vinxlsketches · 2 years
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take this shitty steddie doodle from a few weeks ago as a distraction for whatever the hell THAT just was. i will be drawing more eddie i swear
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jerry-for-the-win · 2 years
Im a little pissed so here’s what I think Mike could’ve been this season with a little byler
So let’s say everything about Mike stays the same up until the top of the car convo and we see mike look at Will when he isn’t looking and something clicks. Fast forward the car scene and the painting (I’m changing that completely cause fuck that) Will presents a painting of them as kids meeting on the swings, at the bottom it says “saying yes was the best thing I ever did” Mike gives Will a proper hug and they talk more but literally just like best friends would poking at eachother and teasing eachother. Fast forward they’re in Hawkins mike gets Vecnad and we see him and will as kids on the swings but someone else approaches will first and we hear vecna say “you always knew he deserved better” suddenly mike is in his room a month or so before Will leaves and they’re both sitting on the bed reading comics. Mike is looking at Will. Will looks at him with disgust. “Why would he ever love you” suddenly were at the scene in the rain, mike is watching himself yell at Will. Mike is crying. Vecna is about to get him completely when we hear Should I Stay or Should I Go. He sees Will sobbing and Nancy sobbing and everyone yelling. He runs. He falls back onto nancy and Will is there and gives him a hug. After they calm down Will asks why that was his favorite song. Mike replies that it’s because it reminds him of will. At the end El and Mike talk, El says that she’s so great full for mike but thinks it’s better if they just be friends and if she tries to truly understand who she is. Mike tells her that she’ll always be his super hero and that he’ll always be her biggest supporter. They cry and hug
The end, obviously I want byler to be cannon and I’m fine that it’s not. Like genuinely I don’t hate milkvan and think of it was developed correctly with more of El being less dependent it could be a great ship. and also using queer characters misery to further a straight ship is atrocious
Fuck you duffer brothers
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enobariasteeth · 2 years
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kurtsroo · 5 months
im still alive and well but dude
give. me. my. fav. dude. back.
they already hit the delete file for Eddie (still not okay) and i will not tolerate the Duffer Bros doing the same thing for Argyle.
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cloverhasnobrain · 2 years
The Stranger Things casting team needs to be stopped, my bisexual ass has never simped for so many characters of the same show
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bodegacat-withboots · 2 years
Thinking about how Will started all the physical contact with Mike this season in an attempt to soothe the tension and feel closer in the same way Mike would start physical contact during S2 to soothe Will and feel closer to him.
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sick and tired of lgbtq+ characters not being treated with the same care and respect as cishet characters
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doodle417 · 2 years
I just finished Stranger things and all I’m going to say is that I dug my nails into my hands so hard that I am now bleeding
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duffers. its on sight.
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shootingsun · 2 years
Just remembered the duffer brothers are making a Netflix adaptation of death note...
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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gaspimgay · 2 years
high jonathan is better than any other jonathan
ok pls check my tags idk what i did there but lol
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no but hear me out:
i want robin to kiss a girl in season 5 so badly and no matter who it is, in the end of the day i will take it because she needs a gf already BUT
it has to be nancy. like it has to be. it's not that i dislike vickie or anything but i just (i better not get canceled for that one) feel like her character was kind of poorly written? no hate to the actress at all, but to me it just felt like they copy-pasted robin's entire personality and turned it into a new character?? i don't know maybe that's just me? robin deserves a complex character by her side (nancy god damn wheeler) and i am dying on that hill. nancy is and has always been such a complex character and giving her a girlfriend would only EMPHASIZE this complexity. from s1 one until now nancy has been captured in this love triangle and it is pretty clear that she never felt fully understood in neither of those relationships. like she always had to prove herself you know what i mean? with both steve and jonathan. now guess what? she never had to prove herself around robin. ROBIN EVEN PUT HER IN CHARGE HELLO??
and robin...well the way she rambled around nancy?? the way she looked down when she saw the way nancy was looking at steve?? the way she called for nancy when she went after steve?? the way they held hands??? they both deserve each other so much. i could literally talk about this for HOURS oh my god. the ronance hyperfixation is going strong!
hello anon i understand u so strongly, and im sorry this took me so long to get to! i promise it wasn't intentional!
