#Cat Peeing Furniture
eggthew · 1 year
finally dragged that couch out of my room today and for a start went "but now I have nowhere to sit and lounge" before remembering I've refused to touch it for the last month even when it was clean
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papillionsoul · 1 year
I don't want to be a kinky housewife anymore. I want to be a cat. No pain, no existential crisis, just meow meow.
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cassifictional · 2 years
Alright, I'm officially feeling burnt out from writing. I haven't had a whole lot of inspiration lately and when I try to write I really struggle. Not sure whether I should take a break or whether I want to try and write some things that are a little easier. Headcanons for multiple characters or something, some fluff, idk. Send me suggestions if you have any. I really just want more interaction but it feels like tumblr hasn't been the best place for that recently.
Slightly unrelated but I also feel like people haven't recieved at least half of the asks I've sent. I think tumblr doesn't work on mobile as well as I thought, at least for me. (not a callout post for people who take a long time to answer btw, this is an issue I've noticed over a period of like 2 months now)
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takamoris · 2 months
I need to obliterate Trout with the fury of ten thousand suns.
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AITA bc I hate my dog?
My live in gf and I got a puppy. I never wanted a puppy. I told her many times I don't want puppies for the same reason I don't want kids: they need too much and I get overwhelmed. I have a cat and that's exactly the relationship I want with a pet. My cat will cuddle with me while I work but she doesn't impede my ability to work. The puppy is the opposite. Everything is about the puppy all the time. The only time I feel like I can think is the brief periods throughout the day when the puppy is in the crate. Apart from that it's constant. The puppy is eating the furniture and the carpet and harassing my cat and potty training isn't going well. I have to watch the puppy every single second to avoid disaster. It's so draining.
My gf meanwhile is in love with the dog. She plays with it and it's much better behaved for her than for me. I do everything she says I'm supposed to to keep the puppy from biting me, to assert myself, but none of it works. Taking care of this dog is my personal hell.
I know the dog will grow up and grow out of this phase so I'm trying not to let my gf see just how angry I am. But I'm angry. I'm angry by how much time this dog takes up and I'm angry about all the stuff it's destroying, and I'm angry that my gf is apparently having the time of her life. We haven't even had sex since she brought the dog home because she spends every second with it. It used to be we'd cuddle on the couch or in the kitchen and things would progress from there but now she's just focused on the dog 24/7 and I can't even get close enough to cuddle her on the couch. This dog that's peeing on my floor and eating my dresser gets more affection from gf than I do.
I told her about the sex thing and said I was a little hurt that we haven't been intimate recently and she told me I was being a dick and that I should just know puppies are a lot of work and that it'll all get back to normal eventually.
So AITA for telling my gf I feel like she likes the dog more than me? AITA for being so upset about this dog and wishing we never got it?
What are these acronyms?
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kittyowner · 1 year
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[Image ID: Article from a newspaper reading: "how many dogs does it take to change a lightbulb?" In the middle, there's a black and white picture of a longhaired dog.
The article reads:
Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're worried about a stupid burned out bulb?
Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.
Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!
Rottweiler: Make me.
Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.
Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeze let me change the bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeze, please, please, please!
German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.
Jack Russel Terrier: I'll just pop it back in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.
Old English Sheepdog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a lightbulb.
Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.
Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, right there...
Greyhound: It isn't moving, who cares?
Australian Shepherd: First I'll put all the lightbulbs into a little circle...
Poodle: I'll just blow into the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.
The Cat's Answer: Dogs do not change lightbulbs. People change lightbulbs. So the real question is: How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a message?
The bottom of the page reads "28 July 9, 2011"/End ID]
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sigynpenniman · 2 months
I feel like goofy polls today
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l3irdl3rain · 3 months
Hey, I've been having trouble with my CH cat being uncomfortable getting in and out of her litterbox, she has started peeing on furniture cause its confortable for her. Do you have any recommendations for accesible litterbox options or hacks to help her?
If it’s just her struggling to get over the lip of a litterbox I’d just recommend trying to DIY one for her. I do have one that has a super low lip because it’s made for small dogs, but it still might just be better to make your own.
You could even do something as simple as a baking sheet. Like one of the ones with just a teeny tiny lip on it. Otherwise I made some of my own out of Rubbermaid totes with an electric saw at one point. I just cut an entrance super close to the ground so there wasn’t a big step up. Because the lip is so low a lot more litter ends up on the floor but it’s obviously better than pee on your furniture.
