#Disney Plus Original Animated Movies
disneytva · 3 months
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Cute Cricket doodle by Jen Begeman via IG Stories.
"I miss getting to draw Cricket like this on the movie" oh right, let's hope to hear about it next week on the Disney Branded Television panel at TCA Winter Press Tour. 👀
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toastedsmoreo · 2 years
It’s honestly kind of shocking just HOW badly HBO Max fucked up. They have a ton of content, old and new, that is genuinely great, and from what I know a lot of their digital-only releases have been pretty popular. ESPECIALLY the animated stuff. Literally the only, ONLY things they could’ve done to mess up were A) cancel the new original stuff everyone was excited about, and B) just give up on the platform. And they did both, back to back, just because of one (1) CEO change and the decision to merge with Discovery. Which, btw, has a significantly less popular user base than HBO Max. Like, Disney owns both Disney Plus and Hulu, evil as that is, but they haven’t merged them for a reason: they have two entirely different user bases. And they wouldn’t dare get rid of one or the other, especially the more popular one. Why the HELL would anyone in their right mind get rid of their wildly popular streaming service and transfer it over to another one that most people have never even heard of???? Oh yeah, because girls are too dumb to like animation or scripted content (which hasn’t been true in the history of forever), so if we’re going to go to Discovery, we gotta get rid of all the popular, scripted shows. Plus the female lead superhero movie that could’ve printed money, just to be safe. And a bunch of animated content that isn’t even targeted towards girls. I think doing nothing at all for a year straight would have been better than literally every decision Warner Brothers has made this past month…
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fairytale-poll · 4 months
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*Includes the original 1950 animated film, the 2002 sequel Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, and the 2007 sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Disney's Cinderella:
she is very iconic, she is super kind and has a beautiful dress
Submitting specifically because Cinderella III: A Twist in Time has lived rent-free in my head ever since I was a small child.
This Cinderella is most young (western) peoples introduction to this very story. Cinderella is so hopeful and by getting one small magical adventure, her whole life changes for the better. She is skilled and inspires such loyalty with her kindness that it’s hard to dislike her for any reason she gives. I’ve always been jealous of her ball hairdo too.
Walt Disney put all he had into this movie. And his favorite animation was the dress transformation scene. There’s a reason she is often front and center on the Princess group promotions.
she is the original. to me. probably the first exposure to cinderella for a solid chunk of people alive & on tumblr today. she is just a perfect encapsulation of everything that cinderella is, even if she's become warped in the public consciousness. also i'm pretty sure she's the reason why the glass slippers are so predominant in more recent retellings bc she is simply so iconic. 100/10 no notes 💜
She's maybe not the OG OG but she was one of the first animated Disney princesses and strangely enough it doesn't stop her from having an amazing personality. She's literally a slave but keeps being a nice person, forgiving and always doing her best. And the sequels absolutely didn't ruin her character. She's a sweet girl who tries to fit in but who's loyal to the person she is and who tries to change things always in a cute and sweet way to show people it's not that hard. She literally forgave Anastasia and tried to help her after all she did to her (the scene where the step-sisters destroy her dress still is terrifying to me)... she's awesome and deserves more recognition honestly...
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) No she is not the same as the original Cinderella of 1950. This girl’s biggest chance was unfairly snatched away from her. When the Prince was brainwashed she was enough to get him to double take. She was so Right that their connection over powered magic. And she had to be rescued from a ship. And was almost crushed within a pumpkin! And finally had to expose another imposter, who turned out to be just another victim of Lady Trameine. This Cinderella fought harder for her love because she knew what True Love was like and she still was able to forgive those who asked for it.
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) Listen yes it's the same Cinderella from 1950 but she has an arc in this one! It's Disney's greatest film!!
Listen I love them both but the animated Cinderella definitly shine in every single movie she has. And she has 3.
Vote for Cinderella because she deserves it and is still underrated in the Disney Princesses Franchise when she survived so much (ab*se... Lady Tremaine still terrifies me and she doesn't even have magical powers except when she steals the magic wand in Cinderella 3) Also one vote for Cinderella is one jump outside the window Henri is ready to do. Yes it's real.
Disney animated the original fairytale but definitely made it more magical and less creepy (like the birds making the step sisters blind? It gave me nightmares for ages). If I think: which one will I want to rediscover multiple times? Disney's Cinderella. Plus Cinderella 3 is a masterpiece.
Mofurun as "Mofurella"
listen. they do an episode where they're all sucked into Cinderella and they make the trans teddy bear Cinderella. Incredible story writing, 10/10, no notes.
Mofurdella is even plot relevant, that episode is how they get the Rainbow Carriage for their group attack anyway MOFURDELLA FIRST CINDERELLA PRECURE EPISODE TO GET ONE MOFURILLION VOTES
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animenostalgia · 1 month
News - The official Macross website has announced that the Disney+ streaming service will be the home of nearly all of the Macross anime franchise streaming worldwide "by the end of 2024". This excludes the original TV series and Do You Remember Love? film, which are both listed as only having "limited distribution inside Japan".
The following titles are listed for distribution outside Japan:
Macross: Flash Back 2012 music video
Macross II: Lovers, Again (6 episodes)
Macross Plus (4 episodes total)
Macross Plus Movie Edition
Macross 7 (49 television episodes, plus three OVA episodes)
Macross 7 the Movie: The Galaxy's Calling Me!
Macross Dynamite 7 (4 episodes)
Macross Zero (5 episodes)
Macross Frontier (25 episodes)
Macross Frontier: The False Songstress
Macross Frontier: The Wings of Farewell
Macross Frontier Toki no Meikyū
Macross FB7: Ore no Uta o Kike!
