#Dolph lundgren imagine
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 months
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Imagine # 1,060
Picture NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (Roughly) - 12 minutes
This one was actually a request, which I don't typically do, but sometimes I simply can't resist!
Tag(s) - @rishdrago
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With a tired sigh (Y/n) sat the last of her groceries onto the counter in her kitchen. It was another long day at work, with another grueling case coming to a close. While she loves her job, sometimes it really takes a toll on her. But now at home all she needs to worry about is putting away her groceries, and making a quick dinner. Easy enough. If it wasn't for the sound of a floorboard creaking in the hallway that set her into fight or flight mode.
Spinning on her heel in an instant, she unholstered her pistol and aimed at the doorway to the hallway. "You really messed up you know, but if you know what's good for you, you'll come into the light nice and slow. Otherwise you're gonna leave my house in an ambulance, or a body bag." (Y/n) called out to the would be intruder, bracing herself for a potential firefight. But when the intruder rounded the corner, and came into sight, she nearly dropped her gun. "Frank?" She breathed out in a whisper, her arms falling to her sides. "Frank's dead." He muttered mournfully. "You look pretty fucking alive to me." She sassed as she holstered her pistol, knowing deep down that she could still trust Frank with her life.
The behemoth of a man simply shrugged his shoulders, taking a small first step into the room, as if he was testing the water. "What are you doing here?" She asked turning back to her groceries, while letting him come into the room at his own pace. "I killed Gianni Franco." He stated as he walked up to the other side of the counter, leaving the space between them to prove he meant her no harm. "Trust me Frank, I am well aware of that. You do realize I'm still a detective right? And I'm still friends with Jake you know, so I'm the one he goes to, to vent about you." She glanced his way, trying to get a read of his reaction to her words.
He seemed unbothered, which really didn't surprise her. "I'm sorry." Now that surprised her. Setting the box of noodles down, she turned her full attention to Frank. "Why are you apologizing to me? I'm not the one you should apologize to." She pointed out, but Frank didn't seem bothered, as he casually scratched at the scruff on his face. "Frank why are you here?" She asked now standing across from him at the counter, looking into his eyes which once swirled with so much life. "I don't know... I'm not exactly sure what to do now." He admitted.
"Jake would tell you to turn yourself in." (Y/n) mused with a small smile, her words making him chuckle softly under his breath, a sound she had missed more than she ever realized until now. "That's why I came to you." He admitted, now leaning against the counter. "I knew you wouldn't arrest me on the spot like Jake, and I could just talk to you." Frank admitted with a small smile, though it didn't reach his eyes.
"Well that's where me and Jake are different, I actually believe you're doing the world good by killing those guys. People like that have to much money and power for us to touch, and we could use a vigilante to even out the odds." She hummed as she grabbed a beer from the fridge, sliding it across the counter to Frank, who took it with a small mutter of thanks. "I knew you'd feel that way." He said before sipping his beer. "Then why didn't you come to me sooner?" She asked as she leaned again the counter.
"Because I don't want you trying to join me." He stated matter-of-factly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "That's fair I guess, but what's changed? Why come to me now?" She pried, hoping he would open up to her. "I had a dream about you last night." His words stuck a cord in (Y/n)'s heart, one she didn't realize was still there until now. "A dream?" She played off her nerves like a natural, making her glad she was trained to hide her true emotions, in order to effectively interrogate suspects.
"It started as a nightmare, I was reliving their deaths." She knew he was referring to his family, so she didn't pry for clarification, knowing it only hurt him to talk about them. "But before I could wake up, you appeared from the shadows. You didn't say anything, you just..." He trailed off as he stared at his beer. "You just pulled me into a hug, and held me while I cried for them." (Y/n)'s heart broke at his admittance, she knew he hated showing vulnerably before he lost his family, let alone now that he's The Punisher.
"It made me realize how much I've missed you, and I also realized I can't keep doing this alone, I can't keep being alone." He looked up to her, his eyes ever so glossy. "I know Julie would want me to move on, to come to terms with what happened. But I couldn't do that while the Franco's were still alive and free." He sipped his beer. "But now... Now I need help getting through this, and you're the only one that can help me (Y/n)." Frank wanted to hold her hand as he spoke, but he resisted the urge.
"I'll always be here for you Frank." She assured him, her words pulling a genuine smile from him. "How about I make us some dinner, and we can figure out where to go from there." She offered, smiling when he nodded in agreement. "You should stay here tonight, get a shower and have some normalcy for a change." She added. "Are you trying to say I smell bad?" He asked with a playful smirk.
"Frank dear I've been holding my breath this entire time." (Y/n) joked, making him roll his eyes, despite his smile. "Still a smartass I see." He huffed. "You wouldn't have it any other way." She sassed before pointing to the hallway. "You still remember where the guestroom is." She added, smiling when he nodded and walked off to take a shower while she cooked dinner.
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"Well what are you planning on doing now that you've dealt with the Franco family?" (Y/n) asked before she finished off the last bite of her dinner. "There are still people who are not punished by the justice system." Frank stated having finished his dinner long before she had. "Are you planning on doing to them what you did to the Franco's?" She asked. "Only to those who deserve it." Frank clarified, setting (Y/n)'s mind at ease.
"I'm glad you've come to me Frank, but I'm unbelievably exhausted, and I need to get some sleep." She rose from her seat, picking up her plate, and moving to grab his. Frank took her plate, and grabbed his own. "I'll deal with the dishes, go to bed, we can talk more in the morning." He insisted. "Okay thank you." She leaned over and pecked his temple like she used to as a quick thanks. "Oh and I forgot to ask, you didn't break any windows to get in did you?" She asked.
"No don't worry, I just picked the lock on the back door." He shrugged casually. "You still have that spare key I gave you don't you?" She arched a brow at him, and his faint smile gave him away. "Goodnight Frank." She called as she walked away into the hall. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He called back to her. When (Y/n) reached her bedroom, she began shedding off her clothes, in desperate need of a warm shower before going to bed.
As the water washed over her sore muscles, (Y/n)'s mind drifted to Frank. She'd been so torn up when he was declared dead, and mourned for him and his family for many months. They were a big part of her life, they were family to her. Even though deep down (Y/n) had loved Frank in a deeper more heart wrenching way. She knew it wasn't right, she knew that then, and even now she feels guilty for it.
She never acted on it, and never intended on trying to take him as her own. He was happy and he deserved the love he already had with Julie. Now things are different, but it still doesn't feel right, even if it's been over a year since she passed. He clearly still loved her, and (Y/n) wasn't going to make a fool of herself, and potentially push him away and loose him again. Still she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered at the sight of him again, so much more gruff and rugged.
And knowing that he trusted her enough to come to her made her head spin. By the time she finished her shower, her eyes grew heavy with sleep. Her mind was still stuck on Frank, even as she crawled between the sheets. She wondered idly if he would still be here in the morning, or if he'd ever come back when he did leave. As she began drifting to sleep, she heard the sound of the guestroom door opening and closing. Telling her he was still here, and most likely would still be come morning.
(Y/n)'s sleep was dreamless and peaceful, which was better than she'd had in weeks. While Frank's dreams were chaotic and filled with memories that still hurt him oh so deeply. He dreamt of his children, of his wife, of the look of betrayal and hurt on Jakes face. Then he dreamt of (Y/n), and her never ending acceptance of the choices he's made. He felt at ease while he dreamt of her, his tense muscles relaxing as he dreamt of walking with her beside a lake.
She always had a way of putting him at ease, just by simply being there and listening to him vent whenever he needed it. He knew she meant more to him than just a friend, but he much like her, had never intended on exploring those feelings. But now after everything, despite knowing he's putting her in danger by coming around, Frank knows he needs her. He needs her help more than ever, and he knows deep down that Julie would understand.
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When morning came Frank woke up to the smell of breakfast. Something he's missed more than he realized until now. In a bit of a groggy daze Frank wondered into the kitchen, dressed in the sleep clothes he found in the closet in the guestroom. "Mornin' bud." (Y/n) mused as she pushed a fresh cup of coffee his way. "Morning." He muttered as he slipped at the hot brew, slightly surprised she remembered how he likes his coffee.
"You want some breakfast?" She asked as she pulled two plates from the cupboard. "Please." He nodded his head in agreement. "Good because I made plenty." She mused with a smile, as she placed a plate in front of him. "I'm glad you're still here and you didn't slip away in the night." She added sincerely. "I half expected that last night would be the last time I'd ever see you." Her words cut him deeper than he would have expected, but he understood where she was coming from.
"Like I said, I need your help." Frank said earnestly. "Well then, what's the plan?" She asked as she sat beside him with her own plate. "I don't really have a plan, but for now I think we'll just take it one day at a time, and figure it all out." He shrugged. "Wow the Frank Castle doesn't have a plan, that's a first." (Y/n) joked, making him chuckle. "So are you planning on staying here?" She asked a few moments later. "No I don't want to put you at risk of being caught hiding a fugitive." He shook his head.
