#Chinese language prose
toma3doma · 10 months
太陽底下,一座小巧的公園。 公園裏,一切都井然有序。 花壇,石凳,路燈與樹。 它們都遵照圖紙,各處恰當位置。
太陽嚴厲地審視著公園裏的一切。 影子,整齊的朝著同一方向。
沒有鳥兒經過,午後的公園只有一種聲音。 夏蟬熱烈地歌唱,唱那贊美盛夏的歌謠,空洞乏味的腔調。
不遠處的那棵樹,枝繁葉茂。 枝上的葉們高高在上,傲慢地俯視那正受難的同類。 只是不由地抓那樹枝更緊,生怕下一個就是自己。
迷途的蝸牛,烈日下艱難地爬著。 牠行的那樣慢,背上的包袱那樣沈重。
不太堅硬的殼,裝滿賴以生存的一切。 負重是牠的宿命,亦是尊嚴與勇氣。
牠要到那小小的花壇,微不足道的綠蔭中去。 那裏也非天堂,但至少沒有窒息的陽光,無所不在。
牠自是清楚,剩下的時間已經不多。 待水分被烈日盤剝殆盡,嬌小的軀體便無力存活。 牠自是清楚,旅途一旦開啓就無法回頭。 終點抵達或是死亡,兩種結果。
若是死。 就讓那殼,作抗爭者的豐碑! 抗爭者的豐碑,總勝過苟且者的棺材!
沈默是盛夏的午後,午後的天空有個熾熱的太陽。 有風,不知何方經過。 沒有影子留下,卻令那紛紛綠葉“莎啦啦”止不住顫動。
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neosatsuma · 7 months
okay tgcf-readers, help me out: how is the official translation? How does it differ from the most popular fan translation we had for a while? Better/worse?
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definitely-not-an-alb · 4 months
One of the reasons I have to write in English over German is that the Fail Better Games/Weather Factory naming conventions have permanently rewired my brain and are objectively amazing and I will not hear otherwise, and they also don't work in German. So English it is
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arunparia · 7 months
A Gambol in a Paris Tram
Paris, 2018
In Paris, a Chinese woman lost her way. Looking at a French woman in a Paris tram, who sat cross-legged beside her in a white blouse and beige skirt, she laughed.
                                          Thee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee                                           Thee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee
Just like that. Then she held up before her a Paris map.
It took a while for the French woman to get the joke. The wall between two strangers now suddenly broken — her indifference, too, which a city dweller saves for a tourist, was quietly gone. For she imagined if she resisted the laugh, the joke would be on her.
She said,
                                         Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha                                          Hick, hick, he, he
Like an unfettered girl who finds levity everywhere. Taking the map from the Chinese woman, placing it on her lap, she smoothed it with an impatient hand and pointed at some place distant. In an extravagant show of mirth, she blew her nose, laughed, and laughed. The Chinese woman, too, with impunity, poked her new friend’s arm.
Thus, without exchanging a word, these two had made such a gambol that the RATP called the day, the Day of Paris’s Babelesque Blur.
(The poem was first published in Outlook India: https://www.outlookindia.com/culture-society/five-poems-about-people-across-the-world-weekender_story-328626)
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oshaviolater · 2 years
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makes out w my mutual.....
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
Hi! I have an perhaps silly question!
I am currently reading volume 4 & 5 of the official translation. Up till now, I didn't have that many problems with it (mostly because it's been years since I read the fan one and since I don't speak Chinese and English isn't my first language the only thing I noticed at first was that it... read ? Better if that makes sense? It was easier at least.
But I have. Concerns. Does Wei Wuxian truly say fuck (or whatever equivalent there is in swear words) all the time? Because I noticed it in vol 4 and now I keep seeing it! I know he's supposed to be pretty informal, but that + the way he speaks sometimes ("I know I've got a bad rep" ??? "What are you doing on my turf"???) keep taking me out of the story xD idk if it's because I took a break in my rereading and got used to fics modifying his speech patterns... but given that when I'm writing mdzs fics I usually make sure to... idk adapt the speech patterns so they're not too modern sounding? Am I overthinking this? Should I let wwx say fuck all the time?? XD
Hope this doesn't bother you and thank you in advance for your answer!!
Hi! Hello again! How’s it going?
So full disclosure I have not read the official translation in full yet, but uhh… yeah I’ve seen more than enough of Suika’s prose to know that there’s something off about the way she translates WWX that just eliminates an important element of his character.
For what you’re saying between ExR and Suika’s translations with Suika being easier to read, I get that. ExR has a lot of trouble with tenses and plenty of times they use a word that’s not quite what they actually want it to mean, so it takes more work to read what they intend to say over what the text says, but Suika’s text only really is improved by being cleaned up, @kimalysong and @jiangwanyinscatmom have a lot of posts on text either vastly altered from the intent or lines just flat out missing, if you’re curious about going down the rabbit hole of the official translation.
Now WWX does swear on occasion, especially when he’s younger and using the rougher Yunmeng dialect, but the other lines you’ve quoted tend to have Suika’s usual problem of making lower class characters speak roughly and often with southern accents regardless of how they sound in Chinese or with consideration to the character at hand. Wei Wuxian has an incredible grasp of language and literally switches linguistic registers depending on who he’s talking to and what the situation is and given some of his lines that I’ve seen in the official translation compared to stuff in exr or that my friend has translated for me, it seems like Suika has flattened all of that out in favor of her usual style of handling lower class characters.
I think you’re noticing it because it’s at odds with everyone else’s translations and grasp of WWX. While ExR has its own troubles with grammar at times, you can still see the strength in his language usage, to say nothing of Fanyiyi and Taming Wangxian’s translations which are much more solid on that front(@mxtxfanatic has posts comparing the language uses between exr, Fanyiyi and Taming Wangxian if you’re curious) and really lay out a well spoken character who can adjust his speech as needed (and drop the occasional precision fuck strike when needed).
I am not impressed by Suika’s way of translating characters speech especially as it pertains to Wei Wuxian, and I think you’re right to say that it feels weird. Don’t follow her style of speech, continue to write a WWX who absolutely understands the tangled web of a world he lives in and adjusts his language for the person at hand consistently.
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fruitdaze · 4 months
fic writer meme!
thank you claire @microcomets and lore @megafaunatic for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
34 posted publicly, and a few more that are now on anon because i have disowned them
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly danmei (currently a lot of liu yao, cancipin, and yuwu), but i'm excited to start branching out to other books if they catch my attention :')
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in defense of lightning
between two lungs
blooming days
the rivers start to sing
shake the heavy
all are wangxian because i was regrettably a one trick pony for several years LOL
5. Do you respond to comments?
i fell out of answering comments in like 2022 and i've just never gotten back to it! i'm usually not sure what to say except thank you and i also get very self conscious. but i always read every single comment i receive, usually 5+ times because they're such a big confidence boost
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i honestly don't think i've written anything super angsty! i don't like reading a lot of angst and so i cannot write it. but i guess losing all my senses every night has a vaguely angsty ending since it's a missing scene
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most have happy endings!!! but i admit that the ending of i kneel into a dream still makes me do kicky feet a little bit
8. Do you get hate on fics?
a few times, but overwhelmingly the comments are so kind :')
