#Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy
daftmooncretin · 4 days
so basically lestat fucked up louis and louis fucked up armand and armand fucked up daniel but also lestat did fuck up armand. and armand fucked up lestat and louis fucked up lestat and armand fucked up louis also louis fucked up daniel so they are all pretty fucked up emotionally i would say and lestat has feelings for louis but beef with armand and does not know daniel and louis has feelings for lestat AND armand- but armand is a kind of a 70 year rebound- and he hit on daniel in a gay bar and daniel has never met lestat wanted to fuck louis and had a memory wipe situationship with armand and armand has feelings for AND beef with lestat, is lavender married to louis and spent four years stalking daniel to ask him to call paris. so what i am saying here is that unfortunately for the sake of balance lestat and the journalist should have to both fuck and fuck eachother up.
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yesnowhatno · 9 months
Lazy? I was lazy once. They laid me on a bed. A comfy bed. A comfy bed with pillows. The pillows made me lazy.
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They’re having a public unveiling of the World’s Most Expensive And Rare Wine at auction when I burst onstage, grab the bottle out of the auctioneer’s hands, and chug half of it in one go. Over the horrified cries of the audience, I spit it out and declare that it tastes bad because it “kinda tastes like wine”. I then hit a button and a screen descends out of nowhere with my 50-slide powerpoint entitled “Why Wine Sucks” projected on in but before I can start talking security has sniped me in the head, killing me instantly. I am dragged offstage through the puddle of the Most Expensive Rarest Wine In The World but as the clown music I queued for my PowerPoint starts to play, I know I have gotten the last laugh.
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crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room full of rats and the rats made me crazy
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I've stock piled many memes so expect some more of these in the future
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archivedible · 7 months
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angry-trashcan · 8 months
“Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room.”
“They did what to you?!” Hyrule’s head shot around to look at you. You winked, nodding towards Time. “They locked the Old Man in a room…?”
“A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.”
“Why were there rats in the room-”
“Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.”
Wind got a wicked smile on his face, joining in on the next round.
It didn’t take long for Wild and Hyrule to join in as well. Not long after, Warriors started laughing before putting way too much emphasis on the ‘Crazy’.
Sky was the next victim. “Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.”
“What are y’all goin’ on ‘bout back there?!” Wind jumped onto Twilight’s back, monkey style.
He was next (after wrestling Wind off of his back).
The chaos truly started when Time stopped walking and looked back at the group. All of whom were chanting along.
“Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.”
Time let out a deep breath, shaking his head.
“Crazy? I was crazy once-”
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leemillion · 10 months
Theory Time!
Alright so I have an abundance of theories for The World of Mr Plant so I’m just gonna spill them all here. Maybe I’ll even update it as more theories arise, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~Mr. Plant always loved Argos~
Now call me crazy but I think Mr. Plant always had a thing for Argos. He just didn’t fully realize/come to terms with it until the valentines episode. And even then he struggled to express emotions at first, but he’s been getting better at that.
Now adding on we all know Mr. Plant won’t hesitate to kill any minor inconvenience that comes his way. And Argos supposedly annoyed him to hell and back. So why didn’t he kill Argos? Sure he thought about it, but he never actually went through with it. It makes no sense to kill a random stranger just for a job but then leave someone you supposedly hate alive, but that’s just me:
Maybe he mistook his feelings for Argos as anger or tried to deny it by rationalizing it in some weird way. I mean it doesn’t seem like he has any relationship experience. Maybe this is his first time feeling these things and that’s why he was so hesitant and confused.
~Why Mr. Plant joined the scouts~
Now I find this one pretty wholesome. Mr. Plant doesn’t like kids at all so Argos being apart of the scouts was something he actively discouraged. Yet by the end of the episode he chose to join them 😌
Now I have 2 reasons for this. It could either be one of them or a mixture of both of them.
Reason #1 - After the incident with the “human” he thought “oh shit I get to kill people and murder people holy shit-“ and decided hey it can’t be that bad
Reason #2 - After the incident with the “human” he realized Argos and the scouts might need someone to protect them so he decided to join to keep them safe.