"I appreciate that." She hummed softly, having worried a bit about that last night. "I think it'll be best if I just come in the evenings when I need... Well a shoulder to lean on I guess." He said, picking at his food a little. "And when you need patched up I imagine." She added, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and Frank agreed with a small chuckle. "Yeah I'm sure I probably will come to you when I need patched up." He smiled at her before going back to eating his breakfast. "I'll be sure to stock up on some supplies." (Y/n) mused more to herself, than to Frank.
(Y/n)'s pager went off with a shrill beeping, signaling that it was time to get to work. Her partner letting her know they already had a new case to work on. "Well that's my queue, I've gotta get going. I'll see you later Frank, don't worry about the dishes, I'll deal with that when I get home." (Y/n) moved back into the kitchen, placing her half empty plate into the sink for now. "Hey (Y/n)." Frank called to her before she could rush off. "Yeah?" She asked, turning her attention to him. "Thank you, for everything." He stood from his seat, and crossed the room, pulling her into a hug. "You're welcome Frank." She hummed as she hugged him back, feeling as though she's already made a difference in his chaotic life.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
I honestly couldn't think of a better way of ending this one, but I hope it was satisfactory either way. I'm a little rusty, as I haven't consistently written in ages, so I apologize if it didn't turn out as good as you hoped. (゜-゜)
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rishdrago · 1 month
Andrew, messed up from the huge truck accident started walking in the deserted desert. It was nearly dark and he was wounded like hell! Blood was dripping down from his forehead, his body felt slack from the unimaginable exhaustion. “What happened to him?” He thought. Suddenly (maybe as a result of the collision) He suddenly started remembering more about his life before becoming a war veteran. He suddenly remembered something that made the cruel,ruthless Scott soften in a split second. He had a love life before going to the war. The images stared getting clear as he walked through the gigantic desert. Her name…Jun…Julie. Yes her name was Julie. Suddenly he stopped walking and frowned for a second then gasped!! He remembered what happened to her and his heart just sank. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He remembered clearly how they together fought the evil illness until she lost. Suddenly back in the present Andrew felt something warm coming down his perfect cheekbones,Tears? He was not like this from beginning and then Oh My God!! That war.
He again walking and questioning himself on what he was actually doing. Chasing two innocent people who has a slight chance of falling in love,he chuckled to himself softly as the thought came to him.No! He won’t chase them anymore. No his not gonna take away someone’s partner like that evil cancer. He won’t.
He starting to feel dizzy with the pain. In a distance he could see a sign written Isabella Motel. He felt happy but sad as soon as he realised that he may not be able to cover the distance as he noticed he was getting more dizzy with every single step.
He woke up in a small room. As he opened his eyes he saw a beautiful woman standing next to him with a worried look. As soon as he tried to sit she gently touched him and said with a sweet voice,”You passed out in front our motel, I mean my motel. You were bleeding a lot and lost a lot of blood. I patched you for the night, but as soon as morning comes I will take you to a doctor. Andrew smiled tiredly as her eyes met his.
Who are you? She asked.
Andrew,Andrew Scott.
She gasped and took some step back. “Are…are you Sergeant Scott that terrorised a whole supermarket?” She asked indicating fear in her voice.
“I won’t hurt you. I won’t hurt nobody from now on. Believe me I was traumatised from the war I was sick. Now I am stable.” Andrew said with a sad tone.
“Isabella!” She said offering to shake hands with him.
With a sweet smile on his face he shook her hands. He sat up and felt a sharp pain.
“ Oh I think you also have a fractured rib.” She said.
“So you run this motel alone?”
“Yes after the death of my granny!”
“Hey,Thank you for saving my life”
“Don’t worry about it. You were lying in the ground in such a way that I got scared!!”
Both of them chuckled a bit at this.
This is my first story I was quiet nervous while writing. Hopefully you all will enjoy. I will write part two as soon as this digusting fever leaves me. Thank You all.
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guywrestlingaddiction · 9 months
What Turned me Gay (Not Really) - Superheroes
While I know that a lot of attention has already been paid to gay men and superheroes, what I will add is that superheroes were also a gateway to my fascination with gay wrestling.  
What turned me gay (not really) ... 
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Superlad (eyeofthecyclone)
This post, inspired by the sidelineland.com blog, takes a tongue and cheek look into "what made me gay (not really)" and in hindsight, it's hard to imagine anything more obvious than superheroes turning me gay.  In fact, there are whole college courses and studies devoted to queerness and superheroes that typically cover the obvious: 
Hot, muscular men in skin tight outfits;
A "secret" identity and unleashing one's true self; 
Flamboyant outfits;
Being perpetually young and beautiful
Now while those are all key reasons to be drawn to superheroes, but to me, above all, it was the over-the-top and exaggerated fights and struggles that turned me gay (not really).  
The first superhero movie I recall watching was the Punisher. As a young boy, I happened to catch the scene of the punisher stretched out for interrogation by the bad guys and this was enough to ignite a spark inside of me.  From then on there was no turning back; superheroes would forever be an outlet for my awakening.  
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The Punisher 1989 with Dolph Lundgren
Sure, a lot of my friends were into superheroes but like their love of pro wrestling, my straight friends and I came away with different experiences. 
To be clear, the recent iterations of superheroes do not interest me.  In fact, superheroes today are really just action films and what I long for are the old fashioned, man-to-man fights.  Sure the stakes were smaller, the fate of a damsel in distress or something, but it all seemed much more meaningful.
In a lot of ways I think superheroes were an outgrowth of my love of tarzan movies - himself an early superhero archetype and much of what I liked about Tarzan overlapped with this obsession.
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Tarzan and the Lost City - Mike Henry
While I was too young to enjoy the Wild Wild West when it came out, I grandfather him in as a superhero/action hero.  The man had it going on. 
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Wild Wild West - Robert Conrad
Later when I discovered Bgeast and Can-am (hardheroes) in the early 2000's and found their collections of superhero fights, it all suddenly came together.  All at once, it was the final piece that seemed to link my obsessions.  Superheroes led to exaggerated fighting, which led to wrestling, and most importantly gay wrestling. 
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The Black Spider v Dragonfly (bgeast.com) 
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The Black Spider v Archangel Ace (bgeast.com) 
Nowadays I'm lucky to have the opportunity to find all the gay superhero wrestling I can find across multiple studios.
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Superlad (eyeofthecyclone)
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Kid of Steel v Muscle boy (undergroundwrestler)
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Jungle Man v Nick Justice (herohunks)
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White Wolf v Dozer (herohunks)
So forget your superheroes with ungodly power and disregard fights with expensive special effects; what really made me gay were those humble (and intimate?) scenes between men in masks. While I've always thought that wrestling was really just a story told through a fight, my obsession for superhero fights provides even further proof.  You see this story, whether it's heroes versus villains or heels versus jobbers, has shaped me into who I am today and without a doubt turned me gay (not really).  
For the original post check out:
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Imagine the cast of the originals meeting Bill for the first time.
April 6th, 2014
Woah. Damn he is hot," Phoebe mumbled as she stare at Bill.
Who is hot ," Claire asked ?
Bill over there ," Phoebe said with a smile.
Claire look at her before she let out a chuckle .
What's wrong with Phoebe ," Joseph asked ?
She thinks that Bill is hot ," Claire told him with a grin.
Isn't he married to y/n," Joseph whisper to her.
Yep," Claire smirked.
Who's hot ," Daniel asked with an raised eyebrow.
Bill ," Phoebe smiled.
Isn't Bill and Y/n married ," Daniel asked Claire ?
Yeah ," Claire said with a grin.
Bill ," You said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck .
Hi beautiful. I had miss you ," Bill said as he smiled down at you.
I had miss you too," You said with a smile before you pull him into a kiss.
Claire glanced at Phoebe
Phoebe look at you before she look away .
There are my castmates. Let's go say hi to them ,” You said with a smile as you grab Bill’s hand into yours .
You remember Bill ,” You said with a smile.
Yeah.He is a giant to us ,” Daniel said with a grin.
I agree with Daniel on that one,” Joseph said with a smile.
Phoebe hasn't met Bill yet ,” Claire said with a smile.
Phoebe. This is my husband Bill ,” You said with a smile as you look at him with love .
Husband, “ Phoebe asked as the hurt was showing now.
Yeah. We have been married for a couple of years now .” Bill said with a smile as he kiss your head .
How long have you two been married ,” Daniel asked you ?
Nine years,” You said with a smile.
So you two got married in 2005 , “ Joseph asked ?
Yeah. My dad had want us to get married bc of the reason ,” You said with a smile.
What was the reason ,” Daniel asked.
He got me pregnant,” You said with a sad smile.
Did you forget that your father chased me for two blocks ,” Bill said as he look at you .
Oh yeah. I remember,” You said with a laugh.
Who is your father ,” Joseph asked ?
Dolph Lundgren,” You said with a grin
He is the one that plays Ivan Drago in Rocky Iv , “ Daniel said as he look at you.
Yep that's the one ,” You said with a laugh .
You forgot to tell me that your father was a black belt in karate and was in the Swedish Corps ,” Bill asked as he raised an eyebrow at you .
Oops ,” You grinned.
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abuddyforeveryseason · 2 months
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This isn't the Buddy for April 1st. April Fools, yes it is!
Seems like Buddy himself's been the victim of a prank today. He was so mad about it, he murdered the prankster.
