#Dennis Meadows
leparoledelmondo · 1 year
Limiti dello sviluppo
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Il prof. Dennis Meadows, docente al MIT, pubblicò nel 1972 il rapporto “I limiti dello sviluppo” commissionato dal Club di Roma (associazione di scienziati, economisti, attivisti, capitanati dall’italiano Aurelio Peccei) che svelava il degrado sempre più profondo ed esteso dell’ambiente naturale, non solo locale (laghi, fiumi, città), ma ormai globale (oceani, pianeta). Possiamo considerare quel documento come l’elemento che diede vita alla coscienza ecologista: il degrado della biosfera produce il degrado dell’ antrosfera, colpendo i prodotti alimentari, le risorse la salute e la sfera psichica degli esseri umani.
A distanza di 50 anni abbiamo assistito a una lenta presa di coscienza ecologista ed è arrivato il momento di avere una politica che non si limita a preservare l’ambiente naturale, ma tende a preservare anche gli ambienti umani. E’ per questo che occorre trasformare i nostri pensieri, i nostri costumi, il nostro modello di sviluppo.
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perfettamentechic · 2 months
1 marzo … ricordiamo …
1 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Conrad Janis, è stato un trombonista e attore jazz americano che ha recitato in film e televisione durante l’ era dell’età dell’oro negli anni ’50 e ’60, e ha continuato a recitare fino al 2012. Conosciuto soprattutto per il ruolo interpretato nella serie televisiva Mork & Mindy, ha recitato in diversi film e realizzato diverse performance come musicista jazz. Il primo matrimonio di Janis…
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ilsimplicissimusblog · 11 months
Clima, guerra e genocidio: il maltusianesimo contemporaneo
Generalmente Thomas Malthus è conosciuto per la sua teoria secondo cui i livelli della popolazione tendono sempre a una crescita geometrica, mentre le risorse agricole tendono  a una crescita aritmetica portando a cresi sociali che si possono evitare solo con il controllo della popolazione. Sarebbe abbastanza inutile analizzare questa tesi per mostrarne l’inconsistenza perché in realtà lo scopo…
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nothingbutthetruth · 2 years
Dennis Meadows: Earth "can support ...a billion people."
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dennybitte · 2 years
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wild meadow lights
by Denny Bitte
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arcanespillo · 7 months
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stills from James Dean: A Portrait (1988) dir by Gary Legon
"James observed classes but did not participate, he couldn't bear to have his performance criticized by the class, he said 'if I let them dissect me like a rabbit in a laboratory, I might not be able to produce again.' At the actors' studio he studied method acting, where an actor learns to utilize every emotion from their real life in their dramatic roles, although this line between acting and life was deliberately left ambiguous, students were warned never to confuse the two, Jimmy repeatedly violated this rule, he succumbed to what the method called the existential fallacy of confusing himself with his creation, it gave a sense of urgency and risk to all his roles"
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the-forest-library · 3 months
January 2024 Reads
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The Gentlemen's Gambit - Evie Dunmore
A Lady Guide's to Mischief and Mayhem - Manda Collins
The Ladies Rewrite the Rules - Suzanne Allain
One Night in Hartswood - Emma Denny
The Breakup Tour - Emily Wibberley
Places We've Never Been - Kasie West
Most Ardently - Gabe Cole Novoa
Okay, Cupid - Mason Deaver
Love, Me - Jessica Saunders
Dungeons and Drama - Kristy Boyce
Seven Percent of Ro Devereux - Ellen O'Clover
Eight Dates and Nights - Betsy Aldredge
Rules for Being a Girl - Candace Bushnell, Katie Cotungo
The Christmas Wish - Lindsey Kelk
After the Forest - Kell Woods
All the Hidden Paths - For Meadows
Shady Hollow - Juneau Black
Strong Poison - Dorothy L. Sayers
The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis
The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan
The Marvelous Magic of Miss Mabel - Natasha Lowe
Elf Dog and Owl Head - M.T. Anderson
Winter - Kelsey E. Gross
The Bookstore Cat - Cylin Busby
The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls
Brain on Fire - Susannah Cahalan
A Book of Days - Patti Smith
Karma - Boy George
I Hate Everyone, Except You - Clinton Kelly
The Life Brief - Bonnie Wan
The Stress Prescription - Elissa Epel
Infectious Generosity - Chris J. Anderson
Break the Cycle - Mariel Buque
Eve - Cat Bohannon
House Love - Patric Richardson
Pests - Bethany Brookshire
Freaks, Gleeks, and Dawson's Creek - Thea Glassman
But Have You Read the Book? - Kristen Lopez
The Good, the Bad, and the Barbie - Tanya Lee Stone
Normal is Just a Setting on the Dryer - Adair Lara
Men to Avoid in Art and Life - Nicole Tersigni
Friends to Keep in Art and Life - Nicole Tersigni
Parenting Advice to Ignore in Art and Life - Nicole Tersigni
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Messy memoirs, healing from generational trauma, and recovery from burnout - these are a few of my favorite things.