Macross Delta (26 episodes)
Macross Delta the Movie: Passionate Walkūre
Macross Delta the Movie: Absolute Live!!!!!!
No exact date or specific countries/territories have been listed yet, but I'll be sure to update with more information as it becomes available.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Maybe Disney needs to try taking on a fairytale they haven't done yet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy more original stories like Raya and the Last Dragon and Encanto that as far as I'm aware don't originate from any particular legend (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Those are fun. Exploring different magical concepts like dragons and the miracle is awesome.
But that being said, I think Disney needs to go back to its roots and do a fairytale. Something with a princess and a big bad that comes from an existing legend. That's (generally) where Disney excels. That's why people love Disney. Little Mermaid? Classic. Beauty and the Beast? Classic. Princess and the Frog? Classic. Cinderella? Classic. Snow White? Classic. Really, I just think Disney does what Disney does best when they're taking a story that already exists and turning it into a beautiful piece of animation with a gentle, kind soul at the center of it, maybe with a different little spin like setting the Frog Prince story in 1920s New Orleans or having Beauty's father be an inventor. Little touches like that to make the story uniquely Disney, but with a solid basis in a folk narrative that touches something deep and instinctual inside most people.
Give me a girl who's cursed. A girl who either falls prey to evil or makes a deal with it, and whose sweetheart fights for her like Aurora or who does the brave thing and sacrifices to fix it like Ariel.
Give me a girl who's trapped. A girl whose family keeps her down or who just hasn't found where she fits yet, who stays kind despite her troubles like Cinderella or who finds her own alternative way out like Belle.
Heck, even a weird-ass thing like Shakespeare But Lions would be welcome. That's such a Disney thing to do, taking a story like Hamlet and filling it with whimsy and giving it a happy ending. Plus, Simba is one of the strongest protagonists and learns one of the best lessons in all of Disney fight me.
(I'm not going to count Frozen in the folk story group because the departure from the original was so wild I don't think it deserves to count. I love Elsa with my entire soul but I would also die to see Disney do a proper version of the Snow Queen fairytale.)
Look, my point is that I'd like to see something that really makes Disney dig a little deeper and recapture the spark of its classics. Because as much as I enjoy stuff like Tangled and Frozen and Moana (I've watched all of them loads of times and I cry about them consistently) they don't come to mind as Disney classics for me. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it simply hasn't been enough time. Maybe it's the difference in the animation. Speaking of that, however, I would actually love to see a Disney movie done in a 2D style again; I don't think 3D has any inherent superiority and I'd love to see what Disney could do with a 2D movie now. And there are so many folk stories in the world, surely there must be one that Disney can bring to life the way it used to. They haven't retold every story that's been told already.
Am I being a little picky? Probably. But I'd love to see something that reminds me of the Disney classics where a gentle person with a courageous core has their life touched by magic, faces an obstacle, and has a happy ending. Something that's not a variation on "X needs to be saved" but a specific character longing for a specific thing and either doing what they think is necessary to get it (like Tiana and Ariel) or giving it up for the sake of someone else, but getting a happy ending nonetheless (like Belle and Simba). Also a clear-cut badguy who gets to be absolutely cunty and evil about it with no peculiar twist.
I'd like to see something Classic Disney again.
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heymusings · 3 months
Wish was fine, but overall disappointing for a film that is supposed to mark the celebration of 100 years of Disney animation. As much as I love Disney, I can't deny that it did not live up to what it was intended to be. 1) Originally it was to be hand drawn animation & go back to the roots, only to backtrack & do computer animation instead with the argument that they used 2d backdrops so it's the same thing. It’s not. It’s really disappointing to me because Disney has gotten stuck on the animation front. They now seem to look down on hand drawn animation which is ridiculous because people are screaming for a return to that style. I feel like they use their last hand drawn film as an excuse to not create such films anymore because they aren't successful. In reality, they didn't promote those films so people just weren't that aware of them when they were in theaters. This has become a bad habit of Disney. The mixing of animation styles at several points seemed disjointed. Plus, there is the fact that so many other animation studios have been doing mixed animation better & are outpacing Disney in animation development because Disney isn’t really doing anything as new or daring as other studios. I am not saying the animation of the film is bad, in fact, it is still pretty, but Disney/Pixar’s style has remained pretty much the same since the early 2000s. 2nd, Others have discussed this issue & I agree. There was nothing all that interesting about Asha & she certainly isn’t unique because it's pretty much the same personality we’ve seen in the last several years of Disney films. 3rd, Why the hell is the King’s wife even in this movie?! If they weren’t going to go with the original intent of them being almost a crime family duo (which, by the way, it is a travesty they didn't do this idea), just cut her character because she really hindered my seeing Magnifico as an interesting villain. In fact, cut the semi sympathetic backstory. He should’ve been more evil and honestly until Asha’s interference he wasn’t that bad. I would just like a fully evil Disney villain who is a full villain from the get go. He has a Dr. Facilier vibe, which is great, but Disney has & could’ve dug deeper & committed. There was so much potential here. 4th, The songs were mediocre at best and it’s exceedingly obvious that the writers aren’t musical writers. The songs don’t tell a cohesive story or develop character much, and they certainly don’t have much depth, they’re just there. They’re not songs that people are going to be singing. I honestly think that Howard Ashman is rolling over in his grave due to the soundtrack of this movie. 5th,There are way too many characters. Asha’s friends are the most forgettable wastes of time. I get the want to reference Seven Dwarfs but them, plus valentino, plus the star…too many to care. I think it was one reference that could’ve been left behind (it’s not like there weren’t many references to Disney animation throughout to make up for it– because there were TONS). 6th, that is the lamest dress change that Disney has ever done. With so many epic and magical dress changes how is this what they come up with? They literally went, just make what she’s already wearing sparkle and call it a day. Everything being said, I do like the idea of this being the starting point for Disney stories and Asha being the first fairy godmother. That is a great idea and is perfect for this 100 years of Disney animation. It’s just that there were so many things that just did not live up to or respect the history of Disney animation as this film was supposed to do.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
The whole movie is just top tier good shit. One of the top best underrated Disney movies with a great twist on who is bad. Ahead of its time. Plus Leonard Nimoy as the king???