i will forever be on the train that even if vickie was done better than she was, she will always be a character introduced to give the lesbian character a love interest, she was doomed to this position from the start because she had no other real purpose! rockie will always feel inorganic because vickie is nothing beyond a love interest for robin.
this is. such a common problem, ESPECIALLY in wlw ships, and that's why i love ronance. nancy wheeler is immune to this phenomenon because she and robin were both created independently and with different purposes, and their stories come together so well its actually insane
nancy wheeler is one of those characters that is so hard to understand if you don't look at her through a queer lens, or at the very least an anti-misogynist one. i think the best thing the duffers could do for her is finish the arc she started in season 1, which is focused on self-realization and discovery.
the entire show she has been told who she is, what she should do, who she likes, who she loves, by everyone! it is never nancy who says these things, it is other characters telling her, even barb, even robin. how insane would it be if she came to the conclusion on her own that she liked women? or at the very least had looked at her own feelings not through the lens of someone who didn't understand her or the situation they were talking about.
robin falls into these same patterns, but the more she gets to know nancy, the more she really understands her, the more she backs off on those kinds of comments and the more she uplifts nancy's voice. there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL in them and the fact that it will more likely than not be ignored is so. agonizing. please duffer brothers see the vision
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edgelordtozier · 2 years
actually im gonna keep making posts complaining about steve’s characterization in volume 2 because it was genuinely awful.
for one, i think he Maybe spoke one word to dustin personally. he didn’t hug him or anything before leaving him to a dangerous situation, didn’t comfort him after eddie’s death, and just straight didn’t show any concern for him at all. that’s not a steve harrington thing. that’s just bad writing. volume 1 steve would be murdering volume 2 steve.
on the topic of eddie, there was no point in having steve tell him “don’t be a hero” before everything happened and then Not show steve’s reaction to him going out and doing just that: being a hero and dying for it. it’s lazy writing to start something and not show the outcome. maybe the duffer brothers were afraid people would keep pushing the steddie agenda. they’re cowards.
steve’s interactions with robin were just whatever. he let her run up ahead without any concern for her when they were LITERALLY IN THE UPSIDE DOWN just so he could have a dumb, out of character conversation with nancy. definitely a Choice!
and then literally don’t even get me fucking started on him and nancy. im a stancy hater because i will never get over season 2. this season has been trying so hard to force a stancy renewal that it’s kind of funny? there’s no reason for it literally at all. having steve talk about his six dream kids with nancy was so WEIRD. Where did that come from. How is steve still not even slightly over nancy. This is so bad. It’s so bad. I don’t blame nancy for getting super weirded out. can you even imagine being in that situation. What is wrong with the duffer brothers.
overall: They butchered my boy. Let him move on from Nancy. Let him be the bisexual he deserves to be. Give him more actual character development. Let him have a very very very near death experience. It was nothing but wasted potential to make his storyline so boring in volume 2.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
I'm so worried that the duffer brothers are gonna fuck up jancy. That flirting with Steve and Nancy in season four was not cute. Like jancy isn't my favorite ship in the series (because I'm in love with Jonathan but that's not the point) but we've established that Nancy DOESN'T love Steve. Did you see Jonathan's face when Nancy started talking about how Steve's grown up? You could tell it made him insecure, It's foreshadowing the love triangle all over again and there's no point in keeping it. It doesn't add to the story it's just another stupid plot for drama, which we don't really need!
It also takes away from Nancy's character!! She's not the kind of girl to just go from guy to guy. She's also not the kind of girl to flirt with her ex who's clearly still got feelings for her while she has a boyfriend!! Even if it was unintentional, like subconsciously, still she's smarter than that and she cares about Jonathan and Steve's feelings she wouldn't risk hurting the both of them at once.