9. Do you write smut?
yes! although it took me a while to get comfortable with it and also start to feel semi good at it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
nope, and i'm not a big fan of them personally so i probably will never do so!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i am aware of.......... knock on wood etc
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back to my door has a russian tl!! that is the only one that i know about but i would be thrilled if that list expanded
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lots of casual discord brainstorming but never a formal fic!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i honestly don't know if i have an all-time favorite! what i crave in a pairing can change from month to month or even day to day. all of the ships i've written for have a special place in my heart and have provided me with comfort at some point. but for the past year i've been very into mingqian and lulin, and for the past month-ish i've been REALLY fixated on lulin (lulin save me... lulin.... save me lulin)
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i started a follow-up/sequel to the soft animal but the inspiration has totally left me and i'm not sure if that wip will ever get resurrected </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm really good at imagery and purple prose. which is not everyone's thing but EYE love purple prose, so,
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action scenes!!!! and frankly smut scenes, which always take me 5x longer to write than dialogue or more plotty scenes. i've said it before but wangxian was my first time writing smut, and as an ace person it's still not something that comes easily to me.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
most of my experience with this is in danmei, but i have always loved seeing chinese or diaspora fans integrate that into their fics! one day i'm going to write my locked tomb/sixth house fic and put latin in there because you know those people are unironically using latin in daily speech. this is my calling
19. First fandom you wrote for?
honestly i think it was inuyasha. never saw the light of day of course
20. Favorite fic you have written?
i've been REALLY pleased with my writing over the past few months, but i'm quite fond of portrait of gravity... mingqian banter is always so fun to write and it was surprisingly personally cathartic to write from the pov of acespec cheng qian. also i can reread it without wanting to singe my eyeballs, which is the norm for me upon rereading my own work
i tag @yuebings @dcyiyou @tantai-jin @perilously @arithmonym @hamburgergod and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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dkniade · 7 months
What does albedo's title actually means,"Kreideprinz" in German it translates to chalk prince,but i tried to translate the Chinese one and it said "son of the chalk" what is the difference,can you tell me??
Kreideprinz, Albedo’s Chinese Title, and Albedo and Rhinedottir’s Relationship 
(Albedo Character Stories, 1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Act IV, 2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms: Act I, 3.5 Windblume’s Breath: Act III)
Hello! Thank you for the question.
(This was actually one of the first Genshin things I tried to translate back in late 2021 but I couldn’t explain it very well so here’s an encore.)
Okay so Genshin Impact’s English localization does this thing sometimes where they’ll take the Chinese name of a noteworthy group, building, or other special item/concept, and localize it into the language(s) from the culture(s) the region is based on. (E.g. In the English version, Fischl’s speech is often localized with German terms but she’s just using lots of purple prose in Chinese.)
With that being said, Albedo’s title in Chinese is 白垩之子 (baie zhi zi). 白垩 means “chalk”, as in limestone (compare with 白垩纪 (baie ji, Cretaceous Period). I don’t know much German if at all, but to my knowledge, the “kreide” part of “Kreideprinz” also means “chalk”, and “prinz” means “prince”, meaning “Kreideprinz” is “Chalk Prince”.
子 however feels a bit ambiguous in this context… It could mean “son” (e.g. 儿子 / erzi), or “person” (e.g. 男子 / nanzi = man, 女子 / nüzi =  woman), and 子 doesn’t necessarily mean “prince” by itself, however 王子 / wangzi (lit. king’s child) does mean “prince”. (Compare to 公子 / gonzi = “young master”, aka childe. Yes, that Childe.) Also, 弟子 / dizi means “follower”, or “disciple”, be it in a Daoist context or a scholarly context. 
All in all, 白垩之子’s meaning depends on the context a lot, specifically in terms of how Rhinedottir and Albedo see their relationship. Perhaps HoYoverse is intentionally being ambiguous. 
In order to know the nature of Albedo and Rhinedottir’s relationship from both their perspectives, we need to examine Chinese terminologies used to describe their relationship. (And even then, it varies a bit over time…)
Character Story 3
In Albedo’s Character Story 3, Rhinedottir is described as both 师父 (shifu, master/mentor) and Albedo’s only 亲人 (qinren, family member). HoYoverse translates this second term to “kin” (one’s family and relations).
Original CN: “师父的地位显然最为特殊。对阿贝多来说,她是唯一的亲人”
My EN TL: “It’s obvious that his master’s position [in relation to him] is the most special. To Albedo, she’s his only family member.”
Official EN TL: “And yet his master is unquestionably the most special to him. For Albedo, she is his only kin.”
Here, from Albedo’s perspective, Rhinedottir is his master and only family member.
Character Story 4
But we know from Albedo’s Story 4 that 白垩之子 is a title Rhinedottir gave him when he finished his studies under her, so it’d be helpful to know what the title 白垩之子 meant to Rhinedottir, and whether in that moment she saw him as her son (儿子, erzi), or apprentice (弟子, dizi), or creation…
Here, 出师 (chushi) is “to serve out one’s apprenticeship”, and Rhinedottir is again referred to as 师父 (shifu, master/mentor). The official English localization does not specify these two concepts.
Original CN: “此外,还有一件较为特殊的礼物:师父对阿贝多出师一事给予书面认可,并授予他「白垩之子」的称号。”
My EN TL: “Aside from this, there was another relatively special gift: his master left him a written acknowledgement that he’s served out his apprenticeship, and gave him the title of [Chinese equivalent of Kreideprinz].” 
Official EN TL: “If one were to push the definition a little, she had left him another gift — the title of Kreideprinz, and with it, a written acknowledgment that she had nothing further to teach him.” 
Here, Rhinedottir and Albedo are explicitly described as having a master/apprentice relationship. 
Character Story 5
And in Albedo’s Story 5, his nature as a homunculus is strongly implied. Rhinedottir is described as, again, 师父 (shifu, master/mentor), but also that she is 有别于父母 (youbie yu fumu, different from a parent) yet it’s also explicitly stated that “Albedo’s life comes from her”. 
Note that 父母 (fumu) is (technically) “father and mother”, but it can refer to both birth parents or adoptive parents because the nature is not specified. The English localization doesn’t go into detail here and Rhinedottir is simply stated as “not his birth mother”.
Original CN: “师父固然有别于父母,可毫无疑问,阿贝多的生命来自于她。”
My EN TL: “His master is of course different from a parent, but there’s no doubt that Albedo’s life comes from her.” 
Official EN TL: “She was not his birth mother, but there is no doubt that his life stems from her.”
Applied to Rhinedottir though, parent is used as a counterexample here in Chinese. Sounds like some sort of experiment with dubious morals (confirmed in 2.3). 
So how would a master who’s not a parent see a living creation such as Albedo…?
1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Afterword (Act V)
Albedo again refers to Rhinedottir as his 师父 (shifu, master/mentor) in his soliloquy at the end of 1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon, when he talks about Durin.
Original CN: 莱茵多特…师父…这就是你曾经创造的巨龙「杜林」吗?
My EN TL: Rhinedottir… Master… So this is Durin, the great dragon that you created back then?”
Official EN TL: “Rhinedottir… Master… Is this your creation, the giant dragon Durin?”
And yet—
2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms: The Snowy Past (Act I)
We also get confirmation in 2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms that Albedo is a synthetic human (“artificial human” also works) created by Rhinedottir, who, according to him this time, is his mother and teacher.
(Though, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms happens in Mondstadt, meaning he’s known Klee and Alice for quite some time now, so perhaps Alice taught him the meaning of “mother”.)
Original CN: “我是一个人造人。将我创造出来的,正是我的母亲和老师——坎瑞亚学者,「黄金」莱茵多特。”
My EN TL: “I am a synthetic human. The one who created me is none other than my mother and teacher—the Khaenri’ahn researcher, “Gold” Rhinedottir.”
Official EN TL: “I am a synthetic human being... a human forged by human hand. The one who created me, my mother and teacher, her name is Rhinedottir — a researcher from Khaenri’ah, also known as "Gold."”
3.5 Windblume’s Breath: Joy Above the Clouds (Act III)
…which changes everything, so much that I was quite frustrated when I first watched it, but let’s look at this again from a more rational perspective.
Rhinedottir says, in a casual tone as the animation shows flasks and test tubes—
Original CN: “我养了一个儿子呢。许多个孩子,最终只剩他一人。也算是当了母亲吧?” 
