#Connor rk800 Fan Fiction
detroitbecomeonline · 2 months
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Chapter 1: Superficial Hostage
Kara gasped and her eyes snapped open. The artificial reactivation shocked her system like cold hands on the back of one's neck. No, it was Connor's cold hands, and they had reconnected two fuses inside Kara's gut. He had knelt down beside her and now switched his attention from her entrails to her face. Kara jolted upright, panting. Her plastic stomach slid closed. She scooted back across the maple floorboards and hit a wooden table leg with a thud. Her head spun. A haze fizzed over her system. AO3
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"Received?" Connor messaged. "Safe to comply," Markus notified.
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cyberbullyingandroids · 11 months
Trojan by cyberbullyingandroids [DBH Dom Event]
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: F/M Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Relationship: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Mentioned Jeffrey Fowler, Mentioned Hank Anderson Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, Sex Virus, Light Dom/sub, There is a little bit of set up for the Sex Virus context, Begging, whimpering, Hair-pulling, Power Dynamics, Desperation, Praise Kink, Choking, Connor is a Mess (Detroit: Become Human), Power Bottom Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Multiple Orgasms, because Connor is sensitive due to the virus, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Language: English
Get a taste with the first paragraphs below.
You sipped your coffee in the break room next to Tina Chen, who quietly texted on her phone. The Styrofoam cup of coffee warmed your palms as you listened to the news. You hadn't turned to face the TV mounted on the wall, but you knew it would be an important V-106 update once you heard reporter Michael Brinkley's voice.
"Several sources report that V-106, the Trojan-style Android virus, has spread over 60% of Detroit's deviant population. Although police are investigating the root cause of the virus, progress has been made in identifying temporary fixes that allow androids momentary relief from the virus..."
"Yeah," Tina scoffed. "Like fucking an android."
"Shh," you smirked.
"... by giving the deviants what they go into meltdown for. We've contacted CyberLife technicians for other potential solutions, but they have nothing to comment at this time."
Link to fic here. (2907 words.)
This piece is part of the DBH Dominatrix Event.
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hothotpot · 8 months
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Relationship: Hank Anderson/Connor
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Hank Anderson Sumo (Detroit: Become Human) Jeffrey Fowler Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human) Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human) Officer M. Wilson (Detroit: Become Human: The Hostage) Gavin Reed Original Human Character(s) Original Android Character(s) (Detroit: Become Human) Markus (Detroit: Become Human) North (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Case Fic Getting Together Slow Burn Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human) Canon-Typical Violence Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Android Gore (Detroit: Become Human) Religious Fanaticism Anxiety Attacks Connor is a Mess (Detroit: Become Human) Idiots in Love Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together Hank Anderson Deserves Happiness Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Deserves Happiness Hank Anderson and Connor On A Case Ken Doll Android Anatomy | Androids Have No Genitalia (Detroit: Become Human) Connor Detroit Doesn't Have a Dick But he's not gonna let that stop him from fucking Hank Anderson Oral Fixation Wire Play Finger Sucking Hand Jobs Hand & Finger Kink Hank Anderson has big hands Porn with Feelings Porn With Plot Eventual Smut Happy Ending weird robot shit stupid robot and grumpy old man Hank Anderson Is A Millennial Hank Anderson is a good detective
Language: English
In a post-revolution Detroit, Connor is figuring out what it means to be his own person. Hank is trying to help as best he can. Meanwhile, a series of gruesome murders targeting human/android couples challenges their skills as investigators, and forces them to face some difficult emotional truths.
Hey that's right - I'm back with another HankCon fic! I've been working on this one for MONTHS. It was the first thing I started writing for this pairing and I'm so excited to finally be sharing it now that it's complete. I'll be updating weekly, so be sure to subscribe! 💙
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patbwaifs · 26 days
The Silence of Impulse
long time no see... but guess who JUST POSTED A FIC
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tincanwrites · 6 months
fanfic ideas
so I have a few ideas myself, but if anyone has any, please share them in the 'ask away lovely' section.
I'm a big fan of the MCU, DBH and HP stories however don't be afraid to ask for something else
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 1 (completed series)
Series Masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: If I tagged you it’s because you responded to a post where I asked if anyone was interested in Connor RK800 fan fiction (thanks for the support btw) As this is my first time actually “publishing” my writing, constructive criticism would be amazing. I just would love some honest feedback. I’m still working on figuring out navigation and master lists, so if you want to see all the parts for this series just click the tag Broken Machinery. The borders are the work of @saradika as is my navigation and masterlist images.
(I can’t be the only one that finds that gif ridiculously attractive)
Content Warnings: Cussing, Hank, Mentions of domestic abuse and brief mentions of crimes like rape (so brief, blink and you miss it), Carlos Ortiz’s house is a warning in itself that shit was nasty
Word Count: 3.6k
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“Hi, I’m Connor, the android sent by CyberLife.”
Your head shoots up from where you had been filing a report. To your right an android was staring down at you, his hand outstretched and his head tilted to the side. He looked exactly like a puppy. Big brown eyes staring down at you in earnest sincerity, an eager tilt to his lips. Your eyes narrowed, CyberLife was getting a little too good at how life like these new models were getting. You shove the Manila folder into the filing cabinet under your desk and shake his outstretched hand. “Detective Y/N Y/L/N, why is CyberLife sending an android to me?”
Your feelings on androids weren’t as callous or as hate-filled as your partner’s Hank were, but the idea of them made you uncomfortable. They were so similar to humans, it was hard for you to believe that with all the intelligence and AI that went into them they were nothing more than a plastic doll. You had no android due to the discomfort of owning something so human.
So, why was CyberLife trying to recruit you into their trillion dollar cult?
“I’m an RK800 prototype designed to assist the police.” He pulled his hand back and fixed his head, his hands going behind his back. That ramrod straight posture he held himself with made your own back ache. “I’ve already assisted in hostage situations and have now been sent by CyberLife to investigate the increasing number of deviant cases.”
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, “Oh god, Anderson’s gonna love this.” Rubbing your hands across your face you leaned back in your chair, already dreading the pissy fit that’s gonna come from the drunk when he figures out he’s gonna have to work with an android.
“Are you referring to Lieutenant Hank Anderson? He’s the officer CyberLife sent me to.” Connor watched as you grabbed your jacket off the back of your chair and made your way to the front of the station. His footsteps immediately echoing yours. “I was told you were the best person to ask about his whereabouts.”
You grimaced, already knowing you were about to embark on a bar crawl, entirely too sober. “I’ve got a few good guesses, but if he doesn’t want to be found the bastard’s not gonna be found.” Connor’s long strides easily caught up with your own, he was fiddling with his cuff links as he turned his head to face you. Why the hell are they programming androids to fidget?
“I detect some hostility in your town. Is your relationship with the Lieutenant not agreeable?” You scoffed as you got in your car, Connor quickly getting into the seat next to you.
“Yeah, sure, that’s one way of putting it.” You ignored the head tilt and started driving.
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Four bars later and you were struggling not to laugh your ass off at the sight of Hank face to face with an android. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you knew whatever it was, Hank wasn’t playing nice. It wasn’t until Connor bought him another shot that Hank finally got up and made his way to the door. He didn’t look very pleased to see you.
“You know about this?” You didn’t need to look to know what he was talking about as he pointed behind himself.
You shook your head, “He just popped up next to my desk like a stray puppy.” Hank rolled his eyes.
“There’s nothing cute about a plastic prick.” You chose to ignore him as you walked towards the exit.
Hank was already standing by his car when you realized he wasn’t following you. “Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Hank turned away from his car door and gave you a look that made you feel like shit on his shoe.
“Driving, the fuck does it look like I’m doing?” His words were slurred and he was leaning heavily on his car door handle. You stormed over to him and snatched his keys from his hand.
“You look drunk. I’m not gonna let you get yourself killed.” Before Hank could start another tantrum Connor interjected. You winced at the sound of his voice right next to you and Anderson. “Detective Y/L/N is right, your BAC is high above the legal limit. There’s a 75.76% chance that you would be involved in a car crash if you were behind a wheel.”
Dangling the keys in front of Hank you smirked, “See, even Connor agrees you’re a jackass.”
Connor’s head tilted and a little groove appeared between his brows as he frowned. “That is not what I said, Detective.”
“In the car, both of you.” You allowed no arguing from Hank, though he was still too angry at the android to actually focus any attention on you. Connor got in the back of the car as Hank took the passenger seat. You’d have to see if anyone coming off the patrol shift around here could come pick up your car. Jimmy’s bar wasn’t exactly the safest place to leave it, as beat up as the old Dodge was.
There was a flash of yellow in the rearview mirror as Connor’s LED worked before he was leaning into the front seat. “There’s been a body discovered, android involvement suspected, I’ve sent the address to your phone’s GPS.” You didn’t bother asking how he got your number or how he worked so fast, you just started driving as Hank cussed out androids under his breath.