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gffa · 2 years
From the moment that Obi-Wan found out that Anakin was alive, from the moment that Obi-Wan started reaching out into the Force again, Anakin fucking Skywalker has been like a cat yowling at the top of his lungs outside the bathroom door because you didn’t let them in when you went to pee. Every single episode has shown the two of them connected in the Force, that Vader’s eyes snap open in the second episode when Obi-Wan says his name, that the way in the third episode the camera tilts and slowly spins and the sound goes distant and underwater echo-y in both scenes on Mapuzo, where Obi-Wan sees Anakin’s furious face as Anakin and it’s framed the exact same way as when he senses Darth Vader physically on Mapuzo, both of those were Obi-Wan and Anakin connected in the Force, and in the fourth episode, they’re connected again when Obi-Wan and Anakin are both in their bacta tacts. When Reva screams, “You can’t run, Obi-Wan!  You can’t escape him!” is about Obi-Wan’s grief and Anakin’s legacy being everywhere, it’s the dreams that Obi-Wan is haunted by, it’s the mourning he can’t let go of, it’s seeing the 501st clone, it’s watching over Luke, it’s seeing Leia, it’s being unable to dream of anyone else without it being about Anakin, his presence is everywhere. But it’s also about Anakin fucking Skywalker standing outside the screendoor of Obi-Wan’s mind and scream yowling in rage because he will get in and he is going to tear the mental furniture to shreds and puke in your mental shoes and leave a path of destruction in his wake.
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littleoanh · 2 years
Hey! Hope you don't mind me requesting about the bonten trio (could be individually or poly, your choice) suddenly turning into cats after our reader here accidentally spilled this drug she bought online that was said to keep people stunned, which would be perfect for her future missions, it sure did stun people but she didn't know that it'll turn people into cats.
Mikey had you taking care of them since it's your fault lmao
The drug lasted for 4 days but when they finally turned back to normal, the cat ears and tails remain with the addition of them being extremely needy like cats in heat, and now you're required to take care of their... Needs. (The smut part but you don't have to make it if you don't wanna)
Is this weird? Omg ⊙﹏⊙
Anyways have a good day!
A/N: Hello darling!! I haven’t written a (semi) hybrid type before … I did my best (TT.TT). Also I hope you don’t mind, I change a small part of your request but it should still follow what you are asking for. 
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Characters: [Cat boys!] Bonten Trio x fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, hungover (mentioned drinking, smoking, and taking molly), pill tablets (turn Bonten Trio into cats), Bonten Trio are being troublemakers as cats (zoomies, napping, peeing on furniture/closet, making biscuits, napping on undergarments, scratching and biting), and hybrid smut (foursome, minor non-con, groping, dry humping, mention breeding, unprotected vaginal sex, anal sex, blowjobs, brief Rinzu moment, creampies, and swallowing cum)  
Special Thanks: @rindoom, @sweetbbyshion, @mekiza, @dark-mnjiro, and @i-am-tiny-sun for giving me writing ideas and advice for male cat’s behaviors. And a shout out to EB for proofreading and beta reading! 
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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Being in Mikey’s office is unusually chilly, not because it’s cold but because of how cold and empty his eyes stare into yours. The type of stare that sends chills up and down your spine and the hair on the back of your neck stands tall. His poker face is unreadable. You have no idea what he is thinking and deep down, it scares the shit out of you. The longer he watches you, the harder your heart pounds against your chest.
There is a light nudge against your bosom, your eyes glance downwards to find one of three small cats you’re holding in your arms, look at you and purr. The small cats you have in your arms are very unique and can’t be found in any pet store. Not even the black market would they have them.  The one that is nudging you has long purple and black fur. The one in the middle has short purple and black fur and is snuggling against your sternum. The last cat has long pink fur and earrings on his tiny, pointed ears. He meows to grab Mikey’s attention.
“...How?” Mikey finally breaks the silence, you take a big gulp before proceeding with caution.
“Well …”
“I think this is the end for me… I’m dying.” Sanzu laid on the cold hardwood floor with an awful hangover. Last night, the Bonten Trio and you went club hopping. A lot of drinking, smoking, and taking ecstasy took place. In the early hours of the morning, you all decided to crash at your apartment since it was the closest.   
