside of her.
Once she was comfortable again, he started pounding into her over and over again with vigor. The woman beneath him was panting and moaning from his love making.
"Do you want me to attend the gala too?"
"The gala is invite only," he grunted. "You know for shareholders and employees and their plus ones. But if Norman invites you, I think you should attend."
"What if he asks me to be his plus one?" she slyly whispered.
Her words fell on her boyfriend hard and suddenly he just stopped fucking her. She was about to have a fit, that was until he roughly bit down on her neck leaving a pretty big, nasty bruise on her neck.
She jerked up in pain and as she was about to scold him, he started fucking her once more leaving her words as nothing more than unspoken nonsense.
"I doubt he would ask you to be his plus one, Lori. I don't think foul-mouthed short women are his type."
"Says you," she said before panting like a warm dog.
"Well," he started breathlessly as he quicken his pace inside of her, fucking her like it was his last opportunity to do so, "If he did, hypothetically, then I would still want you to go. But you're mine, Lori. Remember who you belong to."
"Of course, JJ," she whimpered. "Oh, oh, I'm so close."
He just snickered and grabbed her arms, pulling them behind her back as he fucked her to her final orgasm. Her scream of pleasure reached the heavens and soon were met by his grunts of feral copulation as he finally released his seed inside of her abused sanctum.
As soon as he went limp, he pulled out and let go of her hands. Her weak and wrecked hands gently gripped the desk as she caught her breath. JJ just stared at her ass after he threw his clothes back on haphazardly, the view of his seed slowly oozing out of her right in his field of vision.
The scene made him snicker in delight, knowing that only he could enjoy her cave of wonders.
But the sight of her perfectly round ass was also nice, so nice in fact, that he gave into temptation and slapped it. She jumped, but to his surprise didn't say anything back to him.
"Get dressed," he commanded. "You're free to go."
"It's not even close to 5 yet."
"I know. But you're the only one here and I already had my fun with you. Besides, you need to get ready for your interviews tomorrow. Wear something nice and sexy," he said before he left.
Lori just groaned and rolled her eyes before she grabbed one of the tissues from her desk and wiped the access cum off of her legs. Once wiped, she threw her clothes back on and just stared at her almost fully drunken can of Diet Coke and her almost finished tuna sandwich.
However, she didn't have the stomach to finish her meal so she just threw it out and sat back down in her chair, trying to ignore her boss' cum still deep between her legs.
For once, she felt dirty being nothing but a living sex toy for Jameson.
What was the point of letting him use her for sexual gratification, if he didn't let her climb up the ladder faster than her colleagues?
And how dare he claim that she wasn't Norman's type? How would he know? Still, she needed this job so she would just have to stay Jameson's sex toy... for now.
After her thoughts subsided, she packed up her things, locked her office door, and headed for the elevator. Jameson told her to have a good night, but she didn't respond.
Jameson didn't take kindly to that though. She was his...his property and he was not gonna let her be a brat or sassy to him.
The elevator doors slowly opened after about a minute, but before she could step in, Jameson grabbed her arm and pulled her away.
"What the fuck?!"
"I said have a good night."
"Oh, I guess I didn't hear you. You have a good night too," she jeered before turning her back on him.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he sniedly asked.
"No, don't think so," she remarked before he grabbed her again and forcibly kissed her lips.
She pushed him back immediately though.
"Get off of me. I think you've had enough fun with me for the evening."
"Well, excuse me for trying to be more affectionate to you. I'll see you tomorrow then and I hope you'll be staying the night..."
"We'll see. See you tomorrow," she grumbled before taking the next elevator down.
Once she left the building, she was greeted by the same sweltering heat her fellow New Yorkers were suffering though previously. She couldn't help but remember how callously she laughed at them, but now she was suffering through this heatwave.
Shameless Plug:
If you want to read something Halloween related, I just posted the first chapter of my vampire fic, Bloodlust. Check out my masterlist pinned at the top of my blog for the link or just visit my AO3 account. My name is AriesJones for those who don't know. Happy reading! 😉💙
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docrotten · 3 months
BEYOND THE TIME BARRIER (1960) – Episode 171 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Sterile?” Yes, sterile! And they weren’t talking about surgical instruments. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr – as they blast off to the distant future of… 2024? The movie is Beyond the Time Barrier (1960).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 171 – Beyond the Time Barrier (1960)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
In 1960, a military test pilot is caught in a time warp that propels him to the year 2024 where he finds a plague has sterilized the world’s population.
  Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
Writer: Arthur C. Pierce
Produced by: Robert Clarke (produced by); Robert L. Madden (executive producer); John Miller (executive producer)
Casting by: Baruch Lumet (uncredited), Sidney Lumet (uncredited)
Music by: Darrell Calker
Production Design by: Ernst Fegté
Makeup Department:
Corinne Daniel (hairdresser) (as Corrine Daniel)
Jack P. Pierce (makeup creator) (NOT the mutants!)
Special Effects by: Roger George
Costumer: Jack Masters
Selected Cast:
Robert Clarke as Maj. William Allison
Darlene Tompkins as Princess Trirene
Arianne Ulmer as Capt. Markova (as Arianne Arden)
Vladimir Sokoloff as The Supreme
Stephen Bekassy as Gen. Karl Kruse
John Van Dreelen as Dr. Bourman (as John van Dreelen)
Boyd ‘Red’ Morgan as Captain (as Red Morgan)
Ken Knox as Col. Marty Martin
Don Flournoy as Mutant
Tom Ravick as Mutant
Neil Fletcher as Air Force Chief
Jack Herman as Dr. Richman
James ‘Ike’ Altgens as Secretary Lloyd Patterson (as James Altgens)
William Shephard as Gen. York (as William Shapard)
John Loughney as Gen. Lamont
Russ Marker as Col. Curtis (as Russell Marker)
Arthur C. Pierce as Mutant Escaping from Jail (uncredited)
Malcolm Thompson as Guard (uncredited)
While testing the latest and greatest airship just above the atmosphere, Major William Allison (Robert Clarke) accidentally travels to the apocalyptic future of… 2024! Little did they know. Beyond the Time Barrier (1960) is a low-budget, sci-fi B-picture from director Edgar G. Ulmer (The Black Cat, 1934; Detour, 1945) and writer Arthur C. Pierce (The Cosmic Man, 1959; The Human Duplicators, 1965). To Chad’s dismay, the plot includes a lot of walking and talking across a set filled with inverted pyramids. Oh, and the mutants… sigh. Check out what the Grue Crew has to say about this B&W, time-travel trainwreck. Also, stick around for the usual batch of feedback from past episodes. 
You might also want to check out these Decades of Horror: The Classic Era episodes:
THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON (1958) – Episode 41: w/Robert Clarke as writer, director, producer, and star
THE BLACK CAT (1934) – Episode 67: directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, starring Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff
At the time of this writing, Beyond the Time Barrier is available for streaming from the Classic Sci-Fi Movie Channel, Amazon Prime, and Tubi. The film is available on physical media as a Blu-ray from Kino Lorber in the Edgar G. Ulmer Sci-Fi Collection, a trio of films that also includes The Man from Planet X (1951) and The Amazing Transparent Man (1960).
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by guest host Michael Zatz, is The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923), another silent scream starring Lon Chaney! Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Incidentally, this will be the Classic Era’s tenth discussion of a silent film.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
Alfred Molina characters I write for
I wanted to make a list of Alfred Molina characters I write for (for the moment) since I didn’t really do one and there was some previous confusion.
I’m currently looking for more requests since I’m running out.
MALE/GENDER NEUTRAL/TRANS/ENBY/FEMDOM/butch!FEM readers (SFW & NSFW - no multi-chapter fics)
In chronological order , *for gn and male reader/trans male reader only ** for male reader/trans male reader only.