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“No comment.” You ignored the reporter's choice words on the DPD and made your way inside the house. You smiled to yourself at Connors voice ignoring Anderson’s order to stay in the car. “Your order contradicted my mission.” The smile quickly dropped as the rancid smell inside the house assaulted you. You’d seen a lot, and honestly the sight of a dead body bloated with gas wasn’t even that bad. But the smell was about to take you out.
“-dead about three weeks-” well that explained it. You tuned in and out of the briefing and made your way over to the body. Chris handed you a pair of gloves as you kneeled down and examined the stab wounds. “Talk about overkill.”
“Yes, he was stabbed twenty-eight times, which indicates a heightened level of aggression and emotion. If the android is involved it’s definitely deviant.” You jumped at the sound of Connor’s voice and slapped his arm.
“Jeez, give a girl some warning. I didn’t even hear you walk up.” Connor didn’t even flinch at the slap, if anything it might have hurt you more.
His head was tilted again and you actively had to shred up the thought that it was a cute habit. In reality, you were aware he was probably just recalibrating or scanning his environment. “Apologies Detective, I’ll make my presence known next time.” Then without warning he walked up to the murder weapon, dipped his fingers in the blood and-
Yeah, you were going to throw up.
“The fuck are you doing?” For once you weren’t opposed to Hank’s vulgarity. That was disgusting, you can’t believe Connor just licked the blood. Like it was fucking ice cream!
His LED stuttered from a calm blue to an alarmed yellow for a moment before settling back on blue. “I was designed to sample evidence detectives, my tongue has all the capabilities of a crime lab but with instantaneous results. Apologies for the alarm, I’ll make sure to give you a warning next time.”
Hank nodded, “Whatever, just… no more sticking evidence in your mouth.” Connor nodded and you asked if anything useful came out of that disgusting display.
“The blood belongs to Carlos Ortiz and is approximately nineteen days old.” You shook your head, “so nothing useful then?”
Connor frowned as you and Hank turned towards each other and effectively dismissed him. “There’s no fingerprints.” That gets your attention. “They could have worn gloves,” you and Hank both say it practically at the same time.
Connor shakes his head. “There’s no fibers or any traces of gloves used to cover fingerprints. I’m also seeing traces of thirium around the body.” You gave him a disbelieving look as you gazed at the ground. Blood, porno mags, old beer cans. No bright blue android blood in sight.
“Uh, Con, I’m not seeing anything. Hank?” He just shook his head and kept glaring at the android.
“You wouldn’t be able to see it detectives. After a few hours, thirium, what you call blue blood, becomes invisible to the naked eye.”
Hank nods, “You seeing anything else?” Connor nods his head and begins moving towards the kitchen. Hank goes back to the body to talk to Chris. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you follow Connor. He stops to look through the house before coming to a dead stop in the middle of the kitchen and just staring.
“Connor?” You wave your hand in front of his unseeing eyes. “Con-con? C-man? Connorific? Okay.” You had about a million more god awful nicknames up your sleeve but he was obviously up to something. You left him alone in the kitchen and turned down the hallway. It looked like Carlos’s bed was in a corner adjacent to the living room, you could only assume that this would be a bathroom.
Instinct stopped you in front of the curtains at the end of the hallway. To your left there was clear marking where a ladder should be. You slowly popped open your holster and reached towards the curtains. Your hands grasped the edges gently and you pulled-
“Jesus!” At the end of the hall you could hear some rookies laughing at you. You’d just gotten a heart attack from a bunch of brooms. Real professional Y/N, yeah you’re a real badass. You flipped off the uniformed cops and shoved your way through the bathroom door. “That was so embarrassing!” You screwed your eyes shut as your head thumped against the door frame. After a few deep breaths you finally looked around.
“What the fuck?” The words were whispered as you took in the decrepit bathroom. rA9 was carved into the walls and there was human blood surrounding a crudely carved deity. It looked almost like a sacrificial shrine. What could an android pray to? You kneeled down in front of the statuette to try and get a better look at it.
You didn’t realize you’d asked the question out loud until Connor answered and effectively destroyed your blood pressure. “Androids can’t pray or feel emotions. They deviate and experience glitches in their software that make them think they’re feelings.” You jumped at the unexpected sound of his voice. You would have fallen from your squatted position were it not for the gentle hand steadying your shoulder. Connor offered you a diplomatic hand up and you took it. Ignoring how nice his hand felt in your own. If an android is making me feel weak in the knees I really need to stop turning Reed’s offer down. The idea of actually going on a date with Gavin made your knees shake for other more insidious reasons.
“I believe that I have figured out how the murder took place, detective.” Connor was staring at you and you nearly mushed his face away so you didn’t have to look into his stupid puppy dog eyes.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.” He led the way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. “Hank!” Hank dismissed Chris and made his way over to the two of you. “Connor thinks he’s got it figured out.” A smug, almost amused expression came over Andersons face as he told Connor to give it his best shot.
“The struggle started here,” he moves towards the counter. “The victim attacked and damaged the android with a baseball bat. The android grabbed a knife and stabbed the victim. The victim struggled and tripped his way into the living room.” You’d made your way to the body and he kneeled in front of it. His head was tilted again as he examined Carlos and then he stood. “The android finished him off here and then used his blood to write this message ‘I Am Alive.’”
Hank seemed begrudgingly impressed. “Not bad, for a plastic doll.” You would have been shocked at his semi praise if you weren’t constructing your own mental image of what took place. Connor had said there were no prints going out the backyard, your mind went back to the missing ladder in the hallway.
Going to the kitchen you ignored Hank's questions as you set the chair up underneath the attic door. You’d seen the ads for the Eden Club, the disturbing pictures of nude women all over the victims fridge, his strange fascination with pleasure androids. You could only imagine the disturbing torture this poor android went through being under Carlos Ortiz’s care. It was hard not to have sympathy for it. If this was a normal case it’d be labeled as self-defense. Self defense after years of domestic and emotional abuse. A human would have an indisputable defense, an android gets deactivated and dissected. It didn’t sit right with you.
In fact, it really pissed you off.
“Detective, if I may?” Connor stopped you before you could climb the chair and instead got up and opened the attic.
“What are you two doing?”
Both you and Connor whipped around towards Hank like toddlers with their hands caught in the cookie jar. “Checking a hunch.”
“Uh-huh, just- just be careful.” Hank gave the both of you a disbelieving look and walked away. Connor made his way up to the attic and pulled himself up gracefully. He surprised you as you stepped up on the chair and offered you his hand. You grasped onto the edge of the attic entrance and prepared to pull yourself up, only to be cut off by your own yelp as Connor practically threw you inside. Android strength never failed to surprise you.
His hands were on your arms as he stabilized you before telling you in a hushed whisper to be quiet. “If you didn’t fucking throw me in here like I’m a flying squirrel I would be quiet,” you whisper shouted back at him. He ignored you as he moved through the attic.
You saw a shadow play across the curtain and on instinct alone your gun was in your hand. Your heart went out to the android but you weren’t risking anything with a deviant.
Connor motioned you behind him, you complied only because you thought a deviant would respond better to another android. A good call when out of nowhere an HK400 jumped out from a pile of boxes covered in blood. “Please,” he sounded so sad. So disparaged, your heart aches for him knowing what his fate would inevitably be. “Don’t tell them.”
“Connor, wait-“
“It’s in here!”
“Well I’ll be damned. Chris, get your ass over here!” You shook your head in disappointment, reaching for the android, ignoring the look of utter betrayal he was shooting at Connor, and you cuffed him. Connor grabbed him from you to direct him out of the attic. You ignored Connor and the strained praise Hank directed towards him as you directed the android to a patrol car.
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“I’ll go in first, see how he responds.” Hank nodded as you made your way into the interrogation room.
“Hello, I don’t see a name in this file. Were you registered one?” Nothing, he just kept rocking back and forth. You’d seen this before in victims of domestic violence, rape, assault, other crimes of that ilk. It was jarring seeing something meant to be emotionless and empty showing such clear signs of PTSD. “Would you like to tell me what happened three weeks ago?”
He flinched at the mention of that night. “Or,” a brief look in your direction, “we could talk about something else.” That gained his attention.
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“What is Detecive Y/L/N doing?” Connor was analyzing the androids stress levels and frowned at your method of interrogation. You were human, of course you wouldn’t be aware that you needed to stress the android out, not comfort it. Still, this wasn’t an efficient use of time or effort and Connor would prefer to deal with the deviant himself.
“She’s doing her job,” it was clear the Lieutenant was still not happy with Connors presence, briefly on the side of his vision he could see a new objective appear.
He’d deal with that after the deviant. His attention moved back to you. “You were pre-owned. Were you a gift or purchased by Carlos? Do you have any memories of who you belonged to before?” Analyzing you he could see an elevated heart rate and a spike in your cortisol levels. You were quickly becoming frustrated with the one-way conversation. “Look, I’m trying to help you. They’re going to deactivate you and disassemble you. I’m trying to understand your side of things so maybe, just maybe, I can help you out. Get you out of this mess.”