I love the music, I love the adventure, and Helga Sinclair is an excellent villain. Not to mention such a strong cast.
Legitimately one of the most fascinatingly original animated films ever made, with not only a unique art style, but a cast of incredible and diverse characters all written with genuine heart and personality. I personally memorized what I call "Milo's Rant" for a drama monologue project in high school, and it still stands as one of my favorite scenes in ANY movie to this day.
The art style is amazing and it is one of my favorite stories. It was one of my favorite childhood movies and still is my favorite now. My favorite scene has to be the end fight scene in the volcano, though the "ENGLAND MUST NEVER MIX WITH FRANCE" line from Mole still makes me chuckle.
The memes on that guy! Also very likely one of Tumblr's most iconic movies. There's just great stuff in there and I want to rewatch the damn thing now.
The animation is great, the dialogue is INCREDIBLE, its an utterly fantastic deconstruction of the superhero genre, it is CRIMINALLY underrated, and i love it with every facet of my being (: Also my favorite scene is probably "PRESENTATION!!!" Seriously, i CANNOT overstate how awesome this scene is. Its perfect in SOOOOOO many ways!!!
An absolute delight of a film, Megamind is funny, subversive and incredibly emotionally resonant. Megamind is a very relatable protagonist and it might be one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. If you haven't seen it, you should.
Every scene is my favourite, it’s a masterpiece of humour and subversion and plot twists, 10-11 year old me didn’t watch it over 20 times in a row for nothing. I’ve had the opening quote written on my mirror since 2013.
PRESENTATION. it has a really good story, plot, characters, themes, and its really funny and i like it very much.
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thinkingfandoms · 6 months
An accurate list of the best movies I've ever seen
This list also includes reasons that are all too objective and nonsensical. Avoid asking too many questions. And share what you think in the comments!
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Hercules is probably my favourite Disney movie. And I also think that's where my interest in Greek mythology started. Hades is my favorite villain from this company and he's such a mood.
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The Prince of Egypt
Oh dear you don't know how much I love this movie. I know every song by heart and was lucky enough to sing them with my choir. I'm a big fan of animation and despite how old is this movie, I think it remains one of the best ever produced. I cried more times over this movie than over all the others on this list combined.
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Friends & Family
I only discovered this film this year but it quickly became one of my favorites. I have never laughed for so many consecutive minutes at a movie. I approached it because it's unusual to see a gay mob-themed movie, but I immediately fell in love with all the characters and the final scene remains one of the most comic I have ever seen.
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Treasure Planet
I have a soft spot for animated films about great adventures and self-discovery. Jim has been my only animated crush for years, and his story has always resonated with something inside of me (maybe the desire for adventure and his recklessness, idk). Plus, of course, "'I'm Still Here" is one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever created.
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Howl's Moving Castle
One of the first films I saw by Studio Ghibli and my absolute favourite. The love stories created by this Studio are always wonderful, and this one is no different. Plus I always saw myself in Sophie (especially about the crush on Howl) and, well, there's Calcifer, what more do you want?
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Les Choristes
Another thing I love: movies about music. It may be that I've been playing an instrument for years and singing in choirs, but I've always cried watching kids rediscover a new side of themselves through music and songs. And these songs are composition's masterpieces. I still remember them all by heart even though French isn't my native language.
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A Christmas Carol
I'm slightly obsessed with this story, with Charles Dickens and with Christmas. I was born on Christmas Eve so you can imagine how close this theme is to my heart. I have seen several versions of this story though, and for some reason, this one remains my favourite. It may be that it's different from other more colourful versions and really shows the darkness behind the original story, idk.
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How to Train Your Dragon
I literally grew up with this saga: I was 8 years old at the first film, 12 at the second and 17 at the third. I watched Hiccup grow up with me as a friend and Toothless as a fellow adventurer. I'll forever be grateful to Dreamworks for creating the best-animated saga that cinema has ever seen.
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The Three Musketeers
This movie is so random that it's perfect. I watched it again recently (after like 8 years) and realized that maybe my daddy issues come from this movie: Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom and the freaking Mads Mikkelsen together, seriously? I'm not surprised it was one of my favourite movies growing up.
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A Monster in Paris
The love I have for this film is enormous. I could never get over the beauty of the songs in it. The characters are so well written and Francœur will always be in my top animated characters. It's too amazing to be real.
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Rise of the Guardians
I could talk for hours about this film and have not even touched the tip of the iceberg. I have an insane obsession with all the characters, starting with and especially Jack, my top animated crush for years. It's all so perfect that I don't see how people never nominate it when it comes to top animated movies.
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The Hobbit
Again, I have serious problems with films about fantasy adventures. I have always preferred The Hobbit saga to its sequel because the story has always fascinated me more. And the main character especially: for me Bilbo >>>> Frodo. And then there's Thorin and Luke Evans. You know, daddy issues.