I mean if we're talking about come home it could work as something for bug and Steve to work through I guess ( I don't wanna talk about it too much because it's so far away and there's a lot more we have to go through to get to that point) but it's so outside of Nancy's character. Maybe she's just confused cause she almost died and saw Steve get seriously hurt? But still Nancy isn't a homewrecker and she's not a super jealous or promiscuous person. Even if she didn't know about how close bug and Steve have grown she wouldn't go after him. But strictly speaking of stranger things now. She hardly interacted with Steve in season four, which is fair she's still in highschool and Steve has a job. They have their own shit going on. It's understandable. I feel like Nancy's character gets misconstrued a lot, partially because she keeps getting reduced to a love interest. I just hope Nancy and Jonathan don't fall apart because of how much they've changed during their time away. I love Steve but he's not right for Nancy and she's not right for Steve. I hope they Don't ruin such a great relationship with so much potential. Like I see the problems in jancy but I can see how well it could work if given the chance.
honestly it just feels like the writers dont KNOW what to do with nancy anymore or even jancy. i adore them and think theyre so sweet together but the writers are just ,,,, pissing me off. bringing back steves feelings for her and nancys weird feelings for him was just ??? unnecessary and NO ONE was asking for it
i will say however i do see the vision for stancy. i think they did have a good shot at being in love and happy, theyre right person wrong time, but if that was the plan since season 1 then ,,,, it shouldve been touched on earlier ?!?!!? we dont see nancys feelings for steve at ALL until season 4 like even WHILE THEY WERE DATING. its stupid. and like u said: nancy isnt like that !! she’d never directly hurt anyone :( shes so kind and loyal and the writers are mean
and jancy ,,, ugh they have sm potential if the writers would just figure them out. they keep having the same argument of jon wanting to care for his family and nancy wanting to uncover and explore shit its just. ugh.
for season 4 i will DEF be retconning some shit because yeah. im not dealing with a repeat love square that will be resolved literally THIS SEASON in season 2. feels so dumb to be so repetitive. i will however bring in some elements in that love triangle back in 4 but not in any definitive or dramatic way. smh
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conanssummerchild · 10 months
my ao3 :D
my fics:
(They told me) all of my cages were mental: 5 chapters, 10k words. basically mike gets vecnad and doesnt tell anyone, me personally i think this one is kinda cringe and doesnt make much sense (it was my first ever published fic) but its my most succesful one so ig it cant be all that bad lol [TW SUICIDAL THOUGHTS]
I'll tell you all the times that I wished that I could die: 1k words. lucas finds out about what happened that day at the quarry and confronts mike about it. this is just a silly little fic dont take it too seriously lol [TW SUICIDAL THOUGHTS]
I hit my peak at seven: 3k words. will comes out to the party and it sends mike into a gay crisis. ('not everything is about mi-' yes. yes it is. /j)
Now that I see your brother as my brother (is it enough?): 5k words. they stop at a motel on the way to nina and jonathan finds out some things about mike. this one might be my fav fic yet [TW SELF HARM]
Are 'friends' electric?: 6 chapters, 5k words. 5 times mike hates kissing + 1 time he doesnt. the fact that theres actually 5 onscreen kisses is kinda funny its like the duffers WANTED someone to make a 5+1 fic
it's been so long but if you ever think you've got it wrong (i'm right where you left me): 768 words. mike tells his kids a story about someone who didnt get a happy ever after
You don't really wanna hear the truth, do you?: 1 chapter, 882 words [in progress]. this is abt mike and karens s1 talk, ngl idk wtf this fic is going or wtf im doing w/ my life. not a safe space for karen wheeler lovers sorry
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writethesleepaway · 2 years
Let It All Out Sweetheart
Summary: Eddie comforts you after a bad day!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
WC: 1126
Warnings: pure fluff! eddie needs a warning for himself because god damn that man could kill me just with a look
A/N: my tiktok fyp is full of Eddie coming back as Kas theories and a part of me is really excited but another part of me is like 98.3% sure the duffer brothers wouldn't do that so im sad.
(divider by @delishlydelightfuldividers)
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The trailer shook as the front door slammed, causing Eddie to jump in his seat. He groaned as he looked down to see his pencil had dragged across the page, effectively ruining the summer homework he had been trying to solve. So much for actually trying, he thought to himself, after you had prompted him to put more effort into graduating. You swung the door open, surprising Eddie once again, this time causing him to jump hard enough and make his knees hit the table.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Eddie, I didn't mean to scare you!" you whispered as you dropped to his side to make sure he was okay.
"It's fine princess, you didn't scare me that much, although I thought you were Wayne for a second. Are you okay?" he asked as he swatted your hands away, opting to hold them in his own instead. You just looked up at him, trying to force a smile and a slight nod.