Goodreads Goal: 43/200
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads | 
2022 Reads | 2023 Reads | 2024 Reads
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tentacion3099 · 5 months
Dennis Meadows, hopes the "necessary" depopulation of the planet, down to one billion—an 87.5% reduction from today’s population—can "occur in a civil way".
"The planet can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion, depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have."
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uncharismatic-fauna · 10 months
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Wonder Common Wasps
The common wasp, Vespula vulgaris is a species of wasp that is native throughout Europe and Asia, and has been introduced in New Zealand, Australia, and South America. These wasps thrive in a variety of environments, from deciduous forests to meadows to urban parks and gardens; the primary requirements are an abundant source of food and at least several months where the temperature is above 2 °C (36 °F) which allows them to forage. Nests can be found in tree hollows, crevices, wall cavities, or any other enclosed space.
Vespula vulgaris has a highly varied diet. As larvae, they are fed pre-chewed caterpillars, flies, spiders, and bees. Adults consume more sugary foods like nectar, fruits, and honey. They find these foods through their extremely sensitive sense of smell; the common wasp is capable of detecting minute particles of food via their antennae, and once a source of food is found the individual will return to the hive to recruit others by drumming their abdomen against the side of the nest.
Like other hymenoptrids, the common wasp is a eusocial species; each nests consists of workers under the direction of a single queen. When a queen first begins her colony, she does most of the work building the nest from chewed wood fibre and laying eggs that produce sterile female workers. As the colony grows, reaching up to 5,000 individuals, the queen begins to produce both female and male workers, each of which performs a specific task for the hive; foraging, caring for the eggs and larvae, feeding the queen, or repairing the nest. These workers are directed by pheromones released by the queen, which is delivered both by air and when workers lick the queen to clean her.
The queen begins laying eggs at the start of summer, in May. Larvae emerge about 5 days later, and spend the next 20-25 days being fed by the queen until they reach full size, at which time they spin a mucus-based cover over their cell and emerge as a mature worker. This cycle continues throughout the summer and early fall, with larger individuals emerging later in the season. A larva's place in the hive also determines its size; the largest larvae, which becomes the queen, is located at the bottom of the nest closest to the entrance. Multiple queens typically hatch in a season, but most leave the nest to start their own colonies. Towards the end of the summer, the queen mates with multiple males and then enters a state of hibernation until the following spring thaw; meanwhile, the workers either starve or are killed by the cold.
Workers and queens are fairly similar in appearance; both sport yellow and black markings across their thorax and abdomen to warn away potential predators. The primary difference is that queens are larger, at 20 mm (0.8 in) long, while workers are only 12–17 mm (0.5–0.7 in). Only female workers have stingers. The species is commonly confused with the European wasp, Vespula germanica, as the two look remarkably similar; the best identifier is that V. vulgaris has only one black mark on its head, while V. germanica has three.
Conservation status: This species has a large, stable population and is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. However, in areas where it has been introduced, it is considered invasive due to predation and competition with native species.