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Mune: Guardian of the Moon
Another French animated movie, another obsession, another adventure, another animated character in my top. This is an example of how to do good animation. There isn't a colour out of place. The settings are authentic, the characters are original, and the adventure they make gets me every time.
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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
I'm maybe a Muggle, but I prefer Fantastic Beasts to the Harry Potter saga. That's not to say it's better, mind you, but it reflects me more. We all know how we Hufflepuffs (and Ravenclaws) have no real representation in the HP movies, so to be able to have at least one prequel saga starring a Hufflepuff (in which I also find myself far too much) as the protagonist is wonderful. And I have an unhealthy urge to become a magizoologist.
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The Greatest Showman
It's the movie I have watched the most of these. I know every song by heart and every line too. It always manages to be a roller coaster of emotions. And it has Hugh Jackman in it.
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The Boy Foretold By The Stars
I'm a big supporter of the Philippine's film company. This is one movie is gentle, funny, and not based on the usual drama between Christianity and LGBT+ people (which is what I thought when reading the plot at first). Moreover, another underrated thing, the Philippines' music company here has thrown in masterpiece after masterpiece of songs, perfect for this movie.
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This is my top comfort film in the last year. It's like watching a Hallmark movie but hotter, much more sincere and gay. Very gay. And the relationship between the two main characters is so cute and sweet. And funny.
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Top Gun: Maverick
I love this saga but especially love this particular chapter. I love Maverick and his relationship with Rooster, and all the other characters are so well-written. And don't get me started on the story... I LOVE it. There isn't much else to say except that Cruise is a great actor (and a terrible person).
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Glass Onion - Knives Out
I love my silly little gay detective. And I have a little passion for movies and mystery series. I found this saga's chapter more compelling than the first one, and the characters gripped me more. Also I fell in love with the setting. Oh and then there are Daniel Craig and Hugh Grant.
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mask131 · 9 months
While I am on the topic of Netflix's Monkey King, I have two thoughts about the character of The Dragon King.
Thought 1: I was a bit dubious of making the Dragon King the main antagonist of the story, since in the original novel, Ao Guang isn't actually an antagonist, but rather a reluctant ally to Sun Wukong. This Dragon King does work as this strange mix of a watery Hades (Disney) and a male Ursula, but I was wondering about the choices behind it (don't get me wrong, I love water and sea-themed villains, I am just curious as of the adapting process). But having watched the movie now, I realize that this is actually another homage to Chinese culture - just not to the Journey to the West per se.
Netflix's Dragon King is ACTUALLY based on the character of the Dragon King from the animated movie "Nezha Conquers the Dragon King". You know, the late 70s Chinese animated movie? This movie was one of the big reasons people believe that, in "The Investiture of the Gods" novel, Ao Guang was a vicious being of chaos - when in fact he was not. It was in this movie that the Dragon King was depicted as a destructive antagonist all about causing storms and water-based disasters, and it also from there that the whole "The Dragon King eats children" comes from (the same "eat children" joke that the Netflix movie uses). Plus, the color palette or the new Dragon King and Nezha's Dragon King are also very similar, so the homage is pretty clear.
Thought 2: I am dumb sometimes - it took me a long time to understand why the Dragon King's final kaiju-like form looked like a bloated Godzilla. At first I thought they were just making a fat Godzilla joke or recreating the "giant Ursula" feel from the Little Mermaid final. Then I noticed that each time he was hit by the Monkey King, water flew out of his body, but I thought it was just some cool special effect. It was only when his body started twisting itself that I finally understood the joke: that the Dragon King had turned itself into a giant water balloon.
Which actually fills one of the eventual plot-holes there could have been. Indeed, it is shown that in this universe only the Immortals can become giants (Monkey King only gains the ability to grow in size when becoming fully Immortal), and yet the Dragon King is clearly not one of the Immortals given the way he talks about them. So how could he grow giant? Well here's the answer: he "cheated", he rather gorged himself with sea water like a giant sponge. It is basically the fable of "The Frog that wanted to grow as big as a Bull". Plus, of course, there is the obvious metaphor and image of the Dragon King growing as big and bloated as his own ego. Which in turns serves as a "mirror" for the Monkey King, because while he grows even bigger than the Dragon King, it is also the moment where Monkey snaps and becomes a madman (well, a mad monkey), his ego having grown even bigger than the one of the Dragon King.
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lazytitans-world · 28 days
Wish re watch thoughts
Having not watched Wish since it came out in theaters in November of 2023 and going down the rabbit hole of abandoned concepts and re-writes in the months leading up to Wish dropping on Disney+ I can now give Wish a re watch and share my thoughts on it. Now keep in mind I am coming at this movie from many angles. On one hand, I want to watch this with a new frame of mind to give it a chance to see if any of my thoughts on the movie have changed. On the other side is my inner "WE COULD HAVE HAD A STARBOY!" fandom side of me looking to see if any of the scrapped concepts could have worked in the movie we got and to see if any traces of those concepts were left behind. But no more waitng, no more writing fanfics, its time to re-watch Wish
• Starting off with the classic story book opening I felt was a great touch as it harkens back to classic Disney animated movies like Snow White, Pinnochio and Sword in the Stone.
• So why was Asha being so secretive to her family about her interview for Magnifico's apprenticeship? That feels like something major to tell your family. Even Asha's friends know about it. It could be Asha wanted to surprise them, I guess.
• Hot take: Welcome to Rosas is not that bad of a song, it's got a catchy beat and introduces us to the kingdom, Magnifico, and the wishes.
• The scene where Asha and her friends discuss her interview does have Asha doing typical "quirky Disney girl" behavior but at the same time she is a teen about to have an interview for what may be one of the most sought-after jobs in the kingdom, I'd be acting weird to if I was her age and in her position.