“I feel sick.” Rin was nauseated and sweating profusely. He began regretting taking so many shots while rolling. Except doing the body shot with you. Ran had double vision. The room was spinning and it seemed like there were clones of everyone in the room.
“We should get some Ochazuke.” You suggested. You were the only one that opted out of taking molly. Your throat was dried from singing, cheering, shouting, and dehydration though. (Ochazuke is a bowl of rice with assorted toppings and the soup base can either be green tea or broth. Good for hangovers.) They all murmured in agreement to have it delivered to your apartment. You tumbled toward your bedroom to find your cell phone and place the order.
“Fuck, I need some antacid.” Sanzu struggled getting up to find some tablets to help with his upset stomach. His droopy eyes saw a bottle on your counter, “Oh here it is…” He picked up the bottle and uncapped it.
“Give us one too.” Rin tiredly lifted himself up, Sanzu gave him two tablets and Rin crawled across the room to hand one to his big brother. The three of them plopped it in their mouths and swallowed it.
“Something… doesn’t feel right.” Ran sat up from the couch, there was definitely something wrong with his body.
“Yeah… the fuck was in that antacid.” Both Rin and Ran staggered toward Sanzu, snatching the bottle from his hand to read. His eyes bulged out, “The fuck, Sanzu?! This isn’t antacid you dumb-” The Bonten Trio all dropped to the ground, the bottle in Rin’s hand spilled the pills on the floor. 
“What are you guys-?” Your eyes widened at the scene, instantly sobering up, “Oh, what the fuck?!” You ran over to Ran first as he is the closest, you checked his pulse to find him still alive and breathing normally. Then you checked both Sanzu and Rin to confirm they are fine. You saw the spilled content on the floor, wondering what they took. You picked up the bottle from Rin’s hand. “Oh SHIT.” They took a pill from your online purchase that is supposed to temporarily stunned people. “Okay… no need to panic.” You gave yourself a pep talk, “They will be okay. What’s the worst thing that can happen?”
Then the worst thing that happened. 
“WHAT IN THE NAME IN HELL IS HAPPENING?!” The sudden explosion of smoke startled you and you started coughing, trying to fan out the smoke. Once it was cleared up, something strange happened. Bonten Trio’s bodies disappeared but their clothes remained on the floor. “Where-where did they go?!” Your mind was thrown in a loop of panic and confusion, thinking you had accidentally taken out Bonten’s no. 2 and two important executives. 
“Meow?” Your ears perked up. Was that the sound of a cat? More meowing surrounded the room. Looking down for the source of the sound, you thought you were hallucinating. Three small cats coming out of the clothes, one pink and two black and purple cats.
“What-what? What the fuck is this…?” The small cats appeared to be confused as well, “Ran…? Rin? Sanzu?” They all looked up at you, responding to your call, “Oh. My. God.” You placed both hands on your mouth in shock, “You guys turned into cats!” You snatched the pill bottle from the floor again to look at the warning label, in very small block letters … it mentioned this will turn the user into a cat… “WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY PRINT THIS IN SMALL BLOCK LETTERS?!”
[End Flashback]
“I called the company threatening to kill every single one of them… and then I came here.” You finish telling your story to Mikey of what happened while petting Ran’s head on your lap. Rin is laying on your shoulder, snuggling into the crook of your neck. Sanzu is on Mikey’s lap purring while Mikey is surprisingly petting Sanzu’s head. “They said they should return back to normal in four days.” 
“I see…” Mikey continues to pet Sanzu with a poker face. You are uncertain if he is planning your demise or torturing you for turning his top men into cats. His dark orbs are now staring in your direction. “You’re off from missions until further notice.” You gulp nervously. Rin licks your neck in comfort. “You will be taking care of them and keeping them safe. You’re dismissed.” 
“Yes, Mikey.” You gather Rin, Ran, and Sanzu into your arms and walk out of Mikey’s office. You let out a deep sigh, they start wiggling around in your arms, giving you their big cat wide eye looks. “Okay, I will have to take care of you guys… how hard can it be?”
You spoke… way too soon. THESE BOYS WERE TROUBLEMAKERS.