The good thing about April Fool's day is that you can say anything you honestly believe no matter how unpopular an opinion it is, and just pretend it was a prank the following day.
Even if you admit beforehand that's what you're doing, you can just say admitting it was part of the joke.
Or, you can use that preface to make it look like what follows, a piece of comedy, is what you actually believe.
So, let's see what's a hot take…
I've been reading about the action boom of the eighties and nineties lately, back when Arnold Shwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone would rack up hundreds of kills under two hours. I've seen some of those movies. Some were good, some not so much. Remember when Rambo befriended those afghani freedom fighters? The Mujahideen? Yeah, that ended well.
But for a lot of cultural critics back then, they represented the end of the world. Even though some of the greatest movies of all time came out during that era, there were some reviewers lamenting the death of movies as an artform. And the one thing they would latch on was, the movies were so underwritten, the starts couldn't even speak english.
They were talking, of course, of Schwarzenegger, Jean-Claude van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. Stallone himself was lumped in with those foreigners, but he had some laurels under his belt in the form of a few Oscar nominations, so most of the focus fell on the foreigners.
And that's the thing, really - it's not that those actors were stupid, exactly. They just had heavy accents. And, you know, a different cultural background that was dismissed as a lack of acting talent. So from the get-go, a lot of those movies were being dismissed thanks to xenophobia.
Sure, they were european, instead of coming from the "darker" continents of Africa, Asia and South America. But it's not like any big stars from those continents were offered as a contrast for the hammy musclemen of the eighties. The best you could find is the martial arts stars from Taiwan, and those movies weren't exactly high art either.
If you ignore the accent issue (and the difficulty that comes from acting in a different country), that trio wasn't exactly stupid. Schwarzenegger might not be a pleasant person, but he was pretty smart as a businessman and politician. He managed to build a good acting career and avoid a lot of acting pitfalls through business savy. He knew how to make money in Hollywood, even if it meant sacrificing his own dignity and suffering bad reviews. He was even aware of his shortcomings as an actor, which is he he kept choosing the action and comedy fare that paid the bills.
Van Damme, meanwhile, wasn't as clever, but had a lot more emotional intelligence. His french films, which aren't burdened by the abismal accent and acting, are more enjoyable and mature, and even show some introspection you'd never imagine from a martial artist.
Lundgren, meanwhile, wasn't as big a star as the others, but is a better fit for the clichè of genius strongman - Good grades, scholarship, a masters in chemical engineering… It's funny that if Lundgren had played a scientist in a movie back then, it'd be dismissed as a ridiculous thing (unless the critic was aware of his story) - a monosyllabic musclehead like that a scientist? Nonsense.
Of course, nowadays, these celebrities are all decadent half-forgotten gloryhogs. And those action movies of the eighties are just a piece of nostalgia, now. They only survive as inspiration for videogames (where the violence is more interesting because the player's the one in control, and there's actually a difficulty curve to consider), or as aspects of more nuanced stories.
The idea that movies were "dying" back in the eighties sounds like nonsense now. The indie boom that followed paved way to some amazing movies. And to this day, a lot of the best stuff coming out is informed by the movie culture of the eighties. Meanwhile, all the cultural critics who spelled doom for the movies have been forgotten, mixed up with the ones who worried about satanic cults and the gay revolution.
I'm not a huge cinema buff, and I won't pretend to know a lot about cinema, but I still get annoyed when people complain about the death of the movies. Maybe the issue is, you're the one getting old, Buddy.
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hebby-arts · 1 year
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third model! human Sir Moss! His original human form had hair, but I figured since Skeleton Sir Moss doesn't have hair, I might as well embrace the bald.
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First two are from 2017, last one is from........................ 2019! okay. and then I shaved him. goodbye hair. and then God of War 2018 was like Hi and my jaw hit the floor, growing legs and running, with me too exhausted to give chase.
I didn't bother making him an eye for his screwed up eye on the model, but you CAN see that the horrible socket IS textured underneath the eye patch. The eye patch doesn't have a string because... (SLAPS WATER PITCHER, RUNS)
there's a few texture errors with this one, mostly hidden by other objects or clever angling. his right eye is actually one object, but I sculpted and eyelid and textured it to make it look like two. also it's got the follow-me quality! (from depth)
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if we give my mans a shave, we can see the shape of his jaw and overall Dolph Lundgren face. You can see where the lip texture messes up, but luckily that doesn't matter because Moss has that big-ass beard to cover it up.
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With scene-lighting it improves the render a little bit! but I am forever inspired by Arcane and so I wanted to try something else... Moss often sits in front of a campfire, so, I figured... Let's try that next. Firelight Moss! I tinted the textures of his head, eye, eye patch and beard and then also did my best to locate where each piece of interest would be before airbrushing in some light.
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Obviously if he were sitting rIGHT in front of a bonfire, it'd be a LOT brighter, but I wanted to practice with subtle lighting. Other than the normals on the eye patch giving the shiny light effect, there IS no light object in this scene. ILLUSIONS! other than the texture glitches you can see here, I'm pretty proud of how the eye came out.
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anyway Sir Moss' voice claim is Sam Elliot meets Amon Amarth LMAO! please just imagine Sam Elliot voicing a skyrim knight walking up to you and calling you a cocksucker affectionately. That's Sir Moss in a nutshell HJSDKF
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laocommunity · 1 year
The Ultimate Action Squad is Back! Watch Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham in The Expendables 4 Trailer
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The Ultimate Action Squad is Back! Watch Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham in The Expendables 4 Trailer The Ultimate Action Squad is Back! Watch Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, and Jason Statham in The Expendables 4 Trailer The Expendables is a highly-acclaimed action film series that has featured some of the biggest action stars in Hollywood. The Expendables 4, the long-awaited fourth installment of the Expendables franchise, is slated to be released soon. This time, the movie is set to feature Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, and Jason Statham, along with some new faces. Introduction The ultimate action squad is back, and this time, they are giving fans more than what they can ever imagine. After several years of waiting, the Expendables 4 is finally here, and it promises to be everything that fans have been waiting for. This article takes a closer look at what to expect from the Expendables 4 as well as the cast members and their roles in the movie. History of the Expendables Franchise The Expendables franchise has been a significant part of the action movie industry since 2010 when the first movie was released. The movie, directed by Sylvester Stallone, featured some of the biggest action stars in Hollywood, including Stallone himself, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, and Mickey Rourke. The movie was a box office hit, grossing over $274 million worldwide. The movie's success led to two more sequels, the Expendables 2 and the Expendables 3, both directed by Simon West and Patrick Hughes, respectively. What to Expect from the Expendables 4 The Expendables 4 promises to be one of the best action movies of the year, with a star-studded cast, intense action sequences, and captivating storyline. The movie is set to feature some of Hollywood's biggest action stars, including Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, and Jason Statham, who are returning for their roles as Barney Ross, Gunnar Jensen, and Lee Christmas, respectively. In addition, the movie's cast will feature newcomers, including Megan Fox, Tony Jaa, and 50 Cent, among others. The Cast and Their Roles in the Movie Sylvester Stallone is returning for his role as Barney Ross, a former mercenary who leads a team of fearless fighters on a dangerous mission. Dolph Lundgren is also returning for his role as Gunnar Jensen, a former member of the Expendables who is now a member of the team. Jason Statham is also set to return as Lee Christmas, an expert in close combat and a skilled marksman. Megan Fox Megan Fox is one of the new cast members of the Expendables 4. The actress is set to play a pivotal role in the movie, although details about her character are yet to be revealed. Megan Fox is best known for her roles in Transformers and Jennifer's Body. Tony Jaa Tony Jaa is a Thai actor and martial artist known for his roles in action movies. He is set to play a significant role in the Expendables 4, and fans can expect to see him showcase his martial arts skills. 50 Cent 50 Cent is an American rapper and actor who is also joining the cast of the Expendables 4. The rapper is set to play a character in the movie, and fans are excited to see him on the big screen. The Trailer The trailer for the Expendables 4 has been released, and it has fans excited about the upcoming movie. The trailer shows the cast in action, fighting against their enemies, and showcasing their amazing skills. The trailer promises an action-packed movie, with high adrenaline, intense action, and amazing stunts. Conclusion The Expendables 4 is one of the highly-anticipated movies of the year, and fans can expect it to be everything they have been waiting for. The movie promises to feature some of Hollywood's biggest action stars, intense action sequences, and an exciting storyline. With a star-studded cast and an amazing trailer, fans are eagerly waiting for the movie's release. FAQs 1. When is the Expendables 4 set to be released? The official release date for the movie is yet to be announced, but it is slated to be released in 2022. 2. Who are the new cast members in the Expendables 4? The new cast members include Megan Fox, Tony Jaa, 50 Cent, and others. 3. Who are the returning cast members? The returning cast members are Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, and Jason Statham. 4. Who directed the first three Expendables movies? The first Expendables movie was directed by Sylvester Stallone, while the second and third installments were directed by Simon West and Patrick Hughes, respectively. 5. What can fans expect from the Expendables 4? Fans can expect the movie to be action-packed, with intense action sequences, captivating storyline, and a star-studded cast. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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average-guy-reviews · 2 years
Minion: The Rise of Gru
"In the 1970s, young Gru tries to join a group of supervillains called the Vicious 6 after they oust their leader -- the legendary fighter Wild Knuckles. When the interview turns disastrous, Gru and his Minions go on the run with the Vicious 6 hot on their tails. Luckily, he finds an unlikely source for guidance -- Wild Knuckles himself -- and soon discovers that even bad guys need a little help from their friends."