• We get some hints of Magnifico's jerk personality as he somewhat dismisses Asha's drawings when she shows it to him. The line is "Do we call that a talent?"
• Magnifico mentioning how he knew of Asha's father and how her dad talked about the stars is an interesting given how everything turns out but for one, this is NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN and two, this feels like a leftover of one of the deleted scenes from Wish where Magnifico wanted to harness a stars power but was never powerful enough to do so.
• Oh "At All Costs", how you sparked a fandom when you had no intention of doing so.
• In context of the movie, At All Costs does work as it shows that Magnifico's and Asha's feelings on the wishes. Magnifico holding on too his past trauma and feeling that HE and only HE can protect these sacred things while Asha is more drawn to the person AND their wishes, notably her Saba's wish.
• Opinion time: If we were to have Starboy and a romance, the demo version of At All Costs should have been a reprise, just with the word love instead of promise, showing how Star and Asha's relationship has grown and deepened. It would be a lot like "I See the Light" from Tangled, taking place before the climax.
• It makes a little sense why Magnifico rejected Asha's application since after singing "At All Costs" he sees her drawn to the Wishes and some even being drawn to her as the wish orbs now have a purple hew instead of blue hew like the color of Magnifico's cape to them to match Asha's dress. Magnifico has worries that someone will use the power for personal, and in his mind "selfish" reasons, plus his trauma from his village being destroyed makes him warry of who to trust.
• So what happens to a person's wish if they die? Does it just disappear?
• So that whole opinion of "Asha wants Magnifico to grant everyone's wish" WRONG! Asha wants Magnifico to give wishes back to those who have given theirs away long ago and let the people pursue their own wishes.
• Magnifico's tease that he might grant Sabino's wish is petty and I like it as he starts by saying a name starting with Sa before saying another person's name. That is petty stuff right there.
•If you are aware of the original concept art and the many changes Wish went through during production, it is obvious that Amaya, Star and Sabino got their characters changed, and in the case of some, completely neutered.
• I like Ariana Deboise and Chris Pine as Asha and Magnifico respectively.
• "This Wish" is ok and is mostly carried by Araina's strong vocal range.
• Star's arrival has where my inner fandom is screaming "honey get ready, you've got a big storm coming"
• "Can light be loving?" according to the many re-writes I've read, yes Asha, yes it can.
• Opinion time, again: I am in favor of the Starboy design seen in the concept art. Letting you know now since from this point on is about Star.
• I can totally see the human design of Star working in the introduction they have with Asha.
• I get why the creative team wanted Star to look that way, they wanted to do something different and that design screams "marketable plush"
• Once Valentino started talking and we go into "You're a Star", it all came back to me, that bad feeling. THIS IS WHAT I DID NOT LIKE ABOUT WISH. This part feels specifically aimed at children or at most feels too "cutesy". This, in my opinion, where people turned on Wish.
• Getting back to the Star Boy design, "You're a Star" could have worked as a way of Star showing off their powers, as well as them crushing on Asha. "You know you're a work of art" - Imagine Star Boy blushing as that is being said while looking at Asha, this writes itself.
• Look, I like Alan Tudyk, he can be funny if given witty and sarcastic dialogue and I know he has been a fixture in Disney movies for a while, but they gave him nothing to work with for this. This is not an obligation, more like a reward gone wrong. I am glad that Alan got a more prominent role, but I just thought it should have been something better.
• Another major criticism I've seen is that Magnifico's down fall is just him being controlled by a book when really it is more complicated than that. I akin it to Anakin Skywalker falling to the dark side as in it's not just the teachings that cause someone to go down the path of darkness, it's the feelings and desires of the one learning. Magnifico, at the point of the movie is paranoid and afraid that someone or something is here to take away his powers, threaten his power status, and destroy his kingdom that he works hard to protect in his own way. So it is not just the book doing it but the powers of the book mixed with his own fear, anger, trauma and other negative emotions that cause him to fall to darkness. Hate leads to anger, anger leads to
fear, fear leads to suffering.
•I totally forgot the Simon actually sees and interacts with Star before his betrayal. Star hands him a heart after he says he has forgotten what we wished for and when I first saw this I thought it meant that he had a crush on someone, maybe Asha but after seeing the movie it was just Star trying to be nice to Simon. Which in turn makes Simon's turn even more strange.
•I understand why people would think Asha was selfish in going for her family's wishes first when freeing them but my head cannon is that freeing all of them at once would be too big of scene and she wants to prove to Sabino that his wish is worth granting. However, Magnifico would notice that some wishes are missing and would put two and two together so this plan was not thought out to much but hey she is only 18 and she just met a magic star that can help her so I think her thinking clearly is not to much of an issue.
• "This is Thanks I Get" starts off odd as no one brought up the mirror thing in the scene where the citizens question Magnifico. But the song itself is to show that though Magnifico shows that he cares about the citizens of Rosas and their safety, he would rather have someone else help them then get involved himself and still wanting praise even though he does not really do much for the kingdom outside of granting wishes. The song also is to show that Magnifico is now going down the path of darkness due to his own insecurities and ego. Chris Pine does a great job with the song as he becomes more unhinged in every chorus.
• THERE IS NO SCENE WHERE SAKINA AND SABINO MEET STAR AND TALKING VALENTINO WTH!!! It jumps right to Asha giving Sabino his wish back, no lead in or setup.
•Then we go right to Magnifico breaking into Asha's house after being told she brought down the star. Again, there was no setup or lead in, it just happened.