Rin was the calmest cat between the three, but he does have zoomies in the random hours of the night, frequently pouncing (lovingly surprise attack) you, and gave you the most evil look when he wants you to pay attention to him. Ran wasn’t that terrible, he is normally sleeping underneath the sun rays with his feet up in the air (which you found adorable and discreetly took photos). Completely relaxed. He has a mischievous side though. He would sneak in the bathroom to watch you shower or change, constantly making biscuits and snuggling against your breasts. Sometimes you would find him in your panty drawer too, sleeping on top of your undergarments. Sanzu… was the worst one of the three. It was like he purposely torments you. Climbing on top of cabinets and pushing items off with an evil smile. He pees on all your furniture AND your closet while staring at you dead in the eyes. Every time you try picking him up, he scratches you or bites you. 
Four days was too long. 
You practically beg them to be good on the last day, luckily they comply. It’s a peaceful last day. They all snuggle up with you on your bed and you can feel their warmth from sleeping underneath the sun. It is the perfect ending… As you sleep, you begin having vivid dreams. Pleasure rolls over your body and you sigh contently. Soon it begins to feel too real. You slowly flutter your eyes open, am I still dreaming?
Ran, Rin, and Sanzu are somewhat back to normal, completely naked but their cat ears and tails remain. Your tank top was lifted, your bare tits are being groped and licked by both Ran and Sanzu. Rin is straddling you, rubbing his raw cock against your clothed pussy. “Wha-what are you guys doing?” They continue with their task at hand as if in trance, not hearing your question. You try to pry them off of you but Sanzu grabs hold of both your wrists and  holds it above your head. 
“[Y/n] …” Sanzu licks your wrist up to your fingers and then sucks them while his lustful eyes gaze into yours. 
“Sanzu, why are you doing this?” You try not to moan but your hips thrusts forward, betraying you. The way he sucks on your fingers is too erotic.
“We can’t help it… it’s too much.” Ran’s purple hues are now looking at yours, they are glossy and his mouth is practically drooling over your nipple. 
“What’s too much?” You ask breathlessly.
“Need to breed you.” Rin’s downturned eyes are feverish, not slowing down his humping. “Wanna feel your warmth. Please…” 
“We wanna feel you.” Sanzu’s tail slithers back and forth on your stomach, pleading to touch you even more. The movement is so deviously smooth and titillating, it makes your eyes flutter.  
“We promise we will make you feel good.” Ran continues to play with your nipple with his fingers, tugging at it as he kisses up towards your collarbone. “Let us breed you.” Your eyes widen, you never crossed this far in line with your coworkers before. 
“No-no. I can’t do that.” You try to get away from them but they firmly hold you down in place. 
“[Y/n], you promised us!” Rin’s needy tone surprises you, you never heard him like that before.
Sanzu leans down and talks huskily into your ear. “Mikey said you have to take care of us.” He moves down to bite your shoulder and you let out a whimper, wanting more.
“So you need to take care of our needs.” Ran licks on the side of your face, reminding you that Mikey did say you have take care of them. Letting out a sigh, you lift your hands, caressing both Ran’s and Sanzu’s cheek. Their cheeks are so warm.
“Just… just this once.” Ran and Sanzu practically rip your tank top off with their long nails, while Rin grips your booty shorts and panties and yanks it off in one fluid motion. You barely have time to blink before you're put into a kneeling position in the middle of the bed. Rin in front, Sanzu behind, and Ran is standing in front of you with his hung cock in your face.
“[Y/n], please touch me…” Ran begs you while stroking his hard cock. You grab his length and slowly stroke it. It is thick, you’re uncertain if it can fit in your mouth. Rin rubs his tip against your wet folds before sinking into you.
“Ah!” You are surprised how big Rin is. You hold onto his shoulders to keep from losing balance, your body shaking hard from the pleasure. Ran sees his chance to shove his cock into your mouth mid-moan. He moans, feeling the vibrations of your moans on his cock. The sensation was overwhelming. He grips your hair, pulling himself further into your mouth.
“Feel so good. So warm.” Rin fucks into you in hard and deep, making you moan louder into Ran’s cock. The fit is so tight, it’s like a vise grip on his cock. 
“Good girl.” Ran uses his tail to wrap around your throat while thrusting, making your jaw go slack. Drool drips down your chest. Sanzu rubs your wetness from underneath, stroking Rin in the process. You shudder hard when they moan in unison. It was music to your ears. Sanzu runs his pulsing cock under the three of you, coating his shaft in your wetness. He then pushes his cock into your puckered hole. You nearly scream from the pain.