My EN TL: “I’m raising a son, you know. Of the many children I have, only he remained in the end. Guess that would still make me a mother?” 
Official EN TL: “I'm raising a son. Of all the children I had, he's the only one left. But I suppose that still makes me a mother?”
Okay, so in the 3.5 cutscene, Rhinedottir sees her relationship with Albedo as a mother/son relationship.
So where does that leave us, with Albedo’s title 白垩之子?
Remember how I said 子 (zi) depends on the context?
Some interpretations:
Albedo Story 4, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the master; Albedo is the graduated apprentice — 白垩之子 could mean “Disciple of Chalk”
Albedo Story 3 and 5, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the master, family member, and not-really-parent figure; Albedo is the apprentice — 白垩之子 could mean “Son of Chalk”
1.2 Dragonspine Act IV, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedotir is the master — 白垩之子 could mean “Disciple of Chalk”
2.3 Dragonspine Act I, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the mother and teacher; Albedo is her creation and homunculus. — 白垩之子 could mean both “Son of Chalk” and “Prince of Chalk” (Kreideprinz)
(Prince in a metaphoric “fancy title” way, like how Childe is not actually a nobleman despite his title…)
3.5 Windblume Act III, Rhinedottir’s POV: Rhinedottir is the mother, Albedo is the son — 白垩之子 could mean “Son of Chalk”
…Albedo can’t seem to define clearly his relationship with Rhinedottir, even though Rhinedottir seems to consider him her son, at least in the cutscene.
*like it’s a dramatic monologue*
What is “mother”? What is “ master”? “Son”? “Apprentice”? What is… 白垩之子?
The truth of this title, does “Kreideprinz” encompass all this…?
I don’t know.
Or in other words, maybe he’s whatever you want him to be, based on the context.
…Thank you for reading! ^^
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axl-ul · 1 year
Writeblr (Re)Introduction
Hello! After some time of being inactive, here's a small reintroduction from me:) And I also guess that this is the exact aesthetic I aimed for. Finally!
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General info:
(Nick)Name: Axl-ul, but you can address me as Axl^^
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing, crochet, mythologies and folk stories, tea, doggos, cattos, battos (majority of animals that are fluffy)
Stuff I like to listen to: an ENORMOUS range that goes from og dubstep to chillstep to metal to edgy yeehaw dark country (among my fave artists are Bonobo, Nujabes, Burial, Hugo Kant, Sigmun)
Favourite movie: Noroi, The Vanished Empire
Favourite show: Mononoke (2009) it's actually an anime and yes I do consider it a show, Red Dwarf
Favourite book(s): The Witcher saga (Season of Storms was a little bit mid in comparison to the rest, still enjoyed it though), Solomon Kane, The Hobbit, Whiskey, Blood and Silver, The Warlock, Journey to the West (still reading it)
Favourite manga: anything by Junji Ito, Berserk
Favourite games: The Witcher trilogy, DreadOut, Condemned: Criminal Origin, TES V: Skyrim (also slowly getting into Oblivion), Sleeping Dogs, Darkwood, anything made by Fromsoftware (a fanboy)
Favourite genres: horror, mystery, (dark) fantasy, comedy
Favourite tropes: animal companion, found family, rivals to best friends
Writer info:
Genres I write in: horror, mystery, dark fantasy inspired by world mythologies, dark comedy, my wips might have a touch of detective stories to them, too^^
Tropes I use(d): found family, animal companion, rivals to best friends, rivals to friends to lovers (used only once as I don't like romance that much, why it appears in my wips is a looong story), orphaned MC
POV: 3rd person, multiple POVs with main focus on 1 to 3 characters max
I tend to write in quite a flowery language and in poetic prose, but since English isn't my first language it can come across slightly awkward (TL; DR I do plenty of updates and edits to my posted stuff)
My wips are inspired and sometimes directly refer to a certain mythology, such as Slavic (this one is also most widely used as I like to read local legends of Serbia, Russia, the Czech and Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Poland and so on), Chinese, Nordic, Japanese and Indonesian. HOWEVER I love to create my own mythos and so the world is a blend of characters directly based of a mythological figure exploring environement both familiar and completely new to them. (I've always been intruiged by a question what would happen if world mythologies bumped into each other and what would be the consequences of it.)
My own mythos are pretty much eldritch-like oriented with a significant touch of folk horror. I'm not going to lie, I'm a FromSoftware fanboi, I see Bloodborn or Kuon, I'm going feral and so is my inspiration.
There are many occuring themes about substance abuse, addiction, health issues, gore, extreme violence, sexual assault/rape and other strongly 18+ stuff, so I'd appreciate if only 20+ y.o. people (or be at least 18, really) follow this account. In other words - PLENTY OF NSFW THAT'S NOT DIRECTED AND INTENDED FOR MINORS.
Not all from my wips have a proper introduction (a.k.a. there's no link for their Tumblr WIP intro). BUT I do plan on doing them, so expect the links to be updated. These are just quick summaries of them.
The Flight of the Western Crane - A dark retelling of Journey to the West where Sun Wukong tries to protect the young Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang while meeting a duo of a stranded Princess of the Great Tiger Kingdom and her foreign advisor Lady Wolf Witch. Their common journey starts out as an innocent one. However, it soon evolves into a dangerous chase where the Monkey King must face the worst of his opponents.
City of False Gods - Hybrid of wuxia, mystery and film noir genres set on a fabricated island near Hong Kong. The fiction evolves around the Monkey King who's, after his yet another imprisonment, woken up to a strange world of 1920s where his powers are under a radar by the local supernatural cop unit and is forced to live among the poorest while trying to solve strange happenings in the city. City of False Gods also serves as a sequel to The Flight of the Western Crane.
Empire of Dust - Historical dark fantasy with horror elements set in 330 Constantinople. The story follows two little sisters one of whom is considered neither dead nor alive. One day, Ulfrika sets out for a strange task in order to provide for her dear little sister. Her pure-hearted intention, though, may lead her down the rabbit hole which may devour her sanity.
Ratpeople - An outline idea for a standalone story involving Ulfrika and her time in the Wild West, where the soulless hybrid discovers an eerie town in the desert while chasing after a man who stole one of her horses. The story is related to weird western (mostly its horror and fantasy elements and no sci-fi stuff) and mystery genres and also mythology related things.
Boy Who Chased a Dragon - Another outline story outside the universe of The Legends of No-man's Land. The story takes place on an island of eternal summer and flower bloom, where mythical creatures live peacefully. One day, Dado* loses his pet dragon, a creature his sister gave him for his 8th birthday, in a harsh storm. Now, he sets out for a long journey to retrieve his best friend from the claws of the cruel Ember King.