Steve Carrell returns as the voice of Gru in a film that nicely rounds out, and completes, a series that started in 2010 with Despicable Me. This film bridges the gap between the Minions "solo" films and the original movie. Carrell is joined in voicing duties by a fairly starry cast that includes Alan Arkin, as Wild Knuckles, as well as Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Michelle Yeoh, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Danny Trejo and Lucy Lawless. A heck of a cast for sure.
The films in the Despicable Me franchise have had a spotty history when it comes to terms of quality, and this film could very easily have been a huge dumpster fire. It's not. It's actually a really fun movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The minions, notoriously annoying characters in their own movies, were surprisingly likeable in this movie. Instead of all of the minions being onscreen the story focuses on four main ones, Kevin, Stuart, Bob and Otto. as they try to help their "miniboss" Gru in his mission.
The animation in the film is crisp and smooth, and looks absolutely stunning. It easily outshines most of the other films by Imagination, in terms of technical quality, and is one of the better looking animations of the last few years. The soundtrack is a refreshing mix of tunes with songs for most generations to know and enjoy. There are cameos all the way through that lead on to the despicable Me films, and there is humour for all ages scattered through the film.
It's not a perfect film by a long stretch. The story is very predictable at times and the villains are huge stereotypes, though I can already hear people saying "But that's the point!". I know that's what they were going for and, in that regards, it works really well but they could have gone a different way and still had hugely interesting antagonists. Other than that it's not a bad film at all. If I was going to rank the Minions/Gru films this would easily be top 3, which is not bad out of a series of 6.
All that being said I find myself happy to give it a 7.5/10. Unlike the previous minions movies this fits easily into my category of "I might go see it again." A thoroughly enjoyable slice of animated cinematic fun.
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mrsjdavis · 4 months
I am genuinely sad that Dolph Lundgren and Grace Jones broke up. Can you even imagine them as a long term celebrity power couple? Can you imagine what their KIDS would be like?!?!?
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blogtozone · 8 months
Believer Piano Notes | Imagine Dragons
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Believer Piano Notes
Notes :-  First things first A3 E4 D4 I'ma say all the words inside my head D4 C4 D4 D4 E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh A3 E4 D4 D4 C4 D4 D4 E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 A3 C4, A4 ED4 The way that things have been, oh-ooh E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 A3 C4, A4 G4# Second thing second A3 E4 D4 Don't you tell me what you think that I could be D4 C4 D4 D4 E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh-ooh A3 E4 D4 D4 C4 D4 D4 E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 A3 C4, A4 ED4 The master of my sea, oh-ooh E4 D4 C4 A3 G3 A3 C4, A4 G4# I was broken from a young age A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Taking my sulking to the masses A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Writing my poems for the few C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Singing from heartache from the pain A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Taking my message from the veins A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Speaking my lesson from the brain C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 Seeing the beauty through the... B3 B3 B3 Pain! A4 You made me a, you made me a believer, believer C5 C5 B4, A4 C5 C5 B4, A4 A4 C5, C5 B4 G4# Pain! A3 A4 You break me down and build me up, believer, believer C5 C5 B4, A4 C5 C5 B4, A4 A4 C5, C5 B4 G4# Pain! D4 E4 Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain E4 D4 C4 D4 C4 D4 C4 D4 C4 D4 E4 My life, my love, my drive, it came from... E4 D4 C4 D4 C4 D4 C4 D4 C4 Pain! A4 You made me a, you made me a believer, believer C5 C5 B4, A4 C5 C5 B4, A4 A4 C5, C5 B4 G4#
About Song :-
"Believer" is a song by the American rock band Imagine Dragons. It was released as a single in early 2017 and later included on their third studio album, "Evolve," which was released in June 2017. "Believer" is one of Imagine Dragons' signature songs and has garnered widespread popularity for its catchy tune and empowering lyrics. Here is some information about the song "Believer" by Imagine Dragons: Release Date: "Believer" was released as a single on February 1, 2017. Songwriter(s): The song was written by Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Josh Mosser, and its producer, Mattman & Robin. Genre: "Believer" is often described as a pop-rock and alternative rock song. Composition: The song features a prominent bassline, powerful percussion, and a catchy, anthemic melody. It's known for its energetic and upbeat sound. Lyrics: "Believer" features lyrics that convey a message of resilience, strength, and determination. The singer expresses a refusal to be defeated by adversity and challenges, proclaiming that he's a "believer" who won't back down. Success: "Believer" became a commercial hit for Imagine Dragons and received positive reviews from music critics. It reached high positions on various music charts, including the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. Music Video: The music video for "Believer" features actor Dolph Lundgren and Imagine Dragons' lead singer, Dan Reynolds, in a boxing match. The video depicts the physical and emotional struggle of the song's message. Cultural Impact: "Believer" has been used in various advertisements, films, and television shows, further increasing its recognition and popularity. It has also been a staple in Imagine Dragons' live performances. "Believer" is known for its powerful and uplifting message, making it a favorite among fans of Imagine Dragons and a song that resonates with a wide audience. It continues to be celebrated for its catchy melody and its empowering lyrics. Read the full article
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #578
Top Ten Non-MCU Characters to Bring Into the MCU
So I had two lists planned for the next couple of weeks, and for some reason I was really looking forward to writing them – they seemed like simple, fun things, that didn’t require as much thought or analysis as all the “Best Of” stuff, or even the Lego stuff (I think I found that one difficult just to narrow it down!). And then, wouldn’t you know it, Things in the News happened and I decided to make a last-minute swerve.
Now, this is a list about the MCU, and obviously there’s one very big MCU-related story that broke this week that I shan’t be commenting on. For a start, it’s miserable and dark and depressing. But also, I'm not really sure how I can spin that off into a list. However, I have managed to find a list on some of the other Hot Marvel News of the week!
Because this week two things happened: one, Liv Tyler was announced as joining the cast of Captain America: New World Order as Betty Ross, Bruce Banner’s love interest who was last seen in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk (okay, technically she was last seen in an episode of What If...?, but she was voiced by Stephanie Panisello). She joins a cast that already includes two characters from a film that was once regarded as Marvel’s black sheep/red-headed step-child (whichever is the least offensive term for “a film everyone more or less was forgetting about”), further bringing into focus hazier elements of the periphery of MCU continuity. At the same time, filming has commenced on Daredevil: Born Again, a series which establishes categorically Charlie Cox’s eponymous hero as an MCU character, after the (again) haziness of his decade-old Netflix shows. And, here, we’re still left to wonder what’s canon and what’s not; Daredevil, Kingpin, and the Punisher are all confirmed, but at least one Netflix-era actor has been recast, and there’s been no word on whether Daredevil’s biggest supporting characters, Karen Page and Foggy Nelson, will be headed to Disney+, or whether those roles will be recast if so. And – and! – that’s not even factoring in the other headlining Netflix heroes, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and probably somebody else.
So! In the interests of all of that – and surprising myself with the revelation that I've not already done this list – here I present ten characters from Marvel properties of yore that I would like to see categorically pop up in current MCU continuity. Now, some of my usual stupid rules. For a start, I'm not saying “main characters, main timeline” here; no, I don’t actually mind if some of them are variants who we just see in, like, Secret Wars or whatever. And I've tried to avoid just mining the Netflix shows and Agents of SHIELD. And most importantly, I'm not here to fan-cast or bring back X-Men characters. True, Logan would have popped up here, had he not already been confirmed for Deadpool 3; but I think we know that both the X-Men and the Fantastic Four are coming very soon, so as fun as it might be for James Marsden’s Cyclops or (ha!) Chris Evans’ Human Torch to emerge from a portal in 2026, I would rather they spent that time establishing the new, definitive, canonical versions of those characters. Similarly, I'm trying to avoid “joke” characters. Like, do we really want David Hasselhoff’s Nick Fury in a main MCU movie? I get it’d be funny in Deadpool 3, if he’s bouncing round the multiverse, to encounter the Hoff in an eye patch, maybe with Dolph Lundgren’s Punisher to boot. But for the most part here I'm trying to imagine characters being properly integrated into a film or a series, even if it’s just for a one-off, like No Way Home. There, the multiversal characters from Marvel’s past were used excellently, bringing a good deal of nostalgia, excitement, and resonance for those who remembered them from Before; but also serving the plot of that film and servicing the current incarnation of Peter Parker. They didn’t feel like fan service, or if they were, it was very well done. I think the risk of bringing back beloved versions of characters from prior films is that it wouldn’t serve them very well – an argument I think you could make about Professor X in Multiverse of Madness, even if I personally enjoyed that cameo (as much as I really love Patrick Stewart, though, part of me feels it should have been James McAvoy for some reason).
Anyway; enough of all that nonsense. As you can see, I am once again thinking about this too much. So let’s get on with it: ten characters from not-the-MCU Marvel who I'd like to see incorporated into actually-properly-the-MCU Marvel.