“Shh. Shh. It’s okay.” Sanzu coos while having his tail stroke your face to help relax you. “I promise it will feel good.” He plays with your nipples, pulling and tweaking them while Rin reaches his hand down to play with your clit to help relax you. Sanzu inches his dick slowly, trying to go deeper. “Such a good girl.” He praises you, voice low and husky until he bottoms out. He waits patiently, leaving open mouth kisses all over your back. “So tight. I can almost cum instantly.” He licks your ear before biting it. “Can I please move now?” His voice strains with neediness. You nod, giving him consent.
Sanzu pulls back out then slams into you, Rin and Ran follow the same rhythm. The intensity and pleasure makes Rin even more needy. Seeing how unfocused Sanzu’s expression is, Rin reaches out to tug his hair and slams his lips onto his. Sanzu immediately reciprocates, gripping Rin’s jaw. Their tongues dance with each other. It gets sloppier. Drool drips from both of their swollen lips. Your mind is going blank causing your vision to get blurry. You lift your hand to play with Ran’s balls, squeezing them and earn a purr from him. 
“Fuck baby, please do it again.” He begs you. Rin is now busily licking, sucking, and biting your now red tits. Marking you. Seeing how fucked out you are, makes him even more feral. He roughly fucks you harder, getting closer to ejaculation. 
“S’close. S’close.” He repeatedly announced, his thrusts are getting sloppier by the second. 
“Me too.” Sanzu says breathily, continuously rutting his dick into your asshole. 
“I’m cummin’!” Ran goes deeper into your throat, letting out a deep moan. You gag but he holds your head firm, shooting his warm cum down your throat, forcing you to drink it all. Rin is next to shoot his cum into your cunt and Sanzu follows. The immense amount of throbbing cocks cumming inside of you, pulls you over. You convulse violently through your intense orgasm, holding onto Rin’s shoulders again.  You went limp in Sanzu’s arms, trying to catch your breath. The boys are snickering at your jelly form, sprawling over them. 
“We’re not done with you yet.” Sanzu grips your jaw and kisses your cheek.
“Rinnie, you can’t keep hogging her. It’s my turn next.” Rin reluctantly removes his cock from your soaking pussy and lets his older brother replace him.
It’s only for just one night, right?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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dykebluejay · 6 months
this is a PSA stop fucking declawing your cats
it’s not just removing the claw. declawing is a surgical procedure that literally removes the last bone of the cat’s toes along with the nail. it’s like having the tips of your fingers cut off because someone found your nails inconvenient. it puts the cat at significantly higher risk of developing arthritis and back pain because it makes them walk on the cartilage that was supposed to be part of the joint that was removed. the surgery gives a lot of them chronic pain and takes a long time to heal from (because you CUT OFF THE ENDS OF THEIR TOES. imagine how that would feel.) there’s also indications that the increased cortisol levels from the chronic pain can increase diabetes risk. if all those problems for the cat are okay with you because the claws are so inconvenient, consider that it also makes a lot of them not use their litter boxes because walking on the gravel is painful, so a declawed cat is much more likely to pee on soft things like your bed or laundry. imo that’s worse than a few scratches on your furniture.
instead of declawing a cat, buy some scratching posts and boards and put them where the cat likes to mess with furniture. there’s also claw caps if the problem persists but those have some issues too. there’s sprays that can encourage cats to scratch posts instead of furniture. and if your cat is constantly scratching stuff that could mean they don’t have enough enrichment, buying some toys and climbing things could help. if you still think you can’t deal with a cat with claws, get a goddamn guinea pig or a bunny or something. cutting important parts off of an animal because it’s inconvenient for you is cruel and inhumane
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naamahdarling · 9 months
If you're a fan of Freddie, then you probably know he was totally mush for cats. There are zillions of photos of Freddie with cats, including backstage with the cast of Cats!
And you probably know the song "Delilah" written about his favorite cat. (if not, stop what you're doing and listen)
But did you know we actually have *video* of Freddie playing with Delilah? (Tumblr won't let me paste the link, but search for "Delilah footage of Freddie Mercury's favourite cat")
What kills me about this is that you can hear other people in the background. Introverts joke about "hanging out with cats at parties" (another good song, this one by the Doubleclicks) and not only is that what Freddie's doing, but it's his own house and thus his own party!
just sharing something which makes me squee to distract you from your troubles...