*because this is still in a process of an outline/1st draft, I'm still not sure about the name, it's only a working name for the protagonist
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
Holiday Compilation
💙A forgotten pair of gloves by myhouseofstoneyourivygrows (M, 43k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, LXC & NMJ, modern, anxiety attacks, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced past child abuse, hurt/comfort, light angst, yunmeng sibling dynamics, not Jiang clan friendly, chronic illness, adoption, fluff, happy ending, hopeful end for jiang sibs, Christmas) — this fic has unfortunately been deleted
with peaceful wings unfurled by sunflowersfield (T, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Christmas, College/University, Fluff, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, (Lan Qiren passes away before the story begins), Grief/Mourning, First Dates, First Kiss)
Close to the Truth by Winglesss (M, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Party, Ugly Holiday Sweaters, Romantic Comedy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Homophobia, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
he gets under your skin by Skadiseven (M, 87k, WangXian, Inspired By While You Were Sleeping (1995), Modern AU, Accidental Engagement, Chicago (City), wangxian's tendency to self-sacrifice, Christmas, Mutual Pining, There's A LOT of Musical References, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Do You Feel What I Feel? by istartedtheapocalypse (M, 33k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, kid fic ish, wangxian in a hallmark christmas movie but hornier, and with slightly more plot and angst, the background XiYao has lighter than canon levels of toxicity but it is still a lil toxic, Holidays, Christmas)
The Maine Thing (Is That You Send A Card) by Comfect (T, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, Romance, Excessive Use of Rom-Com Tropes, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, Meet-Cute, Snowed In, Slow Burn, But Not That Slow A Burn, finding yourself, Cozy, Libraries)
A Very Hallmark Untamed Christmas by User_Shay_Wade (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Small Town, Attempt at Humor, Reference to anal sex, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies)
hurry down my chimney tonight by gusuvibes (G, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, dad!lwj, WWX and JC are Santa's Elves, Holiday Setting, A-Yuan is too smart for his own good, Fluff and Humor, NHS is a pimp, but not literally, Happy Ending, Surprise Santas, Christmas)
The Mistletoe Virgin by Vamillepudding (G, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Romantic Comedy, Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Deaf LWH, Christmas)
💖 sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Romance, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Different First Meeting, Qīnghéng-jūn's A+ Parenting, Night Hunts, Chinese Language, Good Sibling LXC, Good Sibling JYL, POV LWJ, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Chinese Culture, Slow Burn, No Homophobia AU, Chinese festivals)
"Congratulations, Get Rich" by Attila (T, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Chinese New Year, sibling shenanigans, Dumbasses, Humor)
An Accurate (Anachronic) Jianghu Christmas Carol by Mikkeneko (T, 7k, Minor WangXian, Inspired by A Christmas Carol, Crack, Christmas Crack, Breaking the Fourth Wall) - Dickens fusion; a lot of the fun comes from the MDZS characters remaining stubbornly themselves while shoehorned into the Christmas Carol roles, and lampshading the incompatibility of the crossover—and the author reminds us of the inherent hilarity of Dickens’ original prose
Cornday by Lan_zhans, WangXianPatriarch (T, 2k, WangXian, Pining WWX, Fluff, Tickling, Teasing, Flirting, Halloween, POV Alternating, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon) - WWX’s birthday plans are disrupted by a night hunt that involves chasing a haunted scarecrow through a maize field
Tips on Rabbit Husbandry by Full_Metal_Ox (G, 329, WangXian, Fluff, Rabbits, Extended Metaphors, Animal Metaphors, Easter (?)) - posted on Easter Sunday 2019; pet rabbit care as an extended metaphor for Wangxian’s relationship
Praying for Cleverness by x_los (G, 3k, WangXian, Female WWX, Qixi, Gender Changes, Always a Different Sex, Accidental Marriage, Marriage, Festivals, Holidays, Awkwardness, Fist Fights, Pining, Crushes, Sisters, Episode 7)
definitions of home by sasamelons (G, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern: No Powers, Childhood Friends, Growing Up, Diaspora, Parent-Child Relationship, Sibling Bonding, Chinese New Year, Chinese Food, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Family Fluff, Family Feels)
what part of party don't you understand by wildwestwind (T, 1k, WangXianNing, Modern AU, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Cultural Differences, Trans Female WWX, Kid Fic)
Wish on a Dandelion by Cupids_arrow (G, 5k, XiCheng, WangXian, Modern AU, Qixi, Established Relationship, Self-Esteem Issues, First Dates, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sad and Sweet, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
if nothing else (let's dance under the stars) by EllaYuki (G, 865, WangXian, Qixi, Fluff, Post-Canon, LWJ POV)
Preparing the Soil by Rynne (T, 26k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, family issues, Chinese holidays, Chinese New Year, not JC friendly)
A Flower in Bloom (or Wei Wuxian Crashes a Party) by UmbrellaMartialGod (E, 30k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Crossdressing, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Festivals, Dancer WWX, Insecurity, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, mild possessive behavior, New Year)
Let Food Be Your Medicine by bigolegay (M, 9k, WangXian, mid-autumn festival, Baking, Food as a Metaphor for Love, WWX centric, Minor Original Character(s), mooncakes, Caiyi Town, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Kissing, Food as a Vessel for Grief, JYL in flashbacks/thoughts) - Mid-Autumn Festival; WWX, wishing to present LWJ with lotus seed cakes, learns mooncake-making from Gusu villagers; a lengthy exercise in Food Porn, with detailed descriptions of the cooking process
藕断丝连 by RoseThorne (G, 458, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Memory Loss, Memories, POV Third Person, POV LSZ, Rituals, lotuses, Qingming Festival)
Christmas Star by LadyVamp (E, 45k, WangXian, XiCheng, XuanLi, Modern AU, Romance, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, Christmas Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Smut, Misunderstandings, Happy JC, Eventual Smut)
To heal and nurture by Aki_no_hikari (G, 11k, wangxian, post-canon, memories, married couple, fluff, festivals, healing, light angst, TGCF Crossover, fictional village harvest festival in honor of Yushi Huang, probably amounting to Mid-Autumn Festival)
WangXian Christmas Stories by @mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess
see you yesterday by glyphic (M, 138k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, Ghost Hunters, Time Loop, Case Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Halloween)
5 TOTALLY TRUE STORIES OF THE YILING PATRIARCH TO TURN YOUR HAIR WHITE!!!!! (and one story that actually happened) by dragonofeternal (T, 2k, LSZ & WWX, Parody, Crack, Listicle, slander, 5+1 Things, Fluff, Ghosts, Hungry Ghost Festival in the +1)
merry christmas ya filthy animal by belovedmuerto (T, 7k, XuanLi, WangXian, Modern AU, Family, Southern California, Christmas)
The Joy of Storytelling / 桃花運 by Irrelevancy (G, 4k, Songxiao; modern AU, Kid Fic, Daycare, Qixi, Mutual Pining, single dad!SL, canonically horrible storytelling XXC)
Qingming by hanbunnotsuki (G, 2k, WangXian, Traditions, Qingming festival)
clear and bright | 清明 by queerebrum (G, 1k, JingZhen, Qingming Festival, Post-Canon, Orphans, Public Display of Affection, Grief/Mourning, these tags are scary, i promise it's soft)
覆水难收 (spilled water cannot be reclaimed) by fieryrondo (T, 3k, JC & WWX, grief/mourning, canonical character death, 2nd person pov, musical instruments, character study, JC centric, Qingming, Hungry Ghost Festival)
if you sing deck the halls one more time i'll deck your face by lao_you_tiao (T, 1k, 3zun, JC, JL, and WWX, modern, fluff & humor, Christmas)
Trash_Candy_XU’s whole MDZS tag is a series of holiday shortfics following Wangxian through the 2020 calendar: character birthdays as well as both Chinese and Western holidays.