I think I like the second reason it’s so fucking wholesome. Argos and Mr. Plant have 3 unofficially adopted children now 😌
(One more thing that’s not important to the theory but I didn’t know where else to put it: On the phone Mr. Plant immediately ran over the second Argos mentioned he was “right across the way” Do you think Mr. Plant knew about the creep that lived there??? That he knew about him kidnapping and doing who knows what with kids?? And once he heard Argos was over there he was like “oh fuck no not my Argos 🔪” That’s so cute wtf 😭)
~Mr. Plant’s other half~
So we all know Mr. Plant is half banana leaf. But what about the rest of him? I’ve seen many theories of him being part walker plant, imitation plant, and even human. And I think imitation plant might make the most sense (I still like to think a small part of him is a walker though)
I mean in Gardening with Argos, Argos refers to some of his plants as his “favorite flower.” We all know Mr. Plant is obviously his favorite 🙄
Unless… Mr. Plant isn’t considered a flower at all?
Now this could be a stretch. Maybe there’s 2 types of plants. Those that are considered people and those that are considered just plants. But who knows.
~The mushrooms found Argos creepy~
This might not be so much of a theory as it is an observation.
At first when I watched this episode I thought “tf they mean creepy? He’s like the most normal guy here” And then I realized Argos looks the most normal to the viewers but not the other characters.
Every other character either has an object head, an animal head, a plant head, a body part head, and of course the “humans” with their uncanny ass proportions. Argos isn’t the most human looking thing in their world. In fact there isn’t anyone else in the void who looks like him.
Maybe that’s why he’s always seen as “weird” or “creepy.” Plus we never know much about his family. Just his great great grandfather banana leaf. Maybe his family is some rare species.
Holy shit what if they’re hunted for sport and that’s what those “accidental deaths” were??? Maybe not. Maybe I’m going insane.
~It’s been a long long time~
So I found this comment on a TikTok video:
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I did the math and they’re correct. And if Argos is around the same age as Ashur is (23) then he’s been in this specific void since he was about 5 years old. He’s been marking up the days since he was old enough to write.
Meanwhile Mr. Plant moved in almost 2 years ago.
Argos was part of the welcoming committee then right?? I like to think he fell in love the minute he saw Mr. Plant 😌
So what’s next for them? Who knows but I’m rooting for lore in the next episode. Andddd I think that’s about it for theories for now, or at least until I suddenly come up with another. See you all next time :D
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notaspy-yah · 7 months
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from event in ma lovely RP
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kyndavibin07 · 5 months
cant believe i read so much topgun fanfic i forgot goose just canonically fucking dies. wdym he didnt just break his neck and have to go through heavy recovery?? he didnt die ur crazy
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muchimmm · 11 months
gotham doodles part 2
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doodling in paint is super fun :33
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king-blass · 12 days
I've seen some concept art of anxiety and...well, I noticed that she transforms into some kind of monster.
And another concept art of anxiety is that she could change her size, and another one where she is some kind of shadow? Idk, but she looks mad
And I couldn't help but put together these ideas of Anxiety becoming a monster, so...here she is!
Anxiety gets out of control and becomes what is known as 'Anxiety Disorder'.
Sorry if my grammar is really bad, english is not my first language. (And sorry if the image quality sucks)
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Well, basically I imagine that at some point Anxiety will go crazy and get out of control, wanting to control Riley's entire mind in order to 'protect' her. So, Anxiety takes control of the entire HQ.
But I think I'm going to turn this idea into an Au or something like that, because I don't think Anxiety is going to become a monster in the movie like in conceptual art, idk.
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loversgothic · 11 months
one more, this ones much shorter but i thought it was cute ^_^
this part of the song is originally intended to be a duet but i like to think its singing for gabriel... (however you can imagine it singing to anyone you like :] ) i do wish i could make them duet though.
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skullybonez · 10 months
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I feel like this would've been another part of Oscar's torture experience
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gliderzz · 7 months
i keep hearing this audio
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and a lil bonus
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Crazy? I was crazy once
bugbo episode 384746
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