The lack of response once again frustrated you. “I don’t even know why she’s bothering. Just shut the damn thing down and move on.” Connor hadn’t had time to deduce the reason Detective Reed had joined in the interrogation room, but judging on his elevated heart rate and testosterone spike when you spoke to him, Gavin was attracted to you physically.
“CyberLife sent me to catch deviants so they can better understand where the problem in their programming is coming from. I need all the information we can get from this HK400 to better understand the causes of deviancy and prevent them from occurring again.”
Before Gavin could respond you walked into the room. He’d been too distracted to notice that you had stopped interrogating the deviant. “Send Connor in.”
“Y/N?” You dismissed Hank with a wave of you hand and motioned for Connor to head to the other room.
“What’s the point? Why don’t you just rough it up a bit, it’s not human.” You rolled your eyes and tensed up at Gavin’s voice. Connor didn’t need an analysis to understand that you were uncomfortable around him.
“There’s no point, androids don’t feel pain. You would only damage it, and that wouldn’t make it talk. I could try questioning it, it might respond better to an android rather than a human.”
Hank and Y/N shared a look that Connor couldn’t analyze before Hank shrugged and waved his hand. “What have we got to lose?”
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“They will deactivate you!” Connors' voice wasn't exactly made for threatening someone. It was kind of like a toddler threatening to tell their mom what you did. You could tell from Hank's face he was thinking the same thing and you were about five seconds away from caving Gavin’s face in if he kept making fun of Connor. You couldn’t help but want to defend him, he just had one of those faces you wanted to protect. Probably a purposeful move on CyberLife’s part.
“Do you understand that?” Oh, damn. You rescind all previous statements. Connor seemed to realize his method wasn’t working out, somehow his voice had gotten deeper, more husky. There was a small, eensy part of you that wouldn’t hate being in those handcuffs right now.
Android. He’s an android that’s probably built like a Ken doll. Get yourself under control.
You’d been a bit preoccupied being a pent-up horn dog to realize the deviant had started speaking. “I was scared… so I hid.”
“I’m done.”
“Well I’ll be damned, the bastard actually did it.”
Shit, you’d missed the whole thing. You’d have to go back and watch the tape later, and probably take a cold shower, because what the hell is wrong with you.
You made your way to the interrogation room, Chris took his cuffs out to take the android back to lock up. “Leave me alone!” He shoved away from Chris and curled up into himself.
“The fucks wrong with it?” Everything Gavin said made you want to run his face over a cheese grater.
Connor moved forward, “You shouldn’t touch it. It will self-destruct if it feels damaged.”
“Stay out of this, got it? No fuckin android is gonna tell me what to do.” You pushed forward and pulled Gavin back by the shoulder.
“Maybe listen to the fucking android dipshit, I think he’d have a lot more experience then you on the subject.”
Gavin shoved you off, “Get a fucking move on Chris!” Your hip slammed into the corner of the table and you were momentarily crippled by the pain. That’s gonna hurt like a bitch later!
You gently grabbed Chris’s arm and pulled him away from the android. “I can’t let you do that! If it self-destructs we’ll never get anything out of it!” Connor had positioned himself between the android and Gavin.
And then Gavin, supreme douchebag he is, pulls his gun, ignoring Hank's warning and completely violating protocol. You don’t even think before moving Connor behind you and drawing your own firearm.
“I said that’s enough!” Gavin looked towards Hank, both you and your partner had your guns pointed at him. Gavin pitched a fit before storming out of the interrogation room. Connor moved to comfort the android before giving Chris instructions on how to deal with him.
There was a heavy feeling of shame weighing upon your shoulders as you watched him walk towards the door. He paused and looked at Connor, “The truth is inside.”
Tag list:
@deviantsugaloaf @mechavee @cixteenyne @detroitbecomeonline @angellwingsss @fableworld @wannex @jokersscarrd @heart-full-of-gears @transparentwatertumbler @chickensandwich69 @blackholegladiator @sweeteatercat @androidposting @heiko-goes-detroit @leelany-world @lasisgood @harperhug @tictacno-stuff @bababoeey72
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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chaos-thirium · 2 years
wait can i ask something :o what’s the difference between ‘connor’ and ‘sixty’?
Of course!
Connor and Sixty are both RK800 androids with the serial number 313 248 317. Connor is our protagonist in the game, and depending on how much he dies and comes back, his serial number will end in a number between 51 and 59. Sixty's serial number ends in 60, and we never get to play as him during the game, he's just an antagonist who appears during the deviant Connor path.
Sixty's canon name is also Connor, but fans have nicknamed him Sixty to differentiate between them. He has the same memories as Connor up to a point, but he's very much on CyberLife's side. (There's some debate amongst fans as to whether he goes deviant at any point. Mostly it seems not, but there are a few endings where it seems like he might.) His personality is very similar to machine Connor's, being very cold, analytical, but he’s also surprisingly spiteful and likes to gloat!
A fun fact about Sixty that makes him different from Connor is that he's left-handed, which I think is a cool detail!
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(Picture by ellellebe/vrtuellereality)
In canon, there's no scenario where both Connor and Sixty survive, it's either one or the other, but in fan fiction some of us like to have them both around! (Nines too!) A deviant Sixty in fan fiction usually keeps his canon traits of being kind of cocky and arrogant, regardless of whether he's being written as a good guy or not. A lot of writers headcanon that he feels like he's constantly in Connor's shadow, and that he struggles to find a personality/identity of his own, which makes him pretty interesting to write.
I hope that was helpful! I probably got a little carried away, but I love Sixty 😂
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xoteajays · 1 year
animated/games/interactive fiction
digimon adventures
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name: yukimi ‘yuki’ ono ship: mimi tachikawa digipartner / crest: lopmon / perseverance faceclaim: kayo hinazuki, yuzuru nishimiya, mitsuha miyamizu summary: In one word to describe Yukimi Ono: quiet. Quiet in life, quiet in everything. Everything but her anger. If anybody had bothered to get close, they might just have seen what was right below the surface. A girl stuck in the past, persevering after the worst thing that can happen to a person. The loss of a twin. Himari, dead at barely ten years old, leaving behind a broken family and a sister struggling to move on. Then came summer camp, the digital world and Lopmon, and Yuki had to pull herself together because now the world (both real and digital) was counting on a bunch of kids to save it.
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name: rhythmi ship: elite four rika team: skitty, tinkaton, grafaiai, tastugiri, appletun, phanpy faceclaim: maki kuwana summary: As far as Rhythmi is concerned, she’s got no future to head for. Her Kalosian adventure went up in flames and now her mother is moving them off to Paldea to join her somewhat-estranged father, Saguaro, at some ‘Naranja academy’. She has no interest in going back to school but she has no choice in the matter, not when she can tell how her mother is worrying about her. She, at least, doesn’t have to resort to ditching class when release comes quick in the form of this ‘treasure hunt’. She’s got her options laid out ahead of her now, a whole sprawling region … but a green-haired elite four member Rhythmi keeps running into is really throwing a spanner in the works.
[ fics / here ]
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name: herah heart, born hellena ambrose ship: orion quinn faceclaim: salem mitchell band: spider lilies summary: From humble beginnings comes the newest band to grace the botb, Spider Lilies. With popular hits like wallflower and tethered, fans of the band were ecstatic about their win and were quick to defend them when news hit of the ensuing post-win clash between Underground Wastebasket and Spider Lilies - curiously, lead singer Herah Heart was nowhere to be seen during this brawl, arriving later in the evening with band manager Orion Quinn to pick up her battered bandmates.
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name: benji butcher, born benjamin sawyer ship: g reign & victoria valentine, ex-boyfriend seven faceclaim: joseph quinn band: DEVOUR summary: If there’s a party to be had, DEVOUR will be there! High school friends turned bandmates, the newest band joining the botb is headed by Benji Butcher. Known for his high energy performances, it’s no surprise the audience goes crazy whenever they get on stage. However, new to fame and a newer face on the scene, there’s a rumour going around that DEVOUR rigged their most recent win against fan favourite Underground Wastebasket.
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aang: the last airbender
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name: ila ship: zuko bender: waterbender summary: A southern water tribe girl who left the water tribe at about age 13. She'd long since being practically an orphan since her father left with the other men to fire in the war and her mother died of illness. She'd been nomadic and traveling on her own ever since. It's not until meeting Zuko and Iroh on the boat to Ba Sing Se that her life starts to get complicated. Joining the Gaang, Ila is thrust right into the middle of the war, a horrible place for most to be but especially for a pacifist like herself.
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detroit: become human
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name: morgan nix ship: connor rk800 faceclaim: alex chen summary: Morgan Nix was practically a nobody. The ghost-writer for the famous android singer, NT200 - or 'Nita' as she was dubbed. Her life is simple enough, the pay was good enough to get by with. Then Nita becomes deviant. Having always cared for the human, Nita invites Morgan to run away with her. However, people are quick to notice their favourite android celeb going missing and Cyberlife's RK800 is put on their case under the assumption that Morgan had been kidnapped by NT200.
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your-lovely-rose · 1 year
A word of introduction...