The Gift Exchange by tellthemstories (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, modern cultivator au, they’re all teachers, gift exchanges, Denial of Feelings, everyone knows, Christmas)
Harvest Festival Times Two by theleakypen (G, 2k, Wens & WWX, MXY & WWX, MM & WWX, Modern AU, New York City, technically also a college au but that barely matters, Sukkot | Tabernacles, mid-autumn festival, Extended Families, Synagogue-Assigned Party Guests, Chinese Jewish Characters, Best Friends, Background Relationships) - diasporic Chinese Jewish Wen Remnants host a joint Sukkot/Mid-Autumn Festival
a good night | full heart full belly by frostferox (G, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hanukkah, Wangxian adopts MXY)
Reclamation (where you can see the glow) by theLoyalRoyalGuard (G, 3k, LXC & LWJ, Post-Canon, Hanukkah, fluff and feelings, Family Feels) - the Twin Jades, going through their mother’s effects, learn that she was Jewish
The Fellow-Travelers by Val Mora (valmora) (G, 944, Slice of Life, written for Hanukkah) - SL and XXC are invited to share a campfire by some traveling OC Jewish mystics (who use the terms “Dao” and “cultivators” in a code-switching sense
Summer's End by flowercity (FaoriE) (M, 3k, WangXian, Fae & Fairies, Mutual Pining, Wet Dream, very vaguely described, Samhain, birthday fic)
sweet as the winter sun by Joythea (G, 1k, WangXian, Fluff, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Secret Santa, Winter Solstice, Domestic Fluff, Post-Canon Fluff, Making Tangyuan together, Eating Together, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
Fun With The Easter Bunny by WangXian4Ever77 (E, 4k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, LWJ as the Easter Bunny, Easter Egg Hunt, tail pulling, Butt Squeezing, Annoyed Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny Kink, Fluff and Smut, Humor, Rabbit Puns, sneaky WWX, Playful Lying, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Kissing, Rope Bondage, Rough Sex)
Sisters of the Moon by honeylotus (E, 9k, WangXian, Semi-Public Sex, Fix-It of Sorts, Fisting, f/f Wangxian, Winter Solstice (Wiccan/Pagan))
yeh ladka hai allah by teorusu (G, 18k, WangXian, Modern AU, Islam, Islamic References, muslims in omegaverse, A/B/O Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Misunderstandings, Omega LWJ, Alpha WWX, contrary to popular belief : this is sfw, Banter, Scenting, Fluff, Eid, Ramadan)
We Wish You A Logical Christmas by little_ogre (M, 9k, WangXian, Star Trek AU, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, Going to Vulcan for Christmas, WWX is Vulcan, LWJ is human, what could go wrong, Pon Farr)
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Lan JingYi by DragonsPhoenix (G, <1k, LJY, linus van Pelt, Peanuts crossover, developing friendship, halloween, Great Pumpkin)
A Koi Tower Christmas by East_Of_Akkala, glitterlessgold490 (T, 14k, WIP, MM/QS, XuanLi, Modern AU, POV MY, POV MXY, POV QS, POV JZX, MXY has ADHD, Sugar gliders, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Humor, Crack and Angst, Child JL, holiday parties, Himbo JZX, Most of the Trigger Warnings in This Story are JGS, Past Infidelity, Ableism, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Christmas)
Tofurkey Day by East_Of_Akkala & glitterlessgold490 (T, 10k, LXC/JGY, LXC/NMJ, pre-3zun, wangxian, modern, diasporic AU, humor, crack, polyamory, secret relationship, brotherly love, sibling dynamics of all sorts, WWX has ADHD, autistic LWJ, smart NHS, Thanksgiving (U.S.) ) Extended family Thanksgiving dinner at the Lans’, with personality, dietary, and political clashes, little kids, pets running amuck, and the characters being themselves Up To Eleven.
Ornaments Under the Stars by trippednfell (M, 6k, wangxian, modern, inspired by hallmark christmas movies, kid fic, disabled character, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, WIP)
I Want to Spend this Christmas with You! by cheese_fish (G, 4k, wangxian, modern, christmas, fluff)
another ghost walks down the hall by isshun (G, 2k, wangxian, modern, hurt/comfort, Hungry Ghost Festival, Chinese rites & rituals)
forever can never be long enough for me by isshun (T, 12k, LWJ & JYL, wangxian, modern, established relationship, food as a metaphor for love, Winter Solstice (Dongzhi), hurt/comfort, bonding, loving WWX hours)
Five Shades of Home by DrPanda99 (G, 13k, WangXian, Chinese New Year, Grief/Mourning, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort, Homecoming, WWX's Canonical Self-Esteem Issues, Domesticity, Yunmeng Brothers Reconciliation, (or at least the start of it), Good Uncle LQR, Post-Canon)
The Nines of Winter by ArcadianMaggie (E, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dongzhi, Snowed In, Sharing a Bed, Hot Cocoa, Getting Back Together, home for the holidays, Puppy rescue, Panic Attacks, LWJ's Pet Rabbits, maybe just a tiny bit of angst, Fluff and Smut, and family feels, Hand Jobs, Kissing, First Time)
Make My Wish Come True by justpeace (T, 9k, wangxian, modern cultivation, gender changes, fem wangxian, Christmas, fake/pretend relationship, sharing a bed, case fic, getting together, angst, butch LWJ)
Fall in Love with me this Christmas by Bldreaming (Not Rated, 24k, WangXian, Modern AU, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas wedding, JYL Lives, Good Sibling JYL, JYL and JZX Live, Married XuanLi, man of honor wwx, Best woman Minamian, Reunions, Fluff and Smut, Secret Santa, Sexting, Phone Sex Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, not a slow burn, Winter Wonderland, Yanli loves christmas, Christmas Music, Christmas Presents, Christmas, Smut Getting Together, First Love) - implied/referenced switching during phone sex
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markatoto · 10 months
Furigana (振(ふ)り仮名(がな), Japanese pronunciation: [ɸɯɾigaꜜna] or [ɸɯɾigana]) is a Japanese reading aid consisting of smaller kana (syllabic characters) printed either above or next to kanji (logographic characters) or other characters to indicate their pronunciation. It is one type of ruby text. Furigana is also known as yomigana (読み仮名) and rubi (ルビ, [ɾɯꜜbi]) in Japanese. In modern Japanese, it is usually used to gloss rare kanji, to clarify rare, nonstandard or ambiguous kanji readings, or in children's or learners' materials. Before the post-World War II script reforms, it was more widespread.[1] Furigana may be added by character, in which case the furigana character(s) that correspond to a kanji are centered over that kanji; or by word or phrase, in which case the entire furigana text is centered over several kanji characters, even if the kanji do not represent equal shares of the kana needed to write them. The latter method is more common, especially since some words in Japanese have unique pronunciations (jukujikun) that are not related to readings of any of the characters the word is written with.
Furigana fonts are generally sized so that two kana characters fit naturally over one kanji; when more kana are required, this is resolved either by adjusting the furigana by using a condensed font (narrowing the kana), or by adjusting the kanji by intercharacter spacing (adding spaces around the kanji). In case an isolated kanji character has a long reading—for example 〜に携わる (where 携 reads たずさ, tazusa)—the furigana may instead spill over into the space next to the neighboring kana characters, without condensing or changing spacing. Three-kana readings are not uncommon, particularly due to yōon with a long vowel, such as ryō (りょう); five kana are required for kokorozashi (志、こころざし) and six for uketamawaru (承る、うけたまわる), the longest of any character in the Joyo kanji. Very long readings also occur for certain kanji or symbols which have a gairaigo (loan word) reading; the word "centimeter" is generally written as "cm" (with two half-width characters, so occupying one space) and has the seven-kana reading センチメートル (senchimētoru) (it can also be written as the kanji 糎, though this is very rare); another common example is "%" (the percent sign), which has the five kana reading パーセント (pāsento). These cause severe spacing problems due to length and these words being used as units (hence closely associated with the preceding figure).
When it is necessary to distinguish between native Japanese kun'yomi pronunciations and Chinese-derived on'yomi pronunciations, for example in kanji dictionaries, the kun'yomi pronunciations are written in hiragana, and the on'yomi pronunciations are written in katakana. However, this distinction is really only important in dictionaries and other reference works. In ordinary prose, the script chosen will usually be hiragana. The one general exception to this is modern Chinese place names, personal names, and (occasionally) food names—these will often be written with kanji, and katakana used for the furigana; in more casual writing these are simply written in katakana, as borrowed words. Occasionally this style is also used for loanwords from other languages (especially English). For example, the kanji 一角獣 (literally "one horn beast") might be glossed with katakana ユニコーン, yunikōn, to show the pronunciation of the loanword "unicorn", which is unrelated to the normal reading of the kanji. Generally, though, such loanwords are just written in straight katakana.