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Quake (Chloe Bennet, Agents of SHIELD, 2013): Agents of SHIELD steps on the toes of MCU continuity too many times to be considered wholly canon, but I don’t see a reason why there couldn’t have been a similar SHIELD team in “our” universe. At the very least, Bennet deserves a chance to mix it up with the Avengers. Her character arc is the backbone of the series as she grows into a leader and a hero, and frankly she’s just pretty cool. The idea of SHIELD secretly having another, covert team of powered heroes is a pretty good one, and I think you could just plonk her into the MCU without much in the way of exposition. Alternatively she could be a “normal” agent who eventually discovers she’s got some kind of “mutation”. Diddle-iddle-ee-dee-dee…
Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter, Jessica Jones, 2015): I nearly didn’t include her because I think it’s inevitable she’ll show up. Alongside Daredevil, Ritter’s Jones was one of the absolute highlights of the Netflix run. She makes perfect sense as a street-level hero alongside the likes of DD, and would work well bouncing off, say, Hawkeye (especially Kate Bishop). Ritter’s morose performance – Wednesday Addams meets the Hulk – is probably my favourite of all the Netflix-era characters, and it’d be great to see her back.
Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen, Agents of SHIELD, 2013): again we have a character who doesn’t need complicated introductions; May could just be introduced as a long-standing SHIELD agent (or, I guess, maybe working for SWORD now?). And mainly the reason for reintroducing her is because, frankly, Ming-Na Wen is absolutely kick-ass and needs to be in stuff more often. She’s already the only person who’s got the Disney Holy Trinity (Princess, Superhero, Star War) and placing her in the for-realsies MCU would absolutely cement that.
Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst, Spider-Man, 2002): this one I guess would have to be a bit different because a) we already have “an” MJ, and b) you’d need her alongside Tobey Maguire’s Peter, who we already know exists in a different universe. But I want to see that universe! I want to see Peter and MJ, now in their mid-forties, married with a kid who – get this – has spider-powers. This is literally the plot of a comic! More than one comic! Honestly, a Disney+ series or even just a movie about “Spider-Girl” with Peter and MJ as her parents. Honestly, just do a loose adaptation of Renew Your Vows. But seeing Dunst back in such an iconic role would be tremendous.
Karen Page and Foggy Nelson (Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson, Daredevil, 2014): for some reason these two core characters have yet to be confirmed as being in Daredevil: Born Again. I think this is a shame, and I hope it’s just part of some kind of plot or whatever, and not that they’ve been written out of the new continuity or recast. Woll’s Karen was really the big love of Daredevil, much healthier for him than Elektra; and Henson’s Foggy was his conscience. I’d rather we had a simpler, pared-down take on the story, with Matt and Foggy as lawyers and Karen managing their office – like at the start of the old Daredevil show. Plus now they’re part of the wider MCU we could get a great scene with Foggy and Happy Hogan – two actors who’ve played Foggy Nelson, in the same scene! Hilarity ensues.
Laura Kinney (Dafne Keen, Logan, 2017): See, it’s not all Netflix and SHIELD. We already know that Wolverine himself is coming back, but timelines being what they are I think we can safely assume that his daughter Laura – aka X-23 – who first appeared in Logan will not be returning. Unless! She does! What if, right, our mainline MCU Logan – who we’ve never seen – has already fathered a child a while ago, and when she appears, that’s our Wolverine? After all, Laura has adopted the mantle in the comics. And having a female Wolverine would avoid the poisoned chalice of any actor who’d have to follow in Hugh Jackman’s shoes by reinterpreting the character. And, most importantly, she flippin’ rocked in the role at a very young age. Now with a few years and His Dark Materials behind her, I think she really could be one of the anchors of a new age of the MCU.
Luke Cage (Michael Colter, Jessica Jones, 2015): and now we go screeching back to Netflix. What can I say? The vast majority of the characters they introduced over there were great. They really did nail the casting, and Colter’s Cage is a part of that. The chemistry between him and Ritter was fantastic, but also he was just such a cool, stoic presence next to the angsty Daredevil and the grumpy Jessica. And there’s not much more to say than that, in my opinion; like Jessica Jones, I think he’ll appear before too long, but what with starring in his own action movie franchise it’s possible he’ll be less able to return in the near future. Still optimistic though!
Ghost Rider (Gabriel Luna, Agents of SHIELD, 2016): yeah, okay, Agents of SHIELD again, but this one is a bit different. It’s not one of the main characters and it’s someone who absolutely could handle a spin-off. In fact, you could just ignore everything in SHIELD and re-introduce the character entirely. Luna’s take on the character was cool but troubled, his performance more nuanced and internalised than the raging demon of hellfire played in the movies by Nicolas Cage (hellfire has its time and place, of course). Plus if Luna is Ghost Rider in the MCU, then that frees up Cage to be someone else! Someone totally bananas! Mephisto, anyone?!
Colleen Wing (Jessica Henwick, Iron Fist, 2017): there’s one big Defenders character who I’ve not listed here, and no surprises. I feel a bit mean, but out of the four stars it is Iron Fist who feels most replaceable, the one that’s less attached to a given actor. I don’t blame Finn Jones too much; I do think he was miscast for a couple of reasons, but also he suffered in a slow and slightly boring story that was too reminiscent of then-recent seasons of Arrow (it didn’t help that he looked and sounded a bit like Arrow star Stephen Amell). However, the breakout star of that show was Henwick as Danny Rand’s girlfriend Colleen. She believably kicked ass in the fighting scenes and was also both tough and tender as required. I’ve no idea if it has any basis in comics history, but maybe if they wanted to bring back Iron Fist as a character but not Jones himself, perhaps Henwick could step into those shoes?
Blade (Wesley Snipes, Blade, 1998): yes, it’s true, Blade – the character – has been recast and is going to appear in the MCU looking and sounding like Mahershala Ali. This makes sense, because Snipes is sixty years old and has a bit of baggage, so snagging a younger Daywalker is probably a good move. However, Snipes was also fundamentally attached to the role, a role that is – arguably – a major catalyst for the MCU in general, predating both the X-Men and Spider-Man franchises that established Marvel’s cinematic bona fides. So I think it'd be brilliant if they found a way to honour Snipes’ legacy in the role, either in some kind of Secret Wars cameo or perhaps a miniseries set in a different corner of the multiverse. I still think it’s a shame that they didn’t do something along the lines of bringing Snipes back as Blade but having his daughter be the star of the show, but never mind I guess.
So there we are! A bunch of Marvel characters. I didn’t add one of my big hopes – that Emma Stone plays a live-action Spider-Gwen – because I’m not sure if that’s the same character or not really, and because I’m not sure where she fits beyond a cameo in Secret Wars, which is something I was trying to avoid. Yes, there’s a big SHIELD/Netflix focus, because really if you’re bringing in all-new X-Men and Fantastic Four casts, there are only so many other avenues for long-term roles in the MCU. But never mind! I liked those shows so it’d be nice to see them come back. To some degree.
Sadly no room for FitzSimmons either.
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Imagine # 1,043
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2023
*I actually teared up a few times while writing this one, because the dream described in this one is literally a dream I just had a few hours ago. Doesn't help how vivid and real my dreams look and feel.
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"I heard you moaning my name in your sleep." Gunnar stated with a smirk, thinking he'd caught her having a wet dream about him. "You died in my dream." (Y/n) frowned before glancing at the rest of the team, who were across the warehouse packing equipment. Gunnar had since frozen at her words, his smirk vanishing. "You all did." She added bitterly before standing up and walking away, suddenly in desperate need for fresh air. The Sweed remind frozen there for several minutes, shocked and honestly appalled by the thought of (Y/n) having to watch them all die. When the guys laughed particularly loud at something that had occurred, Gunnar snapped out of his mind and went looking for (Y/n), finding her smoking a cigarette on the roof. He walked across the roof, and sat beside her, so close their knees touched. It was his way of showing her that he was still here, still alive. But she didn't even turn to look at him, instead the cherry of her cigarette simply glew as she took another long drag, her eyes locked on the darkness of the night sky.
"What happened?" Gunnar asked suddenly, genuinely curious about how bad her dream must have been to shake her up like this. "We were on a mission, on some off the grid tropical island. An island that was lost, and supposedly untouched by man for decades." She took another deep drag, and Gunnar wondered why he'd never noticed her smoking before. "Well that was bullshit of course." She chuckled darkly. "Why were we sent there?" Gunnar asked, his eyes locked solely on her, while her gaze remained elsewhere. "To find and retrieve an ancient artifact. Worth millions. It was like a dream come true, easiest job we'd ever been on. That's what we thought anyways." Her tongue swiped out and across her bottom lip before she continued. "We were deep in the jungle, separated into teams. You, me, and Caesar were travelling down the river in kayaks. Ross, Christmas, and Toll were on foot. They were gonna check an old temple deep within the jungle, we were gonna check an old village nestled within a massive cave a ways down the river." She snuffed out the rest of the cigarette.