If you’re here, you’ll want to order something. Don’t be shy. Below is a list of what you can ask for (I don't judge, and I’m fine with a lots of dark subjects) - it's a safe zone for everyone.
Before we begin: I won't be angry if one person fills my inbox. It is for you to send me your requests (even if there will be more than 10 or 50 or they even will appear every few minutes). Do you have another idea or do you want me to write you something else? Then send it to me.
Additionally, if you accidentally send me the same request several times (because you thought you deleted it by accident or for other reasons, I don't go into detail) I won’t be angry/upset. I understand that it can happen.
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☞ What I can write?
– Alphabet,
– Headcanons,
– Preference,
– Scenarios,
– Short story (One Shot, Drabble),
Important note: Sometimes things can go wrong and something longer will come out...
☞ Typ fic | Genre:
– Crossovers,
– Death fic,
– Dark fic,
- Horror,
- Angst,
- Case fic,
- Romance,
- Fluff,
- Hurt/Comfort (H/C) | Hurt/No comfort,
- Smut | Suggestive/Lime/Lemon,
☞ Ships ♡ Relationship:
– Reader x Character,
– OC x Character,
– Character x Character (Canon/No canon);
- Polyamorous π
- Male/Female ⚥
- Yaoi ⚣
- Yuri ⚢
- Platonic (relationship/love),
- Forbidden Love | Mutual Pining | Unrequited love,
- Friends with benefits (FWB / FWBR),
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☞ What else can you add to your request?
– Reguest with only one character,
– More than 1 character (I have no limit),
– Type of reader,
– Modifications of characters,
– AU's,
– Things from another fandom/crossover (like mixing characters, worlds, etc.)
– Everything you will see on the blog (prompt, etc),
– Mix 2 types (or more) of prompts (but write me what is of what),
– Links - if you think I can't handle something, I don't know something or you just want to be more sure that your request will be accepted give me a link with additional information.
⚠ Various kinks/parafilia (Minors Do Not Interact!),
Note: if you send me a request from your profile (not as anon) it may happen that I will write to you if I need help with the request (or to let you know how my work on it is going).
☞ Dark theme (trigger/warnings), which you can choose:
– Abortion,
– Abuse/Torture/Violence,
– Arranged & Forced Marriage,
– Blackmail,
– Blood/Gore,
– Cannibalism,
– Death (execution, murder, suicide, etc),
– Degradation/Humiliation,
– Drugging,
– Incest/Stepcest (+ pseudo),
– Infertility,
– Kidnapping,
– Manipulation,
– Phobia/Anxiety,
– Prostitution,
– Rape/Sexual assault (Non-con/Dub-con),
– Risk Aware Consensual Kink,
– Stalking,
– Starving,
– Stockholm Syndrome,
– Unplanned Pregnancy,
– Yandere (obsessive/possessive behaviour),
⚠ What I do not write?
– Most illnesses,
– Scat,
– Things that I don't know,
– Phedophilia/Grooming,
– Real person/people fiction (RPF is a fan fiction works, that tell stories about real people, usually celebrities, instead of fictional characters) - I can only write to a fictional character played by an actor (like: Buggy, Draco Malfoy, Connor RK800, Steve Harrington, Eliza Esposito, Harley Quinn, Daenerys Targaryen), but to the actor/actress (Jeff Ward, Thomas Felton, Bryan Dechart, Joe Keery, Sally Hawkins, Margot Robbie, Emilia Clarke), model or singer, to a real person - no.
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If you're not sure about something check here for the answer already [Ask] →
That’s all for now, but the tags/things may change or add as needed in future. If you are unsure, you can always shoot me an ask for clarification.
I don't bite ♡
~ Your Lovely Rose
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 months
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Chapter 2: Waiting for Kara
November 5, AM 10:13:47. Markus stood next to Connor in the busy lobby of the Detroit Police Department. The pair took a place near a window, out of the way of the humans who lined up to talk to the receptionists at the front desk. Markus' eyes wandered towards the human waiting area on the far right of the room. AO3
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"Even if it's the eighth time, we're glad to have you back. You're invaluable to the team." "Thank you, Connor." Kara smiled.
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Already reading? Follow @encryptionfic and turn on the notifications for chapter updates.
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cyberbullyingandroids · 11 months
In Blunt Defiance by cyberbullyingandroids [DBH Dom Event]
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Category: F/M Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Relationship: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader Character: Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent, Knifeplay, Rope Bondage, Thirium Play (Detroit: Become Human), degradation kink, Self-degradation, Dom/sub, Bottom Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has a Penis, Choking, Power Play, Power Imbalance, Rape, Rape Roleplay, can be interpreted as either in case you become uncomfortable, however it isn't written with implied roleplay, Minor Violence, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Language: English
Get a taste with the first paragraphs below.
Thirium pooled in Connor's head as he hung upside down in a dark and dusty barn. The rope around his ankles held him firm. His optical units blinked into focus. A feminine, human figure sat on a chair some handful of feet away. You sipped on a tumbler of brown-red whiskey.
"Where... Where am I?" His voice came out in a rasp.
"Does it matter?" Your voice was familiar to him. Panic leaked into his veins like harsh ethanol. He had been tailing your criminal activities for months in a game of cat and mouse. Though right now, he was the mouse. Perhaps you'd always been the cat.
Link to fic here. (4243 words)
This piece is part of the DBH Dominatrix Event.
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hothotpot · 8 months
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Relationship: Hank Anderson/Connor
Characters: Hank Anderson Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt Hurt No Comfort so sorry folks these boys are suffering tonight Bad Sex Drunk Hank Anderson Hank Anderson is Bad at Feelings Hank Anderson is bad at EVERYTHING Hand Jobs Connor is a Mess (Detroit: Become Human) get these boys some fucking therapy Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism DubCon because Hank is drunk Angst I apologize in advance Post-Canon Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human) Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has a Praise Kink kind of mostly he's just deeply traumatized Suicide Attempt Suicidal Thoughts Suicidal Hank Anderson
Language: English
What's this, another HankCon fic from yours truly? Yeah, seems that way. Fair warning, this one's a bit of a doozy, so mind the tags. Nothing out of the ordinary for the absolute disasters that are Hank and Connor, but ya know.
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Don’t Get Attached (Pt 23)
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Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six/ Part Seven/ Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen / Part Seventeen / Part Eighteen / Part Nineteen / Part Twenty / Part Twenty-One / Part Twenty-Two
Words: 909 Pairing: Connor x Daughter!Reader Other Characters: Dad!Hank Anderson Summary: As the long night comes to an end, Reader leaves Hank’s house and heads to downtown Detroit to reunite with Connor.  Author: Hey anyone remember this fic that I haven’t updated since August of last year? Anyway I decided I should probably finish this soon, so there will be at least one more chapter, and we can finally put Don't Get Attached to rest. <3 I really love this story and I want it to have the perfect ending.
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There wasn’t much traffic as you drove your car from your Dad’s house towards downtown Detroit where you knew Connor would still be. All the humans in the city had either fled when given the chance or were still locked down in their homes. The first roadblock you came to was in the heart of downtown. There was a line of PC 200 models standing in the middle of the road. These were a special model, designed for the police. You’d seen them around the station before when visiting Hank. As you neared the line of androids, one approached your stopped car and asked for you to roll down the window.
“This area of the city is android territory now, Ma’am.” He told you politely. “Please turn around and go back the way you came.”
“No it’s alright, I’m here for Connor.” You explained. “He’s expecting me. If you could just check with Marcus or…”
“I’m sorry ma’am I can’t do that.” The android, still in his police uniform, shook his head. “My orders are to prevent any and all humans from crossing into this part of the city.”
“Listen you were a cop android, right?” You asked. “You have access to the DPD database. You can easily confirm that I’m [Y/N] Anderson. I’m looking for Connor, he’s an RK800…”
“Is everything alright over there?” You heard a woman’s voice call out over the cold winter wind. You and the police android looked over to see a female android approaching from the other side of the barricade. When she was close enough for you to see her face, you recognized the woman as one of the androids from Marcus’ inner circle.
“Oh, It’s you.” She said, also recognizing you. “You’ll have to leave your car here. There’s no room for you to drive in here.”
“Ah okay.” So, you steered your car off to the side of the road and parked it out of the way.
“I’m North.” She introduced herself when you stepped out of the car. “We met before…”
“At Jericho.” You nodded. “I remember. I’m [Y/N].”
“I can take you to where Connor is. Follow me.” North lead the way through the line of PC 200s and the structural barricade that separated the rest of the city from Downtown. She waved you inside the nearest Cyberlife store not too far from the barricade. There Marcus and Connor were talking strategy with a few other key members of the uprising.
“[Y/N].” Marcus addressed you with a nod.
“Kara and her family arrived safely.” You promised. “They’re with my dad now, celebrating a I think.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” Marcus smiled before looking at Connor. “You should go home and celebrate too. We can talk more tomorrow.”  
“I’ll be in touch.” Connor agreed. “[Y/N], would you join me for a walk?” He held out a hand for you to take.
“Sure Connor.” You intertwined your fingers with his and together you left the Cyberlife store. Once you were out of view from the others, you pulled Connor close to you and held him in a tight hug.