(sorry for how long this is lol, just want to be clear I’ll write for all of these)
Link back to my masterlist x  , rules here x
(1981 - Raiders of the Lost Ark) - Satipo
(1985 - Letter to Brezhnev) - Sergei
(1985 - Ladyhawke) - Cezar
(1987 - Prick Up Your Ears) - Kenneth Halliwell** (yes, but please read borlpcd )
(1991 - Screen One: Hancock) - Tony Hancock
(1991 - American Friends) - Oliver Syme
(1993 - When Pigs Fly) - Marty
(1995 - Species) - Dr. Stephen Arden
(1995 - The Steal) - Cliff
(1995 - Hideaway) - Dr. Jonas Nyebern
(1995 - Nervous Energy) - Ira Moss**
(1996 - Mojave Moon) - Sal
(1997 - Anna Karenina) - Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin
(1997 - Boogie Nights) - Rahad Jackson*
(1997 - A Further Gesture) - Tulio* (desperately want to write for him but I haven’t found the movie anywhere :( )
(1997 - The Man Who Knew Too Little) - Boris “The Butcher” Blavasky*
(1998 - The Impostors) - Sir Jeremy Burtom*
(1999 - Dudley Do-Right) - Snidely K. 'Whip' Whiplash
(2000 - Chocolat) - Comte De Reynaud
(2001 - Texas Rangers) - John King Fisher*
(2002 - Frida) - Diego Rivera (AU) will post about this tomorrow*
(2002 - Undertaking Betty/Plots with a View) - Boris Plots
(2004 - Spider-Man 2) - Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
(2006 - Orchids) - Cliff
(2007 - The Moon and the Stars) - Davide Rieti**
(2007 - The Little Traitor) - Sergeant Stephen Dunlop*
(2008 - Nothing Like The Holidays) - Edy Rodriguez
(2009 - An Education) - Jack Mellor
(2009 - The Pink Panther 2) - Randall Pepperidge**
(2010 - Prince of Persia: Sands of Time) - Sheik Amar
(2010 - The Sorcerer’s Apprentice) - Maxim Horvath
(2011 - Abduction) - Frank Burton
(2012 - The Forger) - Everly Campbell**
(2012 - Loving Miss Hatto) - Barrie/William Barrington-Coupe
(2014 - Love is Strange) - George Garea**
(2014 - Swelter) - Doc**
(2020 - Promising Young Woman) - Jordan Green*
(2020 - The Water Man) - Jim Bussey*
(2021 - Spiderman: No Way Home) - goes without saying
I haven’t seen the new Cowboy show but I’ll do him too pretty sure (poor choice of words)
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self-shipping-chaos · 2 years
Info about Grim
(Grim's casual wear on the left, their Hellhound clothing on the right)
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Name: Grim "Hellhound" Styx
Pronouns: She/her/they/them
Age: 27
Species: Former human, mutant
Abilities: Pyrokinesis (can control fire at will and create it from nothing, much like Iceman), lycanthropy, the typical after effects of lycanthropy (enhanced strength, durability, speed, senses, etc)
Appearance: Her fur is a charred black/ash grey with the occasional blotch of burnt orange. Her eyes are blue/silver. She stands at around 6'5 when standing on her back legs
Backstory: Grim was a test subject for much of their life, which led to an eventual mutation which turned them into a permanent werewolf. Further experimentation caused them to gain pyrokinesis. For several years they lived alone, fearing the fact that they couldn't hide their mutation. When humans began to want superheroes, Grim took on the alter ego of Hellhound, hoping maybe humans would stop fearing mutants. Otherwise, there's always the option of giving them a damn good reason to fear mutants
Grim is my s/i with Doc Ock, Horvath (usually in an au where they are the Prime Merlinian where they are from a bloodline of lycanthropy and are very skilled in fire magic), Dr. Strange, Penguin, Boris Blavasky, Comte de Reynaud, and Stephen Arden (both in a normal version and in an au where Grim is an alien hybrid that has Doc Ock style tentacles protruding from their back)
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trash-gobby · 3 years
🦎 Species Masterlist 🦎
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Symbol Meanings:
✨ Fluff = 🐶
✨ General = 👋
✨ Dating = 💕
✨Romance (not specifically dating) = ❤️
✨ NSFW = 🔞
✨Violence = 🔪
✨ LGBTQ+ = 🏳️‍🌈
✨ Tragedy/Angst = 🖤
✨CrackFic = ❄️
Symbols beside the characters names show you what kind of content I will be willing to write for them.
Warning!: I DON’T write anything that is either NSFW for minors. If you’re a minor DON’T interact with any NSFW content please.
Stephen Arden 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Laura Baker 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
Sil 🐶👋💕❤️🔪🔞🏳️‍🌈🖤❄️
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writingkitten · 10 months
Molina-verse HCs: What cryptid/ghost/legend would they be?