I knew he was mad about cats, and I knew about the song, which contains a reference to her peeing on his furniture but being so very loving, but I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE VIDEO FOOTAGE.
Genuinely crying right now, oh my goodness, he's PETTING her, that's his hand, and you can see from how relaxed she is and the little biscuits she is making that she loves and trusts him. Two absolute queens, oh my god. T_T I hope they are together in whatever hereafter awaits cat lovers and their cats.
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Yandere Male Musume | Barricade
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Last Part
Sipping at the beverage in your mug you tried to relish in the sanctity of your new door. Just yesterday Smith miraculously appeared with a hungry stomach and Pypi’s exchange student card in hand. Waving the construction workers in he adamantly demanded you not have sex with any of your tenants which earned some whines before those two specifically Milo took that as an opportunity to start another fight. 
“Hey uh, Smith since it's so crucial that I don’t do that could you maybe put a–monster boy proof specialized door.”
You figured you’d give it a try while he was maintaining this facade he might as well buy into your barricade. Smith stopped chuckling as he pushed his sunglasses further up his nose as you assumed he was peeking at the monster-boys wrestling on the ground behind. 
“Sure babe. All to make sure you don’t push yourself onto these boys?”
There seemed to be a silent form of agreement as you nodded. He laughed again blocking his face with his hand as he directed the various construction workers. By the time they finished Smith dismissed himself with a full belly and you were testing the new boundaries of your door. 
“DARLING! PlEASE let Us iN!” 
“Yeah! How are we supposed to mate when we’re both not behind that door!”
“...Actually just let Me in darling!”
Man were anime builders just the best. The thuds of what had to be Milo’s hands and tail were nothing against the strength of the steel door. Even better, the picking you assumed that Pypi was attempting to do was completely fruitless as the only key that could bypass its lockpick-safe was hanging pretty around your neck. You prided yourself on your initiative to stash some snacks before locking yourself inside. Waking early you stepped over the sleeping monster boys to get your mug and breakfast before retreating to your sanctuary. 
Finally with time alone you could register all the new changes to the timeline you knew so well. So far none of the timeline has changed in spite of your best efforts. You didn’t want to lose hope that you could escape this but the chances were getting slim. In a public space, under a roof, and a pile of cats Pypi still found you and ended up as your latest burden. On top of that the bizarre affection for you seemed to have been totally unprecedented. You…could see Miia doing something like you saw Milo do since he ‘was in love.’ But you couldn’t exactly see her threaten the man of her affections because there was a chance he’d evict her or knowingly squeeze around him tighter until he agrees to give her affection. Even Papi was more of a bird brain when she first appeared enough so that she gave the impression of being an actual kid–a far cry from the male-harpy that only seems to have ‘nesting and mating’ on the brain. 
It wouldn’t be long before the male Centorea showed up which no doubt would result in some pain and injury on your part. Perhaps when he proclaimed whatever allegiance to you that you deny him maybe so that he’d rather be interested in someone else–
“Heheheh—ah what is that?!”
Finally realizing the cool and scaly appendage that was tickling you was reaching from beneath the door. No! It seems the only flaw to your barricade was the slight opening beneath the door. 
“Awww Darling, you look or rather feel like you were enjoying that!”
“N-no I wasn’t! Now s-stop you’re g-gonna make me pee myself!”
As soon as his muffled voice rang out his tail uncurled from around you to begin fiddling with the door knob. Standing up now you realized if you didn’t intervene he was going to get in. You at first try to pull him away yourself only for your muscles to be rendered useless with how powerful his tail was. Opting for another option you begin moving some furniture in front of the door. No sooner than after you finished putting a wardrobe in his path did the door click open. 
“Oh Darling! There’s no need to hide! I’m not too angry! I’ll be even less angry if you ergh-! Move this stuff from the door and let me in!”
You could feel the angry twitch in his brow as he lied in attempts to wedge himself in. Frantically looking for some form of defense you found none. But what you did find was the window you had previously kept locked in hopes to deter Pypi from discovering its access. Undoing the lock you let yourself out just barely hanging off a pipe as you could hear Milo break into the room. Refusing to look down you tried to manevuer your way down looking every which way in an attempt to figure out how you were going to get down. So focused on your way down you almost missed the muscular serpentine tail swinging at you from the open window. Keyword: almost. Losing your grip in a split-second effort to not be scooped up by the appendage you made a scathing descent into the grass below.