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Andy Sands
Mike Snell
Dennis Maraisis via iNaturalist
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Article by: noel kirkpatrick (September 5 2018)
Call it Apocalypse 2040.
In the early 1970s, a computer program called World1 predicted that civilization would likely collapse by 2040. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) had programmed it to consider a model of sustainability for the world.
The prediction has resurfaced because Australian broadcaster ABC recirculated a 1973 newscast about the computer program. The program's findings, however, never really went away, as its results have been re-evaluated over the nearly 50 years since they first appeared.
The bad news for us is that the model seems to be spot-on so far.
The computer model was commissioned by the Club of Rome, a group of scientists, industrialists and government officials focused on solving the world's problems. The organization wanted to know how well the world could sustain its rate of growth based on information that was available at the time. World1 was developed by Jay Forrester, the father of system dynamics, a methodology for understanding how complex systems operate.
When deciding the fate of civilization, the program considered several variables, including pollution levels, population growth, the availability of natural resources and global quality of life. These factors were considered in tandem with one another as opposed to separately, following the Club of Rome's perspective that the world's problems are interconnected.
Such an approach was novel in the 1970s, even if the forecast World1 produced wasn't intended to be "precise." The program produced graphs that demonstrated what would happen to those metrics in the future, without even accounting for things like climate change. The graphs all indicated a downward trajectory for the planet.
According to the 1973 ABC segment, World1 identified 2020 as a tipping point for civilization.
"At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical. If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so seriously it will start to kill people, which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in the 1900. At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilized life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist."
This was not the end of the model. In 1972, the Club of Rome published "The Limits to Growth," a book that built off the work of World1 with a program called World3, developed by scientists Donella and Dennis Meadows and a team of researchers. This time the variables were population, food production, industrialization, pollution and consumption of nonrenewable natural resources.
"The Limits to Growth" pushed the collapse of civilization to 2072, when the limits of growth would be the most readily apparent and result in population and industrial declines.
Criticism of the book was nearly immediate, and harsh. The New York Times, for instance, wrote, "Its imposing apparatus of computer technology and systems jargon ... takes arbitrary assumptions, shakes them up and comes out with arbitrary conclusions that have the ring of science," concluding that the book was "empty and misleading."
Others argued that the book's view of what constitutes a resource could change over time, leaving their data shortsighted to any possible changes in consumption habits.
The tide for the book's finds have changed over time, however. In 2014, Graham Turner, then a research fellow at the University Melbourne's Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, collected data from various agencies within the United Nations, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other outlets, plotting their data alongside the findings of the World3 model.
What Turner found that was that the World3 model and then-current statistical information tended to coincide with another, up to 2010, indicating that the World3 model was onto something. Turner cautioned that the validation of World3's model didn't indicate "agreement" with it, largely due to certain parameters within the World3 model. Still, Turner argued that we were likely on "cusp of collapse" thanks to a few different factors, in particular what Turner called the end of peak easy oil access.
Writing in The Guardian, Turner and Cathy Alexander, a Melbourne-based journalist, explained that neither the World3 model or Turner's own confirmation of it signaled that the collapse was a guarantee.
"Our research does not indicate that collapse of the world economy, environment and population is a certainty," they wrote. "Nor do we claim the future will unfold exactly as the MIT researchers predicted back in 1972. Wars could break out; so could genuine global environmental leadership. Either could dramatically affect the trajectory.
"But our findings should sound an alarm bell. It seems unlikely that the quest for ever-increasing growth can continue unchecked to 2100 without causing serious negative effects – and those effects might come sooner than we think."