Ricardo: Baihu, or White Tiger; one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations; sometimes called the White Tiger of the West; represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season; as with the other three Symbols, there are seven astrological "Mansions" (positions of the Moon) within the White Tiger; location - China (the article wasn’t specific on regions or eras)
Doc Ock: Adaro; akin to mermen, they specifically have gills behind their ears, tail fins for feet, a horn like a shark’s dorsal fin, and a swordfish/sawfish-like spear growing out of their heads; believed to be the evil ghost of one who has died (Adaro is from the Arosi language, referring to the ‘evil soul’, which lives on as a ghost, whereas the Aunga refers to the ‘good soul’, which dies and moves on when the person dies), Adaro are said to kill fishermen by firing flying fish at them; location - Makira Island, The Solomon Islands (alt. Gegenees, six-armed giants)
Robert: Bödvar Bjarki, or ‘Warlike Little-Bear’; technically a human, but he has a fetch that is a monstrous bear, killed the king of Norway (Hring, who is technically his grandfather) and took his place, later visited his brother (who was an elk from the waist down) and was urged to drink the brother’s blood (which greatly increased his strength), went on to serve as an adviser to the king of Denmark, died in battle but not before he entered a trance-like state and had his fetch do heavy damage to the enemy’s army; location - Nordic countries, but especially Norway and Denmark
Harold: Vampire; undead humanoid with fangs, varies in style; a mythical creature that subsists by feeding on the vital essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living; undead creatures that often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods which they inhabited while they were alive; wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance, markedly different from today's gaunt, pale vampire which dates from the early 19th century; -there’s so much to this but it’s all really interesting look it up-, location - worldwide, primarily began in Eastern Europe
Harding: Caladrius; a snow-white bird; lives in the king's house; said to be able to take the sickness into itself and then fly away, dispersing the sickness and healing both itself and the sick person; location - Ancient Rome
Manuel: Incubus; a demon in male form in folklore that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women; the corresponding spirit in female form is called a succubus; The Late Latin word incubus ("a nightmare induced by a demon") is derived from Latin incubō ("nightmare, what lies down on one whilst one sleeps") and further from incubāre ("to lie upon, to hatch"). One of the earliest evident mentions of a demon sharing qualities to an incubus comes from Mesopotamia on the Sumerian King List, circa 2400 BC, where the hero Gilgamesh's father is listed as Lilu. Lilu is described as "disturbing" and "seducing" women in their sleep. The half-human offspring of such a union is sometimes referred to as a cambion. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin,[9] which was the first popular account of demonic parentage in Western Christian literature; location - international, especially is areas that practice Christianity.
Chandler: Barghest, or Barguest; a large black dog with fiery eyes, alt. invisible but accompanied by the sound of rattling chains; considered an omen of death; location - Northern England
Maxim: Lich; usually a form of “visually” undead, such as being zombified or as a skeleton; Lich is an archaic English word for "corpse"; creature is the result of a willful transformation, as a powerful wizard skilled in necromancy who seeks eternal life uses rare substances in a magical ritual to become undead. Unlike zombies, which are often depicted as mindless, liches are sapient revenants, retaining their previous intelligence and magical abilities. Liches are often depicted as holding power over lesser mindless undead soldiers and servants; Liches are sometimes depicted using a magical device called a phylactery to anchor their souls to the physical world so that if their body is destroyed they can rise again over and over, as long as the phylactery remains intact; location - since Liches are now more commonly seen in fiction than as a real-life urban legend, where they are varies, however I think it’s safe to say that the most popular original location for Liches was England
Big Boss: Jersey Devil; often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many variations. The common description is that of a bipedal kangaroo-like or wyvern-like creature with a horse- or goat-like head, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, legs with cloven hooves, and a forked or pointed tail. It has been reported to move quickly and is often described as emitting a high-pitched "blood-curdling scream"; The Lenape people who originally inhabited the Pine Barrens believed the area was inhabited by a spirit called M'Sing, which sometimes took the form of a "deer-like creature with leathery wings." Then there’s the popular folklore: the Jersey Devil originated with a Pine Barrens resident named Jane Leeds, known as "Mother Leeds." The legend states that Mother Leeds had twelve children and, after finding she was pregnant for the thirteenth time, cursed the child in frustration, crying that the child would be the "devil." In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night while her friends gathered around her. Born as a normal child, the thirteenth child changed to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings, and a forked tail. Growling and screaming, the child beat everyone with its tail before flying up the chimney and heading into the pines. In some versions of the tale, Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the devil, himself. Some versions of the legend also state that there was a subsequent attempt by local clergymen to exorcise the creature from the Pine Barrens; location - Pine Barrens, New Jersey, USA
Hank: Skunk Ape; bipedal ape-like creature, similar to Bigfoot but with a distinct smell; known to raid food stores and stalk fishermen (and others probably); location - Florida, especially in and around the Everglades