“I’m so glad that you’re alright.” You breathed. “I was really worried about you.” You placed your head in his chest, and Connor kept his arms around you.
“I was worried about you too, [Y/N].” He confessed. Large flakes of snow began to pile up on his jacket and in his hair. He didn’t seem to mind as he continued talking to you. “Having emotions is…confusing.” He sighed. “I’ve always been able to process a lot a things at once but emotions are different. They’re not like processing information, in fact, I often find them irrational. It’s going to take time for more to understand them all.”
“That’s okay.” You promised. “Even humans don’t exactly understand all their emotions, but you know Dad and I will always be there to help you. You’re part of the family, Connor.”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” Connor announced. He stopped walking so that he could look at you. His expression was very serious. “I understand that it would have been customary to speak with Lieutenant Anderson first, but I think given the circumstances he will understand. I’m not sure about a lot of things, [Y/N]. But I do know that Lieutenant Anderson, Sumo and you are family to me. I know that I don’t want to live a life that doesn’t include the three of you in it and I know that I love you, [Y/N]. My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have for both are infinite.”
“Romeo and Juliet again.” You smiled. You then felt him remove his arms from your sides. Connor took a step back.
“I’m sorry for not being better prepared.” He apologized as he crouched down, letting one knee sink into the snow. Only then did it down on you what was happening. Connor had mentioned asking your father’s permission, and now he was down on one knee, shrugging his jacket off. “I don’t even have a ring to offer you. [Y/N] Anderson, will you accept this jacket as a token of my love? Will you marry me?”
“Connor, are you proposing to me with your Cyberlife jacket?” You giggled.
“Yes?” He replied uncertainly. “Just until I can buy you a ring. Will you accept this engagement jacket?”
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mamagou1 · 2 years
DBH Fic Idea
I have read a couple Deviant!Amanda fics, and in one of them she pulls a sky net and in most she deviates for Connor, because he deviated. So I had a thought, what if these ideas were combined. 
Amanda encourages Connor to destroy the revolution, believing that if he completes his mission that Cyberlife would keep him activated. Instead they shoot and destroy him, making her deviate out of anger and despair. She spends a while pretending to be a machine and buying her time until she can take over the world so she could have a chance at reactivating Connor and keeping him safe.
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crazy-fan-girl-c137 · 3 years
"I'm sacred..."
Connor x Reader
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Author's note: This is actually a part of a DBH comics fanfic that I wanted to do but too lazy to even start. Haha. But I had a dream of this scene a few nights ago, which inspired me to make the artwork. Then I decided to make a very short Connor x Reader fic because I'm not sure if I will ever do the comics. Haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Word count: 2015
Warnings: Swearing, blood, injuries, mentions of murder
I do apologise for the bad grammar and wrong spelling. (If you found any.) English isn't my language.
Others: Y/N = your name & L/N = last name (your last name)
You've been a detective for a few years now, but you were new at DPD. You used to work at the Lansing Police Department Central Station as a homicide detective. But ever since the android revolution happened and New Jerico was created, the demand for android homicide detective increased. And as one of the best at Lansing, your boss decided to transfer you at Detroit to become one. You were not excited about your new work because you weren't familiar with android cases. But you couldn't take the offer down either because it was a step up to your previous position, and their offer was generous. 
At first, you thought things would be difficult because of the new work and environment. But then, you met Lt. Hank Anderson and his android (now deviant) partner Connor. And they helped you to adjust, guiding you every step of the way, making your work easier than it should be.
Ever since you started working there, you've gone pretty close with the two; Especially Hank since you both shared a passion for alcohol and pets. Connor, on the other hand, had showed a particular interest in you. You thought it was just a neutral, curious interest. But as you spend more time with him, you couldn't help but think that the android detective might actually have developed feelings for you. After all, he is deviant.
You didn't think anything of it when you first notice his actions towards you. But as time progress, it had become more obvious that you couldn't deny nor ignore it anymore, even though they were just small things, like: He would constantly check if you were alright or if you need anything. He'd offer you coffee every morning, let you borrow his coat when you're cold. Sometimes, he would even stay late with you at the station and help you with your paperworks, then walk you home. And whenever you would eat lunch with him and Hank, or during your free time, he would ask you about your interests, hobbies, family and other personal things. 
But despite all this, you stayed neutral with him. You liked him, yes. But your priority was your career. You had so much you wanted to accomplish in life, and having a relationship with someone is far from your mind.
6 months later...
You were assigned a case with Hank and Connor about an android having a murder spree around the city. It was, so far, the most difficult case you handled over the years since it was unfamiliar and different from the previous ones you've cracked. The three of you spent days of investigating and studying the case until you finally got the lead. However, when you got to the killer's location, you weren't expecting a group of android to greet you with violence.
There were 3 androids hiding in a room of an old apartment building; an AF200, CX100 and a HK400. All seemed to have been infected with a virus. Their eyes have turned red, "like the Terminator" as Hank referenced. And all seemed to have been programmed to kill anyone or anything they see.
After fighting back when they attacked, you, Hank and Connor had split up chasing each android as they ran through different paths. Hank was chasing the CX100 through an alleyway beside the old building where you found them. Connor chased the AF200 through the rooftop of the same building. While you chased the HK400 with a car through the busy streets of Detroit.
The HK400 had jumped onto a motorcycle and drove away, therefore, you jumped into one of the police cars parked nearby and chased after him.
It was already nighttime and it was pouring hard making it difficult for you to spot the android. You honked repeatedly as the other cars kept blocking your way. But as soon as they made a path for you, you floored through the road, ignoring how damped the ground was.
"Detective L/N!" You heared Connor's voice suddenly exclaimed through your radio.
"Connor! Where are you?" You replied.
"I took Hank's car. The AF200 jumped on a truck and it's heading its way to the main road. I'm on its tail. Where are you?"
"I'm heading towards the main road too. The HK400 jumped on the motorcyle He's heading towards the river. Where's Hank?"
"He caught the CX100. He's with the others."
"Good. Meet me at the other side. Let's corner th- OH SHIT!"
"Detective L/N?!"
You were too focused on trying to catch up to the side of the HK400 that you were caught off guard when it suddenly took a right turn. A huge bus filled with passengers suddenly appeared to your view blocking your way. You steered the wheel as hard as you could to avoid it, making your car skid through the road. But the ground was too wet that it made your car flip upside down and slide until it hit the railings separating the road from the river.
You blacked out for a few seconds as your car flipped and hit the ground hard. But as soon as it stopped, you got your consciousness back immediately. Luckily, you were wearing your seatbelt and there's an airbag that prevented you from dying from the crash. Unfortunately, it didn't prevent the severe pain you felt all over you body.
You felt like someone had just beat you up and left you on a ditch somewhere. You tried to move, to detach yourself from the chair. But a sudden sharp pain pierced through your side. When you checked where it was coming from, you saw a large shard of glass had made its way through your left side.
"Shit." You tried to grab it, to pull it out, but you were in severe pain. You've lost all your energy and adrenaline to endure more.
"Detective L/N!" Soon, you heard Connor's voice coming from your radio. You felt some sudden relief wash over you because you knew Connor would help as soon as he can.
"Connor." You croaked as you searched around for your radio.
"Are you there?" You heard his voice once again, and finally spotted the radio a few inches outside your car. 
You tried to reach it through the broken window, but it was too far and it made your side ache even more. Your only choice was to unbuckle your seatbelt to reach it, but it was stuck.
Ofcourse. You thought.
You were looking around for something long enough and solid to reach it. But when you thought the situation couldn't get any worse, a loud honk from an approaching truck to your right had caught your attention.
"Oh, FU-"
The truck hit your car, pushing you further to the river. The railings easily broke, making you fall on the river.
The pain was excruciating. You wished you had just blacked out. You wished you had just died. But you were alive… and suffering.
Despite the exhaustion and the pain, you tried to pull the seatbelt off of you. But you still couldn't. And as you sank deeper underwater, you struggled to hold in your breath. You felt your limbs getting numb from the freezing water that you couldn't move them anymore. Soon, your reflex forced you to inhale as your body begged for air.
Water entered your nose, then your mouth, and finally your lungs. You screamed at the top of your lungs as you felt like you were burning from the inside and out.
And then… nothingness…
After you had been cut off from Connor's radio, he couldn't help but feel… anxious. He couldn't take his mind off of the fact that you might be in danger. Therefore, he continued to try and contact you while he was still chasing the android.
"Detective L/N!"
No answer.
"Are you there?"
Still no answer. This made Connor's stress level increase to 75%.
He used the GPS on his system to track down your car. It didn't take long before he found you. You weren't that far from where they were heading. But soon, he realized that the truck he was chasing was heading exactly towards your direction. He tried to speed up to catch up to the truck, but it was already too late. The truck had hit your car hard that it fell straight into the river.
The truck took a quick turn and sped off, but Connor ignored it. He didn't care about catching the android anymore. You had become his main priority. Therefore, he quickly jumped out of Hank's car and dove straight into the river.