The distinction between regular kana and the smaller character forms (yōon and sokuon), which are used in regular orthography to mark such things as gemination and palatalization, is often not made in furigana: for example, the usual hiragana spelling of the word 却下 (kyakka) is きゃっか, but in furigana it might be written きやつか. This was especially common in old-fashioned movable type printing when smaller fonts were not available. Nowadays, with computer-based printing systems, this occurs less frequently.
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toskarin · 2 years
I really want to enjoy chinese web serials, but even more than any language I've ever seen (including JP), the average translations are painfully obviously machine-based
and not even worked machine translation. you're taking it straight like bitter medicine and getting all of your tone-free prose. you're not even getting deepl
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thesweetnessofspring · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
tagged by @professionalfangrrl and @no-where-new-hero Thank you!
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
23. Since tumblr is such a mess I try to even post my drabbles there.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
303,924 (literally how is it that many??)
3-What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games, The Office, and The Blue Castle. Back on ff.net I also had one fic for Twilight and one for Persuasion, though these are no longer posted and I don't have plans to re-post them.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Katniss Wants Kisses
I Do
Sing You Back Home
The Only One
Better Man
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
99% of the time, yes, at least on ao3. I don't always if someone replies to my reply, lol. It's a delight to respond to readers! Especially those that take time to comment.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending I've written is I Do, probably. It's an AU taking place in a similar situation to Mockingjay so I'd say it's fairly equivalent in terms of death and trauma.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The True Name, I'd say. As a Blue Castle fanfic, The True Name sticks with the canon super fairy tale ending.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
I did get one call-out comment on ao3 for a post I'd made here on tumblr, but other than that I don't remember any negative comments on ao3. I for sure got hate on ff.net all those years ago. It was rare in comparison to the positive comments, but I got PMs for I Do that I would consider hate, and some more critical comments on that one. I did get a straight-up anon hate comment directed toward me, the author, not the work, on Roses and Pearls the first time I posted it on ff.net, but the person ended up PMing me and apologizing which was big of them.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written explicit smut that I haven't published and "M" rated smut that is mild and I have published. And some fade-to-black. I'm trying to get more comfortable in this area though I don't think I'll ever be an author someone goes to for smut.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am currently working on a Hungers Game/Hadestown crossover and I am breaking my creative brain to work it.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I haven't looked for it and no one has alerted me to any. I know some of my deleted work exists in personal libraries, but I don't care as long as those aren't shared publicly.
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
I Do was translated into Chinese and Russian as far as I remember. I think some of the old Roses and Pearls was translated into Chinese also. My old deleted fic Sing For Me might have been translated as well? Not aware of/remember any others!
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nothing that's been published.
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everlark. They are my true, ultimate OTP.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ah a call-out! Probably Both Sides Now. I'd like for it to be finished, but you know, there are some things that just like that.
16-What are your writing strengths?
You want me to compliment myself?! Well, I like writing dialogue and a comment I often get is that I write in-character for my fics, which is something I strive to do.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
My prose. I have to think real hard about that stuff. I feel my prose is very cliche and pedestrian, and anything that isn't comes from my blood, sweat, and tears to make it decent. The atmosphere of my writing especially suffers for this.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wrote some descriptions of ASL for Both Sides Now as I made Lavinia deaf in that fic. I took four semesters of ASL in college so I felt comfortable with that, but other than maybe some Spanish I otherwise would only feel comfortable using someone's help with the translation.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Wrote for would be The Hunger Games. I would "write" fanfiction in my head since I was a little kid and Sabrina and Harvey broke up on Sabrina the Teenage Witch but first actual writing was The Hunger Games. Waiting for Mockingjay to be released was a bitch and got me started.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Following my heart, I have to go with Sing You Back Home. I put a lot into it, including my own tears. As an Everlark shipper its premise is very important to me--Prim lives and so Katniss and Gale don't have a falling out and it's confirmed again and again that no matter what, Everlark would have happened anyway.
Tagging: @bodyelectric77 @jenniferiawrence @katnissmellarkkk @adsosfraser @caesarflickermans @browneyeddevil and anyone else I might be forgetting!
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Monthly Minekura Christmas edition
Day 11 “Elf”
I know this might seem strange but the background is actually linked to the theme of 'elf' because that's Alden Valley, based on this photo that inspired me with the subject. Alden derives from Old English ælf ('elf') + denu ('valley'), thus meaning 'elf-valley'. I didn't want to use the Christmas version nor the Tolkien-based elves, and I couldn't find an equivalent in Chinese mythology. I prefer to stick with old traditions but it is complex and sometimes even confusing, so I preferred to use a place in England that was once associated with elves. Elves appear in some place names, though it is difficult to be sure how many of other words, including personal names, can appear similar to elf. The clearest English examples are Elveden ("elves' hill", Suffolk) and Elvendon ("elves' valley", Oxfordshire); other examples may be Eldon Hill ("Elves' hill", Derbyshire); and Alden Valley ("elves' valley", Lancashire). These seem to associate elves fairly consistently with woods and valleys. In Old English, elves are most often mentioned in medical texts which attest to the belief that elves might afflict humans and livestock with illnesses: apparently mostly sharp, internal pains and mental disorders. The most famous of the medical texts is the metrical charm Wið færstice ("against a stabbing pain"), from the tenth-century compilation Lacnunga, but most of the attestations are in the tenth-century Bald's Leechbook and Leechbook III. This tradition continues into later English-language traditions too.
Because of elves' association with illness, in the twentieth century, most scholars imagined that elves in the Anglo-Saxon tradition were small, invisible, demonic beings, causing illnesses with arrows. This was encouraged by the idea that "elf-shot" is depicted in the Eadwine Psalter, in an image which became well known in this connection. However, this is now thought to be a misunderstanding: the image proves to be a conventional illustration of God's arrows and Christian demons. Rather, twenty-first century scholarship suggests that Anglo-Saxon elves, like elves in Scandinavia or the Irish Aos Sí, were regarded as people. Keep in mind that like words for gods and men, the word elf is used in personal names where words for monsters and demons are not, so elves are people. In Old English, the plural ylfe (attested in Beowulf) is grammatically an ethnonym (a word for an ethnic group), suggesting that elves were seen as people.
Elves are known in Norse tradition, notably in Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, which talks about svartálfar, dökkálfar and ljósálfar, but these terms are attested only in the Prose Edda and texts based on and it is now agreed that they reflect traditions of dwarves, demons, and angels, partly showing Snorri's "paganisation" of a Christian cosmology learned from the Elucidarius, a popular digest of Christian thought (this is why I take with a grain of salt Prose Edda when I want to learn about Norse religion). I prefer to focus in Old Norse poetry, particularly the Elder Edda. Elves are frequently mentioned in the alliterating phrase Æsir ok Álfar ('Æsir and elves') and its variants. This was a well-established poetic formula, indicating a strong tradition of associating elves with the group of gods known as the Æsir, or even suggesting that the elves and Æsir were one and the same. There are other sources that talk about elves such as Sagas of Icelanders, Bishops' sagas, and contemporary sagas. In Kormáks saga there is the mention of álfablót ("elves' sacrifice"), and in Eyrbyggja saga we can find the existence of the euphemism ganga álfrek ('go to drive away the elves') for "going to the toilet".
Fun fact: by the end of the medieval period, elf was increasingly being supplanted by the French loan-word fairy. An example is Geoffrey Chaucer's satirical tale Sir Thopas, where the title character sets out in a quest for the "elf-queen", who dwells in the "countree of the Faerie".
I imagined Gojyo (I find him the best for these kind of works) being alone in this place, pondering about his life and letting thoughts roam freely before maybe elves try to steal them. Here you can see two versions, a black and white version which resemble a manga page and another one where Gojyo chromatically stands out. I was unsure which posting, so asked a dear friend of mine and she liked both and eventually I decided to post both. Gojyo's pose was partially inspired by the famous painting of Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. Ok again sorry for long post.