"I wasn't there in the dream, but I still saw it happen, Toll had accidentally tripped a booby trap. An old bouncing Betty was triggered, and then he was gone. Then bombs were going off at the base of trees surrounding Ross and Christmas. Ross got pinned, and ended up dying when a wolf with only half a face came and tore his throat out. Christmas made it out, only to be cornered by two Jaguar... I don't know if he'd lost his knives or what... But he... Well he didn't stand a chance." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. It wasn't until then that Gunnar realized just how deeply he cared for (Y/n), as he fought an internal battle to resist taking her in his arms and chasing that nightmare away. "We only had two kayaks, so as usual me and you paired up together. But when Caesar was suddenly shot through the heart, you shoved be out of the boat and into the water, yelling to get the hell out of there until you were also shot through the heart." Tears welled in her eyes, and she didn't even hide wiping them away. The sight broke Gunnars heart. "You guys kept floating down river in the boats, and I stayed in the water beside you, using your bodies as cover, and hoping whoever had shot you would think I had drowned." She sniffled as her nose began to run from her bodies reaction to her crying.
"No such luck I guess. Caesars boat got flipped when it bumped a bolder, tossing his into the water, and breaking part of my cover. A bullet struck the water just a few inches from my head, then my legs got tangled up in this jumble of rocks. Of course my foot got stuck." She shook her head. "You kept floating down the river of course. And I couldn't tear my eyes away, even as I heard men shouting and running into the water. Your voice still ringing in my ears, telling me to get outta here." She ran a hand through her hair, and Gunnar placed his hand right above her knee, trying to offer her comfort. "I uh got my foot free, and tried climbing onto a bolder, hoping to use it as an advantage point." She cleared her throat. "But I was surrounded, mostly by these deformed looking animals, and only about four guys. But they had rifles, and I'd lost mine when you tried saving me." (Y/n) finally turned her gaze to Gunnar then. "I couldn't help but look downstream where you were, sighing in heartbreak as I muttered "Oh Gunnar." Then I was knocked out when one of the men struck me with the butt of his gun." Gunnar realized that what he had heard while she was asleep, and had assumed to be scandalous or lewd, had actually been her parting words to him as he was lost entirely to her.
"I woke up in a cave, one right off the river, it wasn't quiet where we had been headed, but probably not far off. Anyways I had my hands tied behind my back, and I was struggling to stand up. When I did I saw that wolf with half a face. One side was normal, while the other side was missing all the skin and most of the muscle, like it was dead and decaying." (Y/n) had since turned her eyes back to the far distance. "And it wasn't until it looked at me and growled that I realized it was gnawing on Ross's severed arm. Lucky ring." She sighed heavily, and Gunnar gave her leg a light squeeze, encouraging her to continue. "I could hear this rhythmic thumping coming from a corridor to my right, it was alluring in a way, almost hypnotic. Knowing I was the only one left I needed to decide if getting the job done was worth it, or if running away was a better idea. I know most of you guys would have wanted me to run and save myself, but I couldn't just let you all die for nothing, I just needed to figure out what I was going to do." Gunnar frowned deeper, knowing that's exactly what they'd want, and that's exactly what she'd do. And he hated it.
"I don't really remember how I got my hands free, I think I used a stalagmite, or something like that. But right as I broke my bonds one of the guys from before had entered the chamber. He was the one that had the sniper, and had killed you and Caesar." (Y/n)'s fingers moved to pick at a string on the hem of her shirt. "He started talking about the artifact we were there for, about how it had some effect on living things, made them bloodthirsty, dangerous. He didn't seem upset about it, or about what he'd done. He was smiling in fact, as if he were proud of his accomplishments. Fucking asshole." She hissed as she shook her head. "He just kept monologuing, and then these weird monkey looking things started attacking my legs. So I kicked the little bastards off, one of them tried jumping at me, but I caught it by the throat, and I just squeezed and just kept squeezing even after I'd felt it's neck break. I... I was so angry, so... Heartbroken." (Y/n) wiped her eyes as a new wave of tears threatened to spill.
"Something had happened then, and despite clearly being on the same team, the guy and that wolf were now at each other's throats. It was as if the violence I had caused, triggered something in everything around me and they all just started killing eachother." She swallowed thickly. "I took my chance and took off down the corridor I heard the thumping coming from. And the closer I got to it, the odder the corridor became. The floor had turned into a small stream, with sand, rocks, and everything. But the walls, the walls were the strangest thing. It was as if they were made of carved wax, intricate tribal designs carved all across the walls, which were shiny from a thin layer of it melting in the heat that was coming from further down the hall." She frowned as she tried in vain to understand. "When I reached the chamber the floor had eroded into a pit filled with fire, while a narrow path lead to the artifact. The artifact itself was just a small statue of some lost deity, but you could still feel it's power. It wasn't until I managed to tear my eyes away from the statue, that I realized you were all hanging from the ceiling. Even Toll, who was only a pair of legs by that point. I screamed and cried, and I realized that this thing couldn't leave the island, and neither could I." She chuckled bitterly.
"I never have had the nerve to ask Ross to teach me how to fly." She then shook her head before continuing. "I knew you had what I needed, because you were the only one crazy enough to carry c4 in your pocket for "emergencies". So I scaled the wall and ceiling, cussing and crying the entire time from how much it hurt my muscles and hands, until I reached you." Gunnar squeezed her leg again, and this time (Y/n) rest her head against his shoulder, sighing deeply as she did so. "You looked so peaceful, like you were only sleeping. I remember resting my forehead against yours, whispering about how I wasn't far behind. And after placing a kiss..." She hesitated, but the feeling of Gunnar leaning ever so slightly into her kept her talking. "Against your lips. I took what I would need, and made my way back down to the ground. I then planted the c4 and set up the detonator, when I was finished with that I sat on the ground beside the statue, looking up at all of you and whispering my apology for failing you all. And with one final look at you, I triggered the detonator." She sat upright from leaning against Gunnar. "Then I woke up, found you all okay and in good spirits. But I can't get those images out of my head, how real it all felt, how much it hurt to watch you die, and for what? For nothing." Gunnar stopped her rambling by taking a gentle hold of her head and turning her to him.
"That's never gonna happen." He assured her before closing the distance between them, kissing her tenderly despite wanting to pour all of his want into their first kiss. (Y/n) had jumped in surprise initially, but quickly melted into the kiss, having been harboring a crush on Gunnar for years now. Gunnar pulled away first, both of them still a little dazed from the kiss. "We're never going to a lost island, and we are never going to go retrieve some ancient artifact." (Y/n) smiled at his words, a content sigh passing her lips when he kissed her once more. This time when he pulled away he had a smile on his face. "And Barney is going to teach you how to fly that shitty plane of his." He added as he pulled her hands into his own, his thumbs tracing the backs of her hands as they simply gazed at eachother. "Whatever you say big guy." (Y/n) hummed softly, knowing he was true to his word, despite the almost playful look in his eyes. All was well in the world, because they were alive, he was alive. And now he was hers.
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thefilmsimps · 1 year
Rocky IV (Director’s Cut) (dir. Sylvester Stallone)
-Jere Pilapil- 5.5/10 (Director’s Cut) Rocky IV: Rocky vs. Drago - Ultimate Director’s Cut sure is an odd relic of… something. I’m not sure what, because there’s been little about why Sylvester Stallone decided to recut Rocky IV 35 years after its release. (Caveat: there is a “making of” documentary about the work of restoring/re-editing this movie, but it’s literally as long as the movie. I’ll be watching it soon.) I have to imagine, whether Stallone admits it or not, it’s because the aftermath of Creed II tells us that the aftermath of Rocky IV was so ruinous for Dolph Lundgren’s Ivan Drago that he did the ninja revenge thing and trained his son to be a single-minded vengeance machine in order to reclaim his former glory. That’s a relatively serious sports drama, but Rocky IV is prime 1985 kitsch, a movie so thin it’s about 90 minutes and more montage than story. It lives on as classic of “so bad it’s good” variety and as a particularly hilarious of example of Cold War melodrama.
The director’s cut tries, then, to focus a little more thematically. It’s still the story of Rocky vs. Ivan Drago and the road leading there, but Stallone has replaces or altered many scenes to tighten up the pivotal relationship between Rocky Balboa (Stallone) and Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). In the original cut, the then-retired Apollo goes on to fight Russian super fighter Ivan Drago as, effectively, a lark. Here, we get more scenes of Rocky pushing back against Apollo‘s choice, and much more of Adrian disagreeing with it and Rocky’s later choice to do the same for revenge.
If the intended effect is to make this a “better” movie, then mission accomplished. But it’s a conventionally “better” movie, and Rocky IV does not live in the annals of pop culture because it’s “good” in a conventional stretch. It’s a superhero movie or a mythic story, stripped down to the bare essentials. It’s an American cultural moment and an American cultural instinct boiled into a barely 90-minute movie. Intrinsically, it’s a movie about America not only winning geopolitically through sheer strength and might, but also being beloved for it. A movie like that deserves to be fucking random, with Paulie getting a robot (excised here). Thankfully, Stallone leaves some of that core intact, but this version loses some of its charm by becoming a somber reflection of pride and duty while also being about that other shit.