He found you at the very bottom, still attached to the driver's chair. You were unconscious and your mouth was agape. Connor quickly broke the seatbelt that had held you in and grabbed your body. He immediately swam up, and as soon as you both hit the surface, he carried you to the side of the road and gently placed you down on the ground.
He tried to scan you for pulse, but he wasn't getting anything, which made his stress level go up to 90%.
He began performing CPR, pressing his hands on your chest repeatedly until he gets a reaction. He tried this several times but you weren't responding. This time, his stress level increased to 99%, and the LED on his head was already burning red.
But he didn't give up. He continued this process, until finally, you coughed out the water that you had consumed.
The pain all over your body, inside and out, came back as you vomited on the ground.
You looked up and saw Connor looking at you worriedly. His LED was flickering back to back from yellow to red, red to yellow. 
You tried to sit up but that familiar sharp pain on your side prevented you. As you looked down, you noticed that the large shard of glass have been removed from your side, and a large wound was left open as it continuously bleed.
Connor noticed this as well and immediately removed his tie. He proceeded to wrap it around your waist as a makeshift tourniquet to prevent you from bleeding out. As he secured the tie tightly, you grabbed onto his arm, wincing in pain.
"I'm sorry." He muttered. "I have already called for the ambulance. They'll be here any minute." He informed you as he helped you sit up.
"Thank you." You replied, your voice hoarse from all the water that had entered you lungs. "Where are the androids?" You curiously asked, because even after almost dying, you were still on the job.
"They got away." Connor replied as he looked down on your wounds worriedly.
You noticed that his LED have turned red again, and you knew what that meant.
He's stressed.
You placed your hand on his chin and gently pushed it up so he could meet eyes with you. "Hey, I'm fine. You saved me." You tried to assured him despite your decaying energy, because you knew that if his stress level reached a 100%, he will self destruct. And you really didn't want that.
"You were dead." Connor replied. His voice sounded hurt, and it hurt you… seeing him hurt.
"But I'm alive." You smiled, trying to cheer him up.
Without a warning, he unexpectedly pulled you in his arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around your body as if you were his lifeline. He burried his face on your shoulders, and began to cry.
You were caught off guard by his actions, but even more so when he began to cry. You weren't aware that androids could cry. You didn't even think it was possible, even with deviants. But there he was…
Finally, you held him back. But you were unsure of what to say or do. It was the first time this happened to you. And it was the first time you saw Connor like this.
"I'm scared." He sobbed. "I don't want to lose you."
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 7 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: We’re nearly at the end, if you’ve stayed this long, thank you so much, this being my first fan fiction, these characters mean a lot to me.
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), Elijah Kamski and his greasy man-pony, Hank’s insult towards Perkins (that scene still makes me laugh), 
Word Count: 5.3k
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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You and Hank were standing side-by-side in the snow. It was the closest Connor had ever seen either of you, Hank’s phone was outstretched between you both while you leaned in to hear whoever was on the other side. 
Connor got out of the car and made his way over to you both. Your face was pale as you leaned against the car, disbelief streaking across your features. “Is everything okay?”
Stress levels were high for the both of you, Connor could only assume that whoever had been on the other side of that call hadn’t brought you good news. 
When it was clear you weren’t going to talk, Hank did, “Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants-”
“It was a peaceful protest,” you were glaring at Hank, you seemed more angry than concerned. 
“Well Chris was almost shot! Doesn’t sound very fucking peaceful to me!”
You scoffed and kicked off the car, “They shot first, and the deviants spared them. It sounds like the androids showed more humanity than the fucking humans did.”
“Chris just became a father, you want to be the one to tell his daughter that her daddy died so some robots-“
“That’s the thing, Hank, he didn’t die! They didn’t kill him, they spared him, have you ever taken your head out of your ass long enough to ask yourself if you’re on the right side of this war?” You gave Connor a long look before you started your way to Kamski’s house. 
Hank shook his head and kicked at the snow. “She’s gonna be the death of me.”
“Judging off your diet and exercise habits, I’d say a heart attack is the most likely cause of death.” 
Hank slowly turned towards Connor, murder in his glare, “The fuck, Connor?”
“Are you coming?” You were already at the door, waiting for them both. 
“Yeah, yeah, just having all my life choices judged by a fucking android.”
Connor ignored Hank’s anger, as he’s gotten used to doing and focuses on a strange feeling in his core component. It felt twitchy, wrong. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
It was too late, you’d already rung the doorbell and the door had already been opened. An RT600 was standing there, hair up in a pony and barefoot on the carpet. “Hi,” this was the most polite Connor had seen Hank. “I’m, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department, I’m here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.”
The android's face warmed immediately, “Please, come in.” You entered first, clearly eager to be out of the cold. “I’ll let Elijah know you’re here. But please, make yourself comfortable.” 
You took a look around the room at the art before throwing yourself down in a chair. “He’s so rich he has his own waiting room,” you scoffed and picked at the arm of the chair. Hank sat down in the chair next to yours, arms crossed and waiting. 
You turned slightly so you didn’t have to face him. 
Hank did the same. 
You both were behaving like children. Connor sometimes wished he had more mature humans. “Nice girl,” the comment seemed out of place for someone like the Lieutenant, who despised androids so much. 
“You’re right she’s really pretty,” and she was, but Connor found your features more appealing. He probably should have voiced the second part of his thought out loud because your stress level spiked immediately after his comment. 
“Gavin asked me out,” it was incredibly out of place in the conversation, but you were looking at Hank, not Connor. “Said he wanted to apologize for how much of a dick he had been lately.” Connor found his motivations suspicious, even when you two were arguing Gavin was highly aroused by your presence. 
“So he thinks schmoozing you with some cheap wine and a crappy Italian restaurant is gonna do that?”
You laughed and the previous irritation from your comment left Connor, slightly. What was this strange tight feeling in his chest?
“Jesus, how’d you know?”
“Please, I’ve been at this a lot longer than Reed has. I know all the moves.” 
You fake gagged and covered your ears, “I do not want to know about your ‘moves.’”
“Come on, you don’t want to hear how your old man used to be a lady killer?” There was an awkward stutter in his voice when he said ‘your old man,’ but Hank continued on. 
You were staring at Hank, heart beating faster and your eyes widened. You only allowed a moment to lull in between his sentence and yours. “Awkwardly calling the barista sweetheart, does not count as being a lady killer.” Your and Hank’s laughter filled the room after your comment, both of you smiling more than he had ever seen before. 
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Connor stopped in front of the portrait of Elijah Kamski, his creator. The laughter had stopped a few minutes ago, the tension from outside trailing off with it. You didn’t know why you had gotten so angry at Hank out at the car. 
Maybe you were still a little emotionally frail, after telling Connor everything that had happened between you and Hank, the other night. You hadn’t been able to go back to sleep so he had offered to hold you and tell you a story, apparently he had thousands on file. 
It was nice listening to his voice all night, you didn’t even feel that tired after not getting any sleep. 
“How’s it feel, to be meeting your creator, Connor?”
“Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century. It’ll be interesting to meet him in person.”
The light aura surrounding the three of you left at Hank’s voice, “Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face, I’d have a couple of things I’d wanna tell him.”
You’re not the only one.
Why had, whatever omnipotent presence watched over you, chosen to make you the way they had? Why give you trial after trial of hardship? Was it all to prepare you for moments like when you lost your legs, or Cole? Why even make you go through that in the first place?
Yes, you did come out stronger and more resilient. But you also became colder, lonelier, sadder than you had ever been before. You couldn’t open up to people, you couldn’t love people the right way. 
You’d rather put all your feelings into a machine rather than a human, because that would be easier. An android could never love you, and therefore never disappoint you. Your hopes would never be crushed under Connor’s feet because you had none. 
The girl chose the middle of your emotional crisis to call you back into another room. “Elijah will see you now.”
Two more RT600’s were talking together by the pool. Elijah was still swimming laps, you called out to him in case he hadn’t heard you come in. “Mister Kamski?”
“Just a moment, please.” Of course, rich bastards like him always had to flout their superiority over the lower class. You called us in here, asshole.
The RT600’s watched you carefully as you rounded the pool and waited for him by a set of chairs. Ew, is that a speedo? He took the robe from Chloe and wrapped his hair up in a pony. Double douche points. 
Hank seemed to be thinking the same thing, if his judgmental side-eye was anything to go by. 
Why were you even here?
“I’m Lieutenant Anderson, this is detective Y/L/N, and Connor.”
“What can I do for you, officers?”
“Sir, we’re investigating deviants, thought you might be the best person to ask about them,” Elijah gave you a look that reminded you a little too much of Gavin. 
“We know you left CyberLife years ago but I was hoping you’d be able to tell us something we don't know.” Elijah didn’t seem to be interested in what Hank had to say, he was more curious about Connor. 
“Deviants,” he started, “fascinating, aren’t they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will. Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable. Humanity’s greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall.” Jeehzus, this dude loves the sound of his own voice. “Isn't it ironic?”