Saiyuki Reload Blast © Kazuya Minekura, Platinum Vision, 2017-present
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renheng-zine · 10 months
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With how unpredictable they are, one can only wonder what Blade and Dan Heng are up to. Shall we review the archives for some of your questions?
❓ ASK US QUESTIONS: https://curiouscat.live/renhengzine
⚔ hi! super excited for this zine :) just wondering if applications featuring nsfw pieces will be allowed (as long as they are properly tagged)?
🍁 Hi! We’re happy to hear that! We strongly encourage you to submit SFW samples, but if necessary we ask that you submit no more than one explicit NSFW sample (properly tagged, of course). Mildly suggestive 16+ content is allowed regardless as this falls within the zine’s rating.
⚔ what is a switch shipper?
🍁 A switch shipper is someone who ships both top/bottom dynamics of a pair, in this case, both RenHeng and DanRen. Because this is a SFW zine, the Renheng dynamic will not be portrayed through explicit works. 
⚔ Are works in Spanish allowed?  Would you be interested in including this language?
🍁 Unfortunately none of our mods are Spanish speakers, so we are unable to moderate and/or beta content produced in Spanish. This zine will only be available in English and Chinese. 
⚔ is there any specific format for samples of writer apps? it's the first time i apply to a zine so i know very little, sorry!
🍁 No worries! As specified in the zine document, all writing applicants should omit identifying information (e.g. usernames) from the sample. As such, we cannot accept direct links to Ao3 fics, Twitter threadfics, Tumblr fics, etc; please copy the text into a document before submitting. We also require each sample to be 1k-2.5k words long. Other than that, there's no specific formatting requirements; just make sure the document is readable!
⚔ "Any remaining profit will then be split between all moderators and participants involved in the project." will the profit be split evenly among participants/mods?
🍁 As we are still in the early stages of this project, matters such as compensation structure have not yet been finalized. We might consider other compensation models apart from even split depending on the Interest Check results. We will, however, have this confirmed before contributors apply so that applicants are aware of what they're signing up for!
⚔ Will you be judging applicants based on content they create outside of the pieces submitted in their application and/or by their social media presence?
🍁 Mods will only be looking at the content provided in an applicant’s samples/portfolio. We will do our utmost best to ensure that no one faces unequal or prejudiced treatment during the creation of this zine. Furthermore, your social media presence, such as how many followers you have, will not affect your application! 
⚔ hello! im a bit confused over the difference of sample and portfolio for the writer's applications? may i ask at minimum how many do we need to submit? thank you so much :)
🍁 Hello! Those applying to be writers should submit a minimum of five (5) works in their portfolio. Three (3) of these works can be your samples--aka, works you especially want the mods to look at and that you are highlighting in your application! You can also submit three samples that are entirely different from the 5-7 works in your portfolio (for a total of 8-10 works total, if you have a large volume of works you think the mod team should take a look at).
⚔ Hello, sorry for the questions!! "Three individual samples in a similar quality and style that you would produce for the fanzine" do you mean that it have to be works with the theme of the zine? 
🍁 Not at all! By this we mean your “writer’s voice”; if you hope to produce a lighthearted piece for the zine, your samples should reflect similarly lighthearted work, etc. Also, is your work dialogue-heavy or prose-heavy, does it incorporate elements of social media, etc.? We are not encouraging or discouraging any style in particular; we’d like to welcome writers of varied styles to the zine! The same applies to artists of varying art styles as well.
⚔ "A portfolio containing between five to seven pieces in a similar quality and style that you would produce for the fanzine" can it be works of any other type? sorry to bother and thanks in advance
🍁 We recommend against providing pieces dissimilar from the style you’d like to write for the zine as your portfolio will help us know what to expect from you should you be accepted! However, if you are unsure what you would like to write for the zine and want to showcase the flexibility of your style, you are welcome to do so.
⚔ Is there any visual examples for the writing/artist portfolio? Asking because I don't wanna mess up on it 😭😭
🍁 We have added sample writer/artist portfolios to the Info Doc! You can view those as an example of how to format yours, though they do not have to match exactly.
⚔ what is "xingyue"? Is it another name for renheng ship?
🍁 “Xingyue” refers to the ship of Yingxing and Yinyue-jun, Blade and Dan Heng’s respective names and titles when their previous incarnations met as part of the High Cloud Quintet. Hope this helps!
⚔ Was wondering how much detail are you looking for in backgrounds? I mostly like to draw characters as the main focus taking up most of the space and backgrounds are kind of simple for that reason. Just wanted to know in case I would need to add something that's more background focused to the portfolio. Thank you!
🍁 We'd love to include pieces with both detailed and simple/character-focused background. However, we would still like to see background work from artists beyond a simple flat color or gradient background. Show off your skills!
⚔ Hello! Where will the zines be shipped from?
🍁 The EN version of the zine will be shipped from the USA! We will also utilize an agent to distribute the CN version of the zine to patrons in mainland China.
⚔ Hello. Would it be okay if I participate in the zine though I haven't posted anything on twitter?
🍁 Yes! All we require is that you fill out the appropriate contributor application and provide samples of your work, but a social media presence is not required to participate in the zine.
⚔ will there no longer be poets in the zine?
🍁 After holding the Interest Check, we have seen that the majority of respondents are more interested in forms of writing other than poetry. Therefore, the mod team has decided not to include poetry in the zine and we will not be holding poet applications. We will, however, still be holding prose writer applications!
⚔ If you’re a writer for the portfolio could you post a series (like multiple chapters from a fanfiction) or do the writings have to be different?
🍁 We would prefer to see samples that originate from different bodies of work so that we may better gauge your abilities! 
⚔ must the submitted piece (art and writing) be related to renheng?
🍁 Samples related to Renheng are encouraged but not required. You will need to submit at least one sample related to Honkai: Star Rail, though. 
⚔ Can a writer use an already complete work in their portfolio for the final submission if accepted?
🍁 We would like contributors to produce new and original work for the zine, therefore any work included in an applicant’s portfolio is ineligible for publication in the zine.
⚔ Does an Ao3 account count as a "social media account where we can find your work and/or previous experience"? Or should we avoid linking Ao3 accounts at all?
🍁 You may link your Ao3 account in the given space! Writing applicants' identifying information will be hidden during the voting process; it is only the samples and portfolio that need to be blinded.
⚔ are contributors required to have a twitter account? or is discord the only social media needed?
🍁 Contributors are only required to have a Discord account to facilitate communication with the mod team. If you do not have any social media accounts, you may enter “N/A” in the appropriate field.
⚔ Hello does ao3 count as the portfolio?
🍁 AO3 does NOT count as the portfolio. Please avoid submitting AO3 links for samples or the portfolio. You may link your AO3 profile as your social media or proof of work uploaded before 2022, as these fields will not be visible to the mod team during the process of judging samples.
⚔ Is there a preferred format our writing samples should be sent as? PDF, Doc, etc?
🍁 Any format is fine, so long as there is no identifying information included in the samples.
⚔ hi! could you explain why the portfolio has to be a dedicated folder labeled specifically? does an existing portfolio site not suffice?
🍁 Hi! The naming convention was included on the assumption that applicants would be submitting a portfolio through a folder, as is common in zine spaces, but an existing portfolio site can be used as well! Please note, a writer’s portfolio should not include identifying information!
⚔ why are writer apps blind but not artist apps?
🍁 Writer apps are blind as per the preferences of our Writing Mod, in the interest of removing bias as much as possible. Our team is not as strict on this principle for Artist apps because many of us are deeply involved in the fandom and are therefore familiar with many people’s art styles; thus, an artist’s identifying information does not hold as much sway. Regardless, we are only considering the samples themselves in the judging process, not who created them!