"Baby, please, you come in here, opening and closing doors with the force of an army, you don't seem okay." Eddie muttered as he stood up from his chair and pulled you along with him to the mattress. His face dropped when he saw a tear drop from your eyes, immediately grabbing your legs and moving you to sit on his lap.
"Talk to me, what's wrong? Did somebody hurt you?" Eddie asked as he ran his thumbs over your cheeks, trying to catch stray tears as they rolled down your face.
"N-no, I'm fine, nobody hurt me. I'm okay." you managed to push out as you tried to calm yourself down.
"Okay, calm on, cry it out, let it all out sweetheart." he whispered as he pulled you into a hug, running his callused fingers over your back. Letting go, tears now streamed down your face and into his hair and shoulder as you clung onto your boyfriend's torso. Eddie continued to comfort you and run his fingers through your hair and rub your back, encouraging you to cry as much as you needed to.
"Shh, you're okay, I've got you princess. Just focus on my breathing, come back to me" he'd mutter as he placed your hand on his chest. Eventually you calmed down and the tears had stopped, cheeks and eyes now puffy from having sobbed for a good 10 minutes.
"Is it bad to say that you look extra pretty right after having cried?" Eddie teased, trying to lighten the mood. You tried to hold in your laughter, but you couldn't help but giggle at his comment. He always had something to say about you being pretty.
"Now, wanna tell me what happened?"
"I just, god, I had such a bad day. I woke up to my parents fighting, and it was bad because I didn't get very good sleep last night. We ran out of milk so I couldn't have my cereal, I just had toast, and plain toast, because of fucking course my parents forgot to buy groceries last night. Then I got to work and these teenagers were giving me shit for not having something in the library, how is it my fault for not having a book, does it look like I own the library? And then on my way here I got cat called by some gross old perverts, they looked old, like ancient. To top it all off I stepped in mud trying to get here so my socks got wet. I don't think I've ever had such a tiring dady."
"Why didn't you come over last night? I could have helped you sleep, I know you sleep better when you're in my arms."
"I didn't want to disturb you, Eds. I know how hard you've been working trying to catch up on summer work, I knew you'd be tired."
"Baby, you are never disturbing me. I will always want to spend time with you, even if it's you waking me up at 3 am to cuddle and sleep. Don't feel bad, next time just come okay?"
"And if your parents still haven't gone grocery shopping, let's go together, yeah? I'll gladly take you. As for the teenagers, do you know who they are? I wouldn't mind roughing them up a bit. Oh, and the old men, I'm sure I could just play one riff on my guitar and they'd have a heart attack and die." Eddie joked.
"Oh my god Eddie, you are not killing any old men or scaring teenage boys for me, but thank you, I appreciate it."
"I'd do anything for you, my love, and I mean it. I don't like seeing you so upset."
"I know, and I'm sorry for barging in the way that I did, I just needed to see you."
"Ooo, how embarassing, sounds like you have a crush on me!"
"Eddie you literally said you'd do anything for me, like, 10 seconds ago."
"Hey! I never said I didn't have a crush, just you!"
The two of you laughed as you held each other, taking in the feeling that you brought. Comfort, warmth, and love. Just one look at Eddie and you knew your worries would fly away like paper in a storm. His smile was bright enough to cure all your sadness and pain, you just needed an extra pick me up today.
"Well, now that you're here, I have a good idea!"
"What is it?"
"I'll put on some of your favourite music, and we can cuddle and take a nap, and regain some of that energy you lost while you practically drenched my shirt."
"Eddie, you hate ABBA, and I'm sorry for the shirt..."
"I don't hate ABBA, not if it makes you happy, I'd do anything for that. And don't apologize, it gives me a reason to take it off." he exclaimed as he winked at you, causing you to chuckle in response. You moved further up his mattress until you were laid on your back. Eddie tossed you a different shirt to change into, and joined you once you were done.
"I meant every word, Y/N, I'd do anything for you. I'm sorry you had such a shitty day, but I hope I've made you feel a bit better." he murmured as he ran his finger over your nose bridge.
"I felt better the second I saw you, Eds." you responded. He pulled you into his grasp and wrapped his arms around your stomach, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Even though you felt miserable less than 30 minutes ago, you had completely forgotten about all your worries, now that you were in Eddie's arms, safe, and where you always wanted to be.
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