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ilsimplicissimusblog · 11 months
Clima, guerra e genocidio: il maltusianesimo contemporaneo
Generalmente Thomas Malthus è conosciuto per la sua teoria secondo cui i livelli della popolazione tendono sempre a una crescita geometrica, mentre le risorse agricole tendono  a una crescita aritmetica portando a cresi sociali che si possono evitare solo con il controllo della popolazione. Sarebbe abbastanza inutile analizzare questa tesi per mostrarne l’inconsistenza perché in realtà lo scopo…
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aleksa-sims · 5 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Pregnancy, Babies, loss, blood
Another day at my grandparents drew to a close. After Dilek made her way home, N. and I got in a discussion. Not about her, it was about Alex, Daniel's Brother. 😔
Alex wrote me a letter, bcs he couldn’t call me. Daniel was against it! However, Alex mentioned a date in his letter. He wanted to see me! He said/wrote, he will wait for me in front of my and Daniel’s apartment on that particular day. I really wanted to see Alex!! I wanted to know what’s going on with Daniel and why he left me??? But as you can imagine, Nico was against it. Which was totally understandable!! That’s why I tried to talk to Nico about it. N. didn’t forbid me, but he let me know, he was disappointed in me. 🙁😞
He didn’t want to start a fight and just went over to M.’s room, while I cleande up our dishes in the kitchen. Nico asked M., what's wrong with Ana?? Why's she avoiding me?? So my Cuz told him what happend between Ana, Adam, Dennis & me in their dorm a few weeks ago. Yup! "Agh, thanks, bro!" 🤦‍♀️😒Such a moron!
Anyway! Now I'm gonna tell you about the dress I found in my room this afternoon. I thought it was my Mom’s! I really loved that dress! I felt so pretty in it. But my Grama seemed to hate it? I had the impression my Grama didn’t want to tell me exactly what she had against the dress I was wearing? She just said it's hers, not my Mom's!! And well, before I went to bed, I wanted to try to talk to her about this thing again in peace. She just came out of the bathroom. My Grampa was still sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a western movie. 😄He and his bloody, old, western movies. 😆😆Agh, I hated them!
Back to that dress. I entered the bedroom. My grandma was expecting me. She knew I had questions and was ready to talk to me about it.
My Grams was born and raised in Italy. She had three siblings! 2 Sisters and a Brother. When my Grams was 16, she went to Greece with one of her sisters, who's 2 years older than her, to work there. They worked in a hotel. And just a year later, she met my Grampa. My Grams was able to learn some Greek. But together with my Grampa, she learned the language relatively quickly and so they fell in love with each other. After spending over a year in Greece, my Grama decided to marry my Grandpa. He asked her and she was also pregnant. Her parents agreed, as long as my Grams had someone to take care of her. My Grandma's family didn’t have much money. My great-grandmother had lost an arm while working in a factory. That’s why she couldn’t work anymore.
Anyway, my Grandma was happy in Greece with my Grandpa .They lived in my Grampa's house which belonged to his Parents, who also lived there. My Grama and Grampa wanted to save money together to move out, so they both worked a lot. Even though my Grandma was pregnant, she worked 12 hours a day. She wanted to, and she felt good, so she just kept going. But when my Grams was 8 months pregnant, she suddenly got contractions during her shift at the hotel. She had to go to the hospital immediately! Something seemed to be wrong. She was bleeding. At the hospital, my Grandma found out she was having twins!!! She didn't know! No idea how her gynecologist could miss this, but my Grama told me that she was not often at the doctor at that time. She only had an ultrasound once! She didn’t take this so seriously. She was only 18! And her doc just said, she is young and strong, so it's all gonna be fine. However,my Grandma lost a lot of blood during delivery. She almost didn’t survive, she became unconscious, she said. She doesn’t remember what happened? She only knew, she was in a beautiful place, while the Doc's struggled to save her life. Everything felt so peaceful and wonderful. She wanted to stay there. She walked through a green meadow where two small kids suddenly ran towards her. She immediately hugged and kissed them. The three of them had a wonderful time on this beautiful meadow. They laughed, danced and played. My Grams was so happy. She didn’t want to leave this place. But after a while, the two Babies had to say goodbye to her. They told her, she had to go back home. My grandma didn’t want to, she asked, if she could stay there?... The Babies hugged her one last time, telling her not to worry about them. One day, they’ll see each other again, right here.