•We don't even get to see Asha's mom's wish before Magnifico crushes it. It would have added more to the emotion of the scene to see what her wish was just as Magnifico destroyed it. This also shown to be the first time Magnifico has ever destroyed a wish. I chalk this up to his new powers influencing him to destroy it.
• Sabino mentions as they escape that Asha's father would be disheartened to see what Magnifico has done, implying that the father was a believer of Magnifico.
• Star holding Asha's chin as she blames herself for everything again makes me yearn for the Star Boy design.
• Magnifico having a hidden evil lair beneath his royal study is symbolism 101 but nice to see.
• Fun detail: When Magnifico grants Simon's wish, he uses the spear he made from forbidden magic and that in turns corrupts Simon's wish and thus Simon himself. We see instead of the usual blue, pink or other colors used to represent Magnifico's magic its is now the green evil magic, symbolizing that Simon's wish, though granted, is now corrupted as well.
• Simon turning on his friends is shown more as an effect of the forbidden magic Magnifico used.
• How do you have a wanted poster of Asha and not make a "they got my nose wrong" joke from Tangled.
• "My butt found it" - see this is why a lot of people thought this movie was written by AI.
•"Introverts need sanctuary too" - Hell yeah Bazeema
•"What I Know Now" is another decent song as I am a sucker for drum breaks and enjoy the revolutionary feel behind it.
• Apparently, to avoid corruption by the book of forbidden magic you have to wash your hands with obsidian oil before using the book. So to avoiding evil basically comes down to washing your hands, gee you think this movie was made during a pandemic or something. Overall, pretty lame way to defeat evil.
•The rule is "embrace forbidden magic once and you commit to it for eternity". I find it hard to believe that no one has tried to save someone corrupted by this forbidden magic before this.
• I notice that the more obvious Disney call backs happen at the last third of the movie. Before it was subtle but now it is super obvious.
• If we were not going to get a reprise of "At All Costs" then "This Wish" would make sense as it shows the kingdom getting behind Asha and standing up to Magnifico themselves. It is a decent song for what it needs to be.
•Again, I can't help thinking about Star's human design as they are sucked into Magnifico's staff. Imagine them taking one last glance at Asha before being sucked in to the staff, some good romantic build there.
• Simon's betrayal came down to him wanting to feel whole again after giving up his wish and essentially making a deal with the devil to make that happen. I get that people saw him differently and he would want to change that but how he acted with Asha and the others before Magnifico told the kingdom about the light and its apparent danger still made his turn feel off, we needed to see Simon struggle with how he feels and how others see him for it to make sense.
•So Star did not go back to the sky at the end, which does leave the door open for other adventures with Asha and others. Maybe star could turn human at the end (LOOK LET ME DREAM!)
Overall my thoughts on Wish have not really changed since I first viewed it. The movie is passable, a 6 or seven out of 10, a C+ to B grade. The animation is good, the story is fine and the characters do not bother me too much.
But for a movie that is supposed to represent 100 years of Disney animation, one of the most influential studios of all time, it is not wrong to say that we should have gotten more. This movie is missing one thing, that special sauce to put it over the top. It could've been a romance with a human looking Star, it could have been Amaya and Magnifico being a villainous couple, it could have been anything. Wish just needed that extra something to push past some of the pacing and story beats that drag it down such as the bad jokes and odd pacing. Maybe a better relationship between Asha and Star would be glue that held the movie together as most previous Disney film always had that main duo that kept you interested but Asha and this version of Star just don't click like a Moana and Maui or Anna and Elsa did.
I would give it a recommendation now that it is on streaming for an affordable price plus it does come with the deleted scenes and bonus materials. It's also clear to see that the team behind it was passionate about making this the best it could be and I applaud the team for that idea. I know others are going after them for not going through with certain concepts, but I think they did an okay job with what they had.
So yes I like Wish, it's not my favorite Disney movie but it's one I would not mind watching again and understand if it's someone's favorite. Hopefully the initial negativity towards the movie dies down and people actually give it a chance.
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 2 months
Was Qubo actually coming back?
So I heard a rumor that's been going around that The Qubo Channel, an American children's tv channel that ran from 2007-2021, was coming back in 2023 and this idiot fan did everything they could to make it seem real, videos and everything but it all turned out to be fake. They said that the company E Scripps announced it but they never did and this random person made an entire wiki page of it too. Qubo is officially never coming back, although I hope someone will have a solution or come up with a replacement kids channel. It's sad that kids have nothing that genuinely teaches them good lessons, besides Bluey. Don't get me wrong, I love Bluey, Bluey's awesome but it's like the only thing that kids can watch nowadays that's good for them. In my opinion, you need MORE THAN ONE SHOW! You don't have to have as many shows as I did growing up, but you can't only just have one show either.
I'll admit I was more of a tv kid, but I grew up in a small, dumpy town in Pennsylvania and I had no siblings or kids in the neighborhood to play with. I also never really had close friends at school who I got to hang out with outside of school, because school days lasted long and we were private people. When I got home, I'd most likely draw, watch tv, or take a nap. I did spend time outside but not in the autumn and winter as much because I hated cold, especially when I got older. I did watch a lot more tv than most kids did but it wasn't an unhealthy amount. I also wasn't really a Disney movie kid as much either. Disney channel? Yes, but I didn't really watch much of their animated movies growing up, especially not the older ones that everyone else grew up with. I had older parents and also was raised by my grandma, and no siblings so it's not like we had family movies nights like some families. Being an only child, I was basically the boss of the tv and my mom grew up playing outside and not much of a tv kid, so she just let me watch the kids shows that were playing on tv. Just to clear things up, I was born in November of 2002 and my mom gave birth to me when she was 42 years old, so a lot of stuff from her time wasn't really meant for kids. So yeah, I mostly just grew up watching tv channels. I was lucky enough to have Qubo, Sprout and the Nickelodeon and Disney channels. Lucky for me, I didn't watch much Cartoon Network, which in my opinion was kind of a good thing because a lot of stuff back then was inappropriate. Thank God I had more relaxing and... less unhinged shows to watch on channels like Sprout and Qubo. I know Qubo had its fair share of weird shows like Grossology and Being Ian, but most of the Qubo shows were good. In fact, some of my favorite shows ever came from Qubo!