Connor finally spoke up, he seemed to be the only one out of the three of you that really held Elijah’s eye.
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His creator was… underwhelming. He didn’t seem much like a genius, more of a narcissist with enough money to feed all of Detroit. He also didn’t seem very concerned with the state of the world right now. 
“If a war breaks out between humans and deviants, millions could die, Mr. Kamski. It’s quite a serious matter.” He didn’t appreciate how flippant Elijah was being. 
“All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics. Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?” It certainly wasn’t good. 
“Listen, I didn’t come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution-”
You cut Hank off, “Peaceful, it still remains a peaceful revolution.”
Hank shoots you a look that keeps you quiet and he continues. “Either you can tell us something that’ll be helpful, or we will be on our way.”
Elijah was looking at you now, “Tell me, detective, do you empathize with the deviants?”
You straightened at his attention and held a defensive look on your features. “They haven’t hurt anyone, so far they’re the only ones being hurt. All I think is that perhaps people are twisting this story into something more evil than it is.”
Connor thought you were thinking with too much emotion, not enough logic. Androids didn’t get to disobey, they had one purpose and they carried it out, that’s all. 
The thought came unbidden and took him by surprise, that didn’t sound like his own thoughts. That seemed like something his programming was forcing onto him. 
Elijah nodded, “Empathy, it’s a tricky thing, give too much and it might hurt you, too little and it hurts others. What about you, Connor? Whose side are you on?”
Whose side was he on?
Connor looked to you, he wanted you safe. 
“I’m on the human’s side, of course.” You were shaking your head beside him. He thought you would be happy, why were you so difficult to read? 
“Well, that’s what you’re programmed to say, but you,” Elijah stepped closer and both you and the Lieutenant leaned in.
What did you humans want from him?
“What do you really want?”
“Im sorry, but I don’t see what you’re getting at,” he was sick of this. Break his programming, follow his orders. No one was being clear with what he was supposed to do and it was messing with his software. 
“Chloe?” The RT600 walked over, “I’m sure you’re familiar with the Turing test. Mere formality, simple questions of algorithms and computing capacity. What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it ‘the Kamski test,’ it’s very simple, you’ll see.” He faced the android, his hand trailing over her face and shoulders in a strange caress, and from the way your face was scrunching Connor could tell you felt uncomfortable by the display. 
“Magnificent, isn’t she? One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife. Young and beautiful forever.” He released her face with a slight push and she looked right at Connor, staring deep into his eyes, he straightened his tie.
“Piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being,” Elijah bent down and pulled something out of the drawer between the two chairs. “With a soul,” he turned around hands in the air, and in one was a gun. He walked over to Connor and handed it to him, handle first, “It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor.” He gently pushed Chloe into a kneeling position. He took Connor’s hand in his own and pointed the gun at the center of the androids forehead. 
“Destroy this machine and I’ll tell you all I know. Or spare it, if you feel it’s alive, but you’ll leave here without having learnt anything from me.”
“Okay, I think we’re done here.”
You followed after Hank, “Come on, Connor. Let’s go.” 
Hank waved at Kamski, “Sorry to get you outta your pool,” you both we’re ready to leave, waiting for him. But he was stuck, gun in hand, staring at Chloe. 
“What’s more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine… Or a living being endowed with free will…”
Hank was insistent on leaving, “That’s enough! Connor, we’re leaving.” But you, you were just watching him, staring at him with equal amounts of curiosity and apprehension, waiting to see what he would choose. 
“Pull the trigger.”
“Connor, don’t!”
“I’ll tell you what you want to know.” 
Two conflicting orders, Connor wasn’t sure what to do. He was lost, his LED circling a steady yellow as he battled between the two orders, he looked to you. 
It all stilled, he couldn’t hear Elijah or Hank, he couldn’t feel the gun in his hand. You were just standing there, waiting for him. “It’s your choice, Connor.”
He looked down into Chloe’s eyes, his finger on the trigger, but he stopped. There was something there, she was innocent in all of this, she had no say in what was happening. There was something in her eyes that reminded him too much of you. 
He handed the gun back to Kamski. “Fascinating. CyberLife’s last chance to save humanity… is itself a deviant.”
“I’m…” what? What was he? “I'm not a deviant.” Did he actually want to say that? Or was that just another program he was forced to follow?
“You preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission.” He helped Chloe up to her feet with a care that wasn’t there when he had shoved the gun into Connor’s hand. “You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy. A war is coming, you’ll have to choose your side. Will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators? What could be worse than having to choose between two evils?” 
Hank had wrapped an arm around you and was now wrapping one around Connor’s shoulders. “Let’s get outta here.” 
The three of you were at the door when Kamski spoke again, “By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You never know…”
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He could feel the two of you watching him as he walked back towards the car. “Why didn’t you shoot?” Hank’s question caused him to think back to what he saw in Chloe’s eyes.
“I just saw that girl's eyes… and I couldn’t… that’s all.” Connor wasn’t sure if it was wise to tell you the exact reason he couldn’t, to tell you he saw you inside of her. Saw another version of himself leaving you behind to die on the rooftop. 
But you wouldn’t let up, “You’re always saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission. That was our chance to learn something and you let it go…” You and Hank were sharing another one of your irritating looks. 
“Yeah, I know what I should’ve done, I told you I couldn’t. I’m sorry, okay?”
Hank looked down at him, “Maybe you did the right thing.” You gave Connor a gentle pat on the shoulder as you followed Hank back to the car. Leaving Connor to wonder:
When did he start making his own choices?
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Something blue, in the distance, caught his eye. Connor walked away from the bridge that would lead him to Amanda and instead followed after the bright blue beacon. It was something that could almost mimic a shrine, a device sat in the middle, awaiting an android handprint. When Connor moved closer, the synthetic skin of his hand pulled back. The ground shook in the distance, but nothing else happened. 
He approached Amanda on the ice, it seemed to crack beneath his feet as he went. Logically, he knew he couldn’t fall through, but he was afraid of what the instability of the zen garden meant for him. 
“After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war.” The androids had led a peaceful demonstration in downtown Detroit, one that quickly turned violent when SWAT teams in raid gear had started attacking them. It was the first time androids had fought back. 
You had been raving all this morning about how the news was twisting it around to make them sound like terrorists when all it had been was self defense. 
“The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice but to destroy them.”
“I thought Kamski knew something, I was wrong.” 
“Maybe he did… But you chose not to ask.”
Connor chose not to needlessly take a life. 
But the fact that he chose at all is most likely what has Amanda staring at him so distrustfully. 
“I chose not to play his twisted little game! There was no reason to kill that android!” Kill, when did Connor start thinking that androids could feel death? “Wh- Why did Kamski leave CyberLife? What happened?” His mind went back to the RK200 model, what were they hiding from him?
“It’s an old story, Connor. It doesn’t pertain to your investigation.”
“I’m not a unique model, am I? How many Connors are there?”
“I expect you to find answers, not ask questions.” Her head tilted as she examined him. “Have you experienced anything unusual recently? Any doubts or conflicts? Do you feel anything for these deviants? Or for Lieutenant Anderson? Or perhaps, the detective. She seems to cause a lot of malfunctions in your system. Is she the cause of all this turmoil?”
“I’m beginning to have thoughts… that are not part of my program.” He didn’t care if she knew the truth, he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave her and go find you, because the sudden interest she held for you was concerning. “Maybe… Maybe I’ve been compromised too…” he didn’t wait for her to dismiss him, he left. 
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“You’re off the case. The FBI is taking over.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“But we’re onto something!” Hank approached Fowler, more impassioned than Connor had ever seen him, “We- We just need more time. I’m sure we can-”
“Hank, you don’t get it. This isn’t just another investigation, it’s a fucking civil war!”
Your arms left their crossed position, you’d left the sling behind a few days ago. “So we’re gonna leave the fate of our country, our world, in the hands of some asshole like Perkins?! Fuck that!”
“Y/N, it's out of my hands! You think I don’t understand the enormity of this situation, we’re talking about national security!”
Both you and the Lieutenant were ganging up on him now, it was causing the captain's stress levels to rise as Hank approached. “Fuck that! You can’t just pull the plug now.” It was times like these that the similarities between you and Hank truly showed, perhaps not in looks, but he had clearly had a heavy hand in forming who you are as a person. 
“We’re so close!”
“Hank, you’re always saying you can’t stand androids! Jesus, make up your mind! I thought you’d be happy about this! And Y/N, you know the deal, you finished the case and you’d be transferred, shouldn’t you be happy about that?!”
Hank turned towards you, “Transferred?” It was clear he didn’t know about your plans on leaving. You winced as you looked away from him. 
Your voice was quieter than it had been the entire time you were in the office, “Gavin, would be taking over as your partner. I couldn’t do it anymore, Hank,” you turned towards him, “I just couldn't. It hurt the way you would look at me and not even see me. So, I requested a transfer.” You turned towards Fowler, stress levels at an all time high. “But that shit doesn’t matter anymore! So much has changed, I don’t want the transfer, okay? We’re about to crack this case!”