Then my Grama woke up and found herself in a bed in the hospital. She knew, her Babies didn’t survive 😟😢 ...... She told me, that she was not immediately sad as she woke up. She was rather disappointed, because she had to leave that beautiful meadow. A few days later my grandmother was back home. At home, she realized what had actually happened. She lost her Babies. 😔
And this dress I found, my Grandma loved when she was pregnant. Seeing me in that dress scared her, because I was pregnant too. She didn’t want to tell me, not scare me. And secondly, she knew that when I learned that she had twins, it would only make me more insecure. My pregnancy was unplanned, what if I have twins too?? So yes, it actually worried me.
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Me: Was Grandpa nice to you? I mean, was he good to you? 😟
Grams: Yeah, he took care of me. Don’t worry about me, it’s been over 40 years.... In summary, I can say.... yes, your Grampa was a good man. It wasn't allways easy with him. You know how much he loves his beer. But thanks to me, your grandpa is not a drinker! No matter how long he was out at night with his 2 brothers and buddies. Every morning, I kicked him out of bed to go to work. But when it came to you kids, I could always rely on him... I know you’re still sad about Daniel. I heard you and Nico talking, but ask yourself a question, A.! How will it be in a few months? How do you imagine your future, not your present!! Now everything may seem uncertain and you are sad. You miss & love him. And if you weren’t pregnant, I’d advise you to wait and see about your marriage. Fact is, you don’t know why Daniel decided to leave? Maybe he didn’t see another way? Daniel is a calm, introverted guy. I think he kept a lot of things that bothered him to himself. In addition, he has never learned otherwise. He never really had anyone to... take care of him. Now it’s too late what his parents are trying to make up for. He doesn’t trust them, he generally has difficulty opening up. I think that’s why he couldn’t talk to you. I just want you to understand, that it wasn’t your fault. You can't fix in those few months you were with him, what went wrong for him in the past. And now that you’re pregnant, I doubt you and Daniel have a chance anyway. This will make it all the harder for him, to trust you. That's how things are rn. This is your current situation and you have to decide how you want to continue. Of course, I can’t tell you what to expect with Nico. But one thing I think, I can tell you! No man, no matter how much he loves you, will love your child as much as his Dad does. Daniel would probably try, and if he makes an effort, maybe he’ll be a good Dad for your Baby. But it’s Nico’s Baby. I know you had your struggles with him. But I talked to him last night. And in my opinion, you can rely on him. He’ll give you everything and he loves you. But most importantly, Nico doesn’t do drugs, bella. I know you don't wanna hear that, but this one important detail, is actually enough, to make the right decision, for you and your Baby.
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Me: Why do you think I didn’t decide? I'm so happy with N. rn. I really want this with us! But..... yes! I'm still very sad about Daniel. I’m afraid to divorce him. I don’t wanna hurt him. I wish I could turn back the time to stop him, then we’d still be together and everything would be ok. 😢I always feel like I’ve done something wrong, Nico and I, it feels like cheating.... You believe in God. Do you think someone wants to punish me for all I’ve done wrong? I don’t want my Baby to pay for my mistakes.
Grams: God does not punish, he forgives! That’s what it’s all about! Forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself, A.! But you did nothing wrong, honey. You were sad, felt abandoned, alone & broken. And Nico was there. You might think, he was there at the right moment. Where would you be now, if Nico hadn’t come back to your life? You can be honest A.! I’m not gonna be mad, no matter what your answer is.
Me: I-....I’d probably be high with Dennis somewhere.
Grams: Who's Dennis?
Me: I met him at Ana's dorm.... We did drugs together. I even almost slept with him, even though I only met him a few hours before that. 😢 I didn't care about anything. I just wanted to feel numb.🤦‍♀️
Grams: Come here.... You'll be fine. I'm gonna take care of you and your Baby. You're not alone... I'm there.
Me: Yea...... thanks... I'm going over to N.
Grams: Don’t tell Nico what you just told me. He doesn't need to know that.... You two have to get along with each other now and not fight. I think N is the guy for you. I'm pretty sure. And don’t forget what I said, think about the future, not the past. Tomorrow morning, I’ll remove all your wedding photos, you do the same thing in your room. That's rude to N. He didn’t do anything wrong, he was only there for you and I’m glad he’s back with you. He also seems much calmer than he used to. He wants to do it right, this time. He told me. So go to him now.