Let's have a little talk about a well known Canadian show that was based off a book series, called "Scaredy Squirrel". If you were in Canada, you probably watched Scaredy Squirrel on YTV or Treehouse, but us Americans watched it on Cartoon Network, Disney X.D or Qubo. I was the kid who watched it on Qubo because I ignored the Cartoon Network channel growing up and I think around 2013 was when I started to hate Disney so... yeah. I became a fan of Scaredy Squirrel through Qubo and that show means so much to me. Another show that means a lot to me is called "Marvin the tap-dancing Horse" which originally aired on PBS kids for like 2 years, as part of a block called the "Bookworm bunch" which only lasted a short time and plus, I wasn't even born yet. I got introduced to Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse through the Qubo Channel and I absolutely fell in love with it. Honestly, those are both very underrated shows and deserve an actual FANDOM rather than 3 fans. A few people I know have at least heard of Scaredy Squirrel barely anyone has heard of Marvin the dancing horse (and yes, Marvin is based off a book too). I highly recommend those shows, as well as many others!
Cable tv is kind of shutting down now anyway, and it's sad. All we have now is streaming services and a lot of them just don't have those nice kids shows that Qubo had. A lot of those shows were cute and not too overstimulating for the younger kids, and almost everything they have now is for older kids. Sprout became Universal Kids, which is more for older kids and they didn't need to do that. We need more things for little kids too. Also, as a 21 year old with trauma, I don't like rough adult shows like South park and Hazbin hotel, I want more calming shows like Scaredy Squirrel and Toddworld. (Also, I'll put a list of my favorite shows from Qubo in my last paragraph).
I hope one day I can make my own tv channel or streaming service to replace Qubo or Sprout, but nothing can really "replace" my favorite channels growing up. Also, if you want some relaxing kids shows from Qubo to watch, I'll give you some;
Scaredy Squirrel, Toddworld, Stella & Sam, Timothy goes to school, Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse, Maggie & the Ferocious Beast, Harry & his Bucket of Dinosaurs, Miss Spider Sunny Patch, Babar, Veggietales, Gofrette, I Spy, My Friend Rabbit, Sandra the Fairytale Detective, Willa's Wild Life, Pecola, Turbo Dogs, Sidekick, and Stickin' Around (although there's a trigger warning).
Tell me what you think and if you agree! Are you too a Qubo or Sprout fan?
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disneytva · 2 months
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Atomo Network the animation showcase network between Channel Frederator & Mexican studio Ánima Estudios has revealed the potential synopsis of BIG CITY GREENS THE MOVIE 🏙️🌽🚜🍿📽️🚀🪐🌕
Big City Greens The Movie premieres this summer only on Disney Channel and Disney+ ☀️⛱️🌊
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 10 months
Studio Ghibli Watch-Through pt.1
At the beginning of the year I started watching the Studio Ghibli films in order of release just like I did with the animated theatrical Disney movies. However unlike those, my mom said that she didn’t want to join in watching them since she’s not a fan of anime however I did make her watch a few of the movies that are important. There’s roughly 25 films on this list so I’ll do 3 at a time.
1. Lupin the III: Castle of Cagliostro (1979)
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I know that technically this wasn’t done by Ghibli but it was one of Miyazaki’s earliest movies so I’m counting it for now. Plus how else would I be able to mention this movie? Do a “Watch Every Lupin the III movie in chronological order” list too? That’d be crazy. Anyways, if you haven’t seen this movie, I highly recommend it, especially if you haven’t seen any Lupin stuff, it’s a decent start.
2. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
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I finally saw this one after years of wanting to see it. Luckily they had it at a store I went too during Free Comic Book Day and it was totally worth it.
3. Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986)
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You can def see a lot of the character troupes that Miyazaki likes to use in this one and that’s great to see one of the origins of them.
Next time will be Grave of the Fireflies, My Neighbor Totoro, and Kiki’s Delivery Service
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fairytale-poll · 6 months
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*Includes the original 1950 animated film, the 2002 sequel Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, and the 2007 sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
she is very iconic, she is super kind and has a beautiful dress
Submitting specifically because Cinderella III: A Twist in Time has lived rent-free in my head ever since I was a small child.
This Cinderella is most young (western) peoples introduction to this very story. Cinderella is so hopeful and by getting one small magical adventure, her whole life changes for the better. She is skilled and inspires such loyalty with her kindness that it’s hard to dislike her for any reason she gives. I’ve always been jealous of her ball hairdo too.
Walt Disney put all he had into this movie. And his favorite animation was the dress transformation scene. There’s a reason she is often front and center on the Princess group promotions.
she is the original. to me. probably the first exposure to cinderella for a solid chunk of people alive & on tumblr today. she is just a perfect encapsulation of everything that cinderella is, even if she's become warped in the public consciousness. also i'm pretty sure she's the reason why the glass slippers are so predominant in more recent retellings bc she is simply so iconic. 100/10 no notes 💜
She's maybe not the OG OG but she was one of the first animated Disney princesses and strangely enough it doesn't stop her from having an amazing personality. She's literally a slave but keeps being a nice person, forgiving and always doing her best. And the sequels absolutely didn't ruin her character. She's a sweet girl who tries to fit in but who's loyal to the person she is and who tries to change things always in a cute and sweet way to show people it's not that hard. She literally forgave Anastasia and tried to help her after all she did to her (the scene where the step-sisters destroy her dress still is terrifying to me)... she's awesome and deserves more recognition honestly...