Boris: Cat-sìth; resembles a large black cat, as big as an average-sized dog, with a white spot on its chest, typically depicted with its back arched; a fairy creature from Celtic mythology believed to haunt the Scottish Highlands, some believe that it’s not a fairy but actually a witch (they can only change into a cat nine times, the ninth change causing them to remain a cat forever, this is believed to be a possible origin of the “nine lives” thing), also believed to steal souls if they pass over a body before the burial (Late Wakes used as a means to keep the cat-sìth away, and no fires were lit near the body because the creature enjoys the warmth), on Samhain the creature would bless a house that left a saucer of milk out for it and curse a house that didn’t (mainly drying up the udders of cows so no dairy products could be produced), a specific cat-sìth known as Big Ears can be summoned to appear and grant the summoner any wish (the summoning, however, involves burning the bodies of cats over the course of four days and nights); location - Scotland
Arden: Mothman; humanoid, often described as “man-sized bird”; seen from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967 in Point Pleasant; the first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something"; there are many claims that there were paranormal events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge; location - Point Pleasant, West Virginia
Dunlop: Dobhar-chú, aka Water Hound or King Otter; a large, otter-like aquatic mammal with a dark cross on its back, sometimes described as being half otter half dog, also has been described as half dog half fish; known to eat people, although the main legend goes that a woman was eaten, then her husband came and killed the creature only for its mate to rise out of the water and attack the husband… who then also killed that one; location - Ireland
Dick: Alovot; largely likened to a pheasant about the size of a chicken, with dark-brown plumage with lighter spots, has a small, comb-like crest (perhaps only in males), with short legs; a nocturnal creature, indicating that it is shy and cautious; feeds on rice, nests on stumps or logs, and its eggs are light brown and smaller than a hen’s; its primary habitat is dense forest; it takes flight with a heavy, low flight when surprised; location - Simeulue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia
Armand: Leshy; though he often has the appearance of a man, his eyebrows, eyelashes, and right ear are missing, his head is somewhat pointed, and he lacks a hat and belt. In his native forest the leshy is as tall as the trees, but, the moment he steps beyond, he shrinks to the size of grass; a sportive spirit who enjoys playing tricks on people, though when angered he can be treacherous. He is seldom seen, but his voice can be heard in the forest laughing, whistling, or singing; location - Slavic forests
Jim Bussey (ye ye I’m adding the other mortician baby): Ankou; appears as a man or skeleton in a black robe and a large hat that hides his face, welds a scythe, often seen on a cart or driving a black coach to collect the dead (accompanied by four black horses and two ghostly figures); either the first child of Adam and Eve, a cruel prince who lost a bet with Death, the king of death, or the first/last dead person of the year, often seen as a henchman of Death that protects cemeteries and collects lost souls; location - France, Wales, Cornwall
Andres: Chupacabra; depictions vary from reptilian-like to dog-like (for Andres I lean towards the dog-like version); vampiristic tendencies, specifically sucking the blood of goats and other livestock (‘chupar’ means ‘to suck’, ‘cabras’ means ‘goats’, so literally a ‘goat-sucker’); location - Mexico and Southwestern United States
Oswald: Fènghuáng; mythological bird, categorized (by Wikipedia) with phoenixes; found in Sinospheric mythology; reigns over all other birds; males were originally called fèng and the females huáng, but this distinction of gender is often no longer made and they are blurred into a single feminine entity so that the bird can be paired with the Chinese dragon, which is traditionally deemed male; a common depiction of fenghuang was of it attacking snakes with its talons and its wings spread; fenghuang is made up of the beak of a rooster, the face of a swallow, the forehead of a fowl, the neck of a snake, the breast of a goose, the back of a tortoise, the hindquarters of a stag and the tail of a fish; today, it is often described as a composite of many birds including the head of a golden pheasant, the body of a mandarin duck, the tail of a peacock, the legs of a crane, the mouth of a parrot, and the wings of a swallow; location - China
Edelweiss: Drop Bear; a massive koala; drop bears are described as unusually large and vicious marsupials that inhabit treetops and attack unsuspecting people (or other prey) that walk beneath them by dropping onto their heads from above; location - Australia
Diego: Duende; humanoid figure; comparable to dwarves, gnomes, or leprechauns; duende originated as a contraction of the phrase dueñ(o) de casa, effectively "master of the house", or perhaps derived from some similar mythical being of the Visigoth or Swabian culture given its comparable looks with the “Tomte” of the Swedish language conceptualized as a mischievous spirit inhabiting a dwelling; location - Mexico (variations seen across the world)
I took off Otto and Frank because this was already too long lol if y’all want I’ll do a part two!!
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inkbot-art · 2 years
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I think the problem with digital drawing is that it makes it so easy to polish a turd. Instead of making three, five, nine, better sketches, I kept trying to improve this one.
(also, I forgot the hotkeys for rotating the canvas in CSP, dammit)
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darknymite · 2 years
I love _____ so much meme Pt. 1 (Alfred Molina/Willem Dafoe's characters)
I just love DILFS so much.
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[Part 2] <<
(Btw part 2, anyone? Please comment Willem/Alfred's character that u want me to put on the meme)
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gallwithapall · 2 years
I don't see these specific GIFs of Alfred Molina around so I made them
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The first one is my personal favourite
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