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updatesnews · 2 years
Rocky: Dolph Lundgren answered accusation he put Sylvester Stallone in hospital | Films | Entertainment
Rocky: Dolph Lundgren answered accusation he put Sylvester Stallone in hospital | Films | Entertainment
Stallone confessed he had actually known he was in trouble the first time he saw Lundgren: “I had to find a superhuman being as an opponent, someone who would be overwhelming… And then Dolph Lundgren walked in, and I hated him immediately…  “This is what I would imagine they would create as an athlete — someone who is literally perfect. Indestructible. Shoulders, calves, forearms, giant butt,…
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baseballbitch116 · 6 years
Warnings: Sexual intercourse, language, unprotected sex
“Can you do an NSFW post with Gunnar Jensen”
“hey its the gunner annon again i had requested these numbers for gunner jensen 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ”188: “ Mine. ””
Gunner has been home for the night, and you are struggling to keep your hands off of him. You missed him so much while he was away for 2 weeks, you hate sleeping alone.
Now that he’s finally back, you have been horny since the moment he walked through the door. His big muscles prominent through his tight white t-shirt, his slicked by hair, his manly aura, everything about him is drawing you in.
He catches you staring at him with that look in your eye, twice already today. A smirk forms on his face as he watches you daydream, unaware that he noticed you.
“Y/N?” He calls out, catching your attention. You snap out of it and remember that you are supposed to be washing the dishes. “Yes love?” You respond, washing off the plate that you had been holding still.
He walks up behind you, his hands snaking around your waist, pulling you flesh against him. He places a light kiss behind your ear, before whispering, “I missed you,”
You squirm in your boyfriend’s grasp, your breath hinges in your throat. “I missed you too, babe.” You respond as you try to focus on the bowl you are washing. You feel his bulge against your ass and can’t help but press against it more, moving your hips left and right slightly.
His kisses linger down your neck, and your actions cause him to bite down lightly, a yelp escaping your lips. You feel the smirk on his lips against your neck, and his hands slowly wandering down your hips, toward your clothed center.
“How much did you miss me?” He mumbles against your skin, his left hand slipping beneath your jeans, inching its way toward your now very wet panties. “Damn, already? I have that much of an effect on you...” He mutters, pressing into your ass more, so that you are now pinned between him and the counter. You shut off the faucet hurriedly and move your body against his hand, trying to find some sort of friction.
Without warning, he removes his hand entirely, and spins you around, connecting his lips with your own. Your hands grab his shoulders, moving your body as close to his as you can get, passionately returning the kiss. His tough hands pick you up and place you on the counter, where he continues making out with you as he unbuttons your jeans.
You lift your ass off the counter enough so he can pull down and remove your jeans, and he quickly pulls down his own. His hard erection springs free and you can feel your excitement tingling throughout your body.
Gunner pulls you closer by your hips, roughly, in a dominant nature, and due to his height, is perfectly able to line himself up with your entrance.
He slowly pushes inside of you, drawing a loud moan erupting from you at the mixture of pain and pleasure. You dig your fingernails into his shoulderblades as he fills you up, waiting a few seconds for you to adjust before slowly pulling back out, and thrusting back in roughly.
He begins to pick up the pace, his hands wandering under your shirt, massaging your breasts, and his mouth dipping down to leave hickeys over your neck. “Mm, mine.” He growls into your neck, and you pull him closer, feeling your orgasm building. “Gunner..” You moan into his ear as his thrusts begin to get sloppy. “Shit. Shit, fuck.” He groans, and he releases into you, which causes your own climax and you cry out, holding onto him tightly.
You sit there for a moment, catching your breath, before he pulls out and replaces his jeans. He helps you down off the counter and hands you a moist towelette to clean up, kissing your forehead. “I really did miss you.” He mutters quietly, watching you in admiration.
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80s4life · 2 years
Perfect Imperfections’
Word Count: 2,893
Status: Requested!
Ask: Can you do a story about Lee Christmas. Reader is a shy, sweet, gentle, leggings and oversized sweater wearing kind of a girl. The guys meet her for the first time not believing someone like her would be with Lee but they get along with her and become kind of brother like figures for her, then at some point she's walking home from work (the rare moment he isn't able to pick her up when he's not on mission) and she gets beat up. Lee deals with who did it, then takes care of her cause she's a mess
A/N: Idk if you’ve noticed, but I absolutely am in love with Gunnar and his actor, Dolph Lundgren. I think he’s so hot and adorable both personality and looks...It’s kinda ironic how he has no imagines...
Fandom: The Expendables Series
Relationship: Lee Christmas x Female!Reader
Summary: You were a bartender at a known bar in the city. People knew you, hated you, loved you, trusted and lusted for you. The hatred only grew with your forever-burden: the man you love and his colleagues you’d risk your life for without a doubt. They were family and you were a liability. It was stupid, you knew, but love truly is a complicated motivation, isn’t it?
Warnings: angst, fear, lewd allusions, blood, weapons, fighting, reader is injured, blood mention, fluff, language (duh)
Masterlist  Expendables Masterlist
Taglist: @tangledcopperstrands @snapessecretdiary​
{Gif is not mine, credits go to @theshawbrothers}
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Hearing a knock on your gated door, you quickly open it, unlocking the gate with an excited squeal.
“Damn baby, don’t get too excited,” Lee smiles, British accent ever so apparent.
“Why not? I finally get to meet the amazing family you always brag about,” you counter, justifying your racing heartbeat.
“They’re judgy that’s all. I don’t know how they’re going to react to...”
“-To a younger girl that has completely better taste than you,” you playfully roll your eyes.
“Well-” he starts, “Yes.”
“Yeah? Well I believe there’s nothing to worry about. They sound amazing and supportive. Just you wait,” you reassure him, grabbing your purse and favorite sweatshirt, checking your hair in the mirror as you pass. 
Walking past him, you squeeze his strong shoulder, pecking his lips for good measure. Nearing the door, you snatch up your helmet, excitement thrilling through your bones with anticipation. 
“I hope your right, I’d have to drop ya’ if they don’t approve,” Lee jokes, pulling on his leather jacket and helmet before locking the door and protective gate once more.
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, straddling the backseat of the motorcycle, patting the driver’s seat as you catch Lee’s childish pout. “I’m not gonna wait all night, Sweetheart.”
Finally looping his legs around the bike and revving the engine, Lee speeds off into the direction of the lively city. Lights sparkling and cars dancing about, you smile as you bite your lip, placing your head on Lee’s back. He smiles despite his worries, lovingly reaching a hand back to squeeze your knee faintly.
As the smell of smoke and music booming catches your attention, you lift your head to catch sight of a bar. It was like any other is what you thought at first, scrunching your face is slight disappointment and confusion. Lee laughs, “This is Barney’s bar. His only bar that he enjoys more than life.”
“Oh,” is all you manage, your nerves now spiking as the earlier excitement shifts to queezy nervousness. Somehow, your moods had both flipped, adopting the other’s previous mood. 
Grabbing your hand in his, Lee catches your anxious demeanor, pecking your temple and squeezing your hand as a reminder that he’s right there with you. Looking you in the eye, you sigh, nodding your head as a signal that you’re ready, Lee smiling and opening the large door.
Instantly the air shifts; drinks, laughter, screaming, bets, smoke, dancing, singing, and fights hitting you automatically, paired with the loud upbeat music. You spot the group of men strangely, never seeing them once in your life, yet knowing just who they are based off of the way they perceive themselves.
Leading you to the table, Lee walks to the end of the booth giving the stink eye as a warning. The laughing stops simultaneously, the men catching sight of you, clad in leggings, Uggs, sweatshirt and all.
“Guys, this is Y/N, the girl I’ve been talking to you about for months.”
Silence. No one speaks. Standing awkwardly, you cough, the men sizing you up with immense tensity. “Hi,” you manage, scolding yourself at the stupidity. 
On instinct, the largest man at the table barks with laughter, your response striking him unexpectedly. You smile shyly, cheeks heating up, but enjoying the enthusiasm nonetheless, knowing how ridiculous you’d just sounded. 
Unable to control themselves any longer, the rest of the men chime in too.
“Oh come on now, sit your asses down and drink. We ain’t gonna bite,” an Italian, Barney you assumed based on Lee’s fondness towards the man, says warmly.
Moving over to make room, you sit between some of the men, a man with a cauliflower ear moving out of the way so you could sit comfortably in the center of the curved booth while he sat back down at the end. Lee, sitting on the other end, smiles as he fist bumps Barney, whispering something incoherent to you.
“So, you’re the Y/N Lee doesn’t shut up about, huh?” the blond responds again, calming down enough to reassume his later brooding look.
“U-Uhm, I guess I am?” you question, unsure due to the man’s vehemence.
“So you’re not Y/N Y/L/N then?” he chuckles.
“Well no. I mean, I am, but Lee doesn’t seem to be as much of the talking type you make him out to seem. It confused me was all,” you answer earnestly, calming as you were given the opportunity to fully explain yourself.
“Ah, I see,” he says, nodding, “So that means that he only acts like a sappy school girl around us then? Lucky us...”
“I guess so...” you look at your man, cheeks heating at the thought of him talking so lovingly about you, even when you weren’t there. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I got your name,” you smile.
“Gunnar. The one with the vegetable ear is Toll, the short Italian with the big mouth is Barney, the even shorter Korean is Yin Yang, and the big black man is Caesar.”