⚔ When I paste the Google Drive link, the name of the email appears, is there a problem with this?
🍁 This is fine, when the team opens the link we only see the name of the file and its contents!
⚔ Is there a problem if people applying speak another language? (but they send the work in English)
🍁 Hi! As long as you are able to communicate with the mod team in English and your piece for the zine is written in English, there is no problem!
⚔ Hi, I'd like to apply as a writer for the zine, and as I'm filling up the forms, I'm realizing that they're asking for 'images' on the writing app. Should I submit my samples as images in a folder instead?
🍁 Hi! We apologize for the confusion; that was a lingering typo! You do not have to submit your writing as images, PDF or word-processor documents are fine!
⚔ Just to confirm, if one were to have no social media, the social media question on the first page of the Google Form should be answered with NA?
🍁 Yup! Social media is not a requirement to participate, please delineate the field as NA if you do not have any applicable accounts.
⚔ are you looking for chinese writers? if so, can chinese works be submitted in the same portfolio as english works?
🍁 Hello! Our Chinese writers will be selected from recommendations provided by the CN fandom during the Interest Check. We apologize for the disappointment this may cause, but we encourage you to apply to the EN zine!
⚔ Hi is double application allowed?
🍁 Hey! If you are asking if you’re allowed to apply to multiple positions (page artist, merch artist, and/or writer), then yes, this is allowed, but you can only be selected for one position.
⚔ Hello, it must have a HSR/renheng piece on the samples?
🍁 Hi, a Renheng sample is encouraged but not required; at least one HSR sample does need to be submitted! HSR samples can feature any of the characters in the cast, not just Renheng.
⚔ hi! i'm very new to this, what goes in pitches in writers apps?
🍁 Hello! The (optional) pitch is where you can share any ideas you want to draw or write for the zine! These do not need to be very detailed; a pitch like “Future Renheng sharing tea on the Astral Express as they make amends” would give us a good idea of what you are looking to create.
⚔ knowing the zine is 16+, may applicants (writers especially) submit NSFW works as sample and/or portfolio?
🍁 As the zine won’t be featuring NSFW works, we strongly encourage applicants to submit pieces rated 16+ or lighter; if necessary we ask that you submit no more than ONE (1) NSFW piece with appropriate content warnings.
⚔ Will earlier submissions be judged first? As such will earlier submissions stand a better chance of being accepted?
🍁 In the interest of returning results to applicants in a timely manner, the mod team will vote on submissions throughout the open period for Contributor Applications. We will not, however, make any final decisions on applications until after the application period is over, and thus earlier submissions will not have a different chance of being accepted compared to later submissions.  
⚔ Can the samples to be submitted be uploaded to ao3/twitter?
🍁 Samples can be independently uploaded to whichever platform(s) you like, but we ask you refrain from providing links to any works in which your identifying information is present. Ex; you can copy the text from your fic on AO3 into a Google Doc but don’t mention your credit name within the sample!
⚔ is it ok if only xingyue writing samples are given? or is a renheng sample needed too? thanks in advance!
🍁 xingyue writing samples alone are fine! There is no requirement to submit renheng or xingyue samples, although we do appreciate them!
⚔ given the contributor breakdown, doesn't the compensation model mean that the mods (even after splitting amongst the team) end up making more % profit than any individual contributor would?
🍁 Hi! We don’t mean to discredit the efforts of our contributors in any way by the slight difference in % compensation. Our model recognizes the large amount of work and time commitment the mod team has taken on in order to bring this project to life, and we feel that we’ve established a fair and reasonable split in potential profits accordingly. 
⚔ Will you send rejection e-mail for the people that were not chosen?
🍁 Yes, we’ll send all applicants an email regarding their application status on October 21st.
⚔ hi! is there a specific time (and time zone) that contributor apps will be closing on oct 15? i only ask because i don't want to accidentally get time zones mixed up
🍁 Contributor apps will be closing approximately 11:59PM EST on October 15th!
⚔ Hi, does your application form send an email when it’s submitted?
🍁 Hello! Yes, our forms are set to send a confirmation email when submitted. It may have ended up in your spam folder; if you still don’t see it, feel free to reach out via email or dm and we can check to see if we received your application!
⚔ Since there are already at least 2 guest writers, does the total of 5 writers for the zine remain unchanged?
🍁 Hi! We have only brought on 1 guest writer. Four more writers will be brought on through the contributor application process!
Last edited: October 7, 2023. This post will be updated as we answer more questions, so stay tuned!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 8 months
Hey! Firstly: sorry for the questionable English and the huge ask (I'm a bit wordy). Also, thx if you respond! Secondly: when I say “modern” I don’t mean it in the more “academic” sense of the word, which covers a long time. It’s more like “from the 1970s to now.”
I'm Brazilian and, unfortunately, most of the popular books here are by writers from the USA, England or Canada. As you can see, it's not exactly a large variety and, to give you an idea, not even the national ones are popular among the general public (neither the modern ones nor the classic ones) and not even the neighboring countries have well-known authors here (hardly anyone would be able to name a Bolivian author, for example)
I was starting to get bored with the books I'd read recently bc so many of them seemed the same until I realized that it's kind of ridiculous of me to expect different books from similar authors (from the same places, with the same sexualities, with the same races, same social classes…) bc personal experience is an essential part of an author. I then realized that it would probably be best to vary my reading if I REALLY wanted to see more of what I already had.
Naturally, I started with the classics. I'm still researching classics bc there are so many and just one title takes a long time to choose a decent edition (I only read in Portuguese, so imagine that I don't have the same availability that English and Spanish readers have. It's also less rated/commented on, so it's more difficult to find someone who talks about aspects such as translation, additional texts, etc. An example I'll give you is that I didn't find ANY website talking about translations of the Homeric Hymns and I must have found around three editions only, all with one very small number of evaluations. Of the three, only one had enough comments to be reliable and it is an academic edition, as it is from a federal college. The other two editions did not have additional texts, the evaluations were few and the publishers did not seem trustworthy). But, although it is important to know the classics from other countries, I think that more modern books should also receive attention.
When it comes to Greece, finding information about the classics is not a difficult mission bc many are already very popular (at least not anymore now that I found the right sites. At first, it was a little annoying bc the results were books like Percy Jackson and The Silence of the Girls, which wasn't exactly what I was looking for). Ofc, finding it in Portuguese is another story and I think at some point I'll have to resort to trying to read some in Spanish (at least the language is close enough to Portuguese that it's not so confusing, and Google is there to help). But if I search for classic books, several informative sites will appear, so less bad. However, I noticed that when it comes to researching more modern Greek authors it is a little more complicated bc Greek literature here is more associated with Homer, Euripides, etc. (surprisingly, it was easier for me to find Korean, Japanese and Chinese recommendations, which are much further from Brazil than the Greeks)
Anyway, I did all this contextualization so you can have a better idea of what I'm looking for. I was wondering if you (or any of your followers who read this, who knows) had any recommendations for Greek books that are not classical. I don't care if it's a more complex book that makes the reader reflect or if it's a more silly teen book, both interest me. Then I'll look for them in Portuguese, but if I don't find them, I'll leave them on the future reading list to try in Spanish later.
NOTE: Prose would probably be better bc I noticed that I encounter fewer accessibility problems than poems (due to the issue of translations into Portuguese. Even from countries with closer languages, like our Spanish-speaking neighbors, it is difficult to find. ..and poems seem even rarer)
Well, "the Classics" for us Greeks are not the ancient texts you mention. That's just what the westerners call our ancient texts. "The Classics"/"Classic literature" for us are works written in the last two centuries. Search my tag #greek literature to see our classic writers and their works.
Have a great day, and thanks for passing by 💗 I hope you find what you seek. I'm always open for more questions.
If my posts have helped you in any way consider buying me a ko-fi 💖
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