“Ahh! Darling! Oh no my poor baby! Why didn’t you stay still!? I’ll come down there right away!”
“Nope! No you don’t! You’ll get deported if you do that!”
His worried face quickly morphed into a smile that on the surface gave the impression of a calm lamaiae. In truth he was seething and the only proof was the light twitch in his eyebrows.
“Darling~didn’t we talk about what would happen if–”
“Not by me! The country will do it! You can’t leave the house without me, remember?!” 
Silently scratching his nails at your concrete windowsill with a scary face, you took your leave. 
“W-well since I’m so hurt I’ll just take myself to the clinic down the road.”
“I can do that for you just fine, Darling. I’m very studious. I can recall all the muscles that allow you to run from me. So why don’t you come back-”
You didn’t bother trying to negotiate, finally limping off the property to go to the clinique. You wondered how long you had before Milo finally got over his pride and sent Pypi to retrieve you. Shaking off the anxiety you tried to think about the current issue now—that you were in a position to meet Centorea’s male counterpart. Unlike the original guy you were injured and not on a store run..though you did need to run to the store at some point. You were careful around intersections checking multiple times before crossing so that you weren’t going to be rammed by a centaur. 
You went on without issue, cheering to yourself as you began to make your way to the clinque just ahead. As you got closer you could make out the blaring lights of a police car with its side door open and waiting. You could see two officers apprehending some man in tattered clothes, another officer was speaking to a woman clutching her bag and another officer was speaking to a centaur. 
Not just any centaur but a blonde one that was happily pointing towards you as he nodded at the officer. You groaned as you continued to slowly make your way over, not bothering to rush as the officers eventually departed and the centaur trotted his way to you. Coming closer the centaur with those familiar features opened his mouth for that inevitable dreaded greeting:
“Hello I’m Centoreo, you are my destined master!”
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class1akids · 9 months
If there was an AU post canon in which Shouto sacrifices his quirk to save Deku, there's no way to return it back (sorry Eri) and he doesn't want to get involved in the hero world (because it hurts him feeling useless), which would Shouto choose?
At first I thought healthcare working, but I'm getting bored of the same thing since I've seen a lot of that. Anything else?
EMT / Paramedic works great for Shouto because of his 5-pee-pee-man storyline and him being basically a field medic for the team already. So I dearly love fics that explore it, and I think that with a loss of quirk, it is always a great area.
I think otherwise, you have to think about a bit what fits Shouto's character (of the things we know about him, the things we know he enjoys or is good at):
I could see him retire to the countryside to live with / close to his mom and learn to grow vegetables or something like that
Him having a lot of experience with fire and ice, I could see him working as a fire-fighter or in mountain rescue (and I assume he'd keep some of his temperature resistance)
Lean into his love for animals and have him volunteer at a shelter or start a cat cafe
Have him (and Touya) start a charity together that helps domestic abuse victims / they may even operate a shelter or something
Have him pick up a hobby that he was never allowed to spend time on as a child and have it become his profession (he seems to have a knack for interior remodelling / maybe working with historic furniture or any traditional Japanese crafts would suit him)
Teaching, especially small kids or specialized quirk counselling. I think the Remedial arc showed that Shouto is actually good with kids, and what's more, hanging around them makes him really happy. And it's another way to make him experience childhood again.
Why not lean into his "Shouto will do what you ask from him" and have him start modelling? Maybe at first for charity purposes, but then he makes a life out of it.
I think these would all work as AUs. I don't really see him working in very menial jobs (such as a coffee-shop AU) unless he is the owner. You have to keep in mind that Shouto is likely to have money, unless your AU also includes Endeavor cutting him off for some reason, and he'd have savings / name recognition from being a pro hero and some good friends. So his work wouldn't be about simply make ends meet, but either focused on how he can make the world a better place without a quirk (and in a TDDK context, that's super-interesting for Izuku to see as he saw no value in his own quirkless self, so seeing Shouto make the transition and perhaps embrace it could be a nice twist) or how losing his quirk could be a blessing in disguise allowing him the kind of freedom to re-imagine himself that he never had before.
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kangamommynow · 2 months
Cats, man
I’ve had cats all my life, and I love them dearly. Let me tell you, though, they can fuck up your space.