You laugh at the descriptions given, nodding to each of the men as Gunnar called them out dramatically. As he finished his sentence, chugging a beer, everyone had chimed in to give Gunnar a good ‘fuck you,’ throwing napkins and straws at the Swedish mountain.
The rest of the night had been a blast. You had gotten to truly know the men and feel just at home in their presence. You’d danced, drank, ate shitty bar food that you actually enjoyed, and even had the opportunity to privately get to know each of the men.
Toll Road was a sweet man who’d earned himself a cauliflower ear from wrestling when he was young. He was very respectful and complimented your clothing, dubbing it “bold.” He talked your ear off about all the things Lee said about you, making you blush more than once. He was supportive.
Hale Caesar was a funny man and embodied the label of ‘Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover.’ You thought of him as an intimidating force, but he’d automatically broke that chain upon the first greeting. He was a huge Teddy Bear that enjoyed jokes and games. He was fun.
Yin Yang was just a smidgen taller than you, but deflected any mentions towards his work ethic and strength. He was quick-witted, smart, and fast. There was something about him that was encouraging, and he didn’t let you doubt yourself. He liked your character, and for that, accepted you from the get-go. He was down to earth.
You’d gotten a chance to speak to Gunnar once more, and found him to be a very brooding, almost sad soul. He had many emotional scars, just like the rest of the men, that stayed embedded on the side of his head. He was closed off for the most part, but you assumed it was your warm demeanor that cracked him just a little bit. He was protective.
Towards the end of the night, you finally got to talk to the man that seemed to be of the utmost importance when it came to the acceptance of the family. Barney was like a father figure that you needed approval of, yet was the best friend Lee never dreamed of. You don’t know what had sparked when he met you, but you hadn’t argued. He hugged you close out of nowhere, and you had no doubt in your mind that you find home in this tiny group of misfits.
As time passed, you had grown even closer to the gang. You always came over to the bar or the tattoo parlor with goodies. You became almost like the older sister that came with candy you had to hide form your mother, and the men loved it. You had fit in so well that even if you weren’t officially an Expendable, you were given a smaller tattoo to solidify your importance lovingly. Tool had even made sure it was, “Distinctly beautiful. As are you, lovely.”
Yawning, you check the time on the clock above the shelf containing the numerous bottles of liquor. Time to go home, you smile. Lee had texted you earlier explaining that he’d be late to pick you up as he was going over the details of his next mission. You agreed lovingly, but now, as the time had gotten extremely late, and you worked an extra four hours to keep busy, all you wanted was to go home.
Texting Lee a quick update, you inform him on where you’re going just to keep him in the loop. Three bubbles appeared then disappeared again. Taking that as a sign that he saw it, you missed his later text that would inform you of what was to come.
Grabbing your coat, you curse your ankles for the tiresome heels your bar required within its clothing requirements. Tying your hair back in a messy bun, you wave goodbye to the poor women and men still stuck bar tending and waitressing. Finally, clocking out and removing your name tag, you step out into the brisk chill of the city air.
Your apartment was just a few blocks over, but due to insufficient funds, you live on the wrong side of town. There was too many crimes to count, and many justifiable reasons as to investing in a gun, which was kept neatly tucked in your purse.
However, upon the cruel shrill of a dog whistle, the chill that courses down your spine was enough to have you picking up your pace on the dim sidewalk. Seeing an alleyway that provides a longer, yet secluded, route to your apartment complex, you walk as fast as your skimpy heels could manage. You could hear the men’s heavy footfalls, you knew you had to hurry, yet the frozen fear and absence of Lee starts to make you feel hopeless. 
Unaware of your stuttering pace, a hard figure collides with yours, sending you sprawling into the nearest brick wall. 
“Well, well, well...look at what we have here boys. It’s one of those mercenaries’ little whore,” the man teases, placing both of his hands on either side of your body. Trapping you.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you squeak with moderate courage. 
“Don’t lie to me girl!” the man screams, spit launching onto your face with force. You don’t dare wipe them away, you don’t dare to even look for an escape.
Repeating your latest statement, you whisper, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah?” another man pipes up, walking nearer in anger, “So if I were to lift up your sleeves, there’d be no traces of an ‘Expendables’ tattoo? I know all you pricks have ‘em. Like some kind of fucking brotherhood,” the other man demands.
Unable to look either of them in the eyes, you look down, choosing not to answer or even acknowledge the question. You comply as the man grips your arm, ripping you away from the wall in fierce determination.
“Ah...there it is! The little birdie.” A third man jokes, catching sight of the unmistakable work of art.
The man from before, the leader you assumed, restates the other man’s question, “So, wanna try me again, dear?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit!” he screams, raising a hand, striking you across the cheek. Tears well up instantly, but they’re all in vain. “How’s about we mark ya up instead? Since ya have no clue who we’re talkin’ about, then there’s nothing t’ worry about, huh?”
They don’t give you the chance to answer. Instead, your mouth is covered by a hand, muffling your cries as the men move to beat on you, pushing you to the ground. Curling up in a ball, you attempt but fail to cover your head with your hands, a hard kick to the jaw sending your head flying back and spreading your form back out across the pavement. 
“I have somethin’ better,” another member adds after some time, “Even better than cuttin’ her.” 
“Something more personal.”
Without a word, the men share some amused glances, then get to work on the new task at hand. Greed, vengeance, and sinister glee resides in their eyes as they stared at you with newer purpose, a new desire blooming in your presence.
A hand, grimy and calloused, meets your hip bone, stroking the soft skin. Roughly, he yanks at your uniform’s skirt, tearing it as he moves to rid any other particles underneath.
You want to scream...cry...plead. Yet, you remain frozen; no movement or real person still living in the cold skin and bone that made you a person. 
As you underwear and skirt are torn from you, the men stand back and around your body, allowing the leader to resurface with a satisfied stare. His hands move to his belt as goes to work discarding it, his cold stare boring into your eyes. 
“OI!” echoes a voice from the end of the alleyway, “What the fuck do you think your doin’?!”
Finally, the man’s eyes leave yours, the gang moving to form a wall as to protect what was “theirs.”
You hear the voice faintly, the words swirling around your head in an incoherent heap. However, you still feel as cold and broken as the pavement below you, letting the cool rain pour as a storm breaks out, almost as loud as the war that leaves the gang to fend for themselves.
Warm hands encompass your shoulders, slightly shaking them as they lift your body upwards. Your head dangles weakly, eyes unfocused. You know those eyes, you know that voice.
Lee, splattered in unknown sources of blood, removes his jacket, covering as much skin as he could, whispering in your ear, “I’m here baby girl. I’m here. I’m so sorry.”
Soon, Barney runs over with a stern look of concern, the expression quickly softening as his sight catches your form. “That jacket ain’t gonna do much Christmas...Here,” Barney crouches down swiftly, warmly whispering to Lee as he removes his flannel.
Together, they wrap your body in the over-sized shirt, covering up your body properly. Smirking calmly, the world stops spinning and your consciousness resurfaces, the danger no longer apparent. 
“There she is,” Barney attempts to lighten the mood, “Got a little worried for a bit.” Lifting himself off the ground, he pats Lee’s shoulder, the pair sharing a nod as Barney moves to round up the group. Straddling their bikes, they speed off to finish the deed, attacking the true monster behind the gang that attacked you.
Then do you finally let the tears fall. Your body crumples in a ball, curling into Lee’s body instantly. Your shoulders shake with the force of your sobs. Luckily, nothing of unsolvable danger had taken place, allowing the mistakes to be righted. That, however, didn’t ease your tension as the events finally sink in.
Protectively, Lee cradles your head with one hand, moving the other to wrap your body closer to his on his lap. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear, eventually settling the hiccups and tears. 
He feels guilty. Worthless. Ashamed. You could see it even after he’d lifted you off the wet pavement and drove you home safely secured on his bike. You noticed it more clearly once you were home, him insisting to tend to the wounds yet never properly looking you in the eyes as he spoke.
“Lee,” you finally pipe up, stopping all movement of his hands, your body resting stiffly atop the kitchen counter, clad in just the flannel and your underwear. Grabbing his hands, you pull them to your lips, kissing them softly, “Lee...”
His eyes fall to your hands, then the ground, “I know what’cha gonna say, and ya wrong-”
You stop him instantly, “No. First off, I’m never wrong,” you smile, “And second off, there was nothing that could’ve prevented this Lee. It was no one’s fault. If you want to blame someone, blame me for Christ’s sake. I’m the one that left the bar even after you’ve warned me time and time again.”
“Yeah, but I already know that ya don’t listen.”
“It still doesn’t pin the blame on you Baby. Everything happens for a reason. Just please let it go,” you smile sweetly, caressing his jaw and gently pulling it back up to face you.
He places both of his arms on either side of your legs, sighing as he finally looks you in the eyes. He knew if he’d looked up, his resolve would fall and he’d give in to you; and that’s exactly what he did, meeting your eyes and triumphant, shit-eating grin. 
You beam at his grumpy face, pecking his lips lovingly. “Stop being such a baby.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he smiles, pecking your lips again, “I am gonna fuck ‘im up though.”
“That’s fine by me,” you chuckle, pulling him in for a hug, head pressed lightly against his shoulder blade.
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