Me: So sorry about your Babies. I won't keep that dress. 😭
Grams: Oh, honey. It's ok. Please don’t think about my twins anymore. It's.... all fine. Afte all, just 2 years later, I got my boys and so you, your sister and M. That’s more than I ever dreamed of.
Agh, this was a lot! Sorry. But everything that has now been mentioned in the conversation between my Grama & me, will become a topic soon.
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nothingbutthetruth · 2 years
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museum-archives · 1 month
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Meadow Lands
Dennis Miller Bunker (American, 1861-1890)
Oil on canvas
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theinquisitxor · 4 months
December 2023 Reading Wrap Up
I read 11 books in December, and it was a great reading month to finish the year. I read 4 audiobooks, and 7 physical books.
1.The Lost Metal (Mistborn 7) by Brandon Sanderson 4/5 stars. I’m glad I read this series, and reading on audio was definitely the way to go for me. I enjoyed this last installment in the series, and I loved how this book flung the doors wide open for the Cosmere and relations to other books. Adult High Fantasy, read on audio.
2. A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows, 5/5 stars. I reread this favorite in anticipation for the sequel. This book has a lot of what I enjoy-- a character driven political fantasy romance with plenty of representation and a good dose of drama. I enjoyed my reread just about as much as the first. Adult Fantasy Romance, Queer
3.All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows, 4/5 stars. This was a good follow up adventure following our two main characters from book 1. There were some tropes/elements I didn't enjoy as much, but it was still a gripping and engaging as the first book. Adult Fantasy Romance, Queer
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4. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, 5/5 stars. When people ask me "what's your favorite book?" this is the answer I give. I like to reread this every other year or so, especially around the holidays. Middle Grade fantasy
5.Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones, 3/5 stars. Despite HMC being my favorite, I've never actually read the 2 follow up books. I finally told myself I would read these before the end of the year. This was a fun enjoyable story that takes us to another part of this fantasy land that DWJ created, with new and old characters. It's not nearly on the same level as HMC, but I enjoyed reading it and getting more of the classic DWJ wit and narration. middle grade fantasy
6. House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones, 4/5 stars. Diana Wynne Jones was so clever, and that really shines through in this story. I think part of the reason why I put off reading the two sequels to HMC for years was because I never wanted the story to end and be "done". This was one of the last books DWJ ever wrote, and it really feels like saying goodbye. middle grade fantasy
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7. Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age by Dennis Duncan. If you enjoy book history and diving deep into a niche topic, then I think this is a great book. It's amazing how the concept of the 'index' has existed in some form since humans began writing. Nonfiction, read on audio.
8. The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, 4/5 stars. I reread this via the BBC Radio production, while listening to the corresponding days for each segment. I really enjoyed this production, with different voices for each characters, and background noises as well. Gave a very cinematic experience.
9. Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer, 5/5 stars. I loved this book narrated by the author herself. I loved learning more about moss, while also getting essays about the authors life, work, and natural world around us. I very much recommend this one. Nonfiction, read on audio.
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10. The Blue Sword (Damar #1) by Robin McKinley, 5/5 stars. I really enjoyed my time reading this book and this was a good reminder of what makes classic fantasy so great. This novel is also proof that you can have a fully realized fantasy story with great characters, lore, and plot, and have it all under 300 pages. This is one I can see myself rereading.
11. The Hero and the Crown (Damar 2) by Robin McKinley, 4/5 stars. A good prequel to book 1 and exploration of some of the myths/stories from book 1. This is very much a Girl + Horse + Magical Sword go on an adventure and save the kingdom type story.
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That's it for December! It was a strong finish to the end of the year, and pushed me over 100 books for 2023. Here's to 2024 and another good reading year! 🥂
January TBR:
A Winter's Promise (Mirror Visitor series) by Christelle Dabos + book 2?
A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard + book 2?
The Atlas Complex by Olivie Blake
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire (audio)
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
Beartown by Frederik Backman + book 2?
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (audio)
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