Yeah, there’s the usual scratching of furniture and yacking up hairballs. But when a cat is sick it’s a whole new ballgame.
Pipsqueek was super sick last year, and she left runny shit everywhere. Primarily under our bed in the middle of the night. And all over the craft room/ guest room where she was quarantined. Carpets have all been steamed thoroughly and back to normal. Then Emmaya got sick. She pukes, pees, poops in all the secret places. It is disgusting. She’s out of complete quarantine now, but not back to normal yet.
Vigilance is key. Cats who don’t feel well will hide. They will hide the vulnerability of sickness as long as possible. You have to look in the oddest places to find out where they’ve been putting their poop.
This has been a message from the crazy cat lady.
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sweeethinny · 1 year
to my little girl who fell asleep on my arm today <3 godmother loves you so much, little Tetê
Little Harry had cramps; terrible cramps.
Lily had tried everything, every medicine and potion, but nothing worked.
James had needed to go to Order HQ, which resulted in the two of them alone in the house, and Harry seemed to disapprove of this even more, because every time he stopped crying and Lily laid him down on the bed, he would cry and scream as if she was leaving him to die.
Apollo looked as distressed as she did, because when Harry started crying again and she had to get off the sofa to try to calm him down, the cat started meowing and jumping across the furniture until it was on the highest shelf, behind Lily, watching Harry up close as if he were his child.
The clock seemed stopped in time, Lily hadn't had lunch and it was almost time for dinner, her breast hurt - Harry wasn't able to breastfeed, probably because of the pain that was bothering him - and her blouse was once again starting to get wet in the area of her nipples.
When she sat down to try to breastfeed him, this time in the garden, thinking that maybe the fresh air and the noise of nature would calm him down, the fight continued as before. Harry kept crying to much to focus and find Lily's nipple, and even if she dropped the milk into his mouth, wet her nipple, tried to shift her position, it was no use, and once again they kept fighting until she was sweating, crying, shaking, and he was red, angry, and in pain.
She walked him through the garden, showing him the flowers that had bloomed, the birds feeding near the tree house that James hadn't started building yet - there was just piled wood and the tools in a suitcase, Lily told them to use magic but James wanted something more muggle - and she had Harry sit down on the grass, next to Apollo, who was watching him like a guard dog.
Obviously the boy cried as if Lily had spanked him, but for a few seconds he seemed to enjoy the feeling.
As soon as she re-entered the house, wiping the tears that had leaked from her eyes for a few seconds of despair, James emerged from the fireplace, a burst of green and gray flames flying through their living room, but Lily was so tired that she didn't even bother with the dirt, just sighed relieved to have someone to share that arduous task with.
''Hi,'' She said almost like a ''finally, hi.''
‘'Hi, sorry for the delay, Dumbledore kept talking and–'' Lily cut him off, she really needed to pee and her arm was numb, and she wanted to take some medicine for muscle pain because her back hurt more than she would like to put into words.
''Please make him stop crying.'' Was all she said, handing Harry to James and then leaving the room, running upstairs to their room, wanting ten minutes of pure silence and peace.
She loved her son, but the job was fucking exhausting, and Lily many times a day felt like a failure.
After fifteen minutes — a Silencing Charm preventing her from hearing Harry's screams from downstairs, and only complete silence surrounding her as she was just quiet — Lily came back into the living room. Everything was silent, and she even thought that James had also applied a spell, but when she entered the room, she saw her husband humming a lullaby with Harry lying face down on his forearm, Apollo was sleeping in the armchair next to the radio that was on but very low, and James didn't even notice that Lily had returned.
Harry was clinging to his father's arm as if that was going to save him forever, his eyes were open but starting to feel heavy and drooping — Lily knew it wouldn't last long, he was hungry, but for a few minutes, it would be good for him to sleep — and James looked out the window with the calm of a man who had a gift with children that Lily would never understand, for someone who was an only child.
''He calmed down.'' She said, softly, not wanting to break the bubble of peace.
''Yes,'' James looked at her. ''Moody taught me that before I left,'' He shrugged. ''I tested it and it worked... Do you want to take a shower? I'm going to prepare dinner...''
''Are you going to try to put him to bed?'' Just thinking about it made her shiver.
James denied. ''I'm going to cook with a Sous Chef today,'' They chuckled softly. ''Go there, I'll take care of here.''
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