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) No she is not the same as the original Cinderella of 1950. This girl’s biggest chance was unfairly snatched away from her. When the Prince was brainwashed she was enough to get him to double take. She was so Right that their connection over powered magic. And she had to be rescued from a ship. And was almost crushed within a pumpkin! And finally had to expose another imposter, who turned out to be just another victim of Lady Trameine. This Cinderella fought harder for her love because she knew what True Love was like and she still was able to forgive those who asked for it.
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) Listen yes it's the same Cinderella from 1950 but she has an arc in this one! It's Disney's greatest film!!
Live-Action Remake:
Of all the live action remakes of the past decade this one is my favorite. Somehow it keeps the essence of the 1950 story but makes it today relevant. Ella really does live her life by having courage and being kind. The mice and birds might not speak but she (and we) still understand. She didn’t want to go to the ball for any grand reason besides being able to see a friend. That blue dress was so beautiful! And the butterflies! Ella and Kit matched so well together the Princess, King, and Captain of the Guard all Knew. And that wedding dress!
Plus Ella forgave her stepfamily. That is something that take such great strength of character and kindness of heart.
Tbh I've never seen the movie but I was a young impressionable child (7 years old) when it came out and. There was an ad in a paper or something and I thought she was really pretty so I cut out and hung it on the wall. It stayed up for. Many years. This was likely the first sign that I was gay.
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months
Animated 3: Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure v Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas v Fantasia 2000
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Scamp's Adventure {original-Lady and the Tramp (1955)}
This sequel continues the story of the original and focuses on the next generation - specifically Scamp, the son of Lady and Tramp. Scamp is a lively puppy who doesn't like to abide by the rules of the house and when he runs off to join a group of street dogs, he has to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't know his father as well as he did and the world isn't all fun and games. It features a fun cast and a musical score that's lived in my head rent free since before I started school. We also get to see beloved characters again, like Jock and Trusty! The movie is a must-watch for all who enjoy dog movies, it's guaranteed to melt hearts with the abundance of cute puppies it has. Plus, doesn't Buster just seem like Tramp's jealous ex? Isn't that fun!
The Enchanted Christmas {original-Beauty and the Beast (1991)}
>none submitted<
Fantasia 2000 {original-Fantasia (1940)}
>none submitted<
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blackfilmmakers · 5 months
I pirated wish & the movie was just so mid. The concept art look more finish then the actual movie. Asha wasn’t really adorkable as people was complaining about since they saw how she acted in the trailers but rather she have no personality to me. The choices made in the movie was dumb like Asha asking for her grandfather’s wish to be granted during an interview. It was like asking for a raise during an interview for a job. And the king showing how the wishing process work make his look foolish until they had her be an apprentice already. Also I’m sure the whole kingdom would knows that not everyone wishes will be granted since Asha’s grandfather is 100 and still hadn’t gotten his wish granted which would also apply that the king is way older then he look since it was stated he built the kingdom. They could had made him want to keep the wishes to keep him immortal. And it suffer from show don’t tell cause people losing their wish doesn’t really affect them nor did anyone seem miserable in the movie until the king turn evil. It would had been cool to see them lose their creativity. Plus even if you forget your wish once you gave it to the king, won’t your family and friends remember it cause I bet you would tell them what you wish for. It would also had been interesting for as the person change so do their wishes which would reflect to something else different then what they originally wish for when they was 18. That way the king can keep an eye on his subjects since the wish show what’s in their heart. And I wish they based Asha on Tiana since they both lost their fathers and it could show Asha processing it still through being a great apprentice and seeing the king as a father figure so that when he show his true colors, it would make Asha feel like she lost another father figure. She rarely ever mention him and we don’t even get to see his face or any flashback. And I wish they kept the villain couple and star being a star boy because star wasn’t even important since it only made animals and plants talk . I wish they added the romance in the movie for Asha, considering Disney don’t do romance that much in movies but that have been happening just as they starting putting more girl of colors in lead who deserve to see themselves desire. Wish just felt like it failed black girl and black women again like they did with princess and the frog except worse because instead of turning Asha into an animal, they didn’t make her into a character at all.
It really was a nothing movie wasn't it?
I hate that Disney chose to do this with a Black princess once again, because they refuse to turn back to 2D again
They just somehow managed to be more lazy with her design and background heritage, and worldbuilding ontop of it
And then they have the nerve to say Wish isn't doing so well, because they made the mistake of pandering to the 'snowflakes' and focused more on representation rather than story
Like no yall just suck, and you didn't represent anyone in this story. Not the Amazigh, not Spanish people, not disabled people(according to some mutuals that pointed out Dahilia's cane isn't designed properly, and she walks like an abled-bodied person using a cane), not animators
I can't even see Asha having a love interest, because she just doesn't have a personality. Ontop of concept art pointing out that human Star was meant to look like her grandfather. But in terms of romance in the story, the concept of "love conquers all" used for the villain couple? That I could get behind
Supposedly, the reason they didn't go with this is because studios didn't want the monarchy to look bad? Skill issue, but anyways hmmm almost sounds like this could be an easy fix by making Asha a princess
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