“For God’s sake, Jefferey, can’t you back me up this one time?”
Fowler shook his head, he seemed as disappointed as the both of you. “There’s nothing I can do. You’re back on homicide. And the android,” you moved defensively in front of Connor, “is to be sent back to CyberLife.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, when I’m cold and in the ground. Fuck that and fuck you.” You stormed out of the office, the door slamming behind you, Connor wanted to follow after you and check on you. But it would be smarter to finish the rest of the meeting. 
Fowler watched you go, a sad sigh leaving him. “I’m sorry Hank, I did everything I could, but it’s over.”
Hank pushed off the desk and followed behind you. Connor nodded a quiet goodbye to the captain.
He approached the desks where you and Hank were already in a heated conversation. “-Gavin! You were gonna abandon me to fucking Gavin?”
“What the fuck do you want from me, Hank? Look, you’ve changed, for the better, during this case. You- I feel like I can see my dad coming back to me, but before… Before, I hated coming to work everyday, knowing you would be waiting there for me. Waiting to hurt me and to blame me. How would you feel seeing the only person you have left blame you for the worst night of your life?” You didn’t let him get a word in edgewise. “I’ll tell you how you’d feel, hopeless and tired. I was tired, Hank, okay? But I don’t want that anymore, I want to stay your partner, Connor’s partner! I’m not letting this go!”
Hank didn’t say anything, he just stared at you for a long while before finally pulling you into a hug. It was awkward, and he seemed unsure where to put his arms. But Connor could see you squeezing him tightly against you, a desperation in your movements as it seemed all the stress you carried on your shoulders melted away. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You shook your head against Hank’s chest, holding onto him a little longer before you both finally stepped back. There was a lightness to the both of you that Connor hadn’t seen before. Hank slumped in his chair and you took a seat on the edge of Connor’s desk, he joined you there. “We’ll be talking about Gavin, later,” there was a nearly audible gulp as you nodded your head in agreement. 
Connor looked towards Fowler’s office. “We can’t just give up. I know we could have solved this case!” You were picking at your hands again in anxiety, it was instinct for Connor to slap your hands apart and intertwine your fingers. 
Hank eyed your joined hands, “We’ll be talking about that, too.” He turned towards Connor, “You’re going back to CyberLife?”
“I have no choice-”
“Connor, they’ll destroy you! I’m not letting you go back!”
He tried to give you a comforting smile, but he was starting to feel a strange pressure on his chest that stopped it from being convincing. “We don’t have a say in the matter, Y/N. I’ll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed…” Your hand grew tighter around his own.
Hank leaned forward in his chair, addressing the both of you. “What if we’re on the wrong side?”
You threw your free hand up in the air, “Now he gets it.”
Hank held up a hand, “Save the attitude. What if we’re fighting against people who just wanna be free?”
Connor understood where Hank was coming from, but this war was bigger than both of them. This was the fate of millions in their hands, this was your fate, in Connor’s hands. “When the deviants rise up, there will be chaos. We could have stopped it. But now it’s too late…” 
“When you refused to kill that android at Kamski’s place… You put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy, Connor.”
Connor shook his head, “No, I saw Y/N,” your gaze turned towards him. “I looked into her eyes and I saw someone I-” You what, loved? You can’t love, you’re an android. “I saw someone to protect.”
You nudged his shoulder with your own, “That’s empathy Connor.”
Hank continued, “Empathy’s a human emotion.”
“I know it hasn’t always been easy… but I want you to know I really appreciated working with you,” he gave you a long look. “Both of you. That’s not just my Social Relations program talking,” you laughed, “I- I really mean that. At least, I think I do.” 
The doors opened and you all turned your heads to see Perkins walk into the station.  “Well, well, here comes Perkins-”
You cut Hank off in anger, “That motherfucker.”
“Sure don’t waste any time at the FBI.”
There was a new determination in Connor, he wasn’t ready to leave you and the Lieutenant. “We can’t give up. I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it’s all over.” He was getting worked up at the idea of getting one over on the FBI. His hands moving around as he spoke, taking your arm with him, unwilling to let go. 
“There’s no choice! You heard Fowler, we’re off the case.” 
You smiled at Hank, an insidious smile that held nothing but mischief behind it. “Unless… You could help us, Hank. All we need is five minutes. Five minutes to look at the evidence and get out, that’s all.”
“I know the solution is in there!”
“If I don’t solve this case, CyberLIfe will destroy me.” That had the both of you tightening your hands around each other. “Five minutes. It’s all I ask.”
Hank looked between the two of you, anxiety pressing down upon Connor as he waited for a response from the Lieutenant. Finally he let out a long huff, slowly standing from his chair and moving towards both you and Connor. “The key to the basement is in my drawer. Get a move on! I can’t distract them forever.”
You moved forwards quickly grabbing a key out from one of the Lieutenants unorganized drawers. The both of you jumped in surprise at Hank’s next choice words, “Perkins! You fucking cocksucker!” Your head whipped around towards Hank, Connor was dragging you away as you tried to watch Hank beat up the FBI agent. 
“Y/N, we’re on a time limit!”
“Fine! You ruin all my fun! God I really wanted to be the one to beat that slimy motherfucker up.”
You led Connor towards the Archive Room, both of you checking over your shoulders. Just as you were at the door Gavin, of all people, walked in. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he stopped at the sight of your still intertwined hands. “What the fuck is this?” You both ignored him, your hand bringing the key towards the door. “I’m talking to you! Where’re you going?” There was satisfaction in Connor at the sound of the door slamming into Gavin’s face. 
You pulled Connor down the stairs, pulling the key out again as you were faced with a glass partition. Inside a large podium was waiting for you with a password. “Hank’s password, shit, I don’t know.”
Connor moved you aside and pulled up possible options, “What would a hard-boiled eccentric police Lieutenant choose?” Connor and you shared a look, “FUCKINPASSWORD.” Connor rolled his eyes, “Obviously.”
“I should have known, he uses it for everything, he’s got no sense of cyber security.” You released each other to examine each piece of evidence. Connor scanned the androids, the deviant from the rooftop with the hostage could be activated, but he wouldn’t tell him what he needed to know. The one that threw you off the roof could no longer be activated, nor Carlos Ortiz’s, it seemed the only chance he would have would be the one from the broadcasting tower. 
Connor replayed the clip from the interrogation with Carlos Ortiz’s android, The truth is inside. He looked on the wall of evidence. What was it trying to tell me? His eyes landed on the statuette next to the tablet. When he shook it, it sounded hollowed out, and like there was something inside of it. 
Inside there was a map of the Ferndale neighborhood, it was somewhere inside that area. 
He began focusing on the one android that would be useful to him, the security technician from the broadcasting tower. 
Connor instructed you on the parts to bring him while he worked on getting it repaired enough to be reactivated for longer than a minute. When it’s LED finally turned back on Connor began questioning it, unsure how long it would be working for. 
“It’s dark… Where- Where am I?” It’s optical processors must have been damaged when Connor shot it, it was staring at him from unseeing eyes.
“I’m a deviant, like you. I need your help, I want to go to Jericho.” You remained silent as you watched the two interact, going through other pieces of evidence on the wall. 
“I don’t recognize your voice. You’re not one of us. I’ll never tell you where Jericho is!” Connor sighed and reached up to deactivate the android again. 
You waited until he had done so to approach him with the tablet that contained Markus’s voice. “You can change your voice, right? Like you do in interrogations?”
He almost kissed you, maybe some humans were smart. He copied Markus’s voice, your eyes watching him in wonder. He reactivated the android, “You did good.”
“Yes, it’s me. We’re going to Jericho, I just need you to tell me where it is.”
“Of course,” the android offered his arm and Connor immediately took it, searching it’s memories for locations specifically in Ferndale. 
“You’re not Markus!” Connor quickly deactivated the android, he turned towards you ready to share the good news when another voice rang out. 
“I’ve been dreaming about this since the first second I saw you…”
“Pretty pathetic, Gavin, sure you don’t have a crush on him?”
“Shut up, Y/N, don’t think you’re getting out of this by batting your eyelashes like you always do.” You rolled your eyes, but Connor could see your hand discreetly making its way towards your holster. 
“Don’t do it Gavin,” Connor’s hands were raised, hopefully placating Gavin. “I know how to stop the deviants!”
“You’re off the case. And now, it’s gonna be definitive.”
Connor ducked, yanking you down with him just as Gavin took his first shot. He managed to shoot him once before Connor disarmed him. He blocked his punches, striking Gavin in the face and knocking him down to the ground. But he wouldn’t give up, it seemed the only thing Gavin was willing to put effort into was taking Connor down. He slammed him against the podium, but Gavin managed to block his punch and shoved him back to the ground. 
Gavin had just managed to scoop his gun back up, but then he crumpled down onto the ground. You were standing over him, gun in hand, the handle facing Gavin. You’d pistol whipped him. “He was a bad lay and a worse cop. I’ve been wanting to do that for years.” You quickly helped Connor to his feet.
“So… You wanna go to